kerala literacy

LITERACY at does it mean to be literate? How much longer can we use poverty as an excuse for children failing to achieve?

Upload: moorthyke

Post on 01-Oct-2015




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Kerala Literacy


  • LITERACYWhat does it mean to be literate?How much longer can we use poverty as an excuse for children failing to achieve?

  • EDUCATIONWhat opportunities will they have?How relevant is the education we provide? Is it fit for purpose? What is the purpose?

  • GENDERCan gender equality ever be a reality?How do we conceptualize gender? Do we lead by example?

  • GLOBALIZATIONWhat do we mean by globalization?How do we move beyond polarized views and understand global (local) relationships?

  • ENVIRONMENTWhy is there all this rubbish?Does development desensitize our relationship with environments? How do we relearn this?

  • TOURISMWho is a tourist and where do we fit in?How does tourism influence our learning? What is responsible tourism/education?