
GREAT WHITE SHARK Presented by Krzysztof Kaniewski

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Kristof


Presented by Krzysztof Kaniewski

Page 2: Kristof

Whats for Dinner?

Page 3: Kristof

These large predatory marine fish reside in

almost every ocean.Did you know great white

sharks can detect a single drop of blood in

25 gallons of water(100 liters).They can even

Detect tiny traces of blood up to three miles

(5 kilometers) away.Their size is relative

To a school bus.These majestic predatory

Animals are somewhat threatened by whales

and us humans for food and medicine.Its

Average weight is 5000 lbs.

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Its average length

Is 15 ft (4.6m)to 20 ft (6

m).They have

slate gray bodies to blend with

the rocky

Coastal sea floor.These are

highly adapted

predators with several rows of


teeth and a extremely

spectacular sense of

smell to detect their prey in


deep sea waters.They have

streamlined bodies

with very strong tails that can

jet them

through water with speeds as

fast as 15 miles

Per hour(24 kilometers).

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These sharks have as many as three-

hundred teeth in the

Several rows of teeth.These

predators even have organs

that sense the electro-magnetic

fields made by animals/

fish. These giant carnivores prey

includes sea lions,seals,sea turtles

and last but not least the

whales.Their scientific name is the

Carcharodon Carcharias.

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The great white sharks new habitat

Would be Antartica.This would be a

Good because there are plenty of

fish and penguins.

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My adapted animal’s name is

the Great Ice Barrage.This will be its name because of its way of


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The adaptations it will go through are:Fur, it will need this because of the freezing

temperatures of the water of Antartica.

A change of color to hide from their predators

and camoflage to catch their prey.

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Some more adaptations it will need are:

Lungs,to come ashore and hunt for prey.

Blubber, to keep warm while in snowstorms and

Below freezing temperatures.

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The Last 5th and 6th adaptations are:

More fins to keep up with penguins speeding away from

To actually be a match for a penguin”s speed and

agility in water.

and last but not least a bigger dorsal fin to

Have more speed to get away from predators like

“killer” orca whales.

Page 11: Kristof

I got my info from these web sites.


This was brought to you by Krzysztof Kaniewski

And these websites assisting him.