kunci jawaban creative english 3b

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  • 8/13/2019 Kunci Jawaban Creative English 3B




    Section A: Reading

    1. c2. a3. c4. e5. b6. e7. c8. e

    9. d

    10. The text mainly tell ! ab"!t h"# h"$$ible the h"tel #a.

    11. The main idea "% the %i%th &a$a'$a&h i that Jack broke the rue!ai" that a#ue!t! $ere to be back i% the hote b& eeve% o'cock.(e didn)t *n"# ab"!tit. (e $et!$ned t" the h"tel nea$ly hal% &at ele+en and e+e$ythin' #a da$*.

    12. The main idea "% the ixth &a$a'$a&h i that Jack cou"%'t !ee( $ebeca!ethe bed #a ha$d, the heet and the blan*et #e$e dam&, and the ch!$chcl"c* t$!c* e+e$y -!a$te$ "% an h"!$.

    13. The c"mm!nicati+e &!$&"e "% the text i t" ente$tain the $eade$.

    14. called $eached ec"$ted #ent $et!$ned ban'ed t$!c* "&ened l""*ed "!t #"*e !& chec*ed "!t.

    15. The text mainly !e the /at Tene.

    16. (Student's own writing)

    Section B: Narrative Te)t *eature!

    (Student's own writing)

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    Section C: Connectors (1)

    1. Beca!e "% hi el%ihne, he ha +e$y %e# %$iend.2. e&ite hi y"!n', he ha many $e&"nibilitie.3. n cae "% a t$i*e, all &$"d!cti"n #ill be halted.4. Beca!e "% hi in!$y, an amb!lance had t" be called.5. n &ite "% hi #ealthy %amily, he i a h!mble &e$"n.

    6. Beca!e "% thei$ l"neline in the city, they m"+ed bac* t" the c"!nt$y.7. e&ite hi bad tem&e$, he i act!ally a *ind &e$"n.8. n cae "% a cancellati"n, #e #ill let y"! *n"# at "nce.9. B$ea* the 'la in cae "% %i$e.10. e&ite he$ illne, he came t" #"$*.11. n cae "% bad #eathe$, the &icnic #ill be &"t&"ned.12. n &ite "% hi inn"cence, the !d'e decla$ed him '!ilty.13. The %li'ht ha been delayed beca!e "% the %"'.14. he c"ntin!ed t" ca$$y "!t he$ #"$* in &ite "% he$ &""$ health.15. (e #a $e#a$ded beca!e "% hi l"yalty t" hi *in'.

    Section D: Connectors (2)

    1. a 11. a2. li*e 12. li*e3. a 13. li*e4. li*e 14. i% 5. li*e 15. a6. 16. li*e7. i% 17. li*e8. li*e 18. 9. a 19. a i%

    10. a 20. a

    Section E: Subject Verb Agreement

    1. a$e2. #a3. a$e4. i5. #"$*6. ha+e7. ha

    8. a$e9. ha+e10. ha+e11. ha+e12. a$e13. i14. a$e15. a$e

    Section F: Comre!ension

    1. d2. &a$ely d+e$b mean ha+in' +e$y mall am"!nt "% "methin' "$ l"# in


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    3. b4. d5. a6. b7. c8. b9. a

    10. d

    11. (Student's own answer)

    12. The main cha$acte$ "% the t"$y #e$e /a!line Ben"n and an "li+e*inned&$e'nant #"man.

    13. The t"$y ha&&en in the &at.The !&&"$tin' e+idence: /a$a'$a&h 1: the #$ite$ #ra"uate"in medicine %$"m the !t$alian ;ati"nal

  • 8/13/2019 Kunci Jawaban Creative English 3B


    8. The 'i$l &$"mied %aith%!lly that he #"!ld be h"me be%"$e midni'ht.9. (e add$eed the &$"%e"$ $e&ect%!lly.10. =a$ia "&ened he$ &$eent l"#ly.11. (e ex&$eed hi +ie# im&ly and ince$ely.12. The m"ney #a di+ided e-!ally am"n' all "% the child$en.13. (e d$i+e ca$e%!lly.14. (e did the "b ytematically.

    15. Thi can be d"ne eaily.16. he #a l""*in' at me t$an'ely.17. The #eddin' ce$em"ny #a c"nd!cted %"$mally.18. (e act excellently.19. (e $ead the n"+el -!ic*ly.20. he dance '$ace%!lly.

    Section : unctuation

    1. , c"mma2. , c"mma3. . %!ll t"&4. , c"mma5. : c"l"n6. dah7. &a$enthee8. emic"l"n9. > -!eti"n ma$*10. ? exclamati"n ma$*11. "$ ) ) -!"tati"n ma$*

    Section *: Editing

    The "nly mildly dimayin' thin' #a that all the h"tel and '!eth"!e

    a&&ea$ed t" be h!t !& %"$ the ni'ht. I #al*ed a %a$ a the $ail tati"n thin*in' I'dcatch a t$ain t" S!$abaya,b!t the tati"n #a t"" da$* and h!tte$ed. I#a tandin'#"nde$in' #hat t" d". When I n"ticed the '$ay li'ht "% a tele+ii"n %illin' an !&tai$

    #ind"# "% a '!eth"!e ac$" the $"ad,H""$ay!,I t"!'ht "me"ne #a a#a*e

    and hatened ac$" the $"ad. I#a &lannin' t" ma*e a&"l"'i@ie t" the *ind "#ne$

    %"$ the latene "% my a$$i+al.Intead, I t$i&&ed "n a te& c$ahin' %ace%i$t int" the

    d""$ and endin' hal% a d"@en mil* b"ttle clatte$in'. Immediately, the !&tai$

    #ind"# "&ened.Wh"' that?came a ha$& +"ice.

    Ite&&ed bac* $!bbin' my n"e and &ee$ed !& at a ilh"!ette #ith hai$

    c!$le$. Hell", I'm l""*in' %"$ a $""m, I aid.

    Section +: ,riting Assignment -arrati&e

    (Student's own writing)


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    Section A: Reading

    1. b2. c3. e

    4. e5. b6. d7. c8. The text mainly tell ! ab"!t h"# /hili& and hi %$iend came late %"$ hi bet

    %$iend) #eddin'.9. The main idea "% the thi$d &a$a'$a&h i h"#ed h"# e+e$al thin' delayed

    /hili& and Aha$le t" c"ntin!e '"in' t" the #eddin'.10. (Student's own writing)

    Section B: !rasa$ Verb "o

    1. th$"!'h #ith2. "n3. %"$ 4. th$"!'h5. #ith"!t6. 7. "%% 8. ab"!t9. %"$ 10. in %"$11. #ith

    12. $"!nd "%%13. bac* "n14. "n15. $"!nd

    Section C: Editing

    1. t i aid in the National Geographic, that the ancet"$ "% the =exicanme$ican, #h" a$e li+in' in Texa, ha+e ettled the$e be%"$e the Mayflowerailed.

    2. The =exican ha+e li+ed in the "!th#et %"$ alm"t th$ee 'ene$ati"n be%"$e

    the /il'$im landed. ("#e+e$, they made the mita*e "% #elc"min' the an*eeimmi'$ant int" thei$ te$$it"$y.

    3. The =exicanme$ican Wa$ #a "cc!$ed in 1846 C 1848, beca!e the

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    10. =any #ealthy &e"&le became &""$ and landle, and $!ined &hyically a #ella m"$ally.

    11. % h"me and &$"&e$ty a$e !ddenly claimed by a %"$ei'n c"!nt$y, y"! #ill %indy"!$el% a an intant immi'$ant.

    12. !$in' the =exican Re+"l!ti"n, th"!and "% &e"&le immi'$ated t" the

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    c. Faled. T$!ee. Fale

    2. b3. c4. c

    5. e

    6. a. an a&a$tment b!ildin'b. n"t $e'!la$lyc. %""d that a$e !ed t"'ethe$ t" ma*e a &a$tic!la$ dihd. c""*in' "il &$"d!ced %$"m a t$"&ical &lante. t" !e "me"neG"methin' intead "% the "$i'inal

    7. (e & elected + a im&le ad dih cn called ad+ Ha&anee &n %$iedad $ice cn, b!t c he & did n"t + ha+e + the c"m&lete ad mate$ialcn and in'$edient cn. (e &, the$e%"$e ad+, !btit!ted + c$ab &n meatcn %"$ c %ih &n meat cn and $"at ad chic*en &n %"$ c d!c* &n meatcn. (e & "+e$mea!$ed + alt cn and c eame &n "il cn beca!e che & did n"t + !e + a tea&""n &n. ntead ad+, he & !ed + atable&""n &n.

    Section ": -arrati&e .e/t Features

    (Student's own writing)

    Section ': Sim$e ast .ense &s0 ast rogressi&e .ense

    1. $ecei+ed #$"te2. hea$d called3. #e$e eatin'4. #a ha+in'5. #a en"yin'6. #$"te7. &$e&a$ed8. #a #ent9. a#10. "&ened $an t"#a$d11. catched #a t$yin'

    12. c!t #a &$e&a$in'13. le%t14. $eached et15. belie+ed #a16. #a #al*in' became

    Section : ast rogressi&e .ense

    1. We #e$e #atchin' tele+ii"n lat ni'ht.2. (no change possible)

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    3. (no change possible)4. The tele&"ne #a $in'in' all day l"n'.5. (no change possible)

    6. (e #a c"!ntin' hi chan'e e+e$al time be%"$e he le%t the t"$e.7. t lat ni'ht) &a$ty, &e"&le #e$e in'in', dancin' and eatin'.8. (no change possible)

    9. The child$en #e$e &layin' in the n"# all a%te$n""n l"n'.

    1. (no change possible)11. he #a h"ldin' "n t" the child +e$y ti'htly.12. (no change possible)

    13. They #e$e a$'!in' all ni'ht l"n' ab"!t #h" #"!ld #in the electi"n.14. t #a $ainin' +e$y ha$d lat ni'ht.15. They #e$e ittin' " cl"e t" the ta'e that they c"!ld "be$+e e+e$y 'et!$e "%

    the &e$%"$me$.

    Section *: nderstanding t!e Features o -arrati&es

    (Student's own answer)

    Section +: ,riting Assignment -arrati&e

    (Student's own writing)


    Section A: Reading

    1. d2. c3. The &!$&"e "% the $e+ie#e$ #$itin' thi $e+ie# i t" c$itii@e, analy@e, and

    e+al!ate Daughtry alb!m and al" t" ma*e hiGhe$ &"int "% +ie# *n"#n.4. e5. t $e%e$ t" the &$"ect that Ah$i led !&.6. a7. The main idea "% the %"!$th &a$a'$a&h i ab"!t the $e+ie#e$) "&ini"n "n the

    enti$e alb!m and hiGhe$ ex&ectati"n.8. d

    9. The $e+ie#e$) "&ini"n "% the Daughtryalb!m i '""d, b!t it) n"t that '""d.10. The entence that !&&"$t the an#e$ %"$ -!ti"n n!mbe$ 9:

    )d li*e t" blame it "n the %act that Daughtry#a $ec"$ded #ith t!di"m!ciian and n"t the hand&ic*ed band that Ah$i aembled and ta*e the$"ad %"$ &e$%"$mance. t) '""d b!t it) n"t that '""d. With Tayl"$ (ic*) el%titled deb!t and Katha$ine =c/hee) alb!m c"min'd"#n the &i*e, #e)ll ""n %ind "!t #he$e Daughtry $an* #ith the ex&ectati"n%"$ an me$ican d"l c"ntetant.

    11. &"int "% +ie# ex&$ei"n: .....however, cliches occasionally creep in, .....- Musically, it's straight down the middle of the road in term of .....- Surely, it is nice to .....- ..... though I'd e hard-pressed to e!plain why there's .....

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    - In the end, that's something that could e said aout .....- I'd li"e to lame it on the fact that .....- It's good, ut it's not that good.- .....we'll soon find out where .....

    12. a. clea$ly di%%e$entb. c"nce$ned &$ima$ily #ith the c$eati"nc. bi@a$$eG #ei$d

    d. an act "% che#in' the c!d G meditati"ne. an act "% &lannin' e&ecially t" d" ha$mG c"n&i$acy%. t$"n'ly initin'G t$"n'ly demand'. e$i"!neh. that cann"t be ex&lainedi. eential. ma*eG et !&

    Section B: Reading

    1. a2. e3. c4. e5. e6. a7. e8. b9. b10. d

    Section C: Vocabu$ar% C$o3e

    1. 1. &$"d!cti"n2. c"nd!cted3. ama@in'4. ad+ent!$e5. #itne6. c"m&$ied7. %eat!$e8. inte$mii"n

    2. a. ha+e "meb"dyG"methin' a &a$t "$ membe$

    b. '$eat #"nde$ "$ !$&$iec. hi'hli'htd. a m"de$n int$!mental c"m&"iti"n in e+e$al m"+ement "% di%%e$entcha$acte$e. inte$+al in a &lay "$ &a!e

    Section D: Ad&ertisement

    1. e2. c3. b

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    4. c5. a6. b7. e8. b

    Section E: Acti&it%

    (Student's own poster)

    Section F: Comre!ension C$o3e

    1. deb!t 5. &$"ta'"nit2. &lay 6. de&ite3. b$in' 7. m"ti"n4. &l"t 8. %eat!$e

    1. $th!$ Ia!$ent, Ie"na$d Be$ntein and te&hen "ndheim &$"d!ced #estSide Story.

    2. #est Side Storyi a $e#"$*in' "% ha*e&ea$e) R"me" and H!liet #ith&$"ta'"nit T"ny and =a$ia %allin' in l"+e de&ite bein' %$"m $i+al t$eet 'an'in ;e# "$* Aity

  • 8/13/2019 Kunci Jawaban Creative English 3B


    Section ': ,riting Assignment Re&ie4

    (Student's own paragraph)

    .Revie$Section A: Reading

    1. a2. c3. d4. b5. c6. a7. c

    8. The c"mm!nicati+e &!$&"e "% the text i t" c$itii@e, analy@e and e+al!ate$arry %otter m"+ie and al" t" ma*e the $e+ie#e$) &"int "% +ie# *n"#n.

    9. The main idea "% the %i%th &a$a'$a&h i ab"!t h"#the Golet of &ire iexcellently a$$an'ed #he$e "me &a$t a$e +e$y c"mical.

    10. a. O$ientati"n: &a$a'$a&h 1 C 4b. nte$&$etati+e $ec"!nt: &a$a'$a&h 5c. J+al!ati"n: &a$a'$a&h 6d. J+al!ati+e !mmati"n: &a$a'$a&h 7

    11. a. %antaticG t"" ext$a"$dina$yb. c"nce$nin' -!ality "$ $e&!table in the "$de$ menti"nedc. a$"!in' an em"ti"nal $eacti"n !&e$b "$ #"nde$%!ld. t" m"+e "$ t!$n the &$ed"minant em"ti"ne. the media a ne#&a&e$ and ma'a@ine "% &!blic ne# and c"mment

    Section B: Com$e/ Sentences

    1. e&ite he #a n"t #ell, he c"ntin!ed t" #al* and $eached the clinic.2. (a+in' had a meal, he %elt t$"n'e$ n"# and ca$$ied "n $!nnin' the ma$ath"n.3. The d"', #h" i n"t a t$ee climbe$, cann"t d" anythin' exce&t ba$* #hen he

    a# the thie% climbin' !& the t$ee.4. (a+in' ente$ed hi %i$t in'in' c"m&etiti"n, he %elt c"n%ident and &$edicted he

    #"!ld #in.5. =y m"the$, #h" #"n a t$i& t" Ban'*"*, 'a+e the tic*et t" my b$"the$ #h" #a

    h"&in' t" ta*e a +acati"n.6. While the ca$&ente$ t""* a $et in the hade, he #a thin*in' h"# t" "l+e the

    &$"blem, and %inally %"!nd a "l!ti"n.

    7. e&ite the c"b$a i a deadly animal, it #"n)t t$i*e !nle &$"+"*ed and #illm"+e a#ay i% y"! tand till.

    8. T#" ca$, each %$"m "&&"ite di$ecti"n, #anted t" &a th$"!'h #he$e the$e#a n" $""m t" &a in a na$$"# $"ad.

    9. lth"!'h ="lly did n"t li*e e#in', he$ m"the$ #a ha&&y t" ee he$ t$yin' t"lea$n it.

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    10. When H"e came h"me %$"m #"$*, he l""*ed %"$ hi "n t" tell them that he had'"t a &$"m"ti"n %$"m hi c"m&any.

    Section C: Reading

    1. e

    2. a3. e4. The !nde$lined #"$d $e%e$ t" ("$ace R!m&"le5. e

    6. The !nde$lined #"$d $e%e$ t" the &e"&le #h" #"!ld tell ! h"# t" &ea* and t"thin* ab"!t $eli'i"! matte$.

    7. H"hn ="$time$ i a enible and c"nide$ate &e$"n.The eey in #here here's a #ill$e%lect "n hi th"!'ht and "be$+ati"n "nli%e &a$a'$a&h 1. (e i ca&able "% $ecei+in' ene im&$ei"n "% li%e.(e &$"+ide hi $eade$ #ith hi lat #ill and tetament that !e lite$a$y$e%e$ence t" em&hai@e hi &hil""&hy "% en"yin' y"!$el% &a$a'$a&h 3. (ethin* "% $i'ht and %eelin' "% "the$.

    8. a

    9. a. ba$$ite$ : a la#ye$ in Jn'land and Wale #h" $e&$eent client in thehi'he$ c"!$t "% la#

    b. lmi'hty : an"the$ name "% D"dc. $ail a'aint : c$itii@e "methin' l"!dly and an'$ilyd. timid : ha+e n" c"!$a'e and c"n%idencee. decent : h"net and #ellbeha+ed

    %. c"he$ent : clea$ and enible

    '. #it : ha+e the ability t" !e #"$d "$ idea in an am!in', cle+e$and ima'inati+e #ay

    Section D: Vocabu$ar% C$o3e

    1. *ind2. '""d3. c"n+e$ati"n4. medi!m

    5. !btit!te6. a!t"matically7. c"mm!nicati"n8. !e%!l

    Section E: Anton%m

    nt"nym entence

    1. delibe$atelyG intenti"nally (Student's own sentences)2. di$ty

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    3. ine%%icient4. !nexcitin'5. bad6. tiny7. li'ht8. !nim&"$tant9. b"$in'G !ninte$etin'

    10. eld"mG $a$ely11. c"mm"nG &!blic12. &"#e$leG #ea*13. ma"$G im&"$tant14. !ele15. %e#

    Section F: Functiona$ .e/t # Ad&ertisement

    1. b2. e3. e4. e5. e6. d7. b

    Section ": Acti&it%

    (Student's own poster)

    Section ': Comre!ension C$o3e

    1. celeb$ati"n2. c"$ed3. excited4. '$in5. t$ib!te6. ilently7. $ema$*able8. &!blic

    1. The A"!nt$y =!ic "ciati"n #a$d held it 39thann!al celeb$ati"n "nT!eday, ;"+embe$ 15, at 8:00 &.m. at =adi"n -!a$e Da$den, ;e# "$*.

    2. Da$th B$""* '"t the m"t limeli'ht &!blic attenti"n.

    3. The %act that the h"# #a !cce%!l baed "n the $e+ie#e$) !d'ement #a!&&"$ted by the attendance "% the D!et "% ("n"$, hi'h "ciety celeb$itieand membe$ "% the 'ene$al &!blic.

    !. (Student's own su""ar#)

    Section : Se$$ing5 unctuation and "rammar


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    in'a&"$e) emba#an' ym&h"nic Wind W i a h"me '$"#n"$chet$a %"$med in 1992, #hich i c"m&$ied "% m!ltiethnic &laye$ %$"m all #al* "%li%e. Thei$ leadin' c"nd!ct"$ and m!ic di$ect"$ i F. =. ;', #h" ha been #iththe "$chet$a %"$ m"$e than a decade and ha #"n many m!ic c"m&etiti"n in $ecentyea$.

    n the c"nce$t by W at Eict"$ia A"nce$t (all "n 10 H!ly 2005, they!&e$bly &$eented ten title. The m"t $ema$*ably "ne i the %hantom of the (peramedley, the t"$y "% a di%i'!$ed m!ical 'eni! #h" t"tally %all in l"+e #ith the l"+elyAh$itine the /hant"m, #hile c$eatin' a ne# ta$ c"nt$"l the y"!n' "&$an".

    Thi n!mbe$ $ecei+ed t$emend"! a&&la!e %$"m the ati%ied a!dience.

    Section *: ,riting Assignment Re&ie4

    (Student's own writing)