konflik pasir besi kulonprogo

Datu Jatmiko Gigih Wahyu P Hamdan Hamdani Luly Triningsih Nanda Harda P.M Rima N. Banurea 1

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Page 1: Konflik Pasir Besi Kulonprogo

Datu Jatmiko Gigih Wahyu P

Hamdan HamdaniLuly Triningsih

Nanda Harda P.M Rima N. Banurea


Page 2: Konflik Pasir Besi Kulonprogo

Peace and Conflict (Nanda)How to stops conflicts Conflict’s resolution

methods Traditional approach,

there are some methods;1.Surrendering2.Running away3.Overpowering the

opponents with violence4.Compromise But all of them only

produce zero sum situations

1. Negotiation2. Mediation3. Arbitration4. Stakeholder Dialogue


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Interest/Rights/ Power Model (Nanda) We can see conflict from 3 perspectives (interest,

rights, and power) (Furlong, 2005:110).Interest-based tries to find solutions of conflict

from the interests between the parties.Right-based tries to find solutions of conflict using

the superiority of one party to another party.Power-based tries to find solutions of conflict using

all power that the parties have to achieve “win”. (semakin memunculkan konflik)


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Violence and Non-Violence (Nanda)Types of violence1.Direct violence2.Structural violence3.Cultural violenceBut there are another options with using non

violence strategies;1.Protest and persuasion2.Social, economic, and political non



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Indonesia’s Map, Yogyakarta’s Map

And Kulonprogo’s Map (Datu)


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Description Of Area(Datu)Indonesia• located in Southeast Asia• Indonesia is one of the world's largest pluralistic democracy country• As pluralistic country, Indonesia has large potential to emerge horizontal and

vertical conflicts or bothYogyakarta• Is a special region of Yogyakarta provincial level in Indonesia• Yogyakarta is headed by a governor as a king• The cultural city of Yogyakarta has 1 city and 4 districts of namely

Yogyakarta city, Sleman, Bantul, Gunungkidul and Kulon Progo• Yogyakarta has the biggest potential around the south coast contains many

mining products and agricultural landKulonprogo• Kulonprogo as one of the poorest area gets smallest budget allocations from

Yogyakarta goverment . • Most of residents in Kulonprogo is peasants.• Kulonprogo has a land with the best quality of potential iron sand in the

world. Therefore Kulonprogo regions is compatible as iron sand mining area• But, If the mining project in Kulonprogro realize many peasants will lose

their job6

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Date Description Level of conflit

1973 The rumor about sand mining has appeared by King of Yogyakarta

April, 2006 The establishment of peasant’s association

August 2007 Demonstration in KulonProgo goverment office Non-violence

February, 2008

Audience between peasant's association in parliament

March, 2008 Blocking roads Non-violence

June, 2008 National Commision of Human Rights doing an investigation

October, 2008 Number thugs attacks opponent iron sand mining area. (overpowering your opponent with violence)


Nov, 2008 Contract of iron sand mining in Kulonprogo is officially signatured

June, 2009 - Corporation initiated neg0tiation -Six local residents is introgated by police


No tension

High Tension

Low Tension

Critical Tension

The Chronology Of Conflict (Hamdan)


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Date Description Level of conflict

Oct , 2009

Failed negotiaton with in public consultation event Violence

March, 2010

The region regulation about Spatial Planning Province is legalized

April, 2010 peasant's association sending statement letter to president

17 Dec, 2010

peasant's association taking 7 cars Corporation as hostage (tindakan putus asa karena segala cara sudah dilakukan)


27 Dec, 2010

peasant's association is reporting regent’s Kulon progo to police

Feb, 2011 National Commision of Human Rights try to be a mediator

April, 2011 -peasant's association taking 7 labours as hostage- leader of peasant's association arested


July, 2012 Demonstration in local parliamenf office Non-violence

March 2013

peasant's association delegation is invited to academic forum international in Phillipina

May, 2013 peasant's association publish abook (menarik simpati masyarakat)

Sept, 2013 The corporation re-trying to negotiate with local residents .


October, 2013

Leader of peasant's association is relase



Page 9: Konflik Pasir Besi Kulonprogo

(2)“Until The End we still


(3) To Farmer or To die

(1)Absolutely nice be farmer

(4)published a book

“Planting is Fight”

(6) Phisically coercion between peasant's

association and police

(5)Demonstration symbol



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The Actors of Kulonprogo’s Iron Sand Mining Conflict (Rima)

There are two kinds of actors of this conflict based on their position. First actors who agree or pro with iron sand mining and second actors who disagree or opposite with iron sand mining.

Pro Actors:• The central and local

government• The corporation

•Residents agree with Iron Sand Mining

Opposite Actors:• Peasant’s Association•Peasant’s association is supported by Legal Aid

Institute, National Commission of Human Rights, and Environment



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Position of actor in conflict

Actors’ justifications of their position in conflict

Pro Actors • Central Government and Local Government: Iron Sand Mining spesifically will increasing Kulonprogo residents’ welfare and generally will increasing Indonesia’s economy• The Corporation: The mining will make good impact for Kulonprogo residents’economy (iron sand mining jauh lebih meningkatkan perekonomian negara karena negara kurang memperhatikan petani)•Resident who agree with Iron Sand Mining: The chance and the opportunity of better job, decreasing unemployment, Kulonprogo will be welfare

Opposite Actors

• Peasant’s Association : Peasant is the only one job, conquering their own land, the mining will causes worst impact for environment• The parties which supporting peasant’s association :Environment organization: The sand mining will reducing the residents’ independentHuman Rights National Commission: The sand mining against the human rights, particularly the right for land, for job, for safety, peasant’s natural right, and the mining has high potential to emerging horizontal conflictLegal Aid Institute: Kulonprogo’s residents is not involving in mining negotiation, and there will be much disadvantages effect from mining activity like the damage of ecosystem and eliminating safe feeling of Kulonprogo’s residents


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The government, residents, and corporation have been met, but always failed.

The government prefers to take decision without involving residents aspiration in the resolution process

The Resolution has done by the government (Gigih)

Direct government policy


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1) The government tries to initiate a meeting between the residents and the corporation, to reach agreements and legal binding.

2) Structured conversation involving all stakeholders from each party in Kulonprogo conflict

1) Agreement2) Legal Binding


Use Interest-based tries to find solutions of conflict (Gigih)

What should be done?


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It’s necessary and important to make policy which regulate the rights of local residents in short and long term, with considering all dimensions of the conflict.

Not using threats, violence, authoritarian, as a ways of handling problems, to resolve issues of conflict, and prioritized dialogue.

Final Remark (Gigih)


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References Book:Furlong, Gary T. 2005. The Conflict Resolution Toolbox. Canada:

John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd. Website:kulonprogokab.go.idjogjaprov.go.idTempointeraktif.comNasional.kompas.comIndependent.academia.edu/abwidyantaSuaramerdeka.com Picture: Petacitra.blospot.com


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