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l5TI University of Minnesota - Crookston Crookston. Minnesota Alumni Newsletter Volume 13. NO.3 THE TROJAN TORCH Published by the Alumni Relations Office Spring 1980 New Food Service and Hotel, Restaurant @nd Institutional Management Building The 2.7 million dollar Food Service and Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Building is schedu l ed to be ready for student use when they return in the fall of 1980. The fa ci lity is built north of th e campus mall with con nect i ng links to Dowell and Bede Halls. It will be the most modernistic and well -equipped hotel, r estaurant and institutional management facility in the country.

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Page 1: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

l5TI University of Minnesota - Crookston

Crookston. Minnesota

Alumni Newsletter

Volume 13. NO.3


Published by the Alumni Relations Office Spring 1980

New Food Service and

Hotel, Restaurant @nd Institutional Management Building

The 2.7 million dollar Food Service and Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management Building is schedu led to be ready for student use when they return in the fall of 1980. The faci lity is built north of the campus mall with con nect ing links to Dowell and Bede Halls. It will be the most modernistic and well -equipped hotel, restaurant and institutional management facility in the country.

Page 2: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

Letter from the President

Tcm Feiro

A hearty spring hello from the UMC Alumn i Board of Directors . Yes, spr ing has started to show around the campus. Even before the snow fin ished melting, students were donn ing sweatsuits for jogging, b ike r iding, or playing f r isbee and softball.

Can you remember all the mud that was around campus in the spr ing? Well, it's still here and 8specially now that construct ion has slarted on the new gymnasium. There wasn't a flood problem in Crookston on the Red Lake River th is year . Many times in the past students were called upon to help in the sandbagging effort. What about those crews who spent time on standby--at the Diamonds?!

Spring fever has set in on the UMC campus. We have been work ing hard to plan for Homecom ing

festivities. You have been hearing word of an Alumn i Recog-nition Banquet to be held Fr iday eveni ng , September 26. The divisions have nominated a number of graduates for two categories of awards. Alumn i Personal Servi ce Awards w il l be given to graduates in recognition of their serv ice to the University of Minnesota - Crookston . Nom inees were chosen

for the ir contribut ions of time, fi nancial, student recru itment, publ ic relat ions, job opportunities, alumn i involvement and others. The other category is the Personal Achievement Award given to graduates who have attained unusual d ist inction in their profession .

It w ill make for an excit ing even ing to kick off Home-com ing 1980! I hope all of you w il l mark not only September 27 on your calendar, but also the night before. We w i II hold the banquet in the new food serv ice build ing to be f inished this summer.

There will be two classes honored th is year for 10 and 5 year reun ions, class of 1970 and class of 1975. We are still looking for a couple members of each of these classes to help in prepar ing your act ivit ies and contact ing graduates. Just a handful from each class would do wonders! If you would care to help, drop us a l ine at the Alumn i Off ice before the end of May . We need to get these classes rolling during the summer .

The UMC A lumn i Board of Directors are opening nom ina-t ions for interested graduates who would care to be a member of the board . Each year one-th ird of the board is re-elected. If you are interested in serving your alumn i, please fill out the form. Elect ions w ill be held over the summer.

If you are unable to give t ime to assist your fellow alumn i, keep in mind we are a non-profit organization. We have expenses to serve you in the best way rossible. Even your smal l donations have been very hel pful.

I hope you have an excellent summer. Check your mai o for more Homecom ing informat ion. If there is anything we can do for you, let us know. That is what we are here for .

Have a nice day! I

Letter from the Provost

Dr. Stanley D. Sahlstrom

As I compose this letter to you, memories of many events of the past 15 years at UMC co me to mind. It's been a tremendous experience for me as I've had the opportunity to become acquainted with each of you and to watch the growth and development of a great institution. As you un-doubtedly know, growth is continuing both in terms of numbers of students and in terms of buildings and facilities on the campus. I hope each of you will make the date of our fall Homecoming - September 27 - on your calendar so that

you'll be able to see the changes that have taken place and to have the opportunity to visit w ith f riends and faculty at that time.

It's an exciti ng time on campus as construction of the new gymnasium has begun. In addition, the first contracts have been signed for the outdoor athletic complex . By the time of Homecoming, construction should be well along on the football field, other athletic f ie lds, intramural facilities, as well as on the gymnasium itself. Plans are to move into the new HRI and food service bu ild ing immediately after school is out th is spring. A special cornerstone laying ceremony will be held for that facility later this year.

An open house was held in the new l ibrary on May 3. Also, groundbreaking ceremon ies for the entire physical educat ion facility were held on May 6. I cordially invite you to visit our campus during the summer months to see these changes that have taken place.

Best w ishes to all of you from all of us here at UMC.

Page 3: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

Joan Growe will be Commencement Speaker

Joan Growe

Minnesota Secretary of State Joan Anderson Growe has accepted an invitation to address spring quarter graduates. The trad itional year-end rite of passage for UMC sophomores is scheduled this year on Friday afternoon, May 16. Exercises will take place on the campus mall, weather permitting.

Growe, a former D F L legislator and secretary of state since 1975, was high on the list of preferred speakers. An

UMC CAMPUS MINISTRY Campus Ministry at UMC has grown and reached many

students and staff under the leadership of Brent Jacobso n. Brent's campus involvement was recognized by Student Senate at the annual awards banquet by presenting him the plaque for Staff Most Supportive of Student Activities. We are pleased that Brent plans to continue at UMC in the fall.

The campus ministry program has become more diver-sified and continues to grow. I n recent years as the budget has increased, the Campus Ministry Committee has been around $1000 short of meeting costs each year. Since all support for campus ministry is from churches and area church bodies, we are seeking to balance our budget with contribu-tions from church organizations, students, and alumni. If the spirit moves you to support UMC Campus Ministry, please send your check to the Rev. AI Oelschlager, Treasurer, 1214 Un iversity Ave., Crookston, MN 56716.


Mr. & Mrs. David Berg '74 Richard D. LeBlanc '78 Steven Berry '75 Jerome Lee '71 Linda Bliss '76 John T . Lee '79 Patrick Breker '73 Bruce A. Mjoen '70 Sister Jeanne Maria Campeau '73 George W. Ness '71 Timothy H. Carlson '76 Julie Olson '78 Clyde A. Davidson '78 Blaine Paschke '80

elementary and specia l educat ion teacher ear l ier in her ca reer , Growe, 44, is now one of the top-ranking publ ic off icia ls among women in state government throughout the cou ntry. In recognition of her status and her overall ability, Growe has been elected president of the National Association of Secre-taries of State (NASS) after only five years in that office.

Since serving a single term in the Minnesota HOllse (1973-75), representing the Minnetonka distri ct (40A), Growe has twice been the voters' choice for her present position, having been eiected in 1975 and then re-e lecterl three years later. Among her many professional and special interest affiliations, she is a member of the Federal Elections Commission Ad-visory Board and the State Board of I nvestment Executive Counci l as well as being extremely active in the DFL party.

Growe's political accomplishments have been instru-mental in helping her earn several special citations in recent years. In 1977 the Minnesota Education Association conferred its Minnesota School Bell Award on Growe. The following year Growe rece ived the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) Outsta nding Achievement Award for Government/Politics. St. Cloud State University presented her with a Disti ngu ished Alumni Award in 1979.

All alumni are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremon y.

Sue Seeger Donner '77 Paul D. Pederson '67

K rystal Ell i ngworth '79 Laverne Randklev '7 1

James F ugleberg '79 Alan Roebke '70

Gayle Granlie '78 Roger Schaeffer '72 Marilyn Granlund '78 June Shaver '76

Marcia Grimme '78 Gail Johnson Smith '74

Karen Blokzy l Hanson '76 Linda S. Tiefenthaler '78 Darrell D . Hoyle '69 Bruce A . Wennberg '73

Barbara Muhl Johnsrud '73 Rita L. Wolbeck '78 Gregory D. LeBlanc '78 Keith Zimmerman '72

UMC Grads-Where They're At June Shaver

Roger Amundson

John Gaukerud

Krystal Ellingworth

Bruce Pantzer

Steven Berry

Jerome Lee

Clinic manager of the Northwestern Clinic , Crookston , MN (Business '76)

Self-employed farmer, Roseau, MN ('68)

Custom chemical applicator and farming , Badger, MN ('75)

Transferred to UNO, Grand Forks, NO (79)

Attending Trinity Bible I nstitute. Will be receiving B.A. degree in Christian Ed. in May 1980. ('76)

County Extension Agent in Cass County . Steve has marriage in his plans for June 1980. ('75)

Self-employed farmer, Watson, MN ('71)

Page 4: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

Grads (cont.)

Mark DeMuth

Nancy Tish

James Fugleberg

Laverne Randklev

Becky Forsma,k

Dick LeCocq

Jeff Ulschmid

Employed by the Isanti Soil and Water Conservatio n District ('781

Technician, Betty Crocker Kitchens. Gen-eral Mills-Minneapolis ('701

Farming in partnership with his brother and managing G & J Farms ('791

Supt. Sewer & Water Dept. for the ci ty of Barnesville.

T ransferred to the U of M, St. Paul, where she is majoring in Ag Education .

Cattl e and Sheep Ranching, Isle , MN . Dick is married and has two children ('69)

Working at Pioneer Research Farm for hard spr ing wheat at Glyndon , MN ('791

UMC Still Growing

The fjrst Registration and Parents Day for the academic schoo l year 1980-81, whi ch was held on Saturday , Apr il 19, 1980, included over 350 students and parents. Approximately 135 students registered for the coming 1980-81 academic year at UMC, Student enrollment has been steadily increasing, Projected enrollment for this fall is over 1,100 students. We have approximately the same number of male and female students and next year's freshman class may be the largest in the history of UMC.

Roger Schaefer

Julie O lso n

Debbie Efta

Glen and Doris Mae (Kolb) Lentner

John Yates

Dennis Shanahan

Farming partnership and substitute teach -ing in high school, Frazee, MN . Roger was married in September 1979 and they are ex pecti ng their first child in August ('7 2 )

Transfer red to Bemidji State University where she is majoring in Mathematics Education ('78 )

L .P.N at the Northwestern Hospital in Th ief River Falls, MN ('77)

Glen is co-owner of Henning, Rohd e and Associates, I nco (Townh ouse management firml and Doris is a home econom is t at the Betty Crocker Kitchens of Genera l Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '7 1)

Manager o f Handee Home Center. John is married and has one child, Crookston , MN

Manager of the East Grande Station in East Grand Forks, MN . Dennis is marrred and has one child.


Tom Feiro ('75), President 63 Carmen Terrace Crookston, MN 56716

Lynn (Finstadl Klyve, Vice President 302 South Nelson Crookston , MN 56716

K ri sta !Boen) Proulx ('75), Sec ./Treas. 148 Forest Knolls Crookston, MN 56716


Keith Ramberg (' 681 Box 413 ' Crookston , MN 56716

Linda (Schm it z) Bergh ('74) Rural Route 1 Hallock , MN 56728

Ken Pazdernik ('70) 401 5th Street West Ada, MN 56510 Appointed Director

Gary Wagner ('75) Rural Route Eldred , MN 56532 Appointed Director

Val {Heiraasl Uttermark ('76) 207 Linco ln Crookston, MN 567 16

Evonne Ellingson ('771 146 T win Drive Crookston , MN 56716 Appointed Director











Page 5: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

Results of Fall - Winter Sports FOOTBALL SCORES H ibbing 59 58

Itasca 61 39 UMC Opp. Ra iny River 83 46

Bismarck J.e. 2 33 North land 57 52 Golden Vall ey 0 28 Brai nerd 48 nO Brai nerd 34 19 Fergus Fal ls 43 64 Mesabi 6 10 North land 39 41 Vermi l ion 24 22 Lake Region 42 84 Hibbing 27 7 Fergus Falls 57 78 Fergus Falls 21 9 Brainerd 30 7rj Itasca 14 0 Overall Record 5 wins - 12 losses Northland 7 27 Conference Record 4 wins - 7 losse5 Overall Record 5 w ins - 4 losses Conference Record 4 w i ns - 4 losses HOCKEY SCORES


UMC Opp Hibbing 4 6 Quadrangu lar H ibbi ng 6 7

Northland 2 0 Ra iny River 7 8 Bra inerd 1 2 Rai ny River 4 6 Fergus Falls 0 2 Bem idj i J.V. 3 7

Mayvi lie State 2 3 Hibbing 6 7 Mesabi 1 3 Hibbing 5 13 Bismarck 3 1 Northland 14 1 TR I - Itasca 0 2 Northland 10 5

Mt. Senario 0 2 Mesabi 6 10 Rainy River 2 3 Mesabi 3 12 Northland 3 1 Northland 15 6 Bismarck 3 0 Rochester 6 3 Fergus Falls 3 2 Rochester 7 2 Brainerd 3 2 Northland 12 2 Brainerd 1 3 Rainy River 2 3 Fergus Falls 0 3 Rainy River 7 4 Rainy River 2 3 Mesabi 4 5 Mayville 0 3 Mesabi 2 Northland 3 2 Tournament State Playoff Mesab i 3 5

Normandale 0 2 Willmar 9 8 Rochester 0 2 Overall Record 8 wins - 12 losses Vermil ion 0 2 Conference Record 8 wins - 10 losses Hibbing 0 3

Overall Record 7 wins - 11 losses Conference Record 4 wins - 2 losses



UND J.V. 71 51 UMC Opp. Lake Region 55 67 Lake Region 51 81 Ra iny River 90 83 Mayville 44 82 Bemidji JV 63 Rainy River 66 53 20 Concordia J.V. 73 68 Wahpeton - NDSSS 42 86 Rochester 63 84 Mayville 48 82 Willmar 88 95 Vermilion 46 61 Vermilion 67 77 Mesabi 46 67 Mesabi 73 62

Page 6: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

Hibbing 99 79 Itasca 79 68 UNO J.V. 87 72 Rainy River 103 80 Northland 84 93 Brainerd 92 84 Fergus Falls 71 61 Northland 82 83 Lake Region 53 90 Fergus Falls 62 84 Brainerd 89 94 Overall Record 10 w ins - 10 losses Conference Record 6 wins - 5 losses


UMC Opp. Jamestown 12 29 Itasca Tournament 4th Place Fergus Falls 34 14 U of M - Waseca 24 22 Golden Valley 42 6 Mayville 30 21 Ellsworth 28 25 Iowa Central 8 46 Bismarck 12 38 Waseca 21 18 River Falls, WI Won Forfe it Anoka-Ramsey 27 25 Waukesha Tech ., WI 12 28 Fergus Falls 36 13 Anoka-Ramsey 14 34 Duluth 12 35 Mayville 24 27 Jamestown 15 30 Itasca 43 6 Worthington 18 33 Willmar 6 40 Overall Record 11 wins - 9 losses Conference Record 3 wins - 1 loss

1980 BASEBALL SCHEDULE ( Conference)

Date Opponent Time Home/Away April 19 Fergus Falls 1 :00 Away April 23 Brainerd 1 :00 Away April 26 Northland 1 :00 Home April 28 Make-up April 30 Make-up May 1 Fergus Falls 1 :00 Home May 10 Region SE Champion May 14 Brainerd 1 :00 Home May 17 Northland 1 :00 Away May 21 Make-up May 24 MJCAA Championship (SE vs NE & NW vs SW)

Dates to Remember MAY 16

JUNE 2-27 15-21 21 28

JULY 7-8/1 11 16 20-25

AUGUST 8 24-30 29


Summer Session I E Iderhostel Art in the Park - Art Show NWSAA Annual Summer Reunion at UMC All UMC Alumni are cordially invited!

Summer Session II New Student Reg istration Crops and Soils Day E Iderhostel

New Student Registrat ion Elderhostei Football Players Report for Fall Practice

SEPTEMBER 8 Fall Quarter Classes Begin 21 -27 26

Homecoming Week UMC Alumn i Awards Banquet Alumn i parties

27 Homecomi ng Annual meeting of UMC Alumn i Asso-

ciat ion members Div ision cl ub meetings Football game A lumni gathering Divis ion alumni parties Homecoming Dance - Eagles Hall

UMC AIumni!! We need your current address if different from the mailing label on your newsletter, or that of a friend who has moved or gotten marr ied .

Name - __________ Class of ___ _ Maiden Name ___________ _

Current Address _____________ _

Telephone _______________ _

Business Address ____________ _

Current Position, _____________ _ Telephone _______________ _

Page 7: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,


Homecoming in 1980 at UMC will be the week of September 21, according to Alumni Relations Director, Don Cavalier. Honored classes will be the class of 1970, ten-year reunion and the class of 1975, five-year reunion .

The First Annual Alumn i Recognition Banquet w ill be held Friday night, September 26, in the new Food Service Build ing. Awards w ill be given to UMC Alumni in two categories: Personal Service and Personal Achievement. The past presidents of the Alumni Association will also be honored for their contributions to the Alumni Association.

The football game will be one of the most important games of the year between UMC Trojans and Go lden Valley Royals . Other activities include an Alumni Board and general membership meeting, post game social, d ivision gatherings and homecoming dance.

Alumni are asked to place these dates on their fall schedules. Additional details and a complete homecoming schedule wi l l be printed this summer.

Board of Directors News

Evonne Ellingson, a 1977 graduate of the HFS Division, has replaced Debbie Wallenta Haley on the UMC Alumni Board of Directors . She will serve until 1982. Evonne is presently employed as an Assistant Teacher at UMC's Children Center .

Helen Murray has volunteered to represent the H FS Division on the Alumni Board. Ms. Murray graduated in 1977 and is presently the Activities Director for Villa St . Vincent's Rest Home.

NOMINATIONS OPEN The Board of Directors of t he UMC Alumni Association urge you to put on your thinking cap for an important assignment! Coming up th is fall is the election of three new directors for the Alumni Board. We need your help in choosing candidates for the fall elections - we need your nominations. Please return the bottom portion of this page with as many nominees as you can t hink of and who would be act ive if elect ed to t he Board. All nomi nees wi l l be contacted before t heir names are put on the ballot.

Please return or cal l 218-28 1-65 10, extension 318, with your nominations. Complete as much of the following information as possible: Name of nominee, address, telephone number, where he/she works and business phone number. Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon.

Nominee's Name __________________________ _

Address ____________________________ __

Business Name & Company Address

Your Name (Optional) _________________________________________________ _

RETURN TO: Placement Office Dowell Hall , Room 119 University of Mi nnesota Techn ical College Crookston, MN 5671 6

Telephone No. ___________ _

Class of ___ _ __________ _

Telephone No. _ ___________ _

Page 8: l5TI THE TROJAN TORCHumclibrary.crk.umn.edu/digitalprojects/torch/torch_scans...Mills, Eden Prairie, MN 1'70 & '71) Manager of Handee Home Center. J hn is married and has one child,

We Need You!

All of us on the UMC Alumni Board are concerned about the Al umn i Association . We need your support and membership in order for its con t inuance. Without it, our association will not be as effec tive as it should be.

The UMC Alumni Association has deci ded to initiate a fund raising program to help defray expenses that we are incurring. With our 1700 members, if everyone d onated $1 t o $10, this would help to cover expenses and set up a yearly scholarship fund that wou ld help some student with their co llege expenses. Also, a donation of $1 to $5 from each alumnus would go a long way in meeting the cost o f UMC's sculpture.

A donation of $1, $5, or even $10 per year would help greatly. Below is a form for you to fill out and return to the UMC Alumni Association .

I am enclosing my donation t o the UMC Alumni Association in the amount of : __ $1 __ $5 __ $ 10 I am enc losing my donation t o the Sculpture Fund in the amount of : $ _____ _ NAME GRADUATING CLASS ____________ _

Maiden Name ______________________ _ PRESENT ADDRESS _______________________________________ __

Please detach th is portion and return!


NAME _________________________ GRADUATING CLASS ___________ _ Maiden Name ______________________ _

PRESENT ADDRESS _______________________________________ . ___ WHAT YOU YOU CURRENTLY DOING _________________________________ _

SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF · ACHIEVEMENTS, ETC. __________________________ _

FAMILY ____________________________________________ _

You can ass ist us in helping students become aware of UMC and its programs . Please list the name and address of a student lor students) you think might be interested in the University of Minneso ta · Crookst on. We'll send him/ her more information about UMC and our ideas about academic excellence and our extracurricular activities.

I recommend the following student or students :

Name ________________ ___ Name ________________ _ Your Name _________ _ High School/Yr . ___________ __ High School/Yr . ___________ _ Address __________ __ Address _______________ _ Address ____ ------------

We thank you fo r your cooperation!

Please detach this port ion and return!

MAl L TO : Don Cavalier, Alumni Relations, Dowell 119, Universi ty of M innesota Technical Col lege, Crookston, MN 56716

UMC Alumni Association 119 Dowell University of Minnesota - Crookston Crookston, MN 56716

Learning Resources The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer,


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