laboratory #5 bjt basics and mosfet basics

© EE, NCKU All rights reserved. 電子學實驗() Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-1 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan Laboratory #5 BJT Basics and MOSFET Basics I. Objectives 1. Understand the physical structure of BJTs and MOSFETs. 2. Learn to measure I-V characteristics of BJTs and MOSFETs. II. Components and Instruments 1. Components (1) NPN transistor - 9013 (2) MOSFET array - CD4007 (3) Resistor 100, 1k, 2.2k, 4.7k, 10k, 47k, 100k,1M (Ω) (4) Variable resistor 10k, 1M (Ω) (5) Capacitor 0.1μ (F) 2. Instruments (1) Function generator (2) DC power supply (3) Digital multimeter (4) Oscilloscope III. Reading Section 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.6 of “Microelectronics Circuits 6 th edition, Sedra/Smith”. Or, chapter 5 to section 6-4 of “Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design 3 rd edition, Neaman”. IV. Preparation 1. Physical structure of BJT BJT, which is the short form of Bipolar Junction Transistor, is a three-terminal electronic device, constructed of doped semiconductor material (Bipolar: P and N or holes and electrons). The three terminals are emitter (E), base (B) and collector (C). Note the pins assignment of commercialized products should be assured according to their datasheets. For instance, the pins assignment component used in this lab is shown in Fig. 5.1. The doping of each terminal is different, which is in order to make the BJT works. Such as, the emitter is heavily doped, while the

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© EE, NCKU All rights reserved.

電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-1 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Laboratory #5

BJT Basics and MOSFET Basics

I. Objectives

1. Understand the physical structure of BJTs and MOSFETs.

2. Learn to measure I-V characteristics of BJTs and MOSFETs.

II. Components and Instruments

1. Components

(1) NPN transistor - 9013

(2) MOSFET array - CD4007

(3) Resistor – 100, 1k, 2.2k, 4.7k, 10k, 47k, 100k,1M (Ω)

(4) Variable resistor – 10k, 1M (Ω)

(5) Capacitor – 0.1μ (F)

2. Instruments

(1) Function generator

(2) DC power supply

(3) Digital multimeter

(4) Oscilloscope

III. Reading

Section 4.1-4.5, 5.1-5.6 of “Microelectronics Circuits 6th edition,

Sedra/Smith”. Or, chapter 5 to section 6-4 of “Microelectronics Circuit

Analysis and Design 3rd edition, Neaman”.

IV. Preparation

1. Physical structure of BJT

BJT, which is the short form of Bipolar Junction Transistor, is a

three-terminal electronic device, constructed of doped semiconductor

material (Bipolar: P and N or holes and electrons). The three

terminals are emitter (E), base (B) and collector (C). Note the pins

assignment of commercialized products should be assured according

to their datasheets. For instance, the pins assignment component

used in this lab is shown in Fig. 5.1.

The doping of each terminal is different, which is in order to make

the BJT works. Such as, the emitter is heavily doped, while the

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-2 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

collector is lightly doped, allowing a large reverse bias voltage to be

applied before the collector–base junction breaks down.

Fig. 5.1 Physical structure of BJT and pins assignment of 9013

Another switch component, MOSFET, is operated in lots of

similar forms with BJT, such as the current-voltage relationship,

amplifier configurations, etc.

Table 5.1 Comparison of BJT and MOSFET


Current controlled current source Voltage controlled current source

Minority-carrier device Majority-carrier device

2. Characteristics of BJT

The I-V curve of BJT is shown as below, where the y-axis is Ic

(collector current) and the x-axis is Vce (collector-emitter voltage). For

MOSFET, the y-axis will be drain current and the x-axis will be

gate-source voltage. It is helpful to make connections between BJT

and MOS. Another Ib-to-Vbe curve is shown next for further illustration.



© EE, NCKU All rights reserved.

電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-3 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Fig. 5.2(a) The Ic-Vce Curve of BJT

Fig. 5.2(b) The Ib-Vbe Curve of BJT

For the I-V curve of BJT, it can be divided into four configurations,

which are reverse active, cut-off, saturation, active (forward-active)

regions. Cut-off (switch-off) and saturation (switch-on) regions are

used for switch, active region is used for amplifier, while reverse

active region is rarely used and will not be introduced in this lab. The

status of EBJ and CBJ under different modes is tabulated as below

and the three configurations are discussed next to it.

Table 5.2 The status of EBJ and CBJ under different modes


Cutoff Reverse Reverse

Active Forward Reverse

Saturation Forward Forward

Forward-active Saturation

Reverse active



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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-4 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

(1) Cut-Off Region

Refer to Fig. 5.2(b), when VBE is smaller than 0.6V or 0.7V,

the BJT is nearly closed. In this region, no matter how large the

VCE is, IB is nearly zero and so as IC. (Remember that BJT is a

current-controlled current source.)

(2) Active Region

To operate BJT in this region, VBE should be larger than 0.7V

(refer to the Fig. 5.2(b)) and VCE should be larger than 0.2V (refer

to the Fig. 5.2(a)). Here in this region, IC and IB are in a nearly

constant ratio, and this ratio is defined as the current gain β=

IC/IB. Different BJTs have different values of β, and it is better to

refer to the datasheet before using BJTs.

(3) Saturation Region

When VBE is fixed at or a little higher than 0.7V and VCE is

lower than 0.2V, the BJT will be operated in the saturation region.

From the Fig. 5.2(a), it could be observed that when VCE changes

a little, IC would vary rapidly. Note that there is no linear

relationship between IC and IB.

3. Fundamentals of MOSFET

The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET)

is commonly used for amplifying or switching the electronic signals. In

MOSFETs, a voltage applying on the oxide-insulated gate electrode

will induce a conducting channel between source and drain.

Depending on the major carriers, the channel can be n-type or p-type,

and they are called NMOS or PMOS respectively.

(1) Physical structure of MOSFET

As shown in Fig. 5.3, MOSFETs can be classified into two types,

enhancement- and depletion-type. Enhancement MOSFET is the

most widely used FET. So, in this lab we will focus on enhancement

MOSFET and review its physical structure and operation. However,

the depletion-type MOSFET will be briefly discussed as well.

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-5 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Fig. 5.3 Physical structure of two types of MOSFET

Fig. 5.4 Physical structure of n-channel enhancement-type MOSFET

The transistor is fabricated on a p-type substrate, which is a

single-crystal silicon wafer that provides the base for the whole

device or IC. Two heavily doped n-type regions, n+ source and the n+

drain indicated in Fig. 5.3, are formed in the substrate. A thin layer of

silicon dioxide (SiO2) with thickness tox, which is an excellent

electrical insulator, is grown on the surface of the substrate covering

the area of the source and drain regions. Then, metal is deposited on

the top of the oxide layer to form the gate electrode of the device.

Metal contacts are also made to the source region, the drain

region, and the substrate (body). Thus, there are four terminals for a

MOSFET: the gate terminal (G), the source terminal (S), the drain

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-6 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

terminal (D), and the substrate or body terminal (B).

Observing the substrate, it could be found that it forms p-n

junctions with the source and drain region. These two p-n junctions

can be effectively cut-off by simply connecting the substrate terminal

to the source terminal. In normal operations, these p-n junctions are

kept reverse-biased. On the other hand, once the “channel” between

source and drain terminals is built up by applying external voltage,

carriers can flow through that channel and cause drain current. The

details about how MOSFET operates in different bias conditions will

be discussed in the next section.

The other type of MOSFET, which is called “depletion-type”, has

similar structure as enhancement-type MOSFET. The vital difference

between them is that the depletion MOSFET has physically implanted

channel. Thus, if a voltage VDS is applied between drain and source, a

current ID flows at VGS=0. In other words, depletion-type MOSFET

conducts without applying external gate voltage.

(2) Operation mode

Depending on the bias voltages at the terminals, the operations

of a MOSFET can be classified into three modes. In the following

discussion, a simplified algebraic model that is only accurate for

dated technology has been used. Modern MOSFET requires

computer to simulate its more complex behavior, e.g. short channel


In this Lab., the enhancement-type NMOS will be used as an

example to illustrate the three modes including cut-off, linear, and

saturation region.

Fig. 5.5 The ID-VDS curve of enhanced-type NMOS

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-7 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Cut-off region:

With no bias voltage applied to the gate, two back-to-back

diodes exist in series between drain and source. One diode is

formed by the p-n junction between the n+ drain and the

p-substrate, and the other is formed by the n+ source region and

p-substrate. These two back-to-back diodes prevent current

conduction from drain to source when a voltage VDS is applied. In

other words, there is no “channel” between drain and source or

the path between drain and source is highly resistive.

In Figure 5.6, we ground the drain and source terminal, and

apply a positive voltage to the gate. Since the source is grounded,

the gate voltage could be denoted as VGS. The positive voltage

induces an n-channel between two n+ regions and the channel

would provide a path for current to flow. But, there will be no

sufficient number of mobile electrons accumulated in the channel

until VGS > Vt (threshold voltage).

Fig. 5.6 An NMOS with positive voltage applied to the gate VGS<Vt

Linear region:

With the induced channel, we first apply a small positive

voltage VDS (i.e. around 50 mV) between drain and source as

shown in Fig. 5.7. This voltage VDS causes a current ID to flow

through n-channel.

As indicated in Fig. 5.7, the magnitude of ID depends on the

density of electrons in the channel, which in turn depends on the

magnitude of VGS. In fact, the conductance of the channel is

proportional to the excess gate voltage (VGS-Vt), also known as

the effective voltage or the overdrive voltage.

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-8 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

Fig. 5.7 NMOS with VGS>Vt and a small VDS applied

Fig. 5.8 shows a sketch of ID versus VDS for various values of

VGS and it illustrates that the MOSFET is operating as a linear

resistance whose value is controlled by VGS. Ideally, the

resistance is infinite for VGS ≦ Vt, and it decreases as VGS > Vt.

Fig. 5.8 The ID-VDS characteristics of the MOSFET in Fig. 5.7

The description above indicates that a channel has to be

induced for the MOSFET to conduct. Increasing VGS above the

threshold voltage Vt enhances the channel, and hence it is

named as “enhancement-type” MOSFET.

Saturation region:

For observing this region, let VGS be held constant at a value

greater than Vt and increase VDS. Refer to Fig. 5.9, it is noted that

VDS appears non-uniformly along the channel. Since every

segment of the channel depth depends on its suffered voltage, it

could be found that the channel is no longer of uniform depth.

Rather, the channel will be tapered as shown in Fig. 5.9, the

deepest depth appears at the source end and the shallowest at

the drain end. As VDS is further increased, the channel is more

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-9 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan

tapered and its resistance increases correspondingly. As the

result, the ID-VDS curve is no longer a straight line but bends as

shown in Fig. 5.10.

Fig. 5.9 Induced channel is tapered as VDS is increased,

When VDS is increased to the value of VDS(sat) = VGS-Vt, it

reduces the voltage between gate and channel at the drain end

to Vt, or the channel depth of the drain end decreases to almost

zero, it is said to be “pinched off”. Increasing VDS beyond VGS-Vt,

the current through the channel remains constant or said it have

been entered into the saturation region.

Fig. 5.10 Drain current ID vs. the drain-to-source voltage VDS

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V. Exploration

1. Measure the I-V characteristics curve of BJT

(1) Complete the wiring as Fig. 5.11.

(2) Turn on the power supply after completing the wiring.

(3) Use the digital multi-meter to measure the value of IB, and tune

VR1 until the required IB is obtained.

(4) Use oscilloscope to measure the values of VCE, and tune VR2 to

the required VCE values in the table below.

(5) Use the digital multi-meter to measure the values of IC, and write

down the values of IC at different VCE.

(6) When complete the 1st table, redo (3) to (4) for different IB.

(7) Draw the two sets of data on the same graph.



kVR 10_2kVR 10_1








Fig. 5.11 Measurement setup

2. Measure the I-V characteristics curve of MOSFET

The layout and connections of CD4007 MOSFET array are

shown below. As what it shown, CD4007 consists of 6 transistors, 3

p-channels and 3 n-channels.















NOTE: Pin14 must be connected to the most positive voltage, and pin 7 to

the most negative. For the sake of safety, maintain the voltage between pin

7 and pin 14 at or below 16V to avoid internal voltage breakdown. Make

sure you turn off the power supply before changing any circuit


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(a) (b)

Fig. 5.12 (a) Setup for measuring Vtp0 (b) Setup for measuring Vtn0























Fig. 5.13 Setup for measuring ID vs. VDS with different VGS

(1) Assemble the circuit as shown in Figure 5.12(a) and 5.12(b), and

record down the voltage using DVM (the circled numbers

correspond to the IC pins assignment).

(2) Calculate the threshold voltage of PMOS and NMOS

respectively by using the formula listed in the report.

(3) Next, assemble the circuit as shown in Fig. 5.13. The two bias

voltage sources VDS and VGS could be derived from the variable

resistor connected as shown in Figure 5.13. Note: Check all

connections before turning on the power supply.

(4) Adjust the variable resistors so that MOSFET is biased at

VGS=0.5V and VDS=1V, then record down the current value

shown in DMM. Use the oscilloscope to check the bias voltages

and DMM to measure the current.

(5) Repeat the steps at different bias conditions and record the

current value.

DVM: Digital Voltage Meter

DCM: Digital Current Meter

DMM: Digital Multi-Meter

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電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 5-12 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City,


Laboratory #5 Pre-lab


Name: Student ID:

Problem 1 (PSPICE simulation)

Using PSpice to obtain the I-V characteristics curve of BJT, note that

the schematic is not provided and you should complete drawing the circuit

by CIS Capture and simulating it with DC sweep analysis. Requirement:

(primary sweep) vce is in the range of -300mV to 300mV, (secondary

sweep) ib varies within the range of 0 to 50μA and the step is 10μA.

(1) The circuit schematic

(2) The simulation result

Problem 2 (PSPICE simulation)

Use DC sweep analysis to run the ID vs. VDS curve under different VGS

levels. Use NMOS0P5_BODY model to simulate the MOSFET with

W=1.25μm, L=0.5μm.

(1) The circuit schematic

(2) The simulation result

Note: Library files (sedra_lib.lib and sedra_lib.olb) are available in the

CD-ROM attached to the textbook. You can include the needed

libraries in simulation profile to obtain the required model.

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Laboratory #5 Report Class:

Name: Student ID:

Exploration 1

(1) Experimental result

(2) Graph of VCE-to-IC

Exploration 2

(1) Experimental result

Vtp0 = VDD – VDVM = V,

Vtn0= VDD – VDVM = V.



10V 9V 7V 5V 4V 3V 2V 1V




(2) Graph of VDS-to-ID

Problem 1

What is the relationship between IE, IB and IC? And, express α by

β? (Calculations are needed, not just giving out the result.) Why do

we need large β?


VCE (V) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 3.0 5.0

IC (mA)


VCE (V) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0 3.0 5.0

IC (mA)

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Problem 2

In practical applications (ex. speaker), explain why do we need

an amplifier which featuring high input impedance and low output

impedance? Explain the reason. (Hint: loading effect)



