key challanges information management

Key Challenges in managing Information

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Post on 19-Jun-2015



Data & Analytics

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  • 1. Key Challenges in managing Information

2. the influences 3. the challenges 4. Data Management Volume of data File vs Repository Structured vs Unstructured Duplication / Archiving Legacy data Data protection 5. Security Data loss Spam, denial of service Viruses, Malware and Trojans Cyber crime Internal vs external threats Security & auditing Policy / Monitoring 6. Business Continuity Backup vs archive Disk vs tape Virtualization The hypervisor serves as a platform Persistent reliable storage Robustness Redundancy Planning Priority 7. The Internet Rapid rate of change Changing business models Changing social patterns Move to ip6 Information overload 8. Changing Technology data centre vs cloud computing vs desktop virtualization open source vs licensed software increased complexity / redundancy