ladera: google analytics strategy recommendation

Esme Carpenter

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Post on 03-Mar-2017



Data & Analytics

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Esme Carpenter

Table of ContentsAbout Ladera…………………..………………………………..3Target Audiences……………………...………………………..4Main Website Pages..…………..………………………………5Functionality……………..…..…………………………………6Macro Goals…...………..……….……………………………...7Micro Goals…...………….……………………………………..9Recommendations….………………………………………….12Filters……………………………………………………….…..13Landing Pages…………………………………………………14Weddings Campaign………………………………………….15URL Builder………………...…………………………………17Key Metrics…………….……………………………..............18Summary…………….…………………………………………19

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About Ladera

Ladera is a romantic, luxurious resort nestled in the beautiful island of St. Lucia. The upscale resort offers guests an exclusive experience and plenty of activities and accommodations for adult guests seeking a romantic getaway. Fine linens are provided in each room, where the fourth walls are left open to give guests a very special experience. Surrounded by breathtaking tropical views in the Caribbean Sea, Ladera offers a truly private escape.

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Target Audiences

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Couples seeking a romantic


Couples and their wedding


Couples celebrating &


Couples celebrating an


Main Website Pages

The Ladera Resort website has ten main pages, all featured in the tabs shownbelow. The site’s landing page provides general information and a serenevideo of the resort and all it has to offer. From there, guests can explore tabswith information on rates, accommodations, activities, weddings, dining, aphoto gallery, how to contact, and booking a reservation.

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Main Pages: Core Functionality ElementsThree of the most important website pages are detailed below.

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“The Resort” tab is probablythe first tab a newcomerwould visit. It provides ageneral overview of the resortand buttons to easily navigateto the other site pages.


The “Weddings” tabprovides information onall the wedding packagesand package options,special event pricing,entertainment options,and wedding specialists.


The “Reservations” tabprovides potential guestswith an off-site portal tobook their stay. Guests canselect preferred dates andaccommodations. Guests canofficially book and see theirgrand total.

Macro Goals

A Macro Goal forthe Ladera Resort

would be for a guest toofficially book a reservation.

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Setting goals will be highly valuable to theLadera marketing team. By setting macro andmicro goals, we can see what is working, what isnot, and if we are meeting goals in the first place.

Macro Goal: Conversion Funnel

Home Page

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Book Now

Guests in Party


Room Package Selection

The macro goal is booking a stay but what sequence leads guests there? Often, micro goals assist. Identifying the

conversion funnel can help us better understand our clients.

Payment & Checkout

Thank you!

Micro Goals

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Micro Goal Business Objective

Subscribe to e-mail list Acquisition

Submit an information request Inquiry

View the Rates tab Inquiry

Watch a video Engagement

Submit a Request for Proposal Revenue

Targeted Value

20% of visitors

10% of visitors

3 minutes

1+ minutes

20% of guests

Goal: Setup Configuration

Goal setup for e-mail subscriptions is shown below.

1. Sign in to Google Analytics

2. Select your Admin tab, and navigate to the Ladera Resort account under Test View (for now)

3. Select Goals

4. Click the + New Goal Button

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Micro Goal: Setup Illustration

1. Select the goal template “Create an account”

2. This will be a destination goal, select that

3. In Goal Details, enter “Equals To”

4. Save. You’ve got a new goal!

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Recommendations1. Filters for Regions

2. Landing Pages & Audience Interests

3. Campaign for Weddings

4. Campaign Channels

5. URL Builder

6. Visitors and key metrics

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Filters For RegionsFilters will be particularly useful for the Regional Sales Managers in North America, Europe, and South America. Each of these managers should be filtering data in Analytics geographically to ensure they are analyzing relevant data. Note that filter order matters; the output for one filter becomes the input for the next.

1. Under Filters in “Test View,” find the + Add Filter button

2. Create a custom filter for each region

3. For example, name a filter “North America,” customize it to include the countries in the region, and save. Do so for each region.

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Landing Pages & Audience InterestsGoogle Analytics can provide Land Page Reports to identify which pages are serving as introductions to the site, which digital media posts are driving the most traffic to the site, what pages that traffic is landing on, and how well those pages are performing.

To access the Landing Page Report:

The main landing pages for Ladera are shown below, coupled with the audience interests.

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Behavior Tab > Site Content > Landing Pages

Landing Page Audience Interests General information on resorts in St. Lucia Newlyweds seeking a honeymoon destination Couples seeking a romantic getaway

Campaign for Weddings

For a Weddings Campaign, I would highly recommend using the Landing Page for Romantic Getaways:

Titled “St. Lucia Weddings,” this page provides detailed information on booking weddings through the site and picking packages.

To target the Wedding Planner market, I suggest Laderaadvertise using AdWords, Pinterest, and Facebook, as these are three very prominent platforms for planning weddings.

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URL BuilderUsing the Google URL Builder, addparameters and customize URLs for adcampaigns on digital media platforms.Generating URLs in this way can provideinsights into conversion, ROI and futuremarketing campaign investment. Whenguests click the customized links fromdifferent campaign sources and mediums,these parameters can help identify the mosteffective URLs for the campaign. To theright, we have an example of how to use theURL Builder for the Weddings Campaignon the social media platform Pinterest.

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URL Builder: Unique Platform URLs

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Visitors and Key MetricsTo better target the Ladera audience, it is important to first understand the site’s visitor base. For example, examining New vs. Returning Visitors can either signal that the resort has a lot of new views from a new campaign or has generated repeat interest by visitors. This can help you gain insight to your audience size. Other key metrics are listed below.

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Key Metric InsightsDevice Type Do users visit the site commonly on mobile devices or computers? If users exits

the site quickly from mobile devices, this can signal the site needs improvement for its mobile usability.

Geography Where do users come from? If your audience is particularly high in one area, it could mean a class project was assigned to your site, so be careful not to rely on this information.

Time on Site How much time did it take a user to find what they were looking for? Do landing pages provide enough information to lead to conversions?

Recommendation Summary

Create Regional Filters: North America, South America, Europe

Optimize Landing Pages for Audience Interests

Launch a Campaign for Weddings

Carefully Select Campaign Channels

Track Campaigns With the URL Builder

Target Visitors Using Key Metrics

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Final Recommendation & Implementation

The Ladera Resort website does a great job providing guests with general information, activitypossibilities, package options, pricing details, and more. The site does its job: creates conversions andgenerates revenue.

However, the site can do even more to better target their audiences and cater to specific customer needs.The best way to optimize user experience and the company’s marketing efforts would be to trackindividual goals, launch a specific Weddings Campaign on the three proposed digital platforms, andclosely monitor their visitors by using key metrics to identify user needs.

To go one step further, I recommend the company use Landing Page Reports to identify which LandingPage is the strongest; lowest bounce rates, highest assist in goal conversion, and most time viewing. Thecompany should invest more heavily in that landing page and generate more clicks and views. Thecompany can use Google Analytics to make the resort and its site even more accommodating.

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