ko monemy dow bin —bantb financing 23/philadelphia...clerical filing, bola-cynwyd —$2ol...

m-mm m p^i^^pp. -4© ^h TKsj Ph«Ude!pKi« Inquirer A l ^£T WEDNESDAY. JANUARY t, 1944 AO-tokor FEMALE EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THESE ARE FREE Secy fjce FOR "63" $350 Mo. Modern of- Excellent benefits. Ctr City. FILE CLERK. $250 Mo. For rh« gal jutt getting .trrtsjd. Ctr City. CLERK- TYPIST, $260 Mo. This for the promotable type gal Ctr City. SECTY. $390 Mo Good Math skills*& ability •o be Diversified. THE ABOVE POSITIONS ARE JUST A FEW OF THE SPOTS AVAILABLE NOW OUR FILES C O N T A I N VA RIOUS CLERICAL POSI TIONS FOR IMMEDIATE HIRING. AUSTIN PERSONNEL 12 So 12th St. WA 5-3446 TOWNSEND BETTINGER SIVENTH FLOOR. 20 S If 10 40700 MANY NO FEE POSITIONS SECYS (2) Fee Pd $85 CC. Excel opotv. E»oandina firm. Hrt 9 to 5. Company benefits, SECY Fee Pd $80 NORTHEAST Exceptional offer to worker with oood skills. Advancement! PBX-Typist l/ 2 Fee Open CHESTNUT HiLL AREAPBx exper-r-fvp- ing. Salary commensurate with ability COMPTOMETER $85 SW Airport greo. 4 phgset. Must fvpe. JANUARY GRADS REGISTER NOWII 1218 CHESTNUT MON. 9-7 DAILY 9 5 ROOM 30 SAT. 10-12 -Fee Pd •0 90 85 -4-80 rEiuumpvAjrm SALESWOMEN TELEPHONE .SALESWORK Thii is «n opportunity for you, •go over 21, to earn sub- stantial weekly Income, work- ing on « straight commission basis. Ths work it pleasant . . . calling from your own deik in our subscription of- fice. Telephone tales pariancg it not absolutely nacessary, but pleasant tele- phone voice and pleesaing personality are extremely helpful in making your earn- ings unlimited. The hours will be arranged to suit you • . . either full time, port time or evenings. For complete details, call for an appointment. WA 2-4992 SECRETARY ing 1411 WALNUT ST. OPEN EVES BY lO 3-3610 APPOINTMENT SECTY. 1 girl office. Investments Center city. 5 days $80- $85 SECTY to advertising manager. 4-5 yrs exp. Cent city. Benefitt 4- $350 SECTY. legal. Fee relmb. $80 $85 SECTY. Stenog. Recept duties. 5-6 yrs exp. 'A fee. Benefits 4- $75 $80 DICTAPHONE operator. Medical. Part time. Center city Salary open. PROGRAMMER trainee. College grad. Preferred Center city $5000 TYPIST Clerk. Good at figures $60-65 MANY OTHER INTERESTING OPENINGS SOME FEE NEGOTIABLE TEMPORARY-NO FEE STENOGRAPHER, $1 90 4 up per hr. DICTAPHONE Oprs, SI.BO per hour. TY»ISTS, $1.50 4 up per hour. BOOKKEEPING Moch Opr, $1.80 per hr COMPTOMETER Oprs. $1.80 per hr. KEYPUNCH, $1.80 & up per hour. CLERKS, $1 30 4 up per hour. URGENTLY NEEDED PREFERRED SERVICE ^Of LIBERTY TR BLDG. TR 8-2277 ECUTIVE SECY $95 JODY'S TOAST TO THE NEW YEAR They'll all be toasting you when you ore hired for this executive position in a 'well-known center city office. Nat- urally good skills and an executive ap- pearance are a must to start at $95. See JODY FORD JOBS (emp agy), 121 tread. Ki 6-4971. Open evenings MAIN LINE & SNELLING 307 SUBURBAN SO. BLDG. ; «* ARDMORE, PA. Mf ••-9500 TR 8-9220 Call Mrs. Canda for lobs nowl TYRMTS STENOS SECRETARIES TtfJtRS BOOKPRS FIGURE CLERK RECEPTIONISTS EPTIONIST Greet Visitors $85 £PTIONIST For 2 Doctors $65 RKEPTIONIST Promotional Director $70 RECEPTIONIST Hospital Director $65 RECEPTIONIST Front Desk $60 JILjrECE»TIONIST Jon Grad $55 jiPtiaPTJONIST Will Train $60 GRAEBNER EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 74) Land Title Bldg, Brd & Chestnut Sts. LO 3-7260 i NANCY ADAMS Exclusively for Girls RECEPTIONIST Psychiatrist $80 RECEPTIONIST Medical School $75 RECEPTIONIST Moke Appointments $68 JAN GRAD Doctor $60 JAN GRAD Receptionist $50 NANCY ADAMS. PLACEMENT SERVICE loom 808, 1406 Chestnut St, LO 4-1530 JR RECEPTIONIST $ 7 0 + ROSEMARY'S "NEWIE" ... My most.current center dry open- ing: it for me personable, attractive MISS who enjoys meeting me publicl Vow wiH need fairly good typinei to start today at $70. See me. Rosemary " <d {emp agy|, 1530 Chestnut St. 4-0851. Open eves til 6 STENO. Berhoyrei. Car GIRL FRIDAY. Gd Steno. figure: LITE STENO. Soles Off. Phones STENO. Some figures. CC STENO. Purchot. W. Ph. '/, Fee 85 STENOOerk. Figuret. CC -80 JR SECTY. Reservations t-75 LITE STENO. Dictoph. N. Ph. 75 LITE STENO. File. Pleasant office —70 F/C BOOKKEPER. Fine oft 90 A/C ! PAY-REC Detail Wk. NE 80 MONROE BKJCPR. Gd fiautes 70 BURROUGHS SENSIMATlC 65 SR TYPIST. Multillth Masters 85 COMPTTypist. SW Phila 83 EDl PHONE-TYPIST 1 -60 TYPIST. New Business Clk. —60 SUBSCRIPTION DEPT RECEPTIONIST Type,' GcfClk Tvs PBX- KENT 904 Bankers Securities Bldg. KI 6-4640 1315 WALNUT ST. DAILY 9 5:30 A.SST. BOOKKEEPER Accts. Receivable 4 some SECRETARY Gd skills, oppty work $325 Payroll. CC. $325 on Co Papei good benefits. Center City. STENO $352 Lite steno, variety. A-1 CC. Co. FIGURE CLERK $300 Variety figure work & detail, unusual benefits 4 working conds. Center City. STENO—PART-TIME 3 days wk perm $16 day. Center Gtv. PARTIAL LISTING MANY OTHER DESIRABLE JOBS SECRETARY to $85 S/H. Some record keeping. Loc in Gtn BOOKKEEPER to $90 Know trial bolance, able to type. Lo co'ed Oak Lane. GIRL FRIDAY $65-$70 Posting. Write own correspondence Use IBM typewriter. Lite S/H. Located near Chestnut Hill. Germantown 18 W Chelten, Rm 1203. VI 8-2808 DELCO 317McClatchy Bldg 69th & Market Sts. Flanders 2-7107 10 Bryn Mawr Av Bryn Mawr, Pa LAwrence 5-0474 RECEPTIONIST-typist, CC. No S/H $325 CLERICAL filing, Bola-Cynwyd —$2ol DICTAPHONE typist. City line $325 GAL FRIDAY, Havertown. mature $350 ClERK-typist, beginner, Bala-Cyn $245 PBX-typtt, CC. Bonus $281 ALCO 1420 WALNUT H 5-5828 JANUARY-FEBRUARY GRADS EXCITING OPENINGS AVAIL-HURRY IN GIRL FRI. Bkkp'g+typ'g. No steno Fee Neg. Center City. Ideal $90 SECY. Train legal. Gd typ'g-t- Steno nee. Plush offes In CC $80 BKKPR. F/C. No typ'g. RUSH $85 CLERK TYPISTS (71. All areas. $65 ^ T Jja* TTTT ' oiss. TTTITI ~i 11' i T , Jg .—,im,,,. -mrm Executive Secretary Tee skills and the ability to handle people. Center City Co. Fee Negotiable. Start te $°0 Excellent future and in- teresting duties. LAWRENCE PERSONNEL 1015 Chestnut St. WA 3-2640 UPPER DARBY JACQUELYNN ORR 4 Market St. FL 2-9292 ire Terminal above M. A. Brude' FOR THE FINEST JOBS IN SUBURBAN AREA CAREER BLAZERS- (Agencvl 35 W 43 St.NYC.YU 6-1280 The newspaper strike has not curtailed the number of excellent positions we have to offer, come-in 4 discuss the CURRENT JOB OPENINGS Secvs-Recepts-Gals Friday, etc. All fields Beginners 4 experienced Medical & Scientific 723 MED ARTS 128 S 16 LO 8-0265 MED SECTY. Typ, die. C C —$65-75 SECY. Typ. S/H. North Ph suburbs $88 HEMATOLOGY Tech. ASCP. Res h $85 BlOt-BS. Cardlo-vgscuTar ret'h —$80 MED TECH. BS. Res'h. 5-day wk $110 JANUARY- GRADS REGISTER NOWII . f o r Vice President—Market- Mutt be copable, personable ond fully experienced in all sec- retarial skills. Position reguiret person with initiative, good judg- ment, and the ability to handle people. Permanent position, good salary commensurate with experience and skill. excellent company-paid benefits .plus ideal office facilities and working conditions In modem plant. ELCO CORP WILLOW GROVE. PA. OL 9-7000 An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY Gal Friday needed by top level exec 'five. Shorthand, typing 4 light book- keepina. Need an aide who will rok nteresf in seeing us grow by thinking and offering suggestions. Pay raise. In 6 months. Starting salgry $70-$60 Center City. Must be able to start Jari 16th. Call LO 3-7581, Mr Kroemer. .' Your Horoscope tfsmss iFMiTnimn BY PRANCES DRAKE Look in this section in which your birth* day comes and find what your outlook is, according to the stars, FOR WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2 MARCH XI to APRIL * (Aries ).-Weatb- er you noted it or not, there hat been a bit of a lull in some respects that needs to be shaken. Garner your sensitivity and know-how for revived ambition. APRIL 21 to MAY 21 (Taurus)-We can- not accomplish ail we wish at the times we wish and must defer to other plans and periods out of discretion and practi- cality. Here you must show patience, se- renity. MAY 22 to JUNE 21 (Gemini)—Those old standbys examining and renovating are with us again, and well so. Employ rele- vant, useful means and tactics for happy results. Provide details, facts needed. JUNE 22 to JULY 23 (Cancer) - Close attention to minor and major essentials, to your particular duties and interests of daily associates will put day in top cate- gory for gains', satisfaction. Believe! JULY 24toAUG. 23 (Leo) - So many days you can advance now and during coming year. Better chance for personality and other developments. Keep mind free from disturbing doubts, rumors. AUG. 24toSEPT. 23 (Virgo)—Wait for due signals before taking off on deter- mined route. There are considerations, en- joining dictates. Opportunity now for im- proved personal training and progress. SEPT. 24 to OCT. 23 (Libra)—It takes comparatively little time to ascertain the right procedure and methods before start- ing, compared to the time and energy of retracing steps, undoing to begin again! OCT. 24toNOV. 22 (Scorpio)—Expert advice taken or given should be welcome this day of many facets. Know the full story, have correct information. Study subjects carefully; don't decide too quickly. SECRETARY Excellent opportunity crs private secre- tary to comptroller reguires good short- hand 4 typing skills. Excellent working conditions 4 benefit program. Evening interviews by appointment. Apply Per- sonnel Dept, Woman's Medical College, 3300 Henry Ave. VI 4-1522. SECRETARY. A diversified position In the sales area is available with center city manufacturing firm. Good short. hond and typing skills and several years' experience are reauired. Good storting salary, pleasant working con- ditions, many company benefits. Reply in confidence lo J.-38. P O Box 2068, Philg 3. An equal opportunity employer SECYS (Temp—No Fee I h e ' d e n elec, manual 4 exec. Long term assign- ments avail. NE. CC, W Phila; also Val- ley Forge 4 Radnor. Good appear es- sential. Olsten's, Phllai 2 Perm Center, LO 8-7795; Norrlstowm 18 W Airy *t. BR 5-4326. SECRETARY fer center city music pub- lishing firm, fully experienced in sten- ography, light bookkeeping 4 general office work. 5-doy week, age prefer- able over 28 and knowledge of French desirable. Give exp and educational background. P-187 Inquirer SECRETARY, te monaster, life Insurance agency. Capable stenographer 4 good at details, tested 4 Chestnut. Fee paid. $90. TOWNSEND EMPLOY. SERVICE 1411 WALNUT ST. LO 3-3610 SECRETARY interested m diversified permanent position.' Shorthand & typ- ing accurate. Must have own trans- portation. Salary open. Media-Chestet area, 9 to 5, 5-doy wk. E l 88 Inquirei SECTY. $60. CC. Medium S/H. Electric typewriter ability 4 good figure opt. with start a beginner an the road to success with this fine co. O'Shea Emp Agcy, 1333 Chestnut st. LO 7-6000. SECRETARY, Typing, shorthand Exp, well groomed, US citizen, over 28. Executive sales office. Salary $95. Aero- et General Corp, 230 Park ave, NYC, 212-Mjf 5-0800,, StCHTARY. Hnmn^U*', copeble" "* "' espon slf m ort to assist R 4 D with correspondence and reports. Congenial small modern office. Coll WA 5-7031 for appointm't. SiCTY7$7jri5. Fee Paid. Cenvenientle Logan area. Will promote to top spot after train'g. Bennett Emp Agy, Coml Tr 81, 16 S Br St. LO 3-4830._ SECTY. $85. CC. Oood S/H. fypln,~t dicta knowledge nee for this pot of excel potential. O'Shea Emp Agcy 1333 Ciresfnytjt. _LO_7-6000 SECTY $•$. Fee Paid. Ad dept of Not'l Co. 85% public contact. Bennett Emp Agy, Coml Trust Bldg, 16 S Broad it. NOV. 29toDEC. 21 (Sagittarius) - Be devotedtoyour work, small and large jobs, and to goals you have developed over a thoughtful course, they will soon begin to show handsome profits. Serenity, too! DEC. 22toJAN. 24 (Capricorn)—A warm, enthusiastic approach to day's work and all interests (honest ones, of course), will brighten them and others' receptivity. Day can stand some revamping, vitalizing. JAN. 21toFEB. it (Aquarius ^Insur- ance for future is mostly in actions and ideas set daily. Don't wait for "opportune" moments, every day has them. Some sus pense in new ventures should enliven. FEB. 20toMARCH 20 (Pisces)—Here is a spot of rededicating self to lofty aims of the past, and taking on whatever of the brand new is also adviesd. Be ready to try, pliable but not gullible. Y017 BORN TODAY: Capricorn, the reasoner, the thinker, the organizer. A Cardinal Sign of the Earth Triplicity. Ex cellent in business, enhancing * large en terprise or building the small into a more powerful force. General ability and ambi tion with it, so right away we caution not to play up the material or worldly over the more important elements of life. See that your spiritual side grows daily, that you devote time to charity and some re- warding but non-profit endeavor to keep the balance even. Dismiss .depressed feel- ings when things do not go as you wished, for you have big things to accomplish and too much talent to go moody-ing about lack of support for your ideas. You direct ably when fully developed. Excellent con- centration and enduring qualities; can take prompt advantage of leads, new methods. Enjoy some free time with gardening, han- dling flowers, artistic novelties. Renew old worthy desires—a good year for them. Hold fast to compassion and your conscience ACCOUNTANT, hill time fe. See teeeee Salary 4 liberal bonue. Must be expd. 6 hemes. 29 rental unrts Income of $22,168 yr. Over 33% return. Sac $42,000. ACT FASTI e TANNENBAUM & MILASK Reoltor, 712 federal St., Camden WO 4-2700 Open 7 days, jyes. APARfMlNT SIM. Excellent Invest- ment with 4 stores 1st fleer 4 8 apts above. Good location. Steady income. Seasonably priced Will finance to suit NORTH CHESTS* RLTY CO TR 4 2542 _ Sot_4 Eves TR 6-6°65 APT HOC (f Unltsl Jenklntewn Fully tenanted. Excellent return. Peter Roberts Enterprises HA 4-1424 APARTMENTS, tuburben, 7 lee enits $25,000 down. Balance financed. A X l i r $ 1 U Y I R S M I A N SUHNHS! SELL FAST—SELL FOR CASH THRU AXLER 4 CO^.132! ARgL.ig 1-427S YOUNG MAN 30. cell erad. exp acctg A tales, will invest $10,000 in estab. growing bus. No prom. P I 8 0 Inquirer. AUTO Repair er euro parts, small Wvsl- nest, no preference location RA 8-5041 MODERN Hoys g, 6816 Mkt, Up' Darby APT! JSlTbt, eCever $3400 yr in. Pr $6500 $2000 dn. Brker. LOj^355 IAKERY Fully egtslpd. new eperatine. no property, asking $1800, no reason- able offer refused. Cgll_ RAJ8-5041,. SAR 4 Packaae $tere tempi not Ion Deet $100 000. $25,000 cash required. DORIS H. PETTIT, HAisjJN JJ 9-71QQ IARBIR Shop.'Modem J choir sttep Willow Grove oreg. Call Mi 6-7974 •ARBER SHOP Ultra mod, * chairs, tale orjeose. Finance avail. Ol 9-3540 •ARBIR Shop fo, tale, 3 chain, N I section. Coll after 7 PM, DE 3-3092. UAUTY Salon F.ri.d to toll dee te III ness. All fixtures includtd 4 all mod em equipment, Thriving business. Call DE 4-9125 between 10 AM 4 5 PM. BEAUTY SHOf Nr Oiettonhom Av. Gd going but. Alr-cond. Wonderful loco tion. Roos rent. Write 5-1)9 Inquiror SEER DISTRIBUTOR^ 600 coses wk Partners dissolv, priced to sell. Others GERAGHTY, 4TH 4 TABOR, L) 8-6420 BEIS DISTRIBUTOt—NEW U5TING NORTH PHILA. NETS $200 WEEK. AXIER 4 CO, 1321 ARCH, LO 3-4278 SEER Dtstr. $13,000 yr. All retail. Mon- eymaker, Owner must retire. Sac. Fin. NATIONAL, 225_S. 60TH ST. QR 6-3800 BIER * liquor Ik. Bars 4 Dellc wfd. Quick settlement. BYRNE, Fi 2-2500 FEMALE HELP WANTED TELETYPE TELETYPE OPERATORS Temporary assignment/CC Must be fully experienced. Immed. Open/Top Pay/NO FEE. ParTime Girls Division Snelling & Snelling, Inc. 1530 Chestnut LO 8-4998 TRAFFIC Clerk. Experienced truck ship- ping Accurate, responsible. Salary depending on qualifications. Display Corp, 231 E Allegheny Ave. WOMAN—PART TIME To moke uo sandwiches, serve food from counter, handle cash 4 perform general cafeteria duties in industrial cafeteria located N E Phila. Working hours 9:30 AM-4 PM, Mon Itiru Fri. Must be neat in appearance, be able to handle cash 4 deal with public. Ap- ply today. Wed., 9-11 A. M. BROCK 4 CO.. INC. 420 E. ERIE AVE. TYPIST. Beginner. Ne exp nee. typing 40. wpm.ee. $50-f-benefits. North City Emp Agy 7356 Castor Av, Fi 2-8024 mp ffil TY#I$T.' Fast, accurate, good at work- ing with figures. Permanent position, 5-day wk. Employe benefits. Universal Dental Co. 48th 4 Brown. TR 8-0°00. TYPIST-Clerk, aen'l office work, te be trained to operate small bookkeeping mach. Must be accurate, neat 4 intelli- gent. Give oge 4 exp. H-188 Inquirer. TYPIST. $75. Half lee paid. Beautiful CC office. Excell working conditions. Bennett Emp Agy, Coml Trust Bldg, 16 S Broad tt, LO ?-4S30. TYPIST—Clk Pub Co. Beg ok. $560+ Mr Vance, DeHoven emp ogy.PE 5-4020 TYPIST fer billing Burroughs mach. Will instruct. CC. Mrs. Honley, LO 4-3516. TYPIST Permanent position available for intelligent High School grad with good typing skill*. Prefer dictaphone experience. Good salary and company bene fits. Day hours. t Interviews from 9:30 A. M. to 4 P. M. 6th Floor Philadelphia Inguirer Bldg. 400 N Brood St. .! T LO 3-4830. SECRETARY For cerreeeendence-build- er's office. Top salary. State guolifi- cotions 4 sal reqd to H-285 Inguirer ING and SNELLING 6910 Market Upper Darby .. JA. S-563D "MESON ASSOCIATES 14,0 Wolnut St. Ki 5-54601 C O L I E ^ GRADUATES Programming, Personnel, Matti. Srt'ETARIES (Many) ' Slue chip co's. _ . __$J0_yP MAIDS WANTfO NY TO $60 WEEK APPLY IMMEDIATELY Came er call Mrs. Kay, MA 7-6262 NY 4 PHILA EMPLOY AGENCY 301 So. 11th St, Phila Inr Sp'uce St) FEMALE •ILa' WsMITP MIDICAI Technology If. Exed or Jon 4N00 rOf Pnflrmacf) logy research pos Start $490 mo plus benefits. M*d>cn 4 Scientific Personnel. 723 Med Arts aM^EEWni&Vr. mt.sr.VMi. l«W!Ol»lT. «»*.r, Tor ro- etorch in hematology. 9 to 5. 5 days $S0-$°0 wk plus company benefits Medical 4 Scientific Personnel. 128 Sauth 16th St. LO 8-0265 MlOICAl Secretary-oeceetienlet, Oot, hWmologttt office. CC. State age. exp t.sglory desired to S-H3 Inquire MtsssfnK s •tirrr mm. taiory %sn mpnthlv-4-$25 monthly differential Excellent fringe benefits. Contact Mrs Feins 9 to 4 weekdays, Hosoital Home fdTthe Jewish Aged, 5301 Old York Ed. QLi-Al START THE YIAR OFF RIGHT RESOLVE , TO VISIT NORTH CITY (EMPLOYMENT AGENCY) 7356 CASTOR AVE HOURS 9;3rt to 5 PM FI 2-9024 DeHAVEN 1405 FEBRUARY GRADS— REGISTER NOW 100'S OF OPENINGS LOCUST ST. PE 5-4020 JANUARY GRADS , We have the spot for youl Excellent potential, ne exp necessary, lust good sfflce skills. REGIS*R NOW PRATT PLACEMENT SERVICE 1546 Pratt St. Pi 4-3232 PAY less for the best NE office i«bs at NE Emp. 5121 Darrah (Fkd-Pratt). JE 3-0447. FEMALE HELP WAMTED OffRATOts Eiod en tingle needle 4 Singer Overloek Machines. Work on men's ewlm wear. Apply at once. T 4 T Mfg Co, 728 Cherry tt, 6th floor. »lTliI£irno>mT, US. Frent~detk gal for congenial office to meet in- coming VIP s. Business Men's Clearing House I Emp Agcy). 1617 Ponno. Btvd PBX operator, exp eniy. SSeA beard. Some typing. Call Perm Ventilator. 10th 4 Allegheny ave. 8A 6 3900_ PROOTltlADfR. $80-$8S. Sxp'd in Seek Shoo work. Excell growth potential Bennett Emp Agy. Coml Trust Bldg 16 S Broad St, 10 3-4830 RiCEPTlONlST TRAINEE, $eO-$70 In CENTER CITY! Famoui Dentol lob Sat apenirtgl Business Men's Clearing Hwte |Emp A^cy),1617 Penng, Blvd SECY, Legal, Havertown, $80+. Fee neg. Mr Borton, DeHaven Emp Agy, 405^ Locust St. PE 5-4020, SECTY. $75. CC. ©eed-sTfT* typing needed for this pos with excel poten tiol. O'Shea Emp Agcy, IP 7-6000. SECTY N E. Junior $«•. J om# , { mp Agy, Fronkford 4 Marq 3r et, Pi 4-3500 N I. lite S/H^mnSSm'tii^ ntford 4 Margaret. Pi 4-3500 sT^rt 1 Sic¥r7" C C 35 htt. $>S. James Imp Agy. Fronkford 4 Maroareti Pi 4-3500 SiCRfURY, vie' mjSBn City Cine Ave, real estate ofc. TR 8-4521. SECRETARY te exec. CC. fee ed $85 Tinkler Emp Aov. 1406 Chestnut St SECY, top not ce. Perns cnt. mat $390-(- Mr Vqnce, DeHoven emp ogy.PE 5-4Q2Q fop CC Cempany, $75. ^fACtTCM ED EV UNUCENSED SHIFTS 7-3 AND 3-11 ' . . . CAU, CH7-P444 NURSES Reg Maternity section of now heap. H 30 P. M. to 8 A. M. Excel Pgy, frinaa benefits. Shift differential. Cat) Personnel Dept , Holy Redeemer NUETSEV regliteied eepervlsers for tob- ijahon nursing home. For patient care 4 >I.A training proglram. Excellent salary 4 personnel policies. Apply 51 N 39m St^r^caJI EV 2-4877 bet 9 4 3 « ll Beg. All ehfte Mew So^lral I pay Fringe benefits 4 shift differential Coll Personnel Dept . Hoty Redeemer Hasp Wi 7-3000, ext. 66, •4Hr. Ng Me,pit Bl i„ rmieVoo. 7 K3C 4 3 11 30 PM 5 days Give full particulars fjrst lettei. P_^I72 Inguirer NOME RN Doy ftufy <uM ,hn,9. cpl. SO bed gerinf''r rare If detire. Jn. EJUJ 4 rets S '04 Inguirer .. lW« » ••street' Aide, Middle Off KM. Knewtedge of typing. $ day*, jnii Sat Monarct. Suit 4 Coat Com. 7 ' '^BuftORS ix». omr ON wotn JACJCETI atOP EDGE STITCHER f * BLIND STITCHER U S MACH * Jfm S* # •' Work year round. All benefitt MATUSOW CLOTHES t*ls>JK«!mEJ[ 2tL£kf R*CTPTIONIST for plant in upper Nertfc- eatt Phila. State age, experience 4 talqry desired to Q-256 Inquirer. RECEPTIONIST NE. Typing Start $60. James Emp Agy Fronkford A Mgrgoret, Pi 4-3500. •BCiPTiOnMBT." knewteoge PBX, Sales ability, 5'A days, solory 4 comm 1*06 Locu't st. IKEPtlONIST. Over M. TwsmgT^JeO. Call Brendo. Fronkford Personnel, 120"' Kensington Av. GA 5-1200, REtlW, tt. Ad egy, eTuth effTAttrtK. $275-4-Mr Vance, DeHoven Emp Agy, RiCSEt.lge CCradle tto, type. $33f > Mr Vonce, DeHaven tmp agy.PE 5-4020 tiMTk i ty»^rlarjimo.Tmp " Marwrgt, Pi 4-3^500 SECRESTARY, J r Tinkler Emp Agy, 1406__ghestnut St SHOE SALESLADY, expd, for hlererod. family shoe store. Must be able to fit children. Refs. Gd sol-l-comm. Horen's Inc. State 4 Olive sts. Media, Pa. STAFF NURSE Position avetlaWe fer general duty itaff nurse on medical, surgery, maternity, operating room, emergency and intensive care floors in Voluntary General Hospital* with 360 beds. Rotating shifts or permanent 3 •oil 4 11 to 7. New facfejttes. pleas- ant working conditions, liberal person- nel policy. Housing ovailoble, experi- ence credit on storting talary. Apply Miss Mary N Nikadem, Dir of Nursing The Memorial Hospital, 1501 N. Van Buren tt., Wilmington 6, Delaware. STENOGRAPHER Sales Department ... we need d good, experienced stenographer who is looking) for Interesting work In a medium sized Manufacturing Co. located in lagan and convenient to North or N.E. sections of the city. Pleas- ant surroundings, excellent fringe benefits. 5 days, 36'/, hour week. Call Gl 5-2000 FRANK H. FLEER CORP. TYPIST (SHORTHAND) FEMALE HELP WAHTED SITUATIONS WAITED MALE VST, Multillth 1250 ear dot eot 4 op- -"*-' to learn other presses. Ct 2-9770 WELDER I d dots gas. .I,< 4 hell, ore MA 4-2741 afte 4 PM. Read prints. YOUNG Man, honest reliable det part time pos. 9 AM-2 PM. CE2-8569, 9 to 12 YOUNO man 22, intelligent det full time position with married couple as houseboy-domestic. Kl 5-6744. _* YOUNG MAN, 20, det pes as handy mon, or restaurant work. PO 5-2246 anyjirne WOMAN te advise 4 help customers: Norge Dry Cleaning 4 Laundry Village Conscientious 4 pleasant.Ideal working conditions. Part or full time. Eves hrs 3-10. Store open 7 days. Apply in per- ton Thuct Jan 3d 11 am 9045 Ashton Rd ^i' 0 ,.*""- '-•' » ,r P5 ef any- kmd._Willing Jtojeam. PO 9-0446 URGENT College grad des Immed pes Voned abilities. Refs. EV 6-9239 WOMAN, act as receptionist, CC mgmt office, able to talk on apt rentals 4 do filing. Exp not nee. State oge, phone, work record, sal exp, encum- bronce if any. Q-194 Inquirer. WOMAN light cooking « housework. Sleep in. Exp 4 ref. CI 9-1460. WOMEN, matvre, we will train you for practical nursing positions in suburban nursing home. Salary-t-full mointengnce while training. Excellent personnel policies. Apply 51 N 39th St. or call EV 2-4877 between 9 4 3, WOMEN, Start the New Year Right! Work at home 4 eaml thru Pub Co. High comm. Some leods turn (bus ph reg.) Phila 4 all suburb. Media. Tele- ford, Phoenixvllle. etc. P-115 Inguirer. WOMEN, ever 21. National erganixa. tion will tram fot interesting perma- nent investigation work. Opportunity to travel through United States. Salary & travel allowance paid. Suite 1U4, PSFS Bldg., 12 S.JL2tf)^hio_phone.colls. WOMEN te clean hotel rooms. Apply Benson Volet, Benson Apts., Jenkintown X-RAY technician fer pleasant priv of- fice in Trenton, NJ. Sal 4 working con- ditions excel. Exp 4 some medical typ- ing nee. Coll EX 3-0333 eves. suburban hospital, X-SAY Technician, 5'A day week 4 weekt vacation Mrs. Fregote at Bt 5-6000. X-RAY TECHNICIAN Call hospital. DA fer Itefepoe, 9-0700, ext 261. IKSTIUCTIOMS-FEMALE SITUATIONS WTO. FEMALE BKKPG pet NCR oper 5-3681 aftei WOXPTOTT 4 PBX. 6 P M . accts pay 4 7 yrs' exp. roc. GA IVSH1SS 0PF0ITUR1TIES NIIO MONIT TO IEAI Y 1RY A J KAYTtt, GL ^00**" WeaUei AOTOMOWLES •sucks BUICK •UKK BUICK 100 Used Cars to Choose From $70 UP. Ail Cars Guar. No Money Down —Bant Financing KM BIB 7200 CASTOR AVE FI 2-9306 BUICK '62 ELICTtA 22S. REPOSSISSI0 2-dr Hardtop. Bucket seats, loaded. Take over payment of $66 50. DELAWARE VALLEY AUTOS, INC. 29TH 4 SNYDER AVE. FU 9 4600 BUICK '$• Eleclra. RI>0$Sf$$E0. SHOW ROOM NEW FUUY EQUIP Take over 1 Payment of $39.50 MARVAL MOTORS VARE 4 SNYDER AVE FU 9-8800 BUICK '57 Stetien Wagon, 4-dr. e-patt Standard tranem, V-8, eguip. with WW mow tlret, R4H. Brand new cond. $599. Eugene Roberts, 6100 N. Brood. BEVERAGE Vandw. Ceffee. sm^;,Si,- olofe. $350. Autronic Co.. LO 3,-7044 RM 11 tablet, alr>cend. 238 S 60th, HO 2-0995 aft •llllARD $.10,000. IUICK '57 Roodmostor 75. 4 dr h'dtp all pwrt. Excel cond. New snow tires. Full price $595. Pvt party. FL 2 9968, oft 6, HO 7 : 9468. SUICK 59, llectra, 22$ cenvt. Bucket teats, loaded pert cond. Pvt. Pretl- denfiql Apts, GR 3-6818, btn 5-8 PM BUICK '58 convertible, dyno. P/$, P/B R4H. Mp Money Dn. N'o credit needed DERINGER, 6241 Harbison PI 4-4900 BUICK '58 Super Hdtp tIPOSSESSID Take over payments of $41.00 per mo. Hoitfield, 6101 Lancatter. GR 3-6303. AUTOMOIILES CjjsETialW •• CHIYSLIRS CHtYStltS 61 Newport 4-Dr Sdn. One owner. Block beauty. Auto, R4M, PS —SI795 60 New Yorkei 4 Door Hdtp. Every extra. Sharp . —$1695 59 Saratoga 4-Dr Hdtp. fully eguip. Double power • • _•_• . "•$) 295 23d 4 Potsyunk PMF CHRYSLER HO 8-0700 CHRYS4SR '61 4-4. P/S 4 P/B A-TltTe. REAL BEAUTY FOR hdtp. Ante, R4H. Orlg 18,000 ml. A WL1SI995. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH AT OXFOEP CIRflF, Pi 4-6900 CHRYUS* et New Yorker Hardtop Cee. Cream puff. 9000 miles 4 1961 New Yorker 4-dr Sdn. I owner cars. Good as new and guaranteed QUnKER CHRYSLER 4233 FRANKPORP AVE. Pf 3-6800 CHRYSLIR 'SI Newport 4-dr sdn, 1 owner, suburban car, fully equippea A truly gorgeous car you must tee $1995 HAVERTOWN CHRYSLER OARSY 4 iAGLE RDS. Hi 6 3000 CHRYSlil T» $«niimxe 4-dr kdtpTfully egulpped, very clean, only $1395. Bush Mtrs, 6440 Torresdale^ MA 4 6555 CTStsrsTT^Sa, 2 dr hardtop, R4H7H. new tires, bottory. $275. EL 6-2845^ Const COMET 2-dr, .<,uin«, et new $1444 EVANS" CHEVI JA 8-5595 DREXEL HILL COMIT '62. dealt, Burdumy SU 9-7820 telectien. Terrific Upp Darby. JA 8-5810 Contiasatals '? A M BOATI glati SCHOi Business Entirety. NBERGER-KAS'SEl' 17' Flbr, egp. Sac. Fj 1-3600 CIGARS (NO f TNI. PROVE $700 WK. NORTH PHIIA. WHITE TRADE. SACI AXIER 4 CO. 1321 ARCH, LO 3-4278 COIN Operated Camml. Speed Oweens laundry eguip, financing installations Penn Jersey Speed Wash, 609 Ul 4-4398 DAIRY QUEEN Terrific NE location. Wonderful income. Pi 5-2934 DELIC. $4000 wk. Jewish trade. Ideal for partners. Owner help finance. M J PICHNEY OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9PM 7605 OGONTZ AVE Li 9-8500 DELICATESSEN, Lunch, Jewish, must be seen. 319 S York Rood, Hotboro. DENTAL PtACTICE successful practice _ .._, .. - area. Mod eguip. Coll Executor of Es tote, CL 4-0150, PL 5-7772. leng ettab, very In Plamfield, N J DENTISTS Attentlonl Music in me dental choir. NEW Cavitron Audio-Sonic #44A Stereophonic system. Reg price $900. While they last $20Q. BA 2-4331 DINER. Monte Ce. Geed financ'g avail. Suburban Brokerage, Inc. 202 S BROAD ST, LANSDALE. PA UL 5-0708 Mer-Acct. CC pref. bkgd. mature. DRUG STORE, healthy vol.. well estb. busy trof ict, cash no object, only those with resp background, exp, prof, physician relationt. Pot. unlim. P-176 Inguirer. ^ DRUGS-Suburban, $9$,0OO _ y7ty7Ts _ RX dgy. Low rent, liberal terms. Others Racier, Kojjner i Toplan, EV 6-7671 Avail, immed. Exc refs BA 8-6069 CLERK des fiheVer general office Knowl Accts Receivable. PA 6-2383. COOKING 4 light housework or down- stairs work det. Sleep in. Modest woge. Reft. & exp. Vi 8-0253. DAYS work det fer Tees 4 Wed, exp 4 refs, $8.SO 4 fore. BA 8-5225 oft 5:30 DAY'S work desired (Ironing). ences. Phone BA 5-4771. DRY Cleaner. 35-lb SEC unit, exc tend $2000. Eguipmt Marketers, WA 5-7056 GROC, meats, freien feeds, vegetable!, 9-7 daily, '/ t day Sun, closed Mon Guar good living. BA 5-834), er Pi 2 7029. Refer- GROC -MEATS $1700 wk. Hours 8-4 No Sun. Good oppry. Sac. $2500 plus [•FARBER-WOLOVITZ GR 2_-0900 IRONING, afternoons, eves. Sot 4 Sun. $1 per hr 4 carfare. Ph GR 3-5975. KEYPUNCH-Trainet, reliable 4 willing det fulI time pos. Vi 4-5947. LAUNDRESS er cleaning desired by exp'd woman. Call HO 5-0894, NURSE, licensed, practical, det. private duty. Call TR 7-6490. owes _,.._. worker desired, temp pee., 4 mot. at mott, know, of bkkpg., compt., typing 4 other off, dutiet. Ph EV 6-2034 ORGANIST, oxpd, det position with re ligious organization nr Phila.FL 2-3850 PBX receptionist, matvre, des pes. Typ ing 4 diversified exp. Refs. WA 7-5371 I t C N S __ _ O i j B o ^ J x o d ^ C a J ! CE 6-1182". Interesting opportunity in progret- sive centrally located manufactur- ing company. High school gradu- ate with a good knowledge of shorthand. Experienced typist to trantcribe machine dictation. Out- ttanding benefitt including educa- tional assistance. Starting selary $76. Hours 9 to 5 (35 hours). Give oertonol, educational ond experi- ence background to Q-267 Inguirer. TYPISTS DiaAPHONE IBM EXECUTIVE BILLING STATISTICAL Expd, work any oreg, temporary. Na fee. High rates. Call Immediately, LO 7-5409. peakload personnel Penn Tower, 1819 Pernio. Blvd., CASHIER-CHECKERS NEEDED Women-men, all ages. High school not necessary. Call any hour. CASHIER TRAINING INSTITUTE FOX BLDG 16TH 4 MARKET RM 609 LO 3-2465 RUDEMAR Beauty Schools Cor 16th 4 Market Sts 7 S 16TH 7043 FRANKFORD AVE Write for FREE Booklet LO 3-8650 SECRITARY-Dictophont, Electric. If yea ore looking for an attractive, good personality, conscientious with excel skills. $90. Call me GR 4-9538 after 6. SECTY, matvre. small office pref, CC. Exp all phases office work. Vi 4-5596 exp all phases office work SECTY-Stenog. There expd. -a-. _ _ . , - _ _ _ all phai officp work, knowl bkkno. WA 7-1721 WAITRSSS 4 short ertier took detires position. Exp 4 refs. CE 6-7399, DRUGS — N. E. Phila. $3000 plus stock. $1000 er wk fin. GA 5-5333 GRO-MEATS Mayfalr. $1300 wk, stare only, new owner can double business SCHONBERGER-KASSEL . Fi 2-3600 HARDWARE, Going businett. Geed lac Priced for quick sole. BR 9-4214. HOTEL, Mentay. Gd finance ovail Suburban Brokerage, Inc. 202 S BROAD ST. LANSDALE. PA. UL 50708 INSTALLMENT Routes f ports of C'tv. M-125 Inquirer #2. ell LADIES' WEAR—NORTH PHIIA. NET $10,000 YR. SAC DUE TO DEATH AXIER 4 CO, 1321 ARCH, LO £4278 LAUNDRY. Cebt-egwr. Frtgldeire profit; partial financing avoji. Jensen Ryan in Pa WA 2-1420 in N J 829-0890 LUNCH, N E, take-ouf, $1000 wk, 6 de. Short hourt. Own sacrifice. Help fin. M ut N BUDNICK 5359 OXFORD AVE. PI 4-CMO UICK '57 Special 4-dr hdtp. I4H, dyno. P/S. A New Year's Buy, $545. DAVIS BUICK. 6611 N, Brd, CA 4-3200 SUICK '$4 2-dr sdn. Full price $149. No Money Dn. Venut Auto,HO 5-2999 BUICK '62 Specjol Delux., oaptd. $2399 DEARDEN BUICK, LANGHQRNE, PA. ~~TulCJ»^N8W 1 USED—SEE WIIKIE BUICK _1750 N. Brood St CONTINENTAL SI MARK III 4-dr hard- top, fuJI power, full leather interior. Absolutely in perfect condition. Raven black with matching Inferior, new WW tires. Guaranteed, very special, $1399 PURCELL. 5827 N BROAD. VVA 7-O8O0_. Cadillacs CADILLAC '61 4-dr Hwdmt DeVUIe, Aleution Grey. Fully powered, includ- ing factory oir-condltloning. A-htle. FULLY GUARANTEED $3995 CONVENIENT BANK TERMS AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER WebbCadillacCo. TU 4-5200 JENKINTOWN CA 4-0222 CADILLAC '59 COUPE DEVILLE TYPE immaeulote condition. Futty eguipped. •FULL PRICE $2099 AS LITTLE AS $25 DOWN DELAWARE VALLEY AUTOS, INC. PHILADELPHIA S LARGEST "WE DELIVER WHAT WE ADVERTISE ON NEW SCHUYLKILL EXPRESSWAY AT SNYDER AVE 4 29TH ST FU 9-4600 CAD 'S7 4-dr De Vide hdtp, full power, WW's, blue 4 beige. OK guar. $1295 ERWIN CHEVROLET 6025 OLD YORK RO. II 9-8777-8-9 CAD'LAC '61 Cpe DeVIIIe. REPOSSESSTD FACTORY AIR-CONDITIONING Toke Over Payment of $69.50 DELAWARE VAllEY AUTOS. INC. 29TH 4 SNYDER AVE. FU 9-4600 CAD '58 "75 LIMOUSINE" ALL EXTRAS—SUPERB'CONDITION $2500 EUGENF ROBERTS WA 4-6)00 CADILLAC '61 Conv. Fully egpd. $3395 59 Cad DeVille Cpe. Air-Cond. $2295 57 Cad 4-dr hdtp. Exc cond. $995 GlENSIDE TRIUMPH TU 7-9070 CADILLAC '60 Coupe de Ville. alr-cend all new tires. Excel cond. $3195. NORRISTOWN CADI HAC-OLDS 1101 E MAIN ST CH_7-23!3 CADILLAC '58 beautiful Eldorado ton- vertible, full power. PRICED TO SELLI KOCHE-FOX. 1420 Belfield. DA 9-1050 CA0ILUC '56 2-dr hdtp cpe. All powers. Extra clean. Bonk financing. DICK GLANZMANN. 2041 N. 2ND ST. CAD. *41 4-dr. sedan, model 62, New inspection $95. HO 7-0830 Corvstlss CORVf TTI '58 mod. '62 fuel Inlected eng, 2 compl, new rears w/axles, 3.78 reg. 4.56 posi, new Shaffer clutch, pressure plate 4 flywheel, all new 33 month Guar, tires, new heavy duty springs 4 shocks, 2" exhaust system w/heodert, new brakes, 2 tops, new upholstery. Many other extras.Very ver* fast. Pvt owner. $2500. Coll BR 2-2367 BR 2-2625. Dt Soios DISOTO '57 Conv.rtlbie. leautiful 1. owner car, looks 4 runs as good at new. Only $895. Financed to suit. BOTT-CHRYSLER, 4817 N BROAD ST. Dodfts DODGE 1 961 4-dr Station Wagen. * cyl IStd drive. R&H. Was $t499. Now $1297 OVER 100 CARS IN STOCK DOAN-CALHOUN "THE CHEVROLET TYCOONS" 4605 N 5th 5f. DA 4-2500. Op Eve. DODGE '61 PIONEER. 4-dr sdn. 2-tene blue 8-cyl. auto, R*H. P/| 4 P/8. A , REAL BEAUTY FOR ONLY $ 1 6 ' " OXFORD 1695. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH AT OXFORD CIRCLE PiA 6900 DODGE '61 Seneca Sedan, Push button drive. 1-owner car. Wot $1695. Now "KOELLE-GREENWOOD "Philo'f Oldest Ford Dealer" '61 W Chelten Ave GE; 8-1024 DODGE 60 4-dr, auto trantm, power steering, ! 1 H, l n like-new cond. 1 own, low mileage. Today's spec, $1095 OGONTZ FORD 6060 N BROAD ST WA 7-2509 DODGE '55 2-dr hdtp, auto, 25.000 orTg miles. Priv. GE 8-9797, Mr Either. DODGE '63. $195 down. $12.26 a wk. F 1 ROBINSON 48TH 4 CHESTNUT LUNCHEONETTE, |ine. CaJJ_Fi^-2368. geed epaert. Main- TYPIST" A FEE $70 CC. OUR EXCLUSiVEl Opportunity plus offered to worker with good skills. Hours 9 to 5. See Miss Gallagher. E. J. Bettinger, Emp Agcy, 7th floor, 20 South 15th St, LO 4-0700. OPERATORS on tingle needle, high speed On eti parte g4 swim trunkt axe teg hemme<? a Morrow operg Steady work. High woges Apply jtytuory 2nd. EMPIRE 22d 4 tehigh Ave Perm Fruit. men t eerier tee s cJorhing Steads 3014 Reed tt loc d ^kWti, SEWQE^f %UeTesaiss^BBSk*fiiPaW mtg concern Wp OMMMV e^sjw#t ArNlw- (•or, 3d 4 Samerte*. 4th ft f_qrd y 4 , M 1ST ryeiit, center city, $65 mfiL_Agy M06 Chestnut^ St erd J1004 N. prese. $m e»c benefits Mist Scotf DeHaven tmp Agy, 1405 Locust St, PE 5-4020 RlCWfiwftr *7i/$Si. " Mierth««d. onv. lee. Coll Srendo, Fronkford Per- sormol, 3207 Kentington Av. GA 5-1200 H£miONIfT, Cf TflO me Mod tor- mir«i'f>gv, Mi« Seot^. DnHnvnn Imp Med terminology, CC dictaphone Mist -lotry, ne t rtnlogy, tV L n 5-4020 •rthand, ruth. $7$ ford, DeHaven fmp Agy. PE $ 4020 SALES HELP. Ready to 'wear Txi3 oref Excel working cond 4 benefits Apoly , n perton. Mr. Randall, Fronk JLJimon, 1126 Chestnut f>, SAltSGtSl Coshior. most be »»ed plv In person Wed. btwn. 10 gm 4 3 sm. Main line Pharmacy, 1408 Rt, 130 Piv.rtgn, N J Phone 609-879.7200 SAlliVjlRL Baker-Lunch fxp preferred Mutt be neat No evenings or Sundays *pply ! 28 S 18th St. offer 10 AM SA4l$lADiEt Eirpd tefllmj eperttwea,, lingerie 4 dresses Liberal salary 4 Well known Cosmetic Comaam/ it interested in Interviewing ladies who hovd hod direct soles exp in eoemetite it other fields Perhaps you ore now eaoV to move on to full time manage m»ttt work. We offer a au«r of $5fXX) tto.ting ealary, car allowance, taepital- Iwrton, group insurance 4 pmd vaca- tions lend istumt covering exp., eduranen, age 4 family tttuotion to STSNO. willing gat. geed SHhrTwIll have opport to show reputable co what she can do. Except ben. $282. Miss PecicocJi^SnellingErnt) Sery^_FLj! " STENOGRAPHER.Typing 4 general work. This is an egugf opportunity position Reply P-164 Inquirer StENOO for low office, »«rt ttme, J hrt daily. Coll LO 3-9688 aft. 3 $WN6 j;, tep"«reeT Tinkler Emp Agy. I406_ 470 •Mk •- -L-. --r Chettnut J | $U*tRVI$OR for Junior Deet. Store In Phila. suburbs. We need a person to supervise opening 4 closing ef store, cashiers 4 sales personnel, Apoly by otter, stating experience. All replies onfidentiQi Immediate opportunity for trained xroy technician experienced In therapy pro ceduret. Excellent benefit program. Ap ply Personnel Dept. Woman t Medical College,.3300 Henry ove TECHNICIAN-lee. Exp irTTotpltel leb- TYP1STS. (Temp—Ne Fee.) Stat. diet. 4 exec, long term attignmentt avail NE CC, W Phila; alto Valley Forge 4 Radnor. Gd appear essential. Olsten't Philet 2 Perm Center. LO 8-7795: Nor rittown, 18 W Airv tt. BR 5 4326 TYPIST. Train fer responsible H In- volving diversified duties with top firm In modem CC office. Some college or plut values pref. $300 plus 4 fee pqioV /rMsUr Etnp| Svc, 21 S. 12th St T^ST-RECErTrONTST" Jl 0 ' 0 /* with office exp. Cntr C. $260 fjyffM Etttbt Agy i iTL Smi St TYPIST, ever 20, exp neceteary. 5 day , * • • " - G o o d salary. Crown Finance Co. 5206 Chettnut St. Mr. White. No phone OVER 307 Train fer NE office |ebt at NE Intt. 5121 Darrah [Fkd-Pratt). JE 3-0447. ' LEARN Permanent Hair Removal by ELECTROLYSIS. Call MISS PAULA 1422 Chestnut St. Rm 709. LO 3-7862 BE A PRACTICAL NURSE IN 4Vj MO$ Enroll Ntow for Day or Eve.Free Booklet Notional Schl, 1600 Sontom, 10 3-3422 CUSHMAN PBX 4 Receptionist School 420 WALNUT ST. RM 1001, PE 5-7450 BE A SEWING OPERATOR, 40 N. 9th tt MAC FACTORY SCHOOL WA 2-0689 LEARN Factory Sewing, 39 N 10th St. American Sewing Trade Schl.WA 5-2966 IBM-Keypunch, Northeast Business Ma chine School. 1548 Pratt, Pi 4-6050. BUSINESS MACHINE 16 S BROAD ST SBRC SJJTY SCHOOL 10 8-0946 BEAUTY CULTURE—Clostet now Modernella 41 S 69, U Dby, FL 2-9770, MODERN Career PtX-Typing Schl. Ren teacher. 707 Widener Bldg, LO 3-5746 AGENTS WAHTE9 HOMEWORK EARN $48.75 WEEKLY FILL OUR CUSTOMERS ORDERS NO CANVASSING REQUIRED SEAMLESS NYLON MESH 39c PAIR NO MONEY NEEDED WE DELIVER MA 7-4345 SALES. Housewives, a Happy Year can be vourt ovg from $20 to $50 per wk telling AVON COSMETICS. For information, LO 8-2686i LO 8-0106. SnOATIOiS WAITED MALE IN tAt „_ ready to wear S W Phila. Hrt. 10 to 4 5.d«y week Or-ly enod n—d ooetv Call GR 45843 SAlliVFOmAh. «£ m f |tt_ flttseX 'TP Hgygrfprd $!Cn!ApSI-rya4ets. Eleeteni gtmee- phere, free '.i.tton, evening] division Several e»cellent poslfiont evoMoble Temple ltn.verslty, a 4-4000, Ext 4»1 orotory procedure. Work alternate night! 4 Sundays. Excellent tolary-J- liv.ng ouortert. Chestnut Hill Hospital Personnel, SS-^j Germantown ave. miPMONI SALES, i 30-e : jo em -t- s- hour shift Saturdays. Excellent oppor. tunity fo earn additiongl income, life Magorine hot teveral openings for exp telephone saleswomen. Convenient CC office. Paid trginingx Salary $31.25 for 25 hour sehedule-4- extra high bonus. Capable tales people can entity double thit bone figure with renewals supplied by publisher. Phone tor interview app't Wed onW. 9 pm to 9 pm, LO 3 9510 TELEPHONE S A t l l . Cent cjty. Full tket S'/i days. Life Magatlne has openings for teveral expd. telephone soletwom- en. Permanent pat. Paid training. Salary $50 weekry-t-extrg high bonm. Renewal leads supplied by publisher can easily double baste income. Phone for interview eppt. Wednesday only, 9 am to 5 pm. LO 3-95)0. TTLEPHONE OPERATORS MUST BE EXPERIENCED All thifts All sectiant of city ing te work in our office Salary 4 comm. Will teach heme remodeling tolicitarion if exe'd in other field. Call Mr Carlo. N I 4 0460,_fer ape fj miPMONI Solicitor, |„, mestp, Hig^esf comm pd. Contact leads for home modemiiatlon Co. Call for apot on SeW Tel 4 WU Printed 4 perfo fated Lang term assignments avail NE. CC. W Phllo! alse Volley Forge 4 Radnor Gd appear essential. Olsten't Phila. 2 Penn Center. 10 8779Si Ner- »t W Airy tt. M l-a^fts TYPIST Clerk, knowledge ef cemetem- eter, addition only. 3/7» hour, 5 day week. Liberal employ benefitt, apply Pep Boys. 3111 W Allegheny. 5th fir. TYPIST, neet, accurate, small tent city air cond office. General office routine. Company benefits, paid vocation. Dla 9™Pi , -8radley,_409^ Arch tt^ ^ TYPIST Shorthand, intelligent, inthrttrl- ous. Apety 3-5 PM, Stanley Grott, Hancock-Gross, 135 S, 2nd St. VARITYPI t DSJ Operator. Thereuehly expd. Apply, 19 Maplewgod Aye c Gtn WAITRi$$E$, full e r part time. 7 te 3 4 3 to II shifts. Must be neat with exper. Paid vacations 4 good earnings. Apply Schrfv's Empire Diner. Rte 130 4 Cinnaminfon Ave, New Jersey. WAITIISS Neat 4 deeendobl.. Dey work. No Sunday, Good clientele. Apply Deon't Diner, 210 E. Lancatter ave. Ardmore, Mi 2-9644, WAITRISJll, fuTTer pert time, ever 21. Mutt be expd. Gd salary, generous tips. In the Huntingdon Vol Shop Cen tor. Call Mf Sgrnow aft 11. ES 9.0200 WAITR|$$|S," all shifts. |xp. Good tlpt 4 sal. Pleasant cond. Penrote Diner, SW cot 20th_> Penrose. HQ,5-IO°7 WAITIISSIS mutt be expd, l.f cl«, dining room, New Jersey. 5 miles from Comden. C-166 Inquirer, WAITRESS Full lime. Arm service exp. Apply after * I 30 A M. Bdedervood Grill. 800 York rd, Jenkintown, Pa, WAITRESSES ExpdTTSoetT tlet. Seed working condiflont. Apply. Girsrd Rttfourgrit, NE cor., 3d i._G'farcLgve. WAITEISS Ixed. Night work, M to'8. Good wages & good tips. Apply in person. SQVOY Restaurant, 232 S 11 th et WAITIEJJ, oxp"oTSiot 4 reliable, itdy Day work. Apply 711 N Brood tt WAITRISI ceenter, grill exp. 4 9 30 PM. Gd wages 4 tips, 1° $• 16th St, WAITRESS fer cor hep service. Heunt 5.30 PM toJ_AM Call SA 7-8043. WAITH$$7 enp, eight 'wOXTi PM-T AM. 6 days Gd tips Call CA.4-1613 ACCT CPA, mature, del perm, • * pea Audit!, tystems, taxes, mo bkkpg Lower cost but intur. MO 4-6440 dot perm pt time pet ledger 1818. toxet 4 fin statements. NE 7 WOMAN. 17, learn hairdresting previous expenence. trainee er te business. Some CU_ M66?! WOMAN det pet at cook In restaurant. Expd 4 ref. Coll TR 8-5516. WOMAN. Exp, det day'i work en W e d & Thun. Reft. Coll SH 7-1846. WOMAN detlret housework, 8 net. Nurses aide experience also.BA 2-0586 LUNCHEONETTE—Restouront, Fled Ave. busy Moyfair. 1 et clots. MA 4-1160. MANUFACTURING But! Amorico's new- est fports item. Tremendous oppry. Partners disagree. Will sac stock, eguio & good will. $10,000 total. This Invest- ment should be returned by spring RQYAL REALTY PO 9-6000 MEAT Concession, mixed trade, active store, serving aoprox 3000 customers per wk. Good oppor for live wire small invett. Gtn area. Ph DE 2-9356 Allentewn dree* 29 mod brick house. Gross more then lOONS TO REIT ARCH 1830. Large dean newly renev. Plenty of heot. Semi pvt bth. $10 week ARCH, 1731. Cent, ultra mod. dry $7.50 up. Wfcly, Also pvt bs. Op 24 hours BROAD ST, 314 5. Warm r m s - f O S wk up. Also hsekpg suite BROAD 4 Olney vie pvf bath. Linens fl. \ 4 2 rm efflc, 2d Pvt em. Quiet bus _meni jj_9^5407 ERIE AVE. 1800 W, certgTe 8 tfltte mil, plenty of hot water, showers, gentle man. # 5 6 car stops of door. FLORENCE AVE, 5841, fum er unfum rms for business lodiet er nurses, end pch, Ivg rm, TV, 2 b's, 2 kitchent. SA 6-2433. LEHIGH 4 11th vie. Corel fum rm. Gen- tlemen, For oppointment. FU 9-6729 MARGARET St, 1*13 E.-Oenllemon Kitchen priv. Aply 10 gm to 2 pm. OLNEY. STH 4 COWHAND. COR. RM 4 BATH. $10. DA 4-5050. . OXFOaO CIRCLE. trgnsportotion sTeem, newly fum. Call JEJ^MOS. PINE, 8>M32—Sgle-dbl rms, olse 1-2 rt.K.B.elev.reas.LO 7-4938;PE 5-5853 PINE, 1730. Werm, cemfertebU rm. Gentleman,linens,moid serv.PE 5-2329 $, PHIIA. Cetnf firm rm 4 heme priv for ronservotive woman. DE 6-6643 SPRUCE, 606. Sec Hill. Fum net, $5-$> wk up, hskpg, shwrs. WA 5-824. SPRUCE 91S. $el 18 1-2rs.S.WA2-a»l Spruce. 910. 1-4 rms. K 8. WA 3-3930 SPRUCE 1033-Renev fum hekpg rm, pvt b $10. Sleep rms $6 up. Others. Quiet SPRUCE. 70S. Women 1-2 hskpg rt $30 mojiPj-fiwk^WA 3-3930.MA 7-9779 SPRUCE, 1122—Med fern htkeg rt, hit, pvt b or shwr, low rent. WA 3-3924 ASSISTANT te herd pressed executive Experienced in Advertising, Solet, Credit, ivy league graduate; not afraid of hard -work. Presently employed ph OR 8-7026 or S-157 Inquirer. AU0TT Adm, like detallTschedullne, In- ventory _co_ntrol_ exp. ST 3-4944 |NJ). AUTO Service Mgr. 15 yrs.' exp. Ae- gressive 4 dep.. des. pos WA 7-0968. AUTO Service Mgr, IS yrs exp, aggres- sive and dep des pgsA WA 70968. BARTENDER, des pat. Experienced, steady 4 reliable. GA 5-3766. BARTIHDH, exp, tteady, reliable, det position. Coll GA 5-3766. SPRUCE. 806-914. Furtr 1-3 hskpg rms, irlt.pvt b.pvt shwr.low rent.WA^^305 SPRUCE 924-Renev fum hekpg rm, pvt b $10. Sloe prmt $6 up._ Others. Quiet SPRUCE. ted^FeTpum 1-3 htkpg rmt, kitpvt b, pvtjihwr, low rent.WA 2-^)305 UPPER DARBY, warm cernf. nn. priv. en trance. Gonrlomon, Ref, Hi 9-2891 WALNUT If. SI 6. Center City. Nicely turn warm rmt $8 up wklv WA 2-9330 Tfnf _ _ „ igTtTlW. Ne e b ^ t e a l U ^ s s t Plner, 4233 N Broad WAIT1IH. Diner e<» Aeeiv in »ei WAITRMI, h^7U^p^.iiay wk 35 hrt. Apply 50 W. Chelten ave WAlTRIIS. Exp'd. Apety leu'tEetteu- rant, 934 N. Brood st , __ WAITREflEI. lead. M l er pari time Irwfltid vie Ki 3 6644 oft )1_AM WAITtlSSH Exp. net M t t t t e n . Ap- ply m perian, 1506 W SutqueMnn-, WAlfilM. >>o T O om Drextl 01. ne- %•<]•' K ,nntdcnene D'«*ei Hn WAlftlSS—tr.v servi,. Meh rlass Din Room, fgirfg*. <v f d »i lotm' $tt Ivpd , pert there! Aeeiv 'ng jljML ees'l beekfceeeet, efte bte of handling phonet. Permanent pstitisn, good starting salary Warren gi'ls. Cottoge position. Resident r*g d Crilaoaaifiiu.v H-168 i.nau.mr, . WOMAN te work t#Vnte, « s.11 tee food (Friday i only! in Reading Tor- mjJiglJtarie»_CaJ4JrYAj^i^ RrVESkSN, reepemRote, Rue bt. Assist M care of heme 4 children. LA $877). BAHTENOIR. nttdale-aae. tebef. relia- ble, exp mixologitt. Gd reft. GR 3090 CHAUVPEUR. Men ttetlret eetitlen. Have referencet. PO 9-J236 anytime. CHEP desiret petition. In er out ef city Call HA 4-6510. CLERK, IS, dot" _ .,,. . WtTiinV i Dependable, LU ^-5333. COOK, ell-areend exper incj teefeed H55y934&9jJej^tc._jrUfYJVJi^8_8.' COOK, short order, exp'd desires evening position,...OR 2-3832 DRAFTSMAN det full Hate position ten fer city, S-l 36 Ingulf er EXPORT Aett. Itelltm/ErencT cerretp Trgnsl, Typ, Payroll, etc, des pos M-2D Inquirer, MAN, ettgid pecker, service station at- tendant, store helper, carpenter s 4 el^ricier£s_helper des pot. PO 5 8375 MAN des. pet. et melntenence m< coretoker, or paintet t»p EVA 814", MAN det pes et wetthatan er effite cleaning evet. Exp 4 reft, CE 2 28?4 MAN, 71, des pes, vet, ship 4 ret exp - W -i llma _ , o.laom. It 8-9257 gft_7 30 PM MAN desiret eny type eotltlen. Willing Jglegm^ReJigble. PO 3-6575. MAN, 23. det eny type eetitlen. Mor- 'ied, driver t license. Call CU 9-1669 MAN dot eight |eb any type, have cor eager 4 ambitious GR 7 2595 offer A MAN des perm get In shipping, stock J?UK?*YO *»Pi._Expd. Coll BA 9 - U 2 1 P^Plm4AT4«iR, etrfnktr, wall scrap,,. E^Jftrej, dejLjwt. 6l 8;0713. POtTER det pet Or ell ereund kit *OE£. E.xp 4 reft. Call SH 7-2564. PRINTING Sepervltor, II yn" . . . in divertlfied printing letterpress ond all facets of offtet det pos. Coil weekends * 3262 (N nnd after 6PM h L^Mqnj, i fjdrtt,? WSY.MYG ) rsACTOR Trailer drtVer dot pee. IS yrs f.ty.4 'ggd.exp. Ref. SH 8-6°38 TRUCK driver des. eet Ivrol •«» Can handle ml tixet 4 all makes and fractou 4 trailers. Detires tteodv pat only, QA 5-3766• Driver det pes. Feetery werh 4 pee.|Cl WALNUT. 2122. Finest housekeeping, ngar hrrtiv tor Naht $10 week WALNUT. 116, center c.ty, nic.lv worm rms. $8 wkly. WA 2-9330. MOTET units, plus $45,000. Will lease or sell. Small dn paymt. Principals only. For appt., Mi 2-1637. _ ' NEWSPAPER BOUTS. EARNS $149 WK Overbrook Park. Ideal as sideline NEWSPAPER ROUTE. EARNS $305 WK 100% Billing. Delaware County—SEE AXIER 4 CO, 1321 ARCH, LO 3-4278 PARTNER, executive, aggressive seeks to invest as active partner or to ob fain a more challenging position. In forested in a company with growth po- tential where ability, imagination 4 eadership gre the dominant factors; the need for capital, secondary. Excellent administrator with analytical mind, 8 yrs diversified experience in manage- ment, accounting, tystems, public rela- rie/it 4 personnel. Married, college graduate. Write H-133 Inguirer. PLASTIC fVinvll electronic Heat Sealing Plant. 1st time offered. Modern com- pletely eguip'd facilities. Can be seen in operation. Machinery 4 eguip for sale with or without bldg. Real money maker for partnership or subsidiary to corporation. Will entertain interesting proposition with responsible persons. No Triflers. Good reason for telling. Replies opnfidentiol MO 88 'oauirer. PHI ICO LAUNDRY"! DRY CLEAN SO*. BECKER, 4220 MARKET ST EV 2-0181 PIZZA. Big profits. Oper. Mom's Pitta franchise, sm invett, gd hrs CU 8-0692 RETIRED Accountant a small accounting i ment income. Write det te purchase rvice te supple P-175 Inguirer SEA FOOD TAKEOUTS. NITS $150 WK. OPEN THURS-FRI ONLY. SAC—$20001 AXLER 4 CO, 1321 ARCH. iO„3-4278 SERVICE tta (S1NCIA1RI fer lease, gdl W P toe. Dealer training. CU 9-2100 STORE 4 2 rented apts. Olney. Suit any businett. Sep util. Coco. Pi 5-8320 TAILOR Shop. Cleaning. Going businett. Sell due illness. FL 2-9958, Fl 2-2943 TAPRM, 107 Limekiln Pfc, Olentlde, Pa. Did $1200 bar, $500 food. Beoutifu Parking. $35.0001 $10,000 ci BILL FOX cash rectd 1617 N BROAD ST. CAD '56 Cpe Do Ville like new Mtrt. 72nd 4 Woodland cry. SA 7-8093 CAD '61 Limeusfne, f pate, aft pewers, excel cond $4900. 212-AC 2-3301. CAD '55-62. PB/P$„new tires, pvt par- ry, must sell $450. DE 8-5887 oft 6 PM CAD "81 sdn DeVIIIe, fee air cond, all exts, like new, pvt. $3395. Mi 2-6842 Chevrolet! CHEVROLET DOAN-CALHOUN JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE OVER 100 CARS LOW, LOW PRICES WAS NOW 963 CHEVY Corvoir (used) 2-dr. Coupe. 2-tone Beige SAVE-SAVE 1962 CHEVY V-8 Spt. Cpe. R4H, Auto. Power Steering. Brakes—$2699-$2499 1962 CHEVY II Convertible, Green. R4H, Automatic Drive $2299-$2099 1962 CHEV Impala V-8 Spt. Cpe. Block, Gold Interior, Automatic. R4H, Power Steering etc. $2699-$2499 962 CHEVY Impala V-8. Convertible Super Sport. R4H, Auto. —$2699-$2499 1961 CHEVY Impala V-8 Spt. Co- • 5 to choose from. 6 4 8 cyl. E4H. AUTO- MATIC. Power Steering, from—$1699 1961 CHEVY Biscayne 4-dr. sed. R4H, V-8, Automatic, Green —$1699-$!499 Faleos, ____ FALCON '60 Wagon., 1 to choose,$1295 Folcon '60 to '62 Sedans, from $895 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT WITH OUR 1-YEAR GW WARRANTY KOELLE-GREENWOOD •phila's Oldest Ford Dealer" 161 W Chelten Ave GE 8-1024 FALCON 60, 4-deer sedon, R 4 H. in like new condition, the perfect econ- omy cat. REDUCED TO $ H 9 5 . OGONTZ FORD. 6060 N. BROAD ST. WA 7-2509 FALCON '41 Station ps R&H, 16.000 miles. Excel cond GlENSIDE TRIUMPH FALCONS S FORDS '60 te '63. 2-dr stick. $1495 TU 7-9070 up to 36 mo. Podftco Ford, HO 5-6208 Fords FORDS FORDS FOR0$ 1961 4 to CHEVY Impala V-8 Convertible!, choose from $1799 961 CHEVY Corvalr, Heater. Special White. Radio 4 -$1699-$! 499 961 CHEVY Bel-Air V-8 Station Wagon. White. RoiH, PG, Pwr. Strg $2399-$! 999 1960 CHEVY Impala V-8 5 to choose from. Low as Spt, Cpe's. -$1499 CE 6 7300 fum 1 9TH ST, 374S N.~Rm, front! w/lrit privi- leges. Woman. Aft 6 PM. Sun ajl_day 34th St. 537 N. Furnished rm A pvt Hie bth moid^erv, $8 wk up. EV 6-3664 BETTY Rett Women'. Club, 102T$p*ttce, $45 to $75 mo. 2 rm opts On prem- ises pr WA 5-1603 or Ki 6-3589 PARK Hotel, 16lT Summer" off Porkwtry, CC, newly decor. From $12.90 ue._ KENT Hotel, 20 $ 38th. Runnse mens, moid service, from $lT.9Q Sabarb» B SALA-Cynwyd, room, pvt b, shwr, gar, meolt^opj^^butler service. MO 4-91 77 1ALA CYNWYD bet WCAU t 44th St. Gentlemen. $11, 122 Upland Tengce W«w Jersey RIVERTON. Lge tor rm, pvt ent, tattn both, conv oil trontp, 1 or 2 gentle men, beout house 4 groundi_S2yi2819 ItW Terk 8 E & 35 E «S8 ST, NYC OFF FIFTH AVENUE Your Home "Away From Home." Gra- cious living at o smort East Side ad- dress, an asset to your career. Girls Club ideal far career glrlt ond bueinets women. Dose to tronsp, $30-35 weekly, Incl two meals, or $23.50 up, Including breokfget. RJ 7-1073. TR 9-3180. ioepis—Wailed RM wtd exrh pt Hmo torvkos by I k prext nurse. Nr. trontp $-)78 Inquirar, _ 4STM JNeer Welnutl. rm. Good meals All ceeeTeiegpie reent conv t. EV 6 8568 UhnrUn PHOENIXV'E. Warm cernf heme, retired 4 aoed gd food 4 care WE 3 6343 timi _L4sMlenrlr iQltg • I 4 tele. $2 JO day, $14 WA 2 . -es putman 1222 sjl^SiMOTON HOTEL, 7th 4 Oeuphm FOR MEN 4 WOMEN. DIN RM. ELEV M»wlv renev, ' I . N W tor toss) e Pvt hut. Spec wk TAPRM. NE, $1100 bar but. Owner hat other interettt $7500 reg d. Othen. / M J PICHNEY OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9PM 7605 OGONTZ A V E . _ li 9-8500 TAPRM 4 * rm house, Greys Perry vlt. $1 300 wk. $6500 coth regd. Help fin. AL SINGER 3523 NJROAD ST. ,, BA 6-0777 TAPRM, col 4, Getntaetewn, SeOO wk. Liv gtrt. Orcular bar, $2500 cash reg. JACK KULLA 3145 N, BROAD ST. BA 9 4500 TAPROOM. Geed fmttneing evailabte. Suburban Brokerage, Inc. 202 S BROA0 ST, LANSDALE, PA. UL 5LQ.708._.. _ TAPRM. vie Cotter 4 Buttleton, prove $1000 bar. Mod. $7500 cosh reguired. OSCAR HIRSCH 2404 N BROAD ST J^l^JOO TAPRM: N J. $38,000, PIKE IOCATION ANN FOSTER UL 4-3548 494 HAD0ON AV| Cplllrtatwogd, N J TAPRM. Wayne. ffOOO wk bu. Ren free. Parking. $5000 reg. Welsh, SH 7 4493. TRACfORS Owner- eperete a7"Be ttel. sleep cab pref. 1957 model or late Excel rgtes. Fast growing Co, Contact EdDowneyi J)X 1-7000^exj_56_ [N J) 'AP»M Transient iu.i-e.. $TSO wk $23 000. Gd finon. Othen. All sects GERAGHTY,_4TH 4 TA8QR, LI 86420 TRACTORS. Owner eperated. Dleiel Sleep cab pref. 1957 model er later Excel ratei. Fest growing Co. Contact Ed Downey, OX 1-7000, ext 56 IN J) GET THS OOMPlBfi PlCnrUll OS Current Southern California OPPORTUNITIES Order LOS ANGELES TIMES CLASSIFIED JUBILEE Published Jan. 6. 1963 Current opportunities of all kinds—the ob, business, roof estate or investment situation you may be teeking In fast- growing Southern California—are listed tor your centjderation In this great an- nual edition. READY FOR MAILING UPON PUBLICATION. TIMES JUBILEE is the world's mott famous and largest ciattifled teet'oct— over 100 pages of |obt. homes, busi- nesses, rentals, investments, services and merchandise in the Nation's NUM. BER 1 STATE. $1 MAILED POSTPAID ANYWHERE IN THE U, S. Write Lot Angeles Timet Classified. Dept. G. tot Angeles 53, CalhVtmln. 1960 CHEVY Corvoir 4-dr. tedon R4H, Automatic j $l29y-$1099 I960 CHEVY Impala V-8. Convertible. Beige, R4H. Automatic, Power Steering 4, other extrat -$1899- $1699 1959 CHEVY Impala 4-dr. V-8. Hardtop. R4H. PG, Power Steerlno—$1599-$! 399 1959 CHEVY Station Wagon, 9-post. 4-dr. R4H, Automatic —$1499-$! 299 DOAN-CALHOUN "THE CHEVROLET TYCOON" 4605 N, 5th St. DA 4-2500. Open Eve. II PIS Winners Everyday C & C FORD FRft ENTRY—NOTHING TO BUY SEE CECIL BUY OR BROWSE FACTORY DIRECT! LFJIM! $300 UNDER COMPETITION 62 HI 500. V-8, R4H. ww't. --$1799 62 Goloxv 500.8,R4H.outo. P.S $19og 60 Sta Wag. R4H, ww, dlx trim. $899 60 F/l 500, R4H. ww.dlx trim. $699 '57 F/L 500. V8, R4JH, auto, P/S. $299 (Opp Willow Grove Air Stg gt Rt 6111 1100 EastonRd. Hor.ham, 9$ ?.i7np FORD It Heater, *0 * cyl e.rfr AutematK 4 Wat $1099—Novr $899 CHEVROLET V8's '61 PARKWD wag. R4H. P/Glide $1895 61 8ELAIR. 4-dr, 1-own. P/GUde $1695 60 BELAIR, 2-dr, 1-own.P/Glide $1295 59 PARKWD wag, R4H, P/Glide $1195 59 BELAIR 2-dr, R4H, PfGlide $995 OX" WRITTEN WARRANTY PIONEER CHEVROLET 201 W. Lancaster Av.Wgyne.MU 8-^00 CT1W '57. W E I L BrTlNG ONE TO YOU IF YOU CAN PAY $7.10 WEEK. MUST HAVE LICENSE Call MIKE PLATT.JE 3-6769 CTtJW '62 ImpoTot. 2 4 4 dr Hdtet Fully eguipped. New cor Guar. $2295 NO MONEY DOWN MATT SLAP CHEVROLET TORRESOALE 4 COTTMAN ~pE 8-7300 CHEV •tVTTT *42i r BRAN0 NEW FINAL CLEARANCE—MAKE OFFER Mutt go. Will trade. E-Z bonk terms PATCH FFEL 4800 N MarvmeiDA_9 0846 CHIV 54 Imgala cenvt, V-S, "R4H. Powerglide, P/S, P/B, tilver blue. New blue top, tatety beltt, 28,000 mi CaH H 5-S845. I4H. eeenitffyl FORD 1960 A cyl 4-dr sed. R4H. Auto, Pwr ttrg. Wos $1199. Now $999 OVES 100 CARS IN STOCK DOAN-CALHOUN 'THE CHEVROLET TYCOONS'' 4605 N 5th St. PA 42500. Op Eve, FORD 60 T IP. $2291 blue beauty GOfc Impala. aute, -YU95"' StVtf* m LINC-MERC AJSCiSTlLAVL .„M! -^V® Powerglide, R4H, garage kept, trted 17,000 milet. Bijente 4 white. Beautiful condition. $9$0, Vtl 7-33J9. CHiV '58, 2^dr Site. R4H, etrte, 8 eyl. snow tires{ 2-cor family new mso, snow fires, / rat family like new ftiruout, 8ocr. S750. L) f jPTjEf CHEV '62 lupei epert convert 5400 true mi 327 V 8 Stick Buckets AJ. W l S p N , PONT I A C HATBORO,, PA CHIV S« Cenvt B4H Aute.—$1799 SPAETH WOIFINGTON-CHEVROUT 680] RIDGE PIKE IV 2-9727 CHEVtOtIT H . 14. 6 cond. Bank financing. _^^^^^ DICK GIAN7MANN, 2041 N. 2ND ST. CHIVY 55 Nensad Stat wag, ex< rend new paint Call Oi 9-707*. cMivRoisTi vscarv. Fre-rim FlERSTEIN, S949 N BROAD, WA 7-1008 620 BUSTLETON AVE. FEASHRVIllE PHONE EL 7-6600. OPEN TIL 10 PM. FORD '59 station wagen, 4-dr, aute trant, power steering. Excel cemd In 4 out. Reduced for aulck idle, $1095. OGONT2 FORD 6060 N BROAft ST WA 7-2J.09 roeo 'SS 2-aeer tedon Automata trantmistion. R 4 H. Perfect 2d car. SACRIFICE OGONTZ FORD , 6060. N JROAO.ST WA.,7-2509 FORD 'J8 Retractable, very scerct Un- usually clean. Full power. Reasonable GEORGE RAMBLER 1542 Chester Pike, Folcroft.. U i 6JJO0 FORD '61i 4 62. BRANO NEW FINAL CLEARANCE—MAKE OFFER Must go. Will trade. E-Z bank terms.. RATCUFFE^^rtOOJN Morvlne. DA.9-0846 FORD '59 Galtnrie cenvt. Geed tit*- tion including top. PS 4 many other extras. $1250. Call BR 2-2367 pr BR 2-2625. _ ^ _ _ FfS»onSSWtTY"ToTjTH '57 STATION WAGON—9 PASSFNGER REDUCEO TO $37.00 PER MONTH Hoisfield^610l Lancaster, GR 3 : 6303 FCtRtJ 41 daia«ie, 4 eeerT# t Auto. Rodia. htr. V-8. 16,000 mi., pert cond. |1975, i cwner Pv TjJ4-5566_, FORO 5* 4-dr sedan. All eowen, Tt fng, E»c inside 4 out, CI 9 4640 fORD S9 fMemies. Woeon---4I»S FiERSTIEN. »49N.|RQftO, WA 7)008 F O t 6 I T G w t SU.SnSt ta^eegTWI race, 5000 mi. 723-7762 g*fef 6PM. FO» '5* »*>. I»H, e-oCsttai. New "Sspact. $_J.-_4805__N 8 r o g d j ^ _ rORD JJ Victoria. Aute, FORD -Ml, 2-dr"edW, POtD •!«, I.e> egp, aute trant. Rati, R4H $JO0 Coll f A 5-4609 til »• 2-dr. dbtel vmm rr * A '509" <-»., eoio mm, Na Money Dn. Venue Aute.HO $ 2999 •* Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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  • m-mm m p^ i^^pp .

    -4© ĥ TKsj Ph«Ude!pKi« Inquirer Al ^ £ T

    WEDNESDAY. JANUARY t , 1944 AO-tokor


    Secy fjce

    FOR " 6 3 " $350 Mo. Modern of-

    Excellent benefits. Ctr City. FILE CLERK. $250 Mo. For rh« gal jutt getting .trrtsjd. Ctr City. CLERK-TYPIST, $260 Mo. This for the promotable type gal Ctr City. SECTY. $390 Mo Good Math skills*& ability •o be Diversified.


    AUSTIN PERSONNEL 12 So 12th St. W A 5-3446


    BETT INGER SIVENTH FLOOR. 20 S I f 10 40700



    SECYS (2) Fee Pd $85 CC. Excel opotv. E»oandina f irm. Hrt 9 to 5. Company benefits,

    SECY Fee Pd $80 NORTHEAST — Exceptional offer to worker with oood skills. Advancement!

    PBX-Typist l/2 Fee Open CHESTNUT HiLL AREAPBx exper-r-fvp-ing. Salary commensurate with abi l i ty

    COMPTOMETER $85 SW Airport greo. 4 phgset. Must fvpe.


    1218 CHESTNUT MON. 9-7 DAILY 9 5

    ROOM 30 SAT. 10-12

    -Fee Pd •0 90 85




    Thii is «n opportunity for you,

    • g o over 21 , t o earn • sub-

    stantial weekly Income, work-

    ing on « straight commission

    basis. Ths work it pleasant

    . . . calling from your own

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    fice. Telephone tales e»

    pariancg it not absolutely

    nacessary, but pleasant tele-

    phone voice and pleesaing

    personality are extremely

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    ings unlimited.

    The hours will be arranged

    to suit you • . . either full

    time, port t ime or evenings.

    For complete details, call

    for an appointment.

    W A 2-4992

    SECRETARY i n g


    l O 3-3610 APPOINTMENT

    SECTY. 1 girl office. Investments Center city. 5 days $80- $85 SECTY to advertising manager. 4 -5 yrs exp. Cent city. Benefitt 4 - $350 SECTY. l ega l . Fee relmb. $80 $85 SECTY. Stenog. Recept duties. 5-6 yrs exp. 'A fee. Benefits 4 - $75 $80 DICTAPHONE operator. Medical . Part t ime. Center city Salary open. PROGRAMMER trainee. College grad. Preferred Center city $5000 TYPIST Clerk. Good at figures $60-65 M A N Y OTHER INTERESTING OPENINGS


    TEMPORARY-NO FEE STENOGRAPHER, $1 90 4 up per hr.

    DICTAPHONE Oprs, SI.BO per hour. TY»ISTS, $1.50 4 up per hour. BOOKKEEPING Moch Opr , $1 .80 per hr COMPTOMETER Oprs. $1 .80 per hr. KEYPUNCH, $1 .80 & up per hour. CLERKS, $1 30 4 up per hour.




    NEW YEAR They'll all be toasting you when you ore hired for this executive position in a 'well-known center city office. Nat-urally good skills and an executive ap-pearance are a must to start at $95. See

    JODY FORD JOBS (emp agy), 121 tread. Ki 6-4971. Open evenings


    & SNELLING 307 SUBURBAN SO. BLDG. ; «* ARDMORE, PA. Mf ••-9500 TR 8-9220


    RECEPTIONISTS EPTIONIST Greet Visitors $85 £PTIONIST For 2 Doctors $65

    RKEPTIONIST Promotional Director $70 RECEPTIONIST Hospital Director $65 RECEPTIONIST Front Desk $60 JILjrECE»TIONIST Jon Grad $55 jiPtiaPTJONIST Will Train $60

    GRAEBNER EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 74) Land Title Bldg, Brd & Chestnut Sts.

    LO 3-7260

    i NANCY ADAMS Exclusively f o r Gir ls

    RECEPTIONIST Psychiatrist $80 RECEPTIONIST Medical School $75 RECEPTIONIST Moke Appointments $68 JAN GRAD Doctor $60 JAN GRAD Receptionist $50

    NANCY ADAMS. PLACEMENT SERVICE loom 808, 1406 Chestnut St, LO 4-1530


    . . . My most.current center dry open-ing: i t for me personable, attractive MISS who enjoys meeting me publicl Vow wiH need fair ly good typinei to start today a t $70. See me. Rosemary " S. James I m p Agy. Fronkford 4 Maroaret i Pi 4 -3500

    S i C R f U R Y , vie' m j S B n City Cine Ave, real estate ofc. TR 8 - 4 5 2 1 .

    SECRETARY te exec. CC. fee ed $85 Tinkler Emp Aov. 1406 Chestnut St

    SECY, top not ce. Perns cnt. mat $390-(-M r Vqnce, DeHoven emp ogy.PE 5-4Q2Q

    fop CC Cempany, $75 .


    SHIFTS 7-3 A N D 3-11 ' . . . C A U , C H 7 - P 4 4 4

    NURSES Reg Maternity section of now heap. H 30 P. M . to 8 A. M . Excel

    Pgy, frinaa benefits. Shift differential . Cat) Personnel Dept , Holy Redeemer

    N U E T S E V regli teied eepervlsers for tob-ijahon nursing home. For patient care

    4 > I .A training proglram. Excellent salary 4 personnel policies. Apply 51 N 39m St^ r^caJ I EV 2-4877 bet 9 4 3 «l l Beg. Al l ehfte Mew S o ^ l r a l I pay Fringe benefits 4 shift differential Coll Personnel Dept . Hoty Redeemer Hasp Wi 7-3000, ext. 6 6 , • 4 H r . N g Me,pi t B l i„ rmieVoo. 7

    K3C 4 3 11 30 PM 5 days Give full particulars fjrst lettei. P_^I72 Inguirer N O M E RN Doy ftufy Mr Vonce, DeHaven tmp agy.PE 5-4020 tiMTk i t y » ^ r l a r j i m o . T m p

    " M a r w r g t , Pi 4-3^500

    SECRESTARY, J r Tinkler Emp Agy, 1406__ghestnut St

    SHOE SALESLADY, expd, for h l e r e r o d . fami ly shoe store. Must be able to fit

    children. Refs. Gd sol-l-comm. Horen's Inc. State 4 Olive sts. M e d i a , Pa.

    STAFF NURSE Position avet laWe fer general duty i taf f nurse on medical ,

    surgery, maternity, operating room, emergency and intensive care floors in Voluntary General Hospital* w i th 360 beds. Rotating shifts or permanent 3 • o i l 4 11 to 7. N e w facfejttes. pleas-ant working conditions, l iberal person-nel policy. Housing ovai loble, experi-ence credit on storting talary. Apply Miss Mary N Nikadem, Dir of Nursing The Memorial Hospital, 1501 N . Van Buren t t . , Wilmington 6, Delaware.

    STENOGRAPHER Sales Department

    . . . we need d good, experienced stenographer who is looking) for Interesting work In a medium sized Manufacturing Co. located in lagan and convenient to North or N.E. sections of the city. Pleas-ant surroundings, excellent fringe benefits. 5 days, 36'/, hour week.

    Call Gl 5-2000



    FEMALE HELP WAHTED SITUATIONS WAITED MALE VST, Multillth 1250 ear dot eot 4 op-

    -"*-' to learn other presses. Ct 2-9770 WELDER I d dots gas. .I,< 4 hell, ore

    MA 4-2741 afte 4 PM. Read prints. YOUNG M a n , honest reliable det part time pos. 9 AM-2 PM. CE2-8569, 9 to 12 YOUNO man 2 2 , intelligent det ful l

    time position with married couple as houseboy-domestic. Kl 5-6744. _* YOUNG M A N , 20 , det pes as handy

    m o n , or restaurant work. PO 5-2246 anyjirne

    W O M A N te advise 4 help customers: Norge Dry Cleaning 4 Laundry Vi l lage

    Conscientious 4 pleasant.Ideal working conditions. Part or full time. Eves hrs 3-10. Store open 7 days. Apply in per-ton Thuct Jan 3d 11 am 9045 Ashton Rd

    ^ i ' 0 , . * " " - '-•' » , r * » P5 ef any-kmd._Wil l ing J t o j e a m . PO 9-0446

    URGENT College grad des Immed pes Voned abilities. Refs. EV 6-9239

    W O M A N , act as receptionist, CC mgmt office, able to talk on apt rentals 4

    do filing. Exp not nee. State oge , phone, work record, sal exp, encum-bronce if any. Q-194 Inquirer.

    W O M A N light cooking « housework. Sleep in. Exp 4 ref. C I 9-1460.

    W O M E N , matvre, we wil l train you for practical nursing positions in suburban

    nursing home. Salary-t-full mointengnce while training. Excellent personnel policies. Apply 51 N 39th St. or call EV 2-4877 between 9 4 3, W O M E N , Start the New Year Right! Work at home 4 eaml thru Pub Co. High comm. Some leods turn (bus ph reg.) Phila 4 all suburb. Media. Tele-ford, Phoenixvllle. etc. P-115 Inguirer. W O M E N , ever 2 1 . National erganixa.

    tion will tram fot interesting perma-nent investigation work. Opportunity to travel through United States. Salary & travel allowance paid. Suite 1 U 4 , PSFS Bldg., 12 S.JL2tf)^hio_phone.colls. W O M E N te clean hotel rooms. Apply Benson Volet, Benson Apts., Jenkintown X-RAY technician fer pleasant priv of-fice in Trenton, NJ. Sal 4 working con-

    ditions excel. Exp 4 some medical typ-ing nee. Coll EX 3-0333 eves.

    suburban hospital, X-SAY Technician, 5'A day week 4 weekt vacation

    Mrs. Fregote at Bt 5-6000. X-RAY TECHNICIAN


    hospital. DA fer Itefepoe,

    9-0700, ext 261.



    NCR oper 5-3681 aftei WOXPTOTT

    4 PBX. 6 P M .

    accts pay 4 7 yrs' exp.

    roc. GA


    1RY A J KAYTtt, GL ̂ 0 0 * * "


    AOTOMOWLES •sucks

    BUICK •UKK BUICK 100 Used Cars to Choose

    From $70 UP. Ail Cars Guar. No Money Down —Bant Financing


    2-dr Hardtop. Bucket seats, loaded. Take over payment of $66 50.


    Take over 1 Payment of $39.50 MARVAL MOTORS

    VARE 4 SNYDER AVE FU 9-8800 BUICK '57 Stetien Wagon, 4-dr. e-patt

    Standard tranem, V -8 , eguip. with W W mow tlret, R4H. Brand new cond. $599. Eugene Roberts, 6100 N. Brood.

    BEVERAGE Vandw. Ceffee. s m ^ ; , S i , -olofe. $350. Autronic Co.. LO 3,-7044

    RM 11 tablet, alr>cend. 238 S 60th, HO 2-0995 aft

    • l l l l A R D $.10,000.

    IUICK '57 Roodmostor 75. 4 dr h'dtp all pwrt. Excel cond. New snow

    tires. Full price $595. Pvt party. FL 2 9968, oft 6 , HO 7 :9468. SUICK 59, l lectra , 22$ cenvt. Bucket

    teats, loaded pert cond. Pvt. Pretl-denfiql Apts, GR 3-6818, btn 5-8 PM BUICK '58 convertible, dyno. P/$, P/B

    R4H. Mp Money Dn. N'o credit needed DERINGER, 6241 Harbison PI 4-4900 BUICK '58 Super Hdtp tIPOSSESSID Take over payments of $41.00 per mo. Hoitf ield, 6101 Lancatter. GR 3-6303.


    • •

    CHIYSLIRS CHtYStltS 61 Newport 4-Dr Sdn. One owner.

    Block beauty. Auto, R4M, PS —SI795 60 New Yorkei 4 Door Hdtp. Every

    extra. Sharp . —$1695 59 Saratoga 4-Dr Hdtp. fully eguip.

    Double power • • _•_• . "•$) 295

    23d 4 Potsyunk PMF CHRYSLER

    HO 8-0700

    CHRYS4SR '61 4-4. P/S 4 P/B A-TltTe.


    hdtp. Ante, R4H. Orlg 18,000 ml. A WL1SI995.


    CHRYUS* et New Yorker Hardtop Cee. Cream puff. 9000 miles 4 1961 New

    Yorker 4-dr Sdn. I owner cars. Good as new and guaranteed

    QUnKER CHRYSLER 4233 FRANKPORP AVE. Pf 3-6800 CHRYSLIR 'SI Newport 4-dr sdn, 1

    owner, suburban car, fully equippea A truly gorgeous car you must tee $1995

    HAVERTOWN CHRYSLER OARSY 4 iAGLE RDS. Hi 6 3000 CHRYSlil T » $«niimxe 4-dr kdtpTfully

    egulpped, very clean, only $1395. Bush Mtrs, 6440 Torresdale^ MA 4 6555 CTStsrsTT^Sa, 2 dr hardtop, R4H7H. new tires, bottory. $275. EL 6-2845^


    COMET 2-dr, .