king sejong

1 King Sejong the Great The Everlasting Light of Korea “Appreciation of the good must be long lasting; hatred of the bad must not.”

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Page 1: King Sejong


King Sejong the Great

The Everlasting Light of KoreaThe Everlasting Light of Korea

“Appreciation of the good must be long

lasting; hatred of the bad must not.”

Page 2: King Sejong


The Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910)

King Sejong was 4th Monarch and ruled from 1418-


The Joseon had recently taken

over power from the Goryeo


When King Sejong came to power, much of the public unrest and political confusion had been

calmed. However, it would depend on King Sejong to establish the true identity of this new dynasty.

Page 3: King Sejong


Justice and righteousness should characterize the

relations between sovereign and subject.

Neo-Confucian Government

A good ruler has broad-ranging knowledge and


Used civil service exam to find men of talent for government service.

Established the Chiphyonjon, a royal

institute of research for scholars.

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Neo-Confucian Government

Promoted cultural, economic, and political heritage of Korea.

Sponsored many new developments in the areas of

law, science, philosophy, music, and linguistics.

Created water clocks, rain gauge, celestial globe,

sundials, and improved printing methods.

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“What kind of man is Buddha who makes a son that should carry on the family line betray his father and sever the

affection between father and son; who makes men resist the Son of Heaven and destroy the righteousness between lord and minister; who says that for men and women to live together is

not the Way; who says that for men to plow and women to weave is not righteous, thus severing the way of generating life

and blocking off the source of food and clothing; and who thinks that through his way he can transform all under


Neo-Confucian Government

1. What is wrong with Buddhism for Pak? Why are Buddhist practices so dangerous for China?

1. What is wrong with Buddhism for Pak? Why are Buddhist practices so dangerous for China?

Anti Buddhist Memorial 1392 by Pak Ch’o, Confucian ScholarAnti Buddhist Memorial 1392 by Pak Ch’o, Confucian Scholar

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Joseon Social Structure

King Sejong began a new policy of breaking class barriers and accepted people based on merit

Jang Yeong-silJang Yeong-sil

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A Golden Age!

Used military to defeat Japanese Pirates and expand

territory in north.

Reformed civil and criminal law codes

and made them known to the public.

Surveyed the public and

reformed land tax to stop corruption.

Patron to the arts, literature and

music. Led innovations in

printing, medicine, astronomy, and


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2. King Sejong seems like a great ruler. Why do you

think he is usually portrayed with a book in

his hand?

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Creation of a New Alphabet: Hangul

In 1446, King Sejong created an alphabet for the Korean language.

Hangul is a script of 24 letters, 10 of which are

vowels and 14 consonants.

Some scholars and officials strongly opposed the new writing system. They thought literacy of

the masses was unnecessary and


Film ClipFilm Clip

3. According to King Sejong, why is a written language needed?3. According to King Sejong, why is a written language needed?

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“…Now, however, our country is devising a Korean script separately in order to discard the Chinese, and thus we are

willingly being reduced to the status of barbarians… If they do not know the writings of the sages, they will become ignorant and unable to distinguish right from wrong… This Korean

script is nothing more than a novelty. It is harmful to learning and useless to the government. No matter how one looks at it,

one cannot find any good in it…”

Creation of a New Alphabet: Hangul

4. Why did Ch’oe reject the new alphabet and why does he think it is such a threat to the future of Korea?

4. Why did Ch’oe reject the new alphabet and why does he think it is such a threat to the future of Korea?

Opposition to the Korean Alphabet by Ch’oe Malli, Court OfficialOpposition to the Korean Alphabet by Ch’oe Malli, Court Official

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5. What do you think are the greatest

accomplishments of King Sejong the Great?

5. What do you think are the greatest

accomplishments of King Sejong the Great?

Tomb of King Sejong

Page 12: King Sejong


Tomb of King Sejong

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