kingdom : plantaeplantae phylum : angiospermsangiosperms class : eudicotseudicots order :...


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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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• Kingdom : Plantae

• Phylum : Angiosperms

• Class : Eudicots

• Order : Rosales

• Family : Rosaceae

• Genus : Prunus

• Species : P. persica

Regions of Peach Production

• Peaches are usually grown South Carolina, Georgia, and California.

• The plant can have a Southern Climate to grow properly.

• Outside of the United States, Peaches are grown in Iran, and parts of Asia.

• China is the world's largest producer of peaches

• The Anatomy of a Peach is simple.

• The Skin also called Exocarp.

• The Endocarp which is the pit of a Peach.

• The Mesocarp which is the flesh.


• 'Duke of York

• Peregrine

• Rochester‘

• Lord Napier' (nectarine (

The peach tree is generally self-fertile

Flower of peach

• The flowers, borne in the leaf axils, are arranged singly or in groups of two or three at nodes along the shoots of the previous season’s growth. The five petals, usually pink but occasionally white, five sepals, and three whorls of stamens are borne on the outer rim of the short tube that forms the base of the flower. The pistil consists of a single carpel with a relatively long style and an enlarged basal portion, the ovary, which becomes the fruit.


• Peach tree leaves are simple

• The margins of the leaf are finely toothed.

• The stem is erect

Stages of a Peach The first stage is Dormancy.•No visible things on outside•Chemical Processes are taking •place on the inside

Stage two is Bud Swell•The bud is visibly swollen•No green tissue is visible

Stage three :•The leaf tissue would now beextended from the bud•More buds prepare for emergence.

After that, it’s flower Pink.•This is where the bud begins to openand grow flower at the ends• By now the flower structure should beforming in the bud•The grower should use fungicide at thisstage

Bloom stage is next.•The flower begins to open•Petals will begin to form.•The flower must be pollinated to growpeaches

Petal fall follows.•Petals will fall off•Some but not all will produce a peach.

Stages of a Peach (Cont.)Fruit set:After around 10 days, a clear difference will be seenBetween those who have produced fruit and those who haven't.

Harvest:When the peaches have changed from yellowish-green to redIts ready for harvest.

• These peach chill hours fall between November 1st and February 15th, although the most important time occurs in December through January. As you’ve probably guessed, those hours will be different in different areas of the country

• Peach chill hours can range from only 50 to 1,000 depending on the cultivar

• Seedlings of peach seed implants and give strong

• The seed of the apricot seedlings which bear heavy Soil

• Seedlings and seed almond trees that give small-scale and short-lived.

• Peach trees should not be pruned before February

• and young trees should be pruned after mature trees

Peach Products

Fresh Peaches

Peach Cobbler

Peach Pie

Peach Juice

Peach Salsa

Peach BBQ Sauce

Peach Ice Cream

Peach Syrup

Skin Care

Peach Butter

Peach Jelly

Peach Jam

Peach Candies

Peach Salad Dressing

Peach Cider

Peach Hot Sauce

Peach Bread


Interesting Facts• Peaches are low in fat, naturally sodium

free and have no cholesterol.

• Peaches are a low calorie snack, a medium size peach contains only 40 calories.

• Peaches contain vitamin A which helps us see in dim light.

• Peaches are considered a good source of fiber. The skin of a peach provides both roughage and fiber.

Peach Planting

• A peach is planted into a tree from the nectar seed. (pit)

• The process is usually around 7 ½ months.

• Months harvested are in June/July/August

Peach storage

• A Peach can be cared for by the pesticides spray.

• Growing a peach tree prefers a soil pH around 6.5.

• A thick root system helps with the growth of a peach tree.

Importance Of Peaches

• Since Peaches are a fruit, it is packed with Vitamin A, B, And C.

• Benefits include Helping with High Blood Pressure, Kidney Stones, Asthma. Etcetera

When selecting peaches…• Smell the peach. The peach is a

member of the rose family and should have sweet fragrance.

• Look for a creamy gold to yellow under-color. The red or "blush" of a peach is an indication of variety, not ripeness.

• Peaches should be soft to the touch but not mushy.

• Look for a well defined crease that runs from the stem to the point

• Don't squeeze peaches; they bruise easily.

• Place firm peaches on the counter for a day or two, and they'll ripen.

• Promptly refrigerate ripe peaches and eat them within a week of purchase.

• To keep sliced peaches from darkening, add lemon juice or ascorbic acid.