kpj-pss newsletter

ISSUE 1 / 2015 BERITA POT BLACK IS THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE POOL & SNOOKER SECTION, KELAB PJ From the Desk of the Convener BERITA P T BLACK FOR MEMBERS CIRCULATION ONLY ALEX FERNANDEZ Convener Pool & Snooker Section, Kelab PJ Inside this issue The PSS 8 Ball British Pool Singles & Fellowship on 19. 05. 2015 at Kelab PJ As a first step to revitalize in-house competition and participation PSS & Tennis Section 8 Ball British Pool Doubles Friendly & Fellowship on 18. 06. 2015 PSS and Tennis Section held an 8 Ball British Pool Doubles friendly and fel- lowship on 18. 06. 2015. Invitational Friendly & Fel- lowship between PSS Kelab PJ and Kelab Aman on 26. 06. 2015 PSS Kelab PJ invited Club Aman for an 8 Ball British Pool friendly game Page 3 Page 5 Page 7 . Disclaimer: The views expressed in Berita Pot Black are the authors‘ own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Kelab PJ I am proud to present you the very first newsletter from the Pool & Snooker Section (PSS) and would like to take this opportunity to share a few thoughts with you. Pondering on the activities that PSS has had and looking forward to the up-coming ones, I am indeed amazed at the progress PSS has made and is still mak- ing. I would say that a dormant volcano has erupted and that is how I will describe PSS. All this is due to the concerted efforts of the PSS Committee and PSS Members. As we move on, it is my aim to make PSS to remain active and take it to a higher level of sporting at Kelab PJ. I hope our initiative will further illuminate Kelab PJ as a sports club to be reckoned with. To those PSS Members who have con- tributed much to the revival and prog- ress of the Section, my sincere thanks and appreciation to you. In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Marcus Nimalan Sun- dram(1107) and Mr. Sathyananthan Chelliah(2380) for their invaluable suggestions as well as for proof-read- ing this newsletter; to Mr. Gopi Pil- lay(1644), the Sports Chairman(Acting) and the General Committee for their support and encouragement. Thank you all very much. Please keep on the wonderful job and continue your support to make PSS a success, fun and dynamic in and for Kelab PJ. Cheers!!! PLUS MANY INTERESTING NEWS INSIDE

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Page 1: KPJ-PSS Newsletter


From the Desk of the Convener





Pool & Snooker Section, Kelab PJ

Inside this issueThe PSS 8 Ball British Pool Singles & Fellowship on 19. 05. 2015 at Kelab PJ As a first step to revitalize in-house competition and participation

PSS & Tennis Section 8 Ball British Pool Doubles Friendly & Fellowship on 18. 06. 2015PSS and Tennis Section held an 8 Ball British Pool Doubles friendly and fel-lowship on 18. 06. 2015.

Invitational Friendly & Fel-lowship between PSS Kelab PJ and Kelab Aman on 26. 06. 2015PSS Kelab PJ invited Club Aman for an 8 Ball British Pool friendly game

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in Berita Pot Black are the authors‘ own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Kelab PJ

I am proud to present you the very first newsletter from the Pool & Snooker Section (PSS) and would like to take

this opportunity to share a few thoughts with you. Pondering on the activities that PSS has had and looking forward to the up-coming ones, I am indeed amazed at the progress PSS has made and is still mak-ing. I would say that a dormant volcano has erupted and that is how I will describe PSS. All this is due to the concerted efforts of the PSS Committee and PSS Members.

As we move on, it is my aim to make PSS to remain active and take it to a higher level of sporting at Kelab PJ. I hope our initiative will further illuminate Kelab PJ as a sports club to be reckoned with.

To those PSS Members who have con-tributed much to the revival and prog-ress of the Section, my sincere thanks and appreciation to you. In particular, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Marcus Nimalan Sun-dram(1107) and Mr. Sathyananthan Chelliah(2380) for their invaluable suggestions as well as for proof-read-ing this newsletter; to Mr. Gopi Pil-lay(1644), the Sports Chairman(Acting) and the General Committee for their support and encouragement. Thank you all very much.

Please keep on the wonderful job and continue your support to make PSS a success, fun and dynamic in and for Kelab PJ.



Page 2: KPJ-PSS Newsletter

Secretary - Mani Sagaran.Treasurer - H. Kumaras-inghe

Committee Member - Tony Eng King Hoe.

Committee Member - S. Chandirasegaran

Committee Member - K. Jayaprakas.

The new committee took some time to set-tle-in and to take stock

of the PSS set-up, functions and history in order to plan and move ahead for the year 2015. As such, activities were rather slow in motion. The PSS Committee held a flurry of meetings to get PSS on to its feet and to move forward.

In the mean time, the PSS ensured that its Members participated and repre-sented KPJ in the Johor Cul-tural & Sports Club Carnival. Instead of British pool or snooker, American pool was featured. In good sporting spirit, PSS Members took on the challenge. Although PKJ-PSS lost, good sports-manship and fellowship prevailed at the carnival.

The months of February, March and April 2015 saw more PSS Committee meet-ings and brain-storming sessions to get PSS into full gear and action. On 25th February, 2015 the PSS Committee convened an Extraordinary General Meet-ing (EGM) to address several pertinent issues such as the increase of PSS Membership subscription from RM2.00 per month to RM5.00 per month and to obtain a man-date from PSS Members on the course of actions to be taken and the activities to be held. Members unani-mously adopted the resolu-tions proposed at the EGM.

On 29th April, 2015 PSS KPJ Members participated in the Inter-Club friendly games organised by Melaka

Club where a combination of sporting activities was planned. PSS took part in the Pool Games. Four matches each of Pool Sin-gles and Pool Doubles were played. KPJ-PSS emerged the winner with a score line of 6 – 2.

On 16th May, 2015 a PSS KPJ 8 Ball British Pool Singles Tournament and Fellow-ship Gathering was held to bring the PSS Members together. A total of 21 PSS Members participated whilst 14 of them com-peted in the game. Mr. Da-vid Amaldass (M/No. 2607) emerged the Champion while Mr.Shanmugam (M/No. 2568), the Runner-Up. The event brought the PSS Members together fostering fellowship and sportsman-ship.


Introducing the PSSCommittee 2015 - 2017The Pool & Snooker Section (PSS)

started off the year 2015 on a rather slow pace after being dor-

mant for more than 2 years. The PSS membership stood at 80 members; it has swelled to 109 as of the date of publication of its inau-gural newsletter. The club has one British pool table placed in the foyer area and a snooker table placed in a special Snooker Room beside the gymnasium.

On 25th January, 2015, PSS held its Annual General Meeting wherein a new set of Committee Members (CM) were elected. The new PSS CM for year 2015 is:


Convener: Alex Joseph Fernandez Email:

Secretary: Mani Sagaran Email:

Treasurer: H. Kumarasinghe Email:

Committee Members: Tony Eng King Hoe Email:

S. Chandirasegaran Email:

K. Jayaprakas Email:

Convener -

Alex Joseph Fernandez


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2 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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As a first step to revitalize in-house competition and participation, the Convener with the PSS Committee organized a PSS Members’ 8 ball British pool singles friendly and fellowship which was held on 19. 05. 2015 at Kelab PJ. Members were exhilarated that the PSS saw a return to activities and there was a good turnout for the event.

Singles Players: Back row L to R: Ramesh V(2343), Trevelin PV(2608), K Jayaprakas(2500) & Gunnasilan(2625)Front row L to R: A Subramaniam(1864), H Kumarshinghe(2506), Sanmugam M(2568), Alex JF(2213), Simon Raj A(2637),Tony Eng KH(1123), Murthy K(2148), David A (2607) & S Chandirasegaran(2567)

The PSS British 8 Balls Pool Singles & Fellowship on 19.05. 2015 at Kelab PJ

Top & Bottom pixs: Members at the PSS Singles and Fellowship

TOP PIC Tony Eng(L) –vs- Jayaprakash(R)

Introducing the PSSCommittee 2015 - 2017

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ABOVE PIC Kumar taking a shot.

ABOVE PIC David taking a shot

ABOVE PIC Simon(L) –vs- Murthy(R)

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ABOVE PIC Shanmugam taking a shot

ABOVE PIC The Singles Finals – David –vs- Sanmugam

The leather cue tip has been around for over 100 years now. Francois Mingaud is credited with creating the modern leather cue tip while in a French prison, sometime in the late 1700’s. Upon his release in 1807, he began to demonstrate his abil-ity to put spin on a ball, something not previously accomplished with wooden cues. He is also credited with inventing the Masse shot. Since then, leather tips have become the standard in the billiards industry. They are generally referred to as “Soft”, Medium” and “Hard” based

Did You Know?


on their density. Keep in mind these are relative terms, and while there are some who have measured densities of different brands, there is still no regu-lation or standardization of different densities. One manufacturer’s hard tip might not be exactly the same as a different manufacturer’s hard tip. For this reason, it is best to try different tip brands and strengths until you find one that works best you.

Soft tips are recognized as offering beginners the best chance to impart proper english. The overall “feel” of the shot may be softer as well. Soft tips, however, will mushroom quickly and need to be replaced more often

than medium and hard tips.

Medium tips are exactly what they sound like, a comprise between the soft and hard densities. These are the most common tip found on cues today. They tend to hold their shape better than soft tips, and will easily hold chalk.

Hard tips are preferred by most profes-sional and higher level players because of the control that it offered. Keep in mind though that their control comes from years and years of practice and tournament play. Hard tips will require less frequent changing, and will keep their shape longer than medium and soft tips.

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5 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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PSS and Tennis Section held an 8 Ball British Pool Doubles friendly and fellowship on 18. 06. 2015. All 5 games were arranged as doubles for maximum participation. The winners of this event were the participants and fellowship that came with it. PSS would like to thank Mr. Rueben A. Sundram from the Tennis Section for mooting the idea, the

Tennis Section convener Mr. Gopi Pillay for his unflinching support, planning and coordination for the event in such short notice and each and every Member from both PSS and Tennis Sections for making the event a success.

The PSS envisage that such Inter-Section 8 Ball British Pool games will be a permanent feature of PSS Kelab PJ activity in the future. The PSS hopes to make this a success with the support and participation from all sports sections.

From left to right- Back row: Denis Doss(2605), Mani Sagaran(2683), Munjit Singh(2301)& Subramaniam T(2631)Middle row: Trevelin PV(2608), S Chandirasegaran(2567), Rueben Anandaraj S(1652), Sanmugam M(2568), K Jayaprakas(2500), Asokumar A(1932) & Nelson S(2152)-view blockedFront row: A Subramaniam(1864), H Kumarasinghe(2506) , Murthy K(2148), YB Dato’ Arthur Edmonds(2150), Gopi Pillay(1644), Alex JF(2213), Jai Kishan K(2327), Gunnasilan(2625) & David A(2607)

PSS & Tennis Section British 8 Balls Pool Doubles Friendly & Fellowship on 18. 06. 2015


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7 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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TOP PIC Light moment between the two Section Conveners- Gopi Pillay(Tennis) & Alex Fernandez(PSS)

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TENNIS SECTIONKPJ POOL / SNOOKER #1 Murthy /Trevelin 1 2 Ravi/Ganesh

2 Alex/Vinod 2 0 Rueben/Dennis

3 David/Kumar 1 2 Arthur/Ashok

4 Chandran/Guna 2 1 Ranjit/Jaykishan

5 Jaya/Shan 2 0 Nelson/Subra

Total 8 5

1st Doubles Murthy & Trevelin -vs- Ravi Kana & Ganesh

2nd Doubles: Alex & Vinod -vs- Rueben & Dennis

4th Doubles Jay Kishan & Munjit -vs- Chandran & Guna

3rd Doubles: YB Dato’ Arthur & Ashok -vs- David & Kumar

5th Doubles: Nelson & Subra –vs- Sanmugam & Jaya


Game On

The Score

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9 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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PSS Kelab PJ invited Club Aman for an 8 Ball British Pool friendly game. It was held on 26. 06. 2015 at Kelab PJ. This was the first Inter-Club invitational game arranged by PSS and its Committee. However, this will not be the last.

The PSS envisage that such Inter-Club 8 Ball Pool games will be a permanent feature of PSS Kelab PJ activity. The PSS hopes to make this a success with the support and participation from PSS Members and other Clubs.

Invitational Friendly & Fellowship between PSS Kelab PJ and Kelab

Aman on 26. 06. 2015


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PSS Kelab PJ group photo session with players and officials from Kelab Aman on 26. 06. 2015

The Hon. Deputy President of Kelab PJ, Datuk Dr. Jasbir Singh, receiving a momento from the Hon. President of Kelab Aman, Mr. Suhkdev Singh,

Looking on at the left are representatives from Kelab Aman, PSS Secretary, Mr. Mani Sagaran(middle) and Hon. Secretary Kelab PJ, Mr. Dalip Singh (extreme right).

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10 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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KELAB AMANKELAB PJ #1 Andrew 2 0 Nirmal

2 Ben & Arthi 1 2 Gurmit & Ranjit

3 Jayaprakash 1 2 Ah Fook

4 Tony & Kumar 0 2 Nirmal & Ah Fook

5 Anand Chelliah 2 1 Shiran Singh

Total 6 7

1st Singles Andrew (L) of PSS KPJ-vs-Nirmal Singh(R) of Kelab Aman 1st Doubles

Ben & Arthi - PSS KPJ-vs-Gurmit Singh & Ranjit Singh - Kelab Aman

2nd Singles Jayaprakash – PSS KPJ-vs-Ah Fook .. – Kelab Aman2nd Doubles Tony & Kumar – PSS KPJ-vs-

Ah Fook & Nirmal – Kelab Aman

3rd Singles Anand Chelliah – PSS KPJ-vs-Shiran Singh – Kelab Aman


The Final Score

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11 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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Somehow in the course of time, there seemed to be a decline of interest in the game of snooker. It seems to have lost out in preference to the 8 ball British pool game. The Convener and the PSS Committee, in their desire to renew interest among Members to play snooker, organized a 10 Ball Snooker Competition on 11.

07. 2015. 10 Members registered as competitors with a few more as participants in the occasion. The total turnout was modest but the PSS is encouraged and confident that this is a good start.

THE POOL & SNOOKER SECTION, KELAB PJIn-House 10 Ball Snooker Competition for

PSS Members - 11. 07. 2015


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Left to right: Rueben Anandaraj S, Karnakaran, Denis Doss, Jayaprakash, Alex(Convener + participant), Jeysudasan, Mani Sagaran, Tony, Andrew & YB Dato’ Arthur Edmonds


A group photo session with the Convener and the competitors:

10 Ball Snooker Contestants Balloting:

The Convener carrying out the bal-loting to pair competitors. Stand-ing beside as observers are Jay-aprakash, Jeysudasan and Mani Sagaran.

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12 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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Participating Members cuing-off:Game 1 – YB Dato’ Arthur Edmonds -vs- Jeysudason

Game 2 – Rueben Sundaram -vs- Jayaprakash

Game 3 – Tony -vs- Guna

Game 4 – Andrew -vs- Dennis

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13 | 2015 Berita Pot Black 13

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Game 5 – Karnakaran -vs- Mani Sagaran

The Finals:

The Semi-Finalist were: 1) Tony -vs- Rueben 2) Andrew - vs- Jeysu 3) Mani Sagaran ( was byed but gave a walk-over ). Tony won against Rueben while Andrew won against Jeysu. As such, the finals were set between Andrew and Tony. Andrew emerged the champion of the PSS Kelab PJ 10 Ball Snooker.

Some light and candid moments at PSS events:

It was all sportsmanship, fellowship and party!

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14 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

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1.Cameraman who are reasonably good at taking photographs to take pictures of PSS Events. Ideally 2 or 3 Members who will be on rotation depending on time and availability.

2.Newsletter Editor-anyone who has a flair for writing to write about PSS’s Photo-Journalists activities and to publish it at regular intervals, perhap on a quarterly basis for a start.

3.Events Co-ordinators-to help and sup-port your PSS Committee in any way that you Assistants are able to contribute, particularly during PSS events and/or Tournaments.

Playing Tips

Optimal tip height for speed control(source:


Selection of Cues (Source: -a-pool-cue).

Step 1- Know the parts. Cues are traditionally narrow rods made of wood, fiber or graphite, approxi-mately 58 inches (1.5m) long and 18 to 20 oz (510 to 660g). A cue contains 6 main components and that must be considered when choosing a pool cue. Examine all the parts before choosing a pool cue.

Step 2 - Check the bottom of the cue. The bottom of the cue is known as the butt of the cue. A player’s back-hand is wrapped around the butt area. Be sure the width and grip are comfortable in your hand.

Step 3 - Feel the wrap. The wrap cov-ers the butt and the lower areas of the cue where players backhand will be guiding. Covers come in leather and linen. You’ll want to ensure your hand feels comfortable and steady on the wrap.

Step 4 - Measure the shaft. The shaft makes up the entire upper section of the pool cue. The diameter and tapering of the cue play a large role in how the cue will work. Those with smaller hands will want to choose cues with smaller diameters and vice versa. A typical cue’s diameter is be-tween 7/16 to ½ inches (12 and 13

mm). The shaft begins to slightly but steadily narrow or taper at 12 inches (30.5mm) from the tip (the top) of the cue towards the butt. The length of the taper will affect the cue’s flex-ibility.

Step 5 - Feel the weight of the cue. The weight of the pole stick can af-fect how the cue hits against the ball. Cue sticks typically weigh 17 and 21 oz (485 to 595g) with 19 to 20oz cues (539 and 566) being the most com-mon.

Steps 6 - Check the entire length of the cue. The length of the pool cue should be proportionate to your height and ability to reach the shaft. Including junior sizes and special or-ders, cues range from 48 to 61 inches (145cm). When choosing a pool cue also consider the space available in the area you will be playing pool.

Steps 7 - Feel the tip. The tip is the only part of the cue that will touch the ball. Tips are made of leather and come in varying tenderness, shapes and sizes. The tip affects how the cue will hit the ball and how the ball will react to the cue. You’ll want your tips to be shaped to your game and slightly scuffed. Chalk is commonly rubbed on the tip of the cue for bet-ter control.


The PSS hopes for more involvement of Mem-bers to join us and support us in our efforts to develop this activity. We welcome anyone who are willing to volunteer to contribute to the following:

How much speed does the CB lose when it re-bounds off a rail cushion?

For steep angles into a rail, where the CB path is close to perpendicular to the rail (i.e., almost straight into the rail), the CB loses about half of its speed after rebound and skid. At very shallow angles to the rail, where the CB is moving almost paral-lel to the rail, very little speed is lost off the rebound.


Where is the best height to hit the cue ball for speed and distance control and consistency?

To help achieve the best speed and distance consistency, it is best to hit the cue ball ( CB ) at about 20% of the radius above the center (0.2R), which is about 60% of the total ball height. Hitting above center can also result in a more accuracy with CB direction.

15 | 2015 Berita Pot Black

15 | 2015 Berita Pot Black