labour issues in ihrm

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  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm



  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Poole has identified several factors that may underlie

    these historical differences: The mode of technology and industrial organization atcritical stages of union development; Methods of union regulation by government; Ideological divisions within the trade union movement; The influence of religious organizations on trade uniondevelopment and Managerial strategies for labor relations in largecorporation

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Key Issues In International LaborRelations

    Nationality of Ownership of the Subsidiary

    International Human Resource Management Approach

    MNE Prior Experience in Labor Relations

    Subsidiary Characteristics

    Management Attitudes Towards Unions

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Labor Unions And International LaborRelations

    Labor unions may limit the strategic choices of multinationalsin three ways: by influencing wage levels to the extent thatcost structures may become competitive, by constraining the

    ability of multinationals to vary employment levels at will, andbyhindering or preventing global in-tegration of the operationsof multinationals.

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Influencing Wage Levels

    The influence of unions on wage levels is, therefore,important. Multinationals that fail to successfully managetheir wage levels will suffer labor cost disadvantages thatmay narrow their strategic options. Many countries nowhave legislation that limits considerably the ability of firmsto carry out plant closure, redundancy, or layoff programsunless it can be shown that structural conditions makethese employment losses unavoidable. Frequently, the

    process of showing the need for these programs is longand drawn-out.

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    There are several ways in which multinationals have an

    impact on trade union and employee interests:1. Formidable financial resources :2. Alternative source of supply3. The ability to move production facilities to-otherCountries

    4. A remote locus of authority5. Production facilities in many industries6. Superior knowledge and expertise in labor relations7. The capacity to stage an investment strike :

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    The response of labor unions to multinationals hasbeen threefold: to form international tradesecretariats (ITSs), to lobby for restrictive nationallegislation, and finally, to try and achieve regulationof multinationals by international organizations

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    International Trade Secretariats(ITSs).

    There are 15 ITSs, which function as loose confederations toprovide worldwide links for the national unions in a particulartrade or industry (e.g., metals, transport, and chemicals). The

    secretariats have mainly operated to facilitate the ex-changeof information. One of the fastest growing of the ITSs is theInternational Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional,and Technical Employees (generally known by its Frenchinitials,FIET), which is focused on the service sector.

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Lobbying for Restrictive NationalLegislation

    The motivation for labor unions to pursue restrictive national legislations is

    based on a desire to prevent the export of jobs via multinational investmentpolicies. A major difficulty for unions when pursuing this strategy is the reality ofconflicting national economic interests.

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    Regulation of Multinationals byInternational Organizations

    At-tempts by labor unions to exert influence over multinationals via inter-national organizations have met with some success. Through trade unionfederations such as the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the

    labor movement has been able to lobby the International Labor Organi-zation (ILO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD) the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD), and the European Union (EU)

  • 8/4/2019 Labour Issues in Ihrm


    The ILO has identified a number of workplace-relatedprinciples that should be respected by all nations: freedomof association, the right to organize and collectivelybargain, abolition of forced labor, and nondiscrimination inemployment. the umbrella or chapeau clause This clausestates that multinationals should adhere to the guidelines

    within the framework of law, regulations and prevailinglabor relations and employment practices, in each ofthe countries in which they operate.