

Upload: sylvia-delti-elvira

Post on 08-Nov-2015




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  • Anomali : Ketidaknormalan

    Anomali gigi lebih sering dijumpai pada gigi permanen daripada decidui

    Kejadian anomali gigi pada RA lebih banyak dari RB

    Diagnosa anomali : Klinis & Radiografis

    Etiologi (secara umum) antara lain :

    1. Herediter

    2. Gangguan pd masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi

    3. Gangguan metabolisme tubuh (sistemik)

  • 1. Jumlah

    2. Ukuran

    3. Bentuk : Mahkota & Akar

    4. Posisi & Erupsi

    5. Reaksi jejas

    6. Defect enamel, dentin, pulpa, cementum

  • Lengkap Anodontia

    < 6 Hypodontia

    > 6 Oligodontia

    Berkurang jumlahnya

    Supernumerary teeth

    Supplemental teeth

    Berlebih jumlahnya


  • Anodontia & oligodontia

  • M3 RA I2 RA P2 RB I1/i1 RB

  • Terjadi pada 0,3% - 3,8% penduduk

    Pada gigi decidui dan permanen

    90% di RA

    Paling sering di daerah I1 RA atau regio M3 RA

    Bisa tunggal atau ganda

    Macam2nya : Mesiodens, Paramolar, Distomolar / distodens, Peridens, Tuberkel.

  • Gigi yang berada diantara insisive central atau mesial dari kedua insisive 1 (midline mesiodens)

    Erupsi terlihat

    Tidak erupsi menyebabkan diastema


    Jarang terletak antara ins sentral & lat / ins lat & C

  • mesiodens

  • Radiography mesiodens

  • Paramolar tuberkel

    Distomolar tuberkel


  • Macrodontia

    Disebut juga megadontia

    Berukuran lebih besar dr normal

    Bisa single atau keseluruhan (pituitary gigantism)

    Pada hemifacial hypertrophy : megadontia 1 sisi


    Lebih kecil dari ukuran normal

    Lebih sering pd gigi I2 dan M3

    Bentuk : peg-shaped

    Keadaan yg tersering dgn microdontia : pituitary dwarfism


  • macrodontia

  • 1. I2

    2. P2

    3. M3

    4. Geminasi

    5. Fusion / synodontia

    6. Hutchinsons triad (etiologi : syphilis kongenital)

    7. Cups Tambahan / tuberkel


    a 1. Dilaceration

    2. Flexion

    3. Dens in dente

    4. Concresense

    5. Segmented root

    6. Dwarfed root

    7. Hypersementosis

    8. Akar tambahan



  • Anomali- bentuk mahkota

    1. Insisive 2 RA : gigi anterior yg paling sering mengalami anomali peg shaped

    2. Premolar 2 RB : morfologi oklusal variasi : lingual cusp : 1/3, bentuk groove & fossa berubah, akar kadang ada 2 MD

    3. Molar 3 RA : variasi bentuk mahkota; biasanya peg shaped, kadang ada yg menyerupai M1/M2.

  • Peg-shaped I2

  • Anomali- bentuk mahkota

    4. Gemination/Skizodonsia : 1 benih membelah jd 2

    Sering pd decidui drpd permanen Sering pd regio I & P

    5. Fusion / Synodontia / kembar dempet : 2 benih bersatu

    Sering pd decidui drpd permanen RA > RB terbentuk karena tekanan pd waktu

    pembentukan akar

  • Gemination ? Fusion ?

  • Anomali - bentuk mahkota

    6. Etiologi Syphilis kongenital, hutchinson triad : 1. Hutchinsons teeth :

    mengenai gigi insisive RA & RB decidui / permanen

    Ciri : servical lebar, insisal sempit dengan notch pd incisal edge screwdriver

    2. Mulberry molars : gigi molar murbei

    pada Molar 1 permk. Oklusal dgn cusp spt buah murbei, banyak tuberkel kecil-kecil ganda.

    3. interstitial keratitis

  • Hutchinsons teeth & mulberry molar

  • Anomali bentuk mahkota

    7. Tubercle / cusp tambahan

    A. Enamel pearls (enameloma)

    B. Taurodontism

    C. Talon Cusp

    D. Dens evaginatus

    E. Tuberculum intermedium

    F. Tuberculum sextum

  • Enamel pearl (enameloma)

    Massa enamel ektopik (bulat) yang berada pd permukaan akar gigi

    Sering pada area furkasi

    Molar RA >> Molar RB

  • Taurodontism / taurodontia

    Gigi taurodont memiliki ukuran dan bentuk mahkota yg normal namun bentuk kamar pulpa memanjang (apico-occlusal) dan tidak mengecil pd CEJ. Akar memendek

    Sering pada populasi Eskimo, indian america.

    Tidak tampak scr klinis harus dental R

    Bisanya berkaitan dgn kondisi :

    Amelogenesis imperfecta

    Tricho-dento-osseous syndrome

    Klinefelters syndrome

  • taurodontism

  • Talon cusp

    tonjolan kecil enamel pd singulum gigi anterior RA / RB.

    Sering bertanduk pulpa

  • Dens evaginatus

    tonjolan enamel pd permukaan oklusal gigi premolar, biasanya RB.

    Sering memiliki dentin & pulpa sendiri.

    Ras Asia >>>

  • Anomali bentuk mahkota

    E. Tuberculum intermedian : cups tambahan yg letaknya pd area antar cusp lingual (sering pd gigi molar RB)

    F. Tuberculum sextum : cusp tambahan yg letaknya pd marginal ridge antar cusp distal dan cusp distolingual (sering pd M 1 RB - cusp ke-6).

  • Bukan Anomali Sesungguhnya

    Insisive atas berbentuk sekop : kelainan biologis pada ras Asian, Mongolian, Eskimo dan Indian America.

    Bentuk gigi menyerupai sekop : palatal, singulum dan marginal ridge menonjol membentuk spt sekop.

  • Anomali Bentuk Akar

    A. Dilaceration : sudut 45 - lebih dr 90

    B. Flexion : < 90 atau memutar

    C. Dens in Dente (Dens invaginatus)

    D. Concrescence : fusion akar (sementum)

    E. Segmented root : akar terpisah jd 2

    F. Dwarfed root : akar pendek

    G. Hypercementosis : jar.sementrum >>>

    H. Akar tambahan

  • Dilaceration & Flexion

  • Dens in dente ( dens invaginatus)

    Tooth within a tooth

    Etiologi : gangguan saat pembentukan gigi, dimana terjadi invaginasi epitel dalam perkembangan mahkota gigi yang seharusnya menjadi ruang pulpa

    Terlihat melalui dental r

    Sering : I2

  • Concrescence

    Fusi akar yang terjadi setelah akar selesai terbentuk, akibat persatuan cementum

    Biasanya gigi dengan akar concrescence akan kesulitan erupsi atau kadang gagal

    Sering pada M2dan M3 RA juga antara gigi dan supernumerary

    R : sulit membedakan concrescence dgn superimposed

  • Concrescence

  • Hypercementosis

    Terlihat secara radiograph bahwa sementum menebal diseluruh atau sebagian akar gigi

    Biasanya terkait dengan inflamasi periapikal, gigi yg tidak berkontak

    Secara umum, dapat menyertai kondisi :

    Pagets disease


    Pituitary gigantism

  • Submerged teeth : retained deciduous tooth

    Transposed teeth misplaced : Permanent teeth

    Ankylosed teeth


    Ectopic eruption

    Eruption cyst

    Eruption hematoma

    Impacted teeth


    Vestibular deflection

    Supra & infra occlusion


    Mesiodistal shift of dents

    Oral inclination


    e/ physiologic

    Co: bruxism, kunyah tobaco, kebiasaan mengunyah


    e/ mechanical

    Co : pipe smoking, menyikat gigi yg salah, gigit kuku


    e/ chemical

    Co : makanan asam, soft drinks, vomiting, bulimia

    ABFRAKSI Mikro- fraktur email


  • Email : Enamel dysplasia : Environmental enamel hypoplasia, Localized enamel hypoplasia

    - AI

    Dentin : DI, DD, OD

    Pulpa : Resorption, Calsification

    Cementum : Hypophostasia


  • Enamel dysplasia

    Pekembangan enamel yg abnormal

    Disebut Enamel Hypoplasia ggn pd ameloblast ketika pembentukan enamel matrix

    Disebut Enamel hypocalcification ggn pd saat enamel matrix masak

    Penyebab enamel dysplasia : herediter, sistemik, ggn lokal (trauma, infeksi)

    Variasi warna : putih kuning coklat

    Variasi morfologi : berlubang, kasar

  • Environmental enamel hypoplasia

    Nutritional deficiencies in Vitamin A, C, D, calcium and phosphorus

    Severe infections such as Rubella, Syphillis, and high fever

    Neurologic defects such as Cerebral palsy and Sturge-Weber Syndrome

    Prematurity and birth injuries


    Fluorosis (excessive ingestion of fluoride)

    Tetracycline induced hypoplasia and discoloration

  • Environmental enamel hypoplasia

  • Localized enamel hypoplasia

    Infection of primary teeth affecting the developing permanent tooth

    Trauma to primary tooth disturbing the permanent tooth bud

    Turners teeth

  • Amelogenesis Imperfecta

    Group of hereditary defects of enamel unassociated with any other generalized effect

    Entirely an ectodermal disturbance

    Incidence = 1 in 14, 000 (Witkop, 1957)

    Both primary and permanent dentition affected

    Classified into three major categories :

    Tipe I : Hypoplastic AI

    Tipe II : Hypomaturation AI

    Tipe III : Hypocalcified AI

  • Type I : hypoplastic AI

    This defect occurs during the histodifferentiation stage.

    Enamel is not formed to full thickness because ameloblasts fail to lay down sufficient matrix.

  • The resulting disorder may include a localized defect, localized pitting, or generalized dimunition of enamel formation.

    Affected teeth appear small with open contacts due to very thin or nonexistent enamel causing thermal sensitivity.

  • AI type I

  • Type II : Hypomaturation AI

    This defect occurs during matrix apposition.

    Enamel is softer and chips from the underlying dentin.

    Enamel has a mottled brown-yellow-white color.

    Contact points present as enamel is of normal thickness.

    Radiographically enamel approaches the radiodensity of dentin.

  • AI type II

  • Type III : Hypocalcified AI

    Defect occurs during the calcification stage.

    Most common type of amelogenesis imperfecta.

    Enamel is of normal thickness but soft, friable, and easily lost by attrition.

    Enamel appears dull, lustrous, honey colored and stains easily.

  • AI type III

  • Dentinogenesis imperfecta

    An inherited dentin defect originating during the histodifferentiation stage

    Frequency of occurrence is 1: 8000

    Defect of predentin resulting in amorphic, disorganized and circumpulpal dentin

  • Shields Type I

    (associated with Osteogenesis Imperfecta)

    Shields Type II

    (Hereditary Opalescent Dentin)

    Shields Type III

    (Brandywine Type)

  • Klasifikasi DI

    Shields Type I (associated with Osteogenesis Imperfecta)

    - Inherited defect in collagen formation resulting in osteoporotic brittle bones.

    - Primary teeth more affected than permanent teeth.

    - Other features include periapical radiolucencies, bulbous crowns, obliteration of pulp chambers, root fractures and amber translucent tooth color.

  • Shields Type II (Hereditary Opalescent Dentin)

    - Primary and permanent dentition are equally affected.

    - Features are same as Shields Type I apart from Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

    Shields Type III (Brandywine Type)

    - Teeth have a shell-like appearance with bell-shaped crowns.

    - Occurs exclusively in a isolated group in Maryland called Brandywine population.

  • DI

  • Dentin dysplasia

    Dentin dysplasia is a genetic disorder of teeth, commonly exhibiting an autosomal dominant inheritance.

    It is characterized by presence of normal enamel but atypical dentin with abnormal pulpal morphology.

    Cause: Dentin dysplasia is an inherited disorder.

  • Types of Dentin dysplasia

    There are two types: Type I is the radicular type, and Type II is the coronal type.

    With Type I , the roots of teeth are shorter than normal and the pulp chamber may be nearly gone. The pulp chamber is sometimes described as having a "crescent shaped" appearance.

    With Type II , the pulps are enlarged and are described as having a "thistle tube" appearance, in permanent dentition. In the deciduous dentition, coronal dentin dysplasia bears a resemblance to Dentinogenesis Imperfecta type II.

  • DD


    Localized arrest in tooth development due to regional vascular developmental anomaly

    Ghost-like appearance with short roots and shell-like crowns

    Large diffusely calcified pulp chamber

  • Ghost teeth

  • Anomalies in cementum : Hypophostasia

    Kadar serum alkaline phosphatase rendah

    Osteoporosis, bone fragility

    Gagal membentuk cementum yang mengarah pada premature loss insisive decidui

  • hypophostasia