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Nizar M. Al-Adsani Chief Executive Of�cer

Dialoguewith CEO




I would like to congratulate you on what have been accomplished in the past

days including the step of placing the cornerstone the Nghi Son Refining

and Petrochemical Complex which is built in Vietnam. This project is of

great importance for KPC as it represents a new beginning for prosperity

in the Kuwaiti oil industry. Moreover, it will help achieve several strategic

goals among which penetrating the markets of east Asia which is witnessing

an ostensible growth economically; in addition, the demand on oil and

petroleum products is high in these markets. This will also provide a safe

outlet for nearly 200,000 bpd of Kuwaiti crude oil. It will further reinforce

the international status of KPC as this complex will lead to integration in

the oil industry through combining between the industry of refining and the

industry of petrochemicals.

I would like also to extend appreciation to everyone sought to achieve such

huge project including former ministers, chairpersons and CEOs, as their

devoted efforts led to placing the cornerstone of the project and starting

the actual implementation. These sincere efforts which the officials of the

Kuwaiti oil sector put forth have enabled us to celebrate such gigantic

project which is additional mark in KPC’s history.

I would like further to extend my appreciation to Kuwait’s sincere sons

who work seriously to preserve the country’s resources and develop them to

fulfill the goals of sustainable development which all of us look forward to.

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It is the pleasure of KPC News staff to extend their heartfelt gratitute to all colleagues who contributed to KPC News past issues. We will be more than happy to receive even more of your contributions and ideas which will further bolster con-structive cooperation and con-tinuous progress.

KPC News Team:Media Relations Dept.

Press & Publications Section Ext. 4785 - 4789 - 4769

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ContentsContents«November 2013«November 2013

For your Opinions & SuggestionsFor your Opinions & Suggestions

By Al-Khat Printing Press

IssueIssue 142142

1414Al-Shamali receives well-wishers of Eid Al-Adha

HSE holds seminar dubbed ‘The link between nutrition to cancer’

It is the pleasure asustaff to extend tgratitute to all cocontributed to KPissues. We will happy to receive your contributiowhich will furthestructive cooperatinuous progress.


HH Prime Minister sponsors KOGS

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HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Prime

Minister, inaugurated Kuwait’s 1st Oil and Gas Show and

Conference which was held from 7-10 October, 2013 in

the Regency Hotel and it was organized by Society of Pe-

troleum Engineers in collaboration with a number of Ku-

waiti oil companies.

The inauguration celebration was attended by Deputy Pre-

mier, Minister of Foreign Affairs HE Sheikh Sabah Khalid

Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, HE Deputy Premier, Minister of Oil

Mustapha Al-Shamali, a number of Sheikhs, ministers,

governors and advisors of the Diwan of HH Prime Min-

isters along with OPEC’s Secretary-General Mr. Abdulla

Al-Badri, dignitaries and top officials and experts in oil

and gas industry.

On such occasion, Deputy Premier, Minister of Oil Mus-

tapha Al-Shamali extended his appreciation and gratitude

to HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak for sponsoring the con-

HH Prime Minister sponsors KOGSference, indicating such patronage stresses the fact that

the Kuwaiti oil sector represents pride for HH the pre-


The celebration commenced with reciting some

verses from the holy Qur’an. After that, Minister

of Oil gave a speech in which he emphasized

that the State of Kuwait is keen on securing its

oil supplies to the international market as it is

one of the key producers internationally, in-

dicating Kuwait adopts a clear vision aimed

to optimize oil and improve the scientific and

career skills and abilities of personnel besides

providing more job vacancies for youth as well

as fulfilling the concepts of sustainable devel-


He went on to say that such conference is priceless op-

portunity to bolster collaboration and create an appropriate

investment atmosphere to develop technology and meet

the challenges of oil industry under a reality necessitates

boosting cooperation to guarantee a better future for the

coming generations based on strong economic bases.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nizar Al-Adsani, CEO of Kuwait Petro-

leum Corporation, said the time of convening the confer-

ence is appropriate, as it coincides with the tremendous ef-

forts which the Kuwaiti oil sector puts forth to accomplish

its 2030 strategy which helps Kuwait’s oil industry to oc-

cupy high status internationally and increase the capability

of refineries besides achieving integration between petro-

chemical industry and refining.

Mr. Hashim Hashim, CEO of Kuwait Oil Company, said,

“Our 2030 strategy is aimed at reaching the targeted goals

of productivity and searching for alternative resources of

energy and improving the skills of our personnel; in ad-

I n T h i s I s s u e

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dition to meeting our obligations to-

wards our partners through adopting

balanced and responsible ideologies

and behaviors to fulfill profitability

in liaison with the criteria of health,

safety and environment.”

He also indicated that KOC and Ku-

wait Gulf Oil Company are commit-

ted to the obligation of increasing

productivity to 4 million bpd by 2020

and keep the same level until 2030,

adding KOC managed to increase pro-

duction by 300,000 bpd compared to

the goals allotted in 2010. This level

has provided the company with trust

to be able to produce 4 million bpd by

2020 in cooperation with KGOC.

Furthermore, Mrs. Hosnia Hashim,

Chairperson of Operations at Kuwait

Foreign Petroleum Exploration Com-

pany (KUFPEC), said KOGS high-

lights oil industry whose lifespan in

Kuwait extends to nearly 8 decades;

in addition, it brings 93% of the pub-

lic treasury’s revenues. It is also the

key resource of the Kuwaiti econo-


She emphasized that KOGS has

placed Kuwait among the race of

scientific research and development;

the matter is included among the ini-

tiatives of KPC and its subsidiaries.

Consequently, it has been decided

to hold KOGS in Kuwait every two

years pursuant to KPC’s commit-

ment to provide an appropriate en-

vironment for scientific research and

development in oil industry in the


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E v e n t s

Kuwait Petroleum Interna-

tional (KPI), the exterior arm

of Kuwait Petroleum Corpo-

ration in refining and market-

ing oil, has eventually placed

the cornerstone of Nghni Son

Refining and Petrochemical

Complex in Vietnam during an

official visit paid by His Excel-

lency Deputy Premier, Minister

of Oil, Chairman of KPC’ board

Mustapha Al-Shamali and a high-

level delegation from the Kuwaiti

oil sector from 21-24 October,


On such occasion, a big celebra-

tion was organized in the site of

the project in Hoa Province in

Vietnam in the presence of Oil

Minister Al-Shamali, the accom-

panying delegation, Kuwait’s am-

bassador to Vietnam HE Hamad

Al-Jetaili, the Vietnam’s Deputy

Premier, members from the Viet-

namese government, representa-

tives from Japan’s Idemitsu Ko-

Al-Shamali and accompanying delegation celebrate new phase of achievements

After taking part in placing the cornerstone of Nghi Son Refining and Petrochemical Complex

san and Mitsui Chemicals Inc.

companies and international oil

experts along with local and inter-

national media.

In his keynote speech in such oc-

casion, which chronicles a new

phase of KPC’s overseas achieve-

ments, Al-Shamali extended his

pleasure over placing the corner-

stone of the project extending at

the same time his appreciation

to HE Vietnamese Prime Minis-

ter and the concerned ministries

along with officials of Hoa Prov-

ince as well as everyone

took part in such essen-

tial project.

Al-Shamali said, “Initiating

the implementation of the project

is a start for a long journey full of

challenges including the phase of

building and constructions as well

as the phase of operating the proj-

ect which is of great importance

for the Kuwaiti government which

considers this project as one of the

important strategic projects that

epitomize the sturdy friendship

and a deep rooted ties between the

Kuwaiti nation and government

with Vietnam and Japan.

He further indicated that the proj-

ect combines the Kuwaiti and Jap-

anese experiences and efficiencies

in refining and petrochemical in-

dustry with the Vietnamese expe-

riences in the oil market.

For his part, Mr. Bakhit Al-Rashi-

di, Chief Executive Officer of

KPI, extended his appreciation

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to the successive oil top officials

of the Kuwaiti oil sector for their

unlimited support for the project

particularly HE former Ministers

of Oil Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah

Al-Sabah and HE Hani Abdulaziz

Hussein along with the successive

CEOs of KPC who have played

a substantial role in supporting

the project since its earlier

phases such as Mr. Farouq

Al-Zanki, Mr. Saad Al-

Shuwaib along with former

Chairman of KPI’s board

Hussein Ismail and other


He emphasized that the

project has several strate-

gic, economic and social

dimensions among which

providing safe long-term

outlet for marketing the Kuwaiti

crude oil and the petrochemical

projects produced from it; in ad-

dition to providing an opportunity

for the Kuwaiti personnel to ac-

quire practical experience in this

field and reinforcing the Kuwaiti

existence in the international mar-

kets whose demand on oil and its

products is promising and grow-


Meanwhile, Chairman of KPI’s

board of directors and CEO of

Kuwait National Petroleum Com-

pany (KNPC) Mohammed Ghazi

Al-Mutairi said the inaugura-

tion celebration of this project is

the fruit of devoted efforts since

2008; in addition, it is honor for

KPI’s efforts which were exerted

to achieve an important strategic

goal among its long-term 2030

strategy which focuses on provid-

ing promising and safe outlets in

the Far East for the Kuwaiti crude


He finally extended

his appreciation to the

members of KPC’s

board of directors de-

scribing them as ‘trea-

sures’ because they

devoted their experi-

ences to serve the sec-

tor, hailing at the same

time Mr. Nizar Al-Ad-

sani, KPC’s CEO, for

his patriotic spirit and insistence

to fulfill an inclusive development

in the Kuwaiti oil sector as well as

achieving its strategic goals.

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E v e n t s

His Excellency Deputy Premier,

Minister of Oil and Chairman of

KPC’s board of directors Mustapha

Al-Shamali received the well-

wishers on Eid Al-Adha occasion

on Sunday October 20, 2013 in the

Diwaniya of the oil sector’s com-


The top officials of the oil sector

including managing directors, their

deputies of KPC’s subsidiaries and

a large number of employees from

the Kuwaiti oil sector were keen on

attending the reception party.

It is noteworthy that Al-Shamali

was keen on welcoming the atten-

dants personally and exchanging

well-wishes with them.

Al-Shamali receives well-wishers of Eid Al-Adha

y , g p y

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HE Deputy Premier, Minister of

Oil and Chairman of KPC’s board

of directors Mustapha Al-Shamali,

accompanied by a delegation from

KPC including Mr. Bader Al-Shar-

rad, Acting CEO of KPC, Mr. Mo-

hammed Al-Farhoud, Managing

Director of Planning and Finance,

and Mrs. Wafaa Al-Zaabi, DMD

of Planning, visited Kuwait Gulf

Oil Company (KGOC) on Tuesday

October 1, 2013 to follow up the

latest developments in production

operations in Al-Wafra and Al-


The minister and the accompany-

ing delegation were received by

CEO of KGOC Mr. Ali Al-Shim-

mari, his deputies and a number of

senior officials.

Mr. Mubarak Al-Hajeri, Manager of

Planning Group in KGOC, briefed

the minister and the accompanying

delegation on the activities of the

Al-Shamali visits KGOC to check production operations in Al-Wafra and Al-Khafji

company in the Divided Zone and

the joint operations which are car-

ried out in collaboration with the

Saudi side; besides highlighting

the company’s strategic plan for

2030 and the mechanism of imple-

menting it.

Al-Shamali applauded the mecha-

nism which the company has al-

lotted to carry out its future plans,

hailing the diligent efforts exerted

by KGOC’s personnel.

Meanwhile, Al-Shimmari hailed

the minister’s visit which empha-

sizes the higher administration’s

keenness on following up the prog-

ress in the Kuwaiti oil sector, hail-

ing at the same time the unlimited

support which KPC provides to its


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E v e n t s

His Excellency Deputy Premier,

Minister of Oil, Chairman of KPC’s

board of directors, Mustapha Al-

Shamali received in his office in

the oil sector’s complex HE Ghas-

san Al-Zawawri, Kuwait’s ambas-

sador to Iraq on Monday Septem-

ber 30, 2013.

They exchanged cordial talks and

tackled issues regarding oil and


Oil Minister receives Kuwait’s ambassador to Iraq

Mr. Nizar Al-Adsani, Chief Executive Officer of

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, received in his of-

fice in the oil sector’s complex His Excellency am-

bassador of Liberia to Kuwait Konah Blackett on

Tuesday October 8, 2013.

They discussed the latest developments on the inter-

national oil markets and tackled the ways of boosting

relations between KPC and Liberia in oil field.

CEO receives ambassador of Liberia to Kuwait

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Al-Obeid receives US Undersecretary of Commerce Department

Mr. Ali Al-Obeid, Managing Direc-

tor of Corporate Relations & IT at

KPC, received US Undersecretary

of Commerce Department for In-

ternational Relations Mr. Francisco

Sanchez and the accompanying dele-

gation in the Diwaniya of the oil sec-

tor’s complex on October 2, 2013.

The meeting was attended by a num-

ber of officials from Kuwait Petro-

leum Corporation besides Sheikh

Faisal Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy

Managing Director of Relations and

IT and the American ambassador to

Kuwait HE Matthew Tueller.

They exchanged cordial talks and

discussed the latest developments in

the international oil markets; besides

tackling the ways of reinforcing bi-

lateral relations between the two


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E v e n t s

Under the patronage of HH Prime

Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak

Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and in par-

ticipation of KPC, the activities

of Annual Conference of the Na-

tional Union of the Kuwaiti Stu-

dents - UK and Ireland branch en-

titled “We make homeland by our

hands” were launched from 25-27,

October 2013 in London.

In his inaugural speech, HE Ku-

wait’s ambassador to the United

Kingdom (UK) Khalid Abdulaziz

Al-Dowaisan conveyed the greet-

ings of HH Prime Minister Sheikh

Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah to the

female and male students express-

ing his delight over his participa-

tion in such conference.

He said, “The actual resource for

Kuwait is investing in its sons’ ed-

ucation whether inside the country

or in Arab and foreign universities,

as they will continue the journey

of construction and development

in the country in the future. Ku-

wait has been keen since its inde-

pendence on building the Kuwaiti

man through supporting and en-

couraging all phases of education.

Consequently, it has established

several schools and institutes in

different areas in the country; in

addition, it has doubled their num-


Meanwhile, Head of Students’

Union in UK and Ireland Ali Al-

Kandari welcomed the attendants

thanking at the same time in the

name of all students HH the Prime

Minister for sponsoring the an-

nual students’ conference, indi-

cating such conference reinforces

the relation between the Kuwaiti

students and the ministries and

boosts the relation among students


It is worth mentioning that KPC

took part in the conference with a

distinguished booth applauded by

the students and the conferees. In

addition, KPC’s delegation which

was headed by Sheikh Faisal Al-

Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy Managing

Director of Relations and IT Sec-

tor, was keen on highlighting the

corporation’s strategy regarding

human resource. He also replied to

inquiries and questions posed by

the students and the participants.

Students were briefed about achievements of KPC & subsidiaries it sponsors activities of Annual Conference of the National Union of the Kuwaiti Students - UK and Ireland branch

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Relations and Information Tech-

nology Sector at KPC launched

the program of applying the 2030

strategic directions regarding com-

munications from 27-31 October,

2013. Accordingly, the sector has

organized media training program

composed of four specialized

training courses in collaboration

with Training Sector in KPC in an

aim to improve the efficiency of

the employees of Public Relations

and Media in KPC and its subsid-


The first training course entitled

“Social Media” threw light on the

ways of utilizing the social com-

munication channels particularly

the most common ones such as

Facebook and Twitter to boost the

image of KPC. It focused also on

the key factors of achieving suc-

cess and improving performance.

For his part, Ali Al-Obeid, Man-

aging Director of Relations and

Information Technology, Head of

Higher Committee of Communi-

cation, said KPC has allotted ma-

jor goals through its strategy on

top of which improving the train-

ing efficiencies in specialized me-

dia fields. This has been initially

applied on Public Relations and

Media to qualify the employees

to take on the responsibility of

work and cope with the incessant

changes of the oil media field as

well as applying the requirements

of media strategy proficiently.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Faisal Al-Jab-

er Al-Sabah, Deputy Managing

Director of Relations and Infor-

mation Technology at KPC, hailed

the devoted efforts put forth by

Human Resources Sector at KPC

for organizing such distinguished

training program in collaboration

with British Blue Wood Company

which is ranked as one of the best

five training companies all over

the world.

It is worth mentioning that the

training program includes also in-

tensified training courses concern-

ing successful and effective media

and marketing campaigns and

how to conduct them, the way of

editing oil reports and the modern

directions applied in the interna-

tional oil publications.

It launches program regarding the 2030 strategic directions of communications

Relations & IT Sector ... new vision

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Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

represented by International Mar-

keting Sector along with Planning

and Finance Sector organized in col-

laboration with Royal Dutch Shell

a workshop themed “Establishing,

Managing and Operating Piers of

Importing and Vaporizing LNG” on

Thursday September 26, 2013 in the

Diwaniya of the oil sector.

The workshop threw light on the var-

ious ways of establishing, managing

and operating the piers of importing

and vaporizing Liquefied Natural

Gas (LNG); besides underlining the

latest developments in such industry.

A large number of concerned offi-

cials from KPC, Kuwait Oil Compa-

ny (KOC) and Kuwait National Pe-

troleum Company (KNPC) besides

experts from Shell attended the


Kuwait Petrole m Corporation

In presence of experts from Royal Dutch Shell

KPC organizes workshop on gas stations

E v e n t s

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International Marketing Sector at KPC organized a

workshop entited ‘Fluctuations of Prices of Crude Oil

and Gas & Margins Profits of Refining Operations’ on

Sunday October 6, 2013 in Al-Rawdhatain Hall in KPC.

Mr. Paul Cheng, Oil Expert from McKinsey & Company

Consulting Firm, gave a lecture in the workshop in which

he highlighted the ways of dealing with the fluctuations

of prices of crude oil and gas; in addition to the changes

of the margins profits of refining operations. Add to this

the indexes of oil industry’s risks.

Organized by International Marketing Sector

Workshop on fluctuation of prices of oil and gas

International Marketing Sector abides farewell to Qahtan Al-AbdulkarimInternational Marketing Sector at

KPC held an honoring celebration

for Mr. Qahtan Al-Abdulkarim, Man-

ager of Marine Department which

is one the sector’s departments, on

Tuesday October 8, 2013 at the oil

sector’s headquarters.

The honoring celebration is held as an

appreciation for the tremendous and

diligent efforts which Al-Abdulkar-

im, who has moved now to Kuwait

Oil Tanker Company, exerted during

his work in KPC.

For his part, Al-Abdulkarim ex-

tended his gratitude and apprecia-

tion to his colleagues in the sector,

indicating that the true honoring for

any person is epitomized in gaining

people’s respect and appreciation as

well as the good memories he leaves

to them. He added the person can

serve his country from any position

provided he should work devotedly

to improve the level of service he

presents through his work.

A number of the employees and col-

leagues attended the celebration be-

sides Mr. Nabil Bouresli, Managing

Director of International Marketing

Sector, Mr. Waleed Al-Bader, Depu-

ty Managing Director of Marketing

Operations, and Mrs. Ghadeer Al-

Qadfan, Manager of Planning.

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H e a l t h

Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) at

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation organized a seminar en-

titled ‘The link between nutrition to cancer’ on Tuesday

October 22, 2013 at the auditorium of the oil sector’s


For her part, Mrs. Thuriya Al-Boloshi, from Health Min-

istry, threw light on the most important food which the

person should have daily. She also highlighted the ways

of prevention from cancer, clarifying that people adopt

some wrong habits which influence negatively health

and lead to cancer such as wrong nutrition, having pol-

luted water, alcoholic drinks, exposing to burning sun-

rays; besides other elements among which obesity and


She stressed the importance of adopting healthy life-

style which depends basically on vegetarian nutrition,

warning from having much quantities of red meat as it

increases the possibility of being infected with cancer.

She also stressed the necessity of changing the cooking

oil which is used to fry food; almost after twice usages


She further advised attendants to avoid having sated fats

which lead to obesity and causes in turn several kinds

of cancers such as breast cancer, uterus cancer and renal


At the end of the seminar, Al-Boloshi bid the concerned

authorities to establish clinics to protect from obesity

in all state ministries, urging the attendants at the same

time to practice sports for 30 minutes minimum daily

and give up smoking.

Given by Thuriya Al-Boloshi

HSE holds seminar dubbed ‘The link between nutrition to cancer’

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GCNƒcº / NÉdó Gd©Ñ«ó

WHDKPC marks

Under the slogan ‘Take the road to

a healthy heart’, Kuwait Petroleum

Corporation held a celebration to

mark World Heart Day on Sunday

September 29, 2013 in the audito-

rium of the oil sector.

Mr. Mohammed Al-Farhoud, Man-

aging Director of Planning and Fi-

nance at KPC, emphasized in his

speech that KPC is keen on provid-

ing healthy programs and periodical

medical examinations to its person-

nel to preserve their health, indicating

the corporation won several awards

in the field of health, safety and en-

vironment among which ROSPA and

the award of British Safety Council.

The celebration included four lec-

tures given by Dr. Abdullatif Al-

Mor, Health Consultant in KPC,

Dr. Ahmad Al-Shatti, Career Health

Consultant at Kuwait Oil Compa-

ny, Dr. Mousa Al-Jowaiser, Family

Medicine Consultant, and Dr. En-

tisar Al-Hendal, Family Medicine


It is worth mentioning that the cel-

ebration was attended by represen-

tatives from oil companies and per-

sonnel from KPC.

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º∏°ùŸG óªfi áeÉ©dG äÉbÓ©dG

»eRÉ©dG óªfi á«eÓYE’G äÉbÓ©dG

Deemah Saeed Al-Adsani

Planning and Career Development

Hesham Al-Rashoud

Consolidation & Group Reporting

Fahad Al- Shubaili

Recruitment & Employee Benefits

Faisal Ali Al-Sabah

Government & Parliament Relations

Manahel Al- Mesbah

Chairman’s Office

Fatemah Al- Askari

Market Research

Ahmed Al-Jabri


Mohammed Al- Musallam

Public Relations

Mohammed Al-Azmi

Media Relations




äÉæ««©àdGNew Appointments

»eRÉ©dG ó°TGQ ó¡a ájQÉéàdG IôFGódG

ó°TGôdG º«gGôHEG óªfiKNPC IóMh »∏NGódG ≥«bóàdG

Fahad Rashed Al- Azmi


Mohammed Ibraheem Al- Rashed

Corporate Internal Audit KNPC Unit