keyword research bangla tutorial

8 Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434 Keyword Ges Keyword Research mvP© BwÄb AcwUgv‡Rkvb †evSvi Av‡M Avgv‡`i ey S‡Z n‡e Keyword| A_© vr Keyword wK? Avgiv Google mvP© Kivi mgq hv wj‡L mvP© ‡`B, †mwU‡K g~ jZ Avgiv Keyword ej‡Z cvwi| Suppose Avwg hw` Google G outsourcing tutor wj‡L mvP© †`B, Zvn‡j wb‡Pi wP‡Î j¶ Ki“b, Avgiv Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡R †c‡q wM‡qwQ| Ges Dc‡i I wb‡P `y wU Link B Avgvi I‡qe mvBU wi‡j‡UW Link| A_© vr †Kvb wfwRUi hw` outsourcing tutor ‡Lu vRvi Rb¨ Google G outsourcing tutor wj‡L mvP© K‡i, Z‡e H wfwRUi Avgvi I‡qe mvBUwU Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡RB †c‡q hv‡”Q| A_© vr Avwg Avgvi I‡qe mvBUwU wWRvBb Kivi mgq Ges wewfbœ gv‡K© wUs cwjwm‡Z A_© vr Avgvi I‡qe mvB‡Ui Rb¨ Search Ingine Optimization Kivi mgq, Avi I A‡bK Keyword Gi mv‡_ Avwg outsourcing tutor Keyword wU e¨envi K‡iwQ|

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Page 1: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

• Keyword Ges Keyword Research

mvP© BwÄb AcwUgv‡Rkvb †evSvi Av‡M Avgv‡`i eyS‡Z n‡e Keyword|

A_©vr Keyword wK? Avgiv Google mvP© Kivi mgq hv wj‡L mvP© ‡`B, †mwU‡K g~jZ Avgiv

Keyword ej‡Z cvwi| Suppose Avwg hw` Google G outsourcing tutor wj‡L mvP© †`B, Zvn‡j

wb‡Pi wP‡Î j¶ Ki“b, Avgiv Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡R †c‡q wM‡qwQ| Ges

Dc‡i I wb‡P ywU Link B Avgvi I‡qe mvBU wi‡j‡UW Link|

A_©vr †Kvb wfwRUi hw` outsourcing tutor ‡LuvRvi Rb¨ Google G outsourcing tutor wj‡L mvP©

K‡i, Z‡e H wfwRUi Avgvi I‡qe mvBUwU Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡RB †c‡q hv‡”Q|

A_©vr Avwg Avgvi I‡qe mvBUwU wWRvBb Kivi mgq Ges wewfbœ gv‡K©wUs cwjwm‡Z A_©vr Avgvi I‡qe

mvB‡Ui Rb¨ Search Ingine Optimization Kivi mgq, Avi I A‡bK Keyword Gi mv‡_ Avwg

outsourcing tutor Keyword wU e¨envi K‡iwQ|

Page 2: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

G Kvi‡bB wfwRUi hLb outsourcing tutor wj‡L Google G mvP© w`‡”Q, ZLb wfwRUi Avgvi I‡qe

mvBUwU Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡R †c‡q hv‡”Q| A_©vr j¶¨ Ki“b, Avgvi I‡qe mvB‡Ui gv‡K©wUs n‡”Q

g~jZ Keyword Gi gva¨‡g|

Avi †h †Kvb I‡qe mvBU Keyword mvP© Gi gva¨‡g Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡R wb‡q Avmvi cÖwµqv ev

†h †Kvb I‡qe mvBU Google Gi cÖ_g †cB‡R wb‡q Avmvi Rb¨ Avgiv ‡h †h KvR ¸‡jv Kwi, †m

KvR¸‡jv‡KB Avgiv Search Ingine Optimization ej‡Z cvwi|

Dc‡iv³ Av‡jvPbvq Avgiv Keyword m¤ú‡K© †gvUvgywU avibv †c‡qwQ| Ges Avgiv Search Ingine

Optimization Gi †¶‡Î Keyword Gi ¸i“Z¡ eyS‡Z †c‡iwQ|

‡h ‡Kvb I‡qe mvBU gv‡K©wUs Kivi c~‡e©, A_©vr Search Ingine Optimization ïi“ Kivi c~‡e©, †mB

I‡qe mvB‡Ui Rb¨ Keyword Research K‡i Keyword Choose Ki‡Z n‡e|

Avcbviv Google G Keyword Research tool wj‡L mvP© w`‡j Keyword Research Gi cÖPzi

tool ‡c‡q hv‡eb|

Avwg GLv‡b Keyword Research Gi RbwcÖq tool wb‡q

Av‡jvPbv KiwQ| GwU Google GiB GKwU mvwf©m| GB tool e¨envi Kivi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K D³ Link

G Gmail ID Password w`‡q Sign In Ki‡Z n‡e|

Sign In G wK¬K Ki“b|

Page 3: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

Gmail ID w`b|

Gmail Password w`b|

Sign In G wK¬K Ki“b|

Page 4: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsou

I have an email address a

I'd like to use my existing


Password w`b|

Sign In G wK¬K Ki“b|

Time zone Ges Country wm‡j± K

Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 0176

and password I Option wU Choose Ki“b|

g Google account for AdWords. Option

‡j± K‡i, Continue ‡Z wK¬K Ki“b|


n wU Choose

Page 5: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

wK¬K Sign in to your AdWords account

Tools G wK¬K K‡i Keyword Planner G wK¬K Ki“b|

Page 6: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

Search for new keyword and group ideas G wK¬K Ki“b|

Avcbvi †cÖvWv± A_ev mvwf©m Gi bvg wjLyb|

I‡qe mvB‡Ui Address w`b|

Category Choose Ki“b|

Get Ideas G wK¬K Ki“b|

Page 7: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

Keyword Ideas G wK¬K Ki“b|

Page 8: Keyword research bangla tutorial Full Outsourcing and Freelancing Training Guide 01764608434

G Ae ’vq Avg. monthly searches Ges Competition Gi Dci wfwË K‡i Keyword Choose

Ki‡Z n‡e|

A_©vr Avg. monthly searches Gi msL¨v †ekx Ges Competition Low n‡jB Avgiv Keyword

wU Avgv‡`i I‡qe mvB‡Ui Rb¨ Choose Ki‡Z cvwi|

Keyword Research Kivi Avi GKwU DËg †UKwbK n‡”Q, Keyword Choose Kivi mgq Avgv‡K

wfwRU‡ii gZ wPšÍv Ki‡Z n‡e| A_©vr Avgvi Uv‡M©U Audience ev Visitor Avgvi I‡qe mvB‡Ui

Category Gi I‡qe mvBU †LuvRvi Rb¨ wK wj‡L mvP© w`‡Z cv‡i| †mwUB n‡e Avgvi I‡qe mvB‡Ui Rb¨

DËg Keyword|