lafib state?sm ak i^ariecindfat]

- ~m K \ __ Millions i ^WILLIAM GILLEN The Associated Press Americans- ushered In ifootball and'floaTS,' watc ,- gomes—on—television,__ f palm-lined streets of Calif., for the Rose Po shooting guns In the air — cities:---------------'-------------- --— Millions spent at least p. Year’s Day relaxing In f« TV to watch one or more i lego- bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StH cW Wcjirga) - - temperatures'were In the •50 pwple gatflerea ai lEel •House, to observe the 235t • -of the woman who 'sewei :Star&-and-^trlpe8r8uppo» ByDANSEWELCT^-^ - ."fsXS^jVXNy^'pucit :.'^eficue ttoH cm on'nm .. ;:60-bodle8;_ml«LQf;Jtfi! beyond rfecognlllopiln.i -fpared^WUednn.-Wednei -,20<i6w'i:;.Dui . Hotel, aiid.Puem>1Uc{ • Rafael -aullwtitlejl-^ereLlrj^ , "tiprlSrand'chfljfrw fe B2nd m A v \l A Stfllisnl '<s?i ‘ spend ho' _________J. J R eaQ C In 1987 With- - r , atchlng bowl ByTheAssocl flllinc; the;___ ______ f Pasadena. PALM SPF Parade, and dent Reagan, ilr In several long vaeatlo: ------- ^ ............. asked to be k it part ol New .troglC-lio|«U 1 front-ol the RlM, and pit re ot live col- games on lei le 98th Rose statement sal loats covered— A brlef -stj jrs, preceded staff in this i m e- between -ty-where-B« prr ------- ^—hirboiidarii 1, wljere presiderit an the 30s, about Re'fieisy Ross-------------“— I35th birthday request of . G wed the first other Revolut josedly-at-the—-The— nl^i icrto-"RICIF r*: ^ nnirjiijylinmd;; r.-j,. j, exprosionaraiMl^-wk..v ^ laMday'0.brue--.burDed«tU^ Puponl.;Pl^:;:r«Mrtert.Ai Ucan:Govern6r' .£aUM:d : ‘rOflOD i Mid p.m. lE5t)'i :ying.•lo■. dete^ JtluriLto tl ~ f ; ‘.'III'*''. SSi thftlf c h^ J ndyear,No.2 . - ■ Dliday watc ja n k e e p s in fo rn ioclated Press deei ___ ______ L_______la_t ;PRINGS. Calif. - Presl- com an, winding up his week- rela Lion on New Year’s day, ... e kept informed -about-tho- planned to watch football !l„ television, a While House said. . - ' R -statement Issued by his to-i Is desert resort communf* -Sun iTOflgnr ypAnt tnng^ nf piih rin"Seclusionrsaia.“ '’The“ ?ch and'M rs. Reagan were Hoi George Washington and esti lutlonary. War figures. ^ ^t~befort, fl"; crowd~'^f8H !'SI^SiafcbTiff^ f ); .W orfc^‘'planaed:-.(D' .‘oUe ' ;tt e dnyb w a k - ^ i s L-; [jfejB H lfi- ' 1 :ching par. rrfiedonhoteLj deeply saddened by the loss ia_the_hotel_fire..‘:and exter condolences to the frlenc relatives of those who died.” “The president has askec kept' Informed, through staf rielsniMnfartnalloiniD-the c the fire,” the statement said. Reagan was described as to-paperwork in the. privacy Sunnylands estate of nls old publlsher-V/alter Annenberg scheduled ~ to' return^tff ‘th( House late Friday. estimated at 20,000 had down the final seconds of ygarwhlle.Ureworks lighted eaches^ »:'lcOTfer,-^bbt5aiaa^:'\)Wft:*c waiPflL^^ > H^RBSdei-Colon l^lHl&.af-Brsofi-coald be linker labctt.aii»nteJ>etweea,tbed: 5i5a5^n3SflSE3nKiL.i a^^ggestiba..M:^cbQafistlg Ew wflSeW W U ur^ fi|u;M 9 reward for^ m'iUon Aiilotit tbe U qm of tbe i r^nSer sm M ilim haid'Bi^i Twin F^tls, Idaf] I I I ^ S the loci a m^p. At left (Itto ^^g;j.Vvo!!iihtMr> Cl f l H H - ^ ioirA«afe I ■QH!^'Thut«daVraoi E 9 I ;’Foi'more detc -story hea'dlln* raderfootf over the'city's-\ , J.. off the new year Constitution bU tion with a bang, is of life" On Thursday. end„Uielr„.si(;ct,.raln.and.hl :nds and forced the pos ' Mummers Parac ed to be since it began li aff'than-- • Gwynn. !. The parade w IS tending Saturday, when KV ol m l P' ‘"8 '?? la Ir e S prizes will strut « andS huge and gaudy. Joe Delghan, i Ing-Bands Ass " I ■■!! decisonji'as con lot-of~problems* Clubs, in Sddllio z d t h r s ky------------• -S e e l9 8 7 cte< ipjoiija I ; them* _ _ - '________5 P5®H=T By NORMAN BL, »,w;»l).. THeAsscciBledP . WASHINGTON debate about thi -.volunteer rmUlta rejrttod- -draltreglstratlon The-Selective, S ; - . now turned 26 • •rr;r^-' ell^blllty for a d _w.ere_pr.dered ,ui war. Dr~£$h; lafib w. least law I 0fth( - the n are i revei or to of-go revei roum fedet In m S ^ ^ |^ ^ * -o fficl tax ( BS$G taxc cauS' their fedei m |H H P IIH H |[ law, «ihSlM/jtNDVMlENZ- * the r »- i ^ dedu td - yi wbk £S^ ----------------- fi : A"7~ mon fefp SuOnn' ------------------\Vi ___ m »1i‘ --------- -Jn K watioHon |“ u‘ ■ft: A rider '■ to tl , trem ii^luuneear^ the lOrnlngr: . T*. ‘state ijnifg ^ ^ -——■_r-f™ Pagedl ■:’ bj s waterfront, touching ' ^ ar and a yearlong U.S.' ' blcentehfiial. .'celcbrA*' -■-^- g_- ------------------------------ ^ y. a grim forecast of l.high winds ln.the city- jostponement of the ";i!; rade for the 22nd time '■PJ I In lOfil. according lo' ' nn. - director—o t the: scum---------------- ---- ...... was rescheduled for . r , en participants com- . .m lOre than $300,000 In ^ n{ ■ut up-Broad-Street-ln- - — ly costumes of sequins _j]j -— ■'— :''gj 1, president of the Str- . . p( Association, said the . ts Drrcct but it “causes a "in [i5'‘~foi^the'Tnarchlnr tion, he said,, the “en- I - i876aPage'A2------------ caftmile* jgistrant; JLA(?K ' ~ "Tl iPress ' - pass( . Brod 3N - Amid rising tIveS the future of the all- "Tl Itary, ..the.jadyent: ofr.ty .n: Uit-Wlth-it Amllcstone ,mllli( : the current system - main Ion; -------- base, '6- Service System, as Th' cled its'first class of rcgla >mpletely through the read roces8.-The 2.1 roililoa. teim lo register m 1980 have foUoi 6 - completing .their forcc t draft even if a call*up regli upon the outbreak.pfjojdi . , . war igivestalk toui-Sii; i 8 Q State? i^ariec Id a h o , 1 8 Oi y WILLIAM M. WELCH he AssoeJsted Press WASHINGTON - Officials :ast 14 states that are inedvi uieflclarles ot tbe new federi IW are planning to return all o [their windfall to taxpayers. With state legislature, in ,ates_ preparing to meet-’ eai le new year, an addlilonal 19: re planning to spend the Incr ‘venues either on specific .pr ■tocoverde/lclts. ‘ A survey by The Associated -governorsrleglslatlve leadeT ivenue officials In the 50 ; lund" that the Impact drtlii ideral tax overhaul law Is an I many of the states. Estlmal [ficiaWiHhose-states-show-ft IX changes could produce as i $6 billion In new revenue, b{ IX changes of their own. The increased state reven aused by the way most states 5.elr..incomp-taxes,.conform.J ideral tax structure. The ne iw, taking effect with the st le new year, eliminates eductions In exchange for ates. thus broadening the^bi fhich the lower rates are 6ppl tates apply their current tax Dthat broadened base, th e ^ 0 produce hiphpr■ rfg>p *g* hti lore state revenue.. 'tthat to do with the money I Mb become a campaign tssm )ast ope governor’s race this 1 Kentucky, and dealing wll isue'is causing political discc 1some other states. How'state officials are respc ) the Impact Is Influenced t ■emendous regional diffarem le economy. "Almost hali ates are In serious fiscal prot O th e rs sH i rBype/^MpiatedPhm,:^ • W/^HlNGTOl^-'^"Theae-s •"are*-'^iderftng-4o^ertpg "already; bavfr,Towercd;*ltfx ta comgeneate for,the imp? federal tax-changes. The ( estimates are. lrom’iolflcial jO iitCfiSf ........... - ;Arizoiuf - ' Up ;to 'JlM- ff ^ainby ^o^om ini^lliy® :'^rol^ «duc«dns, legislative leader^want tp..w? • Colorido-:aainbfl2Wm -pefcenf-ircreaSS^'-TW Romer proposes Ihe.state, part; and return, part to • payers.'; , f.-',.;, ConaecUcut r—r-Gflin-ejti ._Uir9Ugh-j?Mie!p. ''gatas;-Oov~wmiamr.O‘^ l poses reducing state tax on tal salna buf nasn't'»ld b: mucn, - ' . ■^-i>elawarfr---:Galn-o(-8»-ii Jstone;JF tsJbecon "The window of vuTnerablllt; issed for this gt-oup,” says-Le' rodsky, spokesman, for the : veServteeSysWm.' "The system has-reached m ' .nnd_ther£_are nowjBJUgt iUlioQ-young.mea.whoseJiam< lalntained in the registration ise." . The requirement that yq^E 5glster wltb saectlveisefvice saching-their-' latb’^BIrthday ‘imposed In 1980 aftec a hlatu lUowed the shlft'to an all*voli )rce In 1973: Congt'eM app ^gi8lratlon,• even th o u ^ ' ther o-draft, In hopes, of ensuring' ar ever did enioL the draft i J-' ® Friday, J, T ( I smak indfat] o th e rs w ill sp i s In at 3 Ivertent don’t (keep 1 TrpS- don tgetth "arirS opportunit 9 slates - --------- ( d Press _ efs’and itsatax iIK i,iM^o£^Kosedoll m Issue to.gohackto “leSra^ ___ income ta: IS much through barring enue Is . _ Bill a o ’-“h L - - 'l?“„House new tax • ■ start of ! many and those states s r lower give It all back," s base on who watches state 'piled; if National ;Confere ax rates t enecl'irNor^enr^n^Bs biUsjuuJ-are-OTjoylnriJann .. ; ------ are-maklnS-plabs / Is like- money fo Taxpayer lue In at os New York, DelJ da4^ar._andConnecUcut. vlth the Ohio already has ;comfort, Gov. Richard Ceic month signed a law ponding would have been $71 by, the ed stale taxes. :nces In oil and farm st£ alf the ____ t)blems,' ' • See TAXES c t e s p l a h t ^ i v o r ^ b u d ^ n ':■■■ ... expected:'Gov.-f:MI . . ' ’saya h e ’l l consider ‘Stales come tax cut , of at ^ r r r o ^ c e n t r - - ; ^ ^ - -•••..... ,‘ • - - I rates ; HaVall - Gain ol pact ®> JlOfl'. tnilHbn expect« I dollar iQ lower*r al .8t_at<^--TOtlreamquiit............ ; ...— .^jaatyland.-r.Gaiiii mUllon expected:': Gov.-elj federal. Dpnald Scfiaefer s Jechp-projjose'toth-tax-n ’ but spending. ' wat; Ml(*Igan-Galn< mUllon, jo_?309i.tnilllon ^am^.Blanchafd pi MrRoy; ingfax'fatetooffset.«nd .Minnesota - $718 to, tax-, over next two yean conforming-'to nev *pe<:,’f<|"Rudy—Perplch- an cpPMjeaders want to i «ir-pr<j:-changetcomplleated on capl- system, by how^ M ^ u rl -• 5225' Unllllon^;— ^-S^STAJESei nes too ( llty has men Into’the servfc .ewIsC. quickly. - * Selec-J' The requirement, • ,ed on men who tume maturl* it Is that-group whi 'ghly 15 pass'gd’thP mnyjmu m es-ar^ny military drafU- dn data .The phasc-ln pro plfe^ln-.198l, 5Q_ ng meb wnotJrriS 18> u stn ce upon the SSlecllv'e Sefvlc ay-_was -of thaLbkthdayJ— . •tusthat While Pentagon oluttteer Defense * Secretarj pproVed. Weinberger on ere was" themselves -thordi g that if with the all-volu Iftine of • SeeDRAFSfl ; ' - • I 25 * ^.January 2,1987 IS t l ^ ■pend'it Ia fool if you ipthemoney- - ding).‘You thatJ<ind of nity often.’ ■ —Gleii Brown he Utah House increarserAir ^ lolldirs-ought-^ ---- to individual taxpayers igh rate ctiohsi’ ■ Mil Schreiber seCOPleader ! 2S are not likely lo ." said Steven Gold, ; late finances'for the ference • of ■ State ^nonu^ 8tateS|ty t ____^ ayers^^:.atates.such Delaware, Maryland has cut its tax-rates. - Celeste earlier this law heading off what I $7n million In add-: states, and others' ESonPageA2 N k ! unds; - f-MldHaer-Castle der pmbnal In* t at |east.S per- ______ _ 1 of $80 million to lected. proposal* ;■ Br*rates t6.offset • . alioftii9lnllllon'~ ■••elect William! r says he may, x-reductions^nd— --------- - aln M (150 million -?^P-ect?d._ Goy:-. . d proposes lower-;........ - ...... Set.' '• " $719 mllHon sain ears expected by new law. Gov; ~and“‘legislativa--, --------- 0 usc_Mme to itedipropei^to^ 225' mlllldn gain 3Sen PagfrA3~-^- )up old rvfce 'could proceed; ‘nt, was first lmpos> limed 20 In 1980. And. which hasTfow'sur- i Imum legal agg for i- - pnTce^ was com-> ik 5Q_that every man ^ ist now register wlthM fvlce wllhln 30 d a v f* -- - ;on officials. -J-'- - I , . . . - :tary Caspr^ - n -down / ' □rdu^lv'...-^............H /olui^" ' ......... ' . . -J

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Page 1: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)


~ m K \


Millions i^ W IL L IA M GILLEN T he Associated Press

Americans- ushered In ifootball and'floaTS,' watc

, - gom es—on—television,__ fpalm-lined s tree ts of Calif., for the Rose Po shooting guns In the a ir

— cities:---------------'--------------- - — Millions spent a t least p.

Y ear’s Day relaxing In f« TV to w atch one or m ore i lego- bowl gam es. The P arade, featuring 59-floa

_wlth mJUlons^otj flowers,

^Arkona S tH c W W c jirg a )

- - tem pera tu res 'w ere In the•50 pw ple gatflerea a i lE el •House, to observe the 235t

• -of the woman who 'sewei — :Star&-and-^trlpe8r8uppo»


- . " f s X S ^ j V X N y ^ 'p u c i t :.'^eficue t to H c m o n 'n m.. ;:60-bodle8;_ml«LQf;Jtfi!

beyond rfecognlllopiln.i


. Hotel, aiid.Puem>1Uc{ • R afael

-a u l lw tit le jl-^ e re L lr j^

— , " tip r lS ra n d 'c h f ljf rw f e

■ B2nd

mA v \ l A

S tfllisn l '<s?i ‘

spend ho'_________J . J R e a Q CIn 1987 With- - • r , atchlng bowl ByTheAssocl

flllinc; the;___ _ _ _ _ _ _f Pasadena. PALM SPF P arade, and dent Reagan,

ilr In several long vaeatlo:------- ^ ............. asked to be kit p a r t o l New .troglC -lio|«U 1 front-ol the RlM , and pit re ot live col- gam es on lei le 98th Rose sta tem ent sal loa ts covered— A brlef -stj jrs , preceded staff in th is i m e - between - ty -w h e re -B «p rr------- —hirboiidarii1, wljere presiderit an the 30s, aboutRe'fieisy Ross-------------“—I35th birthday request of . G wed the first other Revolut jo sed ly-at-the—-T h e — n l^ i

icrto-"RICIF r* : n n irjiijy lin m d ;; r.-j,. j,

exprosionaraiM l^-w k..v

laMday'0.brue--.burDed«tU P u p o n l . ; P l ^ : ; : r « M r t e r t . A i Ucan:Govern6r' .£aUM:d : ‘rOflOD i Mid p.m. lE5t)'i :ying.•lo■. dete J tlu r iL to tl

~ f ; ‘. 'I II '* ''.

SSi thftlf c h ^

Jn d y e a r ,N o .2 .

- ■

Dliday watcj a n k e e p s i n f o r n

ioclated P ress deei• ___ ______ L_______la_t;PRINGS. Calif. - Presl- com an, winding up his week- rela Lion on New Y ear’s day, ... e kept informed -about-tho-

planned to w atch football ! l„ television, a While House said. . - • ' R-statem ent Issued by his to-i Is desert resort communf* -SuniTO flgnr y p A n t tn n g ^ n f p i ihrin"Seclusionrsaia .“ '’The“ ?ch a n d 'M rs . Reagan were Hoi

George Washington and esti lutlonary. W ar figures. ^ ^ t ~ b e f o r t , fl" ; crowd~'^f8H

! 'S I^ S ia fc b T if f^f ) ; .W o rfc ^ ‘'planaed:-.(D' .‘oUe ' ;tt e dnyb w a k - ^

i s


[jfejB H l f i - ' 1

:ching par.rrfiedonhoteLjdeeply saddened by the loss ia_the_hotel_fire..‘:and exter condolences to the frlenc relatives of those who died.”

“The president h as askec kept' Informed, through staf rielsniM nfartnallo in iD -the c the fire,” the sta tem en t said.

Reagan w as described as to-paperw ork in the . privacy Sunnylands esta te of nls old publlsher-V /alter Annenberg scheduled ~ to ' re tu rn ^ tff ‘th( House la te F riday .

estim ated a t 20,000 had down the final seconds of yga rw h lle .U rew orks lighted

ea ch es^»:'lcOTfer,-^bbt5aiaa^:'\)Wft:*cw aiPflL ^^

> H ^R B S d e i-C o lo n l lHl&.af-Brsofi-coald be linker labctt.aii»nteJ>etweea,tbed: 5 i 5 a 5 ^ n 3 S f l S E 3 n K i L . i

a^ ^ ggestiba ..M :^ cbQ afis tlg E w w f l S e W W U u r ^

f i |u ;M 9 rew ard for^ m'iUon Aiilotit tbe U q m of tbe i r^ n S e r s m M i l im h a id 'B i^ i

Twin F tls, Idaf]

I I I ^ S

the loci a m^p. At left

(Itto^ ^ g ; j .V v o ! ! i ih tM r > C l

f l H H - ^ i o i r A « a f e I ■QH!^'Thut«daVraoi E 9 I ;’Foi'more detc

-story hea'dlln*

raderfootfover th e 'c ity 's - \

, J . . off the new y e a r Constitution • bU tion with a bang ,

is of life" On Thursday. end„U ielr„.si(;ct,.raln.and.hl :nds and forced the pos ' ■ ■ M ummers P arac ed to be since it began li a ff 'th an -- • Gwynn.

!. The parade wIS tending Saturday, whenKV ol m l P ' ‘"8 '??la Ir e S prizes will s t r u t« a n d S huge and gaudy .

Joe Delghan, i In g -B an d s Ass

■ " I ■■!! decisonji'as c o n lot-of~problems* Clubs, in Sddllio

z d t h r s ky------------•-S eel987

cte<ip jo iijaI ; them* _ _ - '________5P5®H=T By NORMAN BL, » ,w ;» l).. TH eAsscciBledP

. WASHINGTON debate about thi

-.volunteer rm U lta

re jr t to d - -d ra ltreg ls tra tlo n ■ The-Selective,

S ;

- . now turned 26 • • r r ; r ^ - ' ell^blllty for a d

_w.ere_pr.dered ,uiw ar.



w .least

law I 0fth(

- the n are i revei or to

of-go revei roum fedet In m

S ^ ^ | ^ ^ * - o f f i c l tax ( BS$G tax c


m | H H P I I H H | [ law, «ihSlM/jtNDVMlENZ- * the

r » - i ■ dedu

td - yi wbk £ S ^ -----------------f i

: A"7~ monf e f p S u O n n '------------------\Vi

___m » 1 i ‘ --------- — - J n KwatioHon |“ u‘■ft: A rider

'■ to tl , trem

i i ^ l u u n e e a r ^ the lO r n ln g r : . T*. ‘ sta te

—ijnifg ^ - — — ■_ — r - f ™ P a g e d l

■ ■:’b j

s w aterfront, touching ' ^ a r and a yearlong U.S.' ' blcentehfiial. .'celcbrA*' -■-^-g _ - ------------------------------^

y. a grim forecast of l.high winds ln.the city- jostponem ent of the ";i!; rad e for the 22nd time '■ PJ I In lOfil. according lo' *®' nn. - director— o t the:scum ---------------- ---- ......

w as rescheduled for . r , en partic ipan ts com- . .m lOre than $300,000 In n{ ■ut up-B road-S treet-ln - - — ly costum es of sequins _ j ] j

— - — ■ '— :''g j 1, president of the Str- . . p( Association, said the . ts Drrcct but it “ causes a "in [i5'‘~ fo i^ th e 'T n a rc h ln r tion, he said,, the “ en- I -

i876aPage'A 2------------

caftmile*jgistrant;JLA(?K ' ~ "TliP re s s ■ ' - pass(

. Brod3N - Amid rising tIveS th e future of the all- "Tl Ita ry , . .th e .ja d y e n t: ofr.ty .n: Uit-Wlth-it A m llcsto n e ,mllli( : the cu rren t system - mainIon;-------- base,'6- Service System , as Th' cled i ts 'f i r s t c lass of rcgla >mpletely through the re a d roces8.-The 2.1 roililoa. teim lo reg is te r m 1980 have foUoi 6 - com pleting .their forcc t d ra ft even if a call*up regli upon the o u tb re a k .p f jo jd i

. , . war


tou i-S ii;

i 8 Q

S ta te?i^ariec

I d a h o , 1 8 O i

y WILLIAM M. WELCH • h e AssoeJsted P ress •

WASHINGTON - Officials :ast 14 sta tes tha t a re inedvi u ieflclarles ot tbe new federi IW are p lanning to re tu rn all o [their windfall to taxpayers. With s ta te le g is la tu re , in ,ates_ preparing to meet-’ eai le new year, an addlilonal 19: re planning to spend th e Incr ‘venues e ither on specific .p r ■ tocoverde/lclts. ‘A survey by The Associated -governorsrleg lsla tlve leadeT ivenue officials In the 50 ; lund" tha t the Im pact d r t l i i ideral tax overhaul law Is an I many of the sta tes. Estlm al [ficiaW iH hose-states-show -ft IX changes could produce as i $6 billion In new revenue, b{ IX changes of their own.The increased s ta te reven

aused by the way most s ta tes 5.elr..incomp-taxes,.conform.J ideral tax structure. The ne iw, taking effect w ith th e st le new year, e lim inates eductions In exchange for a tes. thus broadening the^bi fhich the low er ra te s a r e 6ppl ta tes apply their cu rren t tax D tha t broadened base, t h e ^0 produce hiphpr ■rfg>p *g* hti lore state revenue..' t t h a t to do with the m oney I M b become a cam paign tssm )ast ope governor’s r a c e this1 Kentucky, and dealing wll isue 'is causing political discc 1 some other states.H ow 'state officials a r e respc

) the Im pact Is Influenced t ■emendous regional diffarem le economy. "A lm ost hali a tes are In serious fiscal pro t

O t h e r s s H i

rB y p e /^ M p ia te d P h m ,:^

• W /^ H lN G T O l^ - '^ "T h e a e -s • "a re * - '^ id e r f tn g -4 o ^ e r tp g "already; bavfr,Towercd;*ltfx

ta comgeneate fo r,th e imp? federal tax -changes. The ( estim ates a re . lrom’iolflcialjOiitCfiSf...........- ;Arizoiuf - ' Up ;to 'JlM - ff^ a in b y ^ o ^ o m i n i ^ l l i y ®

: ' ^ r o l ^ « d u c « d n s , legislative leader^w an t tp..w?

• Colorido-:aainbfl2Wm-pefcenf-ircreaSS^'-TW

R om er proposes Ih e .s ta te , p a r t ; and r e tu rn , p a r t to

• payers.'; , f.-',.;,ConaecUcut r—r-Gflin-ejti

._Uir9Ugh-j?Mie!p. ''gatas;-O ov~w m iam r.O ‘ l

poses reducing s ta te tax on ta l sa lna b u f n a s n 't '» ld b: mucn, - ' .


Jstone;JFtsJbecon"The window of vuTnerablllt; issed for this gt-oup,” says-Le' rodsky, spokesm an, fo r the : veServteeSysW m .'"The system has-reached m ' .n nd_ ther£_are nowjBJUgt iUlioQ-young.mea.whoseJiam< lalntained in the registration ise ." . ‘ •The requirem ent th a t y q ^ E 5glster w ltb saec tlv e ise fv ic e sach ing-their- ' la tb ’ BIrthday ‘imposed In 1980 a ftec a hlatu lUowed the sh lft'to an all*voli )rce In 1973: Congt'eM app ^gi8lratlon,• even t h o u ^ ' th e r o-draft, In hopes, of e n su rin g ' a r ever did enioL th e d ra ft

i ■ J - ' ®

F r id a y , J ,

T ( I

s m a k

indfat]o t h e r s w i l l s p i

s In a t 3Ivertent don’t (keep 1T r p S -

don tgetth " a r i r S opportunit9 s la te s - --------- (

d P re ss _e f s ’ a n d i t s a t a x i I K

i,iM^o£^Kosedoll m Issue to.gohackto“le S ra ^___ income ta:IS much th ro u g h barring

enue Is . _ Billa o ’-“ h L - - ' l ? “ „ H o u s enew tax • ■ s ta r t of! m any and those s ta te s sr lower give It all back ," sbase on who w atches s ta te'piled; if National ;Confereax ra te s t •e n e c l ' i r N o r ^ e n r ^ n ^ B sbiU sjuuJ-a re -O T joy ln riJann. . ; ------ are-m aklnS-p labs/ Is like- money fo Taxpayer lue In a t os New York, DelJ da4^ar._andC onnecU cut.— vlth the Ohio already has ;comfort, Gov. R ichard Ceic

month signed a law ponding would have been $71

by, the ed sta le taxes.:nces In oil and farm st£a lf the „ ____t)b le m s , ' ' • See TAXES c

t e s p l a h t ^ i

v o r ^ b u d ^ n

':■■■ ...expected:'G ov.-f:M I. . ' ’saya h e ’l l consider

■‘Stales come tax cut , o f at^ r r r o ^ c e n t r - - ; ^ ^ - -•••..... ,‘ • - -I ra te s ; HaVall - G ain ol p ac t ®> JlOfl'. tnilHbn expect« I do llar iQ w lower*ral .8t_at<^--TOtlreamquiit............; . . . — .^ jaaty land .-r.G aiiii mUllon expected:': Gov.-eljf e d e r a l . D p n a ld S c f iae fe r s

J e c h p - p r o j jo s e 'to th - ta x - n ’ but spending. '

w a t; M l(* Ig a n -G a ln < mUllon, jo _?309 illlon

^ am ^ .B lan ch a fd p i M rR o y ; ing fax 'fa te too ffse t. D .si«nd .M innesota - $718 to, tax-, over next two y e a n

conform ing-'to nev *pe<:,’f< |"R udy—P e rp lc h - an c p P M je a d e r s w an t to i

«ir-pr<j:-changetcom plleated on capl- system , by h o w ^ M ^ u r l - • 5225'

Unllllon^;— ^ -S ^ S T A JE S e i

n es to o (llty has m en Into’the servfc .ew IsC . quickly. - * S e lec -J ' The requirement, •

• ,ed on m en who tum e maturl* it Is that-group whi 'ghly 15 pass'gd’thP m nyjm u m e s - a r ^ n y m ilitary d ra fU - dn da ta .The phasc-ln pro

p lfe ^ ln - .1 9 8 l, 5Q_ n g m eb w notJrriS 18> u s t n ce upon the SSlecllv'e Sefvlc ay-_was -of thaLbkthdayJ— . • tu s th a t While Pentagon oluttteer Defense * Secretarj pproVed. W einberger on e re was" them selves -thordi g th a t if with the all-volu If tine of • SeeD R A F S fl

; ' - • I

2 5 *^ . J a n u a r y 2 , 1 9 8 7


t l ^


I a fool if you ipthemoney- - ding).‘You thatJ<ind of nity often.’■—Gleii Brownhe Utah House

increarserAir ^lolldirs-ought- ----to individual taxpayers igh rate ctiohsi’ ■Mil Schreiber seC O Pleader !

2S are not likely lo ." said Steven Gold, ; late finances'for the ference • of ■ State

^ n o n u ^ 8tateS |ty t ____^

ayers^^:.a ta tes.such Delaware, Maryland

has cut its tax-rates. - Celeste earlie r this law heading off what I $7n million In a d d - :

states, and others'

ESonP ageA 2 N k !

unds; -

f-MldHaer-Castle d e r p m b n a l In* t a t |eas t.S per- ______ _

1 of $80 million to lected. proposal* ;■Br*rates t6 .offset • .

a lio f ti i9 ln ll l lo n '~■••elect William! r says he may, x -red u c tio n s^n d — --------- -

aln M (150 million -?^P-ect?d._ Goy:-. .d p roposes lower-;........ - ......Set.' '• "$719 mllHon sain ea rs expected by new law . Gov;

~and“ ‘legislativa--, ---------0 u sc_ M m e to i t e d ip r o p e i^ to ^

225' mlllldn gain

3Sen P ag frA 3~ -^-


rvfce 'could proceed;

‘nt, w as first lmpos> limed 20 In 1980. And. which hasTfow 'sur- i Imum legal agg for i- -

pnTce^ w as com-> ik 5Q_that every m an ist now reg is te r w lth M fvlce w llhln 30 d a v f * -- -

;on o ffic ia ls .-J-'- - I , . . . - :tary C asp r^ ■ - n -down / '□ rdu^ lv '...-^ ............H/ol u i ^ " ' ......... ' .. -J

Page 2: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

r■ '•• 'v tsw iia ttM fro i

erpeet«L‘ OoT;Ji)hn> . (o rllpom iiU oQ taxcut

- - r r : : r ~ N e w - Y o f k - - ^ - S t f l estim ates ^ . a t bUUoQ. Gov. H aiio C

cuts... ...lO blo— .Antlclitote . tvo -jta r galQ headed : signed Dec. 12.

O fiw o — W 70:in , - p e c t^ . fiov^elect Ne

X -fae'U,offer plah-b t .;^ g W a U v e

s ta te to b e n d some of V l r A - 9 1 6 4 :^

; Gov. G erald BaUles si - back to taxpayers bui

-- - deU U Si : • - ^ WlscooBln ~ 1140

milUoQ gain seen. Goi . Thompson p ro p o s e '

c a p l td gelBS. 'persOD Inheritance taxes. ’•

•--------------“ T u n o n o ’w iD g -s ta ttaxe^ to offset lo sses

-------• changes.------------- - -N ebraska - Anon

■ million to $3®' mil--------^ - > G o v « 4 l« c t - K a y r O r ^

tax plan to makC( op nue.. . .

> - N orth . - D akota .legislative session In I

, ed income tax rate! , tfc ipa ted lT raU liO D l

. • era! changes, and fu u ,..dM llplD g oil

' ; f f w hW e’re

rTwlo^illB,Btiitey.R(---- ----------

— , . --------------Pa tc B y ia o rtliJ JT R-w: e low Jy .w lji> i show er I : ^ t t O P S r ^ u ^ n g c J . to n l |IiL. lo w i In tbe


7 “ Ciinu Priiri#,' HlDej WrerVslley: •

P artly cloudy today H l j h s ^ th e -lo w e r

---------- --------clow U-tonlgbtr-W iod* • teen*.- Periods of o c• Z ' w ith rain Saturdsy.'^^ I : tf ie u p p e rm to a id a o i

, N flrtbem U U haadN m U tah ; .S ca llered^ i

_ during 11m diiy.'Clea: . der. ! P a rtly cloudy

tonight from the te H l |^ b U ie 3 0 s a n d « h

N evBdi: P a rtly d o (ew llBgerlng m ow si tre ine norlheasi this

' • / I sa tu rd a y -« v e M h n w i In tb« e ast. Overligl t e r n tO'20i with hisl

;____ S m y U ; _. ; . Boise says a wide 1

« ahead of a cold- (i ■ -I w estern Idaho T^ursdi

• ' H ie. system w as e I ' eastw ard, bringing h : . th e .C a m aa Pra irie

. mouiitalQS, as well; - hlghlwds*--:------------

Some relief will be I I . high pressure returns

-------------------another a tona ly sten” rcach ldahoaga lnbyS Z ■ Wet snow was

' - w estern sections of th : and In sections of L

m aklngtravellnghasa I Light rain w as r

o the r valley locaUons Z h igher elevations. In ; the rain w as cxpecte

by eveolsg, making Z worse.

Most Qld-anemoi t ' Thursday ranged froi

the upper 80s. Lewlsi - s p o tw ith a u d e g r e e r

------- 4=— •— W lnds-gusled-to-MMagic Valley and th e «

i : The highest tempei---------Thux»day-was-45.dcj

• I ' whUe-^tBe low ot > • reported a t Stanley.

— r~r-'"~ ' ~~ Elsewhere-ta the~t

NationalUi> Ml

AlbuQu«rqu« 48 V Z AUM ll iO 31

. - B«I1M 37- aChlMBO 32 • 3C D«llM U - 3

-------- -P tn v tr- . : 39.................. t•V-. 0**UeR?i 30 i

tHWIt 37 3Honclutu U e Htwilon S9 *

3? 3

I ' I n d eC l a » s l f l c d . . , .

C o m l c S i . . . < *I d a h o / W e s t ' . . M a ^ c V a l l e y .

• — .ja rc tila tio iiiiB M : •; Clrcflation pSonei

you dd sot recelvi yourarea: Jcfome-Wenddl-fl Bariey-RuptdtPsy

• J ________■ D i — ^F U e^ R o R erso o ■ H e

' T w in F a U s a n d a lF

'N e W S S lip b n B itI f....... U you have a m

. editorial departmt p.m. w e e k d ^ r l S:30a^onweek«

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A d v e r t i s l o g bid with to plai

rln Falls, kJah'o J ' Friday,«lahui

E ro m P a g aA l t b a td e c i i l a A shcro ft c a llin g p e n d in g a c u t . . , ■ IU»o<&- S tfl t« = M m m li8 l5 h ~ D )p w ie ’ 11.7 billion to tU a u b o r i t y0 Cuomo proposes ■ estim ated l e r changes to o(f•^ com m iul l lc a o s-w a n rn ib r a m p ..t

• o fo ro b len la ted - t7 1 4 miUion ■ - V e n n o e d e d o ff by ta x c u t mlUioD U

r a t e in c r e^fflHllbn gain ex*Nei] Gol£chm Idt The ' fo

ih’to lower ra tes to w i o d ^ ' ■t iM derfl ' WaQt jc H af lf^ td i t i l C • * V la w ;‘T lfe fflmion gain seen!’ to fu tta x : » says It should go ' but h ^ ' t offered - p w o n a i

. g a te Ueii 40 million to 1:00 tax to fe Gov.^^ect T o^m y_jniiU on J c M 'ta x breaks for mQlion: ] wjnal.Iiicoine and .miilidh .bJ _ _____________ ^ m ll lid n b y

K an sa s ,{tatCffTK“ raifliflgTnIU lonri s e s d u e to fed e ra l m il lio n b

-------- K O m U lloD oiial lo ss o f $24 m illio n m illio n expec ted . M a s s a d i t f l a y i ih fl’ll h a vT" fl” u p th e lo st reve - H iss ls s i

e x p e c te d ;I . - r r ..... S p e c ia l - New J e rin December rals- mOUoogi ites to cover an- N ew ' M e D loss doe (0 fed- C a ro lin a ,1 further lo cover Oklahomj wrenues. Howeyer» m illion: 1

l a y ' s w <' e p a y i n g f n

, JeroiQe and

{■-Wi U Jdsy.'P artly-------- " 5 «w er o r two. Highs In - ^ Ig. clouds and windy the 20s. Occasional

-day.-Hijhs In UiftJOs— _

in e y '* « iw * e fW o « r~

day with patchy fog. irer'SOs.-i'Increasing - . ? in d y ^ U w s-4 a - th e -— - - 7 # ! ooW ' locally mixed ‘ "

^:Wlndy. Highs f ro n t 'IS...

Nevida:d . snow .decreasing .____H earing'tonight Col-■ _ _ dy 'Saturday. Lows

teens to mid 20s. l « s . ,cloudy lodajf-wllh a «

fv showers tn the ex-. S n o this, morning. Partly *■■■■'■ h ance siww showers — ■’ n w e s t r P i r t l r - c lo u d y - ■ ■ ■ s * f ig h t tows from the h l ^ . g e n y ^ y irom

Weatliet 3er vlce~tn— hlg h - tem ; Je band of moisture Homestea 1- fnint moved into degrees rsday afternoon. Parle, Wyt IS expMted to' move g heavy snowfall' lo I d a h o rle and the . central ell as the 'southeast

be seen today a s brief driving hi im s lo Uie stale, then ’Idaho ttem was expected to - rejw rtrt. bySaturdsy .. Conditiols reported -In the . U S- 95 if the Treasure Valley snow Hoc ii the Magic Valley. Sandpoint lasardous. ’ ^ Int-Canis reported In many nlgglns-W tons wlUi snow a tn h e floor. tao<

In many rnin areas, w et; 'Vln ECted lo turn to snow Lewiston-: king road condiUons Welser-N(

lug: Mai;moon temperatures anow floor from the upper Ms to Intersla wiston was the warm yon. kno\ e e rea d ln g a t jp .m . . , quired on »-Dear a mph In tho-M ow .nooi Ihe e a s t towing rigipera ture In tbe sta te tl.S . 1:•dcgrtes-at-Lewiston,-*P«t3L_Qiof 10 degrees was snowing.„ ^ . Intersla

snow floole 'n a tto n ; T hW sdsx 's ' raln^Bolj

. Kin'iuQiiy 3S Lu.V*«lk M

Min Pep LoiAnqittt U t9 .... Mimphli .. 42. -

ar .2t UlMilBfMh' 7fi 3t ,...-Ulhr«uli«e 34 30 .Oa UlnnHMlit 23

~ 34 .... Htw0<l»«n« S« •_ i 2 ____:::3» z i : : :

2t ,...-0 liUihom«Clty4J 3) .... Ooilhi 29 es .... PhMnli 69 43 .... PlUtfiurgh 37 32 ......Pi»1ltfl(i.M«. 38_____

g x . . -Z Z I . I I Z Z ^ 3 ’ 6 - Q b l t i i ......................D3 OpInI) V . . . . .A 3 PebplV . . . . . . . . . . C l S p o r t i

jn e i'a re manned betareea 7 aii elve your paper by 7 a :m .. cal

D-G oodlng-H egerm an^ - Q a l d e y

, news tlp .o r wish to talk to Im ent, call 733-0931 between 9 irT o report-lato-oews-and-s^ ikends,caU733-0936. - r‘ i —

BID BUkK adTotklateirKttrplaoB ariw lvertlseracnt c a ll7: m Monday through Frldoy tri ii^ays from 8 a.m . until noon ivallable weekdays only.


ecisloii has been put on hold’ g a statewide vote. . w 'lsU n d -Gov. E dw ard- 9 ' ’Ur~Dec«iib€r-::iiBed—t i i r Ily lo ra ise-lax ra te to cover tM $24 million loss. Special u lo n working on plan to T sy 8 tem -Ia"av b id :rtp (^

loot — Anticipated l o s s '^ I U : lo (12 mlllloQ offset b y tax :rease approved in December.

ifollov^ing sto les expect a D a u ^ a t i d n i y o r th iro u ^ i^ta o ^ o r m with new federal b ^ jrfales are not expected ax ral«8lo offset, . . ' A8as, $30 milllooi F lorida, no al income tax b u t $70 million eeh-by-confonning corporate federal changes; Idaho, $21

iJoJ24_m llllon; Illinois, $100 i; Indiana, $50 mUlIon to $65 ing ; Iowa,- $175 I by conforming:« s . '$105 million to $125 irK eotucky, $64 million lo.$7S. I by conforming; L o u is ia ^ , lllon; Maine, $15 mlUion to $30 1 by conforming; diosetts, $20 mUiion to $60Lgalnlnun-corpocflle taxes;__ _In lppi, no \e s tlm a le of gaiii ad; Montana, $70 million; Jersey, $50 million to $100 i 'gain ieen in corporate taxes; Mexico, $4»- mUIion; North la, $25 million by conforming; >ma, .$54 'm illion; U tah, $50 i; W e s t 'V l^ r a , $30 mliilon to

f ^ c i t l t e rFor th o s e nih » F b r a ^ t / f o r 7 p ; f


fto w e rs Rain F lufries SftOMiNuonM V M iaw

T 7 . H ig h t id e s

em pm ture-w as-B i-degrees-at- .(ead, Fla., and the low was iS s below lero • at Yellowstone #yo., , - . •

10 r o a d r e p o r tIE (AP) Rain and snow tioul most ot the state made ; haiardous on New Year’s Day. aho Traftsportotlon Department

lltions; '95 — Pluinmcr-Coeur d'Alene,

floor, ■ raining; Coeur, d'Alene- lint,' snow floor, snowing: Sand- . lanadlan border, snow floor; s-wmteblrd Hill, broken snow mowing;. Grangeville-Wlnchester. iVlnchcsler-LewIston, Icy spots: on-Moscow, broken snow' floor; '-New Meadows, snow floor, snow- Warslng-Orcgon border, broken loor, fog. ;•slale M Fourth of July Can- now floor, snowing, chains re- on'towlM rigs:'Lookout Pass;

loor;'snowlng.-.cha^5 required o n l rigs. '

12 - Lewlslon-Orofino, Icy _Qlp{IJl0:L0l0_^53._SaftH_noor^ ‘8-•stale S4 - Caldwell area, broken noor, snowing; Boise area. wet. J6l_se;Gleni)5 Fcrry,;wet to b roket^

■JS .01 Porti*na.^. 4432 .... Si. Lou;* 3340 .... San Uk* Clly 34

~ 29 . ._. S«rtFrtfieiicoSaS? '1.7S S«lttr« .4930 .02 8pok»ft« 34.14 .... Wiihinqton 39 ,

= l ~ : ' ^ W a h o — — rIfl Mm42 6ot»» 38 —29 ;...-Oufl«)f 42

___ 11_____ ...^ IQ S rP l"___ 3J_____

_________ . ' '_____________1., /t i ia iiP H , , ■ ,-C2>n i o n ......................r . i A 4pie ..........................A 6r t s ........... .......................B l - 4

ahd io - i .m ; - ^ y ^ l — call tbe number for nustbtpak • “ ■ ■ rlcrdtitm?


^ i s- r r - , ,

- ■ m t m -■KUii.r'i-

lo someone lit the . . a 9:30 a.m . and 8:30 ‘ -sports-resuUs a fte r—

•TUTIbkH. • • , ran*. j<ub

1733-0931; aa isH ie d ,

oon. Information on bcrtbr dcn MUctt«mi

i r r r — r ; - i T ■r§rv

PamagM)ld - $60roiUlon. . . •

,ni sThe following s ta te s se i J ; : o |M y ^ f » e c i U ‘ unlDbOT

' A labam a, . A la lk t. I«I Georgia,. Nevada, New-’10 'r ta iiiy Jv a n U . South C ar

^ - ■ D w t a ; ^ ^Tennessee,• ■WasblngUni.Wyomlngr

Six are kl TikcrcSHn^visitlshisi

JASPER. F la. ( A P ) - no Thursday found the wre ion single-engine plane th a t c lie Ing a heavy ralnstonn, kl (21 people aboard, authorities 100 - In San Dimas, IiTsoutb 165 nia, a man Irylng'a su rn 175 his s ister crashed bis 11^

her home and.'w as boft 125 vesllgatlon of being urn F75..nuence of a controlled. SI, which police said w as be (30 thehalfucffiogehPCP.- - Ig; Also In California, a (60 crashed Into a com *fiel

jiii jurlng ano ther ' ~m; In F lo rida ,' aulhorllle100 pilot of the Cessna 210 Ceis ; contact wlUi-air trafficrth during the storm latelg; ond searchers found the(50 the,panhand!e communllto Thursday morning.

nice fall dap ; n n ^ S T —f i 'tq - J a n r - 2 -

r - i o - A X

_____ j i L


^ w a rm w C ( * i C C .K»i(f O c c h x ^ d y ^ S t a l i o f

r w S tm c* U 0 A A ,P 9 0 «M . «

r - V a » e y - w e a ! t h c t — C ]

st— snow-fHirr^nowiflg^Blis*-;) J5 Icy spots, snoyrtbg. le Idaho 55 - Horseshoe Ber

broken snow floor, snowing McCall-New Meadows, s

.snowing.Idaho 21 Boise-Lowman

w ' snowing; GrandJean-'Stan Ic floor, snowing, y, • U.S. 20 ‘-..M ounlaln Hon ut snow floor, soowlng. drlfllni

- ’Falrfleld-Arw, icy spots to t . floor, , snowing; AreoAsl

e, Ashton-Monbna border, ley I e- U.S. 26 J - tdahff Fal d- . border. Icy spots. . ' r ; Idaho 5 1 ; - MoUnlaln H( iw border, snow floor,, snowl: r , snow.s; U.S. 93 - .N e v ad a border r ; Icy spols, sriowlng;-Twln F a

sM ls to broken snow floo :n Arci-Salmon. Icy spots;

Pass, snow floor to broken sn n- Idaho 7 5 . - Shoshone-K« e- spols lo broken snow floo SJ Galena Summit, snow floor, i J n i_ ; in l c r s l a t e :88 ^ a f l Riv<

dry.:y ln lc r s la te .1 5 - 'U ta h boi ir. dryLMonifinPnn^ Iry jp o ts -

U-.S. 30 - MtCammi sn border,dry. it. U.S. gr_. - _Downey.p

bo itler,do '.

• 38 .88 Id.hoFlIlt 3230 . ,1J U«t»lon 49.24 .... MeCtll JO4B .24 Poetlolto 3941 -,y S»lmon 29 .

“ 1 Twin Falls■ ~ ■■■ ■ - -Winf

_____ - . . . V«iufa»)' 37Min Peo UilY«ir 29

— 21 .03 N8f(ti«l 37. 17 .03 Todly-itunitt...___ 25 .20 Tcwofrow~»iunr>i>..

/ ' . ___ . ______N a H o n ' . . . . . " . ...........F r i d a y S p e c i a l . . . .

i 6 W o r l d ................ .• 4 D e a r A b b y . . . . . . . .

)tkaa«U( ____•Sm TrdsU rne tadt7.-ttM-p«r « m t k ; Seadqr. llJeiM r-av^lua n paid la •drtoe« tad *n inllablt <tt7

W 7 b BK dally sad SadiRSJt tor S-meetbi. t» J t Itr I monthi. iSy.celr. n j} per iscata, tor >«• etbs. t u a per y ts r Btaday only. t l «

•nd NTrtcvtnu r*U. by mU cetr: rrd iJ iy a ilS o id iy .^ ^ --------

\MMCm Is pvblliM diOy ill m Tklrd i ld*ba. ssei. by M«flc Vamy Kmi cKtt v«uf« « T*ta r«n> by-' UPS CI-MO). omcUI-dly aad cMrty11 le U tO tt SC-lOi t l UN tdabo Cod*.' dcilcuU d U U» d*7 «( lb« WmX ib wlUbtpuIiUibcd. V

l a x

hay? Btt--------------- - fer, are moresee.Doimpact

...... , .•B o tH ja n icr;n»nnii«; ' a te tam ag

r ’H am peU t^^i& ion wiodf in iliM . SoDtk S » n ! e "■ Tm ui;-OOP-6ov.^N<

“ ^ - ^ - - t e e p ^ t S r - s a s, . ra lse tax ttar

illed^ — r - — r ~ Brown, »ea]man

< bow to ^ tu n - Searchers ■ l o - t o r r t t t t

"< » g rao t brealB I c r t o e d dmv fo u M lh e o p k llllM « U « Ix :-re (i,r tn o n iie

lorUmpoor. tlien i CalUor- ■ calU orala i r a i ^ v ) « l t t o G |„ . Gigh fp U n e plan-M ked to r in- jin ipm y sti m iler m e In- D ato la .one* ^ Income t o ,ttelleved to be atartliigooe.

— ^ H n o * U i a Ught p lane ..people |(„k leld m om ents ^ j , „ n , t, e . m a n . a n t i a L - g f l t d - g ^ t h - {

pen a Repu Ues said th e fo u iapp rop r Centurion lostic controIleTs gain $71# mil 5 Wednesday, je b a le is ov le wceck n e a r ; a - income a lly o f J a ^ r .

FinI - • ConU

Hernandez doesnothav<

s a i i T c ' - “ Under- ot a y 9 lions, a s p r l i

quired,” he ■ ~ j regulations'

— andprobablj - .Som e of th

warning sire broke oul. Tl instructions buUhoiM in

^ hotel’s guest| y - 5 0 ^ ---------- fro m th e U;S^ Most of thl^ w ere Irea ter _ _ a n d m in o tir

cording lo D: 501, . 's ta f fa tth e C

But Dann> Hernandez (

V’ :----------s 'm airiedTiosii _________ \^ llo n ^ ^ _____

n . ^ T h e y (co p la « ;* ^ V e le t n .chairs. M w here they w

o n a iv -A -v Mayor Ba------------ — ' standing oulo tc o m m e fc r In S m W

~ i2 m ir ''T h e r< be removed

^ _____ ■ others inside" - ^ h e ^ h o t e l ! . records wet

i4 l u i n i . r i . t . - ^ tr e a t ing m ■Jf t Idenllllcatloilend-Donnelty.Ing; Donnelly'

snow, floor. m

an. snow floor.onley, i*^>now • • C o n t

om e-FilrtW i

l , " ? S - . n o ^ p o s i t i o n a l Munl -iryr' T io n j i ts o m e lyspois. ' requirem ent ^iills-wyomlng Leaders s

D-Ga.. Inco .Senate Arm

wing. (UlllUlg u iai

Fjlli-Areo.lcyoor, sno.lng; d ralt:age ni; Lost TraU next decadsnow floor. . '- re c ru l lln g aKetchumk Icy o ffe rin g boioor, snowing: tiv e s lo ret)r.aaowlng. In g u n b e a ra lIvu-PocaMlo. Nunn Is ej

jrtT -D ubol.,;^

miTwioming 'fore Chrlsln

/-Preston-utah . .m ei. Uielr r Uie sevenll

" fisca l i986t\ 13 .02 Assistant D

a m an B. Cox 13 ' .02 would conlli

~ - 9 lhafth ed ra f' f e ..................... -U nder thi

p „ P e n la g o n - c — . 'm — Tio" ■ w lth o u l anp i

•2 • A ccord ing........ ” .6; ™ roug»...........eroeim. _ S e r y i« ..5 y s i

percent of reglslratloo-

......... required for

______ _______Absent a i. . , . . ,_ A 5 _____o r d e r a j l r a

b i - 4 Syslem .d « ' * ' * classify rei

such as ph)............. D 4 clenllousob

re c e n tln le r

^5^ - f e i S SilTwknear-- - said. "W e V idiy.tajaptr tlon unless 1

posed.- The spok

u t w f m r „ . . . . . . , m e a —w ho-■ty -J* * py___ t Jo r f e l tu r e ol

Including el dent a id s i and Pell

• - - -Jt,- - benefltsanc with the fe<! Postal Servl

«i6LW ,T»tn The sel( -fecenU y ad

----- “ >e rails a (( .T kndayu m atch .a lisi . . h i c b k p i w lth .d ra f t . ^ out warpdnfi

xes——f i l S » a i O T F i i e r X r ‘ “ ~ r sera tbelr ecoDomfea n f* - oreincUoedlo TiewtbelD- S vemieasgoodfortoDe. " ■ttM te Icnw: for example,: t a , About' .ipe&ding a 1 1 7 0 odfail, with lu r e th a a half jpacher s a l a ^ ^ l n Utah, v :Ncrm3angerter. wants to ,t $60-mIllloQ-wtadfa]l -aad v (asbther ISp mllUoQ. > ‘ )e a fool If you don’t" keep 1; f for spending, said Glen c

of tbe Utah.House, t t get that Und of opportu-. e

lebate in m any states ov e r c ;um the money — w hether f t^S“ f fc ro 3 n iie “ b o a n l r t o - l iks to certikln taxpayers o r \ opportunity to begin a tax I

theV ow it and r e d u t t taxes '

la expects n o d irec t effect, I George Deukm.eJIan h is . p

ans-to propose.changes to . c s la te . t ^ e s . In South

ne o f the s la tes th a t b a s no a , • there Is -ta lk- now-UiL.tle . ' ................. - fth a l It will probably t ta k e ' i

>k aw ax.from sales taxes : toward 'an income tax ;* ' It 0 a ) w lO r ^ ^ H e n r y - P o p - t•publican and head o r t h e ' t spriallons com m ittee. f nesota, which figures to 1 million o v e r .tw o .y e ^ - th e i over w hether to i;etum it

le tax reductions^ o r to I

mtinued from P ag e A l iez Colon said the hotel ‘ B veasp rink lersystem . -<

ouT-currenl, f ire -reg u la - i jrlnkler system w as not re- 1 he Said, adding th a t those is 'w o u ld be re-exam ined jblychanged.--------.-------------- '! those who escaped said no i iiren sounded when th e fire ' . They also said em ergency, ns w ere c a lle d ' through I In Span isbJ)U tjno jL ofJne_ ! ests w ere Engllsh-speakers <J ;S rm a In la n d .................. - •the lOS people hospitalized

)ted for smoke inhalation ' C.iflJlirieS-thPn rp lpafw i, ac*—1 D r. C arlos Gomez, chief of e C entral Medical Center, m y Velez, a spokesm an for2 Colon, said 18 people re- :o sp ila lU ^ -in -c riitc a rco !P " '

(corpses) are all over the elez said. “ Some a re s itting

Most of them w ere killed yw ere .”B ailazar Corrada del Rio. outside the.423-room hotel lan’s Cojidado lourism hub, ie re i5 5 tn ra 'io ro ra e b r ir to - ed and 11 is feared th ere are Ide:" • ■ :le liK T T cg lstra tlo ia leslcan il vere. dam aged by the fire, m ore dlltlcultles- In the

tlon process. •

aft—jntinuedfrom P ag eA l m ocratic leaders In Con- re -begun“dIscus3lng-4-elm— )f the d raft o r-the Imposl- m e type of national service e n t --------5 such as Sen. Sam Nunn, ]C om lng chairm an of the rm ed Services Committee, al a d ra ft would be more than relying solely on vol-

tha l a projected decline In men and women over the

:ade Is likely to affect ; and tha t the expense of bonuses and other incen-. retain servicem en Is grow- rable.I expected to schedule hear- - f in th e ^ e a r to explore the

mlagon announced Just be- slm as th a t the serv ices had r recru lllng objectives for inlh consecutive y e a r In STWhlchended la s t ScptTiWF;

Defense S ecretary-C hap- :ox said the adihlnlstratlon nllnue to resist suggestions ra f t be reinstated. .- the reg istra tion law, the cannot- reso^andrafti:

pprovlirfrom Congress.Ing lo B rodsky ,-after some )Ugh -going, the- SelM llve iystem now believes th a t 97_ of all m en who face

on- are, In fact, filing Uie form a t 'th e ir local post of-

a congressional decision to. Ira fl^ th ^ S e le ^ v e Servlce_ does not even a tlem pt” to reg istran ts by ca lego rieT ' jhysfcally disabled o r cons- Objector, Brodsky sa id \n a :efvlew. 'O H LjU npliL flays-therfiJs-a- en t tha t tliey_regls.ler,i:,iie„ e w o u ld n 'l -b e ^ ciassUlca* ss the d ra ft Itself w as relm -

M kesman also noted tha t in fnll n p - r p g ls to r fn a t , : of.various federal b e a e f ils , .

eligibility for federal stu- such a s guaranteed -loans

II g ran ts; . iob tra in ing and the r i ^ t to ob tain jobs federal governm ent o r U.S.rvlce. __________Elective S e ^ ic e System added 23,000 reg is tran ts to a f te r using a com pu teL to

list of P e ll G ran t recipients ft . j e g i s t r ^ t s - and sending in jrie tte rs 'lo those w ho bad

npnH«lru anlH

V - ’ - ■■ -

~ ra 6 rm p r« i« r ty la x e s 7 ‘ ‘ •• - .*at's a t4x increase,”• Scfarelber. new House GOI

"AU of those , dollars oug' back to tndlvldual income I

5- u m m gtt'ra te reauS Iiaa ;” ' - f TbftJmpact of tbe new fe , varies from stale to state ) t«x laws do. lo^some.ff 1 windfall. w ilt come. Vulot

wbSe others must act to m J laws conform with the nei X code iff reap a wir . lo avoid confusing referenc r. eral tax provisions that no 1

•1st . ■.B , ‘’Th* legislalure reaDyr choice sloce failure to confor force every business in thi j-keep two sets of faooks;» sal r Weslerberg, who reprei

\ theifperanlage of the federalj

, ty, and .its dkllne for r s. payen would mean lower i0- ehuesi,'- “H North Dakota, Rhode I£ 0 -Vermont have already acte rates, to. offset ..the 1(• fourth, Nebraska, expects I e'-mUlion lo $36 miUlon a year, s Nebraska Gov.-eiect Ka

Republican who cam paigne t—tax-iacrease-pledge.-plans-l e 't n o t a s e d ta x T a te s - to -c o

for the lost . revenue, f 0 Democratic oharges she ha e renegedonherprom lse. it One of the biggest .windi 0 New York, w here estim ate:

Many people who had b« >1 a t Ihe Dupont P laza spent

. a t nearby hotels o r prli1- dences and tr ie d .to a rran J. home.e • The fire broke oul elUi ^ "casin o on the mezzanine f- ih e -b a ilro o m ^ o tJx jil^ rb c 0 ground floor directly b e casino, Corrada del Rio said V There w ere explosions, hi h it could not im m ediately e m ined w hether the explos! s ed the 'flreo rv lceversa ':—- - Hernandez -C olon ...sail d

m s 7 =IJ. • Continued hrom P a >. thuslasm is not the sam e” p -d a le .— - ' •

In Southern California ^ n p JlIW T ileas 'to 'av o id 'u sin g noisem akersr e r ra n t buUi § several people, includln

Angeles woman who was J wounded.A Gunshots also punctuate ]- of the year in som e Michli B -Including,-D etipltr-w here- ^ lice has-'becom e a n ‘*i

tradition.[•— In : Raleigh,-N .C .r-on-V i— someone-shot-a-bullel-ln-tl ■ hit the belly of a U nite

T—p l a n r c o m i n ^ i r r o r ^ s i passenger was wounded, plane landed safely.

_ In New York Clly. vlolei ed what police descrlb relatively safe T im es Squs bash for about 300,000 revel

] . An hour a fte r m id n igh t^__ black youths chanting

Beach" boarded a subway .g beat and robbed a group

whites headed hom e fron „ Y ear’s E ve celebration.

rested seven youtlis w het g stopped a t the nex t st J charged them with robber ll. riot and resisting a rre st.[j, The chant referred to a ,g ing two weeks ago In whl

m an was struck by a c a r v gf Ing from a white mob in 11

Beach neighborhood of Quc y. Elsewhere lo the nation,

Michigan w ere crowded r'. . skiers took to the s lo p e s .. : je '" W e ’ve got a good c r . . Rlskey, - general - manag< ^ Mount Brighton Ski Re A Thursday. ,

In Chicago/ Uje NaUo

OFi'- .. • ~ - - :;v .p- . TIMES-NEW!



r n a n


a t ■■ • v


: E^joy a generouslg :. potatoes, the chefs Vbs y' -'ta9p.m.intheDesS- i; R(wm, Fridays only.m ~ r: “ Blit hurry, becaus

offer only-las ,5 i:. long as OUT 30th Ann ng - Gelebrationl ■

Z ’.-. . ____ ____ (.1.

m o r e ' t h a n ^ ^ l ' iaU BDl Gov. Mario Coon OP letder. fset t h a t ^ t t Un ught to go gains, d l r t d ^ B Uttp ay e rs ,

federal Uw leaders say tbe j i te ,'lo s t; a s more tax cuts.

0 f th e l4 w l th ) iomaUcaBy, lower r a l ^ - V m ake th iw Missouri; A r ^ ^ ww federal nesota, M aryiwd rindfaU and Michigan, and Dcea to fed- windfalls o f $lOi0 longer a - R ctn im ioU m aU

l ie laWo In Del » bas little ticu t,v> blcbbas' [form would tax but would g tbe s ta te to creased tax on laid R usaell lowered4ts.rates< ■esents an The changes at

. since they are li : ta x e s .s ..o rd e .-ay o ld . I ta x liablU- taxes. M any sta

m o s t 'ta k - .lower Q>elr rales r 's ta te re v - 'i^ e ffe c tra is ln g u

. . J ' Slates w here 11 ^ lower taxes to o

^ •“ ' S f Increase include . K s e ^ estim ated Increa

to lose $24 s u te s w bere

fav O rr a pected but there

com pensate- Uitnols, Indiana, prom pting lucky, Lou

has a lready Massachusetts, tana, New J e r

idfalls l i in Ndrth. Carolina, les range to and West Virginli

) k n stay ing reason we suspei nt the n l ^ t arson is becaus rivate resi- labor situation ange f l ig h t ferent th re^te U

information as ' lUier id the going around lh£ ! floor o r lo ing lo happen, ■bom- on therhappen-iserjrrsc

below the dlcates th a l we i jid. blem of arson.”he said, but Hotel represe

y be deter- among union ne oslons caus* Farinaccl, linkei--------- -- -------m llllant-Puerto-a id : . “ The. groupc^alledthei

i’a g e A I ' ' CouncU'sald b< b” on a ra in people could die

.......... '■ across-the Unllilla, despite fow-day' New ing guns as-w eekend; lUets s truck By 3 p .m ; E SI Ing a Los 47 holiday trafi as c ritically recorded.

- In Conroe, 1 ted the tu rn N.Y., two sets o hlgan cities, tlon, when one t e~ tE e-prac^bom 4n-1986.and ‘unwelcome bom lnl987.

Holly Adkins, -Wednesday-:-Jennifer-Lynn-< i-the-a lr-an d -d ay -ra l-C o n n x ted Airlines Hospital, spokei :SB aiSg. u ne said. Jennffer : ii, but the Elizabeth Marie

p.m. Wednesday lence follow- Deborah Regli rlbed a s a at 11:46 p .m . \ uare holiday Beth and a l 12: elers. Karen Ann, t, a group of .spokesm an a t ; g “ Howard Center, ay tra in and In E a s t Prov up .o f young lion Army Ci amMhe New wrestled with i I. Police ar- Rhode Islanders len the tra in pounds of casl-c sUUon and said he stUl h; e ry , assault, clothing yet to w<

Kuhl said hi a rac ia l kill- would see the w hlch t r t la c k Saivation_Armj r while runn- Febiiiary.1 the Howard ueens. ■")n, re so rts In "GRAND j a s holiday JA N U

crowd,” BUI r "ig e r -o f th e ................ l A r iResort, said —J t J r t

Jonal Safely___ _Anlmmmmmmm- _ I J J i

=RTISING BUY-sai. 5626 I -4 FREE I


IS s lice o f p rim e rib , s o u p o r 5 v ^ t a b l e , a n d roUs, firom S e ^ r t s t s a s -in iv e rsa iy


p .ba ilen :-D ea io (n U ^ - uom dlspnpodttg t6’B(.1 low errates ob eapb l- ~ >nds 'and' Jntei«it; !a;‘ dth c b u ^ : ' b r « ^ _

ibey will puA for stni

ith leriod.proposiils Is' -itonarNew^ York/ M S r' ‘

od Oregon: all e i ^ .$100 minion or more, ’ nailer windfalls are oa' Delaware iand Conne^ tias 'no personal income'Id gain through the to* - on capital gains. OhioitiMf n n n w . _s aren't really tax cull. - are lowering rales In. old effectively h l ^ . statM probably woni

ales'lhe full ambunt'-> there are no plans, to to offset the automallc lude lilinoifiT 'flf^ ib«-: :rease Is $lQO.mSUoL. ;i ere a. windfall-Is ex^ lere are no serious p l ^ g lax rale cuts are:

Florida. ___Idaho,;____ma, Iowa, Kansas, Keo>- Louisiana, .- _ Mahie, ts, H isslss$pl. Mon- Jersey, New Mexico, ina, Oklahoma, Utah,’- ginla. ...tu ftu iia ., V

ispect that there may be :ause of the very lense'' ion that existed, dif- ts that had been madt as~to last-mlnute woni I that somelhhig was go ; en, and something-did' /:::8oon. All of thls-|:g:_ we may be facing a pro>

resentalives noted that 1 negotiators was Jorge nked by the FBI to lEe- irto-Riw-lndependencs- theMacheteros. .

i between 400 and 500 i die in traffic accldenti Jnlled Stales during-lhe''(ew Year’s holiday;

EST Thursday; a to&l of* ' traffic deaths had beea

!, Texas, and Albany;Is ot twins gained alien-' ne baby of each set was and-Uie second bab^jras-, -

tins, 3l;_gflve;i)lrlh. to\.nn-at-12i^':mTThuri----nroe’s-^ M ed ica l-_C«tot_ _ okeswofti a n l F a O b s ^ _ e r L y n h 's older slitcr, - arle, w as bo m a l 11:SS; iday. ■ Vteglmbal\l, 26, gave birth n. W e d n ^ a y to Laura 12:03 Thursday lo

n, according to -a at the Albany M ^ c tl

Providence, R.L, SalvaL. _ Capt. Richard Kuhl

th a different problem, ders had d o n a te 141,000 . ast-off clothes,-and Kubl-t - 1 had 12 truckloads cf towelgh. ,1 he doubted that he le walls and floot of Ihe ,rm y_w ai^ouse before _

NDOPENING’’^N U A R Y 2 & 3.................... 1 I

s r o i n e ' s i

n t i q u e s ^

IM E aH M oIn-^------- —3 2 4 - 8 1 0 6 ’


1) o i ® J ^ h e d j m S p .m . -- 4 -


Page 3: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

~ *' i i r

•■' ^ S s S M ^ S t-b

.'— J h4

^ ’ ^ t 5 ”Sl?i^

\ > T h 1, on-w

: y - -VANCOUVBb, Br T (A P ) - To to e B r :; f([re9f .|Qdo8try.' Ct

... __ r -■ j ; : t i o r t - 1 t e ^ l i E b e r

3 )5 iT l< a 'S ta lf t 'i fn K- - - ‘g am e :■;>-■.■; ■ ■' :^::.---A

^ ^ o i ^ I a r W h W . ^

. ■■, J y -Tli|B ; r f l ^ m e i i ^ r ‘

- - ; - ^ ' 'd i ^ u l e ^ - ^ c tp f f i - ' t f i' jover!lurab«r:lra^ 'rt

. 7 . : ~ - 'r th a t- to t a y - t t ^

- ■' - : - r7*j:T3te

y , . A. W a S .I M p ^

' ' . . . ;

; • .Viv'theiii M m i i t s iu n , ' . ^ M t ^ . ^ . e c o s o ^ i L - : ,- . te U .8 . 'lu i n b « f c p t t

- :^ b y } ;th e ^ p r ic ln ® p t&

. : . ' - ^ •■ ^ v d w ifa m o u n tJI '. ; :-.-fe^v:iU k'-tW lU iV a

}ombcV:lo^the Ufiltt

. . p r o r o l w . j . , ' ., > - • •<.T'.h«i:BriU»h Colu^ [ ::< (r^rw ^:ifldu8ftiefc

:^ w a s a-sood'.chance, ; • -•-•would^.'navg^fat^'.l

I B o n n e v i l l i

I a n o m b u l i

\ -. '■ IDAHO FALLS CAP > ! New Y ear 's D ay deac

’ nevllle Counly Comml clock and c r e a te d - i

_1 - - d istrict-authorized to ly ow ners . an M t em ergency tran sp o rt &

. The com m ission ‘ distric t W ednesday as

------------pollcy’ -ta 'caM -w hat 1m ore favorable option

' I ’ bQusehoIdf^e falls. ’' - • :■ S tate ~law require:

form “a la x " d is tr ic t be.._ '. ; .n ii ig .o I ih B ycar_lf tin

---------->-thfrfiew4airiluriog4ba1; ■ Commissioner CllH I bopeS^the board will 1• a -p»operty tax levy

service. He favors a ( - ; household In t h w u n t j---------------'T h e pftflfifliQi/erdU

all tbe bases In case ' It,’? Long said. - .

County Clerk Ron.......... — estim ates th a t -the

. . " would be anywhere -f- .'based on an aroBuIa

— 1281,000. H o w e v e r ,- t l: yet to determ ine how

: th e , program will : ; w hether businesses sh

' ed .L ongm oresaid .I .. • Tbe m axim um tl

— ^—assessed- through p■' would be 1534,OOQ. he sj

-------u . .rT h e loss oM150,000:: ’ nue sharing fund^ lai ; . ted th e commission• altem aU ve sources i

- ^ h i s

"gerbu.. iaO

^ KIpCTwP hui

; r b a

i r rB r l t l^ '’Col(unbla

■BHllah-ColtraWa’^ n ju J ^ :-# Canada'8^ agrees c S t a i e s u t

ihe T jfiw i jSUlM’i jb u r U .v ■

jf r - l r b s & i M y ,« te ‘ -ii: W tor ■' lf« ie t—---- —

'-tfie~ft»oVnaQ6M': t i m - : f r S f a : C i M i ^ -. l i

"'creatri»,lS?;".;?'.|' . .. par v.pijKlii&-iliM. tlielu

^ ' A d



i':^af)Kt< ’ e t '(tf iS iDdtfite f i!ted ;S ta t«W orth r'^ tax r“’T.:

b t:b jat^er,oU seH -.;A dam ) Z :cc e p te J ;thB^tom-

>lui^bia.Coun4ipi-vr-;M \ke^ e ^ U s ls te d . ' tfaerepvPore^tJ !tce. Qie tto’al taiid 'v) umbU^W i^ lo w w ,than ,the rAyoulg .c

lie County a ilaneetaxingAP) - - Facing a service!, leadline, the Bon- The s e n im lsslon beat the Is supp' j . an -am bulance- Bingham J to assess proper— been pro> M h u a l~ ta j r 'T d r T f iU s 'T l ir t s e r v i c e s . - i r .......J6OO.OOO aa approved; the a s an "Insurance

a t I t-consldn rthe- ^ lion df charging a

lire s -co u n tle s -to - f l : 'beforFD ieT>e^- l i T . they plan-to levy. •*-

ih a t^ea r— -------- ■. : . : .. :■llff Long “Said he 111 nol have to .set <ry (or ambolance ^ a cfjarge on eaqh -

inly.— ^ — - - - ^ :dldJt:-ls4ai^toucb-; — se we have to use ^

ionald Longmore je household fee- - C o •e -from -jaJQ illS ., • ' -iuJancT Siragerof" --------- '•, .the-counly..Dfl8^ -.B randow large abndgct' v -----------111 renulre and5 should be c b a ^ v . ... .

tha t «ould be | i j ( , _proj)erty_ taxes. .

>00 In fe ie ra l reve-^ .:-- la s l year'p rom p-'

lion’s search foi* <Sw» of funding (or ^ 2 2 E

|isis;i^all!;radan- }us precedent As i! Canadian J feel | lumiiteted. Our | overeignty has iren Ihfringrf.’ '5

—Liberd leader | 37^J5HnTumer g

,v. : -V f ,■

m r ^ t e r a l ' AjgreeiAent'Oii^' i

S S M e n t ^ E x te n a i Af '

g t e bia, e » ^ p <i ( d f m a tch es th e ' prallmK

ItfOctftber —elW *<*W tiad Dav)6iUtoeD— b a t ^ « M t . .w a s . » p O w e r „ , i :» u id ^ d n i& i^ ip p f e iw a r ,T

-In one step it ates an industrial ' araplegicoutof fi lumber industry.* , Ldam Zimmeimah t:

B S ^ e i t 9 g . M s m a ^ M

S a d S S S S S S i ;an d ;., ;to ?^ ^

BiidmUl cTBSUTC«'aDdiiyjoffs..-:vEroM cCr9^^<r>pr8iddeat-.of.^ ? r t r i c q .^ - W ^ . ;p .a 9 ; : ^ 0 l^ 'to recasu n g .fix ^ '.s a ld b e e;i-.v iih4 :decl5 i05(M 9,0o6.]ob$’ln t b e / o i ^ . i n - .

^aa> lu m b « 'cm en ;sa ld rth a tr-- co iadib? R a r a l y z ^ b y t h f :

i cne .Blep .it, creatw , an In ' aK p a ra p le g ic theu.iry ’• I n d u s t ^ V ’ ’ .- 'w if lf f la ii iw) Z Jb 'm crm an .f.p re s laen l''d f. i ^ ^ o p t M a^iU an .,B Ioede l;:

eiAbscryl- ;oi;'^toe,‘iCoun'cii 'of ‘ , t tJn d u s tr ie s .df-.:Britlsb:.CoI- ) ;;e s tim a te d ‘toecom pram lse . ■ cost- $ ^ . .-mlUlon-a-^ year, :

: r e a t e s _

g d i s t r i c t ^ T ^

ehrlce, which also covers and ipporled by neighboring m and Jefferson counties, has iroyldetf through Ihe Idah'o" T ire; ' D epartm ent with a I M nual budget. ........


' r W W ^ ^ W ^ W W W W

Come In and stock up on= ^ T R E M E N D O t ln d N d m o sL ik * :.-- ',

■" C b n h io rN o iu ro llW r* C.............. • Wlh>©rB6ol»

•: ... - * S U p p a ra"S o t

n o l a y -a -w a y Q -

“E.M aIn ' - J»i


g l i

m t«(aU.k r . ^ d i ^ t i U $ law >'■


u » ^

- . .r ■■‘v ; ; ;-r

r 'r u l « 2 i l l e g a l - h a i f * ^ f t ' ( g o v m ^ t . pressed • i t

ex£iqrfta> )oker gam^ *^mord than the total prof) f- by Canadian lum ber.proc


b :" .T E 7 7 T 5 m a a frn " ^ e a e r ] i.:.enmifeaL.ivUi..c9llecL .Uu J y a ir f ^ s tr lb u t ie it to Ihe.fl

r,~Tnllli6ii In ta r r e v e n u e will’ /.offset by. hlgher'iinem plby

J;:^SiW njenaadiw eU are'ii:di Jack Piiusepp.'-'a sen io r f

.•dU 8ltyi:-an 'a^sl.::'for.-Pc ^Houston W illoughby BelLG

.. lh.V ahcduvp..... ■,. . .* " '■ ; F o r 7 e v e ^ K i ^ ^ 5 ^ i

i<hree. othersrWbuid be aff said.-.< j,;.^

■'r-;Hdwever;"-.‘‘rCanada.'a- , (■.members ,?.inUraalidnal;

> tffiH ^ .flfrA m eH ca 'au b c

^ g e e fe ih f iM a :i i '6 S salfl^

th e l*aciflt^.«dfUliWaV*i f ' ■ olCWashlnglbn’s'Coogressl ^(Z igalloh 'S ay-^um ber tmlll J '^g e l'a J lm lted .to M cla l

k j ^ '^ ^ '^ lv b o a i f io ^ c c . ' ;a: I a*-.,from Olym pia, sa ld 'hB < i-.v V ltli; ,a, .cla lp i. hy- t h e . is;?Asso!?latlo^' of -^Ipmebiilli Q- .th e .ex p o rt ,ta^ woyldvinci I f r r w e r o g e - p r lc d ^ r a ^ n e ^

.,'.:by$l'poo■^,:^-•^.:..<.■;:v V

|?^ '''‘A!sd,^he “saldVpebple^^ ;* .'em plbyetlto p u rch ase 'a h A '',ihe . s ta tw .’ O f ' tfad iing , i Oregon havS lost .m ore Ui JJ'H um ber liidifsti^jdbs since

o f . iScn./D nn .^Van'si, R-\^i eljr fae. w as,w orried th a t the. (•;:.'port tax se ts irio ., sch( of changing R am page, ra tes Jl- it.;;njpplles ,only t0 :,60ftw se 'n ients 'b ound . f o r . , lh( ir, r ' ^ a t e s ; . . : ., .'.•.■■••

, ,.; -

C U S S IF IE D A D V E : P H O R b ^ /3 3 = 0



as ^ ^ ■ ■ l i R n t x n n f T l ns r ^ ^ ^ B B g F n H

o j p i = J d r i u c i r ^ =

Ar:£L-:;Ev® iythlng.“ -.In S tock! 1.^

on foil a n d w in te r ihoc> U S S A V 1 N G S ! -

'« C li i ro k e s '* B onnlq 'D oon' 3l»» S tocking C op#Socks • H andbog» . ,


Jerom *' v -32

i T ] - =^ ------------ n ...........................

M l O i l ,]g j L t e t S A L T L A K I S ^ S ^ J u d g e w h o i s

- H o f m a i m ’ s - t i - t f t n w * ’ b o m b - m a k i n g S y n P h M ' t i o n a b o u t t o l U f t t k m ^ b a r g a i n b a s h

~ . o f r e c e W i n g at T h i r d D l s i

n i g t r u p , w h < w P w J w i j • p r o s e c u t o r s i

W e d n e s d a y , ‘ H W m a 9 n b a d o f i n n o c e n t - t a n d 2 8 d t b e r ' f t

A sse

^ ^ 1 31 yc— M A W D ^

Tovfly_tetire< S v j S ^ i ^ ’W Oneida" Coud Siflv m S w ^ - y ears bn the

o f any count)

Tovey, 6 8 , ' M a ith ’8 , 1

resigned lo t a and has bee

CauadaB ever since. I lla . a rg u r ; election In ^

succeeded b y : ' ' Tovey w as

, , — M aIad‘ VaHey V - 4 r .- : j- his edifcatlon

■ aled from_lh ••..-■ . :•' .with a .'deg ri

« c v e d .ln -U n1 C — war 11,7 ^....

-Besides his om earned^ has .operated •oducers:in . ranch-south t

of h i» lU e alo

H lT e o v - ': / .' r ' ^h8„jnoncy-,.-.

bym ral'iB -..' . M g p r ^ ' .:p8l8, s a id . I i W t v — 1•; foresl in* i . ' .Pemberton . * — *-L Q ^ u l ^ p c i c : I v p : ^ M

iffecled. he:v ) j j j j | j | H

! - : H


i l l l s ' p h o u l d : • • ■M3Sf,-:<;;cDiemocrat'» d l a a g r ^ ' ' ",B .N alionalliil<}at: _icrease toe.; ■^ .S p iio n ie ;; ~

.havd-te’b e ' ' . -'

S Sbe 1 9 7 9 ; . ' V '

ri'a'k.'iaid: ' e Initial ex-.- ihedule'-fof: ' , es,'because twood iship-. .. iie United


I SDOS o f J

„ . |

3 . ■ f

8 ? 4 - 5 9 5 j / | ^ _

d ^ o mposstol

U ffi ' c i t y (A ^) -=^T be is to p reside ove< H ark e< - t r ia l on m u rd e r .and ^bi

log charges say s specula- u toe possibility o f-a plea dl

s h ti t t H ofm ann's chances oi j a f a i r t r i a l .) is tr lc t Ju d g e /K e n n e to tj who m e t p rivately wlto pi i and defense a ttorneys C ' , ' ju id afte rw ard toa t SI lad not changed bis p leas'f< t ■ to i to e : raurder_diargc& _a r felony counts;

e s s o r j s a^fter ^

rears-- t i n X “ (A P) “ ~ R a l p h - Fred_N ew , Y ear!s Day as th )unty assessor a fte r 31 s{ tie job, toe longest tenure- ai n ty assessor in. Idaho his- P<

8, w as appointed assessor ni 3, 1956, a fte r G yde Brown »I lak e another Job in Utah, >een re-elected to office ^. He did not ru n for re- In I Novem ber and will be by Bob Crowther. ,ci:as bom and reared In toe rn ley and-received most-of- D Ion toere . He was gradu- al

toe Un iversity o t .J d a h o J l igree In agricu lture and to e .A rm y d uring W o rIl:i:

his work a s assessor, he Ited a sheep and cattle Ih of M alad C ity for most Ialong wito h is wife M ary I

H R f i i tHAPPY . • riRUUIIT f

s i

I l i i a i ^ D q4.iqudotlon

I v n

_ S T O

F i M i i


. ' . . .Friday,Jam

neerhedh M M x< R lgtnip said b e was 'very : ed to a t.sp k u laU o n b f a p l u 1 ^bad.hladeied H obnann 'a c t ’ receiving a fa ir tr ia l becau I difficully in find ing Jurors I op ln ionsontoecase. . ^

. Hofmann. 32,“l s charged V I tal homicide in to e Oct.I plpe^wmb dea ths ..:.. of_ I Christensen, 31,. and > Sheets, 50. He a lso is cbargc I felony counts of bdm b-m aU [ anift^iynb y . d e c ^ t l o n i ; -

' Prosecutors contend Hoi

Idafio Fal asksforz

ibAHO FALLS { A P ).~ T i-Fail8- P o s t-O ff ic e -h a s -a p i I three new sip codes in an

speed up handling of m ail s I- an 8-percent ‘ annual Inci . postal volume to th e city of 4(

If toe application is acce ' number of zip codes bandit I Idaho. F alls P o st Office v

crease from U irw to.slx . A i ^ s c t e d witoln the" nex t t

•The application reqiiei .codes for the e a s te rn subur

, mon afid toe box num ber : Downtown E ag le Rock St . also would 'spn t one of toe I lip code d istric ts.1~ P o s tm a s te r M el Kuykeni

L r:—


j--------- A t H S c i tB lo c k -w r l iI c o n c c rn e d a b o u t th e n I ^ax law cha 'ngcs in h is t |z ' . p u t US o a v o u t i i d e . W t I im d y ou th e b iggest r d I e n tit le d t a , ,

I , W H A T C

[ ' T W iN FALLS JEI I-I 7U4)I0« , 3Zf m m n tm r u ,m .K

........................... ........... n- ■


q y s Firiidliil iS q leE n d s


J E C T o r ) C K O N



m u l^ f ^ ,n a ^ ■■Tlnm.Wwrs,'


i ^ O U t :

m a n n j d7 concern- dealer in rare^d- lea b argain cover up tran j chances ot allegedly - frau ftuseof.tbe documents,'some rs w ito-n^ e d ’ Mormon Cbu

‘ sold to toe chUR I wito capl- tors for hundre< . 15, 1985, dollars. f_ Steven..._, _ _ _ _

Katoleen E a rlie r tols we ged wito 28 television station fln g , fraud uty S alt Lake C<

; ;-E lie ttaa-M ying i lofmann, a struck by th e es

r//s Post Q 3 new nunThe Idaho toe application m

jpplied for-toeD lvlslonO Iflc in effort to Service in Salt I and cover reglonaUofflceJn icrease In and national :40,000.. Washington. D.C.

- two mon- nnPr>«p^nHAnrM

icsls „ewu rb o fA m - Despite toe n e rs a t the codes. Kuykendal Station. J t ly toe Postal S en he existing . new post olflce

However, a new •n d all'sa ld -c lly isp o ssib le , h(

'kflow 'ycfu’rc m o st sw eeping

:s to ty ..T h is y ea r—




324-2451 V., "» : -:r

Vy & S o lu r dSaturday Ni

i W I I

N L Y T OL H A ir n ^


. . . . - . . . - ^ - 0 , , - - ^

Mrs, Twin Fi]la,kfahoA-3

fcncws deal ^

documents, k illed 'lo ransa^tlons tn which fraudulent historlca] ome of which challeng- . C hurch 'doctrine, were tiurch and otoer collec- dreds of toousands of

fw w kT aS all'L aiceC lty lUon quoted Q ilef.Dep- a County Attorney. Bud ing to a t-a deal could be 'J end of toe week.


m m ust be approved by )IUce.ol-toe.lf.S.JRoital • Salt . Lake City, .toe '. e J n S ^ Bruno, Ctflf., al b e a d ^ r t e n In').C.

‘ s a i d ' the ' added" ' ' ) cut down on tofr ban- s by allowing postal channel packages and ces._dlrecUy . to toeirles for delivery.

e need for m ore ilp ndall said It w as unlike-: Service would build any^ ' - flees in Idaho F alls. • lew, station east of toe B, he s a i d . - - : ......... . - . _

« BLOCK ^J N C O M ^ A T r e o S e

R Y O U ?

I. HAltEY ■

u iU n f i 's r . to s s A i i f

i l

Fd(Pi y ~ i ~ ^


l ! t : z i

j 3 = - 5 ; ;

r . • ' '■............ ~

fER ^

Page 4: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

t p s s

' to d S T O N '^ o k a y ; M iiTei .31ieYuIeUde (airy has COI

dCDpplag ten pMnidsof gooi e tch hip. The CbrUtmas lls W ^ b a s J U 1 I j e w Y ^ce 00 tbe refrlierator.door

ThUvean'Ou're going to cJJoIesterbl anffralse your i and cool off car< orid drink nothing but club t bcewer'8 yea8t. You’re goi! and njean.- .

'H ave you noticed anythin tM s annualpassage yet? Hi H^wlRe swing season ffom nex t m im ics the p n lv e r^ ? '

------ wferm mood of expansion Uta k in g w aistlines) lo a grir traction . W e go from giving

'M ost of i is j ta r t out in Dei H it of tfilogs to do (or othen a l i s t of thlhgSlo do toours( Ihd goodwill kick and get ot w e get down from the h igh ' pyrt back-to thestlogybaslc


jThere.waa a llm ew h tn m o t the Je>^lsh com m unity (r bfcfore looking a t th e (ront p t t e paper with its lnevUab1( f Icldt sto ry about Israel o r : o tie rro 'r aga in st a venerabi s jpagogue somewhere in t

-Today It is the business S( w i t arouses apprehension, uftcomfortable readhig abo

- —lv o n B o e 9 ^ o r:th e ^ } e n a ia1 ^ 0 a re engaged in one fini dEsbonesty o r another. Jewi

‘ t k a tp e r h a p ^ th ^ d ls d o s u x .^ u s e s o m 'e dbnnantB tere

. . as money le iid erso r “ tS is ln e u 'i j^ s . .

. . . . ~ « T h eJew lu co m m u n lty n ' vTbrry. A s th e financial pagi

• m o re and m oreJlke some m- —oftt^aUoriarfinqtflfe^t

tb a t v a rice la an equ^-opf------ svtee^A iesky-'sstory-iipara

tltp sp fslm ilarw rongdob ig n w e d D o n o v a n , Brown or

~T h«i>ervasiven«s8 0 f thei

I ' txu th info stark relief; All tl rd ig io u s traditions or Amei

' faded , and failed mlserabi> • v ^ u e s ln their adherents; a -bleen defeated by a commot

• Irh e rantliJM of the religh a rb aa iv e ftlo n lie re . The cc

H — (•e-l3-no(-9«ulaHumanl(in ' (Sv^haleVefthatls).Th4gi:e

- l is u e s o t t i ie ta d ia e n L ^ n c ii|igraphy o r abortion". The I u l u e th a t has trium phed 01 teachings of all religious co ilun i(ies is the implfinreilil

_ i fljwnomlc system: “ iDOklD's

^ None of the admonitions t ty . compassion and honesty

> W thst6od the w ithering s in

i e t t e r -

PrisonwoulSher 11 o f Southern Ic

• r ^ o w ls th e tlm e to d o s o m 1. . about the future of our area

t t e bandwagon and w rite ai tjjose who have Input a s to \ new prison will be built.

. • -C W e neetU halprisonhere. . j ® oney th a i the prison coulc ' Ui'e effect will help rherchai

f i n e s s e s of every kind In & tith e m Idaho. People froi tfav e ! to Boise and Salt Lat fijend th e ir money but how

r i to 'sp en S JjiB u rley ? '’T ;]Buslnesses and working]i n eed th a t prison here.

- Why, you ask? With then- t t o t would be available the

‘ I '^ p l e w h o need houses (h^a re now vacan t o r new onci a 'e d lc a l, h a ir ca re , restaur

fie c rea tio n ; basically anytt Q k e s m oney will benefit. T .Jcbnom lw tlm ulation in ou — ^ u n i t y w illa lsab en cd tth e ’ d[ng communUies.

Substii.1 ;.

I S to ry te iie rs a re bom not ^ b o m story t i l e r s . But w

— : $ i t isn 't enijouraged;--------- — *r<3hlldreow eavo-talesnat

f i given th e opportunity. Ar........ B sten ln g to sto rieso tfan ta !

• n a tu ra l m ythm akers. ~ : .* . f l i v ^ lQ a d u p I « In th e I

y M rg m ^ T h g n e lR hborsw Y p a re n t anH lierslx -year^ ldi ___wbuld often play o a lh e iro ri t t e windows open lo catch i i breezes, his volcejoined thi

' T remember hearing his < f_ _ ^ k e n aloud to hlmseJf, of

(mckenrh'ow the hen swall( ^ - ^ c l n r w k p laced* her I _ ^ w , until her stomach wa

,, \>enllothe,‘bathroom’ tola i s ^ e essence of mythology

• . .ch ig lns.o ib irthL A neiip lan i world understandable.

J- — , ,When m y b ro therond I-w 4 ; often told stories a fte r'

in th e living room togett ^ television to d is trac t us f 1 i ^ r a c t l o n , Stories evolved J ^ H e would begin w ith th en

u t 0 n W

I come and gone, . ,;ood cheer, five r&r ’ills tls in th e .wYear’sresolutlons.:oor. - '{tolow eryour ’ ' ■ H u r tH c ^ 's .b u m /a t :ards, stop smoking Ih a i ubsodalacedw lth atthe< ;olog Into 1987 lean provei

to m e I[hlng funny about y tia ra ? H ^ ^ o u noticed -numb< om oneyearto 'the " 'C h e t le? We go from a NewY n{an d rro 'n o tJu st . m o re t ^ im one of Icy con- o u rre l ring lo denying. T heM December wllh a w ork.: le rs and end up with resolviir s e lv a ;W e g e to f f ..... stran gtontheexercycle . prover Ighoflhesesihday B lar aslcs of s ln ^ e digits. • lU e.b l

Wwirisillreli0in members y trembled .n t page of - D a iable olf* ,o rso m eact •rable ' - - the e thic of sel nthew orki: ' cost, w hich lie is section unbridled com ion. Jew s a re sa ry to succee about the -socioeconomli miri^eyloes— ^ e ts - ln c re a s ln financial - plex, i s i t a n y ew sfear • players will w osureswlU the ir fav d r?P ereotypeof lessconCemec i r “sharp" m ore worried

. ........gam e. 7:y needn’t - ---------O fa llth e re l)agw lo6k -co u n try In reci ,e miiiation R om an Cathol j n iu w e a r T h e cou rage to opportunity by which c u rearalleled by___ Iheltforthrfgliling by men le tte r concern lorWIIklns. bUhops dared these scan------- th a t touch ori t

Jlthe ‘B oeskyandmerlcahave Brown and WIibiy,toinsUll lio n s .T h ey a rs;a llh a v e ex lrem eexpDnon foe. e thic th a t fuel:liglous righ t li trium ph of thee common / tha t b o ^ e a k s

^ a t r a o 'r a l of its supposeteno lpo r*"^ In th e lrp asIh e fa lse /'i^ ------ thereo f thel^ld over the teachers. The:i com- - • challenge to aE th ic D fw TEitgtoirwmrcangoiitfor - flb ero to u rso i

nstocharl*•sty have D aniel PoUssirocco of . ■ T em ple Israei

i e n e p t T h e la le o f i

Idahoiomelhlng so m e th in g .. . rea .G eton think th a t you ;e and call all down th e stfe( to where the you do it, ahd 1

to p artic ipa te ere. With the prison Is built DUld bring in H ere a re soi ;hanlsand w rite to today lln o llo f A lM urphy,from Burley S tate House M Lakelo ■ p e rm an en t lowmany ry Council: lo rS a ltU lcc _ R ep .K ath lc.................. .... W e^tHighlantng people ' Sen .K erm it

Hope, 83328 le new Jobs “ - ^ e r r y M . He Iherew inbe - N am pa, 83651 (hguses th a t— R eprM ackf

ih es .. more P au l, 83347 aurants, •• Rep. D rury lylhlngthat Dr.,B lack(ool t.Thls R ep .T hom iI our com- . dent. Box 7069

Burley «

itateannot made. We w ere tm m itw closelhea^U ity, L #

naturaUy^nd4asUy------- H |.And they delight In ■ ■ ■ ntasy. Children a re . .

helropTcsmariy“ ~ ' rsw e r e a sm d e. ~ T < ld son. The boy pren:t ro n ts te p s ;w lt^ ^ l • fairy c h s m a llc o o r " I with 1 the Invited air. boysils explanation, p arti, ofthe b irth of a us.W allowed a tiny egg-^^-==tonli' ler beak.-How-theegg— anotl w a8 fu llan d “she Th'

o lay lh eeg g .^ 'H ere • Ihew ogyrA,tale ot senstlanalioh to m ake the . no tfl'• / ------- ■ ■ ■ posslIwereboys,Tnyfa* We te rd lnnerw henw e humj je th e h T h e ttw a a — « lc n u sfro m th lsn u m an .-w llh ved In the te ll in g . . obsei jem osltan lasU c Hz

i n l i i


have no tiw f w ith self-criticism, tie office a s well a s a t home to se! vement. I t’s the self-centering t t le In January . The fhrst month ol r and we seem to re trea t to a per iberone .heck the national com puterprin V Y ear’s r ^ l u t i o n s and I 'll wag re than h ^ f of the top ten have to relationships with our bodies, 01 ! c o n d tie r has to d o v ith famil; k . I t is a ra re lisl tha t Includes tt }lve to change ou r relationships' ingers.'A r a re lis t tha t m entions vement In our public lives, lam e It on the privatlzatlonof Ai . b lam e U on the Manhalt^nlzalU

J out Ionsaniel Polish, ■ ,

self-advancem ent a t a n y ' lies a t the h eart of the om petiiion thatisncces- :eed In the term s of ourm icsystem .A sthegam e ........slnglyfrantic-and-com*— — ny w onderthatsom e - 1 w ant th e field tilted In ? P erhaps we should be ned about the players and ed about the ru les of the _

religious bodies in Ihe.-............ -•ecenl years, only thehollc bisliops haye had________1 to question the systenT irecohom y functions. I n -fghLMd Incisive pasloral______imlng th e economy, the edlobroach 'quesU ons iri the very n a tu re of the ' •

nd Levine, Donovan,Wilkins a re not aberra- ■ a re the product~Qhd Ihc V , presslon of the secret jcIsA m erican life. The* » that value is a tragedy Iks the rea l failure of ■' !

isecfvigor and strength. 5 !!l? lasloral le ller.lhe F a - '^ I iuilIi tit c Insph'liig I’h e lr le s so n sa re a . • . - .u .0 all A m ericans of every v ..T O irffitJiranheT m jral....... ‘ „society. -» s

ilisti Is senior rabbi o f ael. Hollywood. Cam.

^ ■ Il—---------------------------------- lioi

, '______________mm h e ’M lni-Cassia area , Phiwell res t In our hands. doc#e need everyone to do T, . don’t sil back and peii

'OUT neighbor or the guy takfee tw llldoU fo ryou ,. beeid gel everyone you know . “ite In Insuring th a t the enelilt In B urley. . Wasome addresses you can fro:lay: " " ' notly. Dept, of Corrections, AeM ail, Boise, S3720. Ma;nt Building Fund Advlso- und

forhleen W. Gum sey, 1111 — narand View Dr., Boise, 83702, them itK Ieberl,Boxl87, the1 V H essrm rs Box 5861;— > - peo351------ var:k N d b au r, R tr l Box 1478,— thii

8hory R. Brown, 193 Godwin bail001,83321 carm asG : Bourke, PresI- 0069, Boise, 83730 • hovm U C K ER wid

* dra




em lses, som etim es embelUshlhj Irytoles. His Goldilocks had a loi Ith a w art^m ne-endrH rusna lly lys Into the tales, loo. Thereby w< irt of the m yth; the myth becami

My bro ther and I listened w ith : lit lonrWhen the B lo^'ended wo t lOlhepM— - ■ r ”■ - —These stories a d d ^ a new dlmei e w orld.They Imbued the world' nse of wonder, of awe, even. The itfla l and uninspired^ but had m: isslbllllles..We are all storytellers. I t is the c imanklttd. F jom s h a m n topriei Icnllst to novelistrwe en'dow the llh m ean jngbeyond^e ordinary iservabje.If a hunter was stiijck by llghlnii


E i

i / p a i r i d ii H — M ' l j IhLiV. huH

5 our own Inner ^ • publlc liv£saa

.1 toll-takeronU n 1 ' I tisn ’t j u s t t

, andpub llcho i i / ' ■ It 'su ieJju m ar

• : dallyen«mDt< im . ru give pass each oth( ) selM mrr each o ther In I g th a t gets other crossing h o fth en ew h a v e in d eed b personal • A tso m eb a i

■ ' civil g reeting 'irlntdUtbf •— lh an th eh u m i v ag erth a t between clerk e to do with ^ counters o r ch I, ourselves: . creaslngly aui mllyaind , o ther anonym a th e M osto fusl([pswlth strangers. I l l jn s lm - s lop^tohe lp ti

kids and groc< f Am erican ly give up our. allonofcl- Locked Into oj



C e l 0 m

W A SH IN G TO N -Theexeci T exas Civil Liberties Union, G derides the Idea of m akIng-po( ihe^ 'H Stltutlon nMcly svtriln cel: jra tlon jjf the SDOlh annlvejlocum eiit.__:____ __

LaMarche would have some there were n o b th * plans undi

and scholarly conferences, a n a re being scheduled. - •

Superb texts on~the ConSlIlu published, and television serie ed. There will be bicentennial schools, parks and lib raries.

In this context, m aking copi' lion available to millions of Ar mensely worthwhile undertak

Philadelphia In 1787 w as the ni document would belong to the

The Constitution’s first wore people"; andsuchadocum eh! take effect, Ihe F ra m e rs reall: been submitted to the people f<

“ To give a new system Its p i energy," Jam es Madison wrol Washington, “ a ja tlflca tlo n m from the people, and not m ere nary authority oT the L eglslati

As the raliflcallon p rocess g Madison, Alexander Hamilton

for the Constllullon. W riting u: nam e of Publius, th e y -J lK e tl the ConsUtutlon - a d d r e s s e d 1 the people.

When the document w as rati people who celebratcdrthousB various cities, m archirig in th( th is country |iad over seen; W< show^etfof( their cra fts In thes« bakers carryinghuge “ federa carpenters showing off “ sh ips

One popular display p arllcu how appropriate It is th a t a t th widely distribute the ConstituI drawn float featured p rin te rs 1

yftalkinsham an liHg^ hunter w as st

-----------------------nation of why____ bulJhe.tfiilWJm an.Obvloui worid lakes 0 magical. The

_____ slonalilnvesl

hlng So, the theeilongnose b u sh .o rth ep illywovetwo;— ^Divine Influe y we became m ight look to am e p a rt of ferent fo rc e .:Ith ra p t a t-___ “righ t,” it i s .VO bogged for— which aaswej----------------- :— llonofdep th im ensionto I don’t wait r td w flh a .F rankly , It w Tbe worid was tha t I could fiI m arvelous ___details, much

V te r s .Iw a s a c tie nature of i}efore. But ir 'riest, f ro m ., dim ensional i the w orid , - - su rp rise:M o5 a ry an d watch once, ~v

cohd lime, lining, a I hove give)

. '.I-,'*?! XT’ 7 r* '.— .'- '

S S f e f f l l>r concentric clrcleiL We pay <1 a s lltUe attention a s we p«y Ih itheh ighw ay. ' ' ' it the in frastructure of bridges

a s in frastructure; Tbe d o ^ ite'rs between straogera w|io h e r on the sidewalk, buy from n the stores, deal with each ng s tree ts an d l^ a rd ln g buses I becom e lean and mean, anks, K Is often easier to « t a tg^rom theautom ated teller n a n one. Indeed, tbe interchai rk .and custom er a t fast-food check-out lines has become in- iulom atlc. We deal with each m ously ana mechanically.I look away when we pass t i s th e exceptional person whc > the w oman m aneuvering her >ceries up the s ta l r c a s e a J ^ a ir.p lace In I b e o r on t h n j M our automobiles, we p r ^ E 9

___ _

■ ‘f ,

\ _ 1 3 vB M S n6 Z 1 : • ■


fteatnxicutlve d ire d o r of the ■■■ , G ara LaMarche, focket-alzecoplesofh ib tc a s p a r t of the--------- =v ersary .o fthat

• . V ling nothing of a polfinf Tlider w ay; but th e re ...... dowpublic discussions_______leacindhUBdrcdsm ore . Ilml

' ‘ ...................... copIlutlon a re being so d•les arfl'being produc- grei a lp r ^ r a m s in oft!

P(p iesoftheC onstltu - the' Americans is an im- diss iking. I t Is a fit- PhU

notion that th is rcmte general populace. pooi»rdsare"W eU ie locv■htcouldnolproperiy - Scoiillit^ , until 11 had tionifoY their approval. Wp roperva iid llyand obsi-ole lo George strom uslbeob talned^i . couirely from the ordh guaItures.!’.................. . exaI got under way, to 11on and John Ja y PUd popular support " ere. ; under the collective ‘ th o s ^ w ^ opposed d th e ir thougnts'tov"’ " ' —

a tid e d .ilw a s th esands of t h e m ;1 n ---------------b e largest parades ’iVorkingpeople—--------- —;se parades, with raU baves” and ship p so fs ta te .”:u la rly underscored the bicentennial we:utlon^ahorse--------- _■s overseeing a prin- - ‘— -

igeachghYlookfor thereason tha t— struck . Not the scientific expl hy U gbtningstrlkesblgbpolnti son It Slrtlck Ihatpartlcu lnr^ lusly, someone m t a spell. Tii } on another dimension, the he world is m ade muitldlmen- •strtTriU) m eaning beyond Itsi

eologlan m ight explain a'bum : p a r t l y of watera, gointlng to

to a different explanation, a di *. It is not a question of who is is a question of mythologies

nfrM tf ta n nii^h and l e v ^ f m eanings,-r-H ilch television much anymore w as addljcllvo untU 1 discovert , figure^puVthSendlngs and the cb to the chargrln o t m y daugl accused of having seen the sho m ost o f those show sore one-

il and lack any sense of woQdei o st of them a re tiresom e to _ rw lthbm subjecting o n w U a !

rcn television up. I consider It

: " : r r “

r lt t tt^ - ip W lo e k to g iving WHJ >y our ^ v e e a c b o th e r a n Inc ftbe other the finger. I t l s i

sym b o Io fth eu rb an S ges W alkman, a m obile n id,. . .'sonal.ahdanU -8oci^< 3M0f T h ^ d a U y e n c o u n l w angry or a lien , dimlnl

. ly. Wben they a r e plei Y et when w e s it a t hoi

• ; lio n s ,w etb lnkabou ti compUsh in p riv a te s! m any have v e n up i

r tro llheshared .-thepti 5“ ®®” rH skM undIng llke

bum per s tic k e r— H a : r - -C h U d T o d a y T IfE v e r

C an d le .; .B u t a s Ind enormous control ove

n,i,« frastn ic tu re . We can ' day, the mood of a md

” re-k |v . The dem olition and y . PHbllc IIXelsUie resuI

- . ■


lumphiLynne Che

Ing p ress tharm iide copies of t "TheTa'cnhurourfanOam ento lown lets us all - f a rm er, m e r eacher_-r_know the outllnes.oL ImltSTjf.polltlcal power. T hep j ibpreson tfieh o rse^ raw n flbal 0 did Justice Hugo B lack, onei ;rca tc iv iU iberta rians.H e usei if the Constitution w ith him in 1

P erhaps LaM arche’s objetftii he Constitution has som ething lissatigfactlon with the documi ’hUadelphla. Cautioning again

cm em ber tha t no w om en, no t )oor m en drafted th is documec ocus our celebration on Indlvlc icotl, who w ere excluded from lonal vision.”WhUe LaM arche is absolute!

)bservalion tha tou rC onstltu li itronger a s hum an liberty has :ountry — as am endm ents hav fuaranteeing s u f f r a ^ f o r blac ‘xample — s u r^ y w e should ri(0 the g reat k h ie v e m e n t o fP h

P u t simply, the convention tl:reatlve political g athetlngevi

wu------ ........................... _...'...:.Pul


The mem'

iclayfoiz r.rz ro 'p in t6 ;an ~ 6 |w tr6 n ig ipla- I am not speaking! Ints,------season specials, b u t 1

Tiie------fosniffffia-grcunh?prise tha t the storyte

en- have when the endin Itself, from the te lle r to the------ ------IHs^rightening-tojm lng . Peggy C harren and l ; to Changing Channels: intlst— Televisionrpublishet idU- rhUdren o n th e averi is television a w eek. Al

1 hours jh e y spend In I ques--^ : ^ t h e re su lts o f speodli r V — -dance , or|>erfecUng Dre;.. tic in g a n y m u s lc ^ li fered ‘ -W oalertc itizensU the and alcohol, b u t we f ugh- - o p lu rt.itlu llB U srlt] shows . foca testbem ytbm ai e- even m ore devastati ideror one-to-one InteracUo i _ ■ eye,and.w allauBoff (a se - N ow jw em usthav

com m unicate, how t r i ta n how to speak to your

-^ T lm e s -N e w a

' ■ I •

way.=Prtver8-wtw woa -K = = g1 Inch hapnUygW^ e a c h . s i: l s Q o a c c l d e n r t b a l t b e pm S O s i s t h e S o n y ' UI e m u s i c a l i s o l a t k p , a p e r : , . * r il ^ M v I m n m ^ t r , . . . w ) u n t e r s , w b e n t h e y a r ei l n l s h o u r U v e s e n d r m o o s * ' c ip l e a s a n t , w e f e e l b u o y e d . «

h o m e a n d m a k e r ^ l u - >l u t w h a t w e c a n a c - qe s p a c e s : h o m e , w o r k . T o o < ji p t h e b e l l e f t h a t t h e y c o n - ^e p u b l l c , w o r i d . ^ ^

l k e a " ^ t l n g c a r d b r a ..............Have You H ugged^our . /eiyone Lit Ju s t One LltUd Y Individuals, we hare , overth lshum onln- :an change Ibe contour Ota ', _ m dm entf the w ay p e o p le ___-

m d the reconstruction Of su it of personal decisions ’ (

. - ■ ' 4 ■ s m w £

■ iOANw ^

ofhurrno r or

hehey „ 'astSl ------ ------

whlcof the Constitution. powi jn ta llaw lrw ritten — — that- nerchant, housewife, : rang ?o fourrlgh tsandU ie , P 0_w ep rln te rs n l n g o f t - - - 3 b wibatreM Izedihls.and______ Suineofth lscpuntry’s « it l i used to carry a copy “ cpi In h ls jacke l pocket. tenn i^tion to distributing m ad In g todow lthh is achi' um en td raw nup ln i As {alnst “ a m eaningless what iniC’ eTii ges u s l o on&< 30 (reed slaves and no hlstc nen t.'H eurgeauslo “ the Iv ldualssucnasD red abou■om " the conslltu-, ...... . ble.1

Uilely correct lb his b rea tulion has grown • stllu las advanced In t^ls. celel have been added _ splri ilacks and women, for ' dhot le t tbfil blind us L) Philadelphia. there was the most Com ;eTerto'D ccuronthis, sUtu

■■wiUlamE.Hward'’ f .PuWiihcL-.......... . — -.......

Stephen HaDgcn IManogtng Editor ' • ■ <

em bers o f the editorial b o a rd -are S t^ b e n H artgcn a n d W l

mthathn in ra n tiu n ite f .----------------h g o fth o se o n c e o rtw ic e a —

th^iTo^tellerTthTSQi’: ryteU erandthellB lener ding of a story evolves,the audience..................5-to Ihbik-tbaU ccow U nftton::. ndM airtln^andler’s book,>ls: L iving (Sensibly) withjhed thlfljear.-A m erican--------/erage, w atch 26 hours of - . About the sam e num ber ofIn the classroom .Thlnkof____D dlagthattlm eleam lhg.'- — _ Ing a swim stroke, o r p r a c - r - rjjin sirum en l. ...........................IB to the addiction lo d r u g s ' ve forget this elM trohic ri tp u ts us lo Sleep. I t suf- [naker In eacb of us’i ButtnHng, IHBntntp«imintQn __•„cUon with an electronic off from famUy interaction.lave workshops iiihow to _____iwto speak to your chUd, our spouse. No wonder the •

ra .T w inFtllt.k l8ho FrWay.i

ffmmrnt= w a d w « o ^ j3 3 > e d e d a to a se a t on the b u s . ^ e decision U p leasant against aU odds. T he ' th a t je rk take a left-hand tu rn : righ t hand lane. Without rollhi window and calling b im a jerk

I t 's t h e i^ lu t io n to b e a clvl creature . Maybe even pick up 1 someone else’s Utter.

T&ls m ay be a peak period f( against the spread of a walsllL Ing cholesterol. Bui It is also w wUlpower to fight the spread 0 r ^ e h e s s ahd creeping noslUil

Civility doesn’ts to p a pucle and doesn'Lput a roof of the h( homeless. But il m akes a dif fe shape of a community, a s sun weights can m ake a d iffe ren t o fahum an to rso .

Ellea Goodmaa writes for 1 G l o ^ . '


tWPYONE'Ul Wll-“-■Sm)ATl0Nf-

lansptrion perhaps any, continent. Making this achievem ent aU thi lon ish ii^ is th a j the nation cres ^ b U c^ & C < ^ titu llo n -la n o t^ ilch a re luctan t government gl\ w er to a restive people; ra ther, at-powerrests-w ith'thepeopiea ngem ent by which they give ovi wer to the Bovemment In orderE lF lib e riieL — ---------=Such a nation_o.n such^a s ^ e ha the face of the E arth sfnce'tfie 1

‘publican R o m ^ and surely dui in ial year we ought to celebrat« ade th is Idea-so oflenlonged for hieved-into reality . .As we enter lilto 1987, le t us rem la t happened in Philadelphia 20 oof-thosaoxcoodingly-ratajnBt 5tory when, a s Alfred North Wh he people In power did what nee o u t as well a s you can Im agine. i.11__Let u s not use the bicentennial t ea sts about w hat w as wrong wl lutlon created in 1787. Lei us us lebrate a rem arkable triumph 1

Lynne Oien&y, chairman ofthe >wment for the Humanities, isa >n3ra/ss/onon theBl'reutennlalt Itutlon..

William C.Blaki ,. • AdyerHjhaManagtr.!---------- ---

MlcKiclGowcr . Circulation Manager

d a n d writers o f cditoriais — Villlam E. H ow ard

hourofstory tellhig sense begins to d

— :Inl930ra child Im ra ‘avera

with m em bers of the immedl “ T am ily n in g si a child on IBe

ly 14Vi m lnutes'each day Inte . paren t, and .l2^ of those mln

recllons and warnings. The 0

reinforcement.When you juxtapose the sti

"■hourffoftelevlsforwatching teraclion, a s a d p icture emei tu re of children an dparen ts I

—own separaternarrow closet —flashingglqjFOf-a-tclcvlsIom

Fasslve^Xbslrig natural oblll • p ^ n a l m ythologies. •

I^^haps ly s tim e t^glv^.u . telivlslon each day, to spend

.one another and listening an ■ when the d ay h asn 't been too

making up a s to ry .; ...............

CAariesLevencfosJty/j«//€ d ito ro ftheC asper(W yo .)i

lay ,Jinu*ry2 .1fle7-^,

E isSss~>um fro m tb e . illhig down the i e r k . . . .. - 'j clvU ,sodal

:u p a few p leccso f _ ^

od for the battle Istllne and creep* . so w ithin our a d o fu rb an - itUily., , jc iearh b lo cau S ' le head of tbe difference [n lbe surely a s lifting . ence in the shape

'or The Boston■ ■ V,.„ , ; i _

i S ;---------- - r r -

^ --------- S -

D -----------------------™


p-'— ..... —

i f

lith e m ore c rea te d w a sa .ib l^ o cu m en t-b y — --------t gives over lim ited .1 her, I t assum es . ,) ie a n d ism ra r*— ^ ------ -Boverllm iled >..i rd e r to p ro le c t- r

le h a d j io tb e e n s e e n '- i__tfiedayso f 'd u rin g the b icen ' irate the men who 1 I fo ran d so se ld o m . ,

rem em ber lha t ______la 200 yea rs ago w as ' JnstanceaJ&human:^— :r I W hitehead put 11, t needed to be done ;lne Its t>ehig possl-

ilal to bea t our g w ith the Con- isu se lt Instead to iph of the hum an

'hfth eN B tfoaam a-------------is a m em ber o f iho


F - T V —

to disappear. yerage^familyHad

n^ a t e a c t ^ d ^ 1:;;____Ih e average had on-:i; In teracU ngw itha ~ m ln u te s^ e re cor- , heo thertw o ; '

e sta tistics a b o u t 'ilngand-famUyln-------------:m erges.A sad pic- nts locked In their JsetsrU tbylhelo n B e trS lle n tr ':------------a b lli^ to create •

^ j i p ’an houro f >end il toUdng to ; and, perhaps, ! '

ied lioiiajpagevJ S ta r -T iib u n e : '

...... 1 ^ —----—

Page 5: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

I n c o i t i iTbeAssociatedPrm -

Department wlll isk Coni week to eanhark $600 ml) otn budget: for u ioaov program thal'would lei borrow m to $50,000 and 1 menu to tbeir incomes.

Tbe "Income' Contipgt program — tbeloaD s wouli

^ J c L a - w ill be locludi ^'^Reagan admlnistratloD

p lao to be~ BQbmltted .il Congress.

"We believe this is 'tb e __gest advance in the" fir

higher educaUon for studi las t 15_year8,!’ - d ^ u ^ im d e r ^ r e ta r y ' Brucd Ci th lsw eek a tab rle flh g . .

The )600 mOUoo.combli to $393-mUllon lo coilec other. Ioans^-w ould-l)e-ff students who m et tbe san ty standards applied to.

_ p ro g ra m s. ICLs would-'b ■— porilng"'Blnce 'B tudents" “ would repay" th fl 'tu lflo a i

terest, ------- ------------Carnes refu sed to say

will be proposed in otbe order to pay_for the dct

N .M .,M iBy The Ass6clated P re ss -

.New M ciicans woke . Y ear’s-m o rn in g -W ith , a

em or, whQe Govs. M arie New York and Jam es Bl M lch^an bM an their seco

In Santa' , NIM., G ar =T u th ers;w as:sw o n i:tQ rH t

Wednesday — five mint__ the term of outgoing C

Anaya ofllc ia liyexp ired .- C arru lhers, who be

sta te 's f irs t Republlcai ■ since 1970, repealed th e ;

- a t - a - f o r m a l ceremoiiy c ^ Ih g ~ o n “ the“ J ia ie ’a r resolve th a t ‘thls will b«

__ y e a r to g e tb e r ." ............... ...-------Cuomo,-wldely-vlewed-___^tial. 1988 . pem ocraU c ]

H igh tide a lo n g E a

GARDEN CITY, S.C, storm of “ mlnl-hurricj washed aw ay decks and i

coast and flo(^ed Nori — beaches T hursday , while

W est C oast' tides in near f o r c e d - tb e - p a r t la l d o

I h lahm ay ' ^ - —The tides on both coast

— uousually-bigh-^because alignm ent o f the sun, mi E arth known as syzygy.

I t 'w a s the fourth cons tha t officials closed-'one Pacific C oast Highway B e a c h ,-C a l i f r -N o da r e p o r t^ .

Washington s ta te coast, . called W osbaway Beach,

the ocean Wednesday tides eroded its foundatioi

South Carolina beach( tered witb planking fi walks and uprooted tree age to buildings appeare than th a t caused by a

I 7

- — —

S K i S F i e n i . .


. P O L E S Scott Pol

M O U N n N G S

- -TotaWalue-

’ ; i i e i" ' M a l r f o t ^

t i e 4 ) a s e c; ‘I do

kiDgi» next .1 SVmtM mllUon of lts ) Y > - ' ^' let. students , : p jo f l

s u m ; *atp.luded -in the on n e n d ln g l -.M ondar“ to r------h e single big* ■■ T i ■■ financing 'o f gram . H6 sal lu d e n ts ln th e gested In othi i ^ , e d u u t io i i gram s, but I

Gam es saifl; eligible for fe

ib lnedw lthup am ount llectloni from- ■ Carnes* sal L .ayallable-lfl_al8o will b e r« sam e eliglbUl* adult educatli to .'o tber aid s ta tes to flg]

i 'b e self-Bup- ren t level ls~8vcntnally '*departm ent vi loans ■with.ln- foM 98t—- - -..r. - ‘r te - under

« y wha^ c u t f 's a y w h ^ th( itber areas la budget requei newJC L_prp- w U lb rc lo ser

lichigan, rj3 - - I ■c' candldfiter .'e

SUtue of U\n }ke up New sUtutloa in 1 ,a Thursday.toj

arlo Cuomo of Vthis amaziu I Blanchard of cUled Amerlc ecopdterms. "My admin JarreyE.' Car* on ihafhelfe 3tli:55.'.p:ra:znot:nver;!‘iCi linutes before in a a packe I Gov. Toney IbestateCapI d.— - Like Carrubecame the tbe official o

can governor Tore, at a he swearlng-In Year’s Eve. iiJy Thursday, eraor told frl aresldents'to -he-wa3-"!oo 1 be our finest more years in___ ____ L___ Even so. jii

cd-ss-a.poten*—p re ss -se c re i c presldenUal sa id the gove

les le a v e d a s t, W estC. (AP) - A montir tha t r icane" force ages, accord id sidewalks at public Infom Sbuth-CkVoUna TyofM yw Iel forth Carolina “Thrt‘e I lUe the .highest.: flooding;: bu learly-i& ^rcarB -dorainlom r- closing of a Dowling said.-------"CiviH-&ef<asta have been Carolina’s c3se-of-a-rare—couId'tSkT3modn and the. estim ates.

onsecnUVB day , “ |L i M t a e o f t h e (ay a l 'S unse t dam age w i . -

a m on th o beachfront.

Uon........................iches were lit- North Car ; from board- extensive d rees but dam* homes a t I a r e d to b e le s s - community ’ a storm last southemmos



W OurSkl • pockogai oH«f

youfamouibrond nom»-«jwlpm

lno«l And w* hov oblllty ond

yovr. fomily'i ----- loypwoy^l

K I « A C K A 4


i b t C R I I . . . . . . . . ...........

>alomg>»>47 ; ................... ;

PoUi..... .................& T1INIIIGr£S:J : .


d e r s ii f S r d ^ a » f r T w l n F ii l l i^ * f o l I j y M o l l j T w l i v F a l ^

r . j

( d s t u d e iion’t see congiessipi

Q ii l te 'f h p . c pathj^lfrom Congres -essishinidngoutol Dgiams are essential I’re going to look vei provide wide access

the most kids to I■ _ , _ ' ■ > _ _____

d e p u ty e

said changes will be sug :lfl5 )ther. loan aild p a n t pro- the it that all students now gre federal aid would sUD be enc

>r esstttlfllly :thft same On act

said . tbe administration. 1 s requesting anincrease In J a s atlon lunds distributed to lo fight -illiteracy.-The cu> tail I Is 1106 mUlion; tbe ts t win propose 1130 million be{

lersecretary declined to 198the departmeht’s overall Od [ue^t will be except tbat it tioi ser to the administration’s .de:

N .Y . govs.evoked images of ihe in i

liberty and the U.S. Con- and ] his inaugural address the o.remind hls audience of jije izlng place of miracles. Ii rica.” . _ 8W(ilnistratlon has been built ter !irel,'that the inlracle U tell ;cnomo-jold:bis:audlencez®t::ked convention hall near eco ipltol In Albany, N.Y.TUlhers, Cuomo, 54. look de( 1 oath of office hours be- Ca] a small ceremony New oal e. During that, the gov-_ma friends and re la tiv e Uiat chi looklng-forward^to-four-BlJ J In this beautiful house ,’ adi , just a'blt_earllef,_Cuomq_ I

'Mflrtlri Stcfldmnnlgo: ivemor would be traveling pn

debris _ t c o a s ts 'U left (3 million- In dam- irding lo Patrick Dowling,-. jrmation'offlcer for the ci*leieacbr-^^------------------------' has been substantial but no damage lo_con-' r i jr -m b te lr -o r -h o te ls ;" ? "j

-------- - -«fense-worker9-in-Soutb- - i cqa^stal_£Quntles-sald-lt— ra a y s to compile damage

:arolina Highway Patrol itopped all but emergency Pawley’s Island after 40

Ia .and_Ude3„3.feet .hlgher_. _ tormal pounded the t. Power lines feel in the _ jr^lice^0nlered*electrjcai“ ■ Jt off to Ihe. community-of event, fires and, electrocu-

Carolina offlclals-rcported ' damage to waterfront': Long Beach, an Island y near the. -stale’s icsl tip.


• I * * ’*

Ipmmt ot a Wrrlllc »ov

ly> »W po^oflM on

------------------ -- -

.............. » 9 S “ “ . .



♦405““ : -- ^ .....

9 ? \ :

e i i %•-7 3 3 -2 5 1 9 - —

_____ ^

i n t l o a mi p n d i n e r t i a o n t h i s

i c o n t r a i y — I s e e

e s s o n t h i s p r o g w

o f m o n e y . S t u d m t

i a l l y o u t o f c o n t r o l

! e i y l i a r d a t p r o g r a i

s s t o f u n d s a n d la l lo

o p a r t i c i p a t e . ’

____ ^ B r u c e „ C a

V ed u c a tio n u n d e r se c r

.<15.2 billion request for J937 the $193 billion authorized : gress. He said Uie_ agency_ enou(^ & m M t d ie ta rg e t se Gramm-Rudman d e f lc lt. n act, but would not give a (igun : Tbe Education D e p a r tn e i Iftrf hiiifgot ww|twrf auAM Flo approve S90 m illion fo r ■ Inltlatlvie and ended up Instc t s million fo r a pilo t prot begin on 10 cam puses nex t fall

I W I C I T p r o ^ W p r o ^ 1988 fiscal year, w hich sta; 0 ^ 1 , would lnvolve“ i.500 tions and u p to 500,?)00 loans, describedit th is w a y : '. . ,

s begin th«in the next-several m onths and four o ther key s ta tes; the site o f the nation’ jiresidenllal p a rty caucuses.

In l in s ln g , Mich., Blancbi sworn In Thursday to his term as M ichigan 's 4Sth gi telling the sU te 's res iden ts t ^ t —Ute—crossroads—in —a economic w ar.

About 1,800 people bra' degree w eather ou tside th Capitol to see B lanchard t oath of office. .fM ichlgai m aster rea litie s of e

rchange: o rr:B e‘'u ndflne. b y JIan ch a rd ,-4 4 .-fia ld Jn Jto -lr address.

Blanchard, the firs t Dei governor lo b e r e ^ le c tedTn S p r a ^ T M l ^ l g M " r ^ d e i

—I g S g "


fPMliC l


PRINCIPl. Ja n rS -Ja n .- lO

Sh ields 118

ORGANIZi--------" Jan."12;Ma>r4^“ — S h l e l d s - n S —


J a n . 14-M ay 6 S h b l d s ) 0 8

STRATIJ a n . 15 .M ay7

- - - A a p e n i4 5 — *

-r C o b p E d u c Q t

--------------- R eg ister-^ ir^T daiYou may reglj Box 1238, Twii

-^ F E £ S ;=. I ttw ItC lc

F m s I o j

7 '— : :z~.ThlrcfftdlH

T E X T I Goum

JlmWIIL Q C C d o n 7 3 3 -9 5 5 4 •

1 . __________ _

— N a m

[ s p r o p c■ Stndata wou

i s 150,000, .{tr moR 117,950 cap on un

i m . and-thus would t . , j In deciding where

l i a i a . .stodentswoultL easy repayment

M Sl o w _ 'Wllhln 10 y ^ . <

'gram, repaymeni ceed 15 pen»nt -

l a m e s come, with a repj

' • b ^ e o l s plan 87. than, to-', income fields wo i by Con- Ant loans and jr_ba^cut repayment ;obllg« serbgr Ibe to an expen reducUoD Defaulta-by grad

afford their payt lent ta .its -pec i^lod fop . .? ^ f l c L ~ ’ ‘StadeDta-wtra: L i d wllh of the money wit

r “-‘”- » K d ‘g ^ S .b lU -F a te -p lu a . .3 - | as. Carnes Nearly 14 billl

............this .year for ,

leir new teia to Iowa—‘’cllmblng-an ew i; Iowa is challenge” in the in’s first took bis fb^t oat

state’s unemploy :hard was’ 17 percent am is second millions of dollan governor. But BlanchardB they are even more hUIsi a -g lo b a l-o f-a -n e w-chall

‘competlUtors.0.P sUte "And I am no

ta k e m e “ “ ' “ “ 'S . '” . ' ' ‘ ran JUSt abOUt CVC'S o n S iic 'pr*** ‘n MlchigJ

Jnaugurtf.' Anaya, who w

lemocraUc from seeking am n28ycarsr Mexico’s govern J^ u n o n th r-a n d le n c e .—



— # i © f i

— F O IiT H E -A O U L T i

• Twin FWIs -T— WKHIMlUil A S i l S

IFOLIO PROGRAMf l I » t» r h o w ? o r l9 8 7

>LESOFMARKEl3 C r« llt i

3 -— Mon. -Fr i . <Sat. 8o.IT

. ^ - M e


4~ - ------— Monr>--------------------------------


6 Wed.-; Colin I

rEGYANDPOLI_ ^ i 3 C r « I I I i___7----------------- Thursi: --------- -------------- Jot

COOPlU o n jitc flD B B m B n tw y j

lEGl&TRAIlDN-f ld v a n c o - o f - ^ io M - c n - j l s t e r b y m o ll . to .J Im W /in F alls.

: lo r k S tQ t« C o l l s g * f « » i

' $ 5 0 . 2 5 p a r c r«d lt. - o r a f h r M c r e d i t c l o t i <

$150.75---------i t - fB rd c ^ o t ln d o d r tg x t^

B Q O I « ; ~AvollobloalCSIBooktlor


i r d l n o t o r•xt.32S(A H *m i»M )— ;

D s e c ifb u ld 'laV T ic^ tiT ^ ore than tbe jctrreot undermdoaletlDtbe

i have more treedra~ iretoatt^Bcbool. raid bave flexible and K options as oppo^ d acMules wbldi, for ^ _ complete .repayment

s. yoder the iCL prt>- enta would never e x - l K it of a graduate's in- l E n epayment period of. so l f lH g aa^it takes to pay^off W M

jnnntng to enter low* n A would oe able td.take ■ v Id still meet their” ligatlooa, even if they ■ “ lenslve private school. | raduatcs who <an not ■ lymenta would be ex* J ^

trald'pay'tbe'fnll'COTt"! “ ivlthout subsidies from ■ ~ a la currently tbe case _ O Id the National Direct ■ ^ program.-Tbe interest |I tbe.9l-day Treasury - 3-percent^-. . - (illlon -was authorized ‘ ' f. .Pell _granU. | | J

3rms - genormous mountain of . S l the four years since be V I oath b IS83, when tbe I M loyment rate stood at ■ & and" the“ state- was S arsindebt. , ■ ”ird said Michigan baa I Is to‘climb in'the face ■ ' r t^ragC; fromH[orelgn^-j^lI®oot just talking about ■ p.

the govemor 'said. | •very profitable enter* . Igan is threatened by ■ a, ytlon. .whether , they ■ .^

was barred by law another term-as New b j ■mor.: also , addressed w >

;l a r k | J |tLLEGE l ltATlON I -OFFERS


I 0T . Kl ____

* * * * TB:*'*★* J H ETING ■ '.' ferlO p - n i . . . L __ Ln™.-9 p .m ,iAatySara* g ■

ATiONS— J hir7 -1 0 p;m ;------ " j kw McBride----- “ R s

lETY 1Bll .y . lO p .n j . . . ^ X n R an d o tp h " '

LTCY . I1. 7 -iO p .m . .m * o h n H urley- - — r

TyoiLabjB." ....... . ,

B ^ n n ._ 7r9 . ' W illis, CSI,........... ■

a r e . - - - - W

.I'Ore V

] i ; ' j

l o r . . ,


J ;___ Frklay.Jani^i

^CabinJewa ip a DEPOSIT I


WHM ttor* nonw 1 ^ . dNAME---------------- -----------1APnBP<S - - - ---------

O T Y ____ ^ ^


I m iTh


Writ* ifor* iwm»h*T». €N A M g ------------

ADDRESS ------------

OTY I ______ ______P H O N E _ J ^ __________^

tuomi. »

a m M j i . a T a j l imm^ ;'CABIH FEVER" IS IMp SWEEPSTAKES-i?I VJ Wri>*itor«iMWMk*i«,j NAME ' ___I A n n p p < ^ _

j - g y y , .. •

!-FH Q N g^ : L - r - --------

b a i a B lp o N u :mg>ik“CA8l)irEVER"!i■: WEEPAX£S-£;nj. ' ’ W rit.ito .»nom .(w (<

[ n a m s _ ______________^[ ADDRESS -- ----------------!—

O T Y --------------------------------J PHONE----------------------- ^

h s Tw.srsr* ■ ■

g ^ 'CABIHftVEini SWEEPSTAKES iiT5 WHtaitoronaraoKtr*

S ^ A M t : =!-A 0D R E S S -_____ _________

J O T Y ------------J m O N E _ ___ ----------------- -

a t l l

m ^ i!ABIHfIYEIi''ii SWEEPSTAKES iiT ................— -—

I[ A 0 D « E S S ^ _ _____J a T Y _ ----------------^* i»H nM 8 ----------- ^— —

— lUOmi. DWMHMiam thai MnvWTI a rr.T?m iTirrr**** *U u m m m m - m m m

Bi x i i


^ " F o f i W e T l m e s ^ h


n i p o i1« • Mf hif ) OT A«'Cani>^ Crai nM Tw> tW*. 7 d*r» and n>«hi aiMu. ton Jw«i. hNrt* Ik

■ It

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Vki "a for a «n it>« Cwn»v«i Ov Jnw “Tun SNf*. 7 <kr* ond nif>< t a r n , •ohomn. tM

>, d tp « d*potlt w u p M t t tU i tta r*


□ ■ j i l L i L i i J u u i L P

S COUPOlMn d .Mp lor } an lh« Contlvd Cn Ham ’Fun SMp- 7 doy« ond-nta Hmuv. Ion Jmr. Pimtw i____

•,d lp a < l« p o iH c o v p M M th !tt(a r

a,,3». Ito. •


IS COUPOWin g Irip ter 3 on rfw Camlvd C Uam Tua thip*. 7 dey* ard nl| Nwtou, BdtomM. Son Jwon. i 4..4hee*w,WglaUU«.____^

< d 1p t coupon (ri HUl «Mf

■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ p ■ ■ ■ I

NotMu.-tohocnn, Son Jwoii, hMrto U.Themoi,VIrsinl*i4

r» , d ip a ilvpoillcovpoA e t ifU i»o.

~ ~ v '

mn 31. I*P. tmiT ■Mi fct ^

■ r H - a - a i - H - a - M - a - w

.win « trip ler } «n iha ComWcii C -IUm Tvn thlp'. 7 dor* <Md •! HoMW. •ohoao*. U n Jwon, PwMto H.TheiM i.Wolnl(U».

M . d tp p y U coupow rtllU H tpi

3 n ~ T '


■ ■ m ' m m i ^ w t m m \

i'w to F a M jW a h o M _ _

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Mi cruito yjyilfM • '......■■ . 1 . , :

■ ;

hMi CrwiM . VvUfji.

t ' :

Page 6: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

{ ’ ; A-6Tline»4law8, Twin Fal

----------- i 3 f ^ b e ^ 9 0 c { a l € « > r ^

• - LINCOLN, Neb. - F(d e a t G erald Ford, the

= ------ N ebraB kairtoTervrTff=- b l u e s t office, receive

Dl8llDgul3hed • Net A w ard Feb . 28 In the j ro tunda, o fficlalssald.' F o h l, ' who -was born

^ ' i e ^ i B T ^ d dellghl a l th- InvitatlQn" ' to th e 'S ta

banquet, said John Han of the sponsoring N Foundation, a non-profi of com m unity leaders

.boosting Nebraslca.L . . . Ford-WlU be the sixth

the aw ard -given am distinguished Nebraski

______ .sp read ;fame of " theNebraaJia."

N ebraska’s Statehood-----------ncialljTM arch i; butFoi

and the availability of • dictoted- the Feb. 28 b

Hanlon said.T he banquet will ce

th e s ta te ’s'120th blrthi bicentennial of the U

• .------ tion.r-T^^--------------- ---

Herb^vonKo leads S trm ^ it

V IE N IA , A ustria - H irb e rJ von K ara jan le

:PhUharmo/jJc Orcheslr ;g ram of S trauss waltz<

.............-Jlght fare Thuraday forid le p ^ of an estlmate<l

— Organizers said 33 t(........... iw o m -a n d about 70-r;

Iwmldwlde tran sm itted ; :tlre near two-hour pi

: ducted by thfe. 78-year* j who has been recupera -----------Incss:--------------------------

• . K arajan, director ol PhiJhannonlc; has. rare in public since October, and virus infection fp: cancel most appearani

:— ......o rchestra, -includlng-U.i~ ___t o u r a ._ ____________

The A uetrlan , com— reported to havo suffere

tack iQ 1978jind qannot { support d u e 'to back air

“I oiM. He nas oeea rec I Salzburg, the city of h is t

j — ^^G pv, Bin Jjr g eS p a rty

'■ P IE R R E , S .D , - [ Janklow ’s got a surprls

. I p a r ty and the class t automobile ot his drei

tb e en d .o f h is e ig h t ) ' - e rn o r .. .

As .guM ts-artfioTTei

r - - - JankJow ■ w as'-r^^ven. j ,■ Chevrolet convertible i . original condition. •

r -------^have--a-'5T-Chevy7'‘“ s, who wore blue jeans a ; B ears w arm up jacket.• "About the tim e 'I th■ afford it, my son wei1 The next tim e I thougl

- ! ford it. my daughter ;le g e ," the Republican ' ed. "About the time

--------- i-could-afford-one-agaln,;6 u to fw o rk ."; Janklow, limited by• consecutive term s as |

, ■ for the GOP U.S. Senat; b u t lost to Sen. Jim f'• Ju n e prim ary.

■ Craig: Farm's J ' : Is common, bui^ BOISE ^ n E S .'R c p

; says he and his par( bankruptcy protection

2 ranch Uiey own Is a c . i . i Uon. but s till exceeding:

T he Idaho Republic I percent of C raig R ai

=: In -partners

; j-Txoo m oi- ireceive t

\in l9 8 6 -:k — i- C ONROE.,Iexaa-(A• ! in T exas and New Yor• I ' tw ins who sta rted llfi •• - '- a p a r tb u n h d lf fe re n ty i

; In Conroe, Texas. Hi- ^ ; gave tilrlh to"JennIfei

I on Thursday a t 'th re e . m idnight a t Conroe’s I

r — r-H oM italr«poke3w om a 1. • ' en lfi In n n ffo r l .y n n ’.d

ifillrabeth M arie, w^s ■'d o y a t l i :5 3 p o n .

, - E lizabeth M arie well r — rrJ -o u n cesr-w h J le her ;J . _____ w a s -o n e -o u p c e - i l^ t f

-sa id to b cd o in g w elJ . • In Albany, N.Y.. Dc

baJd gave b irth to. L ■ ■ . • lliW p .m . Wednesday. Ann a t 12:03 a.m . Thi

- r - .•. 'B e tlrw e lg h ed '6 'p o u n 3 = ? = ^ a n d ^ re n rA n _ n i:w d d

r according to a spow ^ — r^A lbdny M edical C enter

........’The tw lnsjiw ere"'‘di3 ^are In -very good

;■ spokesm an R ichard P

r — r ; . : - . '_ :T IM E S -N E ^ I C L A S S IF IE D A DV f • > ................ P H O N E 7 3 3

F a l l# J d a h o ^ _ F rW ^ ^

tprec^S u r ^ no

F orm er Presl* m anaging the only native, spokesman,. T S ^ ih rH ailoB '9= C rfilg^a!d elves the 198? parents for Nebr^skalander avoid the t le s ta te Capitol praised five I. . w & 'v a lu e dorn In Omaha, $400,000 and^ t the-award-flnd • - The. llUnj Statehood b a y Chapter 12 o Hanlon, director code for. fir

N ebraskaland’ operations roflt organlztion mopth ago. xs dedicated to dozen Idaho

u -Ixlh recipient of — annually to a iskan who has tie good life of

lood Day Is of- Ford’s-schedu le- of the rotunda

8 banquet date, -

ceiebrate both rthday and the • U.S. Conslltu- '

KarajanI waltzes ■I - Conductor [J led the Vienna “stra In a pro- iltzes and other for a.global_au-_ ated ,400' million -

3 television' net-D 'radio stations.................ed all o r part of

program con- :ar-old m aes tro /^ leratlng from II-

of the Berlin arely been seen er, when a fever

forced him to ranees with his'-U.S and J a p a n ----------- ------

conductor ■ was .fered a heart at- |not w alk without 1 and sp.ine'troti-;,. ’ ~ ' ' a

recuperating in • mIls birth'. ^

liJanklow Im '7 Chevy - —- IH

- Gov. Bill ] m |irlse rock ’h’ roll M lassic American n Hdream s to m ark i Mit y ears as gov- i n

NewTYear'B Eve-^19508— mnsir;------- -- ^n ..a .-,sll^ r;'1957 :: ..le restored to Its

i a iY fc jv a n te d i s ________ L“ “ saidT anklow ,IS and a Chicago .

I thought 1 could went to college, jught I cfould af-ter_went to col:_ ____ -an governor jok- me I thought I aln,. I-go t-th row o- --------

by law to two / ' Jas governor, ran f^-]mate nomination, f >n Abdnor in the . ;^ l

s failuremt painful K mIcp. L arry Craig )arents filing for • ^ tion on a cattle a common situa- ^Ingly painful, blican owned 15lU n c h e ^ In ^ . In___________le rsh lp -w lth -h ls - ------- -

o th e rstw in s■1987

:_ (A E ),.^ Io th e rs York gave birth to'life ju s fm ln u tc s ----------ity e a r s . ' “ . ', Holly Adkins. 31. ______ : A ,lifer Lynn Adkins / i » ree m inutes after /A ,■ i’s Medical Center / > jm an-F ay-B lssell: —inls-o ldcj^^ lster,------v ^s^q rn W ednes-

weighed 4 pounds, iT younger sister jh te rllB o th _wcrQ„

Deborah Regim- - D L&ura Beth a t lay.and and Karen ■ ■ Thursday. Laura ounds; J5 ounces" ~~ y j y e l^ e d -7 -p o u n d 6 .- - l / i X - : jo l^ m a n al ’ theIter. ................................V j m"doing-w ell a n d shape ,” said ' _ ” i puff on Thurs-'

N E W S— - D V E R T IS lN a 3 3 - 0 6 2 6 .......................

ivcNebiEIxln-and_Dorothy_ Craig, - s r no d lre c tln v o lv e m e n T m .! the s p re a d , ' said ' his all in, John Barclay. .. “ t Bld-hg1iBd-worked-witfrht»=mi or th e past two years to fir1 action. Tbe ranch, ap- tri ve y e a rs ago a t $2 million, . led now a t only between od^SOO.OOO.Barclaysald, q 4 ing w as„u n d e r the new2 of the federal ban k ru p lcy ~ I financially strapped f^rm dip

s and effective just a paj ;o. C raig strtd more than a Rh ih O ja rn te rs 'B n d 'ran ch e rS 'b a l u J .

. . .


)Faskaic..a re using the new law.______

"IT Ih aF m ariy , bankrupt already In the works," I “ there .m ust be several

=niorep{daboW armrfamilies: f in d th e m s e lv e s forced I trag ic sltuatioD."

Lord Soames ipipr after abdominal su~ LONDON - Lord Soam diplom at who helped negotl passage of the British co Rhodesia Into Independen b abw er w as-m aklng-'‘very j


S ‘ ■

K Ip ' o

o {> , ' 1 ^

ander/______ tory progress”ptcles-'art-T lom lnal^urgcry

he said, Soames. 66. ti 1 hundred obstruction rem s w bo-w U l-system - io - to o p

into this since bas tieen.I doctors said.

Soam es servet } r O V e 8 governm ent of

urgeryimes, the ’ H e Is cred it otlate the dom inant role, colony of m inority rule In ent Zlm- Ing about electe f satlsfac- th e re . ........



. . . . L O N G Vi

R eg u la r ly to1<length. S izes 3


— N o w V# y R eg u la rly to 5J

•. , co lo rs a n d size:

J F A S H i a

^ N o w 3^— —^------- O ne group of pc

— — S P O R T S B Y E M A I N o w R e d u c e c

, Entire S to c k o f h ’ sv^ealers. sw ea


M E N ’S S

_ ;_ , .N o w 2______ R eg u la rly 4 D J2

R ! |y vkfools a n d acryl

B O Y S ’ & a P A R K A S

1 N o w J l_ _ _ R e d u c e c

I Solid co lors; col

4 ^ ^ E A S H I0I “T N o w

R e d u c e c— -i-----------One-group-oW ai_ J . .- .--a sso rted c o b rs .

- E I N G E R ]

k N o w 5^ R eg u la rly to 13r M " ............length coats,-Sl<

WeW'ei'co ~^AwBrlcai Validated Pb

- iJse th

Afor\ Satu

\w ard |}” Thursday a f te r ab- Rjry.-hisdoclorsaald.------- - M, K{id.a n o n -m a li^ a n t ■ e m o v ^ from h is bile H operatioDJTuesday.-and— ■ p in Intensive care , his ■

ved a s a m in is te r In the H of .the la te .H aro ld

nd' w as am bassado r to ■ ■ l9 6 8 to l9?A ,'d ited w ith., playing a ■ lie. in e n a n g white- In R hodesl^and brlng-

cted b lack governm ent

a - ,


^ O L C O A T S

>134.00. T w e e d s and so lid s ; 3 th rough 13.



15 8 .00 . S tripes , co lo r b locks zes.------ - i to p - o H ho-otBlr}^rr::2


^ 2 P r i c ef paH erned a cry lic a n d w ool


S W E A R - - - - - -A N U E L L E

VsDf M exx S p o rtsw ea r. C hoosi featshirts, b lo u ses , sk ins , p£

-------- (lop’o H he-B ta if)--------

S W E A T E R ^>488J2 .0 0 _ E an e rn s .a n d soliHsii irylics.

(the m e n 's alley)


co lo r b lb cR e^s lrip es , furs a (th e ch ild ren 's attic)^—

3N 5 W E ^ M E R S

-fam oue-nam eU ashion-sw eajrs.and.patter.ns— ...........

(the e sp rit shop)

5I 1P J .E N G T H .C>7001 30 .0 0 . O n e g ro u p of all w oS iz e s 6 th rough -1 S.j_______— :— ( ^ r m J s y s J ) - -’6’o m e * V I$A~'i~ M a s te ^ W d can E x p r e s s • Paris C harge Parking W ith Y ourP urchast th e 2 n d A v e n u e N orth L o t'

S to re H ours: fon.-/=W. J.0 : 0 D-6 ;0 0 ' 8 /u75ay s '7 0 ;0 0 -5 .-3 0

GERALDFOPD -----W as born a CornhusI

i i i yTODAYS

S “^ S T R E

. N o wlids in d re s s R egularly

coats. Size

S ’ F I N ^

ek e d . A sso rted R egularly 1 . length coat

i s ^ ~ A L L ^

N o w 'Dol sw e a te rs . R egularly

; co a ts with

_ : i s t G l- N o w

R egularlylo se lro m styles. Soli, p a n ts and

— - - - - - -2n d G

N o w iR egularly

________________cruise w ea

3r d G

N o w 'R egularly

. - . Sizes S . M

s a n d m ore. ' 4t h GI

— , . . . . Regularly, ~ wonderful



w ool fingertip ' f •

^ th- \ Ia rd Z T I- V ’ - A /I \4a s e s t 1 II I I a t ’ " ' I , j ^

[) REP. LARI isker----- , H ad w orked t


\ i| ! l - JlJ liilfL-


E E f L t N G T H c I1 1 1 0 0

ly to 2 2 2 .0 0 . S e le c te d g roup z es 4 th rough 18.

(s tr e e t level)

iE R T I P L E N G T H

y to 1 89 .0 0 . S p ec ia l g ro u p 0 lats. S iz e s 6 th rough 18. -

W E ^ l H E F r C O /

99° “ly to 1 8 9 .0 0 . F a m o u s b rand th z ip-out liners. S tree t a nd fii __________ • (s tre e t level)

5R 0U P S W E A T !

199®ly to 4 8 .0 0 . O n e g roup of sw olids a n d fanc ies . S ize s S . M

(s tr e e t level)

G R O U P S W E A l2999ly to 7 9 .0 0 . S lipover sw eatei ear.------------ — (s tre e t l e v e l) - -


39®®ly to 9 9 .0 0 . M any s ty le s and Ivl.L.

( s tr e e t level)

3R 0U P S W F A T

42®®ly to 1 4 9 .0 0 .4 th group.ofsv^ ul co lo rs a'nd s ty le s . S ize s S,-

"• ■ (s fre flf/eve /j

# ”

M m w


\R R Y CRAIG i <1 to avoid action «


C O A T S ” ^I ' , . . ; , .

oup of street length

m C O A T SI ”

Jp of fingertip'. . .


m d all-weather id fingertip lengths.


[sw e a te rs in m agy


a te r s Ideal lor .

y T E R S 1

and colors.

n~ER ^s

f sw e a te rs Ins S,-M;-Lt ■ . • _____

Page 7: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

f o HERSCUEL NISSENSG m X x w d a M P r e s s

..........* T O M P E r- -A r iir - ir - ’Tb-------- lb l2> g^-a^U eg»-fooU M

U d h placfl t o u ^ whl ■ M U g iL No. t Penn Si

r ie itaB o w l. - This If ooJy tbe seveni

th e 51-;ear history of T b e . P re ss ’ poll that the t i^ I

_ At t b e ^ o f I b e jc g u la ra ^ i e f l n a bowl gam e u d J eond tim e th a t both ba' records. Top-ranked Nebr

. troanced runnerup . Alabi 884 In the Orange Bowl

-1671 national championship . r " T h ls Is probably tbe clc

_ _ .b e e n .'to a_nBtlonal.pIayo

A r i z o n— ^ i x t h s t r a i

■ By KEN PETERS T /JeA w c/a frf P re s s . ,

“■ PASADENA, Calif. -- Rose Bowl provided a d " t r u e for Jeff Van Raa

_____ ; AriMna State.’*and anightm are lor Bo Scti

: M fcblganandtheBlgTe ; Van Rsapborst, wh ' bad- been denied a cha • : In the Rose Bowl 25 ye : - threw for 193 yards

____ ; . touchdowns to . 1(• *“ enth-Tan1ied- Arizona

22-15 victory over No.! in Thursday's Rose Bow• • _ The_.Yictory. .cont

PBCUIc-10‘8-doralnatloi' . B ig Ten in the Rose

banded - - Michigan Schembcchler his sevi

- e l^ ttr ip s to P a sa d e n a . - ••- •p a c -10 team s now bj ■■ ■; ■ T asfslx R ose^ow ls.'ai

• la s t 13.i : " I t 's a_j(lfeam_come• - Van Raaphorst, who '.Z S m Devils from a 1

q u arte r deficit “ My f — rv _ g o ta -c h a n c e .to jl( ijti

I r —p a d ~ l -w as-a b le io;

= m ? - " iD lc l r - V ^ ; Raaphor w All-Big Ten kicker for V : champion Ohio S tate :

____ 1 • the faculty, wanting t• i football was -not. ovei ‘ a t tbe scbool, voted to

Buckeyes brom p a r t : ' the Rose Bowl.

Dick was in the stan ! • aa Arizona State' won : * pearahce. ih^the Rose ' ' , also gave Coach John . ■ first bowl victory.

_____; : "This Is tbe_blgge8t; - tory of n^lfer'-flalcTT ; secood year a t ASU a t

: ByFREDGOODALL ■; - The Associated Press; .

Oklahoma provided C , S w l l z e r ^ f th i i l i - J ^ t

Thursday night, pour : Arkansas 42-8 In the i

— — rassinglossofSw itzer’i

\ Arkansas cost'O klal ^ bable national cham• beating the heavil

— ;,-,SooDBnr;3i-e-in-thfl_: ____ ^ Bowl. S w llw . a naji\

: sa s a n d a lom ierR aro: — — and-aselfltant^oach.-b

; " p la y e rs lo w in ’Thuri: gam efo rh lm ,-...... -: Publicly, Switzer

y S e i o i— : r

■: :Bv DENNE ii. t e E M A I ‘ ; Tbe Associated Press

• I r D A U S s - ^ b e ^ ^--------^Ifer ence'fl-debut-te^the-C--------=^ will loiigTw braijJed-ln-t— -: 'O f-T exas A*M quarterl ^M urray, whq set a 81-yea

• tfuUiity in the New Year’s! The nth-ronked 0

iBuckeyes hitercepted-ft: 'r a y ’s passes "asd re tun them; for toucbdowns In

—‘It0 iy"07^thB :N 0r-^a- Ag . ^ 74,180 fans. , .

. AU-Ameiilcan I l n ^ c

I f a^SON, I-------^----------

The o ea re s t .... .t. : J»tbaILpi*yol£— when No.- 1 i i u i e ^ t t l e > . - {Hwfhtp tnrtbe“ •

rentb tim e InbeAasocUted ;• - • T i. ip two toamt .. raeason bave__ r i /id just th e »■ ■■■have perfectebraska, 12-0, ptlabama, il-O, I_________wl to win the- ibip. said P enn S tc lo s tttw e W e .o n e of those

n a S t a i t e

a i g b t l o s s j r h

s__.........■___ _

f. - The 73rd /a dream com e /■laapborst and y

a continuing CSchembecWer.------------------ ^5Ten.whose father

chance to play I years ea rlie r, • eight y ears :rds and two nine.. le a d ___sev-.... '•W e.beaa -S ta te - to - a -team._We 1 io. 4 M ichigan ' gam e to wi lowi. about ourlontinued the tbe second]i tlo irro v e r- th e ------ After-givBse Bowl, and __the Sun [an — ^ a c h - - s t i n g y and seventh loss In th ree Intei tna. '• ■ ’ ■ quarterbac /•have won th e — The— At j.'and 12 of th e ■■meanwhile

me try e ,” s a l d * '^ T m ' noi bo ra llied th e we com e o a 15-3 second- lose bj :y fa th er never Schem becti t a n d a ’m j u s t__ baiteX ualato r ^ l a - l f l - t o r —

h o r ir tE ia 8 _ a n ;3 h a lI3 ta m i for conference pointing."

te in 1961. B ut • Scherabe g to show t h a t ' keys w as ll

1 to prohibit tb e flng, “ How articlpallng in 'b a c k if you

• " I f you lands T hursday critical of. ron Its first, ap- offense did lose Bowl, and when it did, ohn Cooper hla Van ,Ras

. touchdown ;est dM ged vie- m ake It IS Id^Sbper.ISTSirriorerBSIBlJ’U t t e r spending • See

- B 6 d <S o o n e r s b u i

B i g S d o m i n

L ■ ---------------

Third-ranked /d Coach B a r ry . I .wtfrlfll v lrth iy __________ V .Klunding ,N b. 9 'tie 53 rd O ra n g e [Q.moBt e m b a r - :er’s c a r e e r . k la h o m a a p ro - a m p lo n ab ip b y dow n p lay avU y f a v o r e d g a m e to 1 ifl_1978 O r a n g e j f t e r w a r d s a tiv e of A rk a n - a l o t lo b e a i a r o r b 'a c r p T a y e r ' , 'T c a n g i . -b a d js k e d - fa ls -^ a s T - l^ ^ r l u r ^ a y H i r g h t ’a s a id Sw itzi

-1 . - r e c o t d - J o:e r ‘H H e a ' to - g a m e a .

IAN........ ■ r — — —

B^j^ e n - ^ n j (

In-the m em ory terback Kevin year record fo r, - p’s D ay gam e.

Ohio SU te -f tv e o^-M u^ turned two of . re turn ing oi In a 28-12 Vic* touchdown, Aggies' b efo re -; M uiray ’s^fl

Cotton Bowl ta c k e r ” C hris Spielm an

-• « t ! '. wbPm StaAfr thi

___________ _______ J reit t (

S tate Coach Jo e P a tem o , pl{)se in favor of. a p layoff Bulowl games. " I 'v e thought Wa

, - ■ r - ;

indsBiglO 1 Pasadena

ars a t Tulsa. " I ’m on cloud

3eaL an-excellcn t football e bad tog lay our best ball win. Yoii can 't say enough. I

i r defense, particu larly In IodJialf.” - _____________Lg iv ln g -u p -l5 .p o in ls .ea rly ,. ■ 1 Devil defense tu rned I nd fln lshed -fhe-gam e-w lth -l- iterceptioas off M ichigan I jackJim H arbatighV "" m -Arizona - S ta te —o ffense ,- H ille; ■ dld not 'tU m the ' ba ll ' ■ ngletlm e. I n o t 'mSElng any excuses, p e out here every y e a r and r : by seven Rolnts,"

BChler said. “ You guys’ c an Ltalklnjtaboutihat._________UBt-dldpit-plp v-B -ver^good^i f l I D V ? « b 5 T n ^ S S :jn ; : th a l’8 _ w ]iy n n O j8 B tE :

ibechler said one of -the 3 Ihe Sun D ev ils 'defeM l^^ I

low can you p lay qua rte r- y ou don 't have any tim e? > m lu want lo be critical, b e ' * of. the offensive line. Our didn’t have a chance, and , lid, It didn't do ^ t h l n g . ’’ . laaph'orst threw a 4-yard vn pass to -B ruce Hill to I

15-13 JUBt 29 seconds be- ” RimeTTlfeh Connfetlfed W l l h - ^ eeR O SE onPageB 2

kizzlekiry Arkansas nates New Y

sely the Importance of, th e se 0 him ,..p£rsonfllly — but d_s, he ad n illted .lt m e a n t ..21

leathrs-almfllT igter.---------t ^-Hn go back borne to A rkan- w rare^ in :izn ced ed tth a t.-< 'r::g { ilzer, who his Im proved h is . w j q . 6-2 in OranRe -Bowl—

iup"five intefd


[ one of Ihe'm 24 x a r ^ for ^ ^ 'n, his first a s a coOegianr E tflye-inlercepU ons w e re .a . iw lreco rd ., j - • I' an -sa id r"W e-p lay ed th re e .IJ om h n iin 't iioAri miQ vftiir .

N o .labout it and i'm khid of watch■ "M aybe it to top m uch p

b ill two team s having a ' d -play (or a cbamplooahlp I -wouM.he a fan-Kltaatkin.ja. a4Ifetlm e .: siluatlon,'. -'so

Jh ey ’U never forget, w in o r I « = T O 'iR ip :F ie 8 t« = « o w rin i into som ething of a c o U ^ I Bowl and P alem or-one oT-ti o l the coaching profession, cen ied about -a il- th e - by

have som e m lsglvlnitf whether anycollege gam e si th is i m p o r ^ t ” be said. ‘ rem em ber I 've been shool mouth off all tb'ese y e a rs ' playoff. In th e long run, it't B ut all th is fanfare to go Watch a bunch of kids kno

I s i i S c

. y. '

A r l z ^ a’Sta Ve’s B r u i

y e a r ’ s -

" I talked prior lo the about going-out on the flc: years ago and coming back

•r8 8 6 ed ;ih e -ad i^ d :± lt-w a5 the w orst lo ssessf m y careei

Spencer Tillman ran f yards and .two touchdowi quarterback Jam elle H( also scored twice a s the S

-HM i-polnt-favorltes, - finish season with an IM record second s tra igh t year.

Tillman scored on runs of 21 yards in the second quar

^Hollewayj- r^ e -J h c - .g a m i "w ltli TD riihs of 2 and 4 yar r:gayfcihe^ooncr& .a=2M Jfij . way through the th ird quarte ■■..Oklahom a completed, lb

*"SeeD K SN G EonPage

c a t i o n s a s (

We noticed from film s tha . .didn't like to run. Sp w_elus -■ back and waited on h i m . -

Ohio S ta le Coach E a rl E . ..ecsta tic - o v e r_ S p ie lm a i^ . Iw hlch included ii.tack les.a :

h im '.th e most valuable-player aw ard. . - ......... -

" r v e always said Chris■ Is th e 'm o s t outstanding 1

against both tho pass ac\ .A jnetica.and I p r B ruccsaid .I. "T he defense, facing-ad - tim es, f o u ^ t back and put

: . the board. T hat was the dif (<

( ^ g i t . o ther aroundpresso re ; .alm oatlu^lfiicus

< ianc« to *,‘In .1W2 ' cr d -think -defeated'.G w rgl

n niW ^tn. tn wiii thfl na tso m d h lb g and last.year..(wlose.’^ ■ N lttany U ons .l uur- tu n w d ^^ttarO raggrBow lla te Super the boopfa. thft dean s, -tb ls-m u ch . (men, is'COB* credentials havbype and eluding 300 tb

te levise the gant a t tim es don’tknow ."should be — T h eg am eh aa

. “ T h ra . I • M iam i's, pro-8}oting m y fueled 'b y ( S 'ab o u t a Testaverde, tbit'a a plus, whiner, against0 o u t and but-don't-break nock each American Ihieb;

- T " : .......

u ce^ H lU s l o m s t h e ^ 1 1 1

’ ByED SH EA Thei4ssoc/af(

le gam e'leld nine . > NEW ORLl;k e m bar- Nebraska r aas-one o f - - 'than- a week,:e r." ' thefleldThur•for IW T h e Cdrnh’i

wns and. ' Louisiana StHolleway . Sugar BowlSoonera, an offense le.

shed the a swarming■d lo r the down LSU'a

, „ ■ game.o t7 7 a n d Alter a rri 'a r te r and two daysTTip nppfi-’ • ;__N ebraska-plia rd s th a t ' aspersions ale a d -iin ld ^ =7Ttand~th_elr'■ le r. quarterback,the .ro u t - - "P ressu reg e^Z 1 aiflefenceTn

O h i c r S t a t e - lha t M u rray prove somelhl u st dropped Michigan."

---------- --— ^O hloS tate 's:B ruce w as in the final regi

3 h lg_dny . thp-B uckgyeai , andean ied~ B nw i:~ ' , .2 - defensive . L inebacker w

- — ■ recorf-sm ashln is Splelm aii ihe Buckeyes. ; linebacker lercepUon re tit and run In the fourth peri1 proved It,v; . " W H m r ''> h l

fo rleng thw ilh ' adversity a t Murray_.tool! ruf points on disaster, ifference." . ' “ It w asn 't ai It w e 'h ad to * InB.” ' M urrav

r a W1 for 60 m inutes is )us. _ _ II*' (w bM P enn S tate • t l rg la in ih e Sugar. B n v l Tilgb i f tU « n a L c h a m p lo n ^ ) .„n L i (when tbe No. l-ranked^ &

s lo st to p k la b o i^ In CoS ffw0vw®-wei*^rwdy-f<w'-=aod rhether we’r e ready for the m o re - th a n 500_iaedla • Tl lav e been Issued, In- U. to NBC, which wlU

[am e a t'S p .m ;, EST) I tlgv Stal

a a b ^ b l l l e d a s : bar; i>8tyle passing a ttack , a I

quarte rback Vlnny qua tbe Heism an Trophy * "I

nst Penn S tate’s bend- Job i k defense, led by All- san ebacker Shane Conlan, "E i

f l - ....................• ! .


B f pIptJ

7 / i t

n to the g ro u n d a fte r hi ----------------- ;---------- ^

- C o m h u l- ^ t h u r n p r o

SARER r—la tedP ress

IL E A N S - S ixth-ranked - r a n ils m outh fo r more e k r -a n d -b a c k e d - it-u p ^ - - lu rsday .nhuskere sm ashed Nd. 5 S la te 30-15 in -th e S3rd

vl football gam e behind ■■ led by Steve T aylor and ■

lg defense th a t th a t shu t Cc J^a offense m ost o f the tu

^ blrrivbig In New Orleans s - before C hristm as,- Bi players-cbntinually-cflat—A] I about th e 'T lg er. a ttack la lr~ ^ red sh trt— fre sh m an ~ a i ck, Tom Hodso;i. mre on the p asse r was the ai ■ m h e gam e,’T Jeb ra s¥ a

> : ; b r i h g s B i g i l■thing a fte r losing to mj

•s 26^2ri053 »T4lC hIB an"dS egular-season gam e cost w l

n - trip - tO jJhft_R 0 » •; 1

i ^ l c h a e l K ^ j o i n S ' t h e . w: h ln g 'd e leh a iv e ,day. byV.usi es w ith a 49-yard hi- Sp !turn for a touchdown in ' eriod . C olorado's Byron sa Vhile had the old record _an Ih42yards’hil938. i t :)ok: full b lam e lo r - th e ; .J---------- ■■'■■■■ .................■■‘ ■Ml, anything they w ere do- . r a y s a id r " - U —w as ;de

^ a p s th e best ever a t U nel

» ttie 'fu n , ' (he b u c h and the Jghtsi)!- M iim l.tb & ta y s 'lB 'tt

£ T b lu e < d la r « o rk -«thie of College, . P i , ' wljOT' !*geoeric' lo d T ilU tn K W D e n iru n llw i! the order o f the day. .• The b lack hats from C oontr ir. (M iami), a num ber o f pay e rs arrived w e a r lu com! llgve8,'V5.' the w hite hata from State, w here P a tem o 's co ^ i n g o n academ ics bas give a holiM-than-thot^ im age in quarters.'

“ Saint Jo e ," Miami Coach J Johnson- called him, adding sarcastically, h e . Jnsls& c "Everyone r e j e c t s Jo e 's l.tha

' ___^ . „ _ E t l d a 7 e J * m

■ Aubutri wins Citrus'■ Year^d roundup K •■Btoncos win again E

P m

' I

■ ' Y r . 5

b i s f l r s t 'b a l f to u c h d o w n

.■ ; r . ----------- ------ ------------

[ I k e r s c a l l T i c E t i u i s i d i i a S i .

C oach . T om O sbom e-sald . turning point, cam e on thos b lg s a c ^ ."

The key sacks cam e B roderick - Thomas and'

7AincrlCHirDannyr:Noonan ^ last two plays of the th ird q

~afteM ^U rtralling -l7 -7 , h ad over on the Nebraska 17 foil a blocked field goal. - \

1 0 t o D a l l a sm isreading from m y pa rt. -

: -"A coM e_oH im eaX threw r d o w n lh w a n d ju s t didn 't while Jerseys." '

•MTirrny flrirtpH’ “ frvft iritftri "iH 'en rm ^tg ' IrtH'nny-tpanr-S] was used as a spy out th e r

.used, th e -u te ty -d if f e r e n t Spielman was evetyw here."

Texas A&M Coach Jackie said "Ohio State m ade the bl

_andjrou have to give. them, ci it;"

; . J I e sa id the.:3uckeyes.-c M iinay . - ' ' -. ' ^ e y - u s e d a lot .o f c

•defenses." Sherrill said. "On

____ ______

'N o .tebacker one would d a re «

- a b o u t l t" . le b right Even P a ta m o Joli -th®.gUt« tan ilahedlm agK — c ^ _ J t_ i : J . l e f t .m y - h a ip ,h ( of S tate at the Sturt of one ic” bine " l 've ;go t a se t o f » r a r a r e m ir-iw n r -I-waa-gd

try Cliib Turalng’‘tf!^ous, f 'w b o w guys around m e .to n b a t la*_ good, and I ’ve nevi >m P enn tha t good. A a-(ar-s constant good guy. I do n 't ge Iveablm tha t nonsense." i In som e Both team s have

week in th e V alley c I Jim m y enlivened by th e Mi i •> not exit from a Sunda; ted. - after w hat they i sage. No • S c e P I ^ A

muaix2,1_?87_.__ l]nL a^.8w a,

s Bowl B2 33-83 - - ^

m i

'-r-rr-S- «

m. M ichigan 's Tony G ra

i g e r s ’ b l u f f ,

—— r— . New O r le a u native Uig'point cam e .o n

! ‘ N ebraska w as In U . players and tw o (

tan ts w ere arreste< -Q u a rte r 'fo r-d ls tu rt charges w hich w ere

■ " A lofof-gU V fl -_______• m istreated and d^ ^ ■ 1 come back .” Sm lt

like we needed U 3. - ‘iT be -bonus to ge t them t ose two back."

Noonan, one of e from said It w as ve ry li d ' All- Buskers’ perform ar • i5 a " th e = ^ 'F lh In tT h a l~ d i i q u arte r Noonan said. "We-s

id taken .-people trea ted u s Ilk ollowUig Noonan said^

pregam e rem ark s im ilhT 'a---------- 'S e e SUGAR

s : w i t h a v e n c. , - tercep llon ‘ th ey ~

w th e b a ll-d ro p p e d in to theco t see th e Bnice^also won

. . . _ . battle, b ringh jg .tl

Sp ie lm an z -a rsu ltran d rrazh j e re . T h e y _ fe a th e r ..— - n U y -a n d — ."Wtf Just want ’ -flashy ," B ruce saille Sherrill The B uckeyes cl b ig p lay a halftim e before Si cred it fo r fron t o f tigh t end

steal a p a ss a ..90Qfu8e d -Ja e k so n 's c learin

for a touchdowii d ifferent quarter.

5n one In* . SeeCOTTC

3 R f “:e say anything bad

J o k e d about.hla iuh .

0 home',*’ b e q i i l p ^>ne oew a c o n fe ru M . .-I" )f M m bat.i'atlgoM In ! i - g d i n g ^ w e a r '« w - ‘—

us, be added, '^Most ' a.know r m not tha t I never cIalm M to be u - a s m y ro le 'o f.tb e t get caught up In a ll

lave spent alm ost a ;ey of the Sun, a week . ; .1 M iam i team ’B early < aday night steak try I- >y In teipreted - a s a ; S T A o n P a« eB j: ^ I-

>w8,Tw]nFalli|klaho !


E l ' ' i■ p H ' , ’ )

~ ~ -X

-. APUMTpheto* ■ ;

a r a h t look* on ,


itlve, sa id the p f r ' " ! on th e firs t n i ^ t

i town,' when nme /o graduate assis* ' isted in the F renchtu rb lng-the-peace,---------'e re la te r dropped.,yfl-say th e y -w e re ^ ■ - % { didn’t w ant to imlth said. " I felt 1 to give them a '•m to w ant to com e : ^

of those a rrested . y Influential in the Imance. ______ _ :__l - d if ly T » 3 p « d '* u v - ^ ;Ve got fired up. T he ' ■ s like d irt.” _ _aid N ebraska’s ___rk s 'a lm F L S trW a s ^ ; A R onP ageB S ;

i g e a n c ejy -h a d -e lg h t- ip e o p lelocoverageareasi";------------won the psycbologlca} g .th eB u ck ey eao u t-U i— aaa .d a :p M r hlinM lf I n . ^ irhat.rfflth -airacarie l-.--.5n

v a n te d -to -b e a little — isaid ::s c lung to a 7-6 lead a t « Spielm an stepped In end Rod B em i and followed. RayirUig*bIock-of-M urray-------<wii early in 'th e third

T T O N o n P a ^ M ------- -------

Page 8: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

• ByBRENTKALAsTi n e A u ^ U t e t J P i ^ -

Z Z ~ 3 ^ 6 ^ L ^ i i o , s ' ^ ^d t t? Brace queitlODW

. .edbytlifiS<hitfaeraCi f = = = = : b l J M M n f r b u H t = « l *

1 . IL iC to l l^ e fo o t

game 'for Uie Junl( I Tbunday in the Tlge: I , Bowl victory.

'“ They were going 0 : J n e and I feel that n

Fiesta—........" 7 ' Continued froD

rac ia l s lu r by t 'r a n •• John Bruncf and a pul

local radio station wb: p lim entary room'Servl

4 ------- -Jlrrt to 4 ’€8tavenle and......*8f«u uubatk d:j : i

! {heir wake-up calla anC -theplayehforbeingaa

i ■ " I f seems like fie I wUlnevercome,"Pal« : “Thit . really hasn’t

; . gam e 'for ua,” Johns( been a game,- a - ve

. . gamtf, but In no way c< ■ the festivities o r this I could a regular bowl, on our players and c(

. this a completely, dlffe • than we’ve been In befoi

R o s e —' • Contlnu^ (rom

I - Hill on-a-l*yard scorbi tbe Sun Devils a 19-15 the third quarter. Va

’ ven fine protection b)

^ r= = r« h re d S h V M to h Ia ^ ' Kerf Bostrom kicked to, '27 and. 25 yards Devils, who closed out with a 10-1*1 record. Ml edll-2., -V . ,

______ L Tbe-Sun-DevU»-<an“c6u0 e"orbig:defeD8lv

O ^ ^ j g e -•:Cbntinue^^

before a crowd o( 52,71 tb"QUiuleL touchdovn-

” • ia & - l jy 'Ahlh6nrSlfil------- yards b y reserve t i ^ t

Parhram,~wlio scored x VithlrZZremalnlog.I 'T h e triumph was

V. straight for Oklahoma, (he:'national champion

■ agO' with a zwa'vlctot ^u t» ln tbe Orange rrT hereiyM -no-riaU i slake Thursday; bat U revenge gave the Soon

-------- i n r a y c r ^ “The-guyi— th ^ a r^ F o ra -w e fe ^ i

T iu S a iw h ? ru ie tf fo i sbc carries in the iirst 1 Coach. Switzer it was vendetta and we won th coach,.”. A.‘bld by the Oklahom Its sixth shutout of th( spoiled when Arkant

.----- :Th"dnljS'6ffore«roD-a-l‘319 seconds remaining.

; Tbe unit that led the: . : defensive. categories

’ passing, scoring and to Intercepted Arkansas Greg Thomas four time

. . John Bland once despli Tof All-American llnel

—C o l l e g e b o w ls

--------- - ..............• •- ........

----------- - r VlrglfUtTith

..........■ ■

■ I .- 4 - - t i* M ;w « l. |^ ’ S 8 --------

i i f f t i t f , W o ^ T r i a m j 8 i a

I8TAD ■ ‘ r r ~<gf - ............

- . / u ib u r a ' i t A u n * — .. .i )Ded t h e 'm i t h u l - . ' {iC a l l fo m l* ’i f o o t ' - __ _ _ _td de d g p - tq - r - t r i< ^

lotball - :

u o lo r lin e b a c k e r t h a t , " s a 'Iger’a I W C i tru s B r u c e , w

R o d n e y P ig o ne-on -o ne w llh a . s e « in d - ^ n o o n e C M d o A u b u rn s i

from P a g e B l - — “ I ' d m u i n ' S tf lia puH KT n ig h t b e ft p u b lic i ty -se e k in g g a m e . We w blch s e n t co m - B o w l bos]

j rv lc e b re a k f a s ts t l m ^ w e ‘( a n d th e n to P e n n - f U m & . e a t r; D o z ie r b e fo re t h e g ^ e . ’ a n d th e n b e ra t e d P r ly W e l

ta n n o y e d . ■ ...... " r v e pVcj^e fo o tb a ll g a m e E a v e , th e ia t e m o s a id . ....... a s j b ^ ,n ’t b e e n a b o w l M l Y e e v i in so n s a id . “ I t ’s w h a t m o n- v e ry im p o r ta n t ( o r t h U g a i y c o u ld w e e n jo y ‘ O h , y e s lU g a m e lik e w e s a m e te a n w i. T h e p r e s s u r e ( P e n n S ta 1 c o a c h e s m a k e s y e a r a g o , l i ffe re n t s ituaU o n c h a m p i o n e f o r e ; - - - - - - - - - - P e n n s t a U

o m P a s e B l M ic h ig a n i r b g - to s s - t o g i v e - w a y — th ro -15 le a d 3 ;35 In to L in e b a c k e V an R a a p b o r s t , J a m i e Me

Q by h is o ff e n s iv e th e n e n d of 30 th ro w s in H |r b a u g h

igB y e c on daj v , : - - ; r f o r t e f M c p te d f ie ld -g o a ls o f A f t e r Ml rds fo r t h e S u n o n a n 18 o u t th eh r s e a s o n M o r r i s , a i

, M ic h ig a n f in ish - i - y a r d T I . H a rb a u g h ,

c a m t u p - w l t h _ a _ * t i f f e n e d r -is lv e p l a y r a f t e r .... H a rb a u fi


r a - . r u n a . .o f . 13 g a m e afte ; S ta f fo rd .M d , 49 e d t h e y h a ^ t e n d - D u n c a n - a J u n io r f r d ;o n ; a r e v e r s e th e s ld e ll i

w a lk e d to ras th e n to th t h e c o ln -n i m a , w h ic h w o n " T h e r e )io nsh ip -a y e a r j e a m s o n ctory o v e r P e m r th e s p e e d n g eB ow I. • - BoiDQ 'tb t i i i a t i o n a l - t l t l e - n l — ^conflT H inil th e d e s lr e f o ^ l o o t b a l l gio o n e rs p le n ty o f . ee idju y s w h o a re - f l f ----- ^A rkansafe ^ ln -th 0 .-^ jr tg lr tt r ; - th e -g a m ee (1 9 7 8 )." s a id fn r f .n ||v _ |^f fo r 107 y a rd s o n o n s o m e e s■st h a l t . ’ 'B u t f o r - w e felwas a p c m n a l H aI th is o n e j o r o u r goo^j jo b o

fe l t i f Vlo m a 'd e fe n s e f o r s c o r e b o a n

th e s e a M n w a s u s t h e c o n f[m sas' D «ntck A rkansa r l* y a r d r u n w i l h - g c h e i i —?• . • ' . to u c h d o w nh i n a tio n in fo u r y a r d r u nCJ - ^ i n g , 6ack-breal1 to ta l d e fe n s e — “ T h e y bja s q u a r te r b a c k h a r d to beim e s a n d b a c k u p i ^ a i m uc lis p u e th e a b s c n c e - < if s r e a lInebacK er B r ia n g r e a t s e a s i

L - . - s i s s c : : '" a r r i ^ ™

pIiMHlil Uj(l5Sn?Y»rt»s s ? .r " "- - -------fumm*.lOil............ .........J

• jJ-


-------------E S r i c & a ^

Is sy js rs w jv " *

C otton box see

^U-KV|WM I Ifltnu >KI

^ Atu-vui2ruAlR«ultuK) Oeu-HH 41 inl>rt«eU9n 'ti i

’‘‘Sifl.lM— - -

; ----------& 5 K - ,rumu«M.M< -PtAilMt-TVdi 11-'<Tim* el Pomuion n J'

MwmAi sTATnncaRUlHmCt^nw auH, Cow---------- W(Ula4A.U-tk.«rywi>-i4-KHi___ Uvm, n/.-vti«na>t«-t4.- flm

"'A.VsiiiO-Onio suit. Kvuin • 'UM tfU* Aiu, U

». woM M* >■ 14. VK> M r. t nun;

- - '^O rangc^l^px sc<

.C l .

t e t i h s t i

H :said the ft-fbot-<, »H>oand who sacked Southern Cal’s

/ Peete four, tim es and forced nd-quarter fumble that led to i’s go-ahead touchdown.

m uch prefe r to w m e in' the ' ~

We * ^ a p p i S S e ^ * S F l i lospltallty, but a t tbe sam e re'd ra th e r practice, watch ' !8 t,-sleep-and get-ready fo r . le ." ■ ■.tely, Johnson has said that . S p a r e d as well as I ever , le team has practiced as well n , the coaches a re as Intense--^

ore we could do to get ready . gam e.”res, the gam e. I t pairs the>ams tha t w ere ranked No. 1 'SUte) and No. 2 (Miami) a i;o, only to have their national ionship hopes dashed when i4 te lost to Oklahoma 25-10 In i

m d rb v e lo the ASU 30 mid- l Brough—th e - f ln a l-q u a r te r . i :ker. Greg Clark tackled v M orris for an 11-yard loss, i id Shawn Patterson sacked t gh and the Wolverines were

‘ S l g a n built Its early lead ^ 18-yard touchdown run by 2 a two-point conversion and a t TD quarterback sneak by s

^ , . t h e Arizona Slate defenM

lu g h T 'th e ’ BIg Ten ' p a s s tn g 'i

_ _ _

j r t h ' ‘ and ■ two team m ates i leclared-inelig ib le for t h e - fter a NCAA drug test show- i had used steroids. Bosworth, . .from; Irving. T « a s . stood on::i ellne with team m ates and \ to the cen ter of tbe field for ( •flip before the game. ,i'e w ere two great defensive ' )n the field tonight. We had i e d and m an p o w e ^ U i^ a k e

gam e-defensively,’V Sw ltzer-

isa s-C o ach 'T C en 'H aU Ie fd T ^ le could have turned out'dlf- i ;-i8-hle-olub-had-oapllallz«dH nearly chances. 1felt' we had to control tbe i

Hatfield said. ‘‘They did a- b of keeping us off-balance. I i

we had gotten on the ard first, it would have given 1 onfldence we needed." Iisas defensive tackle David :

iwns -and Lydell C arr’s 60- in In the third-period were eakers.

broke four playd on us. I t’ji ' believe fourpTays can m ake'

jch difference," Schell said. >al depressing to end up a lason like this.’

. , , - „ A,*-0. ivxiu* 1 niA I5r»6*i

rumD!««-loit_ - -

“ij" **H 52?®“* »T*T«n

S Sugar b o x SCO

- ' - f c r & r i s rcore

rtl m r»r.ftU ^SaJhUI’ . 1t-»

o«i i l

“ 8-

B J " a i s S f e j i t ' , ’

f & f * c itru s b o x SCOHvrU »-1U

> »Mt inn k m

K : l : 6 S « r M M,iS tW - . -

'■ a s s s s v : . J

- I ^'I can’t lake all th e e n Tbe'dowfl linem en helped B n iM t t l d .^ a t - ^ a f 'o n e

_ ....While.. B h ice and h li

te a m m a tn l i m i t s SouU

gained 300 of iU 290 y a r fensttOQ th e ground.

■ — A uburn ...... All'Amerlci■ PuUwood ra n for 15J y a r

touchdown and Je fful 3-yard scoring n u r t o ’« W alter R e e v e s J ^ r )d touchdown. ^ to Aubum'B other points

fou rth -q u a rte r. sa fe ty wi

e ' the O range "B ow l- a n d ' : r - ^ i l jp e ^ M ia m l- 8 5 - 7 “ lih

e Both aides prom ise 'thli h different th is tim e.

- - -O u r te am Is m uch beti * w ere la s t y e a r ," P a t "T here is no q u estio n 'll

M that'W e a re b e tte r both “ ahd_defeMlvely. We a re i * " r iM c e d arid in a b e t t t f w

we w ere piie' y e a r 'a g u rW ' Ing into th is gam e very coc

e Johnson! said the H u n 1 “ an experienced team , r a m ature th an a y e a r ag< J complete fw tb a ll team D ability to win- in a lot c n w ays." ,

1- leader who. finished secon *. T estaverde -In -p ass in g - d w as lim ited to 13-of-23 p i, 172 yard s and whs Interce d tim es by Arizona S tate, e Arizona S late, m eanw l — com m it fttunw ver;-—-;— d - D arry l H a rris gained 10 y 23 rusnes for the Sun D a began to -dom inate thi y scrim m age a « « fa l l ln g be e A Rose Bowl crowd o f.l _ d i e d - lh e - g a m e ,- i t h e - f l r g~ m eeting everhe tw ecn th e £

S u f f o r — :• Continued from Pa{

s u n ch a rac te ris tic .,- e - “ r m ju s t glad we b a d '• N oonansald. - K ' Coach Bill A m sparger n ::h l5 'fina l:gam e:a t LSU; sai d the story of the gam e v . T Our offense d id n 't d o ,a

m ove the football and ac e We w ere physically, whlpp d defensive line.'! e About' leaving coact i- sparger M id. VI’ll m iss-1 le ' iIoriw1lA .iheplayffs." tr— Taylor, voted .the ga _ _ v a lu a b le .p L a y « x ^ 9 fip ^ j ir-72-yard d rive th a t're q u li f- seconds by , scoring on

l e ^ f ^ 'g o o d . l O - ? with e co n d s le ftin th ^ f lrs th a lf . a . The N ebraska quarlei I com pleted th ree passes fi e ,ln ai 78-yard drive to s ta r t n half w ith T y r ^ e Knox.

p a ir o f.l-y a rd .touchdown d ing e p lay a fte r his 34-;

)• The T igers had a chanc e lead ,when Henry Thoma:

field goal a ttem pt tha t f gave possessione ' N ebraska 17.1. The T igers never had a c a Thom as sacked,Hodsoi

vard loss on the first

' 1 -

- - R ose Bowl

• j f c s S i F

l i l l

3 3 E S I a

j g - S z f e i g■" K r S S

I'I I t ' l i i E S f i l S

- - i i E S S S4 Ifesss,

p i ^twditmyielf. B ^ ^ tackli «d me a lot," woe; le of n y bes^?n> ey-h«l:

ila defensive -^m e for . Sou ithern Cal to nave fo iglvi

ards t o S l S l t S t ^ ^ • Soutbem .Cal,

lea BTOt w aa-flied itM a rd s and one leasoo followl •g er^ h rew a N otreD am e. to Ught end FuUwood^ «

tbe other during the reg I tim es for 52 y

s cam e on a firs t acorlng < when Tracy yards for the i

d ^ T a m e a s e e , T O

h ln g sw U lb e ByTTieTIni

F ILER •e tte r th a n w e ' the new y atem o " s a id .- —School gyh in my mind a.m . today.

‘ Nine tean

■ ttpaVirricanes a re . F ile r Invital r much more .go. W e're a , m wlm the

of dlHerenl , “

— ^ L a k e iond lo Vlnny

efficiency. PORTLAND passing for Scolt scored

•cepled three Johnson tied h assists a s the

while, didn’t ripped the P- ......... 140404-Sunday

109 yards on The Lakers. Devils, who into a rout in

the line of iheir fifth in behind. Portland’s 12-| [, 103,168 wat- ing streak. [Itsl-foolball— T h e -v ic to r j e schools.- • " s lra ig h f "nm (

a g e B l ■ Noonan follow■ on the next pi;

icked it up,"- ‘ly being forced' ' Taylor’s'sco

e r . coaching on ice, a 3-yar 5aid,-“ I think withi6:02 left-J wns evident, it 24-7. Knox , anything to yard run with score points. LSU scored \ pped by their Hodson’s24-ya

N ebraska, I cbing. A m -, on Dale Klein I-tho assocla- ihesecondqua--------------------" T R T T c o i ijam e’s_ most unbeaten In si 1 a nlne-play, runhlnfrtheir Hired o n l F w 'r l udlng two~? in a 2-yard and two in tl nhuskers-the-28-iO-vicloryiu 1 oniy 39 se- LSU. 9-3. tc r. first possesslo:terback th en -il look easy .

for 28 yards! seven plays,- \ irt the second Williams sco ri (. who had a LSU had se' /n runs, scor- opening half d 4-yard run to penalties, but--------------------j i r s t—<iown—unee to cut the minutes of the, las blocked a.- A m sparger it eventually three years ai an a t the will become

Florida. •1 c h an ce. LSU, w hich 5on for a 15- A m sparger I s t Dlay a n d m e n t as a wini

3 O range B

Bwton U, *M« j-f. - - ite-miKmpOiill. 0>S l S T i l t ! K f & «

«iVl?'j iS;

isflSH I:

i -•& i K S H

r " i i p

IS f f i . 'i

i M i a t i s i M

S ' - -----------l i d S s i t e

I ' S ’ -IT " ' ■ SugarB oi& ■ ■■

p r - - i i i i i i%vwu*tO t)r»-AlUitma«.p*>inE

1 ? “"" ilfclssSS g : . '

i H n 6 rA led Peiste In the' en d ' th

r ^ b a : coacbed -h U ^ f ln a l^ l km thero'C al, said. “ You g( ^ v e all the c ^ t to ,

a Ih ih f s & a l^ V d e ie a tfo r . al, 7-S, and ToUner, who C< i t 'th e end (Jf.tbe 'regu lar ' * >wlng losses to UCLA and b:

, w ho'gained 1,391 yards to regular.aeason, ea rn e d 102 yard s to pace Auburn’s ag drive and he ra n four 24le go-ahead touchdown in fli

( ^ t o i i r n c’Imes-News ■

\ - Wrestling ushers in y ea r a t the F ile r H i g h ...

{ym nallilm 'Blarilhg aV l i . -

“»■ ....................... ■ psams, Includlng'a m ix ture .t / and Junior varsity g rap- Ip rpmnMng fnii r .I Class A-1 schools, will c te in the th ird annual \ national Tournam ent. •

wiii be on hand io defend fi title tha t they have cap- J

n each o f ' the ' two - f,

2ris squelchSD,_Ore. . ( A P ) - _ B ^ n ^ ■d 31 points and Magic d his season high with 18 the Los Angeles Lakers -Portland T rail 'B lazers “

layflighHnthe^ffiA :----------Mrs,-who turned the gam e toi in the th ird period, won mi in a row and snapped •

12-game homecourt wlnn- tia

ory—m arked—th e—oIn tb-53' im e~ th e" t:a lce rs-“ have~w^

z = = z = Clowed with a 9-yard sack p la /.'w lth LSU eyentual-

cedtopunl............— . - . .scoring p a w ju t the gam e rard .tossloT oddM illlkan :(t-Jn the gam e th a t m ade ' ox scored on another. 1- vi Ith 3:26 rem aining before J with oniy 2:01 left on „ •yard pass lo Tony Moss. ^

10-2, got its o ther score 2in’s 47-yar^ field goal in

.orM usRers rem ained i \ six meetings with LSU. wH Jr se rle s le ad to '5 -o -irin --o - r p r a n ge Bowl victories Oh

the Sugar, the other a 1riu sH w o ^ars-ag o :— -------

took a 7;0 lead on tbe 'e l slon of the game, making ly Jn -going 66 yard s in 19: {,-wItb freshm an Harvey / oring from th e l. , ,1,seven first downs in the f despite 100 yard s on 10 out did not get an o th e r-“e -u n t i l—th e -f in a l—three" he gam e; • 1er i& resigning after ly

and a 26-8-2 record and fir: le athletic director a t goi

SlflIch had vowed to » n d f

into coaching jgllre- pa; iiinner. ^ I

'B ow r W i i K ! !

S S r

- i s g S S

S S S i ! / .

l.Aiiumllj tl»-S<AUCU>al U

t t U 's u jC o t to n B'

i k j i S t e - ■ l i i | l

i t lowi i E S ES ^ - . - . - - - - lE iE f f ip S '

S S v i . ' : i :

1 p P

■ ■ H a r r a h ' i

ArWMiU 6l57"£5"'tof'®Ii5S

r.An.tpurahO .

ajSna• ^B fS « °w S ^ ia in « l Ok T M M e i I u r t l » > l w r , . , f o r » - i l t - b j f o p - f t

go-ahead toudidownmD. -. Peete, ,who/-became tl

Cal,. loffered M r Intercnt W M M ckeailvelllinM riD’cfui byBruce.' Auburn, 10-3, posted its 5i to n in theubool!t football bl .^u th em Cal’8 .lone toi

came on linebacker Marcus 24-yard IntercepUon returc first quarter.

l e y a t t r a G i

1 Pr^jvr^tUnc1 .........................^ .........................I ,-

preceedlng years. Jolnlnj and Mlnlco are squads froi F alls, Pocatello, Highla'r

- . N a m p a - - . = = a l l ^ t : t h e - classlflcation — and A-2 Wood River, Middleton and^i

, Though th e lioats face thi fest test of the season, und J am es S c h i ^ e r (12-0)

' - favorite a l 185 pounds, h

li B l a z e r s

Pro basketbal'Beaten“Ttfrtland~afrd~th6-T2 lory for Los Angeles In the m eetings of the two teams.

Scott scored 22 polnls In t h alf a s Los Angeles built a' 64-4

In the third period, the La! 363'-percent"orThelr‘'fleld"goj whfle Portland m anaged t(

---- ;....... f

C otton=• Continued from Page B]

Rover Sonny Gordon’s sei terceptlon of M urray on A&I possession set up Vince Wo 8-yard scoring run.■■ The Aggies charged back o Vick’s 2-yard scoring run w to play but but M urray 's t conversion pass lo Keith V w as ruled out of bounds bj llclals.

— Splelm nm hem loom ednhfr with 5:50 lo go when he Inte o_w ayw ard M u rray -aeria l

'Q h loS late43'.'K e ^ lh e n mode Ohio StaU

-IntercepU on-end-theH englh return broke W hite's Cotto i^cord of '42 yards for Colo 1938. y

O hio/S tate, 10-3, 'led a t h with guarlerback .Jim Karsal ping ao 80-yard drive with a

.sco rin g " ttm early in the

.period. -

The Aggies, 9-3,inoVed Impi ly between the 20-yard lines first half but had lo settle I goals of 30 and 44 yards froi S later.

M urray-com pleted only i: passes forl43 yards.

K arsatos hit 10 of 21 passes

s e w ”

. s r

i p r “

N FL pii S S S . .

« nuni'OiSA II. U

“ ■ s .ms. --= iW U ................

............ .......... ^

I R I i l !

__a S i j p ' 1

a » v ™ . p j S a . i

..K K a f t W f i ’!. B S i ■ , 1e Lovuuni&i.g uiiuMKU it w / i . ™ . . - . . 1

?S3?U.UMju*n»« - WiMingWn^

h - s o d d s '■ l O W W V U»A««.4»»MylAPl — TM« w»<>'l MM_______mo ftm 10DO*t> Dock NaiWnU >00RlU tusvt lor tMmi U ou n« B l a i l l Mvpcomiflg.jai«n,

i f s e tB- ---------- ■ T he^T ro jan i hitbe g aioe’i opportunity la te 1 ced a turn* blocked. punLgav FuDwbod’# -th * A u b u ra 7 ,^ —

' But . the Aubu the t i n t denied tb e T roja

LKTO-Holt on. foi


iis Cotton’* B urger pMS*d

: t s b i g s dm m m m m : w U d c a lT re W r w h l

sh o w in g In D e c e m l ' 9 , " I t ’s g o in g to I

■ o n e ." s a v a F i l e r :. S c h m id t o f th e 2»

I « p ,', ' " B u t l l w f l r i e t o i F U e r to u g h co

c o m peU U o n-w ise .. u ^ i l T ■ (b ilk e r thanJhe_Bj

are se t to begin al diKuna. foUowed JmmedI their stlf- entation of troph ndMe'ated titlist aiid hm nei I and a medals to the loi heads a in each w eight clas

4 0 - 1 0 4 i n PM M M J u s t‘ 38 _ percen t.

, , ou tscoredtheB Iazall The B lazers led

second period outscored PorUan

"22nd^ific^niilnule span to ta k be last 25 K areem Abdul-J

Cooper scored 19 I the first the Lakers, while t-491ead;— 18. Klki Van .akers hit Portland with 21 pt ^oal’ trles; Magrc“ Johnson ' to m ake effort a lw cam e aj f

Rlyards and suffei

second'in- tlons.&M's next. TVick rushed 24 I Vorkman's for the Aggies.

The Aggies dri ' “K ^ l i i e opening.kicl S n n ' f ^ lough running bu t e c i 7 l the Ohio S ta le 14;

b y te o f ! 3 . " *. _ A sensational 3

h rA g g le r-g o in g oij thlrd-and i te r c e p ^ first period. K an al a l . . th e _ - . K Q l l a n d ^ a 37-y

h-TO^hla oack Tom T upa gj ^ Bowl tibn a t th e B u c l ilorado, in ohlo S tate held fli

and S later klcke(

hairame Ti”'!'snifta f'Bn Then Ohio L a 3-vflrt dominated the se

e S d ray. a Junior, had e second A4M q uarterback

Ohio State; wl ipresslve- bowls 15 consecul les In the in the post-sea : for Held Buckeyes have rom Scott every New Y e a r’s

A&M Is 9-6 In b 12 of 31 Cottonpowi.

Ohio S tale Is a es for 195 their b rief meetUif

rWitH«pr«9it4-............ Un*■ .IMloJTlKilS

I . • • • ' g g i j j g jg


n l ^ y o f f s .

' N B A «......... BfT?

.. ...........E p « u . - - - w ? " -

A r c L , - . s S L - .

E Q j ^ n i i 'u aw n w ce --T

i i l l s ;’ [ ..S_ fj-.lu__U-M uSuHti

.... S S lSIJ 1 8 ^ 1 5 - © H t iii-i r a a is .

T r r f i j p i ^

™ i i A

I b a d 'i n b ^ ' i c o r l n g ito In' Ibe'gam e a fte r a-; g a ^ them t o b il l a t , \ .

.u b o ro ' d a f i ^ ' a ^ ro jan i by itteU n g op i.fourtliiog w iJ n i iL iha, ...i

p aw ed ;fo r.a .O tt> aids . ason, w u U of SO for .

I so good 'at eoDtainlo^ n e r ^ d . / : s ed for 90 yards ’4nd. ed twice In a defeailve _ :edbyn lnetum oven .

: h o o l swhich m a d ^ a g o ^ ‘ be a real , tough' ' tie r Co-Coach Dave •> 216 m atch tourney, t our klds Bee -Mme . v:

compeUyon. And^ ise, this should b e 'ie_B_uhI tourney ." • ______ ;he - 12-b rack e t-m ee t- ____n a t about 6:30 p.m. ledlately by pres- ophles to the team nner-up a s well a s '

lop tnree finishers c la s s ... • .,

P o r tla n dent as Los Angeles Mazers 40-26. iled 37-36 early in the

d but the Lakeire - Hand 13-2 in a three- takea4S -M lead r • iul-Jabbor and M ichad I 19 points ap leceJo r- - hUe'A.C. GreeiPadded V a n ^ e g h e ( lopped JlpolnlSHs o n '^ a r l l w 18-assIrt— — ,e■agalhstPortIahd;"^•. ■

iffered two In terce^

24 times for 113 yards <

drove 64 yards afl?r ! klckoff behind Vick’s : but the drive died at 14 and S later kicked'a

goal into the 16 mph

ttl 34-yahl pass re c e ^ artengo .tthe B u c k e y & _ -and-17 play late In the <areatos found Jam ie 37-yard pass to set Upfirst-score.------ ------ rm l bv backup q ua rte ^ a gave A&M flelffpoS? i Uckeyes* 29-yard line. i d firm for three downs eked his 44-yard field -Ind. - :::0 I S tate 's defense 5 second half as MUr- lad his w orst day as ack.

which , has b e e n 'to . . ecutlve years, Is IWO •season, -gam es.' The ve now appeared In i r 's Day bowl. .In bowls and 3-2 In the

Is 3-0 agalnsl'A & M iii" ;llngs. :

-MS . . ;^|ttC«-Nlm^ fnr* e««iB*r -

E iiA ilU p liH HA standings

i “ .............■


A b o ^ sc o re

Page 9: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

S p ^By JOHN NELSON : _jjbeAi»PCfitedPrwi_

iM e V t ia y e a r o t lg « , '« ®t a g u l i b o f d r ^ . '

piuhed bick &e; limitation] while U>« New 'York U Chlca^ 3 e a h expaaded t of arrogance. They all came

• nera. ..T w o young«an(Komtag.

Leo B ias aad Dos Rogers, ( cocaine, and sports was a lo8

A t the sam e time, t i t c o u n tiy 's th ree m ajo f-p rt ro o r ts - football, basxet

- b aseball w ere scM da- -- -d ru g s . .■/.; - ■ ; i - ' . . r : .

I t w as a y e a r of both de ____ .jy«pfl<r Anri, i»van In th e■ ■ BiasandRorarsrpeoplesoui

“ TragtcaUy, in death, Do m ay have m ade more of a

' Uon tb society than he couli the playing field," sald .o M od^ l of Uie Cleveland B i

[ w h o m -R o g ers - 'p lay ed ^ 'L ! h is passiflg .serves M_a^w ' those who w ant to try, or.h; _ _ d r u g |^ ___I Rogers, a i r e e T a fe ty p

m assive cocaine ov tfdose o th e day before he was to I m a rr lw .-H e w as .M rB ia i A m erican forw ard a t M ary of cocaine Intoxication.on two days a fte r, the BosU m ad e him theh* top pick in d ra f t. H e w as 2 2 .- ....... ...• " T h ^ l s so much hur M ary land vice chancellc Bagw ell said. " I t’s as If yc th e process of burying yot a n d people s ta r t sskhig ab< of drugs and his sex life abou t your g rea t uncle H< sto le tha t horse."

th e .o ld e s t.m a n to. win a - D erby, OQ May 3 riding a c

F erd inand for. 73-year-bl C harlie Whittingham. Oi la te r , tra in e r Woody Step

— Jiis-fllth -stra igh t Belmont■ 7 -

I t m ay have beenN icklaus called it "the De

By T h f Associated P re s s '■

' Consensus preseason pi tb e B ig Sky Conference crown,. W eber State, hat m o re ^ a n c e to get together before the b a tt

------- leag n e title b eg ln siw am e:

- ......CoUege.baske

' TbeW U dcalB iad lsm el.l - a n . elgiit'gam e losing bl 'D ivision U-Southern Colo M onday before confere b e s in s Jan . B with a ful

■games. Weber s ta te dropp• olKer .am tesl against a ! school this year, W liug I U tsh S tate In the seconi

■ th e year. -B o lso 'S la le .- lts sb t-g a n s tre a k snapped on Tues struggling Goniaga Spokane, Wash., closed oi


Polo', tbe sport of Ungs ai is a posh pastim e for tho: cham pagne on the side

--------ponlesrit’a a punlshhigpuriAfter spending the* sui

_____falI.flalIoplng over a cour-of 7^4 foo tbaU 'fle irsrcai pound, mallet-swhiglng r i equ ine athletes are bruU

^ ^ ;^ d _ y e a m l n g J o t A J i t U i

r ^ ^ ^ ? e y get It a t H arper H- - 350-acre spread-on-a-woo

In D elaw are County. Sb: th e diminutive propi^etoi

-------- te a d e r- lo v ln g -x a tf l . to.. 1polo*^pbnles during the wi Ing the anim als back to \

- tlonforanothcrseason;“ They come here..jpdl

cu ts , bowed tendons,” Pic- - in g a-recent-tntervlew ; s

— ^ h e -w ^ a p p e d -^ e g s -a n d -

:I m v li

i s l 9 J<e|o and tbe -

k ' - K i c k I a u t ; i , ^ ^ ^ H

lorn o l age,Meta

d'the UmlU ' ^ ^ ^ ^ H imeout whi-

athletes, s , died trom loser. • .

each' of the professional - A etball and adalized by

' deiight he deaths ofsought hope;7 ^ | ^ ^ ^ H Don Rogers

f a contribu- ould have o n .1 owner A rt H H I I I I ^ HBrowns, for ------------- - -

-1‘L et’s hope J A C K » w arning t o ; . - S w e c i >r.have used,

... ; ■“ m r 'c a r e e “r” ' jrrT U ed 'O f-a -M aste rs at- ■ le on June 27, N lciaaua'18th to have beea n a m e n ta n d a 3las, an AU- the M asters, ary land , died ‘T m not th« .on June 19, y ears ago," N: oston Celtics.- stiUplay.alltU k in the NBA- - Floyd was ^................. . becam e' thcxi!hu rl In It," U.S. Open, an< lellor D rury the oldest m ai I you w ere ip division race your bro ther Winston 500 on ab o u th lsu se -T h e NaUon ite and w hat Mels deleated

H orace who a seven-game

c n t e l ^ m r r E ^ f f i C T o r aa K entucky n e ts , who ba

a colt nam ed way lo IM rer-bid tra in e r cam e back al

One month gam es o ^ ih eStephens won Knlghl wasint Stakes, a t p iayer<^___ L

' "We deserv^ r l l 13, b u t Johnson saidD ecem ber o l record in ba

5 ■■ ■ '

, p ick to win ;ce basketbaUhas ju s t one i:t J t s - g a m e f x S Jtattle, for th e Im eat;----------------- ^ - t V r t a a

i e t b a l l . ^ ______ —

gl MO and on I— ’binge, face .,

;olorado next'erence olav Y ear s Eve lu ll sla te ot

o p p ed ltao n ly EWU, whica ^ v is io n II n K t seM D , g to Southerni d gam e 0. W e ^

»am®-wlnnln«—^lesday by a 9-2 with toe vl

team in T he.B ronc l o u t 1956play ta n a o n S a tu

red,brui.Y . U P ) -5 and princes,_____ ____ ____those who sip ildellnes. For pursuit. ■ _ . . . . - ; 8 um m er^and-booves,-iilhe

ourge the s ire tired, both p i ■ car^h ig“i8 0 ^T h e y ~ n e e d -t { riders, these other horses j rulsed, w eary - Most of U

her reputatlo r Hill Farm , a businesTslhc vooded h llltop-R usty bough Sharon P ick,: their house i

etor, provides ago.0 battle-w orn. “The first1 w inter; nurs-' play-polo as to p e a k cbndl* h o rse s 'fo r t...................— / 'I t 's jual ar

j¥lth_bnUses,__xWB year, • 1 P ick said dur- horses, incl r, speaklna a s - ponies, > an -1 L nd-exam lned-assorted shov

Ml M ill liiiiiiii

•tong-runnlag getUnK a face

y ear nuH Sa ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ - . ^ w . - : a a c ] u ) r ^

phasis .features.

"We. want, tim es;” says vice preside

. . m uch: jnore ’ dem andlng'l

T O R D l ■■ - You’ve got ti > r ix o M " Ju sU tap ed e

e c t D e c e m b e r ___ •

"■“ when be ' w oh~ lhe~chai I T he -v ic to ry - w as-guyi 8th In a m ajo r golf to u ^ Di l .a record'Settlng sixth In of t I. .•-_ • . • •- rec( tbe p l a ^ r - I w as 10 or 15 Mai ’ N icklaus said, "but I can p itc I tU eb ita ttlm es.” - s 43 on June 16 when h e cllni s -o ld est-g o lf^ to whl the Asti and Allison, a t 48, becam e Tl aan lo whl a NASCAR top «46’ ce whep he captured ihe .Jan onM ay4. In s

io n a l'L e a g u e cham pion 'tbh ! Led the Boston Red Sox In “ i n e World Series a fte r be- q u e ke away from elimtnaUon said

b S e S a n i bullied toelr hav regular-season victories, Tl a fte r losing the firs t two P a t

[he Series a t home. Ray blet as th e . M o s tV a lu a b le adnJ _____ ______ .............. pla:e rv e li;" 'M a n a g e rD a v e y " “ W( a ld ^ “ We had the best thhi baseball. We shoiUd be • t

, scekinj.r.' - - . - |- % o r

a c e clubs with a 71-53 New ahi ie victory over E astern tri] n in Cheney. , oilblchwUl enter the Big Sky i on, h a s ' ; b ^ struggUng, pi* ist one. gam e in 12 outings, rlv jr’sU oss W as-th e-E eg lesM o a ^ t , ty ing-a school record. - re< ;eJm proyed_Ita_r«cordJ9;Iihr 5 victory .. y ejncos host E astern Mon* iturday before Idaho S tate ]

uisedpp_ ■ •' . . hei: Po!o ~ wij

....... - : s tr. . . ■ ■ foi

Chey’r e un d e rw e i^ t and ter physically and m enTaliyr c n

1- t o - r e s t r t u m - o u t - w l t h - l f - s .A lltU eR an d R ." ’ a.ft

the horses' come from I d, w h e ri P ick grew up. As m itlon grew, M has -PlCk’ff vie ihce m and her husband gri ig h t- th B -ia a d aad built »t'« e and stables nine y ears Uo

n es t year, a few frieds who Pli asked us to board their

• t h e '‘W inter," * e 's a i d , s t i anowballed since then." to-

, P ic k -Is ca ring .for. M yo deluding about 40 polo an 1- injured racehorse and p [iQwanlmals.— ---------------“ i


w cIatedP ress '. " J

/’o B T h f S p o r k ' ABC's coi ag anthology series, Is f inICfrllft. . .le show beglnsvljs M th S s i t i i s i a K 'i r w i i l ^ i v r a — fJf

) r - te a m a n i * d » B J B B k - ^ -•Jive evenU, new s and

lat, lo keep up w ith' the . jy»‘Denn&-Lewln, w n io r _ . . * Ideat.'tof production for -eni rtsr^'-'SporU: v la w e rM W -- wo D re...ducrlm lnathi|' and m( g 'tha ia t h e y 'i« e d ^ - t> e c : Uk I to f^ tv e th e m -m o re ih s i be id event every week.” . tei

Bear dynasty

■harnpionT.TTI’S r i ^ t ^ ^

D uring th e season, Roger C )f th e R ed Sox se t a m ajor -ecord by striking out 20 M ariners on A pril 29, and Mllf Pitched a no -M ter agahist t i<1anclsco GlaDts on Sept. :llnch the NL West for t h e !\5 tro s. ---------- --- ------ -

The B ears, with their lnn< ’46" defense, won the Super I Ian: 26, beating New E nglan In so doing, they dldn’U m ;b hide the ir InsolehceV

“ W e're th e best of all tii question,” safety Dave I ^ Id . Defensive end Rlcharc Super-Bowl-M VPTiaid i ‘-‘I tl: lav e the m akhigs of a dynasty,

Tbe day a fte r the Super Bo Patrio ts’ best season fell In Dies when Coach Raymond adm itted th a t a t least five players had serious, d rug .pn "We have a situation h e re 't thhik is intolerable,’' be said.

The league^ a s whole, won

igendccom es to Boise to open'Blg £ five davs la ter.

But the fh ^ tfe w days of y e a r see a neariy full sch' nonconference gam es .,as 1 clubs tune up f o r l e a ^ e p laj conference team s have won

-p e r c e n t - ^ f - 4 h e l t—gaines- nonleague o p ^ e n t s . The n< is -h T g h llg h t^ -.- by..— ll Nevada-Reno' Journey to d

'NCAA'CiraTnptonrtonisviller' ^ T h e -W o lf-Pack , wlthj )a e .t!l Sky’s top scorei% lo junlo B oris K ln ^ tu n e s up agait sh a ll in Orao on. Saturday bi tr ip to K entucky against Ui gling Cardinals and their 4-6 r . Nevada-Reno, which has p l a ^ . top-rated and c r r iv a l N evada-Las Vegas -tw

- te s t-b o u i- tim e s f -sm i. .take reco n l into 1987 after drof

Jirst-W olf-P-ack-Classlc-Uac ye a rs to N ortheast -Louis Tliesday. .

M ontana State, la s t yea

olp hon"People would leave theli

he re fo r- th e w inter and I ■vrtien U fe rg o t them 'back, Ui a trong a s Iron ," said Pick, four employees, deluding a te r for h e r S*year^)ld so credlbility-w ould be down tl If-a -h o rse-b ro k e-d o w n -tw i a f te r he s ta rted playtog again

RecbndlUonlng f horse Is i m a tte r o f tending to woun v ldlng a high q u a llty d le tr : g radually increasing exere i t 's Uie special touches, Ui Uon t o . each an im al's lo needs, Uiat really make a dll P ick said. :

"H orses Uiat a re used to b s ta ll and havh ig Uieb* food to-Uiem -every. day. get depi you lust, tu rn Uiem out to and leave Uiem' alone,” - s !jThey need hum an Interact]

.lJ3g.yfliLCflmpJn..9wry; m en

MdejMmld e r ^ f a c

The new anchors a re a :veteran-F rank-Q U fortl-an< com er Becky Dixonr-^Ufoi finished h is leU i'seaM n'O Q j ffjlgbt Football; DUon was chorw om ah.ln' Tulsa, OUa„

■ (ree4 ao ce -ip o rU -rep o rte r.

Lewln thinks Dixon will ap Uie Wide WoridaniJlenee.

-.: ‘!'Fliirt of aU, she f s j? e •ented,” be says. “Also, a 'w om es> Jr8 teb~ the7sbovr= m ore so U ia h lh e hard-cqre Uk6-(ooU>all.'and'bBik£U)al] be fooUsh'DOt'to'cuIUvAte I te re s t;" .

• .' Recorc

i;UfeTra‘a “ ID88'wTieh"llk” ]-------^neariy-Uiree-moD

Clemens couriroom decldi i r league deserved ju st $3 0 S u tU e law suit. I t all bu [Ike Scott Uie-nedglhig lea ; Uie-San rita tlon toU ieN F l it. . 25 to The biggest c : H ouston 1988-87 season be— -------- use of ln s tan f-nmovaUve disputes of Ui r Bowl on however, dwindle m d 4M 0. alUiough Uie ren enboU ier will be discussed!

'B askeU ia ll and Ume, no Uie scourge of dm Diierson Two NBA'play

ird Dent, Uie U tah Jazz .thlnJt.we_tfl^a«jMh:orUl ty,” _ w ere banned fron Bowl, the In January , Dre' In sham* p layer to be bann ad B erry ^guidelines for I /e . of h is R ichardson 's 11 jroblem s. _cam e a mooUi 1^ s Uiat w e "p ca lfo rre ln s ta te i........................B a s e b a l l . . Coion big In UeberroUi, m ean

M theti} Sky play ference toum am

. Big Sky en try ir )f Uie new pionshlp toum ar :hedule of record into Satu

Big Sky St. M ary’s bef< ay. So fa r, p lay against on.’onl^ 58 Arizona la te nex

next week' 3 i g Sky Uils seas J4onday.’8.^.iB ut.JnstatB .j:I defending a 10-2 record an'

r.----------- r^^ng4tre«k»-T ba^

i lo r^ ^ f d ^ ^ h T T iT o P W U t linst. M ar- fore re turning he before U ie.ference against ^ Uie Strug- N orthern Arlz 6 record. Uie regu la r lea{ IS already y ea r ago, has s cross-state pointing 3-6 sta i tw ice and a c k s 'j i la y Cor kea-A ..6-5-Brooklyn-CQlleg vpplng Its Olivet Nazarene U eJh J o u r l th e MSU-matchu] ilslana on Idaho State,

league opening 1: e a r 's con- record to E a s t

sesgote lr horses say ‘good roomli find Uiat M any of Uie h

Uiey w ere ' c o m e"fro m ~ T i ;, who has owbrook Polo C a babysit^ which claim s to son. % y polo club, foundeU ie iu b e s ......WlUiin Uie -ps

;w o-w eeks--had a kind-of- iln.” United States, s mosUy a president, Albe: unds, pro* th e sport Is prlir r r e s tT in d - th e v ery ricn,-B relse;- B ut Ing in popularit the a tten- mon folks — d( Individual porate executive

difference, " I t 's on a si 1 - "E veryone^w ar

being in a trying to get n )d brought on a m ore mode jp rc s se d lf two o r Uiree hoi to p astu re . ,o relgh t."• she s a ld r About 10,000- ction. hay- Uiis country an< Drning.and_acllve_poLo.clu!

rldof Sth

network C ritics blastedTHj^new__ maacft_fl8_colox[Old lu s t “ M onday N I^ l rM pnday season, but Le a 'a n -a n ^ -b ro a d c a s te r .i ;

and a ‘‘As fa r a s I’m

^ ^ - 1 ^ . 7 ’i b t e-------- ::------- taf^w aa-as'-gooi

a p p ^ i t d

• • host o r anchor very ta l- J l® M cKay, Uie a M -o f-R M t; ' Tw eaU y - t

^ u c h - -C ti . l - b R c fc :o n ..b l i re n x jr ts ~U o8 schedule, a l l r w d ” c o a U a a e -- to - :« J U ia f l i f 'sports'for'W W e:

V. ing, golf and flgu

j e , y o i

>rd*setter - - - :

r j u w r r w h o - s a r f o r - F e b n lonUis in a N ew -Y ork-m ost- :Ided that the USFL maijoi $3 hi Its Si.62 biUlon affect but ended Uie life of such

league, a constant nande IFL since 1982. now i

controversy as Uie resto began was Uie NFL’s And ■Tepiays;- T he heated heavj the early season, m arij

died by season’s end, blood: 'enewaVof Uie replay Tim HlinMarch. touchihd baseball also felt - The irugs. brighlayers. John Drew of Tysor :z and Micheal Ray heav; ruiffiNfiwiYorkzNEtsrinjDCT rom Uie league for life. of Un >rew became Uie first a t La: inned under the NBA’s . Lai * habitual offenders. Uie b

llfeUme suspension Spink l^ter. EIUierjnay_api..,8plit

ileraeiittn tw oyears. --- reu ri [Commissioner.. P e te r. fighU :anwhile, announced in Su{

unnelam ent winner and the’ in Uie national cham - ilam ent, carries an%8-S ^ itu rday 's meeUng wIUilefore openUig. league ( I faltering NorUiem s ti lext.week. T h e Bobcata 16

;ason. ‘ ’ h a,j:lY al..M onlanaJ»a8ts. _ £ a and ti nine-game wmn- 7i- 10 Grlti l le i h it th? n?8f* -‘Coiicing Santa C lara Uiat ___cfu W o D -S a to rd a y -b e - *551 ; hom e to open tbe con*5tNevada-Reno,. rlzoiia, which claim ed .f. eague championship a , } stumbled to a dlsap- P®‘ ta r t . But Uie Lum ber- !k^ [Concordia on . F riday, Ififlfcjm-Sflturday and ;ne on Monday .before •hup:------- ------------■- Frldie, preparing fo r 'U ie la ter g in Boise, takes Its 7-4 host astern Washhigton on facir

ioNeu)nlng,'fella.” ' ' . 'yeare horses a t H arper HHl Asso ■members of Mead- near

) Club on Long Island, Uian to be A m erica's oldest Fli

9dedlnl861. Beatpast .decade,-polo J ia a _ ln _ t

ot- rennalssance In -the and- I, said Meadowbrook’s p lay ibert Blanco. AlUiough like rimariiy an obsession o t Skar i-Blanco said U Is grow- It ' irity ampng more cbin- qual

doctors, Iaw yer8^cp^ I25,c Ives.

surge," Bianco sa ld T / Po ^ants to get ta» We’re tean . more people involved wlUi odest level,-wlU) m aybe are horses Instead ot s e v e n ' 'p g

)0-people play polo hi and Uiere a re some 225.,_ypji3 jm ..i7 IJa(L _ _

» o r t s ^ " ABC

ted Glffoni’B porfor^ Iox_fiommenUtpr on ^ __ ght F oo tta ll" IW s .Lewln defends Uie

:’m concerned, Frank proven him self," h«-~ ^ d a p i I i h l - F ( ^ ’-------------:ood-Uiis-Masoiw»-it- - -

'S s n . th a d a re g u la r ' I . i r fot several y e a n r he p rogram 's original r-turned 65-an d has- b ls hectic g lo b e t r o t - - • 1. However, he will :cpve r ' h ls - fa v o r itc - - J e i t f o r W - h o r s e r a c * - - - IgureskaUng.


‘b m a ry th a t he had m eted ou w t-ex ten s lv e -d ru g -p e n a ltie a jor league history. The penj [ected 21 p layers, including ch a s . D ave P arker, KeiUi ndez and Joaquin A ndujar, w m ust undergo drug testhij st of Uielr careers.^nd a fte r two sepi avywelght UUe f l ^ t s , traw arijuana w ere found in jodstream of form er chan m WlUierspoon a s drugs iichedboxhig.The sport, how ever, also ha ight m om ents.-O n Nov. 22, 'son a t 20 becam e Uie you avyw elght champion by knoi iCTOVorBerblckHnrthe-first-i Uielr Worid Boxing Council Las Vegas.L a rry H olm es.lost a bld .Ui r e heavyw eight llUe from Ml links on April lb when Spinks i ilit decision. A[t*:rward. H< ;U r ^ ' w im -o n ly tw o' lo sses-}hts,boUi to Spinks.....................Sugar R ay Leonard and M ar\

Boise State! with 71-53CHENEY, Wash. ( A B ) - !

S tate guard Chris Childs s( 16 of m s team-high W ,poin

handed Uie E aste rn Washb -Eagles Jh c ir .lO U i sU-alght 71-53 W ednesday night. In •conferenc^skeU w iU ,----------

Bamitfr67’ U ie n -sc o r r i^ + -o i f irs t 16 points of .the second to pull aw ay from E aste rn , M

Dan Olson, wbo scored points, sta rted Boise St surge by hitting two Uiree-i shots from the top o t U ie i e y J

rid a y -a n d -U i^ 'to Gonzaga i iter, while the Idaho Vandals Dst Hawall'HUo on Saturday 1 icina the, PAC-lO's Washl

) York seare ago, accordlng'to tbe U.S ssoclaTlon. whose membersbl early doubled since 1977, to ian2,300. ..F lorida’s 'B o c a R aton and

ieach a re Uie hub of high-clas i_ th e Unlte_d States, bu t i nd'Wlld- weekend' "m a tch es layed acro ss 'th e country in ke G rand...R apld8, Mich., kaneateles, N.Y.I t 's an expensive sport. A st)

uallty horses costs upwar 25,000, wiUi annual malnte osts of S30.000 to 140,000.Polo Is played wlUi four-]

Bams on a field 800-by-160 /lUi goalposts a t each end. re -six . M ven-m lnute: perio<

i p

; c o LV

Planie h<

Jc h ^ - r M


' t m ? -~71nnHI>w>7tv>ln-|

■ ■ - M a r v l a . - H a g l e r , . m aouaeed.tbeyiW iU 'tU \3X L u V e g u la w h at

^ ■ b y p ro m o u r Bob I m u u i b o : ^ evenl

aoQUis ~ '9takesplace.

In tennis, John seven'm onU is oft. th Uie tour to wm tnrei alUiough he w as a fl In Uie U.S. Open. Tl m r , however, w ere Wimbledon w inners aad M artina N avrs won h is-second Wli singles UUe, whUe N Uie record o t H elen ' winning he^flrm -w os Ue In a row. Lendl Open. Uie U.S. Open

. On Uie coUege universities w ere in t NCAA, - m ost, nob

■ ■ MeUiodist. SMU sto _ paying tooUiaU p lay e

money under th e a lready was on NCA^ team -program could

out U » -fa c e - th e - i!d e a U i_ p U es-In -aD ow sihe NCAA-tirl inalties schoolafterasecond* g s ta rs Top-ranked M iam i h Her- S tate w ere headed to r ,: who ta ' Bowl showdow hig Uie determ ine Uie y e a r 's

champion. Oklahom iparate repeating died in a ices of Uie H urricanes,..le< n Uie Trophy winning qua amplon Testaverde. s also Women domlnate<

track and field had its distance runner In^ 1, Mike, of, Norway. sprint( aungest Helke .Drechsler ,of nocUng heptaUilete Jack ie <-round-Unlted^SUitftS and Jii 111 fight Donkbva of B ulgar

counterparts also I regahi notable contribuUons Michael H urdler R enaldo 1 s w o n a a su c c e u fu lr e tu m - i Holmes as a wide rece iver ft s ^ lh -50-cIsco f9er8,-and Sovl

em erged, from a t irvelous , . SeeYEARENDE

runs record: I romp over E’ Boise Broncos A m eil Jcscored Kelley had 10 points (, E a u e .JunloCt.. fc Iroacos.-.-Ferkm topped:aU phhigton poin tsand lO .rebouiIt loss, of 12 from Uie field, n non*

id h * f ■

ed ' 12 State's

E S f c i S S

1 a day s t a t e 'o n i ts ’ home Is a t 8-3 night./b e fo re The 'V andals o pe ihlngton a tH om eag a ln rtW e

spafor)I.S. Polo chukkers! fresh hoi ibip has Inafte reac lfchukkei to m ori P lay ' Is r o u ^ , .

horseback, .w ith- Io d Palm body-checUng aUov ass ii^lo'foul Is using a pony

rough* but i t ’s perfectly I e r ^ 'a re shot off a-pony o r bt n places p layer from behind, b., and So it’s easy to

' m ight y earn for S b a string of m inistration a t seasc ards of “ My horses a re U itenance does a te rrific Jo t

Rhein, a New Y ork ir*petson m em ber of Uie M e K) yards , who boards six ponle 1. There "W hen Uie hors lods, .'or.U iey’re te rrific ,” he

r t -

I T ' St t E c n o i/ V E E K !bgvs your caih <idy-tor-y6uf—Tlm«T i o f F ------------- .--------------^

» ln - f « l l f c » l i i» » 4 ^ - :—

, meanwhile,-tlgh iaaxl AprO *:^- . “ 'h a r u 'f e e l^ ^ D W .: ' a Arum "U "U>t -: ' krent of otu- time."I ba«a InaeUve to r .r - rwheD-thB-ftght.T

n McEnroe took I ', then relum ed 'to :: - ; hree toumameats,-; a first-round lo se r- . The S tan ot Uiez 9re Ivan Lendl aad - 1 ers Boris Becker | ivraUlova. Becker Wimbledon men’s - - e NAvraUlova Ued en WUIs Moody by - women's stories tl- - - - -•= dl won Uie Fredcb tea and the season* • :

je front, several 'j in trouble wlUi Uie i noUbly Southers -1 stood accQsed. of

ayershugewmiof .... :!; le Uble while-lt i CAAprobaUon.The )Uld be Uie first to

to-faan a ------m doffense. ' im ia n d N o . a P e n n d t o r a J a n .a F l e s ^ lown Uiat -would a r 's college fooU>all lom a’s d ream s of I a SCTt 27 io ss:to ..led D y.Heism an q u a rte rea iA 'V ln i^

a ted Uie news In . leld, p articu la rly - Ing rld -K risU aasea • jl

rinter-long jum per

- ;

r . 'T he liT 'm ale............m ade somp

Ions. . : ' .do Nehemlah m ade m -a fte r Uiree yeara s i j o r Uie San F ran -5ovlef5erg6rBubka^^------a Uiree-way battle ID ERonfageB4 *. •._ • • • 1 .— — — , I

i to 9-2 EWU \

I Jones and Jisff r Its apiece. ‘ n

forward. ,Nate.,lU players_wito O j: ^_____ ;lounds. He was 10. d. . _

S « 3 . w r s w

ome floor Monday

open the . conference i W eber S tate. ' ;;

Ihorses are brought .

tker. •h, . like hockey oh ■ lots ot.jU ck and- : Uowed. A commoa^ ony to block a sbot;t ) ly legal to bank a r bump'lato aaoUiet-'—Qd. . ■ •to see why ponies ' Sharon Pick’s genUe iason’send.■e Uiere because she Job,” said H arvey

i r k v e te rinarlaa and M eadowbrook club,

in le s a t H arper HUl. lo rses come back,' h e j a l d , _ . . .

)Nv,;; :I orm®«- 1 ----- -

- ______ ______ _____ .

Page 10: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■ - ^ y DOUG TUCKER ~ ^ r ^ A 3 3 q d a t e d i P ress—

• -SAN D IE G O - Boortci bansed entirely from re^

.iberN C A A would-condi ' TvesUgallons of 'scbMls tr

i under two of I5l propo i suBmltted to . th e NCAj t- conventlonnextw eek .’v

M ore tbao 1,800 deles •en tlQ g .m ost of the N

-m em ber schooU were e; the six-day meeting, bU day. O ther m easures wo recru ltlog seBSons of bas

--------- joolbaU-coachea-almost-se t lim its on plavlog seai

- e ra l sports, Including f< basketball. . .

The NCAA President 8l0D, m eeting In conju

* tliB' convtiutlug, Is e ipeinounce whether it will c£ m eeting of NCAA school

Rifle ti-PULLMAN, Wash. if.

cfldw of tradition _w ^ ^ a 8 h lr« to D " S la te U n lv e i

t io u e s ^ ts rifle prograr _ Coach L « Vances say

under an athletic depar i to equalize tbe c u m b e r j.......... wom en's sports.-[ The WSU program has I ' — Tslorled Jil8t0 7 , hav ings

tlonal cbamplooBblp la .l ; w asrunbylheR O T C .

It h a s been under the - athletlcssincel981.

V a o c e ja id Cougar Att . .tor._D lclctY oung_6peke

. Sore-ar.......... By The Associated Press

j jtOn'v? *•i One is a 8or^a^med

the o ther a hometown . quarterbacks P a t Ryan

_ .-— KosaT-wlll ge t 9qyaipllli •“ 'New York Je ts play tfi

— Browns Saturday In an' DBl playoff gam e in Cleve j • Ryan, who b ruised his I tbe J e ts ' SM's wild-card I the K ansas City Chiefs:______ M t-the-starllng-aod-flv

Ken O 'Brien. Ryan has h firm problem since 1984.

“ M y a rm 's always stlI ......... -“ Iffe tu se d to - lt i" -------I Kosar, a second-year pI up 60 miles from-Clevel

Browns to the AFC Centr : “ The one thing aboi

‘ .he's an extrem ely Intel• • m an ," Cleveland Co--------- ^Schotte 'nlielm er-sald.-'

f l b 6 u t , ‘Well, he doesn_^jretty. doing It.’ That

case, but yotTdon't ge . — :a olflts—for—iooklng_p

Iblngs." ____ _ „-------------— I h - t f i F N F G ^ i y o f F- — Tday,-the-W asblngton-R

the Chieago Bears. On - New York Giants play : San Francisco 49ers a :J5ng land Patrio ts visit


; - FREMANTLE, Austr; ■ Dennis Conner and Cl : w ere to set sail Friday,• for a victory that wot

. • S ta rs 4 . Strlpes-Ne : m eeting in the Am

--------1 challenger finals,Botb Doats have 3-0

.— best-of-seven samiftnal : challenger for t h e .

tTMby.' C onnerr& men with

*i-rec«TJture d ie cup he ! m e e U - '^ D .. r ran c l

B li^ a lle rr~ w b a -c a p la w hat could be their 1 yConner's S fars i ^ /S an Diego, proflled'iro

------- / b y B lackalier-in-the fl/ kindly wind shifts in \i

/ .won the third simply bi / ■ ing faster.

y . Dickson, a 25-year-old , been sailing l 2-meler y

years, has the domlnc- - FrencA Kiss. New Zeal

^ a Buperboat Jhrougho W petition having won 3(

since eliminations begai F ra tice 'sM arc Pa)ot

! average 12-m eter but_____ died wben the wind has

■■ are*Bbove-20 knots, f r been competitive with

I Yearem• Continued from

"witn bu iy ulson and [ becom e the world's top1_______ raising the record to 1

7 ■ ches. I Also in 1 9^:

______ J The Louisville Card~ :^niCAA“ blsKetball title.

72-69 ahd giving Coach-----------hlB -second-titlo — also won in 1980.-.......... - • T h e Boston Celtics \

MBA championship, w • - gam es a fte r-lo sing )

(1(0) game in HoU3t< Ralph ..Sampson was

P ■ - -dghting in Game 5 ar ^ e i ^ t points In the finale |j Bobby R ahal. wonj - 7 — a fte r It was twice post I - and finally run on Ma 1 ; la te r . than originall: i. '-- '"n o h o l u/ani An.rn \uln

^llt. fcfthb - Ffklty. J tn u fy :

f f i m i

iters would be f / j y y . recruiting andmduct Its In- H ^ ' f I ! fsm ore openly \\< : \ l l f ' ioposals to be l m U / / / / | / CAA’s annual'

Jegates repre- I NCAA's 792 t expected for starting Tues* would cut the

basketball and mer to com ist-in-hali. and _ CMt-cuttlng iseasons In sev- The Comii footbaU-and posalsforlh

• notbeknowiients Commis-. potentially (njuncUon witb January agetpected to an- tbe-»itM>f-c<1 call a special and basketblools next sum- withdrawn i

te a m o u(AP) ~ De- about ellmliwin e n d _ J f a fte r an A

Iverslty d ikon- D ec. 19.pram, a move . "T here hasays Is likely o r announcipartm ent push D ick w as p i; r^ f jn e n 's a n d it w ould.go

...............know as sohas a long and saldTuesda;ig“Won the na- However,la 1933 when It in Pasadena

h a sb e e n m aIbe auspices of “ We a re t

m inistratlveAthletic Direc- "T here willeke_ w ith..hlm curtailm ent

rmed vet288 . . ,

P ined substitute,)wn hero. But — — — ^an and Bem le Broncos, allllng when the The Brow

tfieTCleveiand playotls Wit an AFC semifl- la s t year, ■ evelahd. postseason his righ t a rm in lo stto theM l ifcTvlclisryTJver— “ It-would- lefs, will again th is year," -flver_alum ping-i‘Tbe stakef IS had 'a chronlc?^cqytit;;m lH. tearnT W e t stiff,” he said, the field lost

- .................... - - Kosar, thar pro who grew* M iam i s ta r , jveland, led the is m ore dive intral tllle. “ L ast ye;ibout B em le Is- slonal;’’ he

S)ung 50-50 run am arty Although

I.'- 'T w p re -ta lk -K o u rlf td lf l <sn 't look very - “ H e's dol lat m ay be the rid of the

get M y bonus J e r ry Holn _ p r e t t y _ i ( ? i n g _ i ^ 'u i i ^ g

)ff-gim e-Satur^-H fifec==toti i-Red8kins-xl8lt_Chle(s. but On Sunday, the fense I T I lay host to Mie McNeil, r and the New . "H e’s 11 Isit the Denver Schottenhel

>wn to i t s la i e a ’s J G u p sistralla (AP) — “ ■■■■■■■

Chris Dlck80n_. ay, each looking would set up a '■New Zealand America's Cup anall-w eatl

Both Com3-0 leads In the genuine thi jia ls to pick a Cup racing le ■ i35-year-old ispectacle I

caught Bla< lUi a mission to .In tneir fit he lost In 1983, the sam e Iinclsco’s __ Tom - F re n c h —hip ta in s 'l/& 4 ,- ln -p rem a tu re- ir la s t meeting, .p lack a lle r ' 'jip e s , based in ju s tim p ro t iro m a m istake Since the e first race and once - a - m n the second but B lackaller y because by be- to visit R

Just beyor ■old who has only course tha ir yachts for two eddies th a t ilnant lead over Dickson rea/and has been tlcing-and ghout the com- m oreo fthe 1 36 of 37 races Conner, >gan.ln October, this showd i]ot has an above:, m eat he.Ic )ut the boat bas Newport, has. Wben winds Zealand l{ F n n c b K ia s h z i H econcedi

im Wew Zealand, litU efastet

idei- ~um PagoB S ' season till

top pole vaulter, earnings ii 10 18 leet, 8(4 I n - - . m iliB t


ardloals won t h e j ™ ca loU C H M tln s 'D u liS ^ S fc aach-Denny Cram defending^ U i e - c t e n d ^ e - u , J

:Tw on their leUi • J ® ' , ’’' I , winning In six ‘ 'g a braw l-m ied. I;uston. Houston's -Moscow i vas e jected for

)n the Indy 600_* Argentii »08lp o n ^ .b y .ja ln J b e w o r ld May ,31, six days Its second la lly -tschedu led . beating V win the Indy-cajr final a t Me


in s id e r th e possibility ofIg m easu res. . co im m isslon 's q>eclfic pro-th e su m m er m eeting m ay fr

jwnuntU A pril. But several arf explosive item s on the reigeijda, includtog^r ^ c t o g wi

etball, a re expected to be pi n ab a resubm itted a t the

n ln a tlng tb e squad shortly th A thletic Council meeting------ «h a s been no final decision fc

ncem ent on anythmg, butprobably 99.9 percent sure sigo and h e w anted me to g;soon as possible," Vance m

day. ^ ■r. Young, reached Tuesdaym a, Calif., sa id no .decision thn a d e . ‘ ,e still In th e process of ad- diiv e ' rev iew ,'' he said. Y ill be a decision m ade on a .tli:nt of a couple sports after bi

teran Ryeh'

Pro'fobtball ■ f, ----------^ ------------------------- h'

owns are approaching the n With-more-coflfldence than h s *, .when th ey entered this T n w ith an 8-8 record and M iam i Dolphins. w

dd-hurt-a-lot-raor6-<to-lojei—h r , ’’ Schottenhelm er said, kes. are higher.because.w e el we are a championship. e don’t expect to w alk off - osers this tim e .”

the form er U niversity-of. a r , said th e Browns' offense Iversified th is season, year, we w ere one-dlmen: he said. "T h is year, we're an d p a ss ." tjh h e 's n o t very mobile,aifflculttOBack. -------------doing a good Job of gettinfl h e ball,'^ J e ts comerback olmes said . " I t throws off

th re w lo r iM yard s “and” totfcKddW ft«=^galn8r*-tlie^ )ut the key to the Jets_lof;u.I running. - back Freem an

like a W alter Payton," helm er sa id . “E very time

a s t c h a n c e s iem ifin a ls -


la ther yacht.onner and Dickson have won thrillers, som ething ra re for. Ing which usually h as more B than excitem ent. Conner M ackaller w ith a stre tch run firs t race and Dickson did

e In his th ird m eeting with - j f / s i — So - it -w o u ld - be r e — to - s a y —E aJo t!i_ an d _ e r 's m issions a re Impossible, robable.the boats cannot be altered -m a tc h - s e r le s - h a s - b e g u n - e r took New Y ear’s Eve olf

R cttnest Island, a resort /ond the challenger's race • Lhat has produced the wind la t have bedevilled USA.)n e n d ed .th e old year.prac-. Rd'began th e hew one doing the sam e.r , who beg an 'p rep a rin g for wdown a lm ost from the mo- i lost the cup-to-A uBtralla-ln- t", 11,1. In 1983, says New f is -the "obvious favorite." e d e i how ever, his boat Is “ a ;ter"than 'ltT ?a8 in O ctober—

title and becom e the first In-e M o -su rp ra s s - li-m lllio n - in -s in th e y e a r ,B T are ro le jo f underdog, t h ^ Ql C an ad lens,'led by roo tle

Roy, won the Stanley Cup alRary. T he F lam es "had been 1 a l l e f u p se iiiH f^ W F tlR ir ng cham pion Edmonton inrtheD ivifllon ilnal.---------------- -T u rn e r 's - GuodttlU—G n m w

t together Soviet and U.S.J in an O lym plc-style meet in / •in Jui>; T he ‘gam es drew row ds and poor TV audlences.i 7lets won 118 gold, the United

itin a , led by Diego Maradona, rld’s best soccer player, yon irid World Cup In eight years,- : W est G erm any 3-2 in tbe Me)ticoClty.

c i d c 4 (. ^ i a l . convention. An . -Coast-C tm fenoce p ro p o u l-l p lay ln g -^ s^ 'n s In m o s T ^ be withdrawn for tbe sam e sources say.

Om possible

would gran t college athle years of eligibility Instead curren ti.four. .D elegates e vote on fl resolution to comc study of freshm en eligibllty Ing the Issue to a vote in 1988.

l i e r e Is nothing bn th e pn create a Division lA footbsill ]

The Council, w ith th e bl< coaches’ groups, h a s broi \vard the proposal to ban from recruiting. Boosters a re p ro h ib i te d - f ro m - io t recniltlflg .The councU-prop would m a k e i t illegal for makfl tfflfphf'r** m an prospects.

If the schools g ^ t h e l r

SG;mothe first of the year."

Y oung 'w ould not com: “ reports aB Oui-any-'sports-

for elimination.Other sports reportedly b

sidered for elim ination a re gymnastics, w om en's s m en's and -w om en’s -ten men’s ana women’s golf.

WSU dropped w restling the 1985-88 season.

Stanton Schmid,‘W SU's v dent for un iversity - relat; Young’s supervisor, sa id W tha t some sports will be el:

'b u t decllned4o say which

an must (he has the ball In his hi capable of m aking the big like sitting o ^ a keg of dyn< hoping itdoM n 't gooff.’’

if the Browns conceni . much on McNeil, R yan wll H ffldereceiversW esleyW all

: Toon." If they’re closing un

we'll go deep to keep them- h iv ^ ir i ; :--------■ -------------------

In Chicago, the Redskins

) ' ’ '




i l >i;

I ON(frt:ed


)r>I n - ^ ^ H ------ -------------

f eh e ^ ^ ^ l

en _______________


sw '



o o p e. A tlantic o f th e secrecy

l-to d e fln* -lP om -« ifo tcem < QMrt» wQl- proposal would, ne reasoo , o ( the Infr

a v a ila b le to th< proposal a s it : is gtyen t

^ M ferB D O ^W D ultf-a llw M lM Oetes five rooeous m edia ad of th e vestlgatlon. .

also wDl The Council nm lsslon a n i e a u i i ^ a t U Ity and b r - fractions Com e . •- f o r M o ia t sta ff program to “ With so mai Upmyoff. reco rds and pi blessing of m any Instltut -ought for- re lease th e (In n b w s te rs they got I t ’a rs a lready M organ, a ^ is l ofl-campu&_ tocfoceoforcen oposal a lso - ‘fNow-we'il h ir them to . all institutions nntflct w l th 'l v . " M organ Si

things- from r OK, p a r t piecem eal • fasl

:>reeutthow m any. He

m m ent on be announced hts ta r g e te d -------------------------

Vance said being con- counts only as

re women’s eyes . .o f . tbe. swimming. A thletic Assoi ennU, and a b o u t-J ia lf the

g following S t o o T m e Sv le e p re s l. »‘ W S U e ,u a l .

atlons and Dropping riiW ednesday scbool w ith ci|elim inated, nine women’sch ones or ap p ear a wome

contendh in d s h e 's to b it t le th

Ig play . I t ’s .defense with i 'nam lte and llne. Tackle Jo

• bone in hlsTli 'n tra te too R uss G rim m I vlll look foi and an assorti ilk e ra n d A lrriM J

Jacoby Jok< underneath, which will fo r jm honest,’’ onh lsh an d .......... . - • “ On the poiTswill h ave_ "Iffls—c m ~ d '

J 8F r i a

H. 1 9 - ^ '


l e ^ ld=tc


7 also w ill b e rem oved icb( jm en^proceediflA i^O at-In lr dd-m ake th e O u l r a a i t .will nfractkm s Committee N the new s m ed ia as soon rep< a to tb e school. Another Uoi t te J < C A A 4 < « o rr« c t« ^ ~ ^ Ua rep o rts about an In-: coa

timicll is sponsoring tbe re c : tbe req u es t of th e In- tael jm m lttM and the- en- lUn;all. ------ Sailnany s ta te s having open ter- public ' d isclosure laws, sec

tutions bave bad to eva (mal rep o rt a s soon as be i •■anyway,"~Bald‘ Steve Nm

distant executive dlrec- Brement. ; ______ hlgl11 be ■in-a-j?08ition-w bert -to-( na a re bandied slm ila rv th e : said. “ I t w ill ^ keep usu n c o m in g out In a woi ashlon. As soon a s the in,, __

He said a 6 ^ 1 o n would on i d la te nex t week.

Id h is p rogram , which a s a m en’s spo rt in the le. N ational Collegiate E n id a t io n even though ore the tcam -m em b crB -a re f e 5 being cu t to keep the len 's a nd w om en's sports (1------------ -------r in e would leave the eigh t m en’s sports and “

I’s sports, an d ll would men’s p rog ram would be V

i with hothe ferocious B ears’ hoi

h a b a n g ^ up offensive Jo e Jacoby h as a broken -T -righ t hand w hile guard- isn n has a bru ised rib cage pa 3rtm ent of nagging Inju- ‘------------- —..........................heokes about“ hls injury;— i rorce him to w ear a cast.

positive s id e ," -h e said; foi ' 'd o w n ~ m y c h a n c e r 'o f - p i

1 ^ l a y & !

6 1REGULAfmmLL CLOS WLIflmDlerchan

g d j g

Kbool is a w are of tb e finding] [n fractbhs .r ,o tn m tta fe :,tt« .wIllbe,too.'.^ ____ - . - r :-N am es will be deleted fn

reports dlstrlbn ted to ;the M 0 t g U M ^ , . ; „ . .coaSw m » ^tim e K d d < ^ ( e s vo te to sla i recruiting seasons, l a footba tacU w ith h igh scbool t u n w lU n lt^ to betw een Dm . M Saturday a f te r tbe f irs t u t l o ter-of-intent sign ing d ^ , .u s u j second W ednesday ta Februai evaluation, o r scooting periO( b e lim ited in footbeU to Ib e n:November sn d M ay7-2L--------

Basketball coaches could high school p rospec ts from-! t o ^ O c t r ? ^ betw een-M ard the first letter-of-intent s l ^ usually in mid-April. Evi would be'bel<f to th e la s t UiK< in July, D ecem ber and Fc

on the way out.

_TM nis_Cpach_R_ex Dpvls_ was told by Young th a t ten stUl alive. -

Davis said he w as under prefislon he and Vance w ere ■ two coaches Young had. talk after y ie A thletic Council m ee

Council m em bers debated 'proposals to_ rem edy the departm ent's fiscal 1986^7 deficit of $250,000, but reai concluslon.-

Vance said Young told hiir

jmetownholding by 50 pefce'rit? ' ;^G rim m , who w ill battle "The R efrig era to r" P erry ,' Isn't w orried about playii pain.

“ They p ay you to p lay f( -hejald . " I t com es with the ga

Grimm said the"R edskl:

Cn to a lte r th e ir offense Bears, who se t an N Fl

for fewest points allowed-gome season:----- --------- ;—


FT,R PRICE.SrdAT'lETHEDtDfflONSiidiseM (dliatte ! Price!

igsofthe Sponsored-by the » pnbHe. both measttres ha V r i ^ r r : : p o r to iS o a < £ I n p r j from the T b e -m Divlsloi » qeditf vote' on whether i ■ ^poslUon 48 (reshn

note free /last August in Dlvii asbthelr^ Rules tbe schools ball, con- conventions but « wduld be- m a ^ embarrassm and tbe'j also be dealt with,

tlonal let- Delegates will be .M a W l l l e g a l f o .

^ w o u l d oUsprint a , j . l s l d e the ofl

J conU ct »• Allow p layers t i.Sepl. 17 p lhnenlary gam e rcli4 . and ;.lhey w lsh .ino ljust ning day, (Students.IvaluatioD • Allow h^g^ s d

February, as th e Penn Relays

8 Mid he_____ennls was

r tbe Im- e the only liked. w ilLeetlng. ^ W g m

Kf several 5 athletic • i l budget cached no

naocial reasons. 1 im 'th e r i- about $24,000 for 19

I hero m l--------------•--• •W eflo n 'tT a ive William w p«fj> lay lng ,'’ h« /; said he the playoffs, so \ying w ith m ake any d rastic (

On Sunday, the football,'' will try to avet

gam e.’-’ .. . . l o s s e s . ________Slns“ don’t— San-Franclsco-1 3C agatast before the G iants FL record victory. Denver 1 In a 16- second half to bej ------------------- 20:^-------- :

WE-I f i y



\ o mthi'NCAA-*Counci ' bave tbe. wUd^tup*

{ o r j a n l i l l K m i : - Islon' n s ^ l s w u r er to Adopt tbe Pro- »hm en eligibllty re-.

loou passed a t eari^< .It wound up causing issmdit last year wlO: th. . • • . llbeaskedto:

1 for a coach to watch

rs to give their com- me passes to anyone jus^relativM^n; other.

school' prospects t o - rr-at-lrack-meets-such-------lays. . , . ' ■

i; not being cu t for fi- is. R ifle 's budget was' jr 1986-87.

Kosara ry 'o u r offenselo-wbo—^ " h e s a id ." I t g o tu s to so w e 're not golng to - itic changes." •the 49ers and Patrio ts ivenge regular-season

i^ r ^ " l7 :^ 'a th a f t lm e :- " - ” 'T ants ra llied for a 2M 7 - e r a lso rallied in~tbe .• bea t New England 27* '



Page 11: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■iHVetEven 198

ByJANEpOBISON .........TUnes-News writer

______ ' TWIN f a l l s -C fi^ fm a T ra a te fra ll i 'd Day a s rain and snow

- Thursday.,' ■- T he Idaho S tale Pbllc

Ing for New Y ta r ’s Di_______ Fluffy flakes began faU

Fails, and as tem peraiilu m ed to ra ln .------ r • '

. . Two to (our inches of the Twin F alls area wll lo r the mountains, accor

Slick roads were bl • - rollover lhat Injured thi

2:30 p.m . oa-In te rs ta l _ R o a d , said .Cpl. Steve

State P a tro fT

Shuttk* ■ V W N N iE B 'A IR D JO ^

Tlmes-News w riter

______ TW IN.FALLSl=^.AllCancer Society memb shuttle service for New term ed the response s Thursday, plans are al bigger and be tte r effort r ’ The shuttle servlce'w and from New Y ear’s

' pa rties ^Qs staged inr - = : :rrr^ser-foiH ?ancerijrogr£

fori b'rought lii $107.'

J a c k K nutson i!

IndigenByJA N E ROBISON ' r/mes-WcK's H-r/fer

TW IN-FALLS. - Jack -rang in the New Y ear with •and the hope fo ranew life.

His dream of bee dishwasher was rea lized . when the owners of .the 1 R estaurant In Twin Falls

■ ■'offered him a job.' ,,

----------- " r s l l l l want to be a J):_____th i s l s n l c e . : ^ s a ld ._ ____

~Fundinc for need

• . TWIN FALLS - Tne L ':o f Magic Valley will be j ring a $20,523 g ran t from

___Lgovemmenl’for-emergencs h e lte r , to . organizations Falls County.

.. ;■ Any not-for-profit‘orgai - '- 'lo c a l govem m eat agency,

rcntly providing or capal ; vidlng food or shelter to ;p le should subm it an-api receive p a r t of the funds. . V T h c 'U n lted Way has

■ ralnlstcrlng-the.annual g t piast 3 years, said Execu lo rS an d y T h o m as.-

-------- L ast-y e a r th e-money-Aby S x lo c a T a g e n c lc r -

' 'S e e GRANT on Pag

Ma,87’s first bcib

I• - 1

• D ream s of a white i : a in s ie S ( r6 t t“New Y e a r 's - ] }ow fell .ac ro ss Idaho on i

jllce-Iflsuedy slorm.wam*, , D ay f o r ^ u t h e m Idaho.

falling a l ^ notm In *Twla < ra tu rw w arm ed, tbe siidW"]

, of snow w ere forecast (orw ith 6-10 Inches p re d lc l^ ^ i

cording to tb e ISP.blam ed for. a one-truck ‘th ree people shortly after ;

s ta te 84 n e a r the. V alley ..;ve Hopkins of tbe Idaho '

lebusineiJONES ■ ...........

. . ' 1 A ltbM gh local A m erican m bers who sponsored a I ew Y e a rT E x e celebrators. ] B som ew hat disappointing ': a lready announced for a ' ir tn ex ty ea r.e wElch provided rides to i ir 's Eve celebrations and* i in T w in 'F a lls as a fund* i igrBmsr^^e-Bevcn-hour-ef— I

■ ; . J , ^

n is now a d ishw asher a

it happil^ f b r c 'C h r

- Knutson w as near the Sit

ack K nutson F alls police., /ith a new job dents have ra:

• " If anyonebecoming a back. It’s 1 ed .last week P rim e Cut ov le P rim e C ut Y eafS 'Eve.* ' llscalle_dand . ,

Motel, befr Q janitor, b u t o th e rs llk eh l

_ _ b e r.mdtel_wl

I Sf e - . i pe United W ay • W - )e adm inister- K <m the federa] ■ cncy-food-M d_ — ons in Tw in Tn

rganliatlon o r ' ' : . icy .either-cu t!_ jr. ipable flf p ro- ‘ to needy peo-a p p llc a tio n - to ---------- -— rs. .. . - . . ^ la s been a ^ >I gran t re r tB e .. . J ecutlve D lrec- 1

:y -w ag-flh 'a r^■ - the Com- ' ‘I n f p n i ja i ’age 02 •

.. ......................

w&nmibies wait for

Injured were 44-year-oId ( 87-year<ld Ben D avis and

’ Davis, a ll of Eden. The thi I Magic Valley Regional M ed f~DavIs an3 l ie n iu sb a n d ,' B e I muted and listed in satis

MVRMC officials said.. HopklM .sald both men-W

• 1&80 Chevrolet pickup true t while em ergency crew s /~Hazeiion Quick n esp o n ie U —them; - ;r The accident w as the only I. area. -

Although streets , w ere sh ( Twin F alls PoU ce .sa ld Jbere r andnoprobleirisonN ew Y eaiIT___ Twin Ffliiq residents a l3 Y ear’s E ve with restra in t,

lieep out on foub le , sa

slow, IJohn Munro and J im Lea

' . the project, said they don’t c byanym eahs.

1 “This was our first atte: I like this." Munro said. ‘‘We I port from the com m unity an ; We will do some things d lf le J we aren’t a t all discouraged."

....H e said abo^t 25'people w ) de liv e red 'to 'p a rlie s or to 1- amounted to nine carloadj* received transportation. Of i — included-tfansportallott-bot^

were taken home.

C a t th e P rim e C u t R e s ta ii i

ily sinks 1^hriitmns” lhe~2'0-year^d“'th e as found sleeping In a cave giv Singing Bridge by Twin :e. Since then, area resi- in rallied to his aid. dls

one needs a pat on the I E d ith -S chm id t,’’- s a i d ., owner Bob Henry on N e w " , j . ‘‘ShereallyheIped.” •

. owner of the Dunes to ' efrlended Knutson and ' r him who have drifted Into tof _whM^they-were dQwn.Qn.;jio

ivesoir afternoon td G race/EUen Davis, sever and 34-year-old Dale but pth ree w ere taken to actldi

led lca l C enter. Grace The B en Davis, w ere ad- spelleatlsfactory condition, broug

a chai j v e r e p inned 'In the daynl n ic k fo r 15 m lnutw Am -s from the Edea- was /'

......... - - .................... anothUy one reported in the day.

,:Theslushy and- wet. the be ca

erfr.w ere no accidents .of foj e a r 's Day. thevcalso observed New The

It, a t le a s t enough to form ; sald. Kolice re c e iv e

b u t *worLeavitt, who directed Voli’t consider It a failure agree

■ : e d lh iittem pt a t something fromWe had excellent sup- fort, and we learned a lot. Whl

Iflerent next year, but exces:d ." . rests,e w ere picked up ami arrestto Ihelr homes. nightlads of persons who one dOf those, six .carloads cheer w th -w ays-end-others— Idal

I- I fr —

p i

a iiran t, w here he_has pr<

hands irthe ir fulled Since Christmas, given Knutson a free room. -

Now, he will be a paying cii In addition lo giving him a ; dishw asher,, the Henrys also paying for pa rt of his renl

‘ -T h e -H en ry s also gave Kr lO -spo^ bike, and Gem Llnei d o n a^ d two uniforms so he > to w o tk .H earysa id .

" ^ e r y o n e In town's kindj togethet^on this,” Henry sa jio L ju s tiec^u se it!s Chrlstma

l ^ A H O ^ L L S ^ W — -S i Congreea, a lte r sMinig -pi popularity so a r for th e past .A d m ^ jra t lD A ,p ro g ra m s ^

Contra scand^.. . - ■ifUp..' Hlcliart' Stallihgii,

Democrat“:troitt-Waho's ■ 5 •eiBtrictrBMd be;l»n$t;owof V. i'‘TbM;8;a'partiftan poiilt i ndt li prodticUw^I?t,o)::ytB

•VWe-^'cami'ot— aHoirtf-^'ai

v.sWulo^-told tbe Idaho F

SecnrllTcoimcll director J q NSO alde lt::CbV. OU?efKi

_UiB.,:5Ui:Amen(Jmrat._Hev m the ^ e r tU Q and (

>»lthNran-IniexchaiipiW 6

rt-tiptibirths on queral com plaints of wUd par police sa id no a rre sts w e r

Idents w ere reported, he storm sy stem s from the lied som e relief for sklei ught a good chance of snow I hance of snow to the south n ight, the N ational W eather 5 I tb o u ^ a slight chance of I fo recast fo r early th is m or

ther P ac ific storm Is on the

he Idaho S ta te Police cau ti zareful. In ,addition to slick : og w ere 'expec ted in the ea valleys.he only excitem ent of the d n of the y e a r 's first babies ti ------------.-SM Y ESR-oiiPfige

^htlfieeiolunteers who helped wit eed ot abou t 2 a.m . when th b a t If they 'W iT kept'even 01 n causing an accident it wa

Hlle dem ands for transport esslve, neither- w ere the dt s. In Twin F alls City there.\ jsted (o r-d riv ing while d rt It o r ea rly T hu rsd ay mom!

driver w ith too-m uch flc er was a rre s ted Thursday afti laho-State - P oHo6-M id4a 4 b

rS e e S H U m E o n P a ig

^ - -


>roven him self an efflcli

nto news ,'sh e has Knutson begar

- - - Already, he has custom er, tlm e.for dishwa! a job a s a In bis llrst week, 1 so will be ; „a„| :nt a t the ^ut maybi

K „ u U o „ . a - S : . . L T s a ' ;len Supply ' e could go Henry said the

sonwashIswife'< d .of pulled , "P eg told me, said, "and to work,’ Henr n a s J l ....... -w h a t God wanted

iesmri-Som e-0«m ocratftJn— Nicai President B eagan 's ‘1s t « ii y e a ia despite b e y o p p o y , m ay.leel- jn g ff B B #iritb r1 h e ;rn in --“ i j ^

. • :: lousysi, th e se C o n d -tcrm .: 2nd Congressional- -f t h ^ . — wt of view, b u t tha t’s .

S tallings said. a n t e - * d r a w 5 ^ f ^ ‘

P alls R o t m Club_oh^iigii^ • fo f 'fo m S r NalTonal decii jQhn PolDdextpr and comi K drtb to qu it taking „{• M iilTkey:.should:let,I C p n g ^ know the ,*®?'

r r l^ i tb e iif io n tr r t^ ln

: ■ C l;

uietdayla rtles and fights,'e re m ade and no

the Pacific finally B yJa d ers . The storm T im a w to the north and th through Thurs- g 0 ( e rS ery lce.sald ...' . becan of snow showers- ties t

lom lng, the s to rm , .count; rtodayrH ow ever,— g fan j Ihe way for Satfir- • Cou

weekution£d,drivers to _ . had-h :k streets, patches - and " early morning in or th'

feden5 d ay cam e In the • -Wi s to be born In the Idaho igeC2 - ' " h e sf

ffort’ awith the -project sched the program 'end-

r one drunk driver was worth the ef- *

Ing wortatlon were not sy^tei drunk driver ar- .

■e. w ere no drivers drunk Wednesday f l“ de m lng. Police said ♦Jew Y e a r '^ B a y Jflemoon. pamc:

'W4.18 • Cou

* will I and transi

WFBy Pi Time

- ,- J E : Jalm Greg attOr deatl a st Tues

l“ Cour ' Ch

rode jw a n i ~c6nti ^ a n t -h ired■ after

^ recer Dlstr

As state lawyi the '

■ meht case, on thi

sente his e: bulle1,198

fo r Cltlfied

phato/SKYE SAVESON Said .

c ien t worker —and ;--------- - T Char

'' j o b - igan -w ork-last-Friday— bonfe as beaten the average Du cashing by 15 minutes told 1 k, Henry said. attoran t to push him too ybe In 6 months tp a sthe idea o( hiring Knut- K?gn [e’, ‘Let’s put this boy', comi enry s a ld ^ 'l jb ln k it’s Ch ted uU o do.'-!— f(

Usansh“W hat we’ve teen is iflfdra

aks,” Stallings said; ‘Ut’s kind t ^ a p ,o p e r a ; you open th e tiaId the la te s i .ra ^ e . i r a a iCi jsy w ay of d o in p u s in m ’' ' *' iBut.Uie form er.jtlcfcs.jColle ssbr said events so fa r .have mt in a no-win alfualloh.' ..r.Z’

“ H tbe president w as aw sre i g on.-he could 'flnd-hlm sdf w me.'Broblems.Pi ! d idn 't know w hat .was going f f l tJ9 lo iic lJ l .m a k ln l- j i ia jw iClslons, then be*s got someimpetencel’.’.....Stallings d ^ sc r ib ^ Reagan east active’' presidents In m6d< .ItA ndJhatlS-.nofjineant to lt iallln^'saTd.' " H O d ta w a y w ir tn fb ecau seh B h ad B o m eg ^

Qbltueiries/bospitajsJ W orid C3Classified advertising

jQodinc ast to c< 'omputcJaN E N E BUCKWAY

CD es-Wews correspofldenf

300D IN G - Gooding Co cam e the la s t o t Idaho’s 44 c s td begin using a computei u n t ^ ^ ^ l n a s to ta lli

County Clerk-John Myers said !ek money from revenue she d-been budgeted for this pur d-"had to be used before Octd the money wo^ld return to

je ra l government."We a re the very last countj aho) to get a computer systt

safd. The new computer, rm lnals In each 'county office; used for budgeting, payroll, n

g lstratlon and jury pools as wc operty ; j a x jo l ls , tax hedules' and ■'m otor vel glstrations, M yers said. S u ri records, such as traffic ,. 3, and all clerk’s office bookli ; will also be done on the s tem ,h esa ld .IBM of Twin Falls was the Ider on the project, which wll ]de th e main- computer, se\ rm lnals and a p rinter. The co tlfied all other computer i nles doing business in the M tlley. but received only IIr r w bid, M yers said;.....- - •County Assessor Doyle Pug 11 begin transferring his rec d th e clerk’s office will t ansferrlng payroll records to

^urderc "uller fo/PATMARCANTONIO imcs-News writerJE R O M E -—: Convicted mun ilml Charboneau doesn't reg F uller, his new court-appo ttOmey, to represent him ii eath-sentence appeal, accordl

sta tem en t filed by Fuller uesday alternoon In 5th DI l o u r t - r z ------ :--------------—Charboneau, a 25-year-dld fi

[)deo perform er, told Fulle l in le d " J In rw a y Of Tw in-Fa D ntinue'to . rep resen t him ,' < antcd-«o-oce iflt-alL M ay,-whiIred— by—Charboneau^fiYf®!^ [ter the m urder convl^idn, :cently sw om In a s -a nev IstrictC ourtJudge.As a resu lt of Charbon atem ents. Fuller, a ■'^Je wyer,' Is requesting an order le court conflrm ing-h ls -api ch t. d r one releasing him froi ise. A hearing will be held Tu( 1 the request.C harboneairlrappcallng 'thc-i m tence he received for the dei ;s ex-wlfe. Marilyn Arbaugh, v jllet-rldden body was found on 1984, a t her Jerom e County ran Charboneau couldn’t be re£ ir com m ent Wednesday. An ur fied S tate Penitentiary ol i ld . l t w as against policy t( ilcphone calls through to inmati In his affidavit, Fuller slati nd associate Dan Mltik talked harbode'au Dec. 19 a t the prison T hree days e arlie r Fuller had ppointed by 5th District . hillip Becker to re p m e n tonfeau;— ;-------------- ^ — —D uring the interview. Chan (Id Fuller he didn’t want hlm.i ttom ey. Charboneau said h( uller w as Involved in a "consp 1th Je rom e County against ecause Chief Deputy Sheriff 1 ^ebb was aw are of Fuller'i ointm ent before Fuller was a ' appointed," sta ted the affldav Webb couldn’t be reachec

am m entW ednesday. Charboneau also told Fuller,

e - f e lf lh a t J lm -M ay should si

tip in ln■ ■ ' ' •• • ___- R u t- S

jrm atfon b y ' pressInd like an dngo- • - ® J•p ap e r each day to, ; P«ceptl

; T bat’8 a :

)llege blstdi7 pro- ' UP ®

,re of w hat w as go- may hliIf -Wlth-Wma of Uie---AmmHr

an a s or>.e .oi ithe "

o_be a - c r il lc to , '‘ • of the o f with It Iff hls'flrst' (ion we ood people;^.. . . . .. . .denL!.'.;,

iuary.Z-l9fly- . Tliim y Npwa .i

-.C2_____ . . .

gC3-6 ’ ^

g Couni onvcrt 1 er syste

com puter im m ediate All o ther deparlm t follow, he sold.

"ounty In ou jgr business i I coim-. Com m issioners D e « ler for the commission sig illation men! w ith Otwirilng r

County to work toget i ld la s t for " Econom ic De'i haring m in istra tion g ra n ts . .

T he. agreem ent. i ft Region IV Devel(

“ Uon, w ill help quallf

tlonf-to ld-the-com m ,’p-w m '--County-has_toa_low m ent r a te - 6 perce

J a ! ' C a m a s County has 1- ^ unem ploym ent rate

-qualify for the fedej county’s approxlmal

i v i J n Uie g ra n tsp h e said. » two counties will qu£ ® log explained., e on ly Gooding city has bi ATiu In- EDA g ran t for sever .everal big tp establish an in coUBty ‘ no rtheast edge ,i

com- a m uch; needecMagic la n k .'IBM 's City M ayor Gene-----------s to ra g e 'fa n k -" a -cmjgm ire Im proving w ater ser ecords - the c ity and making

begin w ate r and p ressi to the available to fight fire:

errefusi >r attori

required by tiie coi him and tha t If J im :

. Ing to rep resen t him ird e re r to rep re sen t himself.'

May, who will pointed Judicial duties the fli ™ Hailey, couldn't t

•ding to com m ent Wednesday e r late •DUtrlcL II . I . , 1

(orn ier Chafbonea gjj^^felt Fiillfirua ,1,™! in a 'cons eiauves— wath-Jeronn

against hew 5Ui “

oneau 's ■■Jerom e F „ u e r said he tllei ; r from "jceep everything al ippoint- w anted to apprise th ;°m the boneau 's feelings uesday j)ecause th e case ls ‘;

w ith a " m a n 's life" a

L f l f f l f ' Charboneau has al w h n v of a tto rneys who h

him a t various stage: anch. Twin F a lls attom e •cached »who is Je ro m e Cou unlden- tender, w as appoint official the cou rt to represento put sjo jjer

p riva te atto rney Go -A Twin F a lls , who wa: ®5-^!!!Lbon6au’s m other. , flrt hwin -S toker re turned ti

J u S e Charboneau fired B , Char the ca se through th' in Boise. May, a (orr

^ F a lir 'a « o m e y rto o > ironeau , . i . ia a s his — — r — ; he (elt Most recently , 1 sp lraey Pointed by the isl him because Charboneau ( Larry C harboneau was r ’s ap- first-degree m urder actual- w as sentenced to d

avlt. 1986 and a Dec. U led for w as se t l a te r , In t

Idaho law , however, r, " th a t Idaho Suprem e Coi still be an d de layed the exec

an^allo-S tallings sa id tht» prpsltlfr problems w hen ho. replaced laker with D onald:Regan,..w pU ondflcadereh lporpow er. . L.was-gtv™ the ^ th o r l tv an

until recenUy,: th e White He wledged th e re w as- a ‘serlo ig iisaid . But- hcTnraea tb a t tl eagan p residency In the noi hinge dn w h eth er h e" trcan (lcmn»eople. ■ ...... -^ 3 ' I( &160 w ill be-up to the e tpneJer_ tbeJJ» th .C ongrcssnext week.; ' •' .....

e-. can spend n e x f .y e a r i ng over th e Iran-C ontra mes n with som e leg islative busi bas to be donie w ith a y lc iilti j 'o t^er Issues,;,;: f i l i n g s said Se gd rea lly ’ ls In l5 e b o n a s

I t ytoemlately, M yers said, rtments will then

iss a t-lhe-B oard -O f...- )ecem ber'm eeting , signed an agree- ->

ogether in applylng_ D evddpm ent Ad-

ts ......... ............... ,, ..It, coordinated by ivelopment-Associa- ^ lallfy both counties — is, Joseph Herring, or of the assocla-mmlssionr-Goodlng______Jo w _ an , imemploy- ‘rcent - to qualify, has a 17. percent ra te , w hich , does - ederal aid. b u t-th e - Imately 700 person w to partic ipate In aid. ComblDlnS the - " - qualify both, B e rr­

as been pursuing an ■ sveral months, hop- n industrial p a rk on ge of town and_ln: : eded w ater storage

>ne Heller cails the -c riiica l-n ee(j,'^ o f - - - service throughout

king, sure ju m c lc n i_____essure: would be fires in the city.

ges jrney

court to represent 'im May was not go- hlm, tha t he wishedself." .. , : . _____111 begin his new le first of the year In t be reached for sday afternoon.

:eau s a id h eu a s .in v o lv e d -__m sp lracp n n ^ C b u n ty - . . i: i t h i m . . . ’

filed the affidavit to g above board.’’- H e - { ;e the court.of Char- - : in'gs, 'partlculaHy ' ! is 1 capital offense . •& "atttake._______________ :IS already had a line lo have 'repfesen ted ag esinh lscase . - : jm ey Randy Stoker, • County’s public de- olnted .originally by : isent Charboneau.

was replaced by Golden Bennett of

was hired by C h a t- .......... :

‘d to the case after I d Bennett, and saw > 1 the May 1985 tria l (o rm en jriva te Twin to o lro v c r-a f tc r 'th e ----------

I, Fuller w aV ap- le 'D is tric t Court - leauwaslndlgent.

was .convicted of •der May 2, 1985r H e - to death In January :. 10 execution date In the year. Under • ver, an appeal to the^ o u cL is -au to m a tic --------,;xccutIon. __

outildcnL began to-' .....----------eed the likes of I,..who.has littleir. ............' and he abus e d . .

!' House bas >nol erlous-'problem, at the suoceBS-ot—: —. - next two years;

candid, witn the

the president to ~ : ' ~ 7 rcss, w hlch_con-~ ---------

«r arguing and . : '; mess. d r .w a - ^ n , . buslne$a and do ' ..iiulture'and sd m e : .........said. "Tbe dlrec-__ __n a ^ d f lh d -p re a ir— -

' ........

Page 12: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

' . , ’ T i to i f a l l s - -. d ivorcef were. (Ued

. T ' ~ v - je K r » J.'D ona - ‘ -Dunn, Piirlda Lee

•I Ibur D/'Walker, Mi' vs. Kevin Owen'C

------- - r - -C h D d re r i~ V « r -r i' Vickey, L«e Hoq>ke

H oq iie r, Rnbv Lei Danny - 'D l t r d l M Lynzi Huft > t . Ger

' ,andJ)«bbjR.KayHs . .C allenH iircnve,

■ The . foDdwtog .. granted recotly loT

Bonnie J/-Bair VI

Crimi----------- t m s -

crlmlnal casM wen

. i _____ _: Celhy..Bwha,_28, ^V - . a plea or guUty to

trolled substance bj ; - . mattez'wlUbdaeltor I ; : ' “Briiunjaln G all^ ! ■ was'feranted'rreqtt

. o n Intensive stmervl dant was pAnrfousl)

DisitriTWIN ;PALLS -

c a s M 'W ^I : D ls trtc tC o irtlnT w l! ' ‘ B urks T rac to r O

H e« to n ‘ Corporatlo seek t' dam ages to r tra c t o( Si DUlUon.F o t $1 mUUon, dami

i • j & ^ o t s a i U n d a t t o jMiller, as guardlai

I — - Roaalle a id R o ck y .

wltb pellet anc ; tlnue Wcause'dania

and to elude police^

D ain S g e ' estlmi . re su lt« a -^ t-.tb e-:

borne a t 897 E lm Si • 5om eoM .,b® ke:out

- 'plate'^ais'Tflndowpolice said.

Cross- ’ 'TW IN . FALLS '-

tlnued'to fltrlk^ boo . some, businesses. 1] ' b i t e ot. recent bur

i , c % t i n a f c b « n l y o l / l o‘ Even tbe AmerlCi

flee a t 711 Shoshone . tiffl.'Someone broke

Monday night or ean;p|B

J o s e p f r H o r•TWIN FALLS-

93, or Twin Palls, morning at hts bore

Born Dec. 24. IK'rfeaK atyM seEni

...... - - Clty-TemplMitJiw u on Ihe RuraJ

.year#. He was a ! - Cassia and Twin

years, retiring at U Hewasablgbp

" LDS Church, and — ........: flees. Including SI

: -Ser' RUPERT - f'. ■ ■■ Steven Alan Thl«!

Valene Thlebsud, ..w ho died Monday.

--------- :----------irarmrsaiufday---------------------SUlte"Center. Bur

Cemetery. ^un«j_____________ under the dlrectloi

tuary'ln Rupertl

on Saturday. •

......TWIN FALLS-T. Green. 82. of 1

------ — Tuesday;iWill.b<L>:

r; V . M c i (

Mrs. Robert Clark. McGregor and BIU Du. Duane Pearson, both

i - Stanley:_Mer^ WaynA IuB M erllaydetPB m

\—TT.----------- ^M rr-R O T d’r B a i t r i J' Jqpes, Blanche Lowry,

________ Twin Falls: babv bovT . ■ Kimberly; and_Cllfford

■ — T be foBowtog'Connlel Ued recently In 5th - W a m j

Lee W alker, vs. At - Robtoso M artha M. ^Carter son, Wi

i 'C a rte r , K aren .J. Pricey “F ran k — C W ld reo rW cin W p ker VB. Jam es D. Juchau Lee McKelvey v i.. Tbe i- U cKelvey, V icl^ -w ere tu Sary Thom as Hott, David H a i ^ v e vs.' E arl -Lyno S<

. D t s b ^z . d ivorces '.were' U ldw lli to T w ln F a lls : L a r r y J

vs. G uy Ja y Bafr, ‘Cuijimb

" t i e 'f o i io W lii f i r s t dei irere t i e a r d re c e n tly Dona

Jerom e,..M tored., reducec to obtaining a coo* and wt ) by-decq>Uon. T h e -Ju d g e to rsentenclng. ' determ U ^ 'I JT T w in Fans.- Penltec > q a ^ not to tM 'Put' RoniL jrvlfllon. The defen- to 5 I8ly found guilty of Penltec

rict!c0ur1.- - T h e following .Theodb a r e c e n U y " In ‘Sth t i l ts 8e rw ln F a lls r^ p erty (• Company .Inc. vi.. and^loj iUon." The p la ln lU r’foT Inju to r b reach o t coD*"jtortiuti] D, punitive dam ages- a m ag es 'o t 4200,W0r— John- ttom ey 's tees . • 'T h e pla and Debbie Rae damage

dians ad litem for ages, I icy Jam es M iller y s ;' M dallo

- Vandals, ^ e d Marie and slingshots, con* _W . rep< image la Twlii FaUs w a s ' e ^ J> ec . 23 • ........................estim at

Jm ated a t $400 reports e • S t ^ Partridge-froin-'T : [> St. Tuesday night. • reportei ,OUt.;a.]arge douBlfr-^wlndsh! ow with a slingshot,-dam ag(

. guns.

ss o f f i o B v h o m e

[' B urglars con-' log whi homes, v ^ ic le s and le lt in tl» ,in ' T w in ; ^ ....... .burg lary a rrests by Ann L fflcers. . ; : - f l c e .s a ! irtcan.R ed .^ross of- • and t4< one S L E .^ a s ’aVic-: o ther I oke in to th e hiiU dlfti'.and '.v( early T u ^ a y , l a k f J o s a u v

BpSSiS— Ite-A

Growe bullbu


GoodlfE v t t JThom(grande

1 ^ ^ / and IHe

.The a .m . l Pa rk I B arry in lh< 'Biirlcj

Frlc tuoryl

The tributi Fund

_ Hosplltorn -S J o s e p h “J « " Horn. ' M y r Ills, died early Thursday tw i home. - of. 1893, In Subletl. he m ar: a t M. England In Uie Salt U k e center

rtJanr2lrl9l4.-M r.-H om -T T -B on ra] E lectric Board for 38 rled D ; a Santa Claus for Mini- i966. I vln F a lls n u n lle s for 40 nard.a tth e a g e o fB f l........................SurvIh prlesl In Uie lO th^tfW Falls; md held many chUrcWof- Twin J S lake E ld e rs .s « rt |a ry ,- HollUi'

!^ lfe s=- A Joint service lor p.m . li lilebaud St, and Sharon burial- ,ud. 38. boUi of R upert,- m ay c lay. w lll'be conducted a t a.m .ui d a y n n h fe -R u o e r t LDS ; Burial will be in Rupert RUP neral arrangem enu a re Briggs cUon of the Hansen Mor- day, w H TFrlCTds^ m a ^ c a t l a n F e ” R

with M dlrecll

S — The funerarfdr Joe and /i of Twin FaUs, wbo dled Hansei iHLheW.Saturday. aH:30_noon a

tp ita ls -^ T ^ r j t t a ic v /a i s v : - 't - " —lOIONAL MEDICAL CENTER

AdmlUed . "T'' irk, M rs. Rex T. B rittsan.'Cari Durbin, all Twin Falls; Mre. Dar

m Ui of Burley; Mrs. R o n a ld 'I aym lre and Carl Ihler, boUi of BowllnTJelMirorHlliillon:. , . D lim in ed ...................

ttdalBrM rfrJiraray-BohTTi-and-s rry , N era M e atu and Lola Rkhai 6Qy_H0libw8y.and_pu|h_YAtldc!5ordM axfieldofFller. : -. ;M n . Robert C la ii of Twin Falla.

ie H erieo e vs. Steve M Ashi K esoetb 0 . Johaaseo vi . J6 h a ttsea ,« v e]y o K ay Robert

DSOD Vs. CoUeen G race 'llo b it WUIard T baln P ric e v i N aon ij Kelly B U t ^ t h W rl^ t- V2 U d AUah W ngBt,'iu)d I ^ b i Ja u v s J r la n O h ie y . ’ ..........e foUowlfig - marriiage .license Issued recently in T ^ Falls: vid A rthur K necht and K rist rScott o fiSalt-L ake-C ity , U tai ry C hester JBennett of B uhhan elle- Devon T u rn e r of Jerome r .M . Siebold and Deanna B mlns of Twin F alls, Gerald fl

deg reebu rg la ry . , maid Jasper- Dean, ‘23, TwI

ced;^charge o t - s ta tu to r y ^ a t w as sentenced by Sth Dlstrli

[e Daniel M eehl to 5 y ears h rmLnate a t the Idaho SUI ten tia ry ..inald F elter, 40, w as sentence 5 y ears a t th e 'Id ah o Stal tentiary fo r firs t degree .arso

t F =tdbre Edwin Johnson. The plaii 8Mk special dam ages for p r

Y dam ages, m edical expense lost income; general damage

D jurle^ 'aam ages for lo S 'o t co: um. and punitive dam ages.

in -B aldw in T S . - Don G erm at p lalntltf seeks $4,500 in specic ages, $25,000 in general darr , $50,000 in punitive damage: U lorheysfeies.

irion Peterson ot 310 F ile r Avi eported_a window in. her. horn

shot out som etim e betwee 23 and-D ec. 30. D am ase wa

i a t ^ ’- a t —$ 7 5 r-A -n u m b e r c rts were recelved^W ednesda r '-ca r a iid -trock -o 'T O ere-w h rted d a m a g e ,to windows an Shields. Po lice said m ost of th age resultcd lrom peUet and B!

les burglarized'ivhat'cash and posta'ge'th'at'w e n the office. .

n Livingston, m anager of the oi said about $53 w as lake $44 worth of postage. Severn r burg laries involving home '.vehicles w ere reported bi 18 w ere minor.

5 ^ - 5iday School p residen l.-nnd he wao lv e tH as tak e ^e a lo g rw o ric :--------[e-w as-v lce-p resldenL oU he-W ot iwera A ssoclallonr.and shipped pur I bucks (0 A u s tra l ia . ' \ urvlvlng a re : h is wife ot Twin Falla r daughters, Zylpha Wade ( >dihg, Gladys Olson Bailey of.Aibloi a .Roberts o f . B urley and Delv im pson H onderlch of Twin Falls ; 2 mdchlldren; 65 great-grandchildren 1 eight grcat-great-grondchlldrei

was preceded In deaUi by nlo itherraod sisters, a n d ag ran d c h lld r He funeral will be held Monday a t 1 i.T n Ihe lOth W ard LDS Chapel o rk Avenue In Twin Falis, with Blsho rry Watson officiating.^ Burial will b the Plcasanl View Cemetery 1

rley a t 2 p.m . the sam e day.•ricnds may call a l Uie White Moi r y Friday from 5 to8 p.m .‘he family suggests memorial coi lutlons ellhertothe-L D S-M lsalonar nd or the P rim ary Children' spUajjn Salt Lake C l l y •_

Myrtle M. Barnard ' —‘WIN. FALLS - M yrtle M. B am an of Twin FaUs, died early Thursda Magic V alley - Regional Medici

Iter.lorn D e c .^ 8 S S i^ u :o ^ c y ,~ tn c mai d Dan Iverson in 19isi and he died I 6. In 1971, she m arried Oakley Bai xl. — - -urvlvlng a re : h e r husband of Twi Ils; a daughter, B arbara J . P ea rt ( in Foils; two stepdaughters, Hele llUicId of H ansen and Hazel Mclntyr

I. In Reynolds Funeral Chapel, wit lal-ln Twin F a lls Cemetery. Friend y call a t the chapel Saturday from I, until the lim e of Uie service.

.U’PER T - A funeral (or Robert S ggsr75. ot RiiJ>ert. who died WedncJ ’, will be held a 0 > p ,ro Salurday^l " R u p e r r r i S i r C ^ l l a T ' C ^ • la l-w ilt-b e - lir th ^ o W t-C c m e te r j h Masonic graveside rnes under Ui !ClioD Ot the R upert l ^ g o S5 AI 1 AM. Friends m ay ball a t Ui fisen M ortuary In Rupert this aftei a and.evenla& a m la t Uie church on

.. ----------, “ {cre"loU r:Tnd Mr_ _ ; Ronald Roblnsonol

iri Starry, Ola Dana Gray d Robinson ofof Filer; and Mae Woodall o tl

of P au l:

d-sonrW illiam — W cndjrtandrun: :hardson, aU of Cranney, Rick Hel crpool. boUi of Stone, all of Burle

........... and baby of Rupert

lla. and daueh- A b ah v faM rn n r

even - Hoffman and f i l t a La o v s . FaUs, J ^ - H e n r y - M rts G n c e M aM .H am m oo 5 T in r r K i r b F 6 & n G i B i i n obin- FaUs, U w r e im KelU ftoml Rbosda L. T b o m w n

vs. T e r n . Steven John B a Di J . Amia scfiudde oi -dlli

. Lester Ray R ace of V n s e s . E m m a G race M urphy s : Donald E ugene Phinne; risty Dawn Cameron of Pi Itah, Dennis'Gene U ecks b i 'a n d . Tschaeknfske of Bedfoi Bme, ly Hae F reem an of Kan I K; and - Amy C hristine i d H. K ansasC ity.K an.

arid maUdOUS harfliatmi

™ ^ _ £ d ™ m U L j ! d z s t d , raoe was denied a motion

s t r H ' adm isslonofapfobatio •s in- M artin H. PerkUis, 2 Stato- extended probation o

The court o rdered the ioced do no long haul trucU State counseling from the 1 irson The defendant w as flne<

— Magistri “pt court-—jnseslages TWIN FALLS - S«'con- who.....appeared '’ In

M agistrate Court hi T week received Jail senU

m a : The*court-sentenced eciai Dumas, 34, of Twin Fi Jam- d a y rln JaU and pay $1 iges, $15.50 in court costs,

guilty to disorderly com Timothy W ade • Coi

with driving without p _ given 2 davs In lal! and

his driving license for iome conclusion of the pi

■ Mildred Boyer. 41, c r "of*' was sentenced4o:2-.da; sday wllltul concealment chi •w ho '^W plus costs. - - -

a n d - ,-G a ry Wadley, 18, o i l f Uie -sent to Jail for S days a d BB costs for reckless drivir________Artnm A Pnng-TB _i

-------pal'd a 420.50-fine-and.cIng-whiie-intbxicated c

^ ~ e d to lnatlentlve'dHvin{ The following cas

recently In Sth D istri leof. C o u rt 'in '^ jn Falls: alten D enn la jnd Deva Wa /eral Roofers Inc; and ( jm es F iberglass Corporatlo

but tills seek $3,278.69. co tional dam ages, costs

was of Twin A lls r-n ’-gmndc---------5tcp.grandcfatldren;' and •!-Wool.-.grandcltildren;-- She' was pure deaUi by live • bfolhen

sisters.'alls; Cremation wlU be unde ! of While Crematory. No ser Iblan,* ed.Delva ■ The family suggests m Is; 20 irlbutlons to Uie Magic Vs dreh; -MedlMlCenler.ornlavori (jrtii,nine- E d i t h K e n d a l l ____

BURLEY - Edith Ke Burley,dledTucsdayathei

Ti. ■ Bom Nov.- M. 1912, In ' ,m »he grew up at Grace, Ids z ' " rled John Kendall. He pn ^ deaUi. She had lived In „ .-'Idaho Falls before movli

several years ago.Mrs. Kendall was a mi

LDS Church, snary survWIhff'Drera-son, Ll

of Burley; a -daughte . Rudolph, of. Burley;, two

____Nellscn <lt_Snlt Lake_CiGamble 9f CatBweli; fl>

nard, drtn; aadl a greai-grandc rsday was preccied In deaUi by tdlcal two brolhcn, and a gcandcl

The funeVal will be helc mar- 11 aTnfna UiiTJwph Paj

led In Chapel, wlUi B fsb o p l^ a Bar- otficlatlng. Burial will be

Cemetery otHeybum.Twin Friends may call at Uie: m of In Burley today from 6 to ; flelen Sntu^diuLpriop to Uie tlm ntyre .^Ife. . . .

wlUi hour prior to Uie time of t lends Saturday.•om9'

RIIPERT The scrv :rt S. "Eljle" Skaarm Dickson, <ln«- who died Wednesday. wUl ?!!*?. . .aU (L ajn^a iu rd fty_aL urch. tuary In ' Ilupert'.-Burlal :teTyr-RDpcrrr«mKfi‘yrFfreiia] r Uie ifje mortuary Saturday i 5 AF. uie service. Friends wh

Uie make memorial conWbi after- Trinity Memorial Eplscopi hone charltyofUielrcbalce,

I MreTRexTrBrltlsaaof TwlnFii mof SLohley and P au le Garcia of.


I ot.Burley, Eva Juaret of Haeeito

■ ' Released' ■irum'and'baby, Peggy iWrlgley i Heiitts. ErmnPlckeU. Zachary 1 uriey;.Laura-.Beynolds-o(.Paul;-] peri; and ilelcQ Boyd ofDecIo.


■ r

[ ^ m of Twin - GcRinan . and' jo o lB n h L Ja e k : a B B g i n n m n t f 'T w tir asM C T * ith B a rb e t and; i S 5 K ^ on of Eoustdk lain a n d J a o f e ;

Twin F ^ i ls - ta d - by of H azeltra,: K g n S oeyandL ynetto M w W Pboeniz, A r b . ^ ' ^ | K | n and Soi^a:Fora. . H M n Ford, Texas, BU>' | n M a ansasC lty .M o.,: M f l H M

Bensebeid of- H B B

D iT 'to 'i^ l^ a w Jon violation. r24,-received an'

of tw o years." be defendan t'to '.|klng

rate'Several persons O __r 5th district Twin F alls this

jtences. —' — «ed 'D ouglas Jay T ^ - 1 — FaUs to spend 3 r i $10 in fines and * *

S A L T ‘S

loates, charged ^privUeges, was

nd suspens^n o f :

, b l T ^ ta Fall!,i a y s . i iL ja ^ o n .^ ;_ 5 u J - l^ ^:harge and fined .

- flc ta ls ha\ f Twin FaUs was experiencl I and fined court Khashog / i n g - ^ . ^ . p a r tn e rs i^ T w l a - F a U S r - “ n jro fa nIcostfi-on-a driv-— soLd_ a n u s

charge, reduc- a . c o n ^

ase w as fUed trlct- M agistrate > ^ f f f <

• «Coi Vard vs. QuaUty Valley dU

Owens-Comlng only three ;lon; The ppUn- NeW Vear' contlnuing'aSdl- Several ;$ of suit and at- shu ttle s------------------- .inembers':

Lodge, the....................... . " 1 whUe othe------- ------------------ ^ r f le s T n l

' ih ? ° g h tS

IS prtteded in a J a j n J j Ssrs and Uiree again next

“ You cader dlrecilon of enjoy yo'ervice Is plann- about d ri\

nex t year,memorial con-

Valley Regional irllecharity.

i ^ ' a i i r v i of ' ~ *C0wrhome. m unity Aca Vernal. Utah. A rm y, ,thIdaho, and mar* A s ^ l a t l o

. . “ J

member of Uw njouey bai dle.-They^

Lonnl^endall p ie they se Iter, Margaret to Serve th'0 sisters. Rose. . L ast yei Ci.ty_Md_.Do.ra_ _served_to . five graodchll- from the

dchlld. Veld Saturday A - thft-federa*ayne Memorial ty co'mrla r C. Anderson sen tatlvesbe la Riverside m ent o f H(

Cross re jle P .jo e C W p c i w „ y A lto

roem .ber.a t o ! or Ihe « t - . f j j

....................... chairm an' the p a s t bl

' M arv in . 1. . .^ ._ “ • T hom assa

........T he pla:f Uie service on finished oi

Ihe Natlor----------------- Shelter Be

. _____ ^fta£ .w illjrvlce forT:isa aboutSwe* 1, 96, ol Rupert,UI be conducted ^ .L H nnsen^Q t__lal' wUl be~ln - lanasyTSTTaT'' unUI Ume of a Coi*rho wish may M ade: Va IbutlODS to.Uie S u i u r e ipalChurchora "V RM C^e

: . .Twin F a ii ■ baby-boy-

pa ren ta a i n e tt of J e n

----------------------- MVRMCno g ifts ,fr

-------------- :---------- em ployees^illTMfrand M nj'"”_ ’A t'' jfJerome. ,. B urley, thi

no babies. . . sa id ther m

. tw een $200 be given ^

Iton and NlnaPiek in 1987. _ ficlals said

____ Io_tleroi1 andTiby, Kojie wew Yeai

M r i« dl .-K rW U i.-T .a p l ,-p ,g j„ a ^

St. B ene1 ' C M te r ln J

lit Lake < lashoggiLAKE CIT-Y-(AP) - Mayor DePaulls Is. urging Saudi

1 businessm an Adnan ggl. who h as em erged a s a [rlh rU ;87 !ra ira rras"scandah y cred ito rs left stranded by Dished T riad project, loggi’s developm ent com- riad A m e ^ a Corp., bas been r T e v ^ - c r ^ t o r s who are ime $300 million. Company of- tjave sald cmly“th a t Triad Is ncUig cash-flow problems. Mggi and two of his T riad s have been linked to the erslaLdeaU n-w hlch-the-U .S . Tis lo .iran . Testim ony before ressldnal investigating com-

Continued from P age Cl d istric t s ta te officers made ree dtnmk d river arrests on a r 'sE v e .al of the C ancer Society

serv ice custom .er8_w ere r s f r o n r a p n ^ rtj^ tth eM o o se the E lks CIuo a nd local bars, thers w ere attending privateIh Twin t 'a l ls hom es: ::--------group.'-of th ree s a id ' they

iy -hoped U would continue “x ty ea r.can go to a party , and really yourself without worrying Iriving home. We'U be back la r." said QuUI Turley, who

rantContinued from P age Cl . A ctionX enter. the Salvation .the W est End Ministerial tlon, the E a s t End P ro- Neighbors In Need, and Vol- Against Violence, cants receive an amount of based an w hat they can han- :y su b m it th e nU m berot peo- ' seh re and how m uch it costs : those people, Thom as said, y ea r over 27,767-meals were to. hungry., people,.with help le g ran t and 3,490 nights of w ere provided. Thomas said, com m ittee for allocation of •ral funds consists of a coun- 'm'mlMroher, two repre- es fronv the s ta te Depari- H ealth and W elfare, one Red

represen tative, one .United liocations Com m ittee board r. and Rev. R obert Van Nest, lounty com m issioner - and in of the com m ittee has in : been Ann Cover, but wU! be . H em plem an th is year, ;sald.>Ian fo r'a lloca tlons 'w U l be

on Jon . 9 and submitted to ;lonal Em ergency Food and B o a rd 'fo r approval. United

wMks la ter, T hom as said.

iorContinued from P ag e 01 Valley; A boy w as bom "at2 a t 12:18 p .m . on Thursday 7 I and Andrew. Albanese of alls. 'A n lio u r la te r, another jy -a rrlv ed . a t 1:19. p .m -J h a a re Loyann and Bruce Ben- erom e. .MC officials said there were ,,from m erchants or hospitalses aw aiting eU her arrival.__ttssla ' M em orial' Hospital "In there w ere loads of ^ I ts , but es. In fact, hospital officials ih u rsery w as 'C lo sed .'B u t be- 200 to $300 to gifts would stUl b aw ay to th e first baby born .W h e n e v e r . J t . . happens, ..of- ald. - _ro m e ,rih e f ir s t ;bal)y_oIIlBe ea r w as a giri. daughter ol Id Mre. . F r ^ C lens^ :bl HTShe aTrlved 'al 2:07'p.m. al ie d ic t’s r R F g i o ^ “ :Medlcal n Jerom e.

City ma ^ to payyor m ittee tied Kbashogi ludl F ra se r and E rn es t MUlei oan financing p a r t of th e a n s a Ing 1»S5 an d early 1986. l a i ^ o r l f tW r T r i a d - a o n o u i by. launching a '$400 mUllon.

p ro ject In downtown Sail )m- However, only a portion een Ject bas been completed, a re ''-D ePaulis^sald he had^i of- to foroe Khashoggl to re

1 Is-cred itore o r - to honor-h donations to various-or

-iad Including LDS Hospital, the However,' ;the m ayor I.S -K hashoggt,-you-haY ejn£ ore m ents to ou r clty._ We jm - c i ^ l t d r i o u t. there wh


rode tiie sh u ttle to t h e i ade party .on Both M unro and Lea\

com m unity cooperatloi ety cellent. P rom otion was I ere..^M ldi_andJhe_yolunteec o s e - d r iv in g - a D d - f u m ls h ln g ' irs, cost to th e Cancer Soci ate ceUent.

A t^ leasf“30~perajnS“ bey headquarte rs in th e KM dea 11 conference room , pi nue and “o ther gam es wnue

' for calls fo r transporUU Illy lege o f .,^ u lh e rn Idaho ing wom en's b a sk e tb a ll- I ack aisslsted.vho .aucfscale

of , .


ere n i l D A T A fie lp_ . ...................... ^ • .-; of HNAHId.

of un- >re-art- ' .l e d ...................................................tedard ,It. ■ y y .ind X / ■J in - / / --------be I----------

be '( toI'nd ___________ ;tedJtal_____ _______

- ~ ■■ :.:Fi

toy Nomatt€I - _.. Magic Vi raT' ' foram er len- always a

approprli itil means. F

"In' ..........“ • 'bu t ' ' \ il a l s - — ------------ - \b e - ---------»5tUlo m •-of--______ ...........................'T <

- T — y e• o f

■of:.. ■ . =•______

le a l : : r VV:

iyorurge ' Triad d)ggi, Donald beenpaid.-Thl ler together In toyoutopayti inns deal dur- “Tbe only w

to stand up a lunced^lt-wia-DePauUs-rsalc

I l s m ayor I a l l l ^ a i y . been h a ra e on of the pro- developmenl. *• “I get <»iiiiia no a u l to r ih U m r'w o n JeS repay T riad 's (wllh T riadI,' -hla p rom taed -ne aevelopnH organliaUona, d o n 'lg e lli la b

,v Khashoggl 1 ir M id: "Mr. ,about.$i5m U l nadej»mmlt-4..anns-Bblpmeii 'e have 8ome_was omy reps vhq tawe not that.

5 Moose Lodge, Two voluni • each trip , he

^v lU ta ld the and delivery < b n was ex- -passenger wa 8 good, Munro there w as no e r turnout for— by the d river a ig --M r8 -a t-M ^ L e a v l« -« a ld Klfety was ex- Cancer Sbclet

gram next yei i ^ M t b e r e t f ^ T = S t t U « I ^ M V T Channel S w dng 'm or< p laying cards ervatlons for l ^ e y waI(ea~Uon: aUon. TheCol- F or the vc ho m en's and food, coffee a- team s~ both -- u^ by membe

don";ndarP R i P A T , J A m i i U I T fi -iMocOOa, CA • FAIM lOWMIi

AdMrtl»*m*ntiJam>onria4 -- ' HulimenA nSvfvJe* - •• A T U i i D A Y , J i U I U A--^:-PIKM YVmtM UO J. aoiEour • iKviNTorr a nxru

' Arfv*rtU«m*ntt ianiMrv 7 ' Wall AwctlonMn

— K n o w H - f o r —

i n e F u n e r a l s a

e a s c m a E L e J E r i c !

tter how much or how lltl galley family mayylan ti emorlar'serVlce. there Is available a complete an

irlate servloaprlced.wlth . Remember.

k^fHlTET h » C h t p a l b f l h a P e r k 16 4111-AVE. EAST-Tvrai-FAa


INATMN ' a o y n m MomctAKi

\eslebts•This com m unity Is looking ay those creditors, ly w ay to take c a re of it Is ip and pay these people."said ;---------------1 .--------7/o r s a id Salt L ake City has rm ed by the staUed mt.caUs from people a ll .th e iaeflng 'whav* gomg on d ) ," b e said. “ I t could stl- pm ent in ’ tbe f u b r e 'l f we i lsb eb ln d u s ." ■[gl h a s sa id be len t Iran ' pay for the U.S. m en ts-early -last-y earrb u t- repald about.$5.mUUon of

)Iunteers partic ipated In , helptog with the pickup >ry of th e passenger?. One

was in a wheelchcilr but I no difficulty experienced"?er and h e lp e r .------ ............-«aid-tberh0pe-;0f the local- d e ty is tb ep ro -

M T w i ^ ^ ^ d e r e : a a d : [ n - nore tow ard-'advance res-

for two-way transporta-

! volunteere, a buffet of i t and s o a drinks w as set mbere of the . CSI Boosters '

E f f e c t l v o

' D a t e — -

E f h r u •

J a n . 1 0 ,

r t ' . . . I.PMIHT-tANXXUPTCV 4 —

V A B T 9 A t O

ix n i i t tS '" .......

^ ~

atices -H I t t l e t h e . -

n t o s p e n d ■ - -

^ _____________ I ’ ______

I a n d '»lthln,thelr .

■ ■m - ■

u k ' ^ --------- - -------------5 ^ : _ —

Page 13: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■■ 7--------- IJ ':._______ l l . .

- ' t a i ^ . t f u r ^ ' . a '- , '*<teiDonstraBoa- <t Tlttu

: E i^ n in re .B e ttR e .': ’ ' - , I T b e stufiaU: f ^ /^ io l5 iB 'i .u n lv .e r i t i

■ . .C la lf f l^ 'I8 ;o th e n :b a d ' th e re wM. no Infon

. i in h e s tuden ts ' h a d 'I • earlier Thursday-at Tla ; .~th|im8atiifi'ofT)oIlce. we ’ prevent an existed : Huadreda of-..chanttog ; . gathered ther^ marcUM - -Uxvoughfare. and late : square to be mej by poll

- - -: B tKwlfiglnBtcbeIuued.--.r•-MeanwhUer-tbe:■o^flcI

. .. I n d ic a te d Intoleranee of : Uons th a t 'h S T e C e ^ te d

recentw eeks. ■ / Xlohua. News Agenc

- - - - ^ P r e ® id e a l* U I a n h /M ^ conducl deriylngM e (C ty’s.leadersh lp o r advo<

- ; . -litasraUsm^arc against• ^ the people^d 'thft»hI*t«

' ' jrill surely m eet will) I po rtion ." . . . . i-^Tbe eveoingrProlest I dents m arched t h e P< president’s h ousejo.den

‘trf,24 students, sources fl i d e n t s re m a ln e d .q n ' answ er, several thousa cbed tow ard c w tra l P ek

■ ’ ■ U niversity Presldenl . . , la te r announced the re!V talned^udents,'saying ' ' 'touch with Peking's m

; party:oinciaj,accorami ' spcke on condition of ana i : ;, , “ I f y o a don't-belleve

president,” sources quo ln g .rC h e ^ g students

rv ; -" .w » l]!ia ie7 ey d u ;p ^a« 'XljAua r^ r te d _ s tu d

'SAN JUAN,:Puerto Ri Rafael Hernandez Colot

^ the' Investigation into tl dMdly New Year’s Ev«

"pont Plaza'Hotel will' .. b^aused[lat:k>ruhr£sta

. An attorney for-the-l • ; • representing hotel era : ^: union involvement in_' ' ' plwtgprt Ub «rr. .* inay -be ^ n Is bctai

T-.— tensie-laborT-sHuation-t)

formation as to iMt-ml■ oroimd-that-eonicthlni

- happen and something < soon,” Hernandez Colon

• . ■•‘All o f.this Indicates ' • facing a problem of arsoi

The governor,, whose ' c r a t lc - P a r ty support : ‘'^ p o l i ^ c a l . . s t a t u s ' : : a s - N 'm onw ealth , said aut

believe tha t political tei in th is m a tte r a t all.

I ' c i ^ i n l ^ respoiislbHli; ; l re la ted to the unicnprob

| R ^ a n ’\ \ M oscow " (AP) r \ ,.„<ieem ed-superpower;.r£ r \ to w arran t a televised t

• . Y ear greetings, b u t . b roadcast-P residen t H

> m essage expressing ho v ; - trol progress in 1987. ' ! ; . . . R w g an r ^ d . a -;1 ( U about U.S.-Soviet reli

-V oice of A m erica in I t ~ * rhours'of:.'N ew -Y ear’s -

cBSt w as received wltl : In some p arts , of'Mqs<

- . : ference..on-the Russlainels was reported In oth

It was-not known h« wera likely to have tun'

----------- address ' on VOA, brojMoscow time whep mi In the middle of gest holiday of the year,

---------- i-A'-Spokesman-for-ttradio systm .said Reac

'translated Into RusslStriking F^ - ^ x r ~PA R I ^ A p ^ Oi^:

j>n New Y ear’sJJay as ctiD ued. their strike 1

......."dffplte concessions .1■ownedrailroad. ;■■-Two major unions sa ■ railway management (

— — ' ‘THM OftnniernnKraff:- ,..-J^:Jlall_setvice3.. opera

one-third of the niirr Jan. 1, a pubJlcJoUd

' couiitri?, the railway n - - '- T h e southwest and th

fectedthem ost.,' There were no trail

- the northem PariS:8UI one tra in In eight I d istance rputes.

- V Govemmfent" med---------- tHVondes-rannounced-------- with unions and mant- -ed-after-m ldnl^t W

proposal to :b a se sal _ ^ m e r i U « U i e r - ^ J <

■‘Withdrawn.^. „ . — -

B « " o f A p D ^ ^' . p r o - d e m q p ^ .

l a n a n i ^ S q u ^ ' .

cheering th roo fro f - ^ ^ H fntvenlty ' i t 3 d ^ ' ad 'b e e n d e t 5 n f d . ; ^ ^ HrormaU^lk on

d ' b ^ ~ 'd e t d i i i 3 T T l a n a m n e o r W ^ ' w ere depl<QrM

id dem onstrabon.*;^^H Ing students-'..who QM cownlater enteredT the police, au^;^rbugb

‘-u . r " flclal -m w U a-iu ffi- ! o f t h e i d e m f i i S i t e . ^ ^ H ^ted' tn 10 cities 'In

ency quoted-.'Vice - t-say lB fr-^ofda-of (Communist) p a ^ f

[vocattag b o u r ^ l s v Q i ist the m terests of ilstorical-trend and- U) l i e pMpIe'B op-. T L n ,.; ,

s t began H 'l ie b .5 tu - ,- .^ ° S j ! Peking UplvehiUy;:, - , demand H e tr ieaae Aboul tsuald .W liU eiom e g reeted o n . '^ m p u s fo r "an ^relum e usand 'o thers m a ^ sources >eklng. ■ • anonyn lent D ing • Shlsun* 'T h e ' release of* th e de- nothing

Ing be bad b ^ In delentl( m ayor and a top .that so

lin g to K rtlK « » D fl Ihesbul anonymity. . ‘ . " The j Bve me; get a new cen tral quoted Ding a s say-‘ comrad •nts chanted back; natlodaj id r a h " - : ...... : : ' '^ '- - - ^ f s l t y ,tudeats detained a t abouts.

i Rico ( A P I .- G o v . , : : . .T he,: olon said Thursday hotel’s :0 the cause of the a contr Eve fire a t the Du- New Yt '111'^Mus on a r s o n . e a r lie r ’ s t a t t t e hotel. ■ At Ie le-Team sters union broadct employees denied say ing in the ljla2e ,. 'an d ev itabltL .wouldxboperatc4n-,ed-.;the'

- ' , ............ • there l!

stause of th e .v e ry celebraa-tb a t-ex ls ted ,-d if-- . - J u t ::

rmlniite''w6rd going , th e flw . iln g -w as-g o in g -to -^ —liWe-- og did happen very “ “ P " lontoldreporters.. tes tbat we m ay be rsoD ."he8ald. SA N .osfr P opular Demo- followli torts the Island’s called : s - a . U.S. com- of th e 1 authariUes “ don't p o n tP li

1 tension is hiyolved . C h ^ l a ll.' If there Is' a The : m ty;— If-w U l— b e - T 2 ? o n i roblem.” • -■ --

I ’s m e s s a c- Soviet Officials Soviet ^-.relations-too.poor„.icast_ji ed exchange of New. ■ minute u t . state-run radio- Soviet t Reagan’s holiday. ..It waS; hope for a rm s con-. versloi ' - - . . “ v. - '^ - ^ - ^ T h e .

, ;lOrmlmite.. speech; .^® relations over t h e ' i l h e ea r ly m o m h ig - ®^Rea ‘■s-Dayr-Tbe-broad-^=— M without h i t ^ p U o n iQscow, while hiter-

1 how ihany Soviets ossal tuned in lo R eagan’s ' leiiQg )roadca8t a t ;2 -a ;m r ' s ta many Soviets w ere ^ e r e \

B l^ratln^ the ir big- n ^ c e sar. Reai:-the-Sovlet-xcntral— the-U i eagan ’s address w a s , a re c l issfan and read to a rm s

Pre^ckM ^Q n ly ^ h d td long-

a s ra ilw orlrere wil=' "8 for a 15th . V s from the,, state-

I said tfley .o p ljo ^ .a :— nt otter accepted by .-. -

crating werfe 'about Arroal s c h e d u le J o r . . . illday- thougbQut the : ; y managem ent said. .1 the north ■ w ere af^^-ye'nrali

rains whatsoever on ': suburban lines and ~ ~ .x ^^ h t bh ‘ bther'/'fihort-

■ tlculai nM lator Francota - t r a v d «d • a f te r - a -m e e t lM ^ g u a r t anagem entithat end '-.-gy -sti ; -w e d n ^ a y - Ih a L a - , uon; - salary b c re a se s on oq]< i _ ^ o r l t y _ ? £ ^ 4 . ^ . ^ a g ^ ^

__.1 ' ttrraiM - __

V - ,

t ^ i s t y d

i f l j i f c iS

C ^ i i ^ ' p b l l c e p u s h tw c k i i i n ^ y in p i

amnen -were returned to t il5 after “eduction or .exan ■*-but did notsay how many.- - - out'2,'6oo to 3,000 cheering stiid :ed. the 11 students., who ued to Peking University In.c :es who spoke, on. condiUot ymllysald.e ‘. studentsf sald'tfiey" were -g ing to eat while being held ; itloh center near'Tlananraen som e o l , Uiem y p re h l l j j t po ources reported; : . e ^udents who had headed to ral Peking,- chanting "Free raaN'--^and singing the “The Ii dale,"’marched past. People’s Ity, where-thelr-ranks-swelle tS.OOO.

i S t o f p c u si_' fire began ftortly -alter ’9'250 imionlzed employee reh atract. offer. The union riQd si Year's Day strike deadline li srvole.v ■ ‘ least two radio stations rece

jcast Teamsters" advertlsem tg in part: ”A strike ^ m s ble. The management h^s sati he-.. almosphere_3adth; :hostUily i ls.'no change in attltude,'the

lrate” New Year*sEveT~ •' tJeamsters__aUDtnBy— J i

^ . . . . ------------------ „

i n f o r m a t i o n a v a i l a b l

N JUAN, Puerto Rico (API -r fflng telephone numbers maj d for Information about survi fi New Year’s at the PlaiaHotel: /(U Defense, M&-724-0124: e Puerto Rico Tourism Co.,m : — .-------

. g e h i t s S o \et listeners ai 10 a.m. That bi 'jran _a little more than s iil^'an'd it was not'clear-whi et radio ciit the speech or wh aa^imply.rcadiaster.than the il^'roadcastby VOA.v :: : le .spokesman; who’dlfl not wa dentiiied by name,, said he dll ft where Sovlet-oaiclals got Ihceagan’s speech ............Bdlo,-Moscow newscasts ca raarles'of tieaga’ri'‘B address ‘rally' conformed with sr clbiited to~Sffi'«lcan-report« U.S,Embassy onNew.Year’SEv 3e said In p?rt that despite thi ll differences in (he syslemi ig. In the. Soviet .Union and.the. States, Soviet and American p e united by-thelr common hop ce,",RadloMosc6wsdid. eagaq also said In bis address -Unlted-Statea-and.lhe-Sovlct.l closer now than ever before

IS control agreemwt. He gav

b p 5 f f c ^ ; X ) o i e

w i l l r ^ a i n i n p l a c e ih t i l j o i n t n ^ o t i a t i o r ^ p r c ^ u c e d a . s c h e m e i » a s ^ o n ^ : b a l a n c e

b i e tw e e n m e r i t - a n d s e n i o r i t y . ^ ^

ralnin place until joint n ^ jl iiuced'aTnew-scheroe-ba^cince between merltandseniorit; avbndes wld- changes-had ^ ' i i ^ n in working conditions Jarly cohcemlng "'rest" dayi ifdllng staff such as -driven irdff. They had surprised their i startlng.the.atrike as.a..wUdc

inly thrw-small unions ,fl!pe •eemeht however.'he communlsl^eT^__11_-f r A«r4 enrlal

ic k s tu d e n ts w h o s u r ^ I p ro te s t « tP e ld h g V T la

0 the ir ’ They m arched tamlh'a- t h r o u ^ snow-cov

h a lting • a t a n : Inti rtudents school official-say i s w ere w ere re leased.In 'ca rs. T he group dwind S o n -p -a n d a f te r a 30-n

■ decided to contlnw...................T he.students.passee g iy ^ roadblocks during Id a t a police m ade no elfi jen and though authorities' police, dcm onstfatlops.___■...............The earlier Tiani

. toward • fiance o f new regu: ree ■ our vo la tile ‘since studt le Inter-, to the s tree ts Dec. e 's Uni- characterized the elled ta - fa llure.-clting In p i

ship. _

IS on arse^ r t h e . ed. l t~ is jiist ir t ; retused— F arln acc i told'The d se t a Thursday . “ Thls cc e In an o fsom cbodyou to fl

-------- - : i r e ' a d d ^ : “ W elrecently of o u r workers ma) lements To say -that the ur ;ms in- to say th a ttheuh io r saturat- F a rln acc i, 37, a i mty; If said th e m ain stlcl the Du- ' tIons w as subcor

• ' ‘ s tr i te ^ H e said h e i —Jo rg e—s.p.m r-M drW ent-w

, ......— " u r a 'f f d i a - r O Thappen;__wjijiog4<>^perflt€

Farlnacc i Is fre , u i _ aw aiting trtql in K

tiori w ith Ihe 1983 ; [ - r The. (rom th e Wells F ar n ay be Conn. irvivors . f B i spokesm an the Dut the (Ire In^estlga

. ducted by bis agei police departm ent'

'0- 809- .the federal Bureau - .-a n d 'F r re a rm s rH e

a fte r a l lo t the bodi(

) v i e t a i r w ait broad- assessm en t of the Q seven discussed-during b whether' Iceland" wlth’ Sovl whether Gorbachev.(he U.S. ' “ The presldenl

; ...... in 1987,-the twow a in rto -^g rea te r p r o m s s li

: d id 'no t D iem s," Radio Mos Ihe te x t- . R e a g a n , a n d . G

taped televised N j :_ a r r l^ _ th a t_ ^ re _ _ lM C li ess tha t S ta lesha tfp ropow sr text Soviet Foreign,

rtc rs by- G ennady -G e ra s li sEve. ' Tuesday.-thaU-thc ! the col- tu rned down beci ,ems ex- Uons w ere not gw lhe.Unlt--_.was_.inapprppriati n ^ p i e about th e s la te of hope for two couritries.

- . R eagan began ress tha t say ing he reg re tt lct.Unlon-_slon-noLlo':excban ire to an because such , bro gave his tru st.

edownstSti!?!?!!!^ iw

S « r a H ? ln e .^ — fedei;atlon brand ip p d isc u ss - th e ;agre<ice------- iiau^-e-8-irlke..:"

The "French Den atlpn said Its

” ■ ■ ■; —mflBaReraentTCO!. ■ ■ lim ited to lead to-:

Wpatlons -fee lin g -w as stroi id' 0J li“ a : cen te rs : 's u c h : ;as jrlly ." M etr and Avignon, sd been-.—N do^onfederatli Ions, p a ^ .m alh ln g branches lays. \ fo r c ra tlc L abor F « t rers and F rid a y on continus sir un io n s: -T h e .-^ I lm e n 's - ildcat'ac- com m ittee, a------ :------ in d t ^ d e n t - o f

ip e d the tu re , - said T h u h tinuatlon o( ’,tj

ra “ *Con-“ fitrchgthehIhg'wU]

f l i n g i s i g■L~ “ni

• Dij


Tvi~ 'u n

t :mi

b{(- c r

e d t h r o u s h l i n u * [[|| l a n B h r o e n .S q u a r e l . . . : tei

■ — p i Id about sbc m i l w . ®J avered s tree ts : b e f o r e / f l i ntersecHon- to f ie a r^ a r /p u y the detained ritideflts

id i^ lo less, than ijbOO, • ' )-minule, debate some p( lu tlo w ^ Tiananmen. ,,thi sedthroughfour-police an ig the march, but’tbe pc ffort to stop them ev ^ . ol< a banned uriatilhorbed .

ujanraenT)roiestr fitjulatlons, w a i th e m ost . ihi idenls in Shanghai took pr ic. 19-23. Still, students |7 le m arch’ there a s ::a p a r t (h e la c k o f lo a d e r^ - : - J J_________ •.___________

• • • ■■■ re' .an

o n i e a i ^rtpossibie to bellevei’! g / le Associated P re ss on b< could only be the work , . Pi if his mind.’’; have heanl that wme [di lay be among the dead.. ;JJ,' union would do that-bs - ^ ion Is crazy.” •' t ra veteran labor lawyer, 1 ig IcklDg point In n e^ tla - , lo onUracflng - work,' ‘and •—Oi r tC e s ^ y h M e b e e n - a — B; e left.the hoW a t aboi^t - S -with unlon-^offlclals to - -jn

Jllin lon M reoniie l’a fe ''. ''^t64^^ge^thlM oIv©d.V— o7 ree on m lllloh .bau : |{( March 1987 In connec- th

3 robbery of $7 mllllt^n Ja nrgo depot In H a r to rd , PI

n Dlaffer;Tl08a r l0;sa id --; |J gallon would be con- qc lency, the Puerto Rico cli It’s explosives unit ahd ao au o( AlcohoLjDbacco— Of le -s a ld 'l fw iu ld begin lies were removed.

. be

a v e s : , , ; - Jh e ; d isa rm am en t. p lans ar ; his October sum m it In - cc ivlet- lender Mikhail ;|S. ' gc

it voiced th e h 9p e t t i t t -; 9 '0 sides would achieve' ^ 5 Inresolvlng thB se :p i^ '" c i 'oscow'concluded.' - P I . Gorbachev la s t y e i r , ... Ja New Y ear’s , g rM tlngs ‘ ,10

ch_anged_^'LThe ''U nited ^ a n p e a t ih lV y e a r . m n. Ministry spokesm an C slmov announced '-o ah e ' proposal h a d ' b ^ - icause U.S.-Sdvlet re la- * . iood enough. He said -It 0 £lte:to c rea te . Illusions - of relations between the

1 his radio Bddress-4>y nted-the Krem lin deci* ange.teleyised greetin g s ' roadcasls build m uluaT "i.'


a t l c - J ^ r - J e d e r ^ t l g n - l- j^

iie, secretary-general o f c on's railroad division,Afternoon th a t a ll 'c o n - aiches which m et to |J!ireemeht voted to cbw- y;

emocratlc Labor FedM - - ! members felt ' tb e , fl M inc^Iohs' y^efe tix ), - o-ii re tuhi to work. The rongest In -m a jo r ra il - BS-' Paris-Norttr.-'LyoQ,— 'n,lt-8ald... ■itlon; worker* .“ a n d - te - “ * e s '^ t the F rench Denlo- ederatlon w ere to vote uatlon of tbe strike . .'s - strike- coordlnatibo - - ^assro o ts organization Ih e . formaL--umoa^8tEUC£:i-i r ^ a y . ’th a t "only c o n \',the s trike a n d " I t s ^ fW’T hale-thei(raIlroad)“ '

U & A t N t M E p

' — B Y S E A l S f n o i - ; ^ Jy^--bldr->0f■tb«-tol^6wln0— Item s: . i>

e yard dump bovwlth hoist, rK>pum p,uls.Snow plow-for..tnick- .

-without p u m p - .o r . I mourning rramOtas Is. K

Seated bids .be. .received In the ot(Jce of the Twin Falla Hlqhway.. District, 123< Highland Ave. East. P.O. &>x 605,- Twin Falls, ID 6330»605. - u m il-b ld -p p e n ln g -o n - - -January 1 8 ,1W,:«T1:30 ' T. p.m. 1110 above Items may ba Inspected at the

'm o hw ay 'd ia irjc i Addii tlonal .Information may i

•be-W ttredM fom -^yde-------^Bufne^h733;4062-7----— The Twin Falla Highway District reserves the right t tfaccep tan y o r.a ll: bfds.Clyde Burney, t t r e c t o r " ' PUBUSHiEfidiy,:.: “ January 2 and 9 ,1W7.

‘.OUTFITTERSAND I rGUIDEpOAHD - J In the-M atter o t Amend- % ment and Clarification of . the Stale of Idaho Outfit- te ra .an d GuIdeVBoard B u les 'an d 'R eg u la tio n s \ effective March 1,1988.

.and Re-Adoption ot - Rules and Regulations

•'pursuant to Section ^ - i i0 7 Jd a h o C o d e .:


PLEASE-TAKE NOTICE:------■that the Idaho Outfitters and Guides-Board pro­poses to i amend, and. clarify existing rules and regulations..end - a d o p t - * " said am ended and ~

-d ia fifled -^ ru leB -. and, wb regulations pursuant to the ’ : - procedurea prescribed by Section

THER NOTICE, that a . i complete 'c o p y ' of sald '--^ n ro p o sed ' rules - and_ regulatldris (Deflnillons • ei and Rules 30 & 57} may be obtained .from the ' undersigned at 1365 NC

-N o fth ^ fo lta rd r-R o o m ——372, Bol8e,-Idaho, ..LOi writlna the underslgned. " a t S ta te h o u se . Mail, Boise. Idaho 83720. : PLEASE TAKE FUR- .

\THER, NOTICE, that the Idaho Outfitters • and Guides-Board will hold a public .hearing (rom 3:00 L p.m.- to 5:po^p.m. dn Am Thursday., Febrw iy 12. soi 1 9 8 7 , t he Boaroroom 324 located a t 1385' North —

•Orchard;^' Rdprn 3 7 2 . J -B 0 la e ^ J d a h a ._ t0 L ^ B _ ™

purpose of receiving ^ w la e n c o c o n c w n ln |jn j

.clwlllcatlon of riiTes-and' •'« _ reg u [a tio n e^^

hearlna ,/shou ld notify “2? the Board office by Januarv31,1907. ' |inPLEASE < ^ E f u r - lor THER NOTiCE, thal (or anc the purpose ofdfltermin- ing w hether th e \ro p o s- JSJ e d a m e h d m e n ts \a n d . . clarlffcatlon will ^ be 00 adopted, any person or —

-0rouc_i0*®''®8ted In the • matterltiBY-aubmlLoral o r wrltlen, testimony to the undersigned on o r ' before February 22, . , 1967, a t . the aforemen- a f tioned address. This wtii agency shall (uUy review ' a h and oonalder all written hoi and oral submissions piu concerning this pro-- t>o« p o sea t'le ce lv ed -on o r - ly i B e f o r ^ l s date; ’ get DATED: This nineleenth „PI dayofDecember.1988. ■

.William— B— M eln e rs .-l” Chairman of the Board : PUBLISH:Friday.. ' _

Annbiincements ^......................... "SttI

Mb, . " . . re#

OOM-ost&Found ^------- . ...-------------- -------- Ma


A D O ^ N BHour*Mof>-Ff1 - E

l^.00(xn2:0gpm, - HZ

1.'folrrairapayed'PiiMlflTCr—^,wWl8..< year#. 0(2. Mala. Nuolurod BflWiny, —

;wTiUeandred.6yoar#. • AG

r~ V M « iM C i^ B r# c l ■ ’ '.ety• • ..................- .«tr

• Srtellor-tooa]ed-ofM-mll»—Cu _wesi road, uaeUie entmice w

road t^ '^ R rR ad io n S B T ^ OoglTcensaa may t» pur- 'Jol cha#oda(UiQ City Water 01- at llceboQlnnlngOoc.lBL . at

C ali;..';7 r......'...32««38 5y*

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007-Jobaotlntefwt . ' " " K


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■. ' . - Friday, Jan u*

E iU w io u w a iM tin

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'■ C H E CK D A ILY ' s F TOR C U RREN T, . ^

- - H O U N a P O U N D - r s ;.BUY4WEARAUFET1HE : .Bwi




.. H ourt5to7pmonlK ^Monday, thru Friday V aide

__73WWex,t2M„;Leal German Shepherd pup, 'uec e monlhs, last seen 2 » & South 500 Ea#t In Jerom e.'f'.,n Anawera lo the nam e'ol -z—

i s

' O ^ M e m '^ N o l iC T T ' g

We . express- our alncerC'.ara

Special .inanKs for Tne'.quif

s r a r a p . ; SLoren and DorlaDaldryand family . ' ' ," TMaxandWllmaRoiaa - 'The

O W - P e ^ l ' ■ '

- — ju i o r a a u s ■

T H O T D S F T S o ® - aA Prolilem la not ,a problem • g when shared. Mental Hulth - grgf AMOCMtfon. 6pm to 7am. 24 t Kr houraonweekenda. • - .Plush turntshed room & choi tward lor Iho elderly In laml- lyaettlnorMM pormo.-por t#rpoaraon. 7 3 4 ^ 7 ._______ 1 mur: PREONANT-NEEDJtELPI, .M -Free, preanancy testing A available, u l l ' Preflnancy proc

-Hotline iCrtoi#Contor;TW^~5f‘?; 7472.24houraaday. - At

IStolen from my olllca-Sat.'

s i s r ' s i . r . i . m f e ' i ' S

THANKS TO ACTDF YOU: Qua•Frank Idaho Equipment & aub;Salvaoo Co., Roy th e Aaia iwa Markot. and Carol & Bud, tor refrescuing etrandod travelers, j r Yout to lp . made our boxChrtstmae . bMutlfuIl quhMarilyn, Leo, Maria and -yjeDancer. tyg

^ Selected offBts ' ■

” oo7-j^m lM 8t ™ ' 'AGQBESSn/E unlseiTaalon -now.ia>anC^ipp]lcaUons-lor- „

- atyllat & tooh position. Part-. time-&"(ulMlme avalloble;

jauaianlaod.-;waaes.- paid vacation, advance training..

-C a ll8 h ^ 7 3 » 4 7 S 9 r^ — r r - f

■Join th*0 * ^ f M ^ 0 Ml aiaH at tho now Hair Trend Salon. ' at Uie New Magic Valley Klill. FulMlme & part-time- lyllets noodod. ^

“Seneflt8.'calfRonee"e°W' “-BMsr-------------:--------------

" 007-jQ l?aol>ntBfe»t ^ '

E N C E ^ ^ -


moftlvoyoaracomblnod •

jKcellont trlngo bonotlts. d eond a rosumo to Box- - — .O. Box 548. Twin Falls.

M ry 2 ,1 0 8 7 Tlmefr4<ew s;TT

_ QQ3

i i n d e x j ^ ^s s s s s i r - '

■ ' -f^FNEi

s i s r - ' - K '

s s k s ^ . - K p a■; ourran


arT .r..!**.'.",?** and nol u m n itAm , . f ^ , t l

E i■ asr***.!??-. .tionac

IS. 1961- . - i s i s s r '^ '* * ^ " . . . . FuiHiiT

a e il- tr-iMHMtM can w(

- 12SSS Excelle

n a ,»ICtlATK>KAI. The J. I I s. :cesaln

............... .Idaho, —

''■nowMiMUkM Soecla

" i s S S r - - - «i a s s y a x - : Celtic

^ ^ Q U o n v i ^ _

.....: •* Wo'i S I S o C s i r ^ compLIMAMlMtM - - - • Exp

' •}5S2r££2£;-^------ -motorwfwi iMisIu - pneuirlJivS!i eysten

i r t J S r S e • MusiMA«>M.*Mk- . . terpar)

"unlci endwr

£ i! -£ S r 'Ablllland tir

ISKS:SS“ , ■ l ' «iriAvMDMiM' ~nu 1 nia

■■■ .............. > * Abi;i• respor

B C T - is k A e d ln te re i t - ^ ^ r r^ r ro:----------^ • Abler a / f e0 . Call 805^7-6000 Ext. QualUl ■10467 lor .current fedaral-tubmliIt.- ■ __________L— Mdencileed a few-oood people to P |R ^ Kvlce cualorners, - take' J-R-SI •der«~4-de!lver.” Fuiler- aox 13 rush.c0lleet-43S.07W.'-— — Burley imMlate opening for a " t " ' ’N at progressive. aWlJed'jfalng-homer6elain»«to^ThB-J; Ible w/excelleni benetlls. cesatn 111 Oirectrorot«NuralnB-lot—Idaho, lervlflw.423-5591. liona

i l S w EEEDED night RN. InquireI 640 Flier Ave West. Twin . °wn.ILa,73 5 ..— ______ „m p”erson wlU) Home Health • worrovldor number to help ventoiart-tlme with cara ' and * Mui »covery-.oi.lamala.accldent-t«rpeiIctim. Call 734-4740. . rmi^c

h o M ,-W fljl^ 5 o /loL teSLprafB i

i i M 'l L e f f i S c f t L h i p l i ^ ^end resu m e an iriS lary ro^euB m lulremenis to'P.O. Box9g7. fld ^ c

e g ia to r^ Nurae, afteT oon ahllt. tt,25 /h r baae. onuc t Director ol Nuralng.^ Acroe C«e Center, ^

he J.R. SImpiot Food Pro- Bsslng-Plank at Haybum.-.rioDcs

r ' V r ' M K ^ T i S iystema ■ AnalyiL Appll- perien inis should M sa e s s . th e f^ o rd tltowlng Quallficallone: u o /

Aasoclate deg ree ' o r Ighar— In- —alactronlca, - r w w - :ionco- technology o r - Hated field or equivalent P “ | . ork experience. IJ ," '!;

£Knowledga o l poU to pro- BSBing proceduree ' andhi.TnlMl.Eioi. J ™ '•Must possQsa strong .In-. irpersonal-ekllla and-com- lunlcation skills, bom oral ndwritten.. . -•'Ablllly-lo..worlt.wim air rocesa control data and lat>_ § " ^ ^ 1

AbilllV to make doclslone, jspond. quickly . . to mergencles and ro work

| | |fM n d jJ i^ in g to V

luallllod oppllcants may w / ^ ubmlt's rosumo In-con- cioanldanceto: ‘ ’ ........ 'MustERSONNELMANAGER Morf.;.R.Simplot.............. week(«xl30 . oxperiluiloy, Idaho S331S' Send/e are an Equal OpfiortunI- 6707, \ ^EmDloyerM/F/H/V. '";--..jdaho


____. C h a r g e ' y o u r c i ^ l f l ^

M a s te r C a r d o r V IS A b y p P a y a c c o u n t s , .o r d e r ne o r p u r c h a s e s u b s c r ip tions

1 7 3 m. The TIMES-

i ; T r : ! n F a i l i , l d ^ C ^ : -

tt.007b d s ix K W i n M ; -1

pandecflood and nutlttton - .....

ooomCst. U ntversl^ of Iho. Pocatello. Salary d e - ! nds upon eduoatton and<- j je r ie ^ a . ' ' Mlnlra^m^ re-'

S S 'i s s S f•mation' and appMcrtiori.

n accepted until January^ .- 1S67.AA/EEO. . v

iH lm a-.po jItlon .-.naedai-.,,,.-- i(. motivated parson wno< n wofX.well with o th e rs . ' eelleni office a n d ^ l n q . , Bt8''a-.-ntust,-'lftoaa'- noi*

3S....Twln ..Fatla..-..W ahat____

le J.R . SImpiot Food pror' isslng Plant al.Hayt>um,‘ . aho. i s acceptlno «Ppllca-- - - ma tor a S y a l a m a .S ^ a ----------

ioul4 -po»8a8a..tha. lollow-: aquallllcaU ona;.." :> ' Associate d a g rw and/or,'> irtillcatalnelactronlca.Knowledge In aolkl s ta te . i QHetrmtofOtwoeasaora-or^-------

Working knoWI«»ga. o f!imputera. • - *Experience <n .S -phnae

otor pow srreoniroi wirtno;. leumatlc and-'hydraulto-' 's tem s. ..• . -

Must poaaasa good echsnlcalap titude;■ - _Must p o ssess strong In^ rparsonal skills JM j com>« unlcatlon sknia, both orah itfwrltlan.— : - . - -t- — - lability to compile accuraieT Id timely data and to wrlte> quiredtochnlcaJ reports. --' Working knowledge oQ

oces'sino' equipment.^ alntansncs-ancTaanltatfon' ocedures. . ' 'IAbility to make declslons»t spond q u lc k l/ to; '

A b ira n d ^ l o g . t o wortC'. lyshilt.

jalllled appllcantfl m a y r " ^ibm lt-a r*sum *-ln- c o iw ------- -lenceto :5RSONNELMANAOBR'.'-------------

.......jn e y ,ldaho«33 i8 -_ -------Z ......w.

i ; B o y „ g . s r r * “"''^ ;■ie -J :f tr« fm p « rF o o ff^ o = = '^ jsstng Plant a t Heybum,-' aho, la accaptlnq appH ca.j— —

jreperson. Appllcanta*lou ld-posseaa the.-loliow-;;--------Q qualllicatlorta: , . . Knowledgeable In all tools* - Id supplies required In the* -~ ipalr ol potato p rocesslno , ■achlnery.

Woridng know ledga ol* jmpirters . . - • • ‘ \ Working knowledge of ln-> sntorv control. ;•Must p o sse ss strong lo-"

jrpersonal— -^ <un3callot> sMlla, ,t»Ui..Qfat^ , '...

ra*fB O T ^*— -y,-— '— luallfled applicantB mav'I •

donee to: .

.R .SIm pk}|' - ■ v _0X130 . - - ^urley.ldtho833lS .'e are an Equal OpportunI* > - ; EmDloverM/F/H?V. .

Tjck drivere n e e d e d .n 8 & —., ontha over-then-oad

w s« e d t-5 5 ? B k -7 •iM n lle teo lo 'm e. Only e x -- ' ■ - jrieneed wfverKiable-'«ord i» e d apply:, BOX P- .l I. 0 /0 Times News. P.0,,^.« ox-MS. Twin Falls.. kJaho •*aoa. ' ■ T------------------ -------ne Vernon Company, a ■ adlnp firm In apedatty j Jvertlslno. has an opening .4 Ith establlahfld accounts »I sell quality advaftlslng . lie s promotion products.. , iveat only'In yourself and-> sur car to enjoy a line" : . . uslness; High com m iaion;: . Ite, local-ftraining, ex-.,> sllont Insurance & raUre-v‘ lont. Send rosum e to: Fritz lundy, S13 W est. ' Oakitrtef.-Sulte-ArVlsalla.-CAr '......«fl1.(?09>e27^277. ou'll t)0 pleasantly aur-- rlsed a i how eaay ft la to-* lace a .c la ssliied ad> The .: oat Is tow .. .- .Jh ft .f8ftu lls_ — ro high. That'a classlllod.’ : .. h o n e m ^ . 'fANTED: Family Assistant.-,: loaning and nanny duties. lust nave Iransportatlon.,.., lorf.L ihru Frl., so m e - aekends. W agea based oiv- xperlence and quality, ond rosumo to Rt.#3. Box. . r07, Woodridge. Twin Falls, laho63301.

■■ ■■ ■


f l ^ ~ ’a d t o y o u r3/ p h o n o . ' •.................

n e w a d v e r t l s l n a , .


^ ................................. ^

Page 14: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

R ^t^: '^'MSm^*'"lff Twiff I

h h k

-i ’

1, t New,.iI

i' '[ ^ ^ ^ 5 d ii l ie rw r^~*^r«l*y with logsl eipe

i ■ W * ; R M um o'to P.O. B ■ ^ _ t - ^ p ^ i n F i i i a j D j a W ;,

, IWNTCT: Molohmald. Su

;. ■ . ^ ^ : • f S i l u l • ^ Fu8#y, Quic ■• ■• . - t fcanaib lB /a ilB ft. 35M44

^ f ® n ie5*ov5 rfiie rro5d tru i 3 y « * ^ -

r j . ' i f t n i*brft flltbaflence. CI0

— c*ii

y; -

i f f l (A S '..OlL COMPAI : ' 'S o d s mature, perton.. I

: I : W l#. - Cont«M eujlomei ' < ■ ^ in iL n . WflisT'M. oiciii

t M n i Prea., Soulhwsale g ^ e u m . ^ t o x B61DQ5..I

. . Yoar.citimnay cIm' Q V -195,-Inaerts,pulled

T - p ^ l a‘ i ‘ Sifcfiy.ttresetvlesj ■

• ' A l PEEP ^ I d can), dlvldi • . 5J4»»89. licensed, 2W&U

- . y tp - ln a waleomo; 733-809

.7 jfiSie.-PrafeMnfanla. Mo 1 am tofl Dm. 73<-12t9.I S ^ l n g experlencQd ctil

? “ F S 5 = B a l i y « i l i » r t r —

'~ tB (ce|Iom Inlant and chi 3 v e . BrsaMaal, lunch,

f ______jt i i o r T L c c i i i t e ^ M .

^ 7 ^ ^ ^ '0 1 p i o p g W a 5 5 <

I Z p s i.-3i7rBu8lnes8,Opptys. .

; ^ ieU Y IN Q O RSE U JN QI’ ' t c * - ABU3INESS7..

’ ' ' 5 ^ * B 0 l M 0 t ° c ? 3 i S f f

'''■. , ^ ^ I N ^ B R O K ^ I ^: j .. K ao p e n d o n t .(eataurant

; 1 aCEREALTY*7ffgy7_

~ i F * ~ ^ W n c o m o P f ^ r t ^

:- - ^~^8siN£SS-u!^0nY-M A ' ^ M d Inyealment. bicelU

;. } f f i ln b o w Haaltv 733-2W>.‘ j w e lo trir court for m!« 01

& * .«c f8« . 10 spacea no 1 S ^ m to double.-clty ae«

, . - a W a le f . a2M739.

, i-_ § I fc M o n 0 y T o U > a n

I t r Buy.Seil&Brolcer ~ i_@ 9?L E sw o_C om raclJj<1 '

:------ iffiaQoa & Oeoda ol Tivst:discount. Yleida 0112^

I W0%. Or will aaalat you

t i i 5 i



Placed iindorllio h yourciioicor

. Your ad will roac famlllas ovorydSy raaulia'will amazo today and onb ol 0

• ' - ly Ad*Vl90ffl wlll-i----- w ordr.yoursd 'so’tl

bo most olloctlvo 1 you tho rosulta

, -.loolilnaJor..............

l i , . L i ; : i : 7 3 3 - o ^ ;

^ " ^ a b lo A u to R i 727 2nd Avo.

TwIrtFalls.ldae ' Tuno ups labor, $

sxtra. Oir XhanQ' i \ ( K \ \ and nior

— Qonofttl— a u to -^ omorgency aonrlco

— wold(ft0rCall733-21J

------- * - « — Romodoling, repair' ' S m Ing. Froe osllmatoa

-------- f—«2-:--© itporlonco. Phil, *2~— r . - ' ? « ■- Carponlfy&Conaii

• ! ^ *ypo9 romodell ' a reasonable roatoE

i : . ; . ! « ■ ■ ■ ■

fjff Fa ll» ,kli^}> Frl|l«y .Janu i

Be. I q w p e r l i n e

^ s , ^ o n i y ^ 3 ^ ^ I

■■ 0Z3-lnvMtmont

tnjat. mortgaoes. partial, ■■•(■'l;'—nu— tu iiiiiitwlotw:— Thi S i7 i ■ moans WORE MONEY f< -=117 you! Sorry no loana mad( I IfWk (collect) 208-734-038 fw o n l-iiiiro p o lltan .Financial Se c'M n •vJcea,^.o .-6ox-2M 0. Twi

Fafla, ID 83303-2040.

^ r - o a ^ u s l c U w o n s

i r o . S S S p S MTTwm-------------------im era..

f f i n ' 3 Real estate .B ..FL t r ..............— .,,

029-OpenHouM « ’

- . OPEN HOUSE Jan . 3 i --------- 12-5 pm. 343 Monroo, TICiM fr 1.078 aq II. 2 .IxJrm. ilvin led & foom •►'•den, new kllche |fO«. 6 -and balh. Outside, need ^ ^ - • ’ -P«lhl, Inaldo real nlc( 2w- lM ,7i0. BY OWNER-AII 0 '■ teraconaldered.

i L _ W -H o.m gaForSate '

Attracllvo brick home al 7! « w / ’ Northvlew Or. A bdrm,-

battia, Irg tmly-fm •mil frpic

i i — will negollate. Bv appoli

----- . THE MARKET-rr= lM M A C U liffi_ ^-T ritrt 'F o r-y o u r-M a l- homo. - 0

rollrement home, aharp ^ bdrm. 1 3/4 balh. Tus

!2i-~ -u in (ad -lna lde 'and .ou toN « i ■T v»>w rpat-in-pan-ot.tfie.hom e nt9d host pum p,.and eaay car — alunjinum aiding. Immodlal .ipert- po8je93lon,J28.0M.

BY OWNER Compleiei . .-..rem odBlw J..all«loc,fbdm

7 - ^ pallo de«h. oak bathroon

Sm • BY OWNER Brick home c toncod double lot; 6 bdrm

R3 ' 3 baltia, oil heat, au 8prlnklof,iols ol cloaela

J " * . bullt-lndrawers.J69,800.4 Plen;o.733-79_50.. _ '

ERMSi. o n ^ fo v o i 'i M m a ? ^ batf beautiful oak kllchon. 4 c garage w /aloraos. Own

y-; -. - -wirrnnaT[ce7y3^rO^.~~~~~

= = ^ D £ S P E R A T & 0 WN6 R •M at. will take a loaa on thfa : 8llonfrbedfoomB,"-2 " 'b a tn -ra m

style home o n . 1 full, aci n . localod In beaulllul Rl '9 on 4 ' View Eatales. We aro a

now. ceptlno bids in the .hic aewor JM'*. Drive out, take a lo<.......... and make us art olIer.-C{

-Cindy Houser to soe. #45

^ “gem'state* ~ R M T Y . "MS 7344MD0opor. ORTO aFREE*'4-20M. 1-80(M 32-4^exte08

m m mkN ID ID llI

iriSE “ .IR ' ----- PITRUN OR>E C {A W lo p » o ^ ,b |


io hoadlng o f ------------ ^arklny -lot

Crane & Rigreach 22,000 ]ay and Itio120 you. Coll H H V rol our ^ ^ B I 3rill-help y o u - -lo-that Ifwlll------------ :— —

' -EFSRDH__________: . _____ compioie,,!

• - - *doofc!oantf

S k i z g g ao R o ^ l r ____d a & ' d e c k s , len

lilor extra.i-r-repa ifs ,---------------- -~ M b —yIco. Irans. 7 i f -1-2127.-..........—

;>air & palnl------- ‘itoa. iS yrs. . w m f k S ,4 2 3 -4 3 ^ ,- ...................

insirucllondeling plus ■atoB. Call ' l A I


nutfyiB,’ <987 W-—

f f e f a ^ e a j

le rate. Comi per line. Cai

aaO-HomMForSM «'

All electric 3 -bednjom ,'' woodslovo, garage. Closing

. ! ! ' M im S om lid - «nn ««UM, I f w ’ vanity (or her. 3 balh. i

firoplacoa;. N ew ’ carpet. • drapes and.bilnde, Electric h e a f . pump, • .aprfnklinn- . 8y8tom.-_:ABWmabHJ; loan. Jo b tranafer. Call 733-

.......... 6747Qr734-1220. ;!—— "Jor^eaW eHaul"'S tu- iwiiimovoyoufor.less H ? - than rontlnH a tr^ck.. ,

LOW^DOWNI 3 bdrm. wl garage & patio, fenced yard.. and lahdacapino, iocaled In •

— KlmbBnv.Call4?i^741.- ; M ust' aelll Lovow newer | homo In qulerN E Twin Falla.

____ neighborhood. 4 bdrm, 3 |i 4, bains, now .ahoo. many e x -• I TF. iras. .includino adjoining W

Iving X 135- lot. Bolh/JM.OOO. No ;hen Satcall8pleasBi734-«722. _ : | 8»ds New. 'apacious. h toh 'i nice, energy, 3 bdrm, $59,500. , l.o t- ACgffgALTY733-5217. . |

" - • ,i . OWNER MUST - ; g ;,,; , SACRIFICE . , .j

I 'J t? H 0 M ^E 'Jw » h "rib ^ ^^ 2 W ;balhs, ' family ' •roortT. | flreplaco, & evorylhlng else .

------ Immagineablo. 3 car-heated .— nar8oo-and»ahop.-Urge-iot ■;

-with sprinkling ayalom. Fan- ; Taatlo V low rF fiR QUICK

-^ '- iU L E -O n ly W9;600. H u f r y l - •


Hale ---------------------- ----------Trade 3 bdrm. 2 balh; 9 yr old, In Twin lor comparable

------ .-home In Bolae.-734-22«,— —140 Austin, 3 bdrm, *22,000. *660 down and*ii66 per month. Call 7 3 M 1 4 5 B .- -^ -

.214 $1500 CASH OUT You can i77. own this, beaulllul 3 bdrm, 2

'w/wUk^n** IM n V S '^ ^ 'W '^

Q a n sprinklers, dbl gar. Approx.l400 sq It. w/all now

— r wallpaper & Iroahly painted

Jl.i?, 2 bdrm, 12fl Ramaoe. 1 M r IJO.SOO.-J&OO flown and JlM : )w“ r perm onlh. Call733-04M.

h ^ 3 bdrm tiomo on S acro^ •anch- will-trade equliy for motor acre ^ ttPmo. Phono 324-3498.Rim • .

C O I^u to tT o w n

‘ A newer while brick homo : ^ ^ '- w l i n 3 bdrm rZ-batha.-heal.

pomp, 2 car garage, lanced ' yard, sprinklers and much

>r> ' more. '/* mile (rom Paul.P ■> C all436-4160a lle r4 pm.

.. Ownarl — -Hagarman- Valley. '124' Snake River Ironlago and 2000 atj It

' homo. C urren t' appraisal ; «9.000. « ml W. of Qfldiey

8 BrIdoo. 1-208-680-2922.


S Q B D Q H I ^ K l 9 3 9 a ^ ^ H l -

OR crushed graTOl.- - -S fS T ? . backhoo. call 734-« 9 " a b u e . . , . a " ;

d for drlvowaya.-lotS rota .-Y ou can 0 . 6all Northweat- Rlgglng.733-1234. H B


5-MS^ECPER5“'o _ ,In d .0 5 L -0 n d _ o u tj_ __ caI1326jnlng............................ .. ■

734^930 , ................

. W ilencos 4 allhom p & ffoo o:iprovoments. Freo _ j im iB.Wa»l0V734-T1£a. ■■■ \

J _____ ;.f.9mQy— ^ ------------:— r McBth

r n E n F fnmercial or ] all now 733-

C JI-O utofT ow i

m. ■ Cuatom built; 7100 aq. ft.*; ng split level on rhrer In <

-M german. Immedlat* sa le ; 3. w an te^ C an ‘Je ris6n R M l ty r ' fjT S37-611B.e r balaio aaie: amaii i i s a n ^ n " " IB, Burley. P rtc td » 8«I1I 733-,-

i 1128.orevea.733-4832. , " , 51. '

only ^ 5 M ^ b o y a ? S i f m . 1;— -bath-hom er freshly-painted-'

. & ready to move into. All on■ 1,33 acrea of . fenced

paature. Call Jhn 543-5604. .___!_5arketfl»eitotB543.43M.‘— -

rt..033^K lm bflf1fH an8fln -

FRANK- LLOYD WRIGHT 7 : type luxury, <400 bq ft rocK - 11. .and wood InBlde .and ou t;.

1 uRrft-rnodern home w ith .. viaW on 2V4 sK luded a c « a .

M Srieray ■ o/ficJcnt, low Ti m alnrenanco.-archltectunJ-'

-ly 'd esigned , 10-ellm lnate

scape, cloas to school and —, buBlnoas, - More acreage

avaUable. Call 4234934.

’ '034-Jerom dHofii68

Great Buyl Save m o n e y "^ dealing u lo r n m . new

unfinish^^" 5 Dd.324-3Qa50f3SM781; .« 1s t time ofleredi vic- S TORIAN- ERA- ARCH lot 'Jerom e's la t .D o c to rs Z hdmerfW 8.'lola|ly;roalorod,-l 'M 3200 sq ft., new auto sprink J

_ 9ya;. Qar., a h o p ,3 b d rm j ,3 ^ batha, bamt apt..' don.-

y J59.895.313 East A. 324-2834,

"ja -A creaw tlouIVi acre building site '|n

"Z rural aubdlvislon aoulh. of'.jfa Twin Falla. 733-5103/6757..— Mobile homg lo.ta. 'A duU 4 M family subdivision. City T.F.

u tim ie a .te rm a .7 3 tjw . ^ -P r lm e - f lv e r front p ro p erty . J n Hagerman -v a i i r f r Ju s t , 2 u n d e r 4 acres . Sell all or ac, part. 352-4413 cvea & Wknda, ip V 5,2fi acres. 2 bd(m': older irk-.-home with w e ll,-J i out* ulo buildings. J35.000. 10% ox. down owner will carry tho lOw ba lance,» North, ISO Westitod Jerom e. 324-2171, ___ly^IT T -ftC R E S -wltrT toW g-to r DO, aalo by ■'.■owner -S ta lq -

HlQhwavfa/25.-324-a67e.- • _ 50-x 12S‘ lot. mpbllo home lO O -Q K ^JiaajldoiJlD usO jJflM -por cash. 313. West Ave. 'FT

■ Jerom e, 324-B733/324-7e48L_ OS, W500 for35 acro:homoalte, ilor 12 miles from Twin Falls.


_ 043-Vacalion Property

M l Elkhorn al Sun Vfilioy” •o d 'b d rm '+ lo lu N o down pay- ich ment jusl lake over loan of I II *ai.S0bom788-<375.

w r O 4 5 ^ 1 e H O T 0 i .. - ~

Isal BANK^’ REPO, 19^ loy Tarriarack. 14x84'. Idaho

Bank & Trust Co.. 734-6000.

IIDIE IW r ■ ' %

_________________ - I


- iK 'S PAINTINQ. 30 years ■I. Rosldonlial. comm, In- . * or/exlorlor.rof. 734-7310.' |


Tack HarChlmnoy Sw eep I

Frooglllwllhvlsil ■Call324-4031. • . .. ■

Imnoy cleaning and log - lining. For froe osllmaloa B 132W929bo(oro6p.m._-— , g

' ' -■ a j j j M i j , i u i B M ~ ~ a ^

ee & shrubbery trimming. | 10 oslimatos. In su red ., » J lm 'a jreo C if». gQfl K <hfiih tnppinn A' Jmoval. Ifca .e a t, - Jo h n ------K.,cBcklO. 73^0339.734-4385/ g

------------------- , • ’

a- T T ■ ■ - - 1

ADVERTISE'-------- |.YOUR........ ........ a

SERVICE SPECIALTY ■. INIHISDIflECTORY 4corf untfor (ftp hoad/nffo/ ’ irctiolcol a .

7 3 3 ^ ■ ■ .---------------- JJ. ■ - a

, ' a

r n m m m m d

I t tprivate part

^ 0 j 5 2 6 ; . ; , g :

. ' — ■ .----- ;-----

- OisUloJj^Homw-^J .; :V: ■ 24 X e^dbi wider3”b ^ » ^ ^ I batha, fireplace & appla. | I .$1000 down, take over'pmta *

■ POR T• - w /flripf; l=ormal .d ln ln g f in .'1 ' U lchan, 3 bdrms. 2 baths, f

• A/C. deck, carport S * Btorage,' 22 Countryside i

'-V illage.- IMlll -consider .R -E ; I

I l e n Hlllcroat z i x K mobile

I 1

• ttonal. stove. • frlo.. and t . . cooler. «000. Call 3524339. (■ M U ST -6E L tr L ik e -n e« •2 . ‘••bdrm ,laroekH chen, 1984,14 ,i

X 70 Nashuo. in H ansen, can ' j > ba moved. 4234884 a f l e r l _ I■ O U R'L 0li§...Y0U R GAINI I REOUCED tSOOO. Br owMfi-■ aehlng for , buslnesa i ' roasona. very - nlco 28x68 r■ • doublewlde. 3 e * tra - -lr a " ( ;• bdrms. 2 balhs. -aoparale . ' shower, roman lub, formal i '. dining rm, aoparalo family & f• living rms. creal alorage •] ■- ' ood ourning-atove • t

& llrpiaco. como soo , i'll love III Sacrifice, 5

; t2 5 .fa . For appl. 7344505. ' [,I •'S ftopuaCe/oroyoufiuy. r

------ 322-7871,-4901Chinden-------J: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK J , 1971 Fleetvrood. 12x50, (ur- «P nl8hed.-2 bdrm,-1-bath. noal

& clean, good area. i2595. • Skvlane Park. 733-2511: ■ |

,- 1973- Concord; -1 4 -x - 6 6 ,- 2 - i bdrms. Ig 'ro^m s; atiachod ,

. porch, w asher, .oaa range s ; rpfrlfl Included .tip ,2 0 0 .^ 80 ^

1 1B74 Icadem y 14x70. extra \ f . nlco. 2 . bedroom.. 1. .bath.. largo kitchen, china cup- i board. Call Sylvia for m oro.. irifom atlosr

Rainbow Realty 733-2273. \ L '24.x 60 double wide mobile,.; it home on (oundalion-with If well. Lola ol pasture. 2

.shares ol water rights. • ;; fenced, in Jerom e. S2S,000 l ' Mill consider, nfco older :1 travel.irollor oa partial p a y ! J m o n l,X a ll324^ 0 . ^ : 1, •17 14.x 56 Ne9sau.,2. b d ra . v ' In g o o d do fid .jeooo /bbs to r- ':

- fnr. R?3-A571altotij .m .^ . ^ > - S _ i l x . . 4 5 : house-ira ller. 2'2 .-jdrma, oao olovo &'lurnaco;“ ~ UW0.Car934-5955.--------------

I : ' - ......::v— 'r ^ H i^ r i t a i i f I»! '

. 050-Fum jshed H o u s e s '

- KAIZEN Nice 2 bdrm MH, •* furnlahod.' carpeted. 423- !

'■ S104or423-S138. '• ’* Hazeiio5:> 'TJarm r siovo,- |

l r ld g .^ p la e o , elect, heat, ■“ carport. 423-5104.__________ .— 6M ttL-^6TUD IO.-’ -8 p p ls .- ,

2 2 bdrm. largo yard, oarage. .0 W/D, Ireshly palnled. conv.

local, 354 3rd Avo W„ J245 * 'Illll»' AllflrSnm7W-fl62t.

I 051-Un(um. Houses

A clearr^2--bdrm .--6 loW ~ ' - ro l tlg .n o pels, 628 4th-Ave.

. N..a2M.7i«621. ____ ,A cute & cozy - hofne, 2 bdm .t'iflreplaco. aarage, □ood .,-tiDlonjorhooo.._fult '

• Basament. J315 + dep. No oela. Call 733-5408. ■

...A nICQ3bdrm ,2bath, stove, .fridge, llroplace.-;bsmont,~

I —Ask about-m onthly rent

I rebates.' 1 & 2 pdrma. $180- -’3240. Yd care provided. Dep. .

! ^y~Ownor!^ rent. Im s o . buy1 opiio'n. $21,500 wllh $500:-■ down*’ • $190 • per month.

Kolllsier.. across . fromI -HolllSlor ochooljj^bdrm all

_o ioctrlc. Call r»292Q or I 734-2773r__________________■ ChannlftO 8 bodroom In■ Joromo. Country wallpaper■ wllh mlnl-bllnda. oxcoiient-

locallon. S3?^5/mo. Call 324- : . .7352or3r f 2 ^ .

_ Clean 2 bdrm upstalra apt,,. I ranoo. .frldQo, all ulllttios '

II 'Clean, nice, 3 bedroom' ■_Lhom o_noar_.tow n._Ptione-I r o m s i z e y m ____________i “ c ie 8 n ~ T ” D drm '~ nom !n ir"I —H ftn se n ^ a in » u U t« d ;.a a r .-

I tial lurfilahed; Carpeled; lots ol -alorage spaco; nlco

" vard. No pels. Refs ro- I qulred. Call 829*5713. ■

l . ' ! e d ^ a r d ! _ . new c a r ^ l I drapoa. $275. 734-7395.? Clean, amaii 3 bdrm. now I -a p p ls .— 7 4 0 - Blue— lakes, >- . $So/m onth + $200/deposlt.I M.->-6417orl-345.5079.-----------I . Cozy 1 bdrm houao. refrlg,! carpat, 820 Blue Uko8o$l60 I *d flo . Call 5 3 7 ^ collect.I Encepllonallv clean 2 bdrm '


For rent or aalo, 2 bdrm I homo w/wood elova on 2% - - • fenced acres. 8W .-of I Jnrom e.$325 mo. 734-0517. - f ^ o r re n lr 1 -b d r m - h o u * o - tn - -


1^ f^ lM B E R L Y i liko’"ne'w "^r', bedroom 4-plax, unfum lsh-.

I od. no pots. $250 plus d»-[ : posit. Call 7334952. .

p f c i ^ c f a n

r^-Fre*htrp*inted,- 2 .bdrrn;^ 4 bath. I l H n d W.v Hanarni. n

; Unflhaip Dr. $415. Waatem - i APoralaalCo.-733-1473.’ ' ' A• IN KIMBERLY- 3 - b d m t- 2 . "

J S4»65a3after2 o tn . ^ .»

I /ow^ ? * 4 M r S j ^ '^ b a t h , 1 woodatove, 2 acres , horaea b

\ ok. Vacant, move right In. C — osiry flg [r32< = 7i6sr*— ~ rt• JEROME 2 bdrm,' stove. • " < slorage ehod; 5170 $100 £ . dop.ft4 .7360after6. I I Jerom e, lovely 2'bdrm wllh •t new-kllchen.-form al d in in g -“ > room.,office, fireplace and

i s; - " Jones We H io r . P I I will move you for loss ihsn. H ' renllng a . . . truck. .. Free :n f o s t l m a l ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I

i Largo d ry h o m e . l ^ . C I ' 1^I ■ Lease lo buy or., rent. Cute ' R

• older, 2 bdrm hom e, clean, s ’ froahly painted. Good- u• nelQhborhood.Call733«90- l« ' Newer 3 bdrm, 2 bath, T — lownhousg -ap tg -w lth ^ n g er-* '■■dlshwasfrer,' •------ garbaoa T

disposal fenced back yard, a double 'c i r - g a r a g o r w r y - l

•• nice a nd 'm ooern . $500 -t- v : $200 cleaning dep . 734-7421 h1 b o n :3 0 and 5:00 pm .-M on-u -. thru Fri aak lor Mickee or . Leonard. _________ l ih ^ lT O 7T:2; - - b d fm — .'hom «.-« ' rolorencos,- p re fe r couple, p ; no pels. Call 73M138. 5• Onw 3 bdrm. avallabiB now.- 1

• ^ ftth s '^ r e n t Call * 324-3430 e ‘ aller5;30. ' ' - 2 :--Ront/lcase-option o r sell. 3- - j , bdrm. IK bath, fireplace, c *- Iocated-"on . ahort,-:- iaulol " h

street In Buhl:.543-6523, - <: SmalM 'bdrm house , conve* f^ -n le n t locallona $165 + dep. •?] N oceis,C all7^-8511. . j.. Small 3 -bedroom . Mom- c 0 Ingaldo school disL $276-fr $50 ' “■ •

Im all 2 bdrm houao, $150 -f '

.^TwlnF.AlIaJ)caQU}nialyaIuBL_;-.2 'Sbdrm a.2bllhs,$270.. ~ ACE B E A 1.T Y -A <?ir .

• Unique houae. Ideal for •. couple. $185 p e r mo, lease If

L ^ « r n . r t . - rfBO- required.- •• credit .for ‘maintenance.

— MUST- ha v e lufs:— Simd—response to Box 1-82,‘ c / o ' '

' Times Nows. P.O. Box 548. .

. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, wllh kilchon. ; r .appllancos. . loncod- yard, - L double car garage, no pets. .

, ™ » 7 , i I’• Eve’s and w konds.-Joan ‘ '■ 733-9633._________________- 1 bdrm. wllh shed on 5

acrBS."10 mlles-NW 'ol B u m -;'• on hwv 30. Call 733-6002.- 1 bdrm. $150 per mo, waior , ;• tald ,.Call 734-8371, , 5 2 bdrm. 1% balh, ;

fownhouso/condo for » n l j In Joromo. $195. Call 324- 1

- 7352 or 324-6443.___________ ,2 bdrm In Jorom e. wllh 1rotrlg. stovo, w asher' & 1

i ' - rvorrionced yard. $275-+— j 160 dep. 10a N .» I

• isenhower, 324-8078. 12 bdrm.. 2 balh home. I t 250rmonlh. plua depoalt, 1 li 51 2nd Avo. Wosl. Call 1 0 733^)998 or 734-6333, 1

2 bdrms, appte.._, fenced). yard. 420 Marlin. TF. $275 + 1t ~ dap.-32e4504allor6om.----------1*■ 2 bdrm house In Twltt Falls '' lor renti $185 a mo. + dep, 1

Jl Call 324-3514 a llerfi pm. . ^>- 2 bdmi house, oloclrlc heat, '). .well Insulated, .water paid,. ;_ $250.734-6371. '________y 2 bdrm, near college, large - 'lOl^ot. 290 Robins Avo. $2w. !1. Phono 324-7602. ;

1 bdrm with llroplaco and''' garage; cozy and neat, no .

dons. $100 dep. 734-5216. '- 2 bdrm house In counlry.

close in. $200 + dep. No , nn U .C a l l J lM m

(I 2 bedroom home, all elec* : iric, acme appliances. $165

— •i-dep.-Calr iS t o a ? . ------.2 bdrm small 3rd. 3 balh all .

im n& Steel,b()t8-5w kdys.„ 3- bdrm all olectric, excep*

llonallyn lcoacieanrcarpei.— :^arapo3._8lQvo_dlshK aaher... r y c k yd.

n 3 bdrrnT 2 balh house, In- y cludeds rolrig.,- stove.

dishwasher, washer &•• r -d ry B r . ..J375/monlh, Days, "L-y a a ^ ^ v n«, 733^ ,.

3 'bdrm house-In-country,— :- between-Buhl and Flier, all

cntpeled. 5434782 or 6583.5’ " a bdrm, rb alh ,-Ig -c 4 rp 6 lo d ~- - ilvlngrm. lg v^lndowa.-appla,—

^ 3 bdrm all brick duplex. 2 w balh. family room, & fenced

h { ^ S m a n a q e m e n t " '; ■ ^ 2 m lA ¥ e S ,~ T 3 M 7 3 9 ' ,V 4 bdrm, family rw m .'>' carousel fireplace.- base*- •rj0nt.-2 bath8,-M5O + 1200^ :n-(jop;-Call-Thre« M f^rgpemt-- JI.-Mnn. 734^ . d ays,. ^ ^ i :.4 bdrm hgrne ln^ c h o ic e '-3 -'neighborhood. 2 baths, fanv y. lly . room, fireplace, y Rorerencoa je g u i r e d . ,Oaii

. 3264852o r 42i « 77.

e f o

; fllSlTUrtiim .H« S w ; r ' ' '

'■ 4 . bdrm, bath, .evail m v.■ m .d ta teV ca]l73 i4 )2 ft4 ,__

■ C tll70*7M l . ■ . \

: C6^-Fum ;A pliDup^■;^^^^ i

' A-<lean 1- bdrm apt.^.';iur- I I . nlahed, water & unU aU m . I

!' a e a n f tu d te r« « /m o n th r +— '

. EXTRA NICE* Up8t«lr»-:1.I bdrm, apt., all appll«nc«s.. Qood a rea. $260fm o. fur*

l a S A K n e A U H g l ^

: . N lco,.large alodio a p L .,l J u - , utllillaa'Ind., $160;. 1 bdrm...-

. apt.. $160. Call 734-8464... 'N ic e basem ent a p t near

051;-$180 deposit, 1 —

I. ;N ica.lbdrntflpL .ln-TF_forl -7- ; m o . , n « . n o p o i . . C ! l ,

One - bedroom, newely PS . rernode]ed-ap t...N O J’ETa>_2, •••'Inquire 503 3rd Ave. EasL § i ' RoBppnsible' roommate to

share, mansion styled, lux*• ffi.'siirffisxr s:■ Two q u i e t 1 bdrm fum. r r

r 7 § M 4 8 7 o V ^ M M ! v ^, aanltallon fum. $140.. & 5 ~ $160/monlh-WtS0d e p -^ -;—

Very nice 1 bdrm apr. ya furn. No pels. Call 3264870 pr

i~ T jr3 2 ^ ^ a H a r5 p m .— •• - 1 nice clean sleeping room. '

. i)90. 2*sludlo apta. with _ i - j to v e and-rolrlg, all utlllllBB^w. , paid for both. 434 4th Ave.. nc, W.Call733-251_3_.___________ fiep _ l j U U i U 2 ^ ! J J w L N 0 ^ ^ 5 ^

l^ ex c ep t electricity. Call 733-T 2513or734-5518.' cc

i -IweekaJrW LrenlLW lnter J O i l, coming! Let us__pay y o u r_ i | 1 " h e a t , - w a te r ' & garbage; $1

Studio & 1- bdrm a p U w . Furn/unturn. 203 4th S t NO.. 1. -734^752-------- - ^. 9 kitchen & 2 duplex apta, cl- complete with cab le TV. la . -'.$40470 per w eek. 1201 ar- .Kimberly Road. 733-62S4. _

• :05M Jnfum .A pt8. ai ’ & Duplexes .

. . Quiet, Luxury . . & ? • l&2B»drOom-Ap*ftmant«'-2 f • Rent From $255 vv ........SenlorCllizenQlacount. . . t :

Lfiu n c L rA n K A r^ c T176 Maurice St. North - . j

- - -Apartmenla For Rent-^.^—}J|■ Sludio and 1 bedroom, from' =-

■$170. Including h e a t.-C a il- f ,V n3-i300or733-;717 ^

. APPLEWOOD f• 2 bdrm, -1V4 balh, oxcep- ‘

llonally nlce,^ M n ^ o ^ l | l 0 Jv

5 250 2nd Ave S, 733 )739 S■'■■'Clean 2“ "bd'rtn, *i5le*, *- carpeled .w/drapea, alove, .2 ' rolrlgerator, DW. oarbago Oi . disposal, ulil. rm, all elec., m , $260 4-$100 dot). 734-3243. -i Duplex avail, Feb. 1 .-1687,3 (• bdrm., don, 2 balh. fully _ . carpeted, lots of sto rage & N 1 closel space ,. WO, stove, wI relrlg, dishwasher, oleclrlc cl •—jioaL AC. jr lm o „ lp c a tlo n . r

: Exceptional 2 bdrmTTpw. p :, relrlg.. range. AC, private ^II ullllly room w/ W ID hook* f-i i- Close 10 schoola-8i -ahopp- ■; — Inar— CWldron— woioome.—®I Warm, friendly 8i qulot at- "

■ r

p" ■ - FREECABLE --------J

• ' m a W m ™ .i i k " I 'ia 's m i i; '' $265 ■¥ dep. Includes ap- a : pllances. water, sanitation & S'3 parking.. Laundry available. R a Wo ^ j ie l8 : '^ W W .^ 1 3 2 ^

’> JEROME 2 bdrm duplex, all 'd0 elec. appls, W/D fiookup .'d

; I5 lq 3 bdrm.-l225; 1 bdmi,. Ji =— $r55;--etudio,-$130.-Furn. cII flvHl. In Twin. Eves 326-5373.5 LYNWOOD MANOR i f J.bodroom .-elecrnc '-heal,--^

V. ... . •• A P A ^ ^ T S — — VI- «2 bfldroom ,2 baih • A. •AppllancefRirnrs'Koa y ih •Enclosed Park ing— / ^ , r it. »Elevator - &1 .security Syalem tr


■ - Jackpot. Nv. 702-785-2537 . Z i Near Harmon Park. n e w -t-O1 bdrm .api, washer & diver |r e hoQX-uD;teo.Call733-1TO. ' J _- • Nice . 2 bdrm . a l l - a i ecitler J2 duplex, - Carousel, R a n g e ,. .4 .'re lrlg ---A du lts ., p ra lo fro d ,- ,

d iy s rln Kimberly. Call 4 2 3 -y h 5lD9er 73»K 4..ex t.27B aak U O ^ fo rJu a n lta ^ x . - - __ t

_ - S R .C m 2 E N H 0 U a iN Q . _-6 e ' -Low - income . 'subaldy .R »- available. Very nice 1 bdmi ji I, apis In Rupert. Call.C Street • 11 Manor, 43W 763rnaw jnBr« S

toBBrvoyou.EHO. - g



'■ “J d o n 't k n o w 'b o w b ir b a r e f o o t In t h e s

-0 5 4 -U flh tfn .A ^ { »- & D u p ta e s ^ r ^ .

1 bedroom apartments for' e--c-i p e rso n a - 6 2 .and .older, o r - r , .” < handicapped, federally

a s r a i i m 3 ! " °Very clean carpeled studio, alove & frig, water pd, no

g ‘o“ker*aV“ fd"7*7."‘’" 066-

-VERYCOMFOmmE-a2 Jxfrm. 2 bam a partmenU, fcltchef^~'appls." & * pfWate"^^^^ yarda. No p e ls . Adulta | K preferred. $350 + dep.- T O-Aurora Capital, 75^2775“ ' ' .Eves.& w ksnds.Joan

733-9633 ‘ -------.Wastalde Court-JAvaiablo... m t. now, 1-bdrm apt. for quail- fled Senior or.handlcapped Band adults j e n t ; baled o n In- w » comeTCairw39<)i)..t:M_u._ hmk, 1 tl 2 bdrm apta. Rent ac- biad< cording lo.lhcome. Rancho 1987. Vtfd9 i ^ » , . i » ^ g H 0 _ ,,ane. .Ibdrm .dayllghlbsmntapt, *■ $165 + deposll.NOPETSl W /0 hook-up. Call734-8511r J » 1 .bedroom apartment In Boot Fllarfor-m atiire adults tn- £l!“!] eludes kitchen appliances, B laundry room,-yard care. 1888 and uiilllles. $ ^ m o n th .. loadi

733-9300_________ $15,91 bedroom, rolrlgerator, Calove & ell utlllllea furnish- • ____ed. $180 per monlh plua de- FOR DoslLCall733-l735. ■ ■ leavl

J U M f u u p l 8t.U il(ufnuaoj?CyS!accdrding to Income. C a a a ^ lE * Pel Prado 324-3464 £H0 LIKE

'2 fX b ed rD o m ,-ap p llan cesr-^ c l W asher/dryer hookup, jo|»h $260/285 monlhpluB depos— PJiet

-nrW ashlnaton-ParrTwn T ir -MOV

2 bdrm d i r ^ h carport, utlll- 7 2 ^

2 bdrm, W/D hookup, slove, fridge, dishwasher, dlspl, . carport. $275.733-6169, Con2 bdmi, appls. carport, » waler & 'aanlt., good loc,;$295.734 M aurlce .^2500 . Wan 2-.bdmi In TF. Both & Vi, paHo. carport, slorage. ap- pis. No pels. }?65 + _ d o p ._ 'y ^ - §264048073264258, [ack.2 bedroom, new carpel, 2 ^ ; drapes i palm. $225 'per ^ monlh. Call rai-1671.

OSS-RoommalesWanted UkoiNon'-drln"irer '.$140 "a '"mo.'. J® ' washer, dryer & utilllles In- cluded.Call734-S861. '

vO 57-M oblIeH om 0-'V .- - • - R e n ta ls -Comfy,-auper clean, newly mmcarpeted* aiorm wlndowa, ^ Iurnl8h0d,. .2 bdrma, HO 552

-------------- ---- drlvir^oblle homo lor rent wllh mon

_aomQ.uUllllos.-Lota.,ol..oxt_corTtras. $250 + $50 dep. 870 4ih „ AveW.TF.-Call733j5?e.1 aero S. Twin wllh modern

•3 bdrm,-2 ba th ,.14x70. Ap- pliancds lurnlshed, cooler, '.km Sprinkler- eyatem, shod,- & ^ moro. $275 per mo. 734-7213 ^ 12 X 6<; 2 bdrm, 1 balh, 35m

. atovo 8. Irldoe. -$1S5 + ' bod $lOO/dqppslt. A ylsne Park, angl Rhono7to4607. ' ' ' Boll

•V4 x60' 3 bdrm, 2 bathe, gaa H ea t.:- elove, rolrig.. Mln<

'dishw asher, washer and :w /n • dryer, no pels. $2 ^ + $175 & deo. skvlane Park. 7334607. J35fl2 bedroom mobile homo in

a r . ' s e . a j s s a n?" - BUI

FREE .RENT, la t MONTH tiPn- w i m 1-YEAR LEA8EI-1200 &------—t9w*-aq.—fl—olflca-iapacea A m iable, smaller units also- -

/avaliaBlorincludffrtmmKw;— 073. rolrlgerator air condlilonlng ___& -ianltor1al. Blue U k e s - /^ Noh frontage. ' • . sew

BamesRealw .. * — ,-733 22r : D7<

New Prolessional ollice, 785 -8o.-ft.-E*cloc. H 4.R .B lock^jT7r . 7gM1D6Cf733-7849,-

f n K l a r B ^ u l « n B . S

1.^___ 8 T R E £ rN Q R T H ._ _ .^ 'VExcellenl locallon. 2 b lo c k e ^ f f

"frem the oourthouat;Hmflrl— or has .warm profeaslonal. Scr<

-fael-w ith_oak ._panelling , Walnacot Wallpaper .a n d jvat f re n c h d o o r a ,7 3 i^ . . gpir t MAN OFFICE, Falla Pro- g ril

- 1 m lo n a l - C e h t e f ; - P r tv a l e - w

alorage ' space available. ^ Utilllles. f u n T ^ U 3264670 'walr or32643M afterM rn. aea

o u


...............;C) ■ •r b ird s can go,>e snow.* ............ . V-

0 5 W )fB c 6 i« i • . : / ..■x'celleni Retail and/or Ol- Ice Spacea A vallablaln.lhe > .ynwood*The Center Of It v Ull Wifi r o ^ ^ suit.- ! • •

066-^Mobll0 HotnBSpc.

acre pareel.,aet up,for________S[iul~t[ dbl h Us mot)ilo I 'o m ^ J iW /m o n lh T M W B Jr"-------

B .M stchand lw ____

067-Misw[laneou-------- 8 B tnduw Blades BroMn? ■Wa will niwold your flld_______ _sroken blade®, up t O v e Dlades Free through Jan 1987. We can also make youi new onfl,...- ,. _________

LangdonaH Machine

1 M A M t o s f f i . l l l f . l l i ; .Booth unit with bow^ atylimf chalr&halrdrvera. 7 3 3 W C -

BUDGET RENTACAR :1888 Merkur XR4T1, turboj loaded, approx 8000 -ml,- ,

*^®’ *IRooer38M 090of \4 »« l4a> te rgP M . - V -

FOR SALE: Plane ticket, I ^leaving Bolae Jan. 3rd to V - U Q uard^ Al^ rt, New

LIKE new Bernina aewino m achine- .w /au to ;.,_buh -_ tonholer, $800 or beai otfef. PhQna7i4-839fl.MUViNti BOXES ro rn u is , ' Bnort8d-ilioa=-Call-*-734«-------- ^


5phonea Contact Wm^ C ^ me Watt

.. q e m 8 t! S e w i p e r 3 Wanted: old buildings to be removed or lorn down. Letttalk. Call evenlnoe 643:6287.. ------WE REBUILD hyflrauHc _ lack'a-al ABBOTT'5 AUTO SUPPLY. 305 Shoahone SlreetSoulh.T.F.1 hospital bed 'w /new mat­tress, $150; r walker, $20: . also 1' Wheelchair, $80. All llkob/hndnew:73»-5740.''10 speed .'R aleigh Racing U SA ,. 22^4" - frame, new.$500. Phone 733-2417.8' X 2''g la sa ahowcaae In excellent'condition, $230........ - Phone 536-2067.

068-C<™p“t e r e ,~ “ ,C-64 com puter,-1641 disc

Sfar.A 'sss'w .y.'"-.Complete—computer—w ith-----------sollwaro and word p ro c e s i- . ing lor sale. $800.

Phono 324-2912. '

'• o e w ia m e fa Equip. •.

FOR SALE: Mamiya NCIOOO.35mm SLR camera, black body-w/regular lena, wMo- angle lens, telephoto lone &Bell & Howell -auto flaeh. ISOQorbestoffer. 7 3 4 ^ 1 .Minolta SLR, X-700, 35 mm _ _

'W/regular,'Wkte angle zoom 8. telepholo zoom lena, $350;1vrold,Call734-Oe59.-

070-W antedToBuy ,

"b u YINQ: Bcrap gold lewol* •' 7,ry.___dlamond8r-.-s te rllng -• aliven«raro,-pockol-watches,------------aliver-dollarB.-coln colloo* ' tlons, e tc .'

____Idaho Coin Q a lle r le a .i— . —302 North Maln.733<5M.

-l)73=Sew1nff4CrHft5--jr-— “ New E n a b le DressmaMr s e ^ ^ machine. $100. -CiJl “

T 7 f ^ U 8 M --------------------- ---------Ifistniments

Hammond-*T:hotTi— o r g i i r ---------:woodpralnr$125.-Arm8tronfl---------flule.$125.fcall7334299. . - Older, email, upright piano. - - $500. Phone FranK at 734- • eo i2or73W 42. •' — — ;— Plano, Hampton by Lowry,Tjxc." condttlonr‘'$450.‘ Cai • '6554233aIlor1pm.. — _ -------Scroliad uprloht. excellent . condition, $900. Term avaliabTg70all733-aoC5; > Splnet~^al>o f o r .u i e : . in- . —

‘6S Yamaha- o ' baby, grand •w alnuljaalln flnleh “ mum a ee to t/elleve. 734-6783

Page 15: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

-« u ? r .v « -A<C^ O/a-WD. PftOM

^ C O L O R ^T «!«y iak» ft.^H dcJ -larse MlecUon from t » .» 9 - V K M '« FurnKur* A Ap- F p ia n c w , * « M«t" A ». g • ■ R C A W dM iU K pliyw w lA e i movMt. S100.'Pnona 734-. V

'■ 7tel«vtcUnQ>. - -- - ■ .* RENT A NEW TVI O w n '«"£

l a a r a f f i iA»g. North. n w t l l . • S o n y tam c ft.b io a o rM n T ^g c * » * ^ o m lW o t) . » 12» ..

25" ;w to r co tw olir TV,- i S in n er Fu/rtlura. |

076~Ftini.SCitpiHi,______ ^— B unk ' b«d ' eomptaw, t i n . |

■ B«nnerFumlture.7&14g1. CASH lor oood u#« l , fur- n iw « & •prtl«nc««. B tn iw r .Fufnllure.TO-1<?i::' ..........■

— Fun~aiz6~To» ' < m r b e tfr~ ^ ^ ^ B*nn«r Furniture, j

KinM lzp . «(«tert)M w /s. jd w g ^ M W & b o ^ u » I

Nice 4 druKV d r m e r . .x r o n sm tll white kitchen. liW el ,

ISolid pine roll top d»ak, j

. U99. - Banner : Furniture,. i «3-t421. ~ ^ ,Watert>ed: K lnM tze, i tiM dbd w/mlrror. 10'^ nber -

- m««rB«5; 8 dfw rjiaeatt}. i

■ 3 ■ piece m w le • cockteD ■ i ta b le # ,-W -B * n n e r Fur- |rtlure.733-1421.-__________ ]4 drawer chest. 339. Banner Fufnimre.733.142t. .

" 8 piece , dinette aet. »159. :Banner Furniture, 73)-1421. |

07»-Appnancea “

— erandAew-whJlfrKENMORE WASHER and DRYER. Call7 3 « ia 5 . ___• •

— FflQidaire he av y d in y 'flrrflfr sm .9 0 . Banner Furniture, 733-14?t.- • • •' '

- - F u ll » lz*aofaeIe6W .*17»...Banner Fumllura. 733-1471. Hoover portable cloltjes

--IB-AotoOMlK*-—R O '


= = 4 l i l ------f f ^ i i


^ HMdOnw lnM4ati«M pocfcas*. t/Bwor "Mw*. *«»•'« 'e*^ 5 lu«l tenh. Menwd Iran*.. IpK ItJlS/ttWttCBWWWr-,W A S $ 1 2 ,5 4 6 .0 0NOWt9,M8..

F150 4X4m aaiM . m 4.»i/WJ ao/i

- - ■bw«pnnUflEr3oMr«TodwnwlK. 4 vrntd manw H.s4lln*r lfl>u)all<Hi pKk paduM. Manual iroMi, t»M 'SwiijauwAii.Tw.

---------------W A $ $ W . 7 « . 0 0 _““ ~NOW<1099SF2S04X4

... tlon. HMdllnw mwlallon M mw l l/a»«r Ho

4 i n I S/Bxxi tc tiw H«y.- “ W A S $ 1 3 ,7 9 4 .0 0 NOW|10,99S

- 1TOI■ fTAMtit. r k 7 J i /u o ao /

tpn. podoo*

_ S!u?ito!w-«*TCW?'"~" = T tfA 5 -$ H 7 7 9 0 .W - '- M0W«1M9S- f250 4X4

W A S $ 1 7 ,0 5 7 .0 0

t- wwiTtD oe*o oft AuranB w h jy .|l4 ^ 9 a n Y tim e . S

WeiU%>uM-.'froM load u _ . i w A ^ ^ ^ B a n o e r , F u f - «

a 90'; OetuM ranoe, S239. a! n B annerF um nur8 .ro-t4« . g

oeoUMtingind. - *•; . • ,AlfCo(>dltfc)olf)fl - 5

Free -.ttandtng n r» p lM . Zj

■ " t o u t i n g H itoftila

j; aidlno. Interior wall cover- 7] Ino. 'i r fnmmo lumber, and (J

f l * ^ °D y L M n beT a4 ^ 2 0 . . g

j rfoeMSaiw ■ - D’’ Fri. Gal Sl su a . Indoor mov- t3 Ina aate, lota of Item i.“So . ^' t Blue U kea to 3600, turn s• rlflhl Brtarwood L an e /4 th g

^ T tu rn S re , ' low of CSI nilwellanaoua. i a m -N o ’ n0- eafly,#ale».227A»enklaOet ^1- Rlo,^tunlay only._____ _ JK> 8a)., Jan. 3rd, 9 to 6.1113 8 . * >•- Clevaland. Jaroffla..{Comer. i _ o»K ).S na[K )n8ldenit;tooi ^ e. boxea, IMngroom chair#,. “ sr vttaltzer-exerclser. car c a n B l i pfodw tt, cks iv $ ; w af t ;

burner stove, wood & coal I iD -atove, fluns, croea country e r . a U i t . l ^ e w / p r o c e e d a t o . i _ Special Otymplea.- P

1! OM-TooH ' - fa . - . tl' Own your own oxygen & k

acetylene cylinders. aJI - • aliesavaHable. 879-7141. ■

Tabie:4aw,-7% -inch-Oella I

r o -« l le n t- G S O T ' »123.-Can733-85eo. t-- -

*6»-Fjrflw'"r T'.•• 733-S911. ___________ *

l^ln«rCall'3fP75B5: i

- > ___ : ■—ITMtftoDMlM' .


i mSMftlNIfm viR tbw i[2STYLESIDEPICi

(4$TYLESiDEPIC)Z“A ’ti-r— tA^


.t M



I f j l

"r ' ’

iP Pine, by th« aemHoaid In L:4 t» 7 d , o r apm t d e t N n d . ---------- y3Mafe>73M81XTheA»lg^ •

U nM boxM of diy kk td lM ,' o r 10 bozw t » .

H ^^aC W ew illde ther,--

Ma,754-»5tBner5. . ■ . ' ^ ' . . —' dS OSM^&SUPPOM - =

- -

AXC Ctilhuahua mile. S2S0;

AKC Drahlhaaf X p u p f c i l J w ^ a oW^onty 9 , , TH

sisSm A SPU PU N R U L Y T Doc- obedienoe c ia a a e f .- .W - start Jan . ecPyPPy : ■ '

H=ofaaleM-femal#pPwet>t*d-f,nM . minltufe . ' . w f r halr (none

Dachahuftd. iS0.M*-78flQ. nurtu• FREE Otd English Sheep- Yow te '- ^

6 month female golden Lab . to . give away, good with ,2271 . klds.Call64rtC3J. .coveiI • E£2£:. ' . . . J I I — . » lc

■ Ftnnere'mafkel 5 -......... • “"cow---------- “ BStfi

. *(»7-Hty.QmlniFeed; • ADtKOTimatBty ra-ton.-aH-a- o»«f ' cropa. Small lots welcome.

Phone 3244553.! ".ClearL.alfalfa. h«y. JSO /lon;.' p » -* barley straw, JOt/btlo. , . Doirvervavallabla.TO-Wa.

,45ff ton 'A lfa lfa,.W a ton. neflo — C£HTJ#nwrcnr5jr.«S25:— £m ..

’ .ITS-AuloOMton - m


SO U 'i i i « ^v n - S A v i i i e

IKUP F250-

■ > .im j/aux iib tsw H t ^ L l ■ W A S$19J51 .I\0V ICKOP F150'

m fm s . >tv 4.H/3^ W » ■_____ Vk potioB. sa. »

) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H*o<IIU<f> IntvlMIoH'-' S1L I # ' WAS $19,959.ynP|H=ilOW;f1«fCKUP F150

m s64n. o<Mtnut i o o n n vi

I U U■ WAS $14,720.I I f V Ii«w«iiv

rffWRpochOB* Ml. I.

i2 !S SH ui«p/w r.4A rt»

_ W A l$ U ,Z 9 0 .n6i««ii,

w y p ------- ---- «WWWO.CWhb.H<ti

Inm M S.!in!SXSi VIMb~NOW«ia,



.F.O. h«a<b*en m o a tin g c a ^ i # rtilla to# -on •

loney ^Mftiftoat!S i S i t h e s e . - n a t l ^ ^ Keepour aupport wouW be when

or' 1-W - unuaj

-------w ebuyB ariey .'------------1 » -M ustbe4«fb8 .orbettef. ^

7 3 3 ^ helteist, 2nd & 3rd. Teatod.^IW M iU

0 0 t o n o l 1s t & 2ndcvttlnp CsM^ ay (or fa ie . 143 or best of- ^urst I f . Call 3 2 ^ 1 3 eveninos. ^)olati

i i S z S i

va tona d e a n (irst, aeopnd i^ a e

-------- ---- MJ08W=«rm>fwRmt; p{2 0 .a c res with amall dairy a m . NE of Gooding. Terms 50.

I/BMWN D E P '4 ^


51.00 ^

04X4SmESIDEIi.n /xa 00/1* Ia . tnndard nm. arlgM Im > 1

S9.. - ■ m•iSWffrTVrr l04X4STYLESIQEr;.“.W»"iiua3». -Ill twino-amvt mimn. A m i ^K. TVrtod glou, Knltlad

3--/TjiSiwttaswAn-wf.' T I20.00 •1IV«» .:.r T77LTONJHASSiSC

s=;is?»SffS M O ----------- -------- ,--------_ii>»a 1

S5i«;5r37ilv6V4"S5Ker~5c;5iwnt mkr«Nr 4 apood if twwU- ' B * f l |

g o B . . t l n « W l T . W

Enw- -' — 'mr

ttu re 'fo r sa le April 1 to H - V t . 1937. cowa wUt)’H vea & limited am t ol ■ irtirtgs. HM ltn CertHicata ■

ep d a a a iM d - ln - m in d - H en you w ant to exchange ■ LtaedHemafofoaah: \ ■

2-CiStM ; I IU)8TRUM fed 'day Old I ,{era and bi<u caivea lor ■ 'a g4SS aof3g4 .?392 . - » - « r old hellef and- b u l l - ,

rstt COW, 2nd lactation, ■ | atein,- real gentle. ^ ■ ■,jy nurakig enoogn for.4 H >ycow8,-could,M hand ■ I Md. Phone 4334BM. ■ ,

S’g.I?o'^«.oV| Ja e In firat co n tac t apond to Box R44, do r T lmq»-New8,-.P ;O rB o » -

iC mo^mlnoa or'evenlnQS.head . Anau# • *nd

jd tV B lle ra ^ tS / a ^

IMuteONlwi. _


n »: PICKUP•A V I^


3425CABLVM VIR- 'l a i v ia u u t t


s m|B|;

- ' 7 - .



M LM MERCURY cifiA RE qu ipped w ith oil th* DOW

' op H o n t, p lu a o lr cbnditibr

198&MERCURY«^ATIONWAGONFulty e q u ip p e d w ith o lr co n d ilion ing . B voutiful raWAS $14,500.:.

.m ilE R C U ffiLSABtEtSWAGOIQ u ip p e d w l ^ oiy th e p w o ^ o n s , ploioTrcoH aH loi

: s A V i « a w » - = ^ - ^

m f O R D ' F-2S0 P I P P ,

—A b fo lu tb ly -- . lo o d » d ................................

IWHONDrACiLX4D00R• A v i a s s e o . . .S T O

1965fii«IB1BA b ^u ttly p#H*cf, pow«r wim

nn97“ cni1ierT>lr'condlHonln9,

~ 1985GRIUIOMPrwlowiyewnwlbyMr-**

Power tlMfino. powtr windo dltlonlng, tilt.



m2 lW9tlNeOLI 5—-town CARrarsssrjTlEsra



WI W H !

For Over 33 Ye

. '. .......... • cT..‘V-,' F fM *y .Jtnu«y2 .l

jfrjjaag'M ii


M JCott .

: “S K t fK)W®r .lib n ln g .. .......................... ..


I:..* #

1MIHU1S> iK t u n h K M a — — . «»lftdow», pow er «t*«r- I n 9 .- t ti» r -w lr* -« h » * l-

5 0 0 ^MAIiOIIIS

;»Mir».locTy»kcro9i. 1ndow i, c rulM , olr con. Beau

ing .l


Nice big c S .

JE iwaoiM* ‘ ' •.

0 w)L ? r" 1984MER^l \ R ^ . LYNXSTA.W

3 5 ^ - A i 9 8 5iioH

n ^ < ii l M AYeam The Eas/esfP/ac<


mEN[f t i i ph N oFOR 19m


*10.9H O f G I==^i!l!nssill^Fia S i lV eW r>H tyM f.*M w n fwauilfui .sond b e l ^ , pow w *t» ytew»,'cftJI»».olrco«idlttonlnBrtill

1 1 , 5 (-pfw lew irow M abrM r.-rfM kjautlfui tu itona w hite, vinyl top , ). pow erw lfldow s,cru lM , fllrcOfX

1 1 , 5 (DUjSEDCDURY “ 1977 DOD IS COIT

l lF-150 PigV-8, owtomo

I’s a a'HKy’ 1984 MERC WAG. J£WX 3 to

—1985MES' n - - ■ T O T « 4

_______ -WAttm

M O t f i lCO l eWortdySBuy

iaF«ai,M «ho& 6*'



Mim \95m


i i i lp s Itop, power sieef^ H C0f>dl1i0nlrtg, lilt.; ■i i i lARS I3DGE ■fM jn c o r . gB

MiICKUP i lomotic. H Hl» 9 5 ' ^ H 'm _ . • ■ .

iRCURY ^1 DOOR o l<wh— mMW _ 5Bi: Kg Bl ■ • B I

e5 S J5 ^ ||-cZ4DR. p i:SS«—-■-^ ■"

1 1 ;E M MiuyAuar-------1

Page 16: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)


.• iv..R«ffrAOAK Palomino m ire;

„ F«lhef la My Boy> -O iY .-0 ta r M , u d d le broke

, W eJtrida. Phone 43M8K.V i< w ebuyhllierhoraea.

. : ^ y CalliHirBpjTi.

■ t ? 1M ! 'rIW -o u l ol AQHA-Heart Bar Ctramp x

- 'v S v n u t o t i ' Katlt,' make a > ^ M M rab le offeTr 1S79 mare

V;8 eneatkmal-Kalle, bv sen*

I m - i f e t f dh oM o.. ''- r « l l r * t f - w m foplnp. Make

■. «xo. kMe horae or Molnnei ;: rtdef.l400 . S25-5543 flve.-ot

• • 62iW 72 leave measaga. _

■ - ^7lfeHore6EquifHn^^^^^

i ■ S c V tS ^ S e le c i 'o ''- ■ prtcB8b«loreyoubuy. ^

r Con P»ulo* Chevrolet ,, .PenUM.OMCTrucka

. — get SfUftooln. Jerom e 3?4..3000ef 7 3 * ^ 5

&tcellent-4-horaa ccmblna tio n 'a to ck trailer. Call 326

•• -4d75ii ■--------►KHfertuUt borae 4 alocl

■ : '! !S te S a M- ' ' ' i X ! ' -

' ■' ■■'222 South Lincoln'

■ - *Haa y o u r camper beer '••••elnO :nH jre driveway war

• ■- e ampaiteal Sell . . y M « a r-r^ H y filiM ;<< call 733-0626^

iliW rrfg a llo n

, . •~'.:All oaune

- : 'Rooky-M ountain

- - S . ’S S k:

' - le 'h iin } linee. i lW V mTrr

■; ■ lJotinD eernm o<l«l3». Vll'i

' i M s s s s :call 686-2459.

' ' '•■Roller-mill. :''u#ed. Davl;

I - . ' 6 p m 5364553or324-<280._; , USED PARTS:'JD 4430.402(\ - U cno,-3020. 3010, 7M. 4MI 'j > p ^ D , Htea6cab.423-4247,I - .. -»9«l ChoyrolM tructi wHR •< . Now Holland -1052 etack n 5 ^-trlevsr. Laie model No t . Holland 1116 8w ^ lie r.- l'

,-i :---------Holland 425hay:taiflr.-J5»

r tNORTHSlOE IMPLEMEN: - ----- ;;;321'South-Lincoln,-Jflfoin

J- nr<;ii!l3?4.»M. ' __ I •*1981' M assey. Ferfluso

;* awalhor, 775 hydro-slalli 15; hoa<ior. cab wllh awam

• '\cobler,tt300.Call886-2133.

115-FarmWofk I* ’ ■ Wanled

1 •' Attanllon Oalrvmon. loc hay haullno- Coll Carl

. . fii6T80.KeopTrvln0- .MANURE HAULING and P

. ■ JnOt Goodlna Groon Cho r ;■ ■ Call 634-4730.

1Z 1 - ^ t a & A c c e s 3 . -

. t Always beliorhuval^ _____Maflic Valley MaHna_

— - 3V. ml. W. on Addison_________ 73K141,£vlnrudo & Mercury moloi

, . i ............bgata ' ."&~ ' funinQ' .-'tack'Tom'e Marina & SM ri Gc

. Hovbufn/Burlov. 6t6-7473.. Leo'aBoatRoMlfSorvic* Wnat nt Buhl. Call 5<>83i:

122-S p o r tin g Goods

Roaalflnol H ^ o n II croi . country skIS; 203 cms

r ■ .Alplnoi bools, polos, o--------------Qn^.-Negpllablo. 734-2749;

Skl repair & robuliOlt ' lu n o - u p a _ A ^ i wax. C - 734-3Q7Sim«i^.m. _

Skis: 2W cm, K-2 710 Con ' ‘ m arke i\ ^ blndlni

- •• bfB koa.'G reat S k l ^ g a _1 l^a^o^^usl .tunod, w5- <■

1..:______ Ultra Gym pack . r 3 r : ’Jfi'W nifiS"<fiornaraiy:u3i

------ ^ t3 0 0 ,- C a il5 3 ^ i -----------

' 123-G uns & Rides

-----------; Anllquo C o lfc a rtoiao iar----------- - T n f f W d o T r a r c r r a T im

PnQnB734-60i0allor6p.rr Brand now Remlnflion i

■ ; - - - RUQER10/M • Now.ln boK. novgr iirec

$120o rboslo tlo r.________ Phono 733-0791.

~ 124-SnowVehlclflS

Two I960 Kawasaki « u vadorm <1300 each. < ■1?4,.A9i7gVOnlnOB.

' ’ jJ 'iB S T ’ -Uohn-D ooro-Trtll

....r 1 aili PoBsibiy soli aopari

rj- - Phono 733-2977.________ ' 124 -S now V eh lc lo s .

" ' Twq 1980 Kawasaki 4 «

i - ■ 1882 John Dooro Troll •M •• LX; 1983-Polatis_ Indvit

---------- 2-flioco 'tralior? J4500 taiV *in Posalb lvao lt sopari

.— ^125-ltwfllInH er#_______:^ ~ wint'iw trftl d e r ' l f a v e r t ^ - lele 20 to a l t W uil be In good. 324- ahape & w/dlvlded bdrm. ___ Call»^<303mom>evea.^

IZ S -C am perssS hslli

ire ; Fiberglass cam per aheiTiof flow import ^ s h ^ wheelbase

In DickuD. Call 5 5 2 8 .Boy For aaio: camper shell, flla

(o V w ld e be&. m Call 734-7021 ovenlnaa.Inauifliad cam perahell l« 6ttb o d .C a il3 2 f4 m -----------PU covers-LeIr and Custom Topper, fiberglass, qeloy or metal, aUea and colors for any truck, low prlcea, Q i G

»px R l/sa loa andS e iv lce . Hwy » 8 25. Paul. Idaho 438-4580.

■ovBrBhofcampor.-stovs. oaa/e lec lrl^ retr^^^ ex c o (>j

[^3^ 7 34^ tM te f3 !30om .

t ro r , i27-M oIorHom08

— Want eome return on yo"ui,■ - motor home? We would iik«

. . t o j e a s e .for i ye8r._Must_— sleepe,Call3244i9B^•nd- 1975 Sport King 22 • E»c.

cond, many extras. J6500 ol- \ fer/trada, Call 734-5789.

• U 8-0lllityTrall«rs^ Newer model V< ion PU bod^ trailer. Call 734-5B92.-------

. 8 ' x-.l3'-.U ndom.axlo.w linitock l!^U .^b fflko8,..WOO. gall


! ” • _A u t o m o d v e

I ----------------------—— IK -A u lo .P a r tiS - ; ; ; ; . A ccessorlaaIh • • Excellent camahalt 1 llllora

. Free Junk Car & Pickup — ' Removal. Wo also buy now ock, or used aalvai^- Idaho

f‘* ^ — NEW& REBUILT P A l f ^— Discount pricos, Including

■ onglnos and k lta^ lghw ayilpe^-30 XuloParU J3440ft4--------aira, — pARTB WHOLESALE, 4 cvl. valve Job. '{29.50; 6I cyl..J39.50;V-i.J<9.M.

—r .Two t5722x5 fraction llros In ■■ ^ ^ o n ^ llQ fl-^ lh _ rlm 8.

= = “ i870-;z-2B .rios5rong(no:A ,_ i-_ lra n a . Would make ox-_____ celleni-racfi—car—5400_or— - h«iai ollof. Phono 324-80M.

Tl fo id - 'V i or 3/4 . ion

g : ! 5 s a f f ? 5 u a . . r

IS S -C yelM iS iipp lle s

3»vl? Collectors 1963 Honda CB77 5.52; Superhawk, very oood con- A'Wf Tjllfon, m any-oxtra parts, L— »S00.^honoM3-66ia.

1974 Suzuki QT185. twin cyl Jront disk brako; now 80S

!?jL- eovnr'Call-324-32^4 w l t h . ' i ^ K aw auhl 3-wheeler

•'i,'®* 250 cc, water cool$d.-Mak< . Now . otfflf.|^,ii536-29BI.

g * — 136-Heavy Equlpm enr^

Mako an^olfer.'ifom o............ Phong 324-2214.

i u ^ 13J-Pick-UpTruc!csJim p M ini .0111 Doaoo IM I 133 Od. Juns good. S1600. 19ff

Chow PU. runs good, J399 _ C a l l7 ^ - ^ 7 . .............. '■ ••

■ MUST • SELL • MOVEtII-------- SOUTH 1979 Ford H-Wlon --------W50.-4.JL 4. oxcollonl condl

tion. J4000 value. 191 JMO— Ouvslll Phono 733-7812.

Willy's Joep Pij‘ '19M• almost complololy roaiotod

— . . . . 'P 'S 1065 Ford. V-8. low miles

CB. sioroo, runs exc., goo- - r S 7 condition. Call 734-504.

1968 DalBun Pickup, spood. - n o w - upholslor^

-------- erann.rvna.t350.326-58S9.1969 Ford plck-up.'motal ll( bod with-rack,

- r ^ 733-1703._________ X _ _ _?: 19^ Ford M on ^uall)?n -------custom- D fld 'w /slocirraci

■ -^ ( l ,4 - . 'p , t1 800.734-0597. 1676'Ford Suporcab W to

° 7 [ ;'_uilih ram prtr .ahCll^_Vifl^

:221L K.BOO orifllnai mll09.-A( AM/FM. custom aholl.-Llli now condition. M650. 73

-------- Q384_allor6p_fn;_i_______cross- ig j j chovroFol ’/t Ion, See

'0, uflDlo C-iO. Automatic, P! '4. . ° “ AC, Insulated toppor. 55.5i

m l.,C a i l7 3 3 -9 0 2 8 .„ _ _ im 'T O Y O T A . cloiyi wl aholl, ;AC. P S .,a l in roc

--------- AM/I^M.734-8151. -Comp. Nissan dlosol onoin idings. ^ing g ,,, y^iih covor. W -o g " * o ,b .ilo l lo r .C n M 3 .e 3 « .

IW -H eavyTm ckslSln il’

:w °.'l----i8M-lntotnaibmiT.2 tori."!I I - -----bod.------StE

loading ramp. oxc. rubl>( gtoal condllion, 69,3

- = = = - m i le s r $ 2 2 § W 3 y y f c =rlam p, iggj INI, c .O 'E . ' Cumnili ). 4223. “power, long frafno; tf ■BJli— susp., twin acrow. good I )n 1100 mixortjox or farm dump, E■ mag. truck. Call,f23-4880. - - :^.1973 C90 Chovrolot...,3

Dolfolt dlosol. !f4 lijn s 1 lired. twin serow. Phono 436-97fi r. 335 Cummins Engine lo• cranK, Exc. Cond, Jt5(

• - Hondrickaon Susponsli- - 4-11 Roara w/tlrQ3 & whoa!

sinoo. 13-nDOod Irans. R 4 4 0 lv ccnlrobulld.^1650.423466 J. Call 335 Currimlns, good com

_____Hon....working ovBryfl!rrtllftro MQOp,,E^|aBS 934-6126.idvtnii: ' ..................... r

1 « -lm p o i1 S p o ilsO m -

MUST S E U i 1971 Suf floollo'-’V W .. now cnflii AM/FM, radial llica. mai flunrooUl2Q0.43S-567l.

« T in t 1966 ;V W m W . 1971: «UI Call •boatio. WOO. Call t w .

fltterSom ......... ............rrollflro 1983 Subaru. , AT. rad dvirall; heater..snow tlrea, 4 do

od-------m .'

------ “Wbe n th e p n y i n t d o ^ ^ ^— surance does help .” ■

, - B orto l

all • South lo s t to a v e r y nn lw ^ b lnaU on In to d a y 's t r u m p s

e rth c le sa , h is l<3ss w a s not^J am bad lu c k . A 'n o -c o s t Insu^an or a v a i la b le - h a d b e b e

I q - c a rc fu M n th e play.- -— --- wy E a s t to o k h is h e a r t acc— tu rn ed a h e a r t to S o tith 's k

a n oS v lous d f a m o n d 'lb sc i

„ th e t r u m p fin e s se . W es t toe g lc ton k in g g ra te fu l ly . 1

_ S outh h a d to lo se o n e mo: 51/T, t r ic k to .^ 0 w ith h is lo sing |!^ I t w a s o n e do w n ori a li — 's h o n ld b a v e -b ee n -tn ad e .— - jc. I t’s t r u e th a t th e t r u m p

U o n 'w a s a f o u lo n e .b u t a s a— In tr u m p s w o u ld h a v e s<

p ro b lem .' ' .S in c e S b u th 'c a n a f f o rd o

lo se r, h e m u s t c o n c e n tra te ^ ing th e lo ss o f tw o . I f th Jail p rove to b e 3-2, a n y rea so n

w ill w in . B u t if tru m p s ■I South sh o u ld f i r s t c a sh h

.t r u ln p s .l____ " ___________. In to d a y ’s la y o u t. W est

■“ ' to n k in g .d r o p s a n d th e d e f e— only th r M tr ic k s . ' H a d V ii

sm a ll s in g le to n in s te a d of the r e s u l t w o u ld b e th e sa i

5^5; could c ro s s to d u m m y twii 150. ‘ tru m p s p a s t E a s t ’s K-IO-J— d e fe n d ers w ou ld g e l th e s iZ iricks.aho • .

^ 142-Import Sports C ira ^ '

igT T vvO uQ . good condk li ~ “ l lo n n i 2 5 0 : CairdvefiinSS^w

A. 543-S287. __________ s:■ . 1963 Honda Pfoludo, roal E mo... cioan. .33.000 .mlio9...?7200,„ij—...• Call3?4-2536........ ....... ds in 1883 Subaru 4 x 4 -wagon. ° ms. oicollont condllion, _-^^ -^utbm atlC rpow or-w lndow ar-J

Phono734.3117anvllmo. , , 1 1. 19M Isuw Impulse. AC,' ■75 AM/FM casa. tilt, -cruise, ' luio lowml,oxc.cond.734.9Q94,_ j I. 1984 Subaru GL AT. till, ,,— 'o le ro b r a n o w tiros, o x e r j.

. cond, b av e Willis, 733-5784 c ' • Purdontiar Insurance. 6-2 y

;B77 PSx— i------------------------ -- F-on- '80 Subaru 4 dr aodan. 30 m s. mpg. AM/FM casa .. looks v

, good, runs great. 543-6461 ( 7 ^ days Oavo Monroo Chev., •

ask for Ron F. 543-534^

>m l u u m -J l f i -ml. oood-tlrea, m a l' clean, ,

loaded w/extraa. 734^597. . j ^ ' ■ . — - I

: - 7 ' 1<e- 4 Wheel Drives • -=

fer.« V-6, CB. AM r o d l o 7 « T ^ olalo. low mla, clean &

” • dopondablo. 622-9296. Sun <Valley,___________________ ;

1974 Chovy W ion. full-limo ; lalb- 4*4, AT, p i dual tanks, now j 1969 palm S body work, now m u l:. U99' llors. now windshield, good 1-------rubbor.-Looka L runs groal.. ;

iupn S2500 obo. Soo al Doan a ;

S ■, m 197BGMCSlorrBClB8aic-pu—

4X4 3M Ion. PS. AT. AC,chromo whoola.'orlll gaurd,

S r .n co i'a .C .II <32^69;..........■” t9?9 CirovySIWorado. Vt ton

4 x 4 , black. AC, AT. cruise, , ^ • t m , 400 cu In, 1 owner, ,Md Call 734-7202. ____ l979 DodgoV. ton .4x4 ,A T .

~ PS. PB. Call 543J013 oven-

i " ’' ' " f i a h X * F o n - P U - F jM - '- j-fiM ion. auto, special oxhaust

ayalom-..lQw_ijill03._ J7500._ ^ fa n d now bumpora, front & •

- jy ^ T o a f . Phono 7264484. _ _ O T 1984 Nlaaan 4x4 Klng-Cab.- , • translorablo warranty, low r r - miloaeo. loooor. 733-1596.( ton» * — —

"'!!!: 175-Auto DmJot sporturshl. '

I t 's WSeol- ■3 Chrwith « 1 ■.. A n d .

«2. A

im rs / jk \ j

( O b l . . .-Jteal_____________Z 3 t _ i _ i c ! Sibbor, - .69,300 A > 1 ^ V

nmlna X ~ • ' \ ' /

5d for / / V ^ I #5, Exc V / V

n i B _ _____________________] Z

★ “ N o ’ P t

inglori ★ N o D .iflola. ____ . . M^ ■ 3 * - - U | > T f l

:ondl- R o b d t O S O n o lryflay^ - . . . . . . .

t ^ H U R K :.xr Take A\i

Sale V13-6282

12^ C H R ISI ® " : l^ B lU E lA K E S i

iM r y -M

r E S ? - — - 6 0 BB

i t o t o o ^ l n - -------------

t o H B r e d i L J :. . . . . . . ^

nlucky com — WEST------------ip su it. Nev- 4 K lo ta lid u e 'to ' ▼ Q 7 I0 3 faiicepoU cy ' f Q 10 4 2 . b een 'm o re + 8 7 4 3 .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s cace and re* ♦■•king: w i t h . »b s e r s t i i r to

took his sin- Vulnerable: Boi f, and now Dealer. South m ore trum p ThVbidding:

S«.lb Weita hflid Uiat

, . 2-NT Pass m p dUtrlbu- , 4 p „ s , a sa tc ly p la y -Openlngli

= B r o w r

rd one t r u m p ............ "a te on avoid- South holds:: the trum ps ' ♦isonableplay ' Jip s are 4-1, Th his ace of North . South______ .. . . , . . _ . . l # . . . _ U C T _/est s single- 3 4 •>Icfendel^get 'W fat held a" ANSWERrp^oi

I of the king, ton king is a bi sam e. South ©ndary values

tw ice to lead

e sam e th ree .umprf «»eiop* f________ C.WTHM.IW7

IlM W heelprives

i985 H oncho4w heo lo r4x4 : n !rw llh ‘ anow plow -& -lraller. - n

$2500 or trade for small '> j pickup. Call 543-8956. I! 1, i9 8 6 ito » c rew .c ab .4 w h o o l;.ii '■ drive."‘‘thOvtOlOL— Cuaiiy -9

: domo. 17.000 mtlos, will fl- *i 1; nance. 324-7292.__________ :„11

a 2 l ^ M ^ ^ n n ^ h ‘^ l f ‘50;0&~P w arranty,Jikojiow roniy- 11

_ 14.000 mk Call 7864375. &

;; i«-A nilqu0 Auto) ?- Antique S classic auto'roa- I

lorallons. Quality , work at ^^ roasonab lo"-pnco3.--C all- VW D onnlsa t423-4841.________ . ?

1949 Chevy' . Fleotline 1- Faolback. very restorablo. J >0 1966 Pontiac Catalina con- 1 -a vertablo. very clean. $3000.*>1 Call 326-586!!-__________

^ 152-Autos-BulCk ' ,

n. m ag' chrome wheels, wide ’ ' tiros. 4 'on floor. AC, Goino

isa -A ,iw .-c ii;ffo i.i '

i M osT aoill 1983 CL Chovy {m Citation. V-6 aulo - trana. i

AM/FM, air. oxc. cond. •■Tq 1290Q. 754-7669 or 734-4504.iw Need family car. must so li- .if. ‘Se Camaro Berllnella w/T-)d roof. A/C. AM/FM cass. 'II cruise. Now. S17.500 - s« l ' •s' $15,000. WOO milos. Phono til 733-4154 alter 5, or 734-2402

days, a sk for Larry or Kim.7 1B73*Novo,-oxc6llonl-condl— i C tion', S1500. Call 788-4517 for I d, mora Informalion. -

1978 Camaro. T-top. aun : Dii root. AT, PS, PS,‘ now-up-- I '0" holsiorv. Call 432-6697. 1jr, ■ !_ ■ ISO-Autoa-DodjB In- 1974 Dodno Monlco station '

waoon, SM ...1971.Cadlllac..Pl_S4C0. Call734-8110,__________ist 1978'bodge Omni, oxcollonl

^ 1982 Dodoo '400, 2 door, _ FWD. vinyl lop. wiro whoei ' ib .-covora . - J3200/nogoliable. ow Call 432-5349 or see at 644


l^ A u tp D e ile n ~

N ew Yeairis J6rd(1 That Mean

P a y m e n t s U n t i l -

D ow n Paym ent, To *2,000°° ReboialU X2Plckup«,RXr«

. . . L M DTIdvantageOfTliisIiWliileSeiectionJ5 JO R D A NES BLVD. NORTH • TWIN'

oah iM ^ lfiY_vyOLFJ.v-^ - ^ i

fJORTH----- ----------------------------• 8 4 ^ , 1W 9 6 2 ■♦ A K 7 5 ;» K Q 5 '--------EAST . . . . 1

4 1 0 9 7 6▼ A 8 7 5 ......-♦ J B

. ' . 4 9 6 2 S O U T H - - - ------- - . 1 - -

4 8 6 34 A J 1 0 _________Both1 ' '

t North E ast i 2 4 P a s s ', 3 4 - P a s s - V s - P ass . Pass { lead: H eart queen


4 .K '•—▼ Q J 1 0 3 4 Q 1 0 4 2• 8 7 4 3

thr _ ^ _______ ...

'^our spades: The single- big card , and jhose sec- es m ight prove useful.

aUoM to 71« Ac«^ P.O. Be*BXM TSttS. with >• for r t^ r .M7, WadrMtig»ayad>al«

162-A utos-F ords

1965 Moslano, new painT.• new batlery, Sicyl, 4 spd. no

ruat. Jl500o>bo3t offer. Call734-702L--^_____________ _1970 Ford Thunlorbii'd. runa_

-good,- tunVup - iusl =dono.- - ^ j b e atolfor3i6-3273r— - . 1978 Ford Gradana. 6 cyl, 4

apfiod. S800 or best offer...~Pngnff734^734oves7 “ 1B80-Moaianflr3’ iito r onB".7:

60,000 miles, new llres, gas- - 8hock3.-soo-ln-0oiltlch,-10.

Call collecl.,; 4 door. Ford- E sc o rt J500.0a i lake, over ga^iO nia ... Call,, .anytimo ,

1964 Escort wagon. A/C, A/T, RWD. H eru Rent-A-- Car. 210 Shoshone SI. West.


BU DGCTRENT ACAR1966 Merkur XR4TI turbo. inflrtM appiDX.,.,80M, ■'Pi. ,

’CallRoger363-3Q90or - '45«314aftereP M ,'

•'cond.Cail543-8974ova8. - •

AM/FM cassolio, J5595. Call 423-4765.


1985 Olds Cutlass cruiser,V-«, fuel ini, AT, AC. cruise, many exlras. Cali 324-3475- •

17?-A utor-Ponllac

_ F ^ -S A L E :-1 9 8 4 -P o n « * c Flero, 21.000 milos. Phono 438-5230or432-5385.Selling wile’s car. 1980 Pon-

■ tiac : sunblrd.- G ood-clean car. 82,000 miloa. JlBOO.

■ Phono 543-5130.• 1973 Pontiac luxury LoMans.

48.00 miles. Ilko now. {2000.i Call 32 6-4565.__________

1B32 Pontiac Phoenix. PS, • PQ. cruise, AC, 2 .year ox-

r iended warr~anly.73/.5763, -

jl7 3 -A u lo 3 -P ly m o u U i

, i9 ^ P iy m e u lh Rellanl, AT.I AC. AM/FM. $2200 or besi

olfor. Cali 326-4787.

. 175-AuloDealere '

irs A t a n ' sI S . . .

1 - F e b . ^ 7 : i i ^

t ,

a to s — ^ ^' i ,6 2 6 '» & 3 2 3 '4 .

flME OFFER; Christmas Is Best! „I'm m k::N 'F A llS - 7 i3 -a^ M

I r a Y M o inl i i t K

★ ★ CARi1974AWMMSSJUIN# 3 0 9 7 . 'W of$M 95 ................mnCURYBOBUT^W A G O N . j f 3 l l O . . > W at $1295 ..........

igTEFORDOm- t s o n : -------------------------------W o .*1395 . . . . . . .

1975 FOUD LTD-# 3 0 7 4 .-------^ :------------------Wa'« *1495 ..............137400DSHSWIIIGE11-# 3 0 4 1 .W q « * 1 4 9 ^ ^ ... . j_ .TsraForoiTr# 3 0 5 1 .W o. *1995 ..............

1JI7FOIIOLTDh» 3 9 8 I . ----------------W o. * 2 4 9 5 ..............'iSTBMEilCUllY KIllfiilll '# 3 0 6 6 .W oi* 2 4 9 5 . . . . . . . .1978 FORD MUSTANG II# 3 0 9 8 . _W o. *2495 ..........19S0DATSIM21d# 3 9 5 8 .W o. * 3 2 9 5 . . . . . . .

1981AMCCONCOIUI■ w s s o K n ra s i i :— —W o. *3295..............

1979 FORD LID#3014.W q i $ 3 6 9 5 . . . . . . .o t “aMCEAELE’4X4- ■-W A G O N . #3141.

f9nOAtSUH28dZ'#3054.W a » $ 3 9 9 5 . . . . . . .

1983POHTIAG PHOEH1X '#3950.Was $4495 ..............1971MERC01ES-BDIZ#3064.Was $4895 t * -1 3 8 5 T D « m i r ~ ^^ o e o : 'Was $9495 . . . . . . .

i978DASTUKPICKtlP# 420f.Was $ 1 9 9 5 : . . ' . . . . . 1979CHEVR0LnV2T0H-#4211.*' ■'Was $2995 . . . . . . .

1977 FORD F-150#4157.Was $ 2 4 ^ .igTTDATSWrKlHGCAB#4190.Was $ 2 9 9 5 . . . . . . .19750ATSUHPiI)KI)P#4163.Was $ 2 9 9 5 .............

IMQRD F-150#4111.Was $ 2 9 9 5 .............1976 JEEP CR#4183.Was $3495-----------

1384 TOYOTA#4162. ^Was $4995 ............1983 FORD F-150#4131.Was $6995 . . . . . .

1983 FORD RANSER#4233R __________ -------.Wo».$6495...--------

_ J9B4.F0RD F : 1 5 0 : ^#4108.Was $8995-^.1986T0fflrttR0^Ar"CARGO VAN. #4198.W as$10,695 . . . .

• ^98& niR frM S I^^#4127.Was $9695 ............

-- 1386FOR04-1504X4-3#4189 . ' ^W as$ 12,495 . . .



in m n iM w l;S U B

M * * * i _

j m Iz m \

m i [

z m i .

::*987*128? I *1787 *2387 ■

^ 4 8 7 4 1 *2887

22H B 4*2887

m i*3987

m u iI C K S L d t - i c - _


*1387 ■*1087 :'1787 ■

*1887: m 1

*3887 *53871

.3 4 8 7 3

3 3 1 3 1 D 9 4 8 7 ^ r*8587

*1987:R FOR THE . ‘I


N i w i l

11973LPontla^2 D o o r.V -8 , Auton

" _ P » p « rid o fc !e T ra n 8 ^

^ 6 9 511977 Chevy ^

2 D o o r. 4 S p aed . 4 0 - - ........ • P riced To S«ll

— » r 5 01979 Ford P

-------- :2 D oor.4^S perid ,.4C- , R uns G o o d . ABarg<

^ 8 5 01978 Ford Gr<

.. Sporl-C oupo. V-8. A l Local O n e O w r

|l980MercuiYl2 Door S p o ti C o

Low'AAIIes, A utor

M 3 KI ■ -« ■ - — ^ -------fjiroO Morcu r f

> --------S ta tio n W ag o n . 4 Cj----------------------- 4 Spoedr-4 Do>

1982DodHO- 2 'D o o r. 4 S pood , Lo ' G ro a t G as M ileac

» g a s <■ 1981 Volkaw

R abb it 2 D oor. 4 J F ro n t W heel D rive, L

h 1W 2 Marcu^; - 2 D o d r ,4 S p p ld 7 4 i8 ~ St a re o . Br

i » a 8 0 (j I 1984Mercur, 4 D o o r . 4 C y llner,, F ront W heel D

I 5STr ^ 2 9I I 1980 Ford'v! J e tB lo c k , V-8, Au3 Long Box, A ir Com

: 7 - » 3 g 5 ij i 1983Subm

4 D oor S ed an . 5: N Q w o m

• | 1983 Subornfi S ta tio n W agon . ^9 Duol R ange, A ir Co

S ^ 6 1 5" I 19 8 4 T o y ^

--I----- 1----- 4 D o o rrF ro n t Wh<I _______Alr-CondHioning,-y

, — 4x4 Stoflon W• All T hroe C ors

f ^ 9 9 lLlll9J3jMMdi.9 C h o rc o a lG ra y , M( ® SSpood,.S tc

i « 8 i 0I GAN\I MOT<• / M F A L L l A V E .• CAMTOMaSOTMS • • (

l i f f l - - ■ O W I

: Lemons Sitom otle , - y ^ ^ o n : _ _

;hevette |4 C ylinder,S.I1-------- ' ................. -

i Pinto J.4*Cyllnd e r . ' q ___nrg o ln F o r S —

D®®rranada - 1 1. A urom ofic, ' ‘ f - )w n e r . ^ ?

5 ? ! _ ,yZephyr I IC oupo. ' H

jto m o tic . ;


rrZephyt-jj —4C y lindor. . I D oor. ........ — ^ 3 ------

> 9 5 ” !le Arles ] c ^, Low M iles. Ale a g e C o r . ■

itwogen | J.4 .S p e e d , £'e , L ow M iles. a

>0” L»<vLynx 11b 4 C ylinder, *'

ury Lynx |er . 4 S p eed ; ol D rive. *

» 9 S ” j, A u tom atic , a:o n ^ tio n in g . •, |

loru GL “ 1-----1 .5 S peed ,> n v r -

ruGL4x4 t ' ■ "*

)n .4 .S p eed ,•C ondition ing .

hg CamiyW heel-Drivo, - • -------ig ,-A ulom aflc;-----------g --------

• 0 0 ! ®84Suboru- =n W agon.o rsS h o rp . X

edaRX -7 "| _, M og W heels,,.S tereo^ ________. y — .


7 3 4 -8 8 6 0 >V cAMTOMMOTOn •!

Page 17: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

r ^ ^ F e a t u r ^ '■/ e n t e r t a l n r n

: • ^ R U S S E L L S i t i n g: Times-News comspondt

’ • SUH VALLEY - If U ■ —p e r w t t^ t a l l r t o - a b o u t ': m etD r.R u th . ........ ^

— R uth W M tbeim er, o r 1• ; called, has becom e the

: t k u o{ n l l ^ r ' m i ;■ " I t I5 Uartvl4> believe '.p a s t few y e a rs ,” she; w o u ld b ftlite m iff" .........

W estbeim er w a s In Si- VaUey SU School, of

m em ber, and deliver, a. sponsored by Sun VaUey : The d im inutive doct- h aw ’talw ayg-been.lhlfl.

said I t w as all b y chance. ,"W ben I h a d finisbi

psycKblogy I vo lunteere ibood. After s ix days

' somfatblng th a t tsv e ry in H e r In terest le d to a

gram , "Good, Sex,!’ thi• wi>#V Th*» p r n g r flm {g B

' ■ Dr; R if lF h as m ad e the• Insists her p ro g ram ts

UUnment o r J u s t a . fo r

- - - ^ ‘i-believe-people ne ■. their own sexual actions

. : :--.:At 4-feet, 7-loches.t«“* grandnioUier aijdWlfe c

• ly person w ho.couldsha •--- T : i 8ay, ‘Take responsibliii

: tha t unffirc iteb lnrftPP i- ~ dience and they a r e liste

■ ' ■ W esthelm er say s wh • ' : alw ays m ake everyone

to tell it s tra igh t._ 5!Like my view sj)n_8

abortion ahoiild be leg abortions.and abortion

• And I would s a y th a t ii convention.'^ .

r A no thw .sub ject clos( contracepUvea. She sa

. confesses a .sexua l p r t r a c e p U r ts jh ie .w l l i J

~ ” toffio'rflW‘*an d g tfonl “! W esthelm er s a y s ^ t ;

lust physical sex^ She e U y .com patab ili^ jm d tl • "M osr of th e problei

------------ b ecau se - 'o f-aex u a l- laabout sex ," sb e says. "I

B ut th ere is s till a U . lob th a t m ak es it all c

vous laughter th a t tu r . ' • S e e R U l

RescI- '-B y -JO H N Z IL L y -^ '; i..'T^es-New8Corr^pon

. SUN V A L L E Y -T h i ; f a ( ^ with p oo r snow : busy, two-week holida;• • a series of le c tu re s t<

thepubiic. • ' F ou r free l e c t i ^ a

and t o m o m ^ . , Outf- . Mason willTdiMUss Ils

— - • « re a - to d a y -a t-2-p;m :■I ■. across from tb e Sun ^

‘ K 'i 'iy ? S 6 d i6 ^ ® ¥ W

^omrtheSALT LAKE CITY (-

x la s t two adu ltv .m ov l - la P t ta t la K J iL ^ ta h a r e ^

- - a s p a r t of a-p lea bargali •‘between the ir o w ie r ;

prosecutors, U .S .- Atto “^ w a r d h a s announced. - '. ^ . Iq b a lS la l;.ow nero ftb (

Theater and th e Cinemi : downtown Salt L ake, pi' ; Monday to a federal . ch a ise , for fa ilin g to pa;

..^441,000 In fed e ra l incoP -:ih e a te « ln l9 8 2 .

The closures culmlDa' -’long c ru sa d e . aga in st : - a te r s 'I n U tah, w a rd sal

- liconfcrfence.:______*>« l«An#4hi1 nf I

! J G • ‘ . • • < a d en t. . . k ,

[f there Is any doubt-who’s t lut-sex-tbese days, you bavei

or Dr. R i ^ as sl^e prefm .tb be guru of sex and a boosebc b J e tU iU Q k e f l^ d J in jk ^

ive what bas taSm p la n Is t le says.. “-I never .dreamed

I Sun V ^e y to a d d i ^ ^ S of which tbe Is an hpnora r .a lecture as part of a ur.

octor of psycholo^' said^.s hlsirankaboutiflx..In.fact, a ice.isbed my master', ered to work at Planned Pan lys I said 'Aha 1 now here y interesting.'’J . , - 0 a doctorate and a radio p that ab«d at midnight once

k now nfttlonaUv.syndicateda the mdve Iff: t t i e v r a ? B a f i ts much inore than Ugbt.ent fo ru m -fo r^ p le to talk ab<

n e e ^ - t a k e ..i«^onsibiUty- tins," she says. _I. tall, the.sandy-haired.moth fe ot25 years is-probably tb e ' Bhake'ber finger, a t America t ttlilty for your, aclio'nsi"^ut w ipptoach 'she-faas-booked-her- I s t ^ iwbat she has to say does me happy.but lAe fMls sh(^ne

m abortion she %ays. “ I th legal'or dnly'lhS“rich willTii ionists will be back tn busin< it in Salt Lake City or at’ a Jei

lose to Westhelmer Is the usi said if a caller to her progi problem, and is not uslng <

UL |d v |^ ; him or her f p do onlffthraexfcaller— ^ -it-all-goes-much'4urtherH le says It has bearing on the f id the “whole picture." blemBUratTwople^counter -Ignorance-and-preconcepU I, '*It is a matter of education.” a light side to the person' andII come together. A blend of i turns genuine and a respect lUTHonPagelW

ortzsets- . . . Ca

a on d e n t 'o n................■---------Ca

The Sun Valley Company, >.1 low conditions during the pb Iday. period, Is sponsoring . ( s to entertain guests and toi.

V - ' sill s are scb^uled for today Ca lutfitter-and, guide BiUWi fishing in the Sun Valley Ai

i;m~in-.the-Camas-Room- ’ m Valley Inn. Also in the Co

IhfU tatarts

e a t ^ s t o c' (AP) - The United State lovla theaters .free from aj ) sh u ltt^ down. sald^ jVTod gain afflreemMf-rbewm'esoM f and federal “Iq most Ittomey. ■ Brent. country, tb<

.-'•hasbeentm ’ the Ca^rTWest communitt »ma Theater\lii is obscene:! . pleaded guUly- occurring,", al .tax evasion - Four oth< pay more than which bad ome tax on tho state have t

- “ past few y inate a.decade^;^ tak e Count) ft X-rated-the-: WaM sal said at-a news'-tbe- theatei

Pakistan m Df cities in the . . 'S ee

V Sex

b e .ebold


Sun orary . leries

area- n is

»pro- Qce a

sn t^ about -


otb», on- and ■


notn ^ ^

thinkHave 9 ’ "-.]


use of ogram

e fam*.

the ner-

Mt for ■Dr. Ruth, a 111

5 j J i i r r y cCamas Room will be a 4 p.m. on American skiing techniques Carol Levin, and a multl-met p.m., '-'Journey Through Nati photographer Jack Williams.

Ori Saturday at * p.m. in the tour conductor Buddy Bomba slide, pr^ntatlon, "BaUoonln] Castles-of-Eiirope.!' Tbe-lecti WllLfocus on hot air ballooning Austria: ■ ;* ■ • v- Tbe lecture sedQs; accbrdlnjCo.'s Director o f Publicity Ca

V..A r P. u,:

ir _i D

- d i

S i i » » 4 m m A A i i U a --- ^- “-T . s

cIos& Iates our siie or liurger are . any adiilt businesses,” be- jil

rodfly,-;-'Sall Lake Clty ai jne of these cities.-:; .:T:.r.ij:?li st commupltles across the di tbe'»lrttd-in recent years pi toward«ri^axaUon ofrthe-yi t t standard-dcflning what .ct e.'Here, just the opposite la - n !,"Wardsaid. , ther adult movie theaters e< id been ^operating- to tbe a e shut their doors oyer .the It

years, sard Deputy salt a ntyAttomfiyiogcrCuUer, ^ h said the. inv^tJg'ation- Into. fl Iters- ow ned-by..Slal,:.a.r

native and junatlira llw l.. u Sea PORN o n tageW ' . v

i i y: i s *V€

\ lively, 4*foot. 7.*lnch toi

oflecium . d e m o n s t r a t i o n b e e n w e l l [ u e s , p r e s e n t e d b y 500 p e o p l e m e d i a s h o w a t ' 6 o n T u e s d a M a t u r e , ’ ' b y l o c a l , - . „ T h e c o i ! . t o p i c s r a it h e D i v i d e R o o m , , t h e S a w t

i b a r d w Q l - ^ v e a Z i m b a b w e n l n g T h r o u g h t h e ^ r e a h i s t o : i e c t u r e a n d s l i d e s - A l t h o u g l l i n g I n F r a n c e a n d l i m i t e d d t

. . . . . . . . . . . . - e v e r y o n e d i n g t o S u n V a l l e y g o o d a t t l l

C a r l ^ l l g u s ; h a s w h a t t h e i

'SongojB y J A M E S A . S N E A D Special to the Los Angeles Tl.

B y t h e l a t e s t a c c o u n t , W a l t t h e S o u t h ' . ’ b a s g r o s s e d a b o u t 40l h - a n n l v e r s a r y : r e l e a M t h i s m i l l i o n s o f c h i l d r e n a c r o s s t h . . B u t w h o c o u l d t a k e « m a c c u

r a c i ^ ' s t e r c p t j ^ ' a n d & e r i t i h c o n t a i n e d I n t h i s c i n e m a t i c n

- o f h a p p y ' g o - l u c k y - . b l a c t a , ' ? ? ?s o u t h e m p l a o t ^ t l Q i u J i y b e n «

- a i r ^ d y - o u t d a t e d w h e n t b e i l l ■ ■ « n n i M r F o \ i r d e c a d ? 5x > f n - s e e m i n g l y g o n e u n c e c o g n i z e i

v S o n g o f t h e S o u t h ” w a s t h ‘D l s h e y ' s c h i l d h o o d d r e a m t o R e m u s T a l e s , w r j t t e r i b y J d ^ t h e s c r ^ , a D l s n e y . p r c s a r e

L i k e H a r r i s ’ o r i g i n a l t a l e s , ' E ^ l f e r s f r o m a s p l i t b e t w e e n ! m a t e r i a l a n d t h e O l d S o u t h n

- i f B y l l s r a l e r w h l l ^ t e r p m • T h e U n c l e R e m u s t a l e s , w l

- j i l o l t s o f a t r i c k s t e r c a l l e d B r r a m o n l t h e e a r l l e s t c x a m p l e - T i o n t a ^ e r T c a n l l t e f a l a r e i

d e v i c e f o r t h e t a l e s , H a i r i s 11 p a t h e t i c b a r d U n c l e R e m u s ,

- y o u n g b o y S O l v e b l s p r o b l e m . c o n t i n u e s H a r r i s ’ m e t h o d o f

I ■ r e w r i t i n g o 'B l a c k r t a r r a l i v e .W h e n l i r s t ' Y e l e a s e d , “ S o n i

I ' e d D i s n e y ’s t e c h n i q u e o f m l )I a n i m a t i o n . D o r l n g m o s t o f t ] I l i v e a e r o r s ' a n d a n l m a t l o n a r

^ h a v e o W e c t e d , a c c o u n t s ( o r > . f i l m , “ s o n g o f t h o S o u t h ’ s ” ( I r e m a l n l n g 70 p e r c e n t , Q 'h l g l 1.. u l t i m a t e l y ' c o n t n v e r s i a l p o i

w h l p h T T n r l n R f> T n ii s t e l l s h i !


tall g randm other, h a s b<

ires in pe l l a t t e n d e d . W l l g u s e s t i m a l i e h e a r d D r . R u t h W e s t h e l m < j a y . -l o m p a n y h a s p r i n t e d l e d ‘a n g l n g f r o m m o u n t a i n . c l l n # t o o t l } S H o r h i n o c e r o s p o a c w e ; A f r i c a ; f i t n e s s a n d W o ot o r y . - . - v - - . . . . . . . . .i g h t h e s k i i n g a t S u n V a l l e y I d u r i n g t h e h o l i d a y s , W l l g u s i l e h a s . c o m e t o t h e ' T e s o r t . t l t u d e ; W e - l e t p e o p l e k n o w e s k i i n g ' s l i k e ; B u t t h e r s U l l

ftheSoiT im e s . ,

i l t D l s n e y ’ s V S o n g o f '■ ; —m t » l 6 m M o n t o l i s ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ]i l s y e a r , p l a y i n g t o m |t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . < ,uc u r a t e a c c o u n t o f t h e - h a

l i m u t ^ i n a c c u r a c i e s ' . 'N ( : r e l i c ? T h e p o r U a y a i — - ^ b l i j f c l l - n u r t i f f e d o n . u in t Y o l e n t w h l t e s . « a s _ _ _ _ _ l a jf i l m w a s U r s t r e l e a s - - -- — p ,

r a c l a l p r o g r e s s h a v e -N ;: e d . _ _ . _ ^ . _____ . tht h e f u l I l U m e D t o f W a l t . p £ f o B a ^ T G B c r e — ^

C h a n d l e r H a r r i s , ' t o ' ’ u r r e l e a s e i s a y s . . t h> s , ” S o n g o f t h e S o u t h " s p i i i t h e o r i g l n a l b l a c k = - - I m y t h s t a t t o o e d o n t o a te t e r s ; ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " ' t yw h l c b f o c u s o n t h e e x - B r e r R a b b i t , a r e yl e s o f b l a c k o r a l n a r r a - C i ^ t h a l r a i n l n g ; - - " ■ - A s i f l f r e n t e d t h e s y m - ' p i i s . w h o s e f a b l e s h e l p a j a ) m s ^ T h e D l s D e y f U m - - ^ - ^ — D o f I n t e r p r e t i n g a n d rt■ e;- .-. . c ’m g o f t b e S o u l h " r e f i n ' i l x I n g U v e a c t i o n w l t h 0 f t h e f i l m , h o w e v e r , aa r e s e p a r a t e . T h e c:

} r o n l y 30 p e r c e n t o f t h e - ^ '’ d a m a g e c o n e s I n t h e n i g h l y s e d u c t i v e y e f 11» r t r a i t o ( t h e S o u t h i n - - - - - - -B la t a l e s . . ; . 1

I; £r1dty; jMUf^2,1987 ,


b ecom e A m erica 's favo

pldceqfmatM th a t to re lax and have Imcr speak ^

O rig in a lly slated f, “ but It tn d e i up I

S no'snow. Wllgus 1

•y h a s been • The lecture se: IS sa id th a t ‘activity program rt with- -“ a extended;hour8 f ow exactly ice skating rink, i ill c o m e iip ing and skeet sho(

. C o i r i m e n- In 1946, fiim goers were outr m istakenly b u r n e d that HoU outgrow n the demeantogprev had finally repudiated the Idy Southern m aster-servant rela Ne;wYotk prem lerain.Tim es b lack and w hite pickets chant U ncle Sam , not Uncle Tom.’, ' '

-A ssw ia tio n io rth e Advances -P w p le called for a total boyc( ■NatfonarNegro Congress call the p lc tu reo u t of the area ." E p a r t i s a n a s Bosley Growt h s

■Tim”es chastised I t asT ^ lu B l unreconstructed fancy of tim the N egroes bowing and scraj sp iritua ls In the night.” ' r

. D isney Studios hadm om en about relssuing-the film. The

't y s a id th a t th e studio anooun “Song of the South” badbeen wiUiarawn from circulation.'

^ w a s re-released. II was reU .jCDisney official sa id “ Song< p a r t of the stud io 's classics n along w ith sucb film s a s "Sle

rD alm atlansI’ and “Fantasia; re -re leased for new generatit e v e ry sev en y ea re . . r .

T he film 's m ost recent run O ctober, w as m e t wllh noor{ and th e studio apparently re< c ritic ism for lts4eclsion. In<

- ' ‘Song o f th e Sbuthi^'-howeve I^ rp e tu a te s m yths of plantai m aste ri contented'SSrvautTi:

" th a t h ad been convincingly e -w ell before IM6.-7;—; T h d im p lle ltandexp llc itu


ivorite sex au th o rity .

fsnowiveagood tim e ,"b e said .

I tha t the iK tu re w riM wi ed because of th e la ck of sno ID being very popular. Snow < us said, "W e're hoping to brii « series) back by th e 'e n dotoFebniary .” _______

series Is p a r t o f an ^ a n d i ■am a t Sun Valley th a t includ rs for the bowltog alley and tl nk a s well as cross-country si shooting opportunities. ' .—

ssourra. ■ ' ’■ Ul'i n t a r y “

W llutraged; havtog Hollywood hadirew arstetfiotypes.and____Idyllic version of relations. At tbe filDJ’s le s Square,-doiens of^-r—' 'H ? ' lan tS , "We fought for f i."T h eN a tl6nal . . . 'M m cntotColored--------------jycottofthe fUm;-tbe— called oiiblacks to “ ru n t . " E vensucbD lsney , ®P

of^ e N e w Y o r k . ; ........

:rap ingandstogtog .......

nentffoftodedslon - f i lie tra d e p a p e rV a rie -oun ced to lW fftb a t--.........:een “ perm anently" , , . „ on.'But two yea rs la te r , ‘ ' " reissued agato f a 1980. ngoftheSouth" iaoow - PJ a re issu ep fo g ram ;. ,Sleeping Beauty,” ' “ l01. sla:’^eacS6fw h lcn ts • , , a tlonsof'd illd ren a B o u t~ ^ “ |

run. which sta rted in- • ^

iQ conttou togtoreissue ^ever,-DIsney----------- - H :D tatlon life (k in d .1ilTpssw ralharm ony)-------- ,l y e x p o s e and re lec ted _______ ._____-• .ftI tim tn itluoC 'S ongoI

C > b i €

I A&EI Videocable I programs, cI " ' By BOB FREUND■ Times-News writer

■ ' ' - TWIN FALLS - K■ is bringing back the i ■ , talnment n e tw ork , ai■ program m ing amoni■ after su rv e y in g .,]■ '. .viewers. ........... .■ -Arts and E n terta

*‘ spe(;lall2e8 In-perfor■ movie classics, w il l«■ channel 20 on a rea m■ "Several hundred ■ tioned u s to re turn■ reiponded," , Ktog■ m anager Chris Talkb

-ch an n e l-S -w lth -N i(■ 1983,'-when Nlckelode■ broadcasting hoiu i.■ ' Nickelodeon and £■ nels also w ere to n■ T a l k i n g announci ■ weefc,-5fhe-cabler8y!■ the changes to gato i■ ' - the basic channels ■ - _ which -a ll-subscribe B : ' w l^ stan d ^ t e l e visl

I the exception of t h n■ services - a re■ . subscribers owning■ . jtels.- 'O thers must_H■ ,:, M anyof-tbepiogri■ ' m u lte d from a Nov ■ , 'cu stom ers’ viewln■ Talkingtonsald.■ . . -. S tatlons.betog.swl■ nel asslgnm ente. in

- a r e : . '- - : Tv : ---------- rN ash v iU rN e tw■ - r - -:^rfninrl5~Na»bvl

country, music a i . gram s. , .

■ - ' USA Network-■ : ------- Irom 10. One-of-tho-H ’ llte services, USA■ ' program s *'and m o’ iNz surveys convinced 1

USA deserved betK • theTV dlal,’’ Talkfat

• KBCI - to ch j KBCI, the CBS affUi being preem pted to' CBS aff m ate, KM hours, Cable New; shown In itead’ ofT l

wnfl ' said moving KBCI a( now .‘ Nickelodeon - J o r from 3. Although pi

a io tu T i' following than expec

__________ .t.C -SPA N ^.to.cDided C-SPAN w iU .buom ides In Twto F alls, Kiml : the sometime In Janua i akl- avaUable In other- - • -tim e . ---------—

• I *S eeT V on

icialnotethe South’.’ a re in ad e {0 seem b< and entertaining. In th is respec resem bles “The B irth of a Natii With the Wind," in wblch movi« audience tohlstdrichl deceptioi A tlan trJoun ialls film c r it lc ra alongside "Gone With the Wfadof the South);-— - ...................

In perhaps 'iSong of the Soutl m ost memorably moment,-Unc “ Zlp^a-DeeDob-DaH," the w n i film ’s only Academy Award. Tl oLtbeJODg aro iheien trU oquls so n ^ rlte r.JV ^ a im o st fo ^ e t tl of the South were'defehse's agaioppression. • .................—

■The final Irony of “ Songof th D lsneyhas m l s s ^ f r a t oe^r< pbintoofUneteRem ns^ parabh derived ta les tha t H a rris Irans G eorgia plantation in the 1880s pIantk{on b l a c k s escape the a ic ted o n them by the plantatlc R abbit m ay seem g ^ Ib le -r- Ul taHon1>lacb '= ;& utthIs gulseli W hlleUncleRdm us m ay seem w arm to g . . . . wise and benevol philosopneL'!,that D isney publl a t least hasleam ed cunning f r he te lls .-4 ) ttr in g h l8 life tim e ,^ a lt Dl£ h is f ilm schronicltog America]

re lease a rem ade 'Songof tb e b lack character fighting for he

T b e ‘! S o n g o f t h e S ^ U ” U n ibst o n e ja y see will dep le ta “ Song" fa a a rl^ f lc tlU o u B *

James S D eaS ,]^fesxro l cm tureat YaleUnlnralty.JseQD ‘^ e H istb ^o fB Ia c k F tlm St

- J - ^

eTVs u p

■leshuffles ■; channels, '

r ■ _ •

- R i n g V i d e o c a b l o • h e A r t s a n d E n t e ^ r a n d 1| B h u f l U n g a o n g f i v e . s t a t i o n s : . . M a g J c , . . V a l l e y

f i r t a f a m e n t , w h i c h ~r f o r m f a g - a r t s - a n d - - - - - - - -111 a p p e a r o n c a b l e . s y s t e m i ; - ' • • e d c u s t o r o e r s ~ p e t l « u r n A & E s o w e C f a g ' V i d e o c a b l e i l k f a ^ n s a i d . A r t s /

- N l c k a l o d e o n : : 4 m U l — l o d e o n e x t e n d e d i t s • s . ■ • 'id f i v e o t h e r c h a n -0 m o v e o n J a n . 1, u n c e d y e y l i e r t h i s

» f a m o r e v a r i e t y o n i e l s - 2 - t h r o u g b - l S , - r i b e r s c a n - r e c e i v e - • i v i s l o n a e t s j - — ---- - - - -

t h m p a y t e l e v i s i o n t r e ' a v a i l a b l e t o d n g “ c a b l e - r e a d y ”“ t _ o b t a i n a j o n -

o g r a m m l n g c h a n g e s N o v e m b e r s u r v e y o f i w l n g p r e t e n c e s ;

. s w i t c h e d a n d ^ a n - , f a n u m e r i c a l o r d e r ,

u t w u r k —' t o c h a n n e l ■ ' ■ ■ i b v U l e r N e t w o r k - a l r a - — -

a n d r e l a t e d ' p n F ' - ' j -

r k - — t o u c b a n n e I -3 It h e - “ b l g - f o u p i i - « a t e l - -- ---- ^J S A o f f e r s g e f l e r a l ' m o v i e s . " C u s t o m e r

e d u s N a s h v i l l e a n d > e t t e r p l a c e m e n t o n k f a g t o n s a i d . ; •

c h a n n e l 15 f r o m 2. ; f f U i a t e f a B o i s e , . w a s1 t o ' p r o t e c t t h e l o c a l K M V T . F o r t h o s e

l e w s N e t w o r k . w a s . i f ' K B C I . v . T a l k f a g t o n :: i a d d s v a r i e t y ; .

— t o c h a n n e l 18 h p o p u l a r e n o u g h t o m f s u r v e y s h o w e d

h a v e > * a s m a l l e r: p e c t ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....o . c h a n n e l 28. f n m . 20, _ _ _ _ _: o m e a v a l l a b j l e J ) n . M _ _ _ _ _U m b e r i y a n d H a n s e n l u a r y , b u t . w i U n o t b e h e r t o w n s f o r s o m e

^ o n P a g e M .■

tes •:B b o t h c o m f o r t f a g ■} 5p e c t , t h e f U m N a t i o n ” a n d “ G o n e o v l e m a g i c b l f a d s t b e

? U o n s ( l n i M 6, t h ec r a t e d t h e f U m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^ f a d ” f a i t s d e l e t i o n

o u t h ' s ” s t r a n g e s t a n dU n c l e R e m u s s l n p -- - - - - - - - - -w n g t h a t w o i i t h e ’ d . T h e z e s t a n d v i g o rp i H n T p f n - w h t t B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; e t t h a t t h e t n i ^ s o n g s _ _ _ _ _ _a g a l n s t ' b d e a g u e r f a g

) f t h e ^ t h ” i s t h a t

a n s c r i b e d o n b i s 580s a l l o w e d t h e r e a l - I t h e h u m i l i a t i o n f a - l a t i o n s y s t e m . - B r e r ' - l i k e D i s n e y ’ s p l a n - i e l i e l p s T j l m - s u m ’ i e m l i k e t h e “ b e a r t - e v o l e n t p l a n t a t i o n i u b l l c l t y , c a l l s b l m , h e g f r o m t h e t a l e s t h a t

: D i s n e y t o o k p r i d e i n ~ ^ ^ I c a n s w b o a c h i e v e I n s u p e r a b l e o b s t a c l e s . , ’;i

e D i s n e y s t u d i o s ' t b e S o u t h ” f e a t u r i ^ a •

r t h a t m y c h i l d r e ns t a f a r m o r f l a c c u r a t e ____l u s • 'S o u t h . '* t ^

n Stereotypes,''^ - - - - - - - - -

Page 18: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

wKm^ jn M U iL to - r a b t .T im tM :

- ^ r r - ^ t o « a £ e £ f f e e r i i l - 3 W i 'd

■ ' ’jo tS c a le o d a r ^ tr te ,

■ | ; . r " t u ^ Y ‘: - ’ip'a8t '] ■’.:. *!.: 4 . ^ ; p . n L ' ^ Q e o r g « K ’ » I n I

: i - ' v a O O D I N p - T h e R

V--f;:;V '. 'JE B O M E -S c e p tc r

v 7 - - p a l l s - n

• TWIN PALLS “ Th !“ Tibld a p U b ltrd ian an

- r v : ' SlipupBtreeta.Muslcw

: : : : . i B U R L E y : ^ - F f i s t ' ]: p ; m . a t O e c r g « K ’» l n I

G O O D I N G - T h e R^ ; .........- ln n —_l!__________ ' ____

~ 7JE R O JfE — Sceptoi

-- - ^ .T W IN T A L L S -T t• tbe,Windbreak.

' TWIN F A L L S -A . - IOOFHaU,2863rfAv.

. :i- andtheFlaUancler«. •

" ■ '■■ T W IN P A L L S -F a i

r r - £ - : : - T W J t t : F m s , -. --:T i . . . ; , t h e , W I n d b t ( S a r . . .

A • " - T W I N F a l l s - T t— ” : m e w i n d b r e a k . - - - - - - - - -

l o t h e G a l a R o o m a t ( b e g i n i a t & p . m . a o d t h

: . B O I S E ^ A n O W 'I C o u n t r y . D a n c e B a n d » t 8 : 80p . m . a t t h e l 0 j

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l o r i e n i o r * , ' _ _ _ _ _ _— ' ForW onnB tlon ,ca;

; . - - - - - - - : — p « r t o m « t t b « 5 p l ? e £. I . Reserved tleketa ai

M d S d e c l ; *

*MVT T don’t pli Texas; 1

SHAMROCK, Texas ' Panhandle residents n

a larm ed to U am ol a ne' . .‘‘fflTV Town" - need r• I n v a s i o n o t d e c a d e n t r o c . . : s a y s t b e h u s b a n d o f t h e m

: w o i T t h e e m p t y l O O - a c r c_____ grassland—'..- - - - - - - M a r s h a l l L o w e ^ , a k

b u f f w h o e n t e r e d b i s w l f n a m e a l o n g w i t h h i s o w n i

• m usic video channells co--------tb«f-coupl6-l8-religlous-«■ .v p l a n t o n J o v e t o . T e x o s a n y \

M r s . L o w e r y , 33, o f J a t . i a l d s h e ’s n o t a r e g u l a r ^

a n d d i d n ’t k n o w s h e _ w a s — . u n t i l M T V c a l l r t t o s a y s h '(

- . . " M T V . , T o w n ’ ' I s a c t u '■ - t o w n , b l i t a p i e c e o f r u r a l

■ m i d w a y b e t w e e n S h a n M c U a n . M T V " v e e j a y ” /

: . - p l d c e d M r s . L o w e r y ’s i ' m o r e t h a n 1.7 m U l l o n

V . ' , - W e d n e s d a y d u r i n g t h t •“ N e r o ' s E v e R o c k ' n ’ R o l l

. " " ' A s t h e M T V - w i n n e r , M _ _ _ , h a s — b e e n _ p r o i p l s e d _— -p a c k a g e including the n

^ a s s la n d , a house, a soi.. . . . . ; 1,000 c o m p a c t d i s c s , a J e:— a n d - a - g e n e r a l - s t o r e - T S t '

•-----Or she can choose lo ---------m onetary equivalent of

' a n M T V s p o k e s m M s a i d .


;;zt= z!z PERFOt ' ' • CLASSI'


S j f t f w g

alli.1 .yFrtday.Jaftparyz

l i n * 'm t o X b e .T ^ e f ^ < n n r e a t< r t

i tn i:8 U f^M ^^ a a A M ee tn ^ It-it lo week'i '‘FiidM yh te , but eYeatgmast flo tpeo to i

2 / T o d a y • .

s i ' ForwaH”«rtlfplay 'cijraifi: InBoriey.

e Rhythmaires will play a t9 i

>tor WiU play at9p>m. attbeSn

^The Idihb’Tfaun'der B a n 'd ^ and blOM at 9 p.m^at the V

p e D lMbtod American Vetei

icwlil be provided by theOldT

3 /S a tu rd a y -

Bt'Forward-wUl-.playTomilr; InBurley. --

e Rhythmalres will play a t 9 ]

jtor will play ai 9 p.m._at the Sn

Tbe Idaho Thunder Bimd wil

■ Ajtybllc dance will hidd. Ave. E. MusTc will be provideii. ~ ................ ; ; ,

4 / S u n d a y -

Fast Forward will pUy at 8 p.n

8 / T h u r s d a y


9 / F r i d a y

. The Idaho Thunder.Band wll

O n g o i n g - •

a t C a c l M P e t e ' s R e m r t C a j l i x d U i e c K k t ^ U e h o w b e i i l j i i a t l l

^ Q u t o f t h e V a U e y ,

U Tlmey Square baiace will md and Dorethy Shuc calling lO A EiU lnB oln.qeneialad

. ■ c a i i s ? ^ . " ■ ' . ■;

J u n e C a r t e r a a i H t r » S U I « j a i l y f t i l t x £ « v | ! ! o a . a l I a n I U . K I a n d l l l . s o a i T a r e c t - a ^ M t o u U e U o r b y c a l l l i i j s

rown’ ►lan move residents

13 (AP) - J-------------T“Who, were “ ■

new neighbor . . . . « Hi not fear the ^ ^ Al rock ’n' roll, le woman who icre patch of • '

1 sweepstakes ^wife Loretta’s •, .V ...y-.ranam elnth? • - s /I contest, says a . e v i / ' o B-and-docsn’linyway. /n o o mileJackson, Ala., i -ir MTV viewer L r - vas an entrantsh'eliad wbii: girl - and' 2-wiictually not a himself asiral real estate way back." I hamrock and . reffular vlew<

Alan Hunter rural'hom es name from Jackson In so)n contestants served by .cathe station's don’t have

loll Ball." - “ bewd about, Mrs. Lowery newsletter. L_a_,?39l^40p_ “ MTV Towe 100 acres of tuinbleweedl sound system,- teistate 40 InI Jeep,:$100,000 county where -stocked-wlth-beverages Is I^ g u m .- - One of the to receive the not too pleas<of the-prtzes, the winnerId. have two kidnf n

a j b r o j j g l ^ ^

ArtsjEntV -

3 R M I N G A R T S


■E— ------

g Videocai

p i?

t StoUupabUe._______ ^ _Tln

T bar

i ^ / ^ m u s l c a t r ; :, , ' . l y . - .

9 p . m , a t t h e L i n c o l n . j J h . S h o

S m o k a S h o p . , , ' ®

i i l l p i i y m i i s l c ' ^ m El e W ln * ^ . J J T

sterans Auxiliary wOlIt-HaUr^arriwh-aad------- U SiTImeFiddlers. cov

- H otonl3 agP and

ilry/rodrrrau*ic-iat-0 --------Uon■SI

9 p.m. iat tbe Llncohi' tbej

~ aboI Smoke Shop. ■ tott

■ verwin play at 9 p.m; a t— •


Id at 8:30 p.m. at the ^ ;ded by Archie Turner . '-and

•the;. . . •- SI

: '..thei ton


1w‘llH>l.ay-at-9:P'.Pi.j l -T— :

- ............ IiH o rteni

• ............... --- - . : I tvwill play at 9 p.m. at ■

■. p.m

rtaln4brougb4»undaylino. The dinner show......... gygi:11p.m. Goc

ove K

Ith'the Harvest Mooff ' ngwQlbebeIdJan.,9 ,admlsalonl8 tt .M :'tt ^

UHIarterFamUy-wlll-------- —t a t B p . m . F e b . 4. - - - - - t h . i r e o n s a f e . a f l h o B S U ' . u . «38W7W............ .......-jel

ihners i\ ' - S O z

ts relax[7^1^ H ;Attiarillb 1 T

. DaUas I y S a s " " +

•O \ Hilas^ ^ i te d c o ; \

APlMWO^Phle / !-WMk.old-Mnr describes-; / -

“a rock ’n’ roller from ’’ But he said he is not a ;wer of MTV because his le seven miles north of southwest Alabama is not I ': cable television and "we A e a satellite dish.” He ' \ out the contest In a < \

fown” Is along a sandy / dllned road just off 'In-':’r " In Wheeler County, a dry _

ere retail sale of alcoholic - -Is Illegal,— . _______ _the lown’6 neighbors was ^ ias^‘ with the Idea b H o n e ,^ r was announced. " W e v '^ kids, we are Christians,”

tack ah old Ic

iterMnmejk N e tv v o A ’

•M O V • COW

- 7 - " “ ^ “ S E R Ii

i b i © , - ^ a b l f t

M M iB, T«nN;;’ A t E S ; .* T : P j ^ cuktttle r e v im .ofmoVite cv p h ^ g i a tM U e ^ c J arg.^y.4ha.liln|'lfln P k tu w ,/

Times, pptdofls are by Los i rim es r C T l^ e r l '

THREE AMIGOS J f l ^ T hardly a nQ oeo t here that is ly. . :.jnak«:-"tbat. .'inQi outrageon^y and breatbtakii] ly. Maybe that Is why this tt trio of inept‘ aUent-movle (Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, Short) turned r^ -IU e heroes a goofy ddight. It is like a d

P o m ^• CootlouedtromPageDl

c o v e r t the ^ r lo d from It t l However,Nbtjaid SUI wad c only with t h e n ^ o l a l l o n t i g n e i 'to pay^all taxea.:pi and Interest on aU thti years i Uonupartortbe^flgreement;

Slal -faUed to report mor 1100,000, h r 1982. Income froi theaters, Ward said. . _ l ‘TbftjlOroffle<lmQpeyj«B about 25 percent of the bo total of the theaters, shdwhis very lucrative buslaess indei

Ward said that' as part agreement, Sial ■ a g re ^ t manently..:shut. down his t and surrender his business 11c the Salt Lake County attorney.

Sial alsp agreed to remo Iheatec i^eat^ screens cmd tors from the Capri ‘W M r’I whlcb closed for the hollda

71^-—~-;«.ContInuedfruoi-PageDiIn.another.prbffamming <

Home Shopping Network will tended Into the early momlnj It will be available from .l a. p.m. dally bn-channel 1 Discovery Channel-appeanp.m. to I a.m....................

A# annbuncWea'rlier, K«i was scheduled to b e ^ broad 24 hours-a-day orD ecrSlrlfr

sy s tem T ^ '^ ce p t" ^Wen^ell Gooding. K49AZ also can be. r over tbe^ lf tm UHF channel 4E

King Videocable oneratei system s'ln Twin Falls,-’Kli Hansen, Filer, Jerome,- Went Gooding.. ■ .

R u t h —^— : ^ ‘ContlniiM ^ra1> i^ ^he .speaker-eirianates-fton her. And sometimes It Is funn;

“I had'.a man cal! me-on le lls" the’ audience, ’'and* •wanted to doj,»omethlflg-v ^ferent on hts weddihtf: night ’That Is InterestUig,’. try lnr the air on radW. T h ttl.I th something. I told him 'to be one to bed and to only wear i and tie,- thhiking-I was be! clever. Then he sa id ,' ‘Bu should I wear the h it? ’ " '

\ — PG-13Rirtlng^ Introducod

~ r ----- iri IliBltrB\ " n - r . h r a t i n M i l r a i -

\ s i - ^ s s f s s ;

f ' ^ v a s r i r f l S ; 'ndim niltiiiisk te i:. • t ( o n l M m t . IB u n -iMMM l m w bMk *\ ■asisF'* :

Vr t v d a t v a k r a s i i B M -

r ------ f c j B m t r t i nnprti___ i r i i n N pnM V

V' T ziiri> a*rn iM w .iii.. L ^ - in« n o v t t w . i » ;a& jfavo r i te . . .

leht .

)VIESiMEDY/vX riET HES— ------



■ tw era' i "big^ud i m ot a . and-ti.Hoi

rle .stars tuiie,".wltb'dozei n, Martin gags ttarowq In to es Is Boch, -Notbiflg Ik.real. dDss'be-; er<board sunsets;

pj— ^ Monday, and ,to

Jl to 1985. either theater >charge s a id . . ’1 and'has' Federal prosec .penalUes charge Slal for U s ingues* 1983 and 1984 Bi tv.“ .'“ :":'.'~mSid.d«atu'ralli lore -than—7 -He -sa id—Azur rom both corporation owni

■ "op^ted the ;th< eoresents .pleas, o n ,s ta te .( box<fflce~al-anundeierffllni ing It is a Sentencing on: deed." he sion charge is s<r - - ....before-U.S, .Disr( of tbe vSam. The:Offeni

to per> imum penalty < theatm prisonmentanda

license (0 . Ward Mid son!y........... 'ge3ted.-:that. shuimove the rated theaters wl d projec- adult video casset ■ Theater,' ‘ ■ ‘‘However; w r davs last when we find Ui( — • city, county; sta

'-Forneys In Utah j _______ secutingobscenit;

; “I w3l be vrll

HI ' u !-mend and encou

fv a rd s lid .“Now M n e m ak e .th e M re^

It- i s - s e e n ~ | i m |M H Bliliiiiiilil> ell ana,recelv»l ^S Z Z Z Z i.

g W h e j iindelland, ^

5 9 a p d c i a

f o r a s

-------------- r ' : % ■ j i l a c e I

I « h o m e ,8'Di , ' t i e e d ; '

'&WHMir a top hat

- iM ^

, ’

r v f O F

■ ■ t ’WW

w ^


lu d ^ t" ii» e e i^ ^ ^ 3 o p t f < ^ y j tS a d ip iC ': In yo s e n s 'Of old cowpoke •‘The I to spice up the brew, belies d , not e v ^ the post* die I ts.-And-iti8-this g lddy -aw ail

Evil. . . . . .. ........ slave

secutors a p w d not to , • t a x v I o l a a o h s in l9 8 l , : .^ - ;

and 'w H l not recom ; P ™ ‘ ilHatlon,-WardBaId. - - S sure'-Producutlons,^- fnied b y Iqbal which. Vjntatheaters,, would;enter 6 obscenity violations , ," 0

m th e ( eva-.; scheduled for.reb..5-..®«;« DistrictrJudge.- D a v id -^ ^ 'ense carries a .max-: f of five .years Im- ^ dajioo.ooofln'e. •wme people hadsug- hutting .down..the will cause an influx of • settes;;:: . “f PfeTvill prosecute them,-??,them ,” h e said; “ The s ta te -an d federa l-a t- idreagrCMlyelyjro-

/riling to each connty..LiUve in the Salt Lake "Bearrfotore^e -reeoin" i h‘ourage an Immediate..; of existing I'ionlng -regulations?:' |ow Isaj:^M ttoe_to I:^atrdnras strong a's )Ible >Jn order _ t^hot fiai^tfie purveyors Irom seekhig to locate I

2 S ^ Z Z Z ^

t y o u I

• S ' - - ^ r la l p l e c o gs ■ spec ia l : g ■

s in y o u r 0 | !

“w —i - r

I S i ij

i^ r i■ISm nSSiJilfi

TOOAVATh-li A JE P ^ u iy i40-8i3j.7HQ.»,at

WSSS /.TWIN ^ $ | i :iNEMA )PENAT 1 ^ 3N tO[>AY I l i j - r o R “ — I PHATINEE

tm ce'^/ttat^jslvM .'■ ti iv 6s t ^ chi^dfe a dellghlfallrl

m e coLDEW c m p ^ X fiU ie » ln iH aih« moimUl K fllIfU ieG 6lden‘CliIl(r=Tt any belleyr Is . tte gu e, »e

n w n d r f by EvU Forces: he! lltt^'slavertog brutes* v flftte xffiwg tip rroto-thfl bowelB.or OTBe survIveT^Oh, sorr.*Aad; ■your.own locai movie house rW'Golden Child,” w hich 'r lUeved would be the great ne« e Murphy comedy . ««L.bave_ raited-It-Is-beset-by-even 1 vil •’Forces: •heinous, scrip averingspeclaheffects, vile cli i r ^ g up' from ‘the bowel BlIywood.Can It survive? Nope, I^ARTBREAK RIDGE <(R). aterial here is .thin, thin, th:

Ime-dlr^tlves v combat, jm iltln^ before the Big Battle Ii Is.long already? - -but dire •oducer-star-Clint Eastwood, ademark ^ w l reduced to a j audible purrMg rumble,turns h ta g e '‘p^orm ance“ that '■"> onally tianfuses the film’s anec NO UERCV (R). It is beautil .^ tfu lly- -excmng,—i t - i a - t t )und familiar? This flashy, it-of-water, loveK)n•th^run < raier'ls'tfoMeoaaly Shot by;M rault.‘ jmadireclbr "Richard P« ves It flavor and pace, but it I teed of a b ra k e le s s '^ r t s sading hito a wall. The deriv ory — about- a feckless Chi p , a fiery New Orleans hooker !r psychotic crime czar lover rjiuch.d«pth w d character o lurs of Dungeons and Dragons aIogue^ plays like - a campi liw y of Oliver Stone; and Ric ere and Kim Basinger, though id en lab ly ^^e , a r e ib u r^ g

_Cht• / i I ehas#

" ' . I / ...'l. - J m ovltpm '

: OpMMon.-Sa' i H I i - ' 119«BLI

' Coll


iK C « r M % iJ r s t a " "5 - e i P o i i T

! STUI— ----------------------^

. ................ _•f A P P B E M - . :

iP H O N E _ __________

■nioiui. owMii»« WM Nw< JaWwr i>.MUM M w*M» mrn» Oml i w w w i

IL , , 9 | | p

- - x w n ^ oM

OMVUilMd# ■■ -"S itWTiW-titl • —

y itjE ^ T o m m A T T ^ ^

S j j S t i i S B aPAU1.H00AN J

- 1oaonLtx..-.._^Kj n r v p S ^ j Z ^ ^ g ^ ^


I ALL ADULTS ONLfc ♦3.50™«I - >-■ UTOiPJW^... .

w «c»^’»acuinn. r t r S 'S O N O O F I S M W

i ; .waii'DUMy’j ' t a S w • frU ). bine dram aU <i!'M aim or wltb'inlmatioK'‘TBn •whom ■ RabbltrBr»ef-Fo»-M

adapted from Joel Cb

lelnous fuUy vivid. The rather lemons Uve-actlon ^ r y . . tt If H e ll, them shows.. *deep^Baskctt’s: wonderfull; se l l e r ^ o r m a n c e as Uncle ■ rhany’vttdeems ' this;. -,no Bw E ^ H o liy w c ^ valenthie e long'South:v [■mbrer-SOUC. MAN .(PG-1 ■ lptlng,^ay have had honest cliches film - in which a els of masquerade as a bli >e. ; qualify for a Harvard ,) . 'T b e -ls .a mess at almin Ihin - Steve Miner's, dlrec

inatooni Black’s scriptJs mort lasted and much of what

rector- neltherwltsorcompai kT, b i s - -STAR TREK IV: ' 1 near- HOME (PG): Breathi ns in a-Trekkle-wIth hide4o.

occa* not find something ti emla. rollicking.-^ humanist! tlful. It opera? Perhaps, bui

'T iS b - prise under the pil c h a se -b r Leonard Nlmoy a:

Michel cuse us,'Admiral) Ja P earce travel backward' li t l s the primitive era (our t t s car . two humpbacked wha 'Ivative save Earth. There b Jhlcago scldus effort • to ligt er, and after the “sturm und ■.— has first three movie "SI of'twb the result_wlil alma

iis.'The the bMt loved of the 1 iped-up old. crackling ' En< lichard badinage and' aMot ^ -th ey Even audience meml lg In a mhialSpock block sho

9! ^H your family got V

l)rfBtreas.Just.brIn8 >rbof.< i« to Studio 200t and w«1 i.'.FREE-'Membership end 2!R^J»JLCom».lnJ.<yltnf^^^_Set. 10 a.m.*9 p.m. sruf^n. IT «.n ILUE LAKES.fiLVD./TWNFAi tl 733-2200 For Reservotleni



jSm s M


S H w S k

jl MtmrAiiY AMUHHiwryiniMffBB'fW— V_S(Ci —- \ J I


I ent ^

--------- DMV7.».f,

i G E . - l t # ! k - : S K C ) W I I

Sff” i | r ALtSEATS

M rS f lt l

t-a n d -B r !» -B e a r£ l: l IC h a n d l t tH m lite •

tberm ^odram atlc;- -that.-stffrooads~ -

t s . ;.age.y.’J a m ^ ■■'.-fully-^patiM tle-;^ - Dcle Remta;^«liso8t •

to e to f t i e ’ b le r

>G-i5);'TTwugb It lest bitentlons, tbis 2 v > a white student .:I blsck-ln order to^^ard scholarship — most eveiv'level.: r llrecUon '^ b s ,at;

aortUylngiy c^oyr;.-. ■ lat transpires h a s ' npasslon: - • 1 V: THE VOYAOei a thes there a non-; L4o.tough-lh«y:will'' ' ]g to enjoy to.:thls' - nlstlc- supehffpace; but they will be;

i j^idance bTdi;m-7 >y and Captain (ex:;) Jamey Kirk crew j - - ln - 't im e - t0 " '8:r - iir own)-lo rescuB.' whales and therebr- re bas been a con^ lighten things..upi, und drang". of the:"Star Treks’' and

Imost certahily be thef6ur:fuIIbfithC ^ Enterprlsb : crew lot more besides;^ embersTWith-a te^: :shouldbeamq0ed.

w VCR for III^ . o f . p u r i . / \ ;__ _ _ ;w e ir give - s •d 2 m t

^ ....IFAUS :o n i '. ‘ ■ ! ’

>Nr-z{ \AKES r J ■

I - ■



N W . x 'i K B & S ;

hMdlrC.4 KwyewN'PiAt*!!


_ 3 E i _

s iiR W . - '-.-'-_^ e r o e ......9-h\9

- j“ f*

5 S s » ~

\TS M .0 0 - % —mm» -2 :30 J ■I ''

Page 19: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

•; P r t ^ ' « n a ' E m e «

aG a t f i e t d : : : ; . . . .1

■ IS ff iS~ ^ m

H a g a r & e H o t i l l

' \i^6 A !i:!X > V o ]i W A H T A B U I Z g E P .

T h e B p m L o s ^

5iaf/SB C «ruiiw 5^

B e c t l e M e V

l i i ^ iM w S d T T S 'l. A SILLIOM P O llA fl

. o n t h a t t a n k a w p------ cW O ^TH »y-'R 6 - ^ 3_____^ flCRA PPlHglT

. H L 2 j L i ± j L - S

G a s o i i n ^ A l l e y

: ’following s t f

^ rad io exerci^’ W%

. ,1 B« cooe*m«d k r - f : - 6 Low-pJtcbtd I*'i .9 8pfHl . _. . ^: 13 Pirty opw 1 1• 14 Ttp«»iry •

— i i: .isahotbonwiu-Pi . 2 0 l n ^ P f :-21A Jttrfnd b - f• ■ of ■ church r *1 • 22 Burnt or BTT

Sttvtnton ' I I: • 24 8nW w ~- ■ F T '•; 25 “ and chain ■; 26 HorM'a 0«H :• 29AdvtMrAnn- H

:“ ‘" M VWngUkT~~“ ™ ; S3Fofw«rd B F• MNrtWofl—: seujttreua ~

----- . ------ mlntna— _: 37 Covtn H• 308horablrd ^; 39 Hindu B*nn#rtt “

--------... 40 Radiator,________

• ♦IWhala “ ^ ___^ _jl2.B«rti6n_„_________

' 44 MortartMrd ' 7 0omaniffnt______ ® W

. 4iCutt>vatti = 9 B.------^4T-Annl*0aWay — 10 F«

:^ '4« A«W - -....... . " W• 61 «wrt for 11 A'

.ChHatinaa-" m •- 62DMOtabbr, 12 Ei

-----E dw vm W ^— 16-VK• MMovtofl- . 18 0

60 Conga for oh* 28 M.... '•-••t«tliDohdWori’ “ ''nii- U P a fn O y o ro u p S6 M

- e s e ^ - ,27Bi ■ S4D*b«tabte ; . 28M

- DOWN ■ •.•• :.2g'5l - •-V-l — M W l-.-.__ JO.JI

- 2 "Atwwof - ; a i cbM uty% ^ .: -33 0

■■ ......form at; ------351a; $Tr»ckcoRta« 37I>

.•'-4 .A oa 43 0

M s s a —

W E -C A T f-l , - - -

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p i a

l i b l e

jU ^ i r ;■ Y E 6 ,y ln p ? e v e e f T H i m

tr ' . ; , r r t B E A T E l i r F I ^ A e O I

y______ _____'’Yep! The Arnold Bicep

show ‘ preeentsi S T i — s ® daily

r ~ H“ - .1-rJu:-. ” TT " ~ t

I a B , “ T **”

p - ^ g p - -r ■“ ■ s r “ “

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KIBS7Tl«i» M«a«SW*ICt>.lnft-. u wgiia .. ............ -—4.';" ’ Yeiteri

T Canal o r ^ a |r |a |M |P | BRkUcula ' 0 D 0 b I 9Brti»y Y ft' -Q f l0 r —d-tha- . — -f a - k W y ---- :r .....r " ! ! l1 Attar W> or------IU E t« |T l

nwb ; H H mZEmcM A M pM ji5-VW*pa..s_-:_—U i ;.finaBBowBnfl-anay IT 2 Q-mtcSSH di-r . l i k k l l l sB NUchlAa pirta ' U I 7Btottarnama vM'p p Im iTi BfNothaMrf- •■ ■ > c p UK

gU Sm al .!QJtmglaaQun d t . _ I ■IC w va-------------4SCuropa’aSQukklaiints ' -.nalghbor5lar.'«Wln#- : .....47 Loca5onro ^ la ta d . 45Judo*’Bi S O ufW i^ ^ 49Haro

bro ihar^ ; , SO.ScMatfi 4'Loftlar ' plantotloi

■•.7L L. v - . i ; ’. - . / ,’ il-. — , ••

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EOUT^ / i V P H n l ^

•U S E S ^ O - ')• lUCHAM^AO^

^p V l'm going to th e <to

m i■ N |P ! P

....... ,,_terdav’t PmrieSohfedr

«’a ..........sTsianpiAlafn .bor : ~ *62^ p a a a a M a ■ten ------saiiluirtcrt ' •->’asMS onMip

64 Hatpaf: abbr.t tf i ..... : ..67 Duomif .!«w_ siBaiM •___; -•

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' ^ W A K E A t a o r . w l i . pouTW A serA srofi& re eOOMlWCWDlHTBWW

c L il-D a ^ Challenge^ i^jg^exereteeiiatiTne

I - .l i l i l i i r ~ ; f f l i i ~ a i i i l l i i1 S I - ® f p “

rW W F i I ^' ' B j n H 'B o y d

A jn a o la a n a p ro o '

^N um eroas.TV commercl a n aproned m an a t a stb' p a a - ih hand. This Image appea l lo salaried womei longer h av e - tim e- t o 'd U n3ei«tandabte.-A s-r«cen e a r ly '19608, t h o u ^ , the loi u m h is ts 'in d u d M th is sort c a - I h e l r lists of Imposi w bom —'tnarrlag& m ioded shou ld -avo id , w ro te oq( thinfcB his p lace Is tn the 1 .h asn o room for a y ife,"...,.

ISB Dai!-■■QlENEftAt.'ttlNDENCE "cellent day and’ evenlng ' proceed with th e orlgloa g resslve p lans t h a ^ p p e B r ^ d i 'o u f ' t n n e 't f l l e ld f .

Jieadw ay ;c :.-,_ :::,:; ;v , ' j

^ A RIE9 (M arch 21 to ' P la n t6 m eet with your be M ake-,new friends ; tbroi friends wbose quaUMesyou

TAURUS (Aprtl M-'to C on tac t'those w ith power b e lp .:y o u .a tta in y u n '. l lnHa h i StntA v n u r n lsn sc IeA i

> i » 8 b W : r - ^ —

' o a s e t i . ^ -

I P e a i i u t s

liwmREwV ,^ AW wmE 1 .7

. \ I CALfflHARI I ■' _wye;voujy ^


a a t e n t n a ^ ,DH,

' I IRW IN,"l^T .... TETOERB


r«i J r - JIWMC S A

i v - r . .

iysj< /hat _ - I ' : -

Q.'Which can , ; ‘ orham burgera?

rclals depict ___tb v c iJ ry ln g ' " e Is said to A. M eatballs 1 len who 'no fact, one of tbe

do It aU; not actually th enUy-as tbe_ball_declslY eb lovelorn c o l-c le a v e r by V )rt o f fellow WichlU, Kanq. }fisible-m en Acderson team ed;j_wom en P am . They l me: “ if lie~Tounded“ Whlte } kitdsen, be first hamburge;

>700 back tn 90 d

UyjBprosoCIES: An ex*.. GEMINI (Ms g^tor'yon-to-new alllM whoj oal and pro* different to. yo peal to you; nershlpcanbel J for'greater— ■ - v

C v'" 1 i 6o nc^I Aprii 19);' ly JI): Get yoi

friends. 00 & more mod r o u ^ those ter results.

0 M ay .'a ): LEO .(July 22 er. ^ ^ 0 can new>a]lles to y [Inest ambK Uons. Get you J tarly. ' g a i n more publl<

- - ........ - t v r m r ^ t M m H ^

; ^ I demsiouitsBui

. 7^: TlTTHASTlCm ■• 6EA6L£50NEW

' ■ w m aEA£t£S JUMI • • FEHcesjeeAfiti


p I p s a S w c F


= " PLAY W t&A ■

fi SS Tof Id


L o is '. p R ieu p / v'

^ A V S T H A r. lAWTA O - A U e - l— - V t '.T K o e? . J / —

^ ^ 7J

M M M W ' ■ ■ -------b

V : ;

•' dri' ' . clih

_________ dri'

•ame first - meat~ballB rs? - : • c

[Is by a few centurlM. In ^ tbe first hamburgers, if the ftrstr-was a-meat* inoelk_na iten .^ with _ a j__j

Waller Anderson of. tr© nq., In the early 1900s. amed up..wiUi Bl!ly In-. . / r borrowed- 1700, and gn Ite ■Castl^tbe'-'world-’s. gu ger chain. They paid tbe fea >0 ddys, mlght'mentlon. dm

M ay21toJune21)i Gain nisi bose bQ C k^und Is quite C Q your own. A fine part- all.

)e formed; 'V................................... - L

............ •-••• ‘ ,m___ ___ _________ _.tru)

> '■ ...... .. cn]in,i>REN (June aa io Ju- your business operating ;; lodem level and, get bet-

■ ter— r r r r r - ^ r p p ' : - — cob

22 to August 21): ^d d► your firesent;assocla*. cm>u image improved and coiibllc prestige .. - - . tloi

n^C: :

y : ~


IjMft ,

( iw n

| Hs f e S

- ^ r " r - ----------—

- S - r /S W m ^'v m lL . l B T . H oW I MBPi/rrr SINCE

r H B

-D A N G E R " ---------—

. All drivers aren't dangero passengers aren’.t.daDgerous. the passenger Is,a bltchlker 1 driver_lsJh^sort ho-plcks clih'lkers, the odds chan^. .I drlver-and a hllcbbtker make ■geroUfi comlnatlon; statlsttcall

Can you pronounce, the ne Sian word for “sex appeal “seksapU.".

Q. Does a lightning boU e thore^an one tree at a time? __Aj>oea„inde€d,:>9jnany. trees nave been k ill^ by one b

-A computer !hobbyist ij England compared students;slatlsU' leanied the' grade's fell m during storms. What do you?

• yiRG O JA u^t 22 to Sep 22): A good find new. nlsms.for brtndng you great clency:'Make.tne.luture_brlgl all. ■

LIBRA (September 23 'to'( 22)r‘Seek those pleasures tt truly, like. Stop procrasttnati ^ o y them. Buy a gift~76

' SCORPIO'” (0ctote7' v 2 November 21): You bave 1 handling-new Interests to fUi( ter meuod,! bnt now go ahei coMdfflce:—

'•S ^IttA R ilis '(Novembei December 2i): A day to ba Communlcatln- witb other courteous and mment'bettclions. '■ ■ ' ■■X - ■

»Sw«X9 UBUUA '

■• r > r r s < ^ / i

<eo e s s o I - - '‘ir-ioci IN MBXlC t .1 - / . C»I - Q KIC

s^ 3 4 ^

IfHftt-M ./.l ENJOYTHE'

0 '^ ^ ' t e .

' i j O U ^ H A s l f B E B u )

^ — S'

■ K y

— ■■■ — that? _______

roiis. Ail The Torah is 'th e IS. But If and law In Jewish r and the ' scribes who copy It IS up htt- to use quill pens. '.Then, a - _ - - • k e a d a ^ Says a medico: Illy.- - doesn’t seem as sba

bear In mind you'i new Rus- g landslnyourear. a l? ’! .U ’s

When you stop . d re a m , more. Ir

ev e r kill , record eye movemei ? • '• ly a s 160 ■- In seven w ars oui s b o i r ^ T S K '- a H a i » m f

s tarted tbew arsw oiIn New

itsV dally- W hat poodles ahei ; t ic s . .A n d z - .z 'z : . :_ ; : ' i ~ m arkedly Only theG ypsy v J m ake of Gypsy men, tell fort

eoleniber CAPRICORN ^(D *r. m e c h a -Jan u a ry 20t-A .fitte a t e r effi- Improvements to yi ighlcrJor.youL-rrjiew spflper.

periodicals as >t'ell.. ... AQUARIUS (Jam

rO ctober'aryW >:-B e courage th a t you your personal aim

jtlng and »x>n yours. See y( Tor y o u r a “ d be charming.--^

----------PISCES-(F«b.20.. ,; .-!6uLof that rutiyou

' 23 to ^ d get Into new i delayed fasclnatlngandprof

tod a bet- IF YOUR CHIL lead with DAY . ..h e o r s h e ' ~ r - - — etw SB i^rb'it-W fll

whatever 1s mode ►er ’22 to c6urse of educatlo bave fine out th e fine talents ei9. ' Be your child freedom tte r rela- tendency In ' this

rebellious. ■

i iioo(MP i . r

M i '

fL T riB T T i I

^ i s u m a g m W — .:

.KIOO«Nfl...'F’ 11 — ONLY ( J ‘w p p ih jo ? y - f •; -

yM'7 ^ Ij— _

0 . ^ ' ) ' '

■ ^ S e ^ i v%. :;

the body of'wisdom Jlsh Scrtobir®'“ and ■ y it StUl are r e q u l^ -

co: If your hearing sharp latdy as once;'QU've got 4,600 waxiT.

stop smoking,—y o i Instruments th a t '

iment so Indicate. .''•

5 out ot 10 - l^ tweM__


shed is dandruff.

V'wbmenT'never the— fortunes.- : ~

-(De<^in^r~22~ to - -Tini* dpy fnfli^Ung___0 your home.' Studyp e r _ _ a n d _ .other.___ _111. * lanuary 2t to.FebrtPageous-lngotng aftM--------alms and they , are !6 your good friends

!-301o M a ^ 201 G^t ■. you bave gotten In to")w Interests that are . . profitable-- ,HILD IS BORN TO- ihe will adhere to thew m -ixrintertstea:3ii-^^lodem. Give a . fin e .- :-.- laUon tb it will brtag : ' ents hero. If you aTv? ddm, you will avoTd<« :-. iilfl-one- to 'b e c o m t -- .

Page 20: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

- „ p:4:T»me*-W»w»rTwln Ftll

^ o p - mo set

: ..Tbe iiyla,. plwe aik

........ ^ ilJC ^afw eepforU w j'•. V-lT»e-muilc--U»e3t-

rUiese .daya m i^ t- tx ~ - idvefiturouf. but one i

;: calculator to total tbe . •.perieacfi.under-the lw

- Gabriel; Paul Slinoz relative newcomer Costello.

-------— That-l»-«-abarp-coi_____^^v o tln g j_ w h lc h cro

-;by the 7000 1111111181 — .'tbe-Replacem eatfl-0

. 'rd e iu e a n ^ b u m ln ’86 J ^ e n tourth-plaee

.. d m nden t rock move: ■ ting a b ltlobg In Ult

• ■ "Peter :CaM. “ a t -N bl^est-r«nklng debul

------- " Tift: and recording with tl . so the . real . rooki . honors go to the.Bode

__:i_ ;_clQflfily_by- thft^Jemii----------- C halnr-S teve—Barl(

: Pogues........... -The baU6Ung-(wbli------ -polhta for 07(0:1 vbt(

; e^,).bypas8«p tbe big

DEAR ABBY: John ( name) and I have been IS years and have a Iovd<

My problem: All our John has needed reassurance that be la

-'- - tit <-tfr-women..-Ue-t » « -opportunity (or a.ose-

and seems to think thati...... doesn’t eatabllsh-r-lon

tlonshlp with any oftbes Is-not really guilty 4}f h fair. -

W e-have, been In­counseling for years betproblem. _____ i.

I am a very attractive ' get aloDg well and bav«

varied sex life. This, b DBver tllmlxilahed“ h l ^ workers, convention and even prostitutes

’ \ !§e keeps telling me tb _ accompaiiy.:hlm_ on .1

. trips, this wouldn't bapi have a career and cann

Join the Winner’ and kneehighs with that epecla very special-sav


—;— ;--------^CharQB.D_____Account# __

• Amount EricioseName _______A d d re s s_____City ________

- . ^ — ^ ^ — V -

Ftiia.'tdaho- - Friday. January

rrnmmmiM g i f i e i

and show post- a f ia iS Ea

tb«jjl4guanl. '](.-ive-'m aking- SaBBffiH -be-;tresh and

oe wotdd need a albums of the V eanof ex* Richie, Bo! rbelU iof.Peter Ocean imd non a n d - - , a veterans wl ler *- . Elvis a cod or t

RoUina SU -contrasU o-tbe-N ell Younfl crovhttl "Tim’’ — wereenfl fflesuU uwtarU:— But-^the

(who-<ud not • iptcuous-a i’88). • • whose pat ice R.E.U., a ured in th H to«rlcM H 4n>^ead»7-S i Dvement. target- Jobnjoget 'th e tooui nowT^SS comeoa

No. 5, Is tbe dld notTeg ibut album, but one-time a fimo puffnrmlng • ♦ y yatrif 1 tbe Plimsouis, Lauper) dr TOkie^f-the-year Bruce S Ddeans, foUowed the U.S.A. g«us and:M ary—album to-< :arie— and—the—m erdaU ii

tbe fact tb which -scores 10 made only«te,'? 'forN o; 2, the m o snbig commercial year’s poll.

igliu^bin (not bis real P g i K " ! ;en married for vdytamDy.-lur married life H B n H led constant f ^ B B ^

Is atUl a t t r a c ^ ^ ^ ^ n l ^

ine-nf^t stand, lat aalong as he off to go wit long-term - rela-" a business tr beM women, he ■ He claims tf having an af- ly and doesi

that knowii n - and -out-of- behavior ha because of this and conthiul . not likely-1tive woman. We think? lave a rlcli and —I, however, has la-lurt-fQg-ftv: DEAR N n participants CAN changi is on business Johnis behe

says, “If yc B thatlflw ould get into.troi L .blB .business ^ouiLlault.” lappen. Abby, I Don't let annot take time bis infideljt;

Iler’s Circle and save on Hat hs — and Caaalnl Faahloi:clal touch that deijnes toda; ^v ings. On Saie through Jai


.AddSHSalos TaxflndS2

o s e d .............• ~

___________ .S ta t e _____

: ....V

\ ' I \ /

124 Main

M yi,n«7 ~

i ^ s p i c j ki d lb u f n m

^ 9 S H P | 9 H - 8 8 ^

of including Lionel - Cc Bon Jovl, Madonna, Billy nd Van Halen. And some R. who can usually count on -

r two - Bob Dylan, tbe to Stones. Aretha Franklin, b^ mg, Lou Rocd. Bob'Seger ( mSitly shut out. • * <G tbere -w ere—other CCT:-_„ i -absences- among artists (A last work Invariably fig- the Top 15. like Talking (F

•Bt^thmksB and ■Prince,----- :gerty’s follow-up to bis big (E 5back LP'(No; 9 last yea r)- register at ail, and several Di i acts-to-watch (Big Coun- rtHnq-1 itfaeiWaves. -Cyndi - ar dropped from sight

Sprkgsteen’s “Bom in' Ei .A. ’ hi 10M was the last A-eajoy-xritlcal-and com-..P( unanimity as No. 1, and tbat the Boss' live album Di

ily seven of the 1& ballots i s . inurpriaing result of this - Ct oU, M

5andeh<, i:

l y AbigaU } H VanBuien I’

l Dear Abby }- ^

with him every time be has ^itrip ............_«ms to love me and our faml- ; lesn't want to lose us. I say [ wing how destructive his has-been-for our marriage - nuLog to indulge in it, be is s Lto.change, .What.ilo.,ypu._o


NAMR W T T ^ L D ; He ( nge if he really wants to" shaving like a little boy whoyou don't go with roe. I'll C

trouble, ana then it will bet'—- - ' _ 'et him shTftlhe blame f o r ' iility to you. Get him back c

ilANK^anes brand pantyhose, stocl lion ColorsI Hanes provides day’s total fashion look. Now January 18.


IS2,50PostflB8Handllno . •

......... □ Check or

------------------- _ ^ l p ---------

V - ^ \ \ ^ y

iln Avenue North, Twin F Valldat

r^ A lb o i t i s ^ w ^ w a i^ - l f t for 'i .flT8ti>latg~voifc ni •ecrad.etc.a8 critics vbced.

Peter Gabriel i(( 88pototi ; •-

:• .l''.v‘‘Graceland." ,PauI : lV « n e rB ro s .)7 9 '' ■ '

3; -“ King of AmOTca," CosteU6(Columbla)6l:.

- 4. (tie) "Llfes Rich Pai R.E.M.-(LR.8.)54_ .. "U ve l»75«;” Bruce S teen ft the E Street Band ( bk)S4

6. “Peter Case." Petej {Geffen)36; . ' , '

7. “Control.” J a n r t J (A‘tM ) '3 3 " :"L ':r .. . :

8,. “Raising Hell,” Run- (ProfUe)29

„ 9... VRaptnrfi,”___ Aniti-.(Elektra>28 • ■----------------

- 10." “L o v e 'i Hope ft Dreams.'.’Bodeans (Slash) 2

•n . “Psychocandy,"-the -and Mary Chain (Reprise) 2( ■ ~ l O i e r ' ‘Gullar Town?'

Earle (MCA) 10 “Runi; Sodomy and the

P o g u e s (M C A U 8 _________H. “Candy Apple Grey,’’

~Dn-(Wamer BrosD 18--------15. “ Blood _ft Chocolate,’

' Costello-- ft ■ the ■ AttracUoni umbla)i6

lO m p s ^ ainto therapy, "and if liV when be says he loves yc family and doesn’t want t< he will change his ways.

One-night stands can no dismissed with a slap on

->Httven*t-Tmr-faeard» - ^ life-threatening 7.sexually ted dlsease^ out there tbi caught by a single, carele

~ with the wrong person. To is essential. Anything less be tolerated. '^• DEAR-ABBY:-It-has be< since anyone gave a kind

_our_ police; so let o somethlng l read'M rae'ye a mystery novel, by Tob "Die QulcWyi Dear (DoubIeday,1969).


OF?. A policeman' Is a comi what all men are, a mingli

—and stnncT.-dustrand-delly. one-half of i percent of .

5 AN^S .._ N lb W 'low at a , ' '

- p i

orM.O; B


7 f a / / s * ^ - ? 5 0 6 . « . V iated Parking With You

" ^ T T — -ByCHlPBR^ra ld';pdnt3 ■■TbtWti^UagtaTrtnw~fnr ■ — ---- . ..J.- • : .NEWl^YORII .JGeffen) B a to b a j h-- ...... -MMilyn MonftI Simon- ..ment.of male.d

— -,-a-eontlnulng"( "Elri*- - wrary'culturfl

aw'line,and a■«ge»nt." ■

h e r t q ^ l ^ o i Springs- ed lo speak in i

KColum- make bedroom .-addedalltU eg

ter Case wearhig shoes -iieigirtr su rw i

Jackson raiments of--------- -des8*athMlJt5-in-D.M.C. "A very Strad

. claimed Norms L ^ a t e r . power. Marrla-------------- -and Arthur 1( Sex ft Frank Sinatra ) 24 - T ^ s ts with K( he J e jia • “j ia m p a p o - ai 20 - bart)iturate_ff

-regeEfK ow H i fame. The gimi

i S S T e ' f f i ” Huaker ’ g ra T e n S r" *----------------- buy fragments'e,’’ Elvli ia, says Gloria jnr"(Coi* ■ =^lwho.willnoldle

......— Part of the r

atmarrit 'l a ^ iU te i r mBnltheuillIo you and hi! He, o lalllM lolo8e,you,._waiiletaild Ui

^m ustbeauch^ no longer be: seltlo^ dllteri in the wrist, dlvlduals so Ui ere's a new wuii.

Ltransmlt-“ But, If a pi t can be, he's a flirt; ifh

sless contact He must be at rotal fldelity -stop bleeding. JS should not all, be sure tl

without a limp >een a-wbile-.He must know nd word fo r. the run, and me share hurt.

/ears ago in " He musl'be" D b i a s wells, twice his ,slzi • Mother’ without damai

without being ;rtATHENS- him, lie's a cd MENMADE he’s a bully. H<

the sin Is ar nposltlon of policeman mu: {ling of saint a dead end, s ly,-Less than-tag one-witne: )f.policemen butrefusedtor

^ R ;through.

)ur Purchases — U^e lh

im n T T p B

OW tF—

RK - J lM iiu . J e a i i e S to w ork^to become Jff l

aroe,-4be reigning, f i g - 1 | | e desire. In. tbe 1950* and robsesalon- of-, cbntem- i r o r ^ e rioculpted'herrthal 1 abbrev iate the Up of ed,epA cU cedsm llins^lth Uuu I 'v a ’it^ down. Sbe learn- oba inahixitby-vOlceandto Noi ]m eyes. Reportisdly, she ed j s grind to her saunter by -pbo es with heels of unequal to s wrapped'berself ta"thc-Bar

of the blond - god-per

raii^varius of'sex,V i>R) ' B man Mailer. B eau^w as abo riaw s to Jae DlMaMp Nor

Miller. -Affairs Ira. and -Yvea Montand\pub Kennedys. She Ihred on V - and^ aleieplng-pills. A bui _overdo8e„sealed..'J»et..con W yeliri'coffi^^ 'S tf^S tel imcrack in d u s ^ chnms (Ho uzzles. C hina f i g ^ e s of and Jter dress on tbe su ^ ^ ^ p b o ^'seHous collector" can w5r itsTiflierbedaheets: Sh6*TWi' •la Stelnem, “ the woman thedie."----------------------~ d ! d ii reaMn she won’t die is usii

lage for

ilform. Memen, is at once the most- ac the most unwanted. He •

h .a diplomat that he can erences between in- I that each will think b e .

T iSjcem an'Is pleasant," if he’s not, he's a grouch, able to start breathing, '

g, tie splints, and above ! the victim . goes home up or expect to be sued.' low -every^n , draw on- id hit where it .doesn’t

)e"ab!e'tpwhip'two'm en~ size and halt bis age aaglng bis uniform and Qg '.‘brutal." 11 you hit TTOWflrdrlf he hitc.youj” He hiust know where all and not partake.. Tbe

nust chase bum leads to , stake out 10 n l^ ts to ness_wbo_8aw.-lt. happen. _ lore m ^ b e r .______.

SARYJan. 10

styloI IH J'?*

709 Tumm/Cc710 Tummy (i<

i l i j " 717 Silk Reflet ^ 3 - _ .. 809 ALiVE®_si

401:- KneeHigfr 406 Knee High

O T _ _ 2 i.O_Cam ttec0j

H ' COLORS: Barely OulcksiiverT

V '

\ . MasterCard • Amei Ahe 2nd Avenue North

s u r ^ - M g r


th a t :b ^ life h a s i i ^ i n e ^ ed, mulled and ex{fl6tted . li] than 40 ;boo)a ^ • btographk*;

pictdre a lbm ns a M n Now to th is e x c m 'S t e i i t o bl ed y e t another, a new coUec photographs >- th e la s t seial Los A n g e la photographer i Barris - and a- 50,000-word- fi [>er8pectlve of Monroe’s sheand durab lelegend .-------- -------

Billed a s th e ' first ma]oi about her by a woman, “M Norma Jeane" (H enry H o lta i g r w out o r~ A b^T S sJ3T s published In Ms. M agaxlnelnli V ' l hadn 't thought of doing i b ih^Jm ew th e re w as a dera coQthiuhig.. in te re st . ' i n . J t f a SteifliM''8Sld:iit*tooktatrMi (H olt President) Dick Seaver and sa id they had disc photographs, -o f M arilyn, w^ndefd wSuiarTTte te ter t w r i t in g - th e ^ r « T .^ e - r e m e i the essay 1 h a d w r i ^ in didn’t" w ant to ‘b e 'o n e ’ more using M arilyn 'M onroe, so :

Dilettantes sche " t w i n f a l l s ' - ^ ’ Tiie’ Diiof Mai^c V alley will hold a for tbe c a s t of th e m u s ic a l ' Monday a t 7 p .m . a t the R em Academy, SOS Second Ave. E.

I . . ' - ; 7 ^


fSALIStyle p sa c rt^ Io n

'Control jpaKty hose relr ■CJontrol pantyhose saridaifo iebHons Control Top sandaili ' support pantyhose relnf. he igh Sandalfoot.-2 per packag Igh Beln'forced Toe. 2 per pa C0.Stocklno.r.einfo(C^hesL<

e l y > h e ^ South'Paclflc* Tt erTLime^olor. Dfiltwdbd, G

lerican Express 9 l^arls ih io t

nlyaMp tI J u n e ’s lij

p« me!8H B & Foaodatloo.'..'n iejB

d i l ld r e n * s p n ^ . ^ ^ |:f i ig in a D e y .~ B « tte f .

Ing to raise money^ ^ 9 . io tome Uylng iwun. ^ ^ 0 : ^ was tu k in g i ■“ 'a r e c ^ 'a f te r o o o n ' ioa,Tai--'M*:;Trtilcbidie cofci In more pari to bier writhig. itf^effl*. -cmsadlnf for won

war poster* hangU baa add- -tbO conference roon ec tta i of'aiuchronlim s: laion, b y ^ Bi^M e a War E ' G e o w Wish I Were a Man.’w m ! “I Wed to take" hort life of Marilyn and rep L^" > » - ^-^^^telnenx-said.-j 'm t SJS- * thesis so

J a ^ ^ ortoTxirtra;

-wrlE a b o u t a pe ® s i s UvUig and-about w

Knew ner. lembered Steinem's ‘‘Mari ln_Ms. I feiplnlst::,rebutta « p ^ n Mailer’s conquer-i ) I said, ographyoftbesamt

edule audition fo:JliettanUaT Auctions'awi~o auditions bave tried jiu t pre>

I “Sugar” tion again. Both me naissance needed for the . S. dancers.

. i 'D .“ s i t i r M j

T -^TH IStl^ lT « ry f l€ r tw tk

rro«itoof«ie, ,r Extra.lorge 12 oz, f c O -Steok cooked to f f Idaho Boked Pbtai V . Butler. Soup. D«

A "Fr*eways" Luscl

V E L E R S 'Or ATI «4 • tXIT 1 n h ilT NOiON 01

B ’ : : , ,

1 Palr.J Palr.3 Reg. S ale i Price P riM P

reed toe 4.50 3.75 i( foot 4.50 3.75 ItillOOt ' 4.50 3.75 1< heel toe 6.95 5.75 11a g e ................ 3.25 2.60 ‘package . . .-.■ 3,25 2.60 ' iL& .toe____-3.25.-2.60._:

Tovifn Taupe; Barely Black* Gentlebrown and Fashion Ci


L X s A t^ , , , ■ - 2 ^ ___ _______ I

- W ~ ______ Vfc _____j x


Is Charge.... : -

K inm e o b -te -^ th e rl& ri—

te r.- tib o ttld J ie jR jk ^ .— My thanstaodlngiip.:.

o J^ rtb e -b O O K on'rr.-}-. oott-tl'O n-O iacM O lr^ cofoUBded.-'ttanb-torr-^- log. fond n lttn g and • w ^ e a ’r - r i ^ t s . tb e ^ - ngtog oatbe ,w all of; room aeem la u d a b le ;.‘T)o It Agato Daddy 1 irgond '.’ an d “ G e e lia n ." - ■ __ —iSe“aw ay'^fieSnG i»i replace It with realH-

id-'J/The book doem’t - - ^ so much aa: an «n*: . I emphasis o s 'N o m a :

't read a book abont^ rsdo me fe^-I-knevt - — ® w aato t:y.togetto.:. . . rtray the real perton - . /Hf Image--I person Who was not'It whom so much bas, n U ie r a d l f e ltU k e l;

ia r ily h 'r is a .sort of -;- .7 u tta l ..;to_ .N orm an ':.....ler-and-transcend-bl'T - - am e name..

for‘Sugar'b'^Pot'. ’ TboMr''’ o ‘ previously may audl-. ' 'I men and women a re ': tse .cast, e ^ l a l l y ;

nfBmiratiiiii 5 1 1 1 !^ = :^ -r * i y M « h tiietOODJl.OZ. New York ;

to T o iir Order, btoto, Roll a n d L-

D* Jour or". • uicloua Salod ■

>3 ” ~


lr .3 P a lr5 P a lr :_ ^ :_____ :» S«I« Sale • P ric* Price) i0 :75 '2 i;Q 0 .“.V:;.‘ .....) 10.75 .21 .00 > 1 0 .7 5 21.00 ) 16 .25 33.00 _ ) 7 .50 14.7Ci ■ ■■ " ■' ■ ) 7 .50 1 4 .7 0 ' ).„Z .50_14.70— -__ -

:k*n Colors. , - ;

r f ' -i -

— -1.

Page 21: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

: t - - *

:. ; : l t t w ‘ w fcv.IrafB

r- ------ tripi w « a»g::A-»lilt.fOrUs«ittcue

r ^ U L v i l b t t ^ b

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j . » ( i u i r c S R ^ ‘’’Mj - h i JaK*5. ^ - j t a i

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— t apart a irig p » Ini|an

. ' . _ ' J 3 i

< .V ‘'A large partofll' r T M o p f tB l^ w a ^• 'ie c e p t you; a s ,8 0 .

:__.. . __* ’ »>i»« . ♦■TTiau n r« .n t« -e ^ t jroua^ wbat 0 i-.-u ««i--tbey-wanl

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iV tiohnSR '‘1E»HD a F ^ i h itU s

id.;pbitray 'tifemao-jJoe'Lea

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Page 22: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

; Hollywood goi

iJ^uN oW 't^t W » a a

f iS jrW re ttte -P iis tU la iisteji.rHa'

•T^lhaD Ptlicilis;.. ding takes place. Gai

•f* T611ow''lh'W'f(«iWeW JU vis ■preHy^blj^pHrib

-D .F . • '-•'•■•;J h r - - l l . . ....r-t:-..-r jt i :;,, r T T T T ^ m Z


pAi,.. -h; .convecs.. lrw«»iA6icn6

- m ax- - V '« ' 'M ictmaitm Boot ' •

. t i i ■ (I. ■-i-.^,• • - - » r N i^ U th 6 « .

0£ '•■' ■la'USANMMxKJ-

; j l K m S S w S :• i-gaaaaa}! , ' allHBRITWfll^P

I" " “ !■ : " 3 .§ S S

•Jo’s s s r ^'K S S S r ^ f t f ^


j ' -w r . .-fl^S^wSvniJMrt

.1 ' ,'’::ffiiaOK.kkhotu4 . ^w icnotsrttjK i

J It.'.■{ - •" ^TrQfKBOL-PowMft

j-y ^V

s y ^ ^ » m o u i

uoom & i to

a may a l r e ^ '

:p^'.or‘’" K i i > i i ^ . . - ; ^ ^ H lb to iralk


‘ ‘i . In - th e . seos

V'": ::..:::r:S,;ie!evtsion , i talon.gulde ,

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^ | -

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C B m e R s n s e ::. .:h«)iafcS!S3B!BK E>fcs=S2f

eose‘ tiwh'4i«'» worklDR. —

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e S ; ' ' ^ t ‘""-

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- ; : ; : T 5 T O n s r : j - r i O

tz & c p i ^ e c

is .^^ewhati^Confl: [anetheless.,De tells me.tbat U :iscwhere"'lS‘dofltInned.foYani V season, -he’d like to be sboari

n the show, re m e m ^, but he lll<C..tiro\l'Alit:.dfgni8Hcally bat l i f t ""— — „;;,— :?

J , ^ ; . ^ ^ o p s a ? m p ^ 4 ,,

” ' j S i ' i w l - 1 . .-

H - M« ~ l T c f e ^ p r I j 4 '■tiM I Cl ^ ,3 a S 3 L £ £ s

TOT nn^'JiJ j4/^,- ' ‘,'|u . iM r -

3 iTI I

, I I

ie67.;.ca7ime»^ew8,Twln Fall^

U . ^ v . . .d3d live les. be^fining •-l^ “St._

molher- ird.He t.wWle — be. was >af». to

aljj-TV ” “ -

•;★★# ■____ . . . .


j r t

b i


3 £

i S a . . . . ' . —llO iaho3-.

Page 23: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

. 5>ai

• ContLiuedtroml

........:. . .. ^pmtlon

I w o rK .by slnget.:W axm

■ hA « a a ^ loltLxby-aii^ rltlM t l i i i t . i r ^

1 -- ;■ 4^. . iroputei wgan t f ^ o /

Foster, who (H rtia Ju ■ . ^geif72;.ttM t> esito '

■fts the crusty, bard-M i ■ Lavem eonthei'U vw

:x y ,a iow ;W c;W ^m«ly fQUnd for Newloa

rejaro lo tbe prw W fl

............'•schMul^ to reprace

-—• ,* > ■ ™ e .> * S 6 f t f

tee (hnt l ta -m ovle-a . . ..„;rjaYoiW u « y c ^ f f ^

--------- - \hlnfrholdtog_up-thy,. xLow-ls tBaubls36P^

:.{Sjd ,nm tain*7«lrt

;:^;a ; Bdceii®;.iiiii; the Manhattan office volved la a phase of b

she .basUly-dlaU a fan flnWlr.5W?;5

^ star whether he'd gc t to soy hello. Wlthoi• hesttallon^BUly'pl^k!* and iiulpp^.>rOh.

’ do 11,1 sw ear!--’- ' •

____ l_JBiEN D JN ..N BEl■ Los Vege? is-tijrlh^ t : f^ousenteHalneii r : and boVghL^L^L j memorjibHJa. iTh<j>! i treasures ■ beuiineu- j

^-Ecl^sUne•3 gold « c o sold, but the.,

' '"former "purcK:fe^_ 4 TImeVNows, Twin I

j m P ^ S -

b y 3 2 i!$ n p e a 2 i


iS S S 'M wW l U ^ 'Kuaran* schedule, fi

^u& M 'isM S de Joan-even '^^^''•^Hjf^Wily-fereilt costi

S S n S o c l i e i i '-'UiaS'mA

ia f s b ^ 'I d ^ S ta she tellspj

S o m S K p “'A lL-IR j

)tnh&t recogolied i>oHsUng‘<ji d ^ 'U S S u S ^ "& hdm ta

thout a momenl’a

(andrWeU,-1 didn’t t of W I * ; “iittiibtfabK

BED: E v^bnelto .'W iftS W

ILw M tiB cistte 's P6tei"fflw iP . lM ^ l ie d O ie-^ bdiall.t uirPm- 72-year{iId. York. P ar 'e-thwj^.000i!ln»(ov^>hiia •:fe%‘J^ ^ c l4 n g .!a i« » g v # yeconls,u««r6.gatng dle&ce. A he.aoonjrinousrP)er--ed.htf,bBj

urem“ ahead -bf^DimntT 'I 'In . Friday, Jtnuar


l O W I E M ^ a : ■■'>•’"

_jhljiVdaa’ o l l^ 'b e c o m e '^ e re 3aBjfwo6tf;pb^er,freak;.^^ dli i;prQdDce,B8 well as star b .m

h did induce and star in her re r r y fiin'vlft;.*ntf0Qte Carlo,"

When the 'Show- got behind :, for example. ever-resUlent w< «n went-through eight dlf- - ostuniei^KlUuin&tShhig hair

S e S f f l e ? S ^ P e t e r ^iir.'llosbBnd‘mamigerj.whoi4:;bj ^ ( h e p r o ^ ^ f dlvoroUg.-^Ui tjBClP‘t i r ‘'Pyiiasty;" wttlOi "h etjot-P i^uce^_asaw <H efr^^

.......■ ■SITHBIFAHILY: A rtWJlke ^ t-m o T le "GIgl" Is ln-the -'tl nd who do yoii thtnk wiirp!6y.' tl i i e ’ -Ci?pfl'’ ,r©le? Answer: 'a n n 's 28-yeaiSold daughttb, :d .■•fl«L"“ 3epi)}e ■• has' 7 g‘up-her Bcting^n televbloo 'U i W reftdjPypW ^ in hj ol' the'-iMd-‘'Love BoaV u

» « e v e r ' sexy actor 'Peter .:/ >U tb6 dajftiaie s o a p '^ m -t

rw»hfes«ne of hls'to- -v ibHfTV-'awwrJa. be'B‘ ’t&---li SrTeferted toiBB-someooe whoW ijSio;tihaeJO ce«..t^

U^siy.'Recratry,' hearilhrob - tJBde'a’persoo^ appearance * dl.of a charity In upstate New t ’art of bla perlonnance called B •toVengageWlO'a “scBpt” -r

neubers^-of tne^au- -1 A mlddle-ag^ dowagerrals- b 8j»l,t9 participate on stage. - 1 ■ • Ibte Impromptu romantic u a^2 ,1 9 8 7 .';_____ __ _____

[o rs ^ io ^ f ii

" ■ 'P H iL F O S T M r;:R ^ftned tv ftiapp lled d l

^ re y d to O h e ^ g ^ ^

.,hls,J?ack„ihep;;rea^fd^smact . fear- end. t a i ^ r iPeter,

■madam, do youT>^ava^ls jwi

'responded, as-she pon’tlauM ,l&,;coniplctejy,toaiIn^ttp: ^^dlMce,.._,;

Q .- is itr^ y a s to u g h a ith working for tbe£rlUsh royal I

.- N X ......A. D epends^ whom you

,.imd,who.ypil’r e j f o ^ g for^

" J o l S l K S S S Blaa•'been’imarrled,'floi fewer lha -theff’h^holJlslafrorQ T jtf " M a c e d r -> -‘!---^-‘"»»-^--

^ ^ T i 'm ^ W s g n i i i i a t - n -^as <)Mide(l'1o‘ star’Ur>&-Br

t ! i«Vlval Of ‘’CAaret,:’. tnX'M I - that be’fl doing ICbecause b '.^tbetooneyT-J-H-.V.'j-^r-'^

'■"AiVJoel ha8'.hod.hls;c|^r , :downa since slairtag Iri the I 'T^«y“origlhal'3Dd"screen”ve i .'Uil9-« muslcar--'das^lc.-- 1 ' hovJeVer; Grey‘has bAfi havli ' ups than downS.'A-strtbgiy a

as ah Oriental martlal-arti 'In- the-'flick .'mem<KWUllan

r .:Advenlure'BfelDgs” Wira"lot I tentloni The nwvie didn't'do •-weU' at^the bbxol(li!eK‘but J • -inrlted ’to "tid-gtar'lrf>Ia f j - J ’Remo-gavffU'ft’-thunibs 1r J m t i o i . thd ilcab ^ tl? ;lrexl

"I.fwone.aitigladDedld.''J . I - -■ elrifil-

t O'.-1 remember-•‘(eW' yt f thiert waa--<f:«ontfirftfl-5C 1-rsWelds' * ' Yar»eQ«-%to ’ -robo&r^ttbat^EBpp^'Ulr-'K -a FC.!t'.-5.*=iWU>*Wi»-li«n‘-J

.“ them: LoreheYamelli.thew c • See GOSSIP bo Page

I p -


drttsfl......rcarried ^

:k-oa'hls isked Ihe-’, iwaywlth


tbeyftiy..- ilfamll^. ; ,

»u is k ^ - . • r. Ponder

ma- h4te - tian » o f la 'v e 'b a ir '-

Jo a Otq r :- -Broadway : U lt th ie : - - . be’w ^

]irerslon ‘of - Utely. vlngrObre / acted bit ' rts-m^Uc ams: JThe— ; lots oral* do ^ that '1 JoW was- i

. p ro p o ^ - t dowailn .

■ • i[t". '' y tu t'agQ '-■

I ilicmr ^

«i5dMi'’of wonderful ;

8®5 ^


Page 24: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

¥ o i^

_ % sA ^ ^ T l m e s

liNEW'tORK - The reoc . ^ o n . U b ^ J ^ p n ra t

but ' tbe divlsloa’i Ihve neportlsg will not stop.-Uie'f

ment bL us totervijj r a j te) federal luiy in l i s . ^ a s a that NBC-N^Ctielamed N' three broadcasts'izc^m'aDi: linkingurea. - -T i' -

Ailer tberyerdlcf,'^NBC — -taw ycm rtB e-eftRT ndjrT

'told reM rtert'is tas;V ei— ^BC-would-fil«iaai«pM ^ . .. J ‘If* .th ls ;v e M c T ^

-upbeld. U w iH ild"^:'lni^ r^ r t in g throughout tbe coin

Asked Thursday-^/abou -Grossman'said tbar“ ob7lo' ' can’t get fail«ltb:a t l9 itan 'idlct and bsi« peop^'.say ‘tl

InvesUgatlve r ^ r te r s weo Uelr wa; to defame

G o ^ i p -..female haU of ttie;team;-of 8 X Vamell, has her flnt major:

— ln-Mel-BroQks*:off-{hM«U — b a l ^ ’ currently lens l n ^

------ IhrTJuteFspace comeoyia<— rslarring—Bfookfir-BIH—I

. Daphne Zuxlga and. JDick.\ .:ten, Loreoe tvili p in 'a n . ..named Dot Matrix,>hlgb-te

panlop and vlgflahi «ap« V PTlncesr -Vespa (Daptme : .The voice q( 4ie Dot,M ato

) ler will<be;provided by Jo ^....wbo reaUy-must':have i .

1 these days, what with her La ...andper8onal.«ppearancea. <

< SUimEAL' HOVOirinsid bave aeen the script ot.U

< Belushl movi)9'laken>from t .."WIfea," say.U.ought lo.h ..'.'Welrd.’Mn* the script,rth< ,;Ppens with, Belusbi’s bod] .‘•wheeled out of-the hole] w

-..... med-and'then'belai.llflea.autopsy table in the bospiU

i. the Mushi^^ej j.U im towajr*:tb«,.campra;iu i*ln)ui. The. minto li lUUJl . lo ra , of coarse,;?o:when filn

— .-taally.beglns the shockerofi 1 jng scene cpuld,weU,be chang<

m p t f o r ^

thaf; .fgQi>d HmA^) InvesUgj M tM i& ier 'I (M ’t bdp'bat

•N®^ew,-Hwnwi effeci!:ri Dvntigative - broadcast (otffiu tie prealdeot. ‘!3liere’s got i a y .. (about the yerdlg an t:j t e y t^ e r - a ; vactann.” t t« s c o o a ^ M ' against NBC wi J:N ew toa^;m ade’ ih.’.ff'-cs

I'crlme'flg'* gener^'counsel I' - Resouiw = Oent<IBC'j : chief center thaUKgij ^ b r a m s , ported by variiV ^ ’ tfa'at Uons,iincludiogt)

vera (o be a ^ ln st publicat nvtetlgatlve 'iigalnst PeQlh'()i

two totaling-,» bout : that, UosUer m s ^ fvlotisly'you ■ awards ■ did “not itallllon- velr-' l^t^r.were ov^ii y 'that your ' Kaufman sold vent ou t of judgments' agal nobody and tiobs. bl reC^t

Eagls'6,^;“ j j .7 ia iu ^ S S of Sbtel^jfc Mead \ th jorfUm rtrie 'dM wife o(otM»'Ol raUrTf'SpaceTftam roarttale^ ja iiA = liu«rtad-book. How- y.adventure, aa idea?—£

k,.VM £ a t- A. Your-frlend an. andiptd ^wmewbat mixjed i-tech com-.»lfe.of Senator J apcro»e,;of iJM'.wri) le Zuniga). -VBaislng Kids lo ^bt:djarac--.ty,” .The |)ook.,

; a. tricycle irftnd,<Qnluaed;?n' ? Late B b w : ,rock and oth?.r, fo I. • > pUdt snteEt&lnoi

one of the found! islderi who^Pareals Mu?lc. t.the .John which was s ^ n the book -fended by. manv caUedthe movie songs. The bcok.

»dy .being , account of Tippe 1 Where b e _ tp g > tE e _ ^ ; .8 t i ed onto an “Pur^e Rain?! pllal. Then In AprQ by‘Ab.lnj ^esto-life, Uaiwrtotedpub; i.and.iOyly ■ • •• ^UJn.-.Krtpl ' ......fUmtog.ais :,:Got 'a': fluesdoj i}t»nopea-'Adan5~SlMn,v» uigod., NBwYork,N.Y...

uit NBCJiM la y n e N itiS S u S w S L - I -'eYery.

9 not-=gbiM^0^ any the U>e Ugathe Bat.either.«bat belfeyep a t ^ t baa |te^lam !rfii~ SoE /l5S$rand Kauin

' Abranis }t to f t soauk>caocem Newton T^cll^ G n t t ^ afr y in .Jto

el { ^ ^ L tb e l D e fe ^ wb\dd'h !ntef,.-^ait''lBfonn8tlon ‘tfo ^ " 't KfinteJte»?l{i2l* i5Wf_riMun:i B ^ U j^ ^ s ;^ r g ig |^ thenetix

cations' — i :s mllUon ecutlye ¥&-ra<

- ttO-' mlUlon'against “ I’ve

iu ^ a^ V 's lu tl^p rjM

;•....... — knowHi’ '/. ....... casts i

itbat;jrt)e j » M &>ortbe jreat:teaatoci »Tt*srwrittenT^rX-—

nd gol h tf intonD'ation . ‘ DnyWn

k.offers,1? VMtgrSeOW fied ,^<wenj mfeSfr^Py«!4t.pj3p ...Vrrrii: f, fonns of ,« • .;,GLAS oiaent.iMr8. Gore was.,,'. nding members.of the .■... ..iJ jlcflesource.^TJehtY--

S6& l«giJto.'la<w kV . kPBI*«k;ls<a-veryi personal W O

^ t a g ^ M ^ l b m '

C i— • • — —ll II-—„■ IV'.,.-

m^UWrtie'^^'ijiobta, o . , , .

..... ..


jo t t e d r ^ -

ry. JudgiMnt..ln excew.of !

: 'said tea t 'afiout 75"pcrcent'i nbei; eases bis cMter studb T. were'UaWn out on appeal i a aaza aw^ito w m n U o ^ ’ - iuCman.sald U a th e agreed wIi uqs Uie ’ Impact ot U tra awardt'ahouJd it b^ upbeli i .liir t 'th ^ U ' ^ atfard.of th ■wew'tb^be^anirfflj^ IfWgg i ln ly 'x h l l l . If’tiot.-'freere.' )

ii;'-gy^t^'^!iijipiict,‘*iie ■ aade :d be on'smailw news organlx {'."'Uiat'’ l a d ^ '.the flnancl

letworks. ' ■ ” • • . tq« w ^ '^ e MUble^disseate^

’ye l) €aj ;hearing al)out chlDlj in fo rthe last.10 years.” Hew ;.rJLiievff-tt.Ugll.t ttldyn\r-* ." ' . ' ■a proKi^V tibs' 'bMb .kued abd me&'l^:aaid: and b « not lost

".Ae.aald tbat he dU t

i m ' il^'aboat-N ew ton -ti] oi^tbeBfng^.to.flleBalt ' don’t kaow what they said or

'^dtmtUT 'n n ’1nwjjg«H irtlng:thatAhraiM.refeTted‘ lOTVhavB^be-rijlvers-twWe' d o l^ any th ing 'd lffm t fit f we always do._Lhaveh*t se iWhffcljaiyftTiete’.’' ' id. be sa lam i don't automatic iBvi' bf. tb‘0M Pavlov's dc :tions wbere I'automatically si iJoumaUsts..! don't happen ? ^ ;e . ; .^ t - io f ln ^ ^ Qof

^'SlE^ERSiiN PHONE .733:062?

flE ''‘‘AiSoHOL-'AND iP U e.S :;.„ |N T E B reR |N Q ^IT H Y 0 U 8 . ; M AR- 11AGE7 .

.........' .C A L L ....... ■'CANYON VIEW


: P K C fN E T S M /B o ; :

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t'o'f lied ll or


eld:^./% _j.thlr5nra----------'•as itlve • ,


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Page 25: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

(SSUPBtFRCND — — — ^-‘=^-««y*rr8W)UK!


6SU0VE.(W EP.1 \ 8DWEBCAHEA0IJ • (glfTF)C^8(Ff

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■(MON) . • _________ __ _____SHOWMOVIBaHl

----- — — AM^A;VftW<__________ ~e :3S H B O .M O «(H

' 6:40HBOMQVE<M_________u_____HBO. FtASHBWa

. 8 U R Q -8M PQFF ---- r------------W8(SH01«rWA8H

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K(TW> --ECFRO BOOKOUOxxV^; ONUM « r » W « U ) • .n.'i r.M STOiiHMJur n — ------------***»O A V .-.-?? . e ^ ® i

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o u w . b O j r a ^.V. g(Moi MMQN8(pn) » 0 A\ KMotfjMW - -........... « a (FWO....VM - -.(SCAP)<IFGR.’9 :%JOURNEY O (12!r,«»- • ,™pUN

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r j o y ^ j f i y ■.

<u«)ve(Tuo~. ’ ; .........ilLU»BUii}e.£ANNC............ . .WOMOVe(WED) ---------""•(aHOW) SOLDER'MOME OW)■ . t o o a it s s p k U l .........................B (I)N eC N E W 8 •A im oC A H 9T0RY: BEQ1N»N08 t ( y WOW ■________ _______

S o S r^S * O H 7 rao_____ : . .nJOUnNAUSTS* ROUNDTABLEic u a ^ { H io -< i. UVECAU-MOMN-THU) spomBoafTCR MC0UPt£8(FW>".'............. ... rWOK WITH YAN (MOH-THU)lOW)MOVSaiON)ow. P6 IS.TOWN8H6NO-8 DEEP - -3< n«> UAimNXUU PRESENTS THE TORY.. Of - WHTO PEOPIE M encAtm )---------------------------

8BEWTTCHE0...:uove(n*> '



■ V dboDMORMNlQ‘•OM-THU) ... —UYWATCH a a )® T O D A Y - ;APTAWKANQAn00(R>(12) HE4IAN AND MASTERS OF (MVERSE . .tAtoCR»IOW»eE6T----------------acy^MOUSEquB___________

S o M ^ ( w s h r a o . ..lOW.TO UAKB A MUION IN THE-----CK MARKET MON}MATQIRt(TUE) ................................w n * m C. CtARKE'S MYSTERJ- •EWORtotRnr” — -----------------CTSPECTWW^



lpoyrtj.feEAinH ) SESAME STREET (R)D |g )_^ 8HE-HA! PR N oT ss OP

Jy^Y w lfllU E S tfEUOVMTO’ r

» o c o w n R y r---------------------tiuiry2;:iM>-"^'-------------------

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S pvm o K onM if MI.8URREN0 E R M M .0

HBO WHEN WE F R S T M. S:0 0 e ( l ) a « 2S / ) M ^

O ( t » T n W i8F0 R M ^ , >®WALTONS. .r e ; s - « ( 11) 0 0 NAHMGA-'V^

..........OQOOO M O RN M aM dll ■ Y O U C A N jK A ^A H - OCARTOOKS : n £ » TEN GREEN BQTTVA8 SD (SCOVEBY.(M 0NIv ® M TH EW LO «ffTH A LER(TUE>,

---------O -U yST N O U SlibH CIO

lS.WOMMrtO WOMAN tl---------a O Z O O e U B Z O O r/ ; t

: .,0BENJAMHf9iAMKUIt<............ B T «B O M A M T IO .*m n

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(8HOW)6UNOfiUHpAyC8H0WM0VE- - V,-,'/


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LAWYB»(MOH>.ni-:‘>:' 8:1BO AM BQCANftktta

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Page 26: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

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OlSMaTCRROQERS ------T " ‘ (S P O WMW i ■■ . .'

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• BcApfrAL’efrtfrwy.”, . ______B . T H O m X ttfY ';^

- S > iB K e S S tS ra KQBDR.mmt'SHOW ^ c ffl'^QOoa-^HoumBETTBIWAY’-^ ' - OITttUMPHOIL'TWWG

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■® ^!u5SISa2B'-?§^

_________ m HERE COME TH SIm

■ --------

PMCsiaftKiHr»8(R} s s U e d l- :-------— — — ®TAtKAaiROUAMCE. ' IDBATTLE

ftwiSto (MON- rr; m gNtomi SCHURO


TOIiATHEMAT- (SAN'AKrC••'^y . •• - ; r 8£8 SKM' 0UH8- - ........ iD-UVEi^t u t ' - . OHON.TOa Ift^V . . : - - » A E B 0 B ffTHli)-^------------®WHATE

s ™ _ _______ s s s st w o - -------------j W ^ n u )<EYi , • 1ft30QDRYA>



(HOirs POWER T w jj-v ^ :

Sfl!6VAl.PER-' - : r O < 8 ) » 0

OMN-THU) . a NEW COm « £ P tN a A O W H E ai

BPOdTR/l W£8T(W0N) . DWORLOj>icon{TUE) B o e m w

:- .™:saS3SE.'(MON. WED, ' (TMOUOV

’ 'L' lliW O T R t*. . . . . . (BCAPffa

•ACrfg. .....(IION-THU)® ia iE A i

MRP (FRO-------- ® » W H aI^ T W fl. .............

: • (BDONAMl------------------- ““ -"“ ^^(DMOOAVERCFRI} > O EDUCA'r :’; ' . CMON.vyeo2 4 2 d _ i2 Z L _ 5 .6 a ^ jN <th S ^ BFARMBR

..■ . . : - g g g aBHOUfVU

’t eI8HB<D'8 b&EP ( . B P E M fe i

5 : ; ' CBb'tFROiVVsii'.f



(IBATITTVa1 '!^ a o M M..


a - , r ' c : S f ^o 't: ' eooY W Y i


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» 1 | —

' .S TFrtdiV.Jahoiry 2 , iW '

................... '■‘T'-'a• o a o f M n t s .(2) EDUCATIONAL PROaUR(MON.THU).>.»n.. vV. . .-.

' O C12) I l,pyE:;U)bY (MON-WIft I,-O 'f1&);=CAN. YOU;;HvtHN

n u e - " - ---------------•P A T ry o w ® .; - VANYTNMa FOR MONEY ^

. '•«O D <n8T S <m o ' . V : 0OM ettKM ftJN8CetCS(M

H K M nni^H O N ^w m -t;


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-MMO(WEO/TNU) .......

SSSSSS??®- ^ '...... ■

^ _ ;^ ^ ^ ^ T rp N A L ;.‘PRpQRAMl


-®CNHHEW S--'•O(12}<9URLr8AN0CLS


_ - M g j g O g t o ^ _

— B w w w m s w r a i n j B "BEOOC CAPRA MYBItRSS C

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Page 27: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

~ DajJtit: ■ ■ j

f ■ ""©VIDEODISC J - f. » ‘«;CATRAZ:i- T '- f ' ~ T® "N EV ER 81

f '(MON) •........^ O JOHNUW i

----------^ ^ ---------- {DJCMOAMISLi SUVMdWITH



12:1BIDDTV{WEI; ----- 1-------- • la J O e C t l TTO

aUTTLePRM d ) « N E W « ’ - O 09 JOCUt (MON)


"OOCNNNEVK• (J) educatiw

. ;;a D H o a Y w o o i (X) CAROL'BUW DB1UC088Y flD WALT DI8NE WE&ffiO , OCROOKANO

--------;--------------- - a i A MSCAPgi1 8D BALTIMORE

-■ ^ EJON AFFAIRS 0- I .............. .....— fiDOAflOEOCO


I ; (SHOW) MOVC (----- ------------j^^aH O W m V JS J


: 12:95aW0UANW

BMYSTERJOOfi . ! • . O (D ED0CA1___ 1________I .___M W Q (M O «,__

(3)0(£GENER......... • ■aMTBMAT)OM

:_______ ; » gDAYSOP<

' \^ ® A N D r o R r m « a Y w a N U N .

I e ADVENTURE H A R »E T (T l» ’



~ ' S AL- o i a m a

' ouE) - ....... a.'aaAMWQOPA


« lo f » iT u e ) M<aiATORACMQ r! ( B T » 8 YEARM( A CDPKAtaCKBO)!

- ‘ •THU) ,........ ...


;>.aAUAN0A’8(Ttl a . ICEBOUND. M

' - .••^aKAoaiTW twi STlmea-News.Twli


, " . .(Fl

HSC-JOCKET • - AfcA Z ( F R O ' . ^ -------- ~ ~ c »

STAY M ONE PLACE - 1:06— ' ‘ ■ • taoiwrswoftLatrtjo ‘ csISLAND* (WR))----------------------onTHREWt«ER(THU) (Ff « L f iW -8 L e E S I^ 9 . .. O AY' (M< K3 AWAY (FRO* ■ Q lAfl‘THEIUPROV{MON) (E TOE-THU) ------- --fflIE (t ue ;i t o . ®>VED>. HA)W ED )- ............... (QDOAWlO C ^ r - - - - ' " U lRWCE........................ (WlI"’.............. .......... . QCOS ON 'SOttETY^ TO BD

JC A T K m ” PR O ® tA M -'~~~ffl S)

CW 8 - S I— :as>:

ooosouutES' m^JRNETTAIOFRIENOS cai « Y (FRSNeypR£BEHT8 (M0 N .; O

WRMDCKA8G O . 'I fE f t iS J W V : . (8HjracoowarbHTDff— - s wI8(FR0 ONiCOWIRJrUUfllC ■' • 1:401 NECE8SARLV TOEVK 2:001

O '/*(MOH) 5K>W PRESLBrS^ORACE-------- • (E J

® ‘; ( * E D r ' - , .D ( iNWATCH(FRO 0 <

O ttoC C T E B T T O or------------ C HCATX5WAL PfkXWAM- ( B (

____________ 09 (

. . gt OPO W I^ . g >

FRTH-' s » - - SDL U N ' . ' S D JRE8 bZZE AND • (MOIE> O ) IBE A 8TAR r " (TUE® . ® cs OP th/ S q r e a t o pXPW>„.----------- -- . O IM a-<-M A N -0fU 4>C ■ -(W Q

W T ^ . ^ ( | W L 8 . S ?

>PARK(WED1 . TIMCME)b(A(THU) ' O R 'U8C iFLOOR DEBATE (IBM-.,'i ........................... e a

MQFUKMON) 0 UiM B P o n rsd u E ) sh o \90)(Manw) . SHO(FRO. .................................. (MOf

i t C A i i l b ^ ' m ' • - 8HdV

s w E - is s y afw ln Falls, iflaho- . • Friday. Jafiu







7 ° b e VOU ANO>tt



mU) (21 NEWLYWED (UME I (D - EDUCATIONAL-PTFRO— - ^ X M O fC W U h ^ c n a-f

(SBMURF8 ‘ADVCNTU. . . . 0 (tO GA no.a«AfiK a. CD FATHER KNOWS 6|

CD HOH 8 C H 0 0 L -fa OS - AMERICANTEAM (Ffta




I CmMOVlE(TUE) -2:3SO FL M r8T0N E 8 . .

HER— . 2:88 (SHOW} WOVtCMB AND 3.-00 O TOO a O S E FOR


WCT ■HU®y(FftO ~ — . OlSNOVA'CUON] a O -Q R E A T -P C n (TUE.W ^> i - i -

- '.-gasrss®FRO .


ODALLAsSCK......... O a S A K T A B A R ^NEL ( S lA S T E R R O O ^ m

C S (D D A Y $ C lp (^L n ^ 0 ( 12) 8MURP8*jU>VCa

(3DQJ.J0E ; .........A O D ID R E A M O ^ .J^ (DOREEN a c r e s :. T .

-------------- 0»RACCOOH8-(FRO-^OLOVEMEJ.OVEM£M



® AMERWA'8 CUlWji--------------DOWN UNDER CWONJl-r.

® NFL FU 48 THU) , V— .7 -. a O NEW ZOO REVUE-

" ' 'ja 'g Q v c m ~ T ;;^ ;


(SHOW) MOVIE ( T u e .r a OH' SH O W W H TBU A N E^

SHOW MOVB (TUG)-;t.' (TMOMOVC , " ' •;

_ c w M o v e ( a b N .™ ; : TE 3.-06fI|OILUaAN'8iaLXM


iS- •II(IB<iEO (FRI)- - ( S P A C T B O P U F E tf^

FRO 0 =,;O a-M C O H T A d fg ;.’,,

- - O(12)THUN0eB0A'rt<;CD TRANSFORMER®,- (B(11)B£W (TCHS>,.r.

•Y O R T L E U A N .c a THE BTEADpAWnn

t t 0*R0-----r— . — (

a HUMAN FOOLS (MON 06A i4IH E rai5 ii(T H M iO 8CH O U 8TK3'8PO ^


.N flL -— .......


------- - -

'.I. t iStFOfl^iANCES


?ECtA^<WQ>} .

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3 ^ '( W Q )*ro»tnHU)_____ifn B M t-n L M —

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Page 28: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

• njj.'ir; r : \ f f . .vry

•WARRtOBS ''' ■■" .'~~r- » a m a -

8H0 WM0 VS(M 0 H>. :SHOW s u r r a WAR (WH»-■■

— r-SHOW -JDMFCR-'ffJOUmCy-r ^^M ovstw H D .-m u): ■S:a8 ® ROCKyROAD. '

• ® MOUSE PACTOfiY (WED) •4 « • HOUR M A C ^ j^ . ,

/ 5 U TtfSoU te ON TW Wiu

- | g ^ :

a i k i a r w o b b 'T O U ^ '

ffi ® L E ^ ^ e 'c a f f lR y ‘|i

'•S io a 'aC 'j6 r> :itn T r^ 'OD FACTS OF U re ^ ' AIV, - 0 ( 1 1 ) NEWLYWED OAM£ ■

: -SSSM ^iS-

• WOwSeRFifL'^VteRUJOPN e y ( w a > r a o T . ,

, B A N C C K r c M ^ n t J Q >'' ■ ''m WOMEN oe^< C pU R A V ira

(M O N )"-,'"

■■ SH O W B ttT O ^V '". ’ ' 'O SUPEnWR'CdQRT;iMO«I

" 1 )IU .P R 0 .............V ',:

m (MOH-Tti

(MOH.WEMR0 , , . _ . . ;■

■ TO 86 A N N O O N C O ro id^


(:3S a SA re AT HOME (TUE-FRi;

r y ' i , ,3-J ••• '(«:». ;«7^-V.:urr)

_ . ------ ; • • o a w 8 T « R R «“- 4 H ® A B c r e w s c

aU Q H E Y L M i-" O P E 0 P L F 8 C 0 U

rr.(T W )— - ® g i< E iN 8 CNEw OONEW SCMON 03 NATURE (FRO.

) ■ ~ (Z) HEALTH CARE I r ; , „ . . LIST (MON). . , . . .’ CSEC0N0MIC8UI


f ? -y . : T l g . ( E M«A*a«H(MOH



: GBmREE‘8CO»0>

£ E \ :

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r " : ‘, • O NEVER.STAY '"IWED) ■"•■■:::*.


^ £ = » 3 N ^ , ' ' “ O C O L L e tt b i t ^ OWN) - ®APPLE*SWAY( \ f f l MARCUS w af m THU)h P X e THE , EIOHTE

• • ? i r BTEN K O ^H U )’, , ? / ......... - HB08AFE>UnB0|

_________HBO MpVKXWED)

5 tC ru e . (SHOW)MAQ)CAD

• Follp.w.iD! m o reth a legftTmai

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FRO . . .

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T0 0 p l 8 ( R r " “ ~ ~ ~ "~ t 8 Q - . SHOWI^

, ’ SH O W I21S T - ; - : . u N o n iKWwtUi-------------—"-(TMOII««-™» , ■ SJ2S0. - B.-O0BUREONTHECRmCAL . £ m S S


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m V E D ^ S a ) .RPn-wPMA'''.*)" '

P ^ I E i U Pin g 'S ir^Jq isJen l you n\i han youraalize. P a f n ^ u i i& erc o c i^ '^^ '' OiHuC

' ’ ^COW 8ULTA-nO>

Friday, January 2. ’1087 t i S

Wl'AmCMASlfOIX)W ELVIS PRESLEYS QRACe-“ JdHU)3,M0VE“ ';,.“ : - r ‘: Mov«(MaN.n«) - ■I SANFORD AND SON i a } 0 ® ( i t } CBS NEWS* MMERM0U8E ^• M>IQONTACTQ DNEwa,-.; .;.;, ___

12) DATNO QAME.. Sy -,-: 'A

'AHDA»iaO.;,-.----T-v',-.'i------«AWREACrfOH''“ ',.V • ‘5W ETS COW BAKid^^ __f f lE s n j iQ W ^ - ,- n u t o e auMETBAilrtMOM)FL FUMPRESEMTa CalOrr

rES.PR«CM M i)T^6ilb^i I C O U R A Q E f f T O \, iMOVtO»ON.IU5i‘A'- -••-i 3 W ) h ^ ^ ^ 0 A ^ I ^

» E iiii.J, : 2r?t

5 ! ! 9 £ ! # : ? j E j S | s f c

warmaUwif^r^>i.1# ^ W .i T ■ - 3 r

■ -vj

■ ■ ■ ■ S f l Tji.

5 j 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 p j5 5 5 5 F -

tifflTe^ewo Itw in Falla7l<laho Q

I . . ..?


I .

f t ----- - -


0 9 .... ..

Page 29: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

I; ;■ Wfm...... w b n c i i i r ^ l i


S£0(T1IC) * * * h (1948. Or«mi) Rot

K Howard OavlMi'I D:20(8HOW)

l«r''(t947.Roman< Travof H ow art.;...,

; (1M4,H0fT0f)J.’O 1 .-'M orgift. . .

■ tfcMHQO" (IM S . fnrama) CmH

flJnOwald.-.-j ‘ e K » 8H0 W -*r*H *n . N Pi- A<Jv,

■ - Tumar. M chaal Doo

..... ma) JoanC fi* lp rt.7.-00rTMO ★★★»* •

(1971. Dfama) Jaflf Qrtmea.CW * * ••Ootchal"

(1049. Mualca.I) D.


...Mdaoti. , , , — w » .o . .I j • : Tfoubl* F o llw « "\i

9:OOHBO * * H "V Drama) Llaa ElcMw^

- (aHOW).,*J>M.‘.Tb N Il8-'(19a5 , Adva

- • - -^-T-TurMrTWehiWMUi

. m«)RooHo¥i»«I.Art— I-----------

- (l985.Adyantura)Ar

----------------------- 8H0 W * * » - tc i ( lU" ora" (1983; Dfami)

Mlehaal Para.. „10-JO O Iik :* * -O n aM . (l9e5,.{:,ntMy):M«i

Harry Oaan Stanton. t t f l O B

I (tS3S. VVaart'ml Fr*

i;-:-a -a o B v o H T S c b h T 7 . - o o B 8 ia w o n i i <r j O B HORSE SHOW

cM lob ChAfflplonahlf: I Fla, (R) :


Miami OoIpKlna rvnnbf • : ' ■ M orria.(Part2 o (2)<P

10;30BW ORLDOPa>< I l f iO B PQA CJOtF.Ft

* ■ aacond tounj, frogi ~P

; ' 10Tlm es4 <ew9.Twlf>f

^riday^peroS O o m '4 ip |m l a r « •-■ O l I S

P f ^ r i^ m c★ H tS»(ar ■ ' John, ^ b a r t Nawton. John HBO

.■ m*)s>-B rif f Eocowv (SHOT

u n c a ) C ^ Johnaory (1853.

wdni i'i f 'Mi i i r------- r m c j ’i.’CafTol Natah, Halph ' ' ' t t i y jo

' ■ ■ ■ V O N"'*

tura)Ct'T h*-J*w *rO «T ft« t2.-OOWt Mvantura) Kaihlaan . . ( i w i DovQtaa.------ -------------r - .Qoasaitl'R inu! tiwafo™-. .. t « Bprxl.W*nKHuWpn. , ,,. Uaa",(:rW "Summac.Of '42" . m oJaflnlfar q'N*m.,Qary ......AQalnil

,...iiiaJ.M aM l" ( lM 6._Comady) (SHOWa^yjjtf^ippnMntJo.. ,Cfui» iOM'ttMy.Eiftfythino” Bm m S'> Dan paUty. Aww ■ -m iQ ) ■

'" " D * a tSUrion Bran ^ J f ina i --------taoCW -

(1941,lTft«™.Ai!9?{5_Qo. Baria.

■ 3 S ® ?

.‘.TlM.JaiMl 0( Tha Draffla) Mtv»ft(ura)' Kalhlaan aron

fiat Forayt* Woman" Drwna) frol|;f!(nn.,Q<»»f,Q«rv..........^SHOW)• • - • ••.. . Drama)

^iarvaai'^(t6 6 l.Dr<- jr . .

i)Antm«iad.’ ' - " c M *i>

.,4:008H 0\m W .JO T .S w ^ a r, :Afiv..(i(

• Qaorgal

Mary, Siflantmcoan. CQrifnaa,

n * n o ^ an o ./m u p "- Frad.Scott. Al St. ' Aflifetiy

MTER' ' / ' ' 'a W # ) - '

aWp.’ ftoin Tampa. Bay PactC : : ’8:30B ' H

nnlno tMCk Marowy' - 4:<X>BSP

rlr>Fall8i-kitho>- Friday, Januar

mi^programiit'(afrfiy'waakaKl^Oo~iW. 'im r W n E S O f NATURE Tha

loviesin, . .0 "Rocky tV" (IB86, Ora- ) Syivaalar Stallona. Talla Shlra.KW) * * * * .vjuljua Caaiar" . i63. Drama) Marlon Brando, Jamoa - -

I C n iV V * - '’HiIr'’'’ nd70rM iIp:-----nohn'Sava^a, Treat WIHiamt.- ' • 1 -" I"* '* * " "Cfoaa Craak" (tCM. . fl)*Wai> SlaanburSBO. Pip Tom.D w * H ’'Poco" (1977. Advan- I) Chill Willa. MIehalleAihbum.9HQW'.. * * » • "E tjam y MIfia" a i Drama) Dannia Quaid. Loulalaatt J r . - . n v . . . ------ ----- •■'D * * * - " T h « Complaal Baa- ,",(196i.I>OCWT)oniiry),> ''MAD,D.; Motha^ifnil Drunk Orl»*r«” .(1W3. Ora- .Mariaita.Hanjay.P^uIaPranllH. • OW) "Eddia And Thali^ fa " ..,,(1953...,Drama) Tom nsar.M tohaalPani.’0M t**H-«O »vwTw i«t^(T548:------^«*) RobartN(Mri«a..John Howard laa. • - .a H -* * * -^^ V aK «y««r*nad« ’------II. MutlcaJ) 8<iDl».H«nla. Mltton a ._ •' ••S jr*H .."A T irn tP orM i/ac iaa-‘’ ' ’ UV. Biography) . Kata Mulgraw. vPlMraAumonli - '

"ThaaaThraa" (1936. Ba)..MlrU(n..Hopkliia. Marla Ob-

"R itftt Of, Way" (1BB3, ■ u ) Baila Davla. Jam aa Slawart. £: 3Wkfc*h-VEoamyMif>a-.'(iM6,- na) Oannla Qiiald. Loula Ooaaait

* * ,H -S y Jm ta r '’ (t9ac , Ora- ' Richard Farnaworth.Malltaa Qll-

« W "Whara-Tha Boya, (1«f». Comady) Doloraa Hart. ■' gaH*milloo.W ) : * * * H ; “epmniar 01 '42" - 1. Drama) Jannifw b'Nalll. Garyla. ,,.......... ... , , ,**."Q otcha4" t1 9 « . Comady)>fty Edwarda. Ltnda Fioranllno.

jo r ts1 NFL FILMS PRE8£NTS ghU 'o i Supar Bowl I, (Oraap 'ackara va. Kanaaa City Chlali)I HWH , SCHOOL FOOTBAU IMgSjAN.TEAM I « N N STATE FOOTBAU S lM iSPORTBLOOK'IM T O * OUTDOORS WITH jy -

'W Q frrw sN T E n _ -I ^ iWRESTUNO '

W S i ' j i s a - ' Y A m t

i lprocasa o? ollaprl^ (R) - - -

_ M D W H E aO ffW «m W E .i-■ OPRUHENEW8--T - ------*-

: O O (D'<B;FIESTA'«G Stale va. Miami, trorii Tar (i.ivo),m WILD. W ILD->vpfaj), MALS A atudy ol th* gray.« of tho lew apaclaa o t thaaa Ihemammala. — - O (12) NEWLYWED OAUe

......... (B

'' i r / . S f S S w t L E N O W .v ^ , . ,. (O L E T SM A X E A O IU W -

' ’ffl'EKreRTAlNneNr’T O ^ v(aw with aetraifk B a i t ' s Eer^aHAftKWAN^-’r t J r a f r . s turod for aiuqyjn M affgrtvaluable ..lnfonni'|toj>, n p 'i

• •‘m y#larlortcf*4tvrw.* -'-

■ th e s e a '- ''- - ''’-''"' ’ * :

•• Chirle>Grodtn.‘ '■ '• • ’ ' HBOMOVE‘* ik ^ ‘Tt«ydutloi

Drama) ~AI Pacinaj^.DaiTal^

-Film Faailval'awiird-wlimFml' " wild v^Ka lU lliin '■ tiira iqilil ha ,ei5»unta»y7'

■■ ■;-Tha .Nila" .(1988; AdvwrtW

■=-'-(l95e.-W aitwit) ChifltoM

--T U N e — .......... - • -V ’

• 8 (B ^T 3«W rpD »N I. '■ ‘ PORT - •*

C S JEO PA RO V "''-'!'":'..:-;! - ' O TWEE-SVCOM^AlW^J*

O u m y 'abo '< ^ ttT flM m iW i■'■'tough' gity'wfKb' t t k k a j ' t , '

Chrlaay. ' ■ '.-I '’' ' " ;

m c / M d 6 ii ii iw -W• atora. both^ dfacam Jw |a '<

Fronph.llvai 3.000 r t ^ apart? WiaS

........anli; tK4-(5lhW’(H-N6V£'-^fta:

. gfSSSS3«^(D WSMAN T R O m V 'Q Hproilla ol M |am i;;U ntiM M

back VIrinIa T a'aU ^rM .C ^ «

chauHauf w h i^ k » « w lh lB ;

^ ■

i p B0#L Pann>t^J,-Arti.

D ‘m - AM. ■#.»*tla. ona w ^ a a t o j ,

0 'S ' ■r*r(1972.

|, . - . i . ...............

V uai'.' iO^WOHT-

i g r -J o ^ th a a a

i C r ^ O F

IO& 1985. . / , i|<^’pgthw-

Ti? OaiMiai___

iludat cap- * loving ;

h/ y ) ’lWh-

St’aiua*"_____weMUP— 7

P "

■'oT.Mfiy.' y^lltarant i ^ i : < ^ a h ; ; ; .

w ; . -

aJU 'fw *

£ll!2.TT_ : -----

Page 30: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

’S j ^ ^ E H E Z E

' O afc'Trifc'-’- ' - / ' M , “ 1 ^ 8ahcr»


...... 8H0W Moi<iw^'^''^:.Tr. Itmo u M k c ^ ^ / ' ' - u

......o r i B O » < n t t 'd ^ a r t h

;.": OiMciwVojKii^^

®WAii«TiittT,yfeKrt:tof*vt«*o(-t9e*..—....... .

____— S S f ^ S S ? ^ '” ”’ B'MOVK'^^H'V'CUDVW’I.

(1977. F tm M v) Rtehird• • :

S L '^ S J l ^ I S S•-.-------6in^Tail«y“or

. ,S^lSaM «??SSo;T *m

-■- —-AttinflcCltKHi .•a^»t)•-~■* ,. g «^.i>H igM W ’8 ,:irtt

• • th o r t 'p f ‘-L ti ia WiB 'W phyMflia And BrooehlUt."'

(TUC) u o m . i l r * * * >!Hak<

-■ CM M OV k**M >^A nw rcM

S S A M * n ^ l ( l1 » ( H )

auVE<7A LL4< ■ ' : "- M 0 9 CD • ( in O A U A I

. th * .U tll .o l wrtUoo • w pif.: RM rttao{alo«bni.g

t | l ! M T W [ ' 0 : W n

> joidc Qi^ Mo - Btwmn ■ .• " i ' . |Tofc«/W»wjn^

' Uwfc-YmlMiOBOiltOwty"p jic cn C n ii'

r. UMi'.'-&kkMVmOmtrr'.


» fi« ) |* i.(R ) ,0#ofO«B«l*ftc 'froralUll/tWA

, , ......... ttMbi»a<Ilngef'.Afltconom- , : : i , t . ( P * r t t o tB

. . . a n d HOPBiCJ ir iT rav a la '' •p a s t y ta r v ^

. , E c m ird iJSp fo b tfn o tAtPi

T — ^ ■ r e n c o K w i, : OARW 01P-.

------ B V K O O t tCB H O R ttO H - '

. • - • f “ AyMf-tong dc**teo*. ^ riv«f«n<Jth*fki

a o a R U T H «~ : - » a M o « T 8 t o

J* W tU « ilflwWchW*#* ■M)q 'Jaok —..„}« .|ouay«> dda


- r - aHOwiiowi"I, Wttfrjfem* - C r u tH n '’" t1 i

^ « : t8 ® FR DA Y >'Whara Th« ' f ta o a aANRV) dyJ.O o lo f. : ^ 7 l ^ Z S ,

oo tld rthaS aok

^ . Ctavld . ^)iatrt.g .... ..O D M ^S .

• p a i lh W a - . p - — — -

M l^Miew n i V .

:ii^^5^afhi '■'■'■'p - r


S 'a V . '__uaifJiHih ____I»f ;«i Ul* - '

r — ------

«ad - MBMtOfCirwftr*-^

i^~ ^ |N m '- ’ •Tm*A*S‘H ^


..J.. ■ .. —


P E R F O f l i ^ ^ ' 'i!-BalMChloi-Tifcin*,-r - •ftchlna'* cirM rM i f a r ^

lefm aN M rY o^C I^B al- -

K M B ^ * '*^^*;--7 inkaa ' " - ' ’IS E■flffy'^'-''(1M3,';; MaileaO „ . B V

S ^ > |-« :'-T O H T A C H B •• •TJO*!

*fW>’7«JUk*pir.tWI'j;t»Ma — W IMW «f>d tha kw raulng .. B M a


oo flafiid y M W w V ^a y

rrowBB •'P^ID# aiKrt." . «i#.t

lda(>*«J#hcy.‘ - - ‘- - , ,Yock

«-<**i^?e3dteA M tJi»a___ j:rm o th

^YMOHT PARTY ZQNB - m Si p R D ' ^ . i ^ t S ^M ’a tA a cU ^iP n d g o a a ‘•fl'aofl

S r W S x n r - ®

^ A # m e y ' / ^ t i

■ ;^ ^ ; - : ^ 6 ^ f a t e i t c v w o e ^

.F ftday ,J«nuary2 ,18a7 TI:

/ | . . : - . . . r .

. : O T j n : M

•» ._ 0 « t. «• 1 u M . .; i ' il" ? ■■•.■ *------------:— —

jw iy l^ 'V k t iw _______

Z ^ r : ^ / - ' 1 ^

'^;Hil^»rt'l.-,.^^■'!: ?,-- ' f l |Mw<a-'.

t r r w r - r v H - w».W'

”r- 'T :? 0 ifefa)» Z o m o . 01*00. diKOvan; ihi


now S i C n ^ e j I c . ' ta x ratoon • ti

ibotri h«r plana to .d lu p p a ar, whH «*Vvu

’O a m J p Amartoa: e«lanot)lM.Tr» tta, r O a o rn Bklaiicnjnp'a c « a« r I

W i a to tha bui><flnfl o t lhaJNv

■ ^ » 'A N N 0 U N c k > » :

laoTB* ttaltnohbM taRa m otl df M

tM,)wto«.iiiid Mark 90 a ttar a.d in • f « i t o . a a M p W ^ c t : . • 'B FIVE M U .C f tS K '■Blood, 8 wet

pH E Ty Casesitiptissiwic; .'X'’r;;.:

£ 1 3 0 f f S 2 l - ta « : : - r ••-■” •' ’s m i i . ' P a f l c " . ......... _‘T w in F a ite •'•—

Tlmea^Jgwa, Twin Fafis, Idaho

1 ' ^0


ixA• tfr -ind


ir Itirjal_____ _


I hii ■ -




h o lt"

Page 31: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

Fr^aj^I '"AndF*ith"8«»

bu»hrino*fWW;'- - I------------ -^YOOCKHiC- - i . : .... aiRFlOB--------------

I OCO U STCA iriI r m w o n o J

ttit Ctp4. L • PERSreCT

, P»ln" B tck P«bi - toMmbt ttidiBU*

O C 0U E Q 8 B -ttO r« flo o 8lai» Q B M O V C * * ) d#»” (lOSO; fii

■ --------------------------a o i m r c w t---- a L A M J H & i

W llllcD U on i^— ---------------------

_______________(BHcrhuovmth * NII*‘r.<(tMl**n Tuni«r. MIcl

' . I . - . ■ CM - MQV&,'■ WKtt" ( tM S .;I 0 -K*«l«. R * t ^

»r06(TM OM dyil- - I I—....... - ..........<H H^wyotk-:-11 lion) MJcha*! ,8c

— — ----------- -fcaobsRO flw ;j i ® M*A*S‘H ( ! woundwl loltflt j • - h* h«« chrento I - , -------------------- Ob'* blood tfl.h\i

U1 J i ■ ■- pri*it.trrlv**lflI I V'aPANDANOOM l ' ln*t*r*o. ■

[ h 'S ieU N D O P'“ . . . - qi cr*(TuH

’ • [! ' Hon and Involve. . . R , ._ — J----------------» < a 8 HOW-T*«0

(IM e . Orarna) ;4Bi»nco;

/ » :S O a NK3HT’TCfymax* ( '‘a i

1 -CNotofloufc-i: I'"M ln*")rO *n*t

. By* 8 Ji. ' attrao .ig :o o sa ):< i) l

sd H N n in ..- «^iBDONNARn

..q u ia lftm lly v w •^OQREATJ>CR

j .-.In Amatlcr. Bi^ Q * o rat.B a )tn ti (-•own atory In ti

1030 to .1070; '\ , C ba lla ta latairtu r!: O N EW sraoK i! ' ' CD Docroft w

,:.f f lB U R * 8 ANC * Oaoro* p a * y ,

gatalham.‘ ' < r^ « M O W E * *1 . . Irroculota" 119

• - - ...... - '•— H e ^ n n , -B .it____ :......................- ® NASHVILU


— - - ' I ;' " h: , pure

" . - " J - n a v ite n J o n M la ^ n J in d ln * ' camild-M I. g ,H C » -8 T « rn r - := ^ 'r : - -

M f»H tD I»0 (JV W y0P 10:901 D . . J^o«>*«..Co«at*itt‘« . a I >wiAd«Mp:Atayon*.*alla. s:#p*Hwn,--------- :-------- ----------BapECTTVE ‘*Poatira Am) . Don patri and Ita ralallontiilp - *11.tnulM n'W watW TM :"'^..... t i8 BA8K e f£ lI£ 'A ^ o n a aT*(Lfi*F''-’-':" -^»--'- O '

1; Biography) X aia :Wirf- ta n•twfa'AttiWmt/-;’ : ; - i - ____ ,{'.’C

. savi BuaS'.eiABsfcgiittvttt____(D.ipaHormattfNMRppairT II"'

_____ Wai

g>ch ^BZ^.Havt I!!'!................... . ......... ............. haa

V ** '* 'J4 '.'T h«J«» flO f loh:t0U,>Ad«anbmO'.K«b sMIctiaai O o u c i a * - ‘ ' Foi

as,;. C o n ^ -^ lC t lM l mtO;3S

rk-:-(taa4, A c l^ w a ja o -------- <tw!',8?pww..y5fi2V!tf_Vf!n-; g

- a)ldl*r lhai ta a t^ Endleata Q ontor)«td(*mtr-«nd can't -- - b«fa h W h W lb M d y i^ r! - -:- ': i :doiJM. PX Wgglfla- hall tt t

nlAHaiieaU. ' ' '• 'CD IO(>lnt«rrltw;Ray<Prto». a

ICWSOO P T H B S PnreT ba.ato- i i ;00 icnallonotapflnealnBall... . . a

«lvad thouaanda of pao- m W*g .------------------------- --------------

M O V » -i 'e io « l-T la a :i- .-------lh«na) Brad pavja. T ony Lo- Ba

’J.’ -■ w O « Mit n TRACKS IncM ad: fm,••8 a<-)r:.t>J!i5i.i! ,D te*n- " :a:7:PolBtw.8)atsra.lVaoid.' m m afa'Ctand-bf'Coofu" --w i r 8 ta rC T f1,^ :(Y ,i^ i"). In , - . . dy]

:-;SR e E D D ^ < « p l< m a(o r» J sW MkaodBoawty. ' An3CRFOMil«MCfB;‘Danoi' d«: Balanchin* TrSwia, ttv . toranchWf' faW’Awat of h i r - ■ aIn tap«Kl,''ltf*fvltwa fram. .! Q70; rooud* oThla major . 7^irtur*4.ff#1 ?,« !?) (B) , . aQ K T - . T - - . w»,WHO' ■ i f taiANOAtLEIi(S-ac^ihinM ; . (qi ^ g la a a a a «nd ua*a an i th[r^n>«lhp^to'a**lhalI>*. T b i

. - cn*AH *mt«No(tfiAvaAM (ti (1970. Comady) Edward BuS a lta r* Hania>~"......— ............... dl u m o w — :------------------------At

v9, Twin Folb', Idaho......Filday, J

r . T - r - r r - r r - t - . 9

g M o v srhlfloa -To C o m # " '(W W ,Jfr tW « : 'Icilon) JackPalanca, Ca«ILyW *jr..; B CMNA W8C0VERT From acu- junctor* .to prlnllflDi th* .ChlnM*. u v a ;tff ir tia tlc ^ .:ana''wayoMi(*iB MOVB "Ju»t Ma And You" [iB7«/-^co<Ti*dyr'W iitiiif'ia»*»r,-:

SOeBARNEYMnXER D MTOTERfn "M Ular Ed-a Bluaa ■ a (D BWT O f CAftSOH From5ap!*mbar~ire5riiflk-aKb*'h0l t Ph tfDonahua and comadlan Buddy Hack- ill foln h o lt Johnny CaraOT. In

S f f ib N s L / L E W E n 'ira n iH O * D ( ta ) LATE SHOW Hoat: Joan RIv ara. Schadulad: Mlekay.Roonty. lanalnar Palar Allen. John Kartan, ('•Ciflniy i Lacay"). comadlin Daryl. Savjd. In ilw ao . . .3i).lilOVC * * '^Rac* Vyilh.Tha Davi. II" '{IB7J.' Jv iP * " * * ).? * !* !WarraivOataa......... . . .,a (llH i<*A 'e*H -Th* teno-amould- <ftfi'o:.(<A'<J,lJ«tW#aft,t<ot(.fpi ifid th* m itiiiJa Jl* f.cpm m anr«> m i» haad whan ah* conllnaa ona oJ (ham l o h a r t a n t . ’ i-'.',.,. a BE8T OP OROUCHO Ouail: Will Foatar. an **p*rt on callla ralaranc- **inih*B(bfa.a FIVE B a L 8 A ,look al 8/dnayH aitor from lunrlM lp auBiat. S (D ;.t« )'.T ow '.rf« t!da* lo ught.un- tfar an aaaumad nam* whan hit ho*-

f f i f f i j f i p r ' '* ’ 'O EKTERTAMMENT TOMQKT Mar-vtaw with actraa* Barbara Edan.'' ' "' a BE8T OP CARSON From Saptam- bM* IBOSh- 4alk>ahow hoil Phil dojahv;«>jK):c«ij*<J!»n Buddy Ha<^- • tt Join hoat Johnny Caraon, In ilar-

CDMOHTUNE-aM *A *8«HAOaMOHTTRACKS.iO O aTA M .a MY THREE SONS_______a .-O .-R B S K-WE:EA8Ti-A.P0R-: TRAIT OF ROBERT FRANK TWa pro- fU* of photoor*phar '«nd lUmmakar Rob^ft'Franlc tonff-«*ioctnad-_wltn

Baat Qanaratlon p<Mta and artiila. axamlraahla III* .atid,cara*r through W a^ jW ^ fJ^og raphaand fllm a. •

a (11) MdV* “An Amarlcin WarawbfMn’tortdofl'* (1061. Coma- dy) OivkJKauflhfon. JaWty Aguttar. a >tACK BENNY Jack racalli how ha ;ai*e«var*tf0 «m f»0 *y.' - a VlOEO DISC JOCKEY a WUMJFE ONCMA “Anlmala In 'ArnvAr" Sight apad** oi turtlaa «fio dwall'M hln aouthwvatam Oniailo^i toraala and marahaa ar* atudlad. a THm YEAR M SPORTS OS EVERYBODY'S MOtffiY MAT­TERSaaH O RN & H A R D A R T W OM OVS * * ''Troll" (1869, Fan- ,taay) Juna Lookhari, Janny Back. (eHOVO.UOVE -Ar-HtM "Eddla And Tha Cttdaara” (|0®3f Orami) Tom Barangk.Mlcha*IPar*. CTMOiilCVE "Stratehl Tima" (lOfO^Orafn'a) Ouilln Hollmin, Qtry Buaay.

• CM MOVe -*•*- ••Cofnmando'* (1066, -Adv*rt«r*>-Amold'3chwanin6gg(»r ir.JanliBry2,1fl87

'r) ' F a n a

U f ■ •Agflltar. '* J ! - - OWW TUNB^-^'

® 7 0 0 a .U 8 -,u” 11:30aA LLM T»C PA M L n r - ■ a ’ANH80T»OW-“ -'-

"• -«PilEW8MQKTUP0ATI — --------- a 'B T F F B B S V ™

om ' CETr'cLAW itlfe^W lifli»Bti--------- m*mtrtra:thraglngwiipick- Claudiua. racltla hla gralar- - p*rof Auguatua and Lhi

— lulbulwicVadgrwxlmoO jR o(ia)Q«NCY,Q«*ncy^|y. tourca ol a naw:(jono^ «n.' . lor* 11 br*aka M o .a n* fitn ,'•' damte.„Yi a D O O E Q t m

a NEW COUNTRY P« I'avi.' .W *lion .(n il* f*b .'.Ida. ® W THE WLD WfTM------------- l£ R "TT»« KBIaJ* vThMuid.-----------BuiUt-ahowa ;.hijw2«&iiti* caiiaad th* **HrrtHo»,'0 a mdlifct a n l i b l t u a w i

Dick HoWart;-0«}T*r*«; Will Topfc: th* W c*nl*«ilfl' »nc- tultoo. ■


loaa thair parUno- pri u'n- Howard complabia . ’is

io*.............about Jha lack of cu« .(R) •a BfTEOTAnMENTTi

itar- vlaw with actraaa Barba---------- 11 :4 5 ® 0 T V ---------—am- SHOW MOV* '-h Phil - Tuba" (1064. AAlO p «

________12S» ■ ROCK *N ROHEWS sc h ^ u i* d : ,f l» by- Mlchaal M oDpri^i Paul McCarlnay. BUly

■ , . Jplyiaon, Uonal R l c ^ , R*t*r*<i.'

O r C — '.'”0 i # P Y rB la c ji |j ir t^ pro- ; ; : ® 7 o o c L u i ikar .<J ® .ADVENTUREftitflC w itn - -r-K A R R )E T -’Tt^ra?<«^-!

ilia, rada. , r .>ugh ®CR00K'AM )CM A tl I, • . ONW HT FUOHT"Cori

' B CHROWCLE ■'RlofIcin ............ rto»-co«tfo( tachooJfitll*>ma aPU BU O PO LX rr.CO ir. ® B P0R T 8L 00K• ha . . . 0 8 HORTpSTpBCf',''l

lnw h lch th** .ooojjifi ; ; c o n i|ra lh td '.,t^ .t«*a

a In ' ]oalouayamii)*p*ni}aA «ho i2 .-O 0t3)O P P-T H !V ^ '' >lo,'a:: O MOVS * * M ." T

< BrDwn:8ho*rt(iaaQ .A

12 :9 0 ® SPORretATCNi Fan-' e ( l3 ) M N N e M '. '. '^

CD TWIUQHT ZONfrl And - .... n a y -W ^ a w o r tt la' «

■ 'a W o c d u m W ' '066,--------- O A 8 8 AUI.TSDHUr?jgar.' a d f ahow wilh *11*101

OOe.TflOV,Ql ■3V 0H g j

r«#-*.‘Air.Hfc*rK ' itaoit’-' (106V flahW r:'J*n«yr • '

■LY: ;;- '. . .

q g •W rV BEO TTn ^

id* m n v Na-!- ■ iip*ror^B ow i. — jrandfattwrEm-

t^ > M iti . - r . ,

(TtM «fala t>«;

M HAI«YBi;t- I^ O W ^ rH t l ty - cWtlttinQn-tiu - ,

—i t j ^ . ‘

A ^th«;ConaU- ’

WON#-;-'- Tti* *fflp(ey**a prWHtltidi anar 'i s Mra. Cot)b HJonwipatWng.,.,..

TONrtMT.War- - I t a r a E ^

’'H o tN w ^ 'H o t . : ^ l , ^ # n l a l «

« X L 6VIHNQ hr»;;p«rfonnano«::

j,^D y.kW ai}d

W y " ‘rA « o o k a ln a »

i”P«tif*0 ^ t . ' ; , .irDO^*:megvlH,

"T«na|>a«l And .Ady*nmra)B»fl

S tM inat'a ra tf, ,n r . ; . .

, ;; ^ U b r a ^ 'R o i i . ' '

oonbamnad to

r p M adult cort-,.^ iieftaa parfwmad .

Page 32: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

------ by ■ tlamwntwf a i n r — —asponracw T B t m e MOV*--M ■ A -1-----.---- V ft“•nfriWBB WW*rTW*yiPww’cRebMon. i u S t B u lu c ______ ___W O 10T r T S M TW^OHAMPM flH ra In th« first •p lM d « '9 t,

w tn li mort than quolM lroa p < nmiMrooW^laatasM)./,. ...

- OH MOVB ★ '.'Yowo Udif^Chnti l>y r~ H t r iw l

12:30 d i PALLADOM 6 ) ^ P A R ^ 12:4«(eH0W) M 0V «r.-1M o9d.T|i

------ (1838. o n iB t ta r* ! DtvU,:Tonir,ei*nco.M-- -

laJOBHWHT-THACK*.--------1 :0 0 0 T 00A Y '««U 9»C a& ... ,

. . . . - •R O U T S e®.......• N EW 90VSM QKI... . . .• O A M B K A 'aX O P T E N .. r . QD 0 0 0 COUPLf An»r thvir «{ m«nl It robbM. F«tLvi«lkt.0MM I fnoM a Into “a « w « r Aw».‘\ - r > • O MOVC. ★AZ'OtUKK'.'.dMfi,. vMtun>Tofflkhl*t.Aso-8yi«*0 * .'i

___ aM(KfuuoHn:fM]w».EHm::......m v n e o o m - x K O Y ^ ------- -

• PQA.<IOl>f LA inrttatlon*!. a -------uiKl luuuJ . lrw ir QO»U wyFAi ;0

I S MVE8TMDIT. ADVISORY. . a IAM-TH6 8 U C 8 SlosffTfluUi witn* DUon pcrforru Mrtth tn appt lAC* by .“8 *bsr 0« ’*;C««« «nd OWctaoJUWim;-:.-) ;i HBO MOV*.,TlflH»„,"RocKy (1006. iDrama) fiylvittar SUUc

(TOO MOV* ★ * ••One# Bill (IM S, -Coflmty) U P « n -HottonjC«JT*yj.:: . ........... .

— l^® W A L T O M S ----------


w ashinA om:.-.' :.talnm ent on Dec: 23 a n n o u o ^

''v e ry 'sm a irs tcp to b o l ^ r l b . { ing J'rlday 'tebedulfti StartloguJi

- I f w U l fl(^-"G onjrTId ''"frt> tt! -p .m . F r la iy to 9 p ,ih .r« h lle - 'D

moves, from p.m. Friday:

.Id their first;Lwo30utiii8aiag “DaUas" and .vuiam l.V lee’': H 9-to-10 .piiDk ' 41meJ^&lot,'c'‘)<G (which may be saMi-'tti'gotttM averaged 'a ‘ 7 .6-,n itlonal'-N t rkUn'g' a n d j ^ V u . 'p d ^ t ’ au'di share, "DaWft'a<-l*^5“.(each;r poiD trepresuvniW O .TV hom e

CBS Newv p ru d e n t. Howard Inger a n d jifo re i^ w ' T l5dn''”a CEO of ’CBSr'lnc.V' departed- weekendjo r CBS News bureaua h i Eorog CludlDgMfiSCOW....vv

' Hey; PeiT7 -M aw n -faw l - E n 'te r ta lm '^ o T i^ K 22-ftHndti lh a rfo u rm ore 'f-h6 lff‘mbVfe^! lug Raymond

.(1062, ConMty).'r«R

MP 1:30 SHOW WAaHNCr IMAMOHTIiRACK « « n t r . - MOV* -H r* :I • vuK . m w " (1040. F a a tu

»• Mo- ."

■ 'O.RoWn*o«----- T|«»“ OB 0 0 FOR YOUR O

in ri-o -r— 2« ® P A » f t ’A8yrtCJ - 8HQW M0VK

(IM S , Drama) 0«M .. G oiM tt J f .J . . , : . . . .

•T - ' - : € •< M O V *..T t* .'r.... Cp«na«ty)

I- .. (wm*. .-1apart- 2 i3 0 m 9 MOVE

SMlW (1040. Ho(TV}.’\afl<; Bari.- ■ •••■••■•

- VldNhrM.-...........

ll. ave- 2:40 (SHOW) MOVC ,--------KprTUBTTijWl

> ^ McDaniel. MIchatl A tuUar^t 2; W .A M a H r .m ^i p p t v r 3 .-o o b c rq m M rB _ , ^ h i « . o b m o n e y m a m a


____ ® H 0 W _TPM W i!B lttM " STOCK M A f ^ . . on; Jim (TMC) MOVE * * i

■----WPiWn" (|850.iRtJ ------QrMrOaraon.

I & id a y p r ialbeit 4rotund«ttoni

— ducedforthelW7-«8i ' In February,'/ E n W Case of (he Losi l>ov [ . t f i i e t t e^.8ch~edule._^l S:Hagg- starring ^ « D . 9. teleoasttblBs^mg.;..U ttr« :3 0 ------- :--------------HDads’-i— Changes—a r e - b i ,1A.^:30 d a ^ e f r o a t - ' . • ‘ - - f CBS has cancded

I'M aiast the March '.2d'' (iil ' 'm the rq ijape It op,Mo!«la; )iG«Dg'’ “ T h e fo ld and the>B % »r'has deals w lth.viw o G -Ntelsen

- REA LLY A .^llC I imesX. (WHEN THEY

S S ” tn- ' CAI


nddhced I N ^ N

Jt:ra ich ti(> t.'i :ia t"_ r«ny'Thoa*a..Ti»»-.,----------—

3JV«m! ,SL ' . ’ !y™trT-:C.'i or' niTt’- .1 ..-I-

s « G D «- ."S « 5 S S

srw a sw cw iu a : ® « iv S

......... ... '■----------tliO O . D(★ H ••E nW M Ioi" Lw^tiUn. )«Anla.Ot«ld. Uwl» '9 :4 0 C M >

m Sc^hk^tticwt Pri« :iOTri:

« ,* H "HoPywootf

ssisE , _ „ ; ---------- -•Dram.)0


® ‘Niawi

imeiime'sjom ey..i^Lbei pro- entw ined I «8 oeaBoa.'-A - u . u — ships :aDd PfettrtTOwe t t e - M o n ’V , >)ye” . ‘.^ap ito f

- the^-HcUbii i? :^M a-;0 ||e -,« Itbe--V a.T de^tg.;....... .... . . - ing.the.-loV — C leggs--ai-b re w in frro D -'tte -p o w erfiilf l

led-;"eapiW ''’a» o f •

S ® ? * • ' r i i

K S i l r : “j^ A B t - N O T . -

..— . ' ' . .T H A r f i • l l l o t l

f * L t ' • ’’■ ■ ' e f t

5NVIEW • ovI N F A t l f i . . : » I " "

hT)a^.uimu8ry 2; 196?-'■

I NEWSISH O W BSTO DA Y -.....................OVC * * H ‘T l t t Ncrtli A w iw im *‘* O a n , CORWrty) EthraidwiM.8 arU raH an«»~i---------- : ro u e o r t A S K c r M a r M M v

V B T U M r ADVISORY ' ‘ lO M O V * -* * ■'Tb^MawKlda-

Pt»a(iyrLoct— lUn. ■■•M^MOVS ;*> ik • ■ s i ^ a r i ' .

. , .U M H T T R A ^ - '. . - , ; ; : : . . . y CC ^COU PU Oaccr. M a Fallx •kD.lntQeQlMlo a ‘IfattannV.ifl ttaoat-iM sahapa.Tr' . . -1 f t f i s W R m B ^ v ::, "• n r a / .w iA iH D r/ aponrra

BVTAaeM NOfRS...' •1255!lE^]£2i!lll2£‘*T— —

<1934.- Drama) EUtatMtt M .OOaolak-Pibtlaflka'Jft.'' " i ;

■ )O h » ,.a » » o a b tt- r r - - i w c K R o a ^ V D e o t b d o - .

JPCRMAN ' •■. . ^ * ■

O hT PUQHT‘’hlohi/noht O ^ a

sHpws -id thnwi^.peraoMT^re^nt^n-

Ubdai:^uHi':d(JeirersaiUa, ■ March. 26.-^682, d(^Q'

u-longiima. feud .betweeiii,Ihe. and- -MacCandteses, Hwo,-


a tim £ M « m b flu « h tp ; * i

(3fi.«I;i(4ta^BIvd. N.- ■ J

imea^BWii'i^lfT.FaiisrtdB;) H

’ ■

----- j




rI . .> ■ ."1

1. ' ■


»13----- --

Page 33: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

j | [ '

, ■ IT lr - .- , .',MC

e--00ODSNM»l}a > C W 8 /,W IA


® W V ESn«» (TMC) M ove i

■J 'I Burna, Ted WaM

8:OS(8HOW)i MG' Mift*" (JM6. Or

- t-odl* I^MinUr/__________ fclOHBO^iMOVtl


6:l8®'aUYEn'6f 6:26 ON MOVE*

•m" (1086. DTK OavMQttUj, ;r

6 :3 0 0 OUT 0F.<;< -- - - -OePOflTSCLO

____________ L jiH O a w c a u e ;(SISSUESUNUI

................... .. ........(DSPECUttS* •

lion”. ,OSPORTSCEm


g s s f f i r- I - - ® U S.FAB I«IRC

. (B a d O B E n O IDTOBT/NNOU

- . OIWAilO^CY — -aavoeoD(BCU<

ra p u B u c p o u c I ISePESOW iEK-1


r r - ' - — SHOWMOVE*^i i (1fl60,Df*ra«)0if

I ! ' vojby. .

t'l - g “

^ • M - - - _ ■■••€»' a

[ i' g J B P i

i'l a.m. ( tPlayoff (iamci play), or U}e,K

. ' champion (niv

: i. - ; Sp.m .'iraki 0onaJ Playol?*! NFC West cbj

____ .befendingSu^

T . ;--f:‘3dp7rn:;(Kl ' ; legeofldahb.^

■ ; 7:30 ;p.m: "o i ■ . .goybofsYlBl^tl

f ~miino8-New8.Twli

-----------------------r— beU O t» m ^ . .u n - .c r r r . - . - -TUP • • • ■ • <Li>c.8U-.l; j- ® )

• i)e ie « c s w w v < » - • < n K n m £ V O B n :\‘. c V ' RT NEC

6 * * •‘Oh-Qodi Vm ; MOF

«M . ® lU O V t E ' O k. Onow} 0 «oaia:0 a«ld.'' 8 4l U f / - r T . . . .f. . CDS)VtC. .**M f^iRBlflat a

-------« 0.'■ir.’.li r.^0 i-'-iiV a (rOFORUM (SCE **H ■VLnMriauRy ' i a a Dr«n^1wy»Pt»*tB«r;' OD

■ BNxoasup*.*-:V0 M ir - BK UBKfftti - 'B V«JMinO"h ,-;> THE'rli/nairi ’•Qfaati Urfra» MtTH

. i-,-r • ..............'1 ^1 WiBENIIEn O V IZARO’8 WORLD E S _Z Z U 8 Q B t f'E A T >0/SPO R T S HBOo^aynjRc^n : (io&la , AAn IREPOflT .wiMM r (8HC 7)EN8TAM9fi|^^Vr-«YpREaibittv:ri'I'.';.: • th*" CUOCKEV— - I w '

13 • a w ‘ c b m

FRAMOJN ----- -B K

E O E ^

. (K38AS1 KUTV)"pSSiloaal: mftiEiawr^tb^.NewrVork Jets

; : / r r r i - ^ c i l c j

B of I m p k n ^ ^ a g o ^

( I ^ U j c b u i ^ B u i i ^

.S'Ct* ... ; '< E V & v r ^ } ;C M l^ Baal il th flB y y ^q u g i^ Iiy e actloi

rwin Falls, Idaho . Frtdiy.Janu

........... ............ - -.....

bemilA ofll D.iit ii'->C'q«'«''IA7 R S !t»M fauM <tA iisq i£gSSRSSSS?»' i;::3=m'”39mr tm jiK ) V3U‘ com-

a S I I S T k lD i^ 'W d R Y - - 1~P

X )a ( s a a HEKso^s«)PPerS. BAaCS I MONSTERS Bm ceVSeBABTUN..’: . . . COtSnJHrSTONEMOS B NEWS UPDATE / WALTHWOK ■ a 9 ) a 6 u u M > a - D SESAME S T R ^ O U Q • NATK3NAL QEOQRAMC EX-'

DCHARWMDO'*-'^''--. BMMraRORSON . . . ' . ! DDONALOOUCKPREdENTa B w e ttB o o A m x fc it '- ' INW HTPUOW nrtktOff . D ia u N D w io rc - ’- .••

^TBMS'JJdW'ftirSnliVronal Tour;


9 a 'ffio M bfliik)iN vmw LOVE- B o tw v e - i tw '- i te U i 'u k * o.'* ■I0S9. CMn8^)'<6h«vy C K u t,’ Om An»yd. •WOW) MOVtE..**J^iM5.D^intOChw.a»tnEl«ott.iW 'M o v e’s w V 'T h t 'j .w .j 'O ! -

OOifflt**.-— ■— -.

IWWH»HW5TXlf=“ — — = tTOW<nr,WJNm fiufHi: DavWu lzuU:;-Th» KMS<na;..,Q^n(ipi -


fl'M lW .-Wt w ^ a] ^ L«d»gr? -

^ F o o i b a n ' - " els (10-6 iD . n ^ a r aeasoQ .

»P ;A K :, C w tnd

OOMl | f « M ' ‘'NFb^Divi-:'- -igtoo Scdskln9-j(U4) or tbe '9ere ( 10^ 1) ^U1 ;^ee 'tbe ;- :, B ears 14-3) lo Chicago,

College VB,.tbe Col* ^ ' -~

Laaketball n e Wyoming ilo n fro m P ro v o ^ J |^ ^ .. . , .

!nutry2,;1087. .. • i . . r '. J

■fra aiASHORuo' .:'■!£______ : - _____a a - ^ a ^

CMU0VB'«4<-Co(mF (fMr, Drtmai Jamt C

M- - ■ Yowo.-.- - ' 1 .•■»•»■8 :0 0 0 CD a a (^i)i

- -PL W H ^ ' ..... ■







- eOOURMYTOAOVWr . . . e J 0 f f ( D a a O i) - n w ur- eHYSTBaOUSCOIlMC


B O (l)aA L V M A N 0M W f C 8 > - - '>>



CT'T -LoflftQ. ... O OOUNTRY KlTCtCN \

— ------- prwwHtffltwnj*r.-Aft»•l«»o. ■■ ■' OVDeODtSCJOCKIY

, oiHTHEw wym Hw U R .' •

— s g s s r a o M ;,, eTWENTSTHcemmy » lrr 0:000(BBB(11)(|AU jAtJt— 0-8PAirrA)a»’»HD thi

r i - - ^NEATHTHESEA' - - •„ a U J A {MtnH of world

thvrr.— -plifltolHfrKrtu#. who r*l»:ri...........f»*f «n*ix*p*«dto9-Woi1d

"-'JI{Hln*Mprf*66CMip. '-•

O 'w r e upoA T i'/ i TECW0I.6QYWEEK -

;',3 gassss%Impact of t«(m{$l0R mw4 o n tM v to rlw ttw ri'ap e rt e tttd by focMlrra on IlM j conflict taU bwtyCH y.'R t

V - ^ - - - o t h « mMntMn 'Of I-, • ' broitfcaii w h

■lOAg ^ th „ (« ^ iri tt ':o l.U

'• & MOVE(1B89. Dnma)'Mirt6(l B(!i

. Fondc'-.-,--.... ■ V.... o(m auH auoK i



;oYfio.^oo;'w . LanAaTflca.cB-seaarH/.i-rrw;

> F » Y h « C l^ -

I) ’ W b; ;'

W fT R Sg^'''.■


A t CriACK^TANtt'.:' r " ■'


! > " ’•■•••• • - —1»BCNOTNICHP*

BBQMNBMB .... . . ;o t


u S y ” ' '

MARRY iUr;*"

lOUTtKIOfWlY - : UUCCiM H------- -

rANDTW«.,.l' '-

a TMtTh#-” ; •■ ,6 o « w :i

9rt-lal|ivMt(------•JMO now F ^ n w M i -


rS*^"chtW~ - Mi)do. J«M “ r .

'■T y' \

' C - ( ■,.-W;Jl

Page 34: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

i n M VX3UR OREMM . .S | ) 0 m i u i l 8 0 f > POWER—____

, eCHAnTERSiCALMCOTT ;1 HBO'MOVE * * HJ p O fi* , Or«]i»p^<W9fQCi5>trcR'

Fr»tikLov*]oy.' . . jj-i)0 ,iv— aMow-Move-i>r*«-- Ygwgyaw

n i i o m oVc j * /* h ^-uw ( u « : | t

M O O a s 0 9 (I(> P B S 8T0R' BREAK

.. K M sh u introducat «o|[7i*l«fl-«tfij tiltofl* ol popuU/-oWI3« f t '« ( , l ^ ." r t . R oquifortffl«e;'vJart» ,;rt(iac« dangtr b th« lom o^» p o * |r

I f tO O O O D a 9 ( iD il^ H O Q A N i ROCK WWRE8TUNQt3o/;,ft iiiio ■ y rO O C W T p O X H ^ tO N iT B ^

cohol-r«lai*d •ccU tflla ob )h* vi«

h i l t r v l n r c i ^ rKonttrucltoAV.ol In


Br«ndy - » * r t u w » 'b tna

C»n .OMlyJ^JhU ^H »t4

C h ^ 8«rtA > l f f c ^ , „ u i , ,01

- P<W ». o » ® i^ e . .^ .(u r*d-M sm «i» k|u^n^[|wa'l*r|il|lM In T artun lt and tha UNlCEfrwevlur whb tMChaa t h w n r M . - 0 9 ^ ^ ;

T' *SJSfB fip o lr re C O T B S A T U R a S ? ' ’ 09 WHAT EVERY BABY KNOWS

s - § a si r a i k - '

^ a i ‘j f e K R < ^ ™iTwaj.’T'— { © •® u n if ie Q -

- PJiiyoff O am t. J J fw y

■OftY- ' O D .^ V IC * H ." W iB o b . ' f’ ®*®*


SKSKT”,*^ ■ ' s ^ 's m

p - ; 'n . t lh o t :h o a ! '|? ^ . ! j iw i ._ ; •_• 'h la li rn b o th m ’oa iiM

— (sh o w t:m o v k ;w 4 ;^ ;..' , dar»-Ui058.W |i»iapi:

- . ' naat Borontaa. ' '•'

l i ^

, .to ., CroftWta hotIa.««/Mf and d a ^ t rtaJiifiog 8

S ih iM ■• .P.^^^h«nnonic^o5SMJ i.i!T ’, : . ___ iiy ,ti* ft» ft,vo> i'naf«

alafao.- ~ ■' v...;

‘■ " S ! ^ ^ < B l t e w / w S m e R H S S • ® ^ W m a d 6 -:fa»

1“- —‘* — p reb tm a : AcconOBfftc parefnt .of Af'rtta’i ' ^

: . , . ;. «roman but tha fatnah

Bi i S MS ^ i ; - « c o o m R Y O U W ;v

" - OD OrTY OO R8a J ! 8 ; . T . ' M BW lD .W NC IpO M -.'u

K' ' - O l FROM HERE TO EH. ? : : - ■ a WEEKEND OARC, “ .0 M O V e * * ttT 'J u t l

J . : (1978.. Coraadyir.iLcf,o . . ChariaaO fodtoo jii^r

i Z : : : . - 8HOW.MOVB ■*★»i ^ - ; - M r» .-C lm Ino-'(iB te;;l

"I(1973, D « n ir t !Jafy.;i

' - r t r a S S & w w ^ ^....... (D G O U eoeB A S K S ft

. .c ovaragaof Michigan a

on and th* Ahmad ---------------

. S

- S * M ^

■ 58ot®- - 9 M R 9 : o

‘ FtomHSfttt

v n j.M'Oir/.M Cfl .- c ia h iw d - j

^ r S s S

''. '* f ii' •■v r 'iv ^S l^ w w ^ lT f iT ^ D -e c o N O i

^ la flrewn by _ '. - M ^ W O ii na>»-Bfbii»a»a w y - : 9 - £ ( H 9 n f

NROCNSl ' ^ p I d D

SScfeiSs!;*"'" % “c i a s 'H “A Plaoa f o r r - - '2;:' DTmma)’' ^ a ' - '-•* ^

fc "CJ4»aOl’'44’r ' ' ' ^ i ‘ 7 3

gOMiVTaflBWT/:: -^ ^ " ." ■inaS fltt» tto r8tnr.i.-,y:'i:i:i • - vnl.n

'f id a y rJa iiu a^ Zrlflfl? • — T1me»-N

bS riiftS aiva t v i i l M & i i i r - ^ U p r * ^ - . . ■pMl......jwrnrm rm ^OM n’ :: ■, WSttKDTSATOnOAY'' •'■ •; •• ~'BONPARAOe u",.’..= V. • »VK_** *:'j:8ab6pyr:Comal_ -t(1B72.>^CdfT»«idyr 'A*Ml*d.■ o r> « h ad -.-Watbar... OavW-

I.-.,'. „o-' ■>■■>- ■■•• i'>' . ' - ■H o o i^ : our-;—

9:OPT»CWOf^FMiEANr ~ ’ t»Aaiuiu.11*w *lI;'m ^*d-Vim- n 40 c o u n iriartee m a ta ' lor nd 'pH zakIn tK la 'ftM «juual' ^oaantrHoattfr.mehdrdOaw- Ikkl Carr.-CTapad 8apt»lnbW

SAMBUL > " “ -jiVwV ■r o p e c f w - ^ p i i tw w - A i idBack pain and Ha ralatkmahlp raiKJnii*a*iH^pfiMMad:-c-.::- )Ve * « ™ T R * > tW ifr .M i^ -- ipat"' -(ioiff/i=Comady»-'‘n n - - ;a.Chsrlatfa(MM.^Me3ti^ V'.s; .i^ V fc *★ » ■m''TWd;:- U Ctaas." AiMftt«in}:'Wc»tard. '

0'JrtO'H''uC)fi» iiV»'.' i •' V'

T sa'O 'w ^tr.w ,'; .■;•■■■■■- »:

iM o ib i id t f2 ;" ’ \ . ' : v ?


h o m c a 1NA'1Mi'b4nama of 'dfiJha. ;

9nW JQ rafE N .V ioyt.A xtu i_U Brandy. In

h e n - y c w - ^

’?eM:P>.ecf Wr i f i ' j f f i l s c j a l ^ .

a c e m y o u r K y

f # . " x ; ? U L ; r . - i -I 8 a " ’ !^n:......a a s l f l e d i ^

i S J "rrl’n'r ,;rfi'”' ( (•'.' t';. V'’--i '■.'■■ ■ tft44ewD,-Twin Falls, kU ho.15_.^

Page 35: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

j r n . r

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. . 1 ............ - ...... .. ........farattct an . Umiiywho

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i' I Ubo wM'thI IllUttDrrori


■I ^ oni ih* p-

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a « p w ft—^ M O V I

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i -1 • '• "deJlAlhe . . . ----------------eCrTYt£<

■ s «.. . • .^Anwric*;*.

' cT moS e

Y . . - . ---------------- m o w n

|J.:!_____j w! .'i . s o w n

................TME Th»

' !'.• covmo* < i l .la'lnwWto

....- ----------- tMOrnicij

1 ............^p ^ J and I

■ ajBQHti . - ■ V O O B I

: >n(Z)PO TO Ii • j'f.'nO N S '.Fl

I ' f ' . S sj ; OMrga W ■ :th«w aun

th« UArytJ '■ ';'i'th>0f*rfyo

/ ' - a v r t L o f l

^ .■ KnM«''Ar■-------J-)--------------rr*-r»c*r^'

li -l-TorawofTy

[■ {: ;______ j r y n w ^ i i

r»fiT:ir.vl"r)P:l i’’; ■'‘ i?'T T H ErfiO S ■a (rO R D n i£ » Rockford muat - •n Arabian p r tn u u from h«r . fho wania t o ^ h w la daalh '

* 't i> « ( m (» d la e o v « r lh * ^ oratcoJiooifproftatl-rt* “ ' M C A N Q m tS -'P ‘.H 9 tS 'n C N n . A Wa«Uy Ka-oM M hllnfiX iilw atloc iMfli _

m o n .wlrwKMUftt^.pontat ..•■

OV* **ifc'l-B ii*T h*auort" ■••wi»t<nor6 *fir'KtciaRaiT.'—

7M.AIanCox.UARK-RUMEU. H>oMsh;««f lltlcal u ilf la i 'a tMO thowa.

t f i V m H toSA MJWMH *...........-


JRCH'8 TREET«rAT)0 ({ b |^ « i......<arK'Or»ji,.Qua»^ P.amf>tbva-

Ticiif w « t iw i? ! u w w ^ r —

nd b r p w ^ . iM d i l i • /• rw u r-

B o e m k ih ' ' :

BUOHT-JOW.CraulM,!!!. ...,•. -I' 111 tt- -■.->: k— .V TjittdticiruD snoM n.iniviTr.. .

(T0UAC:-AliBttfiAM4lm£C-^- - ■ R ta m a k tf iR O b fl.-C o m a '. .

wtnnlflfl hoduio* to ^ .P e ( o >lhr*f IftdwJM vWt* 10 Mount HhaeqOO-acra-VkflWafarmoT : • ■ ^ tS S tiV K -who daacfibad - lUrway a a “tha orand ainport-th a B a M o n "i^ W V It;* ^ * * y .', .irytaAd a ita ol tha I w opara*rryonthartvar.l?i>eu.HKacocKK80N w tw r n r a a w flwbbar-''AMdala«*lnViiLWj;eycUflfl ' 64rt'aiAfto*'1vi«Mifli«4C** «*k»— o rryabootha fM faty .--:-■» = ••• -

ryrHUNTCR Q w ^L.Q avk) T ha- K * fld « !la r :a * W * - ^ : ^ e v r e . T w i ( i F f i t

Jono#; Glory Corrlefo; aga .lf li io m o .______________

T S ^ m S S e "Noat & V & f- - y,___ Com*dy>51c»Uf Colo^JJllWhUlo.t n - ' » . O W A . m acovERY Fftm ;-■ -pw ctw o- «0 prtnting, th« CW

hava-flranwucitly allaeUd Ai can t'w ay ot lira.

- '- jB P M m C T B .w c f t t i^ L : B .T W H O O f THE S * E W L.«lou a t» a in trus Shakeapatro II

, ttia .b ittlao ljho aaxai,pirform i . - rnwiwia-w S iftfo rd faillvil--l •. TonyRobarti.

- SHOVr HEARTBREAK HOUSE ■"' award - wlnmra Rax Harrlaon

Roiam«7y™rtlB'8t«rw1!h-Aniy I _ .in.tW ij.aaU rital comady ibaul

baltia ot lh« lo x o i In pra-Worid ’ ' £<^land. B iaed on a ptay by Qi

' Barnard SMw. . . . .— laO C D N F f TODAY ttoatad by I ! . Muabufgsr. SUrtlhg tima li tenti ' • OFOREKJHCORRESPOMOENT

: a j AMMAL WOhLD . .. ffiWORLOCUpSKHNQ CD RVE B E a a .'A looic al 6j Harbor Irom aunrlaa lo a u n tit . . ® COflQflE^StONAL. CTAPED)

------ 0 HORSEiRACIHQ Troplcal-Datby, Irom WiamT, O-lvo)

■ f f i ® M O V C "CM MOVIE * * . * "Motly And (1645. Come'dyX Monly Woolley cia Plalda.

2 :0 0 O .( S O ( H ) COLLEOE.KETBALL. Regional covarag

’ MlchloVn'arnilr>ola-or SI. Johi .'VU)anovauUayba'^aampia«l.'a

t > RATED K: BY W 08 ( S NFL FOOTBALL NFC Divli Playoff Game." Starting lime, I

—— andalla-ara to b a 0 . ( 0 FROM THE MET

Blagati, Tatiana Troyanoa and Rendail parforin in iMl live prai

--------llOfl~oH'johanii": S t ra u i r f —. operalta.'.which la a a t .a t a.

m aikad b lH rn tara Roiilir<d>r< hilrer, her huiband and har ma caught flirting.-phllandaflng «

'g a g i^ In other forrna ol Irlcite^------- n a h iu b lltle t tn atorao.-----------

• (BCH A RLS'B A M G aS---------O ' ^EWS. UPDATE. / &P CL03E-UPa CAN YOU &E THMNER7

. O O ia f iE A N H O IM C E D _ CD y iC T S a M 3 A f ^ Plinnin

' lo r ;.a p tn ^ l in tli )^ a vlall to I . loba J a ^ n a a a Garden at Iha t

: " • ilty b t BrtUsh om tilt(C ana(} i 0 ( 1 2 ) MOVE * ★ » -The a ( to e i j Drama) Suaan Clark, M

. . - . Ryan.'.(BSOOLTRAIN (D MOVIE I r * * "O. Henry'

' Hou«a'*'(lBfi2. Drama) Marllyr - raa.DalaRobartaon.

O COUNTRY NOTES Faalura . . h o i t i Janet Tyaon and Qiag Cr

conduct a lorum on whera c mualc'baaari and whara ll'a with'guaata Dwight Yoakam. 81 praildani ol iho Country Muilc

_____d a t l ^ ' and Q arry Wood. Ni. BlUboaTa'adltor and country'

• ------critic. - •. O . 'HOaVWOOO M810ER G

actraaa-IU ta Jackaon {'•6c ii F riday^J im ia ry i^ iw iif— —

,B-Micl- And Mra. King" d[icgtMaFflml>8 ji

• (19W. • • 'O v sg n H S ^ i.E ilUlow--------------om ie u n ;. u •e(‘( 'A » a 4 f - f W ^ ChinM*--

J Amarlio - ' —enfW eo^oftiarvifkM lW tlOW W ICW

•’ ® W » « f E V W r tL i i r t i r “ : . '(8 H « 5 W J T O ir ’ 'e l i i a o l . :- M r«.:Ci»in#?(1»1

r r '

8E Tony ' - ' S ^ S S K S •on and -CoUagaAn.CoUaoi jnylTvfng CDTOMYBRDW»flbaul th o .. .sridW irl daacattdart* of W yGaorga who aacapad thcC

aWAOOHTHA»*by Brrrt------ — Owen>-trtae-1»-«Bntallve. lanna-P la iha tt* ): tENTS*"' ■■ lllalttamWnfftowt

o « o u i ^ j o |

k e ab ik q o f l y f i m ) q ^

Ical-Park------- ~ HBO-SURVlVAU)

T->ir.r . lu ra i ra lu ,c a ra f i And O a” jjroimg.--.--50 •r-'! ,lley;.fira- Ol»C) M6 v e * i

. . . . 01 Tha SilvaryiMc;0E BAS- j;dy>OoriaOar.:Q« iraga.. ol 2:96 fSl 8ALTWAT11 John 'i a t 3.-00O MONKOO' id.'(Ltv»). ,..^<fldJ,licky.3Ufl_S»|'

.................Uia Vagaa. <ii<r«vDivlalonal Q)WONDERWQ» >0. laitna O N EV m /.lW A Td.XUva)_____ 0 )-FinNCMJMUUET "Oia programa fa a h rtirBrJudUh----------RonaldRaagW»,r<and David :T ftrdK aM M ireM praae>|ta- , ..(R) , . ; . .. .• f - 5oogc----------® O O O D T » « 8 -:a . la i r{ th , . c .O M 0 VlE.**<vx

(i93»;wa*<trt«).irmaid.ara . Hart- '>>o a n d a f - -.Q M O V C k e ^ . ^ - -------------- ----------UflaUl........-----------------------Q WOI4EN-;<

BPORtS . ^-THaaHh.nFr** i«> - \ ' : . tU a a A f f a a ^ m

,:«i»dAfr.lca:j|aaJai. a ____ p.aV -M dH uflsaw

nnlng now 'a a f tn a ay 'M ~ U t to'tha"Nl- .. „..,CartolL..»..i,.4;-.: haUAlywv . . (C.BARBARA M A a4ti>.-q| ROY R o o m . , i a C h o l^ '.j ..eOTHAMHtvetS^ k. Mllcherf Q ■ ANIMAL»>

HORTHWEST'.''! comparlaOA p

snry'a Fall lam la madatfurfairllyn Mon- erjnonlhaoflh*]

QB MOVE turad: Co- (1978. Suapaoi g Crutchar; ;-^>t«y,St4hU -• - ra countrv SHOW R06M h ll'a g o lrtf ' C onn^ ora n. 8111 hray.' -alQlantroni.ttwC lualoFoUTh CM M O V E * *

Naahvllla Dra>na>T)mothytntry mualo .^ O 'n lH W Q O l

■••'TM.'--: • rv.-\U' R Q uaafa: , « 0 O : .M y j0 R S c a rechn r— ■ QOLO-,'K-;r.'-; :,H

g " ): Kilty K a i i | 8 twitr«>IHa . ;

'ita d y ^ .th aW av A ^ .

'r ^ ' . " A P I a 4 ! 3 |^ %

5 £ f t W 0 t o ' . W

M M E T IA U Cm T ig a e ltd a b o 'a h fB } NVJOURNAL'AWi! t;

W a ^ t . A ^ l A ; : ,iStitdCV ;. -iSS'-

aava-har a la ta r lKO.-ftjara^aomlMllB; » iwf t ‘ -------


Efijs^ssir 2i

u m " . (l»63. c « » * l •: tonlenM«cfta*.>.^ r.

o i i iS

■Iw ia r aiiiMiidB -

j ^ ^ . l r e m F r a » i ? * ;

a p rioata«3 J<«

C T K im 'ciT «« <»

rm8*l-.n;< --J- -


Page 36: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

T»|X,>l>< »'u1Ilfli3 < M.1? l

■■' ™ p S ( H ' 7 ; 3 a f f w ^

■ a n a . . - t o r . V l°^°<«^-

- P - Lg--|eiM<«a»Mr*»' ^ oai—l ^ -' -J

■ W g i y A r i ^< a m uriiiAra' ■'^ortcmi>' 'MO u » i , - w . i« . i« r ■'■ '■ -

A ^ r » H oJ th# .A fotuuilfttn-f

- '^ < !S W rW »n«"a i‘ J< 't» tow »oh '»’l»ifKiiit*. * - ■-'■ '•’• - •

■^SSmuAUA'oruM.y- ■'■ - ' • vA fnfA iort 'A N o t H e ; ^ .

'• • N E W S / y r t x i P ^ f W C ^ ' ! ' ■ a u res i^ O E S OF Ti« 7' AHO FAMOM WMtth .h» Ih* S<

u^loit: 8o p h t f t ^ W F g ^ > .

‘'•ot• 'l lm o u iln * » .(n r , '‘ '• '"

- L 0 -w OOOW ^ ^

wood... tnd

■ *® PA lJEN hS»i ih<J'A «iii b^«> ‘•'•'Sir)* miK#tT)l«nin6f'1(t*-Aot3:

b«ch*lofp*rty.(Br ' : ' B (12) OON8MOKT M A - h i -••(ouflli aiV wr»ioD< fWtHiW h> ^

• ^ S ( 11)F » W ta T m -W M T -« C ''‘Vo 8tMOMe.'*Pix>'oM«fV\f41 •"Jihd*' prira¥.hiitW ^'#»M n>^'

<lrtn-ti»hWo th#'Hwti>ftHl(»‘f«v«Wuhlnotdo*»'0 ^rtttplo’P«'*'*«**' O M VALLEY A girl l ik a * i ‘1

‘ • W P M W r t COURT •’“ '■ B v o e o w a C J O C K P T - ' ”

■:gSSSSfSS."'5 '''.'>■« ESCAPti’UNDER SAL'

; ; i l ^ K s r a!■ •f’ B JOSEPH” P A P P 'fM B E

look t t m« oontrov*r«kl choJpr

- - HimJel tn d th t pn>CTM'o»*iti r — h*rit«o tnd : ’' t — (aMOW^MEAtpBRgAK HQUafi

n ? l MO^T-MO I 9:30


' | n ~ ■ ■..:

■ ■ ■-\wnocK»r. KrTgwl*«OoeaW- ,.________^; ' " w r w X .

. " ■ iMKTIkfcMowHilr

’ '• w t r t wlrm'tni’'R «I •om a RoHtntry' Htrria ( t t l

— : In w M Jlrfc« rc*M tK M ~ " t)ittliiBf tti t > n i i Inn n f v •Eholcnd.BiMdOA'a • y / l .e # c B in ja h » w ;'::.;; ■■ aHO W M OV B'if** U.8 A Orami) Char. S a n Bi •’^ cny" • “ - 4 M m WR68T t W r w olilo:-------4:3 6 8 0 NEBnPAMI


''•■•• . Und, Broadway end ni'; • • • ■ .. O A 80N E W 8Q , W B E - ®HOMETft^Rom<

lngvar(ott<hrp«>ofi■ ® ONE BtQ PAMl

e 'W C H when ho i t a m 'w :i sovw •••• : 'f* rc w ii« r« « r '[a‘a\VU* ''O S (1 1 )C & 8 N E « if ^4our ■ C0UKTRYCUP8,M at* in------- : O N B C N E W B ----

(SLORNEOREENE'iC u tilo fl.........w a a Aio<auuiMLtpUc«.ol--------^r«U l*.«U h*jm all»• e * r i ^ vctlc8.thaaav tn ihi i I ->--------- ^ 0 ) 8C H 0U 8T O JP

' '8 'OPHOTON ' dW*ln'*: -ffM W W O H T nU i

W 0 f|C 8 8 N E W 8 ‘ ■ h i a * H YOU CANT 0 6 1

j'o o ^ o a • .- 'aO N -•■ QD BO VAOEY.Hi

-~*g K#!fi©(otaclflcri'♦•Otym-, ‘ ® ffl8O U D Q 0U >•<}f>antt art Palma^ Eart mid ' wNIa Anlla Polntar ("T «Mvaf'on 8 lg CouMry C lookHiU:'.' ''M alhli4 ndH an^Mra'IlU no '■'laQ'her......fV'jCl i 'W - a p . - ..............«»;Ora- .................. -Ilatian. • |

KNMKT OF : _ ■ ' • . 1

MY ' - •-,• , P

IBEMT8: I ----r — t\ j ^ _____ ',1 .

S jo r t r ty - ‘ I 735 N6rtH♦»itmdnq- - IL ',; .’. '. 7

:. w a . -n a » B ~ . ,■: .■ I' ■

Mmit.w: WraaWno- ' • \iTMm~~ hU ~ jw g

WwadW , ' W r«»^ '•

■: ■

. . .-iBnmiwrwr

f ia i l '.^ l f o n V iiid ; ■ ,itarwith''AmyIrvlno ■ ■ ■■ [ , c ^ '« V .'ib o iit -« w -:B b t^ -W o r1dW *r» - ....... - . - r rn 'a p ta y b y O a o fo a .

...... '■ .Chinca.ttfc* "M aa k ” <lBM.- ' ,taara< ”Y

“ *■’ • '. ’ T u : ~ “j R o S r rd flbnproducar.. b a t t f ^

’■'JullaiakawnovlnQ and inafair- ' S f l l N E ’ ofaldlng.O - • f f l l W i iM Lr Do»?a.,a ftoP. , . ,,dlwl09.% ijp: with Uncla ____ , y a g y. -

iews'' - o ( i a i

msA--muucetnpt^d^ 'j’fl----------■n» p«nfluln» tn Ant-■ .MhcorrttnaM.- ...............BTOM *«>O RTaA U EnCA .-____ ; : . l ) u K 3 i M li

LMSH0WCA8E rala'aoaiJ 'UV' _________ ; 'O C W TtOlHAroNTELEVt- * 5 q { |

H dii)>i^li^ '» C f l £8 1ow iffrom tootara;-r-^— :- lU ’i~wWlU>8chf«;<M lR 0t> - ; ’dltM tn'l •momia. C ojJ^, ifid . .OW JBToo Many 'tlfnaa"). " Dick HO'

. Topic:thy l^ a n o lh U 'T a l^ .a tutloru,

HIPR®F i r s t Vi H o u r C o n s u ll


1 ; „ J ' A W p rn o y s '" i h S K b s H o ^ ^

Frlda».J«nu«Vy2il887 ,Tlm

. . . • .

r t ' [ — - • -

Hlae— r. lyMwaMiMwn:.... ____

•' ' pawifwoi tKMi •

S s S p n : ;Saturday

:a M ’Lov*nl'Bod<>.'8 » « tt and • <”You Mada Ma So V an Hap-

svra uA A TC V TP O R T i BAT- ' ■y ^ ' •, •• _______« 0 A Y '5 ^ f ATImE Asalnat har

« ^ o S > HOUSE FIndb)g.yraUr.- « i^.w*lt.w4 luMT tbitaa tw ataf

18) M O V B .**H ^'dua'^ (1B7e,

dat>t wh«n ha .uaaa r^ o ra d H

■n«n.otm <Jvna-* <>*P ^ ■ PV

r o K r t O K T B ^ ; - - ^ - - •

« £ 8T A |H ^ ^ ^ f ^ p W 8^.Mo^ IwoM-famoua tobogoan ru n -lo " -

s ^ § S s s r ^ r p , i « ' . ^ ^Howard, UnWaraJty a VlrglnU.

c: tha b k i^ n l^ l^ ) of • 'C onatl-(u , -• . •

S p


s s s s s s a s s s s

T im e s^ e w s ; Twin FalH. Idaho 11

. - . ^i ___ !____


i17 .

Page 37: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

r r ’■_ - . tj.____ 1; ' - o a ^ T -

I tS R O C N

I . . . km?!/.*!!! ■■ {.“S U hr^-- - ILS

- \ W howMi • ' n jiiutiwioi

\ ' •.’OBAMEn

I : Vnxn th*

I'I ^ M 0 \i t19T5.'A

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L u i____ ^i « «

; . M«niuiid<

! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « < » » I Host: Ml

j' ^ - 4 ........

II "■ T ■ '^wIJ-l-

- •-fiSniiai t ' i o o o ^

I : . m E T h■■’I ' coviragi

li'liivaK:! .. taao .f* '

' r- portaraJ. j

i l : SjBCMi ' ; r h a v o u

: . m, ' . - .' . ( S P O T

-------- L ------------------ .'h.'noKa..• • I

n r .vamofl t•1; Oaoroa

; i _____^-';.tha waitr ^ om ot Ih

; ii.iiie .M ir, I illnofao!K >; . ' © w t xI \ ;. I V— . f f l E »!

................. .;:--Knaaa"I' ' f - ' n c a . bi

' " r ...................::.Tomwoi

I .; ..- . . . I '.F r lu a l i :l\ ■ I'i; • ' ."'-‘■ieTlffl'efr


turdav „r rr -;t ----------T-

C*V 1 ( !lV-» I I. ' •A T 7H E PfX » r ;>CKFO(tO F U 6 RocUont mull ;t an Arabitn prtAcau troffl bar

rMllM-flrattO'.dlicovaMha^i*- 'wolBiconotia'prt>l»tf. r T ..........lO aCA NO nLB-'-* I'THW ianCM FLAwaaUyJM - .Mfl«ujihl1ng^«; pijvitr of iMm .. Ih* paal. ».c*franl parionaUty. a n ' aiiaM iM r: praviaw ol l(ta - ; 'a moili..lmpofl«ftl.. feo n t^ .

MOV* ★ ★ ♦ i-e ila Tha Bunat" \ L' W iira w r^ R r-H ic W M ff . •

jw a. Alin Cox.

A l c i l y t i r t a n 19M ahqwa.

nrtEW TM tLSAIOEN^CH' ,K S 'M / SiM > d o m a illf /t^ > U l^ l« 6Ml -

iO v ii^ i ' * ‘T ir ia n And Tha Mida” (IM S . A(W«(iWra);Joiwny

a a i ' j B g f e ^ w g '»)BCH*ftieerBr»wWMf u; Mark' 0/«y.,Q uM t Patty.Uowa-

r£S'A'ithlAtf-1hiF»ean'Mtl»oktt•fiSKftnafinifpolirt P irn ja r^ -------B w t t a r u N Q '. ......

‘AQWWT' l : ^ '; Tha Im ija e fo l.ia U it^ -n a * * raga on tha it& ls i th a / rrt» rt vastlg ilW 'tVt.rac ill .c o o n ,lA W ,,p ty .

and b toadcaii madia va 'lo lar-

JO ffiaEH O O O H -' ..OUnMOtCY - •“■TWUQHT. ZONE Cm ulng tlM ■

lo iir tir€ifslM i4r t49htT.'

> 0 T 0 M W ? W r K5ANla J ^ I t n m k ^ RoMn- Cola'a ‘ .n»<iialng tw «ag* t» R w .P o to -'- ..R ll,f'>cJudaa..v filaj? j!«oonL _ ion th« sqoo-acra Virgkila la m ol rg* Waahlngton: who daacrlbad walarwiy aa "tha onnd'ampori- )f tha nation"; MdWhtt»:* F a n y .' MiryUnd alta of’lha ta it opara*'

s rsS ss - ' -EDISON TWINa.lrTaafiJ Rubbar la " Annla to ttlnlniU 'jtJL W ilJl'P ... I. but s tra n g a .iv ip p ^ o *. worry about haf.aalsty. . tpMMYW KTCT Oira^^-^qavld.. tail; THa.; K andalljijQ randpa

fefrN 8W B .Tw riiF»(|B ifii>»r ,P

JoM i; Glofy Csnioro; Ro^b I -. . ^ a . In iloteO;^/ . _____

~ "N u t » ™ V" <'. _ c L » d y ) Skylar Colo, JiU WhUlo

; f f l CHINA DISCOVERY From• punctura lo prinling, lha Ch

hawa, dramalically allaclod.Acam 'w ay ot Ilia.

..... (rapARTNERSIN CRIME „'■ r'-B T A W N O b F T m SHREW Lar

lou ila ra in th li S h ikaipe ira 11Iho b illla ol Ihft Mxas. poriorm

Slrallord leBlWiI, ■ Tonyflobarti; '8 H 0 * HEARTBREAK HOUSE

• • awinl wlnnari Rax HirriionRoaamify Hini# i t i r wllh Amy in ihli latlrical comady atiouballla ol Iho lOKBi in pra-World

- - England. Baiad on 1 play by a. ! BomirdShaw,.......1:30(3) NFL TODAY Hoitod by

Mutburgar. Startlhg time la lanti...... O FOR0QN CORRESPONOEK

CETOffiAMNPWCED------- rtS iU H W O tC E .........__flajtfaM A L .W O R L O

(D WORLD CUP Siaw o " S FIVE BELLS A look- el S Harbor from lunrlto lo sunsst. GD -CONORESSIONAL HE> (TAPED) : - (D HORSE RACINQ Tropical Darby, (rom MIpmT. tLiva) S 0 M O V 1 E

-■ ON MOVIE * * * "Moiry An< (1045; Comody) Manly Woollai claFloida.

2 :0 0 0 (D Q) (Vt) COLLEQE KETBALL Ragionil covarai Michigan al lUiiioli or St. Jot

' • ■'vminav«;Miyb«pf8Bmplad.( O RATED IC-BY KtOS GD NFL FOOTBALL NFC DIv Playoll Oame: Starting tima, and lila era lo ba announced. (

. a i g LIVE FROM T m m e-------- -FladBnnau«'^Klrt-I*:Kanawa,-

Blagan, Taliina Troyanoi and Rondall parfprm In.lhls live pr<

-------—lion— of“ Joh'*nir-SUair#Ti"----------oparotta.-w hictiJa_a«t al a

. . . maikad ball.-Thara Rdiillnda, mirar, hor husband and her m caughl tilrtlno.- phllinderlns i

I ‘gaging In olherforma ol trickof ll8hBublitle8. ln s t8roo.


— a o s E - u p ‘ ■ •...............o c a n y o u b e t h n n e r ?


■ lor 'apHng planUngl a visll to I — lob* Japanosa Oardan a l lha r .' •. sityofBritUhCotomblaXCansi

0 ( 1 2 ) MOVIE "The C (1981, Orama) Susan Clark. 1

I ‘ Ryan.• '- - - - ' ( B SOUL TRAIN-----------------S____(D MOVIE * * * :;o'. How:I ' House" ( 1652. Drama) Msrll) 1 roa. Oslo Robertson.

c a COUNTRY NOTES Featur . ' hosts Jsnat Tyson and Qreg C

conduct a lonim on whore music benan and where it's wllh guests Dwighl YoBkim. E

r ' praildent ol the Couniry Musl 3 ... dslion. and Oorry Wood, N »' BUIboird editor and countr)

critic,._J O . . y 0 L L Y W p 0 0 mSlDEfli______ «{^B s_K sto, Jsckflon ("Sci

Friday, J>huary2.:iH d/

5b Micl- And Mr*. Kififl- f dlicuaaaa Rynk Si

•• (19M.lUlow------------- - t tronr aeu*)- -r.

C h in « a-- - '■ rW arM tf^ fam ^l d Am*rl-^ . • a n lW e a ^ M rtr .^

sns«rt)oiu«eom 4'•® ¥m *T evav i

TK -»KSSS5B « Q « T 0 R Y r :-

JSE T o n y ._ _ _ 0 - W t t £ Q f r BA Ison and -Coiiigavs.CbOCO [my Irving (rTONYBHOWN ibout the . to .3 orldW ari dascendaflts of VjyOaorge w ho*scap*dth«.l V - , BV<AOONTRA»

I by flrant — Owan>-trtaa-t®-*i icntstlva. Mwi*: Plaslwtt*)

ss's^ 's■ '" ' r ...p?»p»rsi»wi0^

sterao.^ ,.-;..< i,-t — ---------.T-O .^^co y g a^

SSiSSSS!,ical Park HBO flURVtVAL.

turae ralaa, car*

olley.-Gra^ ' ' (TMC)..MOV®' ★ .• - Ol The SIfvwyiW

EQE BAS- ;dy) DoriaO*r.fl« eraga ol ^ 3SOSALTWAT1 John'e al 3 .-0 0 0 M O N K ^

ed.'(Uva)----------^ an d J iW ik tm i!!..,U aV * o ss-r i|ir -

Divisional ( S WONDER WOme,.laanis . .ONEW a/,»<EA ed.(Uva) CD.F)R1NQ,L»»MET ■•Die ' progrsms leatwiwa.^udiih----------Ronald. Raa oan^.and David .. FerdlnandMarOC

tp rasen ta- .,(R ) ir i~ c o iS e -■ (BUOOD TllEBII a lavfah (B M O V C .**-:nda,'iA??^------- :-T l038T W a«trpl>r* Hart.ig and en- .Q M O V C * .* t< ckeo-iEhg- ,. ( J W . H<WW) fc

tineiii; . ; (D WOMEN ;

BPORTS VH«aith.^eA»Wo— _ . ............ -,ni,aoffs*woA'»i? . , ai)dAffica;^*tH 5 ; : ..a „.aty.aadHttfl8 » 0 inning now Qarmany and- JI to ihe 'Nl- , C o r r o U . i ; , ; ' IheUnlvaxv .(S,BARBARAS anBda>.-n^ ROY R0QRR8 he Choicf.' ... BOTHANWV^C rk. Mitchsi/ S ) ANIMALS


fenry-a Fall. ' l«m lsm ad#iJw isrilyn Moh- er months o ltha

US MOVE . * atured: Co- (1070, Suspw eg Cruicher ..;>Ufy.St«hir ore country SHOW ROOM

il'e f lo lf^ Coftnary)'.t«QOf im. Bill Ivey; slolen frora.tfw' ^usisFoun- 'O N M OVE-*4 j, NsshvllI* Drama>Tkn<X^ untry mualo • ' .3.-0SQ FI8HNQ

'••-T IN .' lu 'V ER Quaals: ,9 :3 0 0 M Y <^ •'Scsrecfow -------- OO LD ^—-vi.,.

to"): KHIy, KsNm' iSUiain’a lH a... :;3 ;

trV A B V K N m i^ r,

:iW K S^.O iam ^ ,'~ fl*f. 1, ■ (AO'B-WOALO '.S

B M ra tT B A a '^ A l •o re n sa M O A lS ? VNT'JOUmAL'Albi* itw jyjha m i*a «

A > if y cimi n (nji a -Mv*-h*r slitsr-% ' ia}-ftgffl-a'mlSMMl.’

.......w .V

'5 : i » ' " 5 ' “T h a ^ilAWB" (t063. C ontr OordoitUacftae.-;-' ^tebanq uer ■:

iS -M H u. Davy, RMr.. lt»to-»lop mobstacli

iOUAk — • EAT»«,/aPORT|.|;^-,

■ " ' ’'iv 'E8 “ - '~ T

'M AA'tnoM a traai OtnMR* iljp ^ -.tro n iR w o ftl;. iiV-.Md OaaWi apM

japan . Hoat

j b O f - n n W ’■ '’t o i i POfMdf*

tf uonfl W?**'. tP.ST-

> w ) . . J o a Man*>4

N M bbo RoWn

‘* 1 ^ lS2t"-(WlBr-

’ .....

_____J J ,

Page 38: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

,#tii f'uil«n'3 ;< 'x i 'l ■

-• ® • ' " 5IIS220 . ' h 2 w ^ V ? ^ £ ! 2 * t f ' - ^

• i5 ! e _ _ ^ eIZE5~ --e L ^ E E ^ 5

' 8howi>toter*fai>-;:- < a m M O rfd ' ” •'» 'MBO UqUK-yitoty ’ -

'’•-*N6W8llAi^*A^AV-'’, •• ' d ) ' i r 8 A ’UVWO Sdiwjl buy* *c

Untl with hop«» et itfftfag ojl. in w .H o o s s .w rr H o u tw x w p A T

A portrtll .ot t |» .Atflntnlftan r o M i i iv ^ h W iiP e k ie w : '' ; . ; ;•

S O HEROEB: i4AD6 M THE U .6 •>*»0-M O V *•' 'C

Oramt) Oo«l« Oobrowoli '»’(vtfKtflW. •' "■••' ■■ ■'' ^ O T O W w n H , 5 ^ ^

-MOSM M M 'SrAM iLY- ’’ ' ; O ^A firA K U S'A N D TTC SUN.N EATH-rHnaeA*'^*'


AND FAM0U8~V/*ihh"(n'lh« S< UnJon; Sophli'to rti^ 'bnR oM i'#

- (I^mt Illand; flleh'LlltIa otvM «- ‘' ‘Of h it MfeDba | i« w - th * ‘onkn«t • 'l lm ou tln ti. (H)' ' ■ •■-»••:■ ■-?-.m -w oQ DyffiW H t9:jH og:c.f —box lolnt pllert from a tlftgit pl»c

wood... tnd otttino i I S t lT ^■—booktltnd:--------

' ODfAME N l ^ tn<5 A t t f 'M i l

b tch tlo f party, ffl) ---------^ ;O (IS) OUNfiMOKT Men hk

- fouoh.dty tit r*»wM tb D< witti ■ <lano*mii priaontr.

■ 'CDCHARLE8 HCHA»«IS- a (1 1 ) R8H»lQTtC We8T *'C

arttt-n*l>Wo th» ttamptullprflfvSf ‘"W«»hlfltrton't'OfympioPin>B*uii:

a BIQ VALLEY A fllrf ia k ai a I JilfrH tatt) I r t* . to la l

h* la W )tttfa ra«« ft h * f .^ ■ a M O V « '* W * T h a 'tW la ^

^ ''ffart 01 KfciO(»« Coma*: r td fli; in^Jbnffllafl6dgira,Luthal>alt

.>^a8UPEmOftCOURT -.I*' - '^ a v B f io o w c .J o c K e v — ‘—=

ODABONEWSp........" - a r o u n d t a b l e - I. I 'a e S C A P e UNDER SAIL'

a VOVQ) CAILHN ( M ( M ^

C "BBPORT80ieKTER8ATUROA1 1 ^ a o c M R t ^ i m ^ M

I .I' m j o s e m ' P A pp" PR ISE !r W H W S »A 1'«AMUT a back:

look at ttt* eontrevanUl clK^cvf - ^ 0 ,n ^ -V ;,f t^ .’M<t|i|'J«c**t*top<— __Htm|ot.*r»d.lft* Jifpe***\ haralaaaftd,, r (SHOW) HEARTBREAK HOUSE

oTl s^^^ooTsiaa'

»iw a' ..........i6tTh»0ty- ..T Bpm tw tw riirt-,

Ifcnm HuHr

t'w>a.MBYU._.' . . . jwrwoowr.

cTawUtOoo^ra" ,

. ' 'wwatlnfl

' iiw K nfourgehrica

e n itt ' - Xwte-Shoyw'ttW^*

'•■ IfcMti-BnfcMoonM

a « ^ w ln n a i ' Ra; i ’ aotiia Roaamafy Hairla ata

lA thia’ aatlrtcal. COJATIpN-------- ijaHI* oftfia a ax a i tiin rafth , ^EaoU nd. Bai*tf.on i ■ ' '■ Jfantard S haw .,.

SH O W M OVIB**^ U.BA' ~ ' D nm a) Char, Sam E r'C lty-' 4 :0 0 a W R E 8 n J H awoltka. 4;30aO N E M Q P A M

a S T A R T D E K '. >0 WL-_____ a PMNACLEScha:

’ ' ■ ■■ .......tind; Broadway and fO A B C N B W Sg

BE- (Z) HOMETME Ram inavarJouatypaaof

RT S '' t S ONE BKa PAMIi'm C H Whatr-ha £ a ^ up t SoiMt l o t a eonVady a 'd . T [a'a\VU- ' a a O D C B S i e t r « tour IB COUmnYCUPS knataln aN B C N E W S ..'

(CLORNEOREENECutting_____ NE8 8 A look a t tha i

piaea 6r 7 ~ ’ ritliii» o1TF*T3iHi *eaflti^ ^ t l c a . tha aivimlh

— - : T B 8CH0CA5T1CW f^aWtip; ' ' B O PHOTON couiir‘a _ ; : .J-frM C ) BHORT.FWiI

K o o a c e s N E w a h i i a a YOU CAN’TOQ

b Dodga -OONr --------- aJ'BKTVALCEYlf

' lo h a lp p ro tac ta to '•"O lym -, '^ ® (J )8 0 U O O O U*(J1»*fltl-------- w t-Pahnar; Eatl TTiId ' »Wla Anlia Polntar (’ToR M ro ii----- “ Blo'Couftiry C^oolNila:' 'M alh1tandHaniy)<i a liking- ' -■■ ... ■ ;

l i ^ a p - ' ' • “ ■ - ,Wt.'Ora-Patten.


D AY' ........r

IBENTB: ' ' laaokataoa

' 73S N drth


g" 10;(Ht i S l l M O U l• - MiiW--'- - >toti ! - • w - Ftett — *mas»w

— a wwrc>»o<Th«W -==

• I s t a r t a y w c w - t t ^ e ^

ar. WiaUfcg irm

. um* W*.WrwMng WwJlBg

tdaHoteM- ' ‘ ‘ ; DrtSmlb ^ ' U»4«!"Tti»UH)!

.B * x r ■■ - 'l itw w aW tfl^

Rai'^Hiriiaoo’ arid.alar With'Araytrvlng . ;

I • tn -w o H d W a rt - ................. - ^on ■ p la y .b y .O ao r^a ______,i.• ■ . . . <Chanca.c * * ‘•M ilk" (1M6. TaaraC" m E l l l o l l , ” ' ■ PVlK.Pw t t . ' ' - ao.W ) ■

: ; : Kjia 'duladiR ogarB ar.---------Q O N Endftlnipfotfucar^;- b t l la r IwI Jullalakilamovina and inattll- B O N I lo fa id lng .q CC THSU A .Y Don-a a-Ttop ; ..dlMlA0 i

tew s 0 (18)a »8 ■ - . ■ ,„Coniady]

' ■ Mb w HaE ^ B tiE W W U E R - Inlo 'dat ha complax b ra c in g cardt'onlini'^ riflulnaln-A rit*; ........» « « 'mlh-coMInaflir------------------ B CAMX B P O R T B A M B ^----- — T JtrtTor

R J il^ W C A B e • r a ta 'a aa — - - g gDOTHATONTELEW- O TEDI

-• B ^ irH aaft'U .d^putU aO ' -B C R E iitewntrbmJootara. . , Itx’a wo OtO Schfduiaa: nob.iTTio(na*Cohlay(uitt " .O W T H•Too Many .Tirirat"). Dick He.ook'AWay'7Jyohnny Topic;!ry Manclnl CTaklng a • luilon,


First '/a H our Consul $20.(TO

I beiio&cr. "A ttorneys '

i K ^ l i p i i h a i j a . T w l n f a J

Friday, Ja n u ary 2,'1987 ~ 'T in

_ _ _

11:30112:00 18:30

f tiW ti’ |m w ~ '

tfmww.- VMwOeuradwat

vumcoumm '

,Un»DrwaMrOlrr...... -

Saturdayca w'LOTai’y.'eiood; BiHMt and I ("You Mada Ma So Vary Hap- ■ ,P ^ ( ;a ^ P « a fy J* ) iJ ,» # a ta r .


ME OAY At- A I M Agalnai haf—

la k a 'ijo b - IN EW a 'WS 0 U> HOUSE, F.Mlng »»at*f.\ao »-v«rt -aod how to Jaatw a la r

..-----------18) M Q V B .* * » ''( iu '^ (1070. «ly> EdwardAaoar; Oort, I9»0tla. yHAT A ,OOMHrRYI>CK6lal ataka daW wt»an ha .uaa# ty* crad»

iaon:a'aht>pplnSafif*fiijvews-*;--"-';^M i»B E L t8 Tha Campballaam— rw*<fiitt*ra-h«tt.-ii«*M in-*W *-- man. otyaa. Jamaa-a map to a pi-■aa5»-- r: -'i-.'T--■•; -------- -----— -----------

fEDKMOKTSHOW CBHAW. ,^ESTAftUN A trtp ilown St. Mo^I world (amoua toboggan ntn to- '

( Howard, tjnlvaraity of Virginia. Ic; tha bkJ^ntjwoUl of tha'.Conatl- jn, . -

S l e t f f i f e

'T lm es^N ew a, Twin Falls, Idaho 1

--------- ^

I - f

0 1 7 ........... “

Page 39: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

T .......TI

IOB M o v ie .* ^ .v

------- H-----------BTBTflWaCT■ . e iH C .T E ^ ^ H O I

I SHWM PCifflrAAfr! from th« B«a Tali

.............. .iribuia ta;B«ahwj<- ~ • ----- JooM(w#» Vy- pial______ ;__________ D itidion.tndAftdf

(TWC) MOVE * *

tura) M B i^ R L TO N M O V iT t* - ’ O oy." (1B86;<I«5

v! Clayton.Rohn».....siM B fcw a :.! :: '

ODANQERMOUS OKVEaHOATWE O 7>«CE,‘8 A (if rwnbiloflnaiKiialt oH efitohatphlm o

' '0 0 ( S . ) « C 'N E V CZ) 8NEAK PREVS Lyona and M>0)a* w tu t'a n*w «t Um n (C AT THE UOVI

___ BiiLHa f f i t J t L l h t


I rl«a Ip (ha V- ' of Auatralia.'to th

Maacham .(Ann B.■ ___il_________ iBim how. td adndsl' f ! • OBCboffmv.MOT i f hoaia J«M t Tyton i

conduct. «„fonim,/ m ualc-b«eaa-and.

i wllh ouaala Owlght. ._. . ....— — p f a a W a j^ J f^ C y

............dallM. aniirOany;_____ __________ Bijlb0ar«l,j»(U|0f .^ t

[ r ~ | i ............... m f t T O . s ' i u ^ V— ;-------------- lo«tt her-Job-whan

I I' molad to vica praal<--------------- jaaE C A R IO O W .:

HBO MOVIE * i r * ciaa” ( lo az . Oram

. i

e :o o aC D (£ W H E E i . O DONNA f ^ . - J

na 'araptrtalioA lva O 09 AU. C R E i^

i 8M A a n ■ V,-.. ■O N EW 8/W EA TH O B080M.8UQDC

L. when tJi undlaoulMtha room Wllh a di*b O Q H E ^ H A W .

. i _____ ,CDT?3VA|A raROrtcona of a/blilioti-dp,

I proJa^lniSr) Lankav id a fr r is^ o n to rf* irietalinililalflandn

_ I ' _ - : c B nX tkdhal'Q eocof. a|udanH^j(filTO talna^ra m^ka a da.

CS doueO E ^A A tt atOMoftCLIva) . (D MO^-^'Ar-uT)^

' i — -_iaT lm A -N 4w 4?T *H h

--■■■-------- - • ■ - ......... g g

<1 IW Rgch'

lAfTThia 196e'ap«eial T M t ^ t ^ r p a g r i H v ^ « , <tW7


s«3s?.^.:22:r,j3*9frtl3|JqifC^HSir«rj ' f ^ o e i l

w^joy ara’-'-

ialprot>]?i»a. ^ f t x d ......, _ „ S. d y c o

NEWB 1 , ngt MEVSW SHaataJatlray m r f^ a i Uatfvad.liNk’.at e o f ih«mo»»tafao. .......... Anhna3VE8 Rax Raad and y(ih t„w fih tin f»ra i,,ttf _ r . . . . t iw n

' • I •. axcilalW A»iMEMT: .TJ!9. t : ; i«ioo.f wllh Billy. JoaL n O i t f .W ^ A .rv a w .M - •la.Wnrtiundaylalaoda ... laaa.I. I thi«,aptw¥larjOofly-‘r - r : - - j j g n1 a 0«vl»}'w tntt to -, 81

M0TS8 Faatur«d.-,Cov . . ton and Qrao Cnito(>ar- ' • m Q «n,on .whaw • - T . tw eind.whara- U^a-ootag, . d u n t-iflfitYo»kam.8Ullyay. , _

W ood,"-fiahrtla-v^ ■ •; l^ 'o ?r.^nd.cguntty inBilfl... m u

........ . And ^V i a 'a a f r ^ , ^ , ^ y -------- Myatahan^8 h a t7 w » -ia ;p (0 rr--rB h ica ;raaWanl. r>- r , i , , - - , lo u , • . j u j j

i* iT "T ar» d a r liar- ana th raru]itobactiO uvaO .. 7 ( 2 ) o. . . . . ... ____ . . . . j i i l '.a. . • . . . . .*® « Q - . . . . . . . . . . . . T / C r i r. r J . Z . ^ N c E L O F P o m w e : 'S-Jalf^daranda Don- . V Oiv a n a c tn a a . .................. ...... iiC ^4/3R E A T A N D ' ' '

kTHEB'^flpORTS ’ • • ® NA 3DCB.ft&>i« ahipla." ulaad'KIp-la aMO in-v ' ai»Btli»*JHar>ry. ; 0“ ^ '

w rt on tha proa and ' ' 0 ( t 2t-d jjt ffh riS iiac itto ; :;n k a d atlg n a d to p ro -.o ffwnolafatmM odla- - •"•old »drapiiNlc.CR}a^;^“; ■*■ EOORAPHKXA.-^^^^ - t t TO

. - s r . " '

lA M T M la lM O ia i— g v r a

U ln FaiiB, U a M zonffilday^Jfim u


n W f ^ l t oaorgaMurphy. ■ ......................... r.arrlO R A W Q U A fV V lM -ivOM (;

, r . - ,I9NEW9 ......)S T A ee eA P W v e t) /O.GMfiAZiMomv,b)ir»f» larda, ihrovgh ihalr talaa. provlda . M9»il *tfsrrthR0W »tW .f7Jf 'TlJH i « k " . San Franclaco-a Inlamcwa .

n3A8t«WTON;9eMIH^I MOVE JoumayU.<'M 7, pr«ma);Vlvfatt.La)gh. Conrad •>^dt.-:-.■.;,;.^;.V•, -^„■:•.^•^., ' - 'V . .HOtW) ROBfffHOOO Robin {Jaaon -' >rinafy) raco*ar» .a Pffcalaaa rallo-j >lan from tha Cro*dan Abbay. lo w MOVE * * H “ Yoono 8hatn<; 'Ji Holnvaa,'';^ Nlcfwo',t flow»iA<«i)^an .;-.r,.-,\t.-— r—iffjii0 MOVWi.*>**-.VTha Saarch-..

WaynA. .-ffrayHuntar. <-p« • ■ , •*«a (XI S 3 JEOPARDY t M»TER ED “Ed And .Tha Ela-,an t" .......... •• •■.- • --------- •I-THROB Sandy coowtacaahar-tran. - c>w otkaf Btoa tha t thay ihould .

tb a ttaracqualn tad .(R ) - (tflW H BaO PFO R TU N E o a BUE8S--THE CAT M T>E HAT

hnaiad. 'Allart Sharman provldaa • voica lor lha >)imoua tallna with i-«OT«plpi-MrwftdTi7inga aotna cilamant to two childran atrandad loora on a rahiy day. , . CHURCH STREET STATION Ouaat' ' i

a t; Mark Gray. Guaat; Patty Lova- .,. .a. In.atarao.. . - i . »N CHE2'6FBEL'A iR“ ---------- 7SM A a w o n p e r J# > n i» p iiy e ,a ,.

g a h 1 moctctria1:«T*Woor:(H) v^iMCOKE CUP PftgV E W '......................gBttMHDEPf)0BA8KErBAa .9 - a y m ^ ( m ) > o u tu w 8 mca- •na.-Lucaa and lha Pika brolhara1 Invotvad In a blllar gun»ohl whan .,., ly oWa aatwrijafy'to tha'w iia and •<«oi«tnfffr#t»fv... ..

MOVE * * ._ " S harJocK Ho!)D«a i T ha 'S acra t-W eapon" (t042( «-< ftta^)-:B a«lj_ Rathtiona.- Nlpal - ica. • . v " . '<19 PROFILES OF NATURE F e a - ' KlUha-bifda.-raptHawnd amphlbf-r::; > that )lva o ffiM /ahaa.' ^0 . ( D SDEKICKS Jaka and E r t ^ ^ Il'.wllh u.UM xpactKl.g>Ja*l whq.v;, mad to apaalrEngUah'bywateMrnp’' C f i m * . ♦ N e w a . p . , ■ - ...iis


O CD.fB (;ACT8 OF LIFE Too.y«" ta a horror, novla and than haa ainu. itm ara In which har frianda ara h a d by ■ klllar. tn atarao. g NATURE A look a t saa craaluraa - h a Arctic Ineludlno BlinWpnlc apl.v;: a, anall'cniatacaana, aaaU, b a k tv u1, tuakad - narwhala ;and poJar ira.(Part 1 of3}tnalarao . (R ]g '; ' (ta) I LOVE Lucy > •- ‘Tq BEST O F a Z Z E ^ ,H A n f l l£ T - '« t 'Italian,TA.WantK^' O tfja Invtia*.,, }ld Uand3t«d!n/)V/w<lhout raalli-^n that*1«rri^?V»d«.<>thfr.nlan»..T O M M Y Da^Wr.:iall;M .lj»^ Kwvdalla; wOrandpa - ■ ••:',.01entjC »rt.«*;rfloiib Macb.,.,, . ta «tarao..)(-,LM v " ' ■, . WRWOLF.qA J J » 31 laHV/ili V7 /JW Q PW B ,«CKRY> K,-ttfAQ4fBCVaW(T rW Q pl^ , fftOUTicMS. 'iOn- Way;

L ' . •

■a..»u? t ) Tickat To HwiimpqriM :3nree v alampong'a iMNQeMMVI .1 (Oi,(T)piaeawMr«ii))ild(a|t«rt<

.i/nov told into al«^.lUML«atM '^ooM69 .JOURNAUSTS'r'ftOi

VC«i'niDI8CU88tON 10:ri C O U £ O f« U K E tM la . . •Vlrglnl*ai»a):(PtibJaeMOI» c : : ; a B R E a a .JH L a iN :s .,tJ

G uana ;.- . . , - ..................? : S " (••Hoton;DamoffRalnt)pkl : c to tna 4iara;Q r.,jaM iCoi

alratea-anM rgancv-.trM t •d '-;--’ 'Childran; a lngaf'T araw 6V ....... Qambaladlacoaa adoption

- ® 8BU 0V ET— lo j r ;H B O M 0yE ::t*>*:r8pta|

.M... (1985. Comady) Chavy C «»j>;n‘:-.'Aykroyd.i.t j><K>-c C (SHOW); M O V iti i r k i t

(1M 6..0raflia)«,IW raw tl h- :.(T M C )M 0V E -.*?kb3 rp„

. J Tha Hiia" (iSB&'zAdvfM leanTianar/MiotsalOcuol

; (aw MOVE * * > i:"O p « « -.Ic” (1061, Advanlura).nlol

■ ■'I'Falricia'Naal.'----- --------"• - - - 7 : 3 0 0 aOUTOOOROAHC Id . . .(SQ G D S lfD afiH A IiiM I

' o»ta a ratlrad cop a ]ob a* . . . . . . ou a id .laa ta ra o .g ....>T O THS WEEK W JAPAN' >• O Q . C S i S a s r M a r y a

'• • BlghKlnalarao. i-' -'I . ' O ffl.(12) COOEQEJAi

Wyoming at Brlghan) Youn( ) t ' i - . . ( 0 S n X ' THE' BEAVER

From Tha Salt Minaa" .•L;*;rt!

• ' oaiatlrad. - ......... -e BACKSTAGE WITH JO

■;-QAN"0[raoi5rTC55iinri ' J viawa on tha thaatfa-ar>d i

•. d o ia s lro m ^ cw n o arM r. I - • 0 : 0 0 0 :0D> ® (t1 );M Q \ » "Klaa Ma Goodbytr (t» M 'L .L ^_8allyJ-iaU tJaniaa.C aatL _ dM V‘ Q n a •WONOERWOnS#'' : Chlldrqa.Sttall Laad'J. La\ l.UM>_andJ}an(i)i.Qlovarrala<.l&«l

'L..:.;iLawakBn!ng.lo.clvll rlgbU jo - •.•••■ i 060» .( f i )g - ■>.*

I- ' ' ( S O S ) HEARtiOF JHE; tT irr .rT T iflf lrB K iw iirtw w fO jn ^ ar mal Allalra InvaatlgalloR. Q « ; \3 O C.O NeHBnL

o e » . Q 0 i 0 e i ' (phia'a long-aatrangad^alat

.;,i3J;V WalkaO-tlft)B«;.tryi«>WI fciO tn-' tlB fao .g •:.ruq> CD 80UMER8; AH8TOR5 « cIQU NBATJLE.,.


^ ,r«u.v A rollriftoJttdgai.n|«*d>tl a f . . - r catUa vowa to ba avan mo '.v ; : a aa a julvilt^fllU jM K ln-••OKI*.* again>Mh*toadguya. -mT «.— • Q) m o v e * * * •'Tha e t.....( lo ra . Selanca-Flcllool:)]

. Schflll. RDbartEorattf^- iijQ9 c o u i# m y N om E 8f* i hosts 4anal.Tvsanand.0w

• - musk) baganrattd -w fw f? I r ' .-O'-wllheuastaDwlohiYoalwi

presldanrcihihA'Cowitry'M dailon..*Bd,,Qacy Wood, Billboard aditor andrflow

H \ n X C^llC..-r.r!!;,;,ij:Y"K ,'i ( f . - © RtPTOBu-:7'T7r-xU7^r.; » ; H,iw O) THREE W O R I ^

Thraoptpfl|,j»ha.Ilna uj»g

^•iteolCrtHirrKiJjit t

m u o iu u . '. 'S q ;

IU lT iS « « iT c « jloblackouO fU re S T Y U t8 i;.M ' VI.-'.’.. ' B oha» .5kJ. hypn«lat c.-nA t

e « i i ^ . tha : '« r I,

J :

f ■■ila.k" ! itEWoti.-------jrtiS- E

n t« a ) K a t h . : ^ ] «i««-s- ' ’ a e t at f a t k ^ p a d > - 1 ^ e^ W a^ a , e

!•aia*Oiirlty.<<.M „

r i/: t ' and S a n d ^ ',. ;rt|. tl

l A s k ^ n A U ' ajng(Uvp) - ....‘M beR.'-Eaoaf>«j<»a' |Saavar t a k a a ' . rI a

d ta fla anac- m0

lOVE * * K - -M, »82. Comady) 8----------:---------^ ta^'lA nd tha B Q.aVar Burton.. X K

------k. Ajt-bUekoM-a pj«H a a .lQ ih a T ;i2 r, i

'• .u t# IEXtTY K an-II {3 |trofTMTitti rv . , ^ - 9

Spo« « . IK W LB -So-ttnin* di ilatar (Nancy,H'-M ti (ptctadly. lf»..L;.:5; cl

iR J ^ t........ ■ u.>idg' PI

VWC0PMCK';:‘’.'i1' of ai

m oradl|lga« '-^crt Nki/ hia floht.:- O •

J4 HIBlack H o la " '-,. '? piD M w W U an;,:.jr Q

1• i tu r td : Co-,'" 3 iiKMCraottarju.o’j o(n«a-oowttryiiir'i3. Er

OfarvBIUIvay..,c>.iq prM utePoun-i n m HI

id..NaahvUa: --i-ni irxMatryiDU«l0 ,;ar,0(, Jo:V..x,Vl.-t! .iVOHS) (8

— -.::z;Trxiar i*AMERtOANSonc*! I«i>)gtua).Mti»-.yoK3 »

Page 40: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

aAQUPw o ^ p u v w a v , . , -

mtol«tw,.pM of rtahMT OMfi h E A 0 f M d . ' r ^ a ‘tda ftM nga

AMI8 In iMrooAcwt fro n U w lon'i

M • f l i S ) H M S N Th* R*v„Qn» g ^ . b»e<Mwi. lrt<»lci«#d-byT>i*J " » :• jfecK 'M •". •»??»«

• c b iW n ^ ^prtpariM ,H a^ u ro w A U Brandy^ U •terM . ; ' , '> ■ •■',•• •■•..•.■ ■■' •• T tm A N D '‘Qt>o«i H « ^ - ' A loot i|t wtiy^lh* M et) i>» »o ImporUni ra 6 i* u ie n * w ir * iv to 'i n d im ; ' ' r ~ ■ H O iM n o o n OCBATS ( ( A m )

e o M ^ r r b r n ^ A o ^ « M M 4 ' i

»P*cUtoi o(.ii!)oflhcomlne m ^ U

th« «nnotfnojtflocilk)o: CP o f 3]

W E 'a '(}•••poodwit . . a M ^ 4 f « K i L ^

SStSSpiSKSl w? ^nfu}.BM<huyBM(Unipreduc«r. ,

Q D ! % n ^ ! ^ ; i j M r T 8 .B d MeOu&m'«*rfomr«ooustlo VaraloAa ot iM (« W .TIw ^O *! WU M wM •■

( S y w f i m i m s o n o s q u ^M yoh—t f .

O (i W.M tc •/.‘- J . - y -V - -:-• ............• - -• a U M ^ M V I M JAPANTtpM <>«*<'Q'9W'wb^J*P«» tourl^ a ^ l«nb«rM ffM ^|M » pw tonn«w « ;in- chx> f« )7U H 'U w Lw*-*^ snd

haft., a r t W w tilK t, B ttta r ol m^’ o h M o l^ to ^ M d n c ^ to iMns laora

3 BUQnWm'Oilii'oO Q (^ > lM it« it& ^ le i lB th W M y EnokniL' i ' i M 'i i i p l M t e E dnm d

HBO M aV ff'«4k"B (io ii'M oen r W bo '’ ( i ^ ' X * 1N|muie) Toomy U *

m S a J l t p M .* iM ^ Y o m o 's im ^iocytoiiF|M*^|te88. MyM«y)

8H0W MOy«,'*T(,r'8h00iin-a H Irii'r.

: _ • ■ ■■:■>, «> , .• • .

.... : (t084.Atfv«nnir«>8«iiifV,„-rj.-,,-,,q,'SMirti. .■'-

(TWO MOVB- m bl - ^ • n o « v Z ( 1 0 f l 5 . Coi iboiit ^Uonahan.V^HKnioM.

........a n u o v m it* ‘V M eI 9 H Th«8«fliorino’'< lM 6.C kM'a |tehU,86oft-T*c«OrL'

»O ga fjQW.TIWKfe

•,..; 8 « « f ll» 0 f lr a iib N M H l On- ■■■ flUflHOMnmOONB IM * CC UPSSTYlfS 01* i n

FAU0U9.W fnK>1h*J __— d 3op t^L orM .O A 'J?M

J!lOQ...‘ •t^rU) r Mallbu h V t s h h i i ;

looh v i - « H O U 8 tC A U » ;4 i“rffof ' . . ; m s n m a a r n ^

» W 1 H A T W W :J« K ICO) ' - ” ’ f l r t r in -« .W lw ! 'l* « i

‘ p » p to lnU fv J« * .w m Ttoot aodiMC* or on-MfMO

1 ^ . . B -JioaiSr?^ ' r ^ A - i ( M » o a } ( ! X O O Q i

W * - = r : : r a ttD W tw g T -r - .- .-

Kr ; ' O T u n R E Y m f v ia o ^ O O P A C e S O f JAPM

H la . ONEW S/W EAtHER / i&Ml:r — (D .OOUKTR’? eXPREC

) f a ) r ‘ wnil* Niilion. Stav^-E*^---TT-.------ ri»rEd«fr-R t«flrO «lf«>d»* - MeOanUI- In ta rv ts* 'm z c - f s U n d u p " ) . ' ■ ‘

O ( m 0 9 O W R E S Bw- O 8PKIAL8 >

. OMOSHE * * * ‘-How O m /■- Vary Popular" (10U . M ja ta • Qf«bl<8h*i>*Noftli •■ i _ 4 . L : - . a.QBAM lOL£jQefftLi >sa& - O V DCQM OM CK BV IOA» BFRGNCHrOREIQNl] B a a ..- . ■ fllaolU wFrM chForato x iy - . : ■ ol ma.iTWft.lamoua'OBlM l o . m o d a m h l i t o r y . ' • ' - r - T T — dS v A O A tw N a m ta - *ta: ■ * • « MOVK - O a itar, '--...... (1037. Dnma) Vlvltn t

I .■ ' tCfcOSfli MOW TRACKiB it

K od & Tha Gang ("yii W . . Star, (VH I Say Yab*')'r :atH-v«’""-<1W oriw ia‘') . In ttarad

IW.. am - v o t v B i w m i n s C T H«JIT M.g«H4,n*3«nnwi ■i- oal preduotlon:-FUmmi r h a ' ' 'Epataln and P a ta r Ad ttta •" ■ W 8 ’

fo n ' • :■ carpi^-oaraM al nairaU ..In-. ■• . vUwa i f i a ^ y 'a ik(

IT8 , . •E V A M A N O V M C : ;M d -------- V M O V C **-"O oach<

; . {1080,Oftma)Ho6affC Hubbaht •' ' ■ ■ ■ a o D aA n jR O A V N

f a ! ------" T V B ff * P r r T ir i a K b ~fvy -H iIkftoeaR va.PM t^‘Mt « d OmdorfI; RoiMty iftoM r * 9 - ' AdoraMaAdrtertAdonla:

oho Uan" S a V a ^ w T i ^ i» > .A n im a l* ' .8<«a(a: JM tyi ^ ■ Han4aoma'»M*y-'aao*; •v ' MuUIOMvakJInmyJaeki

Mir- — C C lA R M C S W IW iah«."Tr:“ -®pouct-rcifly»w:i ••••.'. w Jthpaacaofm ii> d.a» ]a’r. .. a n (E d 'A ^ ^ a lM a > r t

:• . 'V ' ■•;:-■

C in ia jW ^ V tn ^ '0 3,■ ?>. ;A>lataofci’A cUoo^j'-V i" ,e .O jr^ C h w o tr-J^ Wa laat‘e»^

o ; o w n i w ,

H «hlC H -A M D > • 'Ml8 ^ Uf*Jf«L j i

r’--Vv-iivO*.t Wi-H.*-® MOVeik I te fW B A V ’ - :<M«“ :<I97^ lfCUWMG»7T>i»^i’

'DCMP8I•riOMot a atodlo^ ’ yM'>0 modaT «n ho t!. " 0 «•»

Bona! dlimon

IKW ..-'. . ^.JO-JJOOMCJMO P/M '’t-" - A N*w_RV S fk jf l ta - '• e Jo h f t^ ap iH n E e a 'f a a l im l ; UftBS 8Hpiw M( Earta. Qaty

» ' and ’■vltfao' • o U r f M i r w W

IE8TUNQ - i . o i e w a i l p i' SHI :.r .^h --o { -» C D M M « R U

low To B# Vary.' - ‘ ' " P0lHlO'>:“ 'V i. MualcaO f l a t t y ' •- i • Ic* Inefa*' tf

. r t . n . a n d i h a l e a l u

fflv .....: .>• win* a b0)( ioh y a loM M t

•Ion U f i i lo f t r ^ BVKTQITY VMOVl-iir^

K ar t.- 'X - .~

i l d * L S p Z 4 4 . ! 5 , ! i @brouflhMBou

W K wreiii?; - ™ 'iM n m ^


riu4«::4»(>:ii.»:T.':: ; a t o f UivJondllgtjilfljj,.

chOf-TlwYaaj'**--' ■ - (w.v

j r H w r r e s i A t i ' ' ’ G lo s tr '.e ir s K m > iii r '' ' '^ '★ cssrp

'•' *«*•*<


i g E ^ i s i Z i• m o u n M U H ^* ;a t« 3 n rii» i!L ’Qtwz::.: :i.:.Batt* MIdlar. K m Wahl.j> T o*K »R ow ■ " ........W -'.-ve T t * * «*OoRwA-HorM-' 0 7 8 .,O H W )fJift* ''F 6eda .'--i^ .,-..> t ) ■r a V A MAKEPEAC& Aa d*ra :im rta rlaa iJa-0 *mp-‘M tkapaaoa to wi intam *. ■

■■■■'--------- -iM 6 v * * 'T f id iy fh a 1 3 ih ’' Baflhntog" (lOW, Honor) • piNi.IMUnliKlMaM'aK r M O V « '* i t W '^ a Ulll* * - ' ■ O f ir^ ^ ^ p S m a J ^ O Ia n a ;'

S f f i t t ' r t p A v S ^ c t e , ' : 'CRUSSaL Hlohllohta of th ^ ! •• unfUti’* « B » « i o ^ T P p - \ : 'Sit' tKa-rtnUm' aiina aoandal j

i)(iopcoataatbyc(aimlAflj6 -aopo«nSa.''(Piit2^Q' \ -H jy-.H -y i; . - ’ •p I -E-#r»*-ComaO n.R*noara"-........W H * W R ^ ;R o ^ ':M (L y ’

BDMTCNbOCKPRCSEKrS .'M lQ tM »i''^ 'A > lhail6 rio f ' ' » ^ t^ ^ « (M p d a f^ a « h M l^ ----------a»tii try tha davalbpmatit of QiftC W f B W iW M itf a f - ; •_*•.- -.*. ^ a ip W a . 'ERUAMA- ;••-'■ ' ^ ; . . . r .

• . .

lo c o m en t ' 1 ,/Hry.-; -/i/'.- A V i '

n U iy r * ftf4$atvr«ay* '


. Uj

j g .

Page 41: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

! ' S n l S ! ^

' “ ■'.'i' ■-•• - IronriN -M ^

; . : . i „ ; ----------------

■ ' o S o S ^ ' * 5J yond; TbW(||V^

- t i t f* ) M « > A ^ ------------ c w - m o w T » 4

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, -------------- ir tn t 'm fW 'ftn a(B A T T H B IIO

' . ■ ■■ ■ r r " '

I I ; WEEKInlfftvMwij . O B u r n R f L Y

I - -■ J ___ MMeti'»ii>.Jto<»:

I b COOmJ ®I ■ ^ lU J a M lT y M

,JI , ' m u t i c t e o t ^

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i ___ • ■

•I '-— : r . - t — trfi

i. ~ I! :_ mot*d to vfea pn

; HBO M 0 V « '* 1 i c i # f (196*7 On

T«M H vp«r.

^ B . - o o a ( S ( i ] ^O DO»MA J i p

i ■ . o o A a . - c u MI' SMAUH-i i

; i r j - :lh»reo(9M ttiB 'd S O HEEHAW.

._ — ..._ ------— oa-»^ A T A -«p«1 I c « t . |o i ./bim off; I pro]«b buSrl U n

vid#fcf9iioBfO f


t a l n ^ c n ^ / a tM n o t im ir iA J in th ll 1073

— — 7 = - - -^ ) - J o Q j^ I i i l - a tO ih o n flJv a)

D ifo v i f r ^ r *

(k) 9H

* * 4 - » • « , j n f!>/e'l5«ilrtJ!»«l!W ia 1*01i*6b*ol-n«twc.I i t i - E ^ r v j s i i p r r r r ' 'rrr i'm i J«f

« t a l K P ^ B a J f c | c ^

•RSVSWBMMtJanraT' f liT ilw ia in W K k ittfM -— - r r ^ M O V KB .Rn RM d and ' . ,h« • t, t h « , , . w ^ > g ^ , p i

s s«w^tb.BUly,J9f<'..><>p.iM-. ' oij^f.,W!‘»t<w»daVujw(d*.,,,. . , im,

rn °o « a ^ o * l , t w o : . , . c »


--*iTr.ti»ii«i!5 n - i V d ( i A n d

iS^^SSSyKMSDnuM).Rot>MtipiMn. .1; ,T. a n

■ • A ' • . . . d#a — '•» !" ■ tear

■ OatliliMdHMry.i W . / ' / ' - V o v j ; - ' ^ rapartTD B-ow pfM W d'*; ' “ 0 ( H o ffd ^ .h y d ro » U « tlQ .,i . « l Unk*d«alori«JI6.ftfOTHi'.>

W r tW p u b O e r o o a f H3EoanAracA:#S(4'-’' • .

s r ®

OMTO* M u r ^ . 'cai

O nnla . tftnwgb thalr I c la a . - p r o ^W fiow;dfl«BTf««a'V iw»'.r9' " P jrf tock '';..S aa F nnc iaco 'i Inramoii*

S i3 5 a H w ijT ^ ^ ■■■^m M O W (iridtfitiyDKk ^ u m ty u . t i e 3 r rp f i im ^ ;y h t iF .t . i» i9 h r C ^ ^

( 3 S ^ M B « M o i» “Ri>l>to u i S I Coon^y'T»oo*flff^a p ftetfM t f*lto, •tolM (rom tha Croxd«n Abbty. 9H0W M o v e * * H ' "Youoa lock HoJm*a,''/iOW.*tfxW3f) N|oJWC Mi~How I *t o ifiw> r -•> . 'LMI M O M O y«.<l**A ^-\Th* 8 « n ^ - • n " (lJW««Wa)W«iLJp|»:.W aynt.: J«fff»y,Hw*taf. •a 0 O a W J W £ 0 P A R D Y _ _ _ - _ J _ ■ n a ^ ED _|:Ed..Ajid Tha El»',

^ h n O B 6 a ^ coiUkmmO t oo-worttw. Btoa.ttiat.lh^y. ahoukj.o«tbtttafacqaalfltt&<R}O ( I t ) WHGa.CC FORTUNE 0 .p B ..8 y 6 » y H 6 .C A T JN TOP HML AAbnatad. ABaft SAarman providaa^ tha voioc. for tbt.f|in>oiia'fanna wi(^ tka atovaplpa hat,«rtio brlnga aoma, •xcllamant to two chUdran 'atrtftdad M ooraonarak iyday . . ,..O CHURCH STREET 8TAT)0N Outat- H o ttr» W ‘.^Jf«y;:«wat: Patty u o v r : laaa.lnA |ar»o.i . . . . O B A N C ^ O P B E L A R •

O C O K B C W fl^ W W -— - O aM SC E inO B A SK ET B A L L ....O OO 3 ) - m ( M ) i O t n u w a mca-dama,- U i w ^ Uta. PDi* brothMa

tiMy (^a.M notuaiy to Itia-wlfa at>dj

And T h« ';8*fral-W aapon'' (1942| MyHanfh-l^ftWU.^^taMttionfl, iN lgal. Bract. v v • ■ •>

furwJ: th« bWa.- raptHw nd’ampW^>t',- lna thatlfnef^n•rahaal> l I 'S O S ) 8DOOCK8 Jaka and Er>^it«a l-« ritt( .ap ,i |m ft^M t.»aa i.jjam ad tp a p M K ^ U a tf t^ a i c h l r te

B (” m £ ? ! S S ; T E : . ’ /V SH O W m iMKK • r rr . f).K » ® 3 # .F A C T e ,O f? ;|^T ooH « ' itaa-«ho(Tor.'ieavia;and^ttwruia'airilohifflar* bi.w hleh'har (rIanda.M a- ^B c«lby.»Jt[tla(;b).atara9,g Z> NATURE A look ai ta a craaluria . ) ^ h a AroUo laoludlna'pJant<^lo ac^.v

3i^;''tw akad --urwhala ^imd 'polar > > ^ . ( P a n 1 o (3 } ln a ta ra o .(n )g - . D(12)1LOVELUOV D BEST OP OZa^rANO . HARRIET' •hjvtta«anJft.,WwiH(i’'O r t a ln v lt» , inoW l{iaB4,t<Mllt«W'«*tt»ut taalli-r r>dthatmfrMew(«,pth9r,AUfl»;

•fbiallj-v ^ )^«nda<Ja; ..Oxandpa'.Mad:, ,

{A. In atafao..v,,uH non*, vi-- •. • • i.n.

samnjYa.,iss?V5fc;i "

'c a ^ » S VI alanpofio aiM M U M M 3M (O M T)plac# 'i«drtW »**j*lfi

^am»vioidlntfl>l«imyl— <tal . JOORMAMSWrJI

,VOM KO DISCUSBION :tna>,n o rtrO -co u M M tfN ra

•Viroinl»ai*tH N U«cH (

toil* aH .ii.auaata;& i;t:l:ijM iM jn- r r S C-HotaKWanotrflelnbfi ;i i ; - ; t o ih« atw a^or. jo tia if i

•»Uh, I .» .e tra |aa i.«n««*M v»4(a )t*d<.~.-.'A3 cftUdr«n;.-jiflO«rT«a(M:- r - - v - Q im b a » - a i a c o a r r to p t tton r ... :O O W O V C < oT !^V ^;' !*llc, j : ;- -HBO M 0y»5W fc«8ph

Cofflady) C l ^ l»*»tJOW'.iO AykfOydjtl >tWO"C (S (SHOW! .HOVI^S ^ ■■xMM'tf.’ (l9e6.D raaia}atarrB a« roh-, ^ - .O M O M Q W rK b M a ^

Th* Nila" (isaflrrVMM leanTumarUUalMl.OM

r - i CJN Ela^,- ." ( i9 6 t, Advantufa0.t.

raa :'.; ' jM O W l U l O O O M U kmid . - i ^ M fy iM w y y u»*a

- V "; " g e lt a ra tind e ^ « {obj . . ._ . . gutrd.lo*»*fao,0 ..,.-.i-,j,

0-TH&.WEBCMJAMM daav - 0 0 ; ( H 0 .2 a r .M a r y

devtta a plan to M fT R >ro*,. •■• Bight.Ipa tarao i,^ :;-^ .^c(*d .;- ' 0 0 .<13)C O U .60e'B ' i WyonrlnoalBttQhMKYM ita t-a r-r.. o STRij.T>C.)aBAVir tr -V . ~ From T)»a SaB jy ttm tra

H V)"... Ihe blaM ;>or.«M wiM i ' -.1 ■ - ' geti(lf*d.-..‘--.-r ':t.; '> r!

B BACKBTAQB WITH j ' i-n -v L> OAN oinnrtw ataoM ,.' - ; r : n viawa «v iM .ih i« r* i • »

.... .... dotaatcoraMa>QMjOWM cA- i 6 . 0 0 0 O ) t t t <(11)mM

•'»««* M>;Qa«0)y ^ 3 ( H

U)dX/ O O.WONDCmVCM.■ : ,: : : i : i ; .c h i id f < 8 u S W ^ i^ ^ .i

o sr> or 12-yaar-otd Mttai»a<M gat.... ,H.f-Bwakanln0 t o o M l d ^

•> lOflOe. W O ^

HjKTTo-^-nady bM i^* i,tt)« 'U lW •■'J ^ s r m il Alfalra bivattleat)oA.'l

^ 3 o c ; 0 N E V A i v a m m e f : m i,Q M o tk

il'NBVJOS' phla'a hwo^HrawifKlT* :..= o a jA WalkaO.«PMdbfWflMn WSiq loi alareo, g

n.r::q-j (Z) SQLOCRSt^H^TO >H« :a o u w B A T n £ jv ,• aipooTff (2)NEWS-i.i i lv W .:;5 is5 © H A 80CA8M 4HQJI .S A retiring Jud9a,jiMB«lo

raa. iw .rr cattle vowl tQ bit «v«qIj r t .v a C ' •» a 3 « W lt;» lt6 * C 7

-laf f j i* '; m MOVIE * ★ * ' *7h#“ I.L.1.J J .) : (1S70. 8clancfFlctta«)

Schell. Robert Forataf^" eT '/r^yN o cou»*my;HOT»fi tM n.xLii h o tit JaMk>Ty*i«ian(f.OlU-otin^n c o n d u a tt^ f f l ^ jp o t ir t

. inuelo JieganitfldrflilNn' ^ r : , - , j wllh Cueile Dwiohl Y btk pa>..j.,A p re tlda(iT « t;h^ C «a« r Clt,.oi,^i! dallon>ifid^,Qaoy.;.WaQ • ........................................................................ Billboard .fd llo f^ tn d j*:pq,\a_<r!. critic—)U o i f t j 08R lP^i0B ii(t^:^M -',a

THREE WOWONQ-fyL ^l-,,. T h r e e p t jw la ^ f M - u

HftWMkoM)b u m r v u a S i


’.sirrfa; U:v


* « 5 I 5 S 6 S H

r»W «IBA^C^^H’‘ 0- w S t S HiV B tv V E U r tHT » M y a r ; t a p $ «

w b s s r s s t i s :

A r t T i w a V ^ H


tS ftbB ffllny .^H


'■ •••■•’ ■■• r : ^

Page 42: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

5 S w W w S 8 i i O T < r w a

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9 'a l S m 'M f l m ' 'O m 'tM

o f S i w B S S r a•okijn4|wlUt*/M ^^ i ( i y

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5 it^^^BypB-liriiitofliriB

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i25!:7 '- CM M M m . rSai » 4 'n " T b e S S p f c a e a ;MaiVi.r-

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ri«. ;R«,JMbn«»u'A i« f '•' ' .McQiftl«tr i n t i r v t n

fte3 -SlSlSf?!5s>-7 St^-!~ m uC M t-K t-itytK .p M » , * '. V .yJl’iw H !'; <1M5.

OrsbWflhw N ote

l ^ V r ^ i & f w S i ^ a R

r i ^ <>' - ot tt)i.'Timt,ttuswM!fl

w @ ? f ^ ^ « O T ? * * x S - V (iwr; WsmtfVMf#.-

'Tff*"" • " E p ttm .i ik ih P ^ i

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i l in r , -H « B o « o y i.;l> a5

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SREPAIdHUmtiSOWWiy-vry: rt_-:_-5)Ss!i.*lj

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,tr-r< ---'- -~ -

Page 43: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

~ I Sd^hSi.. ! .. . ..875VDI

‘ ■ 8l*v«n WrloW til: *tyla nlgMdub •<i . ..............

. (SHOW) IM S a r' ' r M AfMS In irtli

d on 't W M «»y t partorm a atriito

. . -••BfOther#.ln Am) Inelcreo.

t ON MOVE * Hi;[ ( l e a e , A dvtntit ’ 6lofl«, Aihdy W66e

11:06ON»QHr7RA( I ; 1 1 :3 0 0 MISTER EO

OMVESDOA-nVI~ i t ------ ------- CD'HCVER-WCt

: who a»iy tn* tfi'd1 I i ' “ o T t f * • • = c h o r * 6 {

; , -M III«.,h|«of|tn,pi

: | S aM kaw *’ > n4 '••Pop’* 'S ftp ta a - OlcKC«vttL(R)

--------------- o < ij ) h o n c v: ; tr te ilo .p u ta n an c

; ! GD t w iS h t z aI ; • vora ot a UtrlbKI I tham blat o f;r ;X

,, I yaara prior.'O (t l)M T V .T 0 P

I ' DOWN........................ .a a R E O A L S —


O BACKSTAOe \ 1 i QAN DIrtctor Uj vlftwa on th« tKea

_L-________ dQ>— tram hl« miaI ft:3 S (D 8ATUR0A'I I EVENT J>rii m

■! : _____________Hulk4togatt.vaJ»a! • : Orndorfl; R6w«Jy'.

. _________—Adorabla AdrlanA

A nlm af^Stattto :'.i i H ihdtoma.Harity.

Mulligan v(.Jlniffly ISM O O MOVIE * *

tfl Tarrof 8y Night , Basil RathbonaVm

O PO R E K M C O n aO O P P T H E W ) O (ia> M T V T 0 P DOWN( £ TALES PROfti Korribla lncld’«nta cbopla'fnihaknaw •tona u (d ihalr wl

.neighbor (Adolph I Ijlama. (R) • -

- a i JEWlSHVQky — ^ THE BLUE AM

aldoit 8Qna.ol two Virginia and ona t ara drawn Into tt War. with w a 'a a r

- artlat .obaarvln0 -amajor tu n ia a tor " a n d th a o th a r a a a

[ ion Army.(Part 4)ONWHTFUQHT-

; ■ ■ s-w s®________________ l*nfl*,fromVlB,‘CE

(SMVESTMeNTAl _______________ a . SB 2AHY_W0fl

' 20Tlmes*N6W8,Twl

i 'I

..................E"Ol«' ' ' ' ’ ' ••” powa

-------- . WO^.WBWHT.i'CaMdtim . ,«»••-i briftoa h li':(ha6p tn Mariab act lo tattvtatonrtn (SHO

hla concart from Len- . i 2 :0 s a »y Arana, .DM .Strtffa ' 12 :300 ring of hHa Including B a ^rm•“ tn d .“A lc tt* W . . . ® Y<

KarmjrH ‘T h a AnnlhOatora” Audi

food. O tCRACKS . 0 OI EO "Ed AJld.Tha E lf Hoal:

' l«ia.l.TWEREPOOT--------- G D 0OOrOCD'FWtfrbiopl,*---------ttfvlat(a‘dltlon«l concapta.of Q >ra6onphair;-Aonaa;da o*ni,1 Fathar.Maauti'TazI- ’ ItimlrL|ihllanUtfopl»t.t&o<tfil.. - . ~ . mlai ■'{ n4'a lnbaY '-'Rd^buck aran< ■ - ara 'pro<dad.'H ait:......... A 8 Fw *' a «NCVMOONO^-iflHptT------ ^1B38andtoT rbJcandE d 'a u«y«

ZONE,lTia,Kla>unrt- ' . S wrlbla war meat In tha Wardi•r;Wty;d**tr9y*d:)rix i tS B ®

■ - DOW?ro P 2 o v D e o o o u N r-

, . h‘, Cania

n S c o a p R r a i H r e ~ ~ ton. M RDCBATIXrAP«» i m O m WTTH JW rtJA lO - - (D M ’ L o ^ ravaats 'M a f f l 70 Kaatra ahd ,U ltf jinac- (Q ujw n.gira*L — ~ i_______ (jssaIDAY WQKT^,MAIN RipTc Wr«atllno...«xhtb\ti()Q«: ' 0 M (^avUlitr^Wot^artyC^--------VIsjy'.'WHWy . P ^ v». O P c mAdoot^; fUat^ f Ut- ------ fp«nd,

: a : ^ u i i k y 2 ? ^ > p ! ' e ^d a y .R a w J la c k Jack______ oomlolim yJidrFunk. - • Englai

'•8har1o<^t^m ti cham ligh t-(Iw e .M ytta ry ) prKjiJ

OBRE8POHDOOT . Of Thi ■WALL . r ' ' dyJDto p s o y iO E O c o w r - t « o

CD DiWM- THE DARKODE oy»iti inta ^ agu* '» ''yo im o .nawly-aMiuIradbfoWiv -1:108M r wttohofan-pracllclng CtASl p h C * (iM r)fl« y b ato ' ehlnin

k»BI»0ADCA8T. . • h'w” AMJ.TrtB QUAY Tb* ■ ifipi„ two familial, ona from Van H M trom'Pifrtiytvahla, dllfara 3 tha tuffluRoua CMI eroad' •« v ln o -c r« -w m b a t ];9o Q f

O -and .{»cofdbw,tha - ® - u or •■Harpar'a W aakV ( is m , la a capuln bl th* Un* Ttlbol*) • . 0 8 KHT-Faaturanim'*- • tini

: r :[.‘CBlarOO'^’r^ '-r^:.:— j,«j, I[TAOVjaoflY.....................i ;3 8 ®W)RU> OP_«eY_BA-._____(D MC

Twin Falls, Idaho Fnaay, Janu

»ARl8TOCflAT8 Th# Duka of W aat-_^ ffiin^r«na o r i f t ‘ r!<^t4) man tn igland. ravaala hla faallngi abont )warandnionay.10 MOVE * * "Tha M aan 'Saa". «••- (19M, Drama) .tOul R u a u ll . . . arialHamingway. . -u MOW) MOVJE * H •'Shxun'a.Nlfh. .. l(I9M..Adyanturah6onnjt.C}Hbf. —wrySaw da, . • . .......... .IONK3HTTRACK8 > 0 SPORTS UTEWOHT lO CN N N EW S' ■] YOU WRITE THE 80N 0S Ouaila; wmy Logglna. Mallaaa Manch*il*r,' ^damy Award-winning tyrlclirt>**n irtford (VF*m*").in,«tarao. (R) - , IHERrrAOESWQERS . u , - ) 01URCH STREET STATWN QuM*>at: Mark Gray. Ouaat: Patty Lov*-, la. Inilarao.) EHTERTWNMENT;T>f f WEEK jr»- rvlawwlthBlUy Joai.)_SCO m 8T8 “ ev*rythlng Ifl TW. irdan'a CovHaf".Through modam miing tadmotegy. lha jaaB iM paa;

a now btlng davalopad. tSPORTSCEHTER . ' a I & MOVE * * "Barafool B o / ' B38,D(fma]'JacU*M ortm.M ircli ' lyaJooai. 'N MOVIE “Uaad Ojirt"9«V Comady). Kurt.RuaaaU.. Jack irdan.iff i MTV,.TOP. aO VBJEO (50UNT* >WN .............I MOVE * * * "Joumay To Tha mlar Of Tha Earth" (lOSg. Scl- ca-Ficiion).Pat Boone, Jamaa Ma-

lO N ^ S /W E A T tC R /spofrraI W N N ^ . ...................... •ITOOJiUPI MOVIE * * * '•Croaa Craak"

8 Tom. ■IMONEYMAMA1VBEODI80 JOCKEY---------------------IPOA OOLP FILA Invitallonatlb^lund. fnwnForl My*ra;Ba.Oy.--. w.-----IW E S nteN T ADVISORY I BUCK ADDER S«riaa offanng a nOo - altamative W—18(h-«*ntHy - gland. In Ihli *pl«od*. Edmsnd . an saa hl« lniaa*.M4i*n wllehaa idict ha will b* king.UQ MOVIE. * * h V ‘By Th* Ught The Sllvtry Moon'! (196^ Coma-

} Dorla Day, Qordon Macfl'aa.' OMQKTTRACK8 I DANCM' TO T>« HTTS Mualcal - a ita: the Ralnqakbra.' In alaraff.' - 'y .........SHOW NATIONAL U M PO O N '8- ASS’D F 'Se IWB taktja it on ttia Inin thla aallrlcal p o rtM of iiwdam' ' '■ aa-aaan through fW *yea of two ' iplalTtWioi y iT M im of a bad a d d ’H nigsg.turnlntam odam -dayR lp. - n Wlnklea who'^waka up to a very larent world. Adapted Irom the'off- »dw ay rtvue. in atareo. e THIS V?EEK IN JAPAN- MOVB - * • * “Cattl*- Empire------

}&8. Wetlem} Jo*l McCr*a, (iloria Ibon.'. ... ,SKMATURE: JACK LEMMON Tha

ll. In a aarlaa, laalurlng lamoua ' Bple inletvlawed.wlihoui a ai'udla."’. Jlence or on-aoree'n' hoal. O ueat:'sfc Lemmoo.— -----------(D N E W a-— - — " MOVIS'**l* "Qray Ledy Down’^— a^/y2,1fla7

(1#T8. AdvamwaJ O ^ c ------ OavldCarradlna.«— T * > B irn D v * - * '« n i1 The WtAd- {t04»; S u ^

Baalty; Simona Slgrtoi^- HBO MOVE * * "NW

. . . . ( 4W . t i n » t e l. Paiiliaiir’ ''1 :» { 8 H 0 W )I« M E * * H *

------- Drufflmar 01rt< ( i m ^ O r *K e^on. Yoroe Voyagla; -

' SM OTU RK EY TEIZV niO l O tA R R Y n N O tn rO K M O M 0 V C * * H " T h a l> e n Una" (1B47; Coffledy) &rt

• johflL M d."-.'— — — 1 O M Q H TR JaH T*'N aw 8o


t 2:25 SHOW ■MOVC ''Jk'*M through" O M O. Drama) Di Frank Lovejoy. .v ;CM M O V E ' ' ^ B i e r t lion" (108S, C o m a^ 'S ta t :

I fraya, SharM J : Wwoh.r 2 « ® H ro H T F lJ0 R r -V H e ; • O HOUSE FLOOR 0EBAT1 I : : - ia D 0 O R 0 U T E B 6 i£ :- v f : : .

o SPORTS RBVEVT"'' ID'U OV E * * H " T h a -L i hard Ot Kingdom Comer,(

I - mt)Ulm't«iaR'6rfgirtt;Lwiu- A ikM E Y U A M A '---- '

© N IO K r.-.W ^;:^!( Showeaaa"---------- ® fW E 8T »«K rA D V I80R

OMC) MOVE (l® 73;'D ranw) Qary Ork

» Houaer.3:06O N K lK rTRA CK8‘ ■ • 3 i2 0 te 0 MOVE "8 * 1

Comedy) Loratta Swltl Rip S :90eU O N eY W B K 7 '

• -0DMOVETON6NIW8' • (D A U TO R AC iN QFU ir'

3:40 CD CARTOONS,--------M 0O-8TA N 0BY .JJQ H T8I


----------wmc-------------------^I OCN N NEW S----- ® S U P B » M A N '- -« * = i

' aDNEWSK3KT"B7 ' I aS M Q H T FU Q H f'P aatm f - ■ IDVCEODieOJOCKKV ' ) n COLLEOe eA8KBT» I - (and a t North Carolina 8U»


Roundup" (10M . W e a t ^• err, Mary Hart. ' .


(1965, Drama) -Timothy Hi' artUrlch. '../ -r r r*r - 4;10(8HOW) MATWHAt U• CLASS OP *08 IM S t r t a i " ' chlnln Ihia aatirioal pbctrtll > me a aa aa n throughI ' h lpp lae.w hoaaaraauK ol

- Irlpin fOOg, lum tn jo mbdi t Van WlAklea who w ake'v(

dlllereoi world. A daptad fr Broadway r«vu«. In atWae.




*4i4a HS6‘ l ^ T E '* ”01 ------ nea«" (1M 0. MuiloaO Bai

rttofl Hetlon,

P T r '* A o ii^ r ;."

}gM -P«ln)r ^


KM ' - - i r - r - NO - - ►ertlaOfPw ’ Sirtty Himo c i . - -

Sounda” ' ■ ' • » Y

rtt '^ ^ i k - ' 'D av fd ^ a ,;.

tn il ty V a c t '" "laphan Gael- <

H eoV aur • ' « (T A P tW •

'Lmie Shft^ * ' ' r.dMI.Ocv - - tniPattiB .;— 7

;'PB(jyriak* '

w r ^ —

Irtoaa,- ;

•ij •. • w ( m - , -iip.T?™-,::-;-;.':


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f : - . . .. rsALi - g J .(R J

to•Turk- Hutton. Bob-.

UWi»0CH»'---' kaa ttonth*. tn'ofmotfOT'r^ la y a a o f tM ? . o labadaeU ' )danHUyWp::7

ltro(nth*ofH:f, te . .m V AKUNSCH \If-rr:-------E MOMTOR

WBtO'W eo'.'.;i;


Page 44: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

.rot’**H foiHarfO’ fm jfm w M '.JT ----- — - ----- - - .»nittsra.Te>i

V n .'-

^.relaWltfOWbivrjtA (wi>a;

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: € 8 fl« U C .P p U CYOONFl w W ■' (QJ>'RE0ERtCK1CPRICC~:,trrT

C n4O M 0V «Woman*: ^1980;-Of?i*i»-Em><-f GrtM Q«fi6n.c;-:.’.iTr rr^^. r,

&2fl(8HOW).:MOyCLrnk<fr)fr^t:)‘a) •wnjooh:: 11^60.,Ofi.iprtFftftkLovtloy. :

e d 0 O P U T 0 fi<0HTB0trr»^’u

o S u ^ y r A w i ® ^- (b -;ti« 6E acew.r#.-coMMU

1W JonN^-.=zc'r.zz~ rci;;-.- :^ :fl:4«ffi,W H A r8 W ?5-i-xU£.i* n i

C M t4 0 V C ^ > rM 1 0 in a 1 i r ^ Jlw BMlntmo", <1988.0TWW1 g

~ a s » » M R e W B A « W W p R U )-^ O N EW a/W E A T )te;# .9F O fn5

■ a (iB>>sM A M m iM yrM T 'K OD R o e o n " 6CHUU.CT

----- ® ;JA M W « » fie D r^ rE ^' ' ■«BNIQHr.FUQKr/-Nn*aMiids'


® SPORTSCOnjR r T’ir:” 2 ,(IBKENMBTHCt>POAHOr;- 9 Q D M N B PLAH^rr"''''w i.Hr B JOURNEY T W W ^ f T W t t- 8HOW,MOVie.*3llitW rAVQ5 Tba- MfldkitnK Adv»ntur«> L«l>

0 2 0 » 0 THE TALK SHOW F«Bt

___ B iaaA oA N Q E B iiouaE _____ 'JiGDMUPPCTS c " c ; 'r , r ! :

Tzrr'fflH lftPA m CR EV jEV tailw '.w i B C R O SS nR EO » Aanic«LTUHft«.flrA :r:: ® H E R fT A q 6 .0 e t* im u wnv..v a (11) V 4 i:fA M H tip o f rr - 'r

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D /z :p ': ''£ r_222^

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sfe g s ra g i____ ( B s u m A Y fm .

> £ • :-* «H«NNBTHCOPe - . 2 2 ? tBM N A tow aci

® iic L Y -V » p S rt*

S ' ShowMtw” - - ' - .■ B S A C fSO W A flT

M> u o -m v te o O tS t 'MB PACES •.•••«- 'B V M SH E D tlO R l

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------- =® B 88A M B 8T na• QDCNNNEWS

-M a - - 0)&UPERUAN ''-----------B M O K m A W lb lf---------ja ^ A ssM A S T C M----------(BRO SEnrSCH M

BW O RL D tM tO fi B O H Y D B P A fttf

'£• W O W ) AROUND! - IJAYS Anlm«»W;-Ft

• i , - , r r 't tw t t)li K>d*y Mp w lllbflnohlmaW K

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>rts Higl^igfitS

iqicr,':KSL)i u V o a g a m e i 'X l t b e r th e t b s '7

th e N F C W est m t t i h t N F C E a s t M m l i im t^ ta d iu m v J S u tR u lb ^ o rd

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m m m 'MCOKlO-----------------------------------

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W. MOWe .* * * 1 * "Th* E >

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^ERAli) OF. TRUTH ; ■?,

S^4*SS!ElSi“F«l‘r. ■lauri, s lS lT O ^slrie i.a n d woHi-‘p k r tn r tf f tS f op:'Mojft>',wrttI.V

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Page 45: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

. .d}OAr.fif!0scQyBnL o g ( i i ) ( tg ) R o e g r r

s o u M e o v c n o u s.. •MOTOWORLO


......... .--® ® * » Q W )E -* * ,"U « rtPUce"- ( I f lr r . My*t«y)DorothyO B O M T O P IO M 8 8 -'

. (SHOW) MOV* * * ’•I And -mk' Hi(1977,^ A dv«n tu rt) .U

.(lM S,C om «]y>L iurM ■ C«iT*y7-^ • —

— fOBlACnOH*-" ■ 8 TARTRar>;-^

-------— ( » » m r o i w t i w »e ( 9 REAL ADVDt SHERLOCK; J0NE8>^>«

,W A T 8 0 » l.^ # r if> :P f^ naijtHjfW id(o*duc«t

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I {Hoot U dr'tfo fttth je l'r

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---------. . . . . . . . c^rieH *t<)m _ L ’Jg p - i l iO t t

p ^ ; f : : i g g ) - siwdwrttto

\imitr to P»»1on......— (J) • N PL -I•ly) Ed N*Uo«i. Mu«burg«r.

V p:> o J H 8 :WI------------------ :-----------Ler g —k'-P tm -im H ---'. ® C 0 S « , K»t StiBlon" B W pR L O ^L»1I O trrt it. a . A ' J f V

> O o c« Bitten" - ( D . J ^ ' MR Hutiofl; JkT.

------------------ (8«£i«rJ^n*w o... n3 T * c t :* -------j o ^ and

ieeHTe ‘"-»"i'M>-,— lYn^faW* iV E N T U nr'C e? ln,Y»!«< M

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irHKNA1K)M‘-c«’-. • ln»tim«/tig t g a g p s ;« C T ( R ) 0 ‘-M ■, phliM ilUi

S l/SB (5nT B . :

iprdub-MfiW ■ ;

S 'irt iSpbKEH r S v S------------------ . ,n d » Jt* *--------------------------; ; CD.WfiNC'QQHOOftHBlxtr.T .1 ■ Day,"

ssm e ::- ;!s?,5


n F«il8,'({iiKo “I'riday "Jtnuao

' ' J I • '■ 'jy td c y ifto * .. : ' ; ’I

M7..-Ortm a) D*<ik, Bood^ i - j lartfwleka *)¥P'%*:»t'_-A’O i» n » WnjC._____AM u a l^ icftaal, OwigUtj , I

CHASE .PMl#'»wr

I to «« ! •nawari to 100 loffil.........fla 'ta thf** <My« l* ,«ttic»#d ‘ J

- • v: -I

I S g S ^ b t p p o - ' : : .._TOOAY-Hoal«Lby_Br*flt______j« . * • < t WEP^WTTH DAV P _____ ]

Q O N c o f m p o N o e m ........... iiLOTOMOmOW I

J&SiSS35^ .1a ADVCNTURES » S»te<> IbN ES Al>ROCT0n WAT80H.. •Pr*mI«B);,Pupptt»'eh*flp<*-r-Ifld Proctor WAtaOn. w tio .«*--. — .

n i B B t N * v '- - •-.,.TV- 11:

Wk«tt]>Bd Pa^my.SulTtytn,.■»»,-, ,

l e o i i i i i k i m c wui air 'liv* ^ ' » - .S t - . « 5 .*F C D iv iak ^!:

,tkn*. I*ww -.--------»«ro > o b a a t » o u n c * d . ’- I .

! '¥ S i S ! t L - C M will iU lijy i! ; ' oa of an NFC DIvlalonal- ' .AJUnvSt-dSog-ll"*. •I 'M t d » . iimuiHn.«d. 1.1 ' - - 3 ^ Q E BASKETBAU n M ~ - . -

* S w n!laS

BK A TiW 8 »c6 « « . . -■

L F o o r e iu x CBS wUI alf ai»r--------

V * lo b«M r«

It th * x io l^ n R aiaarch Cartlk.,

r 4 a ' 'S * ? g &p w n ^ ^ b M o n w .rodfciW ;

jS ^ / f e S r a V e p o f l r a T r : ; ^

^NFL-FOtrrBAlX NBC wW'alri ’ .KCOtasfsfi^ ■: -

r „ ^ ^ .- s ia > tb ) 0 tini*. .:* a r* lo t«anno«no#d ...............')N O E W O fi^ ?"« l Sommar kl..;•• b » a * d ^ .f la y .B fid b « iy # « . H-a flWl from E tn h who trtaaio* 'Hichll'dritn on a dartt pUoat fo r , lum-ot aunihlna, and "Oanoy'*- ' about ,n.i), Av»*r«ll*n .boy. who.; r)^ .« (\.an iu> ,M O tn d ,o « r« „ >opbi0’ltfrU> hatch, g ■ . >

il'- 'U S ^ -C povdy) Oorfa^Oay,-<allh. ■ ■ ^ , ,,la iyZ .'iM T ’ ,- •

- J iO U M A O U B X M e S — a rto N e fU N O E R ...... , •

^puyof^0 w n•. S t ^ . t t i * « , ; . l< - ' - a B d U fiw M t«* r»oano«d .- i

• «OUKfDOWItPAtADIMA C BRATES A baWhd-lh^aewi** to

. , th tT o u m ttM n tf i lR p W ip ^ * O 'COHQRnStONAL X A R

^m TOMB Av!»,Ocaa*i;ourt O v

• “ on»hlpa;-frem -0*tf»y-B a»ch .," "OJV*)-------~.y



(iaw ;^ogr«phy).D*»W S c ^ . nyHaira.aNfcK)VB**)*-'‘J»WSJ« .CNllay ■ K*.'

' i i ^ » * c o c i S e ! j ^ ^Qlonal covarapa of SL^OohiV* (

s r a S i r H .TO OOOD PEOPlSi^HWit^M

. i M 4 . a d d r ^ « b l ^ > ^ a l ^ i *M L«oun»alw .& ,,M fokr:K u

. _ g W l llM J lS » .t« > » W '” ■ajBUMieMilloStD-..,:

a'vMli IhiWiOtft* t h i world' In— fra

Briilih Broadeatliaci C or^any.

■(ie«2, Drama) Patar Waok. V

taeHon ln(haIrwoffcar*,pfpfU*'

' ^ ‘ '•“ AFTBRlioOHly

’mall. amtU cruataoaan*. ^

.....Countfy"Slawart. RirthRofltW: ‘

Q w ^ (

■ _ S ' ■• ¥ 1 * 3 r

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iupfEii;ita Ofr*>

Kuahn«;<,.aixl au>S

H x m '^ —.aporttoo, ,,In lOaOp

h » u f t f c = ly- ,

'b y B r ^

. V toO ^; _

e n c w iuaJaa^ifr,IM . ■

d l J B A ^

hia tom a '( .K f io i^ ,

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Page 46: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

..... (W: Moi|<i^AVUTo»>ai -'-’'t

• S , « o v E * 4 ^ ^ ® S W y

O.'Briin.'•' •......

JAM ■ y io v ^ • WfU Tt

. LyBn.CoB«Uiion8ifA.,,, :. , .-


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tr.aUfi BrockHMltM'' lhr-ct*«d)ir -wip -fl M<1»Wr «N(il1nBraziri'%i«

« f f i . e tvU noiim in;^ iNClOtfr m MOUSE PAOTO

d j'w o v B 'tS i^ ^ nU'ii 'Uk« Show’ Bi

iriittirv MwUMElMUttW

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•brw fr - Ekp«rtm*nl".(1B»4i''

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Page 47: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

' 'WWEBE. . ? * ? ^ ^ T E S 5 o E S a y w S r

■ , o m o v e * * ★ -p-t ' - W^tiw^ nut.»»-

' a O 1 > C U 0 Y » 'A (e«‘ UandrtD «Eno«'*>

- W ianC ««(yW **h 'M" ................ : l n i r ^ « In a DoubI* I

• • '"WU.............

CD MASTERPCCE n i. d lM 'P O ltp O fM 'd " '^

________ _ pfoviaM U iU tw llh tnlurthar h ik 'e v M r hop

. hU m othsr Horn r»c4•unuTwn*. Ff«<J

' why th* R«v. Simcos'i thing lo L«tll»'TUmu» 1DC3-m NFL-roOTBALL Nl

’''cov t)rio« 'r.o ( .an, Al PItyoll Qftm«.-.SIartlni and » ite a re to b aa n n »

-■-I-._____JO.(18«1, -BJoi

- -Cutilt.-Edm ond O-BrtlB------ ---------- TD T?A 0bN TRA t4. ,

. S ) MOVE * * *—Wlfa” < 1 ^ , Fanlaay -Lofelta Vounir. -

^ 0 8 JEWEL IN 7>C C ; , t(larlopravantM «nIcli

------------ r:3(niiir-t)yreontaeiiflS'I 'w ho linowr'abouM hat - ; ( P a r t . y r b f u r " "

; O T O f iE ANNOUNCEC ..........-® C W O M C L E “ B lo r

_____U ln l.rnntfn lta fhnotonia' 69 PUBLIC POLICY 6P ; f f l TENWS Junior Inn. > nafflcfil. flnal roaleha ; ,Wa«hli»«toii. NY. (Llv*; • (BH0W),M0VIB : Town'-'-flMS.-Muakal

, — - r ’ - -.Ff«nkRlnylr« ' '«;a0OMR.W IZARD‘ftV

. QDTOBEANNOUHCa--------------------» « fc lA Q IO « P O fc P

■ - O EVANS&NOVAX-------T—-------r m - M O v g - » r y - T i-------------- r n w a r ic f uBa rxigfaai

Jiidy Oa/tand. Robwl 0____________ IttW iattY mLW EREH

6r»^n ridB ^C o lo .(ftiii ^ c o L u o e tA eK E n

-----«J0/*;iCtai9r'MAa'a eio- to -oania ( o ^ (Maytw-pr»4{nt>t*d.)^


_i^iudInB Upa-onitaplfi .. . maka it ••amlMa;-kici

: with''Misting dcywalli locating aflat nawdrywaUlaibrt e NEW87 W EA IH ^ (S MA8TERPEC8 7M d ita Pottponad" F ^ ' ly aacrala; L a 'a i l i ^

-a o n 'r Inhart1anc«r'ar ; - : . Agn«s h«v« 'ani5lli*f«

i i o i i o g .O M O V E'* ■'Oh, « A W asiam) Qanii O MOTOWORLD.'

^ (D JEWEL-M THE C Marrlckraiunia (b 0«Bi Parron ttiai'

' ^ a a h .S u a a H 'd 'l^ c iiU (Part >2 ot t4) .

^ _ 24TlmeaTNew3.TwlnFe

w - ' : - - . ' - ' f i a * !„ ''P oaaa" (1876, » « » J O & a »;««oaC are:i.= :ii^^W IC , Ift'J rACHAM>Bart«- ftlnMay. :*n W as Country ■ noatalgtol

B 'lCooV V 'Slaap-: iMtf-.CUp tila p a d ." "Bast ol 'Wish You Wara CiMOMO

MwTcal)';:TOEATWC harloO fs daath <»» h tn opportunity lo (18*0. Ceh o p S w w s —racahring a diacovar IsljDlaoaiM 'aw intanavary- Cooeartoumaa. (Part tO.oil Oorfjaaaj

a;30S..(9L NBC will air llva inaw lnch , AFC : DIviaional ' , >«0V . onJirtlno Uma, taama loadawllh

? ^ O W U lfts r ‘.Tha eishop'a ' l i . Isay). Cav.Q raM . 7-......

B CROWN S a n h car-drfra. nlck 'am arriaoalo mansoaf I « 0 'a» • OM mand - • -

CEO - ' 0 M 1 S T I

S S S L l T o u r ' .lehas. ^ Port' H U n iM .Jva) Oaon»aPi^.**>^-.^■0«.Tha < « • ! « Ileal) Gana KaUy. (X R8HI

. ___■ - •• Staaftaat^ O R L O ----------

JJS g td J/o lca a ol J S S

(ETBALL Rsglonat ^ a . '

d,) i . • • Eaprliami IRWFLUENIA

InrtaHIng dfywall. O O a f pa p l£ o -M how IO....... --kisarlaa a match . . DERNB8Q. . ^ p a ^ O d d s r • 'A U A 8D ^K trio a l outlsl w cm «T.(

& .rW aypoaaa IsiW- BeNT»"l^ t t l a a (or his 0\ta^ In'■and Frad and : comtoo ai;fjfc6im lSf:(Part iw J Mrta- T y ...■ ■rERris S n n a r d M a , ' M a i lo ^P i n c a s O r a n . . ■

E CROWN Major tw n r te Ir JaW.fromPankol: Marrlc*,* m at Marrtck h as SuaaatSi ichlitrWTrtiJbrds. - N ***^!!

® 8UP«n Faiis .W aho Fflday.’ a n u iry



y. PrtaclW Praalay hoata a tiotowofhlaiaaflSion. Qraoa- :Ufta tnta partonnsncaa and ab laavam aarahciudad. »IO 'W ^*** “Hair"(iD70. ' iI)” Jphn SaviO*. Traat'WU!,.

OVE ^'Ott Oodl Book «" Comady) . Qaorga Bums, Su--------------------------------------

lAMtCAL MTERLUDC8 Oroan- Da a ish parfotma Rhalnbargar l o Iq .F msior..ior Organ and l i r a . . ' ■ ■ ■O . FBUOM- aOURMET Tha. ocKjdaacWckanlnwlnaandvl* . 4 onion M arai^ 'a'C hlnaaa mar- «llhpc«fc.lnatafao. mM AKS) SUNDAY

lifts: Mnd'also Ihsir m ajor'dt: " ,

)TOBeANN0(U^ . . .>004 HEROCa Faaturad: n c ai n t Data Earnhardt and hU a r RIchaid .Chlkirasa. h alw-

w F R O f h v ^ Q A srn o e t- .ocav:STOCRATA Tha Duka of Waal- r, ona 'o l m a rtehaat man In

___a ftd m o n ay - ............................W V r * “Honw From .TM lOeO. Drama) Robart MltctUia<a P a ^ r d . ’ ............................ •ia P Y ‘'TWsG,uy&ftHh- , V ’8HMQ -THE .WE8T.j:0(ymp>o a a d ;- Pro^go l ^ r a d ^

ihfatg tha-Ku«nptulipa Rlvar on 'afltQo:i.(MynipteJ?«ftiniuli::i^-------- :VICTORYQAROEH : . - v . noBfeMApatuwu.*.*. ■■•r.. ■:— i t a t WEATHBl /.8PCRTB;; . TBITAMMENT TH8 WE£K In- irwmiBWyJoal.r BOWCTS •G u .itf Do^Iay ' '

AI»fr«MTOrftMOWY, WORLD------^fUlsariUveUnion: Banatlon. and eanaaaRspubllc” Om sIk d Banattoti; Doug Tv>pUft». dPiW claD aolar.(R ) .. ?BTARTRE)^t . U C IR N eflR eN ^N B W W lT - -

IM 8MTH AND JONSa A aty^.(SaOy FMd}' attampts to

amt Cwiy .Into halplng ' {t^.OOO'av^lndla.[•T OP WALT DISNEY PRI* t 'T J i t Dl*«aytat*d Story- Waft ' Intredueaa'a.'varlaty of up*] antartafaimanl In tha Dlsnay* irias.RFORMANCe PLUS Faslurad;. todrMH and Danny. BuUlvsn. b)

WEL IN I W CROWN Parrori ra- 0 India tn 1947 and laama.that.........

fiiasissai'iriffl . . .v -anoB aahoW j(P an iS rt14 )"-- JPCR CHARGERS Drag Boat

j r y a . l W ” " '

' wayto PhoaftU.Aite, -

,..,.'D liitf/^ (1M 8. M^alcaO Jam ai nay. Joan LasHa. -:. - ® «U U O W U L T B "TlMt 6d

• ,T h a '« r 'T C ta jk '« 'U » « W i ; strufligla b a t w ^ l a ^ . «*

B vieWEtt ( ^ - M TMEWBX)'' • •• BOOYBULOtMl Ms. Intami

_.^CaBO#tftlonc-fr!>m- C ota^^pt,. (T apad)"- - ; •— — V aA RR A NgM Q PAC TS

— (eHO W )-U O V B--**r.'.‘C*b^ (lM4,>-'Adv«fftura) CQnl..eaal BurtR ayw O daj..-' SHOW-MOVE<*** '-‘Uaa* A| Cl884 '.'0rtns) Jaek'Lanmon, lirtoakK •. .r,-

4 : S 0 a ) « a 0 t ) C 8 8 N E W 8 ,• 0 : , 0 „ 1 H 8 OLD HOUSB VJi

savao l'vacatlon ^propartlaa amis; Msea.;-a tour oi.tha.Br (Msiis.rilta:.wt>arf, *. sumroar

. •N iW L E A V R n ’ TOBeAVO. BIBlhoslay)' aU ^ a '

_ J 0 li« t :i .lM 6^ * V---

tPOTTKONTWHlTS USSUAffTERS .CHECK r t OU n Tha amp BMhalr patklrfo’ ptMlafloa !: complalna .to Ura.

~ ~ 7ih o u l> a l a c r uf custoniw p

’StofiSTcrracs /' gyh^• O P O A T E - ' - •:• 0 M0NEY;m 6»CY. MOM

_ » tW E N T C IH CENTURY Th '~ -« a a t^K---hatr ty n ta itro y a a : '

q p M iO V ll.- .< M r* vailvi

_ _ s f l f f * a u 6 n e a w ( Z Q ^

^ ~ I n r A ^ 'C T R E E T WEEK t a o a le rM w 'o f . i a a s .

^ ^ ^ ^ W t E T B A L L VfRH ARCWBAU)

® 'l>5nO ro8vN ^« Jhhki■ tayh is 'bo t^W 'tW -itfbaj*^ ^

S .'S - ? ® 'S iS J S S ion har way.10v«tardjjf|tO sn j^ a h # lp ;J lf i f f .d a ta W :M ^

B - < it) SdUD-' & L 0 ''SoH Robart Pstmar; Et'fl Thbmai and . Antta Polntar‘.'< '‘To(t T lm a s 'l » o C b«ljy’( ? t ^ # Johnny MaiWi « « » I ("Taking a Chanca on L » a “J, SvTSit and Ta<rt'(‘T o d il# a a

. . . Var^ H s p ^ ‘; ^ . i l W t t# v lw ).ln s l a r a a t R ) ; m OUEST Tht-'paudUAa r

u ^ a b h ■•••• rtlRBca*.

ro6S ^ '

' w i j i f ’' - -

.natf^ltey. -

B H T C ^ .v i

rnaftoM i' |

yi4laar^— ^ - - u a m ^ . : ■

A ppaaf ; A ,^a«ko

I.,' ;Viatts lo : a In I BrVnMtf i ta rh a « ii_ _ .

aconom*__ I __

(E R jia aa dalMa

laa a f ta r ' 1 . a . Cobb ; -pttUae---------COLOOY

NEYTha U.S.a ~ b y —« — .......air.------------ :----- ^Ivarado*'

n - ' " - ' -• •aa Jonas. ln t,a -a n i.- -



nka Stan* l > atolank ;it tw d i

f ei<.‘Dyfan-

ohadOlk):la C b o l^X? Many KAwayn. r Mawflol “J .B IobA . M M a S o .D*; Ontar.

r 'fun 'in to ]

Page 48: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

.. Y5x->0!.ntftafjioi' , . , ' .' *"•• Jr."*'

M M * tW lr )L t» .r a drtv«lorM ol4«rl*M . (P v t

------- -

a«MW*r, John c o M d e -• AU8nCAN8P0RmCA\• A u n a o H ncH O ooK M ■W OHW S’" ' -

V O T H S tA N D ’‘Oho«t Hwd

Suk*tel)M w i'« Cm M iu^ •- .

SSSS^SSc■ B t : JM C9K0O TM K V U V M ^ J M M n O M L ’■MiaottBWMtdWMwUoy*

- •MMk»«NUdMMikaM4

*"■ "■“f c a o w a w w w * - - -

.. ........B IVMUQKrzONS Th* o« cflWhM«-2nb«6ifr.ciWt.

.w tA »lw !■ « wNit-XMr it il_ _ B B M iO M P IW - ...........- (zr^ew M W .W K rTcr

tla i o ld iah* (*« ;lte «h*nii c r m «fid Dthar fi«*n-tooe

------------EifflMt" Q u«tri<u’n t t fM■I «yMrt*»MiHHM» ewy.

, . (l).T>ffl0t.8iQ3y«bftvlac«i dji M^Mrk*r BIM th«Mh«9 « WM*r ■«jd«lrt*d.'{m r B ' d S ) ■ U A U .-W C tB i---jyry'srth* e r a i w t t o ^ « ptin

___,_ _ * M d u e d L f lm L e o t ih f c dtfM-Md-ln^Wd>KKWMMS

b m Wg^ ■*' -. B B C N 'T W R O A im m i

■ ■'."f''•■■ •; .BVEwn

- ' C :0 O B 'a D « # a u 'M M iN B :O Q (p M .K B r D oau.;^•nd hU'tclMd* oA • earaplncB O NOVA A n ipofi on.« o d .< o M ^ i.'b a ik W rd o (l

________ *»*e}riepro}«A ii^M U ito

SwMivSi' !-

B B ^ « ‘O W 'H O U M

• hMjLjin^ hl»jw«nwt»

aSm iSam '" ::' ' : ■".B -H ^TK M A L OBOQAAf P L O m An AmwtoMrItu*

.; ,„ ,» (h< i.> »M >ro^?«rU .toartn , .

' 0 i>vi to Ir m a y u ^ S:^^;y ( j f •

l l r a n iA ^ W

rrjdoMkyrorn a > 4 t a r a d i N r ' ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

.CAVAUcAoe' '(H O W ^

iw d*-A teok J

', " ■ : .T s a r


aSSUi-' ■-Joip ; ; , ;


l u ^ l n 'M * ' 'm g . - ' a S o ’C

An •sam lfo^ *Aiw•n itt ry o l le * . V * ^tood*: "OM d -------------------IT-11^ - * look S*y.o«Apow>

j&iihir'frwbr t ^ a h o u i d . ^

« » Jairil* m . ' ^ H i»w*Mrt*l *t .

p ^ l n B t D ;

rm tUoAZ^ ■

iplnotrlp. ; on Um proa

4oUv hydra-jto d * a lg M d ......nrtiQtv.fanii*M klnpuh lis ...

ro*J*w>ftx»n. ’

'fiponraM fr«t***i»**.

w ttrtM chW i .

RuM ltn flah- ' yp(K,cotiti* .

''H i

,, r S E r j « » ^

LHQjgtte. ' 'jproxunoift ......... - . X^OFre

■;-", ■'. .J~ .'’. ' ~ Studio, iw••■ ••■ - (wtMTt «0

NimUJANUARY>tMM7.- < -rT^IEr^iwiijueii^WorB'to o^)rMori.r C l»^ -- ”

ur prtor to • t o r t e t a ^ / ' «- > ’ ;; -

S E ^


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Page 49: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■ ■■ v;J‘v ■' ■ 2 £ 2 2 ! S i ! ^

' • A M U M .i i i ^ A co n p v teM ’ c

■riMa .-

" O m r a ic u m

■■'.'hSo ^ ^ ^; lom • f|Me»»jn

— -----------------’ hSfhSffi8 w h « p

n o « ta )o ie W « f»

T T ~ Km Icm. . •.•!.

S w m V d u w B------ T------ ---------B rttkA rtdS irC oli

-------- — m m n a r n B s n^ S i i m S e ^ A

~ “ . cofBp»rt*on of tlM■■•■■':•■..........

w S wwbS a h '

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' tiM f o ra t f i fooay>< * u ) (

' " w a* ★ * * ‘Thi.ABony b M «

S S i K L S ? ^ ^ ' f f i: S a

ACoMnoowMlth-lf «W4,. ■ ■■ ■■■■ r ------ -- TomJlfli ^ t r t ^ i i ^ T i E n ' : a w kH*‘A V )twToAKlir' V f l

lO b tM M I te ^ ^ '' ; .’. maa n Vanofl

SBSi££i£ SSIn»*c

wlp IKilte, Idaho . 'FrW i^.'^ua

0 IMTUm A tock « t Um te M M uMtnlm«ii ol ttivMrtIgMm. fMiofees. 9 » r t 2 of 9). bl • tM U jM m w

8SSS83P*‘^ ^w ' 'W N a e i 'e A Y '' 'a # i e * ' UHd*

C n S K r o K i j J ^ w k ^ ^

•WOTOWOflLD ; - r ^ - '~

5 S $ ? S j 5 3 i i h . u w i i -

^marlfwiniavMli. - • - ' ...........OCAIWOtOOYUPOATI B MOtOO A tlAoCna r«vM T f tTw BJtckTWwfctl npwlanCT frem-B«-“ p«l lo Molmm. 8}iraT«J ^ . i i r i i l ^

MHOW) ★ * ★ ' -UM U’ t i -g a r t f ^ , Oriffl^'Jact^l.»fli)Tm..

tM 0»-:4 i0ve - ★★■' - O n c r e m i v " ;i(M8, rtot10(i.'Aili 5«r»y. - ---------

g j i y y ^ ^ n m B t X« r acrufTy uode |m t t * b«*« iriMd D 'n ^ 6M of thaJ^nO rw n^ 'K pM , M ln l b W r n u i O ^ l t a t i ^ ^B mf>OCUQ MN f l t^ l to e h o r IMf- » OMn rtv tw n rf»:ioij atoffw'.of ^ J« o b O s (iU Jn d M l» .ih * . a p « o * - f i ^ W 9#tfy. lha ira.-w m aryca» .onUtioo »«h Ubya. th* C ham ol^ iKlaaf accMant. » a Tltanlo dUco*-ryandtndW ortdSariie:''-'.............9 _ A l ^ a - « - A C l W M _ l l l t . J a _ oelc P ^ " A lo (ft'a r’t f » anbiula • * in« ln ro c k jK )6 la .- '' ' ^1 MDpe< HDtOea PM tufKt; rac« ’ iT'W in»rl)al# Earrti«f« tn d Wa •nasaf R lc h r t CWWriM. In aJ#r-' .

^ g N W B W W ^ i ^ ^

i ; « r N W M A > 6 k ' ' . i i h « i ^ ‘ aad anlfflalt c f tt>« Aretto InofcKUno

1 y 3

Miiyitod sH* (ri O n t m O M n-

( ia ) i io v a .* * H M > c io « ii AK(f' '•

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uM alona‘’(fOS9.ReaaA6f:

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th# UPOATI - - M-~ •ag a T B u n n u M H 'ijinjl . 010ft « IW W H » .Q |B |n

CrortjtA-C-. «ipKu-w»• p - MO««MO1HWMfl0non,. ♦ t o e i M i e w

g .■ 'jSSSjSbStiiSfe- ISrtSSrtSS* s. . 3S5SElS!SSl£i(iM tn M n a a tA M fc lM M e l-Jrrr rr:-Trfa)n,.:.- - =—«• ■ m w S h iw im t 'r - -•i:. . . >Sr/TAUSM«MM<^ Ad WUh u oaotoU ■odtou

'W ttoeetatsriSvrSS% |i:ROOgQ4*MqoH>a!o*~— 'M tfF t i fa n m ^ 'r mfr r t o t r ^ v - ...irl . avCiOOtSCJOCXIV. f , • u N o m e iA i^ n M>« W **** 'flT n MTW w uI* v ra v aco M rx u M M

■ a i M w w s ...'.’» ’ : a EVBWO<AY .nviMP[a Hv^XMUke;.'PUW« f> . >Rkii(«y Jay; .«o^.,4l«y

£ - ,~ H B 0 4 IO W M iL . J <^>M4/'^UuaieaOw|«(M

li AlyaoflRaad.I- ■t. WsmtSW

. /K t t to o : '' r ;«)(• 'm icouow *ib*>r«r* B (t»78. Drtma> ouatin HofI

^ 'NU* ” 'Cl8«,';.^WvwhKX■’.........^WrtafiMftSa^ObdoSTrJf: ftaoajWHKn a T v ' - .

■•"•roiTrtTOIiaHrr'!" • a Joiinu w w Mwo .•<:.■

t . '3)-to(H>iwreni^!MB ' - tkmlno i eomMJiy'celMii

<' iRta . . ------I , a iD Y o u w r^ r- 'v .v :;

i- ' I H H I S s: :

'’aittv<«- rMm ■iiiiim'* 4w ^ to piay’prorMMii

•• • '- • ‘etaw Sat'a--.'''• fc4«aoTV-rr!ni:::.r3;.'r.':

L .‘ laT iw rrm tv iiiO M -.- . . a a e c M P v m

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ra wmtn r n u ' -

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■W/^ldScfiU-; ,

l e S & l ! : ! — -MLVVMI

N PROv'i^'........

Icy tM pK M n..___

o iw w tiw r------^M l. tm>Mo*a,,*''-'-’.TfiC'!5".- ■

JOTMtOOTH*: ( ' •X~KatM«M ;r.!'J.-r:;,'c-,jjr:-;-— i • VJ »1(»IVTJk'*''

S •!>*£>•'------

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w o m d M t— : ;',c- .f::i7

Page 50: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

•qiH v v ^ l w u m o R .BM t) ''sm

•‘ tagmM: ,e*u' • JMMV SWAOQMtfhRV I•; A(UM .t06tnni^r J"'-’*? )3J ' . ; KMUCT JONU.4 'lir^ '.uj;..;...

• -~'fl»|*Wj>iKr;cT5Br.3?i'57i,Vo't^ ’ - # AMBVOAM!«MnT»CAVAl<OA9 JE W S. M .T H L CnO N K IM i

. w t 00 Of' «v»^'«n«niid<» M di, ■•'■ train o tnytstiM aBii.^

. fth «Mt 8<Mn !• •ttM ka«Mft«teli HMJCmu^rlm^irDWcrr'a’ 140114) ' '•

— w « o s e i i n * M i t iT » r r i ^ S i o u n s o a Q i s v u n a *a

' pMja n Tolkton; > now C yatlU ft;

W tl* A H ' -•'•om."' -)M igriuoLi

•NlgMflMO'Olutha ■'rB1~8M.£tam

~~-~W gBW M~'- - - - - - - - —— e w iA ie w s w i i iw d * * *

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' (n 'hM 'M V t f i n t t r t o o K . f i ^ .

O ) U O V I * * H ''imtaHVt’ i}) AdvwlM )A ■ort^^RayooWMr/

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r t P ^ t

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n « a /E • -■■■.•• -TiKlote::. -..'- ' ' -j. ■— r 3UK»)---------

;1T" - .s£jrffi'as iS: ‘ rs^sssss®

.poJ to Motown. A * f

: " „ 3 8 H W In Ih* JK«tH'‘j . i ' •

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-''- _ to itwo;

t te h '# p ‘- .

. • • '1 V f i S s s y S m n

" T^ O Q Y ' ■ com*« tha. t»Joct;

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•n n M . JH itW W - -’i l S S i f i ( v t t i o i ^ «d< M ^ . t f s o m

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Page 51: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■ J f f l ' " s r a s s s ? ;

>. Ni**ft..;.::;r:

O C A M ^

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'."ifco40 AT THE M P n o y ^ t : Dtl

1SSSSSS: sMMMtT'UMTavsuum'.— _ Z#

p ijis s s s r - .:y(t«. ------- 2:4<

r^- •—:— gr#(

SS5fei^l'S^'';SV-W'.tme.'-tlWwtS'o S - a

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M a p s ; - • ■ :

pjya a . 'y J jit^ ^ * teacher ^Jc i&vScboblu-ci^tNatjonal Bo]l<

i;T\fri(ff lRr, i a t ^ . Frjday^Jt


^ a T w S f c c i t v t c t I ' : "'-h

- -/••»;Ciul>!'.OeMt-Or4mi>-£ffiaio« Hv«.MoUyRlnflw td.

l^O D II TOHKEV m tv w O H r - * — "

O A 0 fa C U L T U R eu .a Jc ' - .ffiM C V E 4-*U ■'BwllnCorrMpoM

-.‘.M*; (1S42, A(hwalw*V^Oma,.Ai

.'O&W OIOtOQYypOATS T a:0&Q)AaCNEW8n-. a t l O S ® MOVE tHkTr'-'atrd'Of P m

d ll." <1832. Rootnctl^DoiaCM D. .W O ^M cC W ur'^;..- 'JriI.Uc;AieSHOW^AROONO-THB W P t f t l

80 DAY8 AnlmaWit. JFOO h li S (M iy trtp«recK itti

elobt will bring M R iv idM t b* lo » ' vBsUada to g tth ir •^bul MoOi.'tit tpeJatnay.niin h it plu«/lii«U rao:-''> 2aO0DNEW8-a w n W (iflT iQ ftY :^ .^v.;._ ,.u c-j.,

• f r a v o u n bu8m e 8S'> >>■' ( i f D c o s s u A N 'S M te c n r r e c:> i2 :4 0 a )U O y S *«rH'.VD|«Jawn*y.O “ N«t» Q»M- ( i W . O rtm rt MaradHi »-M«MW,,k>hr»CaHbtL^^«r-vr;rrr- 8:96 HBO RAP»STa3i.l6AMn1l£VMDI :" 8 ip P P a w Docum»irta;y<o<ail*c:o«

U M •li»dlt»«l,U»Or«>i

M O B R O U T E M ; t«A P0ni8'REV EV Ci . r l ^

O BEVERLY H u a u « - ’ ■<' :,»MONEYMAMA- ;;;,,

| | t t g g | | a | g i l i i « - ...


hreudCTj eager^^1k{bI}tCT^?Kiqu' e r 'S 'c a r w J l n " ' ' f a c C ^ ' ) l ^ '0h i(Joho Horten) 8.'‘J W c ;‘l n i ' J ' A j c i f ^ a n i ^ ^

'i.‘!.®0W'X2,1987. ’ !



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poftd-li.An- ■ - .vO BiTA X A lieSr.' T n r — ^ r® a n E F « iU M A R E i

' &H0W. J iO V E .A.* . t v * , ort(l9a4 ;i:M nR tura) C P ea - r rB ta tn ay iw U trv 'A a Otl a :S S H B 0 M 0 M M i* ,i

-6>Semasll>iftfl68.!DtaiLftW____ ;:.’A m .M M A rBh»r>^..:JFOOO 4 M )O C tlR I0 U 8 0 E 0 f N ittif o«O A yB R K M (

s i . . S S S g J S ! ^ : ;« 8 0 0 0 2 8 6 1 4 UPS'

■M .V A O O F pR yO U R D ftI C-J.I_____.vi9£U BU C£0U C Y.C *ly’ »QernHQPn-^_:>> ..d ts c A R D io c o a y u ps•y>0(

~ -Xi m S M p^oaatflafi

rMB8' l ^ t o S S i i o e m 'M Ml« o n . a 8 U 8 M E 8 8 M 0 fW IBut* .,M >TOM lJEI0nrAM ]- •;- -.•® IW m 80v.''>r-,- - . .:. B - U o v e

nci«»^V<1083v Orama) •‘' r ’'T » a a H * fp k ft '- .-P '- ' U7. B NATION'S BU8MEE

«iuMi;"*a W ouf'm m l-s^M TJttjadcast. to two jartC-'SM

s g s a i t i ^ c r g g , ' ^ ! ^

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arat * ; "CttYj.HMf

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a«£jte'SI‘l r “.CONBBCNX_____

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Page 52: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

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fl i-i-rr- *-V*- avOM 0».mjV. J. . ;i V»/» t • 'VJ

_ jfc00< T M O * * » ■ •B v ias jiitf i• - T M 8Uv«y M6bb-‘ ' 6 » ^ Com

OeiU Ocy. Qo(cfM U acflt* . ...;.v ,. e a o a » < ’ * * » " T h r - jw iM Oi

Nn*'*. (JOBS. A dv ^u n ) 'fO itli i . ''TunW ;-M (ohijr[>6u^ii;^

I O ramt) - PaRMit -Sofe-.Utitin.. 6

6 « > a o **H ‘ItDpacr' U ; Mytt*fy) Brten OdMA^.'EBi (tiM

< e :O O W O W **M ‘-biBrt*»(lBeSr

,W 0 (8H C tW )>* ' -‘W y :HWr^'(C - - - A d M n h n ) C ^ E u te o ^ B U R J

7 M (T W 0 > :-* * 'K 'v tW Jm M O f ■NM" * ClBa6.'’ Wvwrtoi*> ■»«•»

.'■TwMr.MKiha»faiMglw:i.'^— r« c w > > 'w ^ ''« i tM ir» n « i — T T * 6 p a f f ^ W 8 n * * * iw * t i i» i '

- f« i*dbyPi< M ^a*V «»t-?:-:':':’ '8 :009HO W » * ! * * . t)B(M Enood

(t047 . Romanea) CallA'JMttoh. '.vfifHwfirt. - v-r.-. ;oroomo FW- Mjr-*

(I960 . Dnroa) K eh ird TtKNUK <

ma) 8UW 8p«c*lg Jct( OtftMa. iT W O ),'* * » “CWIa 01 *44" ( t

-------a am t f Oai»Orimaa.->>awy Hotiai


l l | 6 W ^ < ^ ^ ^ R t o a w v j R


- ^ U M i

(n jlrV i n':M V ,,seoB m ooK .... . .

: f^O O SM ITO RA CM anLM .'-''-^ ' ' p r s o ^ WomS~CU88^0HMir

WGl, . >rr.

r a i i i ) - a K M u n A t

^ e m o v £ ^v o u la .

:omMy) Drama) PaJa r-F o» - Jam aa.,: •

■Ot Tha t1 :a O ® - ■ **H > 'T I . •0 « a k " (1Q«lrh»yat

* fair<Baibara'8taiiwy 'J 1W 4, 1 1 :9 0 m 0 * ★ “Kal ... Stava . ?• E6bpaB»-.VaaiI0^:' C - . ' : • •..CHavyChaia.Bavai

';e H O W * * '" C to a " tUiflk.' ■ ''EQMtBi*iUMn;-TMi

1S:«>(8H0W) “1 aatd6n-AiMnnM!:.( MiehaalCaiM.SUI)

Iw tJtay • , 1<q O •» * ?T=>unftlB

I.OfTha H B 0-»*A 1*."R M KalMaan . < AW anwBatlt/.Dian

U i im r ------- 5D»*^MboBT^I98

: ' ; S . i a o c t r . ’«^,<r.-.“PouBtwMar" . Thalr FirarAialOwaloh.Tra- a<ty) S tav t Oirttafbi

'Z: - 2A ) 0 - * * * ‘*toMta•jr-600" ' d bg" (1M3. Coma,laa: Jsda Ralph Rloftardaen;— r i ® ★★ VPriiy-TV*S8. Dm- D a b w Colamafl. AitU. - e * * - * H ’'ARim " (« 7 » ,' • (1«4». Comady) Ah

* > ” *0

*3»eae;:s^i«a<niOnitr-jio . ■ *jll884. Cdmadyj O. »Mntofa) . , iWaM; '

f rS h iS ? - . J r ^ S p a T w ) * u J n ii l.M g al..': 'B * x ta f:D lra « ad W • r * ■ „ .^ 8 H 0 W * * - '! A p <

W lM a .^ .V » O 0 7 3 . Doewiwiuan

♦ ★ H : “8r■ (i«6li;‘ ».v-^<1672. Comady) (P

r/'RUa-.« i>j u> iD eeO aU *% A m e

; = - ,«a)B»K^^*to^1

i m g i p o r t e

; ’. r i ' ; i ; r ; ' i ^ S 5 > r a 5 Z o o ? . jl l t t l M t f , - A M D V 0 A * 8 < „ ^ (S ^ -:v r-D O W H tW O B IT H a

i^ 'i4 :00«eP O R T m .O C ^4«)«A CX nO »fO U T

«>>“■*- ‘" 'e t a o a j - c o u E O E « » 1 0 F " 8y«tu*a»vPtw l<«

bN aW ilw rrbattorih;;.-— ® P f h a 'S o o a U ^ . ': ' . '

~!->Amwtea <

! S v ' F . ' ; ' ■■. . ' ■ - . ■ • ' 5 ^, - 'l i M U ’A

(law B k ia a M W T ? .- . ; - r « [ |f ly i i ‘ooda. 8u*M 8 ^ _ , g \ « a

"Tha Ma* WhhVA*-. - S J S S m lyata(y>JBaaptiCo(- H SkiC ''

Im S U i Lanpoon-a

•’■M A8HrirtjCwiV.'••••••*• ■ : a L B T fli “Bayoad.Tha <Po- . S S y y

?M a"(1981 .T )fl& rt- ' S f t J S H anaK aah)«,.V ..:-, ly T h a UqM Ol-Tha . l983rC «ft«W

Mb*rg,Babba3mas. B B n f i i (rItalloiiIoTatW ad- S k T ^ ^ ) J o h - . O l a l |M . , . -Mm'inpfi

<l9eo,;CtiAWy) - S S I J m ■.AfchtaM ahn,n_._. lim Per Your Mooay" ' 'r s N f i tA ia e O a ta m T o e ^ :

S h ! a o d U t o u i « r v H I S j S j r < to o r o a .B im .M .

r . s r s ! j ^ i ^I W A I W ! d H B O M « K . i : V . . A p a A p d 8u p 4f ^ - , . - - a r A l * uaryJN anW adiyA J...

^fsiuniibaa 'E xprata';''.( (P art •1(*(;aX-paaB - B d & l

t i 6r ' t l « t f . ^ C o m * d r t s ' ' ' S c r i p sM tw o r o t t . Mr W ^ ^ O f T h a . S W r

i:My*nNiWt)fNu(>- . '.S ^ Q C lM S .'A d««a tn»P a- ^ : '^ £ N o r rArt '‘- • S f i u

S 15ESS.spofiTS'. • ;’,• -n:;"-;^sOPM^ • a c u p .c H A a w M , . i ^ i w ■HaRnaJEOur.tBr:'” ---------bratlfJ*0 0 j( ............. b tg ln tok iro o ^ fw n H -^ ,'; . J M J J

^ r te n '" '- ’’ •'•'' ’ •■.•N0IW [QB: BASKETaAlL-.’ ' ' '" - ( S O Q

. / y r w i M a n w i y ^ ^


MbD^MMLD 'y w O R i':* * '® # - .

dhrUioo MniMoaftl|pr,!K#Mai8-;^

A8H VU *I»0W ,7 '- 7 * n - e MAICADCAi:: A f- •*

M n a v r n t f o m m i f .

u )8 la a y 8 p a ^ .J (« 0 * « « f •

t tT lH O X - Z w Z ia T '^ '—

i f e u - x w ^ o g S ' ' v :TTw p ro M ^ W thrva

»Jf<»itgWiiw: i£ r tg O T n«.^ • aw^ ttiaat,.;-: ■ 't a ,

n S > S S S S « S ^


B(C)M A Ci3V m 'Cl~ '^’<''' I ' LARRY nN Q LM S- • - - . iO ( D . e . R S M O s r n H H m * :

r im ^^ tw lrT F flliT lifth o ^

h .


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I ' . . . . . I

I ' • i - • I . , ,

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Page 53: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

wbw)UgSd(»r<'-"\:'; M M Mwwcwt'd'" -. :•

* 0 uwi*-M •':■•; r-:~

' l i ■ ^ ' .• ■ " W M l r l |( ) d U u r i ‘.1iofW

— 1 — K i«»IW x(o« .r# tflrtto ;»Rtoralkin.ofncUa llu l t>

-:• — S^vKNDWwonkai^^-* * n 8 lt^ 'L M (r ''L a i7 v Pan^jO IO M r t u r*

- -a«ikMnat9Vtllrigh<il<

..........- i i j S ^ & i b i i R F U . V

i :— r - — l» ro f* w to d » « g y « iO rt:

• TgOCUJB>^ I S t o p ^ T h i.W w '’ (> « ! . C ^ Jo u r tlf .Ju lli in E U a .


— — m r * S a o m e a i ^ i f ); . I t ic o ta ^ -m d ■ eociMrvatl

•rocnd,^th« worid, Jaml:■— ; ^ - js a iS M iS s r iS T iiK. . j ■ • olpw y.. ...... - • - - ■

REQta P N U t r a u_____ _____f l M r t O w V O t o o k * ^

I MayoR^' fltnaaa w m A .S KmwHMwa- o o o k f fatt* artth I w calorlM ;-« q

• ■ damonatratM bow'-har iknUar.lo SMing ay4,do

' I• 9 ; MOVE * * : v i ClM t,>cfv«otur«) Chari* LM U anbLa innNQ OAMQIROU8L' aga o (7 ^H a](« rd « h l anc

— I — -«0Bthcf»w 'ai-;m*yM a.'- boat. iiM A M o a io Sooth < W O :a o V B * * “ Saaa

, ' P n a * ^ ’. FoUbwfThat'BL I C o t ^ } Voleaa ol Jbn H(j ronS(*wHiy.’ --— .V fn n t i io m .i r * i r % ’-t ■ 1; . M 2";ctfi71. p rim a) J a fr t

"AnBM uttblP*opl«':(1979.D

: ry )N a M iM b y P a d d /0 'B: .1 : 7 : 8 o a a ) a a o i x N t v

chaaighoarM ttM »l«H arl r- o lv* toh la tnM iova.g

• A i M s o n c R N 4- a W W X10UNIRy.faatu

__ . ,B a b b » i ' t o « * r » ^ - - '‘-- •a U V I C ^ - M ~ — ■

'i . su jim es^ ew a tT w ln 'i^ a llil

^ f l# fT o » o e ii- • .Ji. --■ -iHlMtTWH

•'■’ • ’ |MBCWha>P»

'• • lifcM K-wi

'\fn9M |ww<«:-MU

.V ri;.-''. . a COOEQII . oanatPufdu«

■ 8 : o o a ( i ) e- F o o llw ta "

----------- ---------- ^ c « i , Lori 8m aym oeh-^ a ' O I SPY -C ;e ;o o n v ii* t i |n ™ ^ a I« V -------^It th a /n t mar- . Q lQ S U R V I

. 'f i t '’ • - r a t t i Brilith ^*Aad:tfa , Cha. . : . B a rto a 'a jlla ja r e w M «n(l. \ . rituala of tha t h a ' i ^ 61 a '' oA tha FatUai

t ^ ^ ^ :O if r r ' ■' oakSnUninva<alaao«a<n'tlw-------- f f l a O ) - * *

ia rt ; Drama) t . WORLD OP Bakar.>und With Don- 0N E W S ikf, Obofy and (Q 8HAD0WI O j l X t - ------ tatrdniMp~Sal

("Tha LloB. tt h i I P m ; .'"p ii . . .roba-J and J< (t904, Orarna] laiiar lo lha'i nia, A)»o. I

wllh lotlrtg SY: ^ O M O V C * ! 8 yO)l‘lpmrn^ • : ; ■. • XBvani rvatlon drotaa CBrian.

......... » • OAnwou>I UPESTYLES 8'ANMALM,^fita«e 'juT ba._____i:aihiar_QuU-^tt.Shalla Cluff: .• iha aUvar guIiattanlhg-fooda--------- inlfflal. adda 1I quactrtptaolO' -- (o lhaacoaytl « r monkay la lB)Dfi.Rl/mi i.d o g a fo r th a BLOVEJOY

Lovajoy, a hic JDaath, Hwtl" olantlquaa.|ji ariaa.sronaoft,' ouawbm ao.a

dar tpall troiit J8LY Tha voy , , (8H0W) ROa I and amutHna- , ConnBtyXJaa.'

« p tp a r ••. • - ha tuU ofhlaa othAiTtartca. nar.laaaraa SlrM t SHOW MOVE t Bird" (tO U . Mldon Advant n HanaoivCiv* . Michaal Calna

f t 3 0 O ( f 2 ) 0 i ••Stanmar Of Unlvaftliy oi amtMar O’Nafflr ' “ eiataJU va)

, (DNEW8 ■•AnlmaIa,Atm • BM 0U 8ETB ■#.Docan»anU. . «V B E O C O l O 'B ym a:..- ~ o AMAZON NEWHAlftMH' Brazilandpar M rfo rU n y to • irlaa; tha Ami

• ..V , , d lu n o la an d r ' CDEVEKTOP

M t u r a d . ^ a u - 1...HBOPRAOQLI *• • ~~~ ' ’’ ' Ingmirrorchfr

"andR ad.'Ina li allillW ano'' 'FrWay.Janutfy2,

' - -::V '


Nwi E aw ^ |mb»^ (m w BWOftarwi

------------- ;--------------u»8now ---------

' -• |n m -- I |uo»«c-O«nnlEBH0t>iWiR>kr

i«n“ • .' ~ iuo.<r[ua>«.-Dwr - -

iteftur- • |ucMk

EQE BASKETBALL MIchK C ltlua (Uva) Aliie a (11) MOVE * * H rat

«'■ (1084. Orama) Kavin ' thlri Singar. am. ••Caainova From Cama^ - Eili

nVIVAL Oraon WaUaa nar- .Ith dtwmalographar Cindy aifforta to film tha courtahio ' ___tha kino paagain coloniaa ' '1 ^kland iilanda during tha Ar- wonvatlon In igfi2. (A) g ra{|-M0VE-“0»» Plra'*-(Pram-- froia) John Foraytha. Carroll ^

W L M eS A 10 at tha ra^______ ^iMlwatn wrilar CiSTCiwIa on t. tha Witch and tha Ward- ad d j ^ Qraaham, jirhpaa fan pre na 'au ih w 'b ^an thair l o ^ . : 9«i B. Lawla' alruggia to c o m ' aio iJoy. : a * * H “8U varC lly ''(igsi, . Mi

JTvohntfDrCtnoTBimsnij---------T ff

xsuu rsH E R oes- a O i ^ 'm a i ---------------------u* ........................... _ • -aa.L WOfOER DOWN UNDER JillUl-i-A-^iudy-ahowtitg-how----- - ‘- ag«H. a aaaminoly ordinary ' Bda an addttlOAtrdlmantloA........ " ' atyatam. - P nTH6H0W ptiOY Un MoShana atara a a " pli hutllar En England'a worM .;|IB

i.|jith lB aplaodaam yitart- Co a, a firaSy caga and a m s r - ''■ : Ha'oiiblalorLovaioy. ’ ....... ................ aOBW HOOD Robin (Jaaon . ' B ta-vlcllm ol ravangaal tha - -- ■~4it H anafny.thaaorcararQuI- ..........wh

. ...'■■(PiiV E * H ”B ayondThaPo- , , W^antura-derg.A dvanlura) Ceilna, Sally Plaid. . toi) COLLEOE BASKETBALL ' (Sof Idaho va. Waahlngton ' (11>).................... . ■' '.'.VOi

- • 01rTERPECgTHEATiR ^(H»UNTRY _ . i kDN Eneompaaalng'haH ol . ap arti of alghi ^ a r co«»- - . . tlotaazon; r v a u wfldamaaa . Pridrlvara,kaaxamlnad. ' • :« )OPTHBDAV :(LIQLE ROCK Mavla tha talk, .:hooM eba(w eee'U *Qdm : ' tuf ila fa b V tJ* ^ wt2 ,1M 7 , .......... ............ .

l f :0 0 11:80 i S i o o T m

IwMlia^ u a J • -T- - . r : -

1 . OwMtAnSw'' r * ' tti*-.----------- loumcy-

w en iaaen 'T -c'.-|lfcMa' '.J. ■


ON mtioRY c ..WH(n[ p tc m AMERICA:.yM.CMV 1ratuma I9 P a U to«aamtha p ^ la f f l ar&Mi-i&Hni'tlrM hi

k o o * e R d O T i5 u r^ ^a O HERMAN

‘ ■ng".^ • u th 6 r '« :U I « . . ( l8 ja f^

• J".aMONEYlMB ,

Mark bacomaa In v o lv e } ,^ a m

m s n x - n f ’aacap««,:’O t^ 'lM a '( i n u w ^ ^laoamant.--

plana,-k '

.C o m a d y ) :D a b ^ ; .C < ) * ^ . , , ,^»M NEW 8...'.'

"w hab 'ihw ^ t : t K a B H M fatii(PartB dfB );' ............- r . ;HBO MOVE * * '.‘tilaolilvf’ (11 Comady),

-(aHOW) UOVIE'"^iltr'H r.^Mai , : ( i g « .„ 0 ram a ),8laay. ep*0* k j ...Daniala................, i

(TMC) MOVE “Claaa 01 ’< ^(1073. Drama) (J«y Ortm4b,’‘'J..i<o iifar.____ _______ ;____. 0 4 MOVE “Brawatar'a:

t ^ n a " ^ a g M , ^ C b » ^ ) . ; R )^

_turvhjil'of.tb* which haa baan an andangarad 1

■ a m i) B v ' 'm




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Page 54: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

’ s .SluGSpW,'p!l nick twlpTiMk hood hi H . ^ t ^ h 5 Z

boylnl%th*W6h»lr.- • ‘■ • M«r vl «w: 8 * 0 «

B rtth tfirfrflw *?.” ■• w ^ m : p f L ,m r m L 6 j »■t IM M o T b r i ^ b**t, • e M i rtesti&nifL'ft'" .


: o 0 1 ^ ^ ^

S i ' t M M tu lt t t>)« sfoM lanU y..:

m Nll10fM.->>OEOaRAPHC..B

Ino . Who

cub»'M{^^^fK>btpr%W mu:

U k « c i ^ c f M ^ i} n e f M arid <«l<

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Widi- ; '- ' ««v-ifl'-i,

• M frOPOAfltmtfissTZ'induiuuu^AHiu•(kT ^ jii

^ .-M W T }9 e c 9 0 M ------ -------—0 - 0 1 » 0 a ' ON,' MAN.

>Mv* (or i u ^ t l o< lha mai ' ' " " I .. eow);ii(t)1eK^a•b•ari.l " ; . . ! " «»<;i**iloo»'1fl73. «m ‘»-— ^ ^ • c R o s s m S '. r r; . « ( 11>«M 0 H » 8IMC

If* hired by in E w pt ■ w t w hy^fflim aw tw rl

K"*" lu tauni'w araH ou^ (JACK BO W t_4««

iM Chorrtlum t. • , ,‘:mONCW viD60»<0UR .-M BA8KINQ 8HARK

• m -----------•Ktrtt.'^>n*o(th*w6fid

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f ia . ' , ®» •-' .--j!;,kj.i-"»f’i 'isHMNOt A H A W A -n » p o r tr -r r iia * o rT H o Sr<A>itlon'«nd U o n d '^ ^ '

• • • v , '~ 'b o a u if« n A i ■risn.tCKtkflstrwf.'l*!' HBO MOVI r - "■ ;,.T:..'^»<a«i;conM

» ( K ) N J h f .9 lm o n i ( S H O V n - iK yptolosl*! to find ;- ; potaldon Ai ir tM i« tW d d ;» te ^ ^ ;- j iu rf ) Mienai •i-ffO - CJHMQVe:4a c k > 9W,VlJ)tl<).; . ,t Th*lrFl»it7

............. •d y )8 ltv t<JR ■■•■ i i a B ® - ® 'ftK_Th*.b^aMAO-..v.. 5fi<l'*<nd*no***d '' •'■••’lernnd o u t'

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Page 55: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

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• flodtrmof».tf»n wofB \ bitlM backyard.

------------- • jOTOOKAMDCMAI• 1 = ^ -------:::B iU Jn g D H T O C Or r j : r ■ aVD CQ lX SCJO CK

’ B:j.WOI<CN. OF . ,M «H r«IT oM *” '• 8P0RT8L00K

. B U O V E JO Y ianM o Lovajoy. • (umiar In I

1 o(afttlquaa.lnthla4^|I .Q M W onan.^H ranyc— darapaUtroublalorLi

I 12rQ»/3>WALT0tt8.. .1 .«-:-LATE-'HMlKT:-'.

M ' LfTTEHMAN 'Schad i { Oamay ol tha T in a i

’ iMvtoOamoDdrmtso.i............-oLiiUl«iy.((ie(«ta<

. ®JMMY8WA0QAR 1 2 :tO V .ttl )M O V C 1 ^

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joaasomL l , _ _ _ N E # : S O H k i ( A P jI Uk king Jobnny .C>

ribnteto fl'prince ol I e i5 host (or “Jam

¥ d a f l e » i l ' - E l f t ; " - a - 1 Wiw.,Y«fc-,puWlc UUi * WNET..................i ’ --Tlie tribute, in co I : ■ 3 2 T lm e » ^ e w 8 ,T w ln l

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bff-TOMldHtliita f- A '? '" ! "

----------- 0M O N I«ova fcom C « w - . ......

3fiMAH<« Vbawa uehlAa-Tributa, I" dSINVEt « ’i c > n « l i t n c M e OUI n.)(Dpartal Roaala io d«teci>v<

-------» yup,.-ri»: O'oin .ISHOm

K V r( iw c)M

8 -OF OZZC AND 'u i m w , Bicte:—

(D TED M A a s ^ i — -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comman,Mo6huw atari aa O ^Q H I

rbiEngtaod'awortd 1 : M » 9n^ iaoda tm ya lart- «6rroW<nyca0a4A(}»R»r> . C e^on .B< Lov7oy. - 2 :0 0 0 M

V, -i ^ Laavo" Ii t . WITH OAYID \lu f« .l.uc lJ»adufad: M eujly ' ' '9 -* “* ^-aa StoooaK alAcar W MOVn.adam oratn ttton (ie33.Matwao.--__ ____________ Shubort.u ? r . O H o a; i t* ''O o e ip f i’Pii- • (UIWVEti.Drajiia)JohaQav- 2.-O00KE^ ■. . . . • 2:10CW I.★★ ••Oodofa^Prt- U»" <19S

.i^ fc ^ n lg h t m g m u a .a r s o n T w iir .p ^ Inc.. will a

> o I-a n a c to r w hffl tions In M lam es S te w a rt: A “ G re a t Pci•a-productl(tt-«. .........te lev ls to a , sta tio n ;• .S tew art

- • •... •::• best-lovedcoopera tion w ith C a p ra ’s

rin flails, td sh o Friday, Januar

liriaus ^/obasij[.Ivta^^iora, Df«mfl)Vohf> Otv- .

Kty) Efiaan Brannn. Tim O im .I SPORTS LATCWOHT. •. - » >• ICNNNEWS''2JJNNNEW8 . o,IQVE ★ * » ••fiacrad Oroxod''- - 2' 3. Dfama) Tim Mdnllra,-Jack

OEOCbumnYiKM TaconER.MOVIE, * * "Flichafd Pryor A»dNoW{t983.Cooia<Jy). •JO MOVtE * * "National Lam-,'a,European Vacation!- (1065. •Kly) Chavy Chaae, Bavitly £ ;alo. — 3I TODAY’S BUSINESS .DUTEea EWSOVERMQHT REAT PERFORMANCES :'Dat)ca narica: Batan«hlna Trtbuta,<H” Ba.Balanchlna.lalla moil o< hla atory In taped Intervlewa Irofli to-1879; lootaoa of hla rnaior

i»tfcfaatufad,^Partiol2).tB)-.---------DO COUPLE tn an auampt fo oet t.ttlMa.aon. Falbt bacomea tha ,fl of tha boy'a foottjall taam.—r---------lOVE * * l* “Of. SynV (loar. niure) Qeorga Arllaa. .Maroaral ibod. ■ “ SONEYUAMA— -------------------- ------WONET

COLI.EQE I'BASKETBALt.:iMa at Provldenca (R)VEBTMDfT ADVISORY ..........»ARTER8 & CALOICOn.Tha :llvea are In fora O ^at aurprfte 3: ihay vlilt Ihe BIfdade factory.sbffl)------------ , • -.■■iW) MOVIE „ * * H "Dune" .. I. Sclatjca Fiction) Kyla UacLa-. FrancaacaAnnla....... ...............) MOVIE * * H "Tha Jawel 01 Kile" d o e s . Advantura) Kath- rumer. Michael Douolai. • -fFAHTWYiaCMffi--------•----------rED KNH3KT SHOW Wendatl >.u:fimc»nlQ!Ulmj«ohJh#j#£i_—


QHTWATCH ......................I 9 MOVIE * * “Beyond To*-w" (IWO, Fantaay) Richard on. C. Aubrey Smith'. 'I MOVIE * * H ' -Seven-Day*'- .

(1042. Comedy) Vidor Ma- * Lucille Bell. . . . ' 4JWYKWaOVERMOHT- •I0V1£,*H ••8«oal)ru«h..Tfair'I. Waetem) John Wayne, Nanoy •Brt.............. ..... I '.. .XLYWOOO INSIDER VESTMENT ADVISORY - t - IKEWS ‘M MOVE * * H "Heaven Holp 190^, Coffledy) Donald Slither-

bute toJdmeA iTclevislon P roductions wiII a ir on public television sta- Ci M arch a s p a rt o f the i'serlcs w

P e rfo rm a n ce s ,"s ay s> W E T . - - i

i r t s ta r re d In one o 'l' the 'ed m ovies of a ll tim e. F ra n k " l ! ‘i t ' s a W onderful L ife," a s SI uary2.1907 .

“ Ifl/ld. JohnH«ar<}.-T H ffW U H U fB f « f l “ '?8BB

Helen Hayaa.^ . 1■■■■

Waddino" (H>83. Com•dy)4o^

■ KS?Sa!!&:vS;§ s s s ; ? s » : ; : -


- Davll!'. l1984^vC0fflMy)^.-fi Bum*. Tfcd W aiT y - r r

_ 3 i 5 ( s t t o W y L u o W i i ^ ^ *{1905.

0reyhound..4A-. a o p i^ .

aStolEF^8UMMAfai« (-VI

__ C h o lc a : i( ia e f t„ : f i^ a lJ f i* J.Diane.vanori^., ^-.-,

4.00 o curaouffQeoROB’ >.>h ' O0AYBREAI^’'’i '’■’'■''

- - 'O a®M0VET0»«MBIW»'>'^- •' O SU CC£e8‘H^UFI-^^'•^i■b

lay" (l947j'O n«*)'tW r«*6C< Edmund Owafln.'-'t '

6D ptAuc Fouov boNRae CD Q EmM O FIT'- ' • " ' d s PAMtt.Y1«0ICMi UFCATI 9 O MOVS<>*tl :«R « b k Rlchaa*' (i94o;'Com*tfir». J a

• aiwii.-tiortthytA^.'^'^o.vON MOVE. A- **For»pto/‘-- Adult) G ^'S onn i;M t*M a

4;10 ® CABTOO»«i> -i- 4:30 b D E ^ M^ilAC^

O B U SW ^M O W flW O ilL- • O T O M & JE T A Y A M O m i; ® F A I T K 2 f t ' f - ' r © 90 SECOND FACEUFT— ID NATION'S BUSMES8 TOCU 3fifKYaiCtAfr8«OURNAL 8 H 0 W W 0 V » * * .“AKc«’a turaa In Wondartand". (1972, Fiona Follerlon,

lesStmvmit.W.I, „

Capra’s , ‘‘Mr. Washington;” J lit

- "Vcriigo," Blllir'irajfePs'* ~ S r“ tou iV 'r'and

"Philadelphia; Story" for Stewart won ao O sctu’. ' " .....

Tty' M 6 r 'iw. Loan-


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Page 56: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

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Page 57: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

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• bad anowttonn, Tony how.ha d ta ld td to givi

. ; ■ “ “T T l^ w ^ R i f T o T w c

= r { jS * 2 ^ iy ^ t i v E ;j ; . - • O t S t t M A T L O C X I TV cooking ahow

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; |‘ avi> eoo(80JocK e [ [ S THOnoUOHL^MC

I : MES Tha rola cf .lodi j EnolMd <• axamlnad; I

1 ■ -M oh yaar to t ^ m a na

v ® - WQ«« PtiON*®. P M ttn d : on Ipcalloh'ln FfoHda;-4ir Initrvltw .i

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B U O Yr " V. Laay.wif

.... ----------------- *laKa.-thKn»'.W llor’*:rM l - . ' Her la lha flCr-'’" . ' ' - ' ' '" - " '" '" " • ' 'aha haa‘HEBOeS . ■ •_________ wiirto-.ft

•••• • : - - ................ HBpTWE!M «r/CeuRatton; Slmpaon. it io '~ a t^ n M « 'lh (T U O M

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.... , .1 ----- Q)UVECrm rW B tA h tr :* --------- f B c r u o iian)lawoand»dby ( le w . OriIn’tb t i r a t - , ; : , ;-.V; cha'elWun

:IL / LgH ngR A OOQ QJ

W i6 8 lW c iw to f lV :-^ n ia > ;(P ift ronyl*nit1h*B*nO-“ DouflMcKflfva.lrphlajobaa-.:':. O IS PV ." ■BacomtTAnwIa'a • O O 'N O


OCK Thahoatola - . 3 ) O l l ) i i .a c c m d o( tnik.;. . . ONEW 8. and on tha-alr. ln - . - O <9 GD■ ' . ' - - ......... Furillo'laipllcatlona o i:tha . baan taV i ' policy ol China .. iuspact.L . : / ' ; : . " - : ; " ' ® c«au<E AQiInat gcMt Hoddlog £ol two Intamoua ol C rease

»>ta«.p»rVouflO-V rainlly lhat>atWa. _• - t h r a a ^

” ' ' •eOa'’‘wa'f> i« Maiilti'.Chaah . . O U<lay) Mary.Slaart- Coniedy)B Stanton;" O CROW

(0-x«w O (S<Ey; - Q Q UE8T'-MODERN NAN- • » ANIU todayri, nanny. In.., WORTHWd ; alono with th a ' Tlmbarilxia' I tratalnff•faclllly';' dWalla.wlitiw 100 'woman , aarvad, . .a nannlaa.. -0BDH.RU1f 8 ,u f ] i m m E 8 . (W O W PI in .lnB ilN artw ur.. rior outtln* IW ,>W»; W chaal - ' acaaOrfao

• - 8HQW-M0 t; a to u f bf:iha. , tM NUa" laijllno;''’ '" ' ••" laaflTbmar tiH..:;8Uy.flkla" ;:f t9 0 Q ,M o \ rFalls, Idaho ' Friday, January:

jatEri.. - :L « lly ':7 F « ) ^ 8 1 r^

,M U U \ L r t - EntaU:' (wtf

iH m H w "■iHaw 'T j

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OYwrnostM ^spM T^M '' e Wlndairnara'ii,«ptflalte« li, a t'...-tha 0Aly-lhlAfl-«hal-wUl.uv«-.......lhabadrapiilatlM'bl'«-VM^kA- - - aa-.ahunnad. -

ThwKtardom#;:, ' ' -iatoibaon;‘T tft*T urtaf-:^r::r i:: " r - ANN60THERH t ‘t irW O W IC F A iN S V W riit^ ----- rJihar ara BroteKJad,for hartng ^ u o h ita i i in f l i i4 a .p ,: , : '■ ' y ; »w, COUNTRY F ^ w f c t•art. In alarao.

'Drama) Auilln Pandlston, tn * - '

»<«fphy: ■ r . ' ^ .DMOVCCS O • ' ( 1 1 ) M O vc;“A (,'

-a-fiaqMaft<prw}l*r».-Dra-^^— -’a rt-2 -o r-5 )-8 t# f« la ,»W r» .------—'<cK#ri. .........'V.'-'RoomWlihARack" ' ; -NOVA ThalmpilM llonrbTth;--------- -)ld:Bkif«nU tpdlfcy;ol,taiifti::. - _ imlnad. (R) □ : iM O O N U O H p Q p

GD (B HKl STREET UUCS' la a m i 'th a t Davanport haa

•M n'hoataaa by 'a { /• •p a n ir

ON p& ERA t w r e e t ::;B C«rt*T,axamlnM,Uia:^Ohl aoo '» urban poor thfWoh Orta •

Mronpdvarty-’ h a a 'r r t ^ . ' . ■ ' lM 0V IB **»ilnx#d!"{i»6 i:,V ■■ ir)Batta.Mldlar. Kan Wahl.


WEST "M ounlaln-FortaU.v , iIna" Tha varlaty ot Ufa wWch' ‘ t»lihln mountaJn lo fa a la J io b . '."

FnnWBHow.......I PAPER CHASE.Hart'aVupa: ' I itina, la In d*mand altar ha .aoiKiiioanald'aaicama.":....WOVBr* ♦ » -Tb# ;V#w#| Of ;- r — ,

JOVE * * H 'T h a NIoht 01 iry2.iS87*’ "

7 ^ oa.'h u ^ tA b V n M a B ^

■m( 'rJ-- <5^5S)QT>mKr3<

or O^iaWentian •oJi[>l>ii|


T h i O r i B h r ^ t i e t o y i * ^ ^Walkar,

a n c o ^ ttr a icrtwHrt g r t B M

o oWAR A0AM8T D tA flimpact o< th«’M c e u ^ i i |B W

— w S S K t S S S K i f f i-, W JtnaiW ttiyop t l irwCKlBig j f a r H ^

claM *m i«.-CT

oooD«Na<7(mM||data on iKa’IraffJC orfm ;^ ^

on lha- U n iiM 'S tiT A r ^ f^ i t j

Toft-»6katf.- . '

a ra ' drawn -inloWar, aarvtfta r * l P f 0 t i v ^ « O

Maomi mM

g Pn ,w«k ^ 1 '.

ivom; ;


oiiusW'^4-w n t ' t

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Page 58: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

' f l p l w w * * ! ^ * ^ # :A»41) ■’ B e w r ^ iW r ik i* i> T T e

•i^iiw.MUii>iri>».‘ ^ bj ■>B|KHilOvB*-*WWM

S 'O u a j iM i

- r I^ B S K S S S B S ^ ' k a WaV

I s S j f f w e ®

■ ■ : e g g ^ i y g ^ $

•;. .lavfl'ay-'Vn'.SJ ttlulfVVJIri

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(J.’ ..w.E2SSS!5?toiV^

uwk“........»TO ?fw iicioaN a

£?S^“. ' : S 5 t ? f c ^ t S J ® 2itf W jV-;,i i o « ( i ^ ^ plli>iii-.'

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S s - * i ® a ;J.. w,.' H«to«r.H«ig«o«i»

t e ;


m . . ' ;v«r<i3 n« Mi :; ' ' Htlon»»Hili

" ^ . S S S f W - ^

o M o i M i i b - . . ■ m m : . . m

r^ r rs - rs s a is“ S f f i S S S : ^

fat nxHh*r;nw.j*.,,- ;.,

? ' - '■ ' 'S ‘thSii

l i j ^ ^ w J h^ J S ^ . c u s a o p

iur*n Hutto ' M ; •

S » 6 £ 3 j f f i ^ L Z ~ 5 S ^ QPy:eiuiw:iiin ,. - ■ /U iU J


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. ;;iv:;r.»:\niuiii;ti''.;'i. •'c.'’

l i f f l T l l l H T

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Page 59: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

Scolt.i« o « T O O A r e e u a M B

_______ •-A O (/7B -«8 -W rv(i«C atlrtw l N ttlontI Park.

I •flcounltr ■ MlanlW & • wlw b*U«vM a nuclMT' .a iD M i w

............... »N t#»O V B W W M TC D p p p .q q g p te P tn * -!

I • •racocR paB y lK M .ap i. ! . th»Bu«M .bartto(w ttkai

I- O acv ..I ■ » ;M O V i I

I ^f1KB.,Cttm«»y)flo(and

' I ’r S T O ^ T « r nt "ftOurv^CR)

SSS lSS ?_ J. Than.- T N H a Now". (li- ; --------- 6n«0E»J*W0T<^8h«- ‘ ------ (Ty«IJO V »****^'

_________ H iul0a ll_ j0lia,fl*jM 0 *,. . . .V.Sama.____ ___________

IMODFAMTAeYlSLAND----------- •ijA T W i.M O V E a Ra— - -BJO-Harrl* Hat th t wofi

- ' ' m - . .............. .t;t|)|MO. u o v e ,**M'.'eio6<r!..:Xt&S&, Advaot

. — -........H iM r. 4«i»lf«r.Jiien (.•!s Ro w . p e t c t o w k s h e

. END p« l« TowMhand, f .Who. »««r*

- laaturtaaVPlobalWteardto th a BliAd."'Tha Magi''F a c a th * F a o a .''h a la fi

1 : 3 Q 0 O U O V S * » 'T Murdarar" ( lU S . Mya


A d l s t r a n ^ t pubi:( V e i ^ c a H iih e l) ' '

; , ,gr9<^.:^pre ownBr



a m y u irS s illa.- Oaofga C. - U kiaTrfan

-------- SNKIKTWM E SS . .V " 2.-0 0 O M 0 V M a -iw r« n g <«• Mytlary) £ irk . B ut atw) Tod Brllion. a a tU a Maltan) B U R R Y »

»ar attack la bn- ( £ MOVIE ;•>. I' v H a r d M o .IT vah FaldthuIts-.aafflataurop-' (DMASTER a p n b la a w tw i ( a au m b ra o aa l----- 2:0Sa}NEW<

OMOVIE 41a Doubla U li" (1064. Uual and.Youno. LUn- Hapbum.

3:2SCINU O tofa" (tSM Slona. Ajvjy

aama’ Jo ba 'ao- _2;30CP_MOV (1843. Wat

nSOHY ■ Jory. •★ -.‘T hat Waa ' OHVEHTC

_2;40ffiUQEBrShattaf;-----------------2i)0 O W 0 n*^'H alr'!.(1878....... . -(SHOW) Nloa;. .Trait .JVlt______ CU Sa-O F.------------- --------- -------- chin liv.thia-MD- - a m l i f a a a iI Rax Raad and-------- tvohlppiaa.(forat-movlai o t--------- acid Wlp In.................. day Rip Van*M -'Flash I a vary dillai twUura) Rutoar - thaoll-Broa l(.alDh. ~ '3 :O O a C n (M SHENO'8 DEEP ' QBEVERL' ,d. lormar mam- B MONEY I ar* Ifl tWa pa^ O W R E 8TLW«toftr€i*OHBd---------BV D G O O ltafd," "EyaUQhl (B WVES™ Aaole Bua." and SHOW FREl Mafao... Tha potanlii> '111 Kama T^a by axplaMlr i.tyatary}.Ralph ' a la a d .o l i

• ______ .jjc i5 a (5 n j ii

u b llc defender Jo y c e D avcnpc I ) ' cq]Is fo r a ss is ta n ce wben i c r (A v M rG arfal) Is sh o t by .tl

•S ’lsi'idah^ Friday, January 2.

37 j ......


rttnBla" , ............... _______ °ITWATCH ^l 0 V e ^ * h '‘O;O.A.M184». •»-£rfmoBd-0'8rfan;'Ptmala • ^

lYKINaOVERNKIHr I flE * "Chaapar To Kaap a * 180. Comady) Mao Oat^la. To- ' •lahuh, ■ . • ' . FlER • 3:6STMENT ADVISORY C nV8 ~TE * * h * -My Fair Lady" *'0(ualcal) Rax Hantaon. Audray ■

UOVtE tkH -T ha Annlhila- IISM. Advaniura) Ctwtalophtr IjvlyWood, 5lOVIE * * H "Tha K anun’' aVaatam) RlcHard'Dbii. Victor . ' 6

IT0PTH60AY ' 0O R g ........... ......................... ............ 4:1ORLDATLAMS-^----- --------------- C

NATIOKAL U W O O N 'e fDF.!88 - iea 0 .t«kaa U.oa.tha______^hia-aallrtcal portrmlt.oi.tDOd-_____la aaan throuph tha ayaa ol <' laa. who a v a raaull of a bad '■ In 1908, lum Into modam- ~ « VanW lnklaawhowakawpto • illafant world. Adaplad (rom ' '. *> roadway ravua. kt atarao. • 4:3lo ssT O E .,; •m .Y H L L 8U JE 8 • IEY'MAMA----------— ------- GJTUNO . 8> 0 « 8 0 J0 C X E Y -^ ------- ------------ 4m »IT A D V J80nY «■ItEE TO BE YOU AND ME G niial ol chiktran ia «xplorad iMlng who tftay can ba Irv P if what thay-ahoukl ba. ti-Ooalln- HoHittan,- Mlohaal---------- «i


Dport ' man'who- kidnapped he en a “H1I! St^Ml Blues" at y .the; ;twin;p'aIU and KUTV S4

y2.ifl87 ■ . ■ ,

Ty»on. M wloThooaahdata.:— ..

Start-Kaith Caffadina, Gary Bk —TfieTMaricuio' and Saul Rublna

• t ira o .g aMmsHoimxroDM':


ayia.Womaa" <1860, praraa) I Flyi«i.Qr#afOafaoft.

3:66 CW MOVS ★ -YoutlO.- f Chtllarlay U" (1866, Orama).Hi Mc8rida,BrattCUrk.

4:OOQCURIOU8(1EOAQE . . BOAYmCAK < BB CN N N EW S. - ' ID 8UCCC8 8 'NLJFE.B PUBLIC POUCY CONFBtENC B Q E T rw o F n : , a s PEDIATRICS UPDATE 8H0W S U r rS WAR A-ytWBfl camcM l^ato wipa.out vlolanfi#;li

4 :lO (8H OW .PgTE JOWNBHB ~ DEEP c m Pata-TownahaAd.40

mtfflbar ol Tha Who,- atara In tUa .-.M»tica-l*pKLift..BfWon...EM _ Jtalurbtg "Pinball V nzard.-'-ey«

■td iha'B lW d."'Tha Uaolo Bua.’: -F tc a tha FaQt." Inat*ra& <.

4:20 HBO M O V E ^ .'.T h a M aan : ton" <1886.-Drama) Kurt Rui

'4 :3 0 8 D D M 8 1 W MD4ACE r . 'BBUSMEaaMORMNQ :O TOM k JC n m AND FRENOa ® F A IT H » , - • .O KAT10N-e BU8ME8BT0DAY

~4fi-0B 37E n«C S -/> 4}y iC C < X UPDATE .SHOW PUDDYMEAD W 180N Howard au ra In Mark Twain.'a di pra-CMl War, aJory, tavoMng a i taty baaad «n..mltlakan.-ldani

— thaila-aolvadby-tha-lowo’a-laiii

1 her, Jii "SheVso H'liii’t to- at 8'p.m. Tuesdajr on KSkASi'


- p______________ i

maJtonoata tm a.SuMy.M k;in


rfTir-i ) Em>l)

- l a d y i -

^ ^ 1i


» : !

m’saa'-i luaaall. .

ia~'- ^

K yi"XDOY_

H Kan ! d a ia lo a mya- ■■ntlilaa : lawyaf; -•

~ ~ T ~ i

iff '

Hi"'m-' • ai'-:c.5

Page 60: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

------------ ■

« x o k i z a . « a ( i i a i i « . ( :"'HEWS".".... ' J '; ; ,-

DaytiiU « in f ( tS M . M

t i n ) aopW t Iw tfl. P«t«f Flneh. 8:M CM * * ‘TortiW>/’, 0 » W , C «

Oy> Batty Rut««U. Jtfiy. P # P « . 6:00SHOW -*★ <19

• ” O W ★★ "Oh O odl'V ou b#

ft 1 0 ^ " * t i ‘‘prtvct * Ratorl’'(1fl

•rtB H O W * * K •^Any-lfcm ^

-D w tiD iy .Q o rto n H * o R M ' '

H r 1980. 0™"**) flob^

vw tufrt Cllfil e* itw c^,, Burt.l

10:0 0 f lr - ’O '- * ik - “ ’Mln From- ti — WsSfflnTttWVWJi^-WW

O Blu* Or»M" (1• ' Ronmw^ . P « ^ g*

. 2 5 w S E 5 c r o i ^ e S ^rnm w fiU iiyw H ittm t **r C«r

nwcr''i|HtrH''‘ iM '''^ 0{



l ^ e n E t H O O a S l e i m s <0

■Ii S iS m K-c iw ^ ^

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O h e s ^ m

Hm eifitio'd^• 'W «xl*Sin»i; " •"•'■

h., , i i . - o e a * * * '•»*•Com*- O rtm t)C tfyi3r»nt.l

<1994. (i9n .nom *ne* )O I'

,,5 a iH o w ‘***Kb « ^ * hU n".(l980 . Orima

■(Ifliw, Comody) '

■ a ^ ‘ - - t a a o c T M O .hfliw *---------- :<iM a..O f*i^.B ob(

-- -HcwiirtfDivlwJ*'’ - >w.C*fl _ 1 .-0 0 O _ * * - ." f t< n W

.. ■-..' ;A dy_t«uf*)'W i^ »

• <1941. w i o "Owt

--SSST.’Som fh * , Tun»f.M ieh«lDojl ilttchtim, f c O O B * * » " M « y

m *)W in*rB f««tJtMM M - ■ ( S '’Antf-I

----------T r t im -ti9 # * rE « f•d n .J o f lF l« * .- '

: rwtnA) ' 0 * * *0 9 4 r . M

n’ Mutio 'JKW-W:------- 2 » W 0 W ) 'W ilr Wi . _ : . MM’: (i9eo..DtMn" (1 9 9 3 . ttiooyHopUo4.E»Bclty...

■ ‘t t w a r ^ r ^

n i f l o e e<M Th* C«m« : 0 t i r <199

Kithl«*n ■ C ow t*«y .C *«Jlt SHOW * * "City

r‘K«ln*" • vMtur*) Clhil Eai

6 « )H B 0 * * H " T

^■SSSS‘S'««)* r‘0 « r r , ' .M . (1B94. Com*rfir)«

yBm ^spQii

;:'rr.'^4 ib ‘0 .» M 6 rM g.Q o a o f n fiTfin

RH 6iH T8 lown, Hooitort. »■(KW>M» '••

. •• n »0 3i>n;i(3t

r . •• 1)-A b a b /lk 'M n bn O ' O Pf 1 . b*Mvlon]---------------------------

• ( S W tC B.............. ■ -• . a P R M B

s ’ '■_ . . , ' rano*olo

' e t l S t iMf. L u d t/’:<1M3. ® * W 0 (

niU ohtU p MyUI*” P»t OWl Coftfl. J o * W trUJ’.th *...................... ' • . d a ttiin grK •’Thi'elapKiiflt ' ' Bo»l*lck:

r steW And H i-(104a.. »S«-tP !f r _Wooll*y,' 'OfMl#

rH "O nY tT T w lif ■ " h W a i r tiQ b A j i^ O p D ^ - .

urinlno WSiT t l i i f i S j ^

la it» T «» i" <1994. ■ v l « «w «w t.R «t8it.*r...:-------Dfic* 8m#fl".(1988, ® P ^Hfttot»,JUaC«i*y. "-Th* pj^flv*. Pibl« rt^d;MtMr*}'KaUa«tn ow nld ti Dodfll**.--,-” ' p*W*-.<l«ytand'.'(lWO:-DW-nM .F*y84lnt*f. « COd NotWftfl Bui-Tm « iM )-< » * o d i;> c k - . . :

h i C iptfr* H*«ft'- Mlc!>«<l'R*dflr«v«. ..: .B O V

f e w iii it n a .IWE r tm iJ lM n Hurt, An-..

gS"• c>M »

: i t y H * t t ''{ I B 8 4 .> i .Eaatwood, 8 " ^ ■ J ' . g ^


Oh. Q«iiy) Q*Of0« BUTM,.'^-. '; j '

:- . .. . >

. . . L : . .

MWnMbt*YWfltt« • ' * 0 ^ IT S CnCLE H0R8E A your( Z t c . " ' IlcsdaILOOK ______ O P A

tic'pQATOUR • 0 ® " ? •!'

BASKETBALL r U 4 ' S P R•th« ____

,'9 4 F lf l* 1 J^ o u c0 ^ r;- . . . . ,Mlkkt ri. Kontucky in d VlfBin- ' • '• month

fM t' ■ » ; . i

Friday ,Januory2 .19S 7 Tii

' ' A io b ^ i |w n ^ ^ g [-

e a S r o ( T T 0 H i 7 ; j^

S S ^ R ld w jn h 'o f '/M -m , toc»

ol orotnlvM ia aUdoMfVd.' Ot<EW.VWP«A»0'y»:;.'-’- WOMAN OF 8 U eS T « IO |5y wm . Emmt’a i>u«in*M 0rb«4 to • preporttaM. w d

Ing P au l M oQ III/’(flairry ' .icM. Fifl'W.'n i t ^ F a lr tw l i . o o i i M R : ^ oallW mmatrtwohfrtmUB^Io* -

« ^ C T V l ‘'T tn h ; iw « |^ - - put*r«“ Coit9«t*f» • » oow «»• a bl lotmlno. d «y *l«P^ '<W f Idtfa;* : ;^ . :d * y y (^I.n9;,-l|^»

’m o e o e • BAMmfU;.I'a a»W iKt6wn<U**)-^:— :-------

B w S S ^ T f r W n t * 4 w

~ U£5» ' i i ' ' iiiill'lw 'T fiN iar "S! IS5$nS

S S j ^ - r , : ■ ff i,-.'i

(1 »Soi«tre«BwtfeWf _

i m MAftWW I"

IPRMEmCACCtM:;!!) f-, ' i

onthi ot M ch y«ar wKh;« h art ol >lnd*«f tn th* ■ubarctlowfidafMM. i ; .TWEKT16TM C P n y B YT Th*

Tlrtieo-NewB! tw InT alls. W»lio5

i !

.9_____• i - ' r

■ .—



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Page 61: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

....... r " r S - f 7;00 ] 7ii

j o '

:: :^ednest: •vtrrt* l«(flSo to th«

---------- .:“ nh.Ho«rwiu«cc»SlHBO WELOOI»-.HOI

' moih*r unM^tetftdfK . . . <foorii«p lo >p«od th«

woffltn h iii lh« dllllouH - •tlnBh«rp«rMf»’ m*n'

(SHOW) e u z rs wat campilgn«iow1p«out

SHOWBCSTOPBtZAR............. 7 :0 0 S CD O • ( I;

------------- ;-----HAMMEHTTTMn--«BWio rind htr •uppot*^

. «»*«. ;'w V - aUY TH REBSO NS O 119 MACNEIL' NEW8 Ho g n : .

---------------a r e r a r P E W E c r' ' U n y and BalU tfy lo' . c tn iry foundnw tdoga

--------------- — fc ic « n rr» i» t. q ' - •.- ^ O U fiR Y »0N Q U V r~

a Q OD B HKMWA . A petty th itf flnda « t;

l«lAEnoSlniimo<i.lnat»---------- :— ® Dcscovar THE wt

EMCS A vl^lt 10 Nova a«vo a foaill (lr)d ihal clifaa aa to w tv dlnoai 200 mlUlon yaara ago.

, aagmanta on MTTa aiw Ing d«a(0n contaat and

. falcon. QO < 12)0E W > B E y«M mytiarloua woman waj t|vH ;h* '* ,oajt on t» r I

„ :a«v«it.clO M callaaarv

S ^ ^ K B O O T S T l‘TMatHl Company and 8

__T'.; twapottrpffidfrnthalf vclaMlotal*. BOAflTOONS r O V S E O u s e JOCKEY O TAD-TW WAY AND

r - 10) REDtS PHLBVrS'. Quaata:. JacKlyn Zama

« ’ Hoapllai"): tSngl* aji Harayda; ’ ranoUhlfio ft Lynn Oartiaft;. author'M n e r n t i a S t f a a t a " ) . ': O 0 MOVC * * * « Voyao*“ (IBM , SoU

, ' 8t^MnBoyd;Rat)ua)W . .B .A m C A BaaU Oavi

MTImes^ewa, Twin Fall

7i80 8:00 I-8:sF Sw MiyMn.Pl [equalNi

w . . . Ofccom________ • latnKhior

i m P>t«^ - How

m rn -- g f tf fc IrtBAq^ W -aai

^ ........ M^Oa6oriCiWe...|Naitai^'

»wr.. i iH g ^ P l 'jEgM^B

aeVojig*" "■ WMHaw

w r" ' . •' Ibtoww’BMW’ ' [ u ^ "

- J rt.^abm aoff

s d a y r j s s s s’ (teas. >,

H Q IC W Nft h W -^ .-^ B w » B a ^ rff* a»T)»aA*on h « . SHOWqn th«nIohi.aVouno (tb8« , O Icull iaak ol avalu* Carrey, nantaoa- (TMC) WtfAR A young oW v outvfoJancalnhar "rC^MMihan. K l ' ' 7 :30aA N IZARfte ( £ O (jJ l l > N |W M |^ ._____jp&WUlJlB*r aaRaHanimaf daalwtth; •dly wait-known fa- 0 NIW

......... ......... .......... :.'Aftd«fion.B - . O U V B C :IL' / , LBHRER - a :O O S (Z ) .< . . . . MagAufti I SCTBTRAHOeRd----------

: g . ; g K

......... ‘ 's S S ^ aWAY TO HEAVEN - cluaa aa ia brlafcaaa c«o< . 200 mSOo

■ i ' t S f e d * —>va Scotia lo o6- falcon. □ihal.may.provlda . . . . . 0 0 0 )noaaura pwlahad that Ban Iigo. Alao, rapaat ' andAmarxannual anglnMr- t / lp .n

ind tha partgrlna . ;;.-0N E W B

aUAKEPEACBA- -'-'(M covtf*wama Oampaay mlrara&Ki

w hit llai - and . a tarM .q ; la rvaaaoonatant <S;BUnvn

Bfl«»h.«te/ ........lon:».«flQfi

B Tha Chlldran-a ‘ '-ata oJ, ttl^ nd School of Min- " " tha' l : ^ l a ilf varalon ol tWa..-------

O (12)• 7 Bala. owl<

KEY cava-dwallUOfTB POWER throogh Ih r8-,UFE81YLE0‘.' nloW^lalof aman ("Oanaral j M O M X M

axpart ..Janloa ' ‘ :''9 'A IR W pl ). ftimttufa-dvtth '..BWlLofi < Mlbhaal Zaua> • -.TTia a tnM

T ’ — ■■■' InoO W Fa’* H “ Fantaailo' ' V * - i n ^^ la f t? * fie tlo n ) •lL ;-tnM «» .'w £•)W *lch; ' • ’ ■ -•'- 'A M E nJavMaofi iract a _____ :DaMiUNCFalls, Jdiho 'Prtdty, JMuaryi

l i i M i M:00 l -^SO- lOiOQ-10 :301UNr. —ihioniwilWd 1 ^ fcc iiii.'.. BrtAlTtwRi


i* ^ Q « c g ^ . U >aaw »': ■ - Qt

t o r ' ■ H w • |n ’A‘8*H «

Ma«» U ariK r^m jr^:-,'

liw • B o t ' '} u ^ 'i^ B m > r -


ort/M.woiiid’S ^ a t M i ^ i i z a ^ . ladctoBtacfcAfMdi.-* ' — - MOVE>*H„VA Chm w Lbt^i : ^ ^ c a l > .M tcha^ ,■ D o g flU ,^ ^


. Cofliarfy) tatiran-Hutton, J in r -— ;■

' m o v e ★★ "PoAy-a .»" (19S6, Com ady) D<n' >an.Wyatl Knight. V —yANHBOTHEBM :l ( S HEAD OF THE C IA 8» ' l.j t iK m ^ c .w tu L tt^ a -U U ttf— - - W iaafflart-alackaludanl.Q - t ■■• ■- W COUKmY Faatwad: Johjj; fgn-tnatarao. . . .«CA O «»? • ' 'a:<Z) e m. (m.KOwMUM. pxi "

*Y •'ThaTronblaW th Tampla’fi |» ^ g ^ J « .O B U L 0 f r ____^ . A vfaft to Nova Soolla f o T ^ ■a a fotalf fbiS that may provld^' aa to why dlnoaaura pWtah«<t inion itfo-' A aa . rap a « 'W -w J f lr A J w y .l^ n g in * * - . .ilgncon tH tan tfthapa fag rtna ' '

S ) DYNASTXKryaUa draam r ift ttlaa'Id kin Blaka; MIchaar ^ " unda plan a romantic aallboat!

i^nc'i h a ^ D I^ .« * o o l daya.;u|;

W n/A LO raM 'w illaanarratat-.

Uqfta -Ni

l a i i v a t l o a l Q r i ^ ^ ^ . . ) M I) NATK)NAL WOQRAPHQ^CMTla, h y « o u -antf-clghUM*.•railing -^ah'^vap* axatnhatf'.i ih a la rtr$ fa - |^ h I» tIo a t* fl) aloncamara. ^KNCAWCHASe

5§reiiM 4iC H Y ano*«oflaC r-r’,

•rnlfi^. Including antalop^-

S » J 5 K S u s a lUMD®'nta_FlnalJ'ow.(n)., . ' . ' ii y i . l W -

u*i-B»TniJX'.'t.am3?,n:PtiO • '

} H io o ^ 3 o m o ( M li.. ra rf ...... AlfatTty 'jU ia tea l ' '


t» w .-‘:‘-.l:ioi^[allW B in . . . N t

- ~ - mh

I fwdirty : -lugifa

' lu ^ '- A J o iir .

. . . UnaBipB^litw- . '______

(HBcWitar |HBJ<ilBrjM6»ta

■ o t i a i ^ a H o w8 HQf>t:.aiONoa qf.i w n

' W ORLDHepUndI«n«i»th«a . . .Ihralnrwnnony.wtUiiDOiBAitiv..... OH' l i W V * '* * ' 'T ha 'Sh

_;._ lA lla” ..<1M 8. Comady) t.O'Kaafa. Rabacca OaMomty.

- - - ^ V a i t S B Y O U - A a A l f f :

• SiSwBEIEFPK'CeTHEm] •■‘■ v w o c o u f f n r r _______

e M T t c MU> WTTH HAfVr • ''■ > l£IT -8«W i SuMya-.TIrt-Dai

Harry. Butl«rlonowtciuaawM< ' Wffl to an animal ooerlhoogh

" ' axtmd.'- -BEVWrOFTWOAY -

■ (m O -M 0 V S * * H •'Tha Ja Tha'N Da" <1989. AdvMure]

.■ laanTumar.MlchaalOouolaa. 'B a a ® M O v e ,* * * H ’'To-o

' TWar' ( f e e s . Myataiy) Cary------ OracftKatty------------------------, .8 ;9 0 ® ( I ) « B . ( 1 1 ) E Q U A U- oonatfttcilon workar goat to

____ ltiiolhAJa.prQvaJliaLaha.atitc■''' 'a 'n w r iW f 'h 'h ’pbih Wgh-riM• . mantbuiwiftg; ;

BR O U T E BB . B O BMrTK80MAN .Yyonu

«ftc« 9f:AiMrlo«na laataraa t)• i J » f » ^ ta j Aircraft Aa»ociaj(«

nual hitwmatlonal Ffy-tn held b koah.- W U.;, airlhof Qany

■' ‘. ' p ^ H o f Oaorga WaaWngto *rchlt«itur»-of Amartcan chg and th* m m l of FayattavUU CR)g( S a (S H O T B . Oava takaa a

» ;h a to him p a n ' tf ' • crfenbiaVworUngout'h

U lfon « l UM hotal, batraya hla

■- m m m • b t . aB E W tcm■;‘'''K h rC rtg » » i^ «M Mdnlton do. " ,'b a l (aUQiM to. partldpita In • :.'capturt„lha

■ ■ S f S S i Xf m i RANCH fin " !«m a'ofth« modem Antarleann '•a iW ’ a tw fiid In INa docuiiM

■ • which •la o 'o ffa r ta N a to ry of

' • ’> ( t t ) NATKMAt O td M,T h * w c r t 5 , < r f B 5 ^ J , « , UIn « a t aom* major «rch»4 <Ul‘prohwia;W hich',am''oncB and pra4#rvlng''tha)' (agaoy 'i

■“EBypUaJhpharaoha;• ‘ • •-— (BM EW B---------------------------


j t a v r c to u f 'M iy g . r r e o 3 iv , j '

O B -



Mloh ly. • n iatt



Jewal ra].Ka a. - Catch

ry Ora

i l m to ora d toau ia 'ip a


K o *

h la b e n ^

»6E hci^ i donoon»^l In nKK^S"

iha f l t ^

■hrprobJiFJ^rancftar^!- mentajy;-- ofnncf^ ' rraladby;

afiAPHd:-.;, .W tw a4 '-ii ‘laeoloot. tcovartM ^r o f S I ' ..

Page 62: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■ '.m W R O C A aT U A IO M Q C O B ^

. »f£>Cir«)*ei»J»l(«w-,->--::.i® Y oo .oM iB eA eT A R ;■ ■■

O nPT lO E I:- t t WW r-re CHiTME8 Up-tiKlal« >

ku riald. from vld*o 0sn w t to wo

; P foniw t.J

,:.O,MOV*;**H:VA»>d.N0lNi>0 E Thi -TfWh" (1 964 .'0 ficw ) Oinv

. Jaekson.JonPlHo(>.a r w iw H B W T " "B £ (B M £ i'U U B Jim » U la

—Lypn -RttfBrtvi.-. O o M lir : Olf ; ■ H irKM ^nmy Broom, H o ^

m 'tS fiiir iw lS J S s'''.'' ' '^ -7 4

i s s tO \ * e 0 « 8 0 J 0 C I ® Y n f.,„ ;

7 '^ --------------—

BMCK <(086. Conwly) U m

T T n « i ; A 'a 5 a ^ * KLRilPr BOOV 8AV, YBW i A '.. r-i:v.:by.^**-.Crouch.-.J«i

- T h rO tk R ld M B o y tv - ^ d fo»* .lflil*»o .- -

•U lft- laM SBARNEYURXEn Ktfimr:::,: U D i«a7B lE D .:;E d:i b. LHOrt,;.... 0 0,BA CK .A T.TW- -p rob»«* .-« l-th*-ipod± .J M nAefttf.Arvaiudtodin

' Ury, which al»Q offan >0 But \ . ranehinolRthaUnUad( Umd* KibyactorFU ehintFai

-. . a O OD TOMaHT,, iJofywy C*fWft.„8c»tad

O H ao,-' .M,.' - -

I ®i i i wlitl'f- ................ ili-i-'-v'-»d W *'. ••' ••-■• -

§n'?S"“ 7 " ; t : r w ^ r ; ^ 7 i

s i f « r

P#rt 1

Hrw. ; : r . : ,v '; ;§ ^ A > ty i k n - in ........ : .

1 - .. JBabJiraBec; | , ..

f f . “ Coml or t ft • ,. DMliBtyOU

J ^ a r . .1 - A W t U a g I ' -S o M N W o ilW d

i ' Mrp- ------ ;r(nr'Wi“


inran Hutton, jllw ,. , f

- - ’iriiMCHBt JmUuMoDkUy. . , .:,^{S':M0V1E; I and Liithar van : - ‘ w m “ t m

' Ava OaMnarJBh . ® 01)M V• Batf! .. _vata-'f*lu*a:

; In thta.bocwnaftT^ J dutfct a n a tilatoiy o t 0 BEST OId BtalM. Nairal* Uiony Harb# Famaworth.Q .anw arva twKT SHOW H o tt 0 MON (Ktwdulwl: C?Una»a AMERICAN1 j ^ h ^ l w a o . - - - ® - TWEM1

S m p at C ...... ...............-• ..'—Vfc'--:-; - — -

B f iv i E u i x e


; l y l c ^ a ^ i l a b |e lo l ^ i y o u r po cJ

,Mal>Ully,|-ftL o n if.:;.------ =r

oBrVSkfptoi igHtttiHi.*’ 'Hde*-A»»«ori«<l. . . . . . . .lies b t i i a l i tU o B i • ; •.■ tf is .y w n .- - '- - - : iJ .-1. ■'

W mabiMAM AVl. Norp. >

i^n iliiiiM ritjFrtd»y, Ja n u ary 2 ,19a7,.,ui.Tlm«a^P' < ;titt^f|f.L .7UUlln - - i '. iu —I in'.


1057. Drama) TVmfPowar,

M*A*8*>1Anambltiiii#dpr<- lua'a*. to, l»«a ;P»tfHtr,-M«l- eounaal, bacaut . thfc-priaal

T OP Q R M K ^ :^ An- irbart. mo«H*cofal*d.Kwa:ataan.1 8CHOO. POOtBAU A U - ANTEAM,. . . V M -: rENTIETH' C E lh O m -tT h a

<:*.V f c ) -Bed...../STANOARDm..:

lOcRci b b o k . . . ..


Page 63: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

■ ’■

. - 8H0W)IHOy

':! vaot UnXK-ACMft

Wedhei. ' •vanis iMdbifl lo th

llaH oit:W tttM Cra ; HBO WELCOMED

I . X ■ niQthtr uti»xp>ct»d. t f c m ttp to tpvnd I

womin h « tfi* dlffl)............ . •HhBh'«rp«f*nl*'m

(SHOW) 8U TT8 M ct(ppaionilowip«<

' gh«tto n«iohb«(ti(m . BHOWeCSTOPBa

li - - '7 : 0 0 0 3 ) O a ~ i --------------- ;— h a m c r -%-i*m .bd

lo flntf hw suppoaK. ___________ihtf...

O U Y T H R E E 80M ' O 09 MAONEI

NEW8H0UR-------- --—

! i | L*ny «nd,Batkl,lfy I' f«Miy naat'flfn

U ca lirsa lB M .p - - 0 LARRY KWQUV!

. .O Q O D D H K M W . A patty tt»l«l nndi i

f — —ENCE A vI»U io Nm aa(v« a louU (Ind ll c litat aa to why din SOOmllllon yaara •( ••omanta on l-OTa i

. Ino daalfin contast ai . (alcoivg . O (12) DEMPSEY a

myaiartoua woman i ----------------------n«t;j}*'*'.M**r9ri'h«

i . : ,SKKi : .- S P U 8 S N B 0 0 T S

' 'TM tM t Conpuiy am . . M im p a B o r r n lh a l


. BITA O'TICW A yA l -JL- ■ O ) MIEQIS PHtlBM*! ^ Quaati:. JacXlyn Z*

HoapHaD; alnol*Kartyda: • faftolaMng'

1: • Lynn-fl*rtiim.tuthor! , . narC TfiaStraata");

: O O MOVE VoyiB*” ( to ea . s

, ' 8(«phM'Boyd,’Ra4u«I - ' • - - ,® ABW3A B«alt-Di

i 3eT im e>4low 8.T w lnf

i; ;___

L ^ . . . Qlamw 8mW\a m . • [Hew

9HHW iflfWfc IrcuAQHn s t o

l* a . ._ ..... HaBwiHOtwnpNB muo

Hwwir. Uagijm.PX jeqwl

naadeVeyao.r W h

• iBnwi■caBWW . • - ,

3m»umr. ... ■ - \ . . . , | u ^

3 S q y ? ^.. . ■ ._______________ _(10fl5 .

to thf-.«vIalor\-6f Bar- (8HD* CRK*n«. ( ja w .B H O tfe Whan h a r " '- SurfR« SaW yoiTlvM'oo h*r ~ --SHOW. <nd lh« night, a young (tdSS, dlffloult ta lk of avalU' Carray. a ' marriaB*. (TMC)B WAR A young girt ' vanga p« out vlolcnca In har . . 'MMahi

7 ;3 0 1 l/BOARRE ( S O

B ( t l ) NEW MKE .Chvlle n*aEf*r aalia Hamrnar ' daalwl' jaadfy wan-known la- O N B■ - ............... ................. Andara.0N8 Q U V tNEIL' / LEHRER— 0rOOB.(

Iry lo lhau ra- . O i S pulog oiii olMr^TwIn--------O g>-J _ •• ■ • -.sceHCu v r ■ ...... - : ofcaflvi3HWAY TO HEAVEN'. . duaa • da a brlafcaaa con- 200 mn

Nova Scotia 'to ob-' lalcon.i >d lhat may.provlda . . . . 3 ) 0 (dlnoaaura pariihad thal Ba

a ago. Alao. rapaal andAm.r a annual anglnaar- Irlp. pIt and lha' paragrlna - B NEM

'• '. 'B ia i 'cy A kMKEPCACS A • dlacova an * ^ a •Oamp«ay_ ' ' mirar al ri'her Wl H at'- and atarab.l la aarva aa oonaUnt < S 8UR

British I . Ion's all

3T# Tha Chlldrao'a ' ' "ala ol tlr and School ol MIft- ------Iha' FaljIhalr varilon of thla . gtrHntai

O (12'T ' - • Bala, o

OCKSY cava-dwYANDfTBPOWER, through 8W fi-U FE8TY U 8 nlght-vls

Z «nan C'Qansra}. BCRO< la axp trt J tn ica 'g 'A ffW ling, minltura wllh- . '.a W lL £ thor_MI6ftaal Z aut- - .Tha afru

tnd Old"Famastfo ' ’a ra^ax i

, Sclanca-Flcilon) ' ' ' mooia. iH uaJW .1^ ■ ..............B AM(i- D iv tf liw r ia e a a ....— OOWNUrl'n Falia, tdaho Frldty. Jimun

9M NiSO 110:00 10:30• [nsw • a Haw

tfflfthKrtmWerW Fr.CM B»*AlThal

WH ' -Liw’.' ~'wtnnn [i itEharfaw ■ ln«w -' -iTaiiflWaiw

HUoailQ«ogr<Wo UisBhow

iqm ter- |n»w

WHaw uo>te-3«wsar. .~ ._______

w h w Dtnin |Ue»>r “Ones Bitten-

to.!* ■ ' [uo^-THal

i» te-)4W -. . ' 1na o< i(m woM'a Braalaat cMIIzih i»6*ck to 8laokAffM».-»-f--— — 3 .M O V E * * lt^ C h o ru a L ln 8 l ' . as . Mualcal) .MJchaal Oougtia)soirRaad.------:------------r ---------- "-r—PW ) MOVIE * * "City HaaliL W ..A d v a n h « )’Cfl<Tf Eastwood,' f R ^ o ld a : ' '3W: MOVie; Utik. -"O ri* ,Bltlen~B5. Comady) Lsuran'Hutton, Jim- • ray.IC) MOVIE -Pofkya' Ra­g s " (10B6. Comady) Osn' lahan, Wyatt Knight.DANN80THEBNO ( S HEAD OF T>C CLASS ~ ilia showa Eric what It'a lha to' lwlth''asrnsh-alsck siudsn t.p -• NnV COUNTRY Faalursd: Johri' araon. In atafao. - JV E C A a-« '9 .(2 ) e w (td .m aqnum , P i i 'inum_i«ULfluu<MncJi.down.».- . ayaaflalkiilar.(R)8pY ‘T h t Trouhla With Tampla"..S^JDt8C0VIRuT)C-W0RL0-CP-------^ A vtafl to Nova Bccili to ' ‘ flva a loisll nnd lhat may provldra aa to why dinosaurs parlshad^.......mllDon yaars lioo."AIso. rapa it'

n*ma ofl MrT'^annual.anglnaarsi. ... jasign conlasi and tha paragrint

0 S i DYNA8IY Kiy.ll.Ban trias lo kill BIska; MIchaal'

Amanda plan s romsntlo salllwst;

&V8B 'd X D QMAE A^tSAKI NaD. Bvaraihal aha'vh tti t -a w tf ta d - ' r Blnca.haf.hlcri-ithool daya.;Ki. _.i_

WRVIVAL Ofton Wallaa narraiar ■h.clsamalogrsphaf C ln^ Bvx-1 allqrts 10 (llm ih« cowuhlp rHi**'- - )l tha king psnguln colonlsa-wr;. .. ■■ FaWand Islands, during’ lha Ar*> inIanlnvssionlrtiBe2..{R)a..i( 1 » NATIONAL OEOCJRAPHK:'. owls, hysrus and alohtlaai' •dwelling Hlsh ^ m axam had' ■■ igh tha la n rw a i^ h ls tloa lad ; -vision csmara.R00KAWCKA8E -• nw pL F ' *■;tDyFECUEMAayalloiU’lonaV-. . . . .ahundanca ot.wU«jt» ,«rrou«fc> 'Hd, Faithful In Yallowilooa Parfc' i' anamlftsd. Including antslopa,- la, and tfumpstsr swans.

mlliiBliiii-H UNDBTnia Final Four, ( f l ) ------------uafY2Ti88y '___________• ' .

c»uH rs .u< l ''■t-b.m'-' >l

to; i i i o ar M M F w ry lu W lB a f ': '-

:ThsR«idi '-C<>‘.v— I----- . . -l.TT n T^ft [MtfBlns THIS ■ . . :

o m ' - ‘_ 0 ^ Qwai- - ii•H \ lM m tf . ly o n a :- '/ :- -


— — « H o p t : « w « ^ « E. - WORLD H o p < b d te i? M t^

Wlls" ( 1 9 ^ ,O'Kaafa, R a b M ^ tM jo m R


S.iSL’K P ®Harry Butlar (oBoim eh tM Id him to m - tfd m a l .M o rt tM

- aiflnd.'" ■' ■’ ■ B E W .O F . t W 'P A Y j f .n M c ) M o v « '* * v " f ^ r : Tha'NUa''la a n T u r n a r .W c ta f tD o ^

. - -O racaK a i|y .-r—

■ a i f d * - f f

--------o S o I n f S ^ - ' " ^ ^ ^ r

nuti I n la m i t f c i i t t r i ^ A ta

s £ S S ibaUon a t ItM M r ^

- 'bil

■ 0 BA&^AfM fftriW'fl " ” larna‘ofin« 'R iodiknlM M (U

' a / a ' ato'dlM V ' iMa*' whlclt alK^offara


. and

>13 MR0C0>r-3H*

M -


' ■

^ ■

rt i , '

WXMi Mr _


Page 64: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)


-■•V 0U CA H88A 9TA R, r . .: 8BR#nOE . '»■•(B NEWTCCH TME8 Up-KnUlt

lc« l l ^ » r « n yl(l#o,oim*» to •

£ y L % P W A R 8 ProIUwk!... -------------------------

O M O V e.;**H •‘Aftdjiothino Th* Troth" (1984,-DfWW) 01* J.elitoo.JO TPKK h.^l'^ ' , • ..

Lynn Radorava.. O m U i -.OI.. HIr'acnrtJinmy Bro6•^


____O I D H ff lo ! o ® S i3 - i?


' "h’neeMAsmbWM'Shef^

, J K S J ^

11A .''C ^ S ifm a o d l ! ^

--n -...... -,------- z:-;: *-p.V(“l'r.'?' --------0

V / '•

ifMCX. r<19a%«ofMdy> Uih mlEW=7==®»«N55” ^ > B . y ' ".I-BflCY 9 K t Y IM i. lA

vj..- by Aftdf— .CrOMCft; Jt .'TMOlkJlWwSW.'


10w o rt . , * ,O .B A C K .A T ,.T »proW ama-«l-th* UK

« k . j ^ ran c fw jtra itv d W i^ -------U iy , wWc»v*l»o oW«

M BU n»thkiol<.»»Unn«

iJh.pwtT* ’.™ f f e -M g |X ^

m IWT(w * * » n . . . . . . . . .

'• ”.iitti<L*f........................- -M i NM - --■• •■:'

r.^,. •;'

i l • i> » i t 1

B ' . Bads t o tli : ;=:^ ^ ■ p w la r . . ' f t W i k i

,T S S

raiT E S Iit i i S itha:P?i>^

^uran H>rttoa.-ilBff - f i l 7 f

; M M ltU M n . 9P“* ,™

i i a ' '■ ■■ 'I 'a Bad" ' ' ' ^v*!# talu*, : i w RAWOI.B* ,, fpod ft, Amartoirt- ' ‘

■ihitMajdoCMmath:... . 'tfwit- ._offara • Watofy pi ® S B ^Uad Slat**. Marrtt- j ) I^ ’iJtaV

IQHT BHOWiHoat * ” * * '

H h a i• • i i i U J X E . ..................

: .H M I 8 E R

& ^iyle!>^ilab)c lo ni.ypiir P,

iBec.Mieil .;,K ,M .k u ltf .v .' " T 5 |Vrort«.UMm. >-... -.•: ^ikUl Hflnri.*' > ^.W W Ideto-'^^U iortxrt: , , , . ;

U ':-w iiw S *v i;H o»n '.;o .'--;

:iiV iF iu»»iO«nuM y2,18a7-».KT|II

\'jp’:.‘ rcj'iiiiil’

W EfcVLEHnsiNiwaHOW * 3 V S .* * ) * - ’'Th» S u f t^ a o . (1987, OrmmaJ'Tyront f|o«ar.

^ ^ • S ^ H A n a m b i t t ^ P ^ ■aluaaK. lo

cwrnaal. b « a u a f U * * rp r^ wvaf axp#»Wncad •

ST OP O R O boW 'O atit: An- Harbart, moM d a w a tM Kora*

w'ISSboL TO 0ili^1«j--•CANTEAM , L -\u ii IWEMTIETH CE»tTUttV-uTha

B e fl.r..... STANDARD' no

i ' a ,] '- . ' - i L M P ■.'■■•........

W ^ iir p p c .^ f,b t> o K -V .^ ''v ‘ ‘

■. . •' - '■ ->■'■' '■'•■j , . ^ i t i . . . . . . . . -••• »

JtmBfrNowai-TW lnfW H.KW ioS;r;rijr'r.i;p‘“ rri-.'T -.;-.T.;!*.-ir?:!n •?•-

0 3 9 '

Page 65: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

: - . : . ' m

W ednj^• _ _____ mflja lMd; «

................. ' : ;)t^>fo«hWanirCrB'IC ^C S TAXI LikJ* h

'^MHrbylfio'W IMCI ' inaio'A'praayMwc <'(1}UAQNUM.PJ.-


"BMilOVC * * *- (1B39. A(}v«nturt) (

t««F»kfbanktJr. 01:tD H Q H T SHO Ovion.-ScftcduM

:; ■.SgSfflS®’’’. . . --------- ^-pKtnt-»W^MO.-«

Anthony HopUni.-- -“ “ v aiicn io v e .# ^^

• ! ;• ,J:N*w yprl<."A!W4.: ' MiOtU*! S^Kiw, V«l

. t t;(n a .T A n :.,

, 0(12}Q U M CY • -« { tt)A D O eW .Y A :'£>!• ttMkkiflspped.

..OANMALWONDEi ' , ••snvM'Qnii"-A •m

........•^«.«itJfcr.goU.:«-M!,: f ’ulm al. Mktv-an ade

c . r a s ta W O R L D . .i l ’ ' '| | . O ARWCA';8itil.

■ ----- ----------- ^CWHCMB-**5r'-NII*" <1066. Adv< Tunitr. Michaal Ooui

■*:— :-------------r i« ® -a 'A C o e R L Y.toc«a.Jh*W dntpfM

'l BalglanTradaarnlati. :O N m a M E 9

■ 0 ( S UTEMC

Iraaa Carol Kan*. In (Sl'CLAiJDRiaTItH

/UatillLWt]^- Viapirt*. wtwm h* 1

vorc* a o 'ih a t ))*;c MluaTdaoflMwJull

'■.jDooaeoLus a^H RrcouHm Y

I And«f»en.lnat*«*o. . a AMAZO ’EAcOd

I , I wtd'pM ol J ... i .trt*Vth^AmaxoA, •

I ofJi»gl*iin<Jffw«.l I .................. aevB iroFT H io


! ■ 'Whan ha orgaAUai


a i'4 j

'■■■" ' alnoaIla tlw dlvlaioootB w - - '® E KC nw kn*! '- '-" '.•■' ' vlaw

4*hll» 'tnoldw om an Jow a.•ach tK» AH'of cabb- 1 2 :0 0 0 1•wdrfrtf.--':-.. . O l S fJ ,., - 0 ( 1 2btEHUXMGHT-tnttr-. .......81CSE:aar-ao traaa ' Qraca .Kong I

• - JlmFo-* * ★ ."fliuloa OIn" f fl 700a) Caiy Qrant, Oouo- S B C. ' fi ■■ ■ "biirtiai9H0W..H0M: Johnny . . an old ul*d:'ChiA*«* tnua»' - ingUia'

.... ® s• . - B p o

ei^^. Thaflo».-O rim a)Joha Hoit,----------® 8 K

&HOiritrA natT haFan .O J ..WOfW «4, Soianct’Flotlon) - .llvainti ,yalantLr)*Mo<^*r.. HBO I.

ON8 " • Wuhl.T,..1^ (8H0W

' : "C haiiti^YAddtrtylrlattoIo- McBridaadffllatraaofaB al-' 12:06(2) Vta/y. ( S Uf iY 'Jack 'rtc ttia hla ' LETTS with Qabcigi 'Buma!’ ' nier bdNDER DOWN UNDER tra iaC

alBdy <howtog'how fflJtU I a a*«nlA0ly o rd ln a fy --1 S :< o a |.iaddltkwat dbotuloA And 8I>

n . . - S - r , , Simpio...... ,t2:18CD.

irs.MOMEy UAT- ,

■ail.OavidaM irac ta " i2 :3 o f i [ e W i g ra taa i-cw aia .— a ® C

— S m

irtU ^iM w 'aiuaw t;o l';:. ,ro*. DalH-''Th'#-Jaw*rorTh*-------- O V WWvanlura)' kaihlaw) ’ O POI Douolaa. R*vflngRLY A ddw lrTrtw io- ■ a s p o ippwl mlstraia or a 12:46 SHO )la>ary. ( 1066,11 ' Bianco.

.................... 12:80CWEPAMLY . . MENT/ IN wtial It IUPDATE Wrillon; MQHT WITH DAVID Elayn* 1 chMuiadr actoMo . I ^ O O T laU .rr*x:'.Cobb. *c- O ROU ..In ila rM . • aN E MTIbatluaahotra Aua- CD 00(rm ta^aacratly with . . - whan O h* waa fofCfd 10 ci. ;• - o fh iaw I*: could'marry Aiip- MG'•Julia. •• ■ L -Dftma). r ' I- ■TRY fiaatiir*d; John ' , ODRAi «o. ' - aVOE icodvafajno hit( of O TOP o U ie fd ^ a r .c o u n - - va. SUr A, t vaaLwlldamtaa ■ bovt-aci rt.llWulnlnad. L ai V*o BO A V r..................... - I . - ® inVe

^ ■ ’.rX tk rk" ,(iB 9 i. i ^ r J - S n r t SMr*DOU«**Hw<yl ..H Ir»c^.

K . ' l O . t t ■ K " 'u a a a drvo halal. venga"

Nln Palls, Idaho Friday, Januei

iv*Tfiifl»Vackaiari.'W ® TRUEC0NFESai6N8 •TALES O F THE UNEXPECTED A - ot man haada (or Ih* gambling c c 0* 10 aaeap* hla humdrum IKa. EMTraTA«MEMr.rOM<iKr.frrt*f^. _ w with alngar-actraaa Qraca Ma.’OLOVEBOAT -I SPY "Th* Trouble Wllh Temple”(12} CARSON'S COMEDY CLAS- ;S £d,lfltervlewe Johnny, the Hong ig tlu bug. Queil: animal exptrt Fowler.

700 CLUBBEST OF 0Z2IE AW> HARR£T rilalion To Dinner!; Ozzle Invilia - old friend to dinner. *ilhout reelU* that Harriet made other plana. CROOKANDCHASE .ALFRED WrCHCOCK HOUR PORTRA/Ta OF POWER ••Hiller: .HoadToRei3noe-'BPORTSLOOK---• -----------HOPt: S0N 08 OF TME FOURTH RLD,MopltndlaniM,«]eyitrtv#to .... in harmony wllh man and nature.) MOVJE * * ' - ’'ThrH6Tlyw«i<f" ' ]hta“ ’ (tOOO, Comedy}' Robert il.ToftyDanxa. • ..OW) MOVE * ••Young U d / iiierley U” (t066 . Drama) Hartee }ride.'8ratt Clark;J ) WALTONS . '

LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID TERMAN Scheduled: • aclor-for- bPxer Randall “Tex" Cobb, ac-

e Carol Kane. In etereo. nUMY SWAQQART D - ( n ) MOVIE **K -•'Cocaine-, S lut Eyee" (10SS, Drama) O.J.

pion. Candy Clark.D, a MOVIE * * H •'Cocaine ' Blue Eyea" (1083, Drama) O.J. .


BCHNNEW O.::......^12) INN NEWSMOV* •■•0. Henry'a Full • a i" - tio 8 r Dr«wn rMin!?(rwoh-— Dale Rober t a o i i . ._____________

PORTRAITS OP POWER •'Hitler: ange To Ruin”JPORTSCEMTER ' .IHOW MOVIE -'Blood Tlea"16, Drame) Bf*d Davla. TonyJ.o- _CO.W CWEMAX COMEDY E)(PB1t- .IT Alex Cola.etare In thfalookat----- -I It la like lo b* a aiand-up comic.Ion end dlraotad by comedian n* Bootler. In atereo.3 TODAY'S BUSME68 lOtHEM , -EWSQVERMQHT X p .COUPLE, fellx la Inceniad n Oaoar giv** « rloloua ecoouni a ^a a ln a aa o n a ta lk a h o w ; •-

':vm‘a M e n "tw o , u)JaekO aU *.JImmyLydoe; • •CNEYMAMA •«A Q teTO E O U SC JO C K iy.P BOXMQ Henry Tlllmin JUnley-Roee In a cniUefwelgm -eoh«Juled lor 10 rounde; (rom k'aoi*..(R) • . •VESneNTADVlSORy ' tVEMHQ AT T « M>ROV Hoil: l :: .p ad o tM * ,-Q iieeU ;' Q),fl„

Jfrnmy BrOMo.Human SaxMi>onae.3 uoviE * * "Po*,'. le " (1060 . Comedy) Oan iu a ry 2 ,1987

1:00 ( S FAMrASV ISLAND O UOVIE * * A ,"> ^ F arad l(i040,;Coni«»>)'C*ry. O rb Dunn*.-.''

_ _ a SLACK 8 1 ^ SQUAPMj they learn th a tr e r M ^ n if ] bandad, a Worid War B.ny (Rob*n Conrad) artd h la ^ lake ralog* a i • recraallen j

t : l O a O M O V C «'H ''T M Condemned" (1S33, M ^ d laO * lljL b laL M .!i-; '. '.irfi

t:20C M MOVB r F iid ( io e« ; s m p w m ) c h r i a ^

■ ■1:«a HWfTWATCHf'«-'’ nHBO M O V C'«V -*^'K aaaitf cliwt (■itt78.‘- .D f«* tf

' ' Stoker. D ara in -J^ o i£ 'y ' (g 2 .. (8HOW) ,|IO y«- .* |lr^ 'M t^

--------p hafliM an-^< i00o?O n^MAnthony HopWne. .v '

day'^ (t040. CORMd»> .......... Ro-aalKJ RuewlIi’nTWTTr:? - j

O LARRY KMQ'DVCRMdHTl ( S MOVE lk>*rr8toed1>*Mig Drama) (Pfrt .T ol.^t^.RoM Coll*^Smll^-■• ;O M A s r r a ■ ■ ■ « a s WVB8TMEHX ADVffOW

2«6(® N B W 8- --------->-32 :3 0 0 ;M O V E * * * '" M y |

Brun*tta’" : (1M7.* ~CorMB Hop*,-Dorothyt:imeur. i->^t

u o m

bum, Anthony P * ^ a . ' / r ^ >

(1043. Horror) Bala LuffolCI ■ Ford. "1 iSflj

-2:45 SHOW W ASM M TOOira

“ T T d W a . D rv n » } .R 6 t^ $ !C T

Oo MOVE A' ( 1 ^*dy) Mario Thooia%ICbaiMiJI ® VIDEO D tS C J D C ^ mi a 60WLlMQ,Hp^.lRbaa(l^

____ mem. from Lm .V«o w . ( R ) .^® w v e s t m e m t m w m C

. 3:tOHBO M0V«'4^'frT?>’WtM , " r i m - ( 1080, MtiitoaD M N

' Tho Hariett*li.' -al " c < 'OH MOVE '% A « f.For All” (lfl7»,l<Dr!RUQ f d

• - . ..Jack w w .» ^ .3:16 SHOW B O C D i^ r h6m

serving hrW 0rfd-W«r-l,<«-y0l fMla th* p a |n o l .«|f*M il^(j

. letuma .to -h i^ .Ju m to e rfc ' Merchend a n d R k ^ B ^

3:30 a S H O ^ Y t ^ ^

IB) BRIEF 3:48 ( S H O W y M S ^ ] ; ^

(10S6. Drama) Brad D avl^^ Blanco.

..:, O PVBLK P O L ^ « 0 # f f lM .; - .» Q * IT W a T O ..‘V

Ofi FA M D .Y .M n*iM >Um T ,1 0 & M 0 V ir -* 1 ^ '^ W A ‘ <1040, AdT»ntw#)iH#*tha<; John King.



Page 66: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

HugkDo75!Tfjc;vv;AtHi .j:Va

ByJBRRVBUCK '•■ v.:, ■'■'•''"'■

L05’*'Airts!EtBS.‘: 4 ; « « 4 i esU o i^ t^ hft'S S R ^t 10,0(10 hoti telCTlsloo.' f t a l llgurcs jjiiirto. than a year nearly 60-we* noM toptalklng, 24 hour* a day-

' i 'v e worked on:»'mai)y'dl.l Bbows and done

- the-sam cInterview ,. ' i .o ace Mw - i f evexytUo^-<u iadio and t^e except play*lw^ter;*porl8^1 remctfibeied T d WWe4va-u


• ;sivDw“^TpVUlfl:i9Sos::;Jff.^ PaaV s .'sldeUckVOD. iN ^C s; TonlgbtrSbowJ’ iot.iHve. yea; was hortxrf'the' dayUratxgami "ConDen(raUtfn” for* l l yeai waa h ost of NBC-’s She

“ H V S fr^ 'nU y" K '“ ttW .f •‘'Vr,.:.

VTbls Ja Ibe llrst time in.mj . TV career I’ve-on»Honfr'«

gram'6t‘a Uni^,' to told- K

t : » 9 W K #

. Johnny Carson, host ,ol Tonight SboW’.'tor-neirtriJS

— tnsit5«B!only-1.l0l>-1ilmB; aihgwDo«nj.;'-!ButCanoi

— did 10 hoiirB a

Off U » a ir In “ On CamwaV.S H ocrs^-T elev i8 lon ,'’ :ptdili Putnam. ThVT»b61^;iWP W

In roy ’30s" In l«7,.he. w« „r.„. SaA - v'.Ri. -I

" rS fd n M c i' «hdW- UAOC 'Aovsnvn^

' ‘"‘^^'bh'AdrwfUka'ixBilbl

B MOVe . * * > H ••R*rnOflM/BliJOWpfTyiFh^dnp

m n s r ^•j:V*>r' “ . r . " "CkKjW(155>1Crcamerai

‘ ^lobtography. He t ing voyage across t Shoal of stars’'W '

&)uS*on(Id.moreweeks of. his mind, ly _ “One high polnl 'dHferent‘'ca8tlog career was sboWs at tarctlc'^and moWnf iJtHn an- because U’was In l & l n e he-recaDca::.;:3'd.i lilevislon measurements and i^Then I p^U o n i- dimng I

to intnin an arca- C ‘:H o m e_ R m ^h ^; i Jng.

^ , ' : “Thc ~?^w he«’ w ag. Hetme show Inches. 1 a a ^ If, I rears. H e ■ to move U. U ‘waf Show" for tbey wont-for 1U&

I picked up the'1 moved jt,to t^e c

'my'whDle M o n ^ l t ’ I n V f l c pro- dit(erenttlniQ»ine.

' S u ', ,,He Bald IhejK al‘ i s r s n g p h i h w i

; ^ ' ; ' . v '''tIdiWM. ■of “The fareer at the. age

fi3S»year8. ?reek. annowceCv. ua^^accor:: radio.atatlonJjej rson-never - * i iifesbDWand '; ,, .

S h o u r s ^ ! o ; o w - ; ;Allshed by . • JDOVms. Is Jerom »;W <

f ii« , . ro8 «wtfibowM , . .- 'B u tl» if |i R o | ' t o g a n U y , ; . . .B , j i , | , C d i i | .

I T " f w i iF i i i i '

s d a y "RC Animal- M W B I S g i

l O M '


' f l Hi(t;'

a lM M is iQmmwMis the Paclfks-in “A announcer^ Waddltfch'to otter FraniO U l - which he ssited- If any: W his sow opert he air stands out In Yorfcfor*^

■DoWn^ii)inl of m y broad- “My k l^ ras being lo tbe an- formyhirl ring the South Pole to navlga n the wrong place,” Almost 20 d''knbirt/'aiiflUl the ' thatr I“t» ini foUowed; f i t ex- run the Mi j:'the„JntOTii,gonal a lltUe ru irih l957..Ttieygotlt 'lie RQten »HjM^teet-<Boald-aodr-.?)?W ng z sertant,- pln-^ tremendou Ibree'mDSffiT^.il.-^'Downf;.' i: •thcre!;ihey-knew,- hoffl«jn;: rPole.was;wlmW 20 traV d.a lf. rc6ul4K:ihp man travels'wl was half a »loke,. but Spain a t ' . So, on Pec.:lO,iS82, pleceonSt e' hamboo pole and - He ls o t correct-location. I bafa Walt' ‘1he ^ t ^ r ^ e n t ner durlni

w .^.i , 'q*p) Intcatlonhasbknmoy* vlronmen ;&cause:tjrthfe‘'W f t - o f - - ^ ^ S >.;• thestorlen‘ his ftroadcasting tp he jus Ige of 18'as a $i2-a- fl6yl«bi jCv on A small .Qhio did ^ m e workiia> In-fadio- un*- ‘ Ina to he 1

h o v A O u r n u m b M ' n

ja r s o n . H o l l i if v r . . . . . . .^ p ® rt. P d u r,O o k l« y . . . .t il i fb re . i r . ' . . . . ii i l ' . , ' ; . ; . ...........................

- -REG/



i6n jt«m e 'afo% -ffeT O :er In.ChIcag6..ft>r-;‘f l ^ . OUie”-&nd‘'Hawkin» Falls.”. le said was televUlon!5.f^t «ra. In 1954: be*wertto-New r ‘1'heHdnieSb6wT^.:- -■ i lias a'passion Tor‘sailing, ds gave me a Platii s a ta n t hlrthday."ie U-;lgate across. tbSr Paemc.20 the montliiafter

-nsed' tbat:‘sam«: sextant to I Marlon-Bermuda r t » . : I was rusty and a :ih if t . ,_ I i^ o ^

rtentlal m (s^ .JB « ^u « “ giodrna : lip. Jn ' Spaltt^. ffa» idous,’’njr: dlvldesrW Srtlm e::!)^.^ jnl’Aflibna ana'New-TrtrtL I a 16(;” ”5e-S4W :.rW ;w 4e

rwlth n i% W e .^ :W J e ta at the end ol. tK^^yea^or a

M ters, was.a!ao hto part- lin e part ol hlB'tun. oii.-'"nM ■ S M ." Al»K'oas*-a'llioiitb

orles I want to do; I don’t wan iust the ancboh^ Hdlto’l di U if l 'd ;lo o k '.d e sk ^ « )i^ “ 0 nvai^i. It would ilke j was tryt^ jp e W alla^.::*.-'!-. ..T, .

n . n n o i i i v a i M M S

.......... : . , . « T M S B 3

'.frui. ;'».v?.-.A.i»....'..

M ARDlfSSf - o f e WMAT


- W TW IN.PAtl^ .a , PHONE

, . . . . . . .







sn-llndo------w tdoUIly-




Page 67: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

l i - i ! • s i m m

I TJ i '

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i T ® V I , ■ ■ ^ n o N * * r '

r l ' —I -----------,.Ju a lw « )..a K

j l . Lookwootf.'

. V , 2li)BinlCwr,^•* . ; : ' . ’e i r * i n w ':> '•-.OWiMy>..Ch(

i : "■■■-sasrs8t t B H 0W * *i , r

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r * * H v .-a ;m m „ '. 2■. ' 1i m i ) ^ n l f ^ O T J i l H O ,v • i

★ r'FI*«hbBm'' (1M4, Df*. i w


jSS '.iif''" '-' ,'i-«■ « ' J-'•■a

C.UI. ,. • Of,

......ipas^:"lson ...... “ •js“ “ f e * " '? ’ “ I'"." ■ w“dl T W Lmi« s t i .p i ,„ a o r ”■• - * 0

O fi"•yiy. D IM K iiion . .•■■-.'•• :Como

Aloft«" 6:30 CU Alb«f. ( tu a i

i,(ui -J*!?*'®

'^ y t im e s p

e f lX S i lB A U . S I ." M i ® ) •JmwiW. mntli

f f f i f e E a E N i s , : : ' ^ S 5 |

Wtl rtllo . tilBfio > Friday, Jaflus

iSgglnmi) ■'<i*t>bNNAREEi>D«lt;)a''fflu«ltHS • ■ Ihf— family tvBnti in QntnlQht/.’i:i

HBO * * * "Thli (• EW»" (1B8I , BlMfiphy) David Sepll. Johnny Hu

(SHOW) * * "Ctill* Kino" (1903 WMiern) Roboit Taylor. Jom CtuI

**** ''Hafufn-Scafum' - UM8, MualcaO.EMa Pfaaliv, Min -Ann Mobloy. ’

* * » - K.y Exeiiiiio*'; (tflflS. Com#dy) Ban -Maalarf,

-;BrrolieA dania;-'■■'■■” Piclflc'-

Advantura) John Wayn*. Pt-

^ v S .5 - ,* * -'D »n« Of Thi Dwarta'-- f l l S - - f “!!!?■• Dabofah

■ JW ,- * * « "Th* Fiimiogo Kid-' ■■^®W^ComMy) Mail OIKon, flicherrf'

•CTMo ' '* * * H '’‘'Si;mmoV OJ -42“ -0871 . Drama) Jannllar 0 -Nalll. G«?y'

« J O * * H -T hi North AvanSa lr. rjflutA,,” ( ,8 ,9 . Comady) EdwaS^ Hjrmiann. Barbara Haff(8"- '■

O^w 1 0(2) William AihMon.S«»*r.;


i S f l — '

nuafy2 ,t987

a tta r? --'>•<' ' - ^ W H eE flR K m i ■ ■ M ; B P r n S i v ^ ^

, '■ " in d T u e f l e n o f i r t ^oi ChiMOtMOM l i £

iB8t.' '- AiiAmie^>6:Stti£ilS[S

1003. {1MS..;0fUD«X.,A^Caul.------- 0*«onr-»—------ f—

••■«OAKTA»” i'>rrlSf\*( rum:'.. ;;jDfODSN{»IKMj(T Miry .aNASHVn^fMSTr

, . ei>o«.’--------- ffiea*” niar«. ' (2) ENTEHTMNUBfTI

......... ' - ' B ’AllTHttrcLjSSKp<: ■ : ou8w oR to*aM «f

- • • ■...... •hW-'tri'ldWfc-’iWK

tid ''•nt*-" ' fTAreO)

.........® cA ttto o io w ;.n )

S ’. '.. ■ a *»E pnevKw *■•

S t . ..........coming ahOWiTMdatlVtM

“ ■es.- '" ” HB0 w U i:t4«M FA'• I? .# ? 5 S H>T' ' by f t < s - o b s e i W r ^ # l

- f ■ -SHow^iJKnm^*^--^

. '■ • W O W W B 'i i t iu f iS ’ ' ' 2 J ? ’ ^

9.‘" ;■; P o w r^ ^ « ® w £ is 7 tP 'I^ A f tOV r ^ ;^

K-.... yd:$l2?tl35,; -BONOtOWOOOvSu

I- ',. .00 M *x»a*w n« '» i^ i) ' ' barrapt'. ' r n f i t i n n i t

'■ fro m w k M n ift tf ir tW WPl>c«d on < R « - ^ 4 £ ^

- ' -botrd'. •'• - * i .V C iT a


- ' ' ' ‘s p w d t h t i r ^ f iU h i U e ^

'-moat » v a b (^ b ltiM iiM %

' • (oM3W>i JEW MfPi UBfll

lT S B S H . -

ulmuSKff ' '

H r

‘.'r ii tt ii l i r a

jS'^A9kni ■tttiM y.verii_____

VitaptiMt . . ..

-?b y

tiRMrrtb' ' : ' ' Sk . ^ 1 ' . '<

Page 68: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

• • , - jlli


"' y

- 1, e o M ^ .

: '* ® S S S'' . :’’::aiir.1u«iteNlx;;':\':'t;i^

r^T., -.pif r f^ # .. ■pw^'wijwru^- H tfnt,, two. auMAiuUoo «]

■“" • 'T r « R B ^ o 5 f e i j i c N

— 7 ^ j W t i i m UWfl'w auh. b y w (S MTHSONUN WOULD TN

> iwM-in o i

B ' l i a n ''VaiiisfT.

(W V A ifWMV’MOsMvtt

■ :S |E 1E E !S.•,. v4k^lfT.,^»m:',3«WW«::

, •o«tH.T«*K».ettOTp.:y,.••: ■'•

n * »»w a a a ; . : . : , :t t f [><.6ourt {uLuiir.^-; «

MwtetlKMyUwaU .'. . '. a^ ieh w r-v . »-|KM>»i»i»^

|Mwfc^aMl<ii>Qiiy'-v-..>^ ■•

■' ’" i j & i d t o C i■ftr^hova*- ' ■; thf'nutla^ltncw, U rn tit ,!* . .

room trtWng tn« m X Q fm ..., v . k f i ^ v . , -

»: -T«nlg«:- • - cJr^^rtWK'OiL'• iM tM tm ' Jm lB U iic n . .•root KIM;.. (TUO) M O W iMHln ttM... ...:0h«Bw'V(i9W.^ , ; John • -tiii; Brook* Altaim M V p r o - , r - - - C W > « V * . * * l li ._.; ... - ■.;...,DfM»)» c h i r t l

V .L IH I^ k. .. 7 t a o ,« ^ « ) T H

k took U t t ,(»ro;iw ■: ro** • wrs^ndiKiM I t iri«* o»m*friifl

Ittw pnm . '•UVeCALL-M:

•Uftth*SlritoA«<ftW 'a ifcT ," " • I a p T TWttt

K!~j!?.i!r''I T M « ^ ' . ( S a ( i ) 1 } C C !» ’E*p«t- -:, r-of ConnJ«>iWlt’p

pw tnK ol------ . S a O i a t i H iroM *el« '• ' 'ldO»«<y«^d|*t nd th«’ r»> than lom.hl* tar

• • oi-mOFFT>«RBO<«y. c o r n 'r ^ ^ 'w x m u m m iI'Anlmatad'-""' '-U toa-«W I. Un

■iMtoCtron.- •• •.....vOaCftOOKANDC

' ' VAnWOUi hIrt'rOto- - -■•-AH>Y WAnHC oMh India ■ UTl# ;: >0f8M n: •M LANOW U) toflMnoad - - - 'tM 9 a r ’<Hadfl*K

knponant habKat kLi'Mary '-'•'‘-•'«(4inlmii}ab(d 0ki)^(9ubiM • ® o i f « m r tH o

• LFSOPAMt •I8TYLI8 : ri«» uptorino -tha or'Chartaa .. . . :«bfl«priai r lt*«' watl«r - 6ot. __Faaiurad: Th* Leri: :a i r th o f '' ' d i a a i r BV' '■• l a ('Th* HBO H o v a * *

tedftiCnil^: ••: ■■. : |MB«C?Thl' ■•'. jMBitenidi’’ ■•■'.'■'C;-,-

;> C 'i^ 'M d ^ t* d '.fo . cw. provMlns aM tlM K . -. iofc;t!’flfl6«u*:d**^.:.:*.i^.daAoarm . .. •. '.

r W M O W T ^ ^<itt**n<^-beir;and:a... .'.icm• T M Irw r tn y fa .w a '------ u<m:a:L*l8hMeChMkw.aAd .r - ' * * i i ' 0 ’K * y '&•' ' ’ ' ' ’S S '»^C on^^B«i_M a*r... ' ,.M <^

iT H B H ;. '; - - '- - '. - / FAULYTCSBtavan’ar tof d S ^ «n*r‘M - -;.U A i(

J n . - - ^ « «• ......... . atuAft

UHTBY F#atBT*d; t ! » . ^ eon(»a r* 6 ,. ; . . m a

I • ; ( f O aw oH * :-• ; § «. rwtort9«* tiwwA*n ., ■ 'f ix i

!M y B T a .T c p ic ;.iB e 7 ...» - iy A

B,C0tiy8T?Mi'b*t«Jla ' - ' ' k^W p ro w ^ i^ ^ -' -

UUfU>8am(Mpo*M • S x |aT*ti^:(li^CB«jn,..''.i •..■:,«a‘*,.1 .tampar'andfMaMm* ' ctoono lartMwWniauiiKand' .

l*»H '"D a*>yL oog.- -.. of oa MoafoiJJ-Fr^'Aataka, ttr^x

D C W « - . . - . . s S S


Uun^^'W hkt'a^£''A ' T '■' t Tr ^ iinm 'fcuf pirc^i^'an ' ' -ffiW

• w r - — V ............... - - tornM pM H U m A A s*- b*U^ ^panbnaB tlM 'iha l

wortd-f. orch***™#.. ^JCNTI

{* iEM*-: ■ 1 i i $ o

> i> y « u v ‘8 dKACt-•ttUoa-


na^lTm i- - ■

T . ^ i j i r o . .-Ill— '

■..-las^ y V h f g « i! ? .

lub^ .dM l.-O ra^C tlB taE atm i

j f t s j ^ s ^ s s r ;ia<M .'ttta*c/'lo,inw>fflld«r*at*n ^;iCaaadlaa bort*».-7i^-' • \I t t OD A M W r,M W rH in/iiw»o#d - . w h ^ n ^ y i^-yw ornei 3nf***a* fityroaTt'. 1 •J c w m u o w w j i L j t ^ '

|B W ir f i» H ilU ^ C a -— ^ M j^ m « » X t1 ) |< W D T B L ^

• 3 in w S a re 5 g w l^ « v r# 5 t i5ir*n attMBpla to eopa.wtth Maok'i «-«^al WmaMiiMttM^'auiMaA

>BoSt^ ; U ~ ~I ( C O W rvnBm “Abaiha CM t i‘*,.M*a.>(an»l« A’-llHRtar la An tMCMd" Shota fh»(l-:^«t.-LvtlUi

r*a»n-lfr«:ri«M -«ttn^

rlp.xf:Th*-flac8W#.r<.rtM#>a* K ttonraadari^giuam nM m ‘\- -rzr<iy-'-' ■I • (S- BaoiuMddaa Rexamaioiniaina'tMir MaK

laao-aoa oonh

I W m Q A B I U M M r a tdoiatte-paitoSjitP f a f e Eb*a«

r M s r p t * wAtT^ptCNiy r m^ W x n M w o » m 9 M Wan w ^ lw se * a * i * ^ g 5 u a ( o 1«

* f e k « sfaaito pattan>a aftlMa»>hlBBa ii^ T lm » ^ •w e^ te^ l5 5 l7 1 3 3 io


V1 ^ ' ' tda>

laatMO.' -

kW-. ' ■to r .^ _ raI of:*m . .

r » —nan

^ -

fc'a Ma



liar- ml- :mh •

OKMAha' '■

S>'aN '. tor

In«ta•la-—i o ^

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Page 69: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

ll' am*1| -) • HWiM>u-of m*

wM wKtM thpU yiI j ; ' . ^ M O V S - * * *1 . Q n n U 'lP H t‘' ! - t o n . ^ D « y . '

■ s m n e w sa p e u u K PL

I VioIMM ttl t« k Pw i BM0WVM VtoOn' I

PM Itanmcda.Orct -byC artpU idaG U

•-------------------- '.'<8H0W )'U 0VC'<I Th* CfulMrt" (H

B«Me«r.-Uicha*i. a u o u o v s * *

f! ; M B»lc«irJot« Si1; V ■«»».•• ■ • - •

/ ^CM‘MOVK':*.*ik - 'O B e « ^ .-0 rv M ) < -•O a fy UcCI—ty.- •

. - 1 :3 0 ® SP O H IST a................. • ® MAQHUK-PX

b o d n a r ip g to f^ :-----------------iS fA M M N O O M

tfy.latt«r*o.■ BERLM B««e

. M d l b t r M l c t o ^

’------------(1034.7h»y«M«y) I

8 :4 8 » IO ir MOVC’ jl ..-08ei.0n«ft)WK

•HmfoiL . .io o o o 9 ( l )a )« f l

i r r : : ---------------• OOtMAPrat

0aB O lL O N .ft_ m HM b»ht»tof. *

(or M n M o( tb4- --------------«w).-*hk*h«*bi

’ •OMiMatoM’IsnL -----------------

>1 OooM*'Tb* OoctoIII , < ,!l ■__________

■ • -RoMto'a

•hom.;-j m MOVC * * *

(lO a?. Ormma) U

. S u S a H v u c N O ! • ra rm c a u

• |HC»OUQH.Y MES TTw rot* o(

111' - S C ' - I S "• «hWi'pnf»rM <

M chyM T tabM oaII ■ m . r u B P f c

. ' / - 9 A a E P n E v c w

IM . 4MdM.. tbM , dMC*.'

! ; • HBO* MOVC * * I (MB2. H o m d Hi

? .- - -w w D w fi— i,- -

I n o b ta rrO S eO L Oi , w.nnNaM*. '

: i f ta o f lB A iM r r M .

• ' • " O IIA8TBI

• J "Oooc

i t z i - i•rrlvifr

flEATESr MOICNTS ' o>3>^m* 7 1 tftd *77 AFC _ ■ ffl jUyoN gwDM.. - .* * '•fcUUby"'(tBM. Robwt.o ( 2J WBOaih AtMr- h t t» r

(QUAk 0 ( i :FUIYS BSTH0VB4 SP w ta u pwforma tt>« Hck. e

>0n Co<R«to «Wi th* nobt)i<OrctMttr*. coTKtoctMl 3 ) Mini-n-l . . a n ' ' I e * * H "Eckli* And

(1063. Drwaa) Tom 6 ( 1 1« * IP tra . hour** * * * T U k r < l 0 7 0 . Pott*rI Savao*. Traat-Wn- 'o ' u- . • hoaplt* * : H a r t C hofc**"-------• -BI) M a w a t W*ftck.................. TlOfl*!

lTt3l«QHr.......... _PX T C 'w tiia W o a' "m"*.'

S i ,?> totarviaw; Lana Bro- - City Ir

arita’a racant hlatory Amark M aoftMadMdadOar- ntotl I o aM . . >naalcn r m c t t w* * » - C i l t U w i l ^ ‘ - 'T h a a y) MAtthray Booart. — 10 :360)v C 'V ^ W ii T iadi**........ t>y*yWarran Saatly. Olana Qoira :

, Amwfci a a < i ) « « ( Z )------- 7 - '—----- :— - o aB) OocMM cMMt attaodm tlk im u M !! .___________ O Tl• iW A K A T SA raport C*fw V. ««oMiea and RgM - Ooul«l tb4 m maiim (or aaa ^a l> * aR aa a« te 0a r* d --------(SMC1073. • • -t " - " • . H « 0 O •H CT'nK a~5M arO { O W actor mkJ S anh tae* ‘ O C A Mi a o » a t» a a a aa*. O O >Mt2 o ie ) . _____________ 0 ^

to 'a . draaaa aciwot, • JA ahaadfeMrvaadavflto Bobby

nabi<* * '-Cnaa C ra a ir O L E

NOW ' TkabaJ daaDtN.Y UOOOM NAM- aarvw

t i today'a aam y la ' <3 Eodnad, a lo ^ vO i tha T B Ot i . a t n U « (acM y O u m o«ar tOO woomm - thamiKodMBMtlaa. tt)*-acpfcaBoa roo«iCW A prawiaw o t ip - a ta p i» c i ^ e o M d K * a - tSHOi t tta a ta r .^ M ic ^ .a a d

. i* m .* * * -C raip tfw «~ 11:000)

Hal Hoftreok. A M - CUusb

r * M ‘ Q c a a t e a M i O M ( a .C oM dy)Z w oU oa- (S 7Q

CIMQtm XJBt . . * rood'T b a W ra a a i r tv«)liT BV CC e nCATTC ' i « m Halts. |d«ho Friday. Jtnv

” ’

oodt>ya Mr. CWpi” B «*d on mat HIBon-a 1034 novtit* ib<^hhaadm anw .ln.t Jum -oH h*<^___y 6fmu> boy* ic#wof: Th* Wll *p^ ij*fUidttr>« b*ch*iorMf. Chippmo IviftO *1 Bfookfltld School. (P in 1 3>Q _

O (B TOMOHT SHOW Hoif: fwuiy C*f»on. Scfi*dB»«ft r k W b*ft Ooul*l, cofM<Jl*fl Wll Shrm»r. it*r*o.UACNBL / LfflREB NEW8H0UR (12) LATE 8H0W Hoil: Jo*fl Rtv-

1. Sch*aul»d; aclr*M Ruth Wir-k. com*dl«n CJ«)rg* Min*f, tingirbbi*N*vU.lnil*r*o.

MOVE * * * J i- :'T h a . Sundci«i- i" ( lo o a Drama) Oabofih K*ft. bMttochum.(11) M*A*8*H Exhniil*d Iroffl 24

m ol duty. Hawkay* and Col. ttar raa{>ond to a d*ipar*t* call '

»uro«ofla from a Koraan am y apltat-BEST OF-OftOUCHO Om s I:

rtion piclur* conpoaar ObnRrl Kidiln.

St7tfofh'La*V*gaa. (H)(3TY ASSETS: KXANAP0U8 “A - -

y In Concart**. Firtt bi a »ari«a ol cumwitartaa aut»nill*<l by Korlh i*fte*n dli*a Ui a tribut* lo tha,« l lhabi* cm*a and th* Impfov*- ■alol urban UlabiAmartca.< MOVE * ★ "tiiaatog In Action 2; •'B*gw«ft0~ (1085. Orwna) Chuck— - rrit;SWfl-T*ckOti. .0 ) TAXJ Wh«i Latk* la r*i*ct*da yMngtwanty.-haaataoot lo *o------Ir* th* maMwiam* ol a aatn^lQg - >wicanbach*lor.UAC3NUM.PXBfTEHTAffMEWT TOMQHT Intai-— ..

w with actor Scott Balo.TOMQHT SHOW Hoat: Johnny

rioA. ScR*St(*d: a m ^ Hbt>*rr~ <ilat. comadian WR Slylnv. m atv-

MQHOJNECp........................................M*A*8*HO TA UWT TW EE SOWS-------------------------- -c n o s s n tE( t l ) MQKT ȣAT O'Brtan and

imbona Invaatigata th* d*ath ol an

< JACK B8MY Jack d*ck)*a (hat - bby Oarto ahoukt pUy him In hla ^ ibiogr«pt>y.LETSUAXEAOCAL

ANIUAL8 OF THE GREAT WTHWEST "Mourtata For*al* / ■barita*" Tha variaty ol « * which «Da wtthia mountain loraaU ia ob- tv « l' EVBIYDOOY^ MONEY MAT­HSI OANCei A **rf*« <Mtoa1*d to I mal* d*nc*r. proritfftiTa t>*hln4- »-*c*n*a look a t rtooroua ctaaa- M training and Ih* maia daiwar aa wparttar. ■ - •« W ) MOVE> * * "Tha Braak- rt CfcjbKlOM. Drama) Eraato Ea- . . >*z.Uo0yRkvnk>.O) O MOKT WAT O-BrMn and uBboo* lDv*atK)at* th* d*ath of an

M a n u c gI TOO CLUBK } U Q V E * * H ‘*MadUaxB*- . nd Thgndardom*- (I08S. Aflv*«- *)U *iabaon.T1na-^nar. O A L linW F A M L Y «nuary2,1387


» e » O b U CTE»i«7LW m — i i s n a w a k sowaaM -Vapi

*r Marv A » a tt; iatz-aasaphi - fId - Sanborw, 'e o m a jlla a!

Ootlfrlad-lnalarao...... i <------ (BMrCUUJDWS'^illt'bonti.

•candaloua orglaa: OaMOw 10 ba half-wlltad baoaila atammar and a llmp.' . ' ni'/; O t1 2 )Q U » « Y . O D O e C Q U J S - ''- ' . - '^ '- ^ o NEW OOWTTtY FmIm

• O-Kanaa. In atarao.,.., , O DANCE P A »nY «|A . = SIVIDCOOtSC'JOCKCy s DI8C0VERy.;'Tha,Buti^ Th* Babyi'Doctora diacovan mathod ol pravantlna Rtw aaa* by a clua in Iha wino p

.ffiEV EH T.O FU CO A Y ..',.; O WMNER‘8 CC tCU HOA

. ,-t« rtA Q A P N 8.r.;L _ l,- :::::. O O MOVC .«-CvQ a*«r Yukon" (1040, Orama) .IraiCharlaa BlcWord;------ v v


madman aboard a.OPfflEMtc hold* a alawardaaahQMae*. (B ENTERTAMMENT TOMQ vi*w wllh actor Scott eaior-,

12:OOOLOVEBOAT. . O ISPY "T haN am aO IT T)a

- - -OTOOCLUB-- - ^i;i0 ADVENTURESuOP O S HARRCT *'DavU Pleka Up;l

......... - David. InvHaa. Ma. raottMC.a(. , ioranayanino-e«itfi(itt)*.‘tD«

(B CROOK AM) CHAaC : o AU?CD H m a c o c K HO


• 'comprlaa tha^^worW f -on Faalurid; Tha London Syiaf

. W < X jS i8B e_T M E J«Z S iD a ^ . Kick B y a ta a r t i l«|

O LATE NiOHT W m l LETTERMAN Schwiulad: afi af I4arv A toart ian aax flp h n a Sanborn. coma<iiU 6o)Mfl«J. m a ta r a o . - - ——

"EHouaa" i( l» O t. Horr

Palanc*,H*lanH0Oh**. .12:tOGD O MOVC * ★ •■e

Thla Houaa'.* (1 0 8 1 ..Horr PaUnca.HatanHuohaa.'

1 2 4 0 O MOVC •,'Tlv 0*ad‘' (1067, Horror) Oand' AnnaPotk.


■ 0 (1 3 ) tM N E W Se MOVE "How.T.0 Vary Popular" (106B. Mstli Qrabi*.Sh*r** North.

. - o v B C o c o w m t - - . - , O SPORTSCEKTra CM MOVE *M Siatar la A WarawoiT' (108 C h c la to ^ Laa. Aonla Mei

12MS(8HOW) MOVE(t0 8 l, Orama) WarriM Baa Kaaton.. . . . .

lioo o TOOArO B U S M n S O R O U T E ee O N E W ^pV B ••O H T ^ >

■flvonw:!. ' ; . ntiflwa'h* ' w a f f im - : '

i'A‘3r.5 ,-; •

►w.OfiN “1 ^ - p i . r ; .

5 2 ^ ^ "wBsm-k-tnWJIM.:


Da,0«w“ ;„.

o t ’M !

- a n £ l i* « _ .own.':-!.'.,

n , . . ■ <ouB .>

m A A > ^

n p tw a y p T

l a f t a ^ f . ,


" M 8lak»'orro().}i^;.

o t r i i M


lafi L w . '086,.H («^

Page 70: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

niGHToaM^C ■ TTAS^i TM3 3 4 1

- iH B ro flo ^aw iE O ^e* m t t n s w ^ h M s i w i i i W f j e i n n iFt1txintf:nimt9'ttw«wMi»0^-'^ ' - ® " M O V J lr*■**«•-* **H0tW 8«Cf«d" - (»03 V 0«m *>.- F » « M<»W;'CwBl*L6(tib*nJ.- ■ ^

. ODRA0HBC.,UL-«..Tn.... ... . » T O * « AvU OBltttJounCftM oflthlpi. tfom D #Sir«**0>;FW .ll ®IKVE8T»«NTAnVaORY' ---

(193a. 'OfitM). ObWow . 8t»v< .V«lirt*HobtW.^e PERLMAN PIAYS B t tlH W VioUflllt ltth«k Pidfowv . VtoUn' C060*rt»*»<Wi'

• Phinwmlohla W eJw ur* ' ow***byCwioMwiiQlBlW^ - • --------WO MOV*’* * VMJwW«r (IJ

- Com*<ly) oou9" n « K * » .T < in y f!

___ fTMC) M ove ♦ * * - 7 W * w s( JM U eioonphy) Or?Kf 8 c 6 K J

•: "■'nrHift^V r • :>•<.

■ o n ' w htn-to ' d o '• « » -« - »»y«r- •*

1;t8 W O H-mnBl *J* •- -Holtyi Hot Tub!" ( lW4^u Adult) . J

-.1 ;3 0 (! lf« l0 ra ' r . r .. . - e BWeWNWHT.'-'

-< i« ® 1 « 3 K W A T C » --

ldor-'t194K 'tw ntiJ<ta<ph‘.RJ«■ «.n.Bobby«»>wy:;;^;^'' v a tM n Y M N Q C V e v M H T

fro m g o o e■ ! j , \ a utr.v ■ ; W ,i - —

• H dliY W O O D P-W jatl^ yea. was lSS6J„BallKt,bl

‘‘Il'r''G ary ”Siu Shdwt?’’' t t e - j n v b U ^ ^

■cbinedy lo prernlere —-^dK lastfall.T ’ "''”” ' •'■

. Bad; Grant Tinker . lob as NBC cb o lrm aft;W

iavfi?,{h6ughr'tKkr.«D8 ^ m 8 « e ‘8 acb r '^W sre iJw an (

g ^ g 'lb a tU ie l 'D e tw o r^ i I poUtkalH .acUoiVfW g vtolSi airNBC--ew5fl3*^eluding t h o s c t to i t t o 'n ^ jwould coDlrlbute money, i

. dedication to the company

A O ' ju> v .tu i ''.-rnir'-.-i 4 4 J iw4* (UKcn {£*-•-« ■

s a t i * --------r^iM OW Br+wfeiW Ho*wuhrt'K4M»..^

^ ’, S S f e E ^

. > u u ) J ln B » w n .01«

S S ".TJia.cuytisai.lJo*"


HOVBI ••M cra t w»«poa-ll

S i

'“SS .: . aS^SE^i r . ; ^ ..SSkWBMAM* ,olWood 'i;j)Qon* ,fromM»ht.CR>v ' ' r ^ T ^ •••:(fflWVE8TMOITAD

. tSXtKIMKMrSUr r , .............thip b«tw**n-*.t#«

’iSB.M : r- r.bHnttilt^iy^.'O W -p ^ , n . ;dfWni-*UiTK«rt»>0

r . . r z OANOYQRJFRTMd M t m .i f t - B l t o r - — - Owtrti

a m S S S ;

o ' . t r r "iioned/NBC:New!- : • • • - GttesM ^^'was-^t

klnd'-olTV iblplahlCIpatei::.: tvolcal. a ‘ Qoodi TV cov

» ra ih e - .n ia ry -8 Philippine - • , to the 'ouster oM ShandllfiK’s coS ' Utd emerg -gloffcujls Asulpo;'Mi l i c a

m ywhere- fraud by Marcos •,

esianlnKhls corrupt rtgime;- :Wbo*«ould ..A B ad^-L ll^rl 'tiiiri^^tould T W s W r t a m ‘and b« able Uness on TV,.ev •h w rtim a t-it 'htftilng a and her I00tb .pl / awDllw

Rivera, Amcricj i m a r Jorm first searching I

v ^ ^ S o n — o r^ of l v A ^ .y. lest “ Ihelr botoes. Wbat lui uiy" be ques* rested even turn

■•'3--'tySM oO-Mmrt. \

fTMJtoHft.ft’l W -----------J,jc«wWn66wwn

A v n o R Y ^ D » b ^ ( iTh« 8pJHV..(t908. |n B M E » :okh«r»rC<rn>m ^ S T mC


£ 5 ^ ,-..., - ■■ ' t,-»OAYBHr M « M d ^ « # * k ^) -that -.KA06 h i i v; a a U C C I

O MOVIIk. •■Dii»if...Twur . .,.(iBea.>t> « i ^ M o o r . . ; . ^ a

• : ; ' ^ « n 6 n iacKEY VII :BOAY- - ® 0 ^tE v sw i'b ^ t. u J • jAtayiOas

(;lO a6i'C «n-. . .^RIpTom. . ; - • _ • Th« M «

, AdvMlurU ^ n-tto tton ;-«»n i -. . r .R ynr.’ j-

t Q S t n R ^ n ^ . -'4:W(8H0 . . .. . , • Hot Tul

M>ViSaPCC McOtnli.«jM OAY--Th**rt«^-— t#O T-.»b<W)irt la p«rtf*JI.«d-to.* - . -

: ;^ ( llK lr l * N ”D * n « ,.0 < .'n » * (1984.

:,. .. ,0 . a v o c a ^ ejM e r ig e o f l ^ V ’F f t^ : i s ' m esel«U6M W >i»* ' W ® ibFenUnaiKi S>Mar- Brftenc®F,«r-;Cora“ ' ' "Dallas ‘■ •S on’s 'lta ilK . TV-lherclu oiling ( i la r f a r o n c e M j r t .

= l a s

s ta tu e

f e - b r

io^dosearoi. 'b'eraMo .blacte

J j S J ® S ‘s A lien "Sbaki

iinfri S o m B ;i» 7 h 0 5 e ,^ 'e m m c m e d o u tU 6 ^ ^ 1 1 lv : '^ - ’

Friday, Jan uary y i9 8 7 1

l i S - fl. , • funouuE orae--'.-: t:v W R*AK^'''t - .- t t* iq-i''--';- - • ■ iC H H W W * '-'’ , .ICCSSaWUFS....lOVC O r» ^ " ,I,>0r»inrt-'


□UflL^Pknttiy) AIBMimd.up

r.-. »;« ,M;:..tVM

t a t n B s a M D n m m ^ 5 A r t H 2 0 - - i • S S « r S B t » I « 8 8 T 0 ^ ^ I® HpY «B4, Ofimt)-Ann*VBlft«Ton^oci • nnr.'ti Urjan . »tr*Oti C*

'* .............

J l i (..B IbcIuhaId^^^. B^

lias" concocted lo « cc o j^ J®

S l i l p dtediosboortbeproduceFS?*’ .

’iJiirt!clMticia'Ol* sta"fcrtft35o«

t e J S f e r l S Scks bisto^cal (ocusvrniy-.-bsen^vQUstortcd j'S'’?WMtb^Alrlrt.> lakaTIulu’’ did ta k £ 'b ]w - ln .

™ ‘- H&TTV >WO f e B W : "^'ewB/rwlnFalls^WahJ


3IU. .

vasU- ..


rick ■

tbe .In* '


Los bide outb Q o f

bav«* bo­urse, n;U»e..

r g o v - - ' te na*.

» ho 46 ‘

: r j y - (

Page 71: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

j T V * 8'a

L i Uoo<Bi»l«t*nia}orl l j •G »od:ThebK

' ABCS:< Lea^CHamproniilf u ■ 'B ad : CoUeie

^ — "^ -a lte ts ,U ie- -^ n Ig £ detracts from t>a

i S i f ' ? " ® "' -; -ttiUgly: .•‘t h e . ‘i ! media

. “Tbe, Rdrigerat; : .oV«g(Rom:ftC:!

I. Ihfi ^fi^und-plus

£ llv^MOp.. .andoB. it ••■-GwidV/tPromJjs I CM/pBducUOT,,:

performances- by;. a Jamw.ii G.arijej:./

:----- fl - brotbersi-ODe-a pitB -aod U»:othM-iry

•---------r— vowrtQ -loolr-aft; ■ ' •- brother.

• Bad: "Harem,' ,c memorable.-, (or • I

- n-, filsto^rSfiJl. biirly^YeptetKotto.

^ CBNpick1 ^ •NB»-YbRK..^(:

Cba«;” 'to'e hlglHi — UjifrfursulHf-ffiaw

^ plcked-upBy tfieCB

CBN'Cable.-a'ftr of the noDijrofU •(c a sm i'N ^ m rK iii

f“ episodejof the pros ' ! ^YdV'CBSrsi/'foi

ShowUnie'."*-il ’ ^ofin.'HbuMman;-

, film'acting'debuffi •■ «“ c^tM -^ha^^

6* ■_ -

•'I'likm ’j* ' C l -

,1. if,::: v s e i n * r - ^. i iIji.- ...... ' ^ 5

rr- ■. 4oil - . . r /, , o r i H |

_ _ _ )

8 6 = —a e JI£ o m p J(s iS ; ' iJoHIJi - M l " 'broiscaM work of Al l^uma

lonahlp Series. J *Wc» !ge .baskijltaira new “ " f ' i p .a : » : c i a p w i h a i " '; : “ ; jam e/' aua- taereby "rV® bM keltill'(clKasls. "’1“'“

W U W , a . j g xator P m y and

^ M a tin g -n b c r a l ' 5..,w^th„maroiflctnt'wed. ty: James Woods and i gresskii C r /a i . twa.Tflawcd erted n :Pltlfuftrtl20£hren!c'^bsio« irylttg,.(o;.boDor iil^-x.,..*{;oo I^T JllST attJIclW T V -:’ '-!..... -v-r.............. .jJMoonl:m.’’ .ffl,,ABC,,movie Elsewhi r . Its Tewriling. 'Of ‘'Bash;'-'- ,.afia;,casiins o; big,„ed,;;.... ttOMaeunuctiL whatev«

'•‘(AF)-'-^;^-paper long m JWilnea Scrfai-aKiif' P r a f ^

iii;l«8,k(jra4“iipsqi*L.,j|irpts':-■- . ................ .— -studenis

;itaii aeijUUcd a ii!!!.'“ ? « » jrogrroi; -16 pniduc- - 'tor PBS-and K . 'r , ';" '..TVeiric BD,- who • made hla hiHnlng. ifftr.'the nioVie $43' clUsfye r »p^re-'lo life- ^ofjilhrw

....... -r.i.|;n.-n^W:TO*nVI*m«tDl»^ . »uSMatinaMTyi

M 'M -: •mj.NKi,Q I H :: 3 0 D A Y S C


|ln Ffllly. ;frltJBy,-januai

■ U^y >Lynne.Cheneyt head o i ^ llonaf' EnddwineDt--.tor manlties, wllholding the last In- llment of grant money for a con' v^rafal PBS:s?ri6;Hll?d "Th? leans'’ because she didn't like 1C of the things 11 said.Good: "A Year in the Life," C-‘S .slmjSly. grand,' irr^lsUble ilserles about a family’s eclectic, lultudus year In ScatUc.-A possl- fulure series - superbly written, «tedand performed.'Wowt- .- Bad: The deployment df:a studio icnce as a'sort of living laugh- Wnti-howl tifack In “NFT M," ''s-SUDday‘pregame'shoW'tiosted lobCosias.ygly: PBS announdilg plans-for otemal revlevf-of lts progranim ' ‘after S3-niemb®TS :or Coiigre^ anded a "content analysis'* of i programming, charging It wllh •al'bias. PBS -should not have ed to the pressure: And the Con* slonal 50 should' not 'have ex- 1 pressure. Charge them with a toward censorship. = V j •' ' '

Aiskifaklng_conimerclal 'The elite'' tncIUdesv ABC’s'onllghting,'’..... NEC'S " “St.where” and’"the . late ;"J<}i' if'-'-Oonny-Amold'S’unlque'Com-'

uh, dram uh (wellr ever it was);that.lasted'about’

"iper Chase’„persona,as tW.lntlmldatlna sso r Charles KingsnpfH .t?._ ,stfln:ed ln” th?;;scrtes. ,Jam'M lens Tom_Fltislinmoiis and s';Kpane:,were the slhiMllnB ni5TBThTTVvereI^-“ “ Ils is part of a move by CBN tO'- jcoils upscale demographics.'^ Earl Welrlch,' public relalions torforthenelwork. ......,rjfihi'sald;the:series..w'ni begin . ng .In September. CBN has ex- ' :e rights for the. first two yeaii , ir^^^ar a^Mment, he said. _



-------------------- I T h T T ^ f f

fieflt£nceirA {lC ^lua\ In- then canceled IhU .outra

con- ferent series eabout«v a

Se''ntS®v»®-United Slates bas^znany

fe," heroines.'Y el' *Amfe!r« jble chosen to worshf^'a>'m :tic, biggest achlevemenl'hc )S8l- raise Irrelevaiice-ttKjrt ten, Ing letter ta rd s tm “Wli . . tuno.’ i.'Whab‘.-*i:Rftjon idio comlng''autoblo^p&^.'}C Igh- bloekbusteini'' v,W," _»Ugly: The brown l l^ l rted who turas uputaaihow

and-tfblteLOiavles.iolttii ■for'Turner.-""’*'''”’" '” ' ' ■ hn inh - • Coodr.Cabl^.NeiracNi tsS ’NBC ’pIttUl^Sr’-df'^tBnD ot Challcnger-atfGape'^UEi

'llh TV coverage-of the moK ive for the ■astn)QaatS'*«tao'H on* fiery tragfedyJ:A-5tin1hg ex-'morlaU‘-*'i a •Bad; Tbe coaOiiliedit _ _ tlon-of'post^gasoa'-cnuc :lal:.teleca8tSrieatui4DgL)medi( C’s' withasmanyasflveloasBs St. •UglyjiPollUcal'onamii i<Ji' wert'unfalf’:;{ttC'(liMy;.iTS m-- -about 75'percent 'o f'tS ra !li;- the gnibblest oatlooUlala lufpaignswlthiB memorr-''^’''........*Good:.. Jlarlcv-^Tboaui' ’’wance In CBS’ "Nobody’a ^ -^ O la r lo ^ te r ^ tK ^ a a H ng ^ t e r j s d e ^ j t o J r t ’ I te

4 ' i . .B a d r^ t^ ^ o f 'O Id fc"J llonal HBO.: movte.^abd °*-Tengeaime '"fur “ ''t t g Tt t a ■ :Israeli.athlete^

W‘ Olympics; The mtWe hlnf .' message, IhaMsraelUteri ns noble and A rab'ten^rl^tfl

■ ''Uglyj ..Tbose-'JWftpi whose unhbly'use^of uWy

'" •as puffy tlMns'WltU'iietW- talnment::prtigram&-«ail ‘* 'ratlngs, ’hot' atHmparttig- tion.-------- •Goodf ‘Thtf~ CBVafitt

refreshing new CBft-aitrt; good even when It’s not

.....Adventures’'-;, pa-r Showtt- -pUliul ' eiay‘. [ f ^ r e . - J ^

^ ^ f ^ ^ iD o u T c ia r k j J id a m e n ta lls t...! ; '!^ ^ ...^

u .-H fagan ,.,,;

r a ^ ^ 5 : ; J

iS e SonatM'Btf

W ' - '

l ^ f a i t l l ^ h n '


te: t l i ; - - mitfciAlU Itii

Ic ■HffitSDCiV -n

5 * ^ -

i97i'<]|iinkl >' 'W-i'VMm

» BlMd .'ii

jot aD I tt ;

'M ' l i i . .V :

S '?caM litv '

--------- r r r n —

Page 72: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)

T ' - W - T r e h d s

:: By'CHARi^CHAMPU^ u.:i:LosAagtdes‘a m e t. . ..:

r r - tO a 'i - A N O E L E S ,E f l ' Oecfcoter' tw o :x3b tb^de :

trMn.,an)elemenUiv,«ebool< U>ijAfiSete£aio£antstovn the Los Kaidea Tln>«t>^i

I' -, IhM diti^;......-j.'.j . j - ' j >J ( ^ . UTfilmpulw' ^l-'fiuki

s U f l J t o i t J w s t l t a M m t t tn i t , stodnl*«eretayIog.UieyifaA •?', ■ ir ' 'n>drrpirents^-dkltUM'.mo>

Uflfc' tirtfolTowlns orders, or. reqiwsti UMJkMi.,;:GIiMtbuster8f;..fM

- saidtil SbeeV^>hBd>b^<Bmat.bU

todJteibndderedpleaiurabl: C-- rwrtit*Uod;« ........n „XirQ,;disaea;.a8Ja.x&aplla

, pecessirl^provea-polnti'tt . BW cA lmnurDeajpixanlj^

" ‘that ' t e r>~o«lgbtoboodnTYe(-rUnlfr^-,raij

. ^ ry lU r b e .id e a tm e d .i.ih ,. IBM tb« videocaaaelt«Lj;n

c«ue4ftB >be'a‘Boveity,- '. .^ .b e c a m e ..A t;;o t ;An

> Tiilon.'i((»i;tbe UlAvlsloQ9i;a ’. biodltdd radios w d {ast ouU , iDCiitbfti^eUfyblasters^-wbic

befliftjonokftccbslc!' ■'''' ;:.-> T b»^traU oaio f (te'soc:

Bay-weU: sUnl-.: nai^T & iltand?’«speci<ol' i

: WMM, Hijpa,cin.-io..Qiiakidi: -I way.^ftMertiOQ of-freeicat ; Mooomics, la wblcb-volume

ia ^ U » t ‘sboirt'populart&t . . lag , tbe -Vintage Jac k ie -

lylidK tkniBextseasoiL'-'-'


-plcturts, B;rt710W.

il./'-.-, „„ slmlflcaniiy-'beio^ . j;u;v;Uurd;o(.:sbat you T -,-. - -onlyayearortwofl Early : in ;. .(!t,ls.al8o..«igii|

dendas$«;;Oiat-: nhalcver-tl Ml.ia.East V C B s a re v I r t^ nmioi toQt.:£OQtrltmtins to tb< J)d.m^.«..<lefleH<aod niffies ; ' J h a s . : : o t p o r t w : i taked' U>e-markeipUMlwstle tbelrJant- Tbe rise of tbe '

\en .o t ibe.;aiHlaaJocreft8lQ8 ifaad .VCas wbat It o ttetsn-tt

moyi* ito-.r ?lt l» cl«ar*om c a n v e n a tio o s a

lestsrfrom >bands — thal>tbe I ;, be.ia ose-a.good d< 5 year’s hit that It to more-ando«a0 t-au% tag..... videocasse- tt-.'- Etoj^carefidly picked ai bto bom ^' to be sure, wblcb'i ably^tjbe-puttbeduU btts.--

.--,.Tbe-!mpllcaUons Dllng; don't;, peac clear aJxeadj 'ana'tbere<4D‘tbelr'post-telei albmaa ol. guU between tbe bl temediate flopa Is ever joore >raii,«)esa vlsloa^m^Aowi r t blstojj, ttan.^.evef, -sabj

,j;record«t AeerljJgilws;‘rin( > a > lu ^ /. tbat the good die

sibb that is'.stiti b ^ r t i d e ^ you uuu’t-inin-tbe- u;and the diesfaitlfMTfint. 9Utdistaoc>: ’ Commercla]- tele 'bich bave.always'been-rigor •''': . i witbui'ilseU^ has

society ijy with cable<aDd«m il-.:as ibe^wUblheVCR.amoi tl’ lW6.-ll The VCR Is cent ,o lJt that'&bm4Uc.Ui6i}l^ut ;erteipri*r .the- (^orlitoa of ol une;j com*' teleVlsldii!'' m ile 8 <f/lci«h--black-and'irtJlte ta dli'^:price increase v le in ^ l!

p r i : ‘H e n n i e ^ ’K M inm ir s iu d W tiK i^ '

;?rs5'“ss;tj'bfoirei'-; .sopblsUcatedforli le - Cooper : C o o ^ played ifcSey” for f5cer..Chaj5is©.

"col- A b b y ^ a m ^ ^ Tocos.that Hale, iofiiMVerBy c b a r a m j E S ^ Ic-ai^irhlte ep tsodtw tttiM i ?W _l^«ch_orlg lw dJfnM

i 0 / i n - 8 6 ,

!iow::$m,'i'bard$^' a ' d i u ^ ^ou 'e^ected:toi)jiy;.tq'.'lbe'..( 'o#go.*'-~ '" •' - ' maikets. giincant. of co o r^ ';b tt beiui - t|ie .brand -.names, few blac) illy aU made a b r o ^ tbe hard < the. balance of k ^jestbig th a t tbe ; lhe;Lle«ifln* "of lUeaUtooveD;) '•' g V CSTiaB^:,be:a^'^a?^„rt r^ a a a -n an f tmpa- --w,t h-jiSS [nlIiercla~;ulaTlaI^

■ t h U t o 4 ^ ^ wBi! -give

}m office'and >aodaI > M ^ ^ R• a n d , f r o n i a b w .a t ;S S " i r » televlaloiv«etma]F ^ a in ia ti

in d -nW gflaa 'tiw i^^^ tm r^yB c t ^ . _ ^ j a c l i ^1 and taped tT'abowa.-ttasei' fiw h-arftlaat-forwarded S S a i S• tr.l " f. *'*btg«n«eiMU for (elevtslon ap- ft is'iiol idy. As .wltbJBOvler u u . ^ . H erls loo -.'yw the .tiiwiwtf; } big bits and tbe big ({| you i TC PTTOOunced.*^Tri»;W M k t^ a io re ^ ra ^ ’i^aRratttniibJect,,..Jo . , p j t t & - . , : . c a ^

" and iwoli elevislon.^ »hlcb has; .m ujffle {oroualy -competlUva . » ^ las been; competing' ;>must-oow-compete ii(wel«8lvfljlarge£ eatral -to the central oriffinatu Jut o lb ^ i’yijk ; m a i S T i , [ old'Wvies.^aiMf’d d S n t o

trlta Ume. I.' ; - the V ® td young7medloaI''«^ mix « a J. "HefiWW) the m Saa D le ^ tu ta l base, r a m ^ h.'#a|. odfft^-Hartba

o .C B S ^ _ '_ _______ n tva .r .• •V ^ajf;‘ ^'^2.1967''-'^Tit!n

Kproofa s ® ':^ It ils u W|l{'is a boot 0caiset»V 'te!fr'^lni!!‘,tenta; >U. .And WhUe tbe. bol^. tm wi.aboQt‘fbe:‘y i^ 8 ^ ( M of i lack'and white'fflm’/dasslcs ird Mmmerclal eye o ^ i tipdof-nlasm a.t0 ‘bHag long S feb a ek fo U ffc - c;t2= -

n J l S r S v f f l u K l t i i l M ath;

s a a S s s

il' Is- eTlteilly baRWlng L rCR'14''lhficC0iiliS;jfi(|r:’as,- ai atlTO:t9‘moTiegobi^ M t aa < ‘fb rd ^g d liiftiK a.r ta iln d e i W?®.l“ J5 evM jWto;ton_tb< reeo.

ibe'nmtraUty - o! OUi^^mmo] iiu; ibe"di^Q M ittf:'eom ior lU are lucky) of the cinema ied -frQ to.Jw nW W nrorrta

ietlw;,ba3WvJie«)|M,-,an ,1m^revemie-floun^-jiMn^uy'Wlaiw. stiiiik». b ^ U ^ o s m ^ e jutort;.and, Iw w w ilent pro

wpUea budgets, ;gaB^(Sg on iiil«ayiUme.'.,..t, ..!n i., •9ea n o tp i^ u jlf l- .t^ .p o ^ m t rlBg..and .origlnalwri^iYcn a

ideatly^«VCT>tf p with a riajor distributor. - I r a W T I I f f lW tB r n e s s a g iM sro iover^ost) are «|ttln dSTlSbM rrlval at Ctiumbl

Puttnam, a- fin m m ' believer Imcost^efficki ;a)Ttto W tP have been a ver rtantfUm^Sestooe In 1S86. at !s lQ<i^p.ably -tnie Is tbi CR b tf> ittrr^ 'U p tbe cnlton u S t ^ l e t y ' aTooUilng slnt

set Itself, wll K a t f i u ^ to be fully ezper jS c ito ie m ln a tfa ig of inie n~>MaiQnaatlon hi tbe large BUSffltittclng everything froi

CostelIS—looks to have no end.___

IOB.M :ISS'f a


be .::R>e$.._.IBSITSA,-' ■tindter


I ■Jerlbe_ .

ion • brtoa,'-.;. •tes'- ■


n a


age ';

ibUInstaK ‘’try..'-

tbatzral .Mmrllb«ri*^0^-;


Page 73: lafib State?sm ak i^ariecindfat] bowl games. The Parade, featuring 59-floa _wlth mJUlons^otj flowers, ^Arkona StHcWWcjirga)


'■ -t.' ■ '*■ a j i; ^

I f

""■ I R- I ]..V;'-

•/ \ ’• ••

— jThelav\nYOU'anouiarkni

. a c c ld a n ts 'w ll l i ^iiiB ans'ttiB r^sr

irdh j l t ie f e Is' u: B e ra i is e in b s t 'i n d c h a r g e for

■ y& rT ea^^

O'; -Qm : : g p

■ ■' 13748Tlme$^®W8;Twln/ali

•!i: • -• •-•■ - I t ;

heiSase uglity &n

- r rr~ 7-. ■; ■ .


■■■ ■■ '

" l - ^ r " r - ~ V,

iM m m mp Today: C ontingk n d v /'th a t a lm o s t ©very [II a g r e e to ta k e th is ty p ■ flT S ^ '^ a lto rn 'e y 'ree s ii^ i' usiiaily n o c h a rg e for I s t e v e ry law flrrn will tah br th e Initial cdn su lta tlo r 5 for se lec iin g a n atto rney



i7 2 h d S t . \ ^ s t J

FallsildaW -Friday,January2


id E)(p rii5 3 3 i'::::v .

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• W oi Cor

• InsL Clai

|# fc -* -W ill-

igentFeesiry a t to rn e y w h o rep rese i / p e o f c a s e on a conting jf lfe s" tH e re T s a s e t t l ^ & If th e initial c o n su lta tio rrf :ake y o u r c a s e on a cdntii ion , t h e s e fa c to rs wlio,ul( ley tb h a n d le y o u r perso n :

r r c . E/. N p . K (

I I . N IICIe V ^ R SL» Twin Falls * 7;ry 2 ,.1 W 7 - ' ‘


jtonnobile x iden tS ' , orker’S ' Dmpensation surance . " almsvorce " Ills ;inkruptcy

s e n ts people-injurecf-fn^ ingent fe e b a s is , w hIpH| ^e j^ "o r y e r d i c n i T ^ d f e rr fo r th is ty p e of c a se -; intingent fe e b a s is , w itli’ )uld .n o t b e in c lu d e d - irt ' onal injury c a s e . ■ , ■


734-4450 '

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