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A PARADIGM FOR OPERANT CONDITIONING IN BLOW FLIES (PHORMIA TERRAE NOVAE ROBINEAU-DESVOIDY, 1830) MICHEL B. C. SOKOLOWSKI 1 ,GE ´ RALD DISMA 1 , AND CHARLES I. ABRAMSON 2 1 UNIVERSITE ´ DE PICARDIE - JULES VERNE 2 OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY, STILLWATER An operant conditioning situation for the blow fly (Protophormia terrae novae) is described. Individual flies are trained to enter and reenter a hole as the operant response. Only a few sessions of contingent reinforcement are required to increase response rates. When the response is no longer followed by food, the rate of entering the hole decreases. Control procedures revealed that rate of responding is not a simple overall result of feeding or of aging. The flies entered into the hole only if the response was required to obtain the food. Key words: associative learning, operant conditioning, blow flies, apparatus _______________________________________________________________________________ The majority of studies on learning in dipterans have been done in the context of classical conditioning of proboscis extension where one or more pairings of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with an unconditioned stimulus (US) subsequently leads to an extension of the proboscis to the CS in anticipation of the US (Chabaud, Devaud, Pham-Dele `gue, Preat & Kaiser, 2006; Nelson, 1971). Work has also been done on olfactory avoidance by pairing an odor with electric shock, this odor being subsequently avoided by the flies (Tully & Quinn, 1985; Waddell & Quinn, 2001). Species of Musca, Drosophila and Phormia have all been used as model systems to study various aspects of behavior including learning, memory (Da- vis, 2005; Fukushi, 1976, 1979; McGuire, 1984), and motivation (Dethier, 1976). In contrast to classical conditioning, there are few studies of operant conditioning in dipterans (Brembs, 2003). Operant condition- ing would require the insect to operate some manipulandum or use a behavior in a new or arbitrary way to obtain reinforcement (Abram- son, 1994). The various techniques used previously include mazes (Bicker & Spatz, 1976; Fukushi, 1985, 1989), shuttle boxes (Diegelmann, Zars, & Zars, 2006; Leeming, 1985; Leeming & Little, 1977; Putz & Heisen- berg, 2002; Wustmann, Rein, Wolf, & Heisen- berg, 1996) and situations where leg position or force exerted in stationary flight is punished (Booker & Quinn, 1981; Brembs & Heisen- berg, 2000; Gong, Xia, Liu, Feng, & Guo, 1998; Mariath, 1985; Wolf & Heisenberg, 1991). Operant chambers are available for several invertebrate species including crustaceans (Abramson & Feinman, 1990), stingless bees (Pessotti, 1972), honey bees (Grossmann, 1973; Sigurdson, 1981), snails (Balaban & Chase, 1989), Aplysia (Downey & Jahan-Parwar, 1972) and cockroaches (Rubadeau & Conrad, 1963). The only procedure we know where a dipteran used a behavior in an arbitrary way was developed by Wolf, Voss, Hein and Heisenberg (1992). In this study, a drosophila successfully controlled the angular position of a visual panorama by choosing the orientation of its posture. Since the beginning of JEAB, most pub- lished experimental articles about condition- ing concerned a narrow list of species. Figure 1 shows the range of species covered by the journal from 1958 to 2008. The vast majority of articles concern birds (97.4% of these were pigeons), rodents (97% were rats), humans, and various primates. These species make up 97.9% of the total published articles. Mammals such as horses, cats, dogs or por- poises comprise 1.42% of the total articles, fishes and reptiles 0.5% of the total articles, and finally invertebrates 0.13% of the total This research was supported by a grant from the Socie ´te ´ Picarde pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal (http:// This article was written during the comple- tion by the first author of a Fulbright scholarship program at Oklahoma State University. Thanks to Franc ¸ois Ton- neau and John Kraft for their encouragement. Thanks to three reviewers for their helpful comments. Address correspondance to Michel Sokolowski, Univer- site ´ de Picardie Jules Verne - Unite ´ ‘‘Dynamiques des Syste `mes Anthropise ´s’’ ( JE 2532), Dpt de Psychologie, Chemin du Thil, F-80025 Amiens, Cedex 1, France (e-mail: [email protected]). doi: 10.1901/jeab.2010.93-81 JOURNAL OF THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR 2010, 93, 81–89 NUMBER 1(JANUARY) 81

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An operant conditioning situation for the blow fly (Protophormia terrae novae) is described. Individualflies are trained to enter and reenter a hole as the operant response. Only a few sessions of contingentreinforcement are required to increase response rates. When the response is no longer followed byfood, the rate of entering the hole decreases. Control procedures revealed that rate of responding is nota simple overall result of feeding or of aging. The flies entered into the hole only if the response wasrequired to obtain the food.

Key words: associative learning, operant conditioning, blow flies, apparatus


The majority of studies on learning indipterans have been done in the context ofclassical conditioning of proboscis extensionwhere one or more pairings of a conditionedstimulus (CS) with an unconditioned stimulus(US) subsequently leads to an extension of theproboscis to the CS in anticipation of the US(Chabaud, Devaud, Pham-Delegue, Preat &Kaiser, 2006; Nelson, 1971). Work has alsobeen done on olfactory avoidance by pairingan odor with electric shock, this odor beingsubsequently avoided by the flies (Tully &Quinn, 1985; Waddell & Quinn, 2001). Speciesof Musca, Drosophila and Phormia have all beenused as model systems to study various aspectsof behavior including learning, memory (Da-vis, 2005; Fukushi, 1976, 1979; McGuire,1984), and motivation (Dethier, 1976).

In contrast to classical conditioning, thereare few studies of operant conditioning indipterans (Brembs, 2003). Operant condition-ing would require the insect to operate somemanipulandum or use a behavior in a new orarbitrary way to obtain reinforcement (Abram-son, 1994). The various techniques used

previously include mazes (Bicker & Spatz,1976; Fukushi, 1985, 1989), shuttle boxes(Diegelmann, Zars, & Zars, 2006; Leeming,1985; Leeming & Little, 1977; Putz & Heisen-berg, 2002; Wustmann, Rein, Wolf, & Heisen-berg, 1996) and situations where leg positionor force exerted in stationary flight is punished(Booker & Quinn, 1981; Brembs & Heisen-berg, 2000; Gong, Xia, Liu, Feng, & Guo, 1998;Mariath, 1985; Wolf & Heisenberg, 1991).

Operant chambers are available for severalinvertebrate species including crustaceans(Abramson & Feinman, 1990), stingless bees(Pessotti, 1972), honey bees (Grossmann,1973; Sigurdson, 1981), snails (Balaban &Chase, 1989), Aplysia (Downey & Jahan-Parwar,1972) and cockroaches (Rubadeau & Conrad,1963). The only procedure we know where adipteran used a behavior in an arbitrary waywas developed by Wolf, Voss, Hein andHeisenberg (1992). In this study, a drosophilasuccessfully controlled the angular position ofa visual panorama by choosing the orientationof its posture.

Since the beginning of JEAB, most pub-lished experimental articles about condition-ing concerned a narrow list of species.Figure 1 shows the range of species coveredby the journal from 1958 to 2008. The vastmajority of articles concern birds (97.4% ofthese were pigeons), rodents (97% were rats),humans, and various primates. These speciesmake up 97.9% of the total published articles.Mammals such as horses, cats, dogs or por-poises comprise 1.42% of the total articles,fishes and reptiles 0.5% of the total articles,and finally invertebrates 0.13% of the total

This research was supported by a grant from the SocietePicarde pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal ( This article was written during the comple-tion by the first author of a Fulbright scholarship programat Oklahoma State University. Thanks to Francois Ton-neau and John Kraft for their encouragement. Thanks tothree reviewers for their helpful comments.

Address correspondance to Michel Sokolowski, Univer-site de Picardie Jules Verne - Unite ‘‘Dynamiques desSystemes Anthropises’’ ( JE 2532), Dpt de Psychologie,Chemin du Thil, F-80025 Amiens, Cedex 1, France (e-mail:[email protected]).

doi: 10.1901/jeab.2010.93-81



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articles. Despite the importance of insects inthe animal kingdom and what they can tell usabout the evolution of learning, we found onlytwo articles with insects, one with the honeybee (Grossman, 1973) and the other withcockroaches (Rubadeau & Conrad, 1963). Thecockroach article contained no data on whichto evaluate its effectiveness.

The present article describes an operantconditioning paradigm developed for aninvertebrate, the blow fly Protophormia terraenovae. An individual blow fly enters a smallhole to receive food. We decided to focus ourattention on P. terrae novae because of itsimportance as a myiasis pest of livestock suchas sheep (Wall & Shearer, 1997) and its use asan object for life history studies (Collatz,1997). We were also interested in whetherlawful data can be obtained from a traditionaloperant situation using a nontraditional or-ganism. We were aided in our design by thelarge size of P. terrae novae that can approach7–12 mm in length and by the large amount ofinformation on its natural history and feedingpreferences (Norris, 1965; Whitworth, 2006).



Six adult blow flies (Protophormia terraenovae), were reared from maggots obtainedfrom a local supplier. When the larvaepupated, they were placed individually in theirown ‘‘home cage.’’ The home cage was

constructed from transparent plastic kitchenboxes (‘‘Mepal moduul’’ 320 ml, 12.5 cm 37.6 cm 3 6.3 cm) with the inside dimensionsreduced to 3 cm 3 4.5 cm 3 12 cm with twohorizontal partitions. Twenty-four 2-mm diam-eter holes were drilled in either side of thecage for air circulation.

The home cage also served as the experi-mental chamber. The subject remained in thehome cage throughout the remainder of itslife. When the cages were not connected to thetraining apparatus they were stored between20 and 25uC. Because young adults do not feedbefore 2 days old, the experiment began whenthe flies were 3 days old. The flies stayed alivefor approximately 2 weeks.


Figure 2 provides an overview of the appa-ratus. The experimental chamber with itsassociated circuitry is shown on the left withthe 5-ml glass syringe and stepper motor usedto deliver sucrose reinforcement shown on theright. The experimental chamber is easilyconnected to, and removed from, the rein-forcement mechanism with two brass screws.Circuit diagrams are not provided in thisarticle because they are standard circuits used,for example, to detect when an infrared lightbeam is broken and to turn on various lightsand the stepper motor.

The operant response consisted of movingin and out of a 7-mm hole. The hole wascreated from a larger hole 1.3 cm diameter 3

Fig. 1. Range of species covered by JEAB from 1958 to 2008. Species from 5 successive years have been combined.Only empirical articles with data have been considered in the analysis.


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1.5 cm long which was reduced to the requiredsize by two plastic plates. The rationale behindreducing the size was to allow the fly to enterthe hole only in the horizontal plane therebyminimizing variations in topography that couldinfluence performance. Moving in and out ofthe hole was detected with two infrared emitterand detector pairs (Honeywell SEP8736 andSDP8436). The two infrared lights were posi-tioned in the form of a cross to ensure that allentrances into the hole were detected.

Entry into the hole was signalled with twelve1.8-mm diameter light emitting diodes (sixyellow and six green, in alternation) placedequal distance around the circumference of thecircle (2.5 cm diameter, see Figure 3). On eachside of the circle, seven lines of six 5-mm light-emitting diodes were arranged in alternation ofgreen and yellow (but not used in thisexperiment). The purpose of the lights was toprovide discriminative stimuli. Figure 3 showsthe response hole and discriminative stimuli.

The reinforcer was 0.086 ml of 5% sucrosesolution delivered at the bottom of the hole by

the 0.1-mm diameter needle of a 5-ml glasssyringe. The tip of the needle was cut to beflush with the bottom of the hole. After eachsession, the hole was cleaned with alcohol andwater. The syringe was activated automaticallywith a stepper motor controlled by ITC Com-step and Powerstep interface connected to a486DX2-50 PC computer through the printerport. The software was written in BorlandPascal (MS DOS).


Sessions were conducted daily for each fly. Asession began by carrying a subject’s homecontainer to the conditioning device andscrewing it in place. Figure 4 shows the homecage connected to the training device. Eachanimal received one session per day through-out its lifetime. Each session ended after 15responses or 1 hr. Our principal purpose inlimiting the session length was to obtain somebaseline data on the longevity of the flies whenconfined to the apparatus and to collect dataon continuous reinforcement (CRF) schedules

Fig. 2. Photograph of the experimental device. A plastic box containing the fly (to the left) is screwed to a steppingmotor mechanism linked to a glass syringe. The box with the fly can be easily screwed in place.


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that can be used later for experiments onschedules of reinforcement. A session beganby turning on the yellow and green lights thatwere positioned around the response hole.When the animal entered the hole the lightswere turned off.

In operant conditioning studies it is stan-dard practice to study a few animals over along period of time (Sidman, 1960). This typeof design focuses on a detailed analysis of anindividual’s behavior, and is the most populardesign in operant conditioning. We used anAB design with two flies (flies F3 and F4), withA corresponding to the baseline level in whicheach response was not followed by reinforce-ment, and B corresponding to the condition-ing phase in which each response was rein-forced. For flies F3 and F4, we stayed 6 days atthe baseline level before switching to the Bphase, which continued until the fly died. Fortwo other flies (F5 and F6), we used an ABAdesign. For fly F5, the first two phases wereperformed over 6 days, with one day devotedto a return to baseline. For fly F6, we

alternated the phase every 3 days. We usedtwo additional control flies (F1 and F2), whichremained under baseline conditions through-out their life. The rationale behind the use ofthese two animals was to determine if enteringthe hole increased in the absence of reinforce-ment and as the fly ages.

Phase A consisted of the baseline condition.During this phase, each entrance to the holeactivated the syringe, but it was not filled, and sothe fly received the same amount of vibrationfrom the stepper motor as in phase B, butwithout food. At the beginning of the sessions, adrop of 1.29 ml sucrose solution (equivalent tothe total amount received per session in phaseB) was manually put inside the box at a randomplace. As we know that sugar may elicit walking(Dethier, 1957), the goal of this procedure wasto measure the rate of hole entering elicited bysucrose solution alone. The yellow and greenlights were on except during a 3-s timeoutfollowing each exit from the hole.

During phase B, each access to the hole wasfollowed by a reinforcer (CRF schedule). After

Fig. 3. Photograph of the hole that constitutes the operant response. Note the two plastic plates that restrict theorientation into the hole. Entry into the hole is detected by photocells. Twelve light-emitting diodes (yellow and green)are arranged around the hole and serve as discriminative stimuli.


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the reinforcer was consumed, and the flybacked out of the hole, a 3-s time-out (yellowand green lights off) was scheduled with noresponses being reinforced. This procedurewas instigated to prevent small movements ofthe fly being recorded as a response. Inaddition, the delay had the benefit of requir-ing the animal to back out and then reenterthe hole thereby providing response feedback.Following the training session no additionalfood or water was provided.


Figure 5 shows the rate of hole entering fortwo flies that received no reinforcement forentering the hole during the first phase butwhose hole entry was reinforced during thesecond phase of training (i.e., AB design). Thetwo flies showed similar patterns of behavior. Avery low rate of responding was observedduring the unreinforced baseline condition,

which substantially increased during the sec-ond phase of the experiment when food wascontingent upon entering the hole. Note thatthe change appeared only after several ses-sions, suggesting that the contingency tooksome time to be effective. Whether this wasdue to some inhibitory conditioning learnedduring the first phase is not known at thistime. As the contingent reinforcement sessionscontinued, the rate of responding increaseduntil the end of the animal’s life.

Two alternative explanations other than theeffect of reinforcement for the increase inresponding observed during the contingentcondition are that 1) as the fly ages its holeentering behavior increases as a result ofmaturation and 2) hole entering behaviorincreases as a result of sucrose stimulationper se. Figure 6 shows the results for flies F1and F2 who were only exposed to the baselinecondition. No systematic or substantial in-crease in response rate was observed during

Fig. 4. A photograph of the fly chamber connected to operant device.


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the lifetime of these subjects nor did holeentering increase with repeated consumptionof sugar solution. F1 showed a small increasefrom session 1 to session 10, but it was notcomparable to the large one observed withexperimental flies when the response wasreinforced. Contrary to F1, F2 showed aregular decrease in response rate. The highestrate was obtained the second day, and a zerorate was obtained after 12 days.

In order to obtain some information on theeffect of extinction, we returned a fly to thebaseline condition following contingent rein-forcement (i.e., ABA design). Figure 7 showsthat the behavior of fly F5 was similar to thebehavior of flies F3 and F4 that received abaseline condition followed by contingentreinforcement. When fly F5 was returned tothe baseline condition its rate of entering thehole decreased. Unfortunately, fly F5 diedafter only one extinction session.

To gather additional data on the effect ofextinction we reduced the number of sessions

within each condition. This needed to be donebecause the lifespan of the blow fly is short andwe had no way of predicting how many sessionscould be conducted, or conditions employed,before an individual fly died. Figure 7 showsthe performance of fly F6 across conditions.Although the response rate was low during thefirst contingent phase (B), it was reducedfurther by extinction (A) and increased duringthe second contingent condition (B).

It has been suggested that the small brainand short life span precludes insects fromlearning a wide range of behavior (Dethier,1962; Mayr, 1974). Our data show thatdipterans are capable of a wider range oflearned behavior than previously demonstrat-ed (Brembs, 2003; Dukas, 2008). The devel-opment of an operant conditioning paradigmfor Protophormia terrae novae is the first step toquantitatively study operant conditioning phe-nomena in this economically important spe-cies and opens a promising field for compar-ative investigations on learning phenomena

Fig. 5. Response rate (responses/min) as a functionof experimental sessions for 2 flies F3 and F4 involved inthe AB design. The vertical dotted line shows the switchfrom the baseline level (‘‘A’’, open circles) to thecontinuous reinforcement schedule (‘‘B’’, closed circles).These 2 flies worked for 14 consecutive days.

Fig. 6. Response rate (responses/min) as a functionof experimental sessions for the 2 control flies F1 and F2.No reinforcer was given to these flies (baseline conditionwritten as ‘‘A’’). F1 remained alive for 10 consecutive days,and F2 for 16 days.


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traditionally studied using operant methodol-ogy (Skinner, 1956; Staddon & Cerutti, 2003).

The apparatus functioned very well. Only afew sessions of contingent reinforcement wererequired to increase response rates. When theresponse no longer produced sucrose, the rateof entering the hole decreased. Moreover,within the individual chambers serving also asconditioning boxes, we were able to detectthese changes in individual behavior (Dunlap,1935) without any direct manipulation of theflies. As the control flies revealed, rate ofresponding was not a simple overall result offeeding or of aging. The flies entered the holeonly if the response was required to get thefood.

However, at this stage of research, these firstresults need to be considered carefully. At thebeginning of the session during the controlphase (phase A) we gave in the chamber, butoutside the response hole, an amount ofsucrose equivalent to the total amount con-

sumed by flies per session in the experimentalcondition (phase B). Although this procedureprovides equal access to the solution acrossexperimental and control phases, it does notexactly reproduce the periodic access to thereinforcer in the experimental condition. Thepossibility that hole entering might be abyproduct of periodic consumption cannotbe completely ruled out. A yoked controlcould be used, but as Church (1964) hasshown, the comparison of different subjectscan be a source of additional problems if thereare individual differences in the effectivenessof the reinforcer to elicit the response. Abetter control procedure may consist ofproviding the fly with a choice between twoholes, only one providing reinforcement, withthe response rate expected to be higher forthe active hole. However, this procedurerequires substantial changes in the hardwareand software. As our preliminary data areencouraging, these developments will be thenext goal in our fly learning analysis.

Contrary to most dipteran instrumentalconditioning studies where negative reinforce-ment or punishment procedures are common(Booker & Quinn, 1981; Brembs & Heisenberg,2000; Gong et al., 1998; Mariath, 1985; Wolf &Heisenberg, 1991), we used positive reinforce-ment with sucrose as the reinforcer. Our use ofa nutritional positive reinforcer suggests thatlife history studies using operant conditioningcan now be performed with the blow fly.Operant learning with food reinforcementmay increase food consumption and fitnessbut at a cost relative to energy consumption andneural activity. Such a cost produced by anability to learn may ironically decrease lifespan(Laughlin, 2001; Mery & Kawecki, 2004). It isknown that mating shortens the lifespan in fliesand the question naturally arises whetherlearned behavior also influences life historytraits (Collatz & Wilps, 1985). Since it isrelatively easy to study the behavior of a flyduring its lifetime, our apparatus also opens thedoor to new studies of life history trade-offs.

Finally, as Phormia have been used for anumber of years as a model insect for the studyof aging (Collatz, 1997) our situation is idealfor such studies because now it is possible tostudy the maintenance of learned behavior(and specially of operant behavior) through-out its aging process (Fresquet & Medioni,1993).

Fig. 7. Response rate (responses/min) as a functionof experimental sessions for the 2 flies F5 and F6 involvedin the ABA design. The dotted vertical line shows theswitch to the next condition (Baseline, open circles,written as ‘‘A’’ or CRF, closedcircles, written as ‘‘B’’). F5stayed 6 days in each condition before a switch, and F6only 3 days before a change in reinforcer delivery.


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Received: April 29, 2009Final Acceptance: October 20, 2009