krishna leela series part 31 kamsa sends akrura for krishna


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Krishna Leela Series Part 31 Kamsa sends Akrura for Krishna


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Page 3: Krishna Leela Series Part 31 Kamsa sends Akrura for Krishna

Demons continue the harassment

• Arishtasura enters Vrindavan

• Strikes fear in the hearts of the Vrajavasis

• They call out to Krishna

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A Pictorial Idea of what an enraged bull can do!

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Krishna confronts Arishtasura

• Krishna reassures the Vrajavasis

• Challenges Arishtasura

• Enraged Arishtasura attacks Krishna.

• Krishna tosses him away and finally breaks off his horns and kicks him to death.

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Endearing Krishna

• Devas shower flowers on Krishna

• He becomes more dear to the Vrajavasis and they glorify Him

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Devarshi Narada Muni

• Narada arrives to meet Kamsa

• Discloses to Kamsa the mystery about Krishna’s birth

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Kamsa reminded of the past • Eighth child of Devaki was not a girl

• Vasudeva had exchanged Yashoda’s daughter with his son, Krishna

• Krishna and Balaram were sons of Vasudeva and hidden in Vrindavan

• All Kamsa’s asura friends were killed by Krishna and Balaram

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Kamsa’s reaction

• Prepared to kill Vasudeva for his duplicity

• Narada pacified him

• Vasudeva and Devaki arrested and shackled

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Kamsa’s strategy

• Kamsa despatched Kesi Demon to Vrindavan to kill Krishna and Balaram

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Kamsa’s dangerous tactics to kill Krishna

• Kuvalayapida, the elephant to be placed at the main gate

• Arrange for a wrestling match

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Worship of Kaala Bhairava

• Encouraged his friends to offer animal sacrifices

• Kamsa was a demon and so was attracted to this worship

• Arranged for a Dhanur Yagna

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Kamsa summons Akrura

• Requests Akrura to find Krishna and Balaram in Vrindavan and bring Them to Mathura

• Reveals his evil plans to Akrura

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His evil plans

• To kill Krishna, Balaram, Vasudev and Nanda

• To kill his father, Ugrasena and his uncle, Devaka

• Gain the support of Jarasandha, Dvividha, Shambhara, Banasura and Narakasura.

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Akrura’s wisdom to Kamsa• Man proposes, God disposes

• Subtly warns him of the reactions of his plans