kghm polska miedz s.a. - ·...

KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S.A. Fælles sprog med systemtænkning og op- mærkning med ISO/IEC 81346 Introdukon af systemtankegang l strukturering af infrastrukturanlæg i Polens største kobbermine. Projektet KGHM er en af verdens største producenter af sølv og kobber i verden. I forbindelse med et større IT projekt ønskede KGHM at skabe en pålidelig og fremdssikret struktur for deres tekniske anlæg, så viden om anlæggene kunne systemaseres og digi- taliseres. KGHM udvalgte deres mineanlæg i Lubin, Polen som pilotprojekt for implementering af systemtankegang og referencesystemer iht. ISO/IEC 81346 standard- serien (RDS). Ydelser Systems Engineering A/S har faciliteret og formidlet en grundlæggende systemtankegang baseret på anerkendt systemteori, samt undervist og assisteret ved design af systemstrukturer for udvalgte tekni- ske anlæg. Foruden undervisning og kontrol af re- sultater har vi bistået med implementering af et nyt referencesystem l opmærkning af systemer og komponenter iht. ISO/IEC 81346 standardserien. Kundeværdi Entydig opmærkning af systemer baseret på RDS En fælles forståelse og et fælles sprog baseret på systems engineering principper Etableret en veldefineret basis for anvendelse af det nye IT værktøj Introducon of systems thinking for structuring the infrastructure in the largest copper mine of Poland. The project KGHM is one of the world's largest producers of silver and copper in the world. As part of a major IT project KGHM wanted to create a reliable and future-proof structure for their technical plants, so knowledge of the installaons could be systema- zed and digized. KGHM selected their mining plant in Lubin, Poland as a pilot project for the implementaon of systems thinking and reference designaon systems accord- ing to the ISO/ IEC 81346 standard series (RDS). Services Systems Engineering A/S has facilitated and commu- nicated a basic systems thinking approach based on recognized systems theory as well as educated and supervised the design of system structures for se- lected technical plants. In addion to teaching and verificaon of the results, we have assisted in the implementaon of a new reference designaon system for marking of systems and their elements in accordance with the ISO/IEC 81346 standard series. Customer value Unambiguous tagging of systems based on RDS A common understanding and a common lan- guage based on system engineering principles Established a well-defined basis for the use of the new IT tool A common language by means of systems thinking and ISO/IEC 81346 TAGs. Foto: KGHM KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S.A. Systems Engineering A/S

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Page 1: KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S.A. - · KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S.A. Fælles sprog med systemtænkning og op-mærkning med ISO/IEC


Fælles sprog med systemtænkning og op-mærkning med ISO/IEC 81346

Introduktion af systemtankegang til strukturering af infrastrukturanlæg i Polens største kobbermine. Projektet KGHM er en af verdens største producenter af sølv og kobber i verden. I forbindelse med et større IT projekt ønskede KGHM at skabe en pålidelig og fremtidssikret struktur for deres tekniske anlæg, så viden om anlæggene kunne systematiseres og digi-taliseres. KGHM udvalgte deres mineanlæg i Lubin, Polen som pilotprojekt for implementering af systemtankegang og referencesystemer iht. ISO/IEC 81346 standard-serien (RDS). Ydelser Systems Engineering A/S har faciliteret og formidlet en grundlæggende systemtankegang baseret på anerkendt systemteori, samt undervist og assisteret ved design af systemstrukturer for udvalgte tekni-ske anlæg. Foruden undervisning og kontrol af re-sultater har vi bistået med implementering af et nyt referencesystem til opmærkning af systemer og komponenter iht. ISO/IEC 81346 standardserien. Kundeværdi

Entydig opmærkning af systemer baseret på RDS

En fælles forståelse og et fælles sprog baseret på systems engineering principper

Etableret en veldefineret basis for anvendelse af det nye IT værktøj

Introduction of systems thinking for structuring the infrastructure in the largest copper mine of Poland. The project KGHM is one of the world's largest producers of silver and copper in the world. As part of a major IT project KGHM wanted to create a reliable and future-proof structure for their technical plants, so knowledge of the installations could be systema-tized and digitized. KGHM selected their mining plant in Lubin, Poland as a pilot project for the implementation of systems thinking and reference designation systems accord-ing to the ISO/ IEC 81346 standard series (RDS). Services Systems Engineering A/S has facilitated and commu-nicated a basic systems thinking approach based on recognized systems theory as well as educated and supervised the design of system structures for se-lected technical plants. In addition to teaching and verification of the results, we have assisted in the implementation of a new reference designation system for marking of systems and their elements in accordance with the ISO/IEC 81346 standard series. Customer value

Unambiguous tagging of systems based on RDS

A common understanding and a common lan-guage based on system engineering principles

Established a well-defined basis for the use of the new IT tool

A common language by means of systems thinking and ISO/IEC 81346 TAGs.

Foto: KGHM


Systems Engineering A/S