kentucky society of perianesthesia nurses (kspan) waking...

ty to take part in great educational opportuni- ties given by national speakers with many years of Perianesthe- sia experience. Just getting to be in the same place with thou- sands of other Perian- esthesia nurses from all across the United States, sharing experi- ences, accomplish- ments, fellowship, and the passion for Perian- esthesia is exciting and very invigorating. Happy Holidays! As I begin my term as your new President of KSPAN, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have been a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes- thesia nursing to be my passion and where my love for nursing lies. I am currently the Assistant Nurse Man- ager for Endoscopy, Same day Surgery, PACU and pre- admission testing at St. Elizabeth in Flor- ence. I received my CAPA certification in 2012 after becoming an active member of KSPAN in 2009. I was invited by our im- mediate past President Brenda Elliott to at- tend the fall confer- ence in 2008 and see what it was all about. That was all it took. I was very intrigued with KSPAN and how as a professional soci- ety we could make a difference in the care and experience of our patients. Over the past 6 years I have been an active member of KSPAN serving on the board as a mem- ber, secretary, Presi- dent Elect and now honored to assume the role of President. I had the pleasure of attending my third ASPAN National Conference in beauti- ful San Antonio Texas with several of our KSPAN members. I encourage everyone to attend at least one Na- tional Conference. You get the opportuni- Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Fall/Winter 2015 Volume 27, Issue 3 Waking Crew News Special points of interest: Meet New ASPAN Region 3 Director Sylvia Baker KSPAN Fall Conference Highlights ASPAN Leadership Development Institute 2015 KSPAN Spring Conference PANAW Week 2016 ASPAN 2016 National Conference Inside this issue: Volunteering 3 ASPAN LDI 4 Region 3 Director 5 Region 3 Updates 3 Fall Conference 8 Governmental Affairs 10 District Reports 12 Debbie Payne BSN, RN, CAPA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

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Page 1: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

ty to take part in great

educational opportuni-

ties given by national

speakers with many

years of Perianesthe-

sia experience. Just

getting to be in the

same place with thou-

sands of other Perian-

esthesia nurses from

all across the United

States, sharing experi-

ences, accomplish-

ments, fellowship, and

the passion for Perian-

esthesia is exciting

and very invigorating.

Happy Holidays! As I

begin my term as your

new President of

KSPAN, I would like

to tell you a little bit

about myself. I have

been a Perioperative

nurse for 23 years. I

have found perianes-

thesia nursing to be

my passion and where

my love for nursing

lies. I am currently the

Assistant Nurse Man-

ager for Endoscopy,

Same day Surgery,

PACU and pre-

admission testing at

St. Elizabeth in Flor-

ence. I received my

CAPA certification in

2012 after becoming

an active member of

KSPAN in 2009. I

was invited by our im-

mediate past President

Brenda Elliott to at-

tend the fall confer-

ence in 2008 and see

what it was all about.

That was all it took. I

was very intrigued

with KSPAN and how

as a professional soci-

ety we could make a

difference in the care

and experience of our

patients. Over the past

6 years I have been an

active member of

KSPAN serving on

the board as a mem-

ber, secretary, Presi-

dent Elect and now

honored to assume the

role of President.

I had the pleasure of

attending my third

ASPAN National

Conference in beauti-

ful San Antonio Texas

with several of our

KSPAN members. I

encourage everyone to

attend at least one Na-

tional Conference.

You get the opportuni-

Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN)

Fall/Winter 2015 Volume 27, Issue 3

Waking Crew News

Special points of


Meet New ASPAN

Region 3 Director

Sylvia Baker




ASPAN Leadership


Institute 2015

KSPAN Spring


PANAW Week 2016

ASPAN 2016



Inside this issue:

Volunteering 3


Region 3 Director 5

Region 3 Updates 3

Fall Conference 8

Governmental Affairs 10

District Reports 12

Debbie Payne BSN, RN, CAPA


Page 2: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Waking Crew News

(continued from page 1) Not to mention getting to take

in the sights, sounds and fes-

tivities of the host city.

ASPAN’s 2016 National Con-

ference will be held April 10th

–April 14th in the wonderful

historical city of Philadelphia,


KSPAN is ending this year on

a high note. Our fall sate con-

ference was held at Receptions

in Erlanger, KY on Nov. 14th

with 55 nurses from across

Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio in

attendance. We were blessed

to have 2 national speakers

from ASPAN, Dr. Joni Brady

and Dr. Jan Odom-Forren,

who by the way is also one of

our very own KSPAN mem-

bers. Topics included the Af-

fordable Care Act and how it

affects Perianesthesia Practice,

Research and Evidence Base

Practice workshop, 21st Centu-

ry Reimbursements: Enhanc-

ing Perianesthesia Care Quali-

ty Outcomes and The Future

of Perianesthesia Nursing in

an EBP World. Our thanks to

Brenda Elliott and all her hard

work that went into making

sure that the conference was a


We will start off 2016 by cele-

brating our profession with

PANAW week, Feb 1st – Feb

7th. Encourage your coworkers

to think of fun and interesting

ways to celebrate on your

units. Please make sure to take

lots of pictures and send to us

so that we may share them in

our next Waking Crew News.

We are always interested in

what others are doing to pro-

mote perianesthesia nursing.

We will also be having our an-

nual Spring Conference on March 12th in Lexington; I

hope to see everyone there.

Attending the Spring and Fall

Conferences are a great way to

get your continuing education


In closing I would like to take

a moment to wish our Imme-

diate Past President Brenda

Elliott congratulations on her

retirement and to thank her for

being one of my mentors so

many years ago when I just

beginning my Perianesthesia

career and over the years that

have followed.

I wish you all a Merry Christ-

mas and Happy New Year.

Debbie Payne, BSN, RN,


KSPAN President

Page 2


Page 3: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Volume 27, Issue 3

…..I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those

who help us most to grow…..if we let them. And we help them in return. Well, I don’t know if I believe that’s true, but I know

I’m who I am today…Because I knew you…I have been changed for good.” “I knew you” -from Wicked*

After completing my Master of Science degree in 1988, I was determined to join ASPAN, our profes-

sional organization and become an active member. Well, you can imagine, ”Becoming active” did not take

long. After just one meeting of the Greater Cincinnati Recovery Room Nurses, now known as the Cincin-

nati Area Perianesthesia Nurses Association, I was encouraged to Chair the Spring Conference. The en-

couragement came from Donna Seaman, former ASPAN Secretary, who would never take “no” as an an-

swer. With Donna’s encouragement, I moved forward to become an active ASPAN member and to meet

many encouraging ASPAN leaders. Awesome experience and what a thrill for a PACU staff nurse in a

small hospital!

When the ASPAN National Conference came to Cincinnati in 1991, I displayed a research poster, only

one of three that year! Once again, I met another ASPAN leader, Joan Vogelsang, who was presenting a

research poster. Joan was another person who refused to take “no” for an answer. Joan’s persistence led

me to join ASPAN’s budding Research Committee. It was also during the Cincinnati conference that I took

my CPAN exam. When finishing the exam, I was certain that I had not passed and would not be a certified

nurse. At that moment, I decided to make a difference in the quality of the exam items. That decision

would have to wait until 1997 before I joined ABPANC as an Item Writer. From 1997 to 2004, I served in

various roles to make a difference in the quality of the certification exams. Plus, I increased my circle of

nurse friends dedicated to increasing the quality of perianesthesia nursing.

During 2004, I returned to serve ASPAN. Have you visited the ASPAN website to take a look at the

many volunteer opportunities? I’m sure there are many mentors, coaches, and facilitators, just like Donna

and Joan, to encourage your first step and each step thereafter. Since my first step in 1991, the list of

ASPAN committees has grown and I have taken advantage of each committee. Membership on ASPAN

committees has expanded my family of professional friends, not to mention increased networking opportu-

nities. I encourage all KSPAN members or nonmembers to attend ASPAN’s National Conference in Phila-

delphia, April 10th to 14th or if Philly is too far, the 2017 National Conference will be coming to Indianapo-

lis April 30th to May 4th. Attending conference is a great way to see ASPAN at work through committees

which all meet during conference or take a look at your ASPAN Board by attending their “OPEN” Board of

Directors meeting.

FYI: Opportunities are also available at the local level in case you would like to begin your journey as I

did by taking small steps. Mentors and coaches are abundant in both KSPAN and ASPAN. The first step

begins with you! Over the past 24 years, I have become, as my sister, Jeannie, calls me, a “Volunteer Over-

achiever”! Please visit the ASPAN or KSPAN website, complete The Willingness to Participate Form,

choose a committee, and submit the form to ASPAN or KSPAN. You are needed and valued by both or-


Martha L. Clark MSN, RN

*Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz

Book by Winnie Holtzman

Novel by Gregory Maguire Page 3


Page 4: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

The Leadership Devel-

opment Institute (LDI)

is a weekend long semi-

nar created by ASPAN

for the purpose of de-

veloping, guiding, and

mentoring leaders at the

component level. Each

year the ASPAN presi-

dent decides where and

when this program will

take place. ASPAN gra-

ciously compliments

the registration fee of 2

component leaders of

each component to at-

tend with the compo-

nents providing travel

and lodging. This year

myself, and past Re-

gional 3 Director and

KSPAN member Mar-

tha Clark, attended rep-

resenting KSPAN. This

year a total of 135 peri-

anesthesia nurses across

the country attended.

The seminar always be-

gins on Friday 3:00 -

6:15 PM and includes

introductions, games to

encourage mingling of

the components, and

then regional meetings

with networking. This

year the games included

Jeopardy and Family

Feud to challenge our

knowledge of ASPAN

facts. Much laughter, a

little competition, and

fun took place. Saturday our day was

from 7:00-5:30 PM. The

day began with ASPAN

President-Elect Katrina

Bickerstaff with the mes-

sage, Finding the Pas-

sion: Inspiring Profes-

sionalism in the New

Generation. The remain-

der of the day included

budget planning, assis-

tance with applying for

the Gold Leaf, guidance

for seminar planning

with ANCC approval

application for contact

hours, a tutorial to use

Joanna Briggs (JBI) to

discover evidence, and

several other topics of

clinical hot topics, navi-

gating the ASPAN web

-site, and effective

board meetings and

strategic plan. The day

concluded with David

Wharton conducting a

mock Representative

Assembly session. On Sunday our day

concluded at 11:00 AM

after component panel

discussions and round

robin to share best prac-

tices. Our ASPAN

President Armi Hol-

comb delivered her

message, Aspire to In-

spire Excellence. The

week-end was wonder-

ful to inspire passion,

professionalism, meet

new perianesthesia

friends, and become

acquainted with our

ASPAN leadership.

Page 4

Waking Crew News

ASPAN Region 3 LDI


“The week-end was

wonderful to inspire


professionalism, meet

new perianesthesia

friends, and become

acquainted with our

ASPAN leadership.”

Martha Clark and

Brenda Elliott

LDI KSPAN Delegates

Brenda Elliott, ASPAN President

Armi Holcomb, and Martha Clark

ASPAN Leadership Development Institute

Renew Perianesthesia Passion: Inspire Excellence September 18-20, 2015 Clayton, Missouri Brenda Elliott, BSN, RN, CPAN-KSPAN President

Page 5: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia


My name is Sylvia Baker and I

have the joy to be your new

ASPAN Regional Director. I am

excited to be your conduit to the

ASPAN Board of Directors. It

was wonderful to meet many of

you at National Conference in

San Antonio.

I have been a PeriAnesthesia

nurse for about 28 years after

working on Med-Surg units for

the first 10 years after my grad-

uation from a diploma program.

I returned to school for my BSN

in 2003, completing this goal in

2006. During this process, I was

bit by the "education bug" and

completed my MSN, graduating

with this degree in January of

2010. Currently, I work perdiem

in my local PACU, while work-

ing full time as a Clinical Edu-

cation Specialist: coordinating

our Nursing Practice Orientation

and Student Nurse Affiliations.

Because I truly believe that we

all need to be active in succes-

sion planning, I teach nursing

for a local community college.

My husband Michael and I have

a daughter and son-in-law, a

grandson and a granddaughter.

We also have a son, who is a

RN and just happens to work at

the same hospital as I! I'm very

proud of my family and they

support me in my many activi-

ties. You just may get the oppor-

tunity to meet one (or more) of

them when I come to visit your


Some of my goals for my tenure

as your Regional Director are to

assist you in helping your com-

ponent grow in numbers and fi-

nancial strength. These are goals

that I cannot attain by myself and

I don't even come close to sug-

gesting that I have any of the an-

swers. I am a true believer in

teamwork. With this philosophy,

I believe that we can make

ASPAN and your component

stronger and more sustainable.

It's not easy work, but with all of

us working collectively, we can

make this a reality. Invite the

younger nurses in your depart-

ment to attend a component

meeting with you and let them

find out how much fun we all

have! Reignite some perianesthe-

sia passion in your seasoned col-

leagues by asking them ques-

tions such as: What do you like

most about being a perianesthe-

sia nurse? Or even: What made

you decide to become a nurse?

By asking your colleagues/peers

these questions, you'll get to

know them on a different level

and you'll also help them return

to their nursing roots. Maybe

you need to ask yourself these

same questions? By demonstrat-

ing your passion, you'll ignite

others to their core values.

During the most recent RA, a cou-

ple of activities took priority for

the RA. The first was passage of

ASPAN's newest Position State-

ment on Alarm Management. We

must continue to individualize our

patients' alarms and pay attention

when they alarm! The other issue

that brought about a great deal of

discussion centered on ASPAN's

member benefit to the Joanna

Briggs Institute. Because of the

autonomy that you, through your

RA members, have the recom-

mendation was sent back to the

ASPAN Board for reconsidera-

tion. It was exciting to be witness

to the power of grass-roots! Stay

informed and keep the dialogue


I look forward to this shared jour-


Sylvia J. Baker, MSN, RN, CPAN

ASPAN Regional Director, Re-

gion 3

ASPAN CSP Coordinator

ASPAN Clinical Practice Team



Page 5

Volume 27, Issue 3

ASPAN Region 3 Director Sylvia Baker

Page 6: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

As of the publication of

this newsletter, LDI is

all wrapped up and great

learning and networking

has been completed and

extended. All of the Re-

gional Directors worked

hard this summer stimu-

lating our creative juices

to make a fun learning

experience for all at-

tendees. I’d like to rec-

ommend that all those

who attended continue

to nurture those seeds

that were planted so that

your component will

continue to grow and

prosper. ICPAN was also a suc-

cess with many Perian-

esthesia Nurses meeting

to network about patient

care during the Perianes-

thesia timeframe around

the world. While this is

a very young organiza-

tion, we all want to sup-

port and encourage its

growth! Keep tuned to

see how what you do in

your local world is like

(or different) from Peri-

anesthesia care in other

parts of the world.

I will be attending a

couple of Component

Conferences as I contin-

ue to learn my role in

support of you, the

grassroots member of

this Region. Please let

me know how I can as-

sist you: whether you

are a member of your

Component Board or a

member providing that

stellar care to the pa-

tients that need that lov-

ing touch as they emerge

from their state of anes-

thesia. In October, I will be (or

have) attending/ed the

Standards & Guidelines

meeting. This four day

meeting is one where a

great deal of hard work,

updating and discussion

of our Standards and

Practice takes place.

Each time, we (as an

organization) update our

Standards, I gain a deep

sense of appreciation

and pride of the work

that we do with our pa-

tients (at the bedside) as

well as the work we do

as an influential organi-

zation. Please enjoy the upcom-

ing changes of the sea-

sons while continuing to

provide the constant vig-

ilance of care and

knowledge to those

placed in your care! Respectfully,

Sylvia Baker, MSN, RN,


Regional Director: Re-

gion 3


Page 6

Waking Crew News

“Please enjoy the

upcoming changes of

the seasons while

continuing to provide

the constant vigilance

of care and knowledge

to those placed in your



Page 7: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Dear KSPAN members:

Thank you for extending

your hospitality to me this

weekend! I am amazed at

how physical distance can

separate members, but at

our core, we are always

very close.

My fall timeframe has been

busy with ASPAN travels.

During the weekend of No-

vember 5-8, I attended the

ASPAN Mid-year Board

meeting. Here is a brief

synopsis of our work:

The Strategic Plan was

“tweaked”. We refined our

Values to: P.R.I.D.E. This

acronym reflects these val-

ues: Passion, Respect, In-

tegrity, Diversity and Ex-


Time was spent discussing

succession planning and the

need to involve younger


Please consider applying

for some of the ASPAN

Scholarships! There’s mon-

ey available to assist you in

going to school and attending edu-

cational offerings. Despite the fact

that the timeframe (deadline)

seems a long ways off; i.e. Nation-

al Conference, go ahead and com-

plete the application. If you aren’t

able to attend, the monies will be

held for you.

The slate of officers is up on the

ASPAN website and you should

have received a message describing

the steps for you to notify your RA

members how you’d like them to

vote at National Conference. Take

the opportunity now to go to and let your voice be


While I’m talking about ASPAN’s

website, please make sure that your

email and contact information is

current. You will be seeing an in-

creased presence of ASPAN on

venues such as Facebook. If you

have not already done so, “Like”

ASPAN; you’ll be getting infor-

mation coming to you that you can

easily access for additional links

and materials.


couple weeks prior to that, I attended the

Standards and Guidelines meeting. We

were very busy reviewing and updating

our next Standards Book. Your RA

members will get information on the

changes that they will have to vote upon

to ratify the work we completed. I hope

your RA members will communicate any

questions they’ll have for you so you can

weigh in on this topic as well as the Slate

of officers.

National Conference will be held in Phil-

adelphia in April. Make plans now to

attend! It promises to be a conference

full of great educational offerings as well

as network opportunities!

The KSPAN meeting was very organized

and I learned a great deal of the applica-

tion of the ACA and Research to PeriAn-

esthesia nursing. If you missed this meet-

ing, I’d like to encourage you to take the

opportunity to access the multitude of

educational offerings that ASPAN and

KSPAN provide.

With the holidays right around the cor-

ner, I wish you the safest and happiest

Christmas and a prosperous

(professionally, personally and emotion-

ally) New Year!


Sylvia Baker, MSN, RN, CPAN

Regional Director: Region 3

Page 7

Volume 27, Issue 3


Page 8: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Waking Crew News

Page 8



KSAPN Conference Attendees Cutting Loose!!

Speakers Jan Odom Forren and Joni Brady

The KSPAN Fall Conference and Annual Membership Meeting was held November 14th at Recep-

tions Conference Center in Erlanger. Our speaker was Joni Brady, DNP, RN, CAPA, with special guest

speaker Jan Odom-Forren, PhD, RN, CPAN, FAAN. Attendees enjoyed hearing a variety of topics, in-

cluding Affordable Care Act (ACA) Provisions and How They Affect Perianesthesia Practice, Research

and Evidenced Based Practice Workshop, 21st Century Reimbursements: Enhancing Perianesthesia

Care Quality Outcomes, and The Future of Perianesthesia Nursing in an EBP World. In addition, a

delicious breakfast and lunch were included and participants were able to see a variety of vendors.

A 50/50 raffle was held with the proceeds going to the Women’s Crisis Center; supplies were also

collected at the door for this organization. One lucky person also won a $300 Visa card which was

raffled off. During the annual KSPAN membership meeting, outgoing KSPAN President Brenda El-

liott installed incoming President Debbie Payne, and Jessica Morscheck was named as President-

Elect. This completes Brenda’s third term as KSPAN President; she is retiring after 41 years of nurs-

ing practice. Congratulations, Brenda!! Kerrie Brewer was named KSPAN Secretary, and Pam

Malast is the new Parliamentarian. Donna Hagan and Jessica Morscheck will continue as Treasurer

and Publications Director, respectively. A number of awards were handed out, with Debbie Sandlin

being named the Points System At-Large winner and Linda Richmer taking second place in this cate-

gory; Donna Hagan was awarded first place and Jessica Morscheck second place in the Board of Di-

rector’s category. Donna Hagan won the Humanitarian Award; she will be going to Guatemala with

Knoxville Medical Mission. Jessica Morscheck won the President’s Award for her work on Waking

Crew News. Raymond Young was named Recruiter of the Year and Elizabeth Schoulties won this

year’s membership drive incentive drawing. Research awards were presented to Jan Odom-Forren

and Debbie Sandlin who are both presenting at the upcoming ASPAN National Conference. New

CPANs Kerrie Brewer and Debra Finney were honored. This brings the total number of certified nurs-

es in Kentucky to 67 CPAN, 78 CAPA, and 6 dual certifications. We also have 3 certification coach-

es: Elizabeth Schoulties, Kerrie Brewer, and Paula Hatfield.

It was great to see old friends and to make new connections, and we hope to see you all at our

spring conference on March 12th in Lexington. Watch your e-mail for upcoming information.


Page 9: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Volume 27, Issue 3

Page 9

Humanitarian Award /BOD Points System Winner Donna Hagan

1st Place Points System at-Large Debbie Sandlin

2nd place Points System At-Large Linda Richmer

KSPAN BOD Members Jessica Morscheck and Kerrie Brewer

New KSPAN President Debbie Payne after Passing of the Gavel

Out-going KSPAN President Brenda Elliott

KSPAN Awards Display Spring Seminar Winner

President’s Award/ BOD Points System

2nd Place Jessica Morscheck

Page 10: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Waking Crew News

Page 10

GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Conscientious Objection in Nursing

In the health care profession,

conscientious objection refers to

the rejection of some action by

a provider. This rejection occurs

when there is some deeply held

moral or ethical value about

right and wrong that is or is

about to be violated. Most of

health care objections are relat-

ed to the specialties of repro-

duction or assisted suicide or

end of life care. More recent

conflicts are about genetics and

stem cell research and implan-

tation. At present, few of these

situations occur within the post

anesthesia care unit {PACU}, but

as technology and research con-

tinues, more issues will arise

and will be faced in the PACU.

Within the nursing pro-

fession, conscientious objection

is the refusal of a nurse to exe-

cute an action or participate in a

specific procedure on the basis

of conscious. Conscious objec-

tion specifically has 3 character-

istics: an inner sense that distin-

guishes right from wrong ac-

tions, the internalization of pa-

rental and social norms, and a

reflection of the integrity and

wholeness of the person. Violat-

ing one or more of these charac-

teristics would cause a moral

discord because it would threat-

en a person’s deep integrity.

According to the May - June

2014 MEDSURG nursing journal

nurses have the right to voice an

objection when placed in a situ-

ation that would violate normal

moral standards. The nurse

does have a legal obligation to

not abandon the patient, but

may be removed from the situa-

tion after adequate competent

has been reestablished. It is not

acceptable to stop in the middle

of a patient procedure or treat-

ment once it has started. At

that time there is a legal obliga-

tion to continue until another

competent nurse has been as-


Conscientious objection

is often difficult to distinguish

from false motivation. The ob-

jection should not be based up-

on prejudice, self-interest or dis-

crimination. The excluded

grounds for refusal are docu-

mented in the CODE OF ETHICS

FOR NURSES, 2015 revised

copy by American Nurses Asso-

ciation (ANA). Excluded grounds

include personal preface

(personal dislike of the patient

or physician), prejudice (patients

with HIV, hepatitis C, substance

abusers), and personal conven-

ience. Summarized, refusal

based self-interest is not a rea-

son for conscientious objection.

In the mentioned article in the

MEDSURG journal, the conclu-

sion is that the refusal to take

part in some aspect of patient

care must violate the personal

moral integrity of the nurse and

is accepted that the involved

nurse may asked to be removed

from the situation and have an-

other competent nurse assigned

to the task. The recently updat-


ES helps to outline moral con-

duct and ethical standards. As

time progresses and technology

progresses, more issues will

emerge and more questions will

be asked. Please refer to the

May-June 2014 volume 23/no 3

of the MEDSURG journal of nurs-

ing for more information.

Patty Brandenburg

Governmental Affairs

Page 11: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Volume 27, Issue 3



Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week

February 1-7, 2016

Order PANAW Promotional Items Show support for your profession, staff, col-leagues and friends with promotional items and gifts available at:

Order your materials before the end-of-year rush, allowing adequate time to plan for, and promote, the week.

Celebrate PANAW at Work

Announcements in employee publications/emails; displays of PANAW clothing, post-ers, and other articles; and even offering cof-fee and cake within your unit are all a good start.

Additional Information

For additional information, visit the PANAW Homepage or call the National Office at 877.737.9696, ext. 215.

Perianesthesia Nurse Awareness Week

(PANAW) provides the ideal opportunity to

celebrate and promote our practice

throughout the nation!

The 2015 celebration will be held from

February 1-7 2016, and this year’s theme

is “PeriAnesthesia Nurses: Practice with


There are several things you and your col-

leagues can do now to prepare for the

week and make it as successful as possi-


Greeting during this most joyous time of the year! Though the temperature is falling, things are

heating up here at KSPAN! Make plans to attend our Spring Conference in Lexington on March

12th, or the ASPAN National Conference April 10-14 in beautiful and historic Philadelphia. Can’t

make it? Then check out the variety of ASPAN seminars and webcasts offered this winter and

spring. Don’t forget to celebrate all perianesthesia nurses during PANAW week February 1-7.

KSPAN wants to hear from you! Do you have an exciting project or news to share from your hos-

pital? Perhaps you work in perianesthesia and have won an award, been on a mission trip, or

undertaken a research or evidence-based practice project. Let us know how you celebrated

PANAW week at your facility. Let us know any news you have to share so that your peers can

know and share in it with you. Please e-mail us at [email protected]; the next newsletter

deadline is March 30. Also let us know if you have any feedback with this edition of Waking

Crew News as we would love to hear from you so we can improve. Happy holidays everyone!

Jessica Morscheck, BSN, RN

KSPAN Publications Director

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Waking Crew News



District I is planning a lunch and learn seminar and are looking into offer-

ing continuing education credits for this event. More information will be

offered at a future date. We are also planning a Christmas charity project

and will provide more details about this in the next newsletter.


District III is currently undergoing a change in leadership. We will keep you

posted as more information becomes available.

Happy holidays to all and have a wonderful new year!


KSPAN District II is sponsoring a Lunch and Learn Seminar to be present-

ed by the hospital legal department. The topic of the presentation will be

Consents. Nurses from the Outpatient Center, Surgery Pre-op Department

and PACU will be invited and have already submitted topics of interest to

be addressed by our legal experts. Lunch will be provided from the pro-

ceeds of our Candy sales.

Plans are now underway to plan a celebration of PANAW week complete

with food and door prizes.

In keeping with the Holiday Spirit, District II played Secret Santa in the

form of a Walmart Gift Card to a family needing a little help over the holi-


Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all from District II!

Pam Malast


District IV elected our new president, Debbie Sandlin. We held a seminar

on November 19th to discuss the topic of pain management and are plan-

ning PANAW week celebrations during the week of February 1-7. We re-

cently sponsored an event for the Kidney Health Alliance of Kentucky

(KHAK). For the KSPAN fall state conference, candy bags were prepared

and given to all attendees; a photo booth and button sale were also provid-

ed. We have also started a project in which backpacks and supplies are

prepared and given to children who are being emergently removed from

their homes.

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Volume 27, Issue 3


Improve your perianesthesia knowledge and obtain CE credits by attending an upcoming ASPAN semi-

nar. Want to attend a seminar but found that it is too far away to attend? Then check of the variety of

ASPAN Seminar Webcasts currently available! Choose from full- or half-day programs that you may

attend in the comfort of your own home. Topic include Certification Review, Pediatrics, Pathophysiolo-

gy, Standards for Practice, Legalities, Pain Management, and more. To register for a seminar, visit the

ASPAN website and click on the “2016 Winter/Spring Seminar and Webcasts” link (right click link and

select “Open Hyperlink”).


Watch your e-mail and US mail for upcoming information about the KSPAN spring seminar.

The seminar will be held March 12th on the healthcare campus of the University of Kentucky

in beautiful Lexington. This is a great way to connect with your colleagues from around the

state and to stay current with the latest evidenced-based practice, all while earning CE cred-

its! Details and topics are still being finalized, so stay tuned for more information about this

fantastic opportunity!

Newly Certified CAPA Recertified CAPA Recertified CPAN

Linda Jones Joyce Chase Raymond Young

Richard Reiter Elizabeth Walker Elizabeth Schoulties

Sara Conner Suzanne Luzama Ashley Hess

Sherri Reeder Kelly Harrod Nancy Pittman

Sherri Wohlander Linda Speler Jan Odem-Forren

Hannah Denney Nancy Maushart Lydia Salyers

Lori Klavoon Dawn Radcliffe

Kimberly Jones Lisa Casnellie

Monica Steggeman

Valeria Douglas

Judith Clevenger


FALL 2015

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Waking Crew News

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Spring 2016

CPAN and CAPA are na-

tionally accredited and rec-

ognized credentials that

validate your specialized

knowledge as a perianes-

thesia nurse.

Benefits include:

-Refection of your commit-

ment to perianesthesia

nursing and quality patient


-Increased professional

credibility with patients and

their loved ones

-Validation of current

knowledge, experience, and

commitment to life-long


-Strong sense of achieve-

ment, personal pride, and

increased self esteem

-Gives a competitive edge

in the job market

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Volume 27, Issue 3

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President- Debbie Payne RN,BSN, CAPA

St. Elizabeth Crestview Surgical Center

Florence, KY

[email protected]

President Elect - Jessica Morscheck RN, BSN

University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center

Lexington, KY

[email protected]

Immediate Past President- Brenda Elliott RN, BSN,


St. Elizabeth Medical Center Florence

Florence, KY

[email protected]

Treasurer - Donna Hagan RN, BSN, CPAN

St. Joseph Hospital

Lexington, KY

[email protected]

Secretary- Kerrie Brewer RN, BSN, BS, CPAN University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center

Lexington, KY

[email protected]


Lexington, KY

[email protected]

Patricia (Patty) Brandenburg RN St. Joseph Hospital West

Lexington, KY

[email protected]

Raymond O. Young RN, BSN, BBA, CPAN, CAPA University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital

Lexington, KY

[email protected]

Lisa Casnellie, RN, BSN, CNOR, CAPA

St. Elizabeth Crestview Surgical Center

Florence, KY

[email protected]

JoAnn Mallory RN, MSN, CNOR

St. Elizabeth Medical Center Crestview

Edgewood, KY

[email protected]

Pam Malast RN, BSN, CPAN Paducah, KY

[email protected]

Elizabeth Schoulties RN, MSN, CPAN

St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Florence, KY

[email protected]

Queenie Sembillo-Wolz RN, BSN

Baptist Health Louisville

Louisville, KY

[email protected]

Cheri Wimsatt RN Jewish Hospital St. Mary's Healthcare

Louisville, KY

[email protected]

Janice Wolford Newton, RN, MSN Frankfort Regional Medical Center

Frankfort, KY

[email protected]

Cathy Greulich RN, BSN, CPAN,


Jewish Hospital Medical Center East

Louisville, KY

[email protected]

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Waking Crew News

Make plans to attend the ASPAN 25th National Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This

year’s theme is “Renew Perianesthesia Passion-Inspire Excellence.” The conference will be

held April 10-16, 2016, and will be held at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown. This is a great

way to connect with your peers throughout the country and to learn about the latest evidence-

based practice in the field of perianesthsia nursing, all while earning up to 40 contact hours!

History permeates Philadelphia’s major attractions: America’s Founding Fathers signed the

Declaration of Independence in Independence Hall, and the Liberty Bell rang loudly in 1776 to

summon citizens for the first reading of the Declaration. Philly is also home to the green Fair-

mount Park and the bustling Rittenhouse Square. Noteworthy museums include the odd Mutter

Museum and the Philadelphia Museum of Art with its remarkable collection of Impressionist

Art. Registration will be open soon on the ASPAN website at

Events/2016-National-Conference where you can also find more information by downloading

the conference brochure. Attendees can also follow the link on this page to book their room at

the Marriott for the special rate of $209.00/night for single/double occupancy, but hurry as you

must book by March 8th. Hope to see you in the “City of Brotherly Love!”


APRIL 10-14, 2016


Future National Conference Dates:

April 30-May 4, 2017: Indianapolis, Indiana

April 29-May 3, 2018: Anaheim, California

May 5-9, 2019: Nashville, Tennessee

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KSPAN Willingness to Participate Form Please Print

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

First Name, Last Name, List your Credentials Here

Home Address: Street________________________________________________________

City________________________ St__________ Zip____________

Home Phone: (_________) - ___________ - __________________

Employer’s Name: _____________________________________________________________

Position: ______________________________________________________________________

Work Address: Street________________________________________________________

City__________________________ St______________ Zip_____________

Work Phone: (_________) - ___________ - ___________________

Preferred E-mail:________________________________________________________________ Number of years as ASPAN member: ________________ Number of years in nursing: ____________________ Number of years in perianesthesia nursing: ____________

Areas of Perianesthesia experience: □ Ambulatory □ Surgery □ PACU □ Endo/Specials

□ Clinical □ Education □Administration □Research □ Other___________________

Education □ Diploma □ ADN □ MSN □Other_________________________

Certifications: □ CPAN □CAPA □CNOR □ Other_______________________ Professional Involvement: Indicate involvement with professional associations/organizations (including ASPAN)

I am willing/interested in serving on: □ Board of Directors □Membership Committee

□Education Committee □Newsletter □Certification Coach

*Job responsibilities are listed on the back of this form for BOD Positions and Officers

** If interested, complete form and email or mail to KSPAN

Association #1 #2 #3

Position(s) Held

Page 18: Kentucky Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) Waking a Perioperative nurse for 23 years. I have found perianes-thesia

Waking Crew News

Upcoming Events

CPAN/CAPA Spring Exam Registration Window (visit for details)….January 11-March 7

* Early Bird Discount Ends February 22, 11:59 PM ET *

PeriAnesthesia Nurse Awareness Week (PANAW)…………………………………………..….February 1-7

CPAN/CAPA Spring Testing Window………………………………………………….….….April 4– May 28

ASPAN 35th National Conference: Philadelphia, PA………………………...………………….….April 10-14

KSPAN Spring Seminar: Lexington……….…………………………………………………………..March 12




P.O. Box 17015

Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017


Email: [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook: Kentucky

Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses

KSPAN Mission Statement: The Kentucky Society of

Perianesthesia Nurses (KSPAN) advances nursing practices

through education, research and standards

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