l keenan work examples

+ Lizzie Keenan Email: [email protected] Phone: +447751057774 or (916) 212-7126 Skype ID: Frizzieliz1983 Marketing and Communications Assistant Application Portfolio

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Lizzie Keenan

Email: [email protected]: +447751057774 or (916) 212-7126Skype ID: Frizzieliz1983




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Writing Samples

Oakland Reviews

Audio and Visual Creativity

Links to Social Media sites

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+Writing Examples

Excerpts from from creative writing coursework.

“It hangs there, as limp as a noodle. The force of the forward, and sometimes downhill, movement causes the lower half to violently swing as though it were ricocheting off of a trampoline. This action repeats itself over and over again like the energizer bunny and sometimes reverberates onto passers by. I call it “The Case of the Floppy Arm.” I am sure you have subconsciously noticed this phenomenon before. If not, however, you will now.…Since the syndrome seems to be localized in the Los Angeles area, there are even LA oriented modes of arm control this population can exercise: practicing your newest yoga moves, fiddling with your Hummer keys, checking out your new botox shots in a compact mirror, carrying your Venti half fat no foam triple shot caramel machiatto, or reading the latest gossip in People Magazine. These, among others, are all cost friendly remedies that could save many future useful arms.…You have no idea how odd and repulsive it is to be walking down Bruin Walk every morning, and see all these limp, flopping arms in front of you. I am afraid for my safety. If this were a country wide epidemic, I would label it code red. At the moment the only thing I can do to help the situation is to hold my ipod firmly in my hands wherever I go. If my arms have a purpose now, it is to be a role model for the other arms around the world. I’ll do anything for the cause.”

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+Writing Examples

Excerpt from academic tourism report on destination image.

“Destination image is a complex and dynamic feature of the tourism industry. A range of information resources, organic and induced, effectively shape, and re-shape it. One of the main roles of a Destination Marketing Organisation (DMO) is to reflect and promote an image that fits with its strategic aims to best benefit the represented destination (Gretzel, et al, 2006). However, DMO created images are not the only destination images being presented to visitors in their image formation process. Other common sources include: film and TV media, the Internet, and guidebooks. DMOs, therefore, potentially work in opposition of any sources of image that do not match theirs.

The historic city of Cambridge, UK was used in this study as an example of a destination that, due to its organic popularity, does not focus its efforts on outside marketing. Although they have a specific image they would like to promote, other tourism information sources are actively marketing the destination according to their prerogative. Guidebooks are noted as having a high level of destination image influence and therefore are the basis of this study: determining the influence of guidebooks and other information sources on the destination image of Cambridge.”

**This piece of work received a distinction mark (equivalent to an A)

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+Oakland Recommendations

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+Blog Example

Video Examples

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+Social Media Sites

Yelp Reviews: http://lizziek.yelp.com

Running/Fundraising Blog: http://frizzieliz.blogspot.com/

YouTube Videos: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=29F967191A7DE9A8

LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/lizzie-keenan/4/34b/934