kerala ayurveda treatments for dandruff removal


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Page 1: Kerala ayurveda treatments for dandruff removal

Page 2: Kerala ayurveda treatments for dandruff removal

Best Ayurveda treatments for Dandruff removal

Most of the people today suffer from dandruff. Ayurveda Kerala suggests various simple methodologies to get rid of this problem. This condition causes severe itching and the formation of white powder like substances in hair. Dandruff is otherwise known as seborrhoeic dermatitis. Dandruff is mainly caused by the deposit of dirt on head, hormonal imbalance, high heat in head, excessive perspiring, Allergy, dry environment and cold weather, insufficient nutrition, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, improper washing and drying of hair etc.

Page 3: Kerala ayurveda treatments for dandruff removal

Some of the most common signs of dandruff are:

Falling scales from scalps Itching and sometimes reddish scalp.

According to Ayurveda Kerala, dandruff is due to pitta dosha. Ayurvedic treatments provide various methods to keep hair healthy, shiny and dandruff free. The imbalances of pitta doshacan be rectified by following proper diet. Including vitamin B containing food items such as red meat, milk, leafy vegetables, cereals, eggs, cabbage etc are good for hair growth.

There were about 73 methods in Ayurveda for the treatment of dandruff. Since Ayurveda prescribes separate medicines for each body type, the correct selection of medicines is much important.

Page 4: Kerala ayurveda treatments for dandruff removal

Some important Ayurveda remedies for effective dandruff treatments are:• Massage the scalp with sesame oil.• Paste made up of fenugreek seed soaked in water is an effective

cure agent for dandruff.• Use of ash-gourd juice on head • One of the common homemade remedy for dandruff and other skin

disease is the application of neem leaf paste. Since the antibiotic nature of neem is very useful for the skin, neem is a common ingredient in most of the Ayurvedic medicines.

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• Green gram powder is applied on the skin for cleaning and removing the dead cells from the head.

• Ayurvedic massage using aloe- vera paste is good for smoothening hair follicles and removing the dandruff. Apply the thick gel all over the hair and then wash it with a mild shampoo after 1 hour.

• Curd with lemon juice is an excellent combination for dandruff free healthy hair. Take a bowl of curd with two lemons squeezed in it. Apply on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Curd is good for providing a cooling effect on head whereas lemons are good for removing dandruff.

• Eggs are rich in proteins that are good for hair growth and reduce the dandruff on head. Apply it regularly for good result.

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