kindergarten - lesson plan 5

Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain Co – tutoras: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur Lesson Plans – Practicum – First Period I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas Taller de Práctica Docente ALUMNA PRACTICANTE: Myriam Beatriz Tielve Período de Practica: Primero – Nivel Inicial Institución Educativa: Instituto Juana de Ibarbourou Dirección: Avenida Gral. Rojo 4415 – Gregorio de Laferrere – Buenos Aires Sala/ Grado/ Año – Sección: Sala de 5 – Turno Mañana Cantidad de alumnos: 30 Nivel Lingüistico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Nos identificamos Clase N°: 5 Fecha: 18/05/2015 Hora: 10:50 – 11:20 Duración de la clase: 30´ Fecha de la primera entrega: 15/05/2015 Teaching Points: This is expected to be the my last lesson with this group, so the teacher has asked me to integrate the

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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co – tutoras: Prof. Eugenia Carrión Cantón – Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – First Period

I.F.D.C. Lenguas Vivas

Taller de Práctica Docente

ALUMNA PRACTICANTE: Myriam Beatriz Tielve

Período de Practica: Primero – Nivel Inicial

Institución Educativa: Instituto Juana de Ibarbourou

Dirección: Avenida Gral. Rojo 4415 – Gregorio de Laferrere – Buenos Aires

Sala/ Grado/ Año – Sección: Sala de 5 – Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel Lingüistico del curso: Principiantes

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Nos identificamos

Clase N°: 5

Fecha: 18/05/2015

Hora: 10:50 – 11:20

Duración de la clase: 30´

Fecha de la primera entrega: 15/05/2015

Teaching Points: This is expected to be the my last lesson with this group, so the teacher has asked me to integrate the teaching points seen in this period in order to give a closure to my practicum in this level.

People: mum Action now: I am putting on my t-shirt.

Aims and goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to…o Integrate vocabulary and structures presented in previous lessons

related to items of clothes for boys and girls.o Perform different roles within a game with puppets.

o Identify and follow simple commands while getting organized to work.

Language focus:


REVISION GreetingsHello!Goodbye!

The ImperativeSit down!Stand up!Clap!Stomp!Dance!Say!Listen!

Clothest-shirt; skirt; shoes;jumper; pants

PeopleBoy; girl.


ColoursRed; blue; green; pink;Black

-Greeting people.

-Giving commands and instructions.

-Identifying and naming items of clothes.

-Identifying and naming people and places.

-Identifying different colours on items of clothes.

-Wh- Questions in the simple present

-How are you today? I´m fine.

-Polite requests

-Let´s sit down/ stand up…


-Put on your t-shirt.

Recognition and use of the sounds of

|ɜː| Skirt

|ɜː| Shirt

|ɜː| Girl


People -Saying what -Present Recognition and

mum you are doing

ContinuousI am putting on my…

use of the sounds of|ŋ| putting

Teaching approach: Natural approach and PPP method. The students are expected to interact with their teacher and peers in a natural way.

Integrating skills: Listening and speaking will be integrated by roleplaying actions in a game. Students will also integrate their speaking skill with their creativity as changing their tone of voice according to the character they are performing.

Materials and resources: puppets made with a paper bag, a black piece of cloth to cover a chair, a chair, pictures of clothes and a poster of a park.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class: In this lesson there will not be any use of ICT in class by students. They will work with concrete materials.

Seating arrangement: In a semicircle on a carpet in front of the board. Later students will be encouraged to stand up to sing and perform a song or to take an active role in a game. Being in a semicircle will facilitate eye contact which is essential during the performance

Cooperative work: During the game students will have to work in a cooperative way to perform different activities while taking the role of different characters.

Possible problems/ difficulties and their solutions during the class: The game will probably lead to some kind of misbehavior. Trying to avoid it I will choose as helpers those boys who usually push each other and will be alert so as to avoid any kind of disruptive attitude among students.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Students may not remember some words connected with items of clothes, in this case I will elicit them from students by asking yes/no questions. I will try to use popular chunks repeated by students in previous lessons.

Assessment: I will assess students´ comprehension while during the game and the poem. Students will be encouraged to repeat chunks instead of isolated words.

Routine: 5´

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

I will come into the classroom and greet the students “Hello!” (waving my hand at the same time. Then I will ask the students “How are you today?” and with my thumbs up I will say “I´m fine!” EA: “I´m fine!”.

I will not sing the greeting song at this stage of the lesson as the teacher usually does it when she comes into the classroom. So I won´t sing it with them because it would be repetitive and boring for the students.

Then I will put the piece of black cloth on a chair to create suspense and let students imagine what will happen in this lesson. I will continue like this:

T: “Great, kids! You are fine today! Let´s sing a song to start working now! Stand up, please!” (I will move my hands so that they can understand the instruction). Let´s sing with me!

This is the way I clap my hands, clap my hands, clap my hands;

this is the way I clap my hands, in the English class!

This is the way I stomp my feet, stomp my feet, stomp my feet;

this is the way I stomp my feet, in the English class!

This is the way I dance and dance, dance and dance, dance and dance;

this is the way I dance and dance, in my English class.

This is the way I run and run, run and run, run and run;

this is the way I run and run, in my English class.

This is the way I say shh! Say shh! Say shh!

this is the way I say shh! In my English class!

This is the way I sit on the floor, sit on the floor, sit on the floor;

this is the way I sit on the floor, in my English class.

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

Transition: Well done, kids! Look! Some friends are coming to visit us today!

Warm up: 5´

Purpose: to activate previous knowledge of a poem.

I will hang on the board the poster of a park just behind the chair with the black cloth on to set the environment where the activity will take place. I will also put on my fingers the finger puppets of Jack and Pam:

Source: Poster N° 4 – The Park - Primary Poster Pack; Macmillan Education. I will use a photocopy of this poster in full color and in size A3 during the lesson as I will add some pictures on it.


I have coloured the images of Jack and Pam and glued them on special paper which is soft but hard enough not to be torn up while using it. Jack is glued on yellow paper and Pam is glued on red paper.

T: “Look, kids! Jack and Pam have come to visit us again! Let´s say hello to them!” (imitating Jack´s voice) “Hello, kids!” EA: “Hello! “Hello, kids!” EA: “Hello!”

T: “Well done, kids! Let´s say Jack and Pam´s poem! Hands back! Are you ready?” EA: Yes! (I will perform some movements and gestures to help children´s understanding the meaning of the poem)

Two little children

Two little children playing in a park;

one called Jack, one called Pam.

Go away Jack, go away Pam;

Come back Jack, Come back Pam.

Source: Adapted for pedagogical reasons from

I will encourage students to repeat and perform the poem with me imitating Jack and Pam´s voice.

Transition: (imitating mother´s voice) “Pam…Jack… Where are you?” Ups, kids! Sh, be quiet! Mum is here! (I will put my finger puppets off and start the performance with the puppets in paper bags) I will whisper to them just to create suspense.

Presentation: 5´

Purpose: to foster comprehension of a story while interacting with puppets.

I will use these kind of puppets made of paper bags and cardboard. For example:

Source: personas-10-unidades.html

I will try to get an image the most similar to Jack, Pam and their mum. I will also colour the picture of the mother.


T: (imitating mother´s voice) “Pam… Jack! Where are you?” (Jack appears from behind the chair) “Here mum!” “Put on your clothes to go to the park” “OK, mum” . Jack disappears and the mother speaks to the children. “Come on, kids! Let´s ask Jack: “Are you ready?” (I am going to put my thumb up as I usually do with kids) EA: “Are you ready?”

T: (imitating Jack´s voice) “No... I´m putting on my blue jumper!” At this point Jack is going to appear holding a picture of a blue jumper.


T: (imitating mother´s voice) “Well done, Jack! “It´s a blue jumper” I will encourage the students to repeat with me. Then Jack will disappear.

The same procedure will be followed with black pants and green shoes.

Source: listado_productos.htm - 2440752.html

The aim of this interaction is performing a similar game to “Is the wolf ready?”. I have adapted this game only for pedagogical reasons.

Transition: Great, kids! Now let´s play together!

Development : 10´

Purpose: to foster real communication through a roleplaying game

I will tell the students that it´s time to play the same game but this time with Pam. But I will ask some of them to help me. Maybe it will necessary to organize students again at this stage of the lesson. Then I will sing the following song:

This is the way I sit on the floor, sit on the floor, sit on the floor;

this is the way I sit on the floor, in the English class!

This is the way I raise my hand, raise my hand, raise my hand;

this is the way I raise my hand, in my English class!

This is the way I say shh! Say shh! Say shh!

this is the way I say shh! In my English class!

Source : Adapted for pedagogical use from

T: Well done, kids! I will call some of the children in turns and I will give them Pam´s puppet and the flashcards with her items of clothes, one to each student.

Source: -


Then I will encourage them to perform the activities in this way:

T: (imitating mother´s voice) “Pam: Are you ready to go to the park?” EA: “No!” (I will repeat with the students) “I´m putting on my red skirt” Come on, kids! Let´s repeat! “I´m putting on my red skirt”. If the students with the puppet and the flaschcards can´t perform the actions I will help them by prompting some direct commands:

T: “ Ok. Sofia pick up the red skirt! Well done, this is the red skirt! Pam is putting on the red skirt!” I will go on with the same procedure with the other items of clothes.

I will also let students choose taking Jack´s role and pick up his clothes in turns. The activity will finish when I feel that the children are getting bored or they start misbehaving.

Transition: “How fun this game was!” (pointing at the clock in the classroom) “Wel,l kids! It´s time to say goodbye!”

Closure : 5´

Purpose: to perform a song together and greet the children goodbye.

T: “Let´s sing together the “Clothes Song”. I will play it in my computer and I will perform all the movements with the children. If there is any problem with the technology, I will perform the song as a chant:

Put on your clothes

Every morning I wake up, I take off my pyjamas.

Then I found my favourite pants,

one leg to the right, one leg to the left.

Jump into my pants all right!

Then I have a look around, to see where my red jumper is.

One arm to the right, one arm to the left.

Ready for the day so bright!

Put, put, put on your clothes; right after you wake up!

Put, put, put on your clothes; straight after you take a bath!

Put, put, put on your clothes; where you are going to step aside!

Put, put, put on your clothes; just before you jump in bed!


Transition: Well done, kids! Let´s sit down on the floor as the teacher has a surprise for you all!

As it will be my last class with the students I will hand them a souvenir. It will be similar to this image:

The plastic glasses will be white and will have candies in it. They will be wrapped in blue and pink transparent paper depending on wether they are for boys and girls. I will also add a little card with the students´ names. I will explain to the children that this will be our last class together and I will thank them for let me sharing this time with them.

T: “Let´s say goodbye now!”

I will encourage students to sing the song with me:

“This is the way we say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye.

This is the way we say goodbye in the English class.”

Source : Adapted from pedagogical use from

I will greet students “Goodbye! (waving my hand). EA: “Goodbye”

Before leaving the room I will hand in all the material I have used in my lessons to the English teacher so that she can use it in following lessons if she thinks it is convenient or the children want to play with it. I will also give a similar souvenir with a cup to the English teacher and the Spanish one to thank them for letting me share my practicum experience in kindergarten with them.