kwongwai shiu · pdf filegharity gala dinner. === * o many at kwsh, mdm loo yew kim is an...

KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL EEF+6nF4'I /q. ,9. + d i4 l'r-, Newsletter - April 2010 lssue # An orQanlSafisn ee nn rn itted to long-tenm service !r'* n"r* for a charitv to last a centuny, particularly if it's solelydependent on public donations.In fact, KWSt-l has not even raised its Nursingl-{ome fees in the last 16 years,despite rising costs" What's more, KWS$-I has consistently delivered qulality l'realthcare - taking pains to find cost-effective solutions and expertise to help improve its services. # The100'n Anniversary Logo To "nnun" theyouth in ourcause, KWSH invited students in Singapore to its 100th Anniversary Logo Design Competition in February 2010. Eddy Muhammad binlbrahim, 24 years old, from NTU School of Art, Design and Media, created the winning design that inspired ourAnniversary Logo. Forhisentry, Eddy wonthe S$1,000 cash grand prize, on top of his5$300 finalist prize. /*DftHR #*fi3+ Centenniol Celebrotion Logo rationale: The number ''f in the forrnof a ribbon captures the celebratory mood of the occasion, whilethe two headssymboiise the strongbond between KWSH and its patients throughout the century. The two-tonedeoiours also convey the forward-looking ,'sron of the Hospital. The Chinese tagline, "l- tfiHR -€*frH+-," embodies KWSH's compassionate service to the eldedy a^d less fodunate for the last 100 years, and the startof its new, fulfilling iourney intothe nextcentury. A witness to 7 Sinoapore's untold storv On" oi s-ngupore's oldest cnaritie's, KWSH has witnessed a little-knownpart of the country's history: the humanity and sheer generosityof our people. History books recall the hardships of Singapore's early immigrants,but they don't mention how our f orefathers responded to theirneeds. Thisis the storyof KWSH. A storythat contin- ues to this day,as this same spirit of charityliveson in KWSH's dedicated voiunteers and

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Page 1: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITALEEF+6nF4' I/q. ,9. + d i4 l'r-,

Newsletter - Apri l 2010 lssue


orQanlSaf isne e nn rn i t ted to

long-tenm service! r ' * n"r* for a char i tv to last a

centuny, part icularly i f i t 's solely dependenton publ ic donat ions. In fact , KWSt- l has not

even raised its Nursing l-{ome fees in the last16 years, despi te r is ing costs" What 's more,KWS$-I has consistent ly del ivered qulal i tyl ' real thcare - taking pains to f ind

cost-ef fect ive solut ions andexpert ise to help improve

i ts services.


The 100'n Anniversary LogoTo

"nnun" the youth in our cause, KWSH invited students in

Singapore to its 100th Anniversary Logo Design Competitionin February 2010.

Eddy Muhammad bin lbrahim, 24 years old, from NTU Schoolof Art, Design and Media, created the winning design thatinspired our Anniversary Logo. For his entry, Eddy won theS$1,000 cash grand prize, on top of his 5$300 f inal ist prize.

/*DftHR #*fi3+Centenniol Celebrotion

Logo rat ionale:The number ' 'f in the forrn of a ribbon captures the celebratory mood of the occasion, while the two heads symboiise the

strong bond between KWSH and its patients throughout the century. The two-toned eoiours also convey the forward-looking

,'sron of the Hospital. The Chinese tagline, "l- tfiHR -€*frH+-," embodies KWSH's compassionate service to the eldedy

a^d less fodunate for the last 100 years, and the start of its new, fulfil l ing iourney into the next century.

A witness to7 Sinoapore's untold storvOn" oi s-ngupore's oldest cnarit ie's,

KWSH has witnessed a l i t t le-known part ofthe country 's history: the humanity and sheer

generosi ty of our people.

History books recal l the hardships ofSingapore's ear ly immigrants, but they

don' t ment ion how our f oref athersresponded to their needs. This is thestory of KWSH. A story that contin-ues to this day, as this same spir i tof char i ty l ives on in KWSH'sdedicated voiunteers and

Page 2: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

Prnr^r r '2nl r1- l€ f \ rr r \ - / :JrL. l l l l l

W,an Srngapore's growing, ageing populat ion,KWSH recognises that more people wil l need

compassionate care. Therefore, the Hospital 's100t i ' Anniversary Act iv i t ies are designed -not only to celebrate the past - but a lso to

raise awareness and support for its cause.

e lootn Anniversary Logo ;""ig"uompeution

. , - /Open only to students in Singapore, thiscompetit ion was organised to prornote

KWSH & its mission amongstSingapore's youths.


29 Apri l 20tr 0 Mr. Mah Bow Tan, Ministerfor Nationai Development, wil l be Guest

of Honour.

100th AnniversaryCommunity Care Day

4 July 2010 A Centenniai Yearcelebration at KWSH for our patients,

staff, volunteers and donors. Our Patron,h,Ar. Wong Kan Seng, Deputy Frirne[itinister & Minister for Home Affairs,wil l be Guest of Honour.

25 fdov ZCI10 at Shangri-La Hotel, graced

by Frime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

% KWSH Gentennial CelebrationY Commemorative Book I

This book doeumenis the meagerhealthcare condit ions in Singapore in the

early 1900s and how KWSFI overcameal l chal lenges in the last century.

flc"nto*teopera26 Nov - 28 Nov 2010 at Kreta AYer

People 's Theatre. wi th the specialn:r t n:net inn nf Caninncqo OnoreVGl L !

333 ̂: s

Gharity Gala Dinner


===* o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an

inspir ing example of compassionate and dedicatec

service. She has been in the Hospital 's nursing

team for 40 years.

Mdm Loo's family had just migrated from Malaysia.

when her father joined KWSH's maintenance crew.

which is how she and her family carne to l ive in the

Hospital 's Workers' Quarters at age three. Eventu-

al ly, Mdrn Loo joined KWSH as a nursing care


"At f irst, i t was dirty and smelly," says Mdrn Loo,

but adds the Hospital has made signif i-

cant improvements. For one,

in giv ing the s ick :

and needy the com-

fort they deserve. fMdm

Loo hopes the Hospital wi l l

serve the community for many

more decades.

Page 3: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

ffiwwW%w www WwffiWWwWWWW** can a hospi ta l run solely on publ ic

donatians and survive 100 years, without even

rais ing Nursing Home fees in the last 16?

The answer l ies in people whose dedicat ion

knows no l innits * as well as their innovative

ways to make the most of even limited re$ources.

donations from the public.

To Mr. Ng, the Hospi-

ta i is l ike a big fami ly,

where everyone is

always wil l ing to

help. He feels

the Hospital

has reached

1 00 years,

because of the

volunteers, donors,

directors, nurses and

doctors who have all devoted

their t ime, professionalism and

hard work. He is confident

KW$H wil l enjoy another centurY

of excellence, and overcome new

challenges along the way.

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1r ffi$srd*sry W WYwffiK XwW. $fl? s#rw*$^$ffi

W o, fr lr .Ng Tuck Cheong, working in KW$H

has given his l i fe "so much meaning.

He joined the Hospital in 1970, as Executive

Secretary in charge of adrninistrative duiies.

While the Ho,spital has depended heavily on

donations, hdr" Ng knows they are not easy

to come by. He was especial ly inspired by

the Board of Directors who took t ime

after work to roam different Partsof Singapore, sol icit ing

&&sWW hat kind of person dedicates more than half his

life to charity? Meet Dr. Leong Heng Keng, KW$H's

Chairman who has been a volunteer for 44 years

now. Dr. Leong believes in giving back ihe bless-

ings he has received. He adds, " l t gives me great

fulfillment to serve the communitv."

Dr. Leong joined KWSH as a board member in 1966,

and eventually became its Chairman from 1985 to

the present. In all these years, nothing has daunted

his commitment to serve. For Dr. Leong, as long as

people are devoted and passionate, nothing can

stand in their way.

Throughout the decades he has

served at KWSH, Dr" Leong has

many fond memories. He is Proud-

est of the t ime ihe Hospital

opened its doors to al l races in

'1974. "With that landmark decis ion,

the Hospital was able to serve

more patients, regardless

of race, rel igion or ethnic

recalls Dr. Leong.

Dr. Leong appreciates the

hard work and sacrifices

of al l the directors and

staff, who all go the

extra mile - not just to

provide quality health-

care - but also show

genuine compassion for

their patients.





: . !














Page 4: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

Big hearts from the Community

Ktflf.S,F{:;:.:'. S'[V['R,T S d !we rrr: . , ' , :YOtbUtg FUnd


In Sep 2009, KWSF{ became a b*n*fi*iary of tl"re StdlRTSi lver Tr ibute Fund. As t f i * i r " f i rst **ntr ibut ion,SMRT uu*iunteers prepared a Mid-Autumn feastwith moe nf fak*s, i i t t le gi f ts, Cantonese speraperfor"mances and rnagic shows forsome 3CIS residents on 1 C*i iasi year.Then, on 23 October, the SMfiTSi lver Tr ibuie Fund donated240 bags of f ragrant whi te A.r ice. i t was tnuching tosee 18 taxi dr ivers sacr i -f ice their f ree afternoon to

personal ly del iver thebags of r ice.

a a. -penerrcrarv. : : :a:a: . . .

15 passengers, inaluding 7in wheelthairs,

SMfrIsfaffp{epa{e tneffiaoficakgS

f The mtnibuscan accomodate

Y This gi f t is deeply appreciated, as i t wi l lt help cut down tr ips io shutt le pat ients to and , , , , i

f rom our Eay Rehabi l i tat isn Centre {DRC).This wi l l a lso help reduce Hospi ta l

:,:,:,,r,,, costs, and *lavate the quality' : : . : . : : : . . ; . , , : - , ,1, , , , ,Q| Cara we provide"

I# Big gestures

from younghearts

$fudsnlsprsssnl their gilt

I0 a rssldsni

Sf#dsnfspass dcwnfne goadles

AfJn 30 Sep 2009,about 500 studentsfron-r F{ong W*n Se hool*r*atively pr*sented 1000 "",i

scho*l tc the H*spital , they formeda gi f t -giv ing queue, through which they pass*d onthe goodies - much tc the del ighi of or:r residents.

"The parents were very support ive. Their Eenerousdonat ions made i t possible for us to present these1000 g*adies," said Mr Noi , l - {*ng Wen Pr imary$ehoal Fr incipal . l t 's heartwarming to n*te thatHong Wen Se hocl students have consist*nt lyvis i ted our Hosprtal every year s ince 2005.

New Vehicles "On Duty" I #It is heartening how glfts can corne in many forms,sometimes in v*ry big packeges. Recently, , , , : , '

l i i : KWSH received a new Toyota Coasterl : : : [uro mini-bus, gener*usly sponsared by

l : l ' Focchow Methodist Church, and $*onN-i Heng Civi l Engineering Pt* Ltd.

'........ ......',. ,'4, ,,,:

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: : , , , ' . n 9-10 Jan this year, ProfesscrWang Chang Song from f" lanj ingSoutheast Universi ty - ZhongdaHospital shared his knawledgeon Fu-yang theory and i tsel inical pract ic* with T*M

praet i t ioners and *tudents,whi ie Prafessor Gac Jian Yun

" gave a seminar on moxibus-t ion and i ts c l in ical pract ice"



Learning& Training


Page 5: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

%trrlqt"5rnn l

.:....4.,,.:......l:''.44..: :. ..:a.


1 o *ornmemorate i ts 53rd anniver-

sary, Tai Wah Distr ibutors Pte Ltd,

importer/whalesal*r of hair and beautyproducts, *rganised "Embrace

Hv*lut ion," a hair /beauty fair eumchari ty dr ive from 5-7 Oct 2009 at

fiaffles City. KW$F{ was the

d*signated b*nef ic iary.

The event cffered the professionai

services of about 50 volunteers from

differeni beauty salons - in exchange

far donatinns to the Hospitai. Custom-

ers were asked to pay a mere $10,but some gave as much as $500.

" l t was our f i rst ssl laborat ion with

TaiWah. We are gratefulto the company

and all voiunteer stylists for their *ervice

and contr ibut ions," said Ms Phoebe

Teo, our Fundnaising Manager"

The Cantinence lntervention Progranmefunded by MAH, in callaboratian with KWSH,Alexanrlra Hospita{ Man Fut Tang Nursingllame and United Medicare Center


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#-"W Controlling Incontinence,

€F Building Confldence91% of KWSH residents use diapers. To resolve this, our nurses joined

the 12-month "Promot ion of Cont inence Intervent ion Frogramme" iast

year. Since then, the programme has successful ly weaned 4 residents

off d iapers. 2 '1 others need diapers only at n ight, and anoiher 2, who

previously had stress incont inence, st i l l use diapers but can now use the

toilet. All are grateful to be weaned off diapers. Reducing our diaper use,

aside from being environment-fr iendiy, also heips cut costs, and del iver

better care for our residents.

More books for our library!

A Oig thank you to the Nat ional L ibrary Board for donat ing 500 books!

Now we have books in al l four of f ic ia l languages, our storytel l ing sessions

can cater to al l residents. Dur ing these sessions, volunteers also read

newspapers aloud to update pat ients on nat ional issues and recent events.

Part of our innovat ive heal thcare phi losophy, storytel l ing helps keepour residents more alert .

Gelebrat ingof shar ing

Part nf aurheaithcarephi losaphy is

to observe

tradit ional

celebrat ions

that give our

elderly a sense

of cornmunity,

and help them f ind

comfort in ths famil iar,

especral ly in their o id age.

$u*h events also al law us to

involve the publ ic in cur programmes.

La*t $ept 26, we celebrated Mid-Autumn

$*ason with 1,000 lanterns, some sp*cial ly

handcrafted by volunteers. A Chinese

Orchestra performance from frlAFA Ciiy

snhanced the moad for the mor* than "100

residents present. Short ly after, our elder ly took

part in a loius rvishing ceremony. Basking in the

glow of the l ighis, they also enjoyed dim sum,

whi le being serenaded by volunteers.

We thank al l wha helped make our

Ceiebrat ion possible. 1050 lanterns were

adopted by our kind donors, rais inE more

than $200.000.

Learning& Training

Page 6: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL


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Page 7: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

Yes! | would like to be o friend of Kwong wai shiu Hospitol! +xg,iihrH€H EwffiIHtF# r

n Personal fI n Corporate flt

Name 14€ :

NRtC9fJli[€fi9:Please fi l l in your NRIC number for "Auto inclusion of td-exemPt donation."

'i.a,i i ;'iHP #t/L :

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To: The Manager (Name&AddressolMv/ourBank)

Yes! | would like to be o friend of l(tlSH ond make omonthly donation.#EJfi NTH+ g EHH!+H+F# I frI+€,E'Eff TH€H EH.

Bank & Branch Name lRlT&.i\{T

My/Our Name (as in BankAccount) tF1-:,Ftrft?

My/Our BankAccount No. iE?TFtrEEgi " r : l ; r . l i i r : : ; l

Address iElrl

Donort I C/Passport No. 9'ff|i.[/tFHR€fr9

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Company's Name Aal€ffi:

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Contact Person flfr)'.:(Dr I Ylr I Mrs / Miss / Mdm)

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GIRO (Pleose f i l l up the Direct Debi t Author isot ion form)

I wish to make

n$30 n$60

I wish to make-ii{ttE#,

a monthly donation

n $r00 n$rs0of trFffiHtJt

! Others

a one-time donation of $

! Cheque No.9F€t-9 :Please write cheque payable to "KwongWai Shiu Hospital".

[] Visa / Master Card No.1Effi*EtB

; : ' t ' i ' . - , ""-

Signature Sg : Expiry Date HffSF :All donations are tax-deductible

Your donation may be acknowledged in our Publications.Please inform us if you would Prefer your donation notbe acknowledged in this manner.

,f; Ht E,L'tE #q A?*E#,111fttr+tl+rr+ a\fr " H!&TEH +gEisrF A t{F, triFiE*Hfr {ll .


Limit of each monthly GIRO deductionEHZtMffitF#.Jt

!$30 n$60 n $100 !$150 nOthers

l/We hereby authorise you to Process KwongWai Shiu Hospital Instructionsto debit my account.

You are entitled to reiect KwongWai Shiu Hospital's debit instruction ifmy/our account does not have sfficient funds and charge me/us a fee forchis.You may also at your discretion allow the debit even if this results inan overdraft on the account and impose charges accordingly.

This authorisation will remain in force until l/we have expressly revoked itby written notice delivered to you.You may in your absolute discretionterminate this arrangement by written notiie dilivered to mylour addresslast known to you.

l/we agree that you shall not be liable for any losses arising from or in anyway c6nnected with you so acting, provided that you act in good faith.oruniess directly causei by or resulting from you or your employee's wilfuldefault or negligence.

My/Our Signature(s) ffi#J\44 Date Eff(According to Bank's specimen signature(s) S€ fr 5ffi11i1,*-*\


Thanl< yr:u f*r yr:t:r gm*€roilt xtzpp*rt:'l '&t*'i\*'*'8t$&lFor more information, please contact

KwongWai Shiu HosPital705 Serangoon Road Singapore 328127

Tel:6297 6250 Fax 6295 I | 3 | Email: [email protected]

Shiu Hospiel's Donor's Reference No.

Page 8: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

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H#ffi ' l*u's l$ic, f lLii l i*undir:s'" iather's *s*re&m* nrany ehail*: 'rges in * c*ir: i. l i*i *i-ai,r-.d esr*hirsi:*d Fiw'*r"lg t#si Sil iu l- i*:pit*i wifl 'r c rnission ts heip the :ick *nd n**eii,".

i*f iy**rs !*t+r; we h*ve r*nicined {c,i ihi ' .; i i* this missien *f ser-ving *i:r e**ri 'nr;:: ity

L:r*e*, : l * * i ih* i in**eier i sunpcr i ,vo' . , hcoe gi t*n ' ;* . W.* i r rv i te y*u t* ** t r i i *u*

sh*:r!rrg *ur misri*n ir"y **{nm;il$ er Fri*r:cj *$ gWSl* wiih yor;r r*anthiy e*nirihuiions.

S* s*y 'v,s$'r ' ! { iw, * i : r Fq" isnd! Y*ur {*ner,*us d*nct i*ns *nt i i ie you t* c t*x *x*m$i i* i " r

"rr 25i t t

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Page 9: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL


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Tai Wah Distributors +lrA€' pRA A-$EB*&Fffiffin+LLSi6, ),sj*+ft 53JA 4n,&, &z OAsSr Otr5gs7H#il'3 "fffiruFfi;ft" *ffi*erReffig-rl.g" rffiggEffiEixrn:sd8ltEH#€.

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E ffi #+E $l sArS Elt* IS d t lEffi rt :" jg€f&{il H')R5 rai wah

Distributors +[A€"pRA A€'fF' *Jt"f it?Rffi uf ia a a Ffr €' *#i tmlfr 'f* ffiflF#E{$XHffifrffi, "



XR,F IETfrE!E,I.H*+etr 26 B ++,ri5R+fi*, fk{itffi*+ffltfi#ffigfr€meHp{$iE6!)ffi8fr,Hfr, 3|j'L*]XJEqt. {H{s*ffifi!€, H+-it-slltfEH"\'{r*$filj{FH!.-HS€{*ffi#6'53iX)f;)Srtr' dilf)grri$E+s* H ffi)+zfr#pm,|,ilhx+fimg'!+s*jE. +fiiF&)|s;srr$55ffi*SrqHigt.,f*ffi#€ffi&ffiffi8ffift+f tr, *it{s{ir)R:R$!+fi ,?F . JX&i4aiiffi 3 -+*tltl4B € €#ffi . ft*lffiHf&€*'i' ;*i#€)ErEH'!5ffi , {*pH#i{9ffi 3,F"rrl,. *htl., -U.I{ili[sfi ilE 3.f&{ir €€ 85.{tsfi sf # .

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&ffi&w)lHf, mx0!+Ei#&T*4 1 tr e E S 1 0 E &r$sgtrFHisffi,

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Page 10: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL

Kffiffi&ffiF*')firtiffih+# m fi'fnB!ffi#Frill, f Hg g EPfiiliF=#IHfoZ^#ffiFfiH4EATJEi+2E#ffi6! "tr+lX4+mfiiQitxffi". H+' *Effi )+ rE r

^ # z t ig it -5 lR 16#ffi z+

56!rooy Muhammad bin lbrahim

hilF*H,,{F ffi )R-E- €tetBlE &{Fffi " lfjsooF,fr7E*l EX, EddyiIffiaF3 t o o o f'fr zu8lIX,eXX .

#fs *r " xffi&ffi*?r}IfiHlqffi , ffi*Fr['*?tr€1 oo+Ll*rffig g E FH 5ilffi ff, 6'3 r tl,H iF HX ffi #-& " mf+,lH E H'!edB&Hi@€ EFHHgeieffifrlmF. +Rfuiff "/"ffiffiR '#f.frtr+" I$$FTEBH€H*8!H&S tr + !r,{E',b*K# Ue,fr EAtf&'['f;ffi #' &$gA**f'fr-f H#g'!18+9.

rffi s g Epfi itt|J n& 3 | F5 6!+ffiA#5PfiFlEefi' ffH,BIFtrT

-,lt.s"rLX& iAFfreA5, {€&*ffi"

rfrfrHR H*fi5+Centenniol Celebrotion

S ffiffJX&ffi,?ffi'ffiefiffi R+R tr +ffi & $! fl {{R' t- H g g E ffi }Rff }& i,liF.$l B e'{* €jgffi " sH, rj6€F,frfinffitr{tAnH!€{t' M*rugfil^ffigx€. Klt[, rffi#gE[FBlg+Jfi&4.#+EJX+RlUfriSg'!Egfe, FEI€Hsffi A*r$jgFfr Effi H!*}SH.

trffi sSFfr €'f'trX0f&#f Hfn A*#FHf! ir"E & E' ##{sl,$,,fJa"} E r|61, * tlf s|J 3 r s + {$sffi {f ffi .

znr os+E 2s BG$ffip*ifig+1"fR,SgB#ffi, E*#iRgfi gt3{t g H tlt {S U *A*HF g'fii'#ffi .

roora+;txx,r. =H+&FlftS, E!1tr'ffi#nffgFK" fHggEPH€gffiEji^., }|{ uH^Hg#isffi EfHre 0 t o €z E + E fi'!r oolH#it8x,mH " 8E&ai*FpFlffiA, qfift 'Er&+Ef**.

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IOT Offt 1 826 F€BS B , I{G++:J<ARE!JFHI,HgElJ, ffi aS, *€'lri+se'ffifr!gE!j€'{s+*5!j,Es "



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Page 11: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL


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Page 12: KWONGWAI SHIU  · PDF fileGharity Gala Dinner. === * o many at KWSH, Mdm Loo Yew Kim is an inspiring example of compassionate and dedicatec service. ... KWONGWAI SHIU HOSPITAL



Newsletter - Apri l 2010 lssue


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