kendra -

19062013 1 Jyotiṣa Guru Pt. Sanjay Rath Varga Viveka Adhyāya Various bhāva concepts; Lagna etc. Kendra Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-33 अथाऽÛयदिप वêयािम मैेय İृणु सुĭत ्। लनतुयाèतिवयतां के Ûसंा िवशेषतः॥ ३३॥ athā'nyadapi vakṣyāmi maitreya srṛṇu suvrat | lagnaturyāstaviyatāṁ kendrasaṁjñā viśeṣataḥ The four houses – Lagna, 4 th , 7 th and 10 th bhāva have the distinction of being kendra bhāva. Their superiority stems from the fact that each of them is a special ascendant in itself – Udaya (1), Jala (4), Asta (7) and Ākāśa (10). They are kendra or center of all activity and thought that revolves around the four principal directions of life – Dharma (1), Artha (10), Kāma (7) and Mokṣa (4) Planets in Kendra bhāva have superior strength as they can compel a decision pertaining to the direction ruled by the Kendra To that extent, they can alter the power of the viṁśopāka bala calculated previously

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Jyotiṣa GuruPt. Sanjay Rath

Varga Viveka AdhyāyaVarious bhāva concepts; Lagna etc.

KendraVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-33

अथाऽ यदिप व यािम मैत्रये णृु सु त।् लग्नतुयार् तिवयतां के द्रसंज्ञा िवशषेतः॥ ३३॥ athā'nyadapi vakṣyāmi maitreya srṛṇu suvrat |lagnaturyāstaviyatāṁ kendrasaṁjñā viśeṣataḥ

The four houses – Lagna, 4th, 7th and 10th bhāva have the distinction of being kendra bhāva. • Their superiority stems from the fact that each of them is a

special ascendant in itself – Udaya (1), Jala (4), Asta (7) and Ākāśa (10). They are kendra or center of all activity and thought that revolves around the four principal directions of life – Dharma (1), Artha (10), Kāma (7) and Mokṣa (4)

• Planets in Kendra bhāva have superior strength as they can compel a decision pertaining to the direction ruled by the Kendra

• To that extent, they can alter the power of the viṁśopāka bala calculated previously



Śubha YogaŚubha (Auspicious) Yoga is caused by benefics in 2nd OR 12th house from any bhāva, particularly KENDRA.Pāpa Yoga occurs when Malefics are in 2nd OR 12th

house instead.Śubha Kartari occurs when benefic planets are in 2nd AND 12th housePāpa Kartari occurs when malefic planets are in both 2nd

and 12th house12H: Planets in 12th from any bhāva (or planet) are its Starters, Instigators, Initiators and Supporters – if benefic. If malefic, they prevent starting or force suffering before starting.

2H Planets in 2H from any bhāva (or planet) are its Finishers, End, Māraka or Destroyer – especially when malefic. When benefic, they prevent destruction or give happy endingPlanets so placed in 12H or 2H from • Moon affect health and

longevity• Sun affect wealth, status,

finances• Lagna affect Buddhi

Dharma• 4H affect Śuddhi Mokṣa • 7H affect Vṛddhi Kāma • 10H affect Siddhi Artha

Artha Āyana If 9th Lord associates with• Sun – Father, Elder helps in getting

job or Career• Moon – Mother, elderly lady• Mars – Brother • Mercury – Cousin, Friend• Jupiter – Guru, Elder brother• Saturn – Servant etc.5H = 9th from 9th house timing the start of JobIf gaṇḍānta between 9H and 10H very difficult to get work and career. Gaṇḍānta remedy required.If 9th Lord is weak rāśi saṅdhi (saṅkrānti - Sun) duṣthāna (shadow - Sat) Maraṇa kāraka sthāna (Āyus – Jup)

etc.Then remedies required to strengthen, else very difficult to start career, jobs lacking

Whenever any bhāva is not starting or initiating, problem is more with the previous sign. Look at the 12H from it along with the bhāva.Successful completion is to be seen from 2H from the bhāva.



Paṇaphara Varga-viveka adhyāya śloka-34 ½

िवपंचर ध्रलाभानां ज्ञेयं पणफरािभधम ्। dvipaṁcarandhralābhānāṁ jñeyaṁ paṇapharābhidham

The 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses are known as Paṇaphara • Paṇa means m. (1) gaming or

playing for a stake – 8H (2) a compact stipulation, treaty – 5H (3) a weight or measure like a coin -11H (4) any commodity that can be sold for a price, wealth, property, business worth – 2H

• phara means a shield or protection and refers to that which needs to be guarded – kavacha needed

Needless to say, one must be ever watchful or on guard with the paṇaphara. Evils can ruin life and wealth

ĀpoklimaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-34½

ित्रष ठभाग्यिर फानामापोिक्लमिमित िवज॥ ३४॥ triṣaṣṭhabhāgyariṣphānāmāpoklimamiti dvijaThe 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses are आपोिक्लम (āpoklima)

• Āpo derived from apas meaning (1) action, especially sacred – 3H (upadeśa, parākrama) (2) N. of the hands 3H and fingers 6H (3) three goddesses of sacred speech – 9H mūla (4) running waters to ocean – 12H

• klinna – moistening eye, moving heart; klinda – lament; tears going to god like river going to ocean

Nothing we do can fully avert the tears that must flow for the heart to soften and the soul to shed its bondage.




Low TideWater Pushed outLike Heart Pump

High TideWater pulled inLike High BP

Due to High Tide Water pushed by Lag 2H Result: 2H gainsPaṇaphara always gain

Due to Low TideWater is pulled by 4H from 3HResult: 3H depletedĀpoklima always depleted

Kendra Yoga• All planets in movable signs will be fond

of wandering, be charming, will earn in foreign countries, and be cruel and mischievous.

• All planets in fixed signs will be endowed with honour, wisdom, wealth, etc., be dear to king, famous, will have many sons, and be firm in disposition.

• All planets in dual Signs will have uneven physique, be interested in accumulating money, very skilful, helpful to relatives, and charming.



TrikoṇaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-35 ½

लग्नात ् पंचमभाग्य य कोणसंज्ञा िवधीयते। lagnāt paṁcamabhāgyasya koṇasaṁjñā vidhīyate |The 5th and 9th bhāva from any kendra are to be known as its koṇa• Koṇa means a corner like that of a triangle

(as visible with trine houses). • However its implications are mostly

negative as causing change or instability. • It is hurtful and threatening like the sharp

edge of a sword. • Generally used with planet Saturn (9th

bhāva as slow, old) or planet Mars (5th

bhāva) – boisterous blundering boys

5th bhāva = Paṇaphara – needs protection from breakage; 9th bhāva is āpoklima – shedding tearsThe good fortune of Lakṣmī alone can ensure our safety through this ordeal

DuṣthānaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-35 ½

ष ठा ट ययभाबानां दःुसजं्ञाि त्रकसजं्ञकाः॥ ३५॥ ṣaṣṭhāṣṭavyayabhābānāṁ duḥsaṁjñāstrikasaṁjñakāḥThe 6th, 8th and 12th bhāva are duṣthāna (evil houses)• Chāyā bhāva – shadow houses are the 2nd, 6th, 8th

and 12th houses. Saturn in these houses can case terrible shadow.

• However, the 2nd bhāva is protected by Hari (lion, Viṣṇu)

• The remaining three – 6th, 8th and 12th are duṣthāna bhāva of which Saturn is the kāraka. Originally these houses are from the Sun. Later after creation (jātaka), the shadow transfers to the Lagna as well [all objects have shadows].

• 6th, 8th – negative shadow, 12th – positive shadow: one who follows throughout life = wife/husband

Even today the holy name of the Lion among gods [Hari] can drive away the shadows of winter.



ChaturaśraVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-36 ½

चतुर ंतुयर्र ध्रं कथया ते िवजो म। caturasraṁ turyarandhraṁ kathayānte dvijottama |The 4th and 8th bhāva are known as chaturaśra • Chatur means 4th and refers to the flow of

fluids in the body, especially blood• Asra or aśra refers to both tears and blood;

asra-ja refers to all that which is formed and maintained by blood i.e. flesh and every tissue in the body

• Chaturaśra are the bhāva maintaining the body by creating, circulating and destroying the parts using fluids (blood) as the medium

• It includes the immune system

UpachayaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-36 ½

व थादपुचयक्षार्िण ित्रषडाया बरािण िहsvasthādupacayarkṣāṇi triṣaḍāyāmbarāṇi hiThe upachaya from lagna are the 3rd, 6th, 10th and eleventh houses.• upa expresses nearness, contiguity with

subordination like going down (height) or younger (time)

• chaya means a heap, pile, collection, multitude, accumulation

• Upachaya refers to the accumulation of anything which can is a constant source for the growth of the principal objective.

• These houses are lorded naturally by Mercury (3rd and 6th) and Saturn (10th

and 11th)



Bhāva NamaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-37

तनुधर्नं च सहजो ब धुपुत्रारय तथा। युवतीर ध्रधमार्ख्यकमार्लाभ ययाः क्रमात ्tanurdhanaṁ ca sahajo bandhuputrārayastathā |yuvatīrandhradharmākhyakarmālābhavyayāḥ kramātNames of the twelve bhāvaTanū Body K Source of health AliveDhana Wealth P What constitutes wealth Protect FoodSahaja Sibling Ā Born with, same generation Time - constantly lostBandhu Friend K Joy, Happiness Consistent in affectionPutra Child P Inheritor, Speculation Protect futureAri Enemy Ā Friction, Irritant Always punishingYuvati Damsel K Spouse RejuvenationRandhra Fissure P Ten Cavities in body Guard death doorDharma Duty Ā Responsibility, Destiny Unending painKarma Action K Activity AnimationLābha Gain P Resources Protect SourceVyaya Loss Ā Expenses Cannot fill ocean

Bhāva NamaVarga-viveka adhyāya śloka-38

संक्षेपेणौतदिुदतम य बु यनुसारतः। िकि च िवशेषं व यािम यथा भ ममुखा छुर्तम ्saṁkṣepeṇautaduditamanyad buddhyanusārataḥkiñcidviśeṣaṁ vakṣyāmi yathā bhahmamukhārcchutamIn a nutshell we have explained the bhāva and leave it to you to decipher the details through proper application of your intelligence. These names have been stated by Brahma and further information [on varga viveka] follows [next śloka]• Example: Bandhu means friend, relative, one who cares –

‘mother’ naturally comes first in this list followed by close friends, of who spouse is the closest.

• If Moon is in 4H, spouse maybe very good cook, if instead Rāhu is there she will surely have some foreign culture or great interest in research. One may have close friends in foreign lands.

• Take a bhāva name, and place each planet in it – then think.



Sūrya Bhāvaनवमेऽिप िपतुज्ञार्नं सूयार् च नवमेऽथवा। यि कि च दशमे लाभे त सूयार् दशमे भवे॥ ३९॥ navame'pi piturjñānaṁ sūryācca navame'thavā |yatkiñciddaśame lābhe tatsūryāddaśame bhave || 39||Father is seen from the 9th bhāva from Lagna and 9th

bhāva from the Sun.Similarly, the 10th and 11th bhāva from Lagna are also studied with the 10th and 11th bhāva from the Sun• Three leaders or role models of life.1. Father, Protector – Dharma – 9H – duty, religion2. Employer, Work Leader – Artha – 10H – wealth needs3. Spiritual Leader – Kāma – 11H – fulfilment of life goals• The bhāva from lagna shows the nature of these elders whereas

the bhāva from Sun shows the attitude and relationship

Chandra Bhāva तुय तनौ धने लाभे भाग्ये यि च तनं च तत ्। च द्रा यु तनौ लाभे भग्ये ति च तये ध्रुवम ्॥ ४०॥ turye tanau dhane lābhe bhāgye yaccintanaṁ ca tat |candrātturye tanau lābhe bhagye taccintayed dhruvam || 40||The 4th (Mother), 1st, 2nd, 11th and 9th bhāva from

Lagna should also be studied in a similar manner from the Moon

4th – Bandhu, Mātṛ1st – Tanū, Manas2nd – Dhana, Annam11th – Lābha, Icchā9th – Dharma, Guru

The bhāva from lagna shows the nature of the people whereas the bhāva from Moon shows the attitude and relationship



Mars and Mercuryलग्ना दिु चक्यभवने य कुजा िवक्रमेऽिखलम ्।िवचायर्ं ष ठभाव य बुधात ् ष ठे िवलोकयेत ्॥ ४१॥ lagnād duścikyabhavane yatkujādvikrame'khilamvicāryaṁ ṣaṣṭhabhāvasya budhāt ṣaṣṭhe vilokayetDuścikya bhāva (3H) from Mars is studied along with the 3rd bhāva from LagnaSimilarly, the sixth house from Mercury is studied along with the 6th bhāva from Lagna• Bad thoughts and challenges have roots and this comes from 3rd

bhāva from Mars. How we act on these thoughts is seen in the 3rd bhāva from Lagna

• As regards siblings and people of same generation (cousins etc.), the 3rd bhāva shows these people while the 3rd bhāva from Mars shows attitude and relationships

• All that is said about siblings from 3H is also known about relatives from 6th bhāva from Lagna and Mercury

Guru Bhāvaपुत्र य च गुरोः पुत्र ेजायायाः स तमे भगृोः। putrasya ca guroḥ putre jāyāyāḥ saptame bhṛgoḥ |The fifth bhāva from Jupiter and Lagna are studied for children• Fifth bhāva from Lagna shows the children we

have whereas the fifth from Jupiter shows how we love and care for them.

• Fifth house or lord from Jupiter shows the Kula devatā who is responsible for the propagation of the family (consequently giving children)

• For female horoscopy, the 5th house/lord from Venus shows Kula devatā whereas the same from Jupiter shows the Kula devatā of spouse family or that deity who brings about the marriage



Śukra, Śaniपुत्र य च गरुोः पुत्रे जायायाः स तमे भगृोः। अ टम य यय यािप म दा मृ यौ यये तथा॥ ४२॥ putrasya ca guroḥ putre jāyāyāḥ saptame bhṛgoḥ |aṣṭamasya vyayasyāpi mandānmṛtyau vyaye tathā || 42||

The seventh bhāva from Venus and Lagna are studied for spouse; eighth and twelfth bhāva from Saturn and Lagna are studied for death• Similarly we know attitude towards marriage from 7H

from Venus while wife is in 7H from Lagna. Subsequent spouses are from every 8th house from this.

• Death is from the 8th and 12th bhāva from Lagna and Saturn. Lagna shows when we die while Saturn shows our attitude and experience of death, the event itself.

Bhāveśa य भावा य फल ंिच यं तदीशा फल ंिवदःु। जे्ञयं त य फल ंत िध तत्र िच यं शुभाऽशुभम ्॥ ४३॥ yadbhāvādyatphalaṁ cintyaṁ tadīśāttatphalaṁ viduḥ |jñeyaṁ tasya phalaṁ taddhi tatra cintyaṁ śubhā'śubham || 43||The Lord of a bhāva is crucial in judging the results of

the bhāva. The good or evil due to the bhāva are altered by the lords [and others].

• Refer to PJC Year-1 for detailed results of bhāveśa.

• Lords are empowered to change results by the help of their dispositor (anitya kāraka)