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Kg fh H H h X i X I rrHCEErrr3T zisctismmSSSSS3SIZ MttfiWHMMlfl i j tj f HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 8U0CK9S0B TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher Official JPaper of digi5Coiin- - ty Nebrstikfe 100 Per Ifeur Hh Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the Post office Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second-class-matt- er This paper will be malted regulariy to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar-- rears are paid in full Advertising rates 50 cents per dnch per month- - Kates per column or for long time ads made known oi appli- cation ¬ to thisoffice THURSDAY OCTOBER 8 1896 Democratic Ticket For President WILLIAM JENNINGS BUYAST Of Lincoln Nebraska Por Vice President AliTHUR SEWALL Of Bath Maine x Presidential Electors FRED METZ O W PALM EJ HALE X PIASCEKL N 0 ALBERTS SL KOSTRYZE J N CAMPBELL M F HARRINGTON For- - Governor SILAS A HOLCOMB For Lieutenant Governor J EIIARRIS For State Secretary WF PORTER ForState Auditor JOHN F CORNELL For State Treasurer JN MESERVE For Attorney General C J SMYTH For State Superintendent WR JACKSON For Commissioner J Y WOLFE For Judges Supreme Court Long Term WILLIAM NEVILLE Short Term J S KIRKPATRICK For University Regent THOMAS RAWLINGS For Senator 14th District For Representative 52d District -I- W-Coanfn Attorntn D H THURSTON For Commissioner 2d District Not uite- - four weeks until election day Have you done anything for the cause If not why not Wake up brothers and democracy will once i more reign triumphant When WL Greene comes to Val- entine ¬ on the 17th it is to be hoped that he will not be suffering from another attack of tonsilitis This is a good town to buy the prescriptions usually used for the disease but for his own sake he should suffer in c silence The latest estimate by prominent republicans gives Bryan 199 votes cure McKinley 129 and marks 9 states with 119 votes as doubtful Let everybody get off his coat and go to work to gain a couple of those doubtful states It can be done and ought to be done We donlt need the east and should not waste time there The rudeness of President Elliot of Harvard to the GAR and the brutal behavior of Yale students towards Bryan marks a radical decline in our pretended leading colleges in good manners patriotism and political com- mon ¬ sense They are two schools which the patriotic youth of the coun ¬ try should let severely alone They are notAmerican and do not represent American principles and behavior Ex Gold atill comes and even the mighty Bank of England cannot stop i the yellow tide from flowing this way its course westward is in compliance so to speak with the law of commer-- vCial gravitation The faut is that trade manufacturing interests and commerce in this country are all awakening to their opportunities their present opportunities too and not merely those which the future may bring Mills are opening every day confidence is gaining headway in all our business circles and as for exports thay are having a veritable boom r t- - - m mv---jiYi- STATE INSTITUTIONS Every tax payer in Nebraska is in- terested ¬ in having the public institu ¬ tions of the state managed with economy Six of these institutions are under the direct control of Governor Hol comb who has appointed the officers in charge and demanded of them an hon- est ¬ efficient and economical manage ment The record for the two years j will show a saving of two hundred thousand dollars to the tax payers is these six institutions When Governor Holcomb assumed office the best managed state institu ¬ tion was the Hastings Asylum tor the Chronic Insane Republican officials pointed to it as an example of rigid economy and predicted bad results when it passed into populist manage- ment ¬ The cost of maintaining pa- tients ¬ at this asylum during 1892 1893 and 1894 had averaged 55 4 5 cents per day One year and a half of populist management and the results showed a cost of 35f cents per day for mainten- ance ¬ a saving to the state in this in- stitution ¬ -- alone of 366864 per annum At the Lincoln Hospital for Insane the per capita expense of maintaining patients has been reduced from 54 cents per day to 45 4 5 cents making a saving a saving of 1089586 per annum The Norfolk- - Hospital for Insane has saved the state 773376 per annum by reducing the cost per capita for main- taining ¬ patients from 67 cents per day for 1892 1893 and 1894 to 59 cents for1 1895 and 1896 The Soldiers Home at Grand Island shows by three -s- emi-annual reports filed for 1895 and the first ihalf of 1896 a savingat the rate of 2468887 per annum over the cost of running the institution during 1892 1893 and 1894 At these four institutions the officers had to contend against short crops and other obstacles which increased the necessary expenses At the- - state prison the warden has been obstructed at every point by the objections of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings The prison can and should be self supporting yet the state of Nebraska was paying over 40 cents a day for the maintenance of convicts when Governor Holcomb assumed office Despite the fight made- - by Chairman Russell and the board to defeat the economic measures institu- ted ¬ by the warden the cost of keep ing the convicts was brought down to 261 5 cents per day The -- saving to the state has been atthe rate of 16 19352per annum The Institute for the Blind at Nebraska City makes a showing of having saved 3326 per annum re ¬ ducing the cost of maintaining inmates from 106 83 3 5 cents per capita per day The total savings of these six state institutions over the average annual cost of maintaining the same institu- tions ¬ for the three years prior to Governor Holcombs term of office make a grand total of 9952475 per annum ATTEMPTS TO DECEIVE Here is one more deliberate att empt to deceive shown up by The Demo ¬ crat In the Gordon Journal of last week the following appeared BRYAN in 1893 No people except the greedy owners of silver mines anxious to make inor- dinate ¬ profits are interested in coinage at the ratia of 16 to J No people ex- cept ¬ those avaricious owners of money who profit by contracting the cur- rency ¬ are interested in prohibiting honest free silver coinage at the ratio ofJ25 to 1 We have no silver mines in Nebraska and the interests of the people of this state simply require free and unlimited coinage of silver upon the basis of its reasonable value which cannot be far from 1 part of gold to 25 of -- silver World Herald Bryans paper July31 1893 Now appearing in almost any other paper this article would not cause comment but in Bro Lyons paper ye gods Can it be possible that he who says the politics of this paper is putrid would stoop eo low as toprac- - tice downright deception The article in question did appear in the World Herald on the datd mentioned but the deceptiou lies in the heading and the credit attached to the article The World Herald was not Bryanspaper on the date mentioned as Bro Lyon and every other intelligent Nebraskan knows and he was not responsible for the exticle Will the Journal please correct Plutocracy vs poverty monopolies vs individuals trusts vs the people is the title of the case now being heard by voters and on which a decision will be tendered Nqv On to Canton is the popular watch- word ¬ Norfolk Neius Yes popular because so cheap Free transportation would draw a crowd to hell Yet the News holds up its hands in holy horror when free silver is men- tioned ¬ f Norfolh Independent Another editor has been honoredr by a political party This time it is Robert Good of The Valentine Democrat who was nominated for representative of this district Of course Bro Good knows that it is an empty honor and there is no possible chance of election yet his -- nomination shows that the party appreciates his efforts and were it in their power to reward him they would do so Browrilee Hornet The republicans have removed one more enemy to their cause by nominat- ing ¬ Mayor Pingree of Detroit for governor of Michigan Mayor Pingree was wont to ask What party policy will best subserve the greatest good to the greatest number and his answer invariably was Free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 But all thafrhas changed now and he only asks What policy will best subserve the interests of Mr Pingree Tis thus that ambition makes liars of men Heretofore Mr Pingree has been pointed to as a great benefactor of the poor and his potato patch in the city of Detroit will be remembered for ages but in linking his fate with McKinleys in standing upon the same platform with the savior of trusts and monopolies he puts an end to bis usefulness His desire to aid the laboring man has been put behind his desire for political preferment and Mark Hanna can congratulate himself upon having re- moved ¬ another of labors champions The erstvvbile advocate of principle has now become a most earnest disci- ple ¬ of party MERE CURIOSITY Mere curiosity led 40000 intelli- gent ¬ people to attend the Bryan ratifi- cation ¬ meeting given by Tammany Hall in New York City last week and 35000 of these were compelled to stand outside in a cold rain Mere curiosity impelled the 5000 men and women to cheer as one person when Bryan appeared upon the platform Mere curiosity set the immense throng wild when be said While I do not wish to array class against clas3 1 am willing to array all the people wbo suffer from trusts against the few people who compose them It was mere curiosity that caused such an ovation toffehe democratic candidaterin New Jersey tbat the New York World the great gold standard democratic paper heads its article on the subject in four-lme-pic- a letter Jersey Bryan Mad And it is mere curiosity to see good times that will place Bryan in the presidential chair on the 4th day of next March Long live such mere curiosity May its power never grow less WHAT TARIFF MEANS In the house of representatives on March 16 1892 William J Bryan the democratic candidate for president said There is a question Mr Chairman when you come to consider the details of a revenue tariffas to just how it ought to be laid I do not remember the exact language of that platform upon this question but I do believe as say and I am ready to stand by it anywhere that a protective tariff lev- ied ¬ not to raise revenue but to protect some particular industry is wrong in principle and vicious in practice Now what is a protective tariff and what does itmean It is a simple device by which one man is authorized to collect moneyJxom his fellow man There are two ways in which iyou can pro tect an industry Youi can give it -- a bounty out of the federal treasury or you can authorize it to take up the collection itself Tbisis the only dif- ference ¬ Suppose that the Chairman desired to help some particular indus try for instance one in the home of my friend from New York Mr Raines who was asked the question He might do it in either of two ways He might pass around the hat here and collect the money and tarn it over to the favored industry or he might simply say to the man I will put a tariff upon the imported article and make the price so high that you can collect the additional price for your home made article Now what is the difference except that in the one case the Chairman passes around the hat and turns the money over to friends and in the other case authorizes the friendto pass the himself his he hat r -- 3e53C tr ANOTHER MCKINLEY RECORD What a queer old world ibis is any ¬ way and How devions and inexplicable are some of thccouclusions arrived at and arguments presented regarding presidential candidates Now theres Bryan and McKinley and the prohibi- tionists ¬ The McKinleyites are afraid that Bryan will get the votes of the prohibs so they are assiduously circu- lating ¬ a story to the effect that Bryan once stumped this state against prohi- - feition all of which is false This stumping was supposed to have Ibeen done in 1890 when Bryanfirst ran for Congress but all that Bryan ever said in his speeches it that time regarding the proposed prohibitory amendment was that the democratic party is not in favor of attempting to regulate the appetites of men But what of that Our republican friends are attempting to make a mountain out of this mole- hill ¬ and hold up their hands in holy horror at the thought of anyone dar ¬ ing to make such a bold statement And they point with pride to Mc Kinleyte address in 1874 when he said among other stronger things By legalizing this traffic we agree to share with the liquor sellers the respon- sibilities and evils of his business Every man who votes for license be- comes ¬ of necessity a partner to the liquor traffic and all its consequences Nobody desires to argue this ques ion in a presidential campaign but many will honor McKinley for th words quoted above But like all other McKinley records this one has two sides On South Market street in Canton Ohio stands a Mittle three cornered one story building occupied by John Rolli with an ordinary every- day ¬ liquor saloon The land and building occupied by this saloon is and for several years has been in the possession of Wm McKinley and the rentals paid for the property go into his pocket This is given on the authority of the New York Voice the greatest prohibition paper in America By McKinleys record he can be shown to be in favor of anything and everything In the Republican platform of 1860 adopted at Chicago that on which Abraham Lincoln was elected presi- dent ¬ appeared the following plank That the maintenance inviolate of the right of the state and especiallythe right of each state to order and con trol its own domestic institutions fic- - cording to its own iudaemenfc exclu- - o i - u i Dirvcij to caacutirii lu Ulclli UUUU1UK power upon which the operation and endurance of our political fabric de ¬ pends and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any state or territory no matter under what pretext as among the greatest of crimes Thirty six years later the Chicago convention on July 7 1896 writes the following plank which the republican machine of Hanna McKinley Piatt Merriam Quay and Payne denounces as anarchistic We denounce arbitrary interference by federal authorities in local affairs as a violation of the constitution of the United States as a crime against free institutions If this plank on which William Bryan and the army of freedom 1896 stands is anarchistic what that on which Abraham Lincoln of J in of and the allied forcesof union and freedom stood in 1860 When Mr Hanna by the most ex- traordinary ¬ campaign of boodle that the country ever saw solidified the re- publican ¬ party inifavor of repudiated McKinleyism he was regarded as the most dangerous man in Amirican politics His activity in politics was looked upon as wuolly pernicious JBut good reasons exist for a change of view with regard to Mr Hanna This gentlemans methods are distinguished by an ingenuousness which instantly reveals where he is at and what are his purposes He managed his Mc- Kinley ¬ nominating campaign in such a way as to make it a spectacular ex- hibition ¬ of boodleism Mr Hanna is not in danger but a danger signal He is a red lantern over the political ditch The American people owe Mr Hanna thanks for waving the red flag of dange- r- St Louis Republic The free silver republicans are talk ing of putting a state ticket in the field This is as it should be Re- publicans ¬ are backing gold standard democrats and chuckling in their sleeves over the confusion of the party and democrats will be justified in adopting retaliatory measures If this ticket is put up voters can take their choice of six tickets when election day comes around jf - - - - ir - 4 fviI2ri3Gvx9fr- - iiii i ISr- - - rtti3XZ-l-JSeZ2- 2 irr MVTYWf Spain oiloaida loan of 2u00GG0 in London rewntiy but could find no taker even though her railroads guaranteed the loan She is now in a position to go Into the hands of a receiver as a bankrupt and Cuba doesnt propose to be reckoned among the assets of the country And the Philippine Islands aie in a state of revolution also Spain will shortly have to retire from her colonial poB essions Every man should vote occording to the dictates of his conscience For the past two years Governor Holcomb has given this state the best adminis tration we have ever had He has been persecuted by the republicans vet not one of them can say a word against him or his official act3 With such aDian in the governors chair for another two years this state will be prosperous andtfreed from the thieving gang of republicans ONeill Sun THE AMENDMENTS The ninth proposed amendment to the constitution is perhaps the most important one of all as it provides for the investment of the permanent school funds ofthe state No objec- tion ¬ from any source has ibeen raised against this proposed amendment and this paper will therefore pass it with- out ¬ comment until next week The next amendment proposes to allow merging of the government of cities of tthe first clas3 with the government of the counties in which they are located This amendment applies tovOmaha only and is being combatted by some farmers papers in Omaha one of which says This proposition applies to the city of Omaha and the county of Douglas in which Oraaha is situated should such amendment become a part of our constitution as Douglas county is now constituted it would be easily possible for the city and county to be incorporated even against the wish will and vote of all the farmers of the county The result of such incorporation would be to saddle the farmers of the county with a proportion of the euurmousueDu or mis city masmg a burden of taxation which swould ruin the value of farms and render farming in this county unremunerative Furthermore such incorporation wonld disfranchise the farmers vote thereby depriving him of local self-govern-me- nt This paper cant see it that way however as the amendment expressly stipulates that the proposition for merging the governments must re- ceive ¬ the assent of a majority of the votes cast in such city and also a majority of the votes cast in the county exclusive ot such oity Where does the disfranchisement come in Ycte for the amendment WATSONS MARTYRDOM Mr Watson exhibits as part of the martvrdom to which he has been sub- jected ¬ for the sake of populism -- the criticism of his actions by the Bryan press If Mr Watson is honest he must confess that thi3 criticism has been based solely on the evidence that he was willing to sacrifice to his own mer- - sonal ends all the nrincinlfis anrl objects for the support of which his party joined with the democracy The evidence of this is strengthened by the latest manifesto of the populist candidate for the Vice Presidency In this document Mr Watson is both in- - aiuucre auu xuconsistenu wnne pro- fessing ¬ devotionto the Bryan cause he tries to stir up populist resentment against it by charging democratic bad faith and to arouse contempt for the alliance by calling it a division of loaves and fishes Mr Watson knows that the only ar- rangement ¬ the democrats could make was fusion in the different states by state organizations He knows thafrif the rank and file of the populists were deceived their own leaders deceived them and neither Mr Bryan nor his representattves consented to it But Mr Watson protests against an alliance by fusion because it is a mere division of the loaves and fishes He protests in behalf of the principles of populism He threatens the democrats with populist defection if the alliance is not made by placing him on the national ticket What is that but a division of the loaves and fishes in a different way What object ot Mr Bryans election would be defeated by the defeat of Thomes E Watson Mr Watson will find it hard work to convince the mass of populist3 that they should vote for McKinley because the populist shares of the loaves and fishes were scattered in ther different states and not all given to jhi- m- St Louis Repuhlir I iSSL tf Daxnovratio PiatforiH The following is a synopsis of 1 he platform adopted by the national con ¬ vention at Chicago July 0th 1896 The plank referring to free coinage of silver is given in full Itecogiiizuif that tho money question Is para ¬ mount to all others at this time v Invite atten ¬ tion to the fact that tiic federal constitution names silver and gold together as the money metal of the United States We declare that the demonetization of silver in 1877 has resulted in the appreciation of gold and a corresponding fall in the price or com Jiodities produced by the people Vve are unalterably opposed to a sin ¬ gle gold standard Cold monometalism is British policy it is not only un Amerieau but anti-Ara-u-ic- an We demand the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the presenclegal ratio of lc to l without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation We demand that the stan ¬ dard silver dollar shall be a full legal tender equally with gold for all debt public and pri ¬ vate and we favor such legislation as will pre ¬ vent the demonetization of any kind of leal tender money by private contract weareopposuutoiiie poller and practice ot surrendering to the holders of the obllgatious ot tue jiiiitici btates cue option reserved by law to the government of redeeming such obligation in either silver coin or gold coin We are opposed to the issuing of Interest bear- ing ¬ bonds ofthe United States in time of peace We lemand that the power to issue notes to circulate as money be taken from the national banks and that all paper money shall be issued directly by the treasury department We holdtlmt tariff duties should be levied for purposes of revenue and that taxation should be limited bythe needs of the government honestly and economically administered We denounce as disturbing to business the republican threat to restore the McKinley law which has been twice condemned by the people iu national elections and which enacted under the false plea of protection to uome industry proved a prolilic breeder of trusts aud monopolies enrich- ed ¬ the few at the expense of jnanv restricted trade and deprived the producers or the great American staples of access to their natural mar ¬ kets Until the money question is settled we are opposed to any ugitacion for further change Iu our tariff laws except such as are necessary to V make the deficit in revenue caused by tho ad Na verai deeision of rhfi SnurAtnp fnnrf ni fh in- - v- - come tax There would be no deficit in the revenue but for the annulment by the Supreme Court of a law passed by the democratic con ¬ gress iu strict persuance of the uniform de ¬ cision of that court for nearly one hundred years We hold that the most efficient way of protecting American labor is to prevent the im ¬ portation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it in ourJiome market We denounce the profligate waste of the money wrunglrom tJie people by oppressive taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent republican comrresses whmh luivf irpnt tu r high while the labor that pavs thorn is unemploy ed and the products of the peoples toil are de pressed in price till they no longer repay the cost of production we enounce the arbitrary interference by federal authorities in local attain as a violation of the constitution of the United States and a crime agauist free institutions KecoguiziHjj the just claims of deserving uniou soldiers we heartily endorse the rule of Com ¬ missioner MlimllV that nn imrw alioll J o H tranly dropped from the pension roll aud the fact of enlistrnentand service should be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disabil ¬ ity before enlistment We extend niirsviniintlii tn t1mninfni hi their heroic struggle for JIberty and lndepen-- We are opposed to life tenure in the public service We favor appointments based upon merits fixed term of oflice and such an admin ¬ istration of the civil service laws as will afford equal opportunities to all citizens of ascertained lltnes We declare it to be the unwjitten law of this republic established by custom and usage of one hundred years and sanctioned by the ex ¬ ample of the greatest and wisest of those who rounded and have maintained our government that no man should be eligible for a third term of the presidential office The Democrat and the Thricea week JSew York World one year 150 NON PABTIBAlSr BIITAN CLUB iK Below will oe found the constitution of the Xon Partisan William J Bryan Club ivhich all who believe in the principles there set forth are respect- fully ¬ asked to sign Tour membership in this club need not interfere with your connection with any other club ota like nature illeud the constitu- tion ¬ and then sign the blank form at the bottom and send to L G Sparks President Jiobert Good Vice Presi ¬ dent or D H Thurseon Secretary of the Club at Valentine COlSrSTITUTIOKr ARTICLE r AAMK Section The name of this organization shall be the W J Uryan Non Partisan Free Silver Club ARTICLE II OBTECT Section l The object of this organization shall be to disseminate a silver sentiment a batter understanding of the finance of the coun try among its members and the people of the county generally and to promote good citizen snip by purity of purpose and harmony of action and to work for and secure by honest efforts the election or W J Bryan as our next President ARTICLE I1I OFFICEB5 Section J The ofiicera of this club shall be a President Vice President Treasurer and three Secretaries ARTICLE IV COMMITTEES Section J - There shall be an Executive Com- mittee ¬ composed of the officers of the club to arrange all preliminaries of the campaign and to fill vacrncies when such occur It shall be the duty of this committee to scale a program for each meeting ARTICLE V FUNDS Section 1 All funds for necMn- - rnnie shall be raised by voluntary contribution only ARTICLE VI RULES Section l Roberts Rules of Order shall gov¬ ern the meetings of the club ARTICLE VII TIME OF MEETINGS Section J This club shall meet every Friday evening at 8 oclock andclub rooms will be open to visitors at all hours ARTICLE VHI MEMBERSHIP Each member must Identify himself with the club by signing the Constitution and accept the principles set forth In the same SIGN THIS To the officers and members Non Partisan William T of the Club Valentine Nebraska Tou are authorized to enroll me as a of your Club and af ¬ fix my name to the constitution of the same Respectfully Name IOstoiUce Address Bryan hereby member i v - t - A H tUL- - -- lfcr X J a I y- -

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I rrHCEErrr3T zisctismmSSSSS3SIZ

MttfiWHMMlfl i j tj



ROBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher

Official JPaper ofdigi5Coiin- -

ty Nebrstikfe

100 Per Ifeur Hh Advance


Entered at the Post office Valentine Cherrycounty Nebraska as Second-class-matt- er

This paper will be malted regulariyto its subscribers until a definite orderto discontinue is received and all ar--

rears are paid in full

Advertising rates 50 cents per dnchper month- - Kates per column or forlong time ads made known oi appli-cation


to thisoffice


Democratic TicketFor President


Por Vice PresidentAliTHUR SEWALL

Of Bath Mainex Presidential Electors




M F HARRINGTONFor-- Governor

SILAS A HOLCOMBFor Lieutenant Governor


ForState AuditorJOHN F CORNELLFor State TreasurerJN MESERVE

For Attorney GeneralC J SMYTH

For State SuperintendentW R JACKSONFor Commissioner

J Y WOLFEFor Judges Supreme Court


Short TermJ S KIRKPATRICKFor University Regent

THOMAS RAWLINGSFor Senator 14th District

For Representative 52d District

-I-W-Coanfn AttorntnD H THURSTON

For Commissioner 2d District

Not uite- - four weeks until electionday Have you done anything for thecause If not why not Wake upbrothers and democracy will once

i more reign triumphant

When WL Greene comes to Val-entine


on the 17th it is to be hopedthat he will not be suffering fromanother attack of tonsilitis This is agood town to buy the prescriptionsusually used for the disease but forhis own sake he should suffer in

c silence

The latest estimate by prominentrepublicans gives Bryan 199 votescure McKinley 129 and marks 9states with 119 votes as doubtfulLet everybody get off his coat and goto work to gain a couple of those

doubtful states It can be doneand ought to be done We donlt needthe east and should not waste timethere

The rudeness of President Elliot ofHarvard to the GAR and the brutalbehavior of Yale students towardsBryan marks a radical decline in ourpretended leading colleges in goodmanners patriotism and political com-mon


sense They are two schoolswhich the patriotic youth of the coun ¬

try should let severely alone They arenotAmerican and do not representAmerican principles and behaviorEx

Gold atill comes and even themighty Bank of England cannot stop

i the yellow tide from flowing this wayits course westward is in complianceso to speak with the law of commer--

vCial gravitation The faut is thattrade manufacturing interests andcommerce in this country are allawakening to their opportunitiestheir present opportunities too andnot merely those which the future maybring Mills are opening every dayconfidence is gaining headway in allour business circles and as for exportsthay are having a veritable boom


t- -

- m mv---jiYi-

STATE INSTITUTIONSEvery tax payer in Nebraska is in-


in having the public institu ¬

tions of the state managed witheconomy

Six of these institutions are underthe direct control of Governor Holcomb who has appointed the officers incharge and demanded of them an hon-


efficient and economical management The record for the two years j

will show a saving of two hundredthousand dollars to the tax payers isthese six institutions

When Governor Holcomb assumedoffice the best managed state institu ¬

tion was the Hastings Asylum tor theChronic Insane Republican officialspointed to it as an example of rigideconomy and predicted bad resultswhen it passed into populist manage-ment


The cost of maintaining pa-



at this asylum during 1892 1893

and 1894 had averaged 55 4 5 cents perday One year and a half of populistmanagement and the results showed acost of 35f cents per day for mainten-ance


a saving to the state in this in-


--alone of 366864 perannum

At the Lincoln Hospital for Insanethe per capita expense of maintainingpatients has been reduced from 54cents per day to 45 4 5 cents making asaving a saving of 1089586 perannum

The Norfolk- - Hospital for Insane has

saved the state 773376 per annum byreducing the cost per capita for main-


patients from 67 cents per dayfor 1892 1893 and 1894 to 59 centsfor1 1895 and 1896

The Soldiers Home at Grand Islandshows by three -s- emi-annual reportsfiled for 1895 and the first ihalf of 1896a savingat the rate of 2468887 perannum over the cost of running theinstitution during 1892 1893 and 1894

At these four institutions the officers

had to contend against short crops andother obstacles which increased thenecessary expenses

At the- - state prison the warden hasbeen obstructed at every point by theobjections of the Board of PublicLands and Buildings The prison canand should be self supporting yet thestate of Nebraska was paying over 40cents a day for the maintenance ofconvicts when Governor Holcombassumed office Despite the fight made- -

by Chairman Russell and the board todefeat the economic measures institu-ted


by the warden the cost of keeping the convicts was brought down to261 5 cents per day The -- saving tothe state has been atthe rate of 1619352per annum

The Institute for the Blind atNebraska City makes a showing ofhaving saved 3326 per annum re¬

ducing the cost of maintaining inmatesfrom 106 83 3 5 cents per capitaper day

The total savings of these six stateinstitutions over the average annualcost of maintaining the same institu-tions


for the three years prior toGovernor Holcombs term of officemake a grand total of 9952475 perannum

ATTEMPTS TO DECEIVEHere is one more deliberate att empt

to deceive shown up by The Demo ¬

crat In the Gordon Journal of lastweek the following appeared

BRYAN in 1893No people except the greedy owners

of silver mines anxious to make inor-dinate


profits are interested in coinageat the ratia of 16 to J No people ex-cept


those avaricious owners of moneywho profit by contracting the cur-rency


are interested in prohibitinghonest free silver coinage at the ratioofJ25 to 1 We have no silver minesin Nebraska and the interests of thepeople of this state simply require freeand unlimited coinage of silver uponthe basis of its reasonable value whichcannot be far from 1 part of gold to 25of -- silver World Herald Bryanspaper July31 1893

Now appearing in almost any otherpaper this article would not causecomment but in Bro Lyons paperye gods Can it be possible that hewho says the politics of this paper isputrid would stoop eo low as toprac--

tice downright deception The articlein question did appear in the WorldHerald on the datd mentioned but thedeceptiou lies in the heading and thecredit attached to the article TheWorld Herald was not Bryanspaperon the date mentioned as Bro Lyonand every other intelligent Nebraskanknows and he was not responsible forthe exticle Will the Journal pleasecorrect

Plutocracy vs poverty monopoliesvs individuals trusts vs the peopleis the title of the case now being heardby voters and on which a decision willbe tendered Nqv

On to Canton is the popular watch-word


Norfolk NeiusYes popular because so cheap Free

transportation would draw a crowd tohell Yet the News holds up its handsin holy horror when free silver is men-


fNorfolh Independent

Another editor has been honoredr bya political party This time it isRobert Good of The ValentineDemocrat who was nominated forrepresentative of this district Ofcourse Bro Good knows that it is anempty honor and there is no possiblechance of election yet his --nominationshows that the party appreciates hisefforts and were it in their power toreward him they would do soBrowrilee Hornet

The republicans have removed onemore enemy to their cause by nominat-ing


Mayor Pingree of Detroit forgovernor of Michigan Mayor Pingreewas wont to ask What party policywill best subserve the greatest good tothe greatest number and his answerinvariably was Free coinage of silverat 16 to 1 But all thafrhas changednow and he only asks What policywill best subserve the interests of MrPingree Tis thus that ambitionmakes liars of men Heretofore MrPingree has been pointed to as a greatbenefactor of the poor and his potatopatch in the city of Detroit will beremembered for ages but in linkinghis fate with McKinleys in standingupon the same platform with thesavior of trusts and monopolies heputs an end to bis usefulness Hisdesire to aid the laboring man hasbeen put behind his desire for politicalpreferment and Mark Hanna cancongratulate himself upon having re-



another of labors championsThe erstvvbile advocate of principlehas now become a most earnest disci-



of party

MERE CURIOSITYMere curiosity led 40000 intelli-


people to attend the Bryan ratifi-


meeting given by TammanyHall in New York City last week and35000 of these were compelled tostand outside in a cold rain Merecuriosity impelled the 5000 men andwomen to cheer as one person whenBryan appeared upon the platformMere curiosity set the immense

throng wild when be said While I donot wish to array class against clas3 1

am willing to array all the peoplewbo suffer from trusts against the fewpeople who compose them It wasmere curiosity that caused such an

ovation toffehe democratic candidaterinNew Jersey tbat the New York Worldthe great gold standard democraticpaper heads its article on the subjectin four-lme-pic- a letter Jersey BryanMad And it is mere curiosity tosee good times that will place Bryanin the presidential chair on the 4thday of next March Long live such

mere curiosity May its powernever grow less

WHAT TARIFF MEANSIn the house of representatives on

March 16 1892 William J Bryan thedemocratic candidate for presidentsaid

There is a question Mr Chairmanwhen you come to consider the detailsof a revenue tariffas to just how itought to be laid I do not rememberthe exact language of that platformupon this question but I do believe as

say and I am ready to stand by itanywhere that a protective tariff lev-


not to raise revenue but to protectsome particular industry is wrong inprinciple and vicious in practice Nowwhat is a protective tariff and whatdoes itmean It is a simple device bywhich one man is authorized to collectmoneyJxom his fellow man Thereare two ways in which iyou can protect an industry Youi can give it -- abounty out of the federal treasuryor you can authorize it to take up thecollection itself Tbisis the only dif-


Suppose that the Chairmandesired to help some particular industry for instance one in the home ofmy friend from New York MrRaines who was asked the questionHe might do it in either of two waysHe might pass around the hat hereand collect the money and tarn it overto the favored industry or he mightsimply say to the man I will put atariff upon the imported article andmake the price so high that you cancollect the additional price for yourhome made article Now what isthe difference except that in the onecase the Chairman passes around thehat and turns the money over tofriends and in the other caseauthorizes the friendto pass thehimself



r -- 3e53C



What a queer old world ibis is any ¬

way and How devions and inexplicable

are some of thccouclusions arrived at

and arguments presented regardingpresidential candidates Now theresBryan and McKinley and the prohibi-



The McKinleyites are afraidthat Bryan will get the votes of theprohibs so they are assiduously circu-



a story to the effect that Bryanonce stumped this state against prohi- -

feition all of which is false Thisstumping was supposed to have Ibeen

done in 1890 when Bryanfirst ran forCongress but all that Bryan ever saidin his speeches it that time regardingthe proposed prohibitory amendmentwas that the democratic party is notin favor of attempting to regulate theappetites of men But what of thatOur republican friends are attemptingto make a mountain out of this mole-



and hold up their hands in holy

horror at the thought of anyone dar ¬

ing to make such a bold statementAnd they point with pride to McKinleyte address in 1874 when he saidamong other stronger things

By legalizing this traffic we agree toshare with the liquor sellers the respon-sibilities and evils of his businessEvery man who votes for license be-


of necessity a partner to theliquor traffic and all its consequences

Nobody desires to argue this quesion in a presidential campaign butmany will honor McKinley for thwords quoted above But like allother McKinley records this one hastwo sides On South Market streetin Canton Ohio stands a Mittle threecornered one story building occupiedby John Rolli with an ordinary every-


liquor saloon The land andbuilding occupied by this saloon isand for several years has been in thepossession of Wm McKinley and therentals paid for the property go intohis pocket This is given on theauthority of the New York Voice thegreatest prohibition paper in America

By McKinleys record he can beshown to be in favor of anything andeverything

In the Republican platform of 1860adopted at Chicago that on whichAbraham Lincoln was elected presi-


appeared the following plankThat the maintenance inviolate of

the right of the state and especiallytheright of each state to order and control its own domestic institutions fic--

cording to its own iudaemenfc exclu- -o i - u iDirvcij to caacutirii lu Ulclli UUUU1UK

power upon which the operation andendurance of our political fabric de ¬

pends and we denounce the lawlessinvasion by armed force of the soil ofany state or territory no matter underwhat pretext as among the greatest ofcrimes

Thirty six years later the Chicagoconvention on July 7 1896 writes thefollowing plank which the republicanmachine of Hanna McKinley PiattMerriam Quay and Payne denouncesas anarchistic

We denounce arbitrary interferenceby federal authorities in local affairs asa violation of the constitution of theUnited States as a crime against freeinstitutions

If this plank on which WilliamBryan and the army of freedom1896 stands is anarchistic whatthat on which Abraham Lincoln



andthe allied forcesof union and freedomstood in 1860

When Mr Hanna by the most ex-


campaign of boodle thatthe country ever saw solidified the re-publican


party inifavor of repudiatedMcKinleyism he was regarded as themost dangerous man in Amiricanpolitics His activity in politics waslooked upon as wuolly pernicious JButgood reasons exist for a change ofview with regard to Mr Hanna Thisgentlemans methods are distinguishedby an ingenuousness which instantlyreveals where he is at and what arehis purposes He managed his Mc-


nominating campaign in sucha way as to make it a spectacular ex-


of boodleism Mr Hanna isnot in danger but a danger signalHe is a red lantern over the politicalditch The American people owe MrHanna thanks for waving the red flagof dange- r- St Louis Republic

The free silver republicans are talking of putting a state ticket in thefield This is as it should be Re-


are backing gold standarddemocrats and chuckling in theirsleeves over the confusion of the partyand democrats will be justified inadopting retaliatory measures If thisticket is put up voters can take theirchoice of six tickets when electionday comes around

jf -- - - ir -4 fviI2ri3Gvx9fr- - iiii iISr- - - rtti3XZ-l-JSeZ2- 2

irr MVTYWf

Spain oiloaida loan of 2u00GG0in London rewntiy but could find no

taker even though her railroadsguaranteed the loan She is now in aposition to go Into the hands of areceiver as a bankrupt and Cubadoesnt propose to be reckoned amongthe assets of the country And thePhilippine Islands aie in a state ofrevolution also Spain will shortlyhave to retire from her colonial poB


Every man should vote occording tothe dictates of his conscience Forthe past two years Governor Holcombhas given this state the best administration we have ever had He hasbeen persecuted by the republicansvet not one of them can say a wordagainst him or his official act3 Withsuch aDian in the governors chair foranother two years this state will beprosperous andtfreed from the thievinggang of republicans ONeill Sun

THE AMENDMENTSThe ninth proposed amendment to

the constitution is perhaps the mostimportant one of all as it provides forthe investment of the permanentschool funds ofthe state No objec-


from any source has ibeen raisedagainst this proposed amendment andthis paper will therefore pass it with-out


comment until next weekThe next amendment proposes to

allow merging of the government ofcities of tthe first clas3 with thegovernment of the counties in whichthey are located This amendmentapplies tovOmaha only and is beingcombatted by some farmers papersin Omaha one of which says

This proposition applies to the cityof Omaha and the county of Douglasin which Oraaha is situated shouldsuch amendment become a part ofour constitution as Douglas county isnow constituted it would be easilypossible for the city and county to beincorporated even against the wishwill and vote of all the farmers of thecounty

The result of such incorporationwould be to saddle the farmers of thecounty with a proportion of theeuurmousueDu or mis city masmg aburden of taxation which swould ruinthe value of farms and render farmingin this county unremunerativeFurthermore such incorporation wonlddisfranchise the farmers vote therebydepriving him of local self-govern-me-


This paper cant see it that wayhowever as the amendment expresslystipulates that the proposition formerging the governments must re-


the assent of a majority of thevotes cast in such city and also amajority of the votes cast in thecounty exclusive ot such oity

Where does the disfranchisementcome in Ycte for the amendment

WATSONS MARTYRDOMMr Watson exhibits as part of the

martvrdom to which he has been sub-jected


for the sake of populism -- thecriticism of his actions by the Bryanpress

If Mr Watson is honest he mustconfess that thi3 criticism has beenbased solely on the evidence that hewas willing to sacrifice to his own mer--

sonal ends all the nrincinlfis anrlobjects for the support of which hisparty joined with the democracy

The evidence of this is strengthenedby the latest manifesto of the populistcandidate for the Vice Presidency Inthis document Mr Watson is both in- -

aiuucre auu xuconsistenu wnne pro-fessing


devotionto the Bryan causehe tries to stir up populist resentmentagainst it by charging democratic badfaith and to arouse contempt for thealliance by calling it a division ofloaves and fishes

Mr Watson knows that the only ar-


the democrats could makewas fusion in the different states bystate organizations He knows thafrifthe rank and file of the populists weredeceived their own leaders deceivedthem and neither Mr Bryan nor hisrepresentattves consented to it

But Mr Watson protests against analliance by fusion because it is a meredivision of the loaves and fishes Heprotests in behalf of the principles ofpopulism He threatens the democratswith populist defection if the allianceis not made by placing him on thenational ticket What is that but adivision of the loaves and fishes in adifferent way What object ot MrBryans election would be defeated bythe defeat of Thomes E Watson

Mr Watson will find it hard work toconvince the mass of populist3 thatthey should vote for McKinley becausethe populist shares of the loaves andfishes were scattered in ther differentstates and not all given to jhi- m- StLouis Repuhlir I



Daxnovratio PiatforiHThe following is a synopsis of 1 he

platform adopted by the national con ¬

vention at Chicago July 0th 1896 Theplank referring to free coinage of silveris given in full

Itecogiiizuif that tho money question Is para ¬

mount to all others at this time v Invite atten ¬

tion to the fact that tiic federal constitutionnames silver and gold together as the moneymetal of the United States We declare thatthe demonetization of silver in 1877 has resultedin the appreciation of gold and a correspondingfall in the price or com Jiodities produced by thepeople Vve are unalterably opposed to a sin¬

gle gold standard Cold monometalism isBritish policy it is not only un Amerieau butanti-Ara-u-ic- an

We demand the free and unlimited coinage ofboth gold and silver at the presenclegal ratio oflc to l without waiting for the aid or consent ofany other nation We demand that the stan ¬

dard silver dollar shall be a full legal tenderequally with gold for all debt public and pri¬

vate and we favor such legislation as will pre ¬vent the demonetization of any kind of lealtender money by private contract

weareopposuutoiiie poller and practice otsurrendering to the holders of the obllgatious ottue jiiiitici btates cue option reserved by law tothe government of redeeming such obligationin either silver coin or gold coin

We are opposed to the issuing of Interest bear-ing


bonds ofthe United States in time of peaceWe lemand that the power to issue notes to

circulate as money be taken from the nationalbanks and that all paper money shall be issueddirectly by the treasury department

We holdtlmt tariff duties should be levied forpurposes of revenue and that taxation should belimited bythe needs of the government honestlyand economically administered We denounceas disturbing to business the republican threatto restore the McKinley law which has beentwice condemned by the people iu nationalelections and which enacted under the falseplea of protection to uome industry proved aprolilic breeder of trusts aud monopolies enrich-ed


the few at the expense of jnanv restrictedtrade and deprived the producers or the greatAmerican staples of access to their natural mar¬

kets Until the money question is settled we areopposed to any ugitacion for further change Iuour tariff laws except such as are necessary to V

make the deficit in revenue caused by tho ad Naverai deeision of rhfi SnurAtnp fnnrf ni fh in- - v--come tax There would be no deficit in therevenue but for the annulment by the SupremeCourt of a law passed by the democratic con ¬

gress iu strict persuance of the uniform de ¬

cision of that court for nearly one hundredyears We hold that the most efficient way ofprotecting American labor is to prevent the im ¬

portation of foreign pauper labor to competewith it in ourJiome market

We denounce the profligate waste of themoney wrunglrom tJie people by oppressivetaxation and the lavish appropriations of recentrepublican comrresses whmh luivf irpnt tu rhigh while the labor that pavs thorn is unemployed and the products of the peoples toil are depressed in price till they no longer repay thecost of production

we enounce the arbitrary interference byfederal authorities in local attain as a violationof the constitution of the United States and acrime agauist free institutionsKecoguiziHjj the just claims ofdeserving uniousoldiers we heartily endorse the rule of Com ¬

missioner MlimllV that nn imrw alioll J o Htranly dropped from the pension roll aud thefact of enlistrnentand service should be deemedconclusive evidence against disease and disabil ¬ity before enlistment

We extend niirsviniintlii tn t1mninfnihi their heroic struggle for JIberty and lndepen--

We are opposed to life tenure in the publicservice We favor appointments based uponmerits fixed term of oflice and such an admin ¬istration of the civil service laws as will affordequal opportunities to all citizens of ascertainedlltnes

We declare it to be the unwjitten law of thisrepublic established by custom and usage ofone hundred years and sanctioned by the ex¬ample of the greatest and wisest of those whorounded and have maintained our governmentthat no man should be eligible for a third termof the presidential office

The Democrat and the Thriceaweek JSew York World one year150


Below will oe found the constitutionof the Xon Partisan William J BryanClub ivhich all who believe in theprinciples there set forth are respect-fully


asked to sign Tour membershipin this club need not interfere withyour connection with any other clubota like nature illeud the constitu-tion


and then sign the blank form atthe bottom and send to L G SparksPresident Jiobert Good Vice Presi ¬

dent or D H Thurseon Secretary ofthe Club at Valentine


Section The name of this organization shallbe the W J Uryan Non Partisan Free SilverClub

ARTICLE II OBTECTSection l The object of this organization

shall be to disseminate a silver sentiment abatter understanding of the finance of the country among its members and the people of thecounty generally and to promote good citizensnip by purity of purpose and harmony of actionand to work for and secure by honest efforts theelection or W J Bryan as our next President

ARTICLE I1I OFFICEB5Section J The ofiicera of this club shall be a

President Vice President Treasurer and threeSecretaries

ARTICLE IV COMMITTEESSection J - There shall be an Executive Com-


composed of the officers of the club toarrange all preliminaries of the campaign andto fill vacrncies when such occur It shall bethe duty of this committee to scale a programfor each meeting

ARTICLE V FUNDSSection 1 All funds for necMn- - rnnie

shall be raised by voluntary contribution onlyARTICLE VI RULES

Section l Roberts Rules of Order shall gov¬ern the meetings of the club

ARTICLE VII TIME OF MEETINGSSection J This club shall meet every Friday

evening at 8 oclock andclub rooms will be opento visitors at all hours

ARTICLE VHI MEMBERSHIPEach member must Identify himself with the

club by signing the Constitution and accept theprinciples set forth In the same

SIGN THISTo the officers and members

Non Partisan William T

of the

Club Valentine Nebraska

Tou are authorized to enrollme as a of your Club and af¬

fix my name to the constitution of thesame Respectfully


IOstoiUce Address






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