kt warana unwired

8/8/2019 KT Warana Unwired http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/kt-warana-unwired 1/44 Warana Unwired Kentaro Toyama  Assistant Managing Director Microsoft Research India Based on work with Rajesh Veeraraghavan TCS Excellence in Computer Science January 9, 2008 ± Pune, India With an Examination of Rural PC Kiosks

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Warana Unwired

Kentaro Toyama

 Assistant Managing Director 

Microsoft Research India

Based on work with Rajesh Veeraraghavan

TCS Excellence in Computer Science

January 9, 2008 ± Pune, India

With an Examination of Rural PC Kiosks

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Lead Researcher  ± Rajesh Veeraraghavan

Collaborators ± Kentaro Toyama ± Ken Keniston (MIT) ± Vibhore Goyal ± Sean Blagsvedt ± Nimmi Rangaswamy

Interns ± Naga Yasodhar (Cognizant) ± Renee Kuriyan (UC Berkeley) ± Savita Bailur (London School

of Economics)

Rajesh visiting a farmer¶s family in Warana

Photo: Rajesh Veeraraghavan

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Rural Kiosks

Definition (for the purposesof this presentation):

 ± Rural center with PC as thefocus of services

 ± Typically run as a smallenterprise

 ± Socio-economicimprovement as a goal Photo: Kentaro Toyama

ITC e-Choupal kiosk in Kodia, Madhya Pradesh

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Rural Kiosks

 A ³bouquet of services´ to generate value and revenue

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Data sources:

 ± Extensive kiosk surveys 300 kiosks, 1 year so far, 4

times each, 5 customers, 1operator per kiosk

 ± Ethnographic studies Longitudinal kiosk life-cycle

 ± In-depth interviews with kioskagencies

At least six organizations

 ± Over 30 site visits in India

and Africa ± Discussions with third-partyobservers

 ± Literature in journals, books,web sites, whitepapers


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Projects examined:

 ± n-Logue (Tamil Nadu) ± Drishtee (North India) ± ITC e-choupal (Madhya

Pradesh) ± TARAhaat (Uttar Pradesh) ± MSSRF (Pondicherry) ± Dhan / SARI (Tamil Nadu) ± Akshaya (Kerala) ± World Corps (Andhra Pradesh)

 ± Bhoomi / Comat (Karnataka) ± Rural e-Seva (AndhraPradesh)

 ± Warana WDV (Maharashtra) ± Datamation (Delhi) ± Etc.


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Srinivasan, Janaki (2004)The Effects of e-Governance Implementation on Women:

 A Study of the Sustainable Access in Rural India (SARI) Project, Madurai.Masters Thesis, Indian Institute of Information Technology.

Kiosk in Tamil Nadu

Kiosk Business a Challenge

Rural kiosk in Tamil Nadu

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12-year-old boy taking typing lessons in Retawadi, Maharashtra

 Vigyan Ashram monthly report (Nov 2004)

Kiosk Business a ChallengePhoto: Kentaro Toyama

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Proud father of printshop and kiosk owner in Sirsa, Haryana

Private e-mail communication

Kiosk Business a ChallengePhoto: Kentaro Toyama

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 Various published articles

Sustainability is nearly impossible!

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Difficult to Break Even

Dhawan, Vivek (2004)

Critical Success Factors for Rural ICT Projects in India,Masters Thesis, IIT-Bombay

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Even surviving kiosks are

supported by other business


In Rs.



usiness ar ing ovt ob etty


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nski ed



onthy Househod n o e

iosk n o e

Microsoft kiosk survey (2005)

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Over 0% of population earn livingthrough agriculture

Mostly small and marginal farmerswith 1-3 acres of land

Typical income of <$2 per day

 Agriculture in India

Photos: Rajesh Veeraraghavan

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Warana is withinKolhapur district, Maharashtra

Warana, Maharashtra, is a

subdistrict of Kolhapur (second

wealthiest rural district in India)

Sugarcane cooperatives and


first one in 1959

now numbering 25

Warana Nagar 

Tatyasaheb Kore (1914-1994)

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Warana¶s main cooperative: 75 villages 50000 farmers 25,000km2

1998: Asia¶s first projectto ³Bridge the Digital Divide´

54 PC kiosks in 54 villages

Cost: Rs.2.5 crores(US$ 25,000)

50% central gov·t

40% state gov·t

10% cooperative

³Warana Wired Village Project´

Warana sugarcane processing plant

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WaranaFarmer DB

Standard PCnetwork

Weigh stations

Landline phone

PC enabledKiosks

³Warana Wired Village Project´

WWVP technical infrastructure

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Bring Warana Nagar on NICNET [and Internet]

Create database of villagers on various socio-economic aspects

Provide Tele-education to both Primary and igher EducationalInstitutes

Facilities such as remote health service (tele-medicine), publicgrievances and redressal will be provided through this booth

Provide following facilities:- Computer based education- Open University access (IGNOU)

Original Goals of WWVPhttp://www.mah.nic.in/warana/#About Wired Villages

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Summer, 2005: two months

Participant observation Structured interviews

 ± 200 farmers (users andnon-users)

 ± 15 kiosk operators ± 3 cooperative leaders ± 5 cooperative staff 

Technical analysis Survey

 ± 47 kiosks ± Self-reported usagestatistics

 ± Kiosk logging

One all-hands meeting of kiosk operators

Ethnography and Data Collection

Joint work with Ken Keniston

Interviewing in the field

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Bring Warana Nagar on NICNET [and Internet]

Create database of villagers on various socio-economic aspects

Provide Tele-education to both Primary and igher EducationalInstitutes

Facilities such as remote health service (tele-medicine), publicgrievances and redressal will be provided through this booth

Provide following facilities:- Computer based education- Open University access (IGNOU)

Were goals being met?

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Why not«?

Technology ± No local language interface

Plans to localize exceeded budget

 ± Connectivity poor  Dial-up, no more than 10kbps

Round-trip time for data still two days

Infrastructural ± Centers not designed for students, patients, etc.

Social / political / economic

 ± Lack of budget to fulfill expectations ± Farmers¶ awareness of PC function limited ± Farmers¶ need for Internet/multimedia functionality limited

Interest in PC and Internet existed, however 

 ± Lack of training and qualified trainers

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Internal account MIS:

Register land

Issue harvesting permits

Sell fertilizer through credit

Query quantity of sugarcane


 ± 10 times a year for farmer 

 ± Small matrix of numerical data

 Actual Use

WWVP village PC kiosk

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High maintenance cost ± At any time, a few in disrepair 

Intermittent power 

Network flakey ± Low-quality dial-up

PC not optimally used

Cooperative considering discontinuation of system

Mounting Challenges

PCs not in best condition

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Can we preserve the functionality of the

existing PC-based system while making the entire system cheaper and more


The Design Problem

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Warana U nwired! 

SMS-enabledmobile phones

PC-based kiosks


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WaranaFarmer DB

Standard PCnetwork

Weigh stations

Landline phone


Original PC-Based Set-Up

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SMS network



WaranaFarmer DB

Standard PCnetwork

Weigh stations


New Mobile-Based Set-Up


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Pilot Experiment


Begun October 200 ± Naga spent 1.5 months at location

SMS Server implemented at processing

center  ± Based on SMS Server Toolkit [Goyaland Blagsvedt]

7 pilot villages and 7 kiosks ± PC-based system left in place, but

kiosk operators asked to use only if necessary

Under auspices of cooperative¶s managingdirector 

Involved IT manager at WWVP


Technical: Can SMS-based systembe implemented in thisenvironment?

Usability: Is SMS a viable mediumfor farmers?

Social: Will farmers transition touse? Inhibiting factors?

Financial: What are actual costs of system?

Other: Any adverse impacts?

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Software logs of« ± SMS Server  ± Central database

Survey of kiosks ± 7 pilot (mobile) ± 7 non-pilot (PC)

Interviews with kiosk operators

Interviews with farmers

Data Collected

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Implementation and Usage

System required one month of tweaking in field to customize.

Running continuously since October 200 . ± 24-hour access

SMS Server requires reboot once a month.

1238 unique farmer requests served in first three months. ± Slightly more than expected number, based on statistics from PC-based


80% of requests are about sugarcane output.

Response time is generally on order of seconds.


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WaranaWarana UnwiredUnwired± ± Estimated Cost SavingsEstimated Cost Savings

System Cost/Farmer   /Year (INR)

New PCSystem


SMS Mobile(kiosks)


SMS Mobile(withoutkiosks)


GPRS (nokiosks / SMS



Current system

Potential savings: 1 million

Rupees per year, over 54

villages ($25,000)


Achievable with GPRS or with

SMS discounts

$30 000 savin s er ear

Annual cost of PC system

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Other Issues


Advantage of mobiles ± Mobility

 ± Battery power  ± Fast, 24-hour access

 ± Potential democratizationof access

Bad ± SMS not suitable for all

queries or data

Land registration not

implemented via SMS ± Data-availability dependent

on server 

 ± Minor error rates (3.2%)due to SMS unavailability

In all cases, a repeatquery solved the problem.

 ± Per-SMS cost accrues tofarmer 

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Qualitative ResultsQualitative Results ± ± Solution Truly MobileSolution Truly Mobile

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Farmer from Satve village (one of pilots)

Initial disbelief turns to excitement:

³The information is exact and it is very good.´ 

Farmer from Angali village (not in pilot)

³I saw messages are coming on the mobile phone.There is no problem. So where is the question of success? Let us have it, also.´ 

Farmer Responses

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Outline: Warana Unwired

Rural PC Kiosks

Warana Background

Initial Ethnography

The Intervention



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Related Work

Rural kiosks ± Heeks, 1999

 ± Jhunjhunwala, 2000 ± Keniston, 2002 ± Roman, 2003 ± Pal et al., 2004 ± Kumar, 2004 ± Toyama et al., 2004 ± Nedevschi et al., 2005

 ± Srinivasan, 2005 ± Kuriyan et al., 200 ± Rajalekshmi, 200 ± Ali and Bailur, 2007 ± Bailur, 2007 ± Etc.

ICT for agriculture ± eSagu

 ± e-Choupal ± aAQUA

 Advantage of mobile phones ± Duncombe & Heeks, 1999 ± Donner, 2005 ± T he Economist , 2005 (³The Real

Digital Divide´) ± Jensen, 2007

SMS-based solutions ± Banks 2005 ± Goyal & Blagsvedt, 2005

Veeraraghavan, R., N. Yasodhar, K. Toyama. Warana Unwired: Replacing PCs with MobilePhones in a Rural Sugarcane Cooperative, in Proc. IEEE/ACM Int¶l Conf on Informationand Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD2007), 2007.

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To our knowledge, Warana Unwired is the first project to replace anexisting ICT4D PC-based network with a mobile-based system.

Expensive many-PC system replaced with an affordable single-PC


Is this development?

 ± Minor impact on farmers¶ lives (e.g., savings of $10 per year)

 ± Cost savings to sugarcane cooperative (e.g., $25,000 per year)

Shouldn¶t overstate case for mobile phones

Future work: Simple IT systems for agriculture cooperatives


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Thank you!http://research.microsoft.com/~rajeshv/warana.htm

[email protected] ; [email protected]

Photo: Rajesh Veeraraghavan