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  • 7/31/2019 Kompas English


    Tamara Bleszynski Reveals The Pictures of Her Wedding

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com After quite some time keeping her marriage with Mike Lewis as a secret,

    finally Tamara Bleszynski admits it.

    As previously reported, Tamara and Mike had a closed wedding at Bayuh Sabbha, Bali, on February 2, 2010.The marriage began to be revealed when the wedding pictures were spread on Facebook.

    Tamara, the model and soap actress who also starred in the movie 'Air Terjun Pengantin'('The Bride's

    Waterfall'), now confirms that those are indeed her wedding pictures.

    She also didn't deny that she and her husband has sold the broadcast rights of those pictures of their most

    memorable moments to an online media.

    Tamara claimed that she decided to do so to help the Maria Monique Lastwish Foundation in Jakarta. Mike is

    an active and regular contributor to the social institution since 2007.

    "We came up with this idea and concept because I'm aware of our surroundings. We want to help, especiallysince I'm a mother," Tamara reasoned.

    "I understand how a mother would feel because I've also lost a child and I still can't see him (Rasya) now. So

    we're channeling our love to other children."

    Mike stated that exclusive rights for their wedding pictures were sold for Rp. 110 million. The sale was purely

    to fulfill the last wishes of the children listed by the foundation. "A wedding is for happiness and there's

    nothing wrong if we help other children who are in need."

    Mike also admitted that they selected Bali to make their special moments especially memorable. "Because

    Bali is the most beautiful island in the world. And because the wedding is so full of love, I wanted to celebrateit somewhere beautiful." Tamara added, "I'm definitely happy for finding my beloved husband. I hope he cankeep me happy." (C9-09)

    Tamara Bleszynski Akhirnya Buka Suara soal Foto-foto Itu

  • 7/31/2019 Kompas English


    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com Setelah lama menutup mulutnya terkait pernikahannya dengan Mike Lewis,

    model dan pesinetron Tamara Bleszynski akhirnya angkat bicara. Ia mengakui adanya pernikahan itu.

    Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, Tamara dan Mike menikah dalam sebuah prosesi pernikahan yang sangat

    tertutup di Bayuh Sabbha, Bali, pada 2 Februari 2010. Kabar pernikahan tersebut mulai terkuak ketika foto-

    foto pernikahannya beredar di situs jejaring Facebook.

    Kepada wartawan yang menemuinya di JW Marriott, Jakarta Selatan, Senin (22/2/2010), bintang film Air

    Terjun Pengantin itu membenarkan bahwa foto-foto tersebut adalah foto pernikahannya.

    Ia juga tak menampik kabar bahwa ia dan suami barunya telah menjual hak siar foto-foto momen bersejarah

    mereka kepada sebuah media online.

    Menurut Tamara, keputusan itu ia ambil guna membantu Yayasan Maria Monique Lastwish di Jakarta. Mike

    merupakan donatur tetap dan aktif dalam kegiatan sosial di institusi tersebut sejak tahun 2007.

    "Kami sampai punya ide dan konsep ini karena saya punya kepedulian dengan kondisi di sekeliling. Kamimau bantu, apalagi saya juga seorang ibu," ujar Tamara memberi alasan. "Saya mengerti perasaan ibu karena

    saya merasakan juga kehilangan anak dan belum bisa ketemu sampai saat ini. Jadi kami memberikan kasihsayangnya kepada anak-anak lain," lanjut Tamara.

    Sementara itu, Mike menjelaskan bahwa foto-foto eksklusif pernikahan mereka dijual sebesar Rp 110 juta.Penjualan foto-foto itu, katanya, murni didasari untuk mewujudkan permintaan terakhir dari anak-anak asuhan

    yayasan tersebut. "Pernikahan adalah sesuatu yang membahagiakan dan enggak ada salahnya kami membantu

    sesama anak yang membutuhkan," ucap Mike.

    Mengenai Bali sebagai lokasi pernikahan, Mike mengaku bahwa tempat itu dipilih lantaran mereka tak ingin

    melewatkan momen berharga dengan begitu saja. "Karena Bali adalah pulau paling indah di dunia, the most

    beautiful island in the world. Karena pernikahan itu penuh dengan cinta dan saya ingin merayakannya ditempat yang indah juga," ujar Mike. "Yang pasti bahagia karena menemukan suami yang saya cintai. Semoga

    terus bisa membahagiakan saya," sambut Tamara. (C9-09)

    The Defense on Topless Pictures of Jenny Cortez and Poopy Bunga

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The production house Cita Barru Production (CBP) takes the responsibility for

    the half-naked pictures of the soap opera celebrities Jenny Cortez and Poopy Bunga who starred in "Pemburu

    Cinta" (Ghost Buster), right after knowing them widely spread. " I will take the responsibility for this," the

    director and executive producer of CBP, Alamsyah, at a press conference on Dewi Sartika Street, EastJakarta, Monday.

    Alamsyah stated that the pictures were publicly distributed unintentionally. "Frankly to say that this happenedwithout our consent, it was an accident,"

    Alamsyah admitted of having conveyed his apology on the two actresses several days ago. "After knowingthese pictures widely spread, I directly called Jenny up to apologize.

  • 7/31/2019 Kompas English


    Even Alamsyah is ready to deal with any sue if Jenny and Poppy take legal actions. "When Jenny sues CB

    through her lawyer, that's her right, but we still want to settle that out of court," Alamsyah stated.

    "However we still appreciate that if Jenny insists suing. But it's better if we talk about this outside court. I

    won't defend myself." (C7-09)

    Jenny Cortez Beats Wardrums for Topless Pics

    JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com While shooting for a movie,Pemburu Hantu (Ghost Hunter), Jenny Cortez,claimed that somebody secretly took pictures of her while topless. Some people assume that it's part of the

    marketing strategy, but the actress denies this bluntly, and now she's sending a legal warning to Cita Barru

    Production House.

    "No. It's not true (the promotion issue). I was shot without my consent," said Jenny when met on Dewi Sartika

    street, East Jakarta, Monday.

    Jenny debunks that the sensual pictures circulating on the net are part of a promotional strategy. "The movie

    was up in January, and now it's down (from the theaters). So there's no boost whatsoever."

    She claims that she has been damaged by this issue and has sent a legal warning to Cita Barru Production.

    Jenny claims that she hasn't met Poppy Bunga, the other actress from the movie whose topless pictures are

    now on the net. Jenny hasn't considered the possibility of taking a joint legal measure with Poppy. "Poppy andI haven't communicated. I'm leaving this all to my management."

    Jenny's legal representative Oie Joely S.H. also confirms that the legal warning has been sent. "We want a

    clarification and we want to know who spread those pictures on the internet." Oie stated that Jenny couldchoose to take more firm actions if Cita Barru Production doesn't respond well in a week. "If in one week

    there's no answer, then we will file a lawsuit." (C7-09/C17-09)