klimov - etymological dictionary of the kartvelian languages (synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964) Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan a- pronoun stem 41 a- a- a-, ha- a- a interrogative enclitic suffix 41 a o, u, o a a subjective suffix 41 a u, u, o a a- verbal character vowel 42 a- o- o- a- a suffix of verbal substantives 42 a a a a a- prefix 42 a- a- a- a- a suffix 42 a o o a a-…-in prefix-suffix formant 43 a-…-in/-en o-…-in o-…in abed- tinder 43 abed- obed- obed- haböd, habed-, hobed- ad adverbial suffix 43 ad o(t) o(t) ad adr- early 43 adre- ordo- odro-, ordo- am/m thematic verbal suffix 44 am/m um, im, m um/im em a-ma- this 44 ama-/am- amu- (h)amu- am(a)- anc’C- elder (tree) 44 anc’l- inDr-, inD’ir- inD’ir-, inD’ira- nD’w- ar- cf. *r- 44 arwa- eight 44 rva-, rua- (b)ruo- ovro- ara- arDw- chamois 45 arDv- erckem-, jersk’än-, erskem- jersk’en-, hersk’n- as÷- hundred 45 as- oš- oš- ašir-, äšir- a(s÷)t- ten 45 at- vit- ješt-, ješt’- a-s÷- pronoun stem 46 ase aše-, aši- ašo-, hašo- aš- asuz÷- daughter 46 asul- osur- osur- (h)awiš-, asuš- a-k- here 46 ak- ak-, tak-, ata-k- ak-, ak(o)- aq’ar- pumpkin 46 q’arq’ara- q’oq’ore- q’oq’ore- (h)aq’är-, aq’ar- ac’- hence(forth), from now on 47 ac’(i)- ac’(i)-, anc’(i)- ac’(i)-, anc’i- Page 1

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Partial English translation of Klimov's 1964 "Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages" by Allan R. Bomhard.


Page 1: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

a- pronoun stem 41 a- a- a-, ha- a-a interrogative enclitic suffix 41 a o, u, ‹ o a a subjective suffix 41 a u, ‹ u, o a a- verbal character vowel 42 a- o- o- a-a suffix of verbal substantives 42 a a a aa- prefix 42 a- a- a- a-a suffix 42 a o o aa-…-in prefix-suffix formant 43 a-…-in/-en o-…-in o-…inabed- tinder 43 abed- obed- obed- haböd, habed-,

hobed-ad adverbial suffix 43 ad o(t) o(t) adadr- early 43 adre- ordo- odro-, ordo-am/m thematic verbal suffix 44 am/m um, im, ‹m um/im ema-ma- this 44 ama-/am- amu- (h)amu- am(a)-anc’C- elder (tree) 44 anc’l- inD’‹r-, inD’ir- inD’ir-, inD’ira- gänD’w-ar- cf. *r- 44arwa- eight 44 rva-, rua- (b)ruo- ovro- ara-arDw- chamois 45 arDv- erckem-, jersk’än-,

erskem- jersk’en-,hersk’n-

as÷- hundred 45 as- oš- oš- ašir-, äšir-a(s÷)t- ten 45 at- vit- ješt-, ješt’-a-s÷- pronoun stem 46 ase aše-, aši- ašo-, hašo- aš-asuz÷- daughter 46 asul- osur- osur- (h)awiš-, asuš-a-k- here 46 ak- ak-, tak-, ata-k- ak-, ak(o)-aq’ar- pumpkin 46 q’arq’ara- q’oq’ore- q’oq’ore- (h)aq’är-, aq’ar-ac’- hence(forth), from now on 47 ac’(i)- ac’(i)-, anc’(i)- ac’(i)-, anc’i-

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Page 2: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

b- to pour 47 b- b- b-b- to tie, to bind, to fasten 47 b- b- b- b-baba- papa, dad 47 babua- baba- baba- baba-baga- manger, pen 48 baga- boga- boga-bade- net, (spider's) web 48 bade- boda- bäd-, bad-bam-/bm- to tie, to bind, to fasten 48 bam-/bm- bum- bum- bem-ban- to wash, to wash oneself 48 ban- bon- (m)bon- bar-/br-, bär-bandal- to go, to walk; to stagger (out) 49 bandal- bandal- bandal-bark’-(al-) foot, leg 49 bark’al- bork’-barc’÷- barren, infertile 49 berc’- burD’-bger- to utter a sound 49 bger-a- ngar-, gar- bgar-, mgar-bez- to beat vigorously 49 bez- baz- baz-ber- to blow, to inflate 50 ber- (m)bar- bar- b²l-berq- foot, step 50 pex-, peq- [bax-] bä(r)q-, bäq-berc’q’-/brc’q’- to shine 50 brc’q’-in- rc’k’-in- [berc’q’-]be¦el- barn, granary 50 be¦el-, be¦o- ba¦u- ba¦u- be¦ura- sparrow 51 be¦ura- ba¦‹re-, ba¦ire-bec- to steal, to slink, to sneak 51 bec- bac-beμ÷¦- to be angry, to scream, to yell 51 bez¦- ber¸¦-el- be¸¦-bzu- to hum, to buzz, to drone 51 bzu buz-in- buz-al-bibil- border, edge; branch 51 bibilo- birbil- bibil-bir- to entice, to lure 52 bir- bir-biD’- to break, to crumble 52 biD’- biD’k’w-bi¸- support 52 bi¸- bi¸g-bod- to be delirious, to rave, to be mad 52 bod- bordiš- bod-bok’w- stump, stub 52 bok’v- buk’- bik’-

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Page 3: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

borbala- spider 53 borbala- bo(r)balia- bombula-br- to sing 53 bir- bir- br-b3g- to fight 53 brμ- bur¸- b‹rg-b3d¦w‚- to nibble (poultry) 54 b(r)d¦vn- burd¦on- burd¦ol-,

bund¦ol-,b3d¦win- to growl, to snarl, to grumble 54 brd¦vin- burd¦in- bund¦in-brq’en- pear grove (plum ?) 54 b(e)rq’ena- barq’wen-,

bärq’en-bude- nest 54 bude- bude- bid-, bud-bumbul- down, fuzz 55 bumbul- bumbul- bumbul-bur- to shut, to close, to darken, 55 bur- bur- bur- bur-

to obscureburd¦a- plumage, down 55 burd¦a- burd¦a- bund¦a-burt’q’C- down and feathers 55 burt’q’l- but’q’u- bu(r)t’q’u-but’k’a- floscule, leaf, sheet 56 but’k’o-, but’k’- but’k’a-but’k’ar- bee 56 put’k’ar- but’k’u¸-b(¦)u- owl, eagle-owl 56 bu(v)- ¦u- b¦u-, (m)¦u-bc’k’w‚- to pinch, to nip 56 bc’k’vn- bic’k’on-,

bisk’on-b¸- to lean (on), to rest (against) 57 b¸-en-, b¸-in- bi¸g- b¸g-en-

g- 2nd person objective prefix 57 g- g-, r- g- ¸-g cf. *e-g- 57g- to build, to construct 57 g- g- g-g- to gain, to acquire 57 g- g- g-g- to pass, put, or run through; 58 g- g-

to string, to thread

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

g- to resemble 58 gav- g- g- ¸eš-gab/gb- to boil 58 gb- g‹b-, gib- gub-, gib-, ¸ib- ¸äb-/¸b-ga- side 59 gan- [ga-] [ga-]ga- preverb 59 ga- go- go-ga-mo- preverb 59 ga-mo- go-mo- go-mo-ga-re on the outside; outside 59 gare gale galegen- to feed calves (sucking udders) 59 gen- gan-gw- objective prefix 60 gv- gw-gwal- to leave 60 gval-, gol- golop-gwal- to stand 60 [gvale!] gwäle!, gwal!gwam- body 61 gvam- gwäm-gwan- to resemble 61 gvan- ¸en-gwar- family, kin, kind, species 61 gvar- gwäre-gwel- snake 61 gvel- gver- mgver- hi¸w-/u¸-,gwerd- side, half 62 gverd- gverd- gver(d)-gwimra- fern 62 gvimra- gvimrara-, gwimbra-,

gumara-, gwrimb-gvimora-

gz- to kindle 62 gz-, gzn- rz- gz-, z-gza- road, way 62 gza- za- zal- (n)gza-gl- to tear, to break, to burst 63 gl-/gal- gl-/gil-glo- to grieve, to mourn 63 glov- rg(v)-gn- to hear, to understand, 63 gen-/gn- g‹n-, gin- gn-

to comprehendgon- to think, to consider, to think of 63 gon- gon- (n)gon-gr- to lay (eggs) 64 gr- gr-gor-/gr- to roll along 64 gor- gorgol- gr-, ngor- gwr-/gur-gora- hill 64 gora- gola-, gvala- gola-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

g3gwin- to thunder; thunder 64 grgvin- gurgin-, gvirgvin-girgin- gurgwn-g3c’q’il- flea 65 (r)c’qil- c’q’‹r-, c’q’ir- mc’k’ir- zisq’-, z‹sq’-g3μe-l- long 65 g(r)μel- g‹rμa-/e-, ginμe-,

g‹nμa-/e-, gunμe-girμe-

gu- to become accustomed to, 65 gu(v)- g(u)- g-to become used to; to train

gugul- cuckoo 65 gugul- gugul- gugul- gägo-, gigu-,gego-

guda- leather bag 66 guda- guda- guda-gurgwal- thunder; to thunder 66 gurgval- gorgol- gurgul- g‹rgal-gul- heart 66 gul- gur- gu(r)- gwi-/gu-, gu-gs÷-/gus÷- to weave 67 ksov- rš(v)- š(v)- ¸iš-/¸š-

d verbal suffix 67 d d t’, -d dd passive suffix 67 d d d dd subjective suffix 67 t t t dd suffix 68 d t [-t] dda suffix 68 da da dada enclitic particle, signifying 68 da da da conditionalityda and 68 da do doda- preverb 69 da- do- do-da- sister 69 da- da(l)- da(l) udil-, widil-da-did- elder sister 69 mdad(e)- dade-, dad- dade-, dat-da(s÷)tw- bear 70 datv- tunt- (m)tut- däšdw-,


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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

däšt’w-dg- to stand 70 dg-/dek- dg- dg- dg-dgam-/dgm- to put, to place, to set, to stand 71 dgam-/dgm- dgum-, dgim- dgim- gem-/gm-dg-in- to put, to place, to set 71 dgin-/dgen- dgin- dgin-deda- mother 71 deda- dida- dida- di-deda-mtil- mother-in-law 72 deda-mtil- dia-mtir- da-nti(r)e-deda-l- hen 72 dedal- dadul- dadul- dädw-, dedw-d(w)- to lie, to lay, to put 72 d(v)-/dev- d(v)- d(v)- d-did- big 73 did- did- did-dik’a- (winter) wheat 73 dik’a- (m)dik’a-dindgel- black wax 73 dindgel- dgvindgv- dindgu-, dundg-d(l)aq’w- elbow 74 (n)idaq’v-, du’- du(r)q’u-

daq’v-dn- to melt 74 dn-/den- d‹n-, din- din-, (n)dun- n-drek’-/drik’-/ to bend, to curve 74 drek’-/ dirak’-/ drak’-/derk’- drik’- dirik’-/dirk’- drik’-/druk’-dud- tip 75 dud- dud- dud- dud«l-du(s÷)te- moon, month 75 tve- tuta- (m)tuta došdul-,

došt’ul-d¦e- day 75 d¦e- d¦a-, d¦al- (n)d¦a-, d¦al- ladä¦-, lade¦-,

läde¦-d¦web- to mix, to splash 76 d¦veb- d¦vab- d¦val-d¦l- to soften, to grow soft 76 [d¦l-] (n)d¦ul- (n)d¦ul-d¦lez-/d¦liz- to tear, to rend 76 d¦lez-/d¦liz- d¦iraz-/d¦iriz-dqa- goat 77 txa- txa-, txal- (m)txa-, (m)txal- daq‹l-, daq-

e- character vowel 77 e- e- (h)e- e-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

e- prefix 77 e- a- a- e-e conjunctive suffix 78 e a a e eb thematic suffix of present; 78 eb ep (e)pe

plural suffixe-g- this, that 78 e-g- e-¸-el- to flash (lightning) 78 el- val- val-en/-n suffix of verbal derivation 79 [-en/-n] [-an/-n] [-an/-n] en/-nen/-n suffix of passive 79 n a(n) anert- one 79 ert- art- ar(t)-es suffix 79 es es ese-s÷- demonstrative pronoun stem 80 es-e eš-i eš-o eš-e(s÷)t- toponym suffix 80 et at at ešde-k- there 80 ek- (t)ek- (h)ek-eks÷w- six 80 ekvs- amšv- a(n)š- usgwa-, usk’w-ešw- wild boar, pig 81 ešv- [askv-]

warg-/(w)rg- to be fit (for), to serve 81 varg-/rg- rg- rg- marg-warcxw‚- to comb hair 81 varcxn- rcxon- (n)cxon-warμ- cf. *(s)a-warμ-el- 81wasx- to lend 81 vasx- (r)sx- cx- wisgw-/wašC- apple 82 vašl- uškur- oškur-, uškur-, usgw-,

uški(r)-, ošk’ur- wisg-/usg-, wisk’w-/usk’w-

wac÷- ram 82 vac- oD- oD-, boD- ¦waš-wel- field 82 vel- ve(l)-wenaq- vine 83 venax- binex- binex-, benex-wer not 83 ver va(r) va(r)

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

werc÷xC- silver 83 vercxl- varDxil-werμ÷- ram 84 verμ- er¸-werxw- aspen 84 verxv- verxv-, vex- jerxw-, werxw-wid- to start, to leave 84 ved-/vid- id- id-wic’÷q’-(d) to drive in, to hammer in 84 vic’q’-, D’q’olad-, D’(k’)ond-,

vic’q’d- D’q’olid-, D’ondr-D’q’ord-

wl- to start, to leave 84 val-/vl- ul-, ur- ul-wlt- to divide, to separate 85 vlt- rt- lt-/rt- t-wlt’- to escape 85 lt’- rt’-, nt’- rt’-, mt’- t’w-w‚ suffix 85 (v)n- on on, -olw3c÷e-l- wide, broad 85 vrcel- pi(r)Da- [pirDe-]ws÷- to fill 86 vs- (p)š- pš- gwš-/gweš-

z- to press, to knead 86 zel-/zil- z-/zu- z- zih-za- year, season 86 [za-] [zo-] zäj-, zäw-za-mtar- winter 86 zamtar- zoton¸-zep’- to strike (on), to pound (on) 87 z(v)ep’- zap’-zw- to have young, to calve 87 zv- z(w)-zid- to pull, to drag, to draw 87 zid- zi(n)d- zd-zisxC- blood 87 sisxl- zisx‹r-, zisxir-, di(n)cxir- zisx-

zisxer-zm-/zom- to measure 88 zom- z‹m-, zim- zum-, zim- zum-/zm-,

z‹m-, zem-zman- to dream 88 zman- zmon-zmu- to scream, to squeal, to yelp 88 zmu- zum-in- zum-in-zrd- to grow, to grow up; to raise, 88 zard-/z(r)d- rd- rd- (‹)rd-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

to raise, to bring upzrz-in- to be excited, aroused; 88 zrzen-/ z‹rz‹n-,

to cause confusion zrzin- zirzin-zura- female 89 zura- zura- zuräj-z¦wa- sea 89 z¦va- z¦va- z¦ua-, zu¦a-, zu¦wa-, μu¦wa-,

(m)zo¦a- μ¦wa- z¦ude- fence, wall 89 z¦ude- z¦ude- μ¦wid-, z¦wid-

z÷e- up, upwards, 90 ze ²i ²i(n) ²iz÷eda- upper 90 zeda- ²indo- ²indo-z÷en- upper 90 zena- ²in- ²in-z÷waw- avalanche 90 zvav- ²aj-, ²äj-, ²äh-

tal- to cut, to hew, to plane, to shave 90 tal/tl- tol-tapC- honey 91 tapl- topur- topu(r)-, topr- tu-, twi-te- light: cf. *ten-, *na-te- 91tetr- white 91 tetr- t(w)etne-,

twetw(e)ne-tel- suckling pig 91 tel- tu-, tul- tila-tel- to press, to crush, to squeeze 92 tel- tel-/tl-ten- to shine, to become visible 92 ten- tan- tan- ten-/tn-ten-eb-a dawn, daybreak 92 ten-eb-a tan-ap-a tan-ap-ates- to sow 92 tes- tas- tas-tesC- seed 93 tesl- tas- tas-twal- eye 93 tval- tol- tol- te-/ter-ttxel- thin 93 txel- txitxu- titxu-, tutxu- d‹txel-tib- grass 94 tiv-a tip- tip-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

tib- to mow 94 tib- tip- tip-titxw‚- to soil, to stain, to dirty 94 titxn- txitxon-tiqa- soil, ground, clay 94 tixa- dixa-, dexa- (n)dixa-tma- hair 95 tma- toma-, tuma- (n)toma-,


tr- to carry, to drag, to pull 95 tr-/ter- (n)t‹r-, tir-, tor-, tr-/tir-(n)tir- tur-

tr- to drink 95 tr-/tver- tr- (< *ter-w-)

t3t- to tremble 96 trt- tirt-ol- tirt-in-tkw- to say, to tell, to speak 96 tkv- tk(v)- tk(v)- kw-tkw-am-/tk(w)-m- to say, to tell, to speak 96 tkvam-/tkm- tkum- tkum-txaz- to plait, to weave 97 txz- [txoz-] txoz-txam- top 97 txem- txum-, txwim-txamC- pus 97 [txaml-, txraml-] txomur-, txumur- txomu(r)-,

txom(b)r-txe- to spill 98 txe-/txi- (n)tx- ntx-txewl- to catch, to search for, 98 txevl- tx²l-

to look fortxle- feeling of resentment 98 txle- txolo- txolo-,

underlying guilt txole-txmel- alder 99 txemla-, txmela- txomu-, txumu- (n)txomu-,

ntxombu-txo- to propose, to marry 99 txov- tx(v)- tx(v)-

i- distal demonstrative pronoun stem 99 i- i- (h)i- i-i subject-object case marker 99 i i i i

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

i- subjective prefix 100 i- i- i- i-i- objective prefix 100 i- i- i- i-ia nominal suffix 100 ia iait instrumental suffix 101 it, -t it, -t te(n)il participial suffix 101 il il, -ir iril suffix of nominal derivation 101 il iri-ma- pronoun stem 101 i-ma- i-mu- (h)i-mu- i-m-in causative suffix 102 in, -en in in inisar- arrow 102 isar- isind-, is‹nd- isi¸-isC- sedge 102 isl- isir-, (l)is‹r- isir-i-s÷- demonstrative pronoun stem 102 is-e iš-o, viš-o (h)iš-oi-s÷ genitive case marker 103 is, -s iš, -š š (i)š, -eši-s÷-a directional case marker 103 [-isa] iša, -ša šai-s÷-d secondary case suffix 103 isad (i)šo(t) šot (i)š-di-s÷-eul- derivational affix 104 iseul- (i)šor- (i)šal-ipkC- wheat 104 ipkl- irk- itk-i-k- there, thither 104 ik(a)- ik- (h)ik-

k’- to take 104 k’av- k’un-, k’n-k’in-

k’ak’- to knock 105 k’ak’- k’ak’- k’ank’-k’ak’ab- partridge 105 k’ok’obe- k’ak’ab-k’ak’al- walnut 105 k’ak’al- k’ak’al- k’ak’al- k’ak’-, gak’(a)-k’ak’a-n- to cackle 105 k’ak’an- k’ark’al- k’ark’al- k’ark’ac-k’al- to be missing, to lack, 106 k’el-/k’l- k’or- k’or-

to be shortk’ar-/k’r- to tie together, to bind 106 k’ar-/k’r- k’‹r-, k’ir- k’or-, k’ir-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

k’ac÷- man, person; man, male 106 k’ac- k’oD- k’oD- D’äš-/D’aš-k’b-in- to bite 106 k’bin-/k’ben- k’ibir- k’ibin-k’b-il- tooth 107 k’bil- k’‹bir-, k’ibir- k’ibi(r)-, k’ibr-,

k’irb-, D’ibr-k’ed- to build, to construct 107 [k’ed-] k’id- k’id-, k’od-k’edel- wall 107 k’edel- k’‹dala-, k’ida-, k’oda- D’wed-, D’wäd-

k’‹dela-, (< *D’edw-)k’ida(la)-

k’et- to add, to admix 108 k’et- k’at- k’at-k’ek’w‚- to peck, to bite, 108 k’enk’- k’‹k’on-, k’ik’on-

to eat a little at a time k’ik’on-k’ec- clay 108 k’ec- k’ic-, k’‹c- k’ic-k’ec÷- to put together, to heap, 108 k’ec- k’‹D-, k’iD-

to pile upk’wam-/k’wm- to smoke 108 k’m- k’um- mk’om- k’wXm-k’wamC- smoke 109 k’vaml- k’wam-, k’wäm-k’warc÷xC- foot 109 k’varcxl- k’uDx- k’uDxe- D’isx-, D’‹šx-k’waxe- unripe, immature, sour 109 mk’vaxe- k’oxa- k’oxa-k’wer- flat, round cake; round 110 k’ver- k’var- k’var-k’werk’wer- round 110 k’vek’vera- k’vark’valia- k’ork’ola-k’wenr- marten 110 k’verna- k’unor- k’venu(r)- rk’wen-,

k’(w)en-k’werc÷x- to break, to crush 111 k’vercx- [k’anDx-] k’vanDx-k’wes÷- to crush, to strike fire 111 k’ves- k’weš-/k’wš-k’we(s÷)t- to flog, to whip; to kill 111 k’vet- k’vat- k’vat- k’wešd-/k’wšd-k’wircx- to be awake 111 [k’vircx-] k’urcx- k’uncx-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

k’i- to cry, to shout 112 k’iv- rk’i- k’i(r)-, k’(r)-, k’òl-k’(r)i-

k’ibo- crawfish, crayfish 112 k’ibo- k’ibo-, k’iboia-k’id- to take, to hang 112 k’id- k’i(n)d- k’id- k’id-/k’d-k’itx- to join, to twist together, 112 k’itx- k’itx- k’i(n)tx-, D’itx-

to intertwine k’Cde- rock 113 k’lde- k’‹rde-, k’irde- k’‹lde-, k’(il)de-k’od- to fell, to hew, to flog, to whip 113 k’od- [k’od-] [k’od-]k’od- vessel 113 k’od- k’od- k’od-k’odal- woodpecker 113 k’odal- k’‹d‹-, k’idu- k’id-, k’od-,

(m)-k’ud-k’owz- spoon 113 k’ovz- k’ovz-, k’uz-,

k’‹z-, k’iz- k’iz-k’on- to tie together, to bind 114 k’on- D’on-k’ord- block 114 k’ord- k’ord-k’o¦on- gnat, mosquito 114 k’o¦o-, k’o¦o(na)-, k’o(r)¦on- k’o¦on-,

k’o¦ona- k’o¦unia- k’u¦un-,k’‹¦‹n-

k’r- to shine, to glitter 114 k’r- k’r-k’raw- lamb 115 k’rav- k’‹rib-, k’irib-k’reb- to gather (together), to collect 115 k’reb-/k’rib- k’orob- k’o(r)ob-k’rep- to gather, to collect, 115 k’rep-/k’rip- k’orop-

to pick (fruit) k’3t- to frighten, to be frightened 115 k’rt- k’ut- (m)k’ut-k’3k’il- moth 116 rk’il- k’i(r)k’il-, k’ik’it’-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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k’3k’o- acorn 116 rk’o- k’‹-, k’i-k’3t’w‚- to peck, to bite 116 k’rt’n- k’‹rt’on-, k’irt’on-

k’irt’on-k’rox- to cackle 116 k’rux- k’ux- k’(r)ox-, k’ljux- k’rox-k’rox- brood-hen 117 k’rux- k’rux-k’ud- tail 117 k’ud- k’udel- k’udel- hak’wäd-,


k’uk’ul- kidney, bud 117 k’uk’ur-, k’vik’vil- k’uk’ul-k’ok’or-

k’urk’a- stone 117 k’urk’a- k’urk’a-k’us- to moan, to groan 117 k’(r)us- k’us- k’us-k’ut’u- small, little 118 k’ut’a- k’ut’u- k’ut’u- k’et’ol-,

k’eD’ol-k’upxa- bunch of grapes 118 k’upxal- k’umx-

lag-/lg- to put 118 lag- rg- rg- la¸-/l¸-lal- to bark, to bay 119 lal- lal- lal-la¦w- flesh, meat 119 le¦v- lu¦- lu¦- le¦w-laš- lip 120 laš- leDkv- lešk-lb- to make soft, to make mild, 120 lb- lib- lib-, lob-

to moistenlek’w- puppy 120 lek’v- lak’v- lak’-, laD’-lel- cane, rush, reed 120 lel- [lar-]lel-c’÷em- reed 121 lerc’am-, larD’am-,

lelc’am- larD’em-lems÷- || leps÷- needle 121 nems- le(p)š-, li(p)š- lemš-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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les- to rub 121 les- las- [las-]lok’- to lick 121 lok’- lo(n)t’k’-, lok’- lo(s)k’- lek’-, läk’-lšw‚- to eat 122 lošn- r‹skon-, riskon-lt’w- to wet, to soak 122 lt’- rt’(v)_luk’upxa- buckthorn 122 luk’upxa- luk’uxa-, luk’umxa-,

lek’uxa- nuk’umxa-lul- to doze, to sleep 123 lul- lur-, rul- lir-

m- 1st person objective prefix 123 m- m-, p’-, p-, b- m-, p’-, p-, b- m-m- participial prefix 123 m- [m-] m- m(‹)-m-…-e- prefix-suffix formant 123 m-…-e- m-…-e-m-…-el- prefix-suffix formantma- word-forming prefix 124 m-…-el- m-…-al- m-…-al-ma- which?, what? 124 [ma-] mu- mu- mäj-, maj-ma- third person pronoun stem 124 ma- mu- mu- [m(a)-]mad preverbal prohibitve particle 124 mo(t) mXd(e), med(e)mak’e- heavy 125 mo(n)k’a- monk’a-mak’en- to grow heavy, to grow stout 125 mak’en-/mak’n- monk’an- monk’an-mal- fox 125 mela- mela- mel- mXl-, mal-,

ma(l)w-mama- father 126 mama- muma-, mumal- [muma-] m«-mama-l- male; cock, rooster 126 mamal- mumul- mumul-, mamul-mama-mtil- father-in-law 126 mama-mtil- mua-ntit- mtir-marc÷x- failure, defeat 127 marcx- k’varDx-marc÷x-en- left(-handed) 127 marcxena- k’varDxan-marc’q’w- dug-out, mud hut 127 marc’q’v- basq’i-, bäsq’-mar¸w- adroit, dexterous 128 mar¸ve- morμgv-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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mar¸w- to conquer, to overcome 128 mar¸v- morμgv-mar¸wen- right(-handed) 128 mar¸vena- marμgvan- marμgvan- lärsgwän-,

lersgwen-mase-/a- net, fishnet 128 mase- mosa-mat’C- worm 129 mat’l- munt’ur- munt’ur-,(< *ma-t’C-) munt’r-mat’q’C- wool, fleece 129 mat’q’l- mont’q’or- mont’k’o(r)- mät’q’-, mat’q’-maq’w- blackberry 129 maq’val- mu’-, mu’e- muq’-ma(n)Dw- badger 129 ma(n)Dv- mu(n)Dkv- munDk(v)-,


maxa- kind of wheat 130 maxa- moxa-mgel- wolf 130 (m)gel- ger- mge(r)- m¸wer-mg3god- round 130 (m)rgval- rgval- mu(r)gval- girgod-me- word-forming prefix 131 me- ma- ma- me-me-…-e- nominal prefix-suffix formant 131 me-…-e- ma-…-a- ma-…-a(n)- me-…-e-m-egr-el- Mingrelian 132 megrel- margal- margal- (?)me(n)- I 132 me(n)-, mena- ma- ma(n) mi-me-rc’x-al- swallow 132 mercxal- marD’ixol-,


meser- fence; palisade 133 meser- masar- masar- meser-,me-up-e- sovereign, ruler 133 mepe- mapa- [mapa-] mas²r-me-px-e- manger, crib (for cattle) 133 mapxa- m²pxe-me-c’÷wel- milkmaid 133 mec’vel- maD’val- manD’val-umz÷e- sun- 133 mze- b²a- m²o(r)a-, m‹²-/mi²-

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mt- cf. *za-mtar- 134mtknar- to gape, to yawn 134 mtknar-, pknar- kir-, kil- mkor-, nkor-mtil- cf. *deda-mtil-, *mama-mtil- 134mi- preverb 135 mi- mi-, me- me-mi-n- who? 135 vin- mi(n) min-mk’al- grasshopper, locust 135 k’alia- k’ol- mk’ol-, nk’ol-mk’erd- breast 135 mk’erd- k’‹d‹r-, m‹D’wed-,(< *m-k’erd-) k’idir- muD’od-mo- preverb 136 mo- mo- mo-mo-zrd-il- adult 136 mozrdil- mordil- morde(r)-mrtel- safe, healthy 136 (m)tel- tar-m-r¦w-i-e muddy, cloudy 136 m¦vrie- land¦vir- m¦ir-, b¦ir-(m)²¦3- to fade, to grow dim 137 m²¦r- (b)²¦‹r-, (b)²¦ir- ¸¦ir-msxal- pear 137 (m)sxal- sxul- cxul- (w)icx(w)-,

wicx-/ucx-ms÷xwil- thick, large 137 ms(x)vil- šxu-, šx«- (m)Dxu-mt’wel- nought, nil 138 mt’ver- t’ver- mt’ver- t’wi-mt’il- greens, vegetables 138 mt’il- [rt’(v)in-, rt’il-] [nt’ul-] (l)art’am-,

lert’äm-mt’k’awel- span 138 mt’k’avel- t’k’u-, t’k’«-, mt’k’o-

t’k’ou-muqC- knee 138 muxl- muxur-mq’an- to graft 139 mq’en-/mq’n- ’on- mp’on-mš- to be hungry 139 ši- škir-, šk‹r- (m)ško(r)-,


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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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m-šw-e- birth; child 139 [mšo-] skua-, sge(j)-, sk’e-,skual- msgej-

m-šw-en- beautiful 140 mšvenier- skvam-, sk’vam- mskva- musgwen-mšwild- onion 140 mšvild- škvil-, škvind-mcire- small, little 140 mcire- cira-mcida- span 141 (m)cida- ci(n)da- mcida-m÷cn- to leave, to bequeath, to entrust, 141 mcn-/mcen- Din- mDin-

to assignmc’÷er- insect, fly 141 mc’er- D’an¸-, D’and- mD’a¸- m²r-

mc’ik’u- to soil, to make dirty 142 mc’ik’- c’ik’(v)-mc’÷q’s÷- to keep watch, to watch over 142 c’q’es- D’q’eš-, D’q’iš- mD’k’eš-, mD’eš-mc’÷q’es÷- herdsman, shepherd 142 mc’q’ems- D’q’eš-, D’q’iš-, mD’k’eš-,

D’q’‹š- mD’eš-mμ÷i¦- fist 142 [mμi¦-] ¸ix- m¸ix-, n¸ix-mD’ad- bread 142 (m)D’ad- D’k’‹d-, (m)D’ud-,

D’k’id- mD’k’id-mD’le- thin, skinny, emaciated 143 mD’le- D’k’ola-mxal- vegetables, greens 143 mxal-, pxal- xul-mxar- to eat 143 mxar- mxor-mxul- lizard 144 msuliv- xolar-, xvilar-. mtxolar-,

xvelar- xolura-mqar- shoulder 144 mxar- xu¸- mxu¸-, pxu¸- meqär-, meqar-m-qc÷-oan- grey with age 144 mxcovan- rDin(u)- xDin-, kDin-

n 3rd person subjective suffix 144 n n nn- to want, to desire 145 n- n- n-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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na- participial prefix 145 na- [no-] no- na-nad- friendly help 145 nad- nod- node(r)- nad(w)-, ned-na-te- light 145 natel- note- note-na-k’werc÷x-al- splinter 145 nak’vercxal- nak’vaDxir- nok’anDxule-nana- mom 146 nana- nana- nana-ne- word-forming prefix 146 [ne-] [na-] [na-] [ne-, na-]nedC- fresh, damp 146 nedl- lad‹r-, ladir- ladre-, larde-ne-zw- small female cattle 146 nezv- nezw-nena- language 147 ena- nina- nena- nin-, n‹n-ne-rg- seedling, sapling 147 nerg- narg-ne-rc’÷q’w- spittle 147 nerc’q’v- lenc’k’v-a-, näšq’w-,

lemD’k’v-a- näšxw-ni- word-forming prefix 147 [ni-] [ni-] [nu-] [ni-]ni-k’ap’- chin 148 nik’ap’- n‹k’‹-, nu(n)k’u- nik’pa-,

nik’u-, nuk’u- nipk’a-ni-k’art’- beak, bill 148 ni(s)k’art’- nik’rat’-,

nik’rät’-ni¸w- snout, lip 148 niDv- ni(n)μgv-noq’a- low-lying place 148 noq’a-, noq’o- no¦a-, no¦o- no¦a-nu prohibitive particle 148 nu nu [no]nqw- to throw over, to fall down 149 mx- xu- xu- nqw-

jor- two 149 or-, vor- ²‹r-, ²ir- ²u(r)-, ¸u(r)- jori-, jerbi-

obol- orphan 149 obol- ombol-ode- as soon as, while 150 [ode-n-] odo- wode-orb- eagle 150 orb- obr- werb-/orb-

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o(s÷)tx(w)- four 150 otx- otx- o(n)txo-, otxu- woštx(w)-opC- sweat, perspiration 151 opl- up(u)- up- wep-, wop-opop- hoopoe 151 opop- opop- opampe- opopa-, opopä-okro- gold 151 okro- orko- okro- (w)okwr-oc÷- twenty 151 (v)oc- eD- eD-oqar- solitary, lonely 151 oxer- woqar-,

wiqar-p’ap’al- old man 152 p’ap’a- p’ap’u- p’ap’u(l)-p’er- stump, stub 152 p’er- [p’a¸-] p’²r-p’er- to fly, to flutter 152 [p’er-] p’er-p’erp’er- butterfly 153 p’e’epla- parpal(ia)-, parpal- p’ep’el-,

paparalia- p’ärp’old-,p’ärp’änd-

p’ilenμ÷- copper 153 sp’ilenμ- lin¸-p’ir- edge 153 p’ir- p’i¸- p’i¸- p’il-, bil-p’ir- to remove with a scythe 154 p’ir- p’ir-p’urc’÷in- to utter a sound 154 p’ruc’in- p’urD’in-p’u- to cut, to hew 154 p’- [p’u-]p’ut’w‚- to pluck birds 154 p’ut’(n)- p’ut’on-

r- to be 154 r- r-racx- to count 155 racx- k’o-rocx- k’o-(r)ocx-,

k’o-recx-re enclitic particle 155 re le lerek’- to knock, to beat, to strike 155 rek’- [rak’-] rek’-req’- to drive (cattle) 155 rek’- ra’- req’-rtw- to cover 156 rt- (r)t(v)- t(v)-

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rtx- to throw on the ground 156 rtx- (r)tx- ntx- [rtx-]rtx-m- to throw on the ground 156 rtxm- tx‹m-, txim- ntxim-rk’ina- iron 156 (r)k’ina- (r)k’ina- erk’ina- (?)rk’u- tortoise 157 (r)k’u-, k’uv- k’u-rt’q’- to gird 157 rt’q’- rt’q’- t’k’- rt’q’-rum- to become dark 157 rum- rum-rka- horn, antler 157 rka- ka- kra-, kia-rkw- to cover 158 rkv- rkw-/rakw-rkw-am-/ to cover 158 rkvam-/rkm- (r)kw-em-rkw-m-rk-in- to butt 158 rkin-/rken- kirin- nkin-, nkir-r¦w- to destroy, to demolish, 158 r¦v- (r)¦v- r¦w-/re¦w-

to pull downrD- to listen 158 rD- rDk-rc÷- to spread 159 rex- rD- (r)D- rš-/raš-rc÷x- to wash 159 recx- rDx- Dx- [rDx-]rc’- to swing, to rock 159 rc’- [rc’-, nc’-] nc’-rc’q’a- water 159 c’q’al- c’q’ar- c’k’a(r)-, c’ar-rc’÷q’w- to vomit 160 rc’q’v-/rc’q’av- [rD’q’v-] nD’k’v-al-, [šq’w-]


s allomorph of the personal 160 s s, -c s ssubjective prefix h-

s 3rd person subjective suffix 161 s s || -c s ssa- interrogative pronoun stem 161 sa- so- so-sam- three 161 sam- sum- sum- semi-sar- to throw, to hurl 161 sar-/sr- [sir-] [sir-]

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sašw- thrush 162 šašv- zeskv- mzesku-,mzesk’u-

sa¸- to try 162 sa¸-/s¸- zo¸-sel- flax 162 sel- (p)su- [su-]sen- you, thou 162 si- si(n)- si-sw- to take by the hand, to lead 163 sv- s(v)- s(v)-sw-am-/sw-m- to take by the hand, to lead 163 svam-/sm- sum- sum-swe- wing 163 sve- (p)sua- (p)sva-, psua-,

msua-sir- a kind of small bird 163 sir- sind-siμ÷e- son-in-law 163 siμe- si(n)¸a-, sinda- si¸a- Dò²e-sk’a- beehive 164 sk’a- (p)sk’a- mska-, mcka-sk’w- to tie up 164 sk’ven-/sk’vin- sk’v-, skv- sk’v-, skv-sCk- to lick 164 slek-/slik- sirk-sm- to hear 164 sm- sim- sim- sm-/s‹m-sm-in- to listen 165 smin-/smen- simin- simin-, sibin- smin-sok’o- fungus 165 sok’o-, zok’o- sok’o- sok’o- sok’(w)-sr- to slip, to slide 165 srial- rsiol- sur-srat’- to destroy 165 sret’- sirot’-s3s- to lead by the hand 165 sres-/sris- sirsol-s3swil- lichen 166 sirsvil- sursu- msursu-, msirsu-st’w- cf. *st’w-in- 166st’w-in- to whistle, to sing 166 st’vin-/st’ven- švit’in- st’vin-, stvin-sur- ivy 166 suro- (m)su¸-,

msi¸- || psi¸-sxep’- to prune branches 166 sxep’-/sxip’- sxap’- cxap’- cxwäp’-sxwen- roof, garret 167 sxven- cxven(d)-,

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cxvin(d)-sxwerp’- to seize, to clench, to grasp 167 [sxverp’-] sxup’- cxop’- cxo(n)t’-sxl- to prune branches 167 sxl- cx«l-sxl-et’-/sxl-it’-/ to slip, to slide 167 sxlet’-/sxlit’-/ cxilat’-/ lt’-sxC-t’- sxlt’- cxilit’-/cxirt’-sxmartC- medlar 168 z¦mart’l- cxumu(n)t’ur- cximunt’ur- zunt’(u)-, ²«nt’u-

(s)a- word-forming prefix 168 sa- o- o- la- (?)(s)a-gz-al- breakfast 168 sagzal- orzol-(s)a-dg-is÷- awl 168 sadgis- odgiš-(s)a-warcx-ar- comb 169 savarcxel- orcxon¸-, o(n)cxo¸-

orcxond-(s)a-warμ-el- sitting 169 savarμel- orμu-, orμo-,

orzo-(s)a-ws÷-e- full 169 savse- opša-, epša- (j)opša-(s)a-rc÷x-el- linen (for washing) 169 [sarcxel-] orDxal-(s)a-rc’-e- cradle 170 sarc’ev-, onc’e- onc’el-

sarc’eb-(s)a-stun-al- head of the bed 170 sastunal- ortumel- omtunal-(s)a-s÷wm-el- drink, beverage 170 sasmel- ošumal-(s)a-car- sieve 170 sacer- oncoru-, onciru-(s)a-c÷exw-el- step, rung 170 sacexvel- onDaxul-e(s)a-c’÷nex-el- winepress (for grapes) 171 sac’nexel- oD’inax(u)- oD’inaxu-(s)a-D’m-el- food 171 saD’mel- oD’k’omal-, oD’k’omal-e,

oD’k’umal- ošk’omal-e(s)a-xC- building, house 171 saxl- [oxor-] oxor-

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(s)a-qs-ar- joint 171 saxsar- o(n)cxond- o(n)cxon-(s)t- to spin 172 rt-, st- rt- let-, lt-(s)i- prefix of nominal derivation 172 si- i- i-, e-(s)i-zmar- sleep, dream 172 sizmar- izmo¸e-,

ezmo¸e-(s)μ÷e- milk 172 rμe- b²a- b²a-, b¸a-, l‹¸e-

m²a-, m¸a-

s÷- pronoun stem 173 [-s-] [-š-] [-š-] [-š-]s÷w- to drink 173 sv- š(v)- š(v)- š(w)-s÷w-am-/s÷w-m- to drink 173 svam-/sm- šum- šum-s÷wan- Svan 174 svan- šon- šwan-s÷wel- wet, moist 174 svel- šu(e)-, š‹- šu-s÷wel- to wet 174 svel- šol-, šoj- šol-, švel-s÷w-en- to rest 174 sven- [švan-] švan- švem-/šwm-s÷w-er- deep breath 174 [sver-] [šva¸-] [šva¸-] šwär-(s÷)tagw- mouse 175 tagv- mtug-, mtuj- šdugw-, št’ugw-(s÷)taw- head 175 tav- ti- šda-, št’a-(s÷)to- to go (on snow) 175 tov- tu- (m)tu- šdu-/šdw-,(s÷)towC- snow 176 tovl- tr-, tir- (m)tvi(r)-, mtur- št’u(w), štu-(s÷)tkwen- possessive pronoun: yours 176 tkven- tkva(n)- tkva(n)- sgäj-(s÷)txar-/(s÷)txr- to dig, to burrow 176 txar-/txr- (n)txo(r)- (n)txo(r)- štxar-/štxr-(s÷)txil- small nut 177 txil- txir- (n)txir-, mtxir- šdix-, št’ix-s÷i- to swell 177 siv- šin- ši-s÷isi÷n- to stuff oneself, to eat one's fill 177 sisin- šišin-

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s÷lok’- to hiccup 177 slok’in- šik’in- šik’in- š‹dk’un-,s÷r- to destroy 177 sr-/sar- š‹r-, šir- šir- št’k’un-s÷ul- thought 178 sul- šur- šur-s÷ur- to breathe, to sigh 178 sur- šur- šur- šur-/šwr-s÷x- to put up, to hang 178 sx- šx-s÷xwa- other, another, different 178 sxva- šxva- Dkva- ešxu-s÷x-m- to put up, to hang 179 sxam-/sxm- šx‹m-, šxim-

t’ba- lake 179 t’b- t’oba-, t’obo- t’oba-, t’iba- t’ub(a)-(t’ab-/)t’b- to warm (oneself) 179 tb- t’‹b-, t’ib- t’ub-, t’ib- t’b-id-t’bid- warm 180 tbil- t’‹bu-, t’ibu- t’ibu-, t’ubu- t’ebid-, t’ebedi-,

t’ebdi-t’ew- to leave, to let go, to release 180 t’ev- t’al- t’al-t’i- to keep, to maintain, to support, 180 t’e-/t’i- (n)t’i(r)-, t’r- (n)t’i(r)-,

to hold (n)t’i(n)-/(n)t’r-t’ep- bark (of wood), crust, upper layer 180 [t’ep-] t’ep-t’ex- to break 180 t’ex- t’ax- t’ax-t’win- brain 181 t’vin- t’vin-t’iz÷- louse 181 t’il- t’i(j)- mt’i- t’iš-t’iz÷-w‚- to look for, to seek 181 t’izn- t’išon- t’išon-, t’išin-t’ik’w‚- to skip, to jump 181 t’ik’n- t’i(r)k’on-t’it’wel- naked, bare 181 t’it’vel- t’ut’el- t’e(n)t’el- t’int’i-, t’it’am-t’k’ac÷- to hit, to strike, to slay 182 t’k’ac- t’(k’)oD-t’k’eb- to trample down, 182 t’k’eb-, t’k’ep’- (n)t’k’ab-, t’k’eb-

to tread (under foot) t’k’ap-t’k’ec÷- to beat, to strike, to hit 182 t’k’ec-, t’k’aD- t’k’eD-/t’k’D-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

t’k’ic-t’k’wer- to crack (a nut) 182 t’k’ver- t’k’var- t’k’var- t’k’ur-n-t’len(n)k’- to lick one's lips (of animals) 182 t’le(n)k’- lo(n)t’k’- nt’k’val-t’ot’- branch, bough, arm 182 t’ot’- t’ot’-, t’vat’v- t’ot’- t’ot’-, t’(w)et’-t’rad- pigeon, dove 183 (m)t’red- t’oron¸- t’o(r)o¸-t’t’en- to stuff, to pack (tightly) 183 t’en- t’it’in- t’t’‹n-/t’‹t’‹n-t’ua- udder 183 t’ua- t’u-, t’‹- t’u-t’ut’a- ashes 183 t’ut’(a)- t’ut’a- mt’ut’a- t’‹t’(a)-, d‹t’-t’q’aw- skin, hide 183 t’q’av- t’q’eb- t’(k’)eb-t’q’ar-/t’q’r- to have diarrhea 184 t’q’orin- t’(k’)o(r)in- t’q’r‹n-t’q’e(n)- wood(s), trees 184 t’q’e- t’q’a(l)- (m)t’k’a- t’q’en-t’q’irp’- spleen 184 t’q’irp’- t’q’ip’-t’q’oc- to throw, to cast, to fling 184 t’q’orc(n)- t’q’vac-, t’k’vac- t’(k’)vac- t’q’c-t’q’w- to report, to let know, 184 t’q’v- t’q’v-

to communicatet’q’ub- twins 184 t’q’ub- t’q’up’-, t’k’ub- t’q’ub- t’q’wib-

u- verbal character vowel 185 u- u- u- u-, o-u- prefix 185 u- u- u- u- u-…-es÷ prefix-suffix formant 185 u-…-es u-…-aš u-…-aš

(comparative-superlative)ube-/a- bosom, breasts 185 ube- (l)uba-, l‹ba- uba-, oba-un causative suffix 185 un [-un] [-un] unup’e-/a- navel 186 up’e- omp’a- ump’a-, omp’a-(u)p- to have, to possess 186 [up-] p- [p-]u¦el- yuke 186 u¦el- u¦u- «¦wa-uc’q’- to see 186 uc’q’- or’q’- oc’(k’)-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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pal- to hide, to conceal 187 pal-/pl- pul- mpul-pant’- to throw about, to scatter 187 pant’- p’ant’-, p’ònt’-par- to cover 187 par- por- par-/pr-pasw- root 187 pesv- pos(ve)- poso-papa- porridge, gruel 187 papa- papir- papa-papar- mane 187 papar- popor- papal-pacur- to fuss, to bustle 188 pacur- pucor-petk- to fight, to strike, to beat 188 petk- partkal- pa(r)tkal- betk-pertx- to shake 188 pertx- partx- patx-pet’w- millet 188 pet’v- pat’- pat’- pet’w-, pät’w-peš- to burst, to blow up, to explode 188 pašk-, pešk- pišg-/pšg-pin- to spread 189 pin-/pen- pin- (m)pin- pòn-pir(s÷)t’w- easy 189 pilt’v- pirt’v-, pi²v- purpu- p’²ršwda-,

p’erešt’wa-porc’o- mucus, slime 189 lorc’o- perc’o- pe(n)c’o-,

pec’e-pocx- rake 189 pocx- bucx- bucx-pocx- to rake together 190 pocx- bucx- bu(m)cx- pacx-/pcx- (?)prin- to fly 190 prin-/pren- purin- purtin-pric’- to tear, to rend 190 p(x)ric’-/ buric’- bric’-/bruc’-

p(x)rec’-p3tx- to tremble, to quiver 190 prtx- (p)ntx-, tx- putx- p‹(r)tx-‹n-,

b‹rd¦-‹n-p3t’win- to snort, to sniff 190 prt’vin- purt’in- purt’in-p3cxa- fingernail, claw 191 prDxil- bircxa- bu(r)cxa-p3cx-en- to comb 191 prcxen- pucxon-, pucxol- pucxol- cx²n-ps- to urinate 191 ps- (p)s- ps- s-²n-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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ps-m- to urinate 191 psm-/psam- ps‹m- psim-pse-l- urine 192 psel- psela- psel-, msel-pu- to blow, to inflate 192 puv- pu- pu- pw-pu-in- to blow, to inflate 192 puvn- pun- pun- pwin-, püjn-pur- cow 192 pur- pu¸- pür-/pur-, pirw-purD- to whisper 192 puDun- purckin- purDol-pupul- abscess, boil 193 pupula- pupul- pupu(r)-puc÷- to vow, to take a vow 193 pic- puD-pkw- to grind, to mill 193 pkv- k(v)- mk(v)- [pk-]pkw-il- meal, flour 193 pkvil- k(v)ir- mki(r)-,

mkve(r)-, pkver-pšala- hops 194 pšala- pškvela-px- warm 194 [px-] [px-] [pxw-]pxa- cartilage, skeleton 194 pxa- xa- mxa- pxa-

k- pronoun stem 194 [-k-] [-k-] [-k-]kab-/kb- to know 195 ceb-/cb- kab-/kb-kb-un- cf. *kab-/*kb- 195kad-/kd- to be mistaken, to be wrong 195 cd- Dilat-/Dilit-/Dirt- Dulet-/Dit- kd-/kad-kd-un- cf. *kad-/*kd- 195katam- hen 195 katam- kotom- kotume-, korme- katal-kam-/km- to make 196 kam-/km- kim- kum-, kom-, kip- Dwem-/Dwm-kar-/kr- to disperse, to scatter 196 kr- kir- kir-/kor-kartwel- Georgian (n.) 196 kartvel- kortu- kortu-kartul- Georgian (adj.) 196 kartul- kortul- kortul-kacw- sea buckhorn 197 kacv- kuc-ke(n)k- to rummage, to delve into 197 kek- kank- kònk-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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kel- to recover one's breath 197 kel- (n)kal-kwa- stone, rock 197 kva- kua-, kual- kva-, kva(l)-kwab- cave, cavern 197 kvab- kvib- kwaba- (?)kwe- down, underneath, below 197 kve- [ko-] [ko-] kw-kwe- affirmative particle 198 k(v)e- ko- ko-kwis÷C- brother-in-law 198 kvisl- kvišil- [kwš-]kian- to rock, to swing 198 kian- kion-kmar- husband, man 198 kmar- komon¸- komo¸-, kimo¸-kmn- to make 199 kmn kimin- (n)kimin- Dwemin-/Dwmin-kn- to wave, to rock, to swing 199 kn- kirin- nkin-, nkir-kon- fat (of body), brain 199 kon- kon- kun-, kin-kremC- a tear 199 creml- Dilamur- Dilamre-, kim-, k‹mr-


k3cx‹mC- hornbeam 200 rcxila- cxemur-, cxemu(r)-, cx‹m-, cxum-,cximur- mcxubr- cxwim-

k(s÷)t- to revolve, to rotate 200 rt- kt- kšd-/kešd-kursC- heel 200 kusl- kurs-, kurc-, kur- kus-, ku(r)-kc÷- to revolve, to turn 200 kc-/kec- Dk(v)-

¦amen- last night 200 ¦ame- ¦uma- ¦oma(n)-¦ar-/¦r- to cry, to shout; to sing 201 m¦er- ¦or-, ¦var- m¦or- ¦ar-/¦r-¦ar¦ad- goose 201 [¦er¦ed-] ¦or¦on¸- ¦or¦o¸- ¦ar¦Xd-¦ar¦ar- to cry, to shout 201 ¦ar¦ad- ¦ar¦al- ¦a(r)¦al-¦eb- to paint, to color 201 ¦eb- ¦ap- ¦ap-¦ele- ravine 202 ¦ele- ¦al(u)- ¦al-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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¦ermat- god 202 ¦rmat- ¦oront- ¦ormot- ¦²rbet-¦er¦- to grind, to mill 202 ¦er¦- ¦ar¦- [¦ar¦-]¦er¦il- coarse-ground flour 202 ¦er¦il- ¦ar¦il- ¦ar¦il-¦eD’- to chew 202 ¦eD’- ¦aD’- ¦arD’-¦w- to have 203 ¦(v)- ¦v- ¦- ¦(w)-¦warμC- darnel, cockle 203 ¦varμl- ¦urμul- ¦urμul-¦wed- strap, thong 203 ¦ved- ¦ved- ¦ved- ¦wed-¦wiw- to rot, to decay 203 ¦viv- ¦vi¦v- m¦- ¦òw-¦wino- wine 203 ¦vino- ¦vin- ¦(w)in-¦ir- to threaten 204 ¦ir-/¦er- ¦ir-¦it’in- to tickle 204 ¦it’in- xicin- xiD’on-¦iD’w‚- to rub 204 ¦iD’n- ¦iD’on-, ¦iD’or-¦let’-/¦lit’- to tear 204 ¦let’-/¦lit’- ¦ilat’-/¦ilit’- ¦lat’-/¦lit’-¦lia- armpits 204 (i)¦lia- (r)¦ia- ¦ala- la¦lia-¦mu- to howl, to wail 204 ¦mu- ¦um-in- ¦um-in-¦ob- to braid, to plait 205 ¦ob- ¦ob- ¦ob-¦obe- (wattle-)fence, hurdle 205 ¦obe- ¦ober- ¦obe(r)- ¦ob-/¦web-¦omu- Setaria italica 205 ¦om- ¦omu- ¦om(u)-¦or- pig, swine 205 ¦or- ¦e¸- ¦e¸-¦or- to deceive, to cheat, to trick 205 ¦or- ¦or- ¦ord- ¦erd-¦or¸o- goby (fish) 206 ¦or¸o- ¦o(r)μgo-¦rek’- to bend, to curve 206 ¦rek’- ¦irak’-/¦irik’-/ ¦rik’-, ¦lik’- ¦wrek’- ¦irk’-¦rin- to growl, to snarl 206 ¦rin-/¦ren- ¦‹rin-, ¦irin- ¦i(r)in-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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¦ri¸- to grin 206 ¦ri¸-/¦re¸- ¦rin¸g-in- [¦in¸g-]¦3ma- opening 207 ¦rma- ¦orma-¦rut’- to grunt 207 ¦rut’un- ¦vint’- ¦rut’un-, xrut’un- (²)¦urt’n-¦3¦-w‚- to gnaw 207 ¦r¦n- ¦ir¦on- ¦ir¦ol-¦3¸il- gum (in the mouth) 207 ¦rμil- ¸irgil- ¦in¸gil-¦3D’in- to grit the teeth 207 ¦rD’in-/¦rD’en- ¦‹rc’k’in-/ ¦ric’k’in-, ¦‹lc’k’‹n-

¦irc’k’in- ¦ric’k’il-¦u¦un- to bill and coo 208 ¦u¦un- ¦u¦in-

q’a- to have 208 q’av- q’o-, ’o- q’(a)-q’amal- cherry-plum 208 t’q’emal- ’omur- q’omu(r)-,

’omur-q’ana- field 208 q’ana- ’vana- q’ona-, ’ona-,

jona-q’ar- to stink 209 q’ar-/q’r- ’orad-/’orid-/

’ord-q’ba- jaw 209 q’ba- (h)aq’ba-,

q’ab(w)-q’el- neck 209 q’el- ’al- (q’)al-, ’al-q’w- to make 209 q’v-/q’qv- ’v- q’(v)-, ’v-, j(v)-nq’wa- crow 209 q’vav- q’varia-, q’va(r)o¸- D’w²r-

k’varia-q’wan- to conduct, to direct 210 q’van- ’on-, ’un- (q’)on-, ’on-,

jon-q’war- to love 210 q’var- ’or- (q’)or-, ’or-q’wel- cheese 210 q’vel- ’vel- (q’)val-, k’val- [q’²l-]q’wer- testicle 210 q’ver- ’va¸- q’va¸- q’urna(j)-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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q’wer- to castrate (animals) 210 q’ver- q’va(r)- q’or-q’werb- hearth 211 [q’verb-] q’ebur-, ’ebur-; [k’rebul-]

k’ebur-q’wint- to sink (into), to plunge (into) 211 q’vint- ’vint- q’w²nt-q’wir- to cry, to shout 211 q’vir- ’ur- (q’)u(r)- q’«l-q’wiμ÷C- liver 211 ¦viμl- [q’vi²il-] q’wi²e-, q’u²e- q’wliw- bone 211 q’vliv- q’vil-, ’il-q’i- to crow, to squall, to squawk 212 q’i(v)- ’i- q’i-q’in- to freeze 212 q’in- ’in- (q’)in-, in- q’g‹n-/q’‹gn-q’le- penis 212 q’le- ’ole- q’ole-, k’ole- q’law-q’m- to starve 212 [q’m-] ’umen- (q’)omin-, mbin- q’m-q’owel- all 213 q’ovel- ’ir- ir-q’own- to detain, to stay, to linger 213 q’ovn- [q’on-]q’orq’- throat, gullet 213 q’orq’- q’orq’el-q’ua- forehead, brow 213 q’ua- ’va- q’va-, k’va’- q’u(w)a-q’ur- ear, edge, brim 213 q’ur- ’u¸- (q’)u¸-, ’u¸- q’er-q’ur-u- deaf 214 q’ru- ’uru-

šd- to become, to befit 214 škid- šgd-/šged-še- in, inside 214 še- ša- š(k)a-, šk’a- sga-šw- to let, to allow, to permit 214 šv- šk(v)- šk(v)- šgwan-šw- to give birth, to be born 214 šv- sk(v)- sk(v)- [sg-]šwd-/šwed- to remain 215 rD- sk‹d-, skid- skid-, skud-, sed-/sd-,

sked- säd-šwd- to choke, to strangle 215 xrD- škvid- šk(v)id-, šk’id- šgwd-/šgud-šwel- roe (deer) 216 švel- skver- mskver-,


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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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šven- your 216 šen- skan-, sk’an- skan-, ckan- isgwi-, isgu-šwer-/šwr- to dry, to grow dry 216 šr- sk‹r-, skir- skir-, skur-šwid- seven 216 švid- škvit- šk(v)it- išgwid-šw-il- birth 217 švil- [skò-, skil-] skir-, sk’ir-šwin- to frighten, to be frightened 217 šin- (r)skin-, ckin-šret’-/šrit’-/šert’- to put out, to extinguish 217 šret’-/šrit’- škirat’-/škirit’-/

škirt’-šu- to become, to befit 217 [šu-] sku- msku- sgu-šowa- middle, midst; in the middle (of) 218 šua- ška-, šk’a- ška-, šk’a- isg(a)-šubC- forehead, brow 218 šubl- sk‹bu-, skibu- mskibu-, pskibu-

Dan-/Dn- can, could be seen; to know 218 Dan-/Dn- Dkun- škun-, Dkin-Dem- my, mine 219 Dem- Dkim- Dkim-, škim- mi-šgwi-,

mi-šgu-DeDk- to hollow, to gouge, to chisel, 219 DeDk- DkaDk- DaDk-

to splitDwe- to get accustomed to, used to 219 Dve-/Dvi- rDkva-Dwen- we 219 Dven- Dk‹-, Dki- Dku(n)-, Dkin-, [šgwej-] šku-Dwen- our, ours 220 Dven- Dk‹n-, Dkin- Dkun-, Dkin-, gu-šgwej,

škun-, škin- ni-šgwej-Din- to make visible 220 Din-/Den- (r)Dkin- Dkin-Diq’w- goiter 220 Diq’v- Diq’vaq’v- q’wiq’w-,

q’uq’w-, ¦u¦w-DiDkw‚- to dig, to burrow 220 DiDkn- DkiDkon-Dnd- to appear, to show, to rise 220 Dnd- (r)Dkind- Dkind-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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DDw- to soften, to make soft 221 DDv- DkiDkar- [šgw-]DDwil- soft, mild 221 [DDvil-] Dk‹Dk‹-, DiDku-, DuDku-

DkiDku-Dxi- to scream, to yell 221 Dxiv- rDxi- Dxi-Dxap’- to splash, to splatter 221 Dxap’- Dxap’-al- Dxap’-Dxwet’- to scratch 222 Dxvlet’-/Dxvlit’- Dxot’- Dxot’-Dxwik’- jay 222 Dxik’v- Dxvik’- Dxvik’-Dxrek’- to peck, to pick 222 Dxrek’-/Dxrik’- Dxrik’-

ca- sky, heaven 222 ca- ca- (m)ca-, (n)ca- [ca-]ca- piece 222 cal- cal-car-/cr- to disperse, to sift 223 cer-/cr- cir-, ncor- ncor-/(n)cir-cel- to mow 223 cel- cal- (n)cal-cel- scythe 223 cel- cel-cw-am-/cw-m- to put on, to wear 223 cvam-/cm- cwem-cwar- dew 224 cvar- cun¸-, cund- cwar-cwi- to fall, to pour, to run out 224 cvi- c(i)- (n)c-cik’- to run (in, into), to stick (in, into), 224 cik’- cig- ciq’-/cq’-

to drive (in, into)cila- white 224 cila- cila- cil(a)-, cela-cinq’wa- (wild) strawberry 224 cmq’va- c‹m’va-, cim’va- cin(a)q’a-cickw‚- to pinch, to nip 225 cickn- ck‹ckon-,

ckickon-cl- to peel 225 cl- rc(v)- prc-cm- to oil, to grease, to lubricate 225 [cm-] [c‹m-, cim-] [cim-] cm-/cwm-cmel- fat 225 cmel- c‹mu-, cimu- [cimu-]

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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com- dough 225 com- com- (n)com-cu- to put on, to wear 226 cv- cun- cun-, con- cw-cc- to laugh, to chuckle 226 c- μ‹c-, μic- μic-, dic- cw-cc-in- to laugh, to chuckle 226 cin- μicin- μicin-, dicin-cxek’- ailment, illness 226 cxvek’- cxik’- cxek’-

c÷- cf. *x-u-c÷-e- 227c÷- to beat, to strike; to give 227 c- D- D-c÷ad- to have spare time, to wait (for) 227 cad-/cd- Dod- Dod-c÷al- to empty 227 cal-/cl- Dol- Dod-c÷-em- to beat, to strike; to give 227 cem- Dam- Dam-c÷em-in- to comb 228 cemin- Damin- (n)Damin-c÷en- to grow, to grow up, to increase 228 cen- Dan- Dan- šen-/šn-/šän-c÷er- thumb 228 cer- Dar(¸)-c÷ec÷- to crumble 228 cec- DaD-c÷exw- to pound, to beat, to shake up 228 cexv- Dax(v)- Dax(v)-c÷w- to guard, to protect, to care for 229 cv-/cav- D(v)- D(v)- D-c÷wet- to castrate (an animal) 229 cvet-/cvit-/cvt- Dut-c÷wid- wax 229 cvil- Dir- (m)Dir- ¸wid-c÷n- to know 229 cn-/can- Din- Din-c÷oz÷- wife 230 col- Dil-/Dir- Dil- [Doš-]c÷oc÷- to get into 230 coc- DoD-c÷oc÷x- besom (= a broom made of twigs) 230 cocx- DeDx-, DäDx-c÷ur- to swim, to float 230 cur- (n)Dur- nDu(r)-, (n)Dvi(r)-c÷ku- to send, to dispatch 230 [ciku-] Dk(v)- Dk(v)- šk(w)-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

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c÷x- to burn, to bake 231 cx- Dx- Dx- šx-/šix-c÷xe- heat 231 cxel- Dxe- Dxe-c÷xwar- sheep 231 cxvar- šxur- (m)Dxu(r)-, šxär- mcxur-, mškur-c÷xwir- nose 232 cxvir- Dxvind- Dx(v)ind-, Dxund-c÷xim- fat, grease 232 cxim- Dxom- Dxom- (?) m‹Dxim-c÷xowel- animal 232 cxovel- Dx(o)u-, Dxu-c÷xon- to live 232 cxon- Dxon-c÷xra- nine 232 cxra- Dxoro- Dxo(v)ro- Dxara-c÷xro- cold 232 cxro- Dxuru- Dxuru-c÷x-un- to warm up, to heat up, to bake 233 cxun- Dun- Dxun-, Dxvin-

μ- to lie (down) 233 μ- μ- μ-, z-μax- to spin 233 μax- tux- tx-μacxw- linden tree 233 cacxv- cxacxu- ducxu- zesx-ra-μeša- firewood 234 šeša- diška- diška-, dišk’a- zek- (?)μec÷xC- fire 234 cecxl- da(n)Dx‹r-, daDxir-, daDxur-, daDxir- daDxer- μeμw- prickle, thorn 234 μeμv- da(n)μ-μin- to add, to increase 235 μin-/μen- μin- (n)μin- μiμgw‚- to pinch, to nip 235 μiμgn- μg‹μgon-,

μgiμgon-μ3c÷w- to take off clothes 235 μarcv- rD(v) D(v)μuμu- breast (female) 235 μuμu- μuμu- buμ-μ¦- to satiate; to become satiated, full 235 μ¦-/μe¦- (r)μ¦- μ¦-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

μ÷ag- to poison 236 μag- ¸og- n¸ug-, ¸og- ²ag-/²g-μ÷ar¦w- tendon, sinew 236 μar¦v- ¸er¦v- ¸är¦w-μ÷a¦C- dog 236 μa¦l- ¸o¦or- ¸o¦o(r)- ²e¦-/²a¦-μ÷ax- to call (name), to name 236 μax- ¸ox- ¸ox-, jox- ²ax-/²x- (šx-)μ÷axe- name 237 saxel- ¸oxo- ¸oxo-, joxo- ²axe-, ²äxe-μ÷ger- to strike, to beat 237 μger- ¸gar-, ¸gal-μ÷el- tree 237 μel- ¸a-, ¸al- (n)¸a-/m¸a-, (n)¸al-μ÷ec÷w- chain 237 μec’k’v- ¸aD’v-μ÷ec’÷w‚- willow 237 μec’n-a- ziD’on-, D’iD’on- D’iD’½nd-μ÷wel- old 238 μvel- μveš- (m)¸ve(š)-, ¸win-el- n¸veš- μ÷wen- to grow old 238 m¸ven- ¸win-μ÷ig-μ÷ig- to shiver 238 μigμig- ¸¸g-‹n-μ÷il- sheep 238 μil- [¸ir-] (n)¸ir-μ÷in- to sleep, to fall asleep 238 μin- ¸ir- ¸in-, ¸ir-μ÷ir- root, bottom 238 μir- ¸in(¸)- ¸i¸-μ÷ixe- stronghold 239 cixe- ¸ixa- ¸ixa-μ÷i- salt 239 [μm-] ¸imu- (n)¸umu- ¸‹m-, ¸im-μ÷ma- brother 239 μma- ¸ima-, ¸imal- ¸uma-, ¸umal- ¸‹mil-, ¸imil-μ÷ma-did- brother (elder) 240 μmad- ¸imad- ¸umad- μ÷m-ar- vinegar 240 μmar- [¸imol-] ¸umo(r)- ¸imar- (?)μ÷ow- to graze, to pasture 240 μov- (n)¸(v)-, m¸(v)-μ÷u- bitch 240 μu- ¸ua- ¸u(w)a-

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Page 38: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

μ÷¦w- to precede 240 μ¦v- ¸¦(v)- ²o¦w-μ÷¦w-an- to send, to dispatch 241 μ¦van-/μ¦vn- ¸¦on-, ¸¦un- ¸¦on-, ¸¦un- ²¦wan-, ²o¦wan-μ÷μ÷wal- bone 241 μval- [¸i¸gv-] ¸i¸w-

c’- to dip (in, into) 241 c’- c’ac’- (?) nc’-c’a- preverb: "down, away, off" 241 c’a- c’o- c’o-c’ad- to wish, to desire 242 c’ad- hadw-/hdw-c’am- moment, instant 242 c’am- c’um-, c’un- c’äm-c’am-c’am- eyelash 242 c’amc’am- k’amc’am- c’amc’am-c’ar- to forestall, to have time 242 (s)c’ar-/(s)c’r- c’or-c’a-re down 242 c’are c’a-le c’a-lec’el- year 242 c’el- [c’‹-, c’i-, c’o-] [c’o-]c’wd- to give 243 c’vd- hwd-/hwed-c’wel- straw, chaff 243 c’vel- c’u- c’u-c’wer- beard 243 c’ver- c’van¸-, c’vand- w²re-, wär(e)-c’i- to squeak 243 c’iv- c’i- c’i(p’)- c’òl- (?)c’ipC- beech 244 c’ipela- c’ipur- c’ip(u)r-, c’ipu- c’ip-ra-c’ic’- to stretch 244 c’ic’-/c’ec’- c’ic’-, c’vic’v- c’i(n)k’-c’ic’k’w‚- to pinch, to nip 244 c’ic’k’n- c’k’‹c’k’on-,

c’k’ic’kon-c’k’and-/c’k’nd- to ooze out, to exude, to trickle 244 c’k’ent’-, c’k’ond- c’k’ond-

c’k’nd-c’k’ep’C- birch (rod), switch 244 c’k’ep’l- c’k’ap’ul-c’k’wert’- to twirl, to twist, to wind 244 c’k’vert’- c’k’‹mont’-,

c’k’imont’-c’k’int’C- dung, excrement 245 c’k’int’l-, c’k’int’il- c’k’int’il-


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Page 39: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

c’k’mu- to whine, to whimper 245 c’k’mu- c’k’um-in- c’k’um-in-c’mart- calf (of the leg) 245 [c’mart-] c’‹mort-,

c’imort-c’ow- to suck 245 c’ov- c’(v)- c’(v)-c’on- to please 245 c’on- c’on- c’on-c’on- to weight 245 c’on- c’on- c’on-, c’in-c’red-/c’rid-/c’erd- to strain, to filter 246 c’ret’-/c’rit’-/ c’irad-/c’irid-/ c’rod-/c’urd- nc’½rd-

c’ert’- c’ird-c’utxe- pus 246 (m)c’utxe- c’utxe- (m)c’utxe-c’ur- to strain, to filter 246 c’ur- c’ur-/c’ir- (c’‹r-) (n)c’or-/(n)c’ir- nc’ur-, nc’‹r-c’uc’w‚- to suck, to suck out 246 c’uc’(v)n- c’urc’on- c’uc’on-,

c’ic’on-c’q’- to vex, to annoy; to ache, to hurt 247 c’q’-in-/c’q’-en- c’q’-un- c’k’-un-c’q’aw- laurel 247 c’q’av- c’q’ol-, c’q’e-, mc’k’o(l), c’u- c’q’aw-, c’q’ew-

c’q’i-c’q’w- to put or lay together, to pile up, 247 c’q’(v)- nc’q’v- c’k’-un- sq’-

to heap

c’÷bC- chestnut 247 c’abl- D’ubur- D’ubur-, D’ubr- heb-ra-, jeb-ra-c’÷am- morning, morn 247 D’ume- D’uman-, ham- D’umen-c’÷arb- eyebrow 248 c’arb- [D’ob-]c’÷ap- to take 248 c’ap- D’op- D’op-c’÷i- to pull, to draw; to reach, 248 c’i-/c’e- (n)D’- nD’- (m)h- to attain c’÷eb- to glue 248 c’eb- D’ab- D’ab-c’÷ebo- glue 248 c’ebo- D’abu- D’abu-

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Page 40: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

c’÷el- small intestines 249 c’el- D’‹-, D’i- (m)D’u-c’÷em- grass 249 [c’em-] (r)D’em- (n)D’am- D’²m-c’÷en- to invite, to ask 249 [c’an-] D’an- D’and-c’÷er- to depict, to picture, to portray, 249 c’er- (n)D’ar- (n)D’ar- (j)r- to writec’÷w- to burn 250 c’v- D’(v)- D’(v)-c’÷wet- a drop 250 c’vet- D’vet-, D’vat- [D’vet-, D’ot-] wed-c’÷wet- to drip, to dribble 250 c’vet- D’vat- [D’vet-, D’ot-]c’÷wel- to milk 250 c’vel- D’val- (n)D’val-, (m)D’val-c’÷wel-a- milky 250 c’vela- D’vala-c’÷wim- to rain 251 c’vim- D’vim-, D’vem- (m)D’(v)im-c’÷wim-a- rain 251 c’vima- D’vima- (m)D’(v)ima-c’÷ite-l- red 251 c’itel- D’ita- (m)D’ita-c’÷mas÷- to weave, to plait 251 c’masn- D’imoš-, D’umoš- D’imoš-c’÷nel- twig 252 c’nel- D’in(u)-, D’‹n‹- D’inu-, D’ino-, D’unu- c’÷nex- to weigh (on), to lie heavy (on); 252 c’nex-/c’nix- D’inax-, D’ax- D’inax- to squeezec’÷uz÷- child 252 c’ul- D’uš-c’÷q’al- to feel sorry for, to pity 252 c’q’al- D’q’olop-c’÷q’an- oak 252 [c’q’an-] D’q’on- (m)D’k’on-,

mD’on-c’÷q’ar- female quail 252 (m)c’q’er- D’q’or- šq’ä²w-, šq’e²w-

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Page 41: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

c’÷q’ar- to take offense, to be angry 253 c’q’er-/c’q’r- (n)D’q’or-c’÷q’ew- to curse, to damn 253 c’q’evl- D’q’(u)-c’÷q’w- to start, to begin 253 D’q’(v)- D’q’- D’k’-, D’-c’÷q’wed-/ to tear, to rend, to break, to burst 253 c’q’vet’-/ D’q’vad-/ D’q’vad-/ šq’ed-/šq’ad-/c’÷q’wid-/ c’q’vit’-/c’q’d- D’q’vid-/ D’q’vid-/ šq’d-c’÷q’wd- D’q’ord- D’q’o(r)d-c’÷q’in-d- to miss, to get tired of 254 c’q’ind- D’k’ind-c’÷q’l- to injure, to wound 254 c’q’l- D’q’ol-c’÷q’3ta- cubit, ell 254 c’q’rta- D’q’‹rta-, D’itx-


D’am- to eat 254 D’am- D’k’om-, D’k’om-, šk’om- ²m- D’k’um-D’ed- to nail, to forge 254 D’ed- D’k’a(n)d- D’k’ad-, D’ad- šk’ad-, šk’\d-D’eD’k- to cut (into small particles) 255 D’eD’k’- D’k’aD’k’-D’eD’q’- to rumple, to crumble, to crush 255 D’eD’q’- D’q’aD’q’-D’ip’- navel 255 D’ip’- D’ip’(e)-, c’ip’a- D’ap’an-D’ir- to require, to need 255 D’ir- D’k’‹r-, D’k’ir- D’i(r)- D’k’½r-, nD’k’‹r-D’r- to cut, to fell, to hew 255 D’r-/D’er- D’k’‹r-, D’k’ir- D’k’i(r)-, D’k’or- [r-]D’r- to squeak, to creak 256 D’r-ial- [D’k’ir-] D’k’ir-al- D’k’‹r-m‹n-D’3D’in- to chirp, to twitter 256 D’rD’in- D’k’‹rD’k’in-,

D’k’irD’k’in-D’ur- vessel 256 D’ur- D’k’u¸-, D’k’ud-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

D’q’int’C- immature 256 D’q’int’l- D’q’int’(u)- D’q’int’- D’q’int’-D’q’let’-/D’q’lit’-/ to crush, to squash 256 D’q’let’-/D’q’lit’- D’q’ilat’-/ D’q’‹t’-‹n- (?)D’q’lt’- D’q’ilit’-/D’q’irt’-

x- 2nd person subjective prefix 257 x-/Ø- Ø- Ø- x-/Ø-x- 3rd person objective prefix 257 Ø- Ø- Ø- x-xarx- to saw 257 xerx- xorx- xorx-, xe(r)x-xarx- a saw 258 xerx- xorx-xw- 1st person subjective prefix 258 v- v-, b-, p’-, p- v-, b-, p’-, p- (x)w-xwad- male 258 xvad- [xod-] [xod-]xw(i)- to meet 258 [xv-] [xv-] xv- xwi-xwaw- great number, many 258 xvav- xva- xwaj-, xwäj-xw(i)-d- to meet, to encounter 258 xvd- xvad- xvad- xwòd-xwet’- to scrape 259 xvet’- xvat’- xvat’- xwt’-/xut’-xwec’- to take 259 xvec’- xoc’- xoc’-xwixwin- to laugh 259 xvixvin- xvixvin- xi(r)xin-xwlip’- to gulp down, to eat, to drink 259 xvrip’-/xvrep’- xup’- xlip’-/xlap’- xwlip’-xwr-in- to snore 259 xvrin- xurxin-xtk- to break, to tear, to burst 260 xetk-, sk’d- stik-, st’ik-xiad- to make glad, to make happy 260 [xiar-] xiol- xel- xiad-/xòd-xl- to be near, with, by, among 260 xl- xol- xol-xole- only, merely 260 xolo- xvale- xvala-xorx- throat 261 xorx- xurx- xu(r)x-xot’r- to cut, to clip 261 xot’r- xot’or-, xut’or-, xot’or-, xut’or-, xinD’er-, xt’«r-

xuD’or- xoD’or-xox- to creep, to crawl 261 xox- xox- xox-xp’-/xep’- to break 261 sp’- [xap-] [xap’-] xip’-/xep’-

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English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

xrak’- to become charred, burnt 261 xrak’- xirok’-xrek’-/xrik’- to become charred, burnt 261 xrek’-/xrik’- xirak’-/xirik’-/ xrak’-

xirk’-xrut’un- to snore 262 xrut’un- x(r)ut’in-, xut’in- x‹rt’‹n-xu(s÷)t- five 262 xut- xut- xu(t)- woxušd-,


xut’- to press together, to clasp 262 xut’- xut’ol-x-u-c÷-e- old man, elder 262 xuces- u(n)Daš- unDaš- xoša-

qad-/qd- to move, to set in motion 263 xad-, xd- rt- xt-, xt’- qad-/qd-/qed-/qid-

qam- to become dry 263 xm- xum-, xom- xom(b)-qamC- skin, hide (sheep, goat) 263 xaml- xvemur- qamr-, qem‹r-qan-/qn- to plow, to till 263 xan-/xn- xon- xon- qan-/qn-qan- bull 264 xar- xo¸- xo¸- qän-/qan-qarqa- pharynx 264 xa(r)xa- [xorxa-] qarq-, qerq-qe- hand 264 xel- xe(l)- xe-qeD- to fell, to split 264 xeD- xaDk- xaDk-, xašk-qwez÷- cough, cold (in the head) 265 xvel- xval- xval- qweš-, qwäš-qwel- to cough 265 xvel- xval- xval-qwr- to pierce, to make a hole, 265 xvr- rx(v)- x(v)- qwir-

to gnaw throughqwrel- crack, hole 265 *xvrel- [quru-]qwret’-/qwrit’- to pierce, to make a hole 265 xvret’-/xvrit’- xvirat’-/xvirit’-qleD- to tear, to tear asunder, to burst, 266 xleD-/xliD- xarck-/xorck-/ xreck-/x(r)ock-,

to break xirck- xrosk’-

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Page 44: Klimov - Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages (Synopsis)

English index to Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages by G. A. Klimov (1964)Prepared by Allan R. Bomhard

Proto-Kartvelian English Meaning Page Georgian Mingrelian Laz Svan

qma- sound, voice 266 xma- xuma-, x‹ma-,xoma-

qmel- dry, arid 266 xmel- xumla-, xomula-, xom(b)ula-xomila-

qorc- flesh 266 xorc- xorc- xorc-, xoc’-qoc÷- to sweep 266 xoc- kos- kos-qs- to close, to join, to unite 267 xs-, xš- (r)sx-, (r)cx- (m)cx-qs÷o(w)- to remember 267 xsov- š‹-, šu- šu-qs÷-in- to remind, to let know 267 xsen- šin- šin-(< *qs÷o[w]-in-)qc÷e- gray hair 267 (m)xce- De- (k)De-, xDe-,

Dke-qumil- to guard, to watch over, to meet 268 [qumil-] xvamil-

¸- to excel 268 ¸ob- (r)¸g-in- (r)¸g-in-¸w- to void excrement, to defecate 268 ¸v- (n)μg(v)- μg(v)-, zg(v)- sg²r-¸w-am-/¸w-m- to defecate 268 ¸vam-/¸vm- nμgum- μgum- ¸war- stake 269 ¸var- ¸gun(¸g)- mzgu¸-¸inD’ar- (stinging) nettle 269 D’inD’ar- di(n)D’k’i¸-¸inD’wel- ant 269 D’ianD’vela- D’k’iD’k’it’ia- dimD’k’u-, m‹(r)šk’-

dumD’k’u-¸i¸gw‚- to tear, to strip off, to pinch 269 ¸i¸gn- ¸g‹¸gon-,

¸gi¸gon-¸¦wlim- to crumple, to bunch up 270 ¸¦vlim-/¸¦vlem- r¸¦im- ¸¦im-

hat’! hey!, hi! 270 hat’! ha(i)t’! (h)at’!

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