kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

t i: V. .. , , i L r a rywrn on pin 1 H ? -- & -- l . gy i - St .B M J t, AND-GENERA-- b ADVERTISER; utw.wugr:raiwalwi ' VOL. XVII.- - -- N OOO. BY DANIEL BRADFCfrtbLEXiNGTON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER i3, 1803. t ''( so f r i, 1 i 3 i ) I u It ' v I aascamaBcaaiJgsaiaiaaiMlgsgEaBfflErarfaaK TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. This paper is pubftfhed weekly, at two dollars per annum, paiu in aa- V(, ICC. " ' Those who write to the jEditor, mult pay the pfti";e of. their leTfars. To Lease, J A LYING 111 AT.iT.vm.K Liijwi" F.AR7J. , Mertef count on Salt n- - - iKnnt nn mile and half febove Mai. ' Buchanan's mill, on the road leading from Frankfort to Harrosttburgh with about 1,00 acres ot Ueart. Land, a good Dwelling Hon se and ift$fer Conve nient Buildings, a large apple and feacli Orchaid," Meadowy and Pa&ure ; the whole in good repair. , ? James Maccoun. ' Lexington, March 14, lao'sj. , FOR" SALE, J The following Tracts of J JU L AN JD, CONVEYED by John Fowlerefq. to to Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deed of tiuft, dated the loth day of Decem ber 1 800, to wit. 2800 acres in Mont pomcry county, Flat creek, betwue Snail-Mounta- in creek arid the uppr C .(- - Cn.m'r rtntfrpA IF! ........ t b f nHTllP fll . joil o;j.ii.6, l,.v - CumD andPattertbn also, 1710 acrei in Campbell county, part of a lurvey in the name of Jaiob Rubfammon,( inclu- ding Fo.vler's lick also, 1000 atres in fa-- ' J county, on 3ank-ht- k, being pirt ot a trad of 4000 acres in the n ime of William Jones. Which hid tracts of !an5, or either, or piit of them, Mill be soil at private file, for the purpose of I and 'list hmginp the trulls men- tioned in f.ud dcid. 1 hiflerms may be known by applying to the fubi'cribtrs in Lejcington. Cutb. Banks, Tbos. Bodley March 14th, 1S03. 200 Dollars Rezvard, FOR apprehending thr- - fellow vho stopped the Poft-nde- r, this i,jor- - ning, about 9 o'clock, three rqiles this side of Paris, Kk and took, from him THE MAIL. PIE is fuppoferl to be about 25 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high and lender made ; had on a bide cloth coat, cotton overalls and black hat. In behalfof the Poll Mailer General, JOHN JORDAN Jun. P. M. Lexington,, K. Lexington, K. Nov. 3d, 1803. STRAYED FROM my farm about ten days ., ngo, r-- .1 rrtinrr T T a lmall awitnr.JL. rj.ui,ii, xnree yean old this spring, about 13 hajias hi.'h, short doxked and the hair of the tail cat by cattle. Also a dark bay .two year old FILLEY, rather tajler thaftSfthe sorrel, no brand or flesh mirk 'on either rerolletteJ. A leafojiable will be given to have them feiit home, or notice given where they are to be sound. ROBERT BARR. Fayette, Xvlay 27, 1803. tf . . FOR SALE, -- t A MERCHANT MILL SAW M1LL and niSILLERT,- - Situ.vte on the waters of Silver 'creek, in Madifan county, about six miles from the court-hous- e, and ten miles from river, to which is annexed 140 acres of LAND. The flream and seat,(,are equal to any in the late, and the mills and diilil lery in prime order. For terms ap- ply to the fubferiber on the premi-fe- s. ROBERT PORTER Madison county ' tf 'Oft. 1 ft, 1803. LEXINGTON & FRANKFORT A- - M - THE public ate refpeftfully in formed, that my Stage Coach will start from Mr. Bradley's Inn, Lex- ington, every Monday and Friday morning at day-brea- k ; and from jfrankfort, every Tuesday and Satur day at noon. Pauengers may places at os. each allowing lolb baeeire, and 1 1- -2 cents per lb? for extra baggage. JNo. KENNEDY, Lexington, iothJO5l. 1803 TOBACCO WANTED'. L'nwfs Sakders &f Co. WANT to purcliafe a quantity of INSPECTED TOBACCO, At any of the ware-honf- on the Ken tucky river. have on haiTd a very gocrifand extemive ailortment or I jT 'MERCHANDIZE, Calculated to suit the country amongfi wnicn are tnc toiiowinjj xau or vv lntei Goods Common and Coarft Cloths, Caliimeres, Swanfdowns, Fries, Mixed, Blue, Drab and Blue Coatings, Pains, Halfthicks, Velvets, FanCy Cords and Tlnekfatts. tf ' Lexington. ADVERTISEMENT. Whereis, I am legally authorized by power of attorney, granted hy dim Wilson of Philadelphia, and dated the 15th of September, 1803, to mal;e leases of two tradls of land, entered, surveyed and patented in the name of Thomas Franklin, lying on the waters ol Kentucky river ; tire one containing;, by survey dated e 3d day of Auguflr, 1784, 116,656 cres the otiier, by lurvey dated the ziftof the same month and year, containing 108,344 acres, to such perfotis as may be desirous of sett- ling on such lands, and upon such terms as are limittedby the laid pott- er of attorney. Therefore I here- by give notice, that application can be made to me in Lexington, where will be ready to al agreeably t(' the powers in me veiled, as rtlates to the making of Fuch deeds an grants as may be required. Uy virtue or the powers velted in me, I hereby forewarn all persons from cutting timber, working salt- - petre caves, laK-wat- er lpnngs, coal mines or minerals of any description, without they are authorifed by fpe- - cial contradl; or in any mannertref- - pafling on the above lands, as any perron offending herein, will beprof-ecute- d with the utmofi rigor of the law. JOHN M. BOGGS: Lexington, jcthOcl. i8cn. tf LUE DYING. . THE SUBSCRIBER, SHES to inform the nublic. that he continues to carry bn the BLUE DYING, on Mam CrofS) Street, between Mr. Adam Weber's and Mr. Myers's, where he will dye Cotton, Linen and Wool, with a warm dye Cotton deepest blue, at 4f6 per pound Wool at is 6 per pound, which he will warrant to be equal to any dye in the town of Lex ington. JACOB BOSHART. Lexington, June 2,5, 1803. stfi - BOOKBINDING HAVING, employed a' Book Winder, who has been regularly bred to the business in Philadelphia, any orders for RECORD, .AC COUNT, or any other BLANK BOOKS, will be thankfully rcceiv ed and punctually executed. ;I have on hand, and shall constantly keep, a Tupply of BLANK BOOKS. Old Books in the neatest and bed manner. DANl. BRADFORD. Gazette Office, ,") Lexutgtqn. j "NEGrfdBS, HO R SALE. i R sale for Cafli, a Negro Man,i 30 years of age, flout, aclive, and is a good waggoner. Alio, his wile, about 25 years ot age, who is a good house servant, with her child of ii months. They can be well recommended as valuable, honed naves. Ffor particulars apply to theW fubferiber, ,livingin Bourbon county, 4 miles from Paris JOHN SOPER SALE OR convenient two (lory rained House and Lot, Suitable either for a private 01 public life, being iituate on Main Cross street, three doors trom . Lowrey's hat and no occupied hv N.'PrentHs. The house is fn srood repair there is on the lot a rjood punig with never sailing water, a small garden, convenient cellar, kitchen, &c. &c. For terms apply at the premises. 1 tf Lexington, Aiitjufl. ajd, iSo. ItAGo. nree cents per pound, or ios. eii hundred wc'ht, gien for clean linfcn or cotton raes, at Charlefs's office, Lexington. ii,m yviarr ffr..rfirtri.wat Seitz & Johnson, At their Store in Lexington, have received a very Car 10 of Cheap and well afibrted Merchandise, V Consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, J RDM-- DISTORT? V CU TLERY, SADDLERY, STATIONARY, HARD 1 JAPAN'D, en TIN, CROCKERY, QUEENS' 2c CHINA HATTER'S TRIMMINGS . and DYE STUFFS, GERMAN and CRAWLEY STEEL, VICES, ANVILS, NAILS, BAR IRON, &c. &c. Unlimited pains having been tar ken to. lelect the above ailortment from the Vendues, principally of mltimore and rhuadelphia, either WHOLESALE or RE- TAIL, may depend on getting much greater bargains than have baen here tofore lold in this itate. 15th 1803. WANTS EMPLOY, PERSON who wishes so be at lch business of "Writing, as occurs r a Merchant s counting house, or in records, .enquire at this Umcr. n The FOR Valuable Stallion, SILVER HEELS, HICH stood at Mr. Edmund Bryant's, JefTamine countythe naft fcafon, and covered between 90 and too mares, i he of this horse is good, and may be fecn by re- ference to the Stud Book for the year 1803, or to the fubferiber, in Clarke county. - One or two years credit will be given on giving bond nd iecunty Une or two geldings would be received in hand ifinrefer- - red by the purchaser. H. TAYLOR. August 7U1 1803. tf ' SHALL atte'nd the commiflion- - ers appointed by Clarke county court, on the zoih rff De ember next, at William r arrow a improvement, on Graffy Lick, made n the ear 1775, ad then to pro ceed to eftablifli the fptcialty of laid improvement and calls of an entry of 1000 acres of 1 in J, 'ntered, fu'rvcyed and patented in the name ot William r arrow; and do iuch o flic ,. t.l . Should tfielittftnefs not he comole- - ted on that day, will be continued from day to day by adjournment, un til fimlhed. WILL. FARROW, ism Attoi nev in fa 61 for Kf Farrow ixoTeTTrber the iSot. . a at utr-,., r-- .,, .i, r,,kr-:- k of iXA, tx VV a V liUlit UIIC JUl.lHV.liUd, on Sundav morninp. the 2Cth iuft. an Apprentice Lad to the shoe vnakinp- - business. named Vi11lim Pprrin ft illi;mi i RENT, mi'iufai'tory, pr'ntino; w,fffa&fruaa&ito,aMi extenfiye purcria-fer- s August, SALE, pedigree NOTICE 1'ucfday William Vytbout ib years old, near 5 feet 7 or inches high, or Mender make, light complexion, and has remarkable large and very rough hands for1 one 01 ins age. 1 oojc witn mm a new wool hat, one round about blue cot ton jacket, 1 do. of blue linen, 1 blue cotton veil, 1 do. clouded dimity, 1 pair flriped cotton pataloons, 1 pair blue nniey overalls, a country linen old fliirts, 1 pair gray woolen socks, and 1 pair half worn flioes. Whoever will apprehend and secure laid apprentice, so that I get him shall be handfomel lsvirdcd HUGIICRA'nrORD. Leiington, 28th No-- . 1803. HOG's BRISTLES WANTED One fhillintr, and three pence per pound will be given in cafli.for good, clean, well combed HOG's BRIS TLES, by the fubferiber, at his lliop at the corner "of Main Cross ilrrer , a.: T ..:.- - . .1 rin .hml iiici, i,ei.niSi ,u ; wnt-i- e hcl vtr, .,., 1 I IC1 ji BRUSH MAKING in x I its various brai.cncs. Ar ucrj onmay be lupphed with all kinds, f BRUSHES, either wholesale or retail, si a much plice to Daniel'Morc-an- ' any heretofore ever sold in Kentuc-- nronortion of .u r! ky,and-o- f a better quality t,hnn anyitrafls, is river bottom of the firftcua brought from Philadelphia. He hopes Hty, on are several imorovel it wiu De tneuimy ot every good n - tizen to encourage this manufacture, lie ltill continues carrvin? on WINDSOR CHAIR & WHEEL making as usual. ' ROBERT HOLMES Lexington, Ocl. 17th, 1803 MMMM vy irs-.irsrs- p' X T TO BE SOLD, On a Credit of Five Tears, ' Or; to be Rented forie same time. . That Valuable TRACT or LAND. OF. 1000 acres, on the, wateis. of North Elkhorn, eight miles from Lexington, and about sour from Georgetown, for merly well known by the name of the Bryan Spring tracl, being part of an old Military Survey It is equal 111 qualitv to any land in the (late of Kentucky, and i? well wateted and timbered there aie about ISO acres well & fenced & dvidtd into convenient fields & lots, 20 kcresof meadow, be sides lots of clovei nd b'ue graft there is a larr, eletrai.t brick house, two ftoiiei high, with t! it-- rooms on a floors nlin n hpn t, ftorieshigh, together with a Pood frr.-- . houle, corn house. ftihles. &c. 'I is convenient to ;he dwelhnc house, -- . never sailing spring of excellent watei. 1 11c auove iana is in tne vicinity oi lorn"! valuable merchant mills. For further information refpe&ing thii traft of land, those difpoftd to purchase mav enqirre qf the Hon. John Breckinnd(,t , no" at tile city ot Walhington, to Jihn P' pe Efrj. in Lexington, or to the h on the premres, WALTER WARFIELD 0ber 10th. lf03. CASH, , Will be given for GOOD BARLEY, elivered at mv Brew House ii Lexington. " GEORGE A. WEBER, Baker s? Brewer. 061, 29, 1803. 3W . - PROPOSALS By Daniel Bradford, For Printing by Subscription, THE POLYANTHOSJ OR KENTUCKY ELEGANT SELECTIONS ; . CONSISTING Of ESSAYS, ORATIONS. DIA- - T nPTIBC A f.TTI UitTrill iyjyj jiUk, aimj 111 j 1 jjl- - Or ICAL ANECDOTES. ijf whole eXtrafted from the mof -'- celebrated authors, tne pureu principles 01 inoiaiir, and difplayiggexcellent models oi flyle and language. FOR THE USE nF SCHOOLS BY SAMUEL W lLOK, , Authoroftbe Kentucky English Gritfnnar CONDI riONS. I. The work will confin; of at leafl 250pages. IL It will be printed with a neat tjpe, on good Kentucky paper, bound, III. The price to fubferibers will be 1 and 25 cents a copy, i . half paid at the time of fubferibing, the remainder on the delivery of the work. IV. It willl be put to press as soon as 500 fubferibers aie obtained & finished with all poiiiblc dnpau h. A sew copies of the REVISED LAWS Of Kentucky, Handfom-l- v bound and ltt':eJ, nm be had a', this ofce. Thp GENERAL INSTPT CTOIij M"' 'i'k.-.ifr;e- d. auHui:BiiiJi'.Aj' j. "fffi.'jatn MILITARY LA'NDS.r-V- ' ' , For Sale, - TWO valuable tradls ofiVILLL TARYLAD.fitnateonthenver ((late Of Ohio) about 3J miles below Limeftonp. inni.,j; .1.. 1. r .. 7. "UUJIIU me inouui or near creek, and cxtendinr P I. JlVtZ I5I9 PercJes to the " ) mouth Maple creefc. One otM nyithefe trafts containing iAGO ac.e3; lower Genl. large which cleared dollar was granted to GPn Ti, tvt....h the other containno- - T nients ; the balance exrdlPnf ,,i,j 'well watered and timbe-e- tl i" lanes of fnrvcV ,;n n r , r,. j - -- - "., Vl-- fl'- - nithan ialor, or Peter Demo"-wh- live an the lands. I will sell on a long; crprlic r.n ,f, O interett being paid ar.ruallyIor further information enquire of James Morruon, in Lexington, Kentucky, who is in pofleCjon of a draught surveys, or the fub-lcrib- er m Pittsburgh. , Pel. 8, iSoq. . & Sx-- - .3"iio L ,a 01. .,,c i7-J- L coud Monday in January next, it being the ninth day of the npeth, 1 will attend with the nmmiftoners a'ppoimrd y the county court of Mason, at the mouth of Aaam's run, a branch of' th$ North fork of Licking, emptymg into laid fork on the North Edt side ; then ilidtli,ie to, eftabhih certtin calls cf two rntues, vu. one entiv of 10C0 in .he nau e ot John Duliu, ei trrtd September, the ninth, 1780, rP1,ofite to the mouth f Adam's and rim, to rt n down Lickmg to the fi.ft r,jrio, Hnd tnrk for qur,ntitV; and one entry ot" jCO aciejin the name of Edwarr rj. to !.e back of the 7 ". ".." aAnt entrv A I?,1 . . 0t rthe above' th" ... "",. :.uci'uuulI,si JJ oiti.r pi ' pt uiaie teuimony to rove f iid . . nes, and to do such otl tr thin s s I ihink 'lecsfTaiy and icroiding to ' w. The commiiSiDners and v.r.oiti 1" m iy concern, are to meet it Rot -- r ,.,. Mortons m,ll, on the Nouh lor f I irViHT n1 i. , ... .. ...,B, 4uu 111 hi tnence to piocet t t? the pine of oeg lining ivhere th - uill he attnfed Lv Levi Boone or 4:li, ISGJ. -- j . TLree Bundrtd Dollars Rcua7d YV t II,Lbe pa.d forapprtlu, f ne nv volm,, ta'l. 1 n, rw- -4o man ': (,V, arut twenty years ot ge, ith two Ijrt i.nght - Sorit-- l J,',, si,, And the Villon or vil'a ns who h we fo'ci tlm, w,tl,prool to hr nfc toc,u, 1 he !v,i t lre 0 the I.jIIom irjo ,,t f. ,, , -0- ,.eoftiKiiM$ :.). rr,:,".,,- - pOI. . heingalwi.t sue i c ..n 1, It ,, , rl.ifch, ... i inuiinr, wirn a i.t ow ',t on pcrpa of Ids flni,ie- - l,ljren tr-- (de, :ibuut the size pt a inai ', m in t'ie nppei country to !e tl t t' difoitlcr tha,t is th'tre jitn, . r waiiiv, uu rnrin-- hai rs or nes a ngnt inrwt iwuch I docked and lias Ken , wlnte ria-lt- s nor hr , , very line c'j.ft !'o ie. and iv. JV , trots ir.d t nnrler the faxldle, ioi j h, I : 1 e o 'irr horse i? r, oijt f, J f. cr inc'i I J , and lenrnl v n . d IS (I film 01. !. s off e e, :n i in! t S LMlr't' t ihe eye - not lunk, arL !i ,; han i' r and nairow bl3e. vv tr n , , 'is h.i a little white, ara orjerf In f eleji ro have been fori)f; cm 3 O'l ther it tin am! h it! . r u ! ch It! .. i. ..i ..1 j 11 iiLn.: ui uiu gijls and 14 I v the tte of tho fadie K i 1; ken , r e umuici fjuwuiciitne ijicI : i4Pr!j' m irh a n.iuic;- none um'er tl u rug t iito ; ie ,.v walks with an imjlual i n,,ir , ', tr, fftind ilaaf?nt to the m r, neu hn; )0;e and une .fily, carters rolcrj wv fJ, hs ? ,'1 hanging mane and !nn? hvm,, t ii, , 'i r Vy perhaps be docl.eijf - ri ,s a u t "a vearsild, ind isaltog. t'- -! uikioii... t. e hoife. and flrws alio well T.iejfoiefaid lervant i.--i C ir!ec , C'nonm, cn the I4rh lep i,dr. wh,te nLgio cloth ronid j rv(.'t VI 'n .on buircm iindozn ilju- - ,1 t t v. ini ii. orowncoio'-n- i ,i,, , reu,j ( wii oar Us, with rtc,.1i c j f ri f cirr as to rue carried tne an. t! bn ti ') t c 1 myplicv., 19 mi cv, jm Ci V nG f- - Creek Si c i.J r tr.e nJ v ,ij a total 'irarfci 11 otricr 'v it tlieftate, t'ie ptclu lptionis, r ,. tne r1 ' n c been foi ced etThy viJhin or v ir , .. c'l cale, on conv u. k fiei 11 o 1, tk aho v e re v.i'lu- u p.,d, is tuUnont I ftiie f vithin tie ibte, . un r Am H,', , Jo,nri 01 tli.r ,ei ed to . ,. 1. r.... t. . . "mm"! , .tu j;, v in ' eet, or or er "i T.ttv On J,.. , i, rorle 1. .111 e? 11. ...AmA rvii... ..u,, uui.jiiio, ,ji(.ivint, v lo tie little toe of one of his it oft, 1, t heajy ard .I".-.. ;s.l,'l! countenance, a ,(, 10, Jo ..Dt J-,,-.. Sent. 12. JJiunk DeccL', iOn Parchment ?nd Parer 10, , At I i

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY · t i: i V..., , L r a rywrnonpin 1 H--&--l. gy i-St .B M Jt, AND-GENERA--b


i:V. .. , ,

iL r a rywrnonpin1 H?

--& -- l . gy i - St .B M Jt,

AND-GENERA-- b ADVERTISER;utw.wugr:raiwalwi





i, 1i



) I






This paper is pubftfhed weekly, attwo dollars per annum, paiu in aa-

V(, ICC. " 'Those who write to the jEditor, mult

pay the pfti";e of. their leTfars.

To Lease,


AT.iT.vm.KLiijwi" F.AR7J.,Mertef count on Salt n- -

- iKnnt nn mile and half febove Mai. 'Buchanan's mill, on the road leading

from Frankfort to Harrosttburgh withabout 1,00 acres ot Ueart. Land, a

good Dwelling Hon se and ift$fer Convenient Buildings, a large apple and feacliOrchaid," Meadowy and Pa&ure ; thewhole in good repair. , ?

James Maccoun.'

Lexington, March 14, lao'sj.


J The following Tracts of J


CONVEYED by John Fowlerefq. toto Cuth. Banks and T. Bodley, by deedof tiuft, dated the loth day of December 1 800, to wit. 2800 acres in Montpomcry county, Flat creek, betwueSnail-Mounta- in creek arid the upprC .(- - Cn.m'r rtntfrpA IF!........t b f nHTllP fll .joil o;j.ii.6, l,.v -CumD andPattertbn also, 1710 acreiin Campbell county, part of a lurvey in

the name of Jaiob Rubfammon,( inclu-

ding Fo.vler's lick also, 1000 atres infa-- ' J county, on 3ank-ht- k, being pirt ot

a trad of 4000 acres in the n ime of

William Jones. Which hid tracts of!an5, or either, or piit of them, Mill be

soil at private file, for the purpose of Iand 'list hmginp the trulls men-

tioned in f.ud dcid. 1 hiflerms may be

known by applying to the fubi'cribtrs in

Lejcington.Cutb. Banks,Tbos. Bodley

March 14th, 1S03.

200 Dollars Rezvard,FOR apprehending thr-- fellow

vho stopped the Poft-nde- r, this i,jor- -

ning, about 9 o'clock, three rqilesthis side of Paris, Kk and took, fromhim

THE MAIL.PIE is fuppoferl to be about 25

years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches highand lender made ; had on a bidecloth coat, cotton overalls and blackhat.In behalfof the Poll Mailer General,

JOHN JORDAN Jun. P. M.Lexington,, K.

Lexington, K. Nov. 3d, 1803.

STRAYEDFROM my farm about ten days

.,ngo,r-- .1 rrtinrr T Ta lmall awitnr.JL. rj.ui,ii, xnree

yean old this spring, about 13 hajiashi.'h, short doxked and the hair of thetail cat by cattle. Also a dark bay

.two year old FILLEY, rather tajlerthaftSfthe sorrel, no brand or flesh mirk

'on either rerolletteJ. A leafojiablewill be given to have them feiit

home, or notice given where they are tobe sound.

ROBERT BARR.Fayette, Xvlay 27, 1803. tf .

. FOR SALE, --t


Situ.vte on the waters of Silver'creek, in Madifan county, about six

miles from the court-hous- e, and tenmiles from river, towhich is annexed 140 acres of

LAND.The flream and seat,(,are equal to anyin the late, and the mills and diilillery in prime order. For terms ap-

ply to the fubferiber on the premi-fe- s.

ROBERT PORTERMadison county ' tf'Oft. 1 ft, 1803.



M -

THE public ate refpeftfully informed, that my Stage Coach willstart from Mr. Bradley's Inn, Lex-ington, every Monday and Fridaymorning at day-brea- k ; and fromjfrankfort, every Tuesday and Saturday at noon. Pauengers may

places at os. each allowing lolbbaeeire, and 1 1- -2 cents per lb?for extra baggage.

JNo. KENNEDY,Lexington, iothJO5l. 1803


L'nwfs Sakders &f Co.WANT to purcliafe a quantity of

INSPECTED TOBACCO,At any of the ware-honf- on the Kentucky river.

have on haiTd a very gocrifandextemive ailortment orI jT

'MERCHANDIZE,Calculated to suit the country amongfiwnicn are tnc toiiowinjj xau or vv lnteiGoods Common and CoarftCloths, Caliimeres, Swanfdowns, Fries,Mixed, Blue, Drab and Blue Coatings,Pains, Halfthicks, Velvets, FanCy Cordsand Tlnekfatts.

tf ' Lexington.

ADVERTISEMENT.Whereis, I am legally authorized

by power of attorney, granted hydim Wilson of Philadelphia, and

dated the 15th of September, 1803,to mal;e leases of two tradls of land,entered, surveyed and patented inthe name of Thomas Franklin, lying

on the waters ol Kentucky river ;

tire one containing;, by survey datede 3d day of Auguflr, 1784, 116,656

cres the otiier, by lurvey datedthe ziftof the same month and year,containing 108,344 acres, to suchperfotis as may be desirous of sett-

ling on such lands, and upon suchterms as are limittedby the laid pott-er of attorney. Therefore I here-by give notice, that application canbe made to me in Lexington, where

will be ready to al agreeably t('

the powers in me veiled, as rtlatesto the making of Fuch deeds angrants as may be required.

Uy virtue or the powers velted inme, I hereby forewarn all personsfrom cutting timber, working salt- -

petre caves, laK-wat- er lpnngs, coalmines or minerals of any description,without they are authorifed by fpe- -

cial contradl; or in any mannertref- -pafling on the above lands, as anyperron offending herein, will beprof-ecute- d

with the utmofi rigor of thelaw.

JOHN M. BOGGS:Lexington, jcthOcl. i8cn. tf


THE SUBSCRIBER,SHES to inform the nublic.

that he continues to carry bn theBLUE DYING, on Mam CrofS)Street, between Mr. Adam Weber'sand Mr. Myers's, where he will dyeCotton, Linen and Wool, with a

warm dye Cotton deepest blue, at4f6 per pound Wool at is6 perpound, which he will warrant to beequal to any dye in the town of Lexington.

JACOB BOSHART.Lexington, June 2,5, 1803. stfi

- BOOKBINDINGHAVING, employed a' Book

Winder, who has been regularlybred to the business in Philadelphia,any orders for RECORD, .ACCOUNT, or any other BLANKBOOKS, will be thankfully rcceived and punctually executed. ;I haveon hand, and shall constantly keep, aTupply of BLANK BOOKS. OldBooks in the neatest andbed manner.

DANl. BRADFORD.Gazette Office, ,")

Lexutgtqn. j"NEGrfdBS, HO R SALE.

i R sale for Cafli, a Negro Man,i30 years of age, flout, aclive,

and is a good waggoner. Alio, hiswile, about 25 years ot age, who isa good house servant, with her childof ii months. They can be wellrecommended as valuable, honednaves. Ffor particulars apply to theWfubferiber,,livingin Bourbon county,4 miles from Paris

JOHN SOPERSALE ORconvenient two (lory

rained House and Lot,Suitable either for a private 01 public life,being iituate on Main Cross street, three doorstrom . Lowrey's hat and nooccupied hv N.'PrentHs. The house is fnsrood repair there is on the lot a rjood punigwith never sailing water, a small garden,convenient cellar, kitchen, &c. &c. Forterms apply at the premises.

1 tf Lexington, Aiitjufl. ajd, iSo.ItAGo.

nree cents per pound, or ios.eii hundred wc'ht, gien for clean

linfcn or cotton raes, at Charlefs'soffice, Lexington. ii,m

yviarr ffr..rfirtri.wat

Seitz & Johnson,At their Store in Lexington, have

received a very Car 10of Cheap and well afibrted

Merchandise,V Consisting of





Unlimited pains having been tarken to. lelect the above ailortmentfrom the Vendues, principally ofmltimore and rhuadelphia,

either WHOLESALE or RE-TAIL, may depend on getting much

greater bargains than have baen heretofore lold in this itate.

15th 1803.

WANTS EMPLOY,PERSON who wishes so be at

lch business of "Writing, as occursr a Merchant s counting house, or

in records, .enquire at this Umcr.


Valuable Stallion,SILVER HEELS,

HICH stood at Mr. EdmundBryant's, JefTamine countythe naftfcafon, and covered between 90 andtoo mares, i he of thishorse is good, and may be fecn by re-ference to the Stud Book for theyear 1803, or to the fubferiber, inClarke county. - One or two yearscredit will be given on giving bond

nd iecunty Une or two geldingswould be received in hand ifinrefer- -red by the purchaser.

H. TAYLOR.August 7U1 1803. tf '

SHALL atte'nd the commiflion- -ers appointed by Clarke county

court, on the zoih rff Deember next, at William r arrow a

improvement, on Graffy Lick, maden the ear 1775, ad then to pro

ceed to eftablifli the fptcialty oflaid improvement and calls of anentry of 1000 acres of 1 inJ, 'ntered,fu'rvcyed and patented in the nameot William r arrow; and do iuch oflic ,. t.l .

Should tfielittftnefs not he comole- -

ted on that day, will be continuedfrom day to day by adjournment, until fimlhed.

WILL. FARROW,ism Attoi nev in fa 61 for

Kf FarrowixoTeTTrber the iSot.

. a at utr-,., r-- .,, .i, r,,kr-:- kof iXA, tx VV a V liUlit UIIC JUl.lHV.liUd,on Sundav morninp. the 2Cth

iuft. an Apprentice Lad to the shoevnakinp- - business. named

Vi11lim Pprrinft illi;mi i






purcria-fer- s







Vytbout ib years old, near 5 feet 7 orinches high, or Mender make, light

complexion, and has remarkablelarge and very rough hands for1 one01 ins age. 1 oojc witn mm a newwool hat, one round about blue cotton jacket, 1 do. of blue linen, 1

blue cotton veil, 1 do. clouded dimity,1 pair flriped cotton pataloons, 1

pair blue nniey overalls, a countrylinen old fliirts, 1 pair gray woolensocks, and 1 pair half worn flioes.Whoever will apprehend and securelaid apprentice, so that I get him

shall be handfomel lsvirdcdHUGIICRA'nrORD.

Leiington, 28th No-- . 1803.


One fhillintr, and three pence perpound will be given in cafli.for good,clean, well combed HOG's BRISTLES, by the fubferiber, at his lliop

at the corner "of Main Cross ilrrer, a.: T ..:.- - . .1rin .hml iiici, i,ei.niSi ,u ; wnt-i-e

hcl vtr, .,.,1 I IC1 ji

BRUSH MAKINGin x I its various brai.cncs. Arucrj onmay be lupphed with all kinds,f BRUSHES, either wholesale or

retail, si a much plice to Daniel'Morc-an- 'any heretofore ever sold in Kentuc-- nronortion of .u r!ky,and-o- f a better quality t,hnn anyitrafls, is river bottom of the firftcuabrought from Philadelphia. He hopes Hty, on are several imorovelit wiu De tneuimy ot every good n -

tizen to encourage this manufacture,lie ltill continues carrvin? onWINDSOR CHAIR & WHEELmaking as usual. '

ROBERT HOLMESLexington, Ocl. 17th, 1803

MMMMvy irs-.irsrs- p'X T

TO BE SOLD,On a Credit of Five Tears, '

Or; to be Rented forie same time. .

That Valuable TRACT or LAND.OF. 1000 acres, on the, wateis. of NorthElkhorn, eight miles from Lexington,and about sour from Georgetown, formerly well known by the name of theBryan Spring tracl, being part of an oldMilitary Survey It is equal 111 qualitvto any land in the (late of Kentucky, andi? well wateted and timbered there aieabout ISO acres well & fenced &dvidtd into convenient fields & lots, 20kcresof meadow, be sides lots of clovei

nd b'ue graft there is a larr, eletrai.tbrick house, two ftoiiei high, with t! it--

rooms on a floors nlin n hpn t,ftorieshigh, together with a Pood frr.-- .

houle, corn house. ftihles. &c. 'I l.nris convenient to ;he dwelhnc house, --


never sailing spring of excellent watei.1 11c auove iana is in tne vicinity oi lorn"!valuable merchant mills. For furtherinformation refpe&ing thii traft of land,those difpoftd to purchase mav enqirreqf the Hon. John Breckinnd(,t , no" attile city ot Walhington, to Jihn P' peEfrj. in Lexington, or to the h bfcr.lron the premres,

WALTER WARFIELD0ber 10th. lf03.

CASH,, Will be given for

GOOD BARLEY,elivered at mv Brew House ii

Lexington. "

GEORGE A. WEBER,Baker s? Brewer.

061, 29, 1803. 3W


By Daniel Bradford,For Printing by Subscription,




ESSAYS, ORATIONS. DIA- -T nPTIBC A f.TTI UitTrilliyjyj jiUk, aimj 111 j 1 jjl- -

Or ICAL ANECDOTES.ijf whole eXtrafted from the mof

-'-celebrated authors,tne pureu principles 01 inoiaiir,and difplayiggexcellent models oiflyle and language.



Authoroftbe Kentucky English Gritfnnar

CONDI riONS.I. The work will confin; of at

leafl 250pages.IL It will be printed with a neat

tjpe, on good Kentucky paper,bound,

III. The price to fubferibers willbe 1 and 25 cents a copy, i .half paid at the time of fubferibing,the remainder on the delivery of thework.

IV. It willl be put to press assoon as 500 fubferibers aie obtained& finished with all poiiiblc dnpau h.

A sew copies of theREVISED LAWS

Of Kentucky,Handfom-l- v bound and ltt':eJ, nm

be had a', this ofce.Thp GENERAL INSTPT CTOIij

M"' 'i'k.-.ifr;e- d.

auHui:BiiiJi'.Aj' j. "fffi.'jatn


' , For Sale, -

TWO valuable tradls ofiVILLLTARYLAD.fitnateonthenver

((late Of Ohio) about 3J milesbelow Limeftonp. inni.,j; .1..

1. r .. 7. "UUJIIU meinouui or near creek, and cxtendinr


JlVtZ I5I9 PercJes to the" )

mouth Maple creefc. One otMnyithefe trafts containing iAGO ac.e3;

lower Genl.large




was granted to GPn Ti, tvt....hthe other containno- -


nients ; the balance exrdlPnf ,,i,j'well watered and timbe-e- tl i"lanes of fnrvcV ,;n n r

, r,. j - -- - ".,Vl-- fl'- -nithan ialor, or Peter Demo"-wh-

live an the lands.I will sell on a long; crprlic r.n ,f,

Ointerett being paid ar.ruallyIorfurther information enquire of JamesMorruon, in Lexington, Kentucky,who is in pofleCjon of a draught

surveys, or the fub-lcrib- er

m Pittsburgh. ,

Pel. 8, iSoq.

.& Sx-- - .3"iio L ,a 01. .,,c i7-J-

Lcoud Monday in January next, itbeing the ninth day of the npeth, 1 will

attend with the nmmiftoners a'ppoimrdy the county court of Mason, at the

mouth of Aaam's run, a branch of' th$North fork of Licking, emptymg intolaid fork on the North Edt side ; thenilidtli,ie to, eftabhih certtin calls cftwo rntues, vu. one entiv of 10C0

in .he nau e ot John Duliu, ei trrtdSeptember, the ninth, 1780, rP1,ofite tothe mouth f Adam's andrim, to rt ndown Lickmg to the fi.ft r,jrio, Hndtnrk for qur,ntitV; and one entry ot"jCO aciejin the name of Edwarr rj.

to !.e back of the7 ". ".." aAnt entrv A

I?,1. .

0t rthe above' th"... "",. :.uci'uuulI,si JJ oiti.r

pi ' pt uiaie teuimony to rove f iid . .nes, and to do such otl tr thin s s I

ihink 'lecsfTaiy and icroiding to ' w.The commiiSiDners and v.r.oiti 1"

m iy concern, are to meet it Rot -- r ,.,.Mortons m,ll, on the Nouh lor fI irViHT n1 i. , ... .....,B, 4uu 111 hi tnence to piocet t t?the pine of oeg lining ivhere th - uillhe attnfed Lv

Levi Boone or, ISGJ. --j .

TLree Bundrtd Dollars Rcua7dYV

t II,Lbe pa.d forapprtlu, f ne nv volm,,ta'l. 1 n, rw- -4o man ': (,V, arut twentyyears ot ge, ith two Ijrt i.nght- Sorit-- l J,',, si,,

And the Villon or vil'a ns who h we fo'citlm, w,tl,prool to hr nfc toc,u,1 he !v,i t lre 0 the I.jIIom irjo ,,t f. ,, ,

-0- ,.eoftiKiiM$ :.). rr,:,".,,- - pOI. .heingalwi.t sue i c ..n 1, It ,, , rl.ifch,...i inuiinr, wirn a i.t ow ',t onpcrpa of Ids flni,ie- - l,ljren tr--

(de, :ibuut the size pt a inai ', min t'ie nppei country to !e tl t t'difoitlcr tha,t is th'tre jitn, . r

waiiiv, uu rnrin-- hai rs ornes a ngnt inrwt iwuch I

docked and lias Ken ,

wlnte ria-lt- s nor hr , ,

very line c'j.ft !'o ie.and iv. JV , trots ir.d tnnrler the faxldle, ioi j h, I :

1 e o 'irr horse i? r, oijt f, J f. crinc'i I J , and lenrnl v n . d IS (Ifilm 01. !. s off e e, :n i in! t S LMlr't' t

ihe eye - not lunk, arL !i ,; han i' rand nairow bl3e. vv tr n , , 'is h.ia little white, ara orjerf In f elejiro have been fori)f; cm 3 O'l

ther it tin am! h it! . r u ! ch It!.. i. ..i ..1 j 11iiLn.: ui uiu gijls and 14 I vthe tte of tho fadie K i 1; ken , r e

umuici fjuwuiciitne ijicI : i4Pr!j' m irha n.iuic;- none um'er tl urug t iito ; ie ,.vwalks with an imjlual i n,,ir , ', tr,fftind ilaaf?nt to the m r, neu hn; )0;eand une .fily, carters rolcrj wv fJ, hs ? ,'1hanging mane and !nn? hvm,, t ii, , 'i r Vyperhaps be docl.eijf - ri ,s a u t "avearsild, ind isaltog. t'- -! uikioii... t. ehoife. and flrws alio well

T.iejfoiefaid lervant i.--i C ir!ec ,C'nonm, cn the I4rh lep i,dr.wh,te nLgio cloth ronid j rv(.'t VI 'n.on buircm iindozn ilju- - ,1 t tv. ini ii. orowncoio'-n- i ,i,, , reu,j (

wii oar Us, with rtc,.1i c j f ri f cirras to rue carried tne an. t! bn ti') t c 1 myplicv., 19 mi cv, jm Ci Vn G f- - Creek Si c i.J r tr.enJ v ,ij a total 'irarfci 11 otricr 'v ittlieftate, t'ie ptclu lptionis, r ,. tne r1 ' n cbeen foi ced etThy viJhin or v ir , .. c'lcale, on conv u. k fiei11 o 1, tk aho v e rev.i'lu-

up.,d, is tuUnont I ftiie fvithin tie ibte, . un r Am H,', ,

Jo,nri 01 tli.r ,ei ed to.,. 1. r.... t. . ."mm"! , .tu j;, v in ' eet, or or er"i T.ttv On J,.. , i, rorle 1..111 e?11. ...AmA rvii.....u,, uui.jiiio, ,ji(.ivint, v lotie little toe of one of his it oft, 1, theajy ard .I".-.. ;s.l,'l!countenance, a ,(, 10,

Jo ..Dt J-,,-..

Sent. 12.

JJiunk DeccL',iOn Parchment ?nd Parer 10, ,


