knowing god ayatullah ibrahim amini

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  • 8/10/2019 Knowing God Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini


    Knowing God Ayatullah Ibrahim AminiTranslator: Sayyid Athar Husain S. H. RizviPublisher: Ansariyan Publiations!irst "dition #$%% & %'(# & %()$*+ogh Press

    ,uantity: %$$$-o. *+ Pages: %/Size: %'/ 0 #%$ mmIS1-: )2/&)'%)&%2(&'


    3an is innately urious about 4auses5 and it is this same 6uality that has im7elled him to see8the origin or the 7rimary ause o+ e0istene. As +ar as God is onerned9 everyone see8s Himin a di++erent way. However9 to 7rove His e0istene9 the Glorious ,uran has taught us to use

    sim7le but strong reasonings. Among suh reasonings9 the ,uran has 7ut more stress on the4reasoning o+ order5. The 7roo+9 whih is attainable through study and ontem7lation in the

  • 8/10/2019 Knowing God Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini


    serets and wonders o+ reation and the tremendous harmony9 onord and onsistenyembedded in it.

    This wor89 through the 4reasoning o+ order5 deals with theology 8nowing god; and oneness9the attributes o+ God9 the di++erent ty7es o+ oneness and also ouths and Truths? with to7is suh as:Knowing God9 Resurretion9 Pro7hethood and the Pro7het o+ Islam9 Introdution to Islam9Rights and duties o+ @omen9 Imamate and the Imams9 >outh and S7ouse Seletion. All thesevolumes are written by Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini9 who has sueeded to author this olletion

    based on years o+ delving into religious te0ts and soures9 onstant ontat with the younggeneration and 7ondering over ideologial and eduational issues.


    The youth o+ today loo8s at the world and then at himsel+ through natural uriosity andin6uisitiveness and gradually 6uestions li8e: 4!rom have I ome59 4@here am I at 7resent5and 4@here am I headed5 ro7 u7 in his mindB 6ueries that in +at bear the sign o+ ontinuousenthusiasm and 7er7etual lamor o+ his inner onsiene.

    "very 8ind o+ re7ly to these 6ueries sha7es the belie+s +or him and also beomes the basis o+all individual and soial roles. I+ his re+letive 6ueries are re7lied with materialisti logi9 his

    behavior will ta8e di++erent material sha7es or he would develo7 invalid belie+s9 but i+ it is onthe basis o+ divine logi9 all beings +or him C +rom all 7eo7le and the world C will be having

    an aim and meaning and the logi will be strethed to 7er+etion o+ man.

    That is why one should be wath+ul so that the natural and inevitable 6ueries o+ youth aboute0istene and its aims and a+ter that his duties in this world are answered 7ro7erly so that he isnot deviated and that his natural and mental needs are +ul+illed in the right manner.

    ,uran and traditions have through logial and sensible re7lies have made the views o+ maninlined to ta8e the sha7e o+ logial belie+s9 3uslim intelletuals have also with the hel7 o+these teahings 7ut +orth these +irm and attrative argumentations and in this manner in thesystem o+ Islami belie+s9 basi 6uestions o+ man9 have been given +irm and logial re7liesB

    but this great sholasti and 7hiloso7hial heritage9 in writings and s7eehes o+ 7eo7le who

    re+let9 is sometimes +ull o+ tehnial and om7le0 terms in suh a way that it is very di++iultto be understood by laymen and es7eially the youth o+ today.

    His "minene9 Ayatullah Amini9%who has sine many years9 due to his insight o+ religiouste0ts and soures and his ontinuous ontats with the youth and onern about their religious

    %Dstad Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini was born in %($' Solar year in -a

  • 8/10/2019 Knowing God Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini


    and training 7roblems has written a number o+ boo8sB inluding the si0&volume >outh andbelie+s9 whih is written in a luid and organized logial mannerB om7rising o+ the +ollowing:Knowing God9 Resurretion9 Pro7hethood and the Pro7het o+ Islam9 Knowing Islam9 utiesand Rights o+ @omen9 Imamate and the Holy Imams a.s.;. @ithout any doubt9 the youth o+today an easily derive the re7lies to all his 6uestions +rom these boo8s.


    The li+e o+ man an be divided into +our 7eriods: hildhood9 youth9 middle age and old age.!rom these9 youth is the most sensitive and valuable 7eriod9 sine the hild does not reah

    7hysial and s7iritual stage where heshe an be entrusted with res7onsibilitiesB and that iswhy the res7onsibility o+ his ontrol and u7bringing is entrusted to the 7arents. The old age isalso the age o+ wea8ness9 hel7lessness and need+ulness. He should either de7end on hissavings +rom the 7eriod o+ his youth or in order to assure them he should de7end on hishildren or assistane +rom haritable organizations.

    Although man in his middle age9 has the strength to wor8 and ma8e e++ort and to +ul+ill thedaily needs o+ his li+e and has +oresight about the needs o+ his old age9 but suess in thismatter de7ends on orret use o+ his youth. There+ore the most sensitive and valuable 7eriodo+ the li+e o+ man is his youth. Physial maturity9 bodily strength and mental a7aities o+ theyouth reah to suh a level that he an with +oresight ma8e e++ort to ae7t his 7resent and

    He studied Philoso7hy under the tutorshi7 o+ Allamah Tabatabai. In addition to theduties o+ teahing

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    +uture res7onsibilities and 7re7are himsel+ +or the +uture li+e and his role o+ a res7onsiblemember o+ soiety. The s7eial 6ualities o+ the youth an be said to be as +ollows:

    Physial +itness9 bodily strength9 onstitution9 movement9 intelligene and strong memory9rela0ation and rest9 great ourage9 high ho7es9 a7ability o+ reation and initiative9

    truth+ulness and well&wishing9 inner 7urity and leanness. Although all youth are not same inhaving these values9 on the ontrary there is di++erene among them9 but all o+ them havethese blessings mostly during their youth. The meri+ul God has blessed youth with all this sothat with great ourage9 +oresight and struggle and e++ort he may obtain suess and +ortune+or himsel+B but i+ he is shortoming in this im7ortant thing and wastes his valuable li+e inarelessness and valuelessness9 he would regret it later9 when regret would not be o+ any use.

    Amirul 3omineen a.s.; said:

    There are two things whose value is not 8nown to man9 e0e7t a+ter he loses themB youth andhealth.#

    The 3essenger o+ Allah S; said:

    *n udgment ay9 man would not ta8e any ste7 till he is not as8ed: How did you s7end yourli+e and how did you use u7 your youth(

    The 3essenger o+ Allah S; said to Abu harr:

    alue +ive things be+ore +ive others: youth be+ore old age9 health be+ore si8ness9 wealthbe+ore 7overty9 rela0ation be+ore being ou7ied and li+e be+ore death.'

    >ouths should 8now the value o+ youth and they should gain as muh as they an +rom it. Andi+ not they would +all into serious and irredeemable dangersB at that time regret would be o+ nouse. >ouths in this 7artiular time have three main res7onsibilities9 whih we shall mention in

    brie+ below:

    !irst duty: Per+et are about 7hysial +itness and health o+ the body and 7hysial and s7iritual+aulties. Health is among the greatest divine bounties and valuable treasure trove o+ li+e. Eosso+ health is the greatest lossB it destroys om+ort and 7leasure o+ man and it 7revents him +romstruggle and vigor in ahieving great aims.

    Imam a5+ar Sadi6 a.s.; said:

    There are +ive things +rom whih i+ one loses even one9 his whole li+e would beomede+etive9 he would lose his sense and would always be an0iousB the +irst o+ them is 7hysialhealth.L

    The 3essenger o+ Allah S; said:

    #Ghurarul Hi8am9 Pg. '%'.(Tari8h >a6ubi9 ol. #9 Pg. )$.'1iharul Anwar9 ol. /%9 Pg. %2(.L1iharul Anwar9 ol. /%9 Pg. %2%.

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    There are two bounties9 whose value is not 8nown to man: seurity and wel+are9

    Amirul 3omineen a.s.; said:

    Poverty is a alamity and the worst 7overty is 7hysial illness9 and the worst 7hysial illness

    is the disease o+ onsiene.2

    The youth are s7eially advised: That they should try to observe hygiene and in nutrition theyshould be more onerned with +ul+illment o+ the needs o+ the bodyB they must re+rain +romeating to satiation. They must also 8ee7 away +rom naroti substanes. They should slee7only as muh as is needed. They must never give u7 e0erises and wal8ing. They must alsoavoid lust and sensual deviations as it leads to damage o+ your body9 nerves and your soul.

    Seond duty: etermination and 7lanning +or the +uture. "very man should ado7t anou7ation so that through it he may be able to +ul+ill the needs o+ his li+e and that he may livea res7etable and suess+ul li+e and that he may also serve others. He should 7re7are the

    auses and 7re+aes o+ his +uture ou7ation in his youth. The youth an selet one o+ thesetwo 7aths to enter the soiety: "ither they an hoose an inde7endent ou7ation9 whih are o+numerous 8inds.

    Although some o+ them are more or less need 7ratie and s8ills9 but they do not re6uireuniversity eduation9 whih re6uires s7ending the best days o+ the li+e or inurring highe07enses. The seond o7tion is to get admission in the university and study +or degrees in thehosen +ield.

    A+ter that one should hoose a 7ro+ession9 whether it be management9 s8ill based or sienti+iBalthough in ase he has hosen an a77ro7riate line o+ wor8. How nie it would be i+ in the

    beginning o+ their lives all youths hoose one o+ the above 7aths a+ter 8ee7ing in view their7hysial a7abilities9 intelligene and memory9 +amily 7ossibilities and their own +uture a+teronsidering the o7tions and through ounseling and +oresight.

    Third duty: Researh and study in religious belie+s. The youth who during his hildhood haslived in a religious atmos7here at home would naturally be well versed in religious belie+s andhabitual in 7er+orming religious rituals. *r i+ he has learnt those things in the religious shool+or hildren9 a+ter maturity he will reall his 7ast training9 whih would ma8e him inlined toreligion. -ow in his youth9 he will either loo8 at them with a +resh 7ers7etive or avoid themom7letely.

    At that time he would be +aed with 6uestions li8e the +ollowing: @here have I ome +romand who has reated me @hat was the aim o+ my reation o I have some duties towardsmy reator9 or I am +ree to do what I li8e And i+ some duties are im7osed on me9 what arethose !rom whom should I learn about my duties

    @hat are its onditions and 6ualities @here am I headed and what would my destiny be a+terdeath @ould I be answerable +or the way I lived in the world I+ there e0ist suess andmis+ortune and reward and 7unishment in the world a+ter death9 what is the 7ath to gainsuess and avoid mis+ortune Suh 6uestions and tens li8e it ome u7on the lear andilluminated mind o+ the youth and em7hatially demand re7lies.

    1iharul Anwar9 ol. /%9 Pg. %2$.21iharul Anwar9 ol. /%9 Pg. %2L.

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    Providing orret and satis+atory re7lies o+ these 6uestions to the youth is very im7ortant andinstrumental in sha7ing his +uture9 beause it is through these very re7lies that the 7rogram o+li+e o+ the youth and a+ter it an be organized and be +ollowed with ertainty and he an treadthe 7ath o+ suess in li+e and herea+ter and also ontinue to have 7eae o+ mind. 1ut i+ he

    +ails to obtain the orret re7lies to these 6uestions9 he would +all into very grave andirredeemable dangers and he would regret in the last moments o+ his li+e or a+ter deathB whenregret would be o+ no use at all.

    There+ore9 it is most im7ortant +or the youth to researh and study about religious belie+s andto get orret and satis+atory re7liesB es7eially in this age when religious belie+s and eventheir laws are ridiuled at by the enemies o+ Islam through modern ommuniation tehni6uesand 7ro+usion o+ doubts and obouth need serious guidane and reliable soures +or this researh and study and the mostim7ortant o+ them are boo8s. Sine a long time9 +ortunate 3uslim intelletuals have written

    numerous good and detailed boo8s on di++erent to7is o+ Knowing God9 general and s7eial7ro7hethood9 resurretion9 laws o+ 7hiloso7hy9 laws o+ Imamate9 but most o+ them are di++iult+or youth9 sine most o+ them are in Arabi and others are laes with 7hiloso7hial andsholasti terms9 and are so lengthy that the youth annot muster enough time to 7eruse them.

    Some o+ them ontain suh dubious matters that they tend to ma8e them +all into moredoubts. To solve this 7roblem9 I have written a series o+ boo8s o+ medium level on religious

    belie+s in aordane with the understanding o+ youth and time available to them. 1oo8s onvarious to7is are 7re7ared in this series: The volumes are Knowing God9 Resurretion in,uran9 Pro7hethood and the Pro7het o+ Islam general and s7eial 7ro7hethood;9Dnderstanding Islam9 Dnderstanding the duties and rights o+ women and Imamate and theImams.

    In om7iling the above titles9 the +ollowing 7oints were 8e7t in view:

    Sim7le language9 brevity and lear reasoning C we have re+rained +rom using di++iult7hiloso7hial and sholasti arguments. @e have also re+rained +rom disussing wea8 andbaseless 7oints. oubt+ul and debatable matters are avoided. @e have de7ended mostly onverses o+ ,uran and traditions and tried not to mention unim7ortant matters.

    @e ho7e these boo8s would be really bene+iial and e++etive in strengthening religious

    belie+s o+ our dear youth.

    Ibrahim Amini


    Materialistic and Religious World View; Effects and Consequences

    @ho am I @here have I ome +rom Have I ome on my own and would I go awayautomatially *r it is someone else who has brought me and he would also ta8e me away

    @hat is my +uture and where am I headed...@ould death be the end o+ my li+e *r there is

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    li+e a+ter death as well...Has this great universe ome into being automatially and byaident or it is having a reator And so on.

    Suh ty7es o+ 6uestions arise +or every sensible man9 es7eially during the 7eriod o+ youthand he tries to obtain their orret re7lies and satis+y his uriosity.

    1elievers and disbelievers have re7lies to the above 6uestion that we 7resent here:

    World in the view of elievers

    The believer onsiders the world to be a ontinuous9 arranged and om7atible olletion9whih has not ome into being on its ownB on the ontrary it is reated by the wise and

    7ower+ul reator and it is Him that manages it.

    The world with a series o+ 7reise laws and stable system has its soure in the wisdom andintention o+ the Almighty Allah9 who ontrols and guards it. And i+ the +avors and blessings o+the Almighty Allah had not been there it would not have survived +or even a single moment. A

    believer has +aith that the world is an organized and aimed system whih has ome intoe0istene through the wise ommand o+ the Almighty Allah and everything is good in itsel+and this 7reise and harmonious system is moving to a higher aim.

    In view o+ a believer man9 e0isting things o+ the world are need+ul o+ a reator +or theirreation and survival. I+ the grae o+ the Almighty Allah had not been there9 they would nothave ome into e0istene and i+ His +avor had not been there they would not have endured.ue to this9 the believer onsiders every e0isting thing to be a sign o+ the grae and mery o+the Eord o+ the worlds.

    End of ife

    A believer does not regard death as annihilation and end o+ li+eB on the ontrary he onsidersdeath to be a trans+er to the everlasting abode o+ the herea+ter and the beginning o+ a neweverlasting li+e. The man o+ +aith believes that li+e in this world is not without aimB on theontrary it is the 7eriod o+ oming and nurturing o+ the soul and a time +or obtaining

    7rovisions +or the herea+ter.

    The believer is o+ the view that the righteous and the wi8ed are not same and both wouldde+initely see the +ruits o+ their deeds: the Almighty Allah would reward the good deeds o+

    righteous and they would ou7y the everlasting abode with 7erennial ha77iness in theherea+ter. *n the other hand9 the wi8ed would also reeive the 7unishment o+ their vile deedsand have a very di++iult li+e in that world.

    The believer onsiders suess o+ his +uture as the +ruits o+ his deeds9 harater9 words andgood morals and is always trying to 7re7are the means o+ his suess in the herea+ter andma8es e++orts to 8ee7 away +rom evil and wi8edness.

    Creator of the !niverse

    The believer man has +aith in the being o+ the Almighty Allah and onsiders Him as thereator9 owner and ontroller o+ all the worlds and reatures. In belie+ o+ the +aith+ul9 thegreatest being9 who is 8nown as 4Allah5 has reated this world and it is Him that administers it

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    and that He is wise9 7ower+ul9 meri+ul and eternal. Aording to the man o+ belie+9 Allah isthe soure o+ all goodness and 7er+etions.

    And that He is absolutely Sel+&su++iient while the universe and His reatures are always inneed o+ Him. It is Him that 7rotets the universe and reatures and maintains them. It is Him

    that sa+eguards the earth and the s8ies and even i+ He uts o++ His mery +rom them +or amoment9 all o+ them would be annihilated. He is with everything and everyone and is 7resenteverywhere and nothing and no one is e6ual or li8e Him.


    In the view o+ the believer9 7ro7hets are human beings who are absolutely 7ure and 7er+et inevery as7et and who are hosen to guide man8ind to the 7ath o+ 7er+etion. It is so beausethe @ise Eord has not abandoned human beings in a ondition o+ 7er7le0ity and ignorane.*n the ontrary9 He sent His in+allible 7ro7hets to them and entrusted them with the 7rogram+or individual9 soial9 7olitial9 material9 s7iritual and worldly9 other&worldly li+e so that theymay guide the human beings and onvey to them the li+e&giving and 7raiseworthy 7rogram.

    @here have I ome +rom9 where am I at 7resent9 and where am I going

    The all&8nowing and all&7ower+ul Eord by His grae and 8indness has reated me in the mostbeauti+ul reation @here have I ome +rom;.

    I am in a 7assing and a hanging world9 whih the wise Eord has reated and manages it too. Ilive in this world so that with the guidane o+ divine 7ro7hets and their suessors I maynurture mysel+ and my human morals and 7er+etions and that I should be 7re7ared +or the

    suess o+ an everlasting li+e and unlimited bounties o+ the herea+ter @here am I at 7resent;.I am heading on the 7ath to the world o+ 7ermanene and 7er7etuity in the herea+ter and thereI would be reom7ensed +or my deeds. eath is not the end o+ li+e9 on the ontrary it istrans+er +rom the li+e o+ the world and the beginning o+ another new li+e @here am I going;.

    World in the view of non#believers

    @ho am I @hat duties are im7osed on me @hat is my origin and who has brought me intoe0istene @here am I at 7resent and what was the aim o+ my arrival @here am I going andwhat would ha77en at the end o+ my li+e

    As we stated earlier9 suh 6uestions on+ront every 7erson and every sensible 7erson throughmental e++ort and his uriosity wants to obtain the orret re7lies and to satis+y his onsiene.Indeed9 these 6uestions also on+ront the non&believers. 1ut they do not ontem7late u7onthem in the 7ro7er wayB they do not em7loy their reason and thin8ing in the right wayregarding these basi matters.

    Attahment to worldly matters and sel+ish desires ast a veil on their insight and reasonB toomuh o+ 7leasure see8ing 8ee7s them ou7ied and ma8es them oblivious o+ the truth. Theyavoid ontem7lating on this im7ortant matter and even when they have the o77ortunity andhear the all o+ their onsiene9 they hange their mind and even deeive themselves andassure themselves through on

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    Who am I$

    I am an animal who named as 4man5 and I am li8e other beasts. I eat and drin8 and roam abouthere and there to +ul+ill my innate desires and needs. I am +ree +rom every restrition to satis+y

    my desiresB and as o77osed to higher beings9 I don5t have any res7onsibility and duty.

    Where have I come from$

    In re7ly to this 6uestion9 the disbeliever says on the basis o+ his de+etive notion9 that: I am amaterial being. -o one has reated me. I have not been reated by a onsious reator. I haveome into being through oinidene. It is not that a wise and a 7ower+ul reator has reatedme and my reation is aimless and without any 7ur7ose.

    Where am I$

    In a world9 whih is 7urely material9 aimless and unaware and be+ore e0isting things9 animalsand human beings who themselves are reated unaware and sine I am mysel+ aimless andon+used9 no awareness and aim is needed either in my reation or in the reation o+ theworld.

    Where am I going$

    To illness9 old age9 7ain9 wea8ness and +inally to annihilation and nothingness.

    Ei+e in the view o+ the disbeliever is as +ollows:

    It began with nothing9 it grows with unawareness and goes higher and higher till it leavesbehind hildhood9 during the youth his struture is at its 7ea8 and the youth lives in thehighest +ort o+ li+e. However9 it is a 7ity that this +orm and strength is soon a thing o+ 7ast anda+ter a short time9 man +alls into deadene9 7ain and then +alls to the lowest level. iseasesand di++iulties surround him9 the 7ower o+ youth gradually goes on dereasing and 7hysial+aulties reah their end. "yes9 ears and limbs beome wea8 and day by day beome useless.The 7eriod o+ the +ul+illment o+ base desires omes to an end and the 7eriod o+ wea8ness andold age begins. Fhildren and +riends beome un8ind and disloyal and leave him alone in his

    7roblemsMand +inally he moves towards nothingness and is buried under dustM

    The end o+ li+e in the view o+ the disbeliever is useless9 terrible and 7ain+ul li8e this. And whata dar8 end it isN The disbeliever believes that his end is deadene into a horrible nothingness.That is why during his li+etime9 he avoids the thought o+ death and when he is on+ronted by6uestions9 es7eially regarding li+e herea+ter and death9 he

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    sting him and serete 7oison and he ontinues to live in that 7ain and hastisement. How nieit had been i+ he had used the +aulty o+ reason and had obtained the right and satis+atoryre7lies.

    %ruits &f 'elief In (his ife

    !aith in the great reator o+ the world9 who is good9 8indB and +aith in resurretion andeverlasting li+e in the world o+ herea+ter9 a+ter death and +aith in 7ro7hethood and truth o+divine 7ro7hets im7arts +reshness9 beauty9 7urity9 illumination and a s7eial sort o+ontentment. @e would mention some o+ the +ruits o+ +aith in the +ollowing 7aragra7hs:

    )* +o"e

    A believer9 on the basis o+ +aith and the true 7romises that the Almighty Allah has made tohim9 his heart is always brimming with ho7e and antii7ation and is always ho7e+ul o+ His

    mery9 bene+iene and 8indness. A believer onsiders Almighty Allah as the most 7ower+ul9the most wise and the most 8ind and there+ore during di++iulties and hardshi7s he see8sre+uge +rom Him and as8s Him to +ul+ill his needs and is always in e07etation o+ the unseenhel7 o+ the Eord.

    A believer ma8es e++orts to solve his 7roblems but at the same time he is ertain that theAlmighty Allah is the hel7er o+ believers. A believer does not onsider himsel+ to be alone andhel7less in the worldB on the ontrary9 he is always +ull o+ ho7e and is ertain about reeivingdivine hel7. es7air and ho7elessness9 whih are the worst ty7es o+ irumstanes in theworld9 have no 7lae in the heart o+ the believer.

    @hy should he be ho7eless when he has +aith in a wise and a 7ower+ul Eord9 who is theowner o+ the e0isting world @hy should he des7air when he believes in a God9 to whom heis onnetedB who is the soure o+ all 7owers9 7er+etions and e0ellene He onsiders suh aGod as the su77orter o+ men who try to tread the 7ath o+ truth9 well&being and

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    A believer onsiders this world as the harvest +ield o+ the herea+ter and ta8es this world to be a7lae o+ e++orts and struggle and abode o+ develo7ing human 7er+etions9 so that he maybeome eligible +or suess in herea+ter. !or a believer9 this world is a 7lae +or 7er+orminggood deeds under the shade o+ belie+ in God9 and a medium o+ s7iritual maturity and

    7er+etion. He onsiders himsel+ to be res7onsible and is ontent that even his smallest deed

    would not remain without reom7ense. And that he would reeive om7lete rewards +or all hisdeeds in the herea+ter. -or is a believer a+raid o+ death9 on the ontrary he onsiders death inthe 7ath o+ Allah9 ihad +or Allah9 and martyrdom as the greatest blessing and he ae7ts itwillingly and eagerly9 so that he may be able to live +orever in the neighborhood o+ divinemery and near the righteous servants o+ the Almighty Allah.

    A believer does not onsider this li+e to be aimless and he does not +eel any aimlessnessB onthe ontrary9 he onsiders it to be a 7eriod o+ his 7er+etion and sel+&building and to gaineligibility +or suess in herea+ter. There+ore it is this o7timism9 whih im7els him to ma8ee++orts to 7er+et his sel+ to obtain rewards o+ his good deeds and 7er+ets his sel+ in servingothers.

    A believer does not onsider righteousness9 truth+ulness9 trustworthiness9 doing good toothers9

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    3an is always on+ronted by di++erent 7roblems individual9 soial9 moral9 7olitial andM;that he is om7elled to selet a stane and deide on a 7ro7er reation to them. I+ he has +aithin religion and orret belie+9 he derives his duty +rom that shoolB he is lear about his dutiesand had no doubt and hesitation about them at all. I+ he does not have +aith in any shool o+thought9 he would be on+used about 7er+orming his duties and he would always be 7ulled

    here and there.

    The believer: He is having servitude sinere worshi7; and s7eial submissionB he has ta8enhis 7ath9 aim and stane +rom God and His 7ro7hets and is +ollowing a s7eial 7rogram. Andin every new irumstane9 he derives his duty +rom the religion o+ God divine 7rogram; and+ul+ills his duty with o7timism9 satis+ation and interestB and sine he has 7er+et +aith in hishosen 7ath and aim9 he ma8es sari+ies in order to +ul+ill his duties and with inlination andeagerness hastens to welome martyrdom.

    A believer onsiders himsel+ and the whole world to be owned by the Almighty Allah and has+aith that sine Allah9 the 3ighty and Sublime has bestowed suess and 7er+etion to man9

    He has sent to him the 7rogram o+ suess religion; through the 7ro7hets and has given himthe hoie to at u7on it. A believer has +aith that his obediene o+ laws o+ religion willonvey him to de+inite suess. He onsiders himsel+ to be having +reedom o+ hoie andres7onsibility o+ his +uture and with 7er+et ertainty and without any doubt or 7er7le0ity and+rom the as7et o+ insight o+ his duties that he has ta8en +rom his religion and shool and onwhih he ats.

    However9 what is the ondition o+ the disbeliever Sine he did not ae7t truth and had no+aith in any religion9 he is always on+used and in doubtB he does not 8now whih 7ath tohoose and in whih diretion he should move. He is a 7risoner o+ sel+ish desires andsensualityB sometimes he is 7ulled in one diretion and sometimes in the other. @hiheverway he hooses and whihever wor8 he begins9 he has no ertainty whether it is in his interestor harm+ul to him.

    He is not able to hoose and +ollow a lear aim whih would guarantee his genuine suesssine he did not ae7t Allah and the religion o+ Allah. *ther shools deeived him and sinehe did not ae7t the right guidane o+ the 7ro7hets and divine saints9 he was tra77ed byim7osters9 heaters and liars.

    0* 1atisfaction

    The believer has the ognition o+ his God and has 7er+et +aith in his 8nowledge9 7ower9mery and grae. He onsiders the Almighty to be master and owner o+ all e0isting things and8nows that His 7ower and will is in +ore everywhere. He onsiders Allah to be 7resenteverywhere and that He is aware o+ everything. A believer has +aith that God intends well&

    being o+ man and that He is bene+ient and meri+ul and never de7rives them o+ His blessings.

    That is why he has 7eae o+ mind and has no worry and an0iety. The remembrane o+ God iswith him and he is always inlined to Him. The believer has entrusted the boat o+ hise0istene to the Almighty Allah and he has +aith that He would ta8e him through allwhirl7ools9 horri+ying waves and storms and +inally give him deliverane. And he is sure toreah the ban8s o+ suess in the end.

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    The believer is ognizant o+ the aim o+ his li+e and is on+ident o+ his destination that i+ hewal8s on that 7ath he would de+initely reah his aim and everlasting suess. There+ore he has

    7eae o+ mind and a dee7 on+idene in it. @hy should he not be on+ident9 when he is havingthe Almighty Allah as his su77ortB the God who is the soure o+ all goodness @hy should hehave any worry9 when he is sure that he is having the unseen hel7 o+ the Eord and that he is

    not hel7less and alone

    1ut what is the ondition o+ the disbeliever In his view9 this world and its 7henomena areli8e a sea raging with storms9 in whih waves o+ hardshi7s o+ alamites atta8 +rom everydiretion. -either he has a shi7 whih might save him and nor is there any aware and aringsavior +or him. The 7henomena o+ the world in his view are unrelated9 aimless and ha7hazard.The disbeliever +inds himsel+ to be wea8 and hel7less in this stormy sea and he is surrounded

    by waves +rom all sides. He is an e0hausted swimmer who does not see any +avorable andstrong saviorB he sha8es due to the surging o+ waves and onsiders every all to be a all o+the enemy and there is nothing with whih he an assure himsel+.

    In suh a way that he sees himsel+ e07osed to death and destrution. How an he rest in 7eaewhen the de7ths o+ his heart are +ull o+ grie+9 sorrows9 de+eats9 enmities9 malie9 +ear o+diseases9 7overty9 indi++erene9 un8indness9 +ear o+ old age and deathM How an thedisbeliever have 7eae @hen he has not managed to 7roure +or himsel+ a 7ower+ul and+avorable re+uge +or himsel+ in the world on whih he ould have relied and through whih heould have om+orted his an0ious heart.

    Sine the disbeliever does not have a true and strong belie+9 he also does not have a right anddetermined aim in his li+e so that he may ma8e ontinuous e++orts in that 7ath. 1eause heonsiders himsel+ and worldly 7henomena to be aimless9 how an he hoose a valuableestablished aim How an he om+ort himsel+ when he believes that the +inal end would beaom7anied with destrution and annihilation Sine the disbeliever has no +aith in the worldo+ the herea+ter9 he sees his +uture to be dar8B he trembles at the thought o+ death and alwayslives in an0iety.

    2* Patience and .etermination

    3an9 throughout his li+e is surrounded by di++iulties9 hardshi7s9 sorrows9 7ains9 de7rivations9+ailures9 illnesses9 wea8ness andMis on+ronted by the 6uestion that how their ourrenea++ets his li+e in retributive manner. Some o+ these 7henomena are 7reventable and some arenot9 some aidents that our are suh that they are redeemable and some are not and in all

    these stages and in bearing all these things9 the believer and disbeliever would not be same.

    The believer9 who is su77orted by strength o+ +aith and gains +rom guidane o+ 7ro7hets9would be better than others in 7reventing these aidents and in dereasing their number. Inthe same way9 the believer with regard to events that ome to 7ass and are urable through thehel7 o+ the unlimited divine 7ower and su77ort o+ unseen hel7s9 and with 7atiene and+orbearane is best to +ind the solution o+ those 7roblems and to ma8e e++orts in this regardB+rom this as7et he is better than others to over7ower the di++iulties and hardshi7s o+ li+e.

    Sine the believer has a lear aim and religious 7ers7etive9 he ma8es e++orts to +ul+ill hisduties in all irumstanes and he an be more determined than others in +ae o+ hardshi7s

    and to solve those 7roblems. In this 7ath he is not +ear+ul o+ any 7ower and is +irm li8e amountain.

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    @hat is the stane o+ a believer with regard to events whih are normally unavoidableHa77enings li8e old age9 inurable diseases9 oinidenes9 un+oreseen events9 sudden deathso+ relatives are ommonB the religious +aith o+ man ma8es him stead+ast in these alamities.The believer is so 7atient and +orbearing in these irumstanes that it seems they are 7leasant


    The believer 8nows that worldly inidents are not without any alulation or 7rogram and inase man treads the 7ath o+ +ul+illing his duties9 he an bene+it +rom all 7leasant andun7leasant events in order to 7er+et his sel+ and moral 6ualities to ahieve suess in theherea+ter.

    A believer is suh that in all these inidents he assumes a stane o+ absolute serenity and issatis+ied and 7atient with divine destiny and believes that this 7atiene and satis+ation9 alongwith e++orts and struggle would lead to the develo7ment o+ sel+ and maturity o+ his 7ersonale0ellenesB and he does not 7ay attention to any harm9 beause he would be rewarded by the

    meri+ul Eord in the herea+ter +or his 7atiene9 ontentment9 e++orts and struggle.

    It is due to this +aith and belie+ that a believer welomes hardshi7s and alamities with o7enarms and does not om7lain in any wayB he is more stable than a mountain and as muh as hean he tries to solve those 7roblems.

    Summarily9 the believer on the basis o+ his +aith in Allah and the world o+ herea+ter9 his +aithin divine 7ro7hets9 and deriving the 7rogram o+ his li+e +rom the 7ro7hets and their suessors9is having the +ollowing 6ualities:

    %. He is in ontrol o+ his 7assions and sel+ish desires and is 7atientB there+ore he re+rains +romations9 whih may ause de+eat9 disgrae and mis+ortune.

    #. @ith on+idene that he is having the unseen hel7 o+ the Eord o+ the worlds9 he is 7atient inma8ing e++orts to +ul+ill his obligations and is 7atient in his struggles and e++ortB he on+rontsthe di++iulties o+ li+e with 7erseverane and stead+astness.

    (. He on+ronts the hardshi7s and tries to solve them with 7atiene and om7letestead+astness.

    '. In +ae o+ e0tremely serious di++iulties9 he does not lose his sel+&ontrol and is 7atient and

    +orbearing +or the sa8e o+ divine 7leasure and 7ro0imity to God.

    'ut What Is (he Condition &f (he .isbeliever$

    How an a disbeliever have suh 7atiene and stead+astness @hen he has not gained +romthe +ruits o+ the lo+ty tree o+ +aithB the disbeliever is a a7tive o+ base sel+ish desires and thesedesires 7ull him all the time. The disbeliever is degraded be+ore his sel+ish desires and heannot ontrol them 7ro7erly and is unable to gain immunity +rom deviation. A disbelieverdoes not have any 7oint o+ reliane when on+ronted with hardshi7s that he ould be stead+astBand that is why he loses his 7atiene and stead+astness when surrounded by di++iulties andhardshi7s and des7airs o+ ahieving the aim. The disbeliever loses his 7atiene and

    stead+astness in +ae o+ unavoidable di++iulties9 li8e old age and some diseases and near todeath or at the death o+ his relatives or loss o+ 7ro7erty. He +inds that no avenues is o7en +or

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    him and he +alls into grie+ and sorrow and is seen om7laining about it +ervently. There+orethe disbeliever is very muh disgusted and an0ious when suh inidents our but he annotdo anything.

    The disbeliever who had no aim in his li+e9 e0e7t the +ul+illment o+ base desires9 worldly

    suess and eating9 drin8ing and slee7ingMhow an he remain 7atient and stead+ast in thehardshi7s and sorrows o+ li+e that be+all everyone

    3* 1afet/ &f (he 'od/ And 1oul

    Sine the believer ste7s +orward +rom the as7et o+ insight and bases his ations on the+oundation o+ ertainty in Allah and truth+ulness o+ His 7romise he has more 7eae o+ mindand is less a++lited with diseases o+ the soul. He does not lose ontrol o+ himsel+ and does notallow himsel+ to beome an0ious and worried and as a result9 he is sa+e +rom some 7hysialdiseases9 whih are also auses o+ s7iritual illnesses. 1y the strength o+ +aith and attention tovalues o+ +aith9 the ure o+ believing 7ersons is +aster than others9 beause the soul and bodyhave om7limentary in+luene on eah other.

    3oreover9 sine the believer has aess to the +irm guidane o+ divine 7ro7hets with regard tothe sa+ety o+ body and soul9 he believes in their well&beingB he ma8es use o+ those instrutionsand in this way assures the health o+ his body and soul.

    1ut what is the ondition o+ the disbeliever Sine the disbeliever does not have +aith in thewise and 7ower+ul God9 and onsiders the e0istene o+ his sel+ and the whole world asaimless9 he has a +eeling o+ hollowness9 aimlessness and on+usion. That is why he is notstead+ast and does not have ontentment o+ the soul and the most insigni+iant aident tends

    to ast him into des7air and an0iety and also leads to the worst 7hysial ailments. In the sameway9 it is 7ossible that wea8ness o+ soul may lead to sin+ulness so that he may oneal hisinner worry and a77rehension. The disbeliever is more 7rone to diseases o+ the soul9 an0ietyand inner a77rehension as well as 7hysial diseases.

    Also9 the disbeliever does not have +aith in guidane o+ 7ro7hets based on the +irm message o+God with regard to 7hysial and s7iritual health and the most bene+iial manners that

    believers usually +ollow. They have no +aith in themB there+ore they give u7 ho7e in +ae o+7roblems and hardshi7s and most +all into diseases o+ the soul or the body.

    4eed &f Choosing A Correct World View

    The 7eriod o+ youth and maturity is a very sensitive and ruial 7eriod +or ma8ing the +uture.As i+ it is a 7eriod o+ the beginning o+ a new li+e. In this stage9 the intelletual a7aity andthin8ing 7ower develo7s leading to +irm belie+s in the +uture. And the youth should besensitive +or the +uture during this 7eriod and they should hal8 out a 7lan +or themselves.Eosing this valuable o77ortunity would ma8e them su++er an irredeemable harm9 beause theo77ortunity 7asses and the age whih has gone by does not ever ome ba8.

    3an is a sensible being having +oresight and he annot9 li8e 7ure beasts9 +ollow his sel+ishdesires. He is su77osed to ma8e use o+ his reasoning ability and should identi+y his duties inthis world. He must +ollow the 7ath o+ humanity and ahieve his real suess. A man withintelligene and +oresight does not waste the valuable o77ortunity o+ his li+e9 but onsiders

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    two things neessary +or himsel+ and tries to ahieve them: thirdly orret belie+9 organizedand aounted 7rogram.

    The youth is su77osed to use this o77ortunity9 and to identi+y the real aim o+ li+e and ma8e a+irm determination +or his +utureB he should tread the 7ath o+ his atual suess and should

    wal8 on it with awareness and 7er+et insightB and he should ma8e e++orts to +ul+ill his aim.

    1ut it is lear that hoosing a 7ro7er 7rogram and 7reise 7ath o+ suess de7ends on thebelie+ and world view o+ a 7erson. "very 7erson with regard to ognition and belie+ about theworld would identi+y the aim o+ li+e and the 7ath that he should tread and he should determinethe +uture and ma8e a 7rogram +or it. As muh 7er+et and orret are our ognitions about the

    basi 7roblems o+ the world o+ e0istene9 we an reognize the aim o+ li+e in a better way andan ma8e e++orts to at aording to that 7rogram in the best way. *n the other hand9 i+ ourognition about the basi matters o+ the world o+ e0istene world view; are wrong and weharbor invalid belie+s9 we would ma8e a mista8e in seleting the aim and 7ath and also the

    7rogram o+ the +uture and would +all into the bottomless abyss o+ destrution.

    There+ore9 the +irst need +or a man o+ +oresight is to strengthen the basis o+ belie+s and a rightworld view. "very sensible 7erson needs that in the +irst stage o+ li+e in his youth9 he shouldwor8 towards strengthening his belie+s and he should through reasoning and evidenes ma8ethe basis o+ his +aith strong. And through this he an save himsel+ +rom on+usion9 7er7le0ityand deviation.

    1asially researh and uriosity in e07osing the serets o+ the world is in the nature o+ a manwith insight. How an he ignore these natural desires and how an he satis+y his intellet I+he doesn5t9 what would be his su7eriority over other beasts

    What is World View$

    Reognition and imagination that man is +rom the world o+ e0istene is alled as 4worldview5. In other words9 4world view5 is that whih 7rovides 7ro7er re7lies to the +ollowing+undamental matters:

    Has this world ome into e0istene automatially or a higher being has reated it and whihontrols it I+ it has a reator9 what ty7e o+ e0istene does He have @hat 6ualities are 7resentin Him @hat is the aim in reating man and the world Is the li+e o+ man 7ermanent in thisworld or it is as suh in another world that is the world o+ the herea+ter where man is

    trans+erred a+ter death9 so that he may reom7ensed +or his deeds and behavior @hat ty7e o+a world is herea+ter9 Paradise and Hell @hat ty7e o+ an e0isting being man is And whata7aities are 7resent in him oes man have duties and res7onsibilities in this worldM

    Fan man9 in order to seure suess o+ his world and herea+ter arrange a 7er+et 7rogram *rit is neessary +or him to +ollow divine guides and 7rograms o+ 7ro7hets having ontats withdivine revelation @hat ty7e o+ 7ersons the 7ro7hets are and what 6ualities do they haveAndM

    @hether there is need o+ a 7erson who is aware and 7ower+ul and su77orted by 7ro7het andAlmighty Allah to assure orret a77liation o+ laws and rules o+ religion9 guidane o+ 7eo7le9

    guarding the soial system9 maintaining

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    Re7ly o+ 7eo7le to these ty7es o+ 6uestion is not similar. *n the ontrary every grou7 willgive their s7eial re7ly aording to its belie+ and world view. Their total re7lies sha7es asystem o+ thin8ing9 whih is named as world view.

    What is Ideolog/$

    A+ter seletion o+ the world view it is the turn o+ ideology/. Terminologially9 ideologyim7lies an organized and aimed 7rogram and a 7er+et guideline o+ li+e and a system o+thin8ing whih determines the duties o+ man.

    There+ore the term9 4world view5 is the +oundation and ideology is its 7rodutB that is seletiono+ an ideology de7ends on seletion o+ a world view. In +at9 world view is om7letereognition with regard to e0isteneB but ideology means reognition and awareness o+ duties9dos and don5ts and values.

    Re7lies to suh 6uestions are alled as ideology in terminology:

    @hat is our duty in this world @hat res7onsibility do we have In what at does the suessand real 7er+etion o+ man lies @hat are good deeds and what are bad deeds And...

    In what ations does the well&being o+ man lie @hih ats should we 7er+orm and whihshould we leave...

    4eed of stud/ and investigation

    Suh 6uestions arise +or all urious youths9 intelletual9 wisdom see8ers and see8ers o+ truth

    and demand a77ro7riate re7lies. >ouths9 during the 7eriod o+ in6uisitiveness and researh andduring the develo7ment o+ their o7inions and views are in the stage o+ onluding their +aithand belie+. That is why it is neessary that during this 7eriod9 they should have orret viewabout the world and should strengthen their belie+s. They should use their +oresight9 ma8einvestigations and derive satis+atory re7lies to all suh 6uestions.

    There+ore9 it is most neessary to obtain a orret and de+inite world view and a lear and a+irm ideology. Sine you are sensible and have +oresight and the in6uisitive intellet does notallow you to ignore these +undamental mattersB 7assing over these matters in a ursorymanner would lead man to +all into on+usion and 7er7le0ity and ma8es his li+e a dread+ulabyss o+ +utility and 7er7le0ity.

    Princi"les of World View

    /Ideology onsists o+ two Eatin words: IdeaO logy. Idea is in the meaning o+ view9 belie+ andimagination. Eogy is in the meaning o+ identity and study. There+ore ideology means theognition o+ belie+s and views and study into religious belie+s.

    -owadays in addition to its usual meaning it is also used in the sense o+ a system o+ viewsthat 7eo7le have about every as7et o+ human li+e. %. It almost means same as world view. #.System o+ thin8ing whih is a guideline +or li+e o+ man and whih s7ei+ies the dos anddon5ts and values and that is why it is onsidered to be an e++et o+ the world view. In this

    boo8 we have used the word o+ ideology in this sense.

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    Eet us one again revise the 6uestions that arise in the disussion o+ world view. @e andivide suh 6uestions into +our grou7s:

    %. ,uestions related to the beginning o+ e0istene and reator o+ universe and His 6ualities9and this disussion is alled 4Knowing God5.

    #. ,uestions related to the +uture o+ man and li+e a+ter death that is alled as 4Knowledge o+resurretion5.

    (. ,uestions related to needs o+ man o+ an organized 7rogram and need +or 7ro7hets and needo+ leadershi7 and their guidaneB whih is alled as 8nowledge o+ 7ro7hethood ormessengershi7.

    '. ,uestions related to the need o+ man +or guides o+ the Almighty Allah9 whose e0istene isneessary +or organization o+ an e6uitable soiety9 guarding and a77liation o+ heavenly lawsand guiding 7eo7le. This disussion is named as 8nowledge o+ reognizing the Imam.

    L. ,uestions related to 7rograms9 duties and religious res7onsibilities9 whih are sent through7ro7hets.

    1earch for 5od

    "ven history learly shows and it an be onluded through researh and investigation alsothat the man o+ the 7ast and even 7re&histori man was aware o+ a higher being who is namedas God or any other name; and he humbled be+ore Him and worshi77ed Him and 7er+ormedvarious rituals to see8 His 7leasure.

    -ow the 6uestion arises9 that how man in the beginning beame attentive to God @hat wasthe ause that turned his thin8ing to God @hih +ator made him inlined to go out in searho+ the reator o+ universe @hat is the aim and ause o+ this view 1asially whih +ator wase++etive in om7elling man to thin8 about God and God&worshi7 and to ontem7late on theselines

    Re7lies to these 6uestions are 7ossible i+ one 7uts in a little e++ort: Human beings 7ossess aninstint alled as the instint o+ +inding out the ause o+ every 7henomenon. Sine the +irstday9 man was aware o+ ausation and he searhed +or the ause o+ every 7henomenon andevery need+ul e0isting being. I+ he beame hungry9 he went in searh o+ +ood9 beause he

    onsidered eating as a ause o+ removal o+ hunger. I+ he beame thirsty9 he went in searh o+water9 as he onsidered drin8ing water to be the ause o+ removing thirst. I+ he heard a sound+rom behind the wall9 he beame ertain that it had a ause and went to +ind it. I+ he +ell ill9 he8new that it was as a result o+ a ause and he went out in searh o+ its ure. In order to esa7eold9 he too8 re+uge with heat9 sine he onsidered heat to be the ause o+ removing old.

    See8ing the ause and in6uisitiveness is 7laed in the nature o+ all human beings. "very manis always trying to beome aware o+ auses. There+ore9 with regard to every 7henomenon9 the6uestion9 =@hy and +or what reason? arises. He always tries to satis+y his sense o+ uriositythrough satis+atory re7lies.

    3an is basially a 4see8er o+ ause5 and he annot give u7 this instint or ignore it. All humanbeings C es7eially the earliest man C were having this natural instint. 3an lived in this

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    world and was on+ronted by inidents and astonishing 7henomenaB the hange o+ days andnights9 summer and winter9 movement o+ moon9 sun and stars9 7euliarities o+ animals and

    7lants9 lo+ty mountains9 vast seas9 +lowing water bodiesMhe saw all o+ this with his eyes and+ell into ontem7lation and as8ed himsel+: @hat is the ause o+ this world and who has

    brought it into e0istene This universe must de+initely be having a ause and the wise and

    7ower+ul reator has reated it and He is ontrolling it.

    In this way9 the earliest man beame ognizant o+ Almighty Allah and on+essed to hise0istene9 and humbled himsel+ be+ore His greatness and in brie+ it an be said that see8ingGod is in the nature o+ man.

    Although a grou7 has +allen into doubts and beame involved in worshi7 o+ +alse deities andgradually sun worshi79 moon worshi79 +ire worshi7 and star worshi7Malso a77eared inhuman beings.

    However the a77earane o+ +alse deities is itsel+ 7roo+ that man 7aid attention to his innate

    nature o+ see8ing ause and onluded that a ause was neessary to ontrol this world. 1ut he+ell into misunderstandings with regard to other as7ets and onsidered +alse gods to be theause and onsidered them as true reators9 and beame involved in their adoration.

    In short9 it an be said that man searhes +or the ause o+ all e0isting things and 7henomenathrough natural instint 7laed in his nature and in this way9 he reahes u7 to Almighty Allah9who is the +inal ause o+ all things and *ne to whom all are need+ul. In this way9 His being isrevealed to them and they begin to worshi7 Him.

    ,uran also onsiders see8ing God to be an innate nature and says:

    6789:< =>? @7 @: < =>? B D7 < 9

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    Evidences for eistence of 5od

    nowing 5od according to the +ol/ uran

    The Holy ,uran has used many sim7le and very basi tehni6ues to 7rove the e0istene o+

    GodB methods9 whih are nie as well as easy to understand +or everyone. This style is notom7le0 and di++iult li8e the reasonings em7loyed by 7hiloso7hy9 that it may not beunderstood by all. This most sim7le method does not re6uire 7re+aes and advaned learning.

    "very 7erson an bene+it +rom it in aordane with his or her awareness and 8nowledge. Thatsim7le and beauti+ul method is alled as 4evidene o+ order5 that awa8ens the innate natures o+see8ing God. There+ore study and ontem7lation on the serets and 7euliarities o+ the reatedworld is one o+ the best ways o+ 8nowing God.

    In a large number o+ verses9 ,uran has mentioned e0am7les o+ the astonishing as7ets o+universe and wants man to thin8 in the right way and to onlude the e0istene and being o+the Almighty Allah +rom the order and om7atibility. Aording to ,uran9 eah 7henomenono+ the world is a divine sign Ayah;. Ayah im7lies a sign or a mar8. I+ man sees the

    7henomena o+ the world as they are9 he would begin to believe in e0istene o+ their reatorBalthough ,uran is not a boo8 o+ natural siene that it may disuss serets o+ the 7henomenao+ the world in detail and e07ose them to man. 1ut it has mentioned in brie+ their astonishingas7ets only to 7rove the e0istene o+ the ma8er o+ Dniverse so that it may awa8en the mindso+ those who have the +aulty o+ thin8ingB and that it may all their attention so that they maydisuss and be urious about the e07osition o+ astonishing serets o+ -ature and in this waythey may begin to have +aith in the reator o+ the world. In addition to this9 they may also

    bene+it to seure the needs o+ li+e and inhabit the world.

    That is why it an be said that the siene o+ 8nowing man9 8nowing animals9 8nowing 7lants98nowing lands9 8nowing s7ae9 7hysis and hemistry are the best ways to 8now God.

    In the Holy ,uran9 there are numerous verses whih mention e0am7les o+ the astonishingas7ets o+ reation whih awa8en the nature o+ man to see8 God9 so that he may begin to have

    belie+ in the e0istene o+ a wise and a 7ower+ul reator through his onsiene. So that he maysee the reator o+ the world with the eyes o+ his onsiene and that he may beome attahedto Him. These verses an be divided into di++erent grou7s and eah o+ them tal8 o+ one

    7artiular as7et:

    A Verses that em"hasie contem"lation on the creation of manThe Almighty Allah says in ,uran:

    : :x\< Q=? K< : 9>yz =? B: 8>

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    ?>G77N> Q: ? Y9

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    #. Human beings are reated in 7airs so that they might re7rodue and also derive om+ort+rom eah otherB and God has 7ut love and mery amongst them9 whih is one o+ the divinesigns.

    (. He reated human beings in various olors and raes9 who s7ea8 di++erent languages and

    this is also a remar8able sign and it is worth ontem7lation.

    '. In the beginning man was not aware o+ anything and he leant everything +rom eyes9 earsand other senses and onsiene. And this too is an astonishing sign worth ontem7lation andstudy.

    L. Slee79 rest and willingness to obtain livelihood is also a great divine sign.

    I+ man loo8s at his beauti+ul struture and 7onders well on the e0traordinary system and itsastonishing as7ets9 he would onlude that it has not ome into being on its own byoinidene. *n the ontrary it has a wise and a 7ower+ul reator.

    ' Verses that em"hasie contem"lation on creation of "lants fruits andhuman foods

    The Almighty Allah says in the Holy ,uran:

    B< : K< j:?\< Q: {7 \:_> Z7?\: F< 7 >: j \

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    Then let man look to his food, that We .our down the water, .ouring "it' down in

    a(undance, then We cleave the earth, cleaving "it' asunder, then We cause to grow therein

    the grain, and and clover, and the olive and the .alm, And thick gardens, And fruits

    and her(age, a .rovision for you and for your cattle)! "28:*#4$*'

    And He says:

    U< GD7 <

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    [7 ? p< @< Z> k7=>? K< : jD< =?K< : 8>9=? : 9 ?K< H: > J>< ?K< L: G< ? O: 9>F< Y: U :B< 8>? : j< N =>?K< : ? : \:y> k< ? : :j8 ? B< :

    U< G97:> Q7=>? 677 = : L: \

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    Human body also is unable to survive all by itsel+. *n the ontrary9 it de7ends on variousother e0isting things li8e water9 air and di++erent ty7es o+ nourishmentsB trees9 7lants andanimalsB and also various natural minerals o+ the earth. He annot live without them and he isalso de7endent on the heat and light o+ the sun9 the orderly movement o+ the earth and therotation o+ the days and night and the di++erent seasons.

    So muh so9 that you would say that all o+ them sha7e a single real entity in whih 7er+etion9organization and om7atibility is maintained. Eoo8 at this great boo8 o+ reationB that is thisworld9 are+ully and ta8e note o+ its searhing and beauti+ul wordsB you would de+initely seeoordination and system in them. @hat do you see >ou would well understand that this greatreation has not ome into being by oinidene and without any obou would onlude the world is a reation o+ a

    wise and 7ower+ul being9 who reated it with a 7artiular aim and who is also ontrolling it.>ou would see this system everywhereB every 7henomenon you study9 you will beome awareo+ the 8nowledge and 7ower o+ the God9 reator o+ the world. And this way o+ loo8ing and

    7ondering is the best way to reognize GodB and it is alled as the evidene o+ order.

    -umerous verses o+ ,uran em7hasize ontem7lation on the reation o+ the earth and theheavens9 sun and stars9 animals and 7lants9 systemati a77earane o+ day and night9 7hysialdevelo7ment o+ man9 di++erenes o+ olors9 +aes and languages in order to disover thereator o+ the world.

    Water C/cleistribution o+ water between e0isting things is very remar8able and amazing. The realsoures o+ water are the seas9 oeans and la8es. @ater is distributed throughout the earth +romthese bounti+ul soures.

    @ater o+ oeans9 seas and la8es9 under the e++et o+ the heat o+ sun9 turns to va7or and rises tothe s8y. a7ors wander in s8y with the movement o+ winds. @hen tem7erature and 7ressurereah a 7artiular level9 they a77ear in +orm o+ louds and +loat to various 7arts o+ the earth bythe movement o+ +ast and slow winds9 where they dro7 as rain9 soa8ing u7 the earth andgiving rise to vegetation and greenery. Rain water then see7s into the earth and is stored in it

    +or need+ul times. The stored water sometimes eru7ts +rom the la7 o+ mountains in +orm o+s7rings or human beings ma8e e++orts to dig wells and gain +rom the li+e&giving soures o+water in the earth.

    ro7s o+ rain9 in s7eial irumstanes9 +all to the ground slowly and beauti+ully in +orm o+snow. Snow whih is very bene+iial +or vegetation as it turns into water gradually and see7sinto the earth and is stored underground or emerges as s7rings and rivers and beomesavailable +or those who need it and in the end return to the seas.

    The 6uality o+ the rising o+ va7or and its being trans+erred +rom one 7lae to another by thehel7 o+ wind itsel+ deserves ontem7lation. I+ wind 7ower had not been there9 how the louds

    would have been distributed in the atmos7here How they would have traveled here andthere I+ the heat o+ the sun had not been there9 would the water o+ the sea have turned into

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    va7or I+ the water had only turned into va7or at tem7erature o+ a hundred degrees9 would ithave been su++iient +or e0isting beings @ould human li+e have been 7ossible in thoseirumstanes I+ rain had not +allen down in dro7s9 what di++iulties it would have brought!or e0am7le9 i+ rain +ell +rom the s8y in one 7lae in +orm o+ a stream9 what would ha77en@ould it have been able to see7 into the earth in a gradual manner and be stored in it

    ,uality o+ rain and snow in 7uri+ying the atmos7here is also remar8able and worth 7ondering.I+ rain and snow had not absorbed the to0ins and dirt o+ the atmos7here9 would you have beenable to breathe

    -ow you must have noted what valuable 6ualities are 7resent in water9 snow and rain. Howthe sea and sun9 wind and loud and rain et. at in a 7reise oordinated way to 7rovidemeans o+ li+e +or us and other e0isting things.

    @hat does this system and oordination 7rove Is it not the best 7roo+ that intelligene anddetermination had a role in the reation o+ this magni+ient world oes this system and

    oordination not tell us that a wise and a 7ower+ul being has reated this world And that Hereated man and other e0isting things and all that they need

    -ow9 that we have mostly understood well the value9 im7ortane and 6ualities9 we must seewhat the Almighty Allah has +i0ed as our duty be+ore these bounties. He has ommanded us toen < 7 : < =>? B< : j

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    0e it is Who sends down water from the cloud for you7 it gives drink, and (y it "grow' the

    trees u.on which you .asture) 0e causes to grow for you there(y her(age, and the olives,

    and the .alm trees, and the, and of all the fruits7 most surely there is a sign in this

    for a .eo.le who reflect)! "+:84'

    5reen eavesAll o+ us re6uire +ood and we annot survive or wor8 without nourishment. Trees and 7lants

    7re7are +ood +or us. The green leaves o+ 7lants are small +ood&ma8ing wor8sho7sB they wor8and 7rodue +ood +or us.

    Plants and trees obtain water and minerals +rom soil through roots and trans7ort them to theleaves through stems.

    Farbon dio0ide also9 whih is 7resent in the atmos7here enter the leaves through numeroustiny 7ores and light and solar energy also heats u7 the leaves.

    At that time9 the wor8sho7 o+ green leaves starts wor8ing and 7re7ares +ood with the hel7 o+the sun.

    Plants 7rodue more +ood than what is re6uired +or their own useB they use some o+ it and therest is stored +or us.

    Shee7 and ows also re6uire +ood and they graze on green grass and +eed on grains and7rodue +or us mil89 heese and meat. !owls also +eed on grain and 7rodue eggs and hi8en+or us.

    All animals and beasts are in need o+ 7lants and the +ood o+ all o+ them is 7re7ared throughgreen 7lants. -o human being or animal an 7rodue their +ood without the hel7 o+ 7lants. Allare in need o+ 7lants.

    Human beings are in need o+ 7lants and animals9 and animals re6uire 7lants and 7lants re6uirewater9 soil9 arbon dio0ide and sunlight to 7re7are the +ood.

    -ow let us see who has reated the sun9 so that it may shine on the earth and distribute lightand energy +or the 7lants to 7rodue +ood +or us. @ho has reated these systemati andoordinated trees and 7lants and given to the green leaves the 7ower o+ 7roduing +ood

    That wise and 7ower+ul being is God9 who is all 8nowing and all 7ower+ul.

    That wise and 7ower+ul reator loves us so muh that through +oresight He has reatedeverything that we might ever need. @e also love HimB we than8 Him +or His bounties9 ae7tHis guidane and +ollow them C who an guide our li+e better than Almighty God

    .igestive 1/stem

    @e re6uire +ood +or health9 survival9 movement and wor8. 3aterials re6uired by our body are7resent in the +oods that we eat. 1ut most o+ them are not absorbed into our body in their

    original +ormB on the ontrary they have to be digested. igestion is the 7roess o+ brea8ing

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    u7 the +ood that we eat into a +orm that an be absorbed into our body to 7roduenourishment.

    And this im7ortant +untion is 7er+ormed through the digestive system. igestive systemonsists o+ a tube whih begins +rom the mouth and ends at the last outlet anus;. Passing

    through this small wor8sho79 +ood undergoes hundreds o+ thousands 7roesses and +ine andamazing reations and beomes digested and absorbable. So many elaborate 7roesses ta8e

    7lae9 whih an hardly be desribed over here. Some o+ them are mentioned by way o+e0am7les.

    @e shall divide the digestive trat into 7arts and e07lain the +untion o+ eah 7art in brie+.

    3outh: Some organs are 7resent in the mouth whih are e++etive in digestion: li7s9 tongue9teeth in 7artiular way;9

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    uodenum: The initial 7art o+ the small intestine is alled duodenum. @hen the +ood entersthe small intestine9 it +irst 7asses through the duodenum and at this 7lae through 7anreasand gall bladder li6uids are s7rayed on its sur+ae9 whih a++et digestion o+ +ood in asystemati manner.

    Small intestine: The +ood does not stay in the small duodenumB on the ontrary it 7assesthrough it into the small intestine. 3atter resultant +rom digestion o+ +ood through the smallintestine is absorbed and enters the blood stream9 so that with the irulation o+ blood it mayome at the dis7osal o+ all the ells o+ the body. The inner sur+ae o+ the small intestine hasnumerous +olds through whih the digested +ood is absorbed into the blood stream andtrans+erred to the liver.

    Earge intestine: The large intestine is the last 7art o+ the digestive trat. @hen +ood enters thelarge intestine no use+ul or absorbable matter remains in it. Things that remain behind in it area 6uantity o+ water9 salts and a little undigested +ood matter. The walls o+ the large intestineabsorb the water and salts and in the end9 hal+ solid e0rement inluding dead and alive

    bateria and indigestible matter remains in the retum till it is e0reted through the anus.

    Mechanism of 1ight

    "ven now as you read this boo8 you are onerned with eyes and are om7letely aware o+their value and e0istene. 1ut 7erha7s till now you have not rightly thought about theonstrution o+ this small but om7le0 and deliate organ o+ sight. The eye is one o+ the most

    beauti+ul and amazing signs o+ Almighty AllahB suh that by studying it and 7ondering on the7roess o+ its reation9 it is 7ossible to disover the e0istene o+ the wise and 7ower+ul God9who is the reator o+ the worldB and to beome ognizant o+ the unlimited as7ets o+

    8nowledge and 7ower. There are so many amazing as7ets o+ the human eye that it is not7ossible to mention all o+ them in this boo8. 1ut we shall indiate some o+ them here. !irst o+all let us beome aware o+ the struture o+ the eye ball and a+ter that we an ta8e u7 thedisussion o+ 8nowing God.

    1tructure of the E/e

    The eye ball is the real instrument o+ seeing9 whih wor8s li8e a amera C on the ontrarymore om7le0 than a amera. The eye ball is made u7 o+ three layers: slera9 horoids andretina.

    %. @hat is the Slera It is a veil whih is hard9 +irm9 white and turbid and is a77ro0imatelyone millimeter thi8. It overs the om7lete eye ball and 7rotets it. !ront o+ this sheet slera;is trans7arent in order to allow light to enter the eye. It is 8nown as the ornea.

    #. @hat is the Fhoroid It is a thin and bla8 urtain inside the slera and whih hanges theinterior o+ the eye into a dar8 hamber. Inside the horoid are a large number o+ blood veinswhih su77ly nutrition to eye strutures and in +at horoids is also the +ood giving layer o+the eye. The +ront 7ortion o+ the horoid is in the +orm o+ a irular urtain +i0ed behind theornea and whih is 8nown as iris.

    There is an a7erture in the enter o+ iris9 three to si0 millimeters in diameter and it is 8nown as

    the 7u7il. The 7u7il automatially enlarges and ontrats to regulate light entering the eye.

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    (. @hat is the retina Retina is innermost sensitive layer o+ the eye. Images o+ bodies whihome be+ore the eye +all u7on this urtainB the inner sur+ae o+ the retina is the +irst oloredlayer. A ellow s7ot. The >ellow s7ot is e0atlyin line o+ the 7u7il and it +ouses the light that +alls on it. >ellow s7ot is a 7art o+ retina and isits most sensitive 7ortion and onial ells are om7ressed here in onentration and eah o+them is onneted through a nerve to the enter o+ sight in the brain. In order to see bodieslearly9 our eyes automatially irle the sur+ae o+ that body whose image +alls on the >ellows7ot.

    (rans"arent Mantles of the E/eballTrans7arent mantles o+ the eyeball are 7arts whih allow light to 7ass through them and whih+ous on the sur+ae o+ retina. These trans7arent mantles are as +ollows: Fornea9 A6ueoushumor9 lens and itreous body.

    %. Fornea: It is the same +rontal 7art o+ the sleroti9 whih is +oremost and trans7arent.

    #. A6ueous humor: It is a trans7arent li6uid9 whih +ills u7 the s7ae between ornea and lens.

    (. Eens: It is a body9 whih is urved at both the ends and is 7resent in the +ront 7ortion o+ the

    eye and behind the iris. It is better that you 8now that the lens is sus7ended with the hel7 o+sus7ension ligaments and is

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    are re+leted on the >ellow s7ot at the rear o+ the eyeball on the sur+ae o+ retina. In thismanner their image9 whih is re+leted and redued in size +alls on sensitive onial ells o+the >ellow s7ot. These ells onvey the image through o7tial nerves to the entre o+ sight inthe brain. The soul or the sel+ o+ man in this way is able to see obellow s7ot. 1ut the lesser the distane o+ the obellow s7ot and hene that ob

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    Has the 7u7il itsel+ seleted the re6uired diameter through +oresight or it is someone else whohas designed and reated it in this way oes the 7u7il 8now that it needs to be o7ened andshut to regulate the 7assage o+ light through it *r it is someone else who in+ormed it o+ thisneed and who reated it in this way id the >ellow s7ot ome to be loated in line with the

    7u7il and +ous o+ the lens so that image may +orm on it or it is someone else who has 7laedit there

    id the most sensitive ells o+ retina ome to be situated e0atly at the >ellow s7ot in linewith lens or it is someone else who has 7laed them in this way o the o7tial nervesonnet to the ells o+ yellow s7ot by hane so that their messages may be trans+erred to the

    brain or it is someone else who has 7re7lanned this o the o7tial nerves onnet the eye tothe brain in aimless way by hane or they have an aim and a reator with aim who has donethis

    @ho has reated the o7tial lens with suh 7reision and whih e07ert 7hysiist has 7lanned


    Is the eye also aware o+ the siene o+ 7hysis and the disussion o+ lenses Is the lens awareo+ its sensitive 7osition Is the overing o+ the lens automatially ad

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    (. "yelids: They are sha7ed as 7arts o+ s8in whih are strethed over the eyeball. "very eyelidhas s8in in its +ront sur+ae 7ortion and in its rear 7ortion9 musles and tissues are attahed toit. The inner sur+ae o+ the eyelid is overed with a trans7arent tissue named on

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    @ere the tear glands 7laed in the eye by hane @ho has devised the om7osition o+ thisdisin+etant li6uid id the tear glands 8now that salty water is neessary to disin+et thesur+ae o+ the eye Is the hole in the orner o+ the eye C through whih the e0ess tears aredrained C ome into e0istene by hane *r it was the eye whih 7roured this a7erture @as

    the eye aware o+ the need o+ the nose and the res7iratory organs to moisten the inhaled air thatit auses the e0ess tears to drain into the nose *r it was a wise and a 7ower+ul reator whodesigned all this through +oresight

    o the holes that serete +at in the eyelids ome into being on their own *r the eye9 sine itneeded them9 reated them @ere the eyelids aware what hel7 they are rendering to maintainthe hygiene o+ the eye by sereting this +at

    id the musles o+ the eye and eyelids with those variations ome into being o+ their own *rdid the eye bring them into e0istene *r it was someone else who determined them on the

    basis o+ +oresight

    id the o7tial nerves with all their intriay and s7eialty9 onnet the eye to the enter o+sight inside the brain automatially *r it is a 8nowing being who has determined thisonnetion

    In other words: Is suh om7atible and systemati olletion9 all 7arts o+ whih are onnetedto eah other and 7ursue and realize a single aim C that is to see C is it 7ossible that it omeinto being on its own

    >es9 every intelligent 7erson will re7ly that in suh a om7atible9 interonneted andsystemati olletion C in whose ma8e&u7 hundreds o+ laws and thousands o+ miniaturizationsand amazements have ome into ation C it annot be thought to have ome into e0istene byhane or oinideneB it is the wise and a 7ower+ul reator who has brought them intoe0istene.

    This is the orret re7ly. @hen we loo8 at the om7le0 struture o+ the eyeball and when westudy and ontem7late on the onnetion o+ the eye to its seondary 7arts and the onnetiono+ all o+ them to the brain and the relationshi7 o+ this olletion with other 7arts o+ the bodyand the onnetion o+ the whole body to the outer world9 we realize the whole world to be asingle and great onnetion and witness that this great world is having a single9 wise and

    7ower+ul reator9 who has reated it and who also ontrols it.

    I+ we loo8 losely and with insightB we would be able to see the signs o+ the 7ower98nowledge and wisdom o+ the great reator o+ the world everywhere. @e shall reognize Himand onnet ourselves to him with sinerity. And we would humble ourselves in +ront o+ His

    7ower and greatness and we would than8 +or the innumerable bounties and blessings +rom thede7ths o+ our hearts. His 7ure love would 7ermeate throughout our selves. @e would realizethat only He is worthy o+ worshi7 and we would ae7t only His ommands and we wouldsubmit only to Him.

    Circulator/ 1/stem

    The irulatory system is an e0tremely remar8able and amazing system o+ the human body."ven as you read this boo89 your heart beats a77ro0imately seventy times every minute and

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    with ontinuous and 7reise beats onveys nourishment and o0ygen to all the ells o+ yourbody. o you 8now what would ha77en i+ your heart sto7s beating only +or a +ew minutes

    Study o+ our irulatory system heart9 veins9 arteries and a7illary hairM; guides us to thee0istene o+ a wise and a 7ower+ul reator.

    1lood +lows at the edge o+ and around all the ells o+ the body li8e a steam o+ water and itonveys nourishment and o0ygen to them. Red globules +loat in the li6uid o+ blood. In everyubi millimeter o+ blood9 there are a77ro0imately +ive million red globules and in the bodyo+ every man there are around #L$$$ million red globules. These globules have a veryintriate and remar8able +untion.

    Their +untion is to onvey o0ygen to the ells and to reover arbon dio0ide +rom them andin order to +ul+ill this li+e&giving +untion they to moving and irulating through the bodynerves ontinuously. The length o+ this 7assage is great. An average red globule has the li+e&s7an o+ %#$ days and new globules are being ontinuously manu+atured by the blood ma8ing

    enter o+ the body.

    It would be better i+ we organize a sienti+i

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    3oreover9 we also saw that the ells serete their e0ess matter into the blood stream so thatthe blood may ta8e it away +rom there to be dis7osed at another 7lae.

    0* Return ourne/

    The olor and +orm o+ the red globules have hanged and it is no more having that same

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    A+ter a om7atible and simultaneous ontrations o+ the ventriles9 the atriums o7en and 7ullthe blood +rom the arteries to themselves and gradually +ill u7. At this 7oint begins the generale07ansion o+ the heart as at this stage all the avities o+ the heart are at rest:

    %. Fontration o+ the atrium ta8es 7lae a+ter the general rest+ulness and sends the two bloods

    +rom the atriums to the ventriles.

    #. Fontration o+ the ventriles9 whih on one hand send blood to body tissues and on theother hand send it to the lungs.

    (. General rest

    These three stages together our in a77ro0imately one&eighth o+ a seond and in this way theheart o+ a human being beats +or 2$ times a minute.

    I+ we loo8 at the intriate and systemati wor8ing o+ the heart and blood irulation9 we would

    realize that this advaned and remar8able mahinery is having a wise and a 7ower+ul reatorwho has reated it with this minuteness and +inesse.

    To +urther motivate re+letion we an 7ose the +ollowing 6uestions to our intellets and see8re7lies to them:

    %. @ith all this om7le0ity and marvel9 is it 7ossible that the heart ame into being on its ownwithout any aim

    #. o the atriums and ventriles o+ the heart themselves assumed their 7resent sha7es and+orms

    (. id the heart valves 7lan suh a res7onsibility and s7eialty +or themselves and thenbrought themselves into e0istene

    '. Has the elegant networ8 o+ veins9 a7illaries and a7illary hairs ome into beingautomatially and by oinidene

    L. Has disi7line9 om7atibility and oo7eration between the heart and networ8 o+ veins andres7iratory system develo7ed through hane *r whetherM

    >our intelligent re7ly is absolutely lear: A great9 wise and 7ower+ul reator has reated suhan amazing system. God is great.

    A 5lance at the Created World

    In the morning you see how the sun rises gently +rom behind the mountains and what beauty itarries and how it illuminates the 7lains and +ields. Truly what beauty and larity thisilluminated ball bestows to the mountains and 7lainsN ust thin8N I+ the sun does not arise andall the time it is only a dar8 night what we would have done Have you thought how the sungot suh light and heat o you 8now how muh is the volume o+ the sun

    The volume o+ the sun is a77ro0imately a million times that o+ the earth. That is i+ the sun wasa ball em7ty +rom inside9 it would have aommodated nearly one million earths inside it. The

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    sur+ae tem7erature o+ this +iery ball is $$$ degrees entigrade. >ou 8now that with all thisheat how it heats u7 this earth and all that is on it. Sine it is situated at an a77ro7riate anddetermined distane at a distane o+ around %L$ million 8ilometers; it onveys onlyneessary light and elements to the earth.

    -o one 8nows what would have ha77ened i+ the distane o+ the sun to the earth had not beenas suh. I+ the distane o+ the sun to the earth had been less than thisB +or e0am7le it had beenhal+ o+ this9 what would have ha77ened It is de+inite that no living being would have beenable to survive on its sur+ae9 and the heat o+ the sun would have sorhed all the 7lants9animals and human beings. I+ the distane o+ the sun to the earth had been more than thisB +ore0am7le i+ it had been twie than what it is at 7resent9 what would have ha77ened

    In that ase9 su++iient light and heat would not have reahed the earth and everything wouldhave +rozen to death. All the water would have +rozen to ie and no li+e would have survived.Thus it is lear that this distane is lin8ed to an awareness9 7reision9 determination and+oresight.

    It is through the light and heat o+ the sun that 7retty bunhes o+ wheat reah suh ri7enessB itis as a result o+ the hot rays o+ the sun that all vegetation and trees reah maturity and 7rovide+ruits and +ood +or us human beings. i++erent ty7es o+ +oods that we obtain are 7re7aredthrough the energy o+ the sun. It is in +at the energy o+ the sun9 whih ollets in all 7lantsand +ood artiles and we gain energy +rom them. Animals also bene+it +rom the energy storedin 7lants and they trans+er them to us in +orm o+ animal +ood. !or e0am7le9 they +eed on grassand 7rovide us with mil8 and we also bene+it +rom the meat and other seondary +oods basedon mil8 and meat.

    @hat do you understand by ontem7lating on the glory and beauty o+ the sun9 its 7reise anddetermined distane to the earth9 bene+it o+ the 7lants9 animals and human beings +rom theheat and energy o+ the sun And what do you onlude a+ter seeing and 7ondering on the

    7er7etuity and amazing om7atibility o+ all the 7arts o+ the world @hat do you see o yousee an unsystemati and inom7atible olletion or a olletion whih is great and 7er+etlyom7atibleB o+ whih we are also a 7art. @hat an you onlude +rom the system andom7atibility o+ this 7reise olletion

    System and 7reision9 whih enom7asses all the 7arts o+ this world9 what does it show Fanyou re7ly to this 6uery in a +oolish way and say: The reator o+ this great system is a beingwho is unaware9 ignorant and 7owerless Suh a re7ly would never be ae7ted by our

    awa8ened onsiene and wise intellet. *n the ontrary it would say: The intriate systemand the oherene and 7er7etuity o+ this great olletion is a sign o+ the greatness9 7ower andawareness o+ a su7erior reator who is a7able o+ reating and ontrolling the beings o+ thisworld in this way and he had the +oresight to 8now +rom be+ore the needs o+ eah o+ them

    7er+etly and gave them the a7aity to +ul+ill them. He also determined the 7ath and aim +oreah o+ them. @ho is that 7ower+ul and 8nowing reator

    That 8nowing and 7ower+ul reator is none but God9 who has reated all the bounties +or usand whih He has given under our ontrol. He reated the sun9 moon and earth +or us so thatwe might through e++orts and oo7eration9 inhabit the earth and by obtaining 8nowledge andlearning9 disover the serets and amazements and loo8 at the great signs o+ our reator and

    Eord and through on+idential 7rayers beseeh Him:

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    The highest and the best ondition o+ man is when he su77liates his Eord and beseehes Himin seret. And i+ su77liation and seret 7rayer to his God had not been there9 what value li+ewould have had How worthless man would have been

    >ou ontem7late on the reation o+ the night and day and every morning and evening you

    reite on+idential su77liations to the reator o+ the night and day. >ou 8now that night andday is due to rotation o+ the earth. "very night and day om7letes one rotation. Hal+ the earthwhih omes be+ore the sun is illuminated and it is day over there and the other hal+ is dar8and it is night over there. 1y rotation o+ the earth9 the day seems to be entering the night andthe night seems to be entering the day and days and nights +ollow eah other in a systematiway. uring the day9 7lants and trees grow under the light and heat o+ the sun. Human beings

    beome involved in e++orts and wor8 renovated by the rest they got during the night and begina new day with more vigor and su77liation to the Almighty.

    Have you ever thought what would have ha77ened i+ the rotation o+ the earth had not been sosystemati and 7reise In some 7arts o+ the earth there would have been 7er7etual nights and

    in some 7arts there would have been ontinuous dayB hot and sorhing. A77earane o+ dayand night are also lear signs o+ the 7ower9 greatness and awareness o+ the wise and 7ower+ulreator o+ the world.

    (hree Im"ortant Points

    %. @e should loo8 in the world o+ reation9 and 7onder and realize the system9 oherene andom7atibility o+ its innumerable 7arts and as8: =@ho has reated this world and who ontrolsit?

    #. The great and systemati olletion o+ the world o+ reation is lear evidene that: =A8nowing and 7ower+ul reator has reated it and only He ontrols it9 and He is God.?

    (. The 8nowing and 7ower+ul God who has reated the world has also determined duties +orour growth and suessB the most im7ortant o+ whih may be listed as +ollows:

    A; @e loo8 at the signs o+ the greatness and 7ower o+ our Eord and ontem7late on it.

    1; That we disover the serets and amazing as7ets o+ the world through 8nowledge andlearning.

    F; That we gain 7ro0imity to Him through worshi7 and su77liations.

    ; That we inhabit the earth through e++orts and oo7eration and s7read ou move your hand and 7i8 u7 the 7en9 but your +riend does not move his hand and 7i8 u7the 7en9 why It is so beause you intended to 7i8 u7 the 7en your +riend had no suhintention and desire. The intention o+ 7i8ing u7 the 7en is a new 7henomenon whih isatualized in yoursel+B you have brought this new 7henomenon into e0istene. Intention isrelated to you and is the at o+ yoursel+9 and the movement o+ the hand is also related to youand is your intention. >ou did not move your hand 7reviously sine you had no intentionB you

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    intended at a later stage and a+ter intending9 you moved your hand and 7i8ed u7 the 7en. The7henomenon o+ intention is the e++et o+ youB i+ you had not been there9 no intention wouldhave ta8en 7lae. The intention has not ome into being on its ownB on the ontrary it is +romyou. There is a s7eial relationshi7 between you and intention9 whih is alled as therelationshi7 o+ ause and e++et. >ou see this s7eial relationshi7 in your own being with

    7er+et larity and are 7er+etly aware o+ it.

    Another Eam"le

    >ou have the memory o+ a bunh o+ +lowers that you had 7reviously seenB now you reall itwhih is alled as the imaginative +orm;: This image o+ the +lowers is a new 7henomenon9whih has ome in your mind. Has it a77eared automatially or you have brought it into

    being *+ ourse9 you have brought it into e0istene. I+ you were not there9 the +orm o+ the+lowery branh would also not have been there.

    This mental image is related to youB that is its e0istene is not inde7endentB on the ontrary ithas ome into e0istene +rom you. >ou are the ause and the mental image is the e++et andthis s7eial relationshi7 is named as the relationshi7 o+ the ause and e++et. >ou see thisrelationshi7 in your own sel+ and are 7er+etly +amiliar with it.

    There+ore9 we onlude that you and every 7erson will +ind the ausality in the sel+ and yousee it 7er+etly learly.

    3oreover9 you will +ind this s7eial relationshi79 4relationshi7 o+ the ause and e++et5between yoursel+ and your bodily and mental ats and relate them to yoursel+ as you are theirause and say: I saw9 I heard9 I touhed9 I smelt9 I tasted9 I moved9 I thoughtMyou onsider

    yoursel+ as the ause and seeing9 hearing9 touhing9 smelling9 tasting9 moving and thin8ing asyou e++ets and onneted to you. These ations have originated +rom your being and i+ youhad not been there9 your ations and movements would also not have been there.

    3an has named ausation that is the relationshi7 with the ause to e++et as the law o+ auseand e++et. In the beginning between his own being and s7iritual and mental 7henomena andverbalized his movements and ations between his own sel+ and his mental 7henomena9ations and movementsB then he transmitted this law +rom outside his being.

    aw &f Causation Is A %undamental Absolute And !niversal aw

    3an9 on the basis o+ that realization when he omes aross a 7henomenon whose e0istenede7ends on or is related to; another 7henomenon he understands that between these two

    7henomena also the relationshi7 o+ ause and e++et is 7resent and in these irumstanes hedeides that the 7henomena whih are themselves in need o+ others are e++ets and the +atorwhih has brought these into e0istene is the ause.

    3an through study9 researh and e0essive e07eriments has onluded that some worldly7henomenon have di++erent ty7es o+ relationshi7s with other 7henomenaB suh relationshi7whih e0ist between himsel+ and his mental 7henomena and on the basis o+ this dee7understanding he ae7ts the law o+ ausation to be om7lete and universal.

    It is li8e om7leting a

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    6uenhing o+ thirst and on eating9 waits +or the satiation o+ his hunger. In winter9 he ta8es there+uge o+ warmth o+ +ire and in summer heat he loo8s +or the oolness o+ shade. In any ase9all o+ us in daily li+e and in all our movements and ations ae7t ausality as an absolute anduniversal +undamental and in this way reate an im7ression.

    4o Effect Is Without CauseI+ the window o7ens and you have not seen who o7ened it9 what will you thin8 @ould yousay that it o7ened automatially without any ause; I+ you heard a sound and do not seewhat has 7rodued it9 what will you onlude @ould you thin8 that it ame by oinideneand without any 7ro7er ause I+ you heard a voie and do not see who has 7rodued it9 whatwill you onlude I+ you +eel hot or old9 would you thin8 that it has no ause I+ a stone isthrown at the window9 brea8ing the glass and you annot +ind who has thrown it9 what wouldyou onlude @ould you onlude that the stone arose +rom the ground automatially andwithout any ause and hit the glass

    >our re7ly to the above 6uestions is lear. >ou will say: I 7ossess reason and intellet and I8now that none o+ the worldly 7henomena are without a ause or a doer9 even though I mightnot 8now what the ause is9 beause not 8nowing it is not the 7roo+ o+ its absene. That is whyyou will ma8e as muh investigation and be urious about it till you don5t +ind the real auseo+ the 7henomena. And i+ su77ose you annot +ind the ause in one instane9 you will not saythat it has no ause9 on the ontrary you would say that the ause o+ this 7henomenon is not8nown.

    Intelletuals and inventors have +ully ae7ted the law o+ ausation and they try to +ind theause o+ things in laboratories. @henever they ome aross a new 7henomenon9 they are

    ertain that it is having a ause and that is why they ondut +resh e++orts to +ind it.

    World Is Also +aving A Cause

    @e 8now that the law o+ ause and e++et is a +undamental9 absolute and a universal law. Andno 7henomenon is without a ause and all the 7henomena o+ the world have a ause. Thisom7lete law is 7ratially ae7ted by everyone in the world.

    "very 7henomenon has a ause9 i+ the ause o+ that is a 7henomenon it also has a ause9there+ore sine the whole reated world is a 7henomenon and need+ul and does not haveinde7endent e0istene C it is in need o+ someone or something su7eriorB basially being in

    need o+ another is the +irst 6uality o+ a 7henomenon9 every big and small 7henomenon is Cneed+ul and related to someone or something else9 its e0istene is not on its own9 i+ it hade0isted inde7endently9 it would have endured +orever and had also not been need+ul. Theworld o+ 7henomena is need+ul o+ e0istene and being9 that is why it is in need o+ a being thatis higher and need+ul C whih is the soure o+ bestowing e0istene to all the 7henomena andthe e0isting beings are need+ul and limited.

    That bei