kongsi pengalaman penjara di kedai gunting...

NEWS UPDATES 1 Info shared by: Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM) LATEST Dis 2019 Kongsi pengalaman penjara di kedai gunting rambut Tarikh kemaskini: 31/12/2019 Pahang Oleh Siti Salwa Shaari KUANTAN, 31 Dis -- "Abang duduk penjara?". Ini merupakan antara soalan paling kerap diterima Ali setiap kali menggunting rambut pelanggan di Pusat Inkubator Usahawan My Pride Jabatan Penjara Pahang di Sungai Isap di sini. Ali, 38, yang sudah lali dengan pertanyaan itu tidak melenting, sebaliknya melihatnya sebagai peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman supaya kesilapan silamnya tidak diulangi individu lain, terutamanya golongan muda. "Bukan hanya budak-budak, malah orang dewasa juga sentiasa hendak tahu bagaimana kehidupan di penjara... inilah peluang saya bercerita kerana banyak perkara yang kita akan terlepas bila sudah ke penjara. "Saya sendiri, akibat ganja kehilangan masa selama 10 tahun dan selalunya, orang paling ngeri bila saya berkongsi pengalaman dirotan 10 kali selain kepayahan perlu berkongsi sel dengan kumpulan individu tidak dikenali," katanya semasa ditemui Bernama di sini, hari ini. Ali amat bersyukur kerana berpeluang mempelajari kemahiran menggunting rambut sejak Januari 2019 sebelum memohon untuk ditempatkan di Pusat Pemilihan Pemasyarakatan Kem Batu 10 di sini, sebagai Orang Diselia (ODS). Katanya kedai kecil dengan tiga kerusi berwarna hitam itu membolehkan dia merasai pengalaman 'orang biasa' walaupun tidak bebas sepenuhnya, selain membantu membina keyakinan untuk berdepan masyarakat selepas bertahun-tahun berada di penjara. "Saya suka apabila mendapat pelanggan yang suka berborak. Walaupun ada soalan sensitif, tetapi itu realiti yang akan saya hadapi bila dibebaskan April depan. Status sebagai banduan memang mengundang persepsi orang, apatah lagi jika mahu memohon kerja. "Jadi kemahiran ini diharapkan boleh membantu saya mengusahakan perniagaan sendiri kerana kakak sudah menyatakan kesanggupan mengeluarkan modal asalkan saya tekad untuk berubah," katanya yang bekerja sebagai pemandu lori sebelum ini. Anak jati Selayang, Selangor itu juga mengakui walaupun sudah menjalani latihan selama enam

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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    LATEST Dis 2019

    Kongsi pengalaman penjara di kedai gunting rambut Tarikh kemaskini: 31/12/2019


    Oleh Siti Salwa Shaari

    KUANTAN, 31 Dis -- "Abang duduk penjara?". Ini merupakan antara soalan paling kerap

    diterima Ali setiap kali menggunting rambut pelanggan di Pusat Inkubator Usahawan My Pride

    Jabatan Penjara Pahang di Sungai Isap di sini.

    Ali, 38, yang sudah lali dengan pertanyaan itu tidak melenting, sebaliknya melihatnya sebagai

    peluang untuk berkongsi pengalaman supaya kesilapan silamnya tidak diulangi individu lain,

    terutamanya golongan muda.

    "Bukan hanya budak-budak, malah orang dewasa juga sentiasa hendak tahu bagaimana kehidupan

    di penjara... inilah peluang saya bercerita kerana banyak perkara yang kita akan terlepas bila sudah

    ke penjara.

    "Saya sendiri, akibat ganja kehilangan masa selama 10 tahun dan selalunya, orang paling ngeri

    bila saya berkongsi pengalaman dirotan 10 kali selain kepayahan perlu berkongsi sel dengan

    kumpulan individu tidak dikenali," katanya semasa ditemui Bernama di sini, hari ini.

    Ali amat bersyukur kerana berpeluang mempelajari kemahiran menggunting rambut sejak Januari

    2019 sebelum memohon untuk ditempatkan di Pusat Pemilihan Pemasyarakatan Kem Batu 10 di

    sini, sebagai Orang Diselia (ODS).

    Katanya kedai kecil dengan tiga kerusi berwarna hitam itu membolehkan dia merasai pengalaman

    'orang biasa' walaupun tidak bebas sepenuhnya, selain membantu membina keyakinan untuk

    berdepan masyarakat selepas bertahun-tahun berada di penjara.

    "Saya suka apabila mendapat pelanggan yang suka berborak. Walaupun ada soalan sensitif, tetapi

    itu realiti yang akan saya hadapi bila dibebaskan April depan. Status sebagai banduan memang

    mengundang persepsi orang, apatah lagi jika mahu memohon kerja.

    "Jadi kemahiran ini diharapkan boleh membantu saya mengusahakan perniagaan sendiri kerana

    kakak sudah menyatakan kesanggupan mengeluarkan modal asalkan saya tekad untuk berubah,"

    katanya yang bekerja sebagai pemandu lori sebelum ini.

    Anak jati Selayang, Selangor itu juga mengakui walaupun sudah menjalani latihan selama enam


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    bulan, dia tetap gementar apabila kali pertama menerima 'pelanggan sebenar' dan

    mengambil masa beberapa minit untuk menenangkan diri.

    Imbasnya, semasa itu tangannya menggeletar sehingga perlu mengingatkan diri supaya tidak

    membuat kesilapan selain kerap menoleh melihat reaksi pegawai penjara yang merupakan

    pengajar untuk meminta panduan bagi memastikan 'setiap langkahnya' tepat.

    Sementara itu, Wan, 29, yang menjalani hukuman penjara 12 tahun bermula 2013 kerana cubaan

    bunuh juga menyifatkan keberadaannya di pusat inkubator itu sebagai 'medium tidak rasmi' untuk

    berkongsi pengalaman dengan masyarakat.

    Anak kelahiran Kuala Lumpur itu mengakui, dirinya lebih gemar diam untuk fokus pada tugasan

    yang sedang dilakukan, namun tidak kisah jika ada pelanggan yang hendak mengajak berborak

    sementara menunggu rambut mereka ‘siap’.

    "Pesanan paling kerap saya beri ialah jangan sesekali lawan ibu ayah dan dengar nasihat mereka.

    Mereka lebih tahu daripada kita walaupun ada masanya kita rasa nasihat itu tidak mengikut

    kehendak kita. Selain itu, kita juga perlu berfikir semasak-masaknya sebelum membuat apa juga

    tindakan," katanya.

    Wan menambah saat paling seronok ialah apabila menerima ucapan terima kasih daripada

    pelanggan atau melihat mereka tersenyum memeriksa rambut baharu yang secara automatik

    membuat dirinya berasa puas dengan hasil kerjanya.

    Pengarah Penjara Pahang Datuk Ab Basir Mohamad berkata kedai gunting yang mula beroperasi

    pada Disember 2018 itu dalam satu-satu masa dikendalikan lima ODS yang dikawal oleh

    kakitangan penjara, dan turut menyediakan perkhidmatan dobi dan urutan refleksologi untuk


    "Bukan hanya kemahiran menggunting, ODS juga diberi pendedahan dalam urusan mengira

    untung rugi dan cara mengendalikan perniagaan untuk bergelar usahawan kerana Tabung

    Ekonomi Kumpulan Usaha Niaga (TEKUN Nasional) ada menyediakan bantuan kepada bekas


    "Kami berharap usaha ini dapat membantu mereka memulakan hidup baharu terutamanya dalam

    bidang gunting rambut yang mana modal permulaan perniagaan tidak begitu besar jika

    dibandingkan dengan perniagaan lain," katanya.

    Ab Basir berkata bayaran di kedai gunting yang dibuka 9 pagi hingga 5 petang setiap hari kecuali

    Jumaat itu juga lebih murah berbanding di tempat lain iaitu RM6 seorang selain turut terlibat

    memberikan perkhidmatan gunting rambut percuma kepada pelajar sekolah bagi menghadapi sesi

    persekolahan 2020.

    -- BERNAMA




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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Berkelakuan baik, tiga banduan diberi pelepasan tujuh hari Tarikh kemaskini: 24/12/2019

    MACHANG, 24 Dis -- Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak Machang memberi 'hadiah istimewa’ kepada tiga

    banduan lelaki di pusat terbabit yang berkelakuan baik.

    Pengarahnya Penolong Kanan Komisioner Penjara Mohd Shukri Harun berkata tiga banduan

    yang berkelakuan baik itu diberi pelepasan selama tujuh hari di bawah program Pelepasan

    Banduan Secara Lesen (PBSL) untuk kembali bersama keluarga bagi tempoh itu.

    "Inisiatif di bawah peruntukan undang-undang itu merupakan hadiah kepada banduan yang

    berkelakuan baik untuk menjalani kehidupan bersama keluarga buat sementara sebelum kembali

    menghabiskan baki hukuman di penjara.

    "Ia merupakan proses sebelum mereka bebas kelak untuk menyesuaikan diri bersama keluarga dan

    masyarakat," katanya kepada pemberita selepas program PBSL di pusat itu di sini.

    Mohd Shukri berkata ketiga-tiga banduan berumur antara 30 dan 40 tahun itu akan melalui

    program berkenaan bermula hari ini dan perlu melapor diri di Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak Machang

    pada 30 Dis.

    Katanya kriteria bagi program itu antaranya berdisiplin, tidak pernah melakukan kesalahan

    tatatertib di penjara selain telah menjalani hukuman penjara empat tahun dan baki hukuman tidak

    kurang setahun.

    "Mereka ini dilepaskan dengan membawa lesen khas yang dikeluarkan dan perlu dibawa bersama

    mereka. Mereka masih banduan namun dibenarkan untuk bersama keluarga buat sementara

    waktu," katanya.

    Mohd Shukri berkata pihaknya telah memaklumkan kepada banduan dan ahli keluarga mereka

    berkaitan syarat yang perlu dipatuhi sepanjang tempoh pelepasan itu.

    "Jika didapati melakukan kesalahan dan melanggar syarat yang ditetapkan seperti tidak

    melaporkan diri, mereka akan ditambah hukuman dua tahun penjara lagi dan kami mempunyai

    pegawai yang akan memantau pergerakan mereka sepanjang tempoh itu," katanya.

    -- BERNAMA




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    Prisoner in China scribbles cry for help in Xmas card

    for sale in London

    Supermarket giant Tesco said Sunday it has

    stopped production at a factory in China after

    one of its Christmas cards was found to contain a

    cry for help from a prisoner who made it.-

    APF(File pic)

    By AFP - December 23, 2019 @ 6:42pm

    LONDON: Supermarket giant Tesco said

    Sunday it has stopped production at a

    factory in China after one of its Christmas

    cards was found to contain a cry for help

    from a prisoner who made it.

    The Sunday Times newspaper reported that a London schoolgirl had opened a card last weekend

    to find a message inside claiming to be from inmates at Shanghai’s Qingpu Prison.

    “We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu Prison China,” said the message, in a Tesco

    charity card featuring a kitten in a Santa hat.

    “Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organisation.”

    Tesco is Britain’s largest retailer and the world’s third-biggest supermarket chain with global

    operations that include China, India and Ireland.

    A spokeswoman said it was “shocked” at the revelation.

    It had “immediately halted production at the factory where these cards are produced” and

    withdrawn the cards from sale pending an investigation.

    “We abhor the use of prison labour and would never allow it in our supply chain,” she said.

    The company said the card involved was produced at Zheijiang Yunguang Printing, where an

    independent audit was carried out as recently as Nov 2019.

    “No evidence was found to suggest they had broken our rule banning the use of prison labour,”

    the spokeswoman said, while no other complaints have been received.

    “If evidence is found we will permanently de-list the supplier.”



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    The firm added that it had 35 full-time sourcing managers working across Asia,

    who visited factories to ensure good working conditions.

    According to media reports, it is not the first such case.

    In 2017, a message in Chinese characters was found in a box of Christmas cards from retailer

    Sainsbury’s in Essex, southeastern England.

    When translated, it reportedly said: “Wishing you luck and happiness” and was signed “Third

    Product Shop, Guangzhou Prison, No 6 District.”

    In 2014, a woman in Northern Ireland found a note on a pair of trousers from low-cost shop

    Primark saying: “We work 15 hours per day and the food we eat wouldn’t even be given to dogs

    or pigs.”

    After the latest note was found by 6-year-old Florence Widdicombe, her father admitted that he

    initially thought it was a prank.

    “On reflection, we realised it was actually potentially quite a serious thing, so I felt very

    shocked,” Ben Widdicombe told reporters.

    According to the Sunday Times, the message asked whoever received it to contact “Mr Peter


    Ben Widdicombe searched for Humphrey online and discovered that he was a former journalist

    who had spent nine months in Qingpu.

    He got in touch and Humphrey contacted some other ex-prisoners, who confirmed that foreign

    inmates had been packing cards for Tesco.

    Humphrey, a fraud investigator who had previously worked for news agency Reuters, then wrote

    up the story for The Times.

    He and his wife Yu Yingzeng, a naturalised US citizen, ran an investigative firm hired by

    pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which faced a bribery investigation in China.

    They were charged in 2013 with illegally obtaining personal information, were convicted in Aug

    2014 and deported the following year.

    Charity Christmas cards are popular in Britain and multi-pack boxes can be bought from

    supermarkets at low cost.

    Tesco said it donates £300,000 a year to three health charities from its Christmas card sales. -






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    36 killed in Honduras prison clashes

    At least 36 people were killed in weekend

    clashes in Honduran prisons as the

    military and police try to regain control

    after a spate of murders linked to the

    criminal gangs plaguing the country.-


    By AFP - December 23, 2019 @


    TEGUCIGALPA: At least 36

    people were killed in weekend

    clashes in Honduran prisons as

    the military and police try to

    regain control after a spate of murders linked to the criminal gangs plaguing the country.

    On Sunday afternoon, 18 gang members died in a clash between inmates at El Porvenir prison,

    60 kilometers north of the capital Tegucigalpa.

    “Firearms, knives and machetes” were used in the brawl, which also left 10 wounded,

    Lieutenant Jose Coello, a spokesman for the National Inter-Institutional Security Force

    (Fusina), told local media.

    On Friday night, 18 prisoners died and 16 were wounded in a shooting at the prison in the port

    town of Tela, northwest of the capital.

    The killings came shortly after President Juan Orlando Hernandez – grappling with a wave of

    prison killings – ordered the army and the police on Tuesday to take control of the country’s 27

    prisons, which are badly overcrowded with some 21,000 inmates.

    The security forces later said they were deploying about 1,200 military and police in 18 facilities

    classified as “high risk.”

    Hernandez announced the crackdown after the killings on Dec 14 of five members of the feared

    MS-13 gang by a fellow detainee at the high-security prison in La Tolva, east of Tegucigalpa.

    That came just a day after Pedro Idelfonso Armas, the warden of Honduras’s main high security

    prison in Santa Barbara, El Pozo, was shot dead in the south of the country.



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    The security ministry had suspended Armas shortly before his death, amid an

    investigation into his presence during the Oct 26 murder of Magdaleno Meza, a drug kingpin

    whose confession and notebooks linked him to the president’s brother, Juan Antonio “Tony”


    Meza’s account books were used as evidence in the New York trial of Hernandez, who was

    subsequently convicted on four counts of drug trafficking. He faces sentencing – possibly for life

    – in January.

    The president condemned the conviction of his younger brother, saying it was based on “the

    testimony of confessed assassins.”

    A video circulating on social media shows the 52-year-old Armas talking with Meza when prison

    guards opened a locked gate, allowing a dozen inmates to burst in to stab and fatally shoot him.

    In statements to the AFP, Meza’s lawyer, Carlos Chajtur, publicly accused the government of

    having ordered his client to be killed in retaliation for having collaborated with US justice in the

    trial against Hernandez.

    On Sunday night military and police chiefs told the press that the wave of violence inside prisons

    “is an escalation of the criminal world to try to prevent Fusina (...) from imposing the necessary

    controls in the country’s penal centers.”

    The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Honduras

    (OHCHR) said it observed “with alarm the violence inside prisons“, and urged the state “to

    guarantee the life and respect of human rights to those deprived of liberty and proceed to a

    prompt, effective and transparent investigation.”

    Honduras is plagued by drug trafficking, gangs, poverty and corruption.

    It suffers one of the highest murder rates in the world outside areas of armed conflict, having

    registered 41.2 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018.

    To fight this scourge, Hernandez created a military police force financed by a new tax, and built

    special prisons for gang members.

    The sky-high crime rate has been a key factor behind a wave of migration toward the United

    States, notably by minors who say they fear being forced into gangs. - AFP




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    5 minute read

    Hong Kongers take to streets in support of Uighurs

    Uighur detainees listening to a ‘deradicalization’ presentation at a reeducation camp, in a photo posted to the Xinjiang Judicial Administration’s WeChat account, Hotan Prefecture,


    By AFP - December 22, 2019 @


    HONG KONG: Hong Kong pro-

    democracy protesters rallied in

    solidarity with China’s Uighurs

    on Sunday in a move likely to

    infuriate Beijing as they likened their plight to that of the oppressed Muslim minority.

    The rally was broken up when riot police swooped in after some protesters removed a Chinese

    flag from a nearby government building.

    China has faced international condemnation for rounding up an estimated one million Uighurs

    and other mostly Muslim ethnic minorities in internment camps in the northwestern region of


    The emergence of a huge surveillance and prison system that now blankets much of Xinjiang

    has been watched closely in Hong Kong which has been convulsed by six months of huge and

    sometimes violent protests against Beijing’s rule.

    Pro-Uighur chants and flags have become commonplace in Hong Kong’s marches but Sunday’s

    rally was the first to be specifically dedicated to Uighurs.

    Around 1,000 people gathered in a square close to the city’s harbourfront listening to speeches

    warning that the Chinese Communist Party’s crackdown in Xinjiang could one day be replicated

    in Hong Kong.

    “We shall not forget those who share a common goal with us, our struggle for freedom and

    democracy and the rage against the Chinese Communist Party,” one speaker shouted through

    the loudspeaker to cheers from the crowd.

    Many of those attending were waving the flag of “East Turkestan“, the term many Uighur

    separatists use for Xinjiang, which has a white crescent moon on a blue background.

    Others wore blue face masks with the East Turkestan flag on it.



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    China runs Hong Kong on a “one country, two systems” model which allows the

    financial hub key freedoms that are denied people on the authoritarian mainland.

    Come 2047 – 50 years after Britain handed the city back – the deal ends.

    Many Hong Kongers fear an increasingly assertive China is already eroding those freedoms,

    especially since Xi Jinping became president.

    Many at Sunday’s rally said they felt a mainland style government is around the corner.

    “The Chinese government are control freaks, they can’t stand any opinions they disagree with,”

    Katherine, a protester in her late twenties and a civil servant, told AFP before police moved in.

    “In Xinjiang they are doing what they are doing because they have the power to do so. When

    they take over Hong Kong they will do the same,” she added.

    China rolled out a sweeping crackdown on Uighurs and other Muslim minorities after a series

    of deadly attacks by militants.

    It bristles at any criticism of its policies in Xinjiang and warns against foreign criticism.

    Beijing initially denied the existence of the Xinjiang camps, but now says they are “vocational

    training centres” necessary to combat terrorism.

    Few Muslim countries have openly criticised China given its huge economic clout.

    But increasingly high profile figures are speaking out.

    Arsenal midfielder Mesut Ozil, a German of Turkish origin, criticised China’s actions last week

    and the Muslim community’s silence but has since come under a barrage of attacks from Beijing.

    - AFP





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    At least 18 prisoners dead in clash at Honduras jail

    People gather outside the prison

    as journalists work after several

    inmates were killed or wounded

    during a fight between rival

    gangs, in Tela, Honduras. -


    By AFP - December 22, 2019

    @ 11:34am

    TEGUCIGALPA: At least 18

    inmates died and 16 were

    injured in overnight clashes

    between prisoners in

    Honduras after fighting erupted at a jail in the northern port town of Tela, prison officials said


    The National Penitentiary Institute said 17 prisoners had died at the facility in Tela, about 120

    miles (200 kilometers) from the capital Tegucigalpa, and another died in hospital, with local

    media describing the unrest as gang violence.

    A prison spokesperson, Digna Aguilar, said authorities had to enter the area carefully “for fear

    of being among the victims” because several inmates carried firearms. That slowed the


    The combined national security force known as Fusina said that five 9 millimeter guns, as well

    as ammunition, had been seized from the inmates.

    Prison officials had originally reported only three deaths, but the toll quickly rose.



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    Forensic police arrive to

    the penitentiary of Tela, Atlantida

    department, Honduras, on December 21,

    2019, after a fight between rival gangs

    occurred in the prison. -AFP

    Forensic workers placed the

    bodies in plastic bags and

    transported them to the judicial

    morgue of San Pedro Sula to be


    An AFP photographer at the scene

    saw shocked relatives arriving to claim the bodies.

    Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, grappling with a recent wave of prison killings,

    had ordered the army and the police on Tuesday to take full control of the country’s 27 prisons,

    which are badly overcrowded with some 21,000 inmates.

    But as of Friday, the military had yet to take complete control of the Tela detention center,

    according to Aguilar.

    On Saturday, top military officer General Tito Livio Moreno indicated that the military would

    be deployed in 18 penal centers identified as “high risk.”

    Hernandez announced the crackdown after the killings on December 14 of five members of

    feared gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) by a fellow detainee at the high-security prison in La

    Tolva, 25 miles east of Tegucigalpa.

    That came just a day after Pedro Idelfonso Armas, the warden of El Pozo – the country’s main

    high-security prison, in the western city of Santa Barbara – was shot dead in the south of the


    Relatives of inmates react after getting

    information about their loved ones in front of the

    penitentiary of Tela, Atlantida department,

    Honduras. -AFP

    The Ministry of Security had suspended

    Armas shortly before that amid an

    investigation into his presence during

    the October 26 killing by prisoners of

    Magdaleno Meza, a drug kingpin

    whose confession and notebooks linked

    him to a brother of the president, Juan

    Antonio “Tony” Hernandez.


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    Meza’s account books were entered as evidence in the New York trial of

    Hernandez, who was subsequently convicted on four counts of drug trafficking. He faces

    sentencing – possibly for life – in January.

    President Hernandez condemned the conviction of his younger brother, saying it was based on

    “the testimony of confessed assassins.”

    A video circulating on social media shows the 52-year-old Armas talking with Meza when prison

    guards opened a locked gate, allowing a dozen inmates to burst in and stab and fatally shoot the

    drug trafficker.

    Relatives of inmates react after getting

    information about their loved ones in front of the

    penitentiary of Tela, Atlantida department,

    Honduras, on December 21, 2019, following

    clashes occurred at the jail.. -AFP

    In addition, a lawyer who had

    represented Meza and other members

    of the Valle Valle drug cartel, Jose Luis

    Pinto, was killed in an attack

    December 9 in a town northwest of

    Tegucigalpa. That killing remains

    under investigation.

    Honduras has been plagued by drug trafficking, gangs, poverty and corruption.

    It suffers from one of the highest homicide rates in the world outside areas of armed conflict,

    having registered 41.2 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018.

    To fight this scourge, President Hernandez created a military police force financed by a new tax,

    and built special prisons for gang members.

    The sky-high crime rate has been a key factor behind a wave of migration toward the United

    States, notably by minors who say they fear being forced into gangs.--AFP




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    3 minute read

    18 killed, 16 wounded in Honduras prison gang fight

    A general view shows the Los

    Dolores church after unknown

    persons painted rainbow flags,

    commonly known as the gay pride

    flag or LGBTQ pride flag, on the

    facade, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. -


    By Reuters - December 21,

    2019 @ 5:34pm

    TEGUCIGALPA: At least 18

    inmates were killed and 16

    wounded during a fight between

    rival gangs in a Honduran penitentiary on Friday, authorities said, in one of the worst recent

    outbreaks of prison violence in the country.

    Two days earlier, the government declared a state of emergency in the prison system, transferring

    control to security forces in a bid to clamp down on a recent wave of violence.

    However, speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior military official told Reuters that

    security forces had not formally taken control of the prison in the northern port city of Tela,

    before the violence there broke out.

    So far the toll from the bloody prison fight was 18 dead, as well as 16 injured, Antonio Coello,

    a spokesman for security agency FUSINA, told local television. Security forces have since

    entered the penitentiary to restore order, authorities said.

    Fights in Honduras’ overcrowded prisons are frequent as street gangs vie for control inside the


    Known as maras, the street gangs have made Honduras one of the most violent countries in the

    world. - Reuters




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    Prisons Dept: Azilah was never brought out of

    prison to meet a VVIP

    Prisons Department denies that Former police special action force (UTK) officer Azilah Hadri was taken out of Kajang prison to meet a VVIP. - NSTP/File pic

    By Esther Landau - December

    18, 2019 @ 3:34pm

    KUALA LUMPUR: Former

    police special action force (UTK)

    officer Azilah Hadri has never

    been taken out of Kajang prison.

    This was confirmed by the Prisons Department in a statement issued today.

    It said Azilah had not left the prison since April 15, 2015.

    “The last time (Azilah) was taken out of Kajang prison was on April 15, 2015 when he attended

    a trial at the Sepang magistrates’ court.

    “Kajang prison officials escorted him for the trial after they received the order from the Sepang

    magistrates’ court to produce him under Section 30 of the Prisons Act, which allows a prisoner

    to attend court at the time and place stated.

    “Based on records since the date (April 15, 2015), the accused was never allowed to leave the

    prison for any matter.

    “Records on meetings and visits also showed that the prisoner had received visits from his family

    34 times and 15 times by his lawyer since last year,” it said, adding that allegations that Azilah

    was brought out of the prison this year to meet a VVIP was not true.

    It was reported that Azilah had allegedly been brought out from death row at Kajang Prison in

    February to meet a VVIP.

    The allegation was made by Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee




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    Shafee told reporters that he believed there was a coordinated political

    assassination plot against Najib.

    A few days ago, Azilah made public a statutory declaration (SD) claiming that Najib had ordered

    him to kill the Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu in 2006.

    The SD by Azilah has gone viral. Azilah claimed that Najib, who was then the deputy prime

    minister, told him that Altantuya was a foreign spy who was a threat to national security and

    needed to be silenced.



    Home News Nation

    5 minute read

    Promising year for judicial reforms

    Prominent lawyer Nizam Bashir (inset) said the government had pledged reforms

    in a number of areas, including the

    judicial system. - FILE PIC

    By Nuradzimmah Daim

    December 31, 2019 @


    THE year 2020 will see the continuation of efforts towards judicial reform pledged by the

    Pakatan Harapan government since it took over the administration.

    Experts believed that while some of the reforms had yet to be realised, 2020 might prove to be a

    promising year in more ways than one.

    Prominent lawyer Nizam Bashir said the government had pledged reforms in a number of areas,

    including the judicial system.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    “Some may ask whether these proposals are necessary,” he said.

    “However, if we look at the results of the United Nations Development Programme Judicial

    Integrity Self-Assessment Checklist, which was answered by participants from the judiciary and

    mainly made up of High Court judges as set out in the International Framework on Court

    Excellence Report 2018, the answer seems obvious as judges rated the judicial system with

    relatively average scores in the areas listed.”

    He said judges gave ratings of between 3.61 and 4.09 (out of 5) in specified areas, which included

    whether there was a transparent process in the appointment to judicial office and promotion of

    judges, complaints policy and a fair and expeditious system for investigation of complaints

    against judges and court officers.

    Nizam said the Committee on Institutional Reforms had also highlighted the issue of the

    appointment of judges as being one of the areas requiring reform.

    “So it was not surprising to find Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad expressing the view

    in October last year that the appointment of judges and certain other positions would go through

    Parliament before the names were submitted to the king.

    “The government similarly recognises that there must be reform in the present system.”

    He said at present, there appeared to be fixed notions as to what could be meted out in terms of


    He said nowhere was this most acute than where the death sentence was concerned.

    “More leeway should be given to the judiciary, even in matters involving certain serious crimes,

    subject to a careful review in its implementation, and hopefully this will lead to a more just as

    well as humane judicial system.”

    He also agreed that some laws, namely the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012

    (Sosma) and the National Security Council Act 2016, required reassessment.

    “Granted, developments may not be going as fast as some quarters may desire, but perhaps we

    still ought to look at all of this with some optimism as legislation that affects security most

    certainly requires consultation with various stakeholders.

    “What is most important is that we get there,” said Nizam.

    Apart from the re-assessment of various laws, the sentencing policy, one of the elements in the

    criminal justice system, was also under review.

    The policy was being reviewed following the government’s decision to study the death penalty.

    Human Right Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) commissioner Jerald Joseph said it had been

    consistently advocating for the total abolition of the death penalty.

    “Therefore, Suhakam would support the government’s decision to abolish the mandatory death

    penalty and the moratorium on all executions enforced by the government since 2018 as a first

    step to this end,” he said.


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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    He said Suhakam also welcomed the government’s establishment of a nine-

    member committee to study and make recommendations on appropriate punishment to replace

    the death penalty and transitional measures for current death row prisoners.

    Suhakam commissioner Datuk Mah Weng Kwai, a former judicial commissioner and High

    Court judge, is a member of the review committee.

    The committee, formed following a cabinet decision in August, held its first meeting on Sept 20,

    with members also comprising former Federal Court judges, former Attorney-General’s

    Chambers officers, former senior officers of the Prisons Department, as well as representatives

    of the Bar Council, academics, criminologists, and civil society organisations.


    Home World

    3 minute read

    China jails scientist who gene-edited babies

    China sentenced He Jiankui who claimed to be behind the world's first gene-

    edited babies to three years in prison for illegal medical practice, state media

    reported. -AFP

    By AFP - December 30, 2019 @ 2:23pm

    BEIJING: A Chinese court on Monday sentenced the doctor

    who claimed to be behind the world’s first gene-edited babies

    to three years in prison for illegal medical practice, state media


    He Jiankui, who shocked the scientific community last year by announcing the birth of twins

    whose genes had allegedly been altered to confer immunity to HIV, was also fined 3 million

    yuan (US$430,000), Xinhua news agency said.

    He was sentenced by a court in Shenzhen for “illegally carrying out the human embryo gene-

    editing intended for reproduction“, Xinhua said.

    The news agency said a third gene-edited baby was born as a result of He’s experiments, which

    had not previously been confirmed.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    The scientist announced in November last year that the world’s first gene-edited

    babies – twin girls – had been born that same month after he altered their DNA to prevent them

    from contracting HIV by deleting a certain gene under a technique known as CRISPR.

    The claim shocked scientists worldwide, raising questions about bioethics and putting a spotlight

    on China’s lax oversight of scientific research.

    Amid the outcry, He was placed under police investigation, the government ordered a halt to his

    research work and he was fired by his Chinese university.

    Gene-editing for reproductive purposes is illegal in most countries. China’s health ministry

    issued regulations in 2003 prohibiting gene-editing of human embryos, though the procedure is

    allowed for “non-reproductive purposes.”--AFP




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    'Saya tak sabar nak bebas'

    MyMetro Mutakhir

    ORANG Di Selia (ODS) Siva (bukan nama sebenar) dikenakan hukuman 14 tahun penjara dan lima sebatan kerana kesalahan samun bersenjata dan membunuh, kini berada di Pusat Reintegrasi Penghuni (PRP) Kem Batu 10. FOTO Mohd Rafi Mamat

    Mohd Rafi Mamat [email protected]

    “SELEPAS berjaya memecah

    masuk kedai runcit berkenaan,

    saya bertindak mengikat tangan pemilik premis itu yang juga wanita warga emas.

    “Selepas kira-kira 15 minit mengikatnya dalam stor, saya dapati wanita berkenaan pengsan mungkin

    disebabkan serangan jantung kerana terlalu terkejut.

    “Saya hanya mengetahui wanita berkenaan mati selepas saya ditangkap polis kemudian disabitkan

    kesalahan samun bersenjata dan membunuh, hukuman 14 tahun penjara dan lima sebatan

    dikenakan,” kata Siva, 41 bukan nama sebenar.

    Dia yang kini menjalani hukuman penjara di Pusat Reintegrasi Penghuni (PRP) Kem Batu 10,

    Kuantan, berkata, dia sebenarnya tidak berniat untuk membunuh wanita berkenaan tetapi mungkin

    disebabkan terlalu terkejut, wanita itu pengsan dan mati secara mengejut.

    Katanya, kejadian yang berlaku di Bentong lapan tahun lalu itu begitu memberi kesan mendalam

    pada dirinya sehingga dia menyesal.

    Menurutnya, hasil rompakan hanya sebanyak RM5,000, namun satu nyawa tidak bersalah

    ‘melayang’ begitu sahaja.

    Menurut bapa empat cahaya mata itu, dia bernasib baik kerana tidak dikenakan hukuman gantung

    kerana membunuh, sebaliknya hanya dikenakan hukuman penjara dan sebat.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    “Saya menasihatkan golongan muda supaya tidak terlalu mengikut hati hingga

    sanggup melakukan perbuatan yang menyalahi undang-undang, banyak peluang pekerjaan boleh

    dilakukan dengan pendapatan lumayan.

    “Ingatlah, pasti kita tidak akan selamat selepas melakukan kesalahan, sebagai contoh hanya

    selepas empat hari merompak saya ditangkap polis,” katanya ditemui pada program khidmat

    masyarakat di PRP) Kem Batu 10, kelmarin.

    Siva yang berasal dari Bera berkata, dia kini insaf dan berjanji tidak akan mengulangi kesilapan lalu,

    selama 14 tahun berada dalam penjara banyak mengajar dia erti kehidupan sebenar sebagai

    manusia yang tidak menimbulkan masalah pada negara.

    “Saya tidak sabar untuk bebas awal tahun depan selepas terlalu lama bergelar banduan, saya ingin

    bina kehidupan baru yang lebih bererti bersama keluarga yang banyak berkorban dan menanggung

    malu selama ini.

    “Kemahiran membaiki kenderaan dan berkebun yang ada akan digunakan untuk meneruskan hidup

    di luar sana,” katanya yang tidak sanggup mengingati saat menjalani hukuman sebatan.

    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Selasa, 31 Disember 2019 @ 8:46 AM


    MBOR iktiraf mural 3D Amelia terbesar [METROTV]

    MyMetro Mutakhir

    Muhammad Zulsyamini Sufian Suri

    [email protected]

    MURAL penerbang wanita pertama yang terbang solo di Lautan Atlantik, Amelia Mary Earhart di

    dinding premis di Jalan Abdul Jalil, Taiping diiktiraf sebagai lukisan luaran 3D terbesar dalam

    Malaysia Book of Records (MBOR).

    Yang Dipertua Majlis Perbandaran Taiping (MPT), Borhan Abdul Halim berkata, lukisan dengan

    kelebaran 27.44 meter dan ketinggian 14.6 meter itu dihasilkan dengan kos RM280,000, tajaan

    syarikat swasta.



    21 Info shared by:

    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Katanya, lukisan itu siap pada 31 Ogos lalu selepas enam hari dihasilkan oleh enam

    pelukis profesional menggunakan cat kalis air dan cuaca dengan tujuh warna berbeza.

    “Mural ini menceritakan penerbangan solo Amelia Mary yang mengelilingi dunia merentasi Lautan

    Atlantik pada 1937, serta menjadikan Lapangan Terbang Tekah di Taiping yang juga lapangan

    terbang pertama Asia Tenggara sebagai lokasi persinggahannya untuk mengisi bahan api sebelum

    hilang tanpa dikesan sehingga sekarang.

    “Malah, MPT sentiasa mengalu-alukan tajaan mana-mana pihak yang ingin memperindahkan lagi

    bandar Taiping melalui lukisan mural, tetapi ia mestilah tidak lari daripada sejarah dan warisan yang

    bandar ini sejak penubuhannya pada 1874,” katanya.

    MURAL Amelia Mary Earhart di Jalan Abdul

    Jalil, Taiping diiktiraf MBOR sebagai lukisan 3D

    terbesar. FOTO Abdullah Yusof.

    Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang

    media sempena pengisytiharan itu, hari ini.

    Wakil MBOR Edwin Yeoh Teong Chin dan

    Tan Chuin Siang hadir menyampaikan

    pengiktirafan berkenaan.

    Dalam pada itu, katanya, kerja

    mengindahkan bandar menerusi mural pada dinding di bawah pentadbiran MPT mendapat tajaan

    pihak swasta, selain pihak persendirian dan kerjasama institusi pengajian awam.

    Malah Borhan berkata, MPT kini dalam rundingan dengan Jabatan Penjara untuk projek

    melakar mural sepanjang 670 meter di dinding luar Penjara Taiping.

    “Kita bercadang menghias dinding itu dengan wajah atlet yang berasal dari Taiping dan pernah

    mengharumkan nama negara, dan ia dijangka jadi mural terpanjang untuk tatapan orang ramai.

    “Perojek ini termasuk antara 12 projek lukisan mural yang ingin kita siapkan dalam tempoh enam

    bulan pertama 2020, yang mana separuh atau enam daripadanya bakal disiapkan dalam tiga bulan,”


    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Jumaat, 27 Disember 2019 @ 4:56 PM





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    18 banduan mati bergaduh di penjara

    MyMetro Global

    AHLI anggota banduan yang

    terkorban di dalam penjara. FOTO



    TEGUCIGALPA: Sekurang-

    kurangnya 18 banduan maut

    manakala 16 lagi cedera

    selepas tercetusnya

    pergaduhan di sebuah

    penjara di utara bandar Tela,

    kata pihak berkuasa penjara


    Menurut Jabatan Penjara, 17 banduan mati di pusat tahanan itu manakala seorang lagi disahkan

    meninggal dunia di hospital.

    Sehingga kini tidak dapat dipastikan punca tercetusnya pegaduhan di penjara di Tela yang terletak

    kira-kira 200 kilometer dari Tegucigalpa itu, lapor AFP.

    Jurucakap penjara, Digna Aguilar berkata, pihak berkuasa perlu mengambil langkah berhati-hati

    ketika masuk ke kawasan itu memandangkan beberapa banduan memiliki senjata, sekali gus

    melewatkan proses siasatan.

    Pasukan keselamatan Fusina berkata, sebanyak lima pucuk pistol 9mm serta peluru dirampas

    daripada banduan berkenaan.

    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Ahad, 22 Disember 2019 @ 11:17 AM




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    18 lagi banduan maut

    MyMetro Global

    GAMBAR hiasan.


    TEGUCIGALPA: Seramai 18 banduan lagi

    maut dalam pergaduhan di penjara di

    Honduras yang tercetus tidak sampai dua

    hari selepas kejadian sama di penjara

    berasingan hingga meragut 18 nyawa, kata

    jurucakap tentera.

    Jurucakap pasukan keselamatan Fusina berkata, senjata, pisau dan parang turut digunakan dalam

    pergaduhan di penjara El Porvenir di utara ibu kota Tegucigalpa itu.

    AFP melaporkan, insiden ganas itu berlaku selepas 18 banduan maut dalam pergaduhan di penjara di

    bandar Tela kelmarin.

    Presiden Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez sudah mengarahkan anggota tentera dan polis untuk

    melakukan kawalan ketat ke atas 27 penjara yang terlampau padat dengan 21,000 banduan.

    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Isnin, 23 Disember 2019 @ 1:43 PM




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    'Sudah pasti mereka nafikan' - Muhammad Shafee

    MyMetro Utama

    Muhammad Shafee.


    Murni Wan Omar

    [email protected]

    “ADAKAH kamu merasakan mereka boleh mengaku? Mereka menggantung diri sendiri,

    sudah pasti mereka menafikan!” kata peguam, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah

    berhubung jawapan Penjara Kajang berhubung isu membabitkan bekas pegawai Unit

    Tindakhas (UTK), Azilah Hadri.

    Dalam kenyataan beliau semalam, Muhammad Shafee mendakwa Azilah pernah dibawa

    keluar dari Penjara Kajang untuk berjumpa dengan ‘VVIP’.

    Apabila ditanya berhubung identiti ‘VVIP’ itu, Muhammad Shafee berkata, beliau tidak boleh

    memberi nama mereka dan sedang berbuat sesuatu mengenainya.

    Beliau, bagaimanapun, enggan mengulas lanjut dan terus berlalu meninggalkan wartawan.

    Jabatan Penjara hari ini menafikan dakwaan Muhammad Shafee bahawa mereka

    membenarkan Azilah dibawa keluar untuk bertemu ‘VVIP’ pada Februari lalu.

    Dalam kenyataan media jabatan itu di Kuala Lumpur hari ini, Azilah tidak pernah dibawa

    keluar dari Penjara Kajang sejak 15 April 2015.

    Kali terakhir Azilah dibawa keluar adalah bagi urusan menghadiri perbicaraan di Mahkamah

    Majistret Sepang.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Kenyataan itu juga memaklumkan rekod lawatan dan perjumpaan juga

    menunjukkan Azilah dilawati sebanyak 34 kali oleh keluarga dan 15 kali oleh peguamnya

    sejak setahun lalu.

    Semalam, media melaporkan Muhammad Shafee yang mewakili Datuk Seri Najib Razak

    mendakwa Azilah yang disabitkan membunuh wanita Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu

    dibawa keluar dari Penjara Kajang untuk berjumpa seorang VVIP pada Februari lalu.

    Muhammad Shafee mendakwa pertemuan itu berlaku di luar penjara dan dilihat sebagai

    pelan terancang yang diatur untuk mengaitkan anak guamnya dengan pembunuhan


    Sebelum ini, Azilah membuat dakwaan mengejutkan melalui SD bertarikh 17 Disember lalu

    mendakwa menerima arahan daripada Najib untuk membunuh Altantuya.

    Pada 13 Januari 2015, Mahkamah Persekutuan menjatuhkan hukuman mati terhadap

    Azilah dan seorang lagi anggota UTK, Sirul Azhar Umar selepas didapati bersalah

    membunuh Altantuya.

    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Rabu, 18 Disember 2019 @ 8:19 PM





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    Kes Altantuya: Tak keluar sejak 15 April 2015

    MyMetro Utama

    Azilah Hadri. Foto Arkib NSTP Nurul Hidayah Bahaudin [email protected]

    JABATAN Penjara Malaysia mengesahkan

    bekas pegawai Unit Tindakhas (UTK) Azilah

    Hadri tidak pernah dibawa keluar dari Penjara

    Kajang sepanjang tahun ini.

    Menurut kenyataan media jabatan itu di Kuala

    Lumpur hari ini, Azilah tidak pernah dibawa

    keluar dari Penjara Kajang sejak 15 April


    “Kali terakhir dia dibawa keluar dari Penjara Kajang bagi urusan menghadiri perbicaraan di

    Mahkamah Majistret Sepang.

    “Tugas mengiringnya bagi menghadiri perbicaraan itu dilakukan selepas Penjara Kajang menerima

    Perintah Mengemukakan Orang Dalam Jagaan dari Mahkamah Sepang mengikut Seksyen 30 Akta

    Penjara yang mengkehendaki banduan menghadirkan diri di mahkamah seperti mana masa dan

    tempat dinyatakan.

    “Berdasarkan rekod, Azilah tidak pernah dibenarkan untuk dibawa keluar dari penjara untuk apa-

    apa jua urusan selepas tarikh itu,” katanya.

    Kenyataan itu juga memaklumkan rekod lawatan dan perjumpaan juga menunjukkan Azilah dilawati

    sebanyak 34 kali oleh keluarga dan 15 kali oleh peguamnya sejak setahun lalu.

    “Lawatan dilakukan seperti mana Peraturan 179 Peraturan Penjara 2000 berhubung lawatan kepada

    mana-mana banduan akhir.

    “Oleh itu, sebarang kenyataan oleh mana-mana pihak yang menyatakan Azilah dibawa keluar dari

    Penjara Kajang pada tahun ini untuk menemui VVIP adalah tidak benar sama sekali,” katanya.

    Semalam, media melaporkan Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah yang mewakili Datuk Seri Najib

    Razak mendakwa Azilah yang disabitkan membunuh wanita Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu dibawa

    keluar dari Penjara Kajang untuk berjumpa seorang VVIP pada Februari lalu.



    27 Info shared by:

    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Muhammad Shafee mendakwa pertemuan itu berlaku di luar penjara dan dilihat

    sebagai pelan terancang yang diatur untuk mengaitkan anak guamnya dengan pembunuhan


    Sebelum ini, Azilah membuat dakwaan mengejutkan melalui SD bertarikh 17 Disember lalu

    mendakwa menerima arahan daripada Najib untuk membunuh Altantuya.

    Azilah membuat dakwaan itu ketika sedang menanti hukuman gantung sampai mati selepas didapati

    bersalah membunuh Altantuya.

    Memetik laporan Malaysiakini, dia mendakwa bersama bekas anggota polis, Sirul Azhar Umar hanya

    mengikuti arahan ‘shoot to kill’ (tembak mati) sebagai anggota pasukan UTK.

    Dia mendakwa terdapat keterangan tidak dikemukakan ketika prosiding di Mahkamah Tinggi dan

    Mahkamah Rayuan sebelum ini.

    Pada 13 Januari 2015, Mahkamah Persekutuan menjatuhkan hukuman mati terhadap Azilah dan

    seorang lagi anggota UTK, Sirul Azhar Umar selepas didapati bersalah membunuh Altantuya.

    Berita berkaitan

    • Kes Altantuya: Najib dakwa Azilah terdesak

    • Kes Altantuya: Permohonan Azilah didengar April depan

    • 'Daddyku bukan pembunuh'

    • 'Jalan untuk tahan, penjarakan saya' - Najib

    • 'Najib arah tangkap, hapuskan Altantuya' - Azilah

    Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Rabu, 18 Disember 2019 @ 2:42 PM




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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Reconsider proposal for private prisons, lawyers tell govt V Anbalagan December 6, 2019 7:00 AM

    KUALA LUMPUR: Several lawyers have cautioned against the proposal for private prisons in the

    country, saying there are other ways to address the problem of overcrowding in government

    correctional centres.

    One of them, Muhammad Rafique Rashid Ali, told FMT that any attempt to privatise prisons was

    likely to fail.

    He instead suggested improvements to the parole system, introduced in 2008, so that convicts could

    leave prison ahead of schedule.

    “The parole board must be more flexible in releasing prisoners on grounds of good behaviour if there

    is support from family members,” he said.

    Deputy Home Minister Azis Jamman recently said the government was prepared to look into the

    proposal for private prisons in the interest of reducing overcrowding.

    He said about 74,000 inmates are presently serving jail terms nationwide although the actual prison

    capacity is closer to 52,000.

    Given the country’s current financial pressures, he said it was perhaps time to consider establishing

    private prisons as has been done in the UK.

    However, Rafique said bail could also be considered for those who claim trial to the charges against


    “In this regard, the recent High Court ruling that bail can be offered to those charged with murder

    and terror-related offences is most welcome,” he added.

    He said the courts could impose any condition including for bailors to be family members and for

    suspects to report to the nearest police station and surrender their passports pending the outcome

    of their trial.

    “The court can also order that those charged with serious crimes be fitted with electronic monitoring

    devices to keep tabs on their movements,” he said.

    Lawyer Salim Bashir said allegations of power abuse and corruption among prison authorities could

    be reduced if fewer prisoners were kept in jail.

    This would also reduce the government’s liability to negligence suits if inmates die while in custody,

    he added.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    On the matter of private prisons, he said he only knew of civil prisons outside the

    country for those who commit contempt of court or fail to pay alimony to their spouses.

    “The government should get the views of all stakeholders, including the Malaysian Bar, on the

    concept of setting up private prisons,” he said.

    Lawyer Syed Iskandar Syed Jaafar Al Mahdzar meanwhile said Malaysian prisons are overcrowded

    as many inmates are foreigners who had overstayed or run foul of drug laws.

    “I suggest that the government expedite its prison reforms and find ways to reduce its annual budget

    for food, medicine, staff and building maintenance,” he said.



    What meeting with VVIP, Prison Dept shoots down Shafee’s claim FMT Reporters - December 18, 2019 2:02 PM

    The Kajang prison, where former police officer Azilah Hadri is being held on death row.


    Prison Department today

    dismissed claims that the

    former police officer who

    accused Najib Razak of

    ordering the death of

    Mongolian citizen Altantuya

    Shaariibuu had met with

    several individuals outside

    the prison where he is

    currently on death row.

    In a statement, it said Azilah Hadri had not left jail the entire year.

    “In fact, he was not taken out of prison since April 15, 2015.”



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    Najib’s lead counsel Muhammad Shafee Abdullah claimed yesterday that “several

    individuals” had visited Azilah in an attempt to persuade him to implicate the former prime

    minister in the model’s death in 2006.

    He said he had “very reliable information” that Azilah had met a “VVIP”, among others, outside

    the prison after February.

    But the Prison Department said the last time Azilah was brought out of prison was on April 15,

    2015, for a court case at the Sepang Magistrate’s Court.

    Based on its records, it said, Azilah was visited by his family 34 times and his lawyers 15 times

    as of last year.

    “Therefore, any claim that Azilah was brought out of the Kajang prison this year to meet VVIPs

    is false.”

    The former Special Action Unit commando recently filed a statutory declaration for the review of

    his murder conviction.

    He alleged that the order to kill Altantuya came from Najib, who was the deputy prime minister

    at the time.

    However, Najib rubbished Azilah’s claim, calling it a “complete fabrication by a desperate person

    seeking to escape the gallows”.

    Altantuya was murdered in October 2006 in the jungles in Puncak Alam near Shah Alam,

    Selangor. She was shot in the head before her body was blown up with explosives.





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    Taiping commissions 12 huge murals NATION

    Saturday, 28 Dec 2019


    TAIPING: The Taiping Municipal Council has commissioned 12 huge murals to be painted on

    buildings in the town.

    Council president Borhan Abdul Halim said the murals would have a historical or heritage theme,

    with work on six of the paintings already having started.

    “Our plan is to commemorate the historical events that have occurred since the town opened in


    “We expect the six murals to be completed within the next three months. The murals will be

    created and sponsored by private companies and does not involve any costs for the council,” he

    said after receiving the Malaysia Book of Records certificate for “The Biggest Outdoor 3D Mural

    Painting” at Jalan Abdul Jalil here yesterday.

    The record-breaking grayscale mural painted on the wall of a shophouse, measures 14.6m high

    and 27.4m tall and features Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo over the Atlantic Ocean.

    Borhan said discussions were also being held by the Taiping Prison and several private

    firms to create another record-breaking mural.

    “They are planning to paint the longest mural, spanning 670m on the outer walls of the prison. The

    theme will commemorate Taiping-born athletes who have made the country proud, ” he said.

    He said the athletes would include former national football coach Datuk M. Karathu, former

    national sprinter Junaidah Aman and others.

    “We hope it can begin next year, ” he said.

    A previous version of this story stated that Amelia Earhart had stopped at the Tekah

    Aerodome in Taiping on June 20,1937 to refuel during her historic journey. There is no

    evidence of this.




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    Prime Minister’s Office denies Mahathir met Azilah NATION

    Thursday, 19 Dec 2019

    PETALING JAYA: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has never met former police commander Azilah Hadri

    who is convicted for the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, the Office of the Prime Minister

    (PMO) said.

    “It was widely reported that Dr Mahathir shook his head and smiled when asked if he had met Azilah.

    This question came at the tail end of a press conference following the launch of Bandar Malaysia in

    Putrajaya (on Tuesday).

    “There were also attempts to allude that Dr Mahathir was the VVIP who allegedly met with Azilah,

    on death row at Kajang Prison, in February this year, ” the PMO said in a statement yesterday.

    The PMO said Dr Mahathir also dismissed allegations that the government was behind Azilah’s

    revelation of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s involvement in the murder of Altantuya as stated in his

    (Azilah’s) recent statutory declaration (SD).

    “As this involves the legal process, the government will leave the matter to the relevant authorities

    to decide on the next course of action, ” the PMO said.

    Meanwhile, the Prison Department said Azilah was in prison since April 15,2015.

    In a statement, the department said Azilah was actually taken out of prison on the same date to

    attend trial at the Sepang Magistrate’s Court.

    “Azilah’s escort to the court was arranged after Kajang Prison received an order from the court to

    bring him for the trial, ” it said.

    Based on records, the department said Azilah had never left the prison nor was he taken out since

    that day for any matter.

    “Since last year, Azilah was visited 34 times by family members and 15 times by his lawyer.

    “Thus, any report alleging that Azilah was taken out of prison to meet a VVIP this year is definitely

    not true, ” the department said.

    The statement came after Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah

    claimed to have received information that a “VVIP” had paid a visit to Azilah, who is on death row.

    The lawyer said Azilah’s review application on Tuesday to set aside his conviction and death

    sentence was a “mischievous application”.

    Shafee also alleged that hidden hands were behind the application.



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    Azilah wanted the Federal Court to review his 2015 conviction and death sentence for

    killing Altantuya in October 2006.

    On Tuesday, Shafee said “very reliable information” revealed that Azilah had met a VVIP outside the

    prison in February.

    Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/12/19/prime-ministers-office-denies-mahathir-met-azilah


    Azilah has not left prison since 2015, says Prisons Dept NATION

    Wednesday, 18 Dec 2019 1:42 PM MYT


    Azilah Hadri


    police commando Azilah

    Hadri has never been

    brought out of prison since

    April 15,2015, the Prisons

    Department confirms.

    In a statement on

    Wednesday (Dec 18), the

    department said Azilah was

    taken out of prison on that date to attend trial at Sepang magistrate's court.

    Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/12/18/azilah-has-not-left-prison-




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    Home Slider Azilah has not left the Kajang Prison since 15 April 2015


    Azilah has not left the Kajang Prison since 15 April 2015 By Admin

    18th December 2019

    The Prisons Department said that former commando on

    death row, Azilah Hadri who was convicted for the murder of Altantuya Shaaribu has not left the Kajang Prison since 15 April 2015.

    By Ainul Asniera Ahsan

    KUALA LUMPUR – The Prisons Department said

    that former commando on death row, Azilah Hadri

    who was convicted for the murder of Altantuya

    Shaaribu has not left the Kajang Prison since 15 April 2015.

    “The last time Azilah Hadri was brought out of the Kajang Prison was on 15 April 2015 to

    attend his trial at the Sepang Magistrate Court,” said the Prisons Department in a statement


    Therefore, it said, any statement from any individuals stating that Azilah was brought out

    from the Kajang Prison this year to meet certain VVIP was untrue.

    In its explanation, the Prisons Department said that Azilah’s escort to the court was

    arranged after the Kajang Prison received an order from the court to bring him for the trial

    in accordance with Section 30 of the Prisons Act.

    Based on the record, Azilah had never been allowed to be taken out of prison for any reason.

    It said, the visiting record also showed that the prisoner was visited 34 times by his family

    members and 15 times by his lawyer at the Kajang Prison for the past year. –






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    Home Slider Has the prison scandal of Abdullah Ang repeated itself?


    Has the prison scandal of Abdullah Ang repeated itself? By Admin - 18th December 2019

    By Syahril A. Kadir

    Yesterday, renowned lawyer, Tan Sri Muhammad

    Shafee Abdullah expressed his shock on how a

    convicted prisoner on death row could be given the

    access to meet a VVIP outside the Kajang prison.

    The prisoner he meant was none other than the

    former Special Action Unit (UTK) officer, Azilah

    Hadri who was sentenced to death by hanging after

    he was found guilty for murdering Mongolian model,

    Altantuya Shaariibuu in 2006.

    Nevertheless, Shafee said that he could not verify the information but it was given to him

    my a trusted source.

    “The meeting between Azilah and the VVIP took place in early February this year. How could

    a prisoner on death row go out of the prison to meet a VVIP? How could that happen?

    “I definitely cannot verify this information but it was given to me by a trusted source. The

    meeting was not in the prison but outside. When a prisoner is on death row, how could they

    be brought out just like that?

    “That is against the law and protocol. I am waiting for a formal confirmation at this moment,”

    he told the journalists.

    As a person with vast experience in the legal field, Shafee would not make the shocking

    statement without any basis.

    If it truly happened as alleged, it seemed like the ‘dark history of 1989’ may return to tarnish

    the image of the country.

    Here is the story.

    On 19 August 1989, the Malay Mail made an exclusive daring revelation on how

    businessman, Abdullah Ang had the Super VVIP treatment at the Kajang Prison.



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    His room was equipped with

    refrigerator, carpet, video player and waterbed.

    Abdullah could also enter and exit the Kajang

    Prison as if he owned that place.

    For the record, Abdullah Ang was the Chief

    Executive of the Malaysian Overseas Investment

    Corporation (MOIC) who had many friends

    among the government leaders and senior


    He had an eight years sentence and was fined

    RM100,000 by the Kuala Lumpur High Court on

    15 December 1986 (which was lightened after

    mitigation plea). He pleaded guilty over the

    charges on criminal breach of trust amounting


    Two years before his release date, Abdullah was

    seen around Kuala Lumpur! He was wearing a t-

    shirt and a pair of white pants. Upon getting the

    information, the editor of Malay Mail sent the

    journalist and photographer to track the


    In its report, Abdullah was also seen at the

    garment factory belonging to his family. There

    were no warden or officer from the prison at sight

    escorting him during his visit.

    What happened truly stunned Malaysians as not

    only a prisoner could walk freely into and outside the jail but his cell was equipped like a

    hotel room.

    However, Abdullah realised that he was being photographed and he covered his face

    immediately with a towel.

    When the case was brought to the prison, they claimed that Abdullah was involved in the

    pre-release system where a prisoner is allowed to work outside the prison and prep them

    for their release in the future.

    However, according to Allahyarham Datuk Zainuddin Maidin in his article, Abdullah was

    given the special treatment to travel between the Kajang prison and the capital to drink teh

    Tarik, read newspapers and to manage his business in Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur.

    Nevertheless, according to Zainuddin, despite his dishonesty, Abdullah Ang had an

    extraordinary character. He could present himself as a person with the qualities needed in


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    business and trading. He could project himself well in all levels. He was not

    shy. He was brave and he could be covetous if it is needed.

    “That special personality enabled him to close to the officers in Kajang Prison which in turn,

    gave him the special treatment to roam in and out of the prison to enjoy the air out there,”

    he said.

    It was not a surprise that the special treatment enjoyed by Abdullah was due to his influence

    and good relationship with the top leaders in the country.

    Abdullah Ang’s case also caused a reshuffle in the Prison Department, where the position of

    the Director-General of Prison was given to a senior police officer then.

    In Azilah’s case, it was impossible for him to gain such special treatment but having the

    access to meet a

    person outside

    the prison was

    truly something

    special for a


    prisoner on

    death row.

    As at the time of

    writing, there is

    no official

    statement from

    the authorities

    on Shafee’s


    Honestly, we

    hope that what

    Shafee said was

    not true. Generally, we see that the integrity of the Prison Department is still attached at

    its highest level. Besides that, they have improved tremendously after the scandal involving

    Abdullah Ang 30 years ago.

    One case of Abdullah Ang is more than enough to ruin everything. -MalaysiaGazette





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    Prisons Dept rubbishes claim Azilah left Kajang prison to meet a VVIP theedgemarkets.com December 18, 2019 16:20 pm +08

    KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 18): Azilah

    Hadri, the convicted murderer of

    mongolian model and translator

    Altantuya Shaariibuu, has not left the

    Kajang Prison since April 2015,

    according to the Prisons Department.

    In a statement today, the department

    said the former police special action

    force (UTK) personnel never left the

    prison in Kajang throughout this year,

    and that the last time Azilah was taken out from the place was on April 15, 2015.

    "The last time he (Azilah) was brought outside of Kajang Prison was on April 15, 2015, when

    he had to attend a hearing at the Sepang Magistrates Court," the Prisons Department said.

    Since then, Azilah has not left the prison's premises, the department stressed.

    The death row inmate, meanwhile, has been visited by his family members 34 times since

    a year ago, while his lawyer visited him 15 times.

    "Consequently, any statements made by any parties alleging that Azilah Hadri had been

    brought out of Kajang Prison this year to meet with a VVIP is not true," the department said.

    Azilah, who has been sentenced to death for his role in Altantuya's murder, has filed a

    statutory declaration (SD) claiming that it was former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak

    who gave him the order to kill Altantuya.



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    Perpustakaan Maktab Penjara Malaysia (MPM)

    The former chief inspector said Najib, who was deputy prime minister and

    defence minister when Altantuya was killed in 2006, had met him and ordered him to "shoot

    to kill", after telling him she was a "dangerous foreign spy".

    The SD was filed to support his application — filed earlier this month — to seek a review of

    his conviction and death sentence that was passed down by the Federal Court in 2015. He

    is also seeking a retrial of the case.

    Following the explosive allegation, Najib's chief legal counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee

    Abdullah alleged Azilah had been brought out from the prison to meet with the VVIP in


    In making the claim on Tuesday, Shafee also alleged that the meeting was a breach of

    prison protocol, and that the meeting was part of a political assassination plot against Najib,

    who is currently being tried in court for corruption, money laundering and abuse of power

    charges involving 1Malaysia Development Bhd and its former subsidiary, SRC International

    Sdn Bhd.

    Shafee also said Najib will file an application to intervene in Azilah's review application to

    set aside his 2015 conviction for the murder of Altantuya.

    See also:

    Dr M denies he is the VVIP who met Azilah

    Najib will take ‘sumpah laknat’ on Friday to deny Azilah’s claim he ordered Altantuya’s


    Najib seeks to intervene in ex-UTK officer Azilah's bid to set aside conviction in Altantuya






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    >> HIBURAN > > Ahmad Dhani bebas dari penjara

    Ahmad Dhani bebas dari penjara

    TERJEMAHAN SINAR HARIAN | | 30 Disember 2019

    Ahmad Dhani dibebaskan. - Foto


    JAKARTA - Penyanyi popular

    Indonesia, Ahmad Dhani

    dibebaskan hari ini dari penjara

    Cipinang Jakarta Timur.

    Ahmad Dhani diiringi pegawai

    penjara meninggalkan penjara

    Cipinang sekitar jam 9.30 pagi


    Memetik laporan Kompas,

    Ahmad Dhani keluar dengan memakai baju t-shirt berwarna hitam dan bersongkok selepas

    dihukum penjara 18 bulan setelah didapati bersalah menyebarkan mesej kebencian di


    Ahmad Dhani atau nama sebenarnya, Dhani Ahmad Prasetyo, 46, disambut dengan

    puluhan peminatnya yang menunggu seawal pagi di luar bangunan penjara tersebut.

    Apabila ditanya mengenai kebebasannya, Ahmad Dhani berkata dia akan menjawabnya

    setelah tiba di kediamannya di Pondok Indah.

    Turut kelihatan, isterinya, Mulan Jameela.

    Bekas anggota kumpulan Dewa 19 itu ditahan pada 28 Januari lalu atas

    kesalahan menyebarkan mesej berunsur kebencian dalam tiga kenyataan di Twitter.

    Hukuman yang dijatuhkan adalah selama setahun, namun dia dibebaskan awal

    sebulan selepas mendapat pengampunan untuk kes yang disabitkan.




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    >> GLOBAL > > 40 pegawai penjara diserang pesalah juvana

    40 pegawai penjara diserang pesalah juvana

    ZUBIR SULAIMAN | | 28 Disember 2019

    Seramai 14 pegawai penjara cedera

    dalam insiden keganasan di Institusi

    Pesalah Juvana Feltham Young di West

    London semalam. - Foto Agensi

    LONDON - Sekurang-kurangnya

    40 pegawai penjara terpaksa

    dibawa ke hospital selepas

    keganasan meletus di Institusi

    Pesalah Juvana Feltham Young di

    West London semalam.

    Jurucakap kementerian

    kehakiman berkata, kejadian itu

    bagaimanapun berjaya ditangani dalam tempoh 25 minit.

    "Dua belas pegawai yang cedera telah dibenarkan pulang manakala dua lagi masih dirawat

    oleh doktor malam tadi.

    "Institusi ini menempatkan remaja berumur antara 15 dan 18 tahun yang telah disabitkan

    atau ditahan reman atas kesalahan masing-masing," katanya.

    Dalam pada itu, jurucakap terbabit berkata, pihaknya tidak akan bertolak ansur dengan

    keganasan terhadap kakitangan penjara dan akan menghukum mereka yang terlibat.

    Pada Oktober lalu, ketua pemeriksa penjara, Peter Clarke berkata, keselamatan di Feltham

    telah menjunam ke tahap yang mengerikan sejak enam bulan lalu dengan peningkatan

    keganasan selain tahanan yang bertindak membahayakan diri mereka sendiri. - Agensi.





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    >> BERITA > WARNA-WARNI KEHIDUPAN > Banduan mahu jadi imam keluarga

    Banduan mahu jadi imam keluarga

    SITI FATIHAH AWANG | | 25 Disember 2019

    Jo tekun melihat surat

    perjanjian pelepasan.

    MACHANG - "Perkara pertama

    saya akan lakukan ialah jadi

    imam kepada keluarga, itu

    hasrat hati saya sejak belajar

    jadi imam di dalam penjara,"

    kata seorang banduan yang

    kenali sebagai Jo ketika ditanya

    perkara utama dilakukannya

    apabila keluar dari penjara hari


    Jo merupakan antara tiga banduan yang dibenarkan pulang seminggu melalui Pelepasan

    Banduan Secara Berlesen yang dilaksanakan di Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak Machang di sini.

    Walaupun baki hukuman yang perlu dijalani hanya tujuh bulan sahaja lagi, namun dia tetap

    teruja untuk bertemu keluarga kali ini walaupun untuk tempoh seminggu sahaja.

    "Saya teringin nak makan KFC dengan keluarga. Insya-ALLAH seminggu yang diberikan ini

    saya akan gunakan sebaik mungkin untuk bersama keluarga dan rehat di rumah.

    "Nanti bila sudah keluar (tamat hukuman) saya bercadang untuk buka kedai makan. Insya-

    ALLAH semoga semuanya dimakbul ALLAH," katanya yang menjalani hukuman di bawah

    Seksyen 396 atas kesalahan merogol.

    Sementara itu, seorang lagi banduan juga berkongsi mahu meluangkan masa dengan

    empat anak-anaknya yang kini dijaga keluarga di Gua Musang.

    "Saya teruja untuk jumpa anak-anak dan keluarga. Memang keluarga saya selalu datang

    jenguk di penjara namun perasaan tidak sama bila kita pulang ke rumah dan makan


    "Saya bersyukur diberikan lesen untuk keluar sekejap, bolehlah saya hilangkan rindu pada

    keluarga dan sanak-saudara. Nasihat saya kepada mereka yang terjebak dengan dadah



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    hanya satu, lupakan saja, kerana keseronokannya hanya sementara, tapi

    kedukaannya berpanjangan.

    "Alhamdulillah, sejak berada di dalam (penjara) saya banyak mendalami ilmu agama yang

    menjadi asas kepada kita semua, Insya-ALLAH ia boleh menjadi panduan kepada saya

    untuk mendidik anak-anak selepas ini," kata Abe Mey yang telah empat kali khatam al-

    Quran sejak mula berada di penjara 2014 lalu.

    Terdahulu, Jo, Abe Mey dan seorang lagi banduan iaitu diberikan taklimat khusus oleh

    Pengarah Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak Machang, Penolong Kanan Komisioner, Mohd Shukri

    Harun mengenai syarat yang perlu dipatuhi sepanjang seminggu dibenarkan keluar dari

    pusat tersebut.

    Mohd Shukri dalam sidang media yang sama memberitahu, ketiga-tiga banduan itu masih

    menjalani hukuman di Machang namun mereka terpilih untuk diberikan kebebasan berlesen

    mengikut kriteria yang telah ditetapkan.

    "Pada asalnya 12 orang yang kita calonkan, namun hanya 3 yang layak dan diberikan lesen

    pelepasan kali ini. Mereka dipilih mengikut syarat, kriteria dan disiplin sepanjang mereka

    berada di pusat pemulihan.

    "Ini merupakan pertama kali dilakukan di penjara ini dan kami harap dengan adanya inisiatif

    ini, mereka (banduan) akan insaf dan menggunakan peluang ini sebaik mungkin untuk

    bersama keluarga.

    "Saya juga mohon jaga baik keluarga untuk ambil dan pulangkan kembali mereka

    sebagaimana ditetapkan iaitu pada 30 Disember ini bermula jam 2 hingga 4 petang. Jangan

    lupa bawa lese