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    This is a specific subject page, dealing exclusively with, or primarily with, the subject in the title. Because of need, there

    are many such pages at RHWW: usually, but not always, linked to primary pages. For those in a hurry, they enable a quicksummary of many important subjects. The menu for these pages is here: Click>>>

    Ancient Man and His First Civilizations

    The True Negro (2)

    "Real Africans and the like"

    THE ARABS - Who is an Arab?

    The Turks and their Mulattoes, along with the usual suspects of European Albinos, wishing to write Blacks out of history,have managed to control the conversation so far, as to who is actually an Arab.

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    We find it so strange to use an Albino institution for a modicum of truth in the contrived

    conversation of lies concerning Arabs, but here it is.



    W. Montgomery Watt and Pierre Cachia

    Over a hundred million people in the world call themselves Arabs. That is to say the least, a potential force in world politics, quite apart from the questionof oil. Yet many observers are inclined to doubt whether there is any reality underlying the common use of the term Arab. And it is indeed not easy to

    define what is meant by an Arab.

    The Arabs are not a distinct ethnic group, s ince there are both white Arabs and black arabs. Some of the Black Sudanese Arabs claim descent ln the maleline from Arabs of Mohammed's time, and may well be correct in their claim. Nor is language a sufficient criterion of Arabness since there are many Arabic-speaking jews who are not normally called Arabs. The figure of a hundred million come from the populations of the states in the Arab League. Formembership ln the Arab League the primary criterion appears to be language: but, despite the presence of Lebanon, which is half Christian, this tends to

    be coupled with the acceptance of Arab-Islamic culture.

    Modern Arab intellectuals are well aware of the difficulty in defining an Arab. As long ago as December, 1938, a conference of Arab students in Europe, heldin Brussels, declared that "all who are Arab in their language, culture and loyalty (or "national feeling") are Arabs." Click here for article online

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    Which is really another way for the Albino people to say that "We are whatever People we say we are". Thus we are American Indians,Berbers, Egyptians, Persians, and even Jews. (It is interesting to note that the Albino people calling themselves Jews are really just anotherTurkic tribe (the Khazars). Thus they are the cousins of the Turk Mulattoes they are at war with, over land the Turks took from Blacks).




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    Note: Just as modern Christian culture is far removed from ancient Hebrew culture - it is now European culture. So too is modern Arab culture far removedfrom original Arab culture - it is now Turkish culture. During the time of the Turkish Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1922), Islam was not known as the Arab religion,it was known as the Turkish religion.

    The Thawb (Arab Robes) Emblematic of Arab culture, is not Arab at all. The original Arabs, like the Egyptians, Berbers, Mesopotamian's, Elamites/Persians: hadBlack skin, they did not need the Head to Toe protection from the Sun, that the Thawb affords. It is not known who invented the Thawb, but it is known that

    even though the Turks once ruled from Baghdad, they hated to go there because of the hot climate and burning Sunshine. Being that the original Turks were avery pale skinned Albino people who needed protection from the Sun, it is likely that they invented the Thawb.

    Modern man of Turkic ethnicity in a Thawb

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    Even with all of the above proofs and logic, we know that there are those delusional "Many" whowill still insist that those Turks and Turk Mulattoes are really Arabs. In answer to those delusional

    people, we offer these comments:

    Franois Auguste Ferdinand Mariette (1821 1881) French scholar, Archaeologist, Egyptologist, and the founder of the EgyptianMuseum in Cairo.


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    TRANSLATED AND EDITED, WITH NOTES, BY MARY BRODRICKWith, an Introductory Note by William C. Winslow, D.D., D.C.L.LL.D., Vice-President of the Egypt Exploration Fund for the United States


    Page 28


    "How often do we see in Eastern monarchies and even in European states a difference of origin between the ruling class, to whichthe royal family belongs, and the mass of the people! We need not leave Western Asia and Egypt; we find there Turks ruling over

    nations to the race of which they do not belong, although they have adopted their religion. In the same way as the Turks ofBaghdad, who are Finns, now reign over Semites, Turanian kings may have led into Egypt and governed a population of mixedorigin where the Semitic element was prevalent. If we consider the mixing up of races which took place in Mesopotamia in remote

    ages, the invasions which the country had to suffer, the repeated conflicts of which it was the theatre, there is nothingextraordinary that populations coming out of this land should have presented a variety of races and origins."

    The inhabitants of this part of Arabia nearly all belong to the race of Himyar. Their complexion is almost as black as theAbyssinians,-- Baron von Maltzan, 'Geography of Southern Arabia' (1872)

    [the Hamida are] small chocolate colored beings, stunted and thin with mops of bushy hair straggling beards , vicious eyes,frowning brows armed with scabbards slung over the shoulder and Janbiyyah daggers a people of the great Hejazi tribethat has kept his blood pure for the last 13 centuries-- Sir Richard Burton (1879)

    The people of Dhufar are of the Qahtan tribe, the sons of Joktan mentioned in Genesis: they are of Hamitic or African rather thanArab types--Arnold Wilson, The Geographical Journal (1927)

    the most prosperous tribe of all the Hamitic group, possessing innumerable camels, herds of cattle and the richest frankincensecountry. They resemble the Bisharin tribe of the Nubian desert. Men of big bone , they have long faces long narrow jaws, noses ofa refined shape long curly hair and brown skin.--Richmond Palmer (1929)

    Mahra is the Arab name for the Bedouin tribes who are different in appearance to other Arabs, having almost beardless faces,fuzzy hair and dark pigmentation such as the Qarra, Mahra and Harasis Also on the Qarra, Mahra and Harasis with parts ofother tribes. The language is derived from the language of the Sabaeans, Minaeans and Himyarites. The Mahra with other SouthernArabian peoples seem aligned to the Hamitic race of north-east Africa The Mahra are believed to be descended from the Habasha,who colonized Ethiopia in the first millennium BC-- David Phillips, Peoples on the Move (2001)

    European observers have made much of their physical resemblance to Somalis and Ethiopians, but there is no historical evidence

    of any connections.-- E. Peterson, 'Omans Diverse Society: Southern Oman'

    Mr. Baldwin draws a marked distinction between the modern Mahomedan Semitic population of Arabia and their great Cushite,Hamite, or Ethiopian predecessors. The former, he says, are comparatively modern in Arabia, they have appropriated thereputation of the old race, and have unduly occupied the chief attention of modern scholars.-- Charles Hardwick (1872)

    Among these Negroid features which may be counted normal in Arabs are the full,rather everted lips, shortness and width ofnose, certain blanks in the bearded areas of the face between the lower lip and chin and on the cheeks; large, luscious,gazelle-likeeyes, a dark brown complexion, and a tendency for the hair to grow in ringlets. Often the features of the more Negroid Arabs arederivatives of Dravidian India rather than inheritances of Hamitic Africa. Although the Arab of today is sharply differentiated fromthe Negro of Africa, yet there must have been a time when both were represented by a single ancestral stock; in no other way can

    the prevalence of certain Negroid features be accounted for in the natives of Arabia.-- Henry Field, Anthropology Memoirs Volume

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    4 (1902)

    There is a considerable mass of evidence to show that there was a very close resemblance between the proto-Egyptians and theArabs before either became intermingled with Armenoid racial elements.-- Elliot Smith, he Ancient Egyptians and the Origins of

    Civilization (1923)

    In Arabia the first inhabitants were probably a dark-skinned, shortish population intermediate, between the African Hamites andthe Dravidians of India and forming a single African Asiatic belt with these.-- Handbook of the Territories which form the Theaterof Operations of the Iraq Petroleum Company Limited and its Associated Companies

    In scouring for these comments, one can't help but wonder: Who in the hell could possibly believe that Pale people could be nativeto a Hot land with burning Sunshine and a UV index guaranteed to fry all but the darkest people. It's delusional, just delusional!

    The Arabs

    Though by the Albino Mans edict, not a part of Africa. The people of the Arabian Peninsula and Africa have freely interchanged since man first walked the Earth.All of the people of the Desert regions from the Atlantic Ocean to the Persian Gulf share a similar physical type, Black skin color, lifestyle and culture: (paleskinned people would not survive long in the Desert - Turkish Wives stayed in their tents).

    Some Arab History

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    Assyrian troops pursuing Arabs on camels

    By the date that this panel was carved, the Arab tribes of northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Sinai were becoming increasingly important. They relied for long-distance travel and rapid movement on the one-humped camel or dromedary, which had been domesticated in Arabia. The Arabs first appear in Assyrianrecords in the ninth century B.C. Texts tell of tribes, often led by queens, living in the southern borders of the Assyrian Empire. Sometimes they guarded the

    borders, escorted armies in desert country, and controlled the caravan trade, especially the lucrative incense trade from Yemen.

    Some tribes were also ready to take advantage of any sign of weakness in the central government. They then raided settled communities, supported rebellions,robbed caravans, and disrupted communications. The Assyrian kings launched several attacks against them without much success, since the Arabs conductedguerilla-style warfare, and were usually able to escape into the desert. Both the Assyrians and their successors, the Babylonian and Persian kings, tried tomaintain peaceful relations with Arabia by threats and diplomacy. one Babylonian king, Nabonidus (555-539 B.C.) resided for several years at Teima, a centreof the incense trade in Saudi Arabia.

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    The Turks first started usurping the Arabs when the Seljuq Turk chief Toghril Beg proclaimed himself sultan at Neyshabur in 1038. Toghril entered Baghdad inDecember 1055, and the Arab caliph al-Qa'im (reigned 103175) enthroned him, and married a Seljuq princess.

    The Turks took direct control of Arabia when Sultan Mahmud II (1808-39), ordered his viceroy/governor of Egypt, the Turkic Albanian Muhammad Ali, to sendan expedition to Arabia: which between 1811 and 1813 expelled the Arab Wahhabis from the Hejaz. In a further campaign (1816-18), Ibrahim Pasha, theviceroy's eldest son, defeated the Wahhabis in their homeland of Najd, and brought central Arabia under Albanian control.

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    In 1820-21 Muhammad Ali sent an expedition up the Nile and conquered much of what is now the northern Sudan. By so doing, he made himself master of one

    of the principal channels of the slave trade, and began an African Empire that was to be expanded under his successors. The conquest of the Sudan wasintended to provide recruits. But the slaves, encamped at Aswan, died wholesale, and Muhammad Ali had to look elsewhere for his troops. In 1823 he took toconscripting Egyptian peasants for the rank and file of his new army. On the other hand, the officers were mostly Turkish Ottomans, while the director of thewhole enterprise, Sulayman Pasha (Colonel Sve), was a former French officer. The conscription was brutally administered. In 1882 the British once againinvaded and occupied Egypt. This occupation was to last until the end of WWI. After which, Egypt became a protectorate of Britain.

    After World War I

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    After World War I

    Blacks in the Turkish ruled lands, have their identities stolen by the Turks, and their Mulattoes, after the break-up of the

    Ottoman Empire.

    As with the Berbers, Egyptians, etc. After the breakup of the Ottoman Empire after WWI, and the granting of independence to those countries after WWII, TheArabs saw their identity stolen by Whites (mainly Turks and their mulattoes) and other mixed race people.

    Thus Egypt is "The Arab Republic of Egypt" Syria is "The Syrian Arab Republic" Libya is "The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" Jordan is "TheHashemite Kingdom of Jordan" (Hashemite is the Latinate version of the Arabic transliteration of Him) and traditionally refers to those belonging to the BanuHashim Arabs, or "clan of Hashim", a clan within the larger Arab Quraish tribe. It also refers to an Arab dynasty whose original strength stemmed from thenetwork of tribal alliances and blood loyalties in the Hejaz region of Arabia, along the Red Sea. (One can only wonder how sparsely populated Arabia couldhave possibly produced all of those people - what nonsense)!

    A study of Arabian DNA confirms historical accounts of what happened in Arabia.

    Mitochondrial DNA structure in the Arabian Peninsula (This is a s tudy of FEMALE Mt dna)

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    Mitochondrial DNA structure in the Arabian Peninsula (This is a s tudy of FEMALE Mt-dna)

    Click here for a link to the study


    The results showed that the Arabian Peninsula has received substantial gene flow from Africa (20%), detected by the presence of L, M1 and U6 lineages; that an 18% of theArabian Peninsula lineages have a clear eastern provenance, mainly represented by U lineages; but also by Indian M lineages and rare M links with Central Asia, Indonesia andeven Australia. However, the bulk (62%) of the Arabian lineages has a Northern source. (That's just a mealy mouthed way of saying that 60% of the people inArabia calling themselves Arabs, are actually from somewhere else, (They are Central Asia Albinos).

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    As indicated by the artwork above, a result of the Black Arabs fondness for sex with Albino females:was that the old woman's type shown below, was supplanted by that of her grandchild, (the Mulatto).

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    Genetic data and such things are fine, however it would be a dereliction not to make note that the major confusion of who are actual Arabs, is as usual, not anaccident, but rather, another way the Albino people falsify and obfuscate history for the purpose of writing Blacks out of history. Take the work of BertramThomas - his book "Arabia Felix - Across The Empty Quarter of Arabia" was published in 1932. What is incredible about Thomas's book is that he supposedlytransversed a large swath of Arabia taking pictures, and somehow managed to photograph NOT ONE SINGLE BLACK ARAB! Only Mulatto Arabs werephotographed. Examples follow:

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    In October 1959 Wilfred Thesiger did the same thing: He wrote the book "Thesiger's Journeys in Arabia - First Empty Quarter Crossing 1946-7" and likeBertram Thomas, Wilfred Thesiger somehow managed to photograph NOT ONE SINGLE BLACK ARAB! Only Mulatto Arabs were photographed. Examplesfollow:

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    Is it any wonder then, why the general public would be confused as to what a "Real" Arab looks like?

    In 1943 LIFE Magazine did an article on Arabs in Jerusalem, and did include a very few images of "Real" Arabs:

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    But in typical Albino fashion, the overwhelming number of photographs were of Albinos or Mulattoes.

    Some might say: well that's from the "Bad old days" of overt Racism: Not So..

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    The Rashaida (Rashaayda or Bani Rashid "Refugees") are a tribe populating Eritrea and northeast Sudan In 1846 many Rashaida migrated from the Hejaz in

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    The Rashaida, (Rashaayda or Bani Rashid Refugees ) are a tribe populating Eritrea and northeast Sudan. In 1846, many Rashaida migrated from the Hejaz inpresent day Saudi Arabia into what is now Eritrea and northeast Sudan, after tribal warfare had broken out in their homeland. The Rashaida of Sudan andEritrea live in close proximity with the Beja people. Large numbers of Bani Rasheed are also found on the Arabian Peninsula. The Bani Rashid are related to the

    Banu Abs tribe.

    The Rashaida keep their traditional dress, culture, customs, camel breeds and practice of Sunni Islam. The racing camel breeds of the Rashaida tribe are prizedall over Sudan and the Arabian Peninsula and fetch very high prices. The Rashaida speak Hejazi Arabic.


    Bani Rasheed people (Rashaida) - Camel herders at the Riyadh Camel market.

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    More related Genetic data:

    Y-dna Haplogroup J-P209 (This is Male dna).

    In human population genetics, haplogroups define the major lineages of direct paternal (male) lines back to a shared common ancestor in Africa. Haplogroup J-P209[Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Its history since the Iron Age has been tied to the great events and migrations in this area and in particular to theSemitic people.

    J-P209 is divided into two main subclades (branches) J-M267 and J-M172.

    Haplogroup J-M267

    In human genetics, Y DNA haplogroup J-M267[Phylogenetics 1] is a subclade (branch) of Y-DNA haplogroup J-P209,[Phylogenetics 2] along with its s ibling clade Y DNA

    haplogroup J-M172. Men from this lineage share a common paternal ancestor, which is demonstrated and defined by the presence of the SNP mutation referred to as M267,

    which was announced in (Cinniolu 2004). This haplogroup is found today in significant frequencies in many areas in order near the Middle East. For example it is among themost frequent haplogroups in Arabian Peninsula, and parts of the Caucasus, Sudan and the Horn of Africa. It is also found in high frequencies in parts of North AfricaJewish groups especially those with Cohen surnames. It can also be found much less commonly, but st ill occasionally in significant amounts, in Europe andas far east as theCentral Asia

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    Central Asia.

    (White people are Dravidian Albinos who migrated from India into Central Asia in search of coo ler climates and less intense Sunshine). Jews (Khazars) are a Turkish tribe, quitedistinct from Hebrews.

    Haplogroup J-M172

    In human genetics, Haplogroup J-M172[Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome haplogroup which is a subclade (branch) of haplogroup J-P209.[Phylogenetics 2] J-M172 can beclassified as Greco-Anatolian, Mesopotamian and/or Caucasian and is linked to the earliest indigenous populations of Anatolia. It was carried by Bronze Age immigrants toEurope, and ultimately descends from the Cro-Magnon population (IJ-M429 Y-DNA) that emerged in Southwest As ia around 35,000 years ago (Sengupta 2006).

    In modern Saudi Arabia, the original Arabs (the Black ones) have been relegated to the deserts and the tribal areas in the south at the Yemeni boarder. Thepreponderance of haplogroup "J" in the Saudi Arabian DNA, suggests that these areas were purposefully avoided or severely under-represented when doingthe DNA survey. For it is extremely unlikely that these Qahtan and Wayla tribesmen from the Najran area, close to the border with Yemen, would be ofhaplogroup "J".

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    Saba - Yemen

    Encyclopdia Britannica

    Saba, biblical Sheba, kingdom in pre-Islamic southwestern Arabia, frequently mentioned in the Bible (notably in the story of King Solomon and the Queen of

    Sheba) and variously cited by ancient Assyrian, Greek, and Roman writers from about the 8th century bc to about the 5th century ad. Its capital, at least in themiddle period, was Marib, which lies 75 miles (120 km) east of present-day Sanaa, in Yemen. A second major city was irw.

    The Sabaeans were a Semitic people who, at an unknown date, entered southern Arabia from the north, imposing their Semitic culture on an aboriginal

    population. Excavations in central Yemen suggest that the Sabaean civilization began as early as the 10th12th century bc. By the 7th5th century bc, besideskings of Saba there were individuals styling themselves mukarribs of Saba, who apparently either were high priestprinces or exercised some function

    parallel to the kingly function. This middle period was characterized above all by a tremendous outburst of building activity, principally at Ma rib and irw,and most of the great temples and monuments, including the great Marib Dam, on which Sabaean agricultural prosperity depended, date back to this period.Further, there was an ever-shifting pattern of alliances and wars between Sabaand other peoples of southwestern Arabianot only the important kingdomsof Qatabn and aramawt but also a number of lesser but still independent kingdoms and city-states.

    Sabawas rich in spices and agricultural products and carried on a wealth of trade by overland caravan and by sea. For centuries it controlled Bb el-Mandeb,

    the straits leading into the Red Sea, and it established many colonies on the African shores. That Abyssinia (Ethiopia) was peopled from South Arabia is provedlinguistically; but the difference between the Sabaean and Ethiopian languages is such as to imply that the settlement was very early and that there were manycenturies of separation, during which the Abyssinians were exposed to foreign influences. New colonies, however, seem occasionally to have followed, and

    some parts of the African coast were under the suzerainty of the Sabaean kings as late as the 1st century bc.

    Toward the end of the 3rd century ad, a powerful king named Shamir Yuhar ish (who seems incidentally to be the first really historical personage whose famehas survived in the Islamic traditions) assumed the title king of Saba and the Dh Raydn and of aramawt and Yamant. By this time, therefore, the

    liti l i d d f t h d b d t S b hi h h d th b th t lli i ll th t A bi I th id 4th t

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    political independence of aramawt had succumbed to Saba, which had thus become the controlling power in all southwestern Arabia. In the mid-4th centuryad, it underwent a temporary eclipse, for the title of king of Sabaand the Dh Raydn was then claimed by the king of Aksum on the east African coast. Atthe end of the 4th century, southern Arabia was again independent under a king of Saba and the Dh Raydn and aramawt and Yamant. But within twocenturies the Sabaeans would disappear as they were successively overrun by Persian adventurers and by the Muslim Arabs.

    "Real" Arabs

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    The Arabs and Moors were very fond of Turkish women, they kept their Harems well stocked withthem.

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    The original Turks were a Central Asian Albino people, just like the Germanics and Slavsnow in Europe and Russia: And they were just as Pale as the Germanics and Slavs too.

    However, admixture with the native Blacks of Anatolia, North Africa, The Middle-East, and

    Arabia, has significantly changed the Turk phenotype.

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    (The Qajar dynasty is a Persianized Iranian royal family of Turkic origin, which ruled Persia (Iran) from 1785 to 1925. The Qajar family took full control of Iran

    in 1794 after deposing Lotf 'Ali Khan, the last of the Zand dynasty rulers - who were also foreigners).

    Today - with the help of European Albino media, the Turk mulattoes have completely usurped the Arab identity, along with

    that of the original North Africans and Middle-Easterns. Today - THIS is what an Arab, Berber, Egyptian, Babylonian,Mesopotamian, Persian, etc. looks like.

    Why are the same looking people Everywhere?

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    Turk Mulattoes and Quadroons


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    Ancient man crossed Arabia to settle the rest of the World


    Arabian Artifacts May Rewrite 'Out of Africa' Theory

    Charles Choi, LiveScience Contributor, November 30, 2011

    N f d t tif t t h ki d l ft Af i t li th h th A bi P i l i t d f h i it t l th ht h

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    Newfound stone artifacts suggest humankind left Africa traveling through the Arabian Peninsula instead of hugging its coasts, as long thought, researchers say.

    Modern humans first arose about 200,000 years ago in Africa. When and how our lineage then dispersed has long proven controversial, but geneticists havesuggested this exodus started between 40,000 and 70,000 years ago. The currently accepted theory is that the exodus from Africa traced Arabia's shores,rather than passing through its now-arid interior.

    However, stone artifacts at least 100,000 years old from the Arabian Desert, revealed in January 2011, hinted that modern humans might have begun our

    march across the globe earlier than once suspected. Now, more-than-100 newly discovered sites in the Sultanate of Oman apparently confirm that modernhumans left Africa through Arabia long before genetic evidence suggests. Oddly, these sites are located far inland, away from the coasts."After a decade ofsearching in southern Arabia for some clue that might help us understand early human expansion, at long last we've found the smoking gun of their exit fromAfrica," said lead researcher Jeffrey Rose, a paleolithic archaeologist at the University of Birmingham in England. "What makes this so exciting is that theanswer is a scenario almost never considered."

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    The international team of archaeologists and geologists made their discovery in the Dhofar Mountains of southern Oman, nestled in the southeastern corner ofthe Arabian Peninsula. "The coastal expansion hypothesis looks reasonable on paper, but there is simply no archaeological evidence to back it up," saidresearcher Anthony Marks of Southern Methodist University, referring to the fact that an exodus by the coast, where one has access to resources such asseafood, might make more sense than tramping across the desert.

    On the last day of the research team's 2010 field season, the scientists went to the final place on their list, a site on a hot, windy, dry plateau near a riverchannel that was strewn with stone artifacts. Such artifacts are common in Arabia, but until now the ones seen were usually relatively young in age. Uponcloser examination, Rose recalled asking, "Oh my God, these are Nubians what the heck are these doing here?" The 100-to-200 artifacts they found therewere of a style dubbed Nubian Middle Stone Age, well-known throughout the Nile Valley, where they date back about 74,000-to-128,000 years. Scientists thinkancient craftsmen would have shaped the artifacts by striking flakes off flint, leading to distinctive triangular pieces. This is the first time such artifacts havebeen found outside of Africa. Subsequent field work turned up dozens of sites with similar artifacts. Using a technique known as optically stimulatedluminescence dating, which measures the minute amount of light long-buried objects can emit, to see how long they have been interred, the researchersestimate the artifacts are about 106,000 years old, exactly what one might expect from Nubian Middle Stone Age artifacts and far earlier than conventional

    dates for the exodus from Africa.

    Finding so much evidence of life in what is now a relatively barren desert supports the importance of field work, according to the researchers. "Here we havean example of the disconnect between theoretical models versus real evidence on the ground," Marks said. However, when these artifacts were made, insteadof being desolate, Arabia was very wet, with copious rain falling across the peninsula, transforming its barren deserts to fertile, sprawling grasslands with lotsof animals to hunt, the researchers explained. "For a while, South Arabia became a verdant paradise rich in resources large game, plentiful fresh water, andhigh-quality flint with which to make stone tools," Rose said.

    Instead of hugging the coast, early modern humans might therefore have spread from Africa into Arabia along river networks that would've acted like today'shighways, researchers suggested. There would have been plenty of large game present, such as gazelles, antelopes and ibexes, which would have been

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    appealing to early modern humans used to hunting on the savannas of Africa.

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