kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

rssvsrrrzn res ThF Ksvruczr . Itcfleiftions on i Fot.tllCJt ftcoMKr, airj the PnOSVEcr KE10RE US. A&lrefl-- d to the Citizens the Wellsin iuuuiry Ifo. XIV. operate without afticn, manufactures, liannv. of every c.rtiuny oei executed 111 a imnner as importance of giving Cr f,ver the ot the leg.flature. Mai kits an established inlpedion Kentucky, tjmre immediate revifiou. 'i he Iit- - tie care that heretofore deot- - ITwill be m vain, by moftpruden- - ed thl, impQtjaBt fnhjea been ml efforts, pieferye reputation of f0Ulce t(e injuriel ,ve fur Markets,-feb.oa- d, it negleft to;taincd from tbe fMm repnution-o- our the proper care upon our iufpec- - home ma, Lets, abroad. In ai tides tions. 11 is inc lmpection tnat aJccr tains the quality and the real value of of many cargoes all h.ft evidence, thV marketj without b ,fpfacd at and wonderful- - revolu- - of tobacco, equal injury in economy of tbe human mind, ortirn" pvnnrtrti s 1 aiu. n.nn-n- 7,".' "r','"'"'f'6i"'ir)ytlic iold for consumption at home. Lach markets w.Il be entirekregulaudjl,, i 7 .... .a.-- v.. "itiuyuras Piterjbeen - has come fio.n . under the hand? nfthr and as it receives no other S ' at. of so to an- - to in t0 to we ot . . from in- - and to r.ja: .. ,. .... . . , . reiew, until it is actually tor sale its sate may be said to debend 'en - ; ' r' tirelv unon the lnfoeftion it has received when first .from the hands of the onsinal " , In order, therefore, our markets. J may cicivc a mvourauie reputation and that the exporter not luuain a 101s oy nis cargo, it is aosolutely Tii?fiJ fnrrf r.. vHrmtrt ... bnrtm .. ,, ..- -. ,.w t, tlcy, ruinedimotnn vices, submitting manufadurer. Although VlEwsV commodity, expoitationj and quality of the honesty is best policy," groupe the events ha off. inllance, of more intrwific unfortunate periods, in the in Kentucky, ti,c thatfafiair lie dif-der hiworrelpondent N'ew.Or-'hav- e been scattered the Citizen" the .opinion, tor 1t..i.. u en. . ..i ... . , . dI,u ww,; of suberhne a Hr r J ". at the market, such tobacco notes as designate the quality of tbe article, he wants; and such flour, as comes re- - commended with the . of . the ... in. ....r ipedor, superfine. Rrpofing the ut - j confidence in the abilities aFd dif criminating judgment infpedor, ccafe fiimu- - fecilre riches little value chaos Hup recedes moral leave hhds. wnrlrl home ftamrj his lends the mass their the fcft. There are some author " Political there, second ill appear every other nation in half; thefc same situation. ' " k" '" """' ","""6 ougnt care wVC ";, fatal rubJea ."ay the been as incau- - ar.fe faulty, incautious ma-- t;0U8 in the It makes two-sol- d impref- - arids as di- - nrli ic Vmini - Vnulnnn n lion in. tne exporter, and'ad. importer ot the cargo. ' exporter loses by paying1 the price for article of unequal quali- ty and value. - He loses .by' the amount of epence incurred in to market articles of siicb a quality, as at time of not command a saving price abroad ; in ware-hous- e and sees, the ptirchafe of boats, the VageS " He Idles by his in a wrong when he could otherwifc Jiave mide a - ""- - -- - i ISki t h . i U nature of in nr Dy in loses by the wheie arts, laws with only heef. such Tbe Our been have reputation I.beialitv-- 3 orical that iuftained, oltered taken that may icnorai that quality"1 through that through """'" mod irtirln The will commercial '?Mi outiprr regulunons, conft'ituehts. deft.nation. important Rcfledions undergoes merchant; betweej. particular remarked, however, consequences thal,that legIflatllrt avaricious proprietors, fliipping (hip- ping, infpediois direfting capital channel, profitable appropriation diftnbution solicitude, opinion, fpeftions European reputation.a merchant, 'PeCuliar situation, Author' "Political jivcil perhaps Frnri,'D.i. becaufefuchisthe mcTchant2 diplomatic whole StateSTand very affairs Europe, unfortunate ioies toteiting Confidence reposed by correspondent broad and charader wjHcn'cnnteiucd a ftaieinent the were relat'fvc'to i.Uiimiiui inveltigations. the flitizcn," who iaiporter, in time, milk fers " human -- . a correipondent of which so his arffea from man oecarioned firming effect arrangements bound irrelavant his unpaired Thecauses brought confidence imposed fhakenjthe rovolution that incidents, be province commeice, and detail. "urei("' prupuruuu whit!h has in the general tnegociation lll a COUntrV. . WhpVplrin ........... j j 7 the - ... miriiiiitng, of most injurious upon that . conon.y ; operations from same original i remarss, the of 1 depends upon the judgment ot fi ii, in"ped the qualities umodities, prior their ..xpor'tation market vhich that connected. It is fubjed, i of a cli legislative vigilance 'and any tkat tK.. f ; "' w., tne i mipcruciiou inemcacy ot loc ii ivji. but partial inning " r, 3lfo, ns a ynifra . h do not so relate th , ii mi a vii in i. uiay nat their ooe-r- i- mi-,- , Ti vj m fnun:iy like ooi ot i our c f'i. a mod ot retain it tli , wlure rH t of that append upon th - i '- -a i rf re,idf.nng our circulating i u i i " m,.i7, qprnm'r a i o our r ' t; lerjt v i r. f i 1 the com- - '.s. i awuvuy and virtue to vpon an re-,- .; opulence ri loil, a proper lus to urge thernihto education the means of reiuknne lllte ard rrf ro-.- li lmnn the due ; the crmneded the ol commeiie, the true mean producing tuci.1, inonia oigeitea, watched withthe utmost Df flour, norl-- . Irnn ,n,l v,, designs Western lavs an ha the has tbe the of all our beflow the that ha been almost and to'hlence- - of an the luctiiun careicis. nL ana. its free and h r,f ,,fi. r .....1 amcicj irom uncii ii c. cwi r. 'r. u- -: tation, yet am iJeaW 0f all well' recuUt? n... .. j . vuimii..i.idi nitres, uiLiLii auvaiunge wn b- - from eitabhflimrnt of s birth, to's and and See." far . . to aeceptlon s a e. lie ., Uivi. uu uttauuji, Hrl. the For those an or- - and ledures to at ever frr tobacco as nnur. the tranlactions. It.bojl .u. i:r. hat makes and to ot its the course and whv the xraae ; oecaule, ftcures cStI the means, much advant. an In Kentucky, have -- nfeiS 'c, toDacto thiid ,, ,. ! I vidmK indiiidn convenience, by ercdion ofconn- - I hrw ! " oeltow on this fiom this ware-houses,- nagemertt? on on same and otlSbour.v He bad and and to i'"- - ie me and al rcflnfiX to in .. iiukiuuv.i uti. the very clrcumftance of th.duditns of " rvrrv ,.v. .....Wtlv.ui lit"1" 1 l.iu K- - t o , mi ULt till tuc ns as to ipt ot the an to the his a- - in s, uiius tne ot He ij to 'J to he has an to to a of pa- - the to his are is to an in is of it of is to 10 to it guJ r in- - t'r ty has the of In of ht.e the hu man he has his " of the of the " ? At pe the of bff the for one .... . .i the ,; the a .. the the ,u. Mli coin- - of de of of In as " in nave to ci ftiid it to of co to to the is .is is as fm u is ui-iv- . to ijj ivnt Ijocp ener d in a coin 'l cz, of oe id ciimes, different France, Wfijsry. generate I I in in in bylaw, intended Citizen" Political it '1 maxim, merchant in an (to. it in oi to v one th.nmnh,,. in counties, to TV ,int ..... ...b. ..iu ini'ped hinds, were, others, defeat law, expand-i'e- a capable imnofition from devclope this next ARISTIDF.S. Kentuc Gazette. Beflec &c." Citizen" moil uilU ...Mk ..S.. uv.uiuuuu, tllltoiy system present afped often sustains injury, one, aicettain validil finfrle hunfelf making home market theatre, because they ujjuaiiuiis, luiiaiui iii luoject btsfinefs. leaves appears mean fuf- - poflefs small (hare same had or-(- of kindness," expose from diflaht exeje.? events, Qite, loss laments. speak- - by failure fnb- - eportcr. His broken exhibit credit some him is terrible and enterprize life 'train will rendered hfelefs in-'- injuries given birth, alio. on on the ot is to an it is iri l... I... it ,n k. .,, state, is.the I author and render Active same ratio, and cause. hi.v much perity country, agents, countiy that, rec-.'j'i- internal policy state, much other limit. ......... xii no in ne or O natun i, 'v and rl?rer-- i on :n without bad eii-d- i. exoortin.' nquirri, diff cofnmerce to in ifate slat II '' K'jortiin libour itself i.o ptni-u- s, various sate L.;i :i derived afTign as in ppy enables diffuse dgei 'i.....i: ,i, .r.n aI,d eratifv ""- - m:i,. THE tions, refers hiftnrirnl ,id.-- n. .... movement er jed, position afiumed luDject, in pamphlet ceffion Louisiana. detailing acauifition. author wondeitul change in mind, recorded hitto Reflediotu, &c." inclined to believe, discharged duty., The author PbliticaWletledions, Sic." ignbrant, committed thoughts paper, Munroe's diplomatic communications 1794. Cit.ztn" what this sad to objed controversy that nod, cotfncib France impotent, and indeterminate and although fact. Fiance, relation to America, had been fyiteinatifed than hundred and fifty that a'ways intentii irovernraent render ninfinnnnn jat to tacil.tatt euterpniiof MU,yi agricultural economy illustrating, and. deducing, sate commerce, Tuch 'peculiar buiinei's politician. pnfadions mentioned makejthis Political integrity with ci'Li'.rii'pecion, isjvci wnere contenueu occ.ilion But tt'ifre nlacino- - relates ner, against consul ; and principal remarks, relped to dangfflJhve I have elca.if trench of ll.ana, po.ntrt.en- - accused partiality, injultict, aiiti innpri'iifv. Towards t... ,tUdaJP iai jxuv rica, uai ne evinced AkDT.ri fcl Ppettion Repcfentative , . I'OvernmenC, rn "Siting fn.ifl Wdom, L 'pnghtnefs and Refolmion 1 Of we Man Chosen bv the Pnn,lr of patnotifm eportatlon allmolTiroportaiit hasft.ons a p. ti..ii ? To w v 1 l i- - he tj rtnji fhec ? J in T t ins it ha-- he uleti .he lapv 11 e it'd in- - wli'V? Is to 11 eftl.ul n... i ru-- - a lid'on ll "Titlrj tovrd .1 1 Ult v its faults, j 's in n 1 ..liv'1 to tne veneration of n theV'ound of its wisdom. n 01 jj rij. Lnct.bice is to detail, in m rfrnrp lunotlHireN"? e in die pirdipalitiLs f . Lcie Oac I uniformly u,i ,1 to 1 l.api inels ot he in an amber, It cnttofoif t tin is ; utation of liberality and decoitini. tie authoi of " Politically., Inflection fr ."fclsbut folic tude mjepa m t the breach that reputation may fuftain.dVin tht"pS efbmatiou of Citizen." This .,.i ... r..u. r 1- :-. 3 IWIClll UL IIUI.IJHV. NTlij LI U,H t . i,,,w- - ana cauiiorrin lanmare. t'...7 .... :..r I rriiiv inc uiiiniiaiimis of " ihc author of " P nliti. I 6ions" cf not have directed attention to the rcvoluti and the various incidents a5 .... Ins oenetration has heen enabkd to c ujjl nic LUlumU'lUll WaSWIIC) 3UU emerging from conltiiution was formedaili iprtffions of as much liitemf stet a degree ot rv inc ol principled spirit of mveftiffation, have ti,, fii,nf?t,Mwi;,.. (,J which fliall class each to they gave he refars 84, 85, S6, to it such particular Refledtio'ns, As prevent commodity tbe of which the a n,aXim merit than all marked from religious of ranee begs tl.e with in leans, 500 of such rn,,mnn r.., .i,. .i. ...... ot '" " a ter than nation r . . j . irr re w c,1' )UD IC he up have t of port it he of , it a v in by one our have ndrd of rM we ,nrl of rrli-- r . ritri -" a bt the nyit French impreffions p thole in habit adapted s, fpedion, confidence, tKLClulc town. that ,tion, those which fuccetdccnt.WP cargo would better When which of.'acknouledgei would bXirlpllirhe range. M..r.. thepeo councils cesstty urged uealures laments mea-fur- es degree legmation political lpecula whence ftatcfmrtn French people, unsn tia-variet- the braritiga sudden etaanci- - the fubjed num- - For . - ..jwwli.v nnarfrr"-'i- hie that the nited of by the l...r.t the fact nis j the The the loss. Is the caus- - fcries he difappoint-ltheticall- y No the that cause. which about the and its' which the the the The tf pe Ihew whole a can own, ruinou-- . y, natur-- which uer. tnaf he that uecis by was the time Mr. alks has do with the regu lated oligarchy a (that intrigues of more years, was the Intnl'inQnn for- - the ndsnpon the the have capaqity, the the muue uieie morf my verv eetl and i;ui-- the the has the the that the his were the the the with J from tne iiaiiun, eent the 5 ;i ,""- - all l) the two bei.n ffiti-- l which have ......u utll'IVIliOll A.n. inimx.3 tt the that Kefl uld the jult njen. the- - for old rea-- H that the the him TVltVlirt tapes Sec." hole nation a state of anar. and the representatives of arried into the of the the of fanaticism, which the same manner. was the fatal that the nation on to many tne that weie adopted, which he : but still, these compelled o ofweaknefsin ; and ail ioiu, will form a kind of noint sir the will make his de The in their ot would of all the.dtjign by of iTlfT circle of I 'Tln.!.. of in my the A trA UlUb rnnnt arrangements, the ho philosopher tfiSf !..,. its to Dam- - the 6v lzuii.u the ad our not He .iiiiHi panAofThis is as re nr or in ftialljP;,ton llavery. the ......... iu '110, was was of tne excels ot uonu atmr.. the l ' ' "" n oratr ot locicty, and the inveteracy of piejudice, thatgoeruedthe minds of the cleijjylnohility, and the inuumeiable sd- - lierents or the liitro-cilp- more temperate and orderly fucceffionof experiments, to produee a ic To ',J iivn as vi i nich had been irtually closed TflK,r,, icn . I,... ..., - - of The 6f in of of an in measure will be of it in in ' Milet, French , paring, , . - . . ' . - . ' . . I 4 .. . ... Citien" . ... . i . . . ' , ' , , Ipirit .ucTpotum, ... . . mnnarrhv. political They were untrue suddenly breaking open afee doors ot the national parliament, fmce "tatincr their fovereitrns at v the in . u they oict they were unwise in suddenly rotirtg lor the extirpation of monarchy, instead of teinnerincr bv decrees the ri gours of despotism, & permitting the fem- - oiance ot ancient regime to lemain, in older to elude foreitrn comLinatinnc and internal conspiracy they were un wise m suddenly deitroying all privi- leged orders, and turnincr the whole ho. dy oFibciety into one heterogeneous mass niicic ueipair, rgc anu mortincation, combined to render the fallen orders against the people, and the peo- ple against the degraded nobility.: The constitution that ronld triv o "- - gin to such direful effeds at il,cfc, could not have been a very ; one for Franie, at the period of its formation I notwithltanding, the author " Politi cal Ketlections, 6tc." believes t S emanated irom a correct knowledge! the riehts man. and contained the ? ments of a sublime and lihrral nhilofn.l -- - phy. Yet as it suddenly sub verted the old order thintrs. and nnerntpd ivoiiintcjry ' ' - thpfe foimidable combjnatioiis and con- - lpiracies, which precluded trance from the alevated stand to which (lie afpircd in the temple ofliberty. The author ot Refledions, &c." cannot forbear remarking, howe- ver, that " Citizen" has evinced great moderation ad temper his ftridures, indicative of a feeling mind, that alternately acknowledges and la. ments the errois the unfortunate peo pie of France. There is no one. more sincerely disposed t reciprocato that sensibility than the author : who reir'rets that the of an important nitionil question, upon which the nght1 unaentaiiding ot the' fubjed some ,""- - country -- - .c vci. mat cijciojcu tne lhe author lays a peculiar emphasis tip-- ; most disastrous era of the French hifto- - on the ambitious charader oi the Frejichiry. the the intricnieThv' cemon of uu;. h, ')',"(. the .mii JilH in It in tne J.V-- i ot of so of in ot meaiure aepended, compelled to rlrmv 4H .,. ....11 ..... l.r.J ...1 NOIL . See Abbe Uevnal-Hii- tory of England, from theacceffionoftiiehoureorStuaittothe 'American .evolution-told- en's history of Z U. Z' ., ea tranO.tion ol the Voyages, Ad- - v.ntll, &c of the French larly to the projeds of theiNew fcngUm, and the Diplomatic hiencn government, under the dominion, ry pf the States. jfitrMffltfovereisrn.t I t&e page, otthf 34, 25,46, J7, I Author of " Po it cal red.dions. 28 29, 3, 3',33, 33, 34 hariini. Polhical pamphlet, linte Ttcrr sit Aurora. NATIONAL JUBILEE. J'o Clelrate THE ACQflSITION 01 I.oriSIAWA. .sail event efihe r.lcmaut to I be Liberty, Tbe 7 Lc Peace, 7 be Security, Tbe Pro fpet it y, -- Tbe Glorv of Republican To .Adminiftpr thpvv r:,.-.- ,. - zi v y vl iiiiicuu, iiwiMAa JIUTJlKSON ofVirgima, lho ts adminifteadit for their good, to their iatisfadjon and advantage A vn To his own Honor ; artl,rillnrl,7 n theProvidsnt measures which he had tzlen for n the vise neeftciations'whirh hr .? direded for And the ftjecefs which has resulted IN the acojjisition of Louisiana, . i WPIrfi iffi joyment of the hleffi,,g,0f free vj w iiui.tri'4 . n . AN which rehew, to the oppriffed of Europe 1 hat A fvlnivt Fiift effered by the Old Congress in tne days ol Ketolutiof And now further' affured In the days of FereneraltotiJ AN EVENT Which ftcures Republican Goernh1e " from ".T ., Uangerou Hostile: - elgllbour8, Which affords a field for the Aborigines who have not embi Seed civilized society; .AND Which provides new means of defence againlt an evil entailed on us by those From whom we snatched our INDEPENDENCE : ' AN EVtNT Whieh enlaiges the sphere of . -- Human Action and Civilization, Which Present to Curiosity and Commerce .A more extentjve scope, Conneds the tropic with the frigid zone, Under one temperate rule of law : And Holds forth to the World by the example The superiority, efficacy and preference Representative Government, A.:r. i. . a uiiiiimiy Juiiiiiiij.cjru , Celebrate this Important velit a Greet National Festival- - Be held throughout the Ui, . i?5 iON SATURDAY, the 12thl3A OF MAY, 1S04. BEING ST. TAMMANY's DAY. London. Nov. 99. His Britannic Majesty's Speech, to both Houses oj rariiament. About 3 o'clock. His Miieftv nro- - cerded, in his usual state, to the House of Lords, to open the ftflion, and being fea-te- d on the throne, a Mcfiage uas dii- - pstched to the Lloule ot Commons, to intimate his majesty's presence in tl e Houie of rcers, and to require then immediate attendance at the bar ol that Wn.ilV. ........ The . ... r!nmn.on hrrlirr rmn- l..c -- "" "' vo I Majelty hiadc the following molt graci ous ipcccu ; .. My Lords 'and Gentlemen " Since I last met you in Parliament , it has been my chief objed, to carry into jeiTed those measures whicl your wif. dom has adopted for the defence of W1CI inited Kingdom, and for tne vigorous ., of the war. Tn xneie r I pre- - Larat;onl I hve been fecoidtd by the , ' .: -- c .n . . men tiauiu io conn- - iiircnirtiiciicu my .! , . rr n ., . oence ana anection : tncy nave proved that the menaces of the tnemv luut only served to their native and Hereditary ipirit ; ana tnat an other are lost jn a gcileral difppli-tio- n to make tHofe efforts snd sacrifices which the honor and safety of the king- dom demand at this importsnt and criti- cal conjundurc. " Though my attention has principal- ly been direded to the objed of internal fecuritv. no ontjurtiinifv hn keen lost of making an impreffion on the foreign pollelnons of the ene my. 1 he lflands ot bt. Lucia, of Toba-,g- o, of St Pierre and Miqaclon, and the settlements of Demarara and .ElTequibo, the condud of the operations, by which valuable acqmfitioii hae been L. t, .... ,,n(l n,tJ. ,.,l ..., ...uv.., uiii.wit j '. win ut. bUlk. mill iClll ,nave ncen aupiayeu oy tne omccrs eni- - ployed on those fen-ices- , and by my foi '. Cfs, a,AlS under tflclr con.nariH,V &; and land " In Ireland, the leaders, andifeveral .inferior agents in the late traitorous and attrocious conspiracy, have been u u. .. .n:.. . .i ..... , -- u tran ,of my fubjeds as have swerved - ' i ccriiuni ui an ran i.s oi n' a terrible monition . . to the ariftbcratical1 ' ,e that ha, , a manner is poffible. orders in Europe, it was the source of o...i j .i..: .i.:. r- the investigation in ."jnavc . furrenderedto .... the Brhifh arm. In lepofeofthis , inni " slates, hifto-- 1 United he Happiness, Philosophy, Tbat rouse great tIlo)c - JU"'LC ' cpuoi.c Eini2rants," by qud'ty has experienced no lurther mter-ubhCie- d at Lexington a lew years tuption. I indulge the hope, that such deluded from Cwir-llecr- lii ce, aieno, c rv.i. d ot their eiror ; ...m that, I,av.nt cou.pcd the advantrces thrv derive from .',,. Itedion of a free iwft.t.,t;nn ,. ..i. .. . condition of those crui tries which re under the dominion of the Trench go- vernment they will coidially and zeal-ouf- ly concur in refitting any attemqt Uiat may be made against the lecurity and of mv ITnito T.',, dom. ' s" " GtntUmen of the House of Ccnrr.cns, l I luc a jcrfed reliance on your, j t loi making such prov.fions ?s nay be i.erdTary for the ftrvice of the j ear. 1 he prtgreflive improvement Df the revenue cannot sail to encourage you to peilevere in the system which has .Kfcfii adopted, of defraying the txperfes JjCthe war, with as little addition as poi-iTb- le to the public debt, and to the per- manent burthens of this state. " 1 lament the hcaw r,r, it,,,. t.:-- i. under the piefent cncun fiances, n)llft unavoidably be experienced by my peo- ple ; but I am peifuaded tht they will meet it with the rmnd .. j foititude which so eminently d.liingtifh their charader under the conidion of the indifpenfible impoitance of uphold. ( ing the dignity, and of providing effec- tually for the faletv (,f the rmr,; " My Lords and Gentlemen, 1 have concluded a tonvpntinnwlti, ' the King of Sweden, for the puipofe of arffen on the tubjed of the eleventh ar- - .irL . .. .. . t,,",c Ul lllc ol 1661. J hae H- i- uiumu ueiaio Deiore you ; and you will, A " uc ot opinion tnat the m.t, whilst it upholds ou, "rlZ.l rights is sounded en those niinr.nli-- i of recipiocal advtntage which are best cal- - cuiatea to mEiiitain nd to improve the gped ur.dei (landing wjiich happily two countuis. " In the proltcntion of the ccntcft in which we are engaged, it shall be, as it has i.jcvcr Detnmy Hilt objed to execute sbecorrts me, the great trull cm mit ted to n.v charp-e- fimh.rl.1 u,;.i, ,. brave and loyal people in one common caule, itjis my Fed determination, is the cccafion Ihould arise, to Jhare their exertions and their dangers in the de- fence Of CUr CCrftitUtlOn. rnr rplininn our. ,.awsy-ana- ' independence. To the activity ana vziour ot my sleets atid ar. mies, to the zeal and (V,; rit of my faithful fubjid?, I cenfide the. nunor oi my crown, and all thole valua- ble interefh, which are in 'the liTue of this momentous contest. ' Adu?ted bv these fentimpnt. ,,1 humbly Imjloiing the bhflirgs of Di vine l look foivaid with a firm convidion, that is. tm.tra... m .11 just expedatioh, the enemj fliould elude inc vignance of in numerous sleets and cruizers, and atterrct to rvrr,,,, i prtfiiifip'ubus tlieats of iniadmg rur coasts, the confeouenrfj k. t .1 dikcrrfiture, confusion and c,(r;.re - """ L"'!t urs win not cMy he tl.r glory of furn'ountine nieftnt rl fflri,lt,. j repell ng atngtr, 1 ut the fo-h- d and permanent adtantrc-- r of fi 4."e lafety and independence of the king, dem on the basis of a(know!cdc.-- d uiwigm, tre reiult ot its CT.n tried en. ergy and lelources." ATa meeting of the board "bf Truflees, oi tne town ot Lexington, the uy oi rtDruaiy, 1804i W htrtas, an unnrerfdrntp! tn. v.. been unjtiftly impOftd, ccntlaiy to uniform libeitv ciantfrl hv ,r, ...,n... of said toT.n, foi kttping bhilding ma- terials en the flrtet, Be it theiefore oidaihed, that from and aster the 13th day of March, 1804, eerv citizen of l.fviro'on , i,. :. i . - - WV.II, IYIIU UUI- I- dinR within the lifnit?. of (tA ,.,.. vn be entitltd to the use of at leas! one half lof the flrrrt or . n,,.... r.. . . i ihilij, i lil:lihc io nis or her lot, for the focrial mi. riV f..; their building materials, lnbjtd to the of the tiuftees rnlv 3t ALFX. PARKlR. C. T. L. l ATTTt 'tt . i . . . . JiUVJJCO AJN, WILL attend on bthalf of the United Stntq i ..r. . i... ... ., V ...., v v.y.jiiic: m iaic an tne PUBLIC BOATS, At the time and places herctfter fpeci- - fied, on a credit of thiee months Bond and appioved fcctirity will be lequircd of the purchasers. On Friday 24th inft. at Maj. Love's tavern in Frankfort- - Monday 27th at Vio, let's tavern, mcuth of Kentucky- - On Friday 2d of Maich, at James M'Con-nel'- s Louitville On Mondavsth ditto. iit Young's tavern, ipotith of Salt. River n ir..i-rj...,fV- .i. j?.. . v,., .nuciuy Vi uitto, atiiranden-burg'- s, mouth of Doe-Ri- A,, Monday 12th ditto, at Hufton's ftcre, mouth of Clover-Ciee- k. All the Pub- lic Boats at the diffeient Wnr,.i,nc on the Kentucky river, above Fiank- - tort, will be diipoled of on application to the fubferiber, in Lexington.N JA1V1LS MORRISON, Agent for the United Stat'-s- . Feb. 20th, 1804. h", -- On the 34th ofjnuary, took up one ANTHONY vnu ic SJi""-- - A7r Garrrrd FitzperrAM !., in: ... ... . . " 6 "'-.- ' Human, tee DroDerlv ns , r iu.jmi.ii state of Tenneffbe ; te ,,, hl, ef f Mr. Hunt lh(l.Ji..i,..!L. ' ' v... ...t.. u, v.1Sinorne countv of tne lame state. nn tb. 10,1. .. i . " He lest lus ; it is likely he j, a (,olcn -- , ., ,u, i"e owner may haTe turn by pro- ving his procertv anJ naiinr ri,,,... .u- - liorlc maj he fcen at Capt. Richardson Hein-do- n s, at Knox courthoufc, Kentucky, Kilt US Ainrcrfln , IT linv fnnf tiA.. T " ""vrt vui'ti. iiuiiic;, j. Feb. 10th, 1S04. 3tt it ' 1 "1 "a 2 J I A'- -

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY · and quality of the honesty is best policy," groupe the events ha off. inllance,

rssvsrrrznres ThF Ksvruczr .

Itcfleiftions on i

Fot.tllCJt ftcoMKr,airj the

PnOSVEcr KE10RE US.A&lrefl-- d to the Citizens the Wellsin


Ifo. XIV.




of everyc.rtiuny

oeiexecuted 111 a imnner as

importance of giving Cr f,ver the ot the leg.flature.Mai kits an established inlpedion Kentucky,

tjmre immediate revifiou. 'i he Iit- -tie care that heretofore deot--

ITwill be m vain, by moftpruden- - ed thl, impQtjaBt fnhjea beenml efforts, pieferye reputation of f0Ulce t(e injuriel ,ve fur

Markets,-feb.oa- d, it negleft to;taincd from tbe fMm repnution-o- ourthe proper care upon our iufpec- - home ma, Lets, abroad. In ai tides

tions. 11 is inc lmpection tnat aJccrtains the quality and the real value of

of many cargoes all h.ft evidence, thVmarketj without b ,fpfacd at and wonderful- - revolu- -

of tobacco, equal injury in economy of tbe human mind,

ortirn" pvnnrtrti s 1 aiu. n.nn-n-7,".' "r','"'"'f'6i"'ir)ytliciold for consumption at home. Lachmarkets w.Il be entirekregulaudjl,,i 7 .... .a.-- v.. "itiuyuras Piterjbeen

-has come fio.n. under the hand? nfthr

and as it receives no other


' at.



to an- -






. .

from in- - and tor.ja: .. ,. .... . . , .

reiew, until it is actually torsale its sate may be said to debend 'en -; ' r'tirelv unon the lnfoeftion it has receivedwhen first .from the hands of theonsinal"

, In order, therefore, our markets.J

may cicivc a mvourauie reputationand that the exporter not

luuain a 101s oy nis cargo, it is aosolutelyTii?fiJ fnrrf r.. vHrmtrt... bnrtm ..,, ..- -. ,.w t, tlcy,





Although VlEwsV

commodity, expoitationj

and quality of the honesty is best policy," groupe the eventsha off. inllance, of more intrwific unfortunate periods, in the

in Kentucky, ti,c thatfafiair lie dif-der

hiworrelpondent N'ew.Or-'hav- e been scattered the Citizen" the .opinion,tor 1t..i.. u en. . ..i... . , .dI,uww,;

of suberhne a Hr hi.vcr J ".at the market, such tobacco notesas designate the quality of tbe article,he wants; and such flour, as comes re- -commended with the . of. the, superfine. Rrpofing the ut - j

confidence in the abilities aFd difcriminating judgment infpedor,


fiimu- -



value chaosHup

recedes moral leave

hhds. wnrlrl



his lends the mass theirthe fcft. There are some author " Political

there, second ill appear every other nation inhalf; thefc same situation.

' " k" '""""' ","""6 ougnt carewVC ";, fatal

rubJea ."aythe been as incau- -

ar.fe faulty, incautious ma-- t;0U8 in theIt makes two-sol- d impref-- arids as di- -

nrli ic Vmini - Vnulnnn n

lion in. tne exporter, and'ad.importer ot the cargo.

' exporter loses by paying1 theprice for article of unequal quali-

ty and value.- He loses .by' the amount of epence

incurred in to market articlesof siicb a quality, as at time of

not command a saving priceabroad ; in ware-hous- e andsees, the ptirchafe of boats, theVageS

" He Idles by his in awrong when he could otherwifc

Jiave mide a

- ""- - -- -i ISkit h .

i Unature of


nr Dyin

loses by the









reputation I.beialitv--3orical









through that









outiprr regulunons, conft'ituehts.deft.nation. important Rcfledionsundergoes



particularremarked, however,consequences thal,that legIflatllrt

eftabhfh.ngavaricious proprietors,



direfting capitalchannel,

profitable appropriation







'PeCuliar situation,

Author' "Political

jivcilperhaps Frnri,'D.i.becaufefuchisthe mcTchant2 diplomatic

whole StateSTandvery affairs Europe,

unfortunateioies toteiting Confidence

reposed by correspondentbroad and

charader wjHcn'cnnteiucd a ftaieinentthe were relat'fvc'to

i.Uiimiiui inveltigations.the flitizcn," who

iaiporter, in time, milkfers " human

-- . a correipondent of which sohis arffea from manoecarioned firming effect

arrangements bound irrelavanthis unpaired Thecauses brought

confidence imposed fhakenjthe rovolutionthat incidents, be province

commeice, and detail."urei("' prupuruuu

whit!h has in the generaltnegociation lll a COUntrV.. WhpVplrin...........j j 7

the- ...miriiiiitng,

ofmost injurious upon that

. conon.y ; operationsfrom

same originali remarss,

the of1 depends upon the judgment

ot fi

ii, in"ped the qualitiesumodities, prior their ..xpor'tation

market vhich thatconnected. It is fubjed, i

of acli legislative vigilance 'and

any tkattK.. f; "' w., tne

i mipcruciiou inemcacy otloc ii ivji. but partial inning

" r, 3lfo, ns a ynifra .h do not so relate th ,

ii mi a vii in i. uiaynat their ooe-r- i-

mi-,- , Ti vj m

fnun:iy like ooiot

iour c f'i. a mod ot

retain it tli , wlurerH t of that append upon

th - i '- -a i rf re,idf.nng our circulatingi u i i " m,.i7, qprnm'r a

i o ourr ' t; lerjt

v i r. f i1 the com- -

'.s. i awuvuy and virtue

to vpon an re-,- .;

opulence ri loil, a properlus to urge thernihto

educationthe means of reiuknne

lllte ard rrf ro-.- li lmnnthe due ; thecrmneded the ol commeiie,the true mean producing

tuci.1, inonia oigeitea,watched withthe utmost

Df flour, norl-- . Irnn ,n,l v,,

designsWestern lavs


the has tbethe of all

ourbeflow the

that ha been almost andto'hlence-



an the

luctiiun careicis. nL ana.its

free andh r,f ,,fi.

r .....1amcicj irom uncii ii c. cwi r.'r. u- -: tation, yet am iJeaW0f all well' recuUt?n... .. j .vuimii..i.idi nitres, uiLiLii auvaiunge wnb- - from eitabhflimrnt of s

birth,to's and

and See." far. .to aeceptlon s a e. lie

., Uivi. uu uttauuji, Hrl.

theFor those

an or-- and ledures toat ever frr

tobacco as



tranlactions. It.bojl.u. i:r.


makes andto ot its

the courseand whv


xraae ; oecaule,ftcures cStI

themeans, much advant. an

In Kentucky, have --nfeiS'c,

toDactothiid ,, ,.

! I

vidmK indiiidnconvenience, by ercdion ofconn- -

I hrw !

" oeltow on this

fiom thisware-houses,-

nagemertt?on on



He bad




i'"- -

ie me





.. iiukiuuv.i uti.the very clrcumftance of th.duditns


rvrrv,.v. .....Wtlv.ui lit"1" 1

l.iu K- - to , mi ULt till tucns

as to ipt ot the

an to

thehis a- -


uiius tne ot Heij to 'J

tohe has an to

to a of pa- -

the to hisare is to an

inis of it

of is to10 to

itguJ r

in- -


ty hasthe

of Inof ht.e

the human

he has his"

of theof


? At pethe ofbff


one.... . .i

the,; the

a ..

the the

,u. Mli coin- -of de

of of Inas "


nave to


it to ofco toto theis

.is isas

fm u isui-iv- .

toijj ivnt Ijocp


in a













in inbylaw,

intended Citizen"Political

it '1



in an(to.





one th.nmnh,,.


counties, to

TV ,int..... ...b. ..iu

ini'ped hinds, were, others,defeat law, expand-i'e- a capable

imnofition fromdevclope this next


Kentuc Gazette.

Beflec&c." Citizen"

moil uilU...Mk


system present afpedoften sustains injury, one, aicettain validil


hunfelf makinghome market theatre, because they

ujjuaiiuiis, luiiaiui iii luojectbtsfinefs. leaves appears

mean fuf- - poflefs small (haresame had or-(- of kindness," expose

from diflaht exeje.? events,Qite, loss laments. speak- -

by failure fnb- -eportcr. His broken exhibit

credit some

him is terribleand enterprize life 'train will

rendered hfelefs in-'-

injuriesgiven birth,







anit is



,n k.

.,,state, is.the

I author

and renderActive same ratio, and


hi.v much peritycountry,



rec-.'j'i- internal policy state,much

otherlimit.......... xii no in

ne or

O natun

i,'v and rl?rer-- i on :n

without badeii-d- i.

exoortin.'nquirri, diff

cofnmerce to in ifateslat II

'' K'jortiinlibour itself


ptni-u- s,






as in


enablesdiffuse dgei'i.....i:

,i, .r.naI,d


""- -


THEtions, refers

hiftnrirnl ,id.-- n.





position afiumedluDject, in pamphlet ceffion

Louisiana. detailingacauifition. author

wondeitul change inmind, recorded hitto

Reflediotu, &c." inclined to believe,discharged duty.,

The author PbliticaWletledions,Sic." ignbrant,committed thoughts paper,

Munroe's diplomaticcommunications 1794.

Cit.ztn" what this sad toobjed controversy that

nod, cotfncib Franceimpotent, and indeterminateand although fact.

Fiance, relationto America, had been fyiteinatifed

than hundred and fifty

that a'ways intentiiirovernraent render

ninfinnnnnjat to tacil.tatt euterpniiof

MU,yiagricultural economy illustrating, and. deducing,

sate commerce, Tuch 'peculiar buiinei's politician.pnfadions mentioned makejthis Political




isjvci wnere contenueu



nlacino- -


ner, against

consul ; and principalremarks, relped to dangfflJhve I

have elca.if trenchof ll.ana, po.ntrt.en- -

accused partiality, injultict,aiiti innpri'iifv. Towards

t... ,tUdaJPiai jxuv rica, uai ne evinced

AkDT.rifcl Ppettion Repcfentative, . I'OvernmenC,

rn "Siting fn.ifl Wdom,L 'pnghtnefs and Refolmion 1Of we Man Chosen bv the Pnn,lr

of patnotifmeportatlon


a p. ti..ii ? To w v1 l i- - he

tj rtnji fhec ? J in T t ins it ha--

he uleti .he lapv 11 e it'd in- -

wli'V? Is to 11 eftl.uln...

i ru---a

lid'on ll "Titlrjtovrd .1 1 Ult vits faults, j 's in n 1 ..liv'1 to tne

veneration of n theV'oundof its wisdom. n 01 jj rij. Lnct.biceis to detail, in m rfrnrp lunotlHireN"? e

in die pirdipalitiLs . Lcie Oac I

uniformly u,i ,1 to 1 l.api inels othe in an amber, It

cnttofoif t tin is ; utation of liberalityand decoitini. tie authoi of " Politically.,Inflection fr ."fclsbut folictude mjepa m t the breach thatreputation may fuftain.dVin tht"pSefbmatiou of Citizen." This

.,.i ... r..u. r 1- :-.3 IWIClll UL IIUI.IJHV. NTlij LI

U,H t . i,,,w- -

ana cauiiorrin lanmare.

t'...7 .... :..r Irriiiv inc uiiiniiaiimis of" ihc author of " P nliti.

I 6ions" cf not have directedattention to the rcvoluti

and the various incidents

a5....Ins oenetration has heen enabkd to


ujjl nic LUlumU'lUll WaSWIIC) 3UU

emerging fromconltiiution was formedaili

iprtffions of as much liitemf stet

a degree otrv



principled spirit of mveftiffation,have ti,, fii,nf?t,Mwi;,..

(,Jwhich fliall class each to they gave he refars

84, 85, S6,to it such particular Refledtio'ns, As

preventcommodity tbe of

which the a n,aXim merit than all marked

fromreligious of ranee begs

tl.e with inleans, 500 of such rn,,mnn r.., .i,. .i. ......




ter than nationr . . j .


re w


)UD IChe up have t of

port it he of ,it a v in

by one our have ndrd




of rrli-- r




a bt















,tion, those which fuccetdccnt.WP

cargo would betterWhen

which of.'acknouledgeiwould





cesstty urgeduealureslaments mea-fur- es

degreelegmation political lpecula

whence ftatcfmrtnFrench people,

unsn tia-variet-

the braritiga sudden etaanci- -the

fubjed num- -




hie that the nited ofby thel...r.t

the factnis


the Thethe loss. Is the caus- -

fcries hedifappoint-ltheticall- y No

the that

cause. which aboutthe and its'

which the thethe The tf






own,ruinou-- .






he that


was the time


has do withthe

regulatedoligarchy a

(that intrigues of

more years,


Intnl'inQnnfor- -

thendsnpon the the

have capaqity,the


muue uieie


my verv















withJ from



eent the


;i ,""--


thetwo bei.n

ffiti-- l




tt thethat

Kefl uld



njen. the- -



rea-- H







hole nation a state of anar.and the representatives of

arried into the of thethe of fanaticism, which

the same manner. was the fatalthat the nation on to many

tne that weie adopted,which he : but still, these

compelled o ofweaknefsin; and ail

ioiu, will form a kind of noint sirthe will make his de

The in theirot would of all

the.dtjign by ofiTlfT circle of I 'Tln.!.. of

in my


AtrA UlUb





tfiSf !..,.



Dam- -
















ftialljP;,ton llavery. the







tne excels ot uonu atmr.. thel ' ' ""noratr ot locicty, and the inveteracy ofpiejudice, thatgoeruedthe minds of thecleijjylnohility, and the inuumeiable sd- -lierents or the liitro-cilp-

more temperate and orderly fucceffionofexperiments, to produee a ic


',J iivn as vi i nich had been irtually closedTflK,r,, icn . I,... ...,- -


The 6f

inof of an

in measure

will be













. -.





4 ..

. ...



... .


. . .







.ucTpotum,... . .



were untrue suddenly breaking openafee doors ot the national parliament,


"tatincr their fovereitrns atv the in. u

they oict they were unwise in suddenlyrotirtg lor the extirpation of monarchy,instead of teinnerincr bv decrees the rigours of despotism, & permitting the fem- -

oiance ot ancient regime to lemain,in older to elude foreitrn comLinatinncand internal conspiracy they were unwise m suddenly deitroying all privi-leged orders, and turnincr the whole ho.dy oFibciety into one heterogeneous massniicic ueipair, rgc anu mortincation,combined to render the fallen orders

against the people, and the peo-ple against the degraded nobility.:

The constitution that ronld trivo "- -

gin to such direful effeds at il,cfc, couldnot have been a very ; one forFranie, at the period of its formation I

notwithltanding, the author " Political Ketlections, 6tc." believes t Semanated irom a correct knowledge!the riehts man. and contained the ?ments of a sublime and lihrral nhilofn.l-- -

phy. Yet as it suddenly sub vertedthe old order thintrs. and nnerntpd


' ' -thpfe foimidable combjnatioiis and con- -

lpiracies, which precluded trance fromthe alevated stand to which (lie afpircdin the temple ofliberty.

The author ot Refledions,&c." cannot forbear remarking, howe-ver, that " Citizen" has evincedgreat moderation ad temper hisftridures, indicative of a feeling mind,that alternately acknowledges and la.ments the errois the unfortunate peopie of France. There is no one. moresincerely disposed t reciprocato thatsensibility than the author : who reir'retsthat the of an importantnitionil question, upon which the nght1unaentaiiding ot the' fubjed some

,""-- country -- - .c vci. mat cijciojcu tnelhe author lays a peculiar emphasis tip--; most disastrous era of the French hifto- -on the ambitious charader oi the Frejichiry.




















meaiure aepended, compelled torlrmv 4H .,. ....11 ..... l.r.J ...1

NOIL .See Abbe Uevnal-Hii- tory of England,

from theacceffionoftiiehoureorStuaittothe'American .evolution-told- en's history ofZ U. Z' .,

e a tranO.tion ol the Voyages, Ad- -v.ntll, &c of the French

larly to the projeds of theiNew fcngUm, and the Diplomatichiencn government, under the dominion, ry pf the States.jfitrMffltfovereisrn.t I t&e page, otthf 34, 25,46, J7,

I Author of " Po it cal red.dions. 28 29, 3, 3',33, 33, 34





Ttcrr sit Aurora.


THE ACQflSITION 01 I.oriSIAWA..sail event efihe r.lcmaut to

I be Liberty,Tbe7 Lc Peace,7be Security,Tbe Pro fpet ity,

-- Tbe Glorv ofRepublican

To .Adminiftpr thpvv r:,.-.- ,.- zi v y vl iiiiicuu,iiwiMAa JIUTJlKSON ofVirgima,lho ts adminifteadit for their good,to their iatisfadjon and advantage

A vnTo his own Honor ;

artl,rillnrl,7n theProvidsnt measures which he had

tzlen forn the vise neeftciations'whirh hr .?

direded forAnd the ftjecefs which has resulted

INthe acojjisition of Louisiana,

. i WPIrfiiffi

joyment of the hleffi,,g,0f freevj w iiui.tri'4. n .


which rehew, to the oppriffed of Europe1 hat A fvlnivt

Fiift effered by the Old Congressin tne days ol KetolutiofAnd now further' affured

In the days of FereneraltotiJAN EVENT

Which ftcures Republican Goernh1e "from".T .,

Uangerou Hostile: - elgllbour8,Which affords a field for the Aborigines

who have not embi Seed civilizedsociety;.AND

Which provides new means of defenceagainlt an evil entailed on us by those

From whom we snatched ourINDEPENDENCE :

' AN EVtNTWhieh enlaiges the sphere of

. --Human Action and Civilization,Which

Present to Curiosity andCommerce

.A more extentjve scope,Conneds the tropic with the frigid zone,

Under one temperate rule of law :

AndHolds forth to the World by the

exampleThe superiority, efficacy and preference

Representative Government,A.:r. i. .a uiiiiimiy Juiiiiiiij.cjru ,

Celebrate this Important velit

a Greet National Festival- -

Be held throughout the Ui, . i?5

iON SATURDAY, the 12thl3AOF MAY, 1S04.


London. Nov. 99.His Britannic Majesty's Speech, to both

Houses oj rariiament.About 3 o'clock. His Miieftv nro- -

cerded, in his usual state, to the House ofLords, to open the ftflion, and being fea-te- d

on the throne, a Mcfiage uas dii- -

pstched to the Lloule ot Commons, tointimate his majesty's presence in tl e

Houie of rcers, and to require thenimmediate attendance at the bar ol thatWn.ilV......... The. ... r!nmn.on hrrlirr rmn- l..c-- "" "'vo IMajelty hiadc the following molt gracious ipcccu ;.. My Lords 'and Gentlemen

" Since I last met you in Parliament ,

it has been my chief objed, to carry intojeiTed those measures whicl your wif.dom has adopted for the defence of W1CI

inited Kingdom, and for tne vigorous.,of the war. Tn xneier Ipre- -Larat;onl I hve been fecoidtd by the

, ' .: -- c .n . .

men tiauiu io conn- -iiircnirtiiciicu my.! , . rr n ., .oence ana anection : tncy nave proved

that the menaces of the tnemv luutonly served to their native andHereditary ipirit ; ana tnat an other

are lost jn a gcileral difppli-tio- n

to make tHofe efforts snd sacrificeswhich the honor and safety of the king-dom demand at this importsnt and criti-cal conjundurc.

" Though my attention has principal-ly been direded to the objed ofinternal fecuritv. no ontjurtiinifv hnkeen lost of making an impreffion onthe foreign pollelnons of the enemy. 1 he lflands ot bt. Lucia, of Toba-,g- o,

of St Pierre and Miqaclon, and thesettlements of Demarara and .ElTequibo,

the condud of the operations, by whichvaluable acqmfitioii hae beenL. t,.... ,,n(l n,tJ. ,.,l ...,

...uv.., uiii.wit j '. win ut. bUlk. mill iClll,nave ncen aupiayeu oy tne omccrs eni- -ployed on those fen-ices- , and by my foi'.Cfs, a,AlS under tflclr con.nariH,V &;and land

" In Ireland, the leaders, andifeveral.inferior agents in the late traitorousand attrocious conspiracy, have beenu u. .. .n:.. . .i ..... ,

-- u tran

,of my fubjeds as have swerved

- ' i ccriiuni ui an ran i.s oi n'a terrible monition. .

to the ariftbcratical1 ' ,e that ha,, a manner is poffible.orders in Europe, it was the source of o...i j .i..: .i.:. r-




."jnavc.furrenderedto.... the Brhifh arm. In





slates, hifto-- 1









- JU"'LC ' cpuoi.cEini2rants," by qud'ty has experienced no lurther mter-ubhCie- d

at Lexington a lew years tuption. I indulge the hope, that suchdeluded

from Cwir-llecr-lii ce, aieno, c rv.i. d

ot their eiror ; ...m that, I,av.nt cou.pcdthe advantrces thrv derive from .',,.Itedion of a free iwft.t.,t;nn ,. ..i. .. .condition of those crui tries which reunder the dominion of the Trench go-vernment they will coidially and zeal-ouf- ly

concur in refitting any attemqtUiat may be made against the lecurityand of mv ITnito T.',,dom. ' s"" GtntUmen of the House of Ccnrr.cns,

l I luc a jcrfed reliance on your, jt loi making such prov.fions ?snay be i.erdTary for the ftrvice of the

j ear. 1 he prtgreflive improvement Dfthe revenue cannot sail to encourage youto peilevere in the system which has

.Kfcfii adopted, of defraying the txperfesJjCthe war, with as little addition as poi-iTb- le

to the public debt, and to the per-manent burthens of this state.

" 1 lament the hcaw r,r, it,,,. t.:-- i.

under the piefent cncun fiances, n)llftunavoidably be experienced by my peo-ple ; but I am peifuaded tht theywill meet it with the rmnd .. jfoititude which so eminently d.liingtifhtheir charader under the conidion ofthe indifpenfible impoitance of uphold. (ing the dignity, and of providing effec-tually for the faletv (,f the rmr,;" My Lords and Gentlemen,

1 have concluded a tonvpntinnwlti, 'the King of Sweden, for the puipofe of

arffen on the tubjed of the eleventh ar- -.irL . .. .. .t,,",c Ul lllc ol 1661. J hae H- i-

uiumu ueiaio Deiore you ; and you will,A " uc ot opinion tnat them.t, whilst it upholds ou, "rlZ.lrights is sounded en those niinr.nli-- i ofrecipiocal advtntage which are best cal- -cuiatea to mEiiitain nd to improve thegped ur.dei (landing wjiich happily

two countuis." In the proltcntion of the ccntcft in

which we are engaged, it shall be, as ithasi.jcvcr Detnmy Hilt objed to executesbecorrts me, the great trull cm mit

ted to n.v charp-e- fimh.rl.1 u,;.i, ,.

brave and loyal people in one commoncaule, itjis my Fed determination, isthe cccafion Ihould arise, to Jhare theirexertions and their dangers in the de-fence Of CUr CCrftitUtlOn. rnr rplininn

our. ,.awsy-ana- ' independence. To theactivity ana vziour ot my sleets atid ar.mies, to the zeal and (V,;

rit of my faithful fubjid?, I cenfide the.nunor oi my crown, and all thole valua-ble interefh, which are in 'the liTue ofthis momentous contest.

' Adu?ted bv these fentimpnt. ,,1humbly Imjloiing the bhflirgs of Divine l look foivaid with afirm convidion, that is. tm.tra... m .11just expedatioh, the enemj fliould eludeinc vignance of in numerous sleets andcruizers, and atterrct to rvrr,,,, i

prtfiiifip'ubus tlieats of iniadmg rurcoasts, the confeouenrfj k. t .1dikcrrfiture, confusion and c,(r;.re -

""" L"'!t urs win not cMy he tl.r gloryof furn'ountine nieftnt rl fflri,lt,. jrepell ng atngtr, 1 ut the fo-h- d

and permanent adtantrc-- r of fi

4."e lafety and independence of the king,dem on the basis of a(know!cdc.-- d

uiwigm, tre reiult ot its CT.n tried en.ergy and lelources."

ATa meeting of the board "bf Truflees,oi tne town ot Lexington, theuy oi rtDruaiy, 1804iW htrtas, an unnrerfdrntp! tn. v..

been unjtiftly impOftd, ccntlaiy touniform libeitv ciantfrl hv ,r, ...,n...of said toT.n, foi kttping bhilding ma-terials en the flrtet,

Be it theiefore oidaihed, that fromand aster the 13th day of March, 1804,eerv citizen of l.fviro'on , i,. :. i .- - WV.II, IYIIU UUI- I-

dinR within the lifnit?. of (tA ,.,.. vnbe entitltd to the use of at leas! one halflof the flrrrt or. n,,.... r.. . . iihilij, i lil:lihc io nis orher lot, for the focrial mi. riV f..;their building materials, lnbjtd to the

of the tiuftees rnlv3t ALFX. PARKlR. C. T. L.

l ATTTt 'tt . i . . . .

JiUVJJCO AJN,WILL attend on bthalf of the UnitedStntq i ..r. . i... ... ., V...., v v.y.jiiic: m iaic an tne

PUBLIC BOATS,At the time and places herctfter fpeci- -fied, on a credit of thiee monthsBond and appioved fcctirity will belequircd of the purchasers. On Friday24th inft. at Maj. Love's tavern inFrankfort- - Monday 27th at Vio,let's tavern, mcuth of Kentucky- - OnFriday 2d of Maich, at James M'Con-nel'- s

Louitville On Mondavsth ditto.iit Young's tavern, ipotith of Salt. Rivern ir..i-rj...,fV- .i. j?.. .v,., .nuciuy Vi uitto, atiiranden-burg'- s,

mouth of Doe-Ri- A,,Monday 12th ditto, at Hufton's ftcre,mouth of Clover-Ciee- k. All the Pub-lic Boats at the diffeient Wnr,.i,ncon the Kentucky river, above Fiank- -tort, will be diipoled of on applicationto the fubferiber, in Lexington.N

JA1V1LS MORRISON,Agent for the United Stat'-s- .

Feb. 20th, 1804.

h", -- On the 34th ofjnuary,took up one ANTHONY vnu icSJi""-- -

A7r Garrrrd FitzperrAM !., in: ... .... . " 6 "'-.- ' Human, tee DroDerlv ns

,r iu.jmi.iistate of Tenneffbe ; te ,,, hl, ef fMr. Hunt lh(l.Ji..i,..!L. ' 'v... ...t.. u, v.1Sinorne countv oftne lame state. nn tb. 10,1. .. i . "

He lest lus ; it is likely he j, a (,olcn-- , ., ,u, i"e owner may haTe turn by pro-ving his procertv anJ naiinr ri,,,... .u- -liorlc maj he fcen at Capt. Richardson Hein-do- n

s, at Knox courthoufc, Kentucky,Kilt US Ainrcrfln ,

IT linv fnnf tiA.. T """vrt vui'ti. iiuiiic;, j.Feb. 10th, 1S04. 3tt



1 "1





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