knotmf leading leagues - la84...

THE SPORTING May 31. ATHLETIC. AT THE OVAL. The Championship Contests of the Tnter- acliolaMic Athletic Association* The twelfth annual gav.ies of the Inter- «ch<i!as,iio Athletic Association were held at tho If. rkclfy Oval Muy 24. Tor four years thehaiidsouu' silver cup has been held by the Cutler School, and it only needed one more victory to give it to them "for keeps," but the Berkeley* wrested it away from them. At tMs meeting the leading competitors for the eup were athletes from the Berkeley, Cutler, Columbia Grammar, Dwight and Halsey Ei-hols. Itriiliant work was done by E. W. Alien in 100yds. and 220yds. run; J. Hall in the bicycle race and Jauuia in base ball throwing. Summary: 0;u hundred yjrds d.ish For boys nndtrl5 First l«at mm ly E. Mm wiir, l>r. Suclis; F. Unmkfi-id , Jlur*-, 2U. Tim«, 12 3-fis. Socoud lient wen by W. 1>. Kobbii s, Culler;*. Kent, Berkeley,?'). Time, 12 l-5j. Third bout won by F. H. B'iwi.rtb, Cutler. F. P. Drake. L'erkeley, 2.1. Time, 12 2-5«. Trial beat f.,r ecoud men (winner in ruu in finnl) Won l>y Drake. Time, 12 2-- :J8. Fiual beat woo by £o0wortb, Drake 2.1. Time, 12 l-5a. - One hundred ymMa dash Trial heats First won by F. L. 1'ell, Cutler; W. F. Smi'h, Berkeley, 2 I. Time, 11 1 6*. Sectmu beat won by L. S. Kerr, Cutler; A. G. ll!Ih:uik, Cutler, '-'J. Time, 11 3-5<. TlnrJ licot won by E. W. Alien, Bt-rkelev; J. G. K. Lee, Culler, 2J. Time. lls. Tri»l heat'for fecund meu (winner (Uly to run iu Baal) Wou by in 12 1 5s. 1'iual heat won by Alien, Lee 21, P*ll 31. Tiuie, IK Two hundred aud twenty ytmls dash Wen by IS. W. Alien, Bcrkolm; J. G. Lee, Cutler, 2<1. Time. £2 4-5*. This beats the I. 8. A. A. recur ! of 24d. made l>y E. A. BlcbarJ, Columbia Grammar, 1889. One huortreil anil twenty yard* hurdlt> race First heat won by I.. S. Kerr, Oullcr; P. Cauda, Berkeley, id. Time, 19 2-53. Second beat woo by W. F. Sin ill), Herkeley; A. P. Stokes, Jr., Berkeley, 21. Time, 17 l!-Ss. Final li< at wou by Smith, Kerr 2d, C.nda 3d. I'ime. 17 l-Ss. Quarttr ciiie run Won by E. W. Alien, Berkeley, F. L. 1MI, Cutler, 2d; W. M. Sterry, Ualsey, 3d. Time, 65 1-os. Uall mile rnn Won by J. V. S. Oldie, Jr., CnlU»sen; F. B. Hariiion, Cutler, 2J; J. A. Jauniu, Berkeley, 3d. Time. 2m. 1235s. Oiie mile run Won by F. B. Harrlson, Cutlor; E. A. Frtn-hman, Columbia Grammar, -2.1; W. P. Paret. Col- umbia Grammar, 3<l. Tinio, 5m. 11 1-os. One mil* walk Woa by S. B. S. Blutll, Berkeley; P. 11. Turnnro. Berkeley, 2d; II. Emerson, 51 one, 3d. Il;ne, 8ni. 203-5*. One mile bicycle r*ce Won by J. W. Hall, Chapln; P. U.K. Bira.ll, Berkeley, 2d; J. Norrls, llalaoy. 3d. Time. Sm. 1 15s. Tills beats tuo I. S. A. A. record of B:M 22j. made by L. L. Clark, of Berkeley, 1889. Safety ticyrle race One mile. First heat won by U. K. Bird, Ci.tler; A. Wardwell, Cutler, 2J. Time, 3m. 82 4-6«. Second heat won by J. H. Brook field, Moree; T. Norrls, Hal.«v. 2d. Time, San. SOi. Final heat won by Norru, Brookfleid, 2d, Wardwell 3d. Time, Sm. IT 3-os. Tue of war (175lba .), Hals«y TS. Barnard. The Ear- vaid team wan pulk-d *iut of the cleats in 2m. 4 1-58. Teams as follo«: Halsuy J. B. Seiner, Jr., W. A. Boslwiclc, F. H. Mil »ud U. P. Meiklehaui. Birnard's team-D. Hall. J. Hamiltnu. I). Baldwin and J. Wood. Ilslsey vs. Wlt«cn anJ Kellogg (SOU IU.). Won by Ba'soy by 3iu. Halaey toarb an follows: II. P. Met- klthain, W. Van Norden, Jr., W. M. Parsons and C. L. Biker. Wilson nuil KellogK team A. Wbiting, A. Asbforth, P. McCull ,ugb and R. Howard. Bunning blyh jump Won bv ID. Burke, Columbia Grammar, with a jumpo'f 5ft. 3%<n. F. A. Pell, Culler, 1 1, jutnj', 5ft. 2Uin; F. C. Kutlu&,ColumbiaGramuiar, Bd, JUIUD, 6fl. l*4'n. Puffins the snot (12ibs.). Won by W. H. Camp, Berkeley, with a put of 34ft. 9:n.; J. R. Bartholomew, I>ri«ler,2d, with a put of 32tt. 6}^ip; J. H. Pullman, Colunibli Grammar, 3d, with a put of 30ft. J«.lo. Ruining Lrosd jnnji. Won by W. F. Smith, Berke- ley, with ajumnoflSft. 10>^ln.; F. L. Pell, Cutler, 2J, *nh a jump of 19ft. 8>£iu., and E. Burke, Columbia Giammar, 3d, with a jump of 19ft. 6in. Throwing the base bull Won bv J. A. Jannin, Berkeley, with a throw of 312ft 2in.; J. F. Campbell, Ctiapin, 2-1. with a tbrow of 301ft. 6m., anil J. B. Bar- tholomew, brtnler, 3d, with a throw of 264ft. Tin. This beits the I. S. A. A. record of 3 10ft. made by K. Fisher, Columbia Grammar, In 1884. The officers of the day were: Referee, Ev- *rt Jansen Wendall, N. Y. A. C.; judges, Wendall Baker, B. A. C.; Guy Kichards; timers, G. A. Avery. M. A. C.; F. A. Ware, JI. A. C.; C. A. Reed, N. Y. A. C.; scorers, Dwight Taylor, C. C. A. A.; C. S. Bentley; R. . A. C. S. I. A. C. SPORTS. Interesting Contexts in the Thirteenth Annnal Fielding Meeting of This Club. The thirteenth annual games of the Staten Island Athletic Club were held at tlieclub grounds, Weit Brighton, S. I., May 24. They were somewhat disappointing, for the reason that many of the cracks took part in the games at Princetou in the morntflg, and were to exhausted by their endeavors that they Were unable to compete in the afternoon: Cue bundled am! fifty yards claih (handicap) First trials nisi heat wou by Herbtrt Sninman, Berkeley A. 0. (5-^ydd.); L. LeveiD, New York City (10jd».), 2d. Tluse, 164-5. Second heat won by \ictor Mupos, Uerheluv A. C. (6Ml <!« ); S. Schvregler, New York A. C (:iUv*i.),2d. Time, 15 3-5t. Tbird hfal won by J. B. Mcllulleu, Brooklyn (lOydi.); C. W. Porlcr, Co!- nmbia Oelie^e A. A. (9vda-), 2d. Time, 153-5!. Fourth belt w m by B. C. Morris, Jr., Crescent A. C. (; F. H. Bal'cock, New York A. C. (5Xyd«.), 2d. Time, 153-53. Final heat won by B. C. Morris, Jr., Crescent A. C.; L. Lerein, New York City, and Victor Hapes, Berkeley A. C. dead beat for seeded piftce. time, 15 2-Ss. Ltveln wou thi less. One mile run. Won by William Clark, Philadelphia (OSjdj.),«l!h H, Hornbostle, Berkeley A. C. (45yds.), t.i, and W. Kuhlke, Pro-pect Harriers (70yd!.), 3d. Tim'n, 4m. 26 3-.>. Clark fainted at the finish. Ooe thousand yard! run (bandicafl). TS'ln by Con- rad Mat!!», Bfch*ond A. A. (50yds.), with J. A. Byrne, Pa»ir ro e A. C. (20yd<j, 2.1, «n.l W. IE. Alleh, American (eOvdV). 3d. Time, 2m. 27 4-5?. Running liiiih jump (handionr.) Won by M. O'Sul- HTBD, ti>»"ra p *. c - (*!« ) H.i* be"' jum:i was oft. Jllo. F. W. EJwards, New Jersey A. C. (o^in.), was t,i, with 5ft. lO^in., and F. C. Hooper, Berkeley A. C. (4in.), ^Hs"5J, with.Sft. 8in. Throwing tbe fifty-six pound weight (scratch). Won by SI. O'MlHinin, Pastinis A. C. Bis b?«t throw was -25ft. SJiiu. J. S. Mitrhfll, New Jeteej- A. C., was fid. with 23lt. 3tn. Mi:cbell i?as f ory unsteady on his feet and thiflrst him first prize, as he made numerous fouli. His les; tbrow, 32ft., *as foul. Six hundred yarils run (uari(iic«p). Won by C. W. Pater, Cohimtia Colisge A. A. (I4yds.), with F. C. dark, Kew Jersey A. C. (26vdi.), and K. L. Sane, Manhattan A. C. (2oyd«.), 3d. Time, lui. 15 1-os. One hundred and twenty yards hurdle lacrosse race Tbe cnttditfona of this race were that e:ich man hDUId cnriy a lAcrofise Btick with a ball. It was won by T. Earle.C.lleie of ibu City of New Y«rk, with L. >lo«es, Stasen Island A. C.. 2d, and W. S. King, Slaten Jlland A. C., 3d, Time, 18 l-5«. Two mile steeplechase (handicap) Won by Conrad Harks, Richmond County A. C., 1m. 5«., with W. T. Touni?, Manhattan A. C. (writcri), 2;!, and \V. McCar- thy, Manhattan A. 0. (scratcli), M. Time, 12m.68 4-5s. U»rks had such a hi? handicap that the scratch meu Here ngable to catch him. They ma-!6 a pretty race ILiTQRfiven, Young winning the place by about 5jds. Three hundred yards rnn (Imifdloap) First heat wou by G. L. Catlin. Jr., Creoonnt A. C. (15yds.); O. 8ch«egler. No* York * C. (3yd».), 2d, and W. M. Cl.rlitie, Manhattan A. C., 3d; lime, 33 l-5«. Second lieat won by 0. 8. Jack-on, Acorn A. A. (20yds ); H. A. TbuoTinon, Ns» Jersey A. C. (18yds.), Zd, and W. P. Halpfn, New Jersey A. C. (13ydi), 3:!; time, 34 2-5s. $*iuul beat won by <-T. L. Catliu, Corlotiran A. C., with V. P. Halnin, N»w York A. C., 2d,and W. M. Christie, ttaubattan A. 0., 3o; time, 33d. HANDICAP GAMES AT PKIN'CETON. A Ked-Letter Day Fur the Athletes of the Old Institution. The first annual handicap games of the Princeton College Athletic Association took place at Prineeton, Hay 24, upon the new oval. The bright day brought high expecta- tions to Princeton men, as this day had been looked forward to as a red-letter day in the history of the old Institution. The entries were from the various athletic clubs of New York, Philadelphia and vicinity: Uuudrtd yitrds dash first irial heat: 1st, T. J. L*e, K. Y. A. C. tt%tdi.) ; t ine. 10 3-5s.; 2(1, J. l'. DeTcrcui, M. A. li (4)d.-!.). Swml trial heat: l.t, Peter Vredeu- t>nrgh, Priuc^lon A. C. (lyd.t; lime. 10 2 5s.; 2d, W. P. Beiknap, ],. A. C. (4yu>.). Third (rial heat: 1st. W. B. Cwtner, N. Y. A.U. (IV&rila.); lime, 103-63.; 21. V. 0. PnBer, N. J. A. C. (6>4yuVj. ' Trial for place la fioal bj Btcotid nien of first trial heats won bv W. P. Bel- kr op, L. A. C. Filial hta': 1st, Peter Vredenburgb, Princelon A. C.; lime, 10 l-5a j 2d, T. J. Lee, N. Y. A. C. lltle run A. B. George, M.A.O., and W.D.Day. N. J. " A. 0., at Iho scratch; George dropped out nt the end of thrte-quurtfis; Day came in flr t; time, 4m. 44 4-5a.; 11, T. B. Tumor, Priuceton (110yds.). Hnlf'Ujili) run 1st, \V.t). Dot-m, Crinceton (scratch); time, .£m. 44-6i.; fei, W. B. W.,odbridj<e, Princetou (32yd*.); 8'l, k. B. Crane, Princttun (35yd».). T«o l.undri-d and entv yards dash T. J. Lee, N. T. A.C. (4yilp.); tin:e, 22 3-5?.; 2J, tied by E. LentilhoD. Yale College (lOj'ils.),and J. S. Kuddy.Prliiceton (7yds.); lerond place won b} R><dJy on the tos*. Qiiart<-r-mile ruu Is!, J. F. Uoeford, Princeton (3uyda.); tiiuo, 53 l-o-.; 2J, J. S. Bodily, friuceton (llyil-.j. Kimnln* 1.road jnmp 1st, II. F. Welch, Columbia Ci'lli-ea (1ft. 3iu.); actual dis'ance, 21ft. lin.; 2d, E. St. Golf, M. A. (i (lfl.6in.J; actual distance, 20ft. 6in.; 3d, t. C'. Puffer, N. J. A. C. (scr.tch). t-ixteeu pound bhmmor, standing throw 1st, B. C. IliiitiKu, Oajlinihia College (1211.); actual distance, K:t. UJi'ii.; S, F. L. Lambert, U. A. C. (8ft); actual iUt«ui>, 08ft. lln). Put iui loib. ahot l«t, F. L.LambreclU. M. A. 0. (Ifl. «!".); actual distance. 41ft. 1^1 n.; 2.1, B. D. Mc- D.'Well, P. P. S. A. A. (6ft.); actual dis'ance,36ft. 6%m. Tii k '-of-war pull, WOlbs., five minutes limit M on by "'« Berkeley A. C. team oT«r the Frinceton team by 4m. The officers of the meeting were: Referee, W. B. Ctirtis, N. Y. A. C.; judges, Professor H. F. Osboru, G. W. t'arr M. A. C, and Lewis Andenried, M. of P.; timers, A. M. Sweet, N. J. A. C.; C. C. Hughes, M. A. C., and R. Stoll, N. Y. A. C, The slow time made was accounted for Mon- day when it was found that in the hurry to complete the new ground for the games a mis- take had been made in measuring the track. The laps were found to be 23yds. 2ft. over the announced measurement. The excess of one- half milo would be 47yds. 1ft., antlof one mile 49yds. 2tt. This makes Dohm's real time in the half-mile 1m. 584-os., and Day's in the mile 4m. 31s. Through the mistake of the announcer, Janeway, of Princeton, was sec- ond in putting the Itilb shot with Stilt. 8in. NEW ENGLAND COLLEGIANS. Annual Field Day of the Xew England In- tercollegiate Association. The annual field sports of the New Eng- land Intercollegiate Association took place May 28 at Worcester, Mass., some 1500 spec- tators being present, although the day was cold and rainy. The event of the day was the beating of the record for a standing high jump by Crook, of Williams, who was credited with 5ft. Itin., the record being oft. Uin. The referee was George W. Carr, president of the Manhattan Athletic Club. The events and the winners were: One hundred yanls dash Final heat won by Riley, of Amberst, in 10 2 5*.; Williams, of Dartmo">ith, 2d. TUB; of war between Dartmouth and WiliUms Won by Williams by J^ln.; second trial wou by Wil- liams by X' u - Half-mile rnn, 14 entries Won by Jackson, of Am- heret, in 2m. 8 l-5s.; Hutchins. of Trinity, 2d. One hundred and twenty yards hurdle race Final heat won by LuJdington, of Amhorttt, iu 17^.; Bulg ton, of WorfleVKti, 2J. Pole Tault, 10 entries Won by Ewinjr, of Amherst, with Oft Sin. In jumping offa tie, Uovey, ofBow- doin, equalled Ewiog'ti recotd. Two bundled nud twenty yard dash Final heat woo by Williams, of Darirnr nth, Iu 23 1-5.; Dadmno'l 2d. Two mile bicycle race Nine entries; won by Hal- lock, of imher-t, in 7m. 4 l-5s.; Dojabone, of Am- hertt, 21. One uiile run Six entries; won by Wells, of Am- herst. In 4ru. :!5 1-5.-; Carr, oi Williams, 2d. Throwing sixteen pouiid hammer Thirteen entries; won by Abbott, of Dartmouth, with 83ft. loin.; Little, of Dartmouth, 2*1. Qua:ter-mile run Twelve entries; won by Shattuck, of Amborst, in 52 -2-5s.; Jackson, of Amherst, 2J. Standing high jump Eight eutries; won by Crook, of Wll:Ums, 4ft. lOinch.; Fuh, of Worcester, 2d. 4ft. 9tn. Two hundred and twenty yards hurdle race Final heat won by Ade in 2S».; Kals'oD. 2d. Blile walk Ten eutriee: Won by Gregg, of Amherst, in 7m. 2i<.; Banb. of Arnbeist, 2d. Running high jump SeTea entries: Won by Bar- rowe, of Bowdoio, with fift. 5in.; Francis, of Williams, 2d. Putting 16-ponnd shot -Eleven entries: Won by Alexander, of Amherst, with 34ft. 3%:u.; liougtiton, ol AmluTSt. 2d. Standing broad Jump Eight entries: Won by Crook, of Williams, with lo:t. 4%in.; Gesner, of Trinity, 2d. Running broad JumD Ten entries: Won by PoKer, of Daitmouth, with 20ft. 2in.; Ilumphrcyi, of Dart- jutti, 2d. Two mile run, 7 entries Won by Wells, of Am- herst, In 10m. 23 3-5s.; Carr, of WMUams, 2.1. The Amherst boys won 10 firsts; Brown, 1; Dartmouth, 5; Williams. 3. The Amh rst boys were jubilant after the events were over, and made a street parade, headed by a brass band. The track was wet and heavy. TRINITY KECOBD'BKEAKEKS. A Series of Creditable Amatenr Athletic Performances at Hartford. The eleventh annual field meeting of the Trinity College Athletic Association was held May 22 at Charter Oak Park, Hartford Conn., was one of the most successful in the history of the Association. Four records were broken. There were sixty entries in all. Summary: One hundred yaidj <Jsah Won by Graves, '92, In 10%c. Running broad jump Won by Gesner '90, distance, 17ft. 8^in. Two hundred and twenty yards hurdle race (for the first time at Trinity) Wou by W. Bulkely, '90, 28^s. Putting tbe shot Won by Youufr, '91, distance, 31ft. %i n. Foor hundred and forty yards dash Won bv Mc- Co.ik, '90, in SSki., nearly 3s. behind his last year's record. Standing broad jnmp Gesner, '90, 9t. 9in. One mile run Won by Hutching, '90, in 4m. 45%j., breaking Triu ity's record. Throwing the hummer Won by Hoialngton. '90, distance 77ft. 3%in., breaking the rccoid by four inches. Half mile run Won by Hutchin», 'SO. in 2m. 8J^s., breaking record. Standing high lump Won b; B. Bulkely, '90, lit. 9'/n. T i'o hundred and twenty yards dash Won by W. Buliely, '90, in 24^. Bunnlng bl/n jump Won by N. Bnlkely, '90, height 4ft. loin. Two mile run Won by Alien, *93, in 10m. 60s. breaking the rfcord. Oi e hundred" and twenty yards hurdle race Won by W. Bii!ke!y, '90, in 20)43., Iloistnger a clo=e tecou.1. On» milo b:cyci> jaco (safety). Won by Barton, '93, in 3m. 59s. The runs were closely contested, and in all events where three entered second prizes were given. There is every prospect that Trinity will make a good showing at Worcester this spring. ^ Sports of Cadets. The eleventh annual meet of the Pennsyl- vania Military Athletic Association was held on the college campus at Chester, Pa., May 24, with the following result: One hundr»J yards dash Won by Hemphill, '90, in 10 1-os. J..-0 mile ruu Won by Cannon, '92, in 13ra. Is. Pole vault Won by Bartle:t, '90; height, 9ft. Potato rncfl Won by StcGeo. 220yds. d»'su Won by Hemphill, '90, in 24 4-5i. Tug of war Class '90, Porter (anchor), Jone', Clayton, Ililoy; '93, Cctrson (anchor), llalpass, Kirby brothers; w. n by '90 by 6in. One mile run Won by B&rtlett, '91 ), in 5 :i. 4i!a. Run- ning brrad jump Won by Hull, '90; diatacce, 18ft. lln. Fencing Heilly, '90. Hurdle race Won by Stephens, '90, In 20:45. Parallel bars Won by Reilly. 440)ds. dash Won by Hately, in 1m. 4»; 13 entrie>. Three miles go-as-jou-pleane Won by Moir, in 21m. 42s. Ruunini; high jnmp Woa by Hateiy; height, 4ft. lOin. In this contast Carson tiad hia leg broken. Half-mile rnn Won by Bartloll, 'SO, in 2m. 47«. Put- ting the shot (lOtbi.) Won by Ftamoudon, '92; dis- tance, 37ft. 7in. Obstacle race Won by liately. Throwing base ball Won by Plamondon, '92; di&- tauce, iZO.'t. Tug of war Won by claw '90 by 4in. Intercollegiate Games. At Wooster, O.. on May 24, the annual field meeting of the Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Association was held. The winners were: Pulling tne^ot VV. H. Laverjr, 0. .". 0. S auding broad jump A. G. MoGaw,Wooster, 9ft. 9J£ln., raisin-! col!- ge rirord IJ-jin. Fifty yard d«Bh--.r. B. Jameson, Woofter. Running higb juiup E. R. Hose, Denniaon. Klcaing foot ball C. H. IloesMer.Dennison, 13Sft.6:n., rjisiug record 9ft. 6in. Thronlog the hammer W. II. Lavery, 0. S. U. One hundre'J yard dash J. B. Jameeon, Wooster. Standing high jump A. G. Mc- Gaw, Worster. 4ft. 7in., lowering record j^ln. Hurdle race J. B. Jameion, Wooster, lowering record J.^». PJgh kick C. H. Remsey, Wooster. Running hop, step and jump C. U. Baruet, Dtnulson. TMO hun- dred and twenty yard run W. W. Riddle, Woosier. Pole vault W. A. Landacre, 0. S. U.. 9ft. lln., lower- Ing the record lin. Running broad jump F. B. Rose, Dennison. Fourth of a rslle run J, 31. Martin, 0. S. U., 59s., lowering record i^s. Standinz bop, step and jnmp C. II. Barnot, Dennlsoo. One mile ruu**J. M. Martin, 0. S. U. Ball game Wooster, 9; benul- on, 13. . Games In Newark. At the Roseyille Athletic Club grounds, Newark, May 23, the Academy Athletic As- sociation held their annual field meeting to decide the championships of that institution. A majority of the students were in excellent condition, and the work accomplished sur- passed that of previous years. The result follows: 0**e hundred yards run: First clfiss, G. R, Swain, '90. fme, Ut.; second class, W. L. Robb; third claas, O. B. Gunu, Itunniug high jump: K. F. Sill, '90. Sit. 2%in.; seoond class, W. 8. and A. Lemassena, a tie at 4lt. 7 in.; third class, P. C. Downing!. Running broad Jump; First class, G. B. Swain,'90.17ft. Sin.; second class, K. R klnKsbury. Putting 12-|K)und shot: U. P. Curtis, '90, 32ft. 6in. Quarter-mile walk: D. S. Iglehart, '91, lin. 37». Two hundred and twenty yards run: First class, G. R. 8waln, '90, 25^.; second class, B. F. Crane, Jr. Qua:ter-m;Ie run: B. II. Bildwin, '90, W%t. Stventj-fire yaids hurdle: First class, J. B. Burnett, Jr., '90,11,'is; second class, A. H. At'ua. Academy Sports at Philadelphia. Episcopal Academy held its fourth annual spring meeting May 24, on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The winners were: 0:ie hundnd yard* da-h Wo.i by H. Rlebenack, '90 (scratch), lu 11 1-&J. Running broad jump (junior) Won by «. Mortimer, '98; distance, Hit. 7in. Kun- uiug high jump Wuu 1) 11. tiotetiack,'60 ^cruttL), «ft. %la. lOOydi. dash (Junior) Won by O. Mortimer, '93; time, 13s. Half-mile »alk Won by R. Large, '90, In 4m. 35f. Rnnn'ug broad Jump Won by H Riebenack, '90 (srratcb); distance, 20ft. IJ^in. Put- ting the hot Won by W. P. Uearu, '91; distance 28ft. SJ^in. 220yd>. daeli Walk-over for II. Rleben- ack; llute 2fis. Standing broad jump Won by II Dav.'s,'90; f ft. 9J<;i.i. Throwing ba«e bill Won by W. Cauffman, '90; distance, 267ft, 440jds. .iash Won by 0. Sinnlckion, '-at; time, 1m. 6». Half-mile run Won by A. Kleinm, '91; time, Sport* in California. The sixteenth lield day of the University of California was held on May 16. Several records were broken. Following is a review of the meeting: The programme opened with a 220yds hnrdle race to e»t»bllgli a university record. It wai won by S. W. McN'ear in 29 4-5s. The po'e vnult was won by G. C. Van Dj ke, wlio made 8ft. 8^-n., breaking the nnirer- sit.v record of 8Fr. 7in. Tbo i,n!''eraity record of half- mile run was smashea by W. S.Scott, of the Olympic Club, in 2m. 7^js. The iui1v«r»iiy record Is 2m. 8'X». In (ho milo walk the univiMsity recoid of 8m. 17%^. went duwo aaain, Georxo Voulks doin« it In 8ra. 1I»! The university record of 34ft. 7iu. of petting tbe shot was broken by L. K. Hnnt throwing tha thnt 35Uft. R. F. WliitinR broke the university record nf 8ft. S^n. in tbe high kick, «c,»ring 8ft. IDin. McKlnnon,'the scratch m-tn,threw the 161b«. hammer 91ft. Sin., eetab- llHliinft aucord. Kobcits, with 8ft. alluwauce. throw it 97ft. Pointers. Charley Rowell's match to run from London to Brighton for $800 is off. Sidney Thomas, M. A. C., sailed for England May 24. He may return to America at some future timo. II. A. Rojrer has resignel the treasurership of the New York Athletic Club. E. E. (iedney is his successor. J. S. Mitchell, the weight thrower of tho New Jersey Athletic Club, has determined to resign from that club. f. H. Sherrill'a method of starting in the sprints from hia hands, with knees almost touch- ing the ground, is being gradually adopted by other short-distance men. At St. Louis, May 25, Stranzler Lewis de- feated Erne»t Roeber in a mixed wrestling match for $400. Lewis won the two eatch-as- catch-csn falls and Roeber the Graco-Roman. Harry Johnson has accepted Lee Clieney's offer to run Grant, the champion of England, 120 yards for $5000. Johnson says that he will allow Grant $300 for expenses to California if he wiil consent to race there. Cox won the 72-hour raos which closed at Chicago May 24, making 213 miles. Campana wa.« second, 10 miles behind, and Engeidrum took third aud Hogelman fourth money. The affair was a decided failure. The Manhattan Athletio Club has decided to assume the indebtedness of the defunct Na- tional Association. It could do no less inde- cency, since the Manhattan was about all there was to tho N. A. A. A. for a year or two before its demise. In a trial 440yds. rnn at Cambridge, May 24, W. C. Downes, of Harvard, lowered the Holmes Field record from 50 to 49s. G. R. Fearing succeeded in making tbe remarkable running high jump of 6ft. Jin., lowering the Harvard record by IJin. A 25 hour walking match closed at Reading, Pa., May 24, in Metropolitan Hall. There were eight starters, but only four held out to the close, as follows: Martin Horan, Philadelphia, 113 miles; Eddie O'Erien, Lebanon, 111 miles; Jerry Croutbers, Easton, 107 miles; Jas. Boyle, Philadelphia, 100 miles. The contestants diri- ded the gate money. The Worcester, Mass., Athletio Club has been formed with about 250 members. The follow- ing-named officers were chosen: President, Col. Samuel E. \V inslow; vice president, Charles H. Banister; secretary, Frank Heywood; treasurer, Kelson C. Keyce; captain, H. A. Adams: first lieutenant, E. G. Penniman; second lieutenant, George Crompton. She Amateur Athletic Union has decided to award Saturday, Aug. 16, to the Yonkcrs Ath- letio Club for the giving of its eames. This was the only open Saturday during tho summer and was formerly held by the Pastime Athletio Club. The Yonkers Club will hold its games in all probability on its new grounds, which are now being put in order. Tho Clark 0. N. T. Athletio Association's seventh annual games will be held atNewa:k, June 14. Tho events are all handicap i nd wiil include 120} ds. dash, 120yds. burd e rarf, 120yds. hunlle sack race end a running high jump. Entries will close with L. L. Howe, Kearney, N. J., on June 7. The prizes will be gold and silver medals. The Manhattan Club's new ground will be in the park of the New York League Club. The ciub has secured from John B. Day a lease, or a guarantee therefor, of the land lying between the new Polo Grounds aud the bluff at that point; and, as Mr, Day can give them a ten years' privilege, tho value of the transaction to the M. A. C. cannot be overestimated. The land is something like 460x300. In Now York, Sunday, tbe Stuyvesvant Ath- ktio Club held out-door games. The winners were: 50yds. dash Final heat: F. S. Doug- lass, with H. Samuels, 2d; time, 6s. 75yd*. dash Final heat: F. S. Douglass, with II. Samuels, 2.1; time, 9s. 220yds. hurdle race F. S. Douglass (scratch); time, 35 2-os. Ha'f- mile run C. H. Hall; time, 2m. 35s. Half- mile walk C. McGuire (30s.); time, 4m. Put- ting 16tb shot M. J. O'Brien (scratch), 30ft. 5Jin. Running broad jump F. S. Donglass (scratch), 17ft. 9in. Running hijh jump F. S. Douglass, 5ft. Standing jump S. Levy (scratch), with a jump of 9ft. 4in. The records committee of tho Irish Amateur Athletic Association recently met in Dublin, when some important business was transacted. The claim of P. Lawless that he threw the 161b hammer 124ft. 4in. at tbe Cork cycle sports, last September, was rejected, as it could not be proved that the hammer was weighed or meas- uied. The performance of J. P. Conneff, of 4m. 26 1-03., for a mile at the international meeting on July 7, 18S8, at Ballsbridge, was allowed. The record made by George Gray, of the New York Athletic Club, at putting the IGlb shot, was also accepted, as was likewise Dr. Daly'a performance in flincing the 59tb weight 26ft. lOJio. at the same meeting, STRENGTH VITALITY! How Lost! How Regained, KNOTMF THE SCIENCE CF LIFE A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on the Errors of Youth,I'reaiature Decline, Nervouj and Phyaical Debility, Impurities of the Blood. Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Knervating and unfitting the victim tor Work, Business, the Slorned or Social Relation. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 3UO pages, royal Svo. Beautiful binding, embosse.i, full gilt. Price only $1.00 by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus- trative Prospectus *"ree, if you apply now. The distinomshed author, Wm. H. Pnrker, II. I)., re- ceived the GOI.n AND JEVTELI.ED MEDA L from the Nntiucnl Hleilical Association for this PKIZE ESSAY on NEHTOUS aud PHYSICAL acorpa of As.sista:it Phyeicians may be consulted, confi- dentially, by m:iil or in person, at the office of THE i'EABODY MEWICAfj INSTITUTE, No. 4 Jlulfinrh St., Uostoi!, Ttlaiia., to whom all orders for books or letters lor adrlce ehould be directed as above. BASEBALL UNIFORMS Prices of Complete Uniforms (WITHOUT SHOES:) $3.00,$4.00, $5.00,$8.00, and $10.00 per Man. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25, $4.00,$4.50. Send for SAMPLE before or- dering elsewhere. >; SEXD FOR 1890 CAT- AtOGUE. KIFFE'S SPECIAL HAND KANGAKOO . BALL, SHOE. No. 1-0 Ca!fskin-$4.00. KIFFE'S MITTS. ; ?>ory Fair War- j ranted. / 37.00, $5.00 ' $3.50. i Boys, $2.25 I Per Pair. ) Sent by Mall oil JA Receipt of Price. A. J. REACH CO., MAWUFACTUREH3 OF THE Official American Association Ball. ADOPTED BY THE LEADING LEAGUES AND CLUBS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. DOUBLE STITCH ^opTEDBvTHE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION . SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE "RE..,.. ,-ATENT LACE &1ITTS- (The Best) So. A JHtt, $7.50 Per Pa r. ' B " 5.00 " " 4 A. Mil ,r VIEW. B. MITT FRONT VIEW. Send for Illustrated Catalogue for description of oar full line of Balls Bats, Masks, Mitts, Catchers' Gloves, Etc. ' A. J. REACH CO., 1113 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 1 H. 11. iviFFE, 318 FULTON AYE., BROOKLYN. K. Y. VOLUNTEER COLUMBIA. We now have the sole agency for this most useful device for the protection of catchers and umpires. This body protector renders it im- possible for the catcher to be injured while playing close to the batter. It is made of best rubber, inflated with air, is very light and pliable and tloes not interfere in any waj» with the movements of the wearer, either in running^ stooping or throwing. No catcher should be without one of these protectors. When not in use the air can be let out and the protector rolled ia very small space. I 1? 0.0. Ext, heavy professional $10.00 "1. Standard Amateur 6.00 A, &, SPALBIM & BEDS,, Chicago, &Sew York, Philadelphia. At a recent meeting of the Haverford Col- leje Foot Ball Association the following officers were elected: President, Wm. Handy, '91; secretary and treasurer, Tbos. S. Gatis, '93; ground committee, Haley, '90; Blair, '91; Col- POPP MFfr fiO lins, '92, and Woolman, '93. S. Lloyd tirth _"_ ... -' .:. '' was elected manager of next year's team. _^ Price, S9O. A high-grade wheel In every respect, with th« tssential qualities of tha Expert Columbia, i»o metal bat Bteel being need In Its construction. THE BEST MACHINE for the MONEY. 'We maka all thfl popular style of high grade ma- chines.. Illustrated Catalogue free. BHAKCH HOC8E8! - - - -i 13 Warren St., Sxw Yo*K. i 77 FrttiUa St., BOSTON. »i W abash Ave., CHICAQU. Safety Catcher's Gleves. PRICE PER PAIR $5.00. Mailed to any part of the United Slates on Receipt of Price. Tbese glovos are well-known, having been rued during the put season by llio i>ri.mtueut frofeflaional ba«e bull ptaycrt, and have whfre?er aliown and introduced b^eu consid- ered nuequaled. I consider yonr Decker Safety Catching Gloves DD. equalled. Ii in a K'O'O that ball players havn long needed. I iliall uae them in all the gaoiea I catch anot nc nimend them to all ba»e bill I'liije-B an tl:e lie«« gloioin the market. FRANK F. FLINT, (Old Silver), Chicago linse B..1I Ciub. I consider the Decker fafely Catchlne Gloves to be the tell bull gloves manufactured, ai;d would recommend aud advise ali ballplayers to use tbern. A. C. JANTZEN, Milwaukee Base Ball Club. The PAUL BUCKIEY GLOVE CO., MANUFACTURERS. JSt., .Cla.ioa,go. If you want to STEAL SECOND BASE send for a pair of CLAFLIN'S SHOES, called THE "BASE STEALER.' I don't need ball shoes, but your Base Stealers are 80 light and beautiful, I caa't help ordering a pair. HUGH NICOL. YOBR, Pa., May 19, 1890. Ma. WALDO 5f. CLAFUV. Dear Sir: livery mem~ ber of onr t«-am ia pleased with the shoes, and I take pleasure in joining them in commending the quality and neatness. Yours vory truly, J. MPNROB KIIEITSB, JR., Manager. The "Base Stcaler," very light, $7.50 Next Weight, light .... .7.50 Medium Weight ...... 7.50 Amateur Ball Shoes.... Waldo M. Claflin, 831 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. IRWIN'S CATCHERS'and INFIELDERS GLOVES, mannlactnrerl solely by DRAPER A MAYNARI), Ash- land, N. H., and ns£d by all professional players in the United States. Imnoeirible to injure tho hands while catching with tha IKW1N MITT GLOVE, Send fur catalogue. ARTHUR A. IRWIN, 860 Dorchester Ave., Boston, Mass. THE CRAWFORD BICYCLE SHOE, LACING TO TOE. Worn by all the leading Sparrers, Oars- man. Clog Dancers, Pedestrians, Bicyclists, Etc. SOLD ONLY AT The Grawford Shoe Stores, 207 N. Eighth St. and 826 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. Orders by Mail Promptly Attended To. .^^.^. or110ucester! Boats Leave SoulJrStreet Every 30 Minutes Lmt txiat I»a'e«jiki,ce8l«r VI p. M. I Suutlavs every 20 l*«t boat leamfoioucester 12 p. M. | minutes. Steals SYLVAN DELI and GLEN Will mdke b»'f-honr trips daily from Pier 12, nbove Race i% rce t Wtmrf. First bcal leaTca Philadelphia at V\^f- last boat leaTM (Jloncester 9 p. u. Sunday", firms'. ]cn>M Puiladuliiliia 9 A. M.; lait Iwat leaven S3O Complete Base Ball Uniforms OF ALL STYLES, FROM $3.50 TO $12.00 PER MAN. Before purchasing be sure and send for samples of materials and complete cata- logue of Sporting Goods. Our book on \Batting, Pitching, Fielding and Base Running, Price by mail, 12 cents. WRfiCHT & DITSOftB, BASE BALL UNIFORMS. TO J. W. MANSFIELD, ft, SKND FOK SAMPLES AN1> PRICES.~ V\^f- firms jfl 10 P.M. PARLOR BASE BALL GAME, is a perfect illustration of the Actunl fkii.e, r' lug a wide kco|-e fur ekilUul aii-l intellivtiit pi Tile only game with this te»tiiiv, 93c. DKAL . li , Oliio laya. or SKIBE'S PATENT DOUBLE SEAM BALL FOR SALE EVERYWHERE.

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The Championship Contests of the Tnter- acliolaMic Athletic Association*

The twelfth annual gav.ies of the Inter- «ch<i!as,iio Athletic Association were held at tho If. rkclfy Oval Muy 24. Tor four years thehaiidsouu' silver cup has been held by the Cutler School, and it only needed one more victory to give it to them "for keeps," but the Berkeley* wrested it away from them. At tMs meeting the leading competitors for the eup were athletes from the Berkeley, Cutler, Columbia Grammar, Dwight and Halsey Ei-hols. Itriiliant work was done by E. W. Alien in 100yds. and 220yds. run; J. Hall in the bicycle race and Jauuia in base ball throwing. Summary:

0;u hundred yjrds d.ish For boys nndtrl5 First l«at mm ly E. Mm wiir, l>r. Suclis; F. Unmkfi-id , Jlur*-, 2U. Tim«, 12 3-fis. Socoud lient wen by W. 1>. Kobbii s, Culler;*. Kent, Berkeley,?'). Time, 12 l-5j. Third bout won by F. H. B'iwi.rtb, Cutler. F. P. Drake. L'erkeley, 2.1. Time, 12 2-5«. Trial beat f.,r ecoud men (winner in ruu in finnl) Won l>y Drake. Time, 12 2--:J8. Fiual beat woo by £o0wortb, Drake 2.1. Time, 12 l-5a.

- One hundred ymMa dash Trial heats First won by F. L. 1'ell, Cutler; W. F. Smi'h, Berkeley, 2 I. Time, 11 1 6*. Sectmu beat won by L. S. Kerr, Cutler; A. G. ll!Ih:uik, Cutler, '-'J. Time, 11 3-5<. TlnrJ licot won by E. W. Alien, Bt-rkelev; J. G. K. Lee, Culler, 2J. Time. lls. Tri»l heat'for fecund meu (winner (Uly to run iu Baal) Wou by in 12 1 5s. 1'iual heat won by Alien, Lee 21, P*ll 31. Tiuie, IK

Two hundred aud twenty ytmls dash Wen by IS. W. Alien, Bcrkolm; J. G. Lee, Cutler, 2<1. Time. £2 4-5*. This beats the I. 8. A. A. recur ! of 24d. made l>y E. A. BlcbarJ, Columbia Grammar, 1889.

One huortreil anil twenty yard* hurdlt> race First heat won by I.. S. Kerr, Oullcr; P. Cauda, Berkeley, id. Time, 19 2-53. Second beat woo by W. F. Sin ill), Herkeley; A. P. Stokes, Jr., Berkeley, 21. Time, 17 l!-Ss. Final li< at wou by Smith, Kerr 2d, C.nda 3d. I'ime. 17 l-Ss.

Quarttr ciiie run Won by E. W. Alien, Berkeley, F. L. 1MI, Cutler, 2d; W. M. Sterry, Ualsey, 3d. Time, 65 1-os.

Uall mile rnn Won by J. V. S. Oldie, Jr., CnlU»sen; F. B. Hariiion, Cutler, 2J; J. A. Jauniu, Berkeley, 3d. Time. 2m. 1235s.

Oiie mile run Won by F. B. Harrlson, Cutlor; E. A. Frtn-hman, Columbia Grammar, -2.1; W. P. Paret. Col­ umbia Grammar, 3<l. Tinio, 5m. 11 1-os.

One mil* walk Woa by S. B. S. Blutll, Berkeley; P. 11. Turnnro. Berkeley, 2d; II. Emerson, 51 one, 3d. Il;ne, 8ni. 203-5*.

One mile bicycle r*ce Won by J. W. Hall, Chapln; P. U.K. Bira.ll, Berkeley, 2d; J. Norrls, llalaoy. 3d. Time. Sm. 1 15s. Tills beats tuo I. S. A. A. record of B:M 22j. made by L. L. Clark, of Berkeley, 1889.

Safety ticyrle race One mile. First heat won by U. K. Bird, Ci.tler; A. Wardwell, Cutler, 2J. Time, 3m. 82 4-6«. Second heat won by J. H. Brook field, Moree; T. Norrls, Hal.«v. 2d. Time, San. SOi. Final heat won by Norru, Brookfleid, 2d, Wardwell 3d. Time, Sm. IT 3-os.

Tue of war (175lba .), Hals«y TS. Barnard. The Ear- vaid team wan pulk-d *iut of the cleats in 2m. 4 1-58. Teams as follo«: Halsuy J. B. Seiner, Jr., W. A. Boslwiclc, F. H. Mil »ud U. P. Meiklehaui. Birnard's team-D. Hall. J. Hamiltnu. I). Baldwin and J. Wood.

Ilslsey vs. Wlt«cn anJ Kellogg (SOU IU.). Won by Ba'soy by 3iu. Halaey toarb an follows: II. P. Met- klthain, W. Van Norden, Jr., W. M. Parsons and C. L. Biker. Wilson nuil KellogK team A. Wbiting, A. Asbforth, P. McCull ,ugb and R. Howard.

Bunning blyh jump Won bv ID. Burke, Columbia Grammar, with a jumpo'f 5ft. 3%<n. F. A. Pell, Culler, 1 1, jutnj', 5ft. 2Uin; F. C. Kutlu&,ColumbiaGramuiar, Bd, JUIUD, 6fl. l*4'n.

Puffins the snot (12ibs.). Won by W. H. Camp, Berkeley, with a put of 34ft. 9:n.; J. R. Bartholomew, I>ri«ler,2d, with a put of 32tt. 6}^ip; J. H. Pullman, Colunibli Grammar, 3d, with a put of 30ft. J«.lo.

Ruining Lrosd jnnji. Won by W. F. Smith, Berke­ ley, with ajumnoflSft. 10>^ln.; F. L. Pell, Cutler, 2J,*nh a jump of 19ft. 8>£iu., and E. Burke, Columbia Giammar, 3d, with a jump of 19ft. 6in.

Throwing the base bull Won bv J. A. Jannin, Berkeley, with a throw of 312ft 2in.; J. F. Campbell, Ctiapin, 2-1. with a tbrow of 301ft. 6m., anil J. B. Bar­ tholomew, brtnler, 3d, with a throw of 264ft. Tin. This beits the I. S. A. A. record of 3 10ft. made by K. Fisher, Columbia Grammar, In 1884.

The officers of the day were: Referee, Ev-*rt Jansen Wendall, N. Y. A. C.; judges, Wendall Baker, B. A. C.; Guy Kichards; timers, G. A. Avery. M. A. C.; F. A. Ware, JI. A. C.; C. A. Reed, N. Y. A. C.; scorers, Dwight Taylor, C. C. A. A.; C. S. Bentley; R.

. A. C.


Interesting Contexts in the ThirteenthAnnnal Fielding Meeting of This Club.The thirteenth annual games of the Staten

Island Athletic Club were held at tlieclub grounds, Weit Brighton, S. I., May 24. They were somewhat disappointing, for the reason that many of the cracks took part in the games at Princetou in the morntflg, and were to exhausted by their endeavors that they Were unable to compete in the afternoon:

Cue bundled am! fifty yards claih (handicap) First trials nisi heat wou by Herbtrt Sninman, Berkeley A. 0. (5-^ydd.); L. LeveiD, New York City (10jd».), 2d. Tluse, 164-5. Second heat won by \ictor Mupos, Uerheluv A. C. (6Ml <!« ); S. Schvregler, New York A. C (:iUv*i.),2d. Time, 15 3-5t. Tbird hfal won by J. B. Mcllulleu, Brooklyn (lOydi.); C. W. Porlcr, Co!- nmbia Oelie^e A. A. (9vda-), 2d. Time, 153-5!. Fourth belt w m by B. C. Morris, Jr., Crescent A. C. (; F. H. Bal'cock, New York A. C. (5Xyd«.), 2d. Time, 153-53. Final heat won by B. C. Morris, Jr., Crescent A. C.; L. Lerein, New York City, and Victor Hapes, Berkeley A. C. dead beat for seeded piftce. time, 15 2-Ss. Ltveln wou thi less.

One mile run. Won by William Clark, Philadelphia(OSjdj.),«l!h H, Hornbostle, Berkeley A. C. (45yds.), t.i, and W. Kuhlke, Pro-pect Harriers (70yd!.), 3d. Tim'n, 4m. 26 3-.>. Clark fainted at the finish.

Ooe thousand yard! run (bandicafl). TS'ln by Con­ rad Mat!!», Bfch*ond A. A. (50yds.), with J. A. Byrne, Pa»irro e A. C. (20yd<j, 2.1, «n.l W. IE. Alleh, American (eOvdV). 3d. Time, 2m. 27 4-5?.

Running liiiih jump (handionr.) Won by M. O'Sul- HTBD, ti>»"rap *. c- (*!« ) H.i* be"' jum:i was oft. Jllo. F. W. EJwards, New Jersey A. C. (o^in.), was t,i, with 5ft. lO^in., and F. C. Hooper, Berkeley A. C. (4in.), ^Hs"5J, with.Sft. 8in.

Throwing tbe fifty-six pound weight (scratch). Won by SI. O'MlHinin, Pastinis A. C. Bis b?«t throw was -25ft. SJiiu. J. S. Mitrhfll, New Jeteej- A. C., was fid. with 23lt. 3tn. Mi:cbell i?as f ory unsteady on his feet and thiflrst him first prize, as he made numerous fouli. His les; tbrow, 32ft., *as foul.

Six hundred yarils run (uari(iic«p). Won by C. W. Pater, Cohimtia Colisge A. A. (I4yds.), with F. C. dark, Kew Jersey A. C. (26vdi.), and K. L. Sane, Manhattan A. C. (2oyd«.), 3d. Time, lui. 15 1-os.

One hundred and twenty yards hurdle lacrosse race Tbe cnttditfona of this race were that e:ich man hDUId cnriy a lAcrofise Btick with a ball. It was won by T. Earle.C.lleie of ibu City of New Y«rk, with L. >lo«es, Stasen Island A. C.. 2d, and W. S. King, Slaten Jlland A. C., 3d, Time, 18 l-5«.

Two mile steeplechase (handicap) Won by Conrad Harks, Richmond County A. C., 1m. 5«., with W. T. Touni?, Manhattan A. C. (writcri), 2;!, and \V. McCar­ thy, Manhattan A. 0. (scratcli), M. Time, 12m.68 4-5s. U»rks had such a hi? handicap that the scratch meu Here ngable to catch him. They ma-!6 a pretty race ILiTQRfiven, Young winning the place by about 5jds.

Three hundred yards rnn (Imifdloap) First heat wou by G. L. Catlin. Jr., Creoonnt A. C. (15yds.); O. 8ch«egler. No* York * C. (3yd».), 2d, and W. M. Cl.rlitie, Manhattan A. C., 3d; lime, 33 l-5«. Second lieat won by 0. 8. Jack-on, Acorn A. A. (20yds ); H. A. TbuoTinon, Ns» Jersey A. C. (18yds.), Zd, and W. P. Halpfn, New Jersey A. C. (13ydi), 3:!; time, 34 2-5s. $*iuul beat won by <-T. L. Catliu, Corlotiran A. C., with V. P. Halnin, N»w York A. C., 2d,and W. M. Christie, ttaubattan A. 0., 3o; time, 33d.


A Ked-Letter Day Fur the Athletes of the Old Institution.

The first annual handicap games of the Princeton College Athletic Association took place at Prineeton, Hay 24, upon the new oval. The bright day brought high expecta­ tions to Princeton men, as this day had been looked forward to as a red-letter day in the history of the old Institution. The entries were from the various athletic clubs of New York, Philadelphia and vicinity:

Uuudrtd yitrds dash first irial heat: 1st, T. J. L*e, K. Y. A. C. tt%tdi.) ; t ine. 10 3-5s.; 2(1, J. l'. DeTcrcui, M. A. li (4)d.-!.). Swml trial heat: l.t, Peter Vredeu- t>nrgh, Priuc^lon A. C. (lyd.t; lime. 10 2 5s.; 2d, W. P. Beiknap, ],. A. C. (4yu>.). Third (rial heat: 1st. W. B. Cwtner, N. Y. A.U. (IV&rila.); lime, 103-63.; 21. V. 0. PnBer, N. J. A. C. (6>4yuVj. ' Trial for place la fioal bj Btcotid nien of first trial heats won bv W. P. Bel- kr op, L. A. C. Filial hta': 1st, Peter Vredenburgb, Princelon A. C.; lime, 10 l-5a j 2d, T. J. Lee, N. Y. A. C.

lltle run A. B. George, M.A.O., and W.D.Day. N. J. " A. 0., at Iho scratch; George dropped out nt the end of

thrte-quurtfis; Day came in flr t; time, 4m. 44 4-5a.; 11, T. B. Tumor, Priuceton (110yds.).

Hnlf'Ujili) run 1st, \V.t). Dot-m, Crinceton (scratch); time, .£m. 44-6i.; fei, W. B. W.,odbridj<e, Princetou (32yd*.); 8'l, k. B. Crane, Princttun (35yd».).

T«o l.undri-d and t« entv yards dash T. J. Lee, N. T. A.C. (4yilp.); tin:e, 22 3-5?.; 2J, tied by E. LentilhoD. Yale College (lOj'ils.),and J. S. Kuddy.Prliiceton (7yds.); lerond place won b} R><dJy on the tos*.

Qiiart<-r-mile ruu Is!, J. F. Uoeford, Princeton (3uyda.); tiiuo, 53 l-o-.; 2J, J. S. Bodily, friuceton (llyil-.j.

Kimnln* 1.road jnmp 1st, II. F. Welch, Columbia Ci'lli-ea (1ft. 3iu.); actual dis'ance, 21ft. lin.; 2d, E. St. Golf, M. A. (i (lfl.6in.J; actual distance, 20ft. 6in.; 3d, t. C'. Puffer, N. J. A. C. (scr.tch).

t-ixteeu pound bhmmor, standing throw 1st, B. C. IliiitiKu, Oajlinihia College (1211.); actual distance, K:t. UJi'ii.; S, F. L. Lambert, U. A. C. (8ft); actual iUt«ui>, 08ft. lln).

Put iui loib. ahot l«t, F. L.LambreclU. M. A. 0.

(Ifl. «!".); actual distance. 41ft. 1^1 n.; 2.1, B. D. Mc- D.'Well, P. P. S. A. A. (6ft.); actual dis'ance,36ft. 6%m.

Tiik'-of-war pull, WOlbs., five minutes limit M on by "'« Berkeley A. C. team oT«r the Frinceton team by 4m.

The officers of the meeting were: Referee, W. B. Ctirtis, N. Y. A. C.; judges, Professor H. F. Osboru, G. W. t'arr M. A. C, and Lewis Andenried, M. of P.; timers, A. M. Sweet, N. J. A. C.; C. C. Hughes, M. A. C., and R. Stoll, N. Y. A. C,

The slow time made was accounted for Mon­ day when it was found that in the hurry to complete the new ground for the games a mis­ take had been made in measuring the track. The laps were found to be 23yds. 2ft. over the announced measurement. The excess of one- half milo would be 47yds. 1ft., antlof one mile 49yds. 2tt. This makes Dohm's real time in the half-mile 1m. 584-os., and Day's in the mile 4m. 31s. Through the mistake of the announcer, Janeway, of Princeton, was sec­ ond in putting the Itilb shot with Stilt. 8in.


Annual Field Day of the Xew England In­ tercollegiate Association.

The annual field sports of the New Eng­ land Intercollegiate Association took place May 28 at Worcester, Mass., some 1500 spec­ tators being present, although the day was cold and rainy. The event of the day was the beating of the record for a standing high jump by Crook, of Williams, who was credited with 5ft. Itin., the record being oft. Uin. The referee was George W. Carr, president of the Manhattan Athletic Club. The events and the winners were:

One hundred yanls dash Final heat won by Riley, of Amberst, in 10 2 5*.; Williams, of Dartmo">ith, 2d.

TUB; of war between Dartmouth and WiliUms Won by Williams by J^ln.; second trial wou by Wil­ liams by X' u -

Half-mile rnn, 14 entries Won by Jackson, of Am- heret, in 2m. 8 l-5s.; Hutchins. of Trinity, 2d.

One hundred and twenty yards hurdle race Final heat won by LuJdington, of Amhorttt, iu 17^.; Bulg ton, of WorfleVKti, 2J.

Pole Tault, 10 entries Won by Ewinjr, of Amherst, with Oft Sin. In jumping offa tie, Uovey, ofBow- doin, equalled Ewiog'ti recotd.

Two bundled nud twenty yard dash Final heat woo by Williams, of Darirnr nth, Iu 23 1-5.; Dadmno'l 2d.

Two mile bicycle race Nine entries; won by Hal- lock, of imher-t, in 7m. 4 l-5s.; Dojabone, of Am- hertt, 21.

One uiile run Six entries; won by Wells, of Am- herst. In 4ru. :!5 1-5.-; Carr, oi Williams, 2d.

Throwing sixteen pouiid hammer Thirteen entries; won by Abbott, of Dartmouth, with 83ft. loin.; Little, of Dartmouth, 2*1.

Qua:ter-mile run Twelve entries; won by Shattuck, of Amborst, in 52 -2-5s.; Jackson, of Amherst, 2J.

Standing high jump Eight eutries; won by Crook, of Wll:Ums, 4ft. lOinch.; Fuh, of Worcester, 2d. 4ft. 9tn.

Two hundred and twenty yards hurdle race Final heat won by Ade in 2S».; Kals'oD. 2d.

Blile walk Ten eutriee: Won by Gregg, of Amherst, in 7m. 2i<.; Banb. of Arnbeist, 2d.

Running high jump SeTea entries: Won by Bar- rowe, of Bowdoio, with fift. 5in.; Francis, of Williams, 2d.

Putting 16-ponnd shot -Eleven entries: Won by Alexander, of Amherst, with 34ft. 3%:u.; liougtiton, ol AmluTSt. 2d.

Standing broad Jump Eight entries: Won by Crook, of Williams, with lo:t. 4%in.; Gesner, of Trinity, 2d.

Running broad JumD Ten entries: Won by PoKer, of Daitmouth, with 20ft. 2in.; Ilumphrcyi, of Dart-

jutti, 2d.Two mile run, 7 entries Won by Wells, of Am­

herst, In 10m. 23 3-5s.; Carr, of WMUams, 2.1.The Amherst boys won 10 firsts; Brown, 1;

Dartmouth, 5; Williams. 3. The Amh rst boys were jubilant after the events were over, and made a street parade, headed by a brass band. The track was wet and heavy.


A Series of Creditable Amatenr Athletic Performances at Hartford.

The eleventh annual field meeting of the Trinity College Athletic Association was held May 22 at Charter Oak Park, Hartford Conn., was one of the most successful in the history of the Association. Four records were broken. There were sixty entries in all. Summary:

One hundred yaidj <Jsah Won by Graves, '92, In 10%c.

Running broad jump Won by Gesner '90, distance, 17ft. 8^in.

Two hundred and twenty yards hurdle race (for the first time at Trinity) Wou by W. Bulkely, '90, 28^s.

Putting tbe shot Won by Youufr, '91, distance, 31ft. %i n.

Foor hundred and forty yards dash Won bv Mc- Co.ik, '90, in SSki., nearly 3s. behind his last year's record.

Standing broad jnmp Gesner, '90, 9t. 9in.One mile run Won by Hutching, '90, in 4m. 45%j.,

breaking Triu ity's record.Throwing the hummer Won by Hoialngton. '90,

distance 77ft. 3%in., breaking the rccoid by four inches.

Half mile run Won by Hutchin», 'SO. in 2m. 8J^s., breaking record.

Standing high lump Won b; B. Bulkely, '90, lit. 9'/n.

T i'o hundred and twenty yards dash Won by W. Buliely, '90, in 24^.

Bunnlng bl/n jump Won by N. Bnlkely, '90, height 4ft. loin.

Two mile run Won by Alien, *93, in 10m. 60s. breaking the rfcord.

Oi e hundred" and twenty yards hurdle race Won by W. Bii!ke!y, '90, in 20)43., Iloistnger a clo=e tecou.1.

On» milo b:cyci> jaco (safety). Won by Barton, '93, in 3m. 59s.

The runs were closely contested, and in all events where three entered second prizes were given. There is every prospect that Trinity will make a good showing at Worcester this spring. ^

Sports of Cadets.The eleventh annual meet of the Pennsyl­

vania Military Athletic Association was held on the college campus at Chester, Pa., May 24, with the following result:

One hundr»J yards dash Won by Hemphill, '90, in 10 1-os. J..-0 mile ruu Won by Cannon, '92, in 13ra. Is. Pole vault Won by Bartle:t, '90; height, 9ft. Potato rncfl Won by StcGeo. 220yds. d»'su Won by Hemphill, '90, in 24 4-5i. Tug of war Class '90, Porter (anchor), Jone', Clayton, Ililoy; '93, Cctrson (anchor), llalpass, Kirby brothers; w. n by '90 by 6in. One mile run Won by B&rtlett, '91 ), in 5 :i. 4i!a. Run­ ning brrad jump Won by Hull, '90; diatacce, 18ft. lln. Fencing Heilly, '90. Hurdle race Won by Stephens, '90, In 20:45. Parallel bars Won by Reilly. 440)ds. dash Won by Hately, in 1m. 4»; 13 entrie>. Three miles go-as-jou-pleane Won by Moir, in 21m. 42s. Ruunini; high jnmp Woa by Hateiy; height, 4ft. lOin. In this contast Carson tiad hia leg broken. Half-mile rnn Won by Bartloll, 'SO, in 2m. 47«. Put­ ting the shot (lOtbi.) Won by Ftamoudon, '92; dis­ tance, 37ft. 7in. Obstacle race Won by liately. Throwing base ball Won by Plamondon, '92; di&- tauce, iZO.'t. Tug of war Won by claw '90 by 4in.

Intercollegiate Games.At Wooster, O.. on May 24, the annual field

meeting of the Ohio Intercollegiate Athletic Association was held. The winners were:

Pulling tne^ot VV. H. Laverjr, 0. .". 0. S auding broad jump A. G. MoGaw,Wooster, 9ft. 9J£ln., raisin-! col!- ge rirord IJ-jin. Fifty yard d«Bh--.r. B. Jameson, Woofter. Running higb juiup E. R. Hose, Denniaon. Klcaing foot ball C. H. IloesMer.Dennison, 13Sft.6:n., rjisiug record 9ft. 6in. Thronlog the hammer W. II. Lavery, 0. S. U. One hundre'J yard dash J. B. Jameeon, Wooster. Standing high jump A. G. Mc- Gaw, Worster. 4ft. 7in., lowering record j^ln. Hurdle race J. B. Jameion, Wooster, lowering record J.^». PJgh kick C. H. Remsey, Wooster. Running hop, step and jump C. U. Baruet, Dtnulson. TMO hun­ dred and twenty yard run W. W. Riddle, Woosier. Pole vault W. A. Landacre, 0. S. U.. 9ft. lln., lower- Ing the record lin. Running broad jump F. B. Rose, Dennison. Fourth of a rslle run J, 31. Martin, 0. S. U., 59s., lowering record i^s. Standinz bop, step and jnmp C. II. Barnot, Dennlsoo. One mile ruu**J. M. Martin, 0. S. U. Ball game Wooster, 9; benul- on, 13.


Games In Newark.At the Roseyille Athletic Club grounds,

Newark, May 23, the Academy Athletic As­ sociation held their annual field meeting to decide the championships of that institution. A majority of the students were in excellent condition, and the work accomplished sur­ passed that of previous years. The result follows:

0**e hundred yards run: First clfiss, G. R, Swain, '90. fme, Ut.; second class, W. L. Robb; third claas, O. B. Gunu, Itunniug high jump: K. F. Sill, '90. Sit. 2%in.; seoond class, W. 8. and A. Lemassena, a tie at 4lt. 7 in.; third class, P. C. Downing!. Running broad Jump; First class, G. B. Swain,'90.17ft. Sin.; second class, K. R klnKsbury. Putting 12-|K)und shot: U. P. Curtis, '90, 32ft. 6in. Quarter-mile walk: D. S. Iglehart, '91, lin. 37». Two hundred and twenty yards run: First class, G. R. 8waln, '90, 25^.; second class, B. F. Crane, Jr. Qua:ter-m;Ie run: B. II. Bildwin, '90, W%t. Stventj-fire yaids hurdle: First class, J. B. Burnett, Jr., '90,11,'is; second class, A. H. At'ua.

Academy Sports at Philadelphia.Episcopal Academy held its fourth annual

spring meeting May 24, on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The winners were:

0:ie hundnd yard* da-h Wo.i by H. Rlebenack, '90 (scratch), lu 11 1-&J. Running broad jump (junior) Won by «. Mortimer, '98; distance, Hit. 7in. Kun- uiug high jump Wuu 1) 11. tiotetiack,'60 ^cruttL),

«ft. %la. lOOydi. dash (Junior) Won by O. Mortimer, '93; time, 13s. Half-mile »alk Won by R. Large, '90, In 4m. 35f. Rnnn'ug broad Jump Won by H Riebenack, '90 (srratcb); distance, 20ft. IJ^in. Put­ ting the hot Won by W. P. Uearu, '91; distance 28ft. SJ^in. 220yd>. daeli Walk-over for II. Rleben­ ack; llute 2fis. Standing broad jump Won by II Dav.'s,'90; f ft. 9J<;i.i. Throwing ba«e bill Won by W. Cauffman, '90; distance, 267ft, 440jds. .iash Won by 0. Sinnlckion, '-at; time, 1m. 6». Half-mile run Won by A. Kleinm, '91; time,

Sport* in California.The sixteenth lield day of the University of

California was held on May 16. Several records were broken. Following is a review of the meeting:

The programme opened with a 220yds hnrdle race to e»t»bllgli a university record. It wai won by S. W. McN'ear in 29 4-5s. The po'e vnult was won by G. C. Van Dj ke, wlio made 8ft. 8^-n., breaking the nnirer- sit.v record of 8Fr. 7in. Tbo i,n!''eraity record of half- mile run was smashea by W. S.Scott, of the Olympic Club, in 2m. 7^js. The iui1v«r»iiy record Is 2m. 8'X». In (ho milo walk the univiMsity recoid of 8m. 17%^. went duwo aaain, Georxo Voulks doin« it In 8ra. 1I»! The university record of 34ft. 7iu. of petting tbe shot was broken by L. K. Hnnt throwing tha thnt 35Uft. R. F. WliitinR broke the university record nf 8ft. S^n. in tbe high kick, «c,»ring 8ft. IDin. McKlnnon,'the scratch m-tn,threw the 161b«. hammer 91ft. Sin., eetab- llHliinft aucord. Kobcits, with 8ft. alluwauce. throw it 97ft.

Pointers.Charley Rowell's match to run from London

to Brighton for $800 is off.Sidney Thomas, M. A. C., sailed for England

May 24. He may return to America at some future timo.

II. A. Rojrer has resignel the treasurership of the New York Athletic Club. E. E. (iedney is his successor.

J. S. Mitchell, the weight thrower of tho New Jersey Athletic Club, has determined to resign from that club.f. H. Sherrill'a method of starting in the

sprints from hia hands, with knees almost touch­ ing the ground, is being gradually adopted by other short-distance men.

At St. Louis, May 25, Stranzler Lewis de­ feated Erne»t Roeber in a mixed wrestling match for $400. Lewis won the two eatch-as- catch-csn falls and Roeber the Graco-Roman.

Harry Johnson has accepted Lee Clieney's offer to run Grant, the champion of England, 120 yards for $5000. Johnson says that he will allow Grant $300 for expenses to California if he wiil consent to race there.

Cox won the 72-hour raos which closed at Chicago May 24, making 213 miles. Campana wa.« second, 10 miles behind, and Engeidrum took third aud Hogelman fourth money. The affair was a decided failure.

The Manhattan Athletio Club has decided to assume the indebtedness of the defunct Na­ tional Association. It could do no less inde­ cency, since the Manhattan was about all there was to tho N. A. A. A. for a year or two before its demise.

In a trial 440yds. rnn at Cambridge, May 24, W. C. Downes, of Harvard, lowered the Holmes Field record from 50 to 49s. G. R. Fearing succeeded in making tbe remarkable running high jump of 6ft. Jin., lowering the Harvard record by IJin.

A 25 hour walking match closed at Reading, Pa., May 24, in Metropolitan Hall. There were eight starters, but only four held out to the close, as follows: Martin Horan, Philadelphia, 113 miles; Eddie O'Erien, Lebanon, 111 miles; Jerry Croutbers, Easton, 107 miles; Jas. Boyle, Philadelphia, 100 miles. The contestants diri- ded the gate money.

The Worcester, Mass., Athletio Club has been formed with about 250 members. The follow­ ing-named officers were chosen: President, Col. Samuel E. \V inslow; vice president, Charles H. Banister; secretary, Frank Heywood; treasurer, Kelson C. Keyce; captain, H. A. Adams: first lieutenant, E. G. Penniman; second lieutenant, George Crompton.

She Amateur Athletic Union has decided to award Saturday, Aug. 16, to the Yonkcrs Ath­ letio Club for the giving of its eames. This was the only open Saturday during tho summer and was formerly held by the Pastime Athletio Club. The Yonkers Club will hold its games in all probability on its new grounds, which are now being put in order.

Tho Clark 0. N. T. Athletio Association's seventh annual games will be held atNewa:k, June 14. Tho events are all handicap i nd wiil include 120} ds. dash, 120yds. burd e rarf, 120yds. hunlle sack race end a running high jump. Entries will close with L. L. Howe, Kearney, N. J., on June 7. The prizes will be gold and silver medals.

The Manhattan Club's new ground will be in the park of the New York League Club. The ciub has secured from John B. Day a lease, or a guarantee therefor, of the land lying between the new Polo Grounds aud the bluff at that point; and, as Mr, Day can give them a ten years' privilege, tho value of the transaction to the M. A. C. cannot be overestimated. The land is something like 460x300.

In Now York, Sunday, tbe Stuyvesvant Ath- ktio Club held out-door games. The winners were: 50yds. dash Final heat: F. S. Doug­ lass, with H. Samuels, 2d; time, 6s. 75yd*. dash Final heat: F. S. Douglass, with II. Samuels, 2.1; time, 9s. 220yds. hurdle race F. S. Douglass (scratch); time, 35 2-os. Ha'f- mile run C. H. Hall; time, 2m. 35s. Half- mile walk C. McGuire (30s.); time, 4m. Put­ ting 16tb shot M. J. O'Brien (scratch), 30ft. 5Jin. Running broad jump F. S. Donglass (scratch), 17ft. 9in. Running hijh jump F. S. Douglass, 5ft. Standing jump S. Levy (scratch), with a jump of 9ft. 4in.

The records committee of tho Irish Amateur Athletic Association recently met in Dublin, when some important business was transacted. The claim of P. Lawless that he threw the 161b hammer 124ft. 4in. at tbe Cork cycle sports, last September, was rejected, as it could not be proved that the hammer was weighed or meas- uied. The performance of J. P. Conneff, of 4m. 26 1-03., for a mile at the international meeting on July 7, 18S8, at Ballsbridge, was allowed. The record made by George Gray, of the New York Athletic Club, at putting the IGlb shot, was also accepted, as was likewise Dr. Daly'a performance in flincing the 59tb weight 26ft. lOJio. at the same meeting,

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We now have the soleagency for this most useful device for the protection of catchers and umpires. This body protector renders it im­ possible for the catcher to be injured while playing close to the batter. It is made of best rubber, inflated with air, is very light and pliable and tloes not interfere in any waj» with the movements of the wearer, either in running^ stooping or throwing. No catcher should be without one of these protectors. When not in use the air can be let out and the protector rolled ia very small space.

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At a recent meeting of the Haverford Col- leje Foot Ball Association the following officers were elected: President, Wm. Handy, '91; secretary and treasurer, Tbos. S. Gatis, '93;ground committee, Haley, '90; Blair, '91; Col- POPP MFfr fiO lins, '92, and Woolman, '93. S. Lloyd tirth _"_ ... -' .:. '' was elected manager of next year's team.

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Mailed to any part of the United Slates on Receipt of Price.

Tbese glovos are well-known, having been rued during the put season by llio i>ri.mtueut frofeflaional ba«e bull ptaycrt, and have whfre?er aliown and introduced b^eu consid­ ered nuequaled.

I consider yonr Decker Safety Catching Gloves DD. equalled. Ii in a K'O'O that ball players havn long needed. I iliall uae them in all the gaoiea I catch anot nc nimend them to all ba»e bill I'liije-B an tl:e lie«« gloioin the market. FRANK F. FLINT, (Old Silver),

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I consider the Decker fafely Catchlne Gloves to be the tell bull gloves manufactured, ai;d would recommend aud advise ali ballplayers to use tbern.

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laya. or