kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

T y, V""' J 1 C M ea i s to X rt. fZ-i-g- Z- -.-i-C twa" " TO SOAn ALOFT OK FANCY'S WING." FOR THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE. 0' 'eacng Mr Sloan's speech, 7th March, in repl, to Mr. Handolph. See Kentucky 7lh June J Of old. those meet rewards w ho could i excel!, " 'Viidauch vreprais'd who but eml.e'avour'd udl. - Pope. Snperor great are thy words, O, Sloan, "i i lensrthen'd tabs of what remains unknown j i idnlph would s.iv, our enmy a friend, i ulsthatsresoui'd.takesantrioneousbend , . iou a Hoi n book pollution still, V u li for tl c pec pie atld Jlicir wish fulfill ; ... nmnbcT Butai.i, whosetjranic 3way, V, . e'er i rearh'd, di ov e happiness away S.e Ireland, bleeding, nay spiead o'er with Govt J' me un lor Nio has not suffered more Lcie Bin gcinc's Bloodhounds did the pco o!e - IT ) " gam'd mercv, norno age they'd spare in I'KL i, too. the lust tor wealth and pou'r, !- - m rl.'d wuh blood, In Britain, to this hour ", i ' i, good man, and be thy country's friend, i) prace and pjichment thy assistance lend; U rre houi 's speeches be j ou still conscise, , 1 vi uue shall o'ercome the moastervice. ' .TI3. 'gton, June 7, 1806. , t V " TRIFLES TiIGHT As A1E. A Geiman Astronomer having obferv. e i .bout the beginning of Maich, of the Sun's disk, c inifji'i in the spots 1 s a chired that luminary to be agita tc 1 by great revolutions. .j Wrrh tlmt will not cost a man a cent ! ! Take a'.iaf ot mullcn ; let it get half : rut fro n its tides a quarter and li 1' 4 quaiter ot an inch in breadth mi- - it in vour lamp, and it will burn e q i l'y as well as a cotton wick, and will fu't to read and write by, bettei than rj.nllc--. which mu t be often limited. The Pi inters throughout the United States, will render a t'ervice to the com munity, by mid ting the above in thei refpcCtive papers. (Maryland Herald, FOR SALE, A Neero Boy, ROUT 12 years old, likely, health', and well grown Apply to the printer here of 3d June, 1806. Kentucky Ihsurance Office, i6tb May, 1806. ALL notes offered for discount, shall be dated the day aster discount day, un-les- s the note or notes are given for real tranfadtjons. By orderof the President & Directors JOHN L. MARTIN, Clk. 8t Ken. Ins. Comp. BOARDING SCHOOL, For Young Ladies. Mr. 5? Mrs. Green, S4 RATEFUL to their friends for the verVlioeral encouranement tney nave received fincetbe commencement of their school, beg leave to inform them of their removal, to the houle in Alain ltreet, ittly occupied by Henry Purvianceefq, where they are enabled to accommodate six young ladies with board They hope ior a continuance of the public confi-- 1 are determined to pay flridl .tteniion both to the morals and of the ladies committed to tncir charge. lerms. ' Board, including needle work leaang, writing, arithme- tic, Englifli grammar, and Geography, (payable quar-- t. rly in advance) SI10Perann' Music, with use of piano iorte, S'sperquar Day Scholars. Jliading, wri'ing, plain sew-- 1 ig and marking, 3 R adii p, writing, arithmetic, f'pgl Ih grammar, and the fi er kinds of needle work, 6 ueograpny, 3 exinpton, 31ft May,i8c6. county, state of Kentucky, ipni oui aay, jsuo. -- Taken up bvjatfies liov, livinp on the KentuckJ rher, botovy the rrtouth of Cow cietk, A Brown Mare, about 11 years old, about 14 1 2 hands high, no biand peiceivable, docked, a black spot on h side, some whitehairson each flank, shod btioie, appraued toX,10 10. John Oldham. Fayette county to wit 1 aken u?iy John Burger, on South Elk-hoi- a Bay Mare, iibout 14 1 2' high, her lest hind soot whit. , iiit.vil ti be ncu 20 leals old, some mdli .lmis, 110 biaud pu cei able ; appraiscil h i- - dulUi s, bttore me, tins 10th day of Aiutli, 1806. John Parker, j. p. T iken up by bamud Hadley, Jessamine a Nortel I'llley, wo uirs oiu, lo 1- - nanus niKii, a winte s ak 111 her face, the two oh iett white, no br (Kl .iJ)le; appraised to jo dollars, bci jre me, the 23d day of April, 18U5 Peter Htgbeej.p.'J.c. N B The reason this aderti-.uuen- t his bi mutttu, was by not being acquainted w ah the law. t scott coun rv, m. April Term, l8o6. Adam Goodlet, Complainant, Job! l"erre & Bartlet Collins, Defendants, IN CHANCERY. defendant Perie, sailing to ap. THE and anlwer the complainant's bill, agreeably to law and the rule of the court, and it apppearing to the latistacti on of the court, that he is not an inhabi- - tant ot this btate Un the mo ion ot, me complainant uy nu aiiomc,ii i dered,tnat the laid defendant Ferre, ap u.-;- pear heie on the fourth Monday in July next, and anlwer tne Dill atoreiaia ; That a copy of this order be infeited in the Kentucky Gazette so- - two months uicteflively, and another copy affixed at tne court nouie aooroi tms county. Acopv. Telle, J NO. HAWKINS, C. S- - C. STATE OF KENTUCKY: FayetteCircttit Court, March term, 1S06. Albertus Bright, bamuel M'Cjehee, and lohn M'Oehee, complainants, Against omas Englifli, defendint, IN CHANCERY. ON the motion of the complainants, by their counsel, who exhibitted their bill againfl the defendant, and having proved to the iatisiaetion ot the couit, tiiat he is not an mnaoitant ot tnis common- wealth, it is ordered that the said defen- dant do appear here on the third day of our next June term, and answer the com- -' plainants' bill, or that the same will be taken tor contelled, and that a copy ot this order be intevted in tome authonled paper agreeable to law. A copy. Tefte, Ibos. Bodley, Cb.CC. M, BLUE DYING. Keiser, takes this method of informing the public, that flie has commen ced the Blue Dying Imfinefs, next door below Mr. HuRon, the saddler, where flie will dye cotton, yarn, and thread, or any kind of home made cloth, which she will warrant to (land its color, as she dyes with hot dye. She will dye the above articles as chsap as they can be done any where in xingtoa and receive produce in payment. February 25, 1806, OR RENT OR SALE. THE Subscriber offers to rent the Aern TRAVELLER'S HALL, for one ear or a lonirer term, or to sell it for 825,000 pa able in the following w ay, iz. Cash paid down, S40OO Neprroes, store poods,cordage, to-- " bacco, salt, iron, or, horses paid( 000 dawn, or approved indorsed notes at ( a shoit date, Land in the vicinity oi Lexington, 1000 The balance in eight equal an-- nual payments, with interest from uic uaie, or jour etjuiu annual C 17 (tr payments of half cash and half C ' approved produce, with interest I from the date, J S25.000 N. B. Any1 person who rents or purchases, may haethe refusal of the furniture and stock of Liquors at a reasonable rate. Robert Bradley. Lexington, May 16, 1806. JAMES ROSE, Boot &? Shoe Maker, RESPECTFULLY in- forms the Ladies and Gentle men of Lexington, and the public in general, that he carries on the above bufi-ne- fs w 1 in all its various branch- es, at his old (land, Main-Cro- ss (Ireet, one door from Wis Main street He has just re ceived from Philadelphia, a large and TTirl SL-in- ns rhe mofl fafhinnable co-- ! lours ; Ukewife a large quantity Boot, Legs 01 tne pen quality, aim ucautuui Fair Skins. Gentlemen may be1 on Leg in imported, affbrtment three The he can as they are his manutacture, ana ne will sell lower in price than any ted. As the lubtcriber has been at much and to complete a gene- - hislinelwill confides in the patnotifm ot fellow ana ieeis periua-.ciea- r ded that they will prefer manufac-- 1 tures to and thereby theiri alhllance to keep the circulating in the state. ' may supplied on reason- - terms . Orders punctually attended r to neatly executea. A Journeymen underltand ma Kid Morocco, 1 wo or three young men, as appren- tices, will to learn that ot B. A vai ty elegant Fancy Patterns received. Lexington, May 29th, 1806. OF KENTUCKY: F.ivettejQrciut-Cour- t, March 1806. lfkam tjouch, complainant, 'igains? Benjamin Turrer, Higgins, ;c.deft's. J A L.iitJMt.J:.iiI' THE defendant Benjamin Turner, ha- ving o enter appeal here in, to law and the mles this court, it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- n the court that lie is not an inha- bitant ; on the motion of the complainant by his coun- fel. tt is the defendant do appear here on the day of our next March term, anlwer the com- plainant's bill, and that a copy of this order be infeited in some authorifed pa- per agreeable to law. A lelle, liadiey CF.CC. FOR SALF, Acres of Militarj Lands, lying on the south of Greeo river, and in the Hate of Kentucky seres on the waters the Cum- - berlaud ver, tor Jdhn Overton, adjoining Alois's, roller's Kole 500 acres on Green river, fuiveyed for Elias Langham, adjoining Hender- - fon'srant ,0oo acres on Glover's creek, a branch the fork Skeirns' creek, fur veyed for Carr, and adjoining R 1 ayloi 's and (j. K. Clarke s lurvevs iooo acres on Sulphur Lick fork of Little Barren river, for Peter Carr? adjoining B. Swearingen's fur Vev, 500 acres on the wafers of Big Barren river. Information may be obtained from Edw. Rogers, relative to the quality and ot thole lands. Also, si.-i-- i -3 acres Virginia Mili tary Lands, lying in the (late of Ohio, and between the Scioto Little Mia mi rivers, (viz.) 400 acres lying on the Ohio 1260 poles from the mouth ot the ocioto, between Armfirong's and Culbertfon's surveys, and surveyed for Thomas Overton. 768 acres on the waters the Ohio, adjoining Alex. Parker's survey, sur- veyed for Thomas Overton. 1000 acres on the lower side the East Fork of the Little Miami, and on Clover T :l- - 1. ..)'-- . 1 r.. 't-- L.ILK. tree, auu lurveyeu ior j. nomas Overton." 700 acres on the waters of the Little Miami, adjoining Tho. Holt's, J. Clark's, Joseph Jones's, and Thomas Dix's surveyed for Thomas Overton. 468 -3 acres on the Rattle Snake fork Paint creek, adjoining Wm. George's and David Reddick's surveys. iooo acres on the East Fork the lit- tle Miami, adjoining Win. Payne's surveyed for A rchelaus Perkins. iooo acres on the East fork of the lit- tle Miami, adjoining the above tratt. lurveyectior Archelaus ferkins. Perlons wifliing to purchase those lands, will please to apply to Gen. Wm. Lytle, ot Williamfburgh, Gen. Nathl. Maffie, Mr. John Balie, of Ohio ; Mr. James Taylor, New-Por- t, or the fub-fenb- er living in Lexington, Kentucky. One fourth the purchase money to be paid down, and the other three fourths in three equal annual lnflalments. W. WAKFIELD April 26th, 1806. FOR SALE, 6 i8,c Acres Land.. ON the lest hand of the three forks as you go up the Kentucky, at their junftiou. land runs along the riv er three miles, and nine miles back The bottoms, are rich land : the ridees are capable of producing wheat, and other lmau grain, ihe patturage is ex- cellent for raising stock of all kinds, as it has a plenty of cane brakes and nea- - vines. All along the river is the sugar tree, wild cherry, other woods com mon to this country. When you go DacK tome autance, is pine ; which produces tar, turpentine, pith and rosin ; which will finally be valuable, indenen- - dent of wood that is upon the land. There is also a rock close to low water mark, that when the water is very low, thews clear fait upon its surface; the rock tafles fait. There has been three water-witch- es as they call them trying the experiment, and say, there is sour teet square of fait waterat the the bank, which is not an hund- red feet from the water, and close to it very ealy aicendintr hill for several miles ; and also the wood along the river. A coal bank 300 yards. There is also 5 valuable coil banks which are near the river, with ealy access to them. A said. several cave?. The lint. toms along the creeks would pro- - guuu tuiiuii aim ucinp. .Lexington alone, independent the country black- - crib they can get five hundred pounds of nm in a aay, ana may get by a lein, five or seven hundred per annum. To bacco, flour, pork, tallow, hogs' lara, Hemp, cordage, wlulkey or call iron will be taked in payment. Part Credit told, a half will be or a third. Al ana inaiiputaoieaeea will be given For terms apply to Mr. Wm. Leavy, Lexington, or at this omce Lexington, May id 1806. N. B. There are a number of acres of clear bottom land, and log houses upon the above lands. THE SUBSCRIBER H Makes & sells woman's ! good lined and bound slip- pers A vs? at 6s$ a pair by retail. The quality of his work the unufuallow price, will (he conceives) lecure him the encouragementof a cerning public, who IiaVe annually exported from tl!, piate rum 20 to .25,000 uouars a year ior the articleot women s ihoes; bj their him encouragement in this par- tial experiment, they will toon induce other llioemakers to follow the example, and thereby slop the importation and jlvc the money amongst ourselves. N. Prentiss, Adjoining the Prison, Lexington. N. B. orders complied on terms advantageous to mer- chants. Journeymen and apprentices wanted. May 13. 1806. tf JUST PUBLISHED A nil for sale at this office, MONITOR, By Archibald Cameron, of the gospel. handsome affbrtment of Morocco andkoal yard and boat yard; and it is of Too with supplied the lhortcft notice poifiblefmiths, consumes thirteen thousand bulh-wit- h Back Strap, Coffac, and Tuck els per ann. we will suppose Fiankfort Boots, the newest fashion and five thousand, which feJs at the landing neatelt manner, jtie has onnanua nana- - at one mining per ouinei, and twenty some aflbrtment of Ladies' Kid and Mo- - thousand might be sold : this might be rocco Slippers, superior to any made productive by a man of small a choice of Gen- - tal. Independent of these advantages, tlemens' Boots and Shoes of the befl the month of the forks is the best Childrens' Shoes of all sizes. fishing place in the state. In a small above articles warrant, own impor- -' expence trouble ral aflbrtment ot every article in be given. Jf the whole cannot be of bulinefs, he his citizens, home imported, lena money Merchants be able and tew who king and wanted. be taken branch buhnels- - N. of STATE term, fai''d his ance agreeable of and of of this commonwealth ordered, that (aid thud ana copy. 3910 oi5 of surveyed and uirveys. and Ilorth of Peter surveyed and and lituation of and of and of lur-ve- y, and of of and and of of of side and This and the the and itself very top of within falt-net- re and uuee of barrels bees, sold, several and de af- fording Wholesale THE minister made duality Ibos. fur-ve- y, VALUABLE PROPER FY FOR SALE. 700 acres Military Land, lying on Builli creek, N. Vv X. wncie llieroad erodes fioin Liineftone to Chillicothe ; ,this iaft contains about three hundred sacre3 0f rich, bottom, th leinaiiiuer is well timbeied; has on it a good mill seat, and is an excellent (land for a pub- lic house. 500 acres ditto ditto, lying on Clover Lick creek, a branch of the Ealt fork of the Little Miami, N. W. T. in a crood neighborhood, about three miles trom Dunhams-Tow- n, seven from Williams- burg, and eleven to twelve fiom the O-- h 10 river. 1000 acres ditto ditto, lying on Brufli creek, a sew miles from New Market, N. W. T. 5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek, Kentucky, part of two traits contain- ing 6000 acres, surveyed and patentee for William Jones. 4000acies, Clarke county, Kentucky, part of a traft of eight thousand acres, surveyed and patented for Richard Clnn-nevort- h. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken- tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for Geoige Underwobd. 1 200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky, surveyed and patented for Moody M'Millin. 1000 acres Military land, on the ,wa, ters of Ruflell's creek, Green river. 325 acres, JeiTerfon county, Kentuc- ky, about sour miles from Louisville, 40 acres of thi3 traft is cleared. 116 -2 acres,Fra nklin county, Ken- tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn, about six miles from Frankfort ; on that tract are confiaerable improvements. A House and well improved Lot in the town of Paris, on Main street, nda adjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern. An Inn and Out Lot in said town. Also a House and well improved Lot in this place. The above described property sold low ser Cash, Hemp and Tobac- co, or on giving bond with good fecufi-t- y, a considerable credit may be had. For further particulars enquire of An- drew F. Price, attorney in fact for (or to the fubferiber.) JOHN JORDAN Tun. Lexington Kentucky, January 13, 1803. Tl FOR SALE. A may be bad in that HANDSOME SEAT OF LAND VHEREON I now live, of 451 acres, lying on uavicrs toric ot iuil;liorn,iii fay-ett- e county, 'eight miles from Lexington; there is about 120 acres of open land the dwelling house is brick, two stories, 47 by 22, fiuiflied in a neat plain manner two grist mills in good repair, having lately been built aneWj the dam and all the under works of the mills are locust timbers; and the mills are generally al- - lowea to gnna latter tnan any nulls in the quarter; one pair of the,ttones are French burrs the springs and stock wa- ter are very extensive, and was never known to tail. there is likewiieon the place a distillery, convenient to the mills. I will take 15 dollars per acre for it in cash, selling the whole together, or I will lell 100 acres with the mills and diltillerv on it, for .600 cafli, which is the great- - est bargain that has been offered for sale any where in the quarter two ftilIs,one ot 127 gallons, the other ot 60 gallons Rate the improvements at only a mode- rate price and the land will not come to 40 (hillings per acre a sew negroes be tween the age of 12 and 18 years would be received inpayment it is needlel's to mention further particulars, as any per- - lon wilhingtobuy can view the premiles For sale also, the studhorse LAMPLIGHTER. It is well known that his figure and blood is equal to any horse in the state, and as a foal getter is in as high repute as any other horse known of I will take iooo dollars tor lnm, and no lets two or three good geldings would be receiv ed in payment. ?ob?t tfogers. ken upby William Morgan in Nel lorfceoiui ty, near the mouth ot .Beaver cre'ek.ra r 0 BROWN HORSE, JMgsd three yeais old palt, near 14 iixnas 111 uTi, some white on each side and n the weathers, fhodbefore,vfome white in his sorehead Appraised to ten pounds this 10th day ol March, 1800, A True Copy. TRAVIS DAVIS, J. P. N. C. OPTUS NOEL, TAILOR, CTFULLY informs the Citizens of Lexington and the Public in geneial, that le has commenced bulmels in the House late ly occupied by Mai. Moirifon,(on Short Sjreet,) where he intends to pursue the same n alius various branches, and hopesfrom his knowledge of the above business, with the ftrifleft attention and a desire to please, to merit a lhare ot public patronage. Ladies and Gentlemen, who will be so obliging as to savour lnm with their cultom, may rely on having their w 01k done in the most fashiona ble and best manner, on the sJioitet notice, ana on reasonaoie ici m- - LOFTUS NOEL. N. B. One or two Apprent;ces will betaken to the abov c buisiness. The Subscriber has for srle an credent C03- - rhos w,ith Harnes-.- , on low terms for Cash. al'Pn lin Ifu Rarnjhae T)nlTit-- .. 'waters of Beaver creek, in Barren Small Bay Mare, 12 or 15 years old, liar and snip. lierleft hind soot white, some white on theottier .hind soot, some saddle spots, biandedflii thr near buttocklJ; apprailed to fixtceii f'ollars, February 27th, 1806, A copy. Telle, x3x W. Logan Clh. LAST NOTICE. Csf ALL thnf; indi-ote- d to the late firrrf Scitz Sc Lauman. To'in A. S. it-r- . jSeuz & Johnson, John A. Seiu & Co. John Jordan jun. John Jordan junior ix V.D. anu joiiii u William joidan, aie requeued to come forwaid andpiy off then relpective accounts to Cuhtis Fikld, who is duly .to receive the same. 'I bofe who do not avail theinlelves of this no. pee, may rest aflurrd, that indulgence. win not oe given beyond the f.ilt of March, wlun suits Will op inr'n'mmi. nately.inftituted. y. Jot din jr. N. B T O B A C. r. (). hfmp. and HOGS' LARD, will be rrce.ved at fie market pi ice, inpayment. J. J. January 28, 1805, tf Lexington WARM 8c COLD BATHS. THE nublic are rpfnpifni,, ; t in formed, that I have, at considerable ex- pence, 111 addition to my former Caths, soil a nermanert fnrino , nn m,- - - i , " Wl miles) erected three new Bathing houses, one or wnicn is lolely let apart tor the uics uie. Fhe use of Ratlis. warm nnA mlA rtr ..., (i H1IU 1.U1UJ wf so generpi with the ancients, and par ticularlyin warm climates, and the ad- vantages to hp Hfrivprl from !,, .. only to persons in health as a Iuxuiy, but anu in various acute aneaies, where ex- cruciating pain has been relieved, and luuucii ucatu uiten pievented, by theui of the warnvbath alone ; as well as tbff advantages to be derived both to child- ren and persons of matuie age, from the use of one or the other, as the faculty mav think adantprl fn rfipli- - jO. .,..11 .1 fubferiber trulls, ensure the countenance anajuppoit ot the citizens and others to the accommolauon he hopes his baths may afford. Himself and attendants, will, from day-brea- k 'til nine at wait on gentlemen ; and careful female fervarrts are nrnvirfprl in oit.nJ . n times on iuch ladies as may be pleased- - t lu "yuiagc me ne attempt lias made to add to their convenience and comfort. G. A. WEBER. N. B. Dr. Buchan, in England, and Count Hum ford, a native ot our own country, with numerous other writers of eminence, have so sully set forth the ad- vantages of Warm and Cold bathing, that the reading of theirworfcs, it is pre-fum- will be amply fufficientrto ensure remuneration to the owner, for the incurred in the present underta- king. Persons may pay each time of ba- thing, or engage for the feaforu Lexington, 3d June, 1806. Wanted Immediately, At J. Charless' Printing Office and Book . Bindeiy, V FOUR APPRENTTrF.q S- -" Boys from 12 to Iftvp.irer-- f fir.r.,M tened. 1 Le salary given to journeymen of the aooxe branches, is from 20 to 40 Dollars per month. Very high wages will be giver) for a well in- clined black or vellniv lioxr nrrMm ,c . (years of age, provided he is bound for three or;Mio, iU vvuix at press. eoot FOR SALE, 300 acres of good second rate Land, part of a militarv riuht-- . nnrl ., - acres thereof cleared and fented.on which f are three cabins, barn and two stables, also afpring that has yielded hithei to futficient water the driest season ; tMt (outh brarich of clear cieek rons throupli part 01 it, ana is utuate 111 Jeliamine county, within half a mile of David Steele's mill, about sour miles from Froman's ware-hous- e and ferrv. A (rood title (hall hf oiven tn tn. r..r chaser by Thomas Steele, schoolmaster. ine lanacan ne lliewn to any inclrniiig to purchale it, by James Dean, whole farm joins the above, or Charles Wil- liams, to whom it is rentwl nnrlir ,R months. Teims mav be known h an. plying at this office. May 22, 1806. i3t5 Mortgaged Property For SaleT" cuit courts in a suit in diancery therein deperv Minn rllAFntn T r. a T I. .....fa, unuuii james jamnerton is complain- ant, and the executors of Nathaniel Allen dec. and others aredefendants, the subscribers being appointed comniissionpri hv ihp iu..aa r- - said, for that purpose, will, on the seventeenth day of Jul) next, expose to sale ontlic premises, the HOUSE AND LOTnowin theoccupa- - w,..Ui nimui anu neniy uncu, in thetovvn of Washinirtnn. lipinrr slip "NTrtl. - r lots numbers forty-th- i ee and forty sour. This l,iul'u')' " wcusuuatea ior puDlic business, in e of the town; it will be sold on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond Peter Lee, 'T John M.Lee, Corn's. Wm. Murphy, J June 9th, 1806. Et Fayette county set April ll(h, 1806. Taken up by Artliur T. Taul, living on Miublc cicck, .1 Bav Horse. about8 orlOyeaisoU, 15 hands high, star and snip, sour v. liite feet, shnir l.pfm . m i,. j to be discovered; appraised lo45 dollars. liobt. Frier. To all concerned Take Notice, THAT on thefiist davcif Ink. , 1f!ofi 7d,nlt j j.t .awvw, 1JIIUU attend at the Cross Plains, with the commissi-onei- s ipointcd by the county court of Fav-elt- e, and picceed to piocrssion William Madi- - SOU'S SlirieV of 1f)0O nrrfc nC militirir l and including a part of the Cross Phins, agreeable to the calls of said sum y and entry. 3wjm John Jones. Blank Books Of any description may be Juid at this office. L I J t

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (Lexington, KY · T y, JV""' 1 C M ea i s to X rt. fZ-i-g-Z--.-i-C twa"" TO SOAn ALOFT OK FANCY'S









rt. fZ-i-g-Z--.-i-C twa"



0' 'eacng Mr Sloan's speech, 7th March,in repl, to Mr. Handolph. See Kentucky

7lh June J

Of old. those meet rewards w ho could iexcel!,

" 'Viidauch vreprais'd who but eml.e'avour'dudl. -


Snperor great are thy words, O, Sloan,"i i lensrthen'd tabs of what remains unknown j

i idnlph would s.iv, our enmy a friend,i ulsthatsresoui'd.takesantrioneousbend

, . iou a Hoi n book pollution still,V u li for tl c pec pie atld Jlicir wish fulfill ;

... nmnbcT Butai.i, whosetjranic 3way,V, . e'er i rearh'd, di ov e happiness away

S.e Ireland, bleeding, nay spiead o'er withGovt

J' me un lor Nio has not suffered moreLcie Bin gcinc's Bloodhounds did the pco

o!e -

IT ) " gam'd mercv, norno age they'd sparein I'KL i, too. the lust tor wealth and pou'r,!- - m rl.'d wuh blood, In Britain, to this hour

", i ' i, good man, and be thy country's friend,i) prace and pjichment thy assistance lend;

U rre houi 's speeches be j ou still conscise,, 1 vi uue shall o'ercome the moastervice.' .TI3.

'gton, June 7, 1806. , tV


A Geiman Astronomer having obferv.e i .bout the beginning of Maich,

of the Sun's disk,c inifji'i in the spots1 s a chired that luminary to be agitatc 1 by great revolutions.

.j Wrrh tlmt will not cost a man a cent ! !

Take a'.iaf ot mullcn ; let it get half: rut fro n its tides a quarter and

li 1' 4 quaiter ot an inch in breadthmi- - it in vour lamp, and it will burn eq i l'y as well as a cotton wick, and will

fu't to read and write by, bettei thanrj.nllc--. which mu t be often limited.

The Pi inters throughout the UnitedStates, will render a t'ervice to the com

munity, by mid ting the above in theirefpcCtive papers.

(Maryland Herald,

FOR SALE,A Neero Boy,

ROUT 12 years old, likely, health', and

well grown Apply to the printer hereof 3d June, 1806.

Kentucky Ihsurance Office,i6tb May, 1806.

ALL notes offered for discount, shallbe dated the day aster discount day, un-les- s

the note or notes are given for realtranfadtjons.

By orderof the President & DirectorsJOHN L. MARTIN, Clk.

8t Ken. Ins. Comp.


Mr. 5? Mrs. Green,S4 RATEFUL to their friends for theverVlioeral encouranement tney navereceived fincetbe commencement of theirschool, beg leave to inform them of theirremoval, to the houle in Alain ltreet,ittly occupied by Henry Purvianceefq,

where they are enabled to accommodatesix young ladies with board They hopeior a continuance of the public confi-- 1

are determined to pay flridl.tteniion both to the morals and

of the ladies committed totncir charge.

lerms. 'Board, including needle work

leaang, writing, arithme-tic, Englifli grammar, andGeography, (payable quar-- t.

rly in advance) SI10Perann'Music, with use of piano

iorte, S'sperquarDay Scholars.

Jliading, wri'ing, plain sew-- 1

ig and marking, 3R adii p, writing, arithmetic,

f'pgl Ih grammar, and thefi er kinds of needle work, 6

ueograpny, 3exinpton, 31ft May,i8c6.

county, state of Kentucky,ipni oui aay, jsuo.

-- Taken up bvjatfies liov, livinpon the KentuckJ rher, botovy the rrtouth ofCow cietk,

A Brown Mare,about 11 years old, about 14 1 2 hands high,no biand peiceivable, docked, a black spot on

h side, some whitehairson each flank, shodbtioie, appraued toX,10 10.

John Oldham.

Fayette county to wit1 aken u?iy John Burger, on South Elk-hoi-

aBay Mare,

iibout 14 1 2' high, her lest hind sootwhit. , iiit.vil ti be ncu 20 leals old, some

mdli .lmis, 110 biaud pu cei able ; appraiscilh i-- dulUi s, bttore me, tins 10th day of

Aiutli, 1806.

John Parker, j. p.

T iken up by bamud Hadley, Jessaminea

Nortel I'llley,wo uirs oiu, lo 1- - nanus niKii, a winte

s ak 111 her face, the two oh iett white, nobr (Kl .iJ)le; appraised to jo dollars,bci jre me, the 23d day of April, 18U5

Peter Htgbeej.p.'J.c.N B The reason this aderti-.uuen- t his

bi mutttu, was by not being acquainted w ahthe law. t

scott coun rv, m.April Term, l8o6.

Adam Goodlet, Complainant,

Job! l"erre & Bartlet Collins, Defendants,IN CHANCERY.defendant Perie, sailing to ap.THE and anlwer the complainant's

bill, agreeably to law and the rule of thecourt, and it apppearing to the latistaction of the court, that he is not an inhabi- -

tant ot this btate Un the mo ion ot,me complainant uy nu aiiomc,ii i

dered,tnat the laid defendant Ferre, apu.-;-

pear heie on the fourth Monday in Julynext, and anlwer tne Dill atoreiaia ;

That a copy of this order be infeited inthe Kentucky Gazette so- - two monthsuicteflively, and another copy affixed attne court nouie aooroi tms county.Acopv. Telle,


STATE OF KENTUCKY:FayetteCircttit Court, March term, 1S06.Albertus Bright, bamuel M'Cjehee, and

lohn M'Oehee, complainants,Against

omas Englifli, defendint,IN CHANCERY.

ON the motion of the complainants,by their counsel, who exhibitted their billagainfl the defendant, and having provedto the iatisiaetion ot the couit, tiiat heis not an mnaoitant ot tnis common-wealth, it is ordered that the said defen-

dant do appear here on the third day ofour next June term, and answer the com- -'

plainants' bill, or that the same will betaken tor contelled, and that a copy otthis order be intevted in tome authonledpaper agreeable to law.

A copy. Tefte,Ibos. Bodley, Cb.CC.

M, BLUE DYING.Keiser, takes this method

of informing the public, that flie has commenced the Blue Dying Imfinefs, next door belowMr. HuRon, the saddler, where flie will dyecotton, yarn, and thread, or any kind ofhome made cloth, which she will warrant to(land its color, as she dyes with hot dye.She will dye the above articles as chsap as

they can be done any where in xingtoaand receive produce in payment.

February 25, 1806,

OR RENT OR SALE.THE Subscriber offers to rent the

Aern TRAVELLER'S HALL, for oneear or a lonirer term, or to sell it for 825,000

pa able in the following w ay, iz.Cash paid down, S40OONeprroes, store poods,cordage, to-- "

bacco, salt, iron, or, horses paid(000dawn, or approved indorsed notes at (

a shoit date,Land in the vicinity oi Lexington, 1000The balance in eight equal an--

nual payments, with interest fromuic uaie, or jour etjuiu annual C 17 (trpayments of half cash and half C 'approved produce, with interest I

from the date, JS25.000

N. B. Any1 person who rents or purchases,may haethe refusal of the furniture and stockof Liquors at a reasonable rate.

Robert Bradley.Lexington, May 16, 1806.

JAMES ROSE,Boot &? Shoe Maker,


forms the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lexington, and thepublic in general, that hecarries on the above bufi-ne- fsw 1 in all its various branch-es, at his old (land, Main-Cro- ss

(Ireet, one door fromWis Main street He has just re

ceived from Philadelphia, a large and

TTirl SL-in- ns rhe mofl fafhinnable co-- !lours ; Ukewife a large quantity Boot,Legs 01 tne pen quality, aim ucautuuiFair Skins. Gentlemen may be1





The he can asthey are his manutacture, ana newill sell lower in price than anyted.

As the lubtcriber has been at muchand to complete a gene- -

hislinelwillconfides in the patnotifm

ot fellow ana ieeis periua-.ciea- r

ded that they will prefer manufac-- 1

tures to and thereby theirialhllance to keep the circulatingin the state. '

may supplied on reason- -

terms .Orders punctually attended

rto neatly executea.

A Journeymen underltand maKid Morocco,

1 wo or three young men, as appren-tices, will to learn thatot

B. A vai ty elegant FancyPatterns received.

Lexington, May 29th, 1806.

OF KENTUCKY:F.ivettejQrciut-Cour- t, March 1806.

lfkam tjouch, complainant,'igains?

Benjamin Turrer, Higgins, ;c.deft's.J A L.iitJMt.J:.iiI'

THE defendant Benjamin Turner, ha-

ving o enter appeal herein, to law and the mles thiscourt, it appearing to the fatisfac-tio- n

the court that lie is not an inha-

bitant ; on themotion of the complainant by his coun-fel. tt is the defendantdo appear here on the day of ournext March term, anlwer the com-plainant's bill, and that a copy of thisorder be infeited in some authorifed pa-

per agreeable to law.A lelle,

liadiey CF.CC.

FOR SALF,Acres of Militarj Lands,

lying on the south of Greeo river, andin the Hate of Kentucky

seres on the waters the Cum- -

berlaud ver, tor Jdhn Overton,adjoining Alois's, roller's Kole

500 acres on Green river, fuiveyed forElias Langham, adjoining Hender- -

fon'srant,0oo acres on Glover's creek, a branchthe fork Skeirns' creek, fur

veyed for Carr, and adjoining R1 ayloi 's and (j. K. Clarke s lurvevs

iooo acres on Sulphur Lick fork ofLittle Barren river, for PeterCarr? adjoining B. Swearingen's furVev,

500 acres on the wafers of Big Barrenriver.

Information may be obtained fromEdw. Rogers, relative to the quality and

ot thole lands.Also, si.-i--i -3 acres Virginia Mili

tary Lands, lying in the (late of Ohio,and between the Scioto Little Miami rivers, (viz.)

400 acres lying on the Ohio 1260 polesfrom the mouth ot the ocioto, betweenArmfirong's and Culbertfon's surveys,and surveyed for Thomas Overton.

768 acres on the waters the Ohio,adjoining Alex. Parker's survey, sur-

veyed for Thomas Overton.1000 acres on the lower side the East

Fork of the Little Miami, and on CloverT :l- - 1. ..)'-- . 1 r.. 't--L.ILK. tree, auu lurveyeu ior j. nomasOverton."

700 acres on the waters of the LittleMiami, adjoining Tho. Holt's, J. Clark's,Joseph Jones's, and Thomas Dix's

surveyed for Thomas Overton.468 -3 acres on the Rattle Snake forkPaint creek, adjoining Wm. George's

and David Reddick's surveys.iooo acres on the East Fork the lit-

tle Miami, adjoining Win. Payne'ssurveyed for A rchelaus Perkins.

iooo acres on the East fork of the lit-

tle Miami, adjoining the above tratt.lurveyectior Archelaus ferkins.

Perlons wifliing to purchase thoselands, will please to apply to Gen. Wm.Lytle, ot Williamfburgh, Gen. Nathl.Maffie, Mr. John Balie, of Ohio ; Mr.James Taylor, New-Por- t, or the fub-fenb- er

living in Lexington, Kentucky.One fourth the purchase money to bepaid down, and the other three fourthsin three equal annual lnflalments.

W. WAKFIELDApril 26th, 1806.

FOR SALE,6 i8,c Acres Land..ON the lest hand of the three forks

as you go up the Kentucky, at theirjunftiou. land runs along the river three miles, and nine miles backThe bottoms, are rich land : the rideesare capable of producing wheat, andother lmau grain, ihe patturage is ex-cellent for raising stock of all kinds, asit has a plenty of cane brakes and nea- -vines. All along the river is the sugartree, wild cherry, other woods common to this country. When you goDacK tome autance, is pine ; whichproduces tar, turpentine, pith and rosin ;which will finally be valuable, indenen- -dent of wood that is upon the land.There is also a rock close to low watermark, that when the water is very low,thews clear fait upon its surface; therock tafles fait. There has beenthree water-witch- es as they call themtrying the experiment, and say, there issour teet square of fait waterat the

the bank, which is not an hund-red feet from the water, and close to it

very ealy aicendintr hill for severalmiles ; and also the wood along the river.A coal bank 300 yards. There isalso 5 valuable coil banks which are nearthe river, with ealy access to them. A

said. several cave?. The lint.toms along the creeks would pro- -

guuu tuiiuii aim ucinp. .Lexingtonalone, independent the country black- -

crib they can get five hundred pounds ofnm in a aay, ana may get by a lein, fiveor seven hundred per annum. Tobacco, flour, pork, tallow, hogs'lara, Hemp, cordage, wlulkey or call ironwill be taked in payment. Part Credit

told, a half will be or a third. Alana inaiiputaoieaeea will be given

For terms apply to Mr. Wm. Leavy,Lexington, or at this omce

Lexington, May id 1806.N. B. There are a number of acres of

clear bottom land, and log housesupon the above lands.

THE SUBSCRIBERH Makes & sells woman's! good lined and bound slip-

persA vs? at 6s$ a pair by retail.The quality of his workthe unufuallow price, will(he conceives) lecure himthe encouragementof acerning public, who IiaVeannually exported from tl!,

piate rum 20 to .25,000 uouars a year iorthe articleot women s ihoes; bj their

him encouragement in this par-tial experiment, they will toon induceother llioemakers to follow the example,and thereby slop the importation and jlvcthe money amongst ourselves.

N. Prentiss,Adjoining the Prison, Lexington.

N. B. orders compliedon terms advantageous to mer-

chants. Journeymen and apprenticeswanted.

May 13. 1806. tfJUST PUBLISHED

A nil for sale at this office,

MONITOR,By Archibald Cameron, of the gospel.

handsome affbrtment of Morocco andkoal yard and boat yard; and it is




supplied the lhortcft notice poifiblefmiths, consumes thirteen thousand bulh-wit- h

Back Strap, Coffac, and Tuck els per ann. we will suppose FiankfortBoots, the newest fashion and five thousand, which feJs at the landingneatelt manner, jtie has onnanua nana- - at one mining per ouinei, and twentysome aflbrtment of Ladies' Kid and Mo- - thousand might be sold : this might berocco Slippers, superior to any made productive by a man of small

a choice of Gen- - tal. Independent of these advantages,tlemens' Boots and Shoes of the befl the month of the forks is the best

Childrens' Shoes of all sizes. fishing place in the state. In a smallabove articles warrant,

ownimpor- -'

expence troubleral aflbrtment ot every article in be given. Jf the whole cannot beof bulinefs, he

his citizens,home

imported, lenamoney

Merchants beable

andtew who

king and wanted.

be taken branchbuhnels- -

N. of


fai''d his anceagreeable of


of this commonwealth

ordered, that (aidthud




oi5 ofsurveyed



Ilorth ofPeter







lur-ve- y,














verytop of


falt-net- re















fur-ve- y,


700 acres Military Land, lying onBuilli creek, N. Vv X. wncie llieroaderodes fioin Liineftone to Chillicothe ;

,this iaft contains about three hundredsacre3 0f rich, bottom, th leinaiiiuer is

well timbeied; has on it a good millseat, and is an excellent (land for a pub-lic house.

500 acres ditto ditto, lying on CloverLick creek, a branch of the Ealt fork ofthe Little Miami, N. W. T. in a croodneighborhood, about three miles tromDunhams-Tow- n, seven from Williams-burg, and eleven to twelve fiom the O-- h

10 river.1000 acres ditto ditto, lying on Brufli

creek, a sew miles from New Market,N. W. T.

5000 acres, lying on Bank Lick creek,Kentucky, part of two traits contain-ing 6000 acres, surveyed and patenteefor William Jones.

4000acies, Clarke county, Kentucky,part of a traft of eight thousand acres,surveyed and patented for Richard Clnn-nevort- h.

3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for Geoige Underwobd.

1 200 acres, Mason county, Kentucky,surveyed and patented for MoodyM'Millin.

1000 acres Military land, on the ,wa,ters of Ruflell's creek, Green river.

325 acres, JeiTerfon county, Kentuc-ky, about sour miles from Louisville, 40acres of thi3 traft is cleared.

116 -2 acres,Fra nklin county, Ken-tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn,about six miles from Frankfort ; on thattract are confiaerable improvements.

A House and well improved Lot inthe town of Paris, on Main street, ndaadjoining Mr. Hughes's tavern.

An Inn and Out Lot in said town.Also a House and well improved Lot

in this place.The above described property

sold low ser Cash, Hemp and Tobac-co, or on giving bond with good fecufi-t- y,

a considerable credit may be had.For further particulars enquire of An-drew F. Price, attorney in fact for (orto the fubferiber.)

JOHN JORDAN Tun.Lexington Kentucky,

January 13, 1803.

Tl FOR SALE.A may be bad in that

HANDSOME SEAT OF LANDVHEREON I now live, of 451 acres,

lying on uavicrs toric ot iuil;liorn,iii fay-ett- e

county, 'eight miles from Lexington;there is about 120 acres of open landthe dwelling house is brick, two stories,47 by 22, fiuiflied in a neat plain manner

two grist mills in good repair, havinglately been built aneWj the dam and allthe under works of the mills are locusttimbers; and the mills are generally al- -lowea to gnna latter tnan any nulls inthe quarter; one pair of the,ttones areFrench burrs the springs and stock wa-

ter are very extensive, and was neverknown to tail. there is likewiieon theplace a distillery, convenient to the mills.I will take 15 dollars per acre for it incash, selling the whole together, or I willlell 100 acres with the mills and diltillervon it, for .600 cafli, which is the great- -est bargain that has been offered for saleany where in the quarter two ftilIs,oneot 127 gallons, the other ot 60 gallonsRate the improvements at only a mode-rate price and the land will not come to40 (hillings per acre a sew negroes between the age of 12 and 18 years wouldbe received inpayment it is needlel's tomention further particulars, as any per- -

lon wilhingtobuy can view the premilesFor sale also, the studhorse

LAMPLIGHTER.It is well known that his figure and

blood is equal to any horse in the state,and as a foal getter is in as high reputeas any other horse known of I will takeiooo dollars tor lnm, and no lets twoor three good geldings would be received in payment.

?ob?t tfogers.

ken upby William Morgan in Nellorfceoiui ty, near the mouth ot .Beavercre'ek.rar 0 BROWN HORSE,

JMgsd three yeais old palt, near 14iixnas 111 uTi, some white on each side and

n the weathers, fhodbefore,vfome whitein his sorehead Appraised to ten poundsthis 10th day ol March, 1800,A True Copy.



CTFULLY informs the Citizensof Lexington and the Public in geneial, thatle has commenced bulmels in the House lately occupied by Mai. Moirifon,(on ShortSjreet,) where he intends to pursue the samen alius various branches, and hopesfrom his

knowledge of the above business, with theftrifleft attention and a desire to please, tomerit a lhare ot public patronage. Ladiesand Gentlemen, who will be so obliging as tosavour lnm with their cultom, may rely onhaving their w 01k done in the most fashionable and best manner, on the sJioitet notice,ana on reasonaoie ici m- -

LOFTUS NOEL.N. B. One or two Apprent;ces will betaken

to the abov c buisiness.The Subscriber has for srle an credent C03- -

rhos w,ith Harnes-.- , on low terms for Cash.

al'Pn lin Ifu Rarnjhae T)nlTit-- ..

'waters of Beaver creek, in Barren

Small Bay Mare,12 or 15 years old, liar and snip. lierlefthind soot white, some white on theottier

.hind soot, some saddle spots, biandedfliithr near buttocklJ; apprailed to fixtceiif'ollars, February 27th, 1806,

A copy. Telle,x3x W. Logan Clh.

LAST NOTICE. CsfALL thnf; indi-ote-d to the late firrrf

Scitz Sc Lauman. To'in A. S. it-r- .

jSeuz & Johnson, John A. Seiu & Co.John Jordan jun. John Jordan juniorix V.D. anu joiiii u William joidan, aierequeued to come forwaidandpiy off then relpective accounts toCuhtis Fikld, who is duly

.to receive the same. 'I bofewho do not avail theinlelves of this no.

pee, may rest aflurrd, that not oe given beyond the f.ilt ofMarch, wlun suits Will op inr'n'mmi.nately.inftituted.

y. Jot din jr.N. B T O B A C. r. (). hfmp.

and HOGS' LARD, will be rrce.ved atfie market pi ice, inpayment.

J. J.January 28, 1805, tf

LexingtonWARM 8c COLD BATHS.THE nublic are rpfnpifni,, ;

t informed, that I have, at considerable ex-pence, 111 addition to my former Caths,soil a nermanert fnrino, nn m,- - -i , " Wl miles)erected three new Bathing houses, oneor wnicn is lolely let apart tor theuics uie.

Fhe use of Ratlis. warm nnA mlA rtr..., (i H1IU 1.U1UJ wfso generpi with the ancients, and particularlyin warm climates, and the ad-vantages to hp Hfrivprl from !,, ..

only to persons in health as a Iuxuiy, butanu in various acute aneaies, where ex-cruciating pain has been relieved, andluuucii ucatu uiten pievented, by theuiof the warnvbath alone ; as well as tbffadvantages to be derived both to child-ren and persons of matuie age, from theuse of one or the other, as the facultymav think adantprl fn rfipli- - jO. .,..11 .1fubferiber trulls, ensure the countenanceanajuppoit ot the citizens and othersto the accommolauon he hopes his bathsmay afford. Himself and attendants,will, from day-brea- k 'til nine atwait on gentlemen ; and careful femalefervarrts are nrnvirfprl in oit.nJ . ntimes on iuch ladies as may be pleased--


lu "yuiagc me neattempt lias madeto add to their convenience and comfort.

G. A. WEBER.N. B. Dr. Buchan, in England, and

Count Hum ford, a native ot our owncountry, with numerous other writers ofeminence, have so sully set forth the ad-vantages of Warm and Cold bathing,that the reading of theirworfcs, it is pre-fum-

will be amply fufficientrto ensureremuneration to the owner, for the

incurred in the present underta-king.

Persons may pay each time of ba-thing, or engage for the feaforu

Lexington, 3d June, 1806.

Wanted Immediately,At J. Charless' Printing Office and Book .

Bindeiy, VFOUR APPRENTTrF.q S--"

Boys from 12 to Iftvp.irer-- f fir.r.,Mtened. 1 Le salary given to journeymen ofthe aooxe branches, is from 20 to 40Dollars per month.

Very high wages will be giver) for a well in-

clined black or vellniv lioxr nrrMm ,c .

(years of age, provided he is bound for three;Mio, iU vvuix at press. eoot

FOR SALE,300 acres of good second rate

Land, part of a militarv riuht-- . nnrl ., -acres thereof cleared and fented.on which fare three cabins, barn and two stables,also afpring that has yielded hithei tofutficient water the driest season ; tMt(outh brarich of clear cieek rons throuplipart 01 it, ana is utuate 111 Jeliaminecounty, within half a mile of DavidSteele's mill, about sour miles from

Froman's ware-hous- e and ferrv.A (rood title (hall hf oiven tn tn. r..rchaser by Thomas Steele, schoolmaster.ine lanacan ne lliewn to any inclrniiigto purchale it, by James Dean, wholefarm joins the above, or Charles Wil-liams, to whom it is rentwl nnrlir ,Rmonths. Teims mav be known h an.plying at this office.

May 22, 1806. i3t5Mortgaged Property For SaleT"

cuit courts in a suit in diancery therein depervMinn rllAFntn T r. a T I......fa, unuuii james jamnerton is complain-ant, and the executors of Nathaniel Allen dec.and others aredefendants, the subscribers beingappointed comniissionpri hv ihp iu..aa r- -said, for that purpose, will, on the seventeenthday of Jul) next, expose to sale ontlic premises,the HOUSE AND LOTnowin theoccupa- -

w,..Ui nimui anu neniy uncu, in thetovvnof Washinirtnn. lipinrr slip "NTrtl. - rlots numbers forty-th- i ee and forty sour. Thisl,iul'u')' " wcusuuatea ior puDlic business, in

e of the town; it will be sold on acredit of six months, the purchaser giving bond

Peter Lee, 'TJohn M.Lee, Corn's.Wm. Murphy, J

June 9th, 1806. Et

Fayette county set April ll(h, 1806.Taken up by Artliur T. Taul, living on

Miublc cicck, .1

Bav Horse.about8 orlOyeaisoU, 15 hands high, starand snip, sour v. liite feet, shnir l.pfm . m i,. jto be discovered; appraised lo45 dollars.

liobt. Frier.

To all concerned Take Notice,THAT on thefiist davcif Ink., 1f!ofi 7d,nltj j.t .awvw, 1JIIUU

attend at the Cross Plains, with the commissi-onei- s

ipointcd by the county court of Fav-elt- e,

and picceed to piocrssion William Madi- -SOU'S SlirieV of 1f)0O nrrfc nC militirir l and including a part of the CrossPhins, agreeable to the calls of said sum y andentry.

3wjm John Jones.

Blank BooksOf any description may be Juid at

this office.


