lab 14 principles of structural geology and tectonics · 2016-11-29 · structural geology and...

GEOLOGIC TIME Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS Alessandro Grippo, Ph.D

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Page 1: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that





Page 2: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 3: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 4: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Branchesofgeologythatdealwiththereconstruc;onofmovementsthathaveoccurredover;meinEarth’sLithosphere

•  fromLa;n(struere)andGreek(tektos)=tobuild

•  movementsinclude–  simplemo;on–  bending–  breaking

Page 5: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Ifweknow–  underwhatcondi;onsmo;onoccurs–  howdeforma;onsareoriginated

•  Thenwe–  getinforma;onforreconstruc;ngEarth’sHistory

•  bigscale:platemo;on(Tectonics)•  medium-sizescale:mountainbuilding(Tectonics)•  smallscale:localdeforma;on,ascausedforinstancebyearthquakes(StructuralGeology)

•  micro-andsubmicroscopicscale:deforma;oninrocksandminerals(StructuralGeology)

Page 6: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 7: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 8: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Qualita;veandquan;ta;veanalysis–  con;nuummechanics–  laboratorydeforma;ontes;ng– mathema;calmodels–  studyofgeophysicaldata

•  seismic,gravity,magne;c

–  satelliteimages,airborneandspacebornedata–  petrologyandgeochemistry–  sedimentology,stra;graphy,paleontology

Page 9: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Aforce(stress)causesadeforma;on(strain)– elas;cdeforma;on

– briOledeforma;on•  joints•  faults

– duc;ledeforma;on•  folds

Page 10: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 11: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Inordertounderstandhowtectonicdeforma;onoccursweneedtounderstandtheorienta;onofstructuresinspace

•  Thissystemisbasedonthestrikeandthedipofasurface(itsaQtude)

•  Mostlyusedforgeologicmapping,strikeanddipareusefulinunderstandingstructures

Page 12: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 13: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 14: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  TheSTRIKEisalinethatcomesfromtheintersec;onofaninclinedplane(a;ltedlayer,forinstance)withanimaginaryhorizontalsurface

•  Itsdirec;oncanbemeasuredinthefieldwithacompass

Page 15: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 16: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  TheDIPisissimplytheangleofmaximuminclina;onofoursurface(layer)

•  Thedipisalwaysat90°fromthestrike

•  Thedippointsinthedirec;onofthe;lt

Page 17: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  AQtudeisrepresentedbyaT-shapedsymbol

–  thelongarmoftheTrepresentsthestrike

–  theshortarmoftheTrepresentsthedip

–  anumberisassociatedwiththesymbol,indica;ngtheangleofdip

Page 18: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that




Page 19: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  A:the“normal”symbolforstrikeanddip:alayer;ltedby10°towardsENE

•  B:ver;callayers

•  C:horizontallayers

Page 20: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 21: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 22: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 23: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 24: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 25: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 26: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 27: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 28: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 29: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that
Page 30: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Fracturesaresurfacesalongwhichrocksormineralshavebroken

•  Fracturesgeneratetwofreesurfaceswherenoneexistedbefore

Page 31: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Systema;cJoints–  planar,parallelto


Page 32: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 33: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Otherkindsofjoints





Page 34: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Faults:fracturesalongwhichmo;onoccurs

•  Centuries-oldminingterminologyused–  Footwall

•  Blockbelowthefaultplane•  Minerwouldstandhere

– Hangingwall•  Blockabovethefaultplane•  Hangalanternhere

Page 35: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


•  Faulttypes– Dis;nguishedbydirec;onofrockdisplacement

•  Normaldip-slip•  Reversedip-slip

•  Strike-slip

Page 36: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Dip-slipfaults”– Ver;calmo;on

– NormalFaults•  thehangingwallmovesdownwardwithrespecttothefootwall(causedbyextension)

– ReverseFault•  thehangingwallmovesupwardwithrespecttothefootwall(causedbycompression)

Page 37: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Normal(dip-slip)Fault– Hangingwallmovesdownrela;vetofootwall

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Page 39: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Reverse(dip-slip)Fault– Hangingwallmovesuprela;vetofootwall

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Page 41: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that


Page 42: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Transform(Strike-slip)Fault– Crustmovesinhorizontaldirec;on

Page 43: Lab 14 principles of STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY and TECTONICS · 2016-11-29 · Structural Geology and Tectonics • Branches of geology that deal with the reconstruc;on of movements that

•  Someac;vefaultsdonotextendtothesurface– BlindFaults

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