key issue 3: why do migrants face obstacles?. why do migrants face obstacles? immigration policies...

Chapter 3 Migration Key Issue 3: Why do Migrants Face Obstacles?

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Page 1: Key Issue 3: Why do Migrants Face Obstacles?. Why do migrants face obstacles? Immigration policies of host countries Cultural problems faced while living

Chapter 3 MigrationKey Issue 3: Why do Migrants Face


Page 2: Key Issue 3: Why do Migrants Face Obstacles?. Why do migrants face obstacles? Immigration policies of host countries Cultural problems faced while living

Why do migrants face obstacles?Immigration policies of host countriesCultural problems faced while living in other


Page 3: Key Issue 3: Why do Migrants Face Obstacles?. Why do migrants face obstacles? Immigration policies of host countries Cultural problems faced while living

ObstaclesPast: long, arduous expensive trip across land

or seaCramped, unsanitary ships

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Immigration Policies of Host CountriesTwo policies to control arrival of foreigners

seeking work1) quota system: United StatesLimits number of permanent migrants2) temporary approval: Western Europe &

Middle EastAllows workers to stay temporarily

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US Quota Laws1921, Congress passed Quota Act 1924, National Origins ActSet limits on number of people who could

immigrate from each country in 1 year periodOnly 2% of a country’s population in the U.S.

could immigrate each year (1910 data)Stayed in effect (with modifications) until


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U.S. Quota LawsQuota laws ensured that most immigrants

were EuropeanImmigration Act of 1965

Individual country quotas changed to hemisphere quotas

120,000 from Western Hemisphere170,000 from Eastern Hemisphere

1978 changed to a global quota620,000 and no more than 7% from one


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U.S. Quota LawsMore applicants than what can be admittedPreferences:Family-sponsored immigrants (3/4)

Reunify families (spouses, unmarried children, siblings)

Employment-related immigrants (1/4)Skilled workers, talented professionalsAsians make up a large portion of this group

Lottery for others to diversify entryTakes about 5 years

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U.S. Quota LawsQuota does not apply to refugeesQuota dos not apply to spouses, children &

parents of US citizens

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Brain Drain

Most immigrants are young, well-educated Scientists, researchers, doctors & other

professionalsMigrate to make a better living in destination

Brain Drain: large scale emigration of talented people

US & Europe at fault for favoring educated immigrants

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Temporary Migration for WorkProminent in Europe, Middle East, Asia“guest workers” temporary job holders Western Europe:Protected by minimum wage laws, labor

unionsTake “unwanted jobs”: bus drivers, garbage

menEarn more than in native countrySend money home (helps native country)Decreases unemployment in native country

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Guest Workers in Europe

Fig. 3-9: Guest workers emigrate mainly from Eastern Europe and North Africa to work in the wealthier countries of Western Europe.

Guest workers emigrate primarily from Eastern Europe and North Africa to work in the wealthier, more developed countries of Western Europe. Selected country may be a former colonial ruler, have a similar language or an agreement with the exporting country

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Time-Contract WorkersRecruited for a fixed period to work Millions of Asians in 19th century, mines &

plantationsIndia to Burma, Malaysia, East & Southern

Africa, etcJapanese & Filipinos to Hawaii, BrazilChina to United States, railroadMore than 33 million Chinese live in other

Asian countries

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Emigration from China

Fig. 3-10: Various ethnic Chinese peoples have distinct patterns of migration to other Asian countries.

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Distinguishing Between Economic Migrants and RefugeesDifficult to distinguish cause of emigration:

economic vs refugeeImportant because it determines acceptance

into new countryRefuges receive special priorityCuba, Haiti, Vietnam

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Emigrants from CubaUs regards Cuban immigrants as refugees,

1959 Communist revolution under CastroUS government prevents trade with CubaMany settled in Southern Florida after

revolution“Mariel boatlift” political prisoners, criminals

and mental patients of Cuba allowed to leave Cuba, 1980

Sought political asylum in US125 mile voyage in small boats, often

capsizedUS now permits 20,000 per year

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Emigrants from HaitiHaitians wanted similar treatment as their

neighboring CubaUS claimed Haitians were only looking for

economic advancement, not political asylumWhen Haitian gov’t was taken over by

military, 1991, US began to allow Haitians asylum as refugees

1994, US invaded Haiti to reinstate democratic gov’t

Haitians continue to migrate to US

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Emigrants from VietnamPost Vietnam War, 1975Several thousand pro-US South Vietnmese

were evacuated by US for protection from North Vietnamese

Those who weren’t evacuated left by boat in South China Sea, hoping to be rescued by US Navy

“boat people” seek refuge in other countriees

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Migration of Vietnamese Boat People

Fig. 3-11: Many Vietnamese fled by sea as refugees after the war with the U.S. ended in 1975. Later boat people were often considered economic migrants.

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Cultural Problems Faced While Living in Other CountriesUS Attitudes Towards Immigrants19th centuryImmigrants helped settle the frontier, extend

US control across continent, created productive farms

20th centuryOpposition to new Northern & Eastern

European immigrants: German & IrishHostility towards Italians, Russians, Poles

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US Attitudes toward Immigration1911 government study of popular attitudesImmigrants from Southern & Eastern Europe

are racially inferiorViolent crimes, Resist assimilations , Steal


Current attitudes:Deny undocumented citizens access to

schools, day-care centers, health clinics

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Attitudes Toward Guest WorkersEurope: typically young malesGuest workers suffer poor social conditions,

low paying jobs. Send money home to native country

Many guest workers remain indefinitelyMany Europeans dislike themOppose gov’t programs to help themPolitical parties w strict immigration rules

gaining more support

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Anti-Immigration Protest in Spain

Spanish youths attacked Moroccan immigrants in El Ejido, Spain after an alleged murder.

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Attitudes toward Guest WorkersMiddle East, petroleum-exporting countriesFear guest workers will spark political unrestFear abandonment of Islamic customsHost countries force migrants to return home

if they wish to marry

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Middle East & Western EuropeSlow economyReducing amount of guest workersPay guest workers to return homeHigh unemployment can cause native country

to deny nationals return

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FijiBritish brought Indians to Fiji for labor, 1879-

1920More Indians than native FijianPeacefully coexisted in democratic country

for decadesIndians won power in 1987, leading to riotsNew constitution ensures Fijians will hold

majority in parliament

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Arguments of Anti-ImmigrantsWestern Europe & United States“If immigrants were thrown out,

unemployment rate would drop”“Cut off immigrants from public programs,

then taxes would drop”

Little scientific basis for these arguments