kingdom protista

KINGDOM PROTISTA Objectives 4.03 & 4.04: Disease-causing microorganisms & Parasites

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Objectives 4.03 & 4.04: Disease-causing microorganisms & Parasites. Kingdom Protista. What is a Protist ?. Protists are eukaryotic organisms The kingdom Protista is the most diverse kingdom Some are microscopic while others are large. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Kingdom  Protista


Objectives 4.03 & 4.04: Disease-causing microorganisms & Parasites

Page 2: Kingdom  Protista

What is a Protist? Protists are eukaryotic organisms The kingdom Protista is the most

diverse kingdom Some are microscopic while others

are large. Some are unicellular while others

are multicellular Some are autotrophic while others

are heterotrophic.

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3 Main Groups Animal-Like Protists

(Protozoans): Paramecium & Amoebas

Plant-Like Protists: Algae

Fungus-Like Protists: Water Molds/Slime Molds

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Animal-Like Protists They are similar to animals in the following ways: No cell wall No chloroplasts, which makes them

heterotrophs They are different than animals in

the following ways: They are unicellular whereas animals are

multicellular. Examples: Paramecium & Amoebas

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Paramecium Amoeba

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Plasmodium Animal-Like protist that causes

malaria. Mosquito bites a person infected with

malaria. The plasmodium enters the mosquito

and reproduces in the gut of the mosquito.

Plasmodium enters mosquito’s salivary glands.

Infects the next person the mosquito bites!

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Plasmodia & Malaria

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Plant-Like Protists They are similar to plants in the

following ways: Have cell wall Have chloroplasts, which makes them

autotrophs They are different than plants in the

following ways: They are motile (can move) Their cell walls are made of chitin, where

plant cells walls are made of cellulose They have no roots, stems, or leaves

Examples: Algae & Euglena

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Algae Euglena

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Fungus-Like Protists Fungus-Like Protists They are similar to fungi in the

following ways: Decompose organic material, which

makes them heterotrophs They are different than fungi in the

following ways: Are motile Have cell walls made of cellulose, where

fungi have cell walls made of chitin. Examples: Slime molds, water molds

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Slime Mold Water Mold

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Motile Protists Motile protists have structures to

help them move: Pseudopods: Means “false foot” ,

made of cytoplasm Flagella: Whip-like tail Cilia: Tiny, hair-like extensions