kinesics ppt


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Post on 07-Mar-2015




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Page 2: Kinesics Ppt

Is one of the most powerful ways that humans can communicate nonverbally.

body language

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One of the most basic and powerful body-language signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest.

Disapprove to the person that is looking at.

She’s looking at somebody out of the corner of her eye and the head is a little bowed down. (disapproval)


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The palms are to the sight.

The fingers are separates to give firmness to the gesture.

The head is in neutral position and the arms and legs are separates.

Attitude of self-confidence.

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This is the classic group of lies.

While you scrub your eye you look at the floor and the two eyebrows are up on a position of incredulity

The head is bowed down showing a negative attitude.

The smile with the lips tight is not honest.

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Hands This man is

smiling overconfident but he has crossed his arm in front of his chest to play with his watch.

So he is making a barrier which show insecurity of him-self or the circumstance.

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With the body position it is easy to distinguish the person’s arrangement

Open and close position

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All of them have their arms crossed.

Two of them have crossed their legs

All have his bodies on direction to go away.

They’ve just known them each other.

Looking her out of the corner of his eye with the eyebrow up (interest) with a smile

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This group of gestures can be resumed in one word: negative.

The folder: barrier Arms and legs crossed Nervousness and to the

defensive Dark sunglasses hiding the

sight formal people’s opinion in the

90% on the first 90 seconds to know him, say that is hard that this man gives affection

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The two hands behind the head shows superior attitude of the know-it-all. The feet over the table affirms possession of the territory .

The man is in a position of competitive- defensive

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This ring we know that means OK. In English countries is common.In Europe, Asia and other countries has other origin and means.

In France: Zero or null.In Japan: money


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This gesture of thumb up has different meanings

To hitch Other means Ok. When it is up with suddenness

means an insult. Italians begin to count with this

finger. Americans, English and Australians begin with the index finger

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