kyebambe mission report september 2012

WORLD SHINE MINISTRIES (WSM) P.O. Box 10262, Kampala Plot 22B Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda REV. DR. MEDAD BIRUNGI MARKS HIS GOLDEN JUBILEE AS DEMONS IN THE 102-YEAR OLD KYEBAMBE GIRLS SCHOOL ARE CAST OUT Happy Birthday Baby Medad…! Happy Birthday to you…! We also prayed for Uganda who is turning 50 years old on October 9, 2012. He shared his cake on September 16, 2012 in the Kyebambe school main hall with 18 other birthday mates including a teacher plus other well-wishers. Asiimwe Catherine (5Arts), Terah Gloria (5Sc), Linda Daphine (6Arts), Isabella Sharon (2A), Balinda Richardson (Teacher), Kemigisa Alice (4C), Namara Sharon (4B), Kakahumuza Irene (5Arts), Nyakwera Lydia (2B), Kaganzi Victoria (5Sc), Amanya

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Page 1: Kyebambe Mission Report September 2012


Plot 22B Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda


Happy Birthday Baby Medad…! Happy Birthday to you…! We also prayed for Uganda who is turning 50 years old on October 9, 2012.

He shared his cake on September 16, 2012 in the Kyebambe school main hall with 18 other birthday mates including a teacher plus other well-wishers. Asiimwe Catherine (5Arts), Terah Gloria (5Sc), Linda Daphine (6Arts), Isabella Sharon (2A), Balinda Richardson (Teacher), Kemigisa Alice (4C), Namara Sharon (4B), Kakahumuza Irene (5Arts), Nyakwera Lydia (2B), Kaganzi Victoria (5Sc), Amanya Eunice (4C),Tuhirirwe Geraldine (2A), alinaitwe Mable (5A), Musoki Harriet (5A), Mbabazi Juliet (5A), Kahunde Vivian (1B), Karungi Shaffiga Purity (3D & Kemigisa Joseline (3D)

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We thank you God for this great and inspiring international mission!  This report captures the details of the mission that started on September 10-16, 2012 at Kyebambe Girls School. It was done in conjunction with the Uganda Scripture Union.

According to the Kyebambe GSS Chaplain Rev. Margaret Tinkamanyire, other mission participants came from St. Maria Goretti SSS (SMG), Fort Portal SSS, St. Paul’s College (SPC), St. Leo’s College Kyegobe (SLECK), Kicwamba and Nyakasura School.

The mission theme was extracted from Joshua 3:5 “… Purify yourselves, because tomorrow the Lord will perform miracles among you.” The topics discussed included Bible Exposition, Sexual Integrity & Healing of the Land (Rev. Dr. Medad Birungi), God’s Grace in Studying, Repentance & Forgiveness (Edson Baryaremwa), Walking in the Power of God (Shem), Understanding Cult Worship/False Prophets (Paul Rwaihyoro), among others. The different school choirs glorified God and entertained the large congregation during the scorching sunshine and heavy downpour.


Our mission to Kyebambe Girls Secondary School (KGSS) is pegged to the World Shine Ministries (WSM) Mission of Reaching, Raising and Releasing Transformed Christian Leaders especially young people (students and non-students) for the Healing of the Nations.

Hundreds were saved, healed and delivered during the prayer-intense mission led by Rev. Dr. Birungi, the WSM Founder/President backed by a WSM team comprising Rachel Mutesi, Monique Munira, Barnabas Birungi, Joel Jassu, Francis Musoke and Alfred Wasike.

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(Above and below): Among those who accepted Jesus in their lives include: Ampaire Moreen Kagumbu (KGSS, from Ntungamo-0781272355), Birungi Immaculate Ingrid (KGSS, from Harukoto-0782464059), Komulyeya Joan (KGSS, from Kamwenge-0774149492), Akugizibwe Joan (KGSS, from Nyakitogo), Mbabazi Livias (KGSS, from Isunga), Alinethu Rolvine (KGSS, 0774472400 from Buhinga), Kunihira Ruth (KGSS-0782566693), Rwabujungu Agnes (SMG-0789927320), Mbabazi Harriet (SMG-0774738967), Musiimenta Patience K. (KGSS-0784142860), Nakato Winnie Cynthia (KGSS-0782964740), Kansiime M. Mary (KGSS), Aromorach Praise Winnie (SMG), Nyangoma Dephone (KGSS), Kaboneke Angellah (SPC), Kamalaika Grace (SPC), Kabatuku Dorren (SPC), Kemigisa Liz (SPC), Kabasinguzi Phionah (KGSS-0773523109), Kyobusinge Sandra (KGSS), Nyakwera Lydia (KGSS-0782343138), Kahunde Jennepher (Fort Portal), Patrick Nyakaana (SLECK-0789994929), Kabahinda Monicah (KGSS), Kasaija Bonnie (KGSS), Akol Dorothy (KGSS), among others.

Shem Akwatinire (below-middle) ministers to the newly saved believers in the nearby chapel…

While (below) Amelia Ainembabazi, a reknowned Gospel singer, Osabe Mugisa, the Assistant Kyebambe (Below): Chaplain and the Kyebambe HM, Joy Night Mpeirwe pray for the mission

participants and Uganda.

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(Below): The boys and girls from several schools sang and danced for God and us…

(Below) Rev. Dr. Birungi takes the congregation through a song session in the sweltering


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More heat from sunshine into the congregation…

He moved the audience with his life’s testimony enshrined in his now globally famous book on revolutionary forgiveness: “Tombstones and Bananas”.

Teaching about 2012 as the year of crossing over from our problems, Rev. Dr. Birungi refered to Joshua 3:1- 4:24. He stressed to the congregation that 2012 is a year of:

Crossing over ‘Uncrossable’ Rivers,



Fulfilment, Opening gates, possession,

Abundance, inheritance

(Refer to Numbers 12.)

He preached that each one of us has a River Jordan to cross in our lives:

Have you been in a wilderness for a long time?

It is time to break the camp

Cross over and possess your inheritance in Jesus’ name.

To possess the land, there is an elaborate process:

To possess the Promised Land Israelites went through processes:

Process of Promise of 500 years that the Children of Israel had to wait for,

Process of Spying for 40 years that the Israelites had to execute and

Process of Conquest and Possession.

To cross over, we need the following:

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1 - High expectancy:

When did you wait with great excitement? - Christmas, birthdays, graduation, wedding, or expecting a baby.

You wait for months, weeks, and days, and then finally, the day arrives! Imagine the anticipation and excitement the children of Israel felt as they stood before

the River Jordan the evening before they were to cross over into the land?

2 – We need to cut ourselves off from a generation of failures:

Cut ourselves from what our ancestors did

Demonic legacy

Generational curses,





Let us break these dividing walls:

Cut ourselves from what our ancestors did,

Demonic legacy,

Generational curses,





3 – We need to get rid of anxiety and trust God totally.

Often, with our hopes at their highest, there are accompanying challenges and problems that we face at the very same time.

Along with our hopes and joys there are always problems for which we simply have neither the strength nor the wisdom to meet the challenge.

We need strength from above.

The battle is really the Lord’s

4. Sanctification is a must:

-The People were required to consecrate themselves (vss. 5-6)

“Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.’”  Joshua 3:5

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Today, the military leader would have said, “Sharpen your swords and spears and polish your shields!”

For God’s people, spiritual preparation is the vital element for it is being rightly related to God that brings the power of God on our work and ministry.

5. Break the Camp and move forward:

After consecration they were to break the camp and move towards the water.

God wants us to break the camps of unbelievers-thin cows.

Break the camps of addictions, excuses, spending what we don’t have, hypocrisy, disobedience, pride and arrogance, selfishness etc.

Wife/husband and children abusers and other unholy alliances

6. Follow the Ark of the Covenant:

The people needed to follow the ark so they would know which way to go.

We are to follow God.

When the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts, stirring us up to go, we must follow.

We don’t know the way. God is doing new things, making a way where there was no way (Is. 43:18-19).

7. Take immediate Action:

These guys did not know how to swim – they had spent 40 years in a desert!

He could have waited but he chose to take immediate action (3:1)

Most people when confronted with difficult and risky situation they put them off as long as possible-pending.

It makes the matters worse-so don’t procrastinate. Trust in God’s strength-get up early in the morning and go for it,

With God all things are possible.

8. Follow the Counsel of your spiritual leaders:

Spiritual leaders are divinely appointed tour guides of our Christian walk-follow them.

Heb. 13:7-8.   “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follows, considering the end of their conversation. [8] Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.”

Most of us miss God’s blessings because we ignore the counsel of our spiritual leaders. Disobeying their authority in Lawful things is direct rebellion against God.

Next year make a fresh Commitment to submit to leadership and be accountable to a pastor/elder.

9. Worship and Wait in God’s Presence:

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The Israelites did not know where to go because they had never passed that way before. Joshua 3:4.

They did not know what lay ahead.

They had to wait in the Lord’s presence as the Ark was with them and wait for the sound of the trumpet to match.

It is important for God’s children to spend time in his presence, worship him and seek His guidance and direction in the New Year.

10. Trust God for His Word:

They were to trust God to cross the Jordan without a boat/ferry or swimming.

“Stand Firm and See the Deliverance of the Lord.” - Ex 14:15.

Let us claim God’s promises and the prophetic words spoken over us since we were born like David did before the giant.

Numbers 23:19-20. [19] - “God is not a man, that he should lie!”

God is a promise and covenant keeper.

11. Go forward-Faith in Action:

Faith without Action is dead – (James 2:17.)

They had to go forward and confront the flooded river

Be willing to make our feet wet

Then wait for God to respond.

12. The Glorious crossing- Passage by the Power of God (3:14–17).

Crossing the Jordan and possessing their possession was not going to be a piece of cake. It would entail battle after battle.

First, they had to be totally committed to going against armies, chariots, and fortified cities.

Secondly, they had to also be committed to a focused walk of faith in Yahweh, the only true and living God

For believers today, crossing the Jordan represents passing from one level of the Christian life to another.

13. A song of praise:

2 million people were singing one song- “The Lord is good, his love endures forever” for 6 hours.

There is power in praise- (chains fell off from Silas and Paul. Acts. 12)

God dwells in the praises of his people

In heaven it will only be praise and worship 24/7/365-practice.

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Jehoshaphat’s praise put to flight 25000 enemy soldiers 2 Chronicles 20.

Jericho walls fell by the power of praise Joshua 7.

Be a man and woman of praise in 2012.

14.Take the Stones of remembrance-memorial stones (4:1-24):

‘Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet are standing firm, and carry them over with you, and lay them down in the lodging place set up at Gilgal.”

By way of application, what are some of the things we regularly do and are called to do that form memorials of the saving grace of God and our calling as believers in Christ?

15. Possess the land:

They were to cross and attack the enemy and pull down strongholds.

They were to possess the land and keep it as their inheritance

They divided the land among themselves peacefully and pledged to support each other

You need to possess your inheritance in 2012

16. Renew your covenant with God:

They renewed their covenant with God

They made new vows to serve the Lord

They circumcised everyone who was not circumcised among them

They pledged allegiance to the Lord and their families

They acknowledged God as their King and God-theocratic state under God.


I know many of us are facing troubled, flooding and violent waters today. It could be in your life, home, and work place, at school, at church, in your marriage, with your children, health or in your relationships somewhere. You may have been having a River Jordan which you have not crossed since childhood. The good news is that you will cross over the Jordan in your life in 2012 and meet your goals and fulfil your purpose if you follow these principles from God’s word. Are you ready to cross over in Jesus name?

(They yelled: YEEEEEEES)

Let us pray…(and we prayed...)

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As the rainstorm explodes, the WSM team is ministering…”…it is well…it is well…it is well with my soul…”

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A Fort Portal Christian, Edson Baryaremwa talked to the young congregation about God’s Grace in Studying, Repentance and Forgiveness…

In the rain, Rev. Dr. Birungi stressed the need for total integrity in all life’s aspects…

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There was massive song and dance under the rain…

The fun in the rain was punctuated by intensive prayer and more rededication of lives to Jesus…

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An incredible night of prayer at the Kyebambe School main hall…demons were cast out of possessed girls…

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The next morning (September 16, 2012) at St. John Cathedral, Kabarole where Rev. Dr. Birungi testified about his life and led a fundraising drive for the Church’s activities…the theme was: “Human Beings Created to Work (Genesis 2:15)”


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The next morning


Title: “Tombstones and Banana Trees: A true Story of Revolutionary Forgiveness”

Authors: Medad Birungi with Craig Borlase

Pages: 207

Publishers: David C Cook in Colorado (USA)

Published: 2011

Price: US$14.99 (USHS40, 000)

Reviewer: Alfred Wasike

More than 2000 years since God sent his only

son, Jesus Christ to save us from peccadillo and

death; we are still living in a very turbulent

world. Abound are the stories of bloody clashes

between individuals, communities, nations over

wealth and other material resources. Rare are

the stories of reconciliation and forgiveness.

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What’s FORGIVENESS? The words that spring to my mind are pardon, clemency,

pity, mercy, absolution, amnesty, exoneration and exculpation, among others. Some

of the direct antonyms are BLAME, ACCUSE, POINT FINGERS AT, CONDEMN.

I was touched by Reverend Medad’s book on forgiveness.

FLASHBACK: The intense and moving story is set in a village

called Rwanjogori (meaning maggots) in south-western

Uganda in the early 1960s. Born in a large polygamous

family headed by a cruel and drunken father, Birungi

recalls, “My story changed beyond all recognition.

Everything that was made ugly by pain and anger was

turned to beauty by one simple yet unbelievably

revolutionary thing: forgiveness.”

He further recalls: “I do not think I would ever experience

such sorrow and despair as the day my father beat me

down from the pick up trucks and abandoned us – my

mother, my sisters, my brothers, and me – by the side of the road at Kashumuruzi.

We had no food, no possessions, and no hope of a future. All we had was the smell

of diesel from the aging pickup trucks loaded with possessions, retreating down the

road – possessions that, just minutes previously, had been our own.”

At another tragic point of his hard-growing-up

years, one of his sisters had just been killed:

“I was not alone as I looked down on the

rocks at the bottom of the waterfall (Below: A

happy Medad at the Kisiizi Falls in August 2012).

A woman I knew had approached me.

Aidah Mary Tasiime Entungwaruhanga

was an old friend of my mother. She had

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been there when I was born in the banana plantation. In fact, she was the one who

named me Birungi. She used to carry me on her back whenever she visited my

mother when I was a small boy. She was an amazing Christian and loved me very

dearly. She taught me Christian songs for children and many Bible stories. She had

seen me approaching the falls and called out to me above the noise of the water

hurling itself down onto the rocks below. She had obviously heard about Peninah.

“Your mother is in grief, your father is gone, and your sister is dead. What are you

doing?” “I did not answer; we both knew why I was there. She spoke again. “Your

mother lost every relative in Rwanda. She has the horror of trying to live without

family around to support her, and she was with her husband who mistreated her and

abandoned her. But she stuck to you children. How will she feel when she finds out

what you have done? You are her only hope, her eyes. What will she feel when she

learns of your body on the rocks below?”

He is consumed by revenge: “But I also knew that I would not kill my self. I did not

want to hurt my mother any more. I did not want to go to hell like Judas. I wanted

others to take my place in death. I would return as a murderer, a killer, an angry

man, with hatred in my heart. At that point I think I must have become a killer in my

heart, like so many men who had stood there and smiled at death.” Medad relents:

“It was agony to do so, but I abandoned my plan of suicide. In its place I made a vow

to live until I took revenge and killed those who had plotted Peninah’s death.” He

walked away from the “suicide” point with a “civil war” raging in him.

At the time of writing this book he reflects: “I understand today that bitterness is

food for demons, and I can see from that point on I felt a different person, incapable

of controlling myself.” (Below): The St. John’s Cathedral Christians applaud Rev.

Medad for the testimony

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He acknowledges that bitterness is one of the most crushing mental problems in a

person’s life. It is a deadly poison that needs to be brought to light and addressed

urgently. His self esteem was completely crushed. He felt hated and rejected. “It

caused me to drink heavily, but whenever I was sober I could see that the problems

were just the same. The devastating pain in their family continued. Some of his

sisters were raped. He was “enraged yet powerless”. “They used my sisters as

toilet paper but I could do nothing to stop it”

He describes the Stone Age aspects of his community: “The Bakiga (my tribe) was a

male dominated society, fiercely patriarchal. The cultural laws favour and defend

men while supporting the oppression of women. Women are treated as second class,

and because dowry is paid before marriage, many are treated like property… and

beasts of burden…domestic violence against women is so deep – even in Christian

homes – there is no political will to stop it. We would need another book to talk

about that as well.”

He recalls that it was such a hard year in his life and it set in motion the habits of a

destructive lifestyle: being angry, shouting at people not greeting them, killing

people in his heart, seeing death all around, spending energy he had in him on

vowing to kill.

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Life continued to be hard. His sisters even “prostituted themselves…You cannot

fight the sort of shame or humiliation that comes from prostitution…I will never

forget the sacrifices they made for my education”.(Below): Even the children were


On a happier note he recalls that within a year his they had raised enough money to

send him to school. He recalls, rather fondly

that when he first walked to school very many

kilometers away: Makobore High School in

Rukungiri, his mother went with him. He had no

mattress, no bed sheets, no shoes, no trousers,

just a spare set of clothes and provisions but he

was happy. He made a grass mattress using a

shawl his mother gave him. He recalls his mum’s warning: “Do not do anything to

bring further shame on our family.” He said yes to his mother’s warning but did not

honour it. At school he developed a double life that he kept hidden from his

teachers and family. He joined alcohol drinking and chaos-causing gangs due to

peer pressure.

It is a great story that climaxes in his being delivered from all these demons and

sets the stage for the deliverance and healing of his immediate family, community

and thus revitalising the benefits of the spiritually groundbreaking East African

Revival of the 1930s.

Below: The St. John’s Cathedral foundation stone was laid by the Toro Omukama

G.D.K. Rukidi on September 23, 1937:

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Back to Kyebambe Girls Secondary School for more prayers…

After a moving skit by the WSM team in which Rachel was ‘trapped’, she told her

testimony to Joel in a Panoroma interview…

Outside the hall, one of the girls (names & class withheld) attacked by a dead father’s spirit which ‘sleeps’ with her daily. A voice from a barking dog in her revealed to the prayer team that she had been given ghee to ‘capture more spirits’ among her school mates by sharing the ‘apetiser’. She said ‘many’ girls had eaten it. She was delievered.

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The intense prayer session ‘forced’ the girls to dash to their dorms to retrieve symbols of devil worshipping ranging from clothing, pictures etc…the young people are lured into devil worship unconsciously through blind idolization of the so-called rich music and film icons some of whom are pictured below. The “stars” only worship material wealth…

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Rev. Birungi advised that the globe on which we live is governed by an evil world order. Quoting the Bible, he encouraged the congregation: “But we have the power, the authority of Jesus to cleanse, sanctify and bind. We can bind demons, even in a dream you can cast out demons. There are coordinated devil worshippers every where. Pray for everything…use your authority… what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth

shall be loosed in heaven…(Matthew 18:18)”

More prayer…

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And there was Holy Communion…

Hundreds of the girls received Holy Communion…

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HM J.N. Mpeirwe and WSM Team member, Francis Musoke did not miss out…

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The HM and her girls get a special post-Holy Communion hands-on blessing…

Hundreds of prayers requests covering such needs as deliverance from witchcraft, success in exams, peace in their families and others were collected by WSM and prayed for…

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The prayer requests were later analysed by the WSM team and specifically crafted letters were written to the prayer requestors by the WSM Prayer Team.

BELOW: WSM team and other prayer intercessors led by Rev. Dr. Birungi visited the Kyebambe Girls Secondary School dormitories and their environs to sanctify them against demons plus all evil forces …the girls complained about strange nightmares involving serpents and other reptiles…armed with anointing oil for the cleansing mission…

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Meanwhile a mysterious and massive rain cloud was gathering above our heads…then two rainbows…!!!

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But the prayer tour went on undeterred…even this mystery cat received a dose of prayer…!

More trees and septic tanks, among other places were targets of prayer…

The girls were curious…

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More dormitories…

And more dormitories…

Classroom blocks

And more classrooms…

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The night of the 15 Covenants that the girls learnt from Rev. Birungi:

The Covenant of Love The Covenant of Grace The Covenant of Openness The Covenant of Accountability The Covenant of Trust The Covenant of Respect The Covenant of Faithfulness The Covenant of Brokenness The Covenant of Outreach The Covenant of Confidentiality The Covenant of Intimacy The Covenant of Forgiveness The Covenant of Permanency The Covenant of Integrity The Covenant of Excellency

God be with you till meet again…

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The next morning signing the visitors’ book and praying in the HM’s office:

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The Omukama Daudi Kisagama Ikingura Kyebambe IV from whom the school got its name:

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Below: the WSM family outside St John’s Cathedral Kabarole…


The lovely landscape of the Rwenzori Mountain range foothills, the Omukama Oyo’s palace:


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What inwWWhat is in the envelope? Oh yes, now we know! “God Can Lift You From Nothing to Something (1 Samuel 2:8) a gift from the Kyebambe GSS Assistant Chaplain, Osame Mugisa to Rev. Medad. The WSM team prayed with her and blessed an office in Fort Portal for intercessors in Toro.

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Below: Like what happened to Jesus Christ in AD 33, Rev. Birungi gets a surprise olive oil wash for his 50th birthday from the WSM Team in retired Kabarole Bishop Kisembo’s lovely home…

The happy Bishop family, their dog and their guests…

Our ‘cousins’ Baboons at their best…eating bananas courtesy of WSM…on our way back to Kampala…

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The mission objectives were accomplished. The young believers were delivered and healed. They should be followed up and maintained in the faith. The best practices established through interaction between the WSM, the Kyebambe School administration and the students should be enhanced to fight devil worship and other satanic and witchcraft practices. We should send to them the Bibles we promised. We received hundreds of prayer requests from the girls.

We have classified (right) their requests into mainly several categories including success in examinations, deliverance from witchcraft in their homes and school, peace in their families, salvation, love, among the girls. We have replied to their requests with encouragement. It was a worthy mission. We need a thorough study on devil worship. This will help us in future missions to schools and other places. We noted that the school magazine

even has satanic symbols in its mast head (name-“The Star”). We may have to offer

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the school our professionalism in Journalism so that the school can have a God-centred magazine. This can be replicated in the other schools with whom we are dealing now and in the future.

We believe that well developed media can give the spread of the Gospel a lot of mileage.

Thank you all for praying.

To God be the Glory.

God Bless U all.