l.· ·• ·. :·.· largisf ....

" ' - ''" --i--; L.· ·• ·. :·.· I. LARGISf . 'coUNtY·_.···.· .. ·, . ' . ." • ; j . , I ' t . ·" :. ·· · • .. ·c ·.c ... , •· 'a WQlf- ·· .. , ' ' . . ' . ' ; ' . ' " '\ - ' ) ,• -: . ' ' .. .. - ' . .. . . r itttr ...:..ra .- 'i!!!!l! - .\ : I _ .... _______ ,' , ........ ". ' < . . . ' ........ _, .'· .. ---------- .. -, ',' ' .. ' . . ' . r ' . . .. ' : . . ' ) ' ' . ' ! ···-""" . '-- ·- . - - . - .. ' .• ' l ' ' < . . '> •• ,., •• - •• •• ·-- 'PlhOE $2.Q.O 9. 1 8}!1 ¥EAll' : · Sold Ilia £ntire Jlerd Fire Prevention Week (Proelarnatfon by the Governor) . . .., ,, I .. ' ·' I> I .. ' . . ' ' ' . ' j ".

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Post on 06-Feb-2020




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Page 1: L.· ·• ·. :·.· LARGISf . 'coUNtY·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines

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L.· ·• ·. :·.· I. • LARGISf . 'coUNtY·_.···.· .. ·, . ' . • ." • ; • j . , I ' t • .

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'PlhOE $2.Q.O 9.18}!1 ¥EAll' : · .·

Sold Ilia £ntire Jlerd

Fire Prevention Week (Proelarnatfon by the Governor)

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Page 2: L.· ·• ·. :·.· LARGISf . 'coUNtY·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines

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2.-- 'J'wo ot the Arrll'rl,••m om1y'H new lbnt 1!1Wtl A (If .an , U1e 'J'rull• monnmimt unfclh•d 1.111 t!]H !;nnt.u Jl'e· trail nen~. ('<IIJl!C'II On,ve~ 1\llJI., Qn<t ot lfllxtccu ~o .lm PreseAtecl' 'by tho Daughtc>rtl..,of t11c Arnorlrnn 1lt1~·oJutlvn. ~- ./• • ~ .

1 ·• . . , ·'

- ----=--.,. . .,. _:_. --- -···· -~------"-------......... -----1----~ .. -------=---;·-:~----~ ..... ., ... ) '

NEW. s REVIEW OF t1old npeelllrnlly nor · t<>r,udlnt~<l- tho Jn on11 e;rtremelr laeqv)' em;tneiJ fol' . equultzuttoll lt!l.'. , Uere urc hi& .words ll~\fCt' Plants ant) In botlts. ,

t:JennJng bla lll/,111!1; . .. •• - . C)IJ.rmany•s huge) new dl'rlglble.' tb6

CURRENT EVENTS lr~·~~r:d~=~~llt!;e ~!~~:;:·~~ni~e~s~~ 7r~~··~:;;l':iw17r:r!n'e:~ddfl!:m~3h:! . . . 1 111111 un Prtecth·e rontrol .ot th~t Hale he cntJrcly l!tltJsractory, It ts 1ntend· · or ~>xporllllllo HUrr;llllf 11·1u. tile cost Ed to •end tills 111r v~ssel on a trip to

'tmpu!i<•ll UJion tho c.omrnodlty brlleOt· tbe United, Statilf In . tl~o near iutui't.• I'd. I? or that principle tht! f)cm0. ~IIC IJ(g nellqnca pltme noma wa•. rrntlc" plnttorm #raunrely' 11tnnlls, ftn<l W!lltJnr •t Old OrcllurcJ, · !Julne, t_or: tor tbnt prJueJplo r 1:1tu'nd. Mr. lloo· suitable conditions tor ·the Jump-olt \l'r .lllandli li!JUCllely lliJP.o!lcd to tltla .on Jr. night to Rome, tr111 -lnllood did · prlnelplo !Jy wlJlr:h tho farmer rould mako one ntnrt but Jmd to rt~tnrn be­Ul't tlao bement fit the tudl1. Wiant ental' ot n bro'"cn alt Jntnko (lll the remains ot tho l!t'Nney·Iluu~('n bill h1 ca;r~uretor.

Florida, Porto Rico, Swept by a Terrific Hurricane­

Newt of the C•mpaia~ · ' By EDWARD W. PICKARD

a mero n1ntter ot me(hpd, tlfid J clo ·

or regf~t.ered alllmaJa. preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines ·to . :MontNO . (l). Uol!lnc8!$. U~ lelle\V tho.t GQd

· hJke ani\ OAk {~reek ;~.r(l ~:~cbl!d~lcd 1;1 b.qd sept hhu und tllcrefGJ:e that he tho Mountiltn · Stl\tea 'l'eleph<me llllil wua .l.luckeit 'l)s. d.Mne uuUlorlty. Tbl!J ·1'elcgraJ,>b Compauy tor ··ne~t y.e;:n.-'1f shQufiT chna-ur;t~tl:;u e~·ery ·Chrlfitlah oxteneJon prosrom, . Jt baa been ~n· . worlter. · · · · · nounc11d fn Jerome. The Jnke lfh~ will <*J .Ar;ument The gospel message cost approxlmn.tcJy '1s,ooo. 'Is fu nccilrd wlth the l1lg1Jest reason.. ·

The souther~ Nc~v :M.cxtco itls; : (3 l'ersu481ou: It I& not euoQsb that the minister come boldly wll~ u ren· torlcal ' and. ~r,~bacologlclil sociCt)' messcu;e. n ·must'" be ~llc•

wlllch' was or;;anlzcd "It\ I.aa Cruce:t 1 "Kil In" last -snrJng Js "'fa.nnfu"' ltn winter Jli'O• comrmnfed, with persuns ou. ow ..

.. ~· .. tho terror ot the J.ol'c.l1 :we (lcrsuucle :Sratn •. · Tllo na"Solcntfon vlt~ns to at· men... •. . rans-o extur8lons to cuverul ot tho (4) 'J.'Jtc mes!W~C sh\)Uicl 'hn\'e dell· hltm•csUng artltnalotdcat llft€!1! ncar nltc ~ontent. . tqa ('ruces. · ·lt wus concernlnr; the klngllonl ot W1~4 :the addition of cl~,;ht men to Goll. J•.ttul'a JJuprellolu theme wu$ l!nl·

tho ~hoenlx pollee force, tho dep:wt• \'Otlon throusli Christ., ment fs operating wllli Cull ~:~ti:euttth !!, Ju the 11choolboll$o of Tyrnnnus


. .

~~~~11.111 nellll o; a. swcct~per. x. MYSl· cl!lns. wiU tell Yon tl1tlt eye-cy, ~ooll· tnl ot Fhllllvs Ullk ot lf~lfi\C4llO Jleu .. trnllz(>s mtlnY times Shl v~ltt~.rn·C\cld. Get the ;;enulne, tlae 11nmr l)blllJP& is. tmnortnnt. Im1tntlona «lo n9t: . act 'the< snnie I - · ·


·~ flayirfg Saflif' . . ·

.. _

''There ts 11 bl~ el!lment CJf lloubt Jr.>·

.. ' . . ...


0 N 'J'JIIil. Jl){!oll(J aoulnnory uf tho Cft•OI lllnml hurrirnno IIJc ~rop.

l"nl Qlorm lbnl llln•udy bacJ.dl'~ CU!Illlt\d Pc•rto JUt'O, UUJ \'lrsln lt!:nodu unci

not limit myaclt to the (>inct ml.'ebun· h·a n.n!l mc'UIOd cmbuclled In thut bill," ILLINOIS rnln!'rs. ratUled

a~nle and tho mfnc• ct

for tho tlr:1~ Umo ulnco July .10, w11cn. cvv. u. 10). · • tlae . new C:ltfet' Matlock d'nd tbo dvll ll<wvlco t•oul'is eurnt>2t scrtprurnl lfiJJIU

o~ce re-~ 4~r~o~m~m~J~~~~e~l:on~~~~~o~ve~~r~~m~c~n~ll~e~rv~·~1~niaslvc ~~~~~~~~only

'mnrr)•lns a yopn~; mnn,tt writes 11 womun In tbo Amerlenn Ma;atlne, "but when n girl picks ·Clnt a mtll~ whose cllurnctt>r, re{iulntlon antl Jn· eome nrc kr.ows wlu1t

. lllnteli tlw C'Cllll eon11t nt Florida In the> J'nlm l}(•udl rt'llioB nnc.l IJW"f't tltrot~la u,, eruh•r ot tbo .otalc, lurulng llt;UIIJ to IJ1o nortJJC>:ull nntJ conl1nulng lln <)(.'lltrur'lho wurr.Jo lllnnu thv Atluulll.' roact, . Jlt•pnrla eomlot; thront;h oho t· lt>rt•d IIDf'tJ ot rommuolrntlon rdlowrt1 Ual11 hurrlrrmr urou uno or tho worslt dlcMil'.n or rl'rcnt ~t·tua. 'fllo totnl number ot dNilho fllU1 t:l'o<h 2 000. and runny thounond11 nr(l bomPlc•nn and wJUaout food and dolhlnc. fl 111 tmpnt.:Jiblo now to mnko o rrnaonnblt< t~~U mote ot tbo tr('rnl'nclouo ''roPt•rtr kl:tcte.

Jn a•orto Rko Jato r<1port11 plnrc tho dl'od at J11i or moro: In OundC'IOtiJK', a Frcn<'h llslnruJ. nenrl1 'iOO wrt!rO killed : tbo known dr:nd In Illorldll number at lenul 700 nnd mn7 bo muny mort> Tbt~ eltr ot W f'lll l'ahn Jl(':lrb wa• pml'llroiiJ wrrclsr-d, nod ti:O tu· tnlllll'l:l wvre mniiJ' anti t1Jl1 clt•::trur· Uon IN14l In lho l.nkr> Olwt>cholll~-t'! area wtllt'b Willi lnumlnU>d. l'olm Urnrb, too, aul'frrrll lll'H'tf'ly, many Ono rt!llhlf'll('f'D and bttlllne~ bulltllnc~ twlnQ "l'lltroyrd. l'lorlda Notional fiututlrmvu wrro rouc·d out [lrOIDJliiY to Jll'f'7£DI IODtlng nnl1 to old tho rmt·

t.rro,.: • Th~> Arnrrlenn lh~11 (•taM N'J:JpondctJ

lrnmNUnll'11 to UHl t>Oitll ror brl(l f(OIII l'ul't(l IUro onll Florltlo and 'tlllJlllca n roo! r•hJalrlonJI ontJ nuraca WIJtc hur· ,·,. •I to tho otri<k41D rt>glonll. Ornr-r£ r.u11 dUwu• nn~7«'l"t~d nprw.JII for rnooc;lAI'J nh1 wltb lnrao aubflrrlp.. tJonn, John (), Rot'hdclJ(!r, Jr .. bead, t11g tho llat In Nc:~• Yurk wiU• $.::5,000. ncllof ()lrt>f:IOr llatl~>r of t!J() Hr.d Crop wcc-nl Ill llllCO to Porto JUro IO tall• d>lt'l~ 4t ~ M~ 4lt ~u~tl4B .oo the den aatat~tl lll.lnntl.

J.A U:o bttrrlr-ono rno~cd up tt:e II<'O· )O&nJ tho wlndR nod trt'me>otloo• U.!\11 ,_JOUihl Y!llt oorna!;{'. Mnn3' YfiiSt>l!l w«e runll or tlthfll O.llllo«'. ar.d aM· aide c-or.:lmonlUrll n-rr~ t!rlu-C!n tmm thdr t:omr. by tho \l'nterc.

tbo workers flo met Onmhu. J.ln· culn, Oklottotnn Ht7 1111il eiMcwJ•cret Jn lh(.l )fiddle West, pleaMNl blm 1m·

if ~ ~r . . ; •

• IJI(ltlllcly. Whllo In Omnhn n llunrll ot Indians' mni!c hllll ti tol.'mber or tbc Omabn trllio u "Clill.'t llnppy War• riot" nrul lltll'tl 111m n wnr bonnet.

Scmntor llornlt •tnrtcd a 1:erlell, ot 111•«dtl'll In dsht fllnttll tor tho' pur­ptJuc ot countcr"ctlni the t'fCcctn of tlmiU1'1 tour. .

• •

W JULD fllrlooe rt'}l~lcua and pro-

111cn ute to tho rt11ultlto ·r.('auctton 111 fl•l'h· i\'ilf:BJ u.n U•C!ffl wcro II$Wcrnl "wildcat" strJke11 ct con· tdclernblo nwmcnt. Oftlclnls ot' · the lflne Work('"'' union bdlcrcd the tlt• uuUon would adJut~t ltaclt ln a abort Urn~ · ·

• 'l'lle ICd('tlll JJI(•dlnllon board an• nounced that Jt l1ud fnllccl to adJil!lt the waso dill'ercncl.'-S between G5 We•tcm rallrouds nod tbctr- ·'i'O,OOO tralumNt and "onductor,; and bad ... abandoned U11 ctrort.w. It 111 now up to th(! l'r«hlcnt. t9 crc:no a tacMindlnl wntmlaalon Jt bn de~ Jt aflylublt. The Jl!P.U l1avo lotcd tor a strike but omclals aahl'tflc untona woulcl take DO deflnlte action until uttor October 1.

Cbtrlu o. En.al~ New 'i'otlc alllc manuradurcr, who committed aulctdt rcccntJ.r. vrovfdl!d In hi• ~IU for a truet runtl ot nJlproxlwntc17 $1.200,• 000 to purcb.ue hotels and a·partmcnt.c In "llld1 worthy worldus;: atrJ• llYt nncl to nld tll<:!m In their tnrccn~.

hibition orl;lanlt.'ltlunll \relro taking woUoft:J at AI HmUb tor hill atmudo ()11 U!() ll!lUOt qt:co•Uou, tbe Wtt nrpab­llam• or Uw l~IJl, wbo are rather N~AilL'r two tllotJI!nn~ tnrd wbo numcrou1, ·bnltcd wUb delight a let• fotl~bt Ut tflb Union In tb11 Ch·U tor trom ouo Uuhu, ~ilW Yotk bank· war took pr.trt Jn Uut tatade that tr, to VIce ttcrlllc!tnt lJ::nru, Jn wblcb markttl Ulc OJienln;: ot the alJtt·teeo thn writer aalt1; (.lnd tncnmptient or tlle GraM Armr

"fi~otvllli: Mr. Uconr •• bath abl& ot tb& R~pnbtk. ln Dtnv~r. ~o the and t1Jura~ntllh 1 bt:t>:c till doubt that. muste ot , ~bo. drum 11t1d tlte tbt~r It dtd<'ll, M• t>xpnltnrc In tbe- n~tua.l tnarcbttl tlinost a mil<', athl tew we.r& atlth1illllfftl!.J<Jo Clt ttll Yo!ttl!itil. - .... ,l t<m:ed to drop out ot line. t!om• wJU t~d htm to .t«cmottnl to con• mander ~lbthJio"U tU:w'k ut Sacl'U'ie~ ,i't'., auUabl<~ cho~• . In ill pri)· t~. caut.. reviewed tlJt!l JlA'nlde· ~d vUion-. Mid 1 am foMin<'mt that oPtnM tbti tottn:ll se~$lonrt or th• en. t~ur.h duln:;era wilt w-iinct to btt drcc- eampment.. uv'Ct ~Ullt bd~ot ht tho 41n:~tton ur: lnct~awcl atrlllrcney, but ~t ln~re•~ tlb~rallt)'.u

S lW~UAL notnbt~;~ ('Vf.'l'lta. tn 'aero .. llllUth:• JlliUlrC!d tbl' \\·cell. Juan

l!o flli• Cli'l'fl'l. t:l}lCUitill Jll''H.>nto.r. ~t\V<' J1la no\ (lJ "ttUt\lftYl'O" IllS iltat ~\'t!tt · 1cilt by f'isln~ "~"* Ui(l Mnf;lbb tun•

.Knll tbNl d<'mon.!ittat('d 11gntn .

J. t.OCD'f:N, prcsfdcnt ot the dturitlntn~nt c()mruls!ltott ot thf ·

()f Sntlon•. cl'('aU!cl .o~IDJ ot a ;wnsaUon In G~neva br tr~Mtu:~e­lni' to tllf!. Jetlllf lh&t \t la,t~ndell to (:&U ll'h:tt \\'OUlll ~U11t to & t'Ollttr-.. .-nc~ otlM'lhe ~t lllUIUme J)C)W .. ... ~tt. th" til\ltfel. :~Jratff. <lrett nrtt•tli. Fr~tnc~\ ltllt jtJttJ. ·h•va:n. tor. th• !*flo

• " tu spcltk c\'11 openly of U•Js wn.;v

nr.mon 'Agulla.r. n mlucr at r.tor<lnrJ, auh'uUoit llY ttittll In Clrrlst. It was .t\rft., wns kJJicd wJ1cn he jumped tor tlil$ rc:.son thnt Pn~l I!CJlarutccl from a troll(.>y rur pulling !31 empties t110 dlaclplc!J trom th!!m and a·cUrCcl to .a\·cJ~ beln'~ hit by a troJitlY wire to the !icl!Oobou!e ot '!>·rnnnu~ wllcrc tlla.t broke o.vcr bls t1cnd •. u 1!1 be- he continued lllli ministry tor two Uovcd that tho ~nrs ntruek 111m ns he yc:u:s With ·glorrou• results. Jumpccl, cru11blng bin boll~. npd cnUl'l• H. God. Working Mlrac~c• by Paul lug aJmoat IIJI'llnnt death. (vv. 11·10), "' .

, f~phesus was noted for Its wcm!!er ll'lro rcc(.>ntJ,v .conoumcd the wnro· v.·or,l'ct'S, tlltrotore 1t VAul's mlnlstr.r

taoueo o( tho Yumn Seed A }'eel\ Com• wns to be aucet'!ntul GQ4 must. ln nn pan)' 4t Yuma, .Arlz,i with nn entbn:~~t· e:rtrnordlnar.r wa1 put Bia seal ,.pon cd loss Qt moro t!I.I.U $100,000. ScYOI'rll work. Sn y,·onaertul was tho ell· thousand balc:!s ot cotton of tho flrd mnnlfcstcd tbnt cv~n bnncl· t:nlchu sinned out or: tJm tum crop. or aprons llrousllt trout r<cro consumed. Tho orf&ln ot U10 l•uut•a body hc411etl tlac al<:k und coat fl~tmca wu ,undotcnnfncd. out evil 11ptrlls. 1~veryw!1cro tbo t~IJ· · Thrr wood prc11ervh1" pluu~ main· premncy 'l" tho Lord Je.11us .Christ wna talncd at Alamogordo by tho SoiUh(lrn rcco~lzed. Sct>hlg tl1o nmrvelous pow• P<~cJrfc rnUrond ban grown Into olio er opcrntln~: tbrou;h l•n.ut, -tettaln -or tbf) lmport!lnt lmiuotrles ot Ala• etroiUng. Jews who wtnt ubOut tho mogoto!lo;. N~ :u. The pllmt hnn fn· di'untry proctlelng the u~:~gicrtl arts or crca.11ctJ Jw produrt nteodiiY In recent the eltpi!nlto of tbelr poor tmfol'tUntlto ytnra, and uow trt'nt.ll nn nvem~ro nt fellows. u dertook to ute flO nnmo ~GO',OOO wo1 th ot rullroad tfco' u "Jesus•• In their lnenmnttor.s. KMw· mon~.

1 " In~; thnt tho conn(lctlun :With Chrl!lt

wus not t(':JJ on tfu~ port of: tb~ Jews, 1'ho Mesca1cro lndiann In Now l'tlc:!x• the us(! or ms onme by thew onlr e~­

Ero r~c(lntJ,r rcciltvcd. the brgcot ver ro~ll the e\'11 1ptrit whO struck them topiia p:~,nnent ever matlo to tbNn by und Ofercarna them. ~1e n.'lme or tho l:OV(lmlllcnt, 'l"'bt"tt .$3!i,(l0() 'W.U!I J('Sil!'l Is only t)otYCrtu1 Oil '!bn b(')ICV• dfotrlbutcd amonn- UJo "lOll me:r. er•s lips. womtn .and children. The .vas merit tu. A Qlortou& Ravtval at Ephuua tvu mllcte po~albio tiJtu ili\lell from cvv. l't-4l). . .• ~h!Y trltol ltcr-d ntnl from Umber aale<J 1• li'ear tell uJJOn nll ("• lf'). Ncw~J dUring the lnt!t rMr. of tlte easUng out of tlH.'SC c:itJI spirits

Tllrco bU111lrtd tN'IllberiJ or tbe Crt:Jt(!d . lmptts$ions favorable ~~ J_)avago lndtan tribe on the $an XnvJcr ChrlsCinnltr. • · rcsenatlon near Tuceon urc raced 2. It brought to Ute front thow who ~;itlt Carnine, nccofdthg to reports, ptofeMed faith In Cllrlsf, wtaO(l not unlca!l 1Wfernment roller Is forth• thfnj:; rJgbt u~·e! (v. 18). Ifill')' be­c~mt~:~g, 4$ t1- rt~oult oC the destruction Ucred but bod note brokt>b Crom stn. 1t ttro rnal!ivntton'lf -fmgutfon 'IJJti· ureal bleutfig: wou1it romn tG ·tim ~em rcrently when tile &i.tttll Cn•= c!mrch tt som~ nwnt:ening could Mm~ dver went iltt a ratnplJe, to tbote wtJose tl\'('S ore not In S.~p­. ('o~ollJoo wunb''a tafr tb!!l ~·ror wm tog Mtb tlii!lr profentou nnct <:nuse to ttefd in thn Fl~ptaft nrmory un tt1t>m to openly ctlhtess and n:ak~ a N!>vcmiH!r a.and ~. n blltJ bxn nn· ce·w stnrt. 'OOUI:lced by tho FfugcttlfC Cllam~r Gf 3. Gnve liP Ute prac:tlce of DUaek Commc:tc~. flllOlliOI'lf, 1'hctc WUI be llrtlJ (v. lO). daudn:: and otltt!Y tortnt of entertain• This me::~ns forms otju;;~;~ery b1 nse

J ot c:h:mntJ ·and m:~~irot wotdg. AU t:llrnt rn connection. PriM w nners S""'" "I'C r'n o-osit.lcn to the- will or w1Jl compete In Uta AffZ(l!l~ state fair ""u .. .. •• tn .Ptlmm~ dudng tho week M No· GM, tltc-retore no -one ~n ba\'e tel• v~mbct ll!. lomJIIfp witlt God nll!l practice them.

· · 'l'l:ey proYed tile {;enuJneness ot thelr · !trs. ChnNC:l • O'Mnl,lt::y bas llten ~ · ·MUcms by pnbUely bnrntn: · U:~lr

ferh!d tn a~:t on. tho- atut<1 c:ommUtea bookiJ. _ tilt Ncl¥' Me:dw shl~;~rs fn th!l second 4. Tim uproar or the silversmiths at niltf:)n.._ radb audltlon, nttordillt; to t;pht!$lis (Yv. ~t). .

· •u annnum::cmcnt made by Mt~. t Tho oetnatqn (vv. ~ 21). Ueorso W. Frengor ot Lu C'ttlc;(',.. Tbla wu till! t>Owet of tile !;O.Spel tn Mrs, Fttmger, vtcll1ilcnt of Ute- New ctt>11trostng the .Wfamout bUSitl€5~ of ~fexfco F'edm:Atfon of Mp;,l(! C'lub!t, Oemt~trttl! nud l1lS fellows. choso Mrs. 0'1-talfey. wftil t\, group .or : !!) 'l'be mllt11od (vv. ~:;.~). olh(lt' r:h'le and ·cultlltn1 leai!cta to Ot!metdu~ a lending b~lncss mrtn, arouso th'£1 httt!l'eat ot :roung 'New rolfe<\,11 meeting nnd stt.ted that k­M<-stco allliC(t. . • <'ll use t)f moeb • ~opte turnlng trom

O:::lltirM '"tood, '11'116; lost a W>tll Jdolntl't bus!nm tondltlons Wt>ra 'Streot fotlUlUt Jrt Monte c.-rto. &1111 thrt>atenl'd fin(t thllt the market 1ot went to work at U a cday !11 • :PteOtt• tltNr wartt. was· wenilentng. ne .N". l\C,.tnt~c. hal tl)nl\ trom Jwtt Mine~ f!tnted, "'l'bls on~ t;tntt I! b'i tltu1ger/' to (OfU nthU!I lM aonned the rubes o~ 'J:lle · ~ wUUns to tole~te llli'

E:nterin• H••eu

· ,Priw~r ()f Mmic· ·~ It Is slsnlflc;tnt how artJstJ turn

const~IDtly. to lliUSIC to Sllf!ISt fD (!X• ·prcs1J1ng emotions which S«'tn to «:lUll& the oUu!r nrts. ln renchlng Uac ht!;.uta nnd lmnstnnUons o! their 1LI.'Atcr!'.­Atnt:>rlcnn Mn~nzlne.

Double-Deck Road 1•1nns tor n doubtc·dcckcd noel an~

t'oncrclc hlglawoy -~tween AUnnflc City llod l'hllnclelphtn nrc r<!J)Ortt'il lin· c1er woy. It ta C8UmatP.tl Uac 4001lt of eonntrncUng_ llUeb n ro.1d will rut/ nrountl ~.000.000. · - .~~"'

Prouolrinlt "llnrold J!l nwttJJI.Y ebstJn&t('-.10

•'Jn what woy?" . .. tt's lbc htmler.t thlnr. fn tbe worlllt •

. to mnkn lllnl admit t•m rJgbt whNi lut &now a l'nt wrong."

• Or af Our•elv1• · Wh7 do wo men ·Uke eo \fell to tnt~

11bout ourselves? Aloybe b_eeAi.IJJe Wff haven't Jonkell ctosd.r ~nongb at other otopte.-Evnnsvlllo Journal.

LivlnK lllu•r DrcJ•e 'l'bc blppoplllamu• tears uparul eat•

tbe ~t p!nots nn•l weeds tllqt .«row In rl\'t!f8. tbu!l aetln~ as Clllt! ot .n!l• tut~·s ~t tlrttl~•· ·

. Silrll Talt~ It Oratc--c .. n rou kel'p n ael'Tet! lrnttd-Why? fla'fe y(}n 1;0t

,-ou ('nn't t:ecl)?-t•nUttlndl!r.

DiiFncnt tt.\t;;y sar.s Clolsc Is dlrfntnt tro•

other girl!.!." "Yt'S. s!te likes flim."

Walkin6Pe~~e Tile natural wnUdng fltlce ot tw

avem~;e m:tn fn avem:;e level ci:lnntr)> . · ls so Inches In ll!llgttJ:

One wllo suindles bl!: triOlclf ba~ somettling to tbhik nbout an U•e rest ut lli!J tltl'. S6 blive tll~y. -


P€<lp1c "Wilt liSten wJu:n you ll~rlbt> 7r..br F3mptoms It ymJ ®(l't do it. thJZ .. (lft('D, • . :

• Jn a 1mctety Jl()Vel, ·the diarnc:ter~

have f(i' mtk llli;ldr llmntt to be fn· teruting. ·

- . . . - .


. . - "'

il:be tutr.n!!l! t~ li~vea ltr ear~!llillY"I IQ!lrt~ N6 ·one wUl ll.lp tn. ~·!rb~te ~ll-fn: no wt&e._ .t'l:tttr l.tllb tt •nr~. thmf' und~1L~·-n• lUttnbiWili<. .

• . A·eau howt. •1!1"


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"' . . , ~ " ...... ,=,-----~--~·ilii·'il'ili.~JIIi" •fil'iiil"-~..-,ili. -iii~ililf><··JIIi-il'ii--llli.-illl_ll .. liii_.,..,.ii_iiili~lcil. ~--!-~lll-iil_lilill,_(flil--ii~iilii'ii""iiili-"'iii'-"""iiii"·tioi"oii"llii··• .. iio~ ;;;;;~.,. ... ""r""l;;·,-:!1;~ ;;;,• rYi't~·~"'!!F,;.~.-!""M""' ::ft~·o:llfllll!!l!!l11!!'!i a~oif!!!'!!r ~·1'·.:..-........ ··~ ~- 4" ... ~...:....- .... -...:.. ............ -..:-..-·tt•• _,..,eoolr e:~· ·x ... ~ .. ...-,< .... ar ... w ... .,M ... , . .,.,s.,.utt""z'""PRlR ...... tte•r>MS'•= .. ~•zz'"'za•n-n•F r•m,.zrllior•CCIM-rt•»•r•' •1 .,.,..., .......... ....,..·, 7 , !:%.."";: -~...,.,.• .lllt!~,.,..:rl)' . . .

'-• •• ~ _,,_,.,,..,_~""'-'-·'"'JO..t.:. •• -.:.~ ..r .......... (;;..,lo!,-.

Page 3: L.· ·• ·. :·.· LARGISf . 'coUNtY·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines

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wns wltlt nte In l~ng l$1Jmd, .abe la .til. p~Isuo In llllll;laucl tor a .l<in; · tet-01 ~t Yl!;tt~. l;lo, I . thlnk l am tn · 110 gt'~Q.t ~Jil.nger, eJcept . trom YQUr 110"

• ·ll"e" · · .... 'I .

· · i;;tne back fn her chnlr stfe stared • .out lo aeu. 'tre;~ t \lfPncleted wll~t ot

the -pa.st aile: WM mrto; · to ~apt'!lre--. or tor~;et. He woul!J have· &;lYeil a Creat: deal. to kQoW hOW UlUcb. of b'Cr beart w1111 ~Ued b,Y the two ·nteQ .11be lJa(l IQved. 'l'ro.bably ebe wus a ro­mantic drl when she tnet de B!i!aulleu .-nd miU'rled him. .. Tti~ te()llr;JJt bail almoat ccrtata11 · been geuulne. · And tben there "~ tht: ex-ofiJcer ot Inn· .(!el'ti,: Oiffaln Motltnoutb, Perhaps

· lll the bltternell'J ot tln(llng biB prlde £:renter tbna h!JI. love, abe bad put ·af!lde all tb()Ug\•t ot IUm. .

'".rbere w~ statements about you In tl1e · ~pers sb'e auld,

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c()u,ld . .bllve •. qqUe . ._. . Wbilt's on yQur mlu!l ll!>W2''' . •

· · ·~~llll7 'l'reQt .t~l~e~ ·to 11tm 1crr t!lf · ·mlnot~s. . Clil.t-ke Jntetruptlid' hlQ'l !IQ~ sM. tllep. wltb ' p~rUnel\t, question..· ·. . ••\jfU l d.O .IU11 b.l;l ·~!!hlL W~t:P ;',J,'r~nu

'tlolshe4, ''Boy, you ~tgQw d-ru ~ell I . ytlll.'~ ' . · · . .

"Tbnt'• a tremendous ·relief," tr.ren1· ·ll'!lld . crntetuny; ~Wilen everythln~ lt'

nbove. 'tbe rallront.'l. An lrQ~t bridge. tor y()u. 'l'ell your wife you $re tour­crossed tll& · track• trotn tbll bltilf. · .lni wltfl. mett $be eeem11 anxl.oua." · Tbere waa 8. lltght or 11teen 11tep~ with' . ''You.'ve got " bqrd ~i~Dmelll a padlo-ekep cate at tb~ IX>t.tom whlell' ·abeil!l," Clar"-e commented; 1'•nd tMre'1 d~ended tQ tlle flat l!Uld· b1 tbtr a taft ot di1Ueultle8 to overcome. Sui)

· llndso!l. Jlde. '· . pose he doesn't come.'thtoneh l" · .A teature o~ the· pin~ 1vblat ~e~ed ·· .. 1 !lhllll ~e tn/the lfOUp,", ~Jlt c:on

to lnlprea. ~tent wa• • Hower car- fessed. . "ftn not dJsgulelng tlle fa~l den, a. l!undred J'IU'da sl)ulre.. In the .tbnt tbts lan'a.· exaet17 Ie;al, · Inn 1 -center ot tbl!J wastA wtt' an old m· feel we call pull 1t ott. I. wouldn't tiS~

' you and t)Je otbel'JI lt -l--tbqugbt there. was mucb danger. I'll admlt tbo rl11k

• . . '

though," "Ile ought to be a . tough blr~• ·

. · Cl~trke commented. .. ne got awllJ wltb U all i:Jglit at the trial." · · · . . . . . . ' . • •

On the taco ot ~~ •. tb'O Wecins com edt &cemetl dcild loiB. 'But TNJtt bat ldcns concerning · plcturea whtcb ht dfd not sbnrc wltb bfl1 partner. It;·waa to the Fort Lee studio he took: his wa3 atter dinner. \Veeme wu "sbootlm;;~

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.~ .-·· · cuba.·.



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' .. ~ ... . ,• ... ' • • t .. . . . . ·w· : .u~.i . . : ··•··. om ou ,.,..., ·····f-"-

;;; , .... '""····'·' ;~ . ' ~~ \ : \ ; /.' : > . ,. . • '• •• ,~··'.···" ,1'0: .. -. .. ' . . '

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" ' .:- .. : . ·~

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Laborers worktn; 01.1 tbo. constructloQ ot tile C~bu.n .Centrnl hlghwny, Wll_lcb wlll e:otten~ tho length~. ot ll\.e Island· trom Plnn) del Rlo tltroush Ilnvnua, nnd 1\lntnn~ns to ~nntlugo do Cn\1a: Thoro wilt be M grode ~l'Osslni!J nnd no speed limit. '.this grettt ll,lghwny, which wm· c!lnt ~7a,~,OOO, wpl b.!) l!Ompleted hi 1030. 'l'bo ~l)rk ls belt!~ dam: \iy 4\metl~an. s:ontrnttors. . • . . _____ __.. ·-..,.. _____ ..-~.----·------~-----:-----''...-,---,=·,. ,.. ~ ·. ;><, •• . ---~

West Palm Beach' Is Smashed by Hurricane

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. Tlltu tt1<:_tur~. llt'Ot by t~lt'{lhoto, gh·cs nn h1C3 of th" way ln '>'l'hl~h tbc tlly ot W(IMt l'ultu, U(lach, Fin.,

Mni wr('Ckcd by tllo troJllc~tl hurrlc~mo thnt swept throu11h tt1o ntntc C1Ct1.1r dO\'ttntttUm; l•orto nlco and oth('r 1staud!h. • •

---·-~----------~= ...... ---~=--"'=~-~=-~---=---=-- *="""":'. ••• • ...

AI Smith on His W~tem Tour '


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• GM·. AI Smtth, Democrntle notnfnec for tlle l'reslilenc1, wai'J grc~tM by

r;rcnt uowds ev~eywhcrc on hi~r tAmpnlgn tour- <lt the · Mhldle We!llt •. Tba pbotogrnpb shOws lttJ\V the Mrs ancl thll· governor :trttternlted wl1ercv~r hJs trnlit atovpett.

Sir WUllmn llrna~t. whl),:- mnklnr. bls first Oildwtl!l t~n tJmh!cilt ot tho Drlt-11111 MoodnUon for tho Advancement ot Scl(!llJCt>, llnUy 10111 fi dl!iUn.tttt1><11Cd tUHiil'llcc Ultlt mnn l1t'IS 1\ soul.' '1111!1 WllS Jn tllrl!rt (:onlrruUeUott to Ute nd• dress m:ule l'lat year by· tba Uu.m firL'slilel!f, Sir .Arthur Keltb, T(Jlo r~ jN:t«'•l tba theory uC .an n!terUte.

. ''n'lr+'-'"'-* ·•.;-+·•;-¥-!><'- '"'~...,...-..-... l .

Fi~1tting De~gue Fever in Athens

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Page 4: L.· ·• ·. :·.· LARGISf . 'coUNtY·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines

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' ' . ' ' ' ' .

· · · . . .. . ·~. , . . .. · · . Mltl' decrc:Q- was.. . . . . . · . s.ua~· UPTJON HA'(:E$ • · .. ;!lot di'l)' (!( 1uu.c,. . . ~ ; . . .. · ·. . mul~Jte und to sa;ve.~; · .. •-· ...

I... ""' . A" · • · • . • ot.l' ·,Jiil tlnWU}lt ot .taXc&.·d\11,1 f.ll1 ., . • · • · . ... . · • . . . !JJ~Mo.!~.u:J II·"·~·(· ·.· ...... · ·-·~·. ·utr -hmclll.4¢U()J:'Jbetl an4 . ''. : 'IJ1h•''d' . "''b' .. t. 'L .. ··s· ·. d'' b' n· . IJN~ Yf:AH 1- Mr•- - .. . . • .. !4l,t.O UJO·fl«f~ ot lll).ld prpperty, lwJ.Il OJl • .~, Jt ' J.-4}. er y . : .Of!D .. QD. S ~v~ • - ... --~ ... p ·• ~- • ' ···•v .,. · · ·~·· -~ · · .. ~Otlr dar ot OctotJcr, 111..:!1, a;t tflQ . ~ been Cfllted. ·· We will pre~el)t Uli:mf' Etat.rt.~d ~· .n~::u~d·~.J••• rn•tt.er~ :J~«P~ ·Pt u o·cto~kf·~n ttllJ .l1\Qr~1·11g JJt . far· ex<!lmnge or Stlle-Jor you4 ·. · uuy 6, J~ll, at t~.~e, &ltillt eil.lct At. a~Yt t1t. u.v. rA)n. :uCI()r o~ tne . · · · . · · · ;. . . , . Card~oJo Now )fe:lticu un~er tb~ Act Uquol.l, 111' .CarrJ~(1Z<1~ New M\lXl~, .. • .•· · . · ·, · . · .· . . ·· , ·· . · • . • .· . I . . 'f.flr for l!~l() UL tJ»bUc, vcndu& ....... First. Natio. nat -Bank . · .. -lf ~~reb 3, 1678. w the ldSMat · lJhtdc.- lor · · · · · · · · · · · · • · " ·. · '

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4dver-.hdug fprm• ~:Jq~c Wecii!e!ldhy llt nogn, NeWfl eolum~• . ch,•41- 'l'Ja1u·•· day night. · lf you-dg il(!~ re~~fv~ ~our P•r•11r reguhuly, JlleJUte notlty U1e J'Pb· li1htrr. .AdvertlllhlJ r~at.clt on appllc:a• ·

. . I

' ' •'

: .j .. ) ( ~~--~. : ; ' . ' ' . . . i . I

·~ H J 1 ·P . I 1 ,I

11 ' '

• . ~ tJop·, . .

. ' .

The Happy Wt\rrior ~ 'NoUet. fa t11rtber liven tha~ · th&

11.mount1J w 'f>e.r.:•UZ:e<l ttom -.ua •alD ~t.cc~r!lln~ to the tc.rma ot sald decree llre as tonowt; · •

Judcment of the State of Now Mexico wltb fntcreet . to date ot. nle ............... '" ....... $10.J.2o Sp&Qlal Ma11ter'• Fj!~ ~ ........... $ 2,!i0

ancl'¢bJ cc>4t e>t publfllblnl' thla noUce. . · · J, B. FRENCH,

• Bpeela.l Matter. •

• •

• .

• . ·. '

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.. . .... ~.r~­

• •, . '~

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. · Scbot:)l Supplies


. . GOLDEN RULE..DAYS . are u'pon ua' again and now :that you ltad a ~ice long va«.!a .. ' tion and are ready to start 1 in tc;> work you wiil need--~. · ..

· . Statibnery, Pencile. ·Pens. Tab·. lets, Erasers, Ink and otber· sup~

pliee for your .school work-. You will find "' complete stock

.. here at lower prices.

' .

' .

Rolland's Drug 1-\..

. . . \ .. I

I , I ' ).




. .. ' I.

• to C:Allb, JU · and . aa the Uapp_y Warrit,r, thu JOY· m:t 19 lli!i tll!J!ravnlllnd cDnfltmutoA . lh.tUlt~n.tho. ems crusader amllin' through ut tM tourt, t11o tol!<JwfnJ dcacrJbe<l 20tlt day ot at tbe JlOul"

• lltOJlct'W tO• WI~: . . ot t· o•ctock · tnornln~ of alii Oltlahomu. . · · t:uJ•ltan 'l'owMit~ Lot. Tbree (3) ilay, a~ tb~ front or tb~ Ooqrt

What docs the blithe k ninht of ~o l'c,auccn CHJ Jnclulvo tn Block nou,.o, In C&rrlcolol Now 2\leX:tc:o, iii· I . 1• - l:lovc:uty•.ml Ufll .und I.ot11 Tlllrtr• fer tor aale aL pubUc ·y«J;~duo and Jell

t 1e suns uny countenance Dll.Y nn uno (;JlJ nlld 'fhlrtY•'fwo (all) Ju ·to the hiJbellt blader tor cash, JUb• he jousts merril~ In tho lists of utoctt J;,,zhtNHX HUll •• l!bOwo. on teet to lb& appJ:ClYal and conflrrnauon · tJat prom. fn .. nt A'J'' ,..,(')I ltnown V•Ot. ot ( ~&pltan Town1lte. on flit fA Qf tbe Court, tbe tollo.wlnl. dacrJbtd u . "' • u .. • • • Jtrlt'u omcc, Llncotn countr, New proPtztr tp.wlt: "' · ·

commonwealth? Uc~tco. • All ct Stctlo11 Twe11t1·Two (U), 11 'lk bo II r I ti()UCo 1$ Curtbor liVen 1.bat tht .IJ'OWDihfp One. (1) South qt. Rance

eta I a Ot one o t 1 C nmount!4 to he rcaUa:cd from aald n1t · Beventffn (11) EUt, Ntw Mexico meanest thlnst11" dono · in his uccor!lmg to tho tcntla ot aald dt<lrtt Principal Meri/Uan.

• • •

• • •

) Store Carri~ozo - · N,' M.·



. --~~- ;;; ::;;~: :: ' . ; .

COMET CIIAl•TER NO. 29 oitDElt Ol•' lMSTiiiliN STAH

Ca.rriwzo. New Mexleo. • •

lli'Ulll.AJ!. J.IJ:Jn'JNO 1 I

l<'lr•L '!'laut~daf of each rnoa1tb. •

All Visiting Stars Cordially In ' lilted: . .

H'ra. Elfzabeth Green. W. M. S. 1". Miller, Secretary. · campaign. IU~J'ffi:~~tw~~ tho State of . · a:0°J!.~: :: ~'l~!frx~'i:m ~tt~ .~

"'The man who votes a"nlnst Now Mt'Xl<:o_ wUh Jnterett accordtnc to th• rer~• qt ••J4 4~reo me bcc&UIIO of my religion Is not 4!-l d!lto ot sal~ "'!'"''''"'"'"''l'"'II.GI are •• tollflw•: '. .

BPttlal l\Sa&t~r a 1' u "''"""~ uo Ju.ll~t, ot the State or · Co A LORA UinExAa / •

a genulnt American, •• nutt uw co:Jt .ot publlalllnr thla notice. N•w lfexlco -wltb fnterelt • J • •

Lol)Off .. Ue denounces criticism of·bfs . , J. n. J.o"R&.~cu. to date or aale, "'Y;'"'"'"""""'''l0!,-14

=· . .~SJ)i)(!lll Muter, Spe.clal Malter a bCt "'""'""' ... GO Tammany affilfatlonn ns n smoke -NOTICE oF= . •nd 4b~ con oc publllbtnc tbfa 11ot1ce •. screen to hide attache on Jdo · st•J;( lAL .MAS'tER'.8 SALE J • .¥~1R,1~~ut~ ..


1.0.0. F .. • ' R l•

II I t I I . Nouco lo tulrcby ctvCJn tbat un!ler ,.,~.. .. ... a .,,. rc It ous a t 1. nM vat~lUnnt to a decree ot tlle m ..

lie denounces the Ucpubtican trM tourt or tile Third JullltlallU•· .l(OTJCE Of Mike B. arnett, Prop .. ,· Carrizozo, N. M. ve .... •eeorul and tourlh

Jo,ddav11 pC .. cbtnont11.

I I I , • trkt ut tho 3hUo ot :\(lW MeAt<» A · nat ona eomm Uec "or carculnt· wnbfn nnd tor tho ~iounty or LlD.Win, 8l'.£Ct L ltAStEJt!S SAL~ ina "scurrilous propaannda ,. 1u 'lmc I:Jult No. 1~, Wbo:cJn tbe State Nottct Ia htr~br atYen tllat under

I • or !iow Mc:xlc.o 11 Plalntut aud atl!t f)Wilaat to a deere& of tbo Dlt- · c Uc ambastt tho a11cgcd1sonec· JOilU n. I•'ilwl(lt, nere1daut. whlc~ trJct. court or tba.Tblrd JutllcJat Dl•·

leal. foolish, stupid attacks on an1:2 dcnco- wa, render~et~. on · tht trlct ot tht Stat• ot . NClw ltfexfco th C b i b }t. , :;tnt any ut Jitnt~. ltiS., •dJu•ltttJAt wJtbla ald tor th• CouiitJ -ot Lfncoln,

t at oJ c c urc • 4bo amount or ••n• due on tbe prop. In Tu 1htlt. No. u_. Wlltrtla tbe State lit denounce• 11 .. JICI,I series crtr .berdll deaertbt¢ a~:~d ordttltlt or N•w XuJto . I• Platntttr and

r t · hl b · b .T 1 i , tllo 11e110 or aalit t~roptttr, 1 wlll·oa tbt X.thftll Perklna .an4 c. A. l~tr• o repor • w c rue eu J m. toth ~of .or OctoMrt n:.:a;•tt·th• hour klaa, ltefrt, DeCtlclallu, whl~lt

He branda alleged .. libelous ot ~ o doc~ 111 l};a tnorulnt of ••tiS nW iter• -wu rettd:tred 011 ttl• .. nland•r·- ,. tfoy, nt tile> tronl door or tbl Court Jilt .ta7 of .June. 1121. adJudlcaUtsc

"' ..,. ... JlouetJ, Jn C&rtJ&oto, .New Mexico, ot• ·the .-out ot tuM dlle oa the prop. He branda.reports that bo is rer tor nAto u public n11du• ell ••ll .ertr b.rela. i!tterlbtd and ortlerhll'

not "m"'rltoriou"'u as \"t'IJ!uJ to tho J•l~;hcat bidder tor caall, aub- th• Jilt of aal4 property, l wm on tlte "' . " • ltU to tflo approval aua co~aftn:uUota 20th 011 or October. lt28; •t the !lout

hes." vt tho (.cure. tfiO' toUowlllf dttcUbtlt ot t o'clock ftr the mornlll! ot uJd e1 thi i .i d '·. b 11 vmvtJrty to•wlt: · • · day, at tb• front door or tlio Court "an '' nucc ' vo t o ar;• ouuu.wclt quuttk' ot_ th• $QltUi• llouu .. k catrlR'lzo • .Ne:w :MilxlC!J • .ot·

llY Watrtor wlmm llfs ctticf JJtO• wcor. qunrrcr or section Twtlll7•Niae fer tor ule at. ptibUic. Yen~uu and sell I t h i d • bi tLW, tlUUIIIi:JIJ~ Quarter ct lbf Soutb• to the bl&hett blddil!r tor C':ta!:l, ltlb-

tugon I 8 ave P cture as JU • rt:aot Quntltr, y,~•t llalf ot the Sot:l~ ]ect to the approv•t and connrmnUon lttntJy leading the cohorts of tho cll!.lt ttunr:or or l:Jcctmn Tbltif (i~J. ot the ('ourt, tile roUowln1 dtacrUJtd i 1 d • .. t 1· f9tUfiwcn taur.utct or tbt t:JO:Uhw"t. properly to•wlt: •

n ng ng crusa ere ngmnfi., 1 o Qunttcr ot Ecttrun 'rblr!)'•'.l'wo (1%), t'apUltl, Lot . 'j"Went:v-o:a, (~1). r.ntcd • with • countertlalion and '.uHau;~tdp Llt;lll. \BJ H~ilth ot ltlbae lllock SevcutY•Sewca (71) ;, Lot Tutr• (h•cfnn too? £lsmc£u tl~l !':::.at; H!>Uthtot. Quat•. ty•One (31), Dl~k Fofly·Elgbt UiH

" · • ¢cr uf .Mrtr~w«!n Qtuutcr, Wut. Ualt wt 'l'hlrtt. Dlo<:k Elabt?·Six (86) a• AI Smilh hal disappointed f.lj tuo ;,utuJWcse c.ttumor or Mei:Uoil a!mwn Ola. or:crnaJ Pi~l or tho Town.

lt·•th adherents and opnonents .l'ivo tut. l::aat. lllllr Qf tbe NotthNit cf Capnan,. N. M,, 011 n!o In _tbe GC• •' quar~cr, t>tont1 muc of tb• Son.tlt. nee. ot -county Clerk, tJncoln ~Dtltr.

b;' thit unfQrtunate lat.l!U) from ~anar. ti~wthwut quart~r oUbt Notth• Nottce la tvrther alnll tllat UJ• tu11 proper cbaraet«lr b" !Allin... e.·ant tlatuttt. EmaLcast Quarur of •raou~:~tt lo lie realbtd from nld aate

. ·· · ·" · · -~ tuc Nmtuwcn quavu:r ur .Sectrua tiS!x aetotdlnc to the ntwt of n!d cter~ b1ek into tbe defensive, by losing ua, 'Jowo•tJIP Nut• ''' 8o1Ut (Jt are ut~J!o1n: . .. . lua temper b\.t dcta''inO' all and UaDJ;t ll!lh!ccn.. (llU biL1 N. M. 1». Jtn1t1iiM&t o( ttta Stat& ot

• ~ >J n tt. · · · '$..., Jletltl) trlth llttfti!tlt sundry the I fght to · opp~~e.J;im .Nouco '"· rurtlltt aivfll tbat · Ul• to cl&li nt "••~• ;,.·C"'"~·c--~.w~ ...... A4M1 conscicnloualy on tl1c wet i!Bac nruounts to be rcaUzt11ltom .. ,d talt . Sff(tat ltUter • J'ee- ·~·"·"'·* UO

b . t ·th . · d t m ~tt:Ot(Ul:g- to U10 tutU• ot 11ald deertt &lUbe tou. ()t flllbllabiBI lhhl. !'~tlcf. or et:ause o e r~cor o .a am•. aro aa lollow•:. · : ~ . . "'· J. n. J'ltENcu, mc:tdy. btby attn_emptbin

1·1g unjuat

11y to

1 ~~~~i~~!lc~ ~~~ s1lft~re~ •• ,. , . "fi: s~~.all\luter.

~~ fe . e . opu. cau nit on a tu- tlato ()f uto, , .. , ... , .... ""''""IUI.U · !iOl"tcl o:r tO rnmlltee With real or itttaghletL"' Sv~clal ~taster' l"e. ~"'":""'' 1.60 &1-ECIA.L JU&'l't».'S SALE .-wt•J•·narlnw H b'lf fatlorih" t .11 ,. ana .. uo ,o,,t. ot ,publlalllnt till• noUct, " ..

" .,...., ,., • . " ,. 1!11 "' J. n. FRENcu, t• alv•u \Utltr-forthrigbt dtclaraUon of Her•. · .... , , , ==-s~tat ~attr. ma• bert Uoov~r upholdihff every .N(l\t<:a For·Put~ncatllln Amedean•ti ·rhtbt ·to · worehip -u.n.~~J~:i~~1!iL:~~!~~~.r>il.lt. Oud •• be chooses. . SliP'. a..ma

-~ - 1 •

·" • • • . . . . '


"Service With a Smile, MbJ, Allie Greer, Noble Graud . . Hrs. Lou ICcJs.ey, Sec"y.

--- -- 1·;.,----~;-··~-~--~ ·::: ;:-;..,·------:-«·:·:i·:-j·:i Carrizozo. • New Mexico.

-CARRIZOZO LODGE .No. .41-Carrizozo, N~w Mexfeo~

A. F. & A. M. .

City Service ·'Station. •

11iii1r' ''THE KIND ot SERVICE YOU LIKEn •

Regular Mtetlnga, 19!8 Jan. 7, Feb, 4 ,Un. a..a1 Apr. :zs_ Juu• ,2..80, Juty 28, Au,.

. 25, Sept.2t, Oct. 27 "' NoY. 24, lJ,c. 22-27.

" ~ - .. -. -~~ - ... -v•,<.'-. ~_,a&

Open Day and Night · -~ Compete_nt Mechanic in a~Jend-

.. ance for Small AdjUAtmenta · Texaco Gasoline & Oils Pennzoi), Quaker State Veedol and Mobile~ Oil


VULCANIZING Goodyear·Tiret •

· FREE .ROAD MAPS Willard 6atteries, Tube Work,

. . ArlJ.lneluded in our Serv-ice Line . · · -Centrlllr' Louttd tot Bust.n.e.-


• .. . .

rriZOZO-··· ~ .. ,


---,n -,-- --•----••--•-- -s;--,..----n:--•- ••·--" •••:• 'T'"

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·:M- r···.·-ket . a .

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· .A. L. Burke, ·w. M. S .. .F. .Mill_t!r!S~cl' ._


CARRIZOZO LoDGF:No.30.1.0. 0.1! Carrizozo, !~few Mexioo. ·

J. L.Bryan. Noble Gtattd

W.J .. IAtngaton, .;;, c'-.. . ...,e .~ • .

llegular meetings efery Tues-. day night.

·------------------~·-.· W . .li.BROADDUS ~

-Optometrfat-wm be: fn Carritow tht Feutlt • 'f'uelday and Wednesday ot each motttb Jlt the otflee ol Dr., Sh .. er. l>ttetiH limited to Jtttin~t alaker. ' . ···t ? ; -- y -- ) 2 ) 5 ( (S J •• S j • It s, f •







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': · · t11o Kltctur~ ·unttl lt ·\V.(liiril·:C~-pici~J .u-. · f!nUi;cly aurer~tit. fpill.vfdu.anty. . .

· ·• (l.'he 1acn: Jtllt;l!t b~ varied .. b;y •:ntJJitf• . tlltlp~.,l'll!4 .ot tllll).ibl!~ ~~~t~. Kit

Mfil wlltdl .nra ll!l tll',.e Uit .o.t,Jin:•4tt:·~l aet.ntt.!f. !cw the.. ev-cJSln; .nJp~. · mollttmcl!untill~ ~P\'1-"IUe~J.().~ ttlllf lttt•ul

· we b~JJUt · . ~pme ;el~bqrAtttt_ w ·m~ . embroidery,. at. (l( (;bllrP!l tJJ(I1 are llVt; 1~) .bQ • · · . Sqn}e lln vc

tt )'tiu Rin tmtutrr" :n but mro ftnnd: ·v:tllluttcd. net. -Thcilo- nra- frt'!J,~<'Ddt •OIIl!; llt'l? l'Vf'JIIIl~ lt•ll'li lltlit aCaCOO, rnutll'! Wfllt Jon!: tJI('C\'('S, and tlu!'y pro• by till mcmu1 ICJt It be ot IJin<•k vch'ct. · dalm tl•clr lt•t~Urc lntrntlon, Jn thnt li:V('fl to a ar":'t"r l':>ll'nt thnn hero- tlll'.V 'sllttrr nntl HJI:ll'lllo '\villi rtU ~flo r of on•, 1 t aurh lit• JIO!lnlhlr, 1 hn ino!lO r;lumor <Jt n truo Prcnlnr. mode. 'tho blgb ll!;ltln »lit•l'r l'ltrlllhllltl vchdu tor lde>a orlr.lnntcd In !lnrJs. N,ow, uurb ll tormnl l?c•nr Jacket woulll trunnform tllo trortc In

• • • ' .

lluv~t your vMfot trorb utylrd wltll ~===~~=---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­utrull!ll nl m1•llrlty, fJt'rhltll!l IIOIIIl'Whn t nn••r 1111• mnnnt'r or thr <'ln!11liC gow11 • In the Jtlt•lurc•, wllb n view to ulldlns nrt'«':-10rft·o l:tt«•r. 'J'hut Jn, lho bodlrc ahould lu• m•mlliltnl nnd, ot eourt:t>, lllt•t·vl'kltll 'l'llc lwmllnf:l or tho aklrt 11houhl llll'11tltltP 'Pry wlt!P, nntl, ot rourn(l, •l•t• to Uw lmek. wblcb II tho ""ry, vt•ry protwr thin~; for nllarcmlnt:· tH•ar ltC>UIIIIII'll to do at JlfC!II.'Ut.

Fish and Nuts as Food . .

'J111• arnrt>ful !Xnrr ot Vl'ln1t n-Jaldl ~ uu a"'' lrulllna ovrr mntJanw'11 arm Jn lilt' Vltluw 14 onn (It the lclldln~ II.) h• I ht•hii>D I hill lll'OZ:Oil l'l mntrblng e>rart or nh:.wt. 1-'onhlonnlllrn arc WC:lr•

. Salmon ls rich In thn oiJa wltJcb

contain U10 t·aluabln fllumSno D •



. bolt a c:u urob()r dfc<!ll and tbrce hard coohetl 'l::S cut Into rln~ ... · llcrve wlth f"M'trlllrdse drculng. ~bl• may be eut Into halt tor a amotl fnlilliY.

tua ull r.nr1.11 or tnulaulnu cal'"-' and ~--~~-*'

Since· tbi• eauentlol •e> fi't.:oey to ttlo dl(!t ts nu-t nbu.nllont In nny ot11cr ot . tho common f®d!t tlltlfl t110 taUt ·1lol1u, «:blldrcn should bo cncourog()d to (lot tlllmon trcqucnUy.

We nro nil tamlllnr wltb null on f'allca 'tn S!llods nml toltcll. 41 a rcllt~h. to 1crvo on tltO illnn.cr · nhow14 anll JRI'Ill'ltl ml>r th<'lr dlnO>

cmd d:wn• • hill on nn1l nlnt trorlla. 1'(1fhrtti:J"' IJJII IUil:Jl. UIIU!l!lal• Cllld It In f'«'fi!IIUII •h't itJ(>tJI)' IIPW · QC('t~!lOfY Of thla hind Ia tho Jnd,;d or bolero ot -- "-=--= I

...... ;. .............. :-... ················!t:·············( ~~;··~···~·-·····-···-~····


....... ~.-.......... ,. ........................................ . ~·~~···~·~~··A·~·-~····~-~

lt tbo rut>IJ nr~ too llmil to Uo fbt ou me IIoi1r, ilr tr tli(•Y ·ton urum: ttn:r "ilnt'!l nmJ CQtUt'rs, tllf.'.Y wm bo ltfl1:ll• If _JJP[JroYC:d by ronlr.lnr;, f.oy tbo mg, rlabt el!do dawn. 011 o IJ~ro llool' IU ti room whero It won't Dl't'tl t() bo ~t&­t urtlf'J tor n d!l.Y or ca. Tack It dotl'a r:t>curd; and t:prln!llo C>tnly ttllb a ~cmcruun cn1uUun mJ!lo lroJn tlltt"tll!r• Ina llllho t:ltlt' In hot \'fll(('r. t1~o about a ftmrlh of n pouflcl of t;IGO to a half r.;JIIoa of tTotcr • . ~ ' c--___,...,---= " ' "" : ., ...._..a

V.:triety, in LqnruQ~ft 'ft10 mUhl('ll uf.OUOIU IJW:llt I l'lOtlfO

lnnuuncro c:niiM "t 'hOt.!ortO.:"' t:n~lhth la tt:o <lffiitiil ~Oili:IIGiitr .but $pfiUJJ!l U: ll,lUk\:!l. +'

' .

tJ:l1mon 11, n popular • Csb bccaU!.;o ot Its da­

lldou• ltoror. Wl1t'n tre!!lb It 111 tor rmvcrlor, but U10 C:ttnllM fntlcty fs· rrrommrndcd ta tlto!lo ubo ronnot oblaln tllC frfol1 i.ltb, A 1.cw WOYI Of

. t:etdna t 111~J t:Qmt. liob follows: Salmon With Celery.-Drttln tho

liquor rrom a vom11J rnn ot t:llmon, tr11eno tiJo liquor and rcmoto tho bnnra nntt nn.v 111t1n. t'Jako t!lo Ooll. !\fdt tbrc.o tnblttitmontulll ot btltlN', odd thrc:~ toblt'SPOOntulJJ ttt -flour. \\'btn "·en blt'J:Hk~ odtl fi!JO' an!! one· lmlr c:t:pruls ot mmr, &Ur nnd wok unUI tbfclt. Uirn ntttl tbc IIQtttJr frotn l~o cnu tm!) on~·fm!rtfl ttmful ot wa• tcr Ia wbldJ " ~uprGt uf ccl'.'rY llnt llrtln <'Uo'kfla. A !Itt Ul!l i::lttcuo, · dltttl «ltrS'. • (';u~cmlng ot ~:1ft raul pqtper and ~<>no in tu:·.-:;~1 of· ertotntd J>otii.• to-. t6l~J wttb-ur:[IOOnfnt ot tmtt(lt(<} ll(':lll. 'l'l;Q tJ::llti:on may bo ~ned Ia p:1tty al:C'II• ifliHcod ot tllo potnto.

SafmOtl Sllad,<=-Tlll:O OtlO ()Ubtld. or ~ltenn, 'f(lt'J~fO troro cnn, Qrolo and ttmuro bantn 1Uit1 $kln, add IC!ISUllng: ot l.'llt. tttllf.t'r am! cn!utl julc~. Sbr~a tifo lit':l"' of' lclh~co lntn flM ahrctt•• olt 11'1Miy wltb ono );1)!'111 tan <ll' Itt equlroknt fn l'«!tl C®kr:d ·peali. one-

Jobl~ but bow nuny w::o thclll at 11 rlc;b. food to toke Ulo ptar:o or muta1 Somo form ot nut JJ on U1u mcttlt<:t tl:e fl.'_ar roum.L Cllc.atnuta nro ttm bent ln tl!O tll(lntb• ot October, November nnd December, l'cauutJ arc> IU:tt· Ul& poor-nl· wor• wllb us. Walntltl nnd hldmtt are treahi!St tn tbt'i tan, U10ugh tb~?J IICC1J tatl'l1 "'c1l durlnr t110 year. l'cconi · ate anoth~ d&­llclous nut w!1lcb kC!C{It durlOg tb&

· trar. Eiittcmurs. bkkoey nntt. pecnnt, . _wnllltl!l!_tlU~ fl1!1~rts m~l' ~ W!ll11·

t\'tctJoni,rohl.r to m~t rectpa. Fil• btthl and pt:tnnt. tna1 be Ukll fl'l placo ot Ule more t>~nslre a!mttDtL Noll nre tl!tllll1 b~nllclltd for ~n'· Ulif, csvc~ln1Jy pc:anuts and alruoplfi. U tJm\3 It ttl ken •ntnntl and"'tilbcrta os wdl u pbtll~;hto llUbJ tlll1' bl -blotle~.--. ~the- nnt. w1tlr boll· lng water amJ l~t ttatl!t tor « few mlnutu, then dtUb (;O roltl Wllttt 11.1111 a!lp olt tbp ~~~ltl1 wU.h the ftnrua.

The brov;n aldol trom ntadt nuta uc n!:lillJ ~tied ~>It wlth .a bfte.

'l'fiil nla: ot btlttemuts. pecans an!! bltkOtJ nuta nre to tkllat• that Wet ~ Mt ()ftca remond.

1'6 bllncti tlieamutl mlll:e • crt~b

. airy· · a· e or 1 , ren ~oooooooooo~oooByMARYCRAHAMBONNE~o~~oo· ~~~

-········································ • • Tbo IJrMt tUn~ :do~~ttlf __ tb_it_tl!_rif(J-:-:·

11:· n:!~;tAltt Cll' _It~~~~~~~ NUS tbt_ tteco_· ~_I'd b~~tM~r~~=lJ!

tftOUJfl ,.Nn•

,, ,


f",l",,-•• ••· ·--' • •• ··-· .••.•.•• ~ ..... • .. ~· • - •• ~ ...... - .... ~ - ..... - .. .. ' - .... a. ..... < - .. ~ ................... - ........ - ., ...... -

• • .

£0HRECT POSITION IN DOING HOUSEWORK • -- .. .. . ....... ... , ··~. ·--·-·· " ...... ~...... -··· -~

ti-'rq~a~ 111 t!:• tro!tea a!Ates ~lfU!I•l · et Acrlt:v:~'iln. l

Tbe~e two pictures, dmonsttaUnc IOOil :and bad aUUnl' postu«"t- au. at• mort .elC-tttllllDalors. Thl!t . 1t.ett IJO!!Cd bt tt t.:trm womtn In tlampahltfl tonnty. M~t~~achUtetU, 1tt eonn~uou. 1atk • auiea of talk& ot& p6ltute iJ"~ b:r tlif! connt1 .ext~ll!fou· a~t tot women. :J:he 1\'0tnazr Sa tbe 11t'lt pic .. t~ 14 a1tUn1 ~Unr ()Otat~ ·ln a

· l\OI!Uott tre<[umU1 ~u . tor attcll taab. lt cau• h@i' .head, lhoutdel'lt, au4 &~mea to atouclt torward. wbU~ htr;feet, nt!\er t~ltwound atoUJ!,d o,.cb ntl.ier, •tit IC)(JQ add to tht pu. etll tehsatfoil ot tatft~te produeett b7 · 11~ '\)(!ltllrt. In tbt othet {lltUltt aiM It llttiAr t"Otattltf. weU b~k ta !Mt

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Page 7: L.· ·• ·. :·.· LARGISf . 'coUNtY·archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/CARRIZOZO... · preuc:Jaln.c;' here was cb~ructerlzcd ~1: New t!llepijonQ lines


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Rl$ AMBI'l'lON ' . .. . . - -. . '

' ' .. • ' ' • > ••

~.A.DlbHJQQ/1 aald Norll~rt Qqtnn, .. ll! tu~Jl~ · trteu(J, .Cfn:l~toph(ll'

. . . · ·. 4mtl, Opjlq, .. a· Him. ·

c $1j!_y:;(:~):,j;·, .

. <M $mltlj. •W'/ij~lJii lPtQ UJQ west ln. . lJC)~ oJ· ~ap~lil$ tb~ t~trmllr V9t~, ·~m:cett~d. by til~ ·d~v:at~httln~ at~tl;!-

. ment l}f Chtn'le.a S.. \Vll~~m. fut;Uiet' ~\l!l!li:Dl!l.s 1t<. •n. ~!.'. of a~t<:urture o~ ~f:W ·"' .... ..,. stnt~ tq . Wt ~tn~~ ~hl).t. ~~w ·. . . }n1·~~l:'$ .ha,'Q· ;-beeA · (le!)~lt~l,)·. asl\fns~ .td~ ln. encb. Qt· Jllli.l!ve ®m•

. PlliWJa. for U1.e t~over-~~:o;:~J\lp, •. · · .... • U.('y Wil!l!ln. ~elf ~ Jqr~(f tarDJ:91\

l)ns·.sg:t\t; QlH bl'(UJ.dCMJ. M :~liJliY$1~. 'Qt Smlth•s l)lllit th·~ ·.. · · . . . · t,li{l.{. :fJl .

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NURSE:& klll:!W, doctorJ·bavo'~ · •.



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rr~-:·~·i:~~~ .. ot wlltt~s. barbecur, · . . - b~<:n Jo SI!t.Silrll . • · . ~~...:.....~--.,-~

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. ). . 'a'n"' he , c· Q,...._,bew. 'It , "'dr'!lCa:Cw(~·~ ~!llf . ~: O~tf$fl(je ot Nf:lw ~ }:Qrk cl4'/ S~lt!l .. . On~ . . ~on tbu ehin·.ch M1\d~ A_:ptop~rty two city:bl~cks.• - , ···" ... ,_,. ~·, :~Jtl.inJ tlle dny· .there.~ •. . · ...,..,. ·· '"'~ ·· r 0

· "'' !"re"' t H!l! lQ AI$. ~+YQ 'Cill,llpllf!mlh ln · Olle ~nd is' th'(!. cburclt nt1t1etlc :field M the .otliE:r iii th~.'clnlr.ch ceD1Qtcry• · · "ell, now, com!.', ll\'n't :Nla~rnra fl • :pl(I~S. · · ' ·"OlS. l:a~deil. two ~ot~n.Uelli ln 19W, · · • ... · • · ·' . ' · . · •. · • ·· : • • · ·· sl,Sllt W91.'Ul &t'eln;;~J · J~pl~e Jp eonm111t 1~ my nttte trleJld, <:tu'l'le4 119ne i ·1il 1P22, l!AI\rle~ ~1111"· ·. look,ing ~?t'tlt, fioll.th;, e~st nnu west GVCl: ~ltderblo toJl]Ug prtnne, ho eeel! · "llo yn,vnetl. . . . . . . . . .

. 'WllUam, 'flbo .ll!. savln; liP 11100~1· to teen ouf ot '1lny•seve~;: In 11>~4/ <:!Xl"• .n ;farmno.~,.1he dnly illifl lli ~igbt, n mi!Oc nwny; · :Uel'Q liv(!s ihet~enxe~t' : 'f'l~rom tlJo ~cnnndlllll shtC-~lls,• li11 b.u)" a.. atwlg.ne. ~t'a c,tufte a . w~rtby .t1ecl 1 l92Q J u · f u · · · ~uld 11 ·. • · . • . · •

1 JUOUve,•··Itofd hnn.- 'You are qutt.e an u · ouei .n· "'' cut·n · 0 ~. c?un· padsbioiler.. ~ . · · · ·· .. · . · : · .. ·. · ··, • . , . • . . . . • . amb1ttou3· Doy.' · . . . ~~~~. :~t cnucllclttte tQr a-<.~vernor," 1311111 · . St. :6-ndr.cw's iii self~sup11otting, b.?t nppenrnnces belie every lradi. CO.il$tiptJted Since ·· -··

I a:~·;gge~e.~Ju·i~~·l ~~~:: ::::~ :'jV!lson. "Smlth_ Wellila ll~V~ beeQ ·c)e- Uonnl :Centur? of the lrcruJrcb nenr fti\~ hon!e>'» wllicll is tho m_~al)~Jlg ot . ' . "'hl.~'d'l.ood: T.n . 'C'.z•n· e . ; :nobbv Wlllet'a "'nrd . Bill! ·dt"op· . -down te~teiJ, · ~llt!!lal.l ot New >:ork CltY, nt the word p:.r1!1h. On most any nverllg~ oce!ISIOP,.the churcl1ye.Td .1s pMk~cl · "'' . fl. r ,.I. A . .t.' A

·/?. . t . . • .. " C!IC)J ot tile . elec.ttona Jn wlll<:b tlle 'th • tb t ·J· . • 'tT h'ld ~ . ~ .. . ,. '~ ,d ,CIJ. ap N w ))rJcka·on ,...)IJ_m_,.!....,.·"--Lo .... s_A_ng-· e'es. 'l'lmea, dty C'tl\'c 111m o{llce, azul UsUully M Wl Ctll:S 1 e J:eC.ory !J:Wll S\\arms Wl ! C 1 rcn ..,rP~ .n ,~.ew WCCJ\S 01 • ~~~ e. Q ·

would. hnv!J bE:en ~owed. undei'. H(! . to qoys ,nnd beautiful nob lipstick- giila, in 1\ll yeara of. the t~;:ens. . · ' · Gqt Him, A,~jiwa,y would bn,·e !ailed li)' .net losses ran a:· The fril'Mee one gets nt the pnrl~:~h dinner is not cold 11tornge ~:ll'icken. l(';JnJu~·~uc~t111J~~}~~~~d~!ftt 1~:fJ1: 'Xhe ~ccU!fed-Judge, Jt uln't no lllg fro1n D3,()QO to ·..UQ,OOO, Election Aft a· · tb l U 1 • . k d f . ,• d ti t .clnt', MUM EnlUlslon. ll,\IWe .been e'on• •

CJ'lme . to be poor. Besl.~e. l ·work stttlstlci:i ~bow tllnt. be lla. been . tt ~- er - t!:lncr, . c c l rc 1 lS pttc c or .serncl$ an le~c are some ou .. sUpntccl ns long .ns I. <'lin rcmemb('r, . 111tghty ~bard · 40mettmes · Ondln' job-· local len de~ only, uil!l a s1,1rvey ·ot. Sldo who C{l:Jlnot get in. ~ ' . · lind typhoid tc\'ct• wlteh I wns elgllt

. , tor IllY ·wlf~ ~mhnent •n .New York ~tntp ~:~bow. 'l'bi!J coutltry ~burch is n unique ~.xperiment station ior·soh•in,; n na· Yt>nrs old nncl since tht>n tny b'owela ~=J-. .,.~ ot Tbe.r~ud;e-You'ro rl,sllt. Jt ts no tlla~ mnn~ qf lllf! ·li!uvvortera us ~ov· t" 1. 1 bl .,.. It h . b ,., • t. 1 a·· t~F . i' hn.ron't 1noYe<l . rcely •• I ltnxo. htkl'n· Ba1ar Mn11tntUt1 ·

crime to be poor, but' 1t Is to run an ernor do not consider 111m of Prest· lonn ru:rn pro om. · as c£>n n success, nonlns lnn ~caps. or ~ pl111.1, snits, en or oil, mid f;\'~f~'thlus .c MQJJoae&Uc••*te•t•t< C!( employ~J.Ill.lceney wtthout Jr11'ceni~ f:clcntJarl!nllllxlr. 1t6lial! n~Nci: establishl'd mote tbnn.. scvcnty~liv.e yenrs ngo. One marker in tltc tt peraon conl4 Ink ot. ·. · -~~ - ·· . ..~ ... ""___ ·--!rwenty·llve '~t,Dd costs. · · stnte ·reMer, be<:llUiile .he bas never little cemetery in the cl!lifcllynr<llu.>n:rs tltc inscri}Jtion: · ''!Iorn<'c Dcnrda· "Now, when · 'l" I J1eur nnrono sny S.:emecl to Bt~ Final . .

. I . v ,


~;;a· tile c:ontlden~e qt ~lie s~ntc nt Ioy,·,po[ rp Kent, Cpnnect~c:utlljS2." . Hi~~ n:fi~f s1¥~~~~1o~~x~~!~~e~~~~~, •r::~a '~~\~CX::1~1~! 1~iZ.t~~~,!~g·~~e; . nbout 12 liU'gc bottles, not' nil ot tl1cm ~ "'"" ... Xlle same •tntr~tle$ .munlteat Jll.a.t · • · · . -...;-:.;., ---· ___ .....__ reguJO:r. Now 1; !tl•rp 1\lllks Emulslol\ morntntr, mul tho otber tcllowln:ltlppcid · tbe lut!t ·two ·elecUons "ot Smith - b. h · T ·if p - · M H. In the ho\lsc nnd 1nka Jt ;rr.sutnr. I him. · , are tnr .trom provJnj; tflllt llo bns Possi Ility T . at . .LJ e rocesses ay ave ,ht\\'0 tnken 00 lllU(.'ll mecllelno tltnt X "Wllllt'a tile matter, Jim? l'<mr girl

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JDtldu ~ny l.'tllns In thiS· conillence or · St t d b p Ch thought Jt wns nll nllltt>. turned )·ou tlowni'' · · tflu stnte nt Jar,c.-. On tbo contrury, ar e Y ure ance "I Jti,ltlnllnllow 1eo~pl~xlon, no color, I!X<'s," come tho dtamnl t('pl,y, tllc lt1st two elcctfom:. prove tllnt be ·· . ' ' tm<l felt tuJsrt•nb o nll tlrc tlm(l: lmt ''W<% ilon't tnlm Jt 80 tmdl.r." cotu• hns lost a consJdernblo alutrc ot tbe , By DR.' D. w. SWANN, PliUlldc1phl~. now I ltn\'C tho 'ot ll<'illtlt, nncl tor~ctl OrJ~;~:s. "A woJilrll'l'll .•no• otttln aupwrt be bad sn:cvlously rccch·cll • th Is I '''oull)n't · ('X~ nu:>nns •ye13,• you know," ' In tJu~ dlstrlcta qutshll! or • for it ~~~~S;"k.~:,~QUJ ..

~''7""'~t=:=t''iir ·, · .. · lir"urnru~~"'11!lt:;lflliUf"~~~tllifiir"lll'iWciDl:pJV~HI~cE~'~to~ir:~~~~1~~~~: mor:o · mourntul toueo. "But tilts ;:lrl "Nc·w Iork tflrm<'rs, Jtitowln~: Smltli coutd bo trn~<1d to EOJIUJ l..'illleC, :in tllr!lt .nlwny.a luld i dcfl.nil.c. clicct. auUtl I Jmv~ . tlhln~t tilly no-oiJosnttJ •rattt~· "-Strnr

IilUilldlcry,lr confloued WU8on, "huvc n t k tb t th lt f 1 b • al b · nn "I mn lQ )'l.'tlrlt nntl :welr:b 10:; Sloricll. :t · ·


"Sbu will clven awq· as usoaJ ·at her wclldln& l aupVOIJOT' .

•'Ob, .1~. but rc~nur tound allo'd been ao111.•

Scll·P~:rledin, "l>t'-lctlce m.akllb perttct. ..

Tht troverb 10 aolb leach­EliP!ClllUt It WI pracUct

!111ti llll tbiDJI that WI. preach.

GooHRe•h Barre4

An otd Boutlk!rn planter Wll 4r• c:uulnc Ult hc:reatter wltb ~no ot tile eolored Hnanta. . •snm,.. he ald. .. It )'OU dle ftr&t. 1 W41ll l'OU tO e1>me flJdC and ttll lllft what lt'• like ov~r tlle~. lt 1 4le flrat. .1'11 como back and ·cell 1011 what iL'a Ilk~"

"Dat aalla me~ .Mntul' rt>pUect Ule old atpo. .. but It rou die.! first. Ab wanliJ rou ~ promlae mo d11t ',)'ou•u 4!0mb back 11) do d~tlmc. ..

Tlactt'-. Bu.ntial . it'fHterda.t 100 wt're not at the ot•

~Ct', la)'lnj )'OU W(!rO fU. aDd 1 OW you on tbe .trect."

•if tlf. 1 wu gohig tor tht'l doctor." -DUbl numor, Madrid. •



ltew~r hue no tto1Jble. MIM Sba~ 11t telling tool's 1.01~

lil!le s.-oh. l'm sure .JOU CAa tell llow iiiftii mone,J 700 ba ve. llr. a.pp.

. . • A Lca;o" in Geo.,aphy

"'l'hfi world J •. rotmd~ 1!!n't Ill"

~ •so~ to ~. ta" · 4<We1J, U 1 ltttntcd to go east l

. ~Gntd e~M~tUallr ~et ther~ br gotn.c · couhib't 17.,... . . "'"t.

, - ..

·llO taltb In his tarm rcUef propositi a, ~u we now. · now · o- 0 resu 8 0 many pure Y P ymc P cnomc ' votmds., lln\'o ,:rnlnea u JlOmuitt ulnrt" · ___ knd 1 wAnt tp warn tbo weatcrners such as the transmission of heat-depend. upqn wbnt science f.nnilequntcly tnldnJ: your" medlt'lnc nnft mn auu r;uln· to Wht,un be JB clU"cyJus, Ida pronilses, 'calls 1'1nws of' probnbitity''-wbicb is just anotltc..r name !or .clmncc or In~:. .My tacc IR· routtd mill my nrmn tbut J1e bas colllJ!lstenlly tailed to nl· • nro getUng round, DoCoro, people

( · luck. . · • usM to Jmn~; tltt'll' llntu on rny rlbmvP, . A r~ and vntltd lC\'lato tJtc tarlll ~ondJUons ot h 9 own JV~b t tl .. f "t'() l ,,cd a tl 'I. tJ D'bl r fhlnltlng tbl'Y wcr., llatrnrlm. Now I atatc. -an of Jlls measut'f!l! ha.\·o been ~~r er one nccep a IC' VJCW o ere .. t n tnnu ot,n uy IC 1 e~ o, nm gohltr to lmep on wlth ltllks I~tt:IUl· • colll!lstcntly blocked b1 Ute ·lcglsln• clno tbo ~cientist nods ltio lt~Atl and says he cannot answer tlto question. nlon until I wchth l:Jli. pounds. ·

adectlon of DIAMONDS, . WATCllUS_, and other Jcwtlry prl~ll to r.:ulr any puree. ~all ()tdcu given

tUI't', nntl Ute •altltudo ot tho leglsla· Lito nra~es~s mny hnTo stntl<'tl by nuro chance. . • "l:ou mtey' publish thlzJ letter lt )'Oit turo llns b,ecn ut~bcld .l.l)• llto farmers -£ •· ., • wish nncl nnyono tl1nt wnntH to n11k Sn n body, • As .a m11ltcr .of !net, c\:on the subconncioua betid prcvill(lnt among mo nbout )'Qur- medldno 2110y. •lo no. ·~hey 111n·e rcco~h:cd clearly tbnt .physicians tltnt laws oi cbnnt:c os introduced into their own subject were l pro~1h::o to nnawer cu•ry JettC>r.

Jt would IJO dctrlmeDtnl, Jt not auldll• merely mnkeJbilts for somethill" more fum1omenlnl, bas. in the p!lGt Jn fn<'t, I ~outdn't tlo cnour;ll t.or liiJllm al. to cntrn1t tile 4>reat ar:rlculturul " , EmnTll!on to rt>IJli.Y thC'ttl tor "'hat Ut~>lr 1ntcruta ot tllo 1tnt" to un ngrlc:ul· year, rcooiv~d & ecvcro blflw. · . · . _ rn Jans (lone for ml'." nOSI~· turul board appointed b)' n Ttltnmnn,y l~or in tho most modern dc\'elopmcnl of ntomio structure, tho old DOWEn, Frontt>nne, mmn:

I b b d f.lolcl by nU tlrum;l11ls un<l.,l'r n guar-S:O\'~rnor, t must c re.mcm Crt' Ullll idC!a of tho unh·creality nnd. deflnilt!ncss o! tltc lnwa which control tl1c nnt(!() Jto ;tn; saUsfncUon nr monC'.Y ti(IW rork la one ot tho lentlln~; a~::rJ• t>tu 11 ·• '.1'1 't•tl .,., 1 1 ~ c:ultortl lt.lltCll ot tbe Un!on, fn splto actions of tho D'IO:Jt !nnilnmcntal ~iltity in nil pl1)1li~-Uto electron~ ~err~ n~ut~. 'fno~..!l~v~.mu ll on '-o., ()! tile Otltii1clul •M fndustrlnl n~tl\•· · bnvc hnd to gi\•c way to rowa of cltQUCC. • " , 1ty · •wbldJ ln\·oh·rs. so wucb ot. Jts N'o longer ilo we say that it nn dtclron finds ittJell in nn cledrlc field, ctrort. and U•o .formers• problems In a certain conccnucnci! will d"flnitely follow. \Vc en:~ onl'!7 that there is & many ca!es ttrc Jl:ltnU~l to tboso ot 'J "' " •

Uto totmers In, the tnrUu~r Wt'Sl SC.C• probability tbnt Sllf'h nnd sueh will toke plncc. . • Uon's. No longer do we t<'st in tho bi'Ucl tl1nt the velodLy 'Of on electron . '"l'berl!tOI't', wlicn lhC!y make lt plain thl1t tllot ba\'o no. c:onllllcnc:c In u10 will remnin l'Olmtant so long nn it ig not under tbo ~nflucnoo of nn elcc· SmtU1 tarm relict proposals, tll<'Y do tric iicld. It moy stuli!C!nly !!!Lango itn ntato o! motion. From being at ao · wltll tba aln~uc bopo tbnt they rest, it may sudclen1y dcddll to- mo,·e about like n dog tired of inaclion. triQl' snvu tbc:lr fcUow ogrleu1tttrlsta b 1 . throo~:bout tho «<UDU'.f rrom lnlllng All t ot t 1is means to U1c lnymon io lboL science by clumcc mny run . tnto a ttap And bdn~: obllg<!d to walt intp the secret or t;J'llt}u:tie Jile=-without now c:ven knowing nnytbing :tour mol'(! drClley. rears to rc:cUt.v ahem~ ils 11tnrt. ·There is no tc1ling liow soon or how long before iiOmc· thctr error. They are Jlcilldi.Y bt'!hfnd tJUn;, m;,v ]JOMen to Ol'lPn tbo volume to tho rigM na~e. •. Uoo\'cr null bfa tal'Ui rt!lJet plans." tcJ "' J'.t' J·- ~· ..,


Spirit of NatiOnal Interdependence Great Need • •

ef the Present Cen~ury .

• •

The ~~xt document to be signed by the rotolutionnry rebl"ls ol nil naticmg is & declnrnUon or inf(lrdepemlenc-e. Th~ <'tj'ing need !or such a declaration in this Twentieth c-entury is justns urgent M tlte one in 1'176

• for .intlcpend'cnc-e ()f small rountries lHm tho T1tideat Coloni~?S. Tlwre wu & time -wbc:n tlne <!ctclopment · o£ individualism sl10uld bo atr~~d, lm£ the •orld (Jf 1?'16 is an cntirdy different world .. from that of 192~, "nd. tiio dcm(lnils ot il. worth-while civilization are n1£o diJl'crent .. · Tlte inherent mtml, spiritual, socbl, tc<lnomic nml p~tiUrnl ~mn1Uions under

· wiiicl1 WG nrc ·MY living clemnnd 'tluit wo slmll work out itt eomo rnc• (~ul 11ay a !cltemo of living together in this old univen:e as. a family ot nation!!. . . . . .. .

The intelligent :pr-()jllo- t~l Amrncia <'rtn no- longer ba like esttie:ltM, Eliekmg Ule:ir beach in the ~nd. wh~no\'ct this que11tion of our relation• abip to other nnt.iong iii eonsidcrcd. 'fo ~ulte «!lrectivc thl! ilt!cluraHon

. of WetilllpCi}<len!:* ibc r~WoluUonnry rebels ol this nsc must stimut,te 1l

tmncnaous !)'mpatll;r lor th(l peoples ot . all countr'i.:8. tt'he word1 tt!h'an~t/1 •tlo.t!iigncr,1' "hen then'' should b~ dropped :lrom. out '\'oct~.bu-· larlt!!. · · · · ' · . ·"' · ·· · : ..

-=:::::::==...""'::::::::. ___ = ==-~

Don1cey Win• Royal Home A wJlllC llonlte,y wllh soft, UJillen11ng

l')'CIJ won tho h(lort ot Fdn~ss Mnr.r ot Enr:lnnd when Hllo woo lo Egypt n !cw montho ago. She 11ahl the owner n banallumo rmm nnd now the clonlwy Jn lhlng In royul tctslc ht Lonllon nnd Js tbl'. pet or ui'c two' oont1 of the prlnci:'M. . • •

Wtec1c Giu•• Vp TtlRe• \VI:(Ieltogo ot tt t<'f('neh vrnet whli!li

sank In l'orUnnd, Ort' •• harbor SO )'cnrs or:o \rno tound wbllo ~on!ltructJon -of a cenwnll wns- Jn progr('s!l. O~d: tlm• ber1, t>Ott{lr bottles, t.'ortlacnwuro runt rm oltl lnntcrn wero among the relle'J brout;llt UIJ by n tUgger. , ·

Still Farther Baclt WJt'c.=Dut. tuy dear, net woman

wrtntll to lauk drrSstll as thou&b abo cumo out ot the Ark. ·

Hubby-Dub: l.:'ou m~ttt~>n ort>n't so owrse ro lool>Ing og tbough 1011 cnmc out or lllc Uortkn ot t:.lNl, J no tiel' •

Super·S~ntimental "1 nollcP tfle SeMon~ didn't turn

fn t11eir old nuw on UlNt new one, ottrl" all!' ·

.. So. ''l'llt>y hadn't U1c benrt to Jet It go into tbe bands ot JJfrangcrs who mJJ;bt nbusc Jr.''-I'aUJflilder.

rrornpc atccnUon. ~olll90

· Ri•ht .

Ot\'JII(I WrJsbt, nt n eliot.( r In Do)'· ton, tnlkNI ribout lll!J f1lJltft1Tltlt!S' wltb lbo Smllh!lotilcm fnlllitutc.

"lly· brothl'r and 1 workNl httrd, tt ho tmld. "Our flrnt tUnltt w01.1 .tho tfS!Uit or 3·cnrn or lmrct wortr. Wc.IL Jt'M ter.r COlling to CCC the t:rfdlt f·t all tbtlt work Shl'n to nnotb""·

"lfy brolllc:>r. tnllliu~ nbtut onr 1t'ttrs ot 'rorll, tlaicl ouo cloy ot tJ. 1llnrtt't In t ' • •mnN: · - !,.:\'(lr('i:lllly, tile llltUlflt ot iOYNlUCm,

tountl tho nirpluu£'. tht' borclf'lit one ot ht>r chlltlrN• to rnlr:C!. • " ·

Salmon Once More }'h «' r:t-~:(11'\JI'O -llll'h W('fr· ~tlUIC'rNl

nt n lnbl(l In n t<'t:nurorlt r.tc-fr•tlr. 'l'h£' wnltf'r. MhN1 to !tlru!Qit tOrof.'thlnu Jn llu.• to!d mrnt llnP, Mill· thuc wa» IIOftiO,t:OOll 11ilhMn on u.~. fll('DU. Oidy ono ot thl\ fl\o toot: tJlfl NU~GC'JUon. '1'111'! oth"r tour ocre><'d tlli'Y r.nd t-tlout;ll during thl' wnr to lru;t tJJt w o ilifl'llfllt>, c~JtctruJt Nmnr, •

Soft lor Him Hill'~~ WJ•at l!o 50U lliillti r r lfl!? tlC\l-"'

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lie= I wis!t u tlltlu't toltt> onJ Ill ore to mnk~ 3·ou lmrlJJY them n c!(l('s to rnako sou n new drt:Q. .. ~ --· ~ - -, _____ ··----t~--- -------- -~----~-'

'J'o Cool a Baril . Use Hwortl's Balm~ af Mprla

ilocq t.d.tor 1nt kUli tl!!t.Ue!!ot:i. .U •• •'-· .. . . . .

W. N. U., DENVER. 'NO. 39 •• 1m. ---~~- -" ;;_


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Mower Knives

lUnder '!'wine

Lubricating Oils

Window Sash


Separator Oil ·

!I .

Schools Books · 'Tablets··

Patent Medicine•


Uladk Leal 40

Blackleg Bacterin 0 Lath

f'looring Lumber ·


Paper Napldna ·

Hubber Water Bottles Auto Tube•, Caaina• Y cas_t Jlonm Tablet• Ga!ioline · Pumpr

~orttand Ccm(lnt

Wall Plaster . .

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Our Prices are Reasona.ble .. (MAIL OROERS GIVEN I•noMPT ATTENTION)

8-" . . >

The TitsWorth Co.,lnc. •


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. J_m.Provttl_ _ _ _ . ~AMSON . :

-W!ndmilll· -~ ~ :




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Notlce, D~ Ownen ' . I

All dogs teen on ·ttle ·•treeti without Jfcenae taaa. wnt- be •hot. · Provldc-your dol{a 'ftltb Ucen•e taga and 81Vt! trouble.

Henry Lutz, Town MarahaJ •

For S~lo •

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