ksa-isb&m e-magazine september 2010 issue

Business is the Business of HR‖ KSA-Knowledge Skill & Attitude Vol I, Issue II International School Of Business & Media

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Knowledge, Skills & Attitude.......The 2nd issue of students magazine from the ISB&M College.....


―Business is the Business of HR‖

KSA-Knowledge Skill & Attitude

Vol I, Issue II

International School Of Business & Media

Yashi Pandey

1st Yr PGDM

[email protected]

From the desk of Editor


How’ve you been folks? Last month’s issue was busy speaking

about various events that took place. And this time we are back with

a bang. Our KSA believes in changes so this issue comes up with the

theme “Business is the business of HR” as HR share 2010 is round the


For an exceptional business performance, it’s important that human

capital becomes a strategic partner in the business. Human resource

function forms an integral part of corporate policy & strategy and

HR managers plays a pivotal role in management of people in

striking progressive integration of conceptual values with

operational values.

There is a growing school of thoughts that conflicts can stimulate an

energetic and dynamic working environment that shakes apathy and

compliancy to its core. Conflict is a part of our daily life and in

order to maintain and promote a fair and productive work

environment for the employees the organization must encourage the

resolution of workplace conflict.

―There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has

been set free‖. We value your precious articles and feedbacks, and

are invited by our magazine. Hope you enjoy reading and have a

conflict free ―LIFE‖& ―ORGANIZATION‖.

Vol.I, Issue II

Senior Advisor:

Amit Das

Managing Editor:

Bhargav Trivedi

Shruti Mahato

Nisha Yadav

Chetan Chandak

Editor of the Month:

Yashi Pandey


Rajlakshmi (Correspondent)

Team Members:

Aishwarya Tiwari

Ritesh Weginwar

Ashesh Taparia

Contributing Writers:

Prof. Nutan Thingujam

Prof. Tripti Dhote

Rohit Tibrewal

Bhargav Trivedi

Sumit Mehta

Supreet Kaur


Malvika Singh


Swapnil Kale

Administration Office:

Tech Cell,

ISB&M Nande Campus,

Mulshi Taluka,

Pashan Sus-Road,

Pune -411 042

Tel: 020 - 66754652

Contact us at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

―Don't just have career or

academic goals. Set goals to give

you a balanced, successful life. I

use the word balanced before

successful. Balanced means

ensuring your health,

relationships, and mental peace

are all in good order‖. – Chetan

Bhagat (noted writer)

High rising aspirations,

unachievable dreams, spiraling

ambitions, narrowing deadlines,

taxing targets, uptight schedules

sky high expectations; lack of

time and space! The outcome

deteriorating mental and

physical health and an inability

to enjoy the very pleasures of

life for which we toil almost













Juggle It Right!!! ---- Prof.Tripti Dhote

Life in the current context

is nothing but short of a

race track wherein each one

of us no matter what, where

and how are running really

fast and making frantic

attempts to live up with the

demands of this fast paced

scenario. In doing so we

have ostensibly created a

tight rope for ourselves

trying to balance our

professional and personal

lives, but ultimately failing

due to an absolute mismatch

of goals and priorities.

The entire focus is on a 7

lettered trap called

SUCCESS. In the run we

sub consciously neglect our

personal lives inclusive of

family, friends, relations,

diet, sentiments and even

primary responsibilities of

regular life.

Prof. Tripti Dhote

[email protected]

The result – a complete imbalance caused

by deteriorating health and lack of mental

peace impacting on the professional front

as well.

So what is the solution? ―Under promise and over deliver‖ suggests David Samuel, store manager, leading Sound Solution Company in Pune. ―Take only what you can handle. Prioritize your work in terms of the least and the most important and never bring your work home‖ Work life balance is a must in the current scenario. But it is a joint effort. While organizations need to create a healthy work culture, employees need to mould their attitudes and discipline themselves. The bottom line is both professional and personal lives are equally important. One needs to don the role of a juggler and skillfully manage the key balls of life, without dropping a single ball. Creative thinking, innovative approach, spirituality and a proper time management will definitely assist you to master the art of juggling. The ball of life is in your court. JUGGLE IT RIGHT!!!

Role of emotion in conflict resolution in the context of IT industry ----Dr. Nutankumar S. Thingujam

The information technology (IT) industry is growing quickly in India. The IT

professionals usually work in teams and there are various types of conflicts to which they need to respond. Conflict is probably embedded with different kinds of feelings. So, it is important to understand whether different interpersonal conflict resolution styles are associated with one’s ability to identity (such as identification of facial emotional expression), understand (such as understanding the transition of anger into sadness), use (using emotions to facilitate thought), and regulate emotions (or management of emotions). These abilities are collectively called emotional intelligence. Organizational scholars believe that emotional intelligence (EI) can play an important role in organizational and social behaviour. Emotionally intelligent employees tend to use more of the integrating style of conflict resolution in which there is high concern towards self and others. Emotionally intelligent persons, as they hold an ability to deal effectively with emotions, might be more capable of reaching a solution acceptable to both parties. Avoiding style of conflict resolution is reversely associated with emotional intelligence. The reason is that an employee’s lack of ability to deal with others’ emotions and one’s own emotions is related to the use of avoiding style of conflict handling. It is understandable in this case that where a person is not able to deal with the situation emotionally, he tries to avoid the situation. The use of avoiding the situation is seen to be high in such cases.

-Dr. Nutankumar S. Thingujam

[email protected]

It is not easy to schedule an interview with Mr. Ajay Ambewadikar, HR. He remains busy through

the course of the day but our KSA editor Ms. Rajlakshmi fetched one. Alpha Laval is a production

company in the niche area of food, water supply, energy production and economizing and

environmental protection. The very raison d’être of the company is the provision of specialized

products and engineered solutions that helps companies grow and take them to a next paradigm.

Excerpts from an interview:

1. Alfa Laval has a significant contribution in bringing waste water back to life. Do industries recognize the process and will they be able to cope up with the challenges of rapidly growing population and weather conditions? Alfa Laval’s specialty in to separations will surely cope up with the upcoming challenges of weather conditions. Alfa Laval provides the best system and solutions to the industries which helps society for better life. Our Government norms will make it happen that will be able to address environmental issues through best solution available with Alfa Laval.

2. What are the HR challenges faced by giant organizations especially like those spread across the globe in handling a huge pool of human capital? The challenge is to have the network about the

competence and talent available around the world and to make the right use of the same in terms of getting the best results.

3. How important is ―employee motivation‖ in the current scenario? What measures are being taken by your organization for boosting employee morale? It is extremely critical to have motivated Human Resources. We at Alfa Laval provide the best working environment to our employees by having the culture of openness, transparency and informality. This helps us a lot keeping morale always up. It’s people organization. At Alfa Laval we provide full freedom to every individual to handle his task with full of creativity and freedom.

Interview of the Month

That keeps them motivated always. We also ensure that every employee is a part of business and contributing towards business growth through his individual value added activities. The employee is Manager and a Leader at his own position.

4. Retention has emerged as a big threat. How does your organization confront this major challenge? All at point number 3 above helps us retaining people. Yes, we are also addressing the issue of retention by offering efficiency based salary package. We will focus more on providing good environment to our people.

5. How do you rate the Indian work force with respect to global counterparts? Indians are extremely brilliant and creative. We must focus on commitment and keeping thin line on flexibility. We are too flexible many a times.

6. What message would you like to give to aspiring young students geared up for a career in HR? HR function is the most critical function in any organizational growth. In such case the student first should know his/her own strengths and areas of improvement before starting up any assignment. In short, know yourself in and out, that’s very critical. Share feedback, it will help them. Secondly, know the business strategy first and work towards “adding the value to the organization” and do not just continue with traditional HR tools.

Mr. Ajay Ambewadikar could be contacted at [email protected].

Interviewee Rajlakshmi [email protected] 1st yr PGDM

We often hear the term ―conflict management‖, but do we know its real meaning?

In my article, I will not give my ―HR Gyaan‖, but will acquaint you

with the terms in simple words. I will start with the meaning of the

word “conflict”. Wikipedia says that it is actual or perceived opposition

of needs, values and interests. I will give you a simple example.

Suppose, my team member may just want to finish an assignment

quickly while I am more concerned about having it done a particular

way. This is a conflict due to difference in our style of working. Now,

if I keep it with me, it is an internal conflict. This explains the

difference between actual and perceived conflict.

Any clash of interests, values, actions or directions can spark a

conflict. However, conflict itself isn't a problem. Problems result from

the way people handle conflicts. Hence, effective handling of conflict

is very important. This highlights the importance of conflict


Now let me explain the five types of conflict resolution styles.

The Turtle

Turtles deal with conflict by avoiding it. If they can physically leave the situation,

they will. If they can't leave, they will tune out or refuse to talk about it. This

typically results in lose-lose scenario. However, this can be a useful way to deal with

conflict when the issue is minor.

The Teddy Bear

Teddy bears deal with conflict by giving in. Because they want to be liked and to

maintain the relationship, a teddy bear lets the other person have their way. As a

result, the teddy bear doesn't get what he or she wants, and "loses" while the other

person "wins."

This can be a useful way of dealing with conflict on occasion. In relationships,

couples often take turns being the teddy bear. For example "I'll see the chick flick

with you this week if you'll come to the action adventure movie with me next week."

However, someone who always gives in at work may one day feel they have had

enough and announce "I quit."

Conflict Management ---- Supreet Kaur

Supreet Kaur

[email protected]

2nd year student, (HR)

The Shark

Sharks deal with conflict by going on the

attack. Their purpose in a conflict is to

satisfy their own needs by any means

possible. Their behavior is aggressive and

they may use verbal attacks or

manipulation. To a shark, the desired

outcome in a conflict is "I win, you lose"

or "I win, I don't care what happens to


While it sounds like an unethical way of

dealing with conflict, there are situations

where being a shark may be appropriate.

For example, if you are in an emergency

situation or if you are in a conflict with a

shark, you might respond like a shark


The Fox

Foxes deal with conflict by trying to find

a compromise solution. Their aim is to

resolve the conflict with both parties

feeling they are getting at least some of

what they want. While this may seem like

a win-win way of dealing with conflict, in

fact there is also a lose-lose element to it

as both parties typically have to give

something up.

For example, in the situation where you

and your co-worker both want the same

day off, a compromise might be when you

say, ―I will take the morning off while

you may take the afternoon off‖.

The Owl

Owls deal with conflict by collaborating.

This means both parties work together with

the aim of coming up with a mutually

satisfying solution. The aim is to have a

win-win situation.

While it's the most desirable outcome, the

reality is that it can take time to reach a

win-win solution, and you probably don't

want to spend hours trying to reach

agreement about minor matters such as

where to go for lunch. None of these modes

is wrong to use, but there are right and

wrong times to use each. So, one should

exercise his/her judgments before using a

particular style.

How might you select your conflict

management style?

You must find out the answers of the

following questions before deciding the

conflict management styles:

How important is the issue to you?

Do you have the energy for the


Are you aware of the potential


Are you ready for the consequences?

What are the consequences if you do

not engage in the conflict?

I hope after reading this article, you know when to be a

shark or an owl when you face a conflict.

―Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory. It instigates us to invention. It shocks us out of sheep like passivity, and sets us at noting and contriving.‖

Conflict might escalate and lead to nonproductive

results or conflict can be beneficially resolved and lead

to quality final products. Therefore, learning to

manage conflict is integral to a high-performance

team. Although very few people go looking for

conflict, more often than not, conflict results because

of miscommunication between people with regards to

their needs, ideas, beliefs, goals or values. Conflict

management is the principle that all conflicts cannot

necessarily be resolved, but learning how to manage conflicts can decrease the odds of

nonproductive escalation.

Physiologically, we respond to conflict in one of two ways—we want to ―get away from the conflict‖ or we are ready to ―take on anyone who comes our way.‖ Think for a moment about when you are in conflict. Do you want to leave or do you want to fight when a conflict presents itself? Neither physiological response is good or bad—it’s personal response. What is important to learn, regardless of our initial physiological response to conflict, is that we should intentionally choose our response to conflict.

Your perception of conflict has a direct impact on how it plays on in your personal life. If you embrace conflict and see it as an opportunity to better a situation or a relationship, then you'll take on the challenge of seeing the confrontation through, regardless of how difficult it may be, because you know that the ultimate benefit of working through an issue will be worth it in the long run for both you and your working relationship with the other party. Take on the issues that matter to you and/or that impede you from being as effective as possible on the job and let the rest go. Life's too short to be wasting any of your valuable time and energy on issues that ultimately don't matter or that don't impact you in a detrimental way. Successfully managing conflict means having the ability not only to bring an issue to resolution but also to do it in a respectful, collaborative manner with the other party. One without the other will greatly diminish your results.

Productively engaging in conflict is always valuable. Practicing one’s conflict management

skill leads to more successful engagement in conflict with outcome of relief, understanding,

better communication and greater productivity for both the individual and the team. We

should manage our conflict more effectively so that instead of wasting our energy on

burdensome task such as systemic conflict, we can utilize it in a meaningful manner.

Rohit Tibrewal

President (Student Council) 2nd yr PGDM (Marketing) [email protected]

Conflict Management -----Rohit Tibrewal


Before I write first article of mine for this magazine, let me first admit that I am a lazy

bum. I hate making efforts. I think the only form of exercise that a man must do is exercise

his brain. If I ever write an autobiography, it would be titled ―Rest, Eat and Sleep‖.

Now that the ground is set let me tell you little more about my thoughts, am not

talking about anyone else for two reasons, one I am too self absorbed to think of anybody

else, two, well who cares.

I love contradicting commonly held beliefs. You

might agree or you might disagree with me, I am happy and

satisfied with both cases as I at least made you think. That’s

my main motto. The one belief that I today want to

contradict is ―Specialization‖. I don’t understand the notion

of the world rewarding you to study more and more about

less and less. I feel this concept narrows a person’s view

point, it limits our thinking and we start concentrating on the

micros of the world rather than trying to embrace the world

in totality.

I think that a person should know a little about as

many things as possible. Maybe pick up all aspects of running

a business and understand a little about all of it. This way you know a business in totality

and stand a better chance to take a strategic decision then had you known only say,

marketing. Everything goes hand in hand, we cannot remain ignorant by saying that

―Finance is not my thing‖ etc. This limits our thinking and understanding. We should stop

clinging to the past, start coming out of old habits, were several hats, take up a new

challenge. Otherwise imagine a situation 10 years down the lane when you are still stuck in

middle level management when you are good at taking orders and executing them, but the

top management does not find you suitable for being one among them.

One of the ways of doing so is start reading books on diverse topics, start travelling go

to unknown places, pick up a random conversation with a street side vendor. Start being a

part of every discussion. See how you will walk out richer with every conversation. Most

importantly find something that you love doing.

Sumit Mehta

2nd yr PGDM (Marketing)

[email protected]

The Next Step ----Sumit Mehta

The battle is on. The battle of talent, the battle of

attitude, the battle of skills; and it has become a headache

for HRD to preserve the workforce. Retaining Work-Force

is a woe to the HR world. There is always a fight between

traditional theories of hiring employees. Either to select

cerebral people offering high salaries and don’t invest in

their training and on the other side, select good enough

people with fair salary and invest high on their training. At

the end of the day, for a company, what matters is the

higher efficiency which gives higher throughput.

After a lot deliberation, I can zeroin on the below two factors:

1. Engaging work force attitude with the complete hierarchy

2. Synchronizing salaries of the employees with the goals achieved

Scene 1: At the time of hiring, company should invest in the hiring process, considering these

two factors. There have been cases when organization doesn’t hire a candidate just because of

the attitude characteristics, though person is high on credentials. Hiring personnel think, this

guy might not “fit-in” in the culture of the organization.

Scene 2: 15 hrs of daily labour, neck wrecked and eyes puffed – day-in and day-out – and at

the end of a month, what a custodian of the organization gets? - paltry moolahs. But if,

organization shells out judiciously on their employees according to the work allotted and the

“goals achieved”, employees could attach themselves with the work they do. Thus, decline in

employee turnover and increase in throughput; and thereby recovering the cost.


Training + Salary = Throughput

Bhargav Trivedi

2nd yr PGDM (Marketing)

[email protected]


ROI- By Investing on Workforce --Bhargav Trivedi

“Once you come out of your shell, the performance gets stupendous.”

I got an opportunity from my respected teacher Ms. Vinita Chopra of Written Analysis

of Cases and Communication to give a presentation on „Social Customs of Canada‟ which let

me get rid of my hesitation and boost confidence in me.

Some facts of the matter discussed under the respective presentation were such as - Canada is

the second largest and one of the wealthiest countries of the world. The culture is a mix of

population, language, religion and customs. Canadians are very friendly in nature and they

pass smile looking at you though you are a stranger to them. They normally greet by a firm

hand shake accompanied by a direct eye contact and a sincere smile. Instead of using

someone’s first name they prefer to use surname. Canadians are very punctual, when invited

to a party, they reach on time and go home early; they usually take a box of chocolates,

flowers or a bottle of wine with them. Canadians do

not generally interrupt someone who is speaking. They

consider it rude not to let a person complete their

thought and entering in the discussion and they

communicate more by spoken words rather than non-

verbal expressions. They like their space and prefer to

be at an arm’s length when speaking to someone.

Canadians are reticent to discuss their personal life

with business associates. All these and a lot more of

interesting facts were discussed by me to make the

presentation more interactive.

Through this presentation I learned how to prepare a presentation, how to present your

views in order to make presentation more interactive and lively; as well as time management.

I also learned how to maintain good eye contact with the audience, role of body language,

confidence, voice modulation and pitch to make a presentation effective and interesting. The

activity helped me to hone my presentation and communication skills and also let me

recognize my latent talent.

Malvika Singh

1st yr PGDM

[email protected]

Presentation Of the Month –Malvika Singh

Nuts’ --- Swapnil Kale

Nuts’ ---Swapnil Kale

Team KSA

Welcomes You all

to join the