key terms prof shuib

TAJUK : EXISTENTIAL THEORY AND THERAPY OLEH : NOORISMAIL BIN HJ OMAR (M 1540183) REVIEWING KEY TERMS 1. Ontological experience : pengalaman ontology as ontological experience (ontos means "to be" and logical means "the science of"). Literally, then, a major focus of existential therapy consists of exploring the immediate individual human experience. You might think of it as suddenly waking up and being completely tuned into what it's like to be alive, to exist, to be here right now in this particular moment in time. pengalaman ontologi (Ontos bermaksud "menjadi" dan kaedah logik "sains"). Secara harfiah, maka, tumpuan utama terapi kewujudan terdiri daripada meneroka pengalaman manusia individu terdekat. Anda mungkin menganggapnya sebagai tiba-tiba bangun dan yang benar-benar ditala ke dalam apa yang ia seperti untuk hidup, yang wujud, yang berada di sini sekarang di ketika ini dalam masa. 2. Neurotic anxiety : kebimbangan neurotik In contrast, neurotic anxiety is disproportionate to the situation; it is usually repressed. denied, or otherwise avoided, and is not used for creative or constructive purposes. Instead, it is destructive. Sebaliknya, kebimbangan neurotik adalah tidak seimbang dengan keadaan; ia biasanya ditindas. dinafikan, atau jika tidak dielakkan, dan tidak 1

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1. Ontological experience : pengalaman ontology

as ontological experience (ontos means "to be" and logical means

"the science of"). Literally, then, a major focus of existential

therapy consists of exploring the immediate individual human

experience. You might think of it as suddenly waking up and being

completely tuned into what it's like to be alive, to exist, to be here

right now in this particular moment in time.

pengalaman ontologi (Ontos bermaksud "menjadi" dan kaedah

logik "sains"). Secara harfiah, maka, tumpuan utama terapi

kewujudan terdiri daripada meneroka pengalaman manusia

individu terdekat. Anda mungkin menganggapnya sebagai tiba-

tiba bangun dan yang benar-benar ditala ke dalam apa yang ia

seperti untuk hidup, yang wujud, yang berada di sini sekarang di

ketika ini dalam masa.

2. Neurotic anxiety : kebimbangan neurotik

In contrast, neurotic anxiety is disproportionate to the situation; it

is usually repressed. denied, or otherwise avoided, and is not

used for creative or constructive purposes. Instead, it is


Sebaliknya, kebimbangan neurotik adalah tidak seimbang dengan

keadaan; ia biasanya ditindas. dinafikan, atau jika tidak dielakkan,

dan tidak digunakan untuk tujuan kreatif atau membina.

Sebaliknya, ia adalah merosakkan.

3. Neurotic guilt : rasa bersalah Neurotic

Neurotic guilt usually consists of a twisted, exaggerated, or

minimized version of normal guilt. For example, when a victim of

domestic abuse feels guilty for provoking her abuser, it is a twisted

guilt and does not serve a productive purpose. Similarly, the

abuser who feels only transient or minimal guilt after physically

battering his romantic partner is neurotically denying or minimizing

his responsibility for the situation, He may experience complete


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relief from guilt after delivering a quick apology and a dozen roses.

Worse, he may relieve his guilt by blaming his partner and

demanding an apology from her

Rasa bersalah Neurotic biasanya terdiri daripada versi berpintal,

dibesar-besarkan, atau diminimumkan bersalah normal. Sebagai

contoh, apabila mangsa penderaan domestik merasa bersalah

untuk memprovokasi pendera beliau, ia adalah satu kesalahan

dipintal dan tidak menyampaikan suatu tujuan yang produktif.

Begitu juga, pendera yang merasakan hanya bersalah sementara

atau minimum selepas fizikal alat pemukul pasangan romantis

beliau neurotically menafikan dan meminimumkan

tanggungjawabnya untuk keadaan itu, dia boleh mengalami

kelegaan lengkap dari rasa bersalah selepas menyampaikan

permohonan maaf secara cepat dan sedozen mawar. Lebih buruk

lagi, dia boleh melegakan kesalahannya dengan menyalahkan

pasangannya dan menuntut permohonan maaf dari beliau.

4. Ultimate concerns : kebimbangan Ultimate

Kebimbangan utama kebimbangan hasil kewujudan yang perlu

ditangani sama ada secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui

mekanisme pertahanan (walaupun untuk existentialists,

mekanisme pertahanan tidak adalah sukar difahami, proses tidak

sedar automatik, tetapi gaya atau corak mengelakkan

kebimbangan yang boleh dan perlu dibawa kepada kesedaran).

These ultimate concerns of existence produce anxiety that must

be dealt with either directly or indirectly via defense mechanisms

(although for existentialists, defense mechanisms are not an

elusive, automatic unconscious process, but a style or pattern of

avoiding anxiety that can and should be brought to awareness).


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5. Logotherapy : Penyembuhan

logotherapy (log bermaksud; therapeia = penyembuhan). Beliau

membangunkan pendekatan beliau selepas dipenjarakan di kem-

kem tahanan Nazi di Jerman. Pada masa ini, kepercayaan beliau

sebelum ini dalam kepentingan makna kepada kehidupan

manusia telah mengesahkan.

Kunci kepada logotherapy adalah untuk berhadapan dengan

pelanggan secara langsung dengan keperluan untuk makna,

tetapi tidak memberitahu mereka apa yang mereka perlu

mengambil kira secara peribadi yang bermakna. Logotherapy

meraikan tanggungjawab individu: Pelanggan benar-benar

bertanggungjawab terhadap kehidupan dan pilihan mereka

mengenai mengejar makna. Walaupun Frankl datang merentasi

sebagai agak agama atau dalam tulisan-tulisannya, beliau secara

konsisten menekankan bahawa logotherapy teori sekular dan


Fokus kepada mencabar klien supaya mencari makna kepada

kehidupan mereka. Ia berkait dengan teknik yang lain juga iaitu

attitude modulation,paradoxical intention, dan dialog socratic.

6. I-Thou relationship : Hubungan I-Engkau

The existential roots of Gestalt Therapy come especially through

the work of the philosopher Martin Buber and his emphasis on the

"I-Thou" relationship. According to this view, often now referred to

as the "Dialogic" or "Relational" approach, it is within the context

of the healing relationship, in which the therapist practices

"presence", "inclusion" and the "I-Thou attitude" that true healing

takes place. Gestalt Therapy has in recent years been moving

strongly in the direction of emphasizing this powerful therapeutic

dialogue, as well as the importance of providing support for the

client during the therapeutic process. Combining the power of the

healing dialogue, in which the client can experience understanding

and validation, with directed awareness and appropriately


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designed "Gestalt experiments", has enabled Gestalt Therapy to

prove a highly effective approach to psychotherapy.

Akar kewujudan Terapi Gestalt datang terutama melalui kerja-

kerja ahli falsafah Martin Buber dan penekanan pada "I-Engkau"

hubungan. Menurut pandangan ini, sering kini dirujuk sebagai

"dialogik" atau pendekatan "Relational", ia adalah dalam konteks

hubungan penyembuhan, di mana amalan terapi "Kehadiran",

"kemasukan" dan "sikap I-Engkau" yang bahawa penyembuhan

benar berlaku. Terapi Gestalt mempunyai beberapa tahun

kebelakangan ini telah bergerak dengan kukuh ke arah

menekankan dialog terapeutik yang berkuasa ini, dan juga

kepentingan menyediakan sokongan untuk pelanggan semasa

proses terapeutik. Menggabungkan kuasa dialog penyembuhan,

di mana pelanggan boleh mengalami pemahaman dan

pengesahan, dengan kesedaran diarahkan dan sesuai direka

"eksperimen Gestalt", telah membolehkan terapi Gestalt untuk

membuktikan pendekatan yang amat berkesan untuk psikoterapi.

7. Nihilism : Kekurangan kepercayaan

Nihilism (/ˈnaɪ.ᵻlɪzəm/ or /ˈniː.ᵻlɪzəm/; from the Latin nihil, nothing)

is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the lack of belief in one or

more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. Most commonly,

nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism, which

argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic

value. Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist,

and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived.

Nihilism can also take epistemological or ontological/metaphysical

forms, meaning respectively that, in some aspect, knowledge is

not possible, or that reality does not actually exist.

The term is sometimes used in association with anomie to explain

the general mood of despair at a perceived pointlessness of

existence that one may develop upon realising there are no

necessary norms, rules, or laws.[2] Movements such as Futurism


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and deconstruction, among others, have been identified by

commentators[who?] as "nihilistic".

Nihilism is also a characteristic that has been ascribed to time

periods: for example, Jean Baudrillard and others have called

postmodernity a nihilistic epoch, and some Christian theologians

and figures of religious authority have asserted that

postmodernity[5] and many aspects of modernity represent a

rejection of theism, and that such rejection of their theistic doctrine

entails nihilism.

8. Gestalt : Kata Nama

a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or

psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a

functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its


the study of perception and behavior from the standpoint of an

individual's response to configurational wholes with stress on the

uniformity of psychological and physiological events and rejection

of analysis into discrete events of stimulus, percept, and response

Gestalt theory defines psychopathology in a similar manner.

Specifically, when clients resist contact with the environment they

are likely to experience what Gestalt therapists call stuckness or

an inability to grow, adapt, and cope. Essentially, symptoms arise

because of dysregulation in the boundary between self and

environment. Psycho-logical health is characterized by a healthy

boundary between self and environment.

9. Field theory : Teori Medan atau lapangan

Field theory is a method of exploring that describes the whole field

of which the event is currently a part rather than analyzing the

event in terms of a class to which it belongs by its "nature"

The field is a whole in which the parts are in immediate

relationship and responsive to each other and no part is

uninfluenced by what goes on elsewhere in the field. The field


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replaces the notion of discrete, isolated particles. The person in

his or her life space constitutes a field.

In field theory no action is at a distance; that is, what has effect

must touch that which is affected in time and space. Gestalt

therapists work in the here and now and are sensitive to how the

here and now includes residues of the past, such as body posture,

habits, and beliefs.

The phenomenological field is defined by the observer and is

meaningful only when one knows the frame of reference of the

observer. The observer is necessary because what one sees is

somewhat a function of how and when one looks.

Field approaches are descriptive rather than speculative,

interpretive, or classificatory. The emphasis is on observing,

describing, and explicating the exact structure of whatever is

being studied. In Gestalt therapy, data unavailable to direct

observation by the therapist are studied by phenomenological

focusing, experimenting, reporting of participants, and dialogue

10.Figure-ground-formation : Angka-tanah pembentukan

The figure-ground-formation process. In Gestalt perceptual

psychology, an image, sound, or taste is viewed as emerging from

the background and into central focus within one's awareness.

This perceptual process, as applied to therapy, suggests that the

primary or dominant needs of an individual will emerge into focus

at any given moment. This is why Gestalt therapists believe that a

client's unfinished business from the past will inevitably be brought

into focus as therapists keep clients in the here and now.

The process of figure/ground formation and destruction is

dynamic. What emerges in the foreground is the figure. It is

contrasted against its background, or that which does not become

the focus. Taken together, they comprise the gestalt. In a healthy,

functioning organism there is a natural spontaneous flow between

figure formation and destruction, and that is the basic, dynamic

process in which contact occurs. An individual’s history is the


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background of his/her existence. Disturbances in the background

need to become foreground in order to be attended to.

In every figure-ground formation, new figures succeed one

another with the person being an energetic participant. Loss of

faith in the natural process of figure-ground formation prevents

reacting to and engaging in novelty. Movement stops.

11.Will to meaning : Azam yang bermaksud

Of all existential theorists. Frankl has written the most about the

importance of living a meaningful life. He believes the "will to

meaning" is a primary motive, far surpassing the importance of

Freud's pleasure principle and Adlerian superiority striving. He

also emphasizes that, similar to Adlers formulations of human

motivation, meaning is not a drive or push; instead it is

characterized by striving or willing.


Purpose in life and meaning in life constructs appeared in Frankl's

logotherapy writings with relation to existential vacuum and will to

meaning, as well as others who have theorized about and defined

positive psychological functioning.

“will to meaning,” an inner pull to find a meaning in life. The

following list of tenets represents basic principles of logotherapy:

Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most

miserable ones.

Our main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.

We have freedom to find meaning in what we do, and what we

experience, or at least in the stand we take when faced with a

situation of unchangeable suffering.

12.Self-regulating : Mengawal selia orang

The whole. self-regulating person. In Gestalt psychology, and in

applied therapy, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The

goal of treatment is to help the individual become aware of and

own his or her entire self. All previously disowned or devalued


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parts are integrated into the whole person. Gestalt therapy

enhances awareness, which leads to reintegration and allows the

whole person to regulate and be responsible for his life.

Research consistently shows that self-regulation skill is necessary

for reliable emotional well being. Behaviorally, self-regulation is

the ability to act in your long-term best interest, consistent with

your deepest values. (Violation of one's deepest values causes

guilt, shame, and anxiety, which undermine well being.)

Emotionally, self-regulation is the ability to calm yourself down

when you're upset and cheer yourself up when you're down.

13.Confluence : Pertemuaan

a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point a

happy confluence of weather and scenery

the flowing together of two or more streams

the place of meeting of two streams

the combined stream formed by conjunction

Finally, some individuals maintain a completely permeable

boundary between themselves and the world and therefore have

trouble distinguishing between themselves and the outside world

(confluence). Much of Gestalt therapy involves exploring what's

happening between individuals and their environment.

Ini berlaku apabila batasan antara seseorang dengan seorang

atau objek yang lain menjadi semakin kurang. Dalam confluence,

dua individu mungkin dilihat mempunyai perasaan, emosi, dan

nilai yang sama sedangkan pada hakikatnya mereka sebenarnya

tidak menyedari diri mereka sendiri.


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14.Retroflection :


the act or condition of bending or being bent backwards

(phonetics) the act of turning the tip of the tongue upwards and

backwards towards the hard palate in the articulation of a vowel or

a consonant

the act of bending backward

Synonyms : retroflexion

Type of : motility, motion, move, movement a change of position

that does not entail a change of location

Melakukan sesuatu untuk diri kita apa yang kita sebenarnya mahu

lakukan ke atas orang lain. Contohnya mengaku bahawa kita

mampu melakukan sesuatu kerja seorang diri walaupun dalam

masa sama mengharapkan orang lain membantu.

15.Deflection : Pemesongan

Example :

We prefer deflection because the word captures the spirit of the

experience the best. Deflection occurs when at the last moment

we avoid direct contact in favor of a more partial, less satisfying

encounter with the gestalt we have been working towards.

The fire seems too hot, the water too cold, the experience too

intense, the movie too scary, the eye contact too direct, the

feelings too real, so we deflect the full impact and pretend to be

satisfied with a shadow.

Others keep their mouths shut so that nothing from the

environment can get in (deflection).

Mengelak daripada melakukan hubungan. Seorang yang tidak

mahu bercakap banyak, menukar topik kepada satu topik lain

yang tidak relevan adalah contoh sikap deflection. Ia banyak

berlaku dalam kaunseling terutama klien yang masih belum

membina kepercayaan kepada kaunselor dan kaunseling.


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16.Projection : Unjuran

melupuskan satu aspek atau lebih aspek diri dengan memberi

tanggungjawab tersebut kepada orang lain. Contohnya rasa

bersalah atau marah yang disalurkan kepada individu atau objek

yang lain. Seorang yang tidak pandai memasak memberi alasan

bahawa dia bukan tidak pandai memasak tetapi bahan masakan

tidak mencukupi.

17.Contact : Kenalan

A key concept in Gestalt theory is contact. This term emphasizes

the importance of contact between individuals and their

environments. Ideally, individuals have the ability to make contact

with and taste, and sometimes digest, their environments. Perls

(1969a) used the metaphor of mental metabolism and resistance

to contact (or defense mechanisms) to describe ways individuals

might interact with their environments.

18.Gestalt experiments : Eksperimen Gestalt

Still others may have felt resistance or opposition to participating.

As with most Gestalt experiments, your individual here-and-now

reaction to the experiment is just as important as whatever you

may have produced during the experiment. You are a total being,

capable of both experiencing an experience and, at the same

time, reacting to the experience.

As with most Gestalt experiments, your individual here-and-now

reaction to the experiment is just as important as whatever you

may have produced during the experiment. You are a total being,

capable of both experiencing an experience and, at the same

time, reacting to the experience.


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19.Paradoxical intention : Niat paradox

Melalui teknik ini klien mempelajari bagaimana berhadapan

dengan masalah dengan cara menjauhinya (self-distancing)

atau melalui humor secara agresif. Dengan cara ini dapat

memecahkan simptom dan tahap simtom. Teknik ini

kebiasaannya diguna untuk merawat masalah compulsive,

kebimbangan dan vegetative. Compulsive ialah sifat tingkah

laku keterlaluan dalam sesuatu perkara, manakala vegetative

ialah tingkah laku yang menunjukkan seseorang itu tersekat

tidak berkembang.

Contohnya, kaunselor membuat provokasi terhadap klien yang

menunjukkan sikap enggan berkembang dengan mengatakan

bahawa klien boleh terus menunjukkan tingkah laku tersebut

kerana dengan kekal dengan tingkah laku itu bermakna klien

tidak perlu risau dengan cabaran masa hadapan tetapi klien

harus menerima bahawa beliau tidak akan berasa apa-apa

kemajuan dalam diri kerana keengganan untuk berubah.

20.Cognitive reframing : Reframing Kognitif

Cognitive reframing is a psychological technique that consists of

identifying and then disputing irrational or maladaptive thoughts.

Reframing is a way of viewing and experiencing events, ideas,

concepts and emotions to find more positive alternatives. In the

context of cognitive therapy, cognitive reframing is referred to as

cognitive restructuring. Cognitive re-framing, on the other hand,

refers to the process as it occurs either voluntarily or automatically

in all settings.

21.Staying with the feeling : Tinggal dengan perasaan

Gestalt therapy places a strong emphasis on immediate feelings.

Overall, feelings are to be faced and confronted, not avoided. In

some ways, from the Gestalt therapy perspective.

staying with the feeling is less a specific technique than a general

therapy strategy or philosophy.


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caunselor encourages the client the stay with the retain

unpleasent feelings from with the client would prefer to escape

22.And this is my existence : Dan ini adalah kewujudan saya

Perls mempunyai kebolehan yang luar biasa untuk menggunakan

frasa yang berulang-ulang untuk menghasilkan wawasan

pelanggan. Dia menggunakan "dan ini adalah kewujudan saya"

teknik terutamanya dengan mimpi, fantasi, dan imej mengulangi

lain. Teknik ini adalah mudah dan formula. Untuk

menggunakannya, anda hanya memberitahu pelanggan untuk

menggambarkan imej impian dengan ungkapan ringkas dan

kemudian ikut frasa dengan kenyataan itu.

23.The empty-chair dialogue experiment : Eksperimen Dialog Kerusi


Therapy works toward creating full awareness of the here and

now, both within the client and between client and therapist. The

empty chair is one of many interactive techniques used to help

engage the client's feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

The "Empty Chair" technique is one of the various ways in which

Gestalt Therapy can be applied in school counseling. Developed

and popularized by Frederick "Fritz" Pearls, Gestalt therapy

"appeals to school counselors because it is based on perceptual

psychology and the assumption that people respond to various

levels of awareness.

24. Top dog :

A person who uses their good looks, charm, and humour (if they

posess it) to dominate others. He/she navigates the social or

business world with the perception of having everything under

control. Generally coming in at the lead, the top dog exerts a wide

circle of influence around themselves.

Historically a male, recent times have seen the emergence of

female top dogs as well.


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"How does she doe it, she's a real top dog."

"I felt a little emasculated by that comment, but it's OK because I

know she is joking."

*for male specific examples, see other definitions.

Unsur yang ditekankan authoritarian, moralistic dan mendesak.

Contohnya ibu bapa yang suka kritik anak, selalu guna perkataan

seperti harus atau patut.

25.Underdog :

One that is expected to lose a contest or struggle

One that is at a disadvantage.

1 : a person, team, etc., that is expected to lose a contest or


I always root for the underdog instead of the favorite.

2 : a less powerful person or thing that struggles against a

more powerful person or thing (such as a corporation)

As a lawyer, she consistently represented the underdog

Unsur yang selalu menyoal mangsa dalam sesuatu keadaan atau

peranannya, bersikap bela diri, selalu minta maaf, tidak berdaya,

lemah dan memberi alasan bagi kelemahan diri dan peranannya.

26. I take responsibility for :  “Saya mengambil tanggungjawab untuk”

This experiment is used to fulfill one of the basic underlying

principles of Gestalt and existential therapy. As Patricia

Baumgardner states, "Gestalt therapy is an existential therapy,

concerned with the problems evoked by our dread of accepting

responsibility for what we are and what we do"

To use this experiment, the therapist has the client use the

statement as a sort of prefix to what he or she is saying in therapy.

For example, if the client is feeling bored, he or she might be

instructed to say, "I'm bored and I take responsibility for my

boredom." The technique is especially useful when clients are

externalizing their symptoms.


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27.Playing the projection : Bermain Unjuran

Playing the projection is especially applicable to group therapy.

Similar to psychoanalytic object relations theorists. Perls believed

much of what happens interpersonally to be a function of

projection. Therefore, when, in the therapy group, Perls noticed a

group member making a statement about someone else that

seemed to have much more to do with herself. Perls would ask

the participant to play the projection. For example, if the

participant commented that she thought Robert (another group

member) was too critical of other group members. Perls might say

to the woman, "Okay, I want you to take on that quality. You be

critical of everyone here. Go around the room and criticize


28.The reversal technique : Teknik Pembalikan

This technique is designed to get clients in touch with parts of

themselves that they ordinarily minimize, deny, or ignore.

Consequently, passive individuals arc asked to behave

aggressively, exhibitionists are asked to inhibit themselves, and a

person who talks least is asked to talk the most. As with the

playing-the-projection experiment, the reversal technique is often

employed in a group therapy context. However, it can also be

modified for individual clients. As usual, the main emphasis is for

clients to notice physical sensations, feelings, and thoughts that

emerge as they engage in these less prominent behaviors.

29.The exaggeration experiment : Eksperimen yang keterlaluan /berlebih-


In this experiment clients are instructed to exaggerate their subtle

nonverbal behaviors. These nonverbals may or may not be

consistent with the client's overall behavior pattern or verbal

statements. Exaggerating subtle nonverbal behaviors amplifies


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the meaning of the behaviors - behaviors that may have been

outside of awareness.

30. Gestalt dream work : Teknik Mimpi Gestalt

Untuk ahli terapi Gestalt itu, mimpi yang akan dialami, bukan

ditafsirkan. Selain itu, selaras dengan falsafah kewujudan, terapi

Gestalt melihat mimpi sebagai 100% bertanggungjawab terhadap

semua imej impian. Secara khusus, jika impian pelanggan anda

daripada raksasa yang dahsyat membunuh mangsa yang tidak

bersalah, kedua-dua raksasa dan mangsa adalah dianggap

manifestasi mimpi.

Mimpi merupakan konsep penting dalam terapi Gestalt. Mengikut

Gestalt, mimpi merupakan projeksi masa lepas seseorang.

Kebiasaannya, bahagian ini dilupakan, diabaikan, dan

diketepikan. Justeru, peranan kaunselor Gestalt ialah membantu

klien menyepadukan bahagian-bahagian ini. Menganalisis mimpi

melibatkan penggunaan dialog dan melakukan tindakan. Orang

yang bermimpi digalakkan untuk berdialog dengan pelbagai aspek

dalam mimpi mereka. Mereka digalakkan untuk mengambil

bahagian dalam elemen mimpi dan melakonkan mimpi mengikut

perspektif mereka.


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John Sommers-Flanagan & Rita Sommers-Flanagan. (2004). Counseling And

Psychotheraphy Theories In Context And Practise, Library of Congress

Cataloging in Publication Data, British Library : Published by John Wiley

& Son, Inc. All Rights reserved.

Sapora Sipon & Ruhaya Hussin. (2011). Teori Kaunseling dan Psikoterapi,

Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia : Dicetak oleh Romd Enterprise,


Melati Sumari, Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe, Norfaezah Md Khalid & Azmawaty

Mohamad Nor. (2014). Teori Kaunseling dan Psikoterapi, Penerbit

Universiti Malaya.