key verse - church teacher le…  · web viewhe didn’t wait for us to show love for...

God’s Outrageous, Contagious Love STICKY STATEMENT Spread God’s love. LESSON OBJECTIVE Children will see how God paid, in full, the penalty of sin on our behalf as the greatest act of love and will be compelled to love others. LESSON OVERVIEW God commands us to love one another. He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty of our sins so that we can have a right relationship with God through Him. He didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of God’s love to the world. Those who have experienced the love of God should spread that love to others. KEY VERSE 1 John 4:11 DEFINITIONS Love: “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others” Sin: “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God” TEACHER’S CHECKLIST 1. A PowerPoint is available for this lesson. 2. Baby powder (Hook) 3. Towels (Hook) 4. Scenario cards (Connection) Made to Serve Lesson 1: Serve Him; Serve Them – 1

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Page 1: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

God’s Outrageous, Contagious Love


Spread God’s love.


Children will see how God paid, in full, the penalty of sin on our behalf as the greatest act of love and will be compelled to love others.


God commands us to love one another. He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty of our sins so that we can have a right relationship with God through Him. He didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of God’s love to the world. Those who have experienced the love of God should spread that love to others.


1 John 4:11


Love: “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others”Sin: “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God”


1. A PowerPoint is available for this lesson.2. Baby powder (Hook)3. Towels (Hook)4. Scenario cards (Connection)5. Love One Another Video: (Younger


Made to Serve Lesson 1: Serve Him; Serve Them – 1

Page 2: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of


Teacher’s Note: Prior to teaching the lesson, cover your hands with the baby powder. Once your hands are covered, begin shaking hands with a few adult leaders and a few children. Make a point to touch different places in the room, so the baby power will intentionally rub off of your hands and stick to the things you touch. Add more powder to your hands as needed. It is recommended that you warn a few adult leaders in the room that you will be doing this and ask them to make a point of allowing you to shake hands with them, pat them on the shoulder, etc.

The goal is to spread the baby powder around from person to person and from your hands to the walls, chairs, etc. Be sure to have a towel handy for cleaning up after the lesson is over but be sure not to wipe off any of the baby powder during the lesson.

If a child doesn’t want to shake hands, simply move on to the next person. Once you have spread the baby powder to several items and to several people, begin teaching.

You might be wondering why I have baby powder on my hands and why I am spreading it around the room from person to person. Well, a lot of creative ideas have been created recently to teach kids about germs that they can’t see. Many germs are contagious and can be passed from one person to another simply by how close the people are or if they touch one another. Since seeing germs is not possible unless you have a microscope, one way to show how germs spread is by putting baby powder on your hands, so you can recognize everything or everyone you touch. When you touch something with baby powder on your hands, it is pretty easy to see it spread, isn’t it?

But the baby powder on my hands tonight doesn’t represent germs. So, if I shook hands with you, don’t worry; I have a more positive illustration. First John 4:11 tells us: “If God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” If we have been impacted by the love of God, then the love of God should impact others through us. So, the baby powder on my hands tonight is to remind us how contagious the love of God should be. When we interact with others, they should experience the love of God through us.

Just so we all understand what love is, we are going to see what the Bible says about love. One of the most famous verses in the Bible describes love to us. Listen to what John 3:16 says. [Read or quote John 3:16.] God loved us so much that He gave. What did God give? He gave Jesus to us! Why did God give Jesus to us? So, we could have eternal life.

Since the Bible describes love as giving, we are going to define love this way. [Show visual #1: the definition of love.] “Love” is “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others.” That is how God loved. God so loved that He gave His only Son so that we can have eternal life.

Tonight’s lesson is the final lesson in a four-part series called “One Another: Better Together.” The Bible is full of statements that tell us how to treat one another. This series will focus on four of those statements. As you might have guessed, the “One Another” that will be discussed in this lesson is “Let us love one another.” So, let’s spread God’s love. Choose to give of yourself for the good of others!


To help us understand how to love one another, let me ask you a question. Why was baby powder coming off of my hands?

Teacher’s Note: Allow for a response. Most likely, someone will say that the reason why baby powder came off is because you touched the people or things. While that is true, what needs to be made clear is that baby powder came off of your hands because you had baby powder on

Made to Serve Lesson 1: Serve Him; Serve Them – 2

Page 3: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

your hands.

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Page 4: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

Baby powder came off my hands because there was baby powder on my hands. When I was exposed to the baby powder, I became covered in baby powder. When I touched other people or other things, the thing I had been exposed to (in this case, baby powder) impacted others, didn’t it?

For our illustration, the baby powder represents God’s love. When we are exposed to God’s love, it should be evident in us and should impact the lives of those around us. When we truly love God, we will also love one another. We won’t be able to help ourselves! God’s love is contagious! We should spread God’s love!

But how is God’s love shown to us? Let’s read 1 John 4:9-10 to find out. [Read 1 John 4:9-10.] Here is the true picture of love. God sent Jesus into the world to die on the cross and then rise from the dead! God did not wait until we showed love to Him before He acted on our behalf. God gave of Himself for our good.

You see, we all have a problem. Let’s take a look at Romans 6:23 and see if we can figure out what our problem is. [Read Romans 6:23.] We all sin, and sin comes with a price! [Show visual #2: the definition of sin.] “Sin” is “anything we think, say, or do that disobeys God,” and the payment for sin is death. Because we are sinners, we have to be separated from God. Instead of making us pay the penalty of sin, Jesus stepped in and paid it for us. He didn’t have to. He wanted to. God set the standard high when He demonstrated for us what love looks like.

Jesus paid the price for our sins, satisfying the debt we owed God. My sin debt has been paid in full. Your sin debt has been paid in full. That is an amazing love, an astounding love, an outrageous love! If you have experienced the outrageous love of God, you should spread God’s love. You should love others.

In fact, the Bible is clear that we should love one another. [Ask an older child to read 1 John 4:7.] Love one another! That is what we are supposed to do, but where does that love come from? According to this verse, where does love come from? [Allow time for an answer.] Our verse reminded us that love is of God. But it’s better than that. Listen to verse 8. [Read 1 John 4:8.] God is love! It’s because God loves me that I can love others.

First John 4:7 says, “Let us love one another.” Is this a command or just a suggestion? [Allow time for answers.] This is a direct command from God to love one another. We should spread God’s love.

Jesus made it really clear. Listen to the words of Jesus. [Read John 13:34-35.] What was Jesus’ commandment? [Allow for a response.] “Love one another.” How will all people know we belong to God? [Allow for a response.] When we love one another. So, spread God’s love.

Let’s go back to the verse we started with at the beginning. Verse 11 wraps up God’s gift of love and places a big fat bow on top. [Read 1 John 4:11.] After experiencing God’s greatest act of love, how can we ever think that we should keep from sharing that same love with others? This contagious love is spread by you and me through our gratitude and appreciation for all He has done for us! So, spread God’s love.


Teacher’s Note: If you are choosing to use the Younger Adaptation, use it instead of the Connection section of the lesson.

How can we demonstrate the love of God to others? We are going to look at a few different scenarios with three different answers each. Let’s see if we can figure out which answer is the best way to show God’s love. We will use the first one as an example.

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Page 5: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

Teacher’s Note: This activity could be done in one of several different ways.

1. You could work through the first scenario together as an example, and then divide the group into four small groups. Give each group one of the four remaining scenarios. Allow them to have about two minutes to read it and decide on an answer. When they are done, have them report back to the whole group.

2. You could give one of the scenario cards to five children who read really well and allow them to read the card to the group and call for the answer from the other children.

3. You could work through all five scenarios together as a group.

In whatever way you choose to do it, the scenario cards can both be found at the end of this lesson and have been added to the PowerPoint for your convenience.

Scenario 1 [If you are using the PowerPoint, show visual #3: the new student scenario.]

A new student is introduced to your class at school. You can tell that he has moved to your town from a different part of the country. Your friends automatically make fun of the way he talks and start laughing at the way he is dressed. Wanting to spread God’s love, you:

(A) Laugh and make fun of the new student with your friends.

(B) Sit quietly and don’t say anything.

(C) Introduce yourself to the new student and ask him to sit with you at lunch.

In this scenario, which answer do you think spreads God’s love? [Allow for responses.] The answer is “C.” [Show visual #4: Scenario 1 answer.] Why is “C” a better answer than “B”? [Allow for responses.] Just sitting there saying nothing isn’t really showing love. It’s just trying to stay out of it. [Show visual #1 again: the definition of love.] Remember, “love” is “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others.” Sometimes, doing the loving thing means doing the uncomfortable thing.

Here are four more scenarios.

Teacher’s Note: Work through the other four scenarios in whatever style best fits your groups. The other four scenarios are as follows:

Scenario 2 [If you are using the PowerPoint, show visual #5: the homeless person scenario.]

While on a day trip, you and your family go to a local city park and walk the walking paths together. When you get to the other side of the park, your plan is to have a picnic. While you are walking, you pass a homeless person rummaging through a trashcan looking for food. Remembering that we are known as God’s disciples by our love for one another, you:

(A) Keep on walking and then enjoy a family picnic before heading home.

(B) Ask your parents if you can give some extra food from your picnic to this homeless person before you pack up and leave.

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Page 6: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

(C) Talk about how dirty and smelly the person is.[Allow for a response then show visual #6: Scenario 2 answer.] The most loving answer is “B.” If you are going to spread God’s love, you and your parents could offer to give some of your food to the homeless man. Listen to Scenario #3.

Scenario 3[If you are using the PowerPoint, show visual #7: the visit with grandmother scenario.]

Your family has decided to go visit your grandmother. When you go to Grandma’s house, usually you get to play in the basement with some of the old toys that your mom used to play with when she was a kid. It’s not your tablet, but it is usually pretty fun. This time, however, when you arrive, Grandma informs everyone that she has planned a trip for the family to serve at the local soup kitchen with her. Knowing this is an opportunity to spread God’s love to others, you:

(A) Go along but complain the whole time about the work and weird people who are around.

(B) Go along but play on a tablet while the adults in your family serve.

(C) Go along and serve where you can with a happy attitude.

[Allow for a response then show visual #8: Scenario 3 answer.] The best way to spread God’s love is answer “C.” In all three choices, you went to the soup kitchen, but remember, love is giving of yourself. If you complain or play on a tablet the whole time, you are really still focused on yourself and what you want. Here is Scenario #4.

Scenario 4[If you are using the PowerPoint, show visual #9: the swimming scenario.]

You want to go swimming at your best friend’s house. You have been planning to go to your friend’s house for the past week. On the morning of the day, your mom gets a phone call from your friend’s mom. She has been called into work, and now you will not get to go swimming. Knowing God’s love is also expressed in our reactions, you: (A) Throw a fit because your plans are ruined.

(B) Make a suggestion that your friend could come to your house while her mom is at work, and then plan to go swimming a different day.

(C) Call your friend and talk about how bored you are.

[Allow for a response then show visual #10: Scenario 4 answer.] The most loving thing to do is answer “B.” Here is the last one.

Scenario 5[If you are using the PowerPoint, show visual #11: the argument with a friend scenario.]

You and your friend get into an argument that ends badly. You both go home angry with one another. Knowing that God says we are to love others the way He loves us, you:

(A) After praying about it, call your friend and apologize for getting angry. (B) Tell all of your other friends how mean your friend was to you.

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(C) Never talk to your friend again.

[Allow for a response then show visual #12: Scenario 5 answer.] This one is pretty easy, isn’t it? Praying first, to ask forgiveness from God, is where to start. Making that phone call shows love to your friend.

Teacher’s Note: When you are done working through the scenarios, continue teaching with the following content. If you have the time, you may consider allowing the children to list other ways to spread the love of God to others.

Good job, everyone. I think we got some good ideas for spreading God’s love. These different scenarios show us that our lives can spread God’s love to others if we choose. It would be easy to selfishly do things our way without thinking how it would affect others. It would be easy to look past the person who is lonely or left out at school. Our hearts can become insensitive to the hurting people around us if we are not careful. But God expects more of us. He loved us, so we ought to love one another. So, will you spread God’s love?

Teacher’s Note: If you have chosen to use the Younger Adaptation, continue teaching with the Choice section of the lesson.


Jesus paid in full the penalty of your sin. That is the greatest act of love. Jesus chose to give of Himself for your good. If you have never experienced the love of God, will you trust Jesus tonight?

Teacher’s Note: This may lead to an opportunity/need to share the Gospel message with children who have not yet made a profession of faith. For help in this matter, reference the appendix at

For those who are Christians, will you love one another? If so, will you take the time right now to ask God to help you spread God’s love? [Allow time for the children to pray.]


God’s love is outrageous, and it should be contagious. He was willing to send His Son to die because He loves you so much. What adjustments do you need to make in your attitude, your words, or your actions to better show God’s kind of love?

Teacher’s Note: As you finish the lesson, it would be a good time to cover your hand in baby power again as you talk about spreading God’s love.

As you leave to go to Personal Training (PT) Huddle, you take God’s love with you. When you leave here to go home, you take God’s love with you. When you’re lying in bed, going to school, or at soccer practice, God’s love goes with you. How will you spread God’s love? Who do you need to show God’s kind of love to today? When you get to PT Huddle, tell your small group leader the name of one person to whom you will spread God’s love.


Who can tell me the greatest act of love that has ever happened through all time, in all the world? [Allow time for answers.] Yes, we have learned that the greatest act of love was when Jesus died on the cross and rose again. First John 4:7 tells us to love one another.

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Page 8: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of

Let’s listen to this song based on 1 John 4:7. As you learn it, feel free to sing along with the video.

Teacher’s Note: Show the “Love One Another” video:

So, will you spread God’s love this week?


The Goal of the Personal Training Huddle: To help the children see how they can spread God’s love this week.

Discussion Questions

1. In what ways has the love of God been spread to you? (Allow the children time to talk about how others have spread God’s love to them. Make sure that the fact that God sent His Son to die for our sins, paying in full the death penalty we owe so that we can live and love through Jesus’ power is mentioned as a way God’s love is spread.)

2. Why should we want to love others the way God loves us? (The purpose of this question is to see if the children have connected the fact that God’s love should be the motivation for us to love others. He didn’t have to love us that much, but He did. If you have children in your group who have yet to trust Christ as Savior, this may be a good time to explain the love of Jesus and invite them to trust Christ as Savior.)

3. In what way will you give of yourself for the good of others this week? (Help children find one thing they can do to spread the love of God this week. Remind the children that telling others about God’s love is a loving thing they can do. As the PT Coach, be sure to find ways to show love to each of the children in your PT Huddle group this week. As you spread God’s love to them, take the opportunity to see how they have been spreading God’s love to others.)


Tonight’s lesson was the fourth lesson in a four-part series called “One Another: Better Together.” The Bible is full of statements that tell us how to treat one another. This series focused on four of those statements. The “One Another” that we discussed in tonight’s lesson was “Let us love one another.”

Your child learned that God has commanded us to love one another, but the fact that God loved us is the best motivation for spreading God’s love. “Love” is “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others.” God loved us so much that He gave Jesus so we can have eternal life. He gave of Himself for our good. God’s love is outrageous and should be contagious. Because God loved us, we should love others. Help your child find someone they can show God’s love to this week. Two good passages about loving others to read with your child are 1 John 4:7-11 and John 13:34-35.

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Page 9: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of


1. True or False: God is love. (True)2. True or False: Love is the feeling I have when I see the person I like. (False)3. What word is defined this way: “choosing to give of yourself for the good of others’?

(Love)4. What example did God use to show us how to love others? (God so loved that He gave

His only Son.)5. Is loving others a command or a suggestion? (A command)6. What is the missing word? First John 4:7 says “Beloved, let us _____ one another, for

______ is of God.” (Love)7. True or False: The Sticky Statement for the lesson was, “Spread love, not baby

powder.” (False)8. First John 4:7 tells us to love ...? A. Our enemies. B. Our dog. C. When we feel like it. D.

One another. (D. One another)9. True or False: First John 4:11 reminds us that if God loved us, we should love one

another. (True)10. What is the greatest act of love ever shown to man? (Jesus died on the cross and rose


Made to Serve Lesson 1: Serve Him; Serve Them – 9

Page 10: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of
Page 11: KEY VERSE - Church Teacher Le…  · Web viewHe didn’t wait for us to show love for Him. Because He loved us, we can love Him and love others. We are the messengers of