ladistribution betapitch-final-edit

Beta Pitch Berlin - Mai 2011 We distribute web applications (version 2.0 final pdf edit) La Distributionʼs mission is to distribute web applications. Think of us as an App Store for web applications.

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Beta PitchBerlin - Mai 2011

We distribute web applications

(version 2.0 final pdf edit)

La Distributionʼs mission is to distribute web applications.

Think of us as an App Store for web applications.

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The Founder

François Hodierne

Ex-Parisian. Based in Berlin.

Ex-Netvibes Chief Architect

I'm François Hodierne, Founder of La Distribution.

Iʼm originally from France and now based in Berlin for more than one year.

In Paris, I was formerly Netvibes Chief Architect.

Netvibes was all about widget distribution. And after quitting my job at Netvibes 2 years ago, I decided to work on something bigger: web application distribution.

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Web applications are taking over the world

Web applications are taking over the world. With HTML5, web applications are now competing on par with native apps. Soon, there will be nothing left on our desktop, everything will run through a web browser. Even on the mobile, native apps will progressively disappear.

A revolution is happening right now.

And we want to be part of it! We want to fuel this revolution!

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A new distribution model

And, when everyone is talking about SAAS, we're betting on a different distribution model.

It's in fact an evolution of a very old one, where developers make their software available for download, and where the software is installed somewhere by customers.

Itʼs a great model.

Because many developers dontʼ want to run a service. Itʼs complicated and a lot of responsability.

And many customers want to be in control, use their own domain name, choose their hosting.

But today, this model is painful.

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You have to discover the app you want to install.

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The Readme


Understand the Readme.

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Config File


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Done ...


And eventually, youʼre done.

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Why can’t we make it simple?

Why canʼt we make it as simple as installing applications on an Iphone?

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Choose the application you want to install from our marketplace. Click.

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But it’s more than that ...

Honestly, maybe it's not the first time you're seeing that. But itʼs more than that. We want to remove every friction and make the user experience straightforward.

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You have one unique user account for everything, and only have to sign in one time.

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You always have a common user interface around so youʼre never lost.

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Hosting Agnostic

• Shared, Dedicated, VPS, PAAS, ...

• Amazon, Rackspace, 1&1, ...

But more important.

Weʼre hosting agnostic and can distribute applications on every kind of hosting.

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Open Marketplace

And weʼre building Open Marketplace.

Weʼre bootstrapping it with popular open source web applications.

And soon, it will be open to every developers.

Publishing an application will bas as simple as pushing to Github.

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No one hit the sweet spot like us. Combining Simplicity & Control.

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Market Size

1 000 000+ developers opportunity

100 000 000+ customers opportunity

The market size is huge.

Everyone need to install a web app one day. And we're the shortest and easiest path to that for customers.

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• Apps and Extensions(marketplace)

• Services(subscription)

• Partnerships with hosting providers(affiliation, revenue shares)

We get a cut on the applications and extensions we'll sell from our marketplace

Customers will pay for extra services like monitoring, automated backups, automated updates.

And more interesting.

Weʼll partner with hosting providers.

We'll make money when OUR customers register to their services. And we'll make money when THEIR customers install applications from our marketplace.

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Where we are

We've build the technology that allow us to install web applications so easily.

It's Open Source and can be downloaded and used by everyone. Users love it.

Now we have to build the marketplace.

To allow developers to publish applications. To connect with every hosting platforms we can.

And let customers register, create their space, and start installing web applications like crazy.

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What we need

From now, Iʼve bootstrapped everything myself.

But, we have this big opportunity ahead, and we should now accelerate, open our marketplace to customers within X months.

For this reason, weʼre currently setting up a seed investment round around XXX. It would allow us to to hire X developers.

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We’re redefining how peopleinteract with web applications

François [email protected]
