lab manual, bi1020, fa 2014 final am.doc

Laboratory Manual for Biology 1020H Fall 2014 Department of Biology Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario Name:______________________

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Laboratory Manual for Biology 1020H

Fall 2014

Department of Biology

Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario


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Table of Contents

Course Information

Course Outline…………………………3

Course Policies………………………...9

Policy on Labs and Lab Assignments…10

Laboratory Safety Rules………………12

Guidelines for Writing Reports……….14


Ecology Project (Labs 1-3)

1. Site Tour; project design…………..24

2. Field work and data ………………27

3. Presentation……………..…………28

Lab 4: Genetics and Hardy Weinberg……29

Lab 5: Variation in Males and Females….39

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2014-15 (FA)


Instructors: Dr. Marcel Dorken

Dr. Erica Nol (Coordinator)

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]


705-748-1011ext 7585

705-748-1011ext 7640

Campus: Peterborough

Office Location: LHS C250

LHS D235

Office Hours: EN

course co-ordinator,

office hours: by

appointment and after


Secretary: Sandra Sisson

Email: [email protected]

Office Location: LHS D102 Telephone: 705 748 1011 ext 7424

Course Description: This half course concerns questions of biodiversity and evolution of life:

Part 1: Biodiversity

The increasing rate of extinction of species on earth caused by humans has led to serious concerns

regarding the future of biodiversity on our planet. In this section of the course we examine what

biodiversity means, how it is measured and why we should be concerned about its loss.

Part 2: Evolutionary Biology

Biodiversity is the product of evolution. In this part of the course, we will explore the major events

of evolution, and how the process of natural selection can explain the differences we see among and

within species. As well, understanding the past events in the history of the planet may help us to

predict more successfully what lies ahead.

LearningSystem/Blackboard: This course uses LearningSystem/Blackboard which includes

important information about the course and where you will find your grades. All students who are

registered in the course will have BIOL 1020h on their Blackboard site. Class announcements and

lab schedules will be posted here; be sure to check this regularly.





Senior Demonstrator Dale McKay

Email: [email protected]

Office Location: LHS D115 Telephone: 705-748-1011 ext 7407

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Required Textbook:

Reece, J.B. et al. 2012. Campbell Biology. Canadian Ed. Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey.

Note that other recent editions are acceptable.


Pechenik, J.A. 2012. A Short Guide To Writing About Biology. Longman/Pearson Education Inc.,

New York. (recommended).

LAB MANUAL: The lab manual contains descriptions, data tables, and instructions for all labs to

be completed in the course. You should read it before each lab and bring it to every lab. It will be

available for purchase at your first lab session. Please bring the correct change to the lab with you.

Cost: $4.00, CASH ONLY.

Important Dates: (see Trent Calendar at for a complete list of

deadlines and dates): Thursday September 4th Classes begin (Date of your first lecture, see schedule below).

Wednesday September 24th Final date to change or add Fall and Fall/Winter courses on myTrent

(See Academic Calendar for fees,

Tuesday, November 4th Final date for withdrawal from Fall-term courses without academic penalty.

iClickers: We will not be using the iClickers in this course.

Course Format: Peterborough Campus:

Type Day Time Location

Lecture 1 Tuesday 12:00-12:50 Wenjack Theatre ( OCA W101.2)*

Lecture 2 Thursday 12:00-12:50 Wenjack Theatre ( OCA W101.2)*

*Note that for the first week, the Thursday lecture is your first lecture. After that subjects will be

covered by the schedule above. Overflow room OCA 203(TUES.)and SC137(THURS.) will be

provided as necessary.

LECTURES: Two lectures each week. Note that the students who do well in university are those

who attend lectures regularly.

LABS: One 3-hour lab every other week. You will have been scheduled into a lab section by the

Registrar’s office. The rotation of lab sections through the fall semester is provided in Table 1, and

is also available on Blackboard Learn. For example, if you have been placed in Lab Section F03,

your lab will meet Wednesday from 9:00-11:50 a.m. (in timetable) in LHS D105. Table 1 will

tell you that Lab Section F03 meets in Week 1 rotation, so your first lab is Wednesday,

September 10th, 2014. Labs will NOT run on Thursday, September 4th, 2014, so those labs

meeting on Thursday will meet for the first time on Thursday September 11th.

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Table 1: Weekly rotation of lab sections throughout the fall semester.


Lab sections that meet

on Wed., and location in


Lab sections that meet

on Thurs., and location

in LHS

Lab sections that meet

on Wed., and location in


Lab sections that meet on

Thurs., and location in


F01, D106 F13, D106 F02, D106 F14, D106

F03, D108 F15, D108 F04 ,D108 F16, D108

F05, D106 F17, D106 F06, D106 F18, D106

F07 ,D108 F19, D108 F08, D108 No lab

F09, D106 F21, D106 F10, D106 No lab

No lab No lab No lab No lab

DATES your labs will


DATES you labs will


DATES your labs will


DATES your labs will


Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 17 Sept. 18

Sept.24 Sept. 25 Oct. 1 Oct. 2

Oct.8 Oct. 9 Oct. 15 Oct. 16

Reading Week Oct. 20-24/2014

Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 Nov. 6

Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 Nov. 20

*Certain lab sections may be collapsed, with student notification, once classes begin. See Blackboard for an

updated lab schedule.

A. Learning Outcomes/Objectives/Goals/Expectations from Lectures:

1. understand biological interactions that occur from the individual to the ecosystem level of


2. understand the definition of biodiversity and factors that influence it.

3. understand the basic principles of evolution (historical aspects and key processes)

4. understand the current thinking on the origin and history of life

5. gain an appreciation for the importance of an understanding of biology as an informed citizen

B. The following list outlines specific objectives from the laboratory sessions:

1. use the scientific method as it applies to biology

2. carry out independent laboratory and field work

3. develop the habit of taking clear and useful notes while doing lab and field work

4. analyze data and use introductory statistics

5. critically evaluate your own work and the work of others

6. communicate scientific findings

7. write a clear, concise, well-organized and well-produced report

8. practice asking questions and seeking ways to answer them

9. appreciate the advantages and constraints of working in small groups

10. synthesize and apply knowledge gained from the course

Course Evaluation:


Lab Work---------------------------51%

Mid-term ---------------------------15 %

Final Exam------------- ------------30 %

Library orientation----------------- 2%

Discussion group contributions---2%

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Details of Assessment:

Lab Assignment Value Due Returned

Lab 1 - Field Notes

2% -End of lab - End of lab

Lab 1 - Project Design 5%

-7 days after end of

lab 1

- prior to Lab 2

Lab 2

-Field Notes and data 2% -end of lab -end of lab

Lab 2

-Analysis 5% -7 days after end of

lab 2

-prior to Lab 3

Lab 3

- Presentation 5% - during lab - on-line

Lab 3 -Blackboard quiz on

writing lab reports

4% -marked on-line -end of quiz

Formal full lab


-reporting the work

and findings of the

Biodiversity project

10% Week 1 due Oct. 29

+ 30th.

Week 2 due Nov. 5

and 6.


Lab 4 -genetics assignment 9% -7 days after lab 4



Lab 5 - sexual selection lab


9% -7 days after lab 5



Tba= to be announced.

Midterm and Exam Content Value

Midterm Lecture material from first half of course 15%

Final exam

Part 1 Lecture material from second half of course 20%

Part 2 Lecture material from first half of course 10%

Library Skills Program How to use the


2% Sept. 12/2014 Ends Oct.17/2014

Discussion Group


Ongoing 2% Sept. 4/2014 Ends Nov. 28/2014

Library Skills Program-Completion with 80% or better worth 2% of your final grade.

It is essential that you become familiar with the library and its electronic and hard copy resources.

You will learn about the Library Skills Program during ISW. The program for Biology will be

available by logging in to your My Trent Learning System from Friday Sept. 12th until Friday

October 17th. The program will be worth up to 2% of your final grade. A grade will be received

only if 80% or better is achieved, and that grade will be the exact grade achieved between 80 and

100. You will be given five (5) trials to complete the program, with only the best attempt counting.

Grades less than 80% receive a zero.

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Contributions to course Discussion Group threads.

Students are expected to contribute posts related to the content of lectures and lab exercises using

the course’s Blackboard site Discussion Groups pages. Students can gain participation grades in the

course if they provide comments that are deemed to contribute positively to the discussion.

Students can gain a maximum of 2% towards the final mark based on contributions.

Week-by-week schedule of lectures and labs:

Part 1 -



Lectures Lab

Group 1


Group 2


9th Ed

Week 1

Sept 4

Dr. E. Nol and

M. Dorken

Introduction to University


Ch. 1: pp. 1-


Week 2

Sept 9, 11

Dr. E. Nol

- Scientific reasoning in


- Hypothesis testing & field


Site tour + project


Ch. 1: pp. 19-


Week 3

Sept 16, 18

Dr. E. Nol

- Niches, habitats, and


- Interactions

Site tour +

project design

Ch. 54

Week 4

Sept 23, 25

Guest Lecturers

- Ecologists at work

Field data

collection +


Readings on


Week 5

Sept 30, Oct 2

Dr. M. Dorken

- Dispersal and distribution

of organisms

- Organisms &

environmental change

Field data

collection +


Ch. 52

Week 6

Oct 7, 9

Dr. M. Dorken

- Populations: growth and


Presentations Ch. 53

Week 7

Oct 14,16

Dr. M. Dorken

- Review of mid-term


- Mid-term test


University Reading week Oct. 20-24

Week 8

Oct 28, 30

Dr. E. Nol

- Evidence for evolution:

- Micro- versus macro-

evolutionary processes

Genetics and

Hardy Weinberg


Week 9

Nov 4, 6

Dr. M. Dorken

- Contemporary evolution

- mechanisms of evolution,


Genetics and




Week 10

Nov 11, 13

Dr. E. Nol

- Genetic drift, gene flow,

isolation, speciation


the causes of



Ch. 24

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Week 11

Nov 18, 20

Dr. E. Nol

- The Biosphere, early life

- Mass extinctions

- The tree of life


the causes of



Ch. 25, 26

Week 12

Nov 25, 27

Dr. M. Dorken

- Plant and animal diversity

- Reproductive systems

No lab Ch. 29,32

Ch. 38,46

Week 13

Dec 2

Review lecture- Summary No lab

Lecture topics above may be altered slightly from what is indicated.

Department and/or Course Policies:


A) ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - cell phones and other electronic devices are not allowed

during tests/exams. Laptops can only be used during class for taking notes although research

demonstrates that hand-written notes are much more effective for learning.

B) TERM TESTS & FINAL EXAMINATIONS - Students should NOT make any commitments

(i.e., vacation, job related, or other travel plans) during either the term as a whole or the final

examination period. Students are required to be available for all examinations during the periods for

which they are scheduled (as published in course syllabi).


Extensions of deadlines for completion of assignments or writing of midterms/final examinations

may be granted to students on the basis of illness, accident, or other extreme and legitimate

circumstances beyond his/her control. Requests for extension or deferral must be made prior to

the actual deadline or said midterm, exam, or lab assignment, and documentation must be

provided at that time or as reasonably close to the time of the request as possible. Requests coming

in days or weeks after the fact will not be considered. Consideration for deferrals will not normally

be granted on the basis of vacation/travel plans or job-related obligations.

D) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION - Students should expect that supporting documentation

will be required and must be submitted before a deferral is approved. For illness or accident,

supporting documentation will take the form of: (1) the Trent University Medical Certificate from

Health Services: , or (2) a certificate or letter

from the attending physician clearly indicating the start and end dates of the illness and the

student’s inability to write an examination, complete lab assignments, and/or attend classes, as

relevant to the particular request. For other circumstances, students should consult the instructor

about acceptable forms of documentation.

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E) QUESTIONS - We welcome questions! All questions related to the content of lectures or labs

MUST be posted to the course Discussion Group pages. This is meant to enable informal discussion

of course topics and provide an alternate avenue for course participation. Please check that your

question has not already been posted to a Discussion Group thread before starting a new thread. If

you have questions that can only be answered by a specific TA, the course demonstrator or one of

the instructors, be sure to mention your lab section when you email us, so that we can help you


Academic Integrity:

Academic dishonesty, which includes plagiarism and cheating, is an extremely serious academic

offence and carries penalties varying from a 0 grade on an assignment to expulsion from the

University. Definitions, penalties, and procedures for dealing with plagiarism and cheating are set

out in Trent University’s Academic Integrity Policy. You have a responsibility to educate yourself –

unfamiliarity with the policy is not an excuse. You are strongly encouraged to visit Trent’s

Academic Integrity website to learn more: Note that copying

from a web site or another students’ paper are two examples of plagiarism.

Access to Instruction: It is Trent University's intent to create an inclusive learning environment. If a student has

a disability and/or health consideration and feels that he/she may need accommodations

to succeed in this course, the student should contact the Student Accessibility Services

Office (SAS), (BH Suite 132, 705-748-1281 or email [email protected]).

For Trent University - Oshawa Student Accessibility Services Office contact 905-435-5102

ext. 5024 or email [email protected] . Complete text can be found under Access to

Instruction in the Academic Calendar.

All email correspondence with students in this course will be sent to the student’s Trent

University email address. If you use an alternate email account, please ensure that your Trent email

address forwards email to that address. Consult on-line information at the Trent University website

for help with forwarding email (

Please see the Trent University academic calendar for University Diary dates, Academic

Information and Regulations, and University and departmental degree requirements.

POLICY ON LABS AND LAB ASSIGNMENTS 1) Each student will be assigned to a Lab Section upon registration. Once assigned you must attend

with your Section for the rest of the term. If for any reason you have to attend another Lab

Section for a temporary compelling reason, please obtain permission by email to

[email protected], and understand that YOU MUST STILL HAND IN ALL ASSIGNMENTS

ON THE DATE THEY ARE DUE FOR YOUR LAB SECTION, unless you obtain permission to

do otherwise. Failure to do so will result in late penalties.

2) Attendance at labs is mandatory. Assignments will NOT be accepted if records show you were not

in attendance at the lab for which assignments apply. If you are absent for any legitimate reason, you

must make arrangements with the Senior Demonstrator [email protected] prior to the time of the

lab or as reasonably close to the time of the lab as possible to make it up, and documentation may be

required to be presented at that time. Please see point 1) above if you attend another lab group.

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3) Lab report or assignment requirements are indicated at the end of each lab in the Lab Manual. Refer

to the Guidelines for Writing Lab Reports in the introductory pages of this manual for help writing

your formal lab report.

4) All assignments are to be electronically submitted for this course either to the Assignment drop box

or to the SafeAssign drop box in Blackboard. SafeAssign utilizes plagiarism-checking software.

5) Assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. on due dates. Blackboard automatically marks your paper late as

soon as you submit past the due date time. Weekends are included in the count of days elapsed.

Please see point 1) above if you attended another lab group.

6) All assignments you submit for grading must be your own individual work. Although you may

work in small groups in lab, and even complete some aspects of a lab report in lab with a group, all

work must be your own. This includes all Figures (graphs), all written Methods, all Reference

searches, etc. Please note SafeAssign checks your work against work of other students as well as the

internet and primary literature.

7) Please submit your assignments in .doc or .docx format (Microsoft Word), so we can utilize track

changes for feedback. We will also accept .pdf (portable document) format, but will only be able to

provide feedback comments in the dialogue box, as opposed to the document itself. Assignments

not submitted in these formats will not be marked. It is your responsibility to ensure that your file is

valid and can be opened. Corrupt or invalid files will receive a grade of zero.

8) Take photos of, or scan diagrams; so they can be incorporated into your assignment. It is important

that you submit any assignment as ONE document.

9) Please allow a few minutes to load your assignment onto Blackboard. Allow a few minutes to

ensure that your file is received (i.e. do not shut your laptop without ensuring the file is transmitted).

Any technical difficulties should be reported immediately to IT at [email protected] , and prior to the due

date time. Having a short file name with no special characters seems to help. If you cannot submit

your document using your current browser (such as Safari), try a different browser (such as Google


10) Rubric information will either be posted directly to your assignments, or under Course Content.

11) Reports submitted later than 11:59 p.m. will receive a late penalty. Assignments will be accepted up

to three days late with a penalty of 5% per day (including weekends) unless you have arranged an

extension prior to the due date with the Senior Demonstrator or Course Coordinator (see points C

and D under Course Policies, page 4).

12) TA comments will be posted electronically to your assignments.

13) You will require a lab notebook for keeping records of lab work. Please be sure your lab notebook

has blank and graph paper, along with lined paper, as these types of paper are regularly used in lab.

14) Make it a practice to save a copy of your electronic work, either on a USB key device, or by any

method you choose.

Questions or problems with labs should be directed to the SENIOR DEMONSTRATOR

Dale McKay ([email protected] )(LHS D115, x7407) who will liaise with the

appropriate faculty member or the COURSE COORDINATOR, Dr. Erica Nol, as needed.

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In the home, the kitchen and bathroom are the sites of most accidents. The chemical or biological

laboratory poses similar hazards and yet it need be no more dangerous than any other classroom if

the following safety rules are always observed. Most of them are based on simple common sense.

1. Responsible behavior is essential. The dangers of spilled acids and chemicals and broken

glassware created by thoughtless actions are too great to be tolerated.

2. (a) If you should get a chemical in your eye, wash with flowing water from a sink or

fountain for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. Note the

location of safety fountains in relation to your work bench.

(b) Do not wear contact lenses in the laboratory. Contact lenses prevent rinsing

chemical splashes from the eye. Vapors in the laboratory (HCl, for example)

dissolve in the liquids covering the eye and concentrate behind the lenses. "Soft"

lenses are especially bad as chemicals dissolve in the lenses themselves and are

released over several hours.

3. Carefully read the lab notes before coming to the laboratory. An unprepared student is a

hazard to everyone in the room.

4. Perform no unauthorized experiments. Consult your instructor if you have any doubts about

the instructions in the particular laboratory exercise being undertaken.

5. Be careful when heating liquids. Flammable liquids such as ethers, hydro-carbons, alcohols,

acetone, and carbon disulfide must never be heated over an open flame.

6. Test tubes being heated or containing reacting mixtures should never be pointed at anyone.

If you observe this practice in a neighbor speak to him or her or the instructor if needed.

7. Finally, and most importantly, think about what you're doing. Plan ahead. If you give no

thought to what you are doing, you predispose yourself to an accident.

8. There is no smoking allowed in laboratory at any time. Not only is smoking a fire hazard,

but chemicals in the laboratory air (both as vapors and as dust) are drawn into the lungs. It is

also against the law.

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9. In case of fire or accident, call the instructor at once. Note the location of fire extinguishers

and safety showers now so that you can use them if needed.

a) Wet towels can be used to smother small fires.

b) In case of a chemical spill on your body or clothing, wash the affected area with

large quantities of running water. Remove clothing which has been wet by chemicals

to prevent further action with the skin.

10. Report all injuries to your instructor at once. Except for very superficial injuries, you will be

required to get medical treatment for cuts, burns, or fume inhalation. (Your instructor will

arrange for transportation if needed.)

11. Do not eat or drink anything in the laboratory.

a) This applies to both food and chemicals. The obvious danger is poisoning.

b) Not so obvious is that you never should touch chemicals. Many chemicals are

absorbed through the skin. Wash all chemicals off with large quantities of running


c) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when leaving the laboratory.

12. Avoid breathing fumes of any kind.

a) To test the smell of a vapor, collect some in a cupped hand.

b) Work in a fume hood if there is the possibility that noxious or poisonous vapors may

be produced.

13. Never use mouth suction in filling pipettes with chemical reagents. Always use a pipette bulb.

14. Never work alone in the laboratory.

15. Wear shoes. Bare or stocking feet are prohibited because of the danger from broken glass.

16. Confine long hair and loose clothing (such as ties) in the laboratory. It may either catch fire or

be chemically contaminated.

17. Keep your work area neat at all times. Clean up spills and broken glass immediately. Clutter

not only will slow your work but it leads to accidents. Clean up your work space, including

wiping the surface and putting away all chemicals and equipment, at the end of the laboratory


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Part A:

Lab Report Format:

Lab reports are organized in the format of the scientific paper. This is a standard format that

begins with a Title; and is followed in sequence by a list of Authors, Introduction, Methods,

Results, Discussion, References, and Appendix. See Table 1 for a very brief summary of the

purpose of each of these sections.

Table 1: Brief summary of purpose of each part of the Scientific Paper.

Title Informative description of the essence of the paper

List of Authors Names of people who actively participated in the experiment

Introduction Describes your study’s objectives, and how it fits in with previous

work in this field. The Introduction explains why your study is

important, and how it seeks to extend knowledge. It also provides the

rationale for any hypotheses that you hope to test.

Methods Explains, in a way that is repeatable, how the study was conducted.

Results Shows the summarized data, usually some form of graphic

illustration, from your study; and tells the reader what was found

from the data collected.

Discussion Describes your results to the reader. Here you can say if you

supported your hypothesis, describe how your results relate to

existing knowledge, talk about inconsistencies in the data, discuss

sources of error, and future extensions of your work.

References Journal articles, textbooks, or peer-reviewed websites that you

referred to in the body of your paper (subject to strict formatting


Appendix Data used to compile graphic illustrations used in the Results, along

with samples of any calculations used to manipulate the data.

The lab report format relates to the steps in a scientific study; which include making observations,

asking a question, stating a hypothesis, designing an experiment or study, collecting the data,

analyzing the data, interpreting the data, drawing conclusions, and reporting the findings.

Part B:

Style: It is expected that reports will be well written and free from spelling and grammatical errors.

Marks will be deducted for poor writing skills. Those students who are not confident of their

writing technique should seek the advice of the Academic Skills Centre. We expect your report to

be prepared with word processing software. See Table 2 for help setting up your report.

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Table 2: Information to help students prepare a lab report.

Paper 8½ x 11” white bond, one side only

Margins 1” left and right, 1” top and bottom

Font 12 pt.

Typeface Times Roman or another serif font.

Spacing Double

New Paragraph Indent 0.5”

Tense Past

Voice When you are not the subject, use active voice whenever possible.

Title (please do

not include Title


Title should be centered on top of the first page. Author, lab section,

and date should appear aligned at the upper right hand corner of your


Headings Align headings for the different sections of your paper on the left


Sub-headings Do not use these.

Figures for

Results section

Incorporate into text as close as possible after the point where first

mentioned. Use sequential numbering. Position Caption correctly;

i.e. Figure = foot, while Table = Top.

References List References in alphabetical order by first author’s last name. Use

a hanging indent (all lines but the first indented) to separate

individual references. Please use format indicated.

Appendix List Tables of data used to prepare graphics used in Results section.

Refer the reader to these Tables in the Results section. Also include

sample calculations used to prepare data.

Part C: Details about each section.


should usually be 12 words or less; concise and informative.

should be descriptive, i.e. capture all essential aspects of your study, so that the reader can

tell exactly what your study is about by reading the title alone.

Mention the organism (common and scientific names) you are working with, the experiment

or type of study, the aspects being investigated, and the habitat /location if it is a field study.

The correct format for writing the genus and species names should be used. Only the first

letter of the genus is capitalized, and both genus and species are italicized. Example: Homo


Your name and lab group must be printed on the top right hand corner of the page (for

sorting purposes).


We do not require an Abstract in first year Biology. I think we should have them write an abstract.

The abstract summarizes the primary objective of your study (1 sentence) plus your results (usually

2-3 sentences) and broader conclusion (e.g., “I conclude that the results were consistent with the

hypothesis that moisture affects plant growth patterns”).

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The Introduction literally “sets the stage” for the study.

This section identifies the subject of the report. Where it applies, include both the common

and scientific name of your organism.

Provides the reader with necessary “background” information; such as:

o a review of the issue being investigated (an extensive review is not appropriate in this


o existing scientific knowledge about your subject(s),

o definition of scientific terms

establishes why the study is important,

what is motivating your hypothesis?

The Introduction should end with a clear but brief summary of the scope and purpose of

your report. If your lab report tests a hypothesis (which will be the usual case), it is stated

here, along with your prediction and a brief rationale on which the prediction is based. You

should include a brief explanation of how your purpose will be addressed or hypothesis

tested. (Do not use sub-headings here).


The Method explains how a study was conducted, and explains it in such a way that the

reader could replicate your study.

Diagrams showing how measurements were made or maps to show location (if it is a field

study) are very helpful here.

Materials are not listed separately in the Method. Rather, materials are incorporated into the

text of the method as it is explained.

Use of past tense is appropriate here.

Methods are written in sentence/paragraph form, not itemized or in point form.

Write exactly what you did, in your own words. If you derived your own method, include:

- an explanation of your experimental design,

- measurement techniques,

- data acquisition methods, equipment used, units of measure,

- sample size, number of replicates, etc.

- include a statement of how the data were analyzed, i.e. what statistical methods were

used or if a specific type of calculation was used.

- For field studies, describe the study site and time of the study. You should also

include information on site location, which is important for replicating the study.

- If you used special equipment in the study, it is usual to report the make and model

of that equipment, but you do not have to explain how to operate it.

- If you need to reference the lab manual in this section, you should identify the

section of the manual you are referring to. The citation for the manual should be

stated as it would be for a book (see the Reference section).

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This section tells the reader what your study found.

Has two parts: the Figure(s) (as a rule); and the text to explain what the Figure(s) show.

Usually, the raw data that are collected in Table format during the experiment are not

presented here. These raw data tables should appear in the Appendix, at the end of the


The Results section contains a summarized version of the raw field data that were collected.

In the odd circumstance where these data cannot be visually displayed (i.e. graphed as a

Figure), you would present a summarized data table here in the Results section.

In most circumstances, the summarized data can be graphed. Each graph is called a Figure.

An example of a Figure might show the calculated means along with an estimate of

variation, such as the standard deviation.

While summarized data may be presented in either Table or Figure form in the Results,

Figure form is the preferred format for display because of its high visual effect. Do not

present both Table and Figure formats for the same data set in the Results section as the

same data set are never presented in more than one format. (The reason for this is that

scientific writing is concise, in part, because it is important to convey the information

concisely, but also, the practice of science is expensive and editors of scientific journals like

efficiencies in writing so that they do not pay as much for each word edited, printed, etc.).

Place your Figure into the text of the written Results as close as possible after the point

where you first refer to it.

The Results section also includes a written text, which helps to interpret the findings of

each Figure (or Table) to the reader. It is usual to integrate your actual data into the text of

the Results (i.e. state actual values) and to quantify trends. For example, if you see an

increasing trend, state the range of the values, or the percent by which they change, so the

reader can appreciate how much or how little they differ.

Each Figure (or Table) must be introduced (this is a good time to refer the reader to the

pertinent raw data in the Appendix) and the important trends and/or findings highlighted.

For example: “Figure 1 (Appendix 1) shows that as rainfall increases from 20 to 110 mm.

over the 3 month period, the growth of…”. Again, thinking about efficiencies in your

writing, it is not an efficient use of space to tell the reader that e.g., “The data for the

experiment are shown in Table 1)”. You might as well say “Plants grown in moist soils

have lower rates of mortality than those in dry soils (Table 1)” and of course Table 1 would

have the results of mortality studies on your plant species in the two soil types. You have

interpreted the results for the reader and also, at the same time, indicated where these results


Figures and Tables:

Every Figure or Table in your Report must be assigned a label (e.g. Table 1,or Figure 1-

numbered consecutively) and a caption, which provides a concise indication on the contents

of said Figure or Table.

Example: Table 1: Brief summary of purpose of each part of scientific study.

(Label): (Caption)

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Table labels and captions must appear ABOVE the Table itself,

Figure labels and captions must appear BELOW the actual Figure.

Be sure to label all axes (include units) on a Figure, and include a legend if necessary.

Label columns or rows, including units, on Tables.

indicate your sample size on these Figures or Tables.


This section interprets your results in terms of your hypothesis and attempts to provide a

plausible explanation of the observed results (i.e., why particular patterns were found).

Usually the first paragraph establishes whether you supported your hypothesis and

prediction or not.

The next few paragraphs explain your observed results and interprets your findings in light

of published work. It is important here to compare your findings to those of others, i.e.

support your ideas and suggestions in your Discussion with literature references.

Examples of a figure and table.Examples of a figure and table.

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Try to avoid using direct quotes (i.e. copying an actual block of text). It is preferred that

you paraphrase (use your own words, and summarize what the author(s) is/are saying),

along with the proper citation (which will give rightful credit to ideas or information which

are/is not your own). To do this, talk about the work that you are referring to, and explain

how it relates to your study.

The Discussion also allows you the opportunity to critique your work. Some things to think

about here are inherent assumptions and alternate hypotheses. Are there aspects of your

study, which you assumed would not make a difference, but which may have played a role

in generating the data that were found? If so, does this point to another possible explanation

for your data (an alternate hypothesis)? Can you identify sources of anomalous data, which

could have affected your findings?

The Discussion is also the place to think about future work. Are there improvements you

would make if you were to do this study again? What direction should future work in this

area take? Are there current or future implications of your work?

Finally, conclude with a statement, which summarizes your work.


There are two aspects of References to consider. One is the actual citation (referring to) of

References in the text of the report, while the other is the listing of the actual References

themselves in the Reference section.

Both aspects are subject to strict formatting rules. These rules may vary depending on the

Discipline or even the Publisher. We will talk here of how the References section should

appear for papers in first year Biology.


First and foremost, all books/journal articles/web sites etc. that you list in the Reference

section must actually be referred to in the text of your report. This section is not a

Bibliography, where this rule does not apply. Similarly, if you refer to a document in the

text of your report, that reference must appear in your Reference section.

Citation is defined as stating the source of information, which is not your own in the text of

your lab report. This can be accomplished two ways.

The first is to state Author (s) and year of publication in parentheses at the end of the

sentence. If there is only one Author or two, one or both surnames are stated (in the order

they appear on the document), followed by the year.

Example: “(Burness 2012) or (MacKinnon and Kapron 2010).”

Where there are three or more Authors, only the first Authors surname is mentioned,

followed by the Latin “et al.” (short form of the Latin “et alias”, which literally translated

means “and others”), and then the year.

Example: “(Emery et al. 2001).”

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The second method of text citation involves stating one or both Author(s) followed by the

year, (or the first Author et al. followed by the year in the case of three or more Authors, eg.

“Burness et al (2005) suggested that….”), at the beginning of the sentence. This method is

NOT PREFERRED because the point of a scientific paper is to emphasize the ideas (unless

it is a paper on the history of a particular field of study where the players are indeed

important) rather than the authors of the study. In good English, the subject that you would

like to emphasize and is most important in your study should go at the beginning of the

sentence. Try it! Read the following and see which of the two sentences give you the

message more directly: Students who attended class regularly, received higher marks than

those who did not (Pedagogo et al. 2014) OR Pedagogo et al. (2014) found that students

who attended class regularly received higher marks than those who did not.

Footnoting is not practiced in Biology lab reports.

Listing References: Books, Journal articles, and any peer-reviewed web references are

treated slightly differently in your Reference section (also called Literature Cited).

References to published works are given at the end of the Discussion in alphabetical order

under the first Author’s surname.

Use a hanging indent (all lines but the first indented) to separate individual references.

All Authors are listed here in the order in which they appear on the particular document.

The et al. abbreviation is not appropriate for use here.

Do not capitalize words in the titles of books and papers, except for words that are always

capitalized in normal sentences.

Books: a) Reference to a single book:

Surname, initials. followed by initials, surname(s). Year of

publication. Full title (edition or volume number if appropriate). Name of

publisher, place of publication. p. first page-last page.

Example: Freeland, J.R. 2005. Molecular ecology, 1st ed. John

Wiley & Sons Inc. Publishers, Hoboken, NJ. p. 176-196.

b) Reference to a chapter in a book:

Surname, initials. followed by initials, surname(s). Year of

publication. Title of chapter. In: surname(s), initials. of editors followed by

initials, surname(s)(eds), Title of book (edition or volume number if appropriate).

Name of publisher, place of publication. p. first page-last page.

Example: Scott, B.J. and J.A. Fisher. 2007. Selection of genotypes

tolerant of aluminum and manganese. In: Robinson, A.D.

(ed), Soil acidity and liming. Academic Press, NSW,

Australia. p.167-196.

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Journal articles: Surname, initials. followed by initials. surname(s). Year of

publication. Full article title. Abbreviated journal title. Volume

number (issue number): first page-last page.

Example: Lewis, D.L., and C.R. Brunetti. 2006. Ectopic transgene expression in butterfly

imaginal wing discs using vaccinia virus. Biotechniques 40: 48-54.

Nol, E., S. P. Murphy & M. D. Cadman. 2012. A historical estimate of apparent survival

of American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) in Virginia. Waterbirds 35: 631-635.

Note that there are conventions around where the periods go, the pattern of capitalization and the

spacing between the volume of the journal and the page numbers. Try to be as consistent as you can

with all of your references. These minor details DO change from journal to journal (unfortunately

for the practicing scientist who much then use different styles with every new journal that they

submit a paper too!) but use this style for papers submitted in this course.

Web References: You are welcome to use peer-reviewed web references judiciously.

An appropriate reference should look like this:

Author(s) (if possible), date of last update, title, site address, date of


If you are using the web to find journal articles, cite the journal article, not the

web site.


This is the last section of your report.

This section should contain your tables of raw data as well as sample calculations.

Remember that these are formal tables, so each should carry a proper label and caption.

The same is true for sample calculations, in that these should carry a label and caption.

You should refer the reader to the appropriate appendicized raw data table or sample

calculation in the text of your report. This is usually done in the Results.




Concise, information title, e.g., mention organism, type of study, aspects being investigated,

also habitat/location if a field study

Student name and lab group printed in upper right hand corner

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Identify the subject

Provide background relevant to the subject

Reference to literature

End with a statement of hypothesis, prediction, and rationale if testing a hypothesis

Brief explanation of how hypothesis will be tested


Sufficient detail to replicate study

Mention data analysis methods

Use sentence/paragraph form

Diagrams useful


Present summarized date in figure form

Assign each figure a label and a descriptive caption, which appear at the foot of the figure

Label axes, including units on figures

Include estimates of variation if applicable

Include a legend if necessary in figures

Written text which refers to and states the major findings of each figure

Integrate your data into the text, quantify trends

Refer to appropriate appendices for raw data tables and sample calculations

Must be free of interpretation


Refer to original hypothesis(es) and prediction(s)

Interpret your results

Cite published articles or text materials to support or compare your interpretation

Inherent assumptions? Alternate hypothesis(es)?

Comment on nature and cause of anomalous data

Improvements? Future work? Implications?

Concluding statement

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Alphabetical order

All sources listed must be referred to in the text of the report

Use proper format


Table of raw data as well as sample calculations(s)

Label and caption for each, which appear at the top

Tables-label rows and columns. Provide appropriate units


Quality of spelling/grammar

Special insight/original ideas

Overall quality/neatness of report

Part E: Order of writing a lab report: The order in which you write the various sections of your

report is not the order in which they appear in the report itself.

Remember you are writing your lab report for an audience that is your peers, that is you are

describing your work to your fellow students.

Be sure you have a clear idea of the purpose of your study, what question(s) you are trying

to answer.

Start by writing the Methods section. You begin by performing the experiment, so this is

the easiest section to write once the work is done.

Next write the Results section. Prepare your Appendix Tables and create your Figures.

Determine what your findings are. Prepare the text of the Results section to describe your


Next write the Discussion. This section provides you the opportunity to interpret your

findings and to see how your findings compare to those of others who have conducted

similar work.

Last, write the Introduction. This section of your lab requires that you put your study into

perspective from the point of view of what is known in the current literature, explain about

your study, and why you carried it out. This is the hardest, most important and often the

shortest section of a scientific paper so if you struggle, so do all scientists!

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Biology 1020H


Labs 1-3, Fall 2013

The purpose of this series of labs is to go through the process of doing science. Teams of

four students will ask an ecological question, develop a hypothesis, and design an experiment to

test the hypothesis. Equipment provided will be very simple; i.e. meter stick, quadrat, trowels, etc.

After the experimental design has been approved by the teaching assistants, data will be collected,

analyzed, and the results will be presented.

Those of you in Week 1 labs will begin the first week of classes, while those of you in Week 2

labs will begin the second week of classes. You have a lab every second week.

Week 1 Week 2

Week of

Sept. 8th

Lab #1 Site tour and plan project

- field notes graded at end of lab


-Project Plan (5%) due in 7 days


No lab

Week of



No lab, Project Plan due (5%)

Lab #1 Site tour and plan project

- field notes graded at end of lab (2%)

-Project Plan (5%) due in 7 days time.

Week of



Lab #2 Field work and Data Analysis


- field notes graded end of lab (2%)

-Data Analysis (5%) due in 7 days


No lab, Project Plan due (5%)

Week of



No Lab, Data Analysis due (5%)

Lab #2 Field work and Data Analysis


- field notes graded end of lab (2%)

-Data Analysis (5%) due in 7 days time.

Week of

Oct. 6th

Lab #3, Preparation and

Presentation (5%)

No lab, Data Analysis due (5%)

Week of

Oct. 13th

No Lab. Quiz on Blackboard about

writing lab reports (4%)

Lab #3, Preparation and Presentation

(5%) Quiz on Blackboard about

writing lab reports (4%)

Lab report (10%) due Oct. 29/30th. Lab report (10%) due Nov.5/6th.

**Reading Week Oct 20 to 24: no labs.

***Deadline for completion of Library Skills Program is October 17, 2014. It will not be

available after this date

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Lab 1. Site Tour and importance of questions

Part 1: Introduction

In the first part of the lab you will be introduced to the scientific method. You will also be

introduced to the type of field equipment available for hands-on field use.

Site Tour (Observations)

You will be guided on a walking tour to observe the locations and conditions of at least three

different habitats on campus. Come prepared to walk a distance of about a kilometer in the

prevailing conditions. The walking tour is necessary in order to orient you, to demonstrate some of

the equipment, and to get you to start thinking about possible questions.

The key questions are: What do you see?

What questions can you think of about what you see?

How would try to answer those questions?

Notes about the habitats, sketches, thoughts, questions should all be recorded as you go, in

your lab note book. These will form the preliminary ideas for your hypotheses. These field notes

will be assessed at the end of the lab. They are worth 2%.

Part 2: Ecology Project Plan


You will work in teams of four people from each lab.

1. Class Brainstorming Session:

To begin, the teaching assistant will talk about hypothesis testing. All teams will be lead through a

practice “brainstorming” session using a habitat not available to the students. The group writes

down what they know about the habitat, and then what they would like to know about the habitat.

From the latter list, each team will formulate a specific question they would like to answer. From

this question; a hypothesis and a prediction is formulated. Teaching assistants will evaluate each

team’s hypothesis and prediction.

Hypotheses and Predictions: workshop.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a prediction? You will have a short workshop on

this question, for it is critical to distinguish between the two concepts.

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Science advances by formulating and testing hypotheses. In order to test a hypothesis, you must

first think of a clear question you can ask. Luckily for scientists, there are many questions about

living organisms that require answers. A hypothesis is a statement which tends to answer or explain

your question based on information we already know (inductive logic). Predictions are statements

made via deductive logic, which can be tested experimentally, and which should yield positive

results if the hypothesis is supported.

When doing experiments, we either find evidence that supports the hypothesis or does not support

it. Much of the work falls on the prediction. If the prediction is correct, then the hypothesis is

supported. If your prediction is not correct, then your hypothesis is not supported.

There is nothing wrong with “not supporting your hypothesis”. This does not mean that the science

is wrong. It simply means you need to develop a better hypothesis. This is the process of doing

science. More often hypotheses are not supported than supported. The great thing (YES GREAT!)

about having your data fail to support your prediction is that you then need to think about what else

might explain the patterns that you have found. This leads directly to Scientific Creativity (the most

exciting part of the scientific process)!

Remember when formulating statements such as questions, hypotheses, and predictions; to include

as many aspects of the study as necessary in the statement itself to make them clear and

understandable to the reader. For example; include the aspects being investigated, the subject (s),

the habitats, the variables, etc.

The following will guide the organization and relevance of your Biodiversity Project.

Question: what question are you asking? For example, if you are a community ecologist, you

may be wondering how species diversity of a cedar forest changes over time as the forest


Hypothesis: (possible explanation that can answer the question) With the above example and

based on preliminary observations, the hypothesis may state that “Mature cedar forests

provide more variability of habitat types and opportunities for increased species diversity.”

Prediction: this is a statement of projected outcome of the study. In the example given, the

ecologists predicted that “If this is true, then we will find more species in the mature than in

the immature cedar forest.”

The above prediction is right. For example, given the hypothesis, it would have been wrong

to state:

Prediction: If this is true, then we will find a difference in species diversity between mature

and immature cedar forests, or

Prediction: If this is true, then we will find fewer species in the mature than in the immature

cedar forest community.

A clear hypothesis and a clear prediction or set of predictions are essential for the success of

your project, as they are for any piece of science.

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2. Project Design.

a) Each team of four will now choose a habitat, and follow the brainstorming procedure to

develop a question, hypothesis, and prediction.

b) The teaching assistant will then lead the lab group through a brief workshop on

experimental design. What is a dependent and an independent variable? How many

dependent variables should we include in our experimental plan? How many samples are


c) Each team will then complete their experimental designs by constructing a methods section

by which they can test their hypothesis, and constructing data tables ready to collect field

data. Time in the field should be gauged at no longer than 90 minutes.

d) Each team will also construct a brief sampling schedule, which will outline the time for

various components of field work.

LAB # 1 PROJECT PLAN: (due in 7 days time) (5%)

This outline must be submitted electronically to the Assignment Dropbox through

Blackboard, Assessments.

As this is an individual assignment, each person must submit their own outline.

1) Question

2) Hypothesis

3) Prediction

4) Rationale-reasonable explanation of why you expect the trend you predict

5) Method-point form is acceptable.

6) Itemized list of field equipment needed (so we can have it ready for you).

7) Schedule. How do you plan to do this work within the time constraints of the lab?

8) Outline of a Data Table (s) (ready to receive raw data)

9) First and Last Names of all Team Members

This assignment will be returned to you before the beginning of your next lab period.

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Lab 2. Field Work and Data Analysis

In this lab, you are going into the field to collect the data (called the “raw” data) that you need to

answer the Question your team proposed. Please come dressed for the prevailing weather and

terrain conditions. At the end of the lab, your team should have time to share and assess your


1) Make any necessary changes

Each team will have received back their Project Designs. Please look these over, and

incorporate any necessary changes to method BEFORE going into the field. Show

your changes to a TA before going into the field, to have them approved.

Please make a list of the items of field equipment taken out into the field. This must be left

with the T.A. for inspection on return to the lab (or leave your list out on your bench).

2) Data Collection

Field work should be completed in about 90 minutes.

Each member of the team should take detailed field notes about each site, about

methods, and about any problems that emerge, including any questions and comments.

Field notes will be assessed at the end of the lab. These are worth 2%.

3) Analysis

Each team should ensure that all team members leave with a copy of the data.

Teams can now take time to consider how best to analyze their data. Consider how the data

can be summarized, and presented in Figure form.

LAB # 2 Data Analysis (5%) due in 7 days time.

Each member of the team submits an individual copy.

Assignments are to be submitted electronically through the Assignment Dropbox on

Blackboard, Assessments.

These will be graded, and returned before the beginning of Lab 3.

The LAB # 2 Analysis Assignment should include:

a) Data Table (s), complete with Label(s) and descriptive Caption(s).

b) Figure(s) which graphically represent either this data, or perhaps a summarized form of

this data, with Label(s) and descriptive Caption(s).

c) Text which explains what your Figure(s) show.

d) Your preliminary conclusions as to whether or not your results supported (or did not

support) your original hypothesis and prediction. Please restate both for the reader prior

to your explanation.

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Blackboard Quiz on writing lab reports (4%). Please read the Guidelines for

Writing Lab Reports, pages 13-22 in this manual. An online quiz will be available for 8

days for each half of the class to write it according to the following schedule:

Week One: Quiz available from October 3, 9:00 a.m. until October 10, 5:00 p.m.

Week Two: Quiz available from October 10, 9:00 a.m. until October 17, 5:00 p.m.

Lab 3. Presentations

Please do not make preparations for this lab ahead of time on your own. All students are expected

to have the same time and materials available to them for this presentation grade.

Lab 3 will be made up of two parts. Part A will be devoted to preparing your presentation.

Part B will be devoted to the presentations.

Everyone should have received their graded Data Analysis assignments back.

Part A: Preparation (first half)

In this lab you will continue to examine the data collected in lab 2, and discuss the results with your

team members. All teams will be provided with the same number of overhead transparencies and

pens to work with for the Presentation. You should think of the best way of presenting your results

(Tables, Figures), and summarize your findings on these overhead transparencies for presentation to

the class. Your team will then make a brief (5-10 minute) presentation on your findings. All team

members need to participate. A possible way to do this is to have one member introduce the

project, followed by another outlining the methods, and others presenting the other sections. Part of

the idea here is to get feedback from the other students about your project prior to your writing your

lab report.

Part B: Presentation (last half) (5%)

The last half of the lab, teams will present their projects, and participate both in grading and in

providing constructive comments on one another’s experiments.

Formal Lab Report; Labs 1, 2, and 3: (10%)

A formal written report from each member of the team is required. The report should follow

the format described in the Guidelines For Writing Lab Reports of this manual. Although

the wording of the methods and results may be similar (but not identical) to that of others in

your team, your introduction and discussion should be your own individual effort, and therefore

quite different from others.

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Lab 4: Evolution and Genetic Variation


Evolutionary change can occur only if there is genetic variation among individuals- and then only if

some of those individuals are more successful at reproducing than others, spreading their genes

more successfully to subsequent generations.

Reproductive success, which is something that we can measure, is what we consider to be the best

indication of the relative fitness of an individual. Reproductive success in fact means more than

just how many offspring an individual produces, but also how many of them actually live to

reproduce themselves in turn. Those who don’t reproduce, or whose offspring all fail to reproduce,

have a fitness of zero.

This lab is intended to explore some of the ways in which genetic variation within a population may

occur, and how that variation may change within that population, resulting in evolutionary change.

1. The language of genetics

In your high school courses you will have met the basic terms and concepts of genetics and cell

division, so this section should be a quick review for you.

The terms we use in discussing the genetics of populations include:

mitosis and meiosis gene and allele

chromosome and chromatid dominant and recessive

haploid and diploid homozygous and heterozygous

gamete and zygote genotype and phenotype

Filling in the following Tables will confirm you are comfortable with the language of genetics.

You will need to include the completed Tables as part of your lab report.

Table 1: Life cycle-In the life cycle of an organism, at what stage do the following occur?

Stage/Term haploid diploid mitosis meiosis

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Table 2: Mitosis and Meiosis- Compare the two processes of cell division

Mitosis Meiosis

1 cell produces 2 or 4 new cells

Cell divides once or twice

Sister chromosomes “find each other”

Chromatids are formed

Tetrads are formed

Crossing-over (recombination) occurs

Resulting cells are haploid or diploid

Table 3: An example of an inherited trait involving one gene-for eye color

We’ll assume that eyes are either blue or brown (green and grey are variations of blue, hazel

of brown; resulting from the added action of other modifying genes).

We know that a single gene is responsible, and that it has 2 alleles: one that results in brown

pigment, the other in blue.

We know that the allele for brown dominates the allele for blue when they exist in the

heterozygous relationship. Let’s call the alleles “A” and “a” respectively.

Alleles “A” and “a”


Homozygous recessive


Homozygous dominant

Genotypes: Brown


Your phenotype

Your father’s phenotype

Your mother’s phenotype

Your sib’s phenotype

Your probable genotype

We could assess any other single gene that has 2 alleles, one of them dominant, in exactly the

same way. You could therefore figure out a few of your genotypes for traits such as ear lobes,

index finger length, tongue rolling, hair texture, hair color, and many others if you wanted to.

What can we conclude about the frequencies of the alleles of the gene? What predictions can

we make? To get there, we need to understand more about a gene pool. We’ll continue to use

“eye color” as an example, since it is familiar, and it’s an innocuous trait to talk about.

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1. Gene frequencies (continuing with eye color examples)

Most genes that we have are identical to those of every other human, but when a gene has 2 or more

alleles, then the gene may result in observable variation. Most of our genes that have more than

just one allele, have two (or more) alleles. For example, the gene for blood type has three alleles.

Other genes, like those that are involved in our immune responses, may have 20 or more. Of

course, each of us as individuals can have only two of the possible alleles, but we vary much more

from each other at those gene sites. But, let’s consider a gene that has 2 possible alleles, such as the

gene that we assumed controlled eye color in Table 3 above.

The frequency of a gene, e.g. the gene for eye color, in a population is 1.0. That just means that

every individual in the population has the gene. But as you noted in the table earlier, we each have

2 copies of the gene, and those copies may be identical alleles (homozygous genotypes) or they

may be different alleles (heterozygous genotype). As a result, three genotypes are possible.

As population geneticists, we can ask, what are the frequencies of the three possible genotypes in a

population? Their sum must of course still be 1.0, for no one can have more or less than one

genotype for eye color. And then, what are the frequencies of the 2 alleles in a population? Their

sum again must still be 1.

If we can answer those 2 questions, we can begin to measure and predict changes that may occur to

the frequencies of alleles and genotypes over a number of generations. If changes in frequencies

do occur, then evolutionary change has occurred.

We can say this with the simplest of formulas:

If p = frequency of one allele, q= frequency of the other allele

Then p + q = 1 (and so p =1 –q , and q =1 –p )

In terms of eye color, that’s a quick way of saying that the frequency of the “A” allele (for brown)

plus the frequency of the “a” allele (for blue) equals 1.0.

Thinking in terms of the three possible genotypes; AA, Aa, and aa, we can substitute p and q for

each “A” or “a” allele, to represent the frequencies of the genotypes:

Then pp + 2pq + qq = 1

(that is the same as (p +q)2=12 )

pp (or p2) = the frequency of AA in the population

2pq = the frequency of Aa in the population

qq (or q2) = the frequency of aa in the population

And then we’re in business. When we have an actual gene, with 2 alleles to think about, we can

make this more real. We’ll stay with eye color.

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Since in the case of eye color, the allele for brown (A) dominates the allele for blue (a), the only

genotype that is clearly expressed is the homozygous recessive: if we look into the eyes of a brown

eyed person, we don’t know which genotype they have, but if we look into the eyes of a blue eyed

person, we know immediately their genotype must be “aa”.

This simple observation is in fact extremely powerful: if we know how many blue eyed people

there are in a population, then we can easily determine the frequency of each genotype in the

population, and we can determine the frequency of each of the 2 alleles in the population.

Example: in a group of 100 humans, we find that 81 have the blue eyed phenotype, and 19

have the brown eyed phenotype.

Therefore the frequency of “aa” in that population is 0.81, and we can easily figure out the

other frequencies. For example, it turns out that only 1 out of the 100 people in the group

should have the phenotype “AA”.

What happens to the frequencies of the alleles and the genotypes as the frequency of blue

eyed people decreases? Any surprises? What are your conclusions?

Table 4: Eye color allele and genotype frequencies

Frequency of

‘aa’ (=q2) in


Frequency of ‘a’

(=q) in the



Frequency of

‘A’ (=p) in



Frequency of

‘AA’ (=p2) in


Frequency of

‘Aa’ (=2pq) in


0.81 0.9 0.1 0.49 0.25 0.09 0.01

Lab group

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Hardy-Weinberg work chart:

p=fr of A = 0.1

q=fr of a = 0.9

A a





Aa (pq)




Aa (pq)



Aa(q2 )



p 2 +2pq +q2 = 1

p 2 = fr of AA = 0.01

pq + pq = 2pq = fr of Aa = 0.18

q2 = fr of aa = 0.81

Therefore, 18% of the people will have the genotype Aa, 1% will have the genotype AA.

Create similar worksheets in your lab notebook to calculate the remainder of the


2. genetic equilibrium

If, in generation after generation of the population that interests us, the 2 alleles and therefore the

three genotypes remain unchanged in frequency, then we consider the population to be in

equilibrium, at least as far as eye color is concerned.

Because two guys, Hardy and Weinberg, figured this out independently about 100 years ago, we

call the equation (p + q = 1) the Hardy-Weinberg equation, and we call the equilibrium that occurs

when allele and genotype frequencies remain unchanged over generations, the Hardy-Weinberg


A population that is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is therefore one that doesn’t change, where

no evolution occurs. Why then is it interesting? When that equilibrium is broken, we can measure

the rate and extent of evolutionary change, and that is an amazing thing to be able to do. We may

also be able to identify the causes of that change.

For a population to remain in equilibrium, generation after generation, some extraordinary

constraints, or assumptions, must be made. Does such a population exist except in the minds of

population geneticists?

If any of the assumptions is broken, allele frequencies may change, and evolution within that

population occurs. The actual definition of evolutionary change is remarkably simple.

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Table 5: Breaking Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

HW Constraint Why? How does breaking this assumption disturb HW equilibrium?

No mutations from one

allele to another can


Population must be

relatively large

Random mating of

individuals must occur

No immigration or

emigration of

individuals may occur

Natural selection

cannot occur

Understanding which HW assumptions are broken allows us to identify the factors that result in

changes in allele frequencies, and allows us to measure the rate and extent of evolutionary change.

3. Simulating Microevolution:

Objective: To test hypotheses concerning gene frequency changes in real examples when any of

the HW constraints are broken.

You will need to work in pairs in the lab using the lab computers-and it is good to have someone to

argue with. You should write up your reports independently.

This website Deme 2.0 software, free for educational purposes, is loaded onto our lab computers. It

allows almost unlimited opportunity to explore examples of micro-evolution, for it allows you to

break every assumption or constraint of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. It is full of graphical

information, is fast, powerful, and easy to use.

You will see a graph come up, which plots the changes of the frequencies of alleles and genotypes

over 50 generations. You will need to tell it which of the frequencies you wish it to plot on the

graph; e.g. just the frequency of the homozygous recessive, or the frequencies of p and q, or the

three genotypes all at once, or everything all at once.

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It also has a few very short tables where you can change starting conditions. Again, assume you are

looking at a single gene with 2 alleles, one of which is dominant.

The starting conditions you can manipulate:

1) p and q

2) Selection pressure on each genotype. For example, a value of 1.0 means that 100%

survive to reproduce, while 0.1 means only 10% survive to reproduce.

3) Immigration (M) - number of each genotype that move into the population. This is a

good one to leave at zero until you are comfortable with manipulating the other


4) Size of population (N)- (note that it is log scale)-You should compare very small and

very large populations

5) Drift-On or Off- Leave it “Off” at first. Turn it “On” when you specifically wish to

assess the impact of genetic drift.

6) Mutation rate of each allele to its alternate form. Unless you specifically wish to look at

the impact of mutation, leave it at zero. If you do use it, remember that it is always a

very low number, usually in the order of one mutation tin every 10,000 to 10,000,000

meiotic events (or generations).

Each time you change a single condition, the graph immediately changes to accommodate it.

PART 1: NEWS ITEM (reported at the AIDS conference in Toronto, Aug. 2006)

One in 300 people infected with HIV virus do not develop AIDS. This appears to be true in

different populations in different parts of the world. It may be the result of a single gene with a

pair of alleles which, when homozygous recessive, prevents the virus from penetrating the host


Assume the homozygous recessive of a gene with 2 alleles provides the observed

immunity. It occurs in 1 in 300 people= 0.0033% of the population.

Therefore, q2 =0.003,

and so q=0.06 approx.

p=1-q, so 1-0.06=0.94, so p=0.94

What do you hypothesize will happen to the allele and genotype frequencies in the next


Simulating HW equilibrium:

Starting conditions: adjust p and q values to 0.94 and 0.06

Keep Selection for all three genotypes at 1.0

Keep Mutation and Immigration at 0, and Drift Off

Check all Plot Variable

Vary population size

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1. Impact of Genetic Drift and Population Size (record data Table 6)

With population size at 10,000, 1,000, and then 100, click ‘Drift’ On and Off a few times.

What do you see?

With population size at 100, click ‘Drift’ On 20 different times. How many times does “q”

become zero? What happens to “p” when this happens?

When an allele is lost in this way, the remaining allele becomes ‘fixed’ in the population,

and no further evolution at that site is possible until mutation restores the lost allele.

2. Change in Selection pressure: (use blank tables)

Now assume ‘Selection’ is different for the three genotypes (Red box). Selection is

measured in terms of survival rate.

-if survival to reproduce rate of AA is 0.96 (this would mean for instance that 4% of the

population that is genotype AA has AIDS and will not survive, or if they survive will not


-and survival to reproduce rate of AB is 0.99 (this would mean that carrying one B allele

provides some limited protection from the virus)

-and that survival to reproduce rate of BB is 1.00 (meaning that all who carry the

homozygous recessive condition survive and reproduce successfully).

Then what happens over 50 generations, as you change population size, and then as you

permit genetic drift to occur?

If you run another 20 trials with a population size of 100, and ‘Drift’ On, how do the results

compare with the trials you ran when Selection was 1.0 for all three genotypes?

Table 6: Population size and the impact of genetic drift



Gen 50



Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On

p 0.94

q 0.06

P2 fr of AA 0.88

q2 fr of BB 0.003

2pq (fr of AB) 0.112

Mean fitness ~96

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Blank template table for different survival to reproduce rates



Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On



P2 fr of AA 0.96

q2 fr of BB

2pq (fr of AB)

Mean fitness

Blank template table for different survival to reproduce rates



Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On



P2 fr of AA

q2 fr of BB

2pq (fr of AB) 0.99

Mean fitness

Blank template table for different survival to reproduce rates



Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift Off

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On

Gen 50


Drift On



P2 fr of AA

q2 fr of BB 1.00

2pq (fr of AB)

Mean fitness

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Lab # 4 Report: (9%) Due 7 days from scheduled completion of this full lab.

This is not a full, formal lab report, but you should use some of the formatting in

order to produce a tidy report that flows efficiently.

1. Include a brief Introduction that includes the purpose and overview of the lab exercises.

2. Completed review Tables 1-3.

3. Completed gene frequencies Table 4 along with worksheets. Please answer the following


a) From the HW eye color Table 4, and ignoring the data on the lab population: What

happens to the frequencies of the alleles and the genotypes as the frequency of blue

eyed people decreases?

b) What, in a biological sense, is a population? Why is the lab group not an example of

a population in HW Equilibrium? Why is it not even acceptable as a ‘population’?

4. Completed Table 5. Please answer the following question:

a) Can you think of any population of an organism that is in HW equilibrium?

5. Bioquest Simulation. Include completed Table 6. Answer the following questions:

a) What do you conclude about the impact of population size on the changes in

genotype frequencies?

b) What do you conclude about the impact of genetic drift?

c) What is genetic drift? Use your text book, but describe it briefly in your own words.

d) What happens when each genotype has a different survival to reproduce rate?

6. A Reference Section should be included with your assignment. You need to include at the

very minimum reference to at least one Journal article. Please provide the first page of the

PDF from the research paper as an appendix with your report. Find any recent paper (less

than 5 years since published) that has to do with Hardy-Weinberg Equilibria. It does not

have to tie in closely to your report.

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Lab # 5: Sources of Variation

The objective of this lab is to give you the opportunity to think about variation, its possible sources,

and its adaptiveness. The example you consider will be one of your choosing, and will be somewhat

similar in design to the project you did in the Ecology Section of this course.

Natural selection can only occur if organisms vary, and if their variations are inherited. Variation is

a critical characteristic of every population of organisms. The extent of variation of course varies

immensely depending on the organism and on the trait we are looking at, but it is always present to

some degree. By now you have met some of the problems variation poses to those doing ecological

work, where we look for correlations, and try to make predictions about relationships. Variation can

then appear to mask the relationships you expect or hope to find, and you may need to collect a great

deal of data in order to show that a significant correlation exists. On the other hand, evolutionary

biologists view variation and its causes with some enthusiasm, hoping for further insight into how

natural selection may occur.

Why is there so much variation among individuals within populations? Why do individuals that live

close together often appear quite different in so many ways? What are the sources of that variation?

Are the traits that vary inherited and subjected to natural selection? Are they responses by genetically

similar individuals to different environmental conditions? Why do even cloned, genetically identical

individuals differ in small but measurable ways? In other words, is all this variation adaptive in some

way, or is some or much of it random and not inherited? These are questions that intrigue

evolutionary biologists.

Sexual Selection

Very often one sex invests much more time and energy in producing and caring for offspring than

does the other sex. Usually (but not always) that sex is female. When the female of a species invests

a considerable amount of her time and energy into each of her offspring, it should be to her advantage

to choose a particularly fit male to mate with, ensuring that her offspring will in turn be as fit as

possible. On the other hand, when the male of a species invests relatively little in each of his

offspring, it should be to his advantage to mate with as many females as possible, ensuring he will

have as many offspring as possible; there is no reason for him to be choosy about who he mates with.

Charles Darwin recognized that natural selection should act differently on males and females which

invest different amounts of time and energy in their offspring, and he called it sexual selection.

Species differ from each other immensely in how much the sexes differ in their investment in

offspring, and so the extent of sexual selection among species also varies immensely.

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In order to think about large questions, we still need detail on specific examples. Any theory is only

as good as the examples that it rests on, and in this lab you will develop and analyze your own

example. To make it possible to draw some comparative conclusions, and to apply some basic

statistics to your data, you will need to measure:

1) One or more traits of 2 sexes of a species, OR

2) One or more traits of 2 related species.

The specific objectives of this lab are then:

1) To compare the extent, and reasons for, the variation in one or more traits in an example

of your choosing.

2) To collect some real data, and analyze them, using basic statistics and a t-test.

3) To design and write an independent report of your project (8%).

Some examples:

To get you started, there will be a selection of organisms in the lab to look at and think about. With

a lab partner, consider what traits of each organism might be interesting and possible to measure.

Project Design:

With a partner decide:

i) What organism or organisms you wish to use as your example of variation

ii) What trait or traits you are going to measure.

iii) What predictions you can make about the variation that may exist within and

between the sexes or species

iv) How you are going to gather the data

v) How large your sample size should be

vi) What statistics you plan to use

vii) How you wish to construct your data sheet

When you and your partner are comfortable with your project design, share it with the TA who will

keep a record of who is planning to do what.

Standardizing your data

A trait that differs between 2 sexes or species may also vary according to the size of the organisms

you look at. This variation could easily obscure the relationship you wish to focus on. It is

therefore usually best to standardize you data by comparing the trait what interests you with a

second trait of the same individual that represents its overall size (body length, for instance). For

each individual you then can determine the ratio of the trait of interest relative to a body length.

When you compare the 2 sexes or species, you will then compare the ratios of each of the


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Data gathering

Organize yourselves so that you can gather the data necessary to complete your data Tables.

Picturing your Data

Once you have your data (as ratios), how do you propose to display your data?? Even if you

haven’t yet had a chance to analyze them, you should be able to describe the patterns of variation

that exist.

Explore the graphics software. Graph your data in several ways. Which is the best way to display

your data??

Statistical analysis

What do the basic statistics concerning mean, range and standard deviations tell you about your

data? Once you have run a t-test, you should be able to decide whether or not any significant

difference exists between the two sexes or species in the trait or traits you have measured.

In-lab writing

While you and your partner are together in the lab, you should take time for the following:

1) Write a clear statement of your major hypothesis.

2) Think of some alternative explanations (or hypotheses) that could also account for your


3) Draft the “Results” section of your report:

i) State in words what your statistical test tells you about means and variation

ii) Note (describe) any unusual patterns or outliers

iii) State as clearly as you can whether there is a significant difference between

your samples.

iv) State exactly what the ‘p’ value tells you.

You may wish to discuss these with other lab teams, and your TA’s will of course be eager to talk

with you about them.

End of lab

At the end of the lab period you should have a graph of your results, statistical analysis of your

results which you understand, a draft of the ‘Results” section of your lab report, a clear hypothesis

to build your “Introduction” around, and some ideas about alternative hypotheses that you can

consider in your “Discussion”.

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Formal Lab # 5 Report (9%) Due 7 days from the end of lab.

You should follow the format outlined in the Guidelines for Writing Lab Reports provided on pages

13-22 in this lab manual. A rubric will be posted on Blackboard to help. You will require a Title

of your choosing.

1) Introduction (1 page)

You are looking at a specific example of some larger question. What is that question?

Why is it interesting? What hypothesis are you examining with your example?

2) Methods (1 page)

Include enough detail on what you measured and how you measured it that

someone else could duplicate what you did. You may wish to include a


3) Results (2 pages)

Include a figure of your data and indicate ranges, standard deviations, and

means. Include a clear statement of your statistics and findings about

significant differences.

4) Discussion (3-4 pages)

This is the critical thinking part of your report. Have you supported or

rejected your major hypothesis? If there is no significant difference between

the two sexes or species, the result is still potentially interesting and should

provoke further questions.

The variation you have documented may be due to environmental or genetic

factors. Think of at least two other hypotheses that could account for your

Results. How would you further test all three hypotheses in order to reject or

support tech of them?

From what you have observed and read, to what extent do you think the

differences between the two sexes or species is due to genetic factors and

therefore subject to selection?

5) References (1 page)

You will find your textbook and other sources helpful, but most of your ideas

will probably come from talking about the questions with your partner.

Nonetheless, you should have other references besides your textbook. The

most useful may be sources that deal with your ideas rather than the

particular species you have work