kinetic type sheets

Kinetic Typography For my Kinetic Type brief, I was given the radio station “BBC Radio 3” and I had to find a talk that lasted between 10-20 seconds. I chose to look at “The Essay, The Anxious Mind” by David Hendy, as this was a common show that appeared on Radio 3. “The historian of broadcasting, David Hendy, explores the ways in which the electronic media have shaped the modern mind.” This was the description given by the BBC’ Radio 3’s Website. I started out by researching into the radio station and what its about, I noticed that its aimed at an older audience and plays a lot of classical and jazz music. They do occasional have young people on the show to sing there music as they are new and upcoming talents but there records are quite classical and some are quite funky like jazz music. I then researched into David Hendy and found out quite a bit of information, he is a reader in Media and Communication at the University of Westminster, and was previously a producer for the BBC. He is known as a Media Historian commonly and explores different ways of Broadcasting and other media’s used. Further on I researched some previous Motion Type and different methods used to produce Kinetic Typography. David Hendy, BBC’S Radio 3 logo and The Essay representational Image

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Page 1: Kinetic Type Sheets

Kinetic Typography

For my Kinetic Type brief, I was given the radio station “BBC Radio 3” and I had to find a talk that lasted between 10-20 seconds. I chose to look at “The Essay, The Anxious Mind” by David Hendy, as this was a common show that appeared on Radio 3. “The historian of broadcasting, David Hendy, explores the ways in which the electronic media have shaped the modern mind.” This was the description given by the BBC’ Radio 3’s Website.

I started out by researching into the radio station and what its about, I noticed that its aimed at an older audience and plays a lot of classical and jazz music. They do occasional have young people on the show to sing there music as they are new and upcoming talents but there records are quite classical and some are quite funky like jazz music.

I then researched into David Hendy and found out quite a bit of information, he is a reader in Media and Communication at the University of Westminster, and was previously a producer for the BBC. He is known as a Media Historian commonly and explores different ways of Broadcasting and other media’s used.

Further on I researched some previous Motion Type and different methods used to produce Kinetic Typography.

David Hendy, BBC’S Radio 3 logo and The Essay representational Image

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Page 5: Kinetic Type Sheets

Here are some screenshots when i was making my kinetic typography in AE (After Effects) the layouts are not 100% but the colours and font sizes are exactly how i want them, i also added an old 18mm film effect over the top to give it old authenticity.I was really happy with my results and couldnt wait to start animating and using a camera to set the scene up.

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Final Kinetic Type

Here is the final typography result, overall i am lease with my result as David does speak quite fast and its hard to match the words to his voice aswell as seeing them. I stuck by the 18mm film effect as i believe it brings out a strong quthentic feeling and also an old feeling. I stuck by my colour pallette and they worked well.

If i could re-do the final type again i would possibly change the medium in which i created my type, possibly to 3D or stop motion to see how much different the final outcome would be. This project went very well and everything went to plan apart from AE crashing at one stage and i lost most of my keyframes from the camera animation, but they were soon recovered.

I would also like to experiment with some different typefaces to see if any others would be suited to the target audience, the good thing about my font choice is, its clear to read and very easy to follow due to the size, plus it is a commonly used font for Kinetic Type so i am happy with my decision as i can see why its used.

Here are some images of the final outcome.