web viewjesus, the word of god, ... john reich. christina johnson. l0 - eric randall. 13- lynette...

CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE Reflections from +Bishop Thomas Aitken Dear member of Kenwood Lutheran; ou are called, chosen, claimed by Christ. Did you know that? And did you also know you can't get out of this claim? You can try - that guy Jonah in the Old Testament tried, but failed you remember. After his pout-fest God answered him by reminding him that God had work for him to do, good work, work that gives ultimate peace. Y You belong to God and God's mission, right now and forever because God chose you before the foundation of the world - as the Psalmist says. And Jesus said, (remember in John's Gospel? "You did not choose me but I chose you” Jesus goes on to say that he chose us to "go bear fruit" the fruit of love for our neighbor (i.e.: the whole world, no exceptions!) This claim on our life is both comforting and a little disarming, isn't it. At some level we don't really want to be in charge of life, but at another level we do. And in the culture we live in here in the United States, we are constantly reminded that life is all about my choice, my rights, my brand, my party, my kind of people...............all of which gradually takes its toll on us. We end up believing that it's all about me, when in fact, it's all about God. And in our better moments, we are relieved that something bigger and better than ourselves is both in charge of the universe, and loves the universe and each of us in it. Those are the humility moments of our life, the realistic moments of our life, the moments when we run up against our KLC NEWS AUGUST 2017 WE ARE PRIVELEGED TO HAVE BISHOP AITKEN FEATURED AS A GUEST WRITER THIS MONTH!

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Reflections from +Bishop Thomas Aitken

Dear member of Kenwood Lutheran;


ou are called, chosen, claimed by Christ. Did you know that? And did you also know you can't get out of this claim? You can try - that guy Jonah in the Old Testament tried, but failed you remember. After his pout-fest God answered him by reminding him that God had work for him to do, good work, work that gives ultimate peace.

You belong to God and God's mission, right now and forever because God chose you before the foundation of the world - as the Psalmist says. And Jesus said, (remember in John's Gospel? "You did not choose me but I chose you Jesus goes on to say that he chose us to "go bear fruit" the fruit of love for our neighbor (i.e.: the whole world, no exceptions!)

We are priveleged to have bishop aitken featured as a guest writer this month!

This claim on our life is both comforting and a little disarming, isn't it. At some level we don't really want to be in charge of life, but at another level we do. And in the culture we live in here in the United States, we are constantly reminded that life is all about my choice, my rights, my brand, my party, my kind of people...............all of which gradually takes its toll on us. We end up believing that it's all about me, when in fact, it's all about God.

And in our better moments, we are relieved that something bigger and better than ourselves is both in charge of the universe, and loves the universe and each of us in it. Those are the humility moments of our life, the realistic moments of our life, the moments when we run up against our mortality, the moments when we get time to reflect on what life means, why we are here, what difference it makes that we are here.

Jesus, the Word of God, has a word for you today. He is telling you that no matter what happens in life, no matter what curve balls get thrown at you, no matter what sorrows fill your heart, what frustrations plaque your mind and heart, Jesus will not leave you. There is no place, not even the most evil and hurting that Jesus will avoid to show us his love and care for us. Add to that, that our Lord will never leave us alone with his call on our lives to bless the world, in spite of what happens.

So, Christian, take heart! Your God loves you and cares for you - now and into the life to come. Its wonderfully scandalous, and it is alone, the power that give us true life.

+Bishop Thomas M. AitkenNortheastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA

"We, who are baptized into Christs death and resurrection, are called to point to Gods unconditional love forall people, no exceptions.God has given us a beautiful world and empowers us to be responsible stewards for it, granting us space to make decisions and take actions about how we will live together. Let us use the grace and love God has already planted in our hearts."

From the 2016 Post-Election Pastoral Letter, +Bishop Aitken

Our President, Joy Michalicek, has been away at the ELCA Womens Tenth Triennial Gathering in Minneapolis. This years theme was All Anew. The theme is supported by several biblical texts that speak of renewal.

One theme verse, Psalm 104:30: Lord, send forth your spiritand renew the face of the earth calls on God to send the Holy Spirit to renew not just Gods people, not just Gods churchbut all Gods earth, the creation that God called good.

In addition to Psalm 104:30, other supporting theme verses include:

Romans 12:2: Be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Youll be changed from the inside out.

2 Corinthians 4:16: Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.

Titus 3:4-5: [God] gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 43:19: I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

While at the National Gathering, Joy was elected

to the WELCA Executive Board. Congratulations

to her!

She will be back in her spot in the newsletter here

next month. Were excited to hear all about her experience at the gathering!

Senior Luncheon-will be held on Wednesday, August 2nd, at the China Caf, 1623 London Rd., 11:45 a.m.

Thrivent Members-may apply for funds to help assist with projects/events here at Kenwood. If you are a Thrivent member and you wish to apply for funds, please notify the church office.

Steak Fry-is coming very soon! Join us on Thursday, August 24. Our chefs Scott and Tom will be grilling up juicy steaks and hamburgers from 5:00-6:30. Get a steak dinner for $12, or a burger with all the fixins for $8. Everyone is welcome! Invite your friends and neighbors to come with you!

Movie night-a movie and potluck night is being planned for September. More details coming soon.

2 - Matthew Holter

3 - Florence Polla

Elizabeth Blix

Henry Randall

8 - Betty Eskola

Pat Kleimola

John Reich

Christina Johnson

l0 - Eric Randall

13- Lynette Mahnke

14 Brandon Reich

l6 - Ed Lundstrom

17 Benjamin Johnson

l8- Judy Bernhardt

Kim Loken

21 - Phyllis Polla

22 - Matt Privette

23 - Katherine Andrews

Jim Hansen

24 - Avery Hanka

25 - Steve Greenfield

Kristy Stokes

26 - Jim Korkalo

28 - Gene Niemi

Eric Stokes

29 - Carole Peterson

Trevor Stokes

30 Connor Carlson

If your birthday is not listed, call or email the church with your birth date including year!

l9 -Matthew Erickson

Kyle Stokes

2l - Brett Sobczak

John Senich

22 -Lynn Simensen

Doris Sodahl

23 -Sandra Skafte

Judy Hay

25 - Bob Johnson

26 - Erin Goutermont

27 - Brennan LaBelle

Jayne Iverson

28 - Pastor Jeff Holter

30 - Reid Bevis

Please remember in your prayers..

The family of Nancy Hassett,

whose mother passed away.

The families of Jim & Kim Stein,

and Jim & Ruth Hansen. Kims

father, who is Jims brother,

passed away.

Upcoming CHUM Events:

National Night Out

Tuesday, August 1

5:30 - 7:00 CHUM Food Shelf Parking Lot

120 N. 1st Avenue West

Set up 5 p.m.

Serving 6 to 7 p.m.

Join us for picnic and fun!!

CHUM Church-Sunday, August 13, Peace United Church, 1111 N. 11th St. Join us for pre-worship activities at 4:00 pm and worship at 4:30pm, with a light supper following.

Just a reminder-Rubys Pantry at the Coppertop Church is the 3rd Thursday of each month.

Distribution is at 5:30 p.m. Pay $20 cash donation and receive abundant groceries! No income guidelines. Bring your own container such as a laundry basket. For more information, call 727-5021.

In the July newsletter listing of gifts in memory of Byron Kleimola, Dolores Carlsons name was not listed. Thank you, Dolores, for your gift.

Gifts have also since been received from Kristy Stokes and Linda Tyacke. Thank you, too, Kristy and Linda.

The urn stand was dedicated in memory of Albert Jensen on June 25.

Blessings to Albert Jensens family.

August Worship Responsibilities at Kenwood Lutheran Church

Altar Guild: Jo Cox & Jan Baird

Welcome Center Attendant

Communion Server



Scripture Reader



Nadine Moeller

Need Volunteers

Barb Lucia

Matt & Kathleen Privette


Brad Kamphenkel

Darlene Roebke

Need Volunteers

Shannon Borgeson

Lori Robison & Deb Stokes


Clara Seafolk

Dawn Erickson

Need Volunteers

Diane Irving

Tom & Susan Muehlberger


Jo Cox

Peggy Pruden

Need Volunteers

Lynn Hegrenes

Pat Kleimola & Mark Irving


June 8, 2017

Members Present: Joy Michalicek, Pastor Jeff Holter, Lynn Hegrenes, Scott Goutermont, Martha Oswald, Brad Kamphenkel, and Barb Lucia.

Guest: Theresa Williams

1. The meeting was called to order by President Joy Michalicek at 7:30 p.m. with devotions and prayer led by Pastor Holter.

2. Minutes from the meeting held on May 11, 2017, were approved as corrected. The corrections are as follows:

--#5. Discussion Items: a. Communication: second bullet point: $900 will be paid to KLC for storage in June; $1,100 will be paid to KLC for July and August.

--#6. Boards, Ministry Teams, Standing Committees: e. Community Ministry Team first bullet point: Packed 116 school kits this evening for distribution.

The minutes of the special KLC Council meeting held on April 24, 2017, at 10:15 a.m. were approved as submitted.

3. Treasurers report = $1,005.21 balance in the checkbook at the end of May, 2017; $9,300 in savings; $3,400 in memorial fund.

4. Action Items:

a. None.

5. Discussion Items:

a. Communication:

Spirit of the Lake Pre-school update: Preschool has keys, will begin moving in next Wednesday, first check has arrived; submitting plans for city permit; talked about changes in outdoor space in the parking lot due to the pre-school arrival;